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national/cutturalsocial ete Identity share a cormmon background a sense of belonging toa nration/community a sense of national identity give a sense of security have a strong national identity value cultural/social diversity istinguish themselves from other rations contribute to overall wellbeing Culture and Traditions eeucokal National identity is a sense of belonging to one state or to one nation. ‘Anation is @ group of people who share a common ethnic/linguistic/cultural background. ‘The knowledge of history and culture provides a sense of belonging to a nation. Cultural values strengthen a sense of national identity. Identifying with a nation (viewing oneself as a member of a nation) gives a sense of security New Zealanders have a strong national identity and a sense of belonging, and value cultural diversity. In the age of globalisation, we need to have local character inorder to dletingulsh ourselves from other nations ‘Astiong cultura cently can contribute to people's overall wellbeing. Cultura dentty is an important contributor te people's wellbeing. cx ii sonse of sth overicokineglect tracitions lose traditions pose a threat to national identity homogenous cultures ‘communities lose identity globalisation erodes ethnic diversity loss of customsitraditions ‘Traditions are being increasingly overlookedineglected amid the hectic pace of modern lite, ue to increased rates of immigration, a lot of traditions and cultures are lost Europeanisation/Globalisation poses a threat to national Identity ‘As the tourism industry becomes more developed, nations and their cultures are becoming homogenous. ‘Some communities risk losing their Identity due to the development of tourism, (One of the consequences of globalisation is that it erodes ethnic diversity. Loss of customs and traditions pose a threat to national identity. inherit traditions from sb ass on cuiture/traditions to sb transmit knowledge/skilis subsequentfuture generations spread culture to value culture to protect culture preserve traaition/cuiture uphold traditions/culture promote patriotism among sb promote cultural awarenessivalues instil a love of their country in sb traditions inherited from past generations Everybody is able to pass their cultural traditions on to future generations. Knowledge and skills are transmitted from generation to generation both within and outside of a family circle. to retain their culture ang traditions, ang to pass them on to subsequent generations spread traditional culture among people Culture should be valued, practised and protected. traditions are preserved for the future generations ‘The challenge is to preserve our cultures by practicing and making them part of our lives to uphold their culture and traditions, and to pass them on to subsequent generations Governments should organise cultural events that would promote patriotism among people. Cultural awareness/values can be promoted among the youth through educational materials. Educators should be encouraged to instill a love of their country in schoolchildren, have/follow/maintain/preservelrevivelobservelrespect/ + customs have/follow/maintain/preserve/revive/uphold/establish/inherit + traditions upheldivalue/prote: -ctipreservelspread + culture Buildings Heritage bulldings are valuable and unique assets of a country. ‘Through preservation of historic buildings, we can learn more about our past and the ‘evolution of our society, which in turn helps us develop a sense of identity and belonging preservation of histori places to our community. conservatenetoraon of ste paces 72 0 - time, effort and resources for the conservation and restoration of historic historic roles. Preserve and restore historic relicsiplaces significant to a culture preserve and restore historic relics/places hentage protection ‘There is a nee for heritage protection. Festivals, music, literature ais Santis Feslvals unite communities, regardless of socal status. express cultural and historic tradition Festivals are an expression of the cultural and historic tradition traditions transmitted during ‘Traditions and skils are primarily transmitted through demonstration, as well as during festwvals/socal events festive and social events revive festivals “Tour'sm can help to revive festivals and other traditional events which feature folk musi, festivals feature smth folk crafts, traditional dance, and ethnic food. culture trasmities through iterature People's culture is transmitted through literature, epic literature and myths serve as ‘This epic literature serves as common reference points for entire cultures, containing common reference points information about the history and traditions of a nation, music expresses cultureynistory ‘Traditional music, by contrast, expresses the culture, customs, and history of a country music forms part of cultural identity Traditional music connects us to the past and forms part of our cultural identity. miusie is a necessary part of existence In conclusion, music Is a necessary part of human existence minority languages Intangible nentage the language of their ethnicity ‘endangered languages languages become extinct lose parts of cultural traditions knowledge is lost preserve/protectrevitalize a language save/prevent from extinction documenting and studying laguages encourage the use of incigenous languages promote education and literacy in a language prevent language extinction ‘support a language in aspects such as ‘education Languages minority languages should be saved from extinction But Intangible heritage such as language and tradition ‘s also at risk. Many young people cannot speak the language of thelr ethnicity. Vocabulary and courses are available online for a number of endangered languages. Unless current trends are reversed, these endangered languages will become extinct ‘within the next century. As communities lose their language they often also lose parts of their cultural traditions which are tied to that language, such as songs, myths, and poetry that are not easily transferred to another language. When a language is lost, this knowledge is lost as well. if effective measures are taken, dying languages can be preserved and even revitalized minonty languages should be saved/prevented from extinction cultural preservation includes documenting and studying languages and encouraging the preservation and use of indigenous o* tribal languages and rituals. ‘There are many projects aimed at preventing language loss by promoting education and literacy in minority languages, UNESCO's strides towards preventing language extinetion involves promoting and supporting the language In aspects such as education, culture, communication and Information, ana science.

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