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GE 3 – The Contemporary World Lesson: Global Governance, Global Risks, and Regionalism

Prepared by: EUGENE N. ECLAR, JD

Key Assumptions in International Relations and Global Governance (Viotti & Kauppi, 2014)

1. Aside from nation-states, transnational actors are important entities in world politics. International
organizations, for one, may on certain issues be independent actors in their own right. Therefore,
global governance is a pluralist one.

- Liberal international relations prefer the term world/global politics rather than international
politics to highlight the substantial roles played by non-state actors, especially international
- Governance involves the processes and institutions, both formal and informal, that guide and
restrain the collective activities of groups.
- International organizations or International governmental organizations (IOs/IGOs) – are
institutions composed of states as members. More broadly, the term refers to patterns of
behavior or structures and actors that cross or go beyond national frontiers.

2. Economic or other forms of interdependence or interconnectedness among both states and non-
state actors tend to have a pacifying or moderating effect on state behavior.

- Interdependence – A relation or relations between two or among more than two units in which
one is sensitive or vulnerable to the decisions and actions of the other or others. It may be
symmetric (affecting both or all sides more or less equally) but is more likely asymmetric (with
effects varying substantially from actor to actor).

3. The agenda in international politics is extensive. It is not only dominated by military-security issues,
but economic, social, environmental, (Viotti & Kauppi, 2014) and scientific issues (Eclar, 2023) also
- Global catastrophic risks
a. Intentional misuse of Artificial intelligence
b. Negligent use or intentional misuse of Nanotechnology
c. Ecological collapse
d. Threat of biological and chemical warfare
e. Formation of black holes
4. Political culture, values, and domestic political structures influence the prospects for international
peace. At the same time, decision-making processes associated with coalition and counter-coalition
building, bargaining, and compromising may not yield the best or optimal decision for a particular
- Political culture refers to norms, values, and orientations of a society’s culture that are politically
- Examples:
• Political deferment to political authorities in the making of domestic and foreign
• Participant political cultures that encourage public interest in political matters and
attempt to influence political decisions.

5. Regional integration and interdependence may complement the dynamics of globalization.

- Regionalism – in the context of international relations, it is defined as the expression of a shared

identity and purpose. It is combined with the creation and implementation of institutions that
manifest regional identity and shape activity within that particular region (Buranelli, 2021).
• Three factors: (1) Geographical proximity and contiguity, (2) Identity, and (3)
Common purpose (Eclar, 2023; Bloor, 2022; Buranelli, 2021)
- Integration – the coming together of separate states or other political units under a common
authority. It may occur as an international or regional phenomenon with varying degrees of
authority given to institutions to be established to deal with common issues or problems facing
member states.

Bloor, K. (2021). Regionalism and the European Union.

Buranelli, F. (2021). Central Asian Regionalism or Central Asian Order? Some Reflections. Central Asian Affairs 8 (2021) 1-26. DOI:
Global Challenges Foundation (2023). Global catastrophic risks.
Viotti, P. & Kauppi, M. (2014). International Relations Theory. Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd.
GE 3 – The Contemporary World Lesson: Global Governance, Global Risks, and Regionalism
Prepared by: EUGENE N. ECLAR, JD

Notes on No. 1

Global Governance - As a concept, it functions through a set of institutions, rules, and processes that aim
to manage cross-border issues (World Economic Forum, 2023).
- It usually involves decision-making on policy areas and issues of global concern involving or
affecting various global actors such as states, international and regional organizations, and non-
state entities (Eclar, 2023).

- Despite the presence of multiple actors in world affairs, nation-states through their governments,
maintain the key role in maintaining their authority within their jurisdictions, such as providing
social investments, safety nets, and adjustment assistance to its citizens. As to the external aspect
of the state’s authority, the nation-state moderates the volatility of transaction flows across
borders and in charge with its foreign policy.

- European Union: Principles and values: The common principles and values that underlie life in
the EU: freedom, democracy, equality, and the rule of law, promoting peace and stability.

- African Union: The main objectives of the African Union were to rid the continent of the
remaining vestiges of colonization and apartheid; to promote unity and solidarity amongst
African States; to coordinate and intensify cooperation for development; to safeguard the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States and to promote international cooperation.

- Association of South East Asian Nations: ASEAN’s purpose is to promote economic and cultural
exchange among its member countries, maintain peace and stability in Southeast Asia, and
establish relationships with foreign powers with similar aims. ASEAN formed during the Cold
War to promote stability and cooperation in a politically turbulent region.

Bernstein, S. & Pauly, L. (2007). Global liberalism and political order: Toward a new grand compromise. State University of New York Press.
Bloor, K. (2021). Regionalism and the European Union.
Bloor, K. (2021). Regionalism and the European Union.
Buranelli, F. (2021). Central Asian Regionalism or Central Asian Order? Some Reflections. Central Asian Affairs 8 (2021) 1-26. DOI:
Buranelli, F. (2021). Central Asian Regionalism or Central Asian Order? Some Reflections. Central Asian Affairs 8 (2021) 1-26. DOI:
Cabudol, E. Economic development. Rex Book Store.
Global Challenges Foundation (2023). Global catastrophic risks.
Global Challenges Foundation (2023). Global catastrophic risks.
Viotti, P. & Kauppi, M. (2014). International Relations Theory. Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd.
Goquinngco, A. R. (2020). Beyond borders: Examining Special issues in International Law (Commenary and materials). Rex Book Store.
Karns, M. & Mingst, K. (2010). International organizations: The politics and processes of Global Governance. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
Viotti, P. & Kauppi, M. (2014). International Relations Theory. Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd.
GE 3 – The Contemporary World Lesson: Global Governance, Global Risks, and Regionalism
Prepared by: EUGENE N. ECLAR, JD

United Nations: Due to the powers vested in its Charter and its unique international character, the
United Nations can act on the issues confronting humanity in the 21st century, including: to maintain
international peace and security, protect human rights, deliver humanitarian aid, promote sustainable
development, and uphold international law.

Some treaties and international agreements:

1. VIENNA CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF TREATIES - an international agreement governing treaty

between states drafted by the International Law Commission of the United Nations and adopted
on May 23, 1969, and entered into force on January 27, 1980. This is a convention governing
international treaties and applicable only to written treaties between states.
framework and principles for international climate change cooperation with the aim of
stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to avoid “dangerous
anthropogenic interference with the climate system” (IISD Earth Negotiations Bulletin, 2023).
3. GENEVA CONVENTIONS (1ST, 2ND, 3RD, 4TH) - together with their additional protocol, form
the core of international humanitarian law, which regulates the conduct of armed conflict and
seeks to limit its effects. The conventions particularly protect civilians, medics, aid workers, the
wounded and the sick and those who ceased to participate in hostilities and including religious
4. CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD - This convention incorporates the full range of
human rights—civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights —of children into one single
document. (Council of Europe, 2023).
5. PARIS AGREEMENT (2015) - is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. Its
overarching goal is to hold “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2⁰C
above pre-industrial levels” and pursue efforts “to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 ⁰C
above preindustrial levels” (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2023).


Comment: Nation-states, through their participation/membership in economic and other policy-specific
global governance institutions, their actions can be framed by obligations or compliance imposed by
international/regional organizations.

Notes on No. 4: Political culture, values, and domestic political structures influence the prospects for
international peace. At the same time, decision-making processes associated with coalition and
counter-coalition building, bargaining, and compromising may not yield the best or optimal decision
for a particular state.
- Political culture refers to norms, values, and orientations of a society’s culture that are politically
• Political deferment to political authorities in the making of domestic and foreign
- Prime Minister Netanyahu’s action towards the Palestinian Hamas may well
be dictated by three factors: (1) Hamas’ attack directed against Israeli
civilians, (2) Israel’s geographical insecurity―surrounded by Arab states,
enemies/non-enemies alike, and memory of the Holocaust. Prior to the
Hamas’ attack, the prime minister has been trying to curb the power of the
judiciary to inquire into government’s actions and prerogatives.
- Russia’s revanchist policy towards Ukraine and other ex-Soviet states.
President Vladimir Putin even silenced his domestic opponents on the issue
of Ukrainian War.
- China’s poor human rights record as to its alleged crackdown on the Uyghur
people, and its poor handling of the Covid 19 pandemic.

Bloor, S. &Regionalism
K. (2021). Pauly, L. (2007). Global
and the liberalism
European and
Union. political order: Toward a new grand compromise. State University of New York Press.
Bloor, K.F.(2021).
Buranelli, (2021).Regionalism
Central Asian and the European
Regionalism Union. Asian
or Central
Order? Some Reflections. Central Asian Affairs 8 (2021) 1-26. DOI:
Buranelli, F. (2021). Central Asian Regionalism or Central Asian Order? Some Reflections. Central Asian Affairs 8 (2021) 1-26. DOI:
Challenges Foundation (2023). Global catastrophic risks.
Viotti, E. Economic
P. & Kauppi, development.
M. (2014). Rex Book
International Store.Theory. Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd.
Global Challenges Foundation (2023). Global catastrophic risks.
Goquinngco, A. R. (2020). Beyond borders: Examining Special issues in International Law (Commenary and materials). Rex Book Store.
Karns, M. & Mingst, K. (2010). International organizations: The politics and processes of Global Governance. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 3
Viotti, P. & Kauppi, M. (2014). International Relations Theory. Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd.
GE 3 – The Contemporary World Lesson: Global Governance, Global Risks, and Regionalism
Prepared by: EUGENE N. ECLAR, JD

- Hatred towards the United States by Iran’s Islamic religious leaders are part
and parcel of their narrative of opposing American “imperialism.”

• Participant political cultures that encourage public interest in political matters and
attempt to influence political decisions.
- United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War and its invasion of Iraq and
Afghanistan in the early 2000s had been severely criticized by the American
public. The act of criticizing the government is a guaranteed right under the
US Constitution.

Notes on No. 5
Intergovernmentalism - States and national governments retain considerable influence in the global
governance system, reflecting international organizations’ general disposition towards consensual
decision-making and their weak powers of enforcement.

Supranationalism - refers to the existence of an authority that is higher than that of the nation-state and
capable of imposing its will on it. It involves a partial transfer of sovereignty and decision-making
authority from constituent states to an international or regional organization.

Bernstein, S. & Pauly, L. (2007). Global liberalism and political order: Toward a new grand compromise. State University of New York Press.
Bloor, K. (2021). Regionalism and the European Union.
Bloor, K. (2021).
Buranelli, Regionalism
F. (2021). Centraland theRegionalism
Asian European Union.
or Central Asian Order? Some Reflections. Central Asian Affairs 8 (2021) 1-26. DOI:
Buranelli, F. (2021). Central Asian Regionalism or Central Asian Order? Some Reflections. Central Asian Affairs 8 (2021) 1-26. DOI:
Cabudol, E. Economic development. Rex Book Store.
Challenges Foundation
Foundation (2023). Global
(2023). catastrophic
Global risks.
Viotti, P. & Kauppi,
Goquinngco, A. R.M.(2020).
ExaminingTheory. Pearson
Special issues Education SouthLaw
in International Asia(Commenary
Pte. Ltd. and materials). Rex Book Store.
Karns, M. & Mingst, K. (2010). International organizations: The politics and processes of Global Governance. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
Viotti, P. & Kauppi, M. (2014). International Relations Theory. Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd. 4

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