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1. Choose the correct difference from the following

Pristis Catla

A) 3-chambered heart 2-chambered heart

B) Small placoid scales Large placoid scales

C) Ventral mouth Terminal mouth

D) Swim bladder present Swim bladder absents

2. The kind of epithelium which forms the inner walls of blood vessels is :

A) Ciliated columnar epithelium B) Squamous epithelium

C) Cuboidal epithelium D) Columnal epithelium

3. Choose the correctly matched pair:

A) Inner surface of bronchioles - Squamous epithelium

B) Inner lining of salivary ducts - Ciliated epithelium

C) Moist surface of buccal cavity - Glandular epithelium

D) Tubular parts of nephrons - Cuboidal epithelium

4. Choose the correctly matched pair :

A) Cartilage - Loose connective tissue

B) Tendon - Specialized connective tissue

C) Adipose tissue - Dense conenctive tissue

D) Areolar tissue - Loose connective tissue

5. The function of the gap junction is to :

A) stop substance from leaking across a tissue

B) Performing cementing to keep neighbouring cells together

C) Facilitate communication between adjoining cells by connecting the cytoplasm for

rapid trnsfer of ions small molecules and some large molecules

D) Separate two cells from each other

6. Smooth muscles are

A) Voluntary, spindle - shaped, uninucleate

Page 1
B) Involuntary, fusiform, non-striated

C) Voluntary, multinucleate, cylindrical

D) involuntary, cylindrical striated

7. Match the following cell structure with its characteric feature

Column-I Column-II
a Tight junctions i Cement neighbouring cells together to
form sheet
b Adhering junctions ii Transmit information through
chemical to another cells
c Gap junctions iii Establish a barrier to prevent leakage
of fluid across epithelial cells
d Synaptic junctions iv Cytoplasmic channels to facilitate
communication between adjacent cells

Select the correct options from the following

A) a-ii, b-iv, c-i, d-iii B) a-iv, b-ii, c-i, d-iii

C) a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii D) a-iv, b-iii, c-i, d-ii

8. The ciliated epithelial cells are required to move particles or mucus in a specific
direction. In humans these cells are mainly present in

A) Bile duct and Bronchioles

B) Fallopian tubes and Pancreatic duct

C) Eustachina tube and Salivary duct

D) Bronchioles and Fallopian tubes

9. The kind of tissue that form the supportive structure in our pinna (external ears) is also
found in :

A) Tip of the nose B) Vertebrae

C) Nail D) Ear ossicles

10. Tendon and ligaments are example of

A) Dense regular connective tissue B) Dense irregular connective tissue

C) Loose connective tissue D) Specialised connective tissue

11. The supportive skeletal structures in the human external ears and in the nose tip are
examples of:

A) Bone B) Cartilage C) Ligament D) Areolar tissue

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12. Read the following (A-D) statements

A. It is made of more than one layer (multi-layered) of cells

B. It has a limited role in secretion and absorption

C. Their main function is to provide protection against chemical and mechanical stress

D. It covers the dry surface of the ski and the moist surface of buccal cavity

How many of the above statements are correct for compound epithelium :

A) Four B) Three C) Two D) One

13. How many of the following substances are secreted by exocrine glands mucus,
thyroxine, saliv, earwax, insulin, oil, milk, digestive enzymes, melatonin and adrenalin :

A) Four B) Five C) Six D) Seven

14. Which of the following is incorrect statement for the simple columnar epithelium:

A) It is composed of a single layer of tall and slender cells

B) Their nuclei are located at the base

C) Free surface may have microvilli

D) They are found in the walls of blood vessels and air sac of lungs

15. In multicellular animals a group of similar cells along with intercellular substances
perform a specific funciton such an organisation is called :

A) Tissue B) Organ C) Body D) Organ system

16. Which of the following is correct match of epithelial tissue?

A) Squamous epithelium Bronchioles and fallopian tube

B) Columnar epithelium Ducts of glands and tubular part

C) Cuboidal epithelium Walls of blood vessels and air

D) Compound epithelium Buccal cavity and pharynx

17. Which of the following statement is incorrect w.r.t. neural tissue?

A) All cells are excitable in this tissue

B) This fissue exerts greatest control over the body's responsiveness

C) Neuroglial cells protect and support neurons

D) Neurons are unit of neural system

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18. Read the following statements and select. the incorrect statement w.r.t. given muscle

A) Smooth muscle fibres taper at both ends

B) Cell junctions hold smooth muscle fibres together

C) Smooth muscle fibres are bundled together in a connective tissue sheath

D) Cardiac muscle fibres are unbranched

19. Intercalated discs are found in

A) Voluntary, striated muscles B) Involuntary, striated muscles

C) Voluntary, smooth muscles D) Involuntary, smooth muscles


The given figure is identified as

A) cartilage B) Smooth muscle C) Neuron D)Cardiac muscle

21. Statement : 1 : The epithelium which gives protection against mechanical and chemical
stress is compound epithelium

Statement : 2 : Simple squamous epithelium is made up of a single thin layer of

flattened cells with irregular boundaries

A) Statement I & II are correct B) Statement I correct, II incorrect

C) Statement I incorrect, II correct D) Statement I, II incorrect

22. The cell junctions which help in rapid transfer of ions & molecules between the cells
are called

A) Tight junctions B) Gap junctions

C) Adhering junctions D) A&C

23. Blood is a type of

A) Skeletal tissue B) Dense regular connective tissue

C) Fluid connective tissue D) Loose connective tissue

24. Which of the following is not applicable to adipose tissue

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A) The cells of this tissue are specialized to store fats

B) It is a mainly located beneath the skin

C) It is a type of dense connective tissue

D) It is a type of loose connective tissue

25. Match the following

List-I List - II

A) Tendon I) Fluid connective tissue

B) Areolar tissue II) Skeletal tissue

C) Lymph III) Dense regular connective tissue

D) Bone IV) Loose connective tissue



26. The main tissue that provides structural frame work to the body is

A) Bone B) Cartilage C) Adipose tissue D) Blood

27. The type of epithelium and the type of muscle found in the wall of blood vessels are

A) Cuboidal epithelium; Smooth muscles

B) Columnar epithelium; visceral muscles

C) Squamous epithelium; striated muscles

D) Squamous epithelium; smooth muscles

28. The tissue that exerts a greatest control over the body's responsiveness to changing
conditions is

A) Fluid connective tissue B) Muscle tissue

C) Neural tissue D) Loose connective tissue

29. S1: In cardiac muscles, the communication junctions at some fusion points allow the
cells to contract as a unit

S2: In cardiac muscles, if one cell receives a signal to contract, its neighbour cells are
also stimulated to contract simultaneously

A) S1 is correct .S2 is false B) S1 is false .S2 is correct

C) Both S1 & S2 are false D) Both S1 and S2 are correct

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30. The arrival of the electrical disturbance at the neuron's endings or output zone, triggers
events that may cause

A) Stimulation of adjacent neurons and other cells

B) Destruction of adjacent neurons and other cells

C) Inhibition of adjacent neurons and other cells

D) Either A or C

31. The units of neural system are supported and protected by

A) Neurons B) Neuroglia C) Muscles D) Both A & B

32. Which of the following types of epithelium is present in the bronchioles and Fallopian

A) Simple squamous epithelium B) Simple columnar epithelium

C) Ciliated epithelium D) Stratified squamous epithelium

33. Choose the correct statement about a muscular tissue :

A) Skeletal muscle fibres are uninucleated and found in parallel bundles.

B) Intercalated discs allow the cardiac muscle cells to contract as a unit.

C) The walls of blood vessels are made up of columnar epithelium.

D) Smooth muscles are multinucleated and involuntary.

34. Choose the correct statements :

a. Bones support and protect softer tissues and organs

b. Weight bearing function is served by limb bones

c. Ligament is the site of production of blood cells.

d. Adipose tissue is specialised to store fats.

e. Tendons attach one bone to another.

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

A) (a), (b) and (d) only B) (b), (c) and (e) only

C) (a), (c) and (d) only D) (a), (b) and-(e) only

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35. Some of the ___cells are specialized for secretion and are called glandular epithelium.

A) Cuboidal B) Columnar C) Squamous D) Both A and B

36. Which of the following is an incorrect statement w.t. simple cuboidal epithelium

A) It has a single layer of cube like cells.

B) it is involved in functions like forming a diffusion boundary

C) it is present in the ducts of glands and tubular parts of nephron.

D) It is involved in functions like secretion and absorption.

37. In all connective tissue except ___the cells secrete fibres of structural proteins called
collagen or elastin.

A) Blood B) Bone C) Cartilage D) Areolar tissue

38. Mark the incorrect w.r.t. specialized connective tissue:

A) Blood B) Bone C) Cartilage D) Adipose tissue

39. Mark the odd one w.r.t. cells found in areolar tissue.

A) Fibroblasts B) Chondrocyte C) Mast cells D) Macrophage

40. In cockroach, wings are attached with

A) Prothorax and mesothorax B) Mesothorax and metathorax

C) Prothorax and metathorax D) Abdomen

41. Male cockroach can be distinguished by female due to presence of

A) Anal cerci B) Anal styles

C) Different mouth parts D) Longer legs

42. In the gut of cockroach, hepatic caecae are present

A) At the junction of foregut and midgut

B) At the junction of midgut and hindgut

C) Attached to rectum

D) Between crop and gizzard

43. Identify the wrong statement w.r.t. cockroach.

A) Thorax has three segments.

B) Exoskelton has hardened plates called sclerites

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C) Head is triangular and formed by fusion of six plates.

D) Head lies parallel to the long axis of body.

44. In cockroach

A) Wings are absent on prothorax B) Forewings are called Tegmina

C) Hind wings are used for flying D) All the above options are correct

45. Cockroach is

A) Omnivorous

B) Found in damp places throughout the world

C) Vector of several disease

D) All of the above

46. The exoskeleton of cockroach has hard plates called sclerites that are joined to each
other by

A) Arthrodial membrane B) Articular membrane

C) Both of the above D) Synaptic membrane

47. Match the options given in column I with column II w.r.t mouth parts of cockroach.

Column I Column II

A) Labrum I. Tongue

B) Labium II. Upper lip

C) Hypopharynx III. Lower lip



48. In male cockroach, the genital pouch or chamber lies at the hind end of the abdomen

A) Dorsally by 9 th and 10 th terga and ventrally by 9 th sternum

B) Dorsally by 8 th and 9 th terga and ventrally by 8 th and 9 th sterna

C) Dorsally by 10 th tergum and ventrally by 8 th and 9 th sterna

D) Dorsally by 10 th tergum and ventrally by 9 th sternum

49. At the junction of midgut and hindgut of cockroach is present a ring of 100  150 yellow-
coloured thin filamentous.

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A) Gastric caecae B) Hepatic caecae

C) Malpighian tubules D) Rectal papillae

50. Cockroach is

A) Ammonotelic Uricotelic B) Ureotelic

C) Uricotelic D) Aminotelic

51. Which of the following structures help in excretion in cockroaches?

A) Urecose glands B) Fat body

C) Nephrocytes D) All of these

52. The type of metamorphosis observed in cockroach is

A) Hemimetabolous B) Paurometabolous

C) Holometabolous D) Hypermetabolus

53. The vision in cockroach is mosaic with

A) More resolution, but less sensitivity

B) More sensitivity, less resolution

C) Ommatidia that receives several images of an object

D) Both A and C

54. In earthworms the mouth is present in

A) prostomium - 1st segment B) peristomium 2nd segment

C) buccal segment 1st segment D) prostomium 2nd segment

55. In a mature earthworm, segments 14  16 are covered by a prominent dark band of

glandular tissue called

A) cocoon B) typhlosole C) prostomium D) clitellum

56. In earthworm a single female genital aperture is present on the

A) ventral side of the 1st clitellar segments

B) ventral side of the segment present behind the last preclitellar segment

C) ventro-lateral sides of the 14 th segment

D) both A & B

57. Which of the following mouth parts of cockroach are unpaired?

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A) Mandibles and labrum B) Mandibles and maxillae

C) Maxillae and labium D) Labrum and hypopharynx

58. The anal styles of cockroach are present on

A) 9 th sternum of male B) 9th sternum of female

C) 10 th tergum of male D) 9th tergum of male

59. Which of the following is an unpaired structure in male cockroach?

A) Testes B) Anal cerci C) Anal styles D) 'Mushroom gland

60. In female cockroach, the ootheca is secreted by

A) Salivary gland B) Spermatheca

C) Collateral glands D) Ejaculatory duct

61. The number of thoracic and abdominal ganglia on the nerve cords of cockroach,
respectively, is

A) 6,3 B) 3,6 C) 5,4 D) 2,8

62. Find out the correct identification and description of the given structure.

A) Mandible-Mouth part having grinding and incising region

B) Maxilla-Present beneath the mandible on either side of head capsule

C) Labium-Upper lip with sensory setae

D) labium-Lower lip with labial palps

63. Match the following:

Column I Column II

A. Alary muscles I. Exoskeleton of cockroach

B. Labium II. Accessory reproduces gland

C. Mushroom shaped gland III . Heart

D. N-acetyl glucosamine IV. Lower lip

A) A  I, B  I, D  IV B) A  III, B  IV, C  I, D  I

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C) A-II, C-I, D-IV D) A  I, B  II, D  III

64. Which of the following happens in the common cockroach?

A) Malpighian tubules are excretory organs projecting out from the colon

B) Oxygen is transported by haemoglobin in blood

C) Nitrogenous excretory product is urea

D) The food is ground by mandibles and gizzard.

65. Select the correct statement from the ones given below with respect to Periplaneta

A) Males bear a pair of short thread like anal styles

B) There are 16 very long Malpighian tubules present at the junction of midgut and

C) Grinding of food is carried out only by the mouth parts

D) Nervous system located dorsally, consists of segmentally arranged ganglia joined

by a pair of longitudinal connectives

66. What external changes are visible after the last moult of a cockroach nymph?

A) Anal cerci develop

B) Both fore wings and hind wings develop

C) Labium develops

D) Mandibles become harder

67. The terga, sterna and pleura of cockroach body are joined by:

A) Arthrodial membrane B) Cartilage

C) Cementing glue D) Muscular tissue

68. The body cells in cockroach discharge their nitrogenous waste in the haemolymph
mainly in the form of

A) Calcium carbonate B) Ammonia

C) Potassium urate D) Urea

69. In male cockroaches, sperms are stored in which part of the reproductive system?

A) Vas deferens B) Seminal vesicles

C) Mushroom glands D) Tests

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70. Which of the following features is used to identify a male cockroach from a female

A) Presence of a boat shaped sternum on the 9 th abdominal segment

B) Forewings with darker tegmina

C) Presence of caudal styles

D) Presence of anal cerci

71. Select the correct sequence of organs in the alimentary canal of cockroach starting from

A) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Gizzard  Crop  Ileum  Colon  Rectum

B) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Gizzard  Ileum  Crop  Colon  Rectum

C) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Ileum  Crop  Gizzard  Colon  Rectum

D) Pharynx  Oesophagus  Crop  Gizzard  Ileum  Colon  Rectum

72. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

A) Female cockroach possesses sixteen ovarioles in the ovaries

B) Cockroaches exhibit mosaic vision with more sensitivity and less resolution

C) A mushroom shaped gland is present in the 6th , 7 th abdominal segments of male


D) A pair of spermatheca is present in the 6th segment of female cockroach

73. Match the following columns with reference to cockroach and select the correct option:

Column-I Column-II

(a) Grinding of the food particles (i) Hepatic caecal

(b) Secrete gastric juice (ii) 10th segment

(c) 10 pairs (iii) Proventriculus

(d) Anal cerci (iv) Spiracles

(v) Alary muscles

A) (a) -(iii), (b) -(i), (c)-(iv), (d) -(ii) B) (a)-( iv ) ,(b) -(iii) , (c) (v) , (d)-(ii)

C) (a) (i) , (b) (iv) , (c)-( iii ) ,(d ) -(ii) D) (a)-(ii ), (b)-(iii) , (c) (i) , (d)- (iv)

74. Match the terms in column I with those in column II

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Column I Column II

a) Compound epithelium i) Alimentary canal

b) compound eye ii) cockroach

c) open circulabry system iii) mosaic vision

d) osteocytes iv) phallomeres

e) external genitalia v) skin

vi) bone

A) a-iv, b-ii, c-iii, d-vi, e-iv B) a-vi, b-iii, c-ii, d-v, e-iv

C) a-v, b-iii, c-ii, d-vi, e-iv D) a-v, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv, e-vi

75. Identify the odd one from the following

A) maxillae B) mandible C) labrum D) antennae

76. Earthworms use this as a wedge to force open cracks in the soil into which they may
crawl is

A) peristomium B) buccal segment

C) clitellum D) prostomium

77. Find out the correct match regarding earthworm

A) nephridiopores - present in every segment except 1st and last segments

B) setae -present in every segment except clitellar segments

C) male genital apertures(1pair)- present on the ventro-lateral sides of the 18th


D) anus - present on the pre anal segment

78. Match the following regarding earthworm

Parts of alimentary can allocation

A) buccal cavity P)15 - last segment

B) oesophagus Q) 8  9 segments

C) gizzard R) 9  14 segments

D) stomach S) 1  3 segments

E) intestine T) 5  7 segments

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A) A  S, B  T, C  Q, D  P, E  R B) A  P, B  Q, C  R, D  S, E  T

C) A  S, B  T, C  Q, D  R, E  P D) A  P, B  Q, C  S, D  T, E  R

79. The principal role of setae in earthworm is

A) respiration B) excretion C) protection D) locomotion

80. Excretion in cockroach is performed by all, EXCEPT

A) Urecose glands B) Malpighian tubules

C) Fat body - D) hepatic caeca

81. Match Column-I with Column-II and choose the option with all correct matches w.r.t.
Periplaneta americana.

Column-I Column-II
A Genital chamber i Bounded dorsally by 9 th
and 10th terga and ventrally
by the 9 th sternum in male
B Genital pouch ii External genitalia in male
cockroach containing
pseudopenis and titillator
C Ovaries iii Contains female gonopore,
spermathecal pore and
openings of ducts of
collaterial glands
D Left phallomere iv Lying laterally in the
2nd  6th abdominal
segments and consist of
A) A-i; B-ii; C-iii; D-iv B) A-iii; B-i; C-iv; D-ii

C) A-iv; B-iii; C-i; d-ii D) A-ii; B-iv; C-iii; D-i

82. Read the following statements A and B w.r.t. cockroach and choose the correct option.

Statement A : Mandibles are paired, chitinous mouth parts having grinding and
incising regions.

Statement B : The respiratory system of cockroach consists of trachea where exchange

of gases takes place by diffusion.

A) Both statements A and B are correct

B) Only statement A is correct

C) Only statement B is correct

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D) Both statements A and B are incorrect

83. Choose the incorrect match w.r.t. Periplaneta americana.

A) Hepatic caecae 6  8 blind tubules

B) Malpighian tubules - 100-150 filamentous tubules

C) Gizzard  6 chitinous plates

D) Alary muscles  12 in number, found attached with heart wall

84. Select the correct statement w.r.t. cockroach.

A) The body of cockroach is divided into cephalothorax and abdomen.

B) In each segment, endoskeleton comprises hardened plates called sclerites.

C) Sclerites of each segment are joined together by articular membrane.

D) Head is formed by the fusion of six embryonic segments and it is immovable due
to fixed neck.

85. Malpighian tubules of cockroach absorb nitrogenous waste products and convert them
into uric acid. These tubules are present at the junction of

A) Gizzard and crop B) Mesenteron and ileum

C) Colon and rectum D) Mesenteron and proventriculus

86. The head of cockroach is connected with thorax by a short extension of prothorax

A) Neck B) Mesothorax C) Metathorax D) Cervical plate

87. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. epithelial cells

A) Cells in epithelium are held together with little intercellular material

B) Cell junctions are found in the epithelial tissue

C) Epithelium represents only one free surface facing body fluid or outside

D) The epithelium covering skin has diffusion, absorption, excretion and filtration

88. Match column I with column II.

Column I Column II

a. Macrophage (i) Release of vasodilator

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b. Mast cell (ii) Collagen fibre

c. Fibroblast (iii) Phagocytosis

d. Adipocyte (iv) Peripheral nucleus

A) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii) B) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv)

C) a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii) D) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)

89. In which of the following connective tissue the matrix is not secreted by fibroblast?

A) Bone B) Cartilage

C) Areolar connective tissue D) Blood

90. Consider the following statement.

A. In cardiac muscle communication junctions allow all the cells to contract as a unit.

B. In cardiac muscle when one cell receives a signal to contract, its neighbours are also
stimulated to contract.

Select the correct option.

A) Both A and B are true B) A is true but B is false

C) Both A and B are false D) A is false but B is true

91. Read the following statement. A holds the muscle fibres of a smooth muscle and the
muscle fibres are B in shape. Fill in the blank correctly.


A) Nerves Cylindrical

B) Connective tissue Cylindrical

C) Cell junctions Fusiform

D) Bundle of connective tissue between muscle fibre Spindle shape

92. Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t. neuroglial cells of the nervous tissue.

A) These are the cells that provide insulation to the nerve cells

B) These are non-excitable cells and provide protection

C) They form the majority of the neural tissue

D) They form the unit of neural system

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1-10 C B D D C B C D A A
11-20 B A C D A D A D B B
21-30 A B C C C A D C D D
31-40 B C B A D B A D B B
41-50 B A D D D C D A C C
51-60 D B BC C D D D A D C
61-70 B D B D A B A C B C
71-80 D A A C D D C C D D
81-90 B B D C B A D B D A
91-92 C D

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