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I. James Monroe.

1. James Monroe was president during this time

a) He was not the best president
2. John Quincy Adams is the Secretary of State him
A. Does the title “Era of Good Feelings” fit this period? Explain
○ No, this title does not fit the period. Although foreign affairs (such as the French
Revolution) are done, and the Louisiana Purchase went through (thus, we are
branching out west), we have not settled the issues of slavery, and women's
rights. There is increasing tension between the North and South
B. What is the Adams-onis Treaty of 1819?
○ Native American groups in Florida (controlled by Spain) are invading towns in
Georgia. America sent in Andrew Jackson to deal with native american Florida
and as a result, took Florida (seized it).
○ Adams-Onis treaty
C. Population explosion. In 1780 there were 2.7 million, in 1830 there were 12 million
○ 1830’s population boom due to immigration
○ 1780 population boom due to people having many children during westward
D. What is the Missouri Compromise of 1820?
○ What was the Great Compromise (prior to this one) that Madison had a part in?
i. The Virginia and New Jersey Plan:
ii. Your representation in the House of Representatives is based on
population and the Senate is two people per state
○ Senate is split with 11 free states and 11 slave states
○ Missouri would like to apply for statehood, they are located in the South and are
i. Maine
○ As a compromise Missouri went in as a slave state while Maine went in as a
non-slave state to maintain balance
○ Anything north of 36, 30 (the Southern Border) will no longer have Slavery.
E. Great awakening #2 1830s
○ Equality and democracy
i. Includes women
ii. New denominations emerge
iii. Includes both the rich and the poor
iv. Took place primarily in Kentucky and Tennessee
F. John Marshall (federalist)
○ The Federalist Party is dead
○ Determined to strengthen the central government
What was decided in the following court cases?
1. McCulloch v. Maryland (banks)
a. The state of Maryland attempts to tax the banks
b. Marshall ruled that Maryland was going against the Constitution by stating that
the Federal government has the right to establish a national bank.
2. Gibbons v. Ogden (trade)
a. Exclusive trading rights between New Jersey and New York by the states
b. Trading rights are under the Federal government’s responsibility
3. Dartmouth College v. Woodward (contracts)
a. The state wanted Dartmouth, a private institution to become public
b. Marshall ruled that the state cannot infringe upon the contract
All of these cases were ruled in favor of strengthening the federal government
G. Discuss the Monroe Doctrine established in 1823. Who put this doctrine together?
○ John Quincy Adams put this doctrine together
○ Drawing a line in front of foreign powers - you don’t come into our neighborhood
and we won't come into yours
○ Prevented Western Colonization

II. John Quincy Adams

● Quite capable of being president. Has established doctrines and clauses in the past and
his father was President in the past (nepo-baby)
A. Election of 1824 (Adams, Clay, Jackson)
○ Was a tie so the vote went to the House
i. Henry Clay was a very influential figure in the House so the House favored
John Quincy Adams
B. Why was this election called a corrupt bargain?
○ John Quincy Adams declared Henry Clay his secretary of State after Clay helped
the House get Adams elected
○ Jacksonians believed it was a mutual deal between the two, and was unfair to
C. Political parties
a. National rep-Adams (Fed., roads, tariffs)
b. Dem. Rep.-Jacksonian Dem. (limited gov.)
D. Discuss the Sectional Differences between the
a. North
i. The environment was not conducive for growing plants, and there were
no plantations which lessened slavery in the North significantly
1. Don’t think this didn’t mean they participated in the Slave trade.
They very much did (ports and whatnot)
ii. More industrialized (i.e. textile industry in Massachusetts)
iii. More population, thus more cities
iv. Education is very prevalent
b. South
i. Need/have slaves to work on their plantations
ii. Economy based on selling cash crops
1. I.e. tobacco, cotton
iii. Many believed slavery was dying out, but the invention of the cotton gin
triggered a revival of slavery to reach the popular demand for cotton;
causing slavery to become even more important
iv. Little education.
E. Why was Adams’ term as president unsuccessful?
a. Due to the politics of the time, many Jacksonians in the Senate opposed
everything Adams tried to do, making it nearly impossible for him to get stuff
F. Election of 1828
a. Jackson’s wife
i. The election starts to become dirty, so Adams reveals that Jackson’s wife
never officially divorced her first husband, so if she marries Jackson, she is
accused of polygamy/ being married to two people at the same time
b. Jackson won the election and became the 7th President
III. Andrew Jackson
A. Why was the presidential election of 1828 called the Revolution of 1828
a. More of the United States citizens have access to vote
b. Andrew Jackson represents the common man
i. Previous presidents were aristocrats. The more wealthy people were
worried about what he would do during his presidency.
ii. ….
c. …
B. Inaugural brawl
a. Opened the White House to the people in celebration of his inauguration. This
was during a period of high alcohol production so needless to say they were very
wasted. To get rid of the people they moved the alcohol outside the White House
and shut the doors behind them.
i. This was not a good look and the Republicans used this as an example of
the bad things that could happen when the common man is president.
C. What is the Spoil System?
*When you reward people who helped you get elected with positions in the government
a. Many people who were good friends with Jackson were put into positions of
i. This caused the government to become inefficient

b. Many underqualified people were put into positions of power due to nepotism

i. MADI 2024
D. Tariff of 1828
A Tariff is a tax on imported goods
a. In 1828 they set a high tariff on imported manufactured goods to reduce foreign
competition with American manufacturing
i. Was introduced to improve the American economy, specifically the
American manufacturers. However, this hurt the consumers who now
have to pay more and the foreign countries such as France.
b. Fancy French shoes are 1$ and lame American shoes are 2$ so you want the
fancy French shoes but now they are 3$ cause of taxes so you want the American
c. It hurts the consumer because it forces Americans to buy only American goods
d. Tariff taxation helped increase the price of cheaper imported goods, so that way
they would make American-housed goods be supported in the American market
e. Tariffs ended up only benefitting the North, and more harshly taxing the South
E. Bank War
a. John C. Calhoun (representative of South Carolina) called out the tariff and
deemed it null and void
b. Jackson got angry ooo and Calhoun threatened to put together a militia and hang

the Jacksonians in the north who agreed with opposing the tariff
c. Henry Clay looks like Ebeneezer Scrooge but it's
okay because he mediates the conflict between the girls
d. Joe Biden (Clay) wants to run for the 1832 Election.
e. Clay wanted to renew the national bank before the
election of 1832. Andrew Jackson did not like the
national bank and vetoed the legislation and the bank
expired. *gasp*
f. The election of 1832 rolled around and Jackson won
i. This makes Clay sad because his plan didn’t work :C 😿
Henry Clay 🤩
F. Indian Removal act
a. Found gold on indigenous land in Georgia so the white people want it
b. The Cherokee decided to fight this through the court
i. The case is sent to the Supreme Court; during this time John Marshall
(the last federalist) is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and rules in
favor of the Cherokee
c. Jackson challenges Chief Marshall to enforce it and goes ahead and takes the
d. This event led to the Trail of Tears
i. The Cherokee travel from Georgia to Oklahoma)
G. Texas
a. 1821 Mexico ind.
i. Breaks free from Spain and want to develop and grow
ii. They encourage Americans to move to their land in Texas with cheap land
and cheap taxes
b. Stephen Austin moves to Texas
i. Known as the “Father of Texas” due to bringing over 300+ families and
slaves into Texas, founder of Anglo Texas
c. 1835- 30,000 Americans
i. Mexican gov, hoped they would assimilate and become Mexican citizens
ii. Most of them still identified as Americans
d. Sam Houston (Slavery and local rights)
i. Most of them still grew cotton, brought slaves
ii. Mexico said Nay to slavery
iii. Altercations occur (between American Texans and the Mexican Central
H. Texas ind. 1836
a. Santa Anna Invades
i. Santa Anna was determined to punish the rebellious Texans
b. Alamo (James Bowie & Davy Crockett)
i. The Battle of the Alamo in 1836 was part of the Texas Revolution in which
the Mexican state of Tejas won independence and became a
self-governing republic: Texas.
c. What happens at San Jacinto
i. Texans ambush Santa Anna during the siesta time and win
d. Lone Star Republic 1837-ask for the annex.
i. Texas was not a part of the United States at this point, it was its own
independent entity. In 1837, they asked the United States to be an annex
e. Why does Jackson not annex Texas?
i. He doesn’t want more slave states than not slave states to offset the
balance in government

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