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Number President Vice-President Secretary of State

1. 1789-1797 George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson,

Edmund Jennings
Randolph, Timothy

2. 1797-1801 John Adams Thomas Jefferson Timothy Pickering,

John Marshall

3. 1801-1805 Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr James Madison

4. 1805-1812 Thomas George Clinton James Madison,

Jefferson/James Robert Smith,
Madison James Monroe

5. 1813-1814 James Madison Elbridge Gerry James Monroe,

6. 1817-1825 James Madison Daniel D. Tompkins John Quincy Adams

7. 1825-1832 John Quincy John C. Calhoun Henry Clay, Martin

Adams, Andrew Van Buren, Edward
Jackson Livingston

8. 1833-1837 Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren Louis Mclane, John


9. 1837-1841 Martin Van Buren Richard Mentor John Forsyth


10. 1841-1841 John Tyler William H. Harrison Daniel Ebster

1841-1845 John Tyler OFFICE VACANT Daniel Webster,

Abel Parker Upshur,
John C. Calhoun

11. 1845-1849 James K. Polk George M. Dallas John C. Calhoun,

James Buchanan
Expansion West - Presidential Administrations of Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, and Polk
I. Martin Van Buren - The 8th President(Little Magician)
A. 1836 elected, smuggled into office, inherited Jackson’s enemies
○ The economy goes down, so the opinion of Van Buren decreases
B. What happened during the Panic of 1837?
○ Instead of having a national bank we now have state banks.
○ A lot of the state banks are just handing out loans without checking the person’s
credit score so it's not profitable. It is causing a default
C. How did Van Buren deal with the Amistad court case?
○ They were trying to suppress the situation to not cause a war between the North
and South

II. William Henry Harrison - the 9th president who formerly fought in the War of
1812 (he’s a war hero and for the common man!)
How did he make a name for himself?
A. Why was the build-up to the election of 1840 referred to as an issueless campaign?
○ Lots of discussion of how they would approach the economic crisis, their stance
on slavery, internal improvements
B. Unfortunate precedent
○ He isn't a common man, he claimed to grow up in a log cabin but it was a very
nice log cabin (bro used Lincoln logs)
C. 68 years old, 2-hour speech, 31 days
a. He catches pneumonia and dies el oh el
D. Two political parties emerged in the 1840s
1. Democrats & whigs
a. Democrats - limited gov.
b. Whigs - Strong central gov.
VI. John Tyler (former democrat) why did he switch political parties?
A. At odds with the Whig Party (pro-bank, pro-tariff, pro-internal improvements)
B. Tyler vetoed bank bill & tariff bill
a. Think of what that caused the last time they did both of those things
C. Expelled from the party, talk of impeachment, and the cabinet resigned
a. Whigs got tired of him because he would not support Whig policies but still
claimed to be a Whig
D. What does he annex at the end of his term?
a. In 1845 by December before he left office, congress passed to annex Texas
VII. James K Polk - Democrat
A. What is manifest destiny?
a. The idea that the United States should cover the land from the
Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and that they had god’s divine
right to acquire the land by any means necessary
i. Louisiana Purchase: Done by Jefferson
ii. Florida: From the Adam-onis treaty composed by Secretary
of State John Quincy Adams
iii. Texas: Acquired after Texas gained independence after the
battle of San Jacquito. Officially apart of the United States of
B. What is revealed in John Ghast’s artwork titled American Progress?
a. Americans are pushing west and forcing native americans off their
b. The Americans they bring to light, cultivation, and technological
C. Why were Americans chanting 54 40 or fight leading up to the election of
a. The Americans want all of the land. They want to take the land
currently occupied by Britain.
b. The 49th Parallel Treaty
i. We signed this to ease tension because we were fighting
Mexico at this time and did not want to fight two separate
countries at once
ii. The line is at the top of Oregon and divides the U.S. and

D. Texas annexed in 1845/ 28th state
a. Mexico’s reaction =
i. The US annexed a lot of territory from Mexico for Texas
ii. Instigates conflict between the two
iii. On a collision course with Mexico cause Manifest Destiny
E. Mexican war 1846-1848
a. Polk offered 30 million for what territory?
i. The excess of Texas that is currently owned by Mexico
b. What is the territorial dispute between the U.S. and Mexico?
i. Mexico thinks the texas border is the Nueces river, but
america thinks its the rio grande river
c. Who starts this fight?
i. Polk sent American troops down to the disputed territory to
instigate Mexico, hoping they would attack some Americans
so Polk will have an excuse to go to war
d. Blood is shed & war declared
e. Santa Anna is back
f. Santa fe conquered by General Kearny
i. En route to California (coast to coast)
g. What happens during the Bear Flag revolt?
i. Captain comes to lead the rogue Californians
h. What happens during the battle of Buena Vista?
i. Zachary Taylor goes up against the superior force of Santa
ii. They fight at buena vista
iii. Both have big losses
iv. Santa Anna claims victory but retreats to Mexico City
v. Santa Anna fears the capital will be seized by another
american general
i. Vera Cruz/General Winifred Scott/ fought his way to mexico city
j. $10,000 to santa anna
k. What was agreed upon in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
i. We get territory up to the Rio Grande, give Mexico 15 million
dollars for it, and take on the debt that Mexico may owe to
some Americans
l. Why did the U.S. make the Gadsden purchase for $10 million in
i. They want to build a transcontinental railroad from coast to
coast uniting the country
ii. The railroad would boost land value and economy in the
towns it passed through/ stopped in

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