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“It does not matter how slowly you go
as long as you do not stop.”

ielts writing __________________________________________________________ 4

education & learning _________________________________________________ 5

work _____________________________________________________________ 20
sports ____________________________________________________________ 28
health ____________________________________________________________ 34
internet___________________________________________________________ 40
crime _____________________________________________________________ 48
advertising ________________________________________________________ 56
books & films ______________________________________________________ 66
environment _______________________________________________________ 78
speaking ____________________________________________________________ 85
appearance _______________________________________________________ 86
personality ________________________________________________________ 89
food ______________________________________________________________ 94
books _____________________________________________________________ 98
films _____________________________________________________________ 103
celebrities _______________________________________________________ 108

friendship _________________________________________________________ 115

family ____________________________________________________________ 122
accommodation ____________________________________________________ 131
clothes __________________________________________________________ 138
music ____________________________________________________________ 145
weather __________________________________________________________ 151
city life ___________________________________________________________156
rural life _________________________________________________________ 166




english words meaning Example

academic khả năng học tập Maria's academic abilities in mathematics and
abilities science subjects have earned her several
academic awards.
academic thành tích học tập John's hard work and dedication led to
achievement outstanding academic achievement, earning him
a spot on the honor roll.
academically thiên về học thuật Since she was a child, Emily has been
inclined academically inclined, always eager to explore
new subjects.
academic môi trường học tập The school strives to provide a positive
environment academic environment where students feel
motivated to learn.
academic động lực học tập After receiving positive feedback from his
momentum teachers, David's academic momentum
increased significantly.
academic kết quả học tập The school closely monitors students' academic
performance performance to ensure they are reaching their
academic áp lực học tập With upcoming exams, students may experience
pressure increased academic pressure, but support is
academic quá trình học tập The academic progression of students is
progression essential to track their development and
identify areas of growth.
academic trách nhiệm học As a teacher, one of your academic
responsibilitie tập responsibilities is to provide timely feedback
s and grade assignments.
academic môn học The college offers a variety of academic
subjects subjects, allowing students to pursue their
passions and interests.
achieve shared đạt được mục tiêu Through group projects, students learn to work
objectives chung together and achieve shared academic
adaptability khả năng thích nghi Students with adaptability are more likely to
cope well with changes in the academic
address giải quyết những The school counselor helps students address
challenges thách thức academic challenges and develop strategies for


align with tuân theo, phù hợp The university's values align with its mission of
providing quality education accessible to all.
alleviate the giảm bớt gánh nặng Scholarships can alleviate the financial burden
financial tài chính for students, making higher education more
burden accessible.
allocate phân bổ nguồn lực The school decided to allocate more resources
resources theo hướng towards improving STEM education and
towards facilities.
areas for các lĩnh vực để cải Teachers provide feedback on students' areas
improvement thiện for improvement, encouraging them to strive for
are được thiết kế đặc The online courses are specifically designed to
specifically biệt meet the needs of working professionals and
designed busy students.
at an early age khi còn nhỏ Early exposure to reading and math skills lays a
strong foundation for academic success later
attention span khoảng thời gian Teachers use various strategies to enhance
tập trung students' attention span and focus during
bear chịu trách nhiệm As a class representative, Mark must bear
responsibility cho responsibility for conveying students' concerns
for to the faculty.
be equipped được trang bị với Students must be equipped with critical thinking
with and problem-solving skills for their future
broaden mở mang tầm nhìn Educational trips and cultural exchanges can
horizons broaden students' horizons and enrich their
broaden mở rộng thế giới Studying history and literature can help
worldview quan broaden students' worldview and appreciation
of different cultures.
broader tầm nhìn rộng mở Learning about global issues gives students a
perspective on hơn về thế giới broader perspective on the world and its
the world interconnectedness.
budget sự thâm hụt ngân Budget deficits can impact schools' ability to
deficits sách invest in new academic programs and resources
for students.
career path con đường sự High school students are encouraged to explore
nghiệp different career paths through career
counseling sessions.


cognitive ích lợi liên quan Regular physical activity has cognitive benefits,
benefits đến nhận thức improving students' focus and memory in the
cognitive quá tải nhận thức Teachers must be mindful of cognitive overload,
overload ensuring that students can absorb and retain
collaboration sự cộng tác Group projects promote collaboration skills,
which are essential for success in both
academics and the workforce.
college việc được nhận vào Earning high grades and participating in
admission trường đại học extracurricular activities can improve chances
of college admission.
competencies năng lực Developing competencies in problem-solving and
communication prepares students for real-
world challenges.
competitive lợi thế cạnh tranh Learning additional languages gives students a
edge competitive edge in a globalized job market.
competitive tinh thần cạnh The competitive spirit among students
spirit tranh encourages healthy academic competition and
motivates improvement.
complete hoàn thành trong The students managed to complete the science
within a short một khung thời gian project within a short timeframe, meeting the
timeframe ngắn submission deadline.
comprehensive giáo dục toàn diện The school provides a comprehensive education
education that includes not only academics but also
extracurricular activities.
compromise (n) sự thoả hiệp In group projects, students learn the value of
compromise and finding common ground to
reach a consensus.
constructive sự phê bình mang Teachers provide constructive criticism to help
criticism tính xây dựng students improve their academic performance
and skills.
contribute đóng góp tài chính Many alumni contribute financially to their alma
financially mater to support scholarships and academic
cooperation sự hợp tác Teamwork and cooperation are essential skills
students develop through group projects and
classroom activities.
coordination sự phối hợp The successful execution of school events
requires coordination among teachers,
students, and staff members.


core mandate nhiệm vụ cốt lõi The core mandate of the school is to provide a
high-quality education that prepares students
for future success.
core subjects những môn học chủ Math, science, and language arts are
đạo considered core subjects in the curriculum of
most schools.
cost-effective hiệu quả, xứng The school implemented cost-effective
đáng với chi phí measures to improve facilities without
burdening the students with high fees.
create equal tạo cơ hội bình Educational institutions should strive to create
opportunities đẳng equal opportunities for all students, regardless
for of their background.
critical tư duy phản biện Critical thinking is a vital skill that enables
thinking students to analyze information and make
informed decisions.
critical kỹ năng tư duy Teachers incorporate activities that promote
thinking skills phản biện critical thinking skills, encouraging students to
think analytically.
cross-cultural giao tiếp và hợp The school promotes cross-cultural
communication tác đa văn hóa communication and cooperation to foster a
and diverse and inclusive learning environment.
cross-cultural hiểu biết giữa các Cultural exchange programs help students
understanding nền văn hóa develop cross-cultural understanding and
appreciation for diversity.
crucial quan trọng Parental involvement in a child's education is
crucial for their academic success and overall
culturally nhận thức về văn The school promotes a culturally aware
aware hoá environment that celebrates diversity and
respects different perspectives.
curriculum sự quá tải chương The school addresses the issue of curriculum
overcrowding trình học overcrowding by prioritizing essential topics
and concepts.
determination sự quyết tâm Tom's determination to excel in academics led
him to work hard and overcome challenges
during his studies.
detract from làm giảm chất Constant distractions in the classroom can
the experience lượng trải nghiệm detract from the learning experience and
hinder academic progress.
develop a phát triển sự hiểu The teacher used real-life examples to help
better biết tốt hơn students develop a better understanding of
understanding complex scientific concepts.


develop a phát triển một sự The history class allowed students to develop a
deeper hiểu biết sâu sắc deeper understanding of significant events and
understanding hơn về their impacts.
develop an phát triển sự đánh Traveling to different countries can help
appreciation giá cao cho students develop an appreciation for diverse
for cultures and traditions.
develop a phát triển một nền Early education aims to develop a strong
strong tảng vững chắc foundation in literacy and numeracy skills for
foundation future academic success.
develop phát triển các kỹ Participation in extracurricular activities helps
important năng quan trọng students develop important skills like leadership
skills and teamwork.
develop strong phát triển kỹ năng Studying foreign languages helps students
linguistic skills ngôn ngữ mạnh mẽ develop strong linguistic skills, enabling
effective communication.
discipline (n) tính kỷ luật Good discipline in the classroom creates a
conducive environment for learning and
academic growth.
divert chuyển nguồn lực từ The school decided to divert resources from
resources administrative tasks to invest in academic
from support programs.
divert their chuyển hướng sự Excessive use of electronic devices can divert
attention away chú ý của họ ra students' attention away from their studies and
from khỏi academic goals.
early exposure sự tiếp xúc sớm với Early exposure to art and music enhances
to creativity and cognitive development in young
earn an kiếm thu nhập Many students work part-time to earn an
income income and support themselves financially
during their studies.
economic sự phát triển kinh Investing in education can contribute to
growth tế economic growth by producing a skilled and
competent workforce.
emphasizes nhấn mạnh kiến The physics curriculum emphasizes theoretical
theoretical thức lý thuyết knowledge and its practical applications in real-
knowledge world scenarios.
employment cơ hội việc làm A college degree opens up a wide range of
opportunities employment opportunities and career paths for
employment triển vọng công Graduates with relevant skills have promising
prospects việc employment prospects and are in high demand
in the job market.


encounter đối mặt những khó Students may encounter difficulties in certain
difficulties khăn subjects, but seeking help and guidance can
lead to improvement.
engage with tập trung, hứng thú Active learning techniques encourage students
the material với bài học to engage with the material and deepen their
enhance nâng cao kỹ năng Puzzles and brain games are designed to
cognitive skills nhận thức enhance cognitive skills, improving memory, and
problem-solving abilities.
enhance job nâng cao cơ hội Additional certifications and skills can enhance
opportunities việc làm job opportunities and increase employability for
enhance nâng cao trình độ Immersion programs can enhance overall
overall ngôn ngữ tổng thể language proficiency by providing real-life
language language practice.
enrich làm phong phú Engaging in community service and volunteer
personal thêm sự phát triển activities can enrich personal growth and foster
growth cá nhân empathy in students.
enter the job gia nhập thị trường After graduation, students are excited to enter
market lao động the job market and start their professional
enter the gia nhập lực lượng The university prepares students to enter the
workforce lao động workforce by equipping them with relevant skills
and knowledge.
equips trang bị cho học The school curriculum equips students with the
students with sinh những kỹ năng necessary skills to thrive in a rapidly changing
the necessary cần thiết world.
erode the phá hủy sự tôn Constant disruptions in the classroom can erode
respect trọng the respect students have for their teachers
and the learning environment.
excel xuất sắc trong học Jane's dedication and hard work allowed her to
academically tập excel academically and become the top student
in her class.
expanded cơ hội nghề nghiệp Completing a master's degree opens up
career mở rộng expanded career opportunities and the chance
opportunities to work in specialized fields.
expertise kiến thức chuyên The university boasts a team of professors with
môn expertise in various fields who contribute to
cutting-edge research.


expose to tiếp xúc với các Study abroad programs provide students with
diverse nền văn hóa đa the opportunity to expose themselves to diverse
cultures dạng cultures and experiences.
extensive thực hành mở rộng Language learning requires extensive practice
practice in reading, writing, and speaking to become
face đối mặt thử thách Students must learn to face challenges and
challenges overcome obstacles with resilience to achieve
their academic goals.
facilitate tạo điều kiện cho Using multimedia tools can facilitate effective
effective việc học hiệu quả learning, making complex concepts more
learning accessible to students.
field of study chuyên ngành Students can choose their field of study based
on their interests and career aspirations.
financial aid sự hỗ trợ tài chính Many students rely on financial aid to afford
higher education and cover tuition fees.
financial rào cản tài chính Financial barriers can prevent talented
barriers students from pursuing higher education.
financial gánh nặng tài chính The high cost of tuition can be a financial
burden burden for many college students and their
financial sự hạn chế tài Limited financial resources can impose
constraints chính constraints on students' choices for higher
education options.
financial sự ổn định tài chính Scholarships and grants provide financial
stability stability for students, enabling them to focus on
their studies.
firsthand kinh nghiệm trực Field trips offer students firsthand experience
experience tiếp in real-life settings, complementing their
classroom learning.
foster a thúc đẩy tư duy Group projects and team activities foster a
cooperative hợp tác cooperative mindset among students, promoting
mindset collaboration.
foster empathy nuôi dưỡng sự đồng Engaging in community service activities helps
cảm foster empathy and compassion in students
towards others.
fosters an nuôi dưỡng một sự Studying history fosters an understanding of
understanding hiểu biết past events and their impact on shaping the
fosters nuôi dưỡng kỹ năng Collaborative activities foster cooperation skills
cooperation hợp tác that are valuable in both academic and
skills professional settings.


gain a broad có được tầm nhìn Studying abroad allows students to gain a broad
perspective rộng perspective by immersing themselves in a
different culture.
gain valuable có được kinh Internships provide students with valuable
experience nghiệm quý báu experience in their chosen field, preparing them
for future careers.
government tiền trợ cấp của Government subsidies can make higher
subsidies chính phủ education more affordable and accessible to a
broader population.
grasp nắm bắt ngôn ngữ Young children can easily grasp languages and
languages develop fluency with early language exposure.
hands-on kinh nghiệm thực Laboratory experiments and hands-on
experience tiễn experience enhance students' understanding of
scientific concepts.
have long-term có hậu quả lâu dài The quality of early education can have long-
consequences về term consequences on a child's academic and
on personal development.
healthy sense ý thức cạnh tranh A healthy sense of competition can motivate
of competition lành mạnh students to strive for academic excellence and
personal growth.
highly lực lượng lao động Investing in education results in a highly
educated có trình độ học vấn educated workforce that contributes to
workforce cao economic growth and innovation.
highly skilled các chuyên gia có Universities play a crucial role in producing
professionals tay nghề cao highly skilled professionals who can meet
industry demands.
hinder cản trở sự tiến bộ Continuous disruptions in the classroom can
students' của học sinh hinder students' progress and negatively affect
progress their learning outcomes.
immediate việc làm ngay Vocational courses can lead to immediate
employment employment opportunities, allowing students to
start their careers sooner.
impose an cấm tuyệt đối The school may impose an absolute prohibition
absolute on cheating and plagiarism to uphold academic
prohibition on integrity.
inadvertently vô tình làm giảm Constant criticism without support can
diminish inadvertently diminish a student's confidence
and enthusiasm for learning.
incentive sự khuyến khích, sự Offering scholarships as an incentive
khích lệ encourages students to excel academically and
pursue higher education.


increase tăng khả năng có Acquiring additional skills can increase

employability việc làm employability and open doors to diverse career
in-demand jobs việc làm theo yêu Preparing students for in-demand jobs ensures
cầu they are well-equipped to thrive in the job
infringe upon vi phạm, xâm phạm Strict rules that infringe upon students'
personal freedom can hinder their creativity
and motivation to learn.
instill good truyền cho trẻ Parents and teachers work together to instill
behavior in hành vi tốt good behavior in children, fostering a positive
children learning environment.
instill values truyền các giá trị Schools have a responsibility to instill values
such as respect, honesty, and empathy in their
intentionally cố tình phá vỡ các Intentionally breaking the rules can lead to
break the quy tắc disciplinary actions and hinder a student's
rules academic progress.
internalize tiếp thu từ vựng Language learners need to internalize
vocabulary vocabulary through regular practice and
internships thực tập Completing internships during college provides
students with practical experience and
exposure to their future careers.
is dependent phụ thuộc vào The success of a research project is dependent
on on the collaboration and dedication of the
research team.
job market thị trường việc làm Graduates need to stay informed about the job
market and industry trends to make informed
career decisions.
key criteria tiêu chuẩn chính The university evaluates applicants based on
key criteria, including academic performance
and extracurricular activities.
language sự tiếp thu ngôn Language acquisition is a complex process that
acquisition ngữ involves learning grammar, vocabulary, and
learning quá trình học tập Understanding the learning process helps
process educators design effective teaching strategies
to enhance student comprehension.
linguistic nhu cầu ngôn ngữ The linguistics demands of learning a new
demands language may vary depending on its complexity
and structure.


linguistic skills kỹ năng ngôn ngữ Developing strong linguistic skills is essential for
effective communication and language
long-lasting tác động tiêu cực Negative learning experiences can have long-
negative lâu dài lasting effects on a student's attitude towards
effects education and self-confidence.
long-term lợi ích lâu dài Investing in early childhood education provides
benefits long-term benefits by fostering cognitive and
social development.
low-income nền tảng thu nhập Scholarships are essential for students from
backgrounds thấp low-income backgrounds to access higher
education and realize their potential.
maintain duy trì sự hòa Teachers strive to maintain harmony in the
harmony thuận classroom, creating a positive and conducive
environment for learning.
maintain duy trì hành vi tích Consistent reinforcement of positive behavior
positive cực helps students develop good habits and a sense
behavior of responsibility.
make đưa ra những quyết Students face important life decisions during
important life định quan trọng their academic journey, such as choosing a
decisions trong cuộc đời career path or further education.
make informed đưa ra quyết định Encouraging students to make informed
decisions sáng suốt decisions involves critical thinking and
gathering reliable information.
market nhu cầu thị trường Institutions must adapt their programs to meet
demand market demand and prepare graduates for
evolving job requirements.
match phù hợp với sở Career counseling helps students find career
interests and thích và năng lực paths that match their interests, abilities, and
abilities personal values.
maximize tối đa hóa kết quả Teachers strive to employ effective teaching
learning học tập methods to maximize learning outcomes for all
outcomes students.
meet the đáp ứng các nhu The school introduces new programs to meet
demands of cầu của the demands of a rapidly changing job market
and industry needs.
meet the đáp ứng nhu cầu Special education programs are designed to
educational giáo dục meet the educational needs of students with
needs diverse learning abilities.
mental and mệt mỏi về tinh Long hours of studying and exam preparation
physical thần và thể chất can lead to mental and physical fatigue among
fatigue students.


moral sự phát triển nhân Schools play a role in moral development by

development cách teaching values like integrity, respect, and
moral values giá trị đạo đức Moral values form the foundation of a student's
character and guide their behavior in academic
and personal life.
multitask (v) đa nhiệm, làm Students often multitask, balancing study,
nhiều việc cùng lúc extracurricular activities, and personal
navigate điều hướng các Students learn social skills to navigate various
various social tình huống xã hội social situations and build positive relationships
situations khác nhau with peers.
nurture nuôi dưỡng kỹ năng Language teachers nurture language skills
language skills ngôn ngữ through interactive activities, conversation,
and language immersion.
obstacle chướng ngại vật Lack of funding can be an obstacle to
implementing new educational initiatives and
improving infrastructure.
overemphasis sự nhấn mạnh quá Overemphasis on standardized testing can lead
on mức vào to a narrow focus on exam performance,
neglecting other essential skills.
overwhelm lấn át khả năng Too much information in a short time can
cognitive nhận thức overwhelm students' cognitive capacity,
capacity affecting their ability to retain knowledge.
parental rights quyền của cha mẹ Parents have the right to be involved in their
child's education and collaborate with teachers
to support learning.
pedagogical kiến thức sư phạm Effective teachers possess pedagogical
knowledge knowledge and skills to engage students and
facilitate meaningful learning.
perform at a thực hiện ở mức High-achieving students often perform at a high
high level cao level academically, participating in advanced
classes and competitions.
perseveration kiên trì Encouraging students to persevere through
challenges helps build resilience and a growth
place a burden đặt gánh nặng lên Heavy academic workloads can place a burden
on on students, leading to stress and burnout.
play a crucial đóng vai trò quan Early childhood education plays a crucial role in
role in trọng laying the foundation for future academic and
personal development.


pose a threat đe dọa đến Budget cuts pose a threat to educational quality
to and may impact students' access to resources
and support.
pose obstacles đặt ra những trở Language barriers can pose obstacles for
ngại international students in their academic and
social integration.
practical skills kỹ năng thực tiễn Vocational programs focus on developing
practical skills that are directly applicable to
specific job roles.
problem- giải quyết vấn đề Problem-solving skills are valuable for students
solving to tackle complex challenges in various areas of
professional phát triển nghề Continuous professional growth and
growth nghiệp development are essential for educators to stay
effective and updated in their field.
professional đào tạo chuyên Professional training programs provide
training ngành individuals with specialized skills and
certifications for their careers.
proficiency in sự thành thạo về Achieving proficiency in a second language can
open doors to international job opportunities
and cultural exchange.
provide cung cấp phản hồi Teachers provide timely and constructive
feedback feedback to students, helping them identify
areas for improvement.
pursue theo đuổi việc học Many students pursue university education to
university đại học gain advanced knowledge and qualifications in
education their chosen field.
put excessive gây căng thẳng quá Excessive homework assignments can put a
strain on mức đến strain on students' mental health and well-being.
qualified and giáo viên có trình Schools must hire qualified and proficient
proficient độ và thành thạo teachers to deliver quality education to
teachers students.
reach their full phát huy tối đa Teachers play a crucial role in helping students
potential tiềm năng reach their full potential and achieve academic
refine tinh chỉnh các Educators continuously refine their teaching
teaching chiến lược giảng strategies to cater to diverse learning styles in
strategies dạy the classroom.
reflect on suy ngẫm Students are encouraged to reflect on their
learning experiences to identify areas for
reinforce củng cố kiến thức Teachers reinforce knowledge through
knowledge repetition and active learning techniques.


reinforce the củng cố ý tưởng Classroom discussions and examples are used to
idea reinforce the idea being taught to students.
reinforce the củng cố tầm quan Schools reinforce the importance of attendance
importance of trọng của and punctuality for academic success.
relevant chuyên môn liên Guest speakers with relevant expertise are
expertise quan invited to share insights with students in
specialized fields.
rely on their dựa vào nguồn tài Some students rely on their own financial
own financial chính của chính họ resources to pay for their education.
resolve giải quyết xung đột Conflict resolution strategies are taught to
conflicts students to help them resolve conflicts
role model hình mẫu lý tưởng Teachers serve as role models for students,
inspiring them to work hard and pursue their
scholarship học bổng Scholarships provide financial support to
students based on academic achievements or
other criteria.
secure an dành được cơ hội Higher education offers students the
opportunity opportunity to secure a better future through
expanded career options.
sense of tinh thần trách Developing a sense of accountability empowers
accountability nhiệm students to take responsibility for their actions
and learning.
sense of có mục đích Understanding their sense of purpose motivates
purpose students to work towards their educational and
personal goals.
sense of tinh thần trách Cultivating a sense of responsibility helps
responsibility nhiệm students become dependable and committed
set ambitious đặt mục tiêu đầy Encouraging students to set ambitious goals
goals tham vọng drives them to excel in their studies and
personal growth.
shape định hình hành vi Teachers and parents work together to shape
children's cho trẻ children's behavior and instill positive values
behavior and attitudes.
short attention thời gian tập trung Young children often have a short attention
span ngắn span, requiring engaging and interactive
learning activities.
shows respect thể hiện sự tôn Educational institutions must respect individual
for individual trọng quyền tự do freedom and allow students to express their
freedom cá nhân opinions freely.


simultaneously đồng loạt thi hành The school may simultaneously enforce a ban on
enforce a ban lệnh cấm mobile phones and other distractions during
on class hours.
socio- địa vị kinh tế xã Socio-economic status can impact a student's
economic hội access to educational resources and
status opportunities.
strike a đạt được sự cân Balancing academic demands with
balance bằng extracurricular activities is crucial for students
to strike a healthy life balance.
strive for phấn đấu cho sự Encouraging students to strive for excellence
excellence xuất sắc fosters a strong work ethic and pursuit of
study habits thói quen học tập Developing effective study habits helps students
manage their time and improve their academic
support tự tài trợ cho bản Some students work part-time to support
themselves thân về mặt tài themselves financially while pursuing their
financially chính education.
take a toll on tác động tiêu cực Heavy academic pressure can take a toll on
students' mental and physical well-being.
teaching tài liệu giảng dạy Teachers use a variety of teaching materials,
materials including textbooks, visual aids, and technology
teaching phương pháp giảng Educators employ various teaching
methodologies dạy methodologies to accommodate diverse learning
styles in the classroom.
time efficiency hiệu quả về thời Developing time efficiency skills enables
gian students to effectively manage their study and
personal time.
top performer người có thành tích Jane is a top performer in her class,
học hàng đầu consistently achieving high grades and
participating in extracurriculars.
undergo trải qua đào tạo Aspiring teachers undergo extensive training
extensive mở rộng and student teaching to prepare for their
training careers in education.
undermine the làm suy yếu sức Disruptive behavior can undermine the power
power and mạnh và quyền lực and authority of teachers, affecting the
authority learning environment.
university giáo dục đại học Pursuing a university education equips students
education with in-depth knowledge and critical thinking
skills in their field.


work together làm việc cùng nhau Collaborative projects teach students how to
towards a hướng tới một mục work together towards a common goal and
common goal tiêu chung achieve success as a team.



english words meaning Example

a blinkered view một cái nhìn A blinkered view of remunerative policies can
of remunerative phiến diện về lead to narrow decision-making in the company.
policies các chính sách
lương thưởng
acquire có được phẩm To become a successful leader, one must acquire
leadership chất lãnh đạo leadership qualities through experience and
qualities learning.
acquire có được của cải As their income grows, some individuals tend to
material vật chất acquire material possessions to display their
possessions success.
acquire new học được kỹ In today's dynamic job market, it is crucial to
skills năng mới acquire new skills to stay competitive.
adaptability khả năng thích Adaptability is a valuable trait in the business
nghi world, enabling individuals to thrive in changing
adequate thù lao xứng Employees expect adequate remuneration for
remuneration đáng their hard work and contributions.
adjust điều chỉnh As the market shifts, companies need to adjust
strategies chiến lược strategies to stay relevant and successful.
advance thăng tiến To advance careers, employees should seek
careers trong sự nghiệp continuous improvement and seize opportunities
for growth.
afford đủ khả năng With careful financial planning, one can afford
comfortable nhà ở thoải mái comfortable housing without compromising other
housing needs.
analyze phân tích báo Analyzing financial statements helps businesses
financial cáo tài chính understand their financial health and make
statements informed decisions.
assertiveness sự quyết đoán Assertiveness is essential for leaders to
effectively communicate their vision and goals.
break down chia nhỏ vấn đề To solve complex problems, it is important to
problems into thành break down problems into smaller, manageable
budgeting việc dự thảo Budgeting is a fundamental aspect of financial
ngân sách management, ensuring proper allocation of
build rapport xây dựng mối Sales professionals aim to build rapport with
with customers quan hệ với customers to establish trust and loyalty.
khách hàng


capitalize on tận dụng cơ hội Entrepreneurs must capitalize on new

new mới opportunities to expand their business and market
opportunities presence.
career sự thăng tiến Career advancement requires dedication, skill
advancement trong công việc development, and a strategic approach to work.
charisma uy tín Her natural charisma made her an excellent
choice to represent the company at important
networking events.
committed to cam kết với vai Committed to their roles, employees demonstrate
their roles trò của họ loyalty and dedication to their company's mission.
competitive các gói lương Competitive compensation packages are essential
compensation thưởng cạnh for attracting and retaining top talent.
packages tranh
cost-benefit phân tích lợi ích Cost-benefit analyses help businesses evaluate
analyses chi phí the potential impact of their decisions.
cover essential trang trải các Covering essential expenses is crucial to maintain
expenses chi phí thiết the day-to-day operations of a business.
crime rates tỉ lệ tội phạm Governments must address crime rates to ensure
a safe and secure business environment.
customer hành vị khách Understanding customer behavior is key to
behavior hàng delivering products and services that meet their
data analysis phân tích dữ Data analysis provides valuable insights into
liệu market trends and customer preferences.
data-driven bối cảnh kinh In a data-driven business landscape, data plays a
business doanh dựa trên central role in decision-making.
landscape dữ liệu
dedication sự cống hiến Dedication is necessary to overcome challenges
and achieve long-term success.
deliver the best mang lại kết To excel in any field, one must strive to deliver the
results quả tốt nhất best results consistently.
demotivation sự làm mất tinh Demotivation among employees can negatively
thần impact productivity and morale.
determination sự quyết tâm Determination is the driving force behind
achieving ambitious goals and milestones.
develop phát triển các Businesses must develop effective strategies to
effective chiến lược hiệu stay competitive and grow.
strategies quả
discipline kỷ luật Discipline is crucial for maintaining focus and
meeting deadlines in the workplace.
discrepancy sự khác nhau A discrepancy between projected and actual
results requires investigation and corrective

disillusionment sự vỡ mộng Disillusionment can occur when employees'

expectations are not met by the organization.
disparity in chênh lệch Disparity in salaries can lead to dissatisfaction
salaries lương and conflicts among employees.
disproportionat không cân xứng Some companies may face disproportionate and
e and và không chính unjustified challenges when entering new markets.
unjustified đáng
drive the thúc đẩy sự Leaders play a vital role in driving the
organization's thành công của organization's success through their vision and
success tổ chức guidance.
economic well- phúc lợi kinh tế Economic well-being is a key indicator of a
being country's overall prosperity and stability.
emotional trí tuệ cảm xúc Emotional intelligence helps leaders understand
intelligence and manage their emotions and those of others.
employee sự giữ chân Employee retention is crucial for businesses to
retention nhân viên retain valuable talent and reduce turnover costs.
enhance nâng cao uy tín Enhancing professional reputation requires
professional nghề nghiệp consistent performance and ethical conduct.
entice capable lôi kéo lãnh đạo Enticing capable leaders is essential for
leaders có năng lực organizations to ensure strong leadership at all
experience skill trải qua tình Experience skill stagnation can hinder career
stagnation trạng trì trệ kỹ growth and development if not addressed.
expertise chuyên môn Expertise in a specific domain enables
professionals to provide valuable insights and
extensive đào tạo mở Extensive training equips employees with the
training rộng necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their
face difficulties đối mặt với khó To succeed in business, one must be prepared to
khăn face difficulties and find solutions.
fear of financial sợ bất ổn tài Fear of financial uncertainty can impact decision-
uncertainty chính making and risk-taking in the business world.
feelings of cảm giác oán Feelings of resentment among employees can lead
resentment giận to a toxic work environment.
financial khái niệm tài Understanding financial concepts is essential for
concepts chính making sound financial decisions.
financial quản lý tài Financial management is critical for businesses to
management chính achieve their financial goals and sustain growth.
financial phần thưởng Financial rewards can serve as powerful
rewards tiền incentives for employees to perform at their best.


flexibility sự linh hoạt Flexibility in adapting to changing circumstances

is essential for success in today's business world.
flexible plan kế hoạch linh Creating a flexible plan allows businesses to
hoạt adjust to unforeseen challenges and opportunities.
from an early từ khi còn nhỏ From an early age, some individuals display
age natural leadership qualities and potential.
fuel social gây bất ổn xã Fueling social unrest can have detrimental effects
unrest hội on the stability of a society and its businesses.
fulfill personal thực hiện mong Fulfilling personal desires motivates individuals to
desires muốn cá nhân work towards their aspirations and dreams.
hamper cản trở tăng Hampering economic growth can have widespread
economic trưởng kinh tế negative consequences for a country's economy.
handle extreme xử lý các trường Handling extreme emergencies requires a clear
emergencies hợp khẩn cấp plan and quick decision-making to mitigate risks.
nghiêm trọng
handle the xử lý những Leaders must handle the complex challenges of
complex thách thức phức managing diverse teams and organizational
challenges tạp dynamics.
hands-on kinh nghiệm Hands-on experience provides practical
experience thực tiễn knowledge and skills that classroom learning
cannot fully replicate.
harm employee làm tổn hại tinh A negative work environment can harm employee
morale thần của nhân morale and productivity.
hinder long- cản trở triển Skill stagnation can hinder long-term career
term career vọng nghề prospects, limiting opportunities for growth.
prospects nghiệp lâu dài
hone their trau dồi kỹ Hone their leadership skills naturally through
leadership skills năng lãnh đạo experience, self-awareness, and continuous
naturally của họ một learning.
cách tự nhiên
in high demand có nhu cầu cao The new technology is in high demand, and
companies are scrambling to meet the market
incentivize khuyến khích Employers often incentivize their employees with
performance-based bonuses and rewards.
industriously cần cù, siêng She worked industriously to meet the project
năng deadline and deliver exceptional results.
inherent traits đặc điểm vốn Confidence and charisma are inherent traits that
có can make a leader stand out.
innate bẩm sinh His artistic talent seemed innate from a young
age, and he excelled in the creative field.


interpret data giải thích dữ To make informed decisions, managers must

liệu interpret data and analyze market trends.
introduce giới thiệu hoàn The company plans to introduce favorable
favorable cảnh thuận lợi circumstances to attract more investors.
job satisfaction sự hài lòng Job satisfaction is essential for employee
trong công việc engagement and productivity.
leadership vị trí lãnh đạo He aspires to reach leadership positions within
positions the organization and lead his team to success.
limit hạn chế cơ hội Restrictive policies can limit opportunities for
opportunities thăng tiến advancement within the company.
lose sight of đánh mất mục When overwhelmed with daily tasks, it's easy to
their long-term tiêu dài hạn của lose sight of their long-term goals.
goals họ
lower-level nhân viên cấp The managers must provide adequate support and
employees dưới recognition to lower-level employees.
maintain a duy trì sự cân To ensure productivity and employee well-being,
harmonious bằng hài hòa companies strive to maintain a harmonious
balance balance between work and personal life.
make accurate đưa ra dự đoán Based on the data analysis, the marketing team
predictions chính xác can make accurate predictions about customer
make critical đưa ra quyết Make critical decisions can have significant
decisions định quan trọng implications for the future of the business.
make strategic đưa ra quyết Business leaders make strategic decisions based
decisions định chiến lược on market trends and competitor analysis.
market trends xu hướng thị Staying updated with market trends is crucial to
trường adapt to changing consumer demands.
maximize the tối đa hóa khả The company's goal is to maximize the potential
potential for năng thành for success and achieve significant growth.
success công
meet basic đáp ứng những The organization aims to meet basic needs and
needs nhu cầu cơ bản ensure the well-being of all employees.
minimize wasted giảm thiểu By streamlining processes, businesses can
efforts những nỗ lực minimize wasted efforts and improve efficiency.
lãng phí
naturally tự nhiên He is naturally inclined to leadership roles, and his
inclined to nghiêng về peers trust his guidance.
navigate điều hướng trở Entrepreneurs must navigate obstacles and adapt
obstacles ngại to challenges in the competitive market.


open doors to mở ra cánh cửa Expanding to new markets can open doors to new
new cho những cơ opportunities for business growth.
opportunities hội mới
of paramount tầm quan trọng The safety of the employees is of paramount
importance tối cao importance to the company.
perseverance sự kiên trì Perseverance and determination are key traits to
overcome challenges in business.
pose an đặt ra một The high tax rates pose an economic burden on
economic gánh nặng kinh small businesses.
burden tế
positive work môi trường làm A positive work environment fosters employee
environment việc tích cực satisfaction and creativity.
practical hiểu biết thực With practical insights, businesses can make
insights tế informed decisions and achieve success.
prerequisite điều kiện tiên Meeting the prerequisites is necessary for
quyết enrolling in the advanced training program.
pricing chiến lược định Companies use various pricing strategies to
strategies giá attract customers and remain competitive.
profit margins tỷ suất lợi By optimizing costs, companies can increase their
nhuận profit margins and profitability.
prolonged thất nghiệp kéo The prolonged unemployment rate has become a
unemployment dài major concern for the government.
qualified top giám đốc điều The board of directors seeks a qualified top
executive hành hàng đầu executive to lead the company.
có năng lực
rapidly evolving thị trường việc In a rapidly evolving job market, employees must
job market làm phát triển continuously update their skills.
nhanh chóng
recognition sự công nhận Recognition of employees' achievements boosts
morale and productivity.
reflect the true phản ánh đúng The company aims to reflect the true value of its
value giá trị products through fair pricing.
reflect the phản ánh trọng Executives must reflect the weight of their
weight of the lượng trách responsibilities in their decision-making.
responsibilities nhiệm của họ
regular tiền lương The company ensures employees receive a regular
paycheck thường xuyên paycheck on time.
secure job nắm chắc cơ hội Networking is essential to secure job
opportunities việc làm opportunities in the competitive job market.
sense of cảm giác mất Employees may feel a sense of devaluation if their
devaluation giá efforts are not appreciated.
sense of cảm giác an Having a substantial savings account and a stable
financial toàn về tài job can provide a strong sense of financial
security chính security.

sense of cảm giác bị gạt In times of economic instability, many individuals

marginalization ra bên lề experience a sense of marginalization.
sense of cảm giác ổn The company strives to provide a sense of
stability định stability for its employees through long-term
sense of cảm giác không Unfair treatment can create a sense of unfairness
unfairness công bằng among employees, leading to dissatisfaction.
serendipitous cơ hội tình cờ The success of the new product launch was a
opportunities result of serendipitous opportunities.
serve a greater phục vụ một The organization's mission is to serve a greater
purpose mục đích lớn purpose and make a positive impact on society.
shape and hình thành và The company invests in programs to shape and
nurture nuôi dưỡng kỹ nurture leadership skills among its employees.
leadership skills năng lãnh đạo
showcase a thể hiện kiến A conference is an excellent opportunity to
person's thức của một showcase a person's knowledge and expertise.
knowledge người
social aptitude năng lực xã hội Social aptitude is a valuable skill for building
strong relationships with customers and
social bất mãn xã hội Social discontent and unrest can negatively
discontent and impact business operations and economic
unrest stability.
social bất bình đẳng Companies must address social inequalities to
inequalities xã hội promote a fair and inclusive work environment.
social status địa vị xã hội Social status is often associated with certain
professions and job roles.
social welfare chi phí phúc lợi The company's social welfare costs contribute to
costs xã hội its commitment to employee well-being.
solid foundation nền tảng vững A solid foundation is necessary for a business to
chắc withstand market challenges.
stable income thu nhập ổn A stable income provides financial security and
định peace of mind for employees.
standard of mức sống The organization strives to improve the standard
living of living for its employees.
statistical phương pháp Statistical methods help analyze data and draw
methods thống kê meaningful conclusions.
stay committed cam kết Employees who stay committed to the company
are more likely to advance in their careers.
stay duy trì tính Businesses must stay competitive to retain their
competitive cạnh tranh market share and attract customers.
stay motivated duy trì động lực Positive feedback and recognition help employees
stay motivated and engaged.

substantial những đóng góp His substantial contributions to the project were
contributions đáng kể recognized and appreciated.
tax revenue doanh thu từ Tax revenue plays a vital role in funding public
thuế services and infrastructure development.
top talent tài năng hàng The company is known for attracting top talent
đầu and high-performing individuals.
undervalue the đánh giá thấp Undervaluing the efforts of employees can lead to
efforts những nỗ lực dissatisfaction and decreased productivity.
unforeseen trường hợp Unforeseen circumstances can impact business
circumstances không lường operations and require quick responses.
trước được
wage gap chênh lệch tiền The wage gap between employees of different
lương genders is a concerning issue.
wage inequality bất bình đẳng Addressing wage inequality is a priority to
tiền lương promote fair pay practices.
well-reasoned giải pháp hợp lý The team collaboratively developed well-reasoned
solutions solutions to tackle the problem.
well-thought-out kế hoạch chu The management team created a well-thought-out
plan đáo plan for the company's expansion.
work-life sự cân bằng Achieving a work-life balance is essential for
balance giữa công việc employee well-being and job satisfaction.
và cuộc sống



english words meaning Example

achieve personal đạt thành tích cá She worked hard and achieved her personal
best nhân tốt nhất best in the marathon.
adhere to sports tuân thủ các quy Players must adhere to sports rules and
rules and tắc và quy định regulations to maintain fair competition and
regulations trong thể thao sportsmanship.
admire sports ngưỡng mộ những Many people admire sports heroes for their
heroes anh hùng thể thao talent and achievements.
adrenaline rush cảm giác hưng The athletes experienced an adrenaline rush
phấn before the final match.
agility sự nhanh nhẹn, Agility is essential for athletes in sports like
lanh lợi gymnastics and basketball.
athlete vận động viên, The athlete set a new record in the high jump
vận động event.
athletic thành tích thể Her athletic performance was outstanding in
performance thao the last competition.
attend live sports tham dự các sự Attending live sports events gives a thrilling
events kiện thể thao experience and a sense of camaraderie
trực tiếp among fans.
attend sports tham gia các buổi Athletes attend regular sports training
training sessions tập huấn thể thao sessions to improve their skills.
attend sports- tham gia các hội Coaches and athletes attend sports-related
related workshops thảo và buổi tập workshops and seminars to enhance their
and seminars huấn liên quan skills and knowledge.
đến thể thao
be a dedicated là một vận động To excel in sports, one must be a dedicated
athlete viên kiên trì athlete and put in consistent effort.
be physically hoạt động thể It's essential to be physically active for
active chất overall well-being.
be selected for được chọn vào He was selected for the national team to
the national team đội tuyển quốc represent the country in international
gia competitions.
boost confidence tăng cường lòng Winning in competitions boosts the players'
tự tin confidence.
build teamwork xây dựng kỹ năng Team sports help build teamwork skills,
skills làm việc nhóm fostering collaboration and cooperation
among players.
celebrate sports tán dương những The country celebrates its athletes'
achievements thành tích thể achievements in international competitions.


championship giải vô địch The team won the championship after a tough
cheer for your cổ vũ cho đội yêu The fans cheer enthusiastically for their
favorite team thích favorite team during the match.
coach huấn luyện viên The coach trains the players to improve their
compete cạnh tranh, thi Athletes from different countries compete for
đấu medals.
compete in a cạnh tranh trong He competed in a sports event and won a
sports event một sự kiện thể silver medal for his exceptional performance.
cultivate bồi dưỡng tinh Sport competitions cultivate sportsmanship in
sportsmanship thần thể thao athletes.
defeat thất bại Despite their efforts, the team faced defeat
in the final game.
demonstrate thể hiện khả năng The gymnast demonstrated exceptional sports
exceptional sports thể thao xuất sắc skills, earning her a spot on the national team.
develop mental phát triển sức Overcoming challenges in competitions
toughness mạnh tinh thần develops mental toughness.
display thể hiện khả năng The gymnast displayed extraordinary athletic
extraordinary thể thao phi abilities during her routine.
athletic abilities thường
embrace a sports thể hiện sự đam The city embraces a sports culture, with
culture mê với văn hóa various sports facilities and events.
thể thao
embrace a sports- tiếp nhận một lối Some individuals embrace a sports-centered
centered lifestyle sống xoay quanh lifestyle by incorporating physical activities
thể thao into their daily routines.
encourage fair khuyến khích tinh Coaches and teachers encourage fair play in
play in sports thần chơi công sports to instill sportsmanship values in
bằng trong thể athletes.
encourage khuyến khích kiên Sport competitions encourage perseverance
perseverance trì in athletes.
endurance sức chịu đựng, Marathon runners need strong endurance to
sức bền complete the race.
engage in tham gia vào các She prefers to engage in individual sports like
individual sports môn thể thao cá swimming and cycling rather than team
nhân sports.
engage in tham gia vào các He likes to engage in recreational sports like
recreational môn thể thao giải tennis and golf during weekends.
sports trí


engage in sports tham gia thể thao Many people engage in sports for relaxation
for recreation với mục đích giải and to unwind after a busy day.
and relaxation trí và thư giãn
enhance physical nâng cao thể lực Engaging in sport competitions enhances
fitness physical fitness.
enjoy a tận hưởng lợi thế Having a competitive edge can give athletes
competitive edge cạnh tranh an advantage in sports competitions.
excel in a xuất sắc trong He excels in the field of athletics, especially
particular sports một lĩnh vực thể in sprinting and long-distance running.
discipline thao cụ thể
exercise tập luyện, tập thể Regular exercise is essential for a healthy
dục lifestyle.
exercise thiết bị tập luyện The gym is equipped with various exercise
equipment equipment.
exhibit thể hiện tinh thần True athletes exhibit sportsmanship not only
sportsmanship on thể thao trên và during the game but also in everyday life.
and off the field ngoài sân
fitness sự khỏe mạnh He maintained his fitness through rigorous
follow a strict tuân thủ chế độ Professional athletes follow a strict training
training regimen tập luyện nghiêm regimen to excel in their sport.
foster a xây dựng tinh Playing team sports can foster a competitive
competitive spirit thần cạnh tranh spirit among the players.
foster a love for tạo điều kiện cho Schools play a vital role in fostering a love for
sports tình yêu thể thao sports among students through physical
education programs.
foster discipline tạo đà kỷ luật Engaging in sports competition fosters
discipline and focus.
have a passion for đam mê với thể She has a passion for sports and enjoys trying
sports thao out various athletic activities.
health benefits lợi ích cho sức Engaging in sports activities brings various
khỏe health benefits.
improve athletic cải thiện hiệu Regular practice and dedication can improve
performance suất thể thao athletic performance.
improve cải thiện hiệu Regular competition helps improve athletes'
performance suất performance.
injury prevention phòng ngừa chấn Proper warm-up and stretching are essential
thương for injury prevention in sports.
inspire others truyền cảm hứng His remarkable achievements in sports inspire
through sports cho người khác others, especially aspiring young athletes.
qua thể thao


instill discipline gieo nhập kỷ luật Participation in competitions instills discipline

in players.
lead an active sống một lối sống Leading an active lifestyle can improve one's
lifestyle tích cực health and fitness.
participate in tham gia các sự Many athletes from different countries
sports events kiện thể thao participate in sports events like the Olympics.
participate in tham gia thể thao Sports participation can contribute to
sports for với mục đích phát personal development and character-building.
personal triển cá nhân
participate in tham gia vào các Team sports require players to cooperate
team sports môn thể thao and communicate effectively with each other.
đồng đội
performance- thuốc tăng cường The use of performance-enhancing drugs is
enhancing drugs hiệu suất strictly prohibited in sports.
personal best thành tích tốt He achieved his personal best in the long jump
nhất cá nhân event.
physical activity hoạt động thể Regular physical activity is crucial for
chất maintaining good health.
physical education giáo dục thể chất Physical education is a vital component of
school curriculum.
physical fitness thể lực He improved his physical fitness through
regular workouts.
play sports for chơi thể thao với They play sports for recreational purposes
recreational mục đích giải trí and to relieve stress after a long day at work.
practice good tuân thủ tinh thần Young athletes are taught to practice good
sportsmanship thể thao tốt sportsmanship and respect their opponents.
promote sports khuyến khích The government implements initiatives to
participation tham gia thể thao promote sports participation among children
and youth.
promote teamwork thúc đẩy tinh Sport competitions promote teamwork among
thần làm việc players.
promote youth khuyến khích các The government promotes youth sports
sports programs chương trình thể programs to encourage a healthy lifestyle and
thao cho trẻ em talent development.
pursue a career in theo đuổi sự Many talented athletes dream of pursuing a
professional nghiệp trong thể career in professional sports and joining elite
sports thao chuyên teams.
referee trọng tài, trọng The referee ensures fair play during the
tài chính game.


represent a đại diện cho một The athlete was proud to represent his
country in quốc gia trong country in the Olympic Games.
international các sự kiện quốc
events tế
score điểm số The team scored five goals in the first half of
the match.
set a new sports lập kỷ lục thể The swimmer set a new sports record,
record thao mới breaking the previous best time.
set sports-related đặt ra mục tiêu Setting sports-related goals helps athletes
goals liên quan đến thể stay focused and motivated.
spectator khán giả, người The stadium was filled with excited
xem spectators cheering for their team.
sports enthusiasts người đam mê thể The sports enthusiasts eagerly await the start
thao of the football season.
sports equipment thiết bị thể thao She bought new sports equipment for her
soccer training.
sports event sự kiện thể thao The city hosted a major sports event
attracting athletes from various countries.
sports industry ngành công The sports industry generates significant
nghiệp thể thao revenue globally.
sports psychology tâm lý thể thao Sports psychology helps athletes perform at
their best by managing their mindset.
sports rivalry cạnh tranh trong The sports rivalry between the two teams
thể thao creates intense and exciting matches.
sportsmanship tinh thần thể thao The player showed excellent sportsmanship by
congratulating the opponents.
strive for sports phấn đấu vì sự The sports academy aims to train young
excellence xuất sắc trong athletes to strive for sports excellence and
thể thao reach their full potential.
struggle to vật lộn để vượt The team struggled to overcome various
overcome sports qua những thách sports challenges and emerged victorious in
challenges thức trong thể the end.
take part in tham gia vào các The school encourages students to take part
sports activities hoạt động thể in sports activities to promote a healthy
thao lifestyle.
take up a sport bắt đầu chơi một She decided to take up a sport to stay active
môn thể thao and healthy.
team spirit tinh thần đồng The team displayed great team spirit
đội throughout the tournament.
teamwork làm việc nhóm, Teamwork is crucial for achieving success in
tinh thần hợp tác team sports.


tournament giải đấu, giải thi The tennis tournament attracted top players
đấu from around the world.
train for a sports tập luyện cho một The athletes train rigorously for months to
competition cuộc thi thể thao prepare for the upcoming sports competition.
train under the tập luyện dưới sự The young tennis player trains diligently under
guidance of a hướng dẫn của the guidance of her experienced coach.
coach huấn luyện viên
training huấn luyện, tập The swimmer underwent rigorous training
luyện before the competition.
uphold the spirit giữ vững tinh thần It's crucial to uphold the spirit of fair play in
of fair play chơi công bằng sports to maintain sportsmanship.
victory chiến thắng The team celebrated their victory with
warm-up khởi động It's essential to do a proper warm-up before
starting any physical activity.
win a giành huy chương The athlete won a gold medal for her
gold/silver/bronz vàng/bạc/đồng outstanding performance in the swimming
e medal competition.



english words meaning Example

address health giải quyết sự The government is working to address health
disparities không công bằng disparities in the country.
về sức khỏe
adequate sleep giấc ngủ đủ Adequate sleep is essential for physical and
mental health.
adopt a chấp nhận lối sống They decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle to
healthier lành mạnh feel better.
adopt healthy hình thành thói She decided to adopt healthy habits to improve
habits quen lành mạnh her well-being.
adopt thực hiện biện To stay healthy, it's crucial to adopt
preventative pháp phòng ngừa preventative measures.
advocate for ủng hộ cho môi The group advocates for healthier environments
healthier trường lành mạnh to improve public health.
advocate for ủng hộ cho lối She advocates for healthy lifestyles and proper
healthy sống lành mạnh nutrition in schools.
advocate for ủng hộ cho sức She advocates for mental health awareness and
mental health khỏe tinh thần support in society.
advocate for ủng hộ cho sức The organization advocates for public health
public health khỏe cộng đồng policies and funding.
allergy dị ứng She has a severe allergy to peanuts.
balanced diet chế độ ăn uống A balanced diet includes a variety of nutrients.
cân bằng
cardiovascular sức khỏe tim mạch A balanced diet and exercise are essential for
health cardiovascular health.
chronic disease bệnh mãn tính Diabetes is a common chronic disease
chronic pain đau mãn tính Chronic pain can significantly impact one's
quality of life.
combat health chống lại những The government is working to combat various
issues vấn đề sức khỏe health issues.
contagion sự lây lan Contagion can be prevented by practicing good
contamination sự ô nhiễm The water supply was contaminated, leading to
develop a phát triển kế He developed a fitness routine to improve his
fitness routine hoạch tập luyện physical health.


develop healthy phát triển các She developed healthy coping strategies to deal
coping chiến lược xử lý with stress.
strategies khỏe mạnh
diagnosis chẩn đoán The doctor conducted various tests for an
accurate diagnosis.
encourage a khuyến khích ăn The school encourages students to have a
balanced diet uống cân bằng balanced diet.
encourage khuyến khích ý The campaign aims to encourage health
health thức chăm sóc sức consciousness in society.
consciousness khỏe
encourage khuyến khích The school encourages healthy behaviors among
healthy những hành vi lành its students.
behaviors mạnh
encourage khuyến khích thói Good sleep habits are encouraged for better
healthy sleep quen ngủ lành health and productivity.
habits mạnh
encourage khuyến khích hoạt The school encourages physical activity among
physical động thể chất students.
encourage khuyến khích giấc Proper sleep is essential for health, and the
proper sleep ngủ đúng giờ doctor encourages it.
encourage khuyến khích kiểm The doctor encourages regular check-ups to
regular check- tra định kỳ monitor health.
encourage khuyến khích tập The doctor encourages regular exercise for a
regular thể dục đều đặn healthy lifestyle.
encourage khuyến khích tiêm Regular vaccinations are encouraged to prevent
regular chủng định kỳ diseases.
enhance nâng cao thể lực Regular exercise enhances physical fitness and
physical fitness endurance.
epidemic dịch bệnh truyền The influenza epidemic affected thousands of
nhiễm people.
focus on mental tập trung vào sức The company started to focus on employees'
health khỏe tinh thần mental health.
foster a culture tạo dựng văn hóa The company aims to foster a culture of well-
of well-being về sức khỏe being for employees.
health and những người đam Health and fitness enthusiasts enjoy staying
fitness mê sức khỏe và active.
enthusiasts thể dục
health and ngành công The health and fitness industry has seen
fitness industry nghiệp sức khỏe significant growth.
và thể dục

health and well- sức khỏe và hạnh The company's policies prioritize employee
being phúc health and well-being.
health and chương trình chăm The company offers health and wellness
wellness sóc sức khỏe và programs for employees.
programs sự khỏe mạnh
health care cơ sở chăm sóc The new hospital provides state-of-the-art
facilities sức khỏe health care facilities.
health care những chuyên gia Health care professionals work tirelessly to save
professionals chăm sóc sức lives.
health care hệ thống chăm The country is working to enhance its health
system sóc sức khỏe care system.
health crisis khủng hoảng sức The pandemic has led to a health crisis in many
khỏe countries.
health giáo dục về sức Health education programs are essential in
education khỏe schools.
health giám sát sức khỏe Health monitoring is essential for early
monitoring detection of diseases.
health khuyến khích sức Health promotion campaigns aim to raise
promotion khỏe awareness about healthy habits.
health risk những yếu tố nguy Smoking and poor diet are health risk factors.
factors cơ cho sức khỏe
health xét nghiệm sức Regular health screenings help detect potential
screening khỏe health issues.
health- chú trọng sức The company encourages a health-conscious
conscious khỏe work environment.
health- những lựa chọn He makes health-conscious choices when it
conscious chú trọng sức comes to food.
choices khỏe
health- thói quen chú Regular exercise is one of her health-conscious
conscious trọng sức khỏe habits.
health- lối sống chú trọng She adopted a health-conscious lifestyle to
conscious sức khỏe improve her well-being.
health- xã hội chú trọng The country aims to become a health-conscious
conscious sức khỏe society.
health-related những vấn đề liên The report discusses various health-related
issues quan đến sức issues.
healthy habits thói quen lành Developing healthy habits is essential for a long
mạnh and happy life.


holistic tiếp cận toàn diện The holistic approach considers both physical
approach and emotional health.
hygiene vệ sinh Personal hygiene is important in preventing
immunity sức đề kháng A healthy lifestyle boosts the body's immunity.
implement áp dụng hướng The company implemented health guidelines for
health dẫn về sức khỏe its employees.
implement áp dụng các sáng The city implemented health initiatives to
health kiến về sức khỏe improve residents' health.
implement áp dụng các The government implemented health programs
health chương trình về for vulnerable populations.
programs sức khỏe
implement áp dụng biện pháp The school implemented preventive measures to
preventive phòng ngừa prevent illnesses.
improve overall cải thiện sức khỏe Regular exercise and a balanced diet can
health tổng quát improve overall health.
improve overall cải thiện sự khỏe Meditation can improve overall well-being.
well-being mạnh tổng thể
lifestyle lựa chọn lối sống Making healthy lifestyle choices is crucial for
choices overall well-being.
maintain good duy trì sức khỏe He follows a healthy lifestyle to maintain good
health tốt health.
malnutrition suy dinh dưỡng Malnutrition is prevalent in underdeveloped
manage chronic quản lý các bệnh He has to manage his chronic conditions through
conditions mãn tính regular medication.
manage stress quản lý căng Learning to manage stress is crucial for mental
thẳng well-being.
medication thuốc The doctor prescribed medication to manage
the symptoms.
mental health sức khỏe tinh thần Meditation can have a positive impact on mental
mental health nhận thức về sức There is a growing awareness of the importance
awareness khỏe tinh thần of mental health.
mental health những vấn đề về The government is addressing mental health
issues sức khỏe tinh thần issues in schools.
mental health hỗ trợ về sức khỏe The organization provides mental health support
support tinh thần to its employees.
mental health điều trị sức khỏe The patient received effective mental health
treatment tinh thần treatment.


mental well- tình trạng tâm lý Adequate sleep is essential for mental well-
being tốt being.
monitor health giám sát các chỉ The doctor monitors health indicators to assess
indicators số sức khỏe overall well-being.
nutrition dinh dưỡng A balanced diet is essential for good nutrition.
obesity béo phì Obesity is a significant health concern in many
outbreak bùng phát dịch The government responded quickly to contain
bệnh the outbreak.
pandemic dịch bệnh toàn The COVID-19 pandemic had a global impact.
physical hoạt động thể Regular physical activity improves overall health.
activity chất
physical and sức khỏe tinh thần Regular exercise contributes to physical and
mental well- và thể chất mental well-being.
physical fitness thể lực Regular exercise improves physical fitness and
physical health đánh giá sức khỏe A physical health assessment is part of a routine
assessment thể chất check-up.
physical well- tình trạng sức Regular exercise contributes to physical well-
being khỏe tốt being.
practice thực hành tâm lý She practices mindfulness to reduce stress and
mindfulness tỉnh thức anxiety.
prevention sự ngăn ngừa Regular exercise is an effective prevention for
heart disease.
preventive biện pháp phòng The government has implemented preventive
measures ngừa measures to combat diseases.
primary health chăm sóc sức Primary health care services are accessible to
care khỏe cơ sở everyone.
prioritize ưu tiên sức khỏe The company prioritizes the mental well-being of
mental well- tinh thần its employees.
promote khuyến khích sức The organization works to promote community
community khỏe cộng đồng health initiatives.
promote health khuyến khích ý The organization promotes health literacy
literacy thức về sức khỏe through educational programs.
promote khuyến khích thói The school promotes healthy eating habits
healthy eating quen ăn uống lành among students.
habits mạnh
promote khuyến khích sống The government promotes healthy living through
healthy living lành mạnh public campaigns.


promote mental khuyến khích sức The campaign aims to promote mental well-being
well-being khỏe tinh thần in the community.
promote khuyến khích sức The fitness center promotes physical well-being
physical well- khỏe về thể chất through exercise.
public health sức khỏe cộng The government invests in public health
đồng programs to improve well-being.
raise nâng cao nhận The campaign aims to raise awareness of
awareness of thức về vấn đề various health issues.
health issues sức khỏe
rehabilitation phục hồi, tái hấp Physical therapy is essential for rehabilitation
dẫn after surgery.
respiratory hệ hô hấp Smoking can damage the respiratory system.
sanitation vệ sinh môi trường Proper sanitation is crucial in preventing
disease spread.
sedentary lối sống ít vận A sedentary lifestyle can lead to health
lifestyle động problems.
strengthen củng cố cơ sở hạ The government is working to strengthen the
health tầng sức khỏe health infrastructure.
strengthen the tăng cường hệ A healthy diet can help strengthen the immune
immune system miễn dịch system.
stress quản lý căng Stress management techniques are beneficial
management thẳng for overall health.
support healthy hỗ trợ những lựa The workplace supports healthy choices for its
choices chọn lành mạnh employees.
support mental hỗ trợ sức khỏe The organization provides resources to support
health tinh thần mental health.
symptom triệu chứng Fever is a common symptom of the flu.
treatment điều trị The patient received prompt treatment for the
vaccination tiêm chủng Children are required to get their vaccinations.
wellness sự khỏe mạnh và Yoga and mindfulness practices promote
hạnh phúc wellness.



english words meaning Example

a vast array of một loạt các The internet provides a vast array of news
news sources nguồn tin tức sources to choose from.
a vast source of một nguồn thông The internet serves as a vast and easily
information tin rộng lớn accessible source of information.
a wealth of rất nhiều thông The internet provides a wealth of information
information tin on various topics and subjects.
accuracy sự chính xác Fact-checking processes are essential to
maintain accuracy in digital media.
active listening nghe chủ động Active listening is a crucial skill in navigating
online discussions effectively.
adhere to ethical tuân thủ các Media organizations must adhere to ethical
standards chuẩn mực đạo standards in their reporting practices.
adhere to tuân thủ các tiêu The reputable news organization ensures that
professional chuẩn báo chí all its reporters adhere to professional
journalistic chuyên nghiệp journalistic standards to uphold accuracy and
standards ethics in their reporting.
align with phù hợp với lợi ích Users can access news sources online that
interests align with their specific interests.
amplify the khuếch đại sự lan Social media platforms can amplify the
dissemination of truyền dissemination of information worldwide.
at one's trong tầm tay The internet facilitates a quick and seamless
fingertips exchange of information globally.
body language ngôn ngữ cơ thể Digital communication lacks body language
cues present in face-to-face interactions.
breaking news tin nóng, tin đặc The internet is a reliable source for breaking
biệt news and updates.
broader hiểu biết rộng hơn The internet provides a broader
understanding of về understanding of global events and
budget cuts cắt giảm ngân Budget cuts in media organizations have
sách impacted the quality of news reporting.
burnout tình trạng kiệt sức
cater to phục vụ cho các Online news platforms cater to different
different sở thích khác preferences, offering diverse content.
preferences nhau
complex reading đọc phức tạp The internet has made complex reading more
accessible than ever before, with a wide
variety of texts available in digital format.


comprehend and hiểu và diễn giải Online news consumption eliminates the need
interpret các văn bản có to travel to physical stores for newspapers.
nuanced texts sắc thái
confusion sự mơ hồ, sự rối The influx of information online can sometimes
rắm lead to confusion among readers.
conspicuous dễ thấy, đáng chú Digital media's conspicuous nature makes it
ý easily accessible to users.
constant tiếp xúc liên tục Excessive internet use can lead to burnout and
exposure to với a lack of work-life balance.
convey nuances truyền đạt sắc Online communication may struggle to convey
thái the nuances present in verbal exchanges.
credibility sự tín nhiệm, sự The credibility of online news sources is crucial
đáng tin in ensuring accurate and reliable information.
cyberbullying khủng bố qua Practicing online safety measures helps
mạng internet protect against potential risks.
decline làm giảm lượng Traditional media has faced a decline in
readership độc giả readership due to the internet's influence.
depth of chiều sâu của các The depth of online relationships depends on
relationships mối quan hệ active engagement and empathy.
deterioration of sự xuống cấp của The widespread use of digital media can divert
spelling chính tả young people's attention away from academics.
develop the phát triển sự kiên Online learning courses can also help people
patience and nhẫn và tập trung develop patience and concentration, as they
concentration require students to focus on the material and
not give up easily.
discourage deep ngăn cản việc đọc Continuous exposure to easily digestible online
reading and và hiểu sâu content may impede the ability to develop the
comprehension patience and concentration required for
complex reading.
disrupt daily phá vỡ thói quen
routines hàng ngày
diverse quan điểm đa The internet has created a space where
perspectives dạng people can share their diverse perspectives
and learn from each other.
divert young hướng sự chú ý Excessive screen time can lead to reduced
people's của giới trẻ ra exposure to physical activities.
attention away khỏi
easily định dạng dễ tiêu Online news is presented in easily consumable
consumable thụ formats for quick reading.
editorial giám sát biên tập Effective editorial oversight is necessary to
oversight ensure the quality of digital news.


educational tài nguyên giáo Online educational resources support self-

resources dục directed learning and academic growth.
eliminate loại bỏ các hạn The internet eliminates geographical and time
geographical and chế về địa lý và barriers in accessing news.
time constraints thời gian
eliminate the loại bỏ nhu cầu đi Excessive reliance on digital media can lead to
need to travel to đến các cửa hàng potential cybersecurity risks.
physical stores vật lý
empathy sự đồng cảm Displaying empathy in internet interactions
strengthens relationships.
engage in risky tham gia vào hành Engaging in risky online behavior can lead to
online behavior vi nguy hiểm trực privacy and security risks.
enhance nâng cao kiến Online resources can enhance academic
academic thức học thuật knowledge and understanding.
excessive phụ thuộc quá Privacy risks may arise when personal
reliance on mức vào information is unknowingly shared online.
excessive screen thời gian trên màn Social comparison on the internet may lead to
time hình quá nhiều feelings of inadequacy in individuals.
expand social mở rộng mạng xã The internet allows individuals to expand their
networks hội social networks globally.
eye strain sự mỏi mắt Prolonged screen time can lead to eye strain
and discomfort.
facial biểu cảm khuôn Facial expressions are absent in digital
expressions mặt communication, affecting emotional
facilitate quick tạo điều kiện trao Individuals face potential cybersecurity risks
and seamless đổi thông tin when sharing personal information online.
exchange of nhanh chóng và
information liền mạch
fact-checking quy trình kiểm tra Fact-checking processes play a vital role in
processes thực tế verifying information online.
fake news tin giả Fake news can deceive and mislead internet
users, causing harm to society.
fear of missing nỗi sợ bỏ lỡ Constant exposure to digital media can lead to
out a fear of missing out among individuals.
feasible khả thi Building and maintaining relationships online is
feasible and accessible to many.
feelings of cảm giác không
inadequacy đủ
feelings of cảm giác bị cô lập Prolonged online activities can lead to feelings
isolation of isolation and disconnection.


foster a sense of thúc đẩy cảm Social media platforms foster a sense of
connection giác kết nối connection among users with shared interests.
foster critical bồi dưỡng tư duy Accessing a variety of news sources online can
thinking phản biện foster critical thinking skills.
geographical ranh giới địa lý The internet transcends geographical
boundaries boundaries, enabling communication across
give a voice to đưa ra một tiếng Online platforms give a voice to
nói để underrepresented viewpoints and communities.
global events sự kiện toàn cầu The internet connects people around the
world, sharing information on global events.
harassment sự quấy rối Excessive screen time can have adverse
effects on children's well-being and health.
identity theft hành vi trộm cắp Cyberbullying and online harassment are
danh tính significant issues in the digital realm.
immediate phản hồi ngay lập Online platforms allow for immediate
feedback tức feedback, enhancing communication efficiency.
impact sleep ảnh hưởng đến Excessive screen time can impact sleep
patterns giấc ngủ patterns and disrupt daily routines.
impede the cản trở sự phát With information at one's fingertips, individuals
development of triển của can easily access news online.
in-person cuộc trò chuyện In-person conversations foster deeper
conversations trực tiếp connections due to non-verbal cues.
increased risk of tăng nguy cơ mắc Excessive screen time can lead to an
health problems các vấn đề về sức increased risk of health problems.
influx of dòng thông tin The constant influx of information online can be
information overwhelming for some users.
intentionally thông tin cố ý sai Disseminating intentionally misleading
misleading lệch information can lead to confusion among users.
interact with giao lưu với bạn
peers bè
interpersonal tương tác giữa Interpersonal interactions on the internet
interactions các cá nhân have expanded globally.
journalism ngành báo chí The journalism industry has undergone
industry significant transformations due to the internet.
just a few clicks chỉ cần một vài cú Getting news online is just a few clicks away,
nhấp chuột providing quick access to information.
lack of physical thiếu hoạt động The internet's influence on leisure activities
activity thể chất can lead to a lack of physical activity.


lack of work-life thiếu cân bằng Excessive screen time can contribute to a lack
balance giữa công việc và of work-life balance in individuals.
cuộc sống
layoffs sự sa thải The journalism industry has experienced
layoffs due to financial challenges online.
limit exposure to hạn chế tiếp xúc Reading long and complex articles can help
với individuals comprehend and interpret nuanced
maintain duy trì mối quan Consistently engaging with others online helps
relationships hệ maintain meaningful relationships.
meaningful kết nối có ý nghĩa The internet facilitates meaningful connections
connections with people from diverse backgrounds.
misinformation thông tin sai lệch The internet's openness allows for the rapid
spread of misinformation.
misinterpretatio sự hiểu sai Misinterpretation of written messages is a
n common issue in digital communication.
miss out on bỏ lỡ Individuals who avoid social media may miss
out on important updates and news.
misunderstanding hiểu lầm Misunderstandings in internet conversations
s can be minimized by clarifying intentions.
non-verbal cues tín hiệu phi ngôn In online communication, the absence of non-
ngữ verbal cues can lead to misunderstandings.
nuance in sắc thái trong Nuance in conversations might be challenging
conversations các cuộc trò to convey in written text.
obesity béo phì A sedentary lifestyle and excessive screen
time can contribute to obesity in individuals.
obtrusiveness sự chướng mắt The obtrusiveness of internet advertisements
can disrupt the user experience.
omnipresence sự có mặt ở khắp The omnipresence of the internet influences
mọi nơi every aspect of modern life.
online mức độ tương tác Active online engagement fosters a sense of
engagement trực tuyến belonging within virtual communities.
online news tiêu thụ tin tức The rise of online news consumption has
consumption trực tuyến changed the media landscape.
online scams thủ đoạn trực Individuals must safeguard their personal
tuyến information to protect against risks.
over-reliance on sự phụ thuộc quá Over-reliance on virtual interactions can
mức reduce face-to-face communication skills.
people with những người có The internet has made it easier for people
similar interests cùng sở thích và with similar interests and passions to connect
and passions đam mê with each other.


personal growth sự phát triển cá Engaging with online content can foster
nhân personal growth and self-improvement.
pluralistic media bối cảnh truyền The internet fosters a pluralistic media
landscape thông đa dạng landscape with diverse viewpoints.
potential rủi ro an ninh The internet makes users vulnerable to data
cybersecurity mạng tiềm ẩn breaches and identity theft.
present various đưa ra các mối The internet presents various threats to users'
threats đe dọa khác nhau privacy and security.
privacy risk rủi ro riêng tư Online platforms can be susceptible to identity
theft and online scams.
professional phát triển nghề Online resources contribute to continuous
growth nghiệp professional growth and learning.
professional nhà báo chuyên Professional journalists play a critical role in
journalists nghiệp providing accurate and verified news.
promote the use thúc đẩy việc sử The internet has promoted the use of
of abbreviated dụng ngôn ngữ abbreviated language by making it easier to
language viết tắt communicate quickly and efficiently.
protect against bảo vệ trước
potential risks những rủi ro có
thể xảy ra
quick exchanges trao đổi nhanh Online communication often involves quick
exchanges and abbreviated language.
quick-scrolling bản chất cuộn The quick-scrolling nature of digital content
nature of digital nhanh của nội often leads to superficial browsing,
content dung kỹ thuật số discouraging deep reading and comprehension.
real-life social tương tác xã hội Balancing online and real-life interactions
interactions ngoài đời thực enriches social experiences.
reduced sự giảm tiếp xúc Excessive screen time can impede the
exposure to với development of social skills in children.
resolve conflicts giải quyết xung Online conflicts can be resolved through open
đột and respectful communication.
safeguard bảo vệ thông tin
personal cá nhân
sedentary lối sống ít vận Excessive screen time can contribute to a
lifestyle động sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical
seek advice tìm kiếm lời The internet provides a platform for seeking
khuyên advice and expert opinions.
sense of cảm giác thân Online communities provide a sense of
belonging thuộc belonging and support for their members.


shorter attention khoảng thời gian The quick-scrolling nature of digital content
spans tập trung ngắn can lead to shorter attention spans.
shorthand and ngôn ngữ viết tắt The internet's informal language and shorthand
informal và không chính can lead to a deterioration of spelling.
language thức
social so sánh xã hội
social media các nền tảng Social media platforms enable global
platforms mạng xã hội communication and information sharing.
social skills kỹ năng giao tiếp Developing strong social skills is essential for
xã hội successful online interactions.
spread lan truyền Misleading information can spread quickly on
social media platforms.
stay in touch giữ liên lạc với Online communication enables people to stay in
with touch with friends and family worldwide.
stay informed được thông tin Online platforms allow users to stay informed
about về... about global events in real-time.
stay updated on luôn cập nhật Social media enables people to stay updated
on current events and developments.
support self- hỗ trợ tự học Online platforms support self-directed learning
directed learning and personal development.
the captivating bản chất hấp dẫn Parents may limit exposure to screens to
nature of digital của phương tiện mitigate potential risks for children.
media truyền thông kỹ
thuật số
the widespread việc sử dụng rộng The captivating nature of digital media can
use of rãi divert young people's attention away from
other activities.
tone of voice giọng điệu The tone of voice is not evident in text-based
online discussions, potentially causing
traditional media phương tiện Traditional media outlets must adapt to the
outlets truyền thông internet's changing communication landscape.
truyền thống
transform the thay đổi cách trẻ The internet has transformed the way children
way children em kết nối connect and interact with their peers.
undergo rigorous trải qua các quy Reputable news outlets undergo rigorous fact-
fact-checking trình kiểm tra checking processes for credibility.
processes thực tế nghiêm


undermine the làm giảm chất The reduction in resources can undermine the
quality of news lượng tin tức quality of news content on the internet.
undermine the làm suy yếu độ tin The spread of fake news can undermine the
reliability cậy reliability of online sources.
underrepresente quan điểm không Online platforms give a voice to
d viewpoint được đại diện underrepresented viewpoints and communities.
unknowingly vô tình chia sẻ Users must be cautious not to unknowingly
share personal thông tin cá nhân share personal information online.
unwelcome sight một cảnh chướng Pop-up advertisements are an unwelcome sight
mắt for many internet users.
vulnerable to dễ bị vi phạm dữ Internet users should be cautious of online
data breaches liệu scams and fraudulent activities.



english words meaning Example

acquit tuyên bố vô tội The jury decided to acquit the defendant due to
lack of evidence.
arrest bắt giữ The police arrested the suspect at his home.
assault tấn công The victim was brutally assaulted on the street.
assault with a tấn công bằng vũ The suspect was charged with assault with a
deadly weapon khí nguy hiểm deadly weapon.
be apprehended bị bắt giữ bởi The suspect was apprehended by the police
by the police cảnh sát shortly after the crime.
be charged with bị buộc tội tội ác He was charged with a capital offense and could
a capital tử hình face the death penalty.
be charged with bị buộc tội The individual was charged with multiple counts
a crime of robbery.
be implicated in bị dính líu đến The evidence implicated him in the
a crime tội phạm embezzlement scheme.
be subject to bị truy tố Those involved in the scheme will be subject to
prosecution prosecution.
be suspected of bị nghi ngờ có tội The individual is suspected of involvement in the
a crime robbery.
be under bị giám sát The suspect is under surveillance by the
surveillance authorities.
blackmail đe dọa He was blackmailed by an enemy agent
break into đột nhập vào The burglars broke into the store through the
back door.
burglarize đột nhập cướp The house was burglarized while the
tài sản homeowners were away.
burglary trộm cắp The burglary took place while the homeowners
were on vacation.
carry out a tiến hành vụ The criminals planned to carry out a heist on the
heist cướp bank.
carry out an tiến hành điều The police department is carrying out an
investigation tra investigation into the crime.
commit a crime phạm tội He admitted to committing the crime during the
police interrogation.
commit acts of thực hiện hành vi The extremist group was known to commit acts
terrorism khủng bố of terrorism.
commit acts of phá hoại tài sản The group of teenagers committed acts of
vandalism vandalism in the neighborhood.


community công tác phòng The police department implemented community

policing chống tội phạm policing to build trust with residents.
cộng đồng
confess thú nhận The suspect confessed to the crime during the
convict kết án The jury unanimously voted to convict the
corruption vụ bê bối tham The government faced a major corruption
scandal nhũng scandal that led to protests.
crime tội ác The police are investigating the crime that
occurred last night.
crime phòng ngừa tội The neighborhood watch group actively
prevention phạm participates in crime prevention efforts.
crime chiến lược phòng The city implemented various crime prevention
prevention ngừa tội phạm strategies to enhance safety.
crime rate tỷ lệ tội phạm The crime rate in the city has decreased
significantly in recent years.
crime scene phân tích hiện The crime scene analysis provided crucial
analysis trường tội phạm evidence for the investigation.
crime scene điều tra hiện The forensic team meticulously conducted a
investigation trường tội phạm crime scene investigation.
criminal tội phạm The suspect was arrested and identified as a
notorious criminal.
criminal hành vi tội phạm The psychologist studied the factors that lead to
behavior criminal behavior in adolescents.
criminal charges cáo buộc tội The suspect was arrested and now faces
phạm multiple criminal charges.
criminal kết án tội phạm The criminal conviction led to a lengthy prison
conviction sentence.
criminal điều tra tội The detective led a criminal investigation to
investigation phạm solve the murder case.
criminal kỹ thuật điều tra The detective used advanced criminal
investigation tội phạm investigation techniques to solve the case.
criminal đội điều tra tội The criminal investigation unit is responsible for
investigation phạm solving major cases.
criminal justice cải cách tư pháp The country is undergoing criminal justice
reform hình sự reform to improve fairness.
criminal justice hệ thống tư pháp The reforms aim to improve the efficiency of the
system hình sự criminal justice system.


criminal phân tích hồ sơ Criminal profiling helps investigators identify

profiling tội phạm potential suspects.
criminal record tiền án tiền sự His criminal record prevented him from getting
certain job opportunities.
criminal băng nhóm tội The police dismantled a dangerous criminal
syndicate phạm syndicate.
custodial phạt tù The judge imposed a custodial sentence for the
sentence serious crime committed.
cyberbullying nội dung quấy rối The school took strict measures to address
trực tuyến cyberbullying.
cyberbullying phòng ngừa quấy Schools are implementing cyberbullying
prevention rối trực tuyến prevention programs to protect students.
cybercrime tội phạm mạng Cybercrime is becoming a growing concern in
the digital age.
cybercrime phòng ngừa tội The government collaborates with international
prevention phạm mạng agencies for cybercrime prevention.
cybersecurity xâm nhập bảo The company suffered a cybersecurity breach,
breach mật mạng compromising customer data.
cybersecurity biện pháp bảo Companies invest in cybersecurity measures to
measures mật mạng protect sensitive data.
cyberstalking theo dõi trực The victim sought help from the police to deal
tuyến with cyberstalking.
defend bảo vệ The lawyer worked tirelessly to defend the
client in court.
defraud lừa đảo The scammer used fake identities to defraud
unsuspecting victims.
detect phát hiện The security system can detect unauthorized
detention giữ tạm, giam The suspect is currently in detention pending
tạm thời further investigation.
deter ngăn cản Harsh penalties are meant to deter potential
discriminate phân biệt đối xử It is illegal to discriminate against people based
on race.
domestic bạo lực gia đình The government launched campaigns to raise
violence awareness about domestic violence.
drug possession sở hữu trái phép The suspect was arrested for drug possession.
ma túy
drug điều trị ma túy He successfully completed a drug rehabilitation
rehabilitation program and turned his life around.
drug trafficking buôn lậu ma túy Several individuals were arrested for drug


drug trafficking băng nhóm buôn The police busted a drug trafficking ring
ring ma túy operating in the city.
electronic giám sát điện tử The police obtained a warrant for electronic
surveillance surveillance on the suspect.
engage in tham gia hoạt The gang members were known to engage in
criminal activity động tội phạm criminal activity.
engage in illegal tham gia hoạt The company was found to be engaging in illegal
activities động bất hợp activities.
engage in tham gia tội The gang was known to engage in organized
organized crime phạm tổ chức crime activities.
felony tội nặng The suspect was charged with multiple counts of
forge giả mạo, làm giả The criminal forged the victim's signature on the
fraud gian lận The company suffered significant losses due to
financial fraud.
fraudulent hoạt động gian The company conducted an internal investigation
activity lận to detect fraudulent activities.
gang violence bạo lực băng The community is working to reduce gang
nhóm violence and its impact.
harass quấy rối The coworker was fired for harassing colleagues
at work.
harassment sự quấy rối The company has a strict policy against
workplace harassment.
harsh phán quyết The judge handed down a harsh sentencing to
sentencing nghiêm khắc deter others from committing the same crime.
hate crime tội ác phân biệt The attack was investigated as a possible hate
chủng tộc crime.
hate crime luật pháp về tội The government passed hate crime legislation to
legislation ác phân biệt address discrimination.
chủng tộc
hate speech lời lẽ thù ghét The government is taking measures to combat
hate speech and promote tolerance.
have a criminal có tiền án Due to his criminal record, he had difficulty
record finding a job.
human rights vi phạm quyền International organizations condemn human
violations con người rights violations in the country.
identity fraud lừa đảo danh The victim's personal information was stolen,
tính leading to identity fraud.
identity theft trộm danh tính The victim's identity was stolen, leading to
financial losses.


impose a tuyên án The judge will impose a sentence based on the

sentence severity of the crime.
incarceration sự giam cầm The judge handed down a lengthy incarceration
for the crime.
incarceration tỉ lệ tù tội The country's high incarceration rate is a
rate concern for human rights activists.
infiltrate tiếp cận, xâm Undercover agents tried to infiltrate the
nhập criminal organization.
infringement vi phạm The copyright infringement led to a lawsuit
against the company.
injunction lệnh cấm The court issued an injunction to prevent further
interrogate thẩm vấn, tra The police interrogated the suspect for hours.
intervene can thiệp The police intervened to prevent further
investigate điều tra The police are actively investigating the crime
jurisdiction thẩm quyền The case falls under the jurisdiction of the
federal court.
juvenile tội phạm thanh The government implements programs to
delinquency thiếu niên address juvenile delinquency.
kidnap bắt cóc The kidnappers demanded a ransom for the safe
return of the victim.
launch an khởi xướng cuộc The government will launch an inquiry into the
inquiry điều tra corruption scandal.
law enforcement lực lượng thi hành Law enforcement agencies work together to
pháp luật maintain public safety.
loot cướp lấy, cướp The rioters looted stores during the violent
phá protest.
manslaughter giết người không The suspect was charged with manslaughter for
chủ ý causing a fatal accident.
misdemeanor tội nhẹ Shoplifting is considered a misdemeanor offense.
money rửa tiền The authorities are cracking down on money
laundering laundering activities.
monitor theo dõi, giám The police monitor high-crime areas to deter
sát criminal activities.
murder giết người The police are conducting a murder
offender kẻ vi phạm Repeat offenders may face stricter penalties.
online quấy rối trực The company has strict policies against online
harassment tuyến harassment in the workplace.


online scam lừa đảo trực The internet is rife with online scams that target
tuyến unsuspecting users.
organized crime tội phạm tổ chức The authorities dismantled a notorious
organized crime syndicate.
perpetrator thủ phạm The police are searching for the perpetrator of
the robbery.
personal safety an toàn cá nhân The company provides training on personal
safety to its employees.
plead guilty/not thú nhận/từ chối The suspect decided to plead guilty to avoid a
guilty tội lengthy trial.
prejudice and điều định và The organization aims to combat prejudice and
discrimination phân biệt đối xử discrimination in society.
probation thời gian quản The offender was put on probation after the
chế trial.
public gây rối trật tự The protesters were arrested for causing a
disturbance công cộng public disturbance.
punish trừng phạt The court will punish those found guilty of the
recidivism tái phạm The high recidivism rate poses challenges for
rehabilitation cai nghiện, phục The program focuses on the rehabilitation of
hồi offenders.
rehabilitation trung tâm cai He voluntarily checked into a rehabilitation
center nghiện center to address his addiction.
rehabilitation chương trình cai The court ordered the offender to complete a
program nghiện rehabilitation program.
release phóng thích After serving his sentence, he was released
from prison.
reparation đền bù The victim received reparations for the
damages incurred.
repeat offender tội phạm tái The repeat offender was arrested again for
phạm committing a similar crime.
report báo cáo The victim went to the police station to report
the incident.
rob cướp The masked robber robbed the bank at
robbery cướp bóc The bank robbery was carefully planned and
safeguard bảo vệ The government has a responsibility to
safeguard its citizens.
shoplifting trộm cắp trong The security cameras captured the act of
cửa hàng shoplifting.


smuggle buôn lậu Customs officers caught the smugglers at the

speeding vi phạm vượt tốc The driver received a ticket for a speeding
violation độ violation on the highway.
stand trial đứng tòa xét xử The accused will stand trial for the charges
brought against them.
steal trộm Thieves stole valuable artwork from the museum.
substance abuse lạm dụng chất The organization provides support for
gây nghiện individuals struggling with substance abuse.
surveillance camera giám sát The surveillance cameras captured the suspect's
camera movements in the area.
surveillance hình ảnh giám The surveillance footage captured the suspect
footage sát fleeing the scene.
terrorism khủng bố The country's security forces are vigilant against
testify làm chứng, làm The witness was called to testify during the trial.
lời khai
theft trộm cắp The store owner reported a theft of valuable
traffic buôn bán, mua The police arrested the individuals involved in
bán trái phép human trafficking.
vandalism sự phá hoại The park suffered from vandalism, with graffiti
on the walls.
vandalize phá hoại Vandals defaced public property with graffiti.
victim support hỗ trợ nạn nhân The organization offers victim support services
for those affected by crime.
white-collar tội phạm trí tuệ The businessman was involved in white-collar
crime cao crimes related to fraud.
wiretapping nghe lén Wiretapping is illegal without proper
witness chứng kiến, là She witnessed the crime and agreed to be a
nhân chứng witness in court.
witness bảo vệ nhân The witness was placed under witness
protection chứng protection to ensure their safety.
witness chương trình bảo The key witness was placed under a witness
protection vệ nhân chứng protection program to ensure safety.
witness lời khai nhân The witness testimony played a crucial role in
testimony chứng convicting the accused.
wrongful kết án sai The innocent man spent years in prison due to a
conviction wrongful conviction.
youth crime tội phạm thanh The community is concerned about the
thiếu niên increasing rate of youth crime.


youth tội phạm thanh The community is working on prevention

delinquency thiếu niên programs to reduce youth delinquency.



english words meaning example

ad placement việc đặt quảng The ad placement on the website
cáo generated high click-through rates.
addiction and sự nghiện và Advertising can promote addiction and
harmful habits thói quen nguy harmful behaviors.
advertisement quảng cáo The advertisement promotes a new
advertisements quảng cáo sản Advertising unhealthy products can
promoting phẩm không contribute to public health issues.
unhealthy products lành mạnh
advertisements quảng cáo nhắm Regulations are in place to restrict
targeting children vào trẻ em advertisements targeting children.
advertiser nhà quảng cáo The advertiser worked on creating
captivating visuals for the ad.
advertisers' chiến thuật của Some advertisers use deceptive tactics
tactics nhà quảng cáo to attract customers.
advertising agency công ty quảng The advertising agency created a
cáo creative ad for the client.
advertising agency dịch vụ của The advertising agency offers a range of
services công ty quảng services to its clients.
advertising and nghiên cứu Advertising and consumer behavior
consumer behavior quảng cáo và research identify patterns of consumer
research hành vi tiêu response.
advertising budget ngân sách The company allocated a significant
quảng cáo advertising budget for the campaign.
advertising budget phân bổ ngân The company carefully considers
allocation sách quảng cáo advertising budget allocation per
advertising chiến dịch The advertising campaign increased
campaign quảng cáo brand awareness significantly.
advertising hiệu quả của The advertising campaign effectiveness
campaign chiến dịch was measured through surveys.
effectiveness quảng cáo
advertising tác động của The advertising campaign significantly
campaign impact chiến dịch impacted sales of the product.
on sales quảng cáo đối
với doanh số
bán hàng


advertising chiến lược chiến The company developed an effective

campaign strategy dịch quảng cáo advertising campaign strategy.
advertising sáng tạo và đổi The advertising creativity and innovation
creativity and mới trong quảng set the brand apart from competitors.
innovation cáo
advertising hiệu quả của The company measured the advertising
effectiveness quảng cáo effectiveness through surveys.
advertising phân tích hiệu The advertising effectiveness analysis
effectiveness quả quảng cáo revealed positive consumer response.
advertising ethics đạo đức trong Advertisers should adhere to ethical
quảng cáo standards when creating ads.
advertising chi phí quảng The company reduced advertising
expenditure cáo expenditure during the pandemic.
advertising impact tác động của The advertising impact on brand
quảng cáo perception was measured through
advertising ngành công The advertising industry plays a
industry nghiệp quảng significant role in the economy.
advertising media sự kết hợp The advertising media mix includes TV,
mix phương tiện radio, and online platforms.
quảng cáo
advertising tùy chỉnh thông The advertising message customization is
message điệp quảng cáo tailored to different target groups.
advertising mục tiêu của The company set clear advertising
objectives quảng cáo objectives to increase sales.
advertising nền tảng quảng Social media platforms are popular
platform cáo advertising channels.
advertising reach phạm vi và tần The advertising reach and frequency are
and frequency suất quảng cáo key metrics for campaign success.
advertising quy định về There are strict advertising regulations
regulations quảng cáo to protect consumers' interests.
advertising doanh thu từ The website's main source of income is
revenue quảng cáo advertising revenue.
advertising nguồn thu từ Online advertising and sponsorships are
revenue sources quảng cáo major advertising revenue sources.
advertising chiến lược The advertising strategy focuses on
strategy quảng cáo targeting young professionals.
advertising công nghệ Creative advertising techniques can
techniques quảng cáo capture the audience's attention.
aggressive chiến thuật tiếp Aggressive marketing tactics can annoy
marketing tactics thị quyết liệt and alienate consumers.

analyze phân tích hiệu The team analyzes advertising

advertising suất quảng cáo performance to make data-driven
performance decisions.
appeal to hấp dẫn những Fear-based ads appeal to consumers'
consumers' fears nỗi sợ hãi của fears to influence their choices.
người tiêu dùng
billboard biển quảng cáo, The billboard on the highway grabs the
bảng hiệu attention of drivers.
body image bóp méo hình Advertising may lead to body image
distortion ảnh cơ thể distortion and unhealthy ideals.
boost sales tăng doanh số The advertising campaign aims to boost
through bán hàng qua sales during the promotion period.
advertising quảng cáo
branding xây dựng thương Effective branding helps create a strong
hiệu identity for the company.
call-to-action kêu gọi hành The ad includes a clear call-to-action to
động visit the website.
capture the thu hút sự chú ý The captivating ad successfully captured
audience's của khán giả the audience's attention.
catchy slogan câu khẩu hiệu The company's catchy slogan resonated
lôi cuốn with the target audience.
celebrity ủng hộ của The celebrity endorsement boosted the
endorsement người nổi tiếng credibility of the product.
commercial quảng cáo trên The company aired a new commercial
truyền hình during prime time.
commercial quảng cáo The TV channel earns revenue from
advertising thương mại commercial advertising.
commercial break giờ giải lao trên The show was interrupted by a
truyền hình commercial break.
conduct market tiến hành Market research helps in understanding
research nghiên cứu thị consumer preferences and needs.
consumer người tiêu dùng Understanding consumer behavior is
essential for successful marketing.
consumer thao túng người Consumer manipulation exploits emotions
manipulation tiêu dùng to encourage purchases.
contribute to body góp phần tạo Certain ads contribute to body image
image distortion nên bóp méo distortion, especially among young people.
hình ảnh cơ thể
convey a clear truyền tải một The ad conveys a clear message about
message thông điệp rõ the benefits of the product.


create a tạo một thông The team worked together to create a

compelling điệp quảng cáo compelling advertising message.
advertising hấp dẫn
create a sense of tạo ra cảm giác Some ads create a sense of
dissatisfaction không hài lòng dissatisfaction to urge consumers to buy
new products.
create an tạo một chiến The marketing team will create an
advertising dịch quảng cáo advertising campaign for the new
campaign product.
cross-promotion quảng cáo đồng The collaboration involves cross-
loạt promotion of each other's products.
digital advertising quảng cáo kỹ Digital advertising allows precise
thuật số targeting of online audiences.
digital advertising chiến dịch The digital advertising campaign reached
campaign quảng cáo kỹ a wide online audience.
thuật số
digital advertising chiến lược The company adapted its digital
strategy quảng cáo kỹ advertising strategy to reach younger
thuật số audiences.
emotional appeal sự thu hút cảm Emotional appeal in advertising can
in advertising xúc trong quảng create a strong connection with
cáo consumers.
encourage khuyến khích Advertising can encourage excessive
excessive tiêu thụ quá consumption and wasteful habits.
consumption mức
encourage khuyến khích Encouraging wasteful consumption
wasteful tiêu thụ lãng phí contributes to environmental issues.
endorsement sự ủng hộ, giới The celebrity's endorsement of the
thiệu sản phẩm product boosted sales.
engage customers tương tác với Interactive ads encourage customers to
through khách hàng qua participate and engage.
interactive ads quảng cáo
tương tác
engage in tham gia tiếp The brand engaged in influencer
influencer thị thông qua marketing to reach a wider audience.
marketing người có ảnh
engage with tương tác với The company uses social media to engage
potential khách hàng with potential customers.
customers tiềm năng
enhance brand nâng cao hình The new advertising campaign aims to
image ảnh thương hiệu enhance the brand image.


environmental sự suy thoái môi Some advertising contributes to

degradation trường environmental degradation through
environmental tác động môi The environmental impact of advertising
impact of trường của has led to sustainability efforts.
advertising quảng cáo
ethical concerns in những vấn đề Ethical concerns in advertising require
advertising đạo đức trong transparency and honest messaging.
quảng cáo
excessive thương mại hóa Excessive commercialization can cheapen
commercialization quá mức cultural and artistic content.
exploit children's lợi dụng sự yếu Advertising should not exploit children's
vulnerability đuối của trẻ em vulnerability for commercial gain.
exploit emotions lợi dụng cảm Some ads exploit emotions to manipulate
xúc consumers into making impulsive
exploit people's lợi dụng nỗi sợ Fear-based advertising can exploit
fears hãi của con people's fears for profit.
exploit vulnerable lợi dụng những Some ads exploit vulnerable populations
populations nhóm dễ tổn for profit without consideration.
exploitation of khai thác nỗi sợ Advertising can exploit fear and
fear and insecurity hãi và bất an insecurity to sell products.
false claims tuyên bố sai False claims in advertising misrepresent
lệch product capabilities.
false sense of cảm giác khẩn Creating a false sense of urgency can
urgency cấp giả tạo pressure consumers into buying.
feed on people's nuôi dưỡng Ads may feed on people's desires to
desires những mong increase sales.
muốn của con
foster a sense of tạo ra cảm giác Ads may foster a sense of inadequacy to
inadequacy không đủ sell products promising improvement.
foster an unhealthy khuyến khích Advertising can foster a culture of
consumer culture văn hóa tiêu thụ excessive consumption and waste.
không lành
foster khuyến khích Advertising may foster materialistic
materialistic giá trị chủ values over personal well-being.
values nghĩa vật chất
foster unrealistic tạo ra kỳ vọng Advertising can foster unrealistic
expectations không thực tế expectations about product performance.


generate brand tạo ra nhận The advertising efforts aim to generate

awareness thức về thương brand awareness among consumers.
global advertising quảng cáo toàn Global advertising requires understanding
cầu different cultural norms.
implement thực hiện chiến The company will implement new
advertising lược quảng cáo advertising strategies for the holiday
strategies season.
implement creative triển khai các The marketing team implements creative
marketing kỹ thuật tiếp thị techniques to stand out.
techniques sáng tạo
implement triển khai lời Effective call-to-action prompts viewers
effective call-to- kêu gọi hành to take desired actions.
action in ads động hiệu quả
trong quảng
implement online triển khai các The company implements various online
advertising chiến lược advertising strategies.
strategies quảng cáo trực
implement triển khai The company implemented targeted
targeted quảng cáo nhắm advertising to reach its ideal customers.
advertising mục tiêu
incorporate humor kết hợp hài Humor in advertising can create a
in advertising hước trong positive impression and brand recall.
quảng cáo
incorporate kết hợp chuyện The ad incorporates storytelling to
storytelling into kể chuyện vào create an emotional connection.
ads quảng cáo
influence consumer ảnh hưởng hành Clever advertising can influence
behavior vi người tiêu consumer behavior and preferences.
influence consumer ảnh hưởng The ad aims to influence consumer
purchasing quyết định mua purchasing decisions.
decisions hàng của người
tiêu dùng
influencer tiếp thị thông The company collaborated with
marketing qua người có influencers to promote their products.
ảnh hưởng
instill fear and gieo rắc nỗi sợ Fear-based advertising can instill
anxiety hãi và lo âu unnecessary fear and anxiety in


interactive nền tảng quảng Interactive advertising platforms engage

advertising cáo tương tác users in two-way communication.
invasive thực hành Invasive advertising practices may lead
advertising quảng cáo xâm to consumer annoyance and resistance.
practices nhập
leverage social tận dụng mạng Social media is leveraged as a powerful
media for xã hội cho platform for advertising.
advertising quảng cáo
manipulate thao túng hành The company uses psychological tactics to
consumer behavior vi người tiêu manipulate consumer behavior.
manipulate thao túng quyết The ad uses persuasive techniques to
purchase decisions định mua hàng manipulate purchase decisions.
của người tiêu
market research nghiên cứu thị Market research helps companies
trường understand consumer preferences.
marketing tiếp thị The company invested heavily in
marketing to reach a wider audience.
materialistic thúc đẩy giá trị Advertising may promote materialistic
values promotion chủ nghĩa vật values over personal well-being.
measure đo lường hiệu It is essential to measure advertising
advertising quả quảng cáo effectiveness to assess its impact.
mislead consumers lừa dối người The advertisement can mislead consumers
tiêu dùng about the product's actual benefits.
misleading quảng cáo sai Misleading advertising can damage the
advertising lệch reputation of a brand.
mobile advertising quảng cáo di Mobile advertising reaches consumers on
động their smartphones and tablets.
multilingual chiến dịch Multilingual advertising campaigns appeal
advertising quảng cáo đa to diverse international markets.
campaigns ngôn ngữ
negative impact on tác động tiêu Advertisements may negatively impact
self-esteem cực đến lòng tự individuals' self-esteem.
negative impact on tác động tiêu Advertising can influence negative social
social values cực đến giá trị values and behaviors.
xã hội
niche advertising quảng cáo định Niche advertising targets specific
targeting specific hướng đối tượng audiences with unique interests.
audiences cụ thể


offensive quảng cáo xúc Offensive advertising can lead to public

advertising phạm backlash and boycotts.
online advertising nền tảng quảng The online advertising platform provides
platform cáo trực tuyến tools to track ad performance.
optimize ad tối ưu hóa vị trí The company optimizes ad placement to
placement for quảng cáo để reach the maximum audience.
maximum exposure tăng hiệu quả
optimize tối ưu hóa hiệu The marketing team continuously
advertising suất quảng cáo optimizes advertising performance.
outdoor việc đặt quảng The strategic outdoor advertising
advertising cáo ngoài trời placement attracted high foot traffic.
overwhelming tiêu thụ quá đà Overwhelming consumerism leads to
consumerism của người tiêu excessive consumption and waste.
paid advertising quảng cáo trả The company assessed the benefits of
versus organic tiền so với tiếp paid advertising compared to organic
marketing thị tự nhiên marketing.
persuasive có tính thuyết The persuasive ad convinced many people
phục to try the new product.
play on people's lợi dụng những Some ads play on people's insecurities to
insecurities bất an của con sell beauty or fitness products.
prey on consumers' lợi dụng những Some ads prey on consumers' anxieties to
anxieties lo âu của người create a demand for products.
tiêu dùng
prey on lợi dụng những Certain ads prey on insecurities to sell
insecurities bất an của unnecessary products.
người tiêu dùng
privacy invasion xâm phạm Privacy invasion through data collection
through data quyền riêng tư raises ethical concerns.
collection qua thu thập dữ
product chiến lược The company devised a product
advertising quảng cáo sản advertising strategy to target new
strategy phẩm markets.
product awareness nhận thức về The advertising campaign increased
sản phẩm product awareness among consumers.
product triển lãm sản The product demonstration showcased
demonstration phẩm the features and benefits of the item.
product sự ủng hộ sản Product endorsements by influencers can
endorsements by phẩm từ những lead to increased brand credibility.


người có ảnh
product launch sự ra mắt sản The product launch event attracted a
phẩm large crowd of customers.
product over- hứa hẹn quá Product over-promises can lead to
promise mức của sản customer disappointment.
product placement đặt hàng hóa The movie features subtle product
trong phim placement of various brands.
promote a product quảng bá một The company uses various channels to
sản phẩm promote its latest product.
promote impulsive khuyến khích Ads that promote impulsive buying may
buying mua sắm bốc lead to regretful purchases.
promote products quảng bá sản The company promotes products by
through phẩm qua người collaborating with influencers.
influencers có ảnh hưởng
promote unhealthy khuyến khích Ads promoting thin body ideals can harm
body ideals tiêu chuẩn vóc body image.
dáng không lành
promoting khuyến khích Advertising promoting unhealthy habits
unhealthy habits thói quen không can harm public health.
lành mạnh
promotional chiến dịch The company launched a promotional
campaign quảng bá campaign to introduce a new product.
publicity sự chú ý của The controversy generated a lot of
công chúng publicity for the brand.
run an advertising tiến hành một The company plans to run an advertising
campaign chiến dịch campaign during the holiday season.
quảng cáo
sales pitch lời giới thiệu The salesperson delivered an engaging
sản phẩm khi sales pitch to potential buyers.
bán hàng
social division and chia rẽ xã hội Some advertising perpetuates social
stereotypes và định kiến division and reinforces stereotypes.
social media quảng cáo trên Social media advertising enables direct
advertising mạng xã hội engagement with customers.
social media tiếp thị trên Social media marketing has become
marketing mạng xã hội crucial for reaching younger consumers.
sponsorship tài trợ, nhà tài The event was made possible thanks to
trợ the generous sponsorship.
strengthen brand củng cố vị thế The advertising efforts aim to strengthen
positioning của thương hiệu the brand's market position.

tailor ads to điều chỉnh Ads are tailored to appeal to various

different target quảng cáo cho target audiences.
audiences các đối tượng
khác nhau
target audience đối tượng mục The ad campaign is designed to appeal to
tiêu a specific target audience.
target specific nhắm mục tiêu The ad campaign is designed to target
demographics nhóm đối tượng specific demographics.
cụ thể
target vulnerable nhắm vào nhóm Targeting vulnerable groups can lead to
groups dễ tổn thương exploitation and harm.
undermine self- làm suy yếu lòng Ads promoting beauty standards can
confidence tự tin undermine individuals' self-confidence.
underplay negative xem nhẹ các The ad underplays the negative
consequences hậu quả tiêu consequences of the product to attract
cực buyers.
unrealistic beauty tiêu chuẩn vẻ Unrealistic beauty standards can harm
standards đẹp không thực body image and self-esteem.
use visual elements sử dụng yếu tố Visual elements are powerful in creating
in advertising hình ảnh trong memorable advertisements.
quảng cáo
utilize data-driven sử dụng quảng Data-driven advertising allows for
advertising cáo dựa trên dữ personalized and relevant ads.
utilize emotional sử dụng sự thu Emotional appeal can evoke strong
appeal in hút cảm xúc reactions and connect with viewers.
advertising trong quảng
utilize persuasive sử dụng các kỹ Persuasive techniques are used to
techniques in ads thuật thuyết encourage consumers to take action.
phục trong
quảng cáo
utilize social media sử dụng quảng The company utilizes social media
advertising cáo trên mạng advertising to engage with its audience.
xã hội
viral advertising quảng cáo lan The video went viral, reaching millions of
truyền views through social media.
viral advertising chiến dịch The viral advertising campaign reached
campaign quảng cáo lan millions of shares and likes.
word-of-mouth lan truyền The success of the product spread
thông qua lời through positive word-of-mouth.



english words meaning example

a box-office hit phim gây sốt The latest blockbuster movie became a box-
trên thị trường office hit, attracting audiences worldwide
and breaking revenue records.
a captivating cốt truyện hấp The movie's captivating storyline kept the
storyline dẫn audience on the edge of their seats
throughout the entire film.
a critically một bộ phim The movie received critical acclaim from
acclaimed film được khen ngợi reviewers and audiences alike, praising its
exceptional quality and impact.
a door to new cửa vào tới các Science fiction and fantasy books can open a
worlds thế giới mới door to new worlds, where imagination knows
no bounds.
a gateway to new cửa ngõ tới ý Non-fiction books can serve as a gateway to
ideas tưởng mới new ideas, inspiring readers to explore
different fields of knowledge.
a gripping and bộ phim hấp dẫn The gripping and suspenseful thriller kept the
suspenseful thriller và căng thẳng audience on the edge of their seats, eagerly
anticipating each twist and turn.
a gripping câu chuyện hấp The movie's gripping narrative kept the
narrative dẫn audience engrossed, eager to find out what
happens next and how the story unfolds.
a heartwarming câu chuyện ấm The heartwarming and uplifting tale left the
and uplifting tale lòng và đem lại audience feeling inspired and hopeful,
hi vọng reminding them of the power of human
a journey of self- hành trình khám Autobiographies can take readers on a
discovery phá bản thân profound journey of self-discovery,
uncovering the author's life experiences and
a lifelong người bạn đồng For many avid readers, books become a
companion hành suốt đời lifelong companion, providing comfort and
companionship throughout the years.
a must-see movie phim không thể The highly acclaimed film quickly became a
bỏ qua must-see movie, attracting both critics and
casual moviegoers alike.
a must-watch for bắt buộc xem The critically acclaimed movie was a must-
film enthusiasts đối với người watch for film enthusiasts, appreciating its
hâm mộ phim artistic merits and storytelling prowess.


a rollercoaster of cuộc hành trình The movie took the audience on a

emotions cảm xúc rollercoaster of emotions, evoking laughter,
tears, and everything in between.
a source of nguồn an ủi For some, reading is a source of comfort,
comfort offering solace and a sense of belonging,
especially during challenging times.
a source of nguồn cảm hứng Biographies of remarkable individuals often
inspiration become a source of inspiration for those
seeking success and personal growth.
a source of solace nguồn an ủi During difficult times, books can be a source
of solace, offering comfort and a temporary
escape from reality.
a stellar cast dàn diễn viên The movie boasted a stellar cast, featuring
xuất sắc some of the industry's most talented and well-
known actors.
a stellar màn trình diễn The lead actor delivered a stellar
performance xuất sắc performance, earning critical acclaim for his
portrayal of the character.
a thought- cốt truyện kích The thought-provoking plot of the film left the
provoking plot thích suy tư audience contemplating its deeper meaning
long after leaving the theater.
a timeless classic một kiệt tác The movie has stood the test of time and
vượt thời gian remains a timeless classic, beloved by
generations of audiences for its enduring
a touching and một bộ phim The touching and poignant drama tugged at
poignant drama cảm động và the audience's heartstrings, leaving a lasting
sâu lắng emotional impact.
a treasure trove of kho tàng tri Libraries are a treasure trove of knowledge,
knowledge thức housing a vast collection of books on various
a visually trải nghiệm hình The movie provided a visually immersive
immersive ảnh sâu sắc experience, making the audience feel like
experience they were part of the story's world.
a visually cảnh quan hình The movie's grand battle scenes were a
impressive ảnh ấn tượng visually impressive spectacle, leaving the
spectacle audience in awe of the epic scale and
a visually stunning kiệt tác đẹp The movie's breathtaking visuals and artistic
masterpiece mắt brilliance made it a visually stunning
masterpiece that left the audience in awe.
a window to the cửa sổ về thế Books can serve as a window to the world,
world giới exposing readers to different cultures and


acquire knowledge tiếp nhận kiến Books provide a valuable opportunity to

thức acquire knowledge on a wide range of
subjects, from history to science and beyond.
an emotional cuộc hành trình The movie took the audience on an emotional
rollercoaster cảm xúc rollercoaster, evoking a wide range of
feelings, from joy to heartache, and
everything in between.
an unforgettable trải nghiệm Watching the movie was an unforgettable
movie experience phim không thể experience, leaving a lasting impression on
quên the audience with its powerful storytelling
and performances.
bridge the nhịp cầu giữa Books can bridge the generation gap, as they
generation gap các thế hệ are a shared source of knowledge and
wisdom for people of all ages.
bring a character mang một nhân The talented actor brought the complex
to life vật sống động character to life, infusing it with depth and
authenticity that resonated with the
bring a sense of mang đến sự The movie's authentic portrayal of the time
authenticity chân thực period brought a sense of authenticity to the
historical drama, making it more immersive.
broaden cultural mở rộng sự hiểu Reading books from different cultures can
understanding biết văn hóa broaden cultural understanding, fostering
respect and appreciation for diversity.
broaden one's mở rộng tầm Reading books from diverse cultures can
horizons nhìn broaden one's horizons and lead to a greater
understanding of the world.
capture the thu hút tưởng The movie's unique concept and stunning
audience's tượng của khán visuals captured the audience's imagination,
imagination giả making it a memorable cinematic experience.
cinematic sự xuất sắc The movie was a shining example of cinematic
excellence trong điện ảnh excellence, with its outstanding direction,
writing, and performances garnering critical
cinematic kiệt tác điện The film was hailed as a cinematic
masterpiece ảnh masterpiece for its exceptional storytelling
and artistic brilliance.
cinematic kể chuyện điện The movie showcased cinematic storytelling
storytelling at its ảnh tinh tế nhất at its finest, using visual elements and
finest narrative techniques to captivate the
compelling phát triển nhân The movie's compelling character
character vật hấp dẫn development allowed the audience to connect


with the characters on a deep emotional

compelling câu chuyện hấp The movie's compelling narrative took the
narrative dẫn audience on an emotional journey, evoking a
range of feelings and emotions.
convey a powerful truyền tải thông The movie skillfully conveyed a powerful
message điệp mạnh mẽ message about the importance of family and
forgiveness, leaving a lasting impact on the
convey a sense of truyền tải một The movie's use of lighting and music
atmosphere cảm giác bầu effectively conveyed a sense of eerie
không khí atmosphere, setting the tone for the
suspenseful plot.
convey a sense of truyền tải một The movie's attention to detail and authentic
realism cảm giác chân performances conveyed a sense of realism,
thực making the story and characters relatable.
convey complex truyền tải các The thought-provoking movie successfully
themes and ideas chủ đề và ý conveyed complex themes and ideas, sparking
tưởng phức tạp discussions and reflections among viewers.
convey the truyền tải tầm The movie effectively conveyed the director's
director's vision nhìn của đạo vision, translating their creative ideas and
diễn artistic vision onto the screen.
craft a compelling xây dựng cốt The screenwriter skillfully crafted a
narrative truyện hấp dẫn compelling narrative, weaving together
intriguing plot twists that held the audience's
craft memorable xây dựng những The screenwriter crafted memorable and
and relatable nhân vật đáng relatable characters, endearing them to the
characters nhớ và dễ đồng audience and making them feel like old
cảm friends.
create a lasting tạo ra ấn tượng The movie's powerful message and emotional
impact lâu dài scenes created a lasting impact on the
audience, leaving them reflecting on its
create a sense of tạo ra cảm giác Book clubs and reading groups create a
community cộng đồng sense of community, allowing readers to
connect with others who share similar
literary interests.
create a tạo ra không khí The movie's haunting score and clever use of
suspenseful căng thẳng suspenseful techniques created a suspenseful
atmosphere atmosphere, keeping the audience on edge.
cultivate a reading xây dựng thói Parents and educators play a crucial role in
habit quen đọc sách cultivating a reading habit in children, which
leads to a love for books in the future.


cultivate a sense of xây dựng khả Books that explore different cultures and
appreciation năng đánh giá perspectives can cultivate a sense of
cao appreciation for diversity and
cultivate a sense of nâng cao khả Reading books with diverse characters and
empathy năng đồng cảm experiences can cultivate a sense of empathy
and understanding towards others.
cultivate a sense of nâng cao khả Reading books with diverse characters and
empathy năng đồng cảm experiences can cultivate a sense of empathy
and understanding towards others.
cultivate an xây dựng tư duy Reading books that pose thought-provoking
inquiring mind chủ động questions can cultivate an inquiring mind,
encouraging readers to seek answers and
explore new ideas.
cultivate critical rèn luyện tư duy Engaging with thought-provoking books can
thinking phản biện cultivate critical thinking skills and the ability
to analyze complex ideas.
deepen one's làm sâu thêm sự Engaging with challenging material can
understanding hiểu biết deepen one's understanding of complex
concepts and ideas.
deliver a standout thể hiện một The lead actor delivered a standout
performance màn trình diễn performance, showcasing his exceptional
nổi bật talent and versatility in portraying the
depict a sense of miêu tả một The movie depicted the challenges of
realism cảm giác chân everyday life with a sense of realism, making
thực the characters and situations relatable to
the audience.
depict historical miêu tả sự kiện The movie depicted historical events
events lịch sử một cách authentically, staying true to the period's
authentically chân thực details and atmosphere, enhancing its
develop a deep xây dựng mối The well-developed characters and heartfelt
emotional liên kết cảm xúc performances allowed the audience to
connection sâu sắc develop a deep emotional connection with
the story.
develop a deeper phát triển sự Non-fiction books can help readers develop a
understanding hiểu biết sâu deeper understanding of complex issues and
hơn historical events.
develop empathy phát triển khả Reading books that delve into characters'
năng đồng cảm emotions can help develop empathy and
understanding towards others.


dive into a good đắm mình vào After a long day, there's nothing better than
book một cuốn sách diving into a good book to unwind and relax.
elicit genuine gợi lên những The heartwarming scenes elicited genuine
emotions cảm xúc chân emotions from the audience, making them
thành laugh and cry with the characters' joys and
embody the hiện thân bản The actor fully embodied the essence of the
essence of a chất của một character, capturing the character's
character nhân vật personality and mannerisms with authenticity.
emotionally diễn xuất đầy The actors' emotionally charged
charged cảm xúc performances added depth and authenticity
performances to the characters, making them resonate with
the audience.
encourage a habit khuyến khích Engaging with books mindfully can encourage
of mindfulness thói quen tập a habit of mindfulness, helping individuals stay
trung present and fully immersed in the reading
encourage a sense khuyến khích Books stimulate curiosity, encouraging
of curiosity tính tò mò readers to explore new subjects and seek
answers to intriguing questions.
encourage critical khuyến khích Reading literary classics can encourage
analysis phân tích chính critical analysis of characters, themes, and
xác symbolism within the text.
encourage critical khuyến khích tư Engaging with complex ideas in books can
thinking duy phản biện encourage critical thinking, enabling readers
to analyze and question various perspectives.
encourage self- khuyến khích tự Books with introspective themes can
reflection suy ngẫm encourage self-reflection, prompting readers
to contemplate their own beliefs and values.
engage the gây sự tham gia The movie's heartfelt storytelling and
audience cảm xúc của relatable characters engaged the audience
emotionally khán giả emotionally, making them deeply invested in
the story.
enlighten the mind mở rộng kiến Reading thought-provoking books can
thức enlighten the mind and challenge
preconceived notions.
escape into a trốn thoát vào Fiction books allow readers to escape into a
different world một thế giới different world, leaving behind their
khác everyday worries and stress.
evocative nhạc nền sâu The evocative soundtrack of the film added
soundtrack lắng an emotional layer to the storytelling,
enhancing the audience's connection with the


evoke a sense of gợi lên một cảm The classic movie evoked a sense of
nostalgia giác hoài niệm nostalgia, transporting older audiences back
to their youth and introducing its magic to a
new generation.
evoke a sense of gợi lên cảm giác The movie's fantastical world and imaginative
wonder kỳ diệu creatures evoked a sense of wonder,
transporting the audience to a magical realm.
evoke strong gợi lên những The powerful performances by the actors
emotions cảm xúc mạnh evoked strong emotions, leaving the audience
mẽ in tears during the emotional scenes.
exceptional acting diễn xuất xuất The lead actress delivered exceptional
sắc acting, effortlessly portraying a wide range
of emotions and nuances in her character.
execute thực hiện các The movie's stunt team executed
breathtaking đoạn hành động breathtaking action sequences, thrilling the
action sequences nghẹt thở audience with heart-pounding and visually
stunning scenes.
expand one's mở rộng tầm Reading books from diverse authors and
horizons nhìn genres can help expand one's horizons and
understanding of the world.
expand one's mở rộng từ vựng Reading books in different genres can help
vocabulary expand one's vocabulary and improve
language skills.
explore complex khám phá những The thought-provoking movie explored
moral dilemmas khúc mắc đạo complex moral dilemmas, raising challenging
đức phức tạp questions about right and wrong.
exude an air of phản ánh sự The movie's attention to historical accuracy
authenticity chân thực and set design exuded an air of authenticity,
immersing the audience in the past era.
feed one's kích thích trí Fantasy and science fiction books feed one's
imagination tưởng tượng imagination, taking readers on extraordinary
food for the soul thức ăn cho tâm Poetry can be food for the soul, evoking
hồn emotions and expressing profound thoughts in
lyrical form.
foster a love for khơi dậy đam Encouraging children to read at a young age
learning mê học hỏi can foster a love for learning and encourage
a lifelong passion for books.
foster a sense of xây dựng cảm Book clubs can foster a sense of community
community giác cộng đồng among readers, providing a platform to
discuss and share their literary experiences.
gain insights đạt được cái Reading biographies allows us to gain insights
nhìn into the lives of remarkable individuals and
learn from their experiences.


ignite a passion for kích thích đam Reading books on interesting topics can
learning mê học tập ignite a passion for learning, motivating
individuals to delve deeper into various
ignite a thirst for kích thích lòng Reading books that introduce intriguing
knowledge khao khát tri topics can ignite a thirst for knowledge,
thức inspiring readers to pursue further learning
and exploration.
immerse oneself in đắm chìm vào Fantasy books allow readers to immerse
a different world một thế giới themselves in a different world full of magical
khác creatures and enchanting adventures.
impressive kỹ thuật quay The movie's impressive cinematography
cinematography phim ấn tượng showcased breathtaking visuals and artistic
improve language cải thiện khả Regular reading can improve language
fluency năng ngôn ngữ fluency, allowing individuals to communicate
more effectively and express their thoughts
with clarity.
incorporate kết hợp các The movie incorporated stunning visuals that
stunning visuals hình ảnh ấn took the audience on a visual journey through
tượng breathtaking landscapes and intricate
infuse humor into đưa tiết cười The well-written comedy movie skillfully
the narrative vào câu chuyện infused humor into the narrative, providing
moments of laughter and entertainment for
the audience.
inspire personal gây cảm hứng Self-help books can inspire personal growth
growth cho sự phát by providing guidance and motivation for
triển cá nhân self-improvement.
instill a passion for gieo vào đam Reading stories aloud to children can instill a
storytelling mê kể chuyện passion for storytelling and encourage them
to become avid readers.
intense action các đoạn hành The movie featured intense action sequences
sequences động căng that thrilled the audience with heart-
thẳng pounding and adrenaline-pumping moments.
keep the audience giữ khán giả ở The movie's suspenseful plot and unexpected
on the edge of trạng thái hồi twists kept the audience on the edge of their
their seats hộp seats, eagerly awaiting the resolution.
keep the story giữ cốt truyện The movie's skilled editing kept the story
moving at a fast diễn ra nhanh moving at a fast pace, maintaining the
pace chóng audience's engagement and preventing any
dull moments.


knowledge at one's kiến thức trong With the internet, a wealth of knowledge is
fingertips tầm tay now at one's fingertips, making books and
information easily accessible.
leave a lasting gây ấn tượng The movie's powerful ending left a lasting
impression sâu sắc impression on the audience, prompting
discussions and contemplation long after it
lose oneself in a lạc trong cuốn When engrossed in a captivating novel, one
book sách can easily lose oneself in the story and forget
about the outside world.
masterful nghệ thuật kể The movie showcased masterful storytelling,
storytelling chuyện tài tình skillfully weaving together different elements
to create a compelling and coherent
memorable one- những câu thoại The movie was filled with memorable one-
liners đáng nhớ liners that quickly became iconic and quoted
by fans.
nourish the soul nuôi dưỡng linh Poetry can nourish the soul with its beautiful
hồn language and emotional resonance, touching
the heart in profound ways.
nurture creativity nuôi dưỡng sáng The imaginative world of books can nurture
tạo creativity and inspire individuals to explore
their artistic expressions.
offer a fresh cung cấp một The movie offered a fresh perspective on the
perspective góc nhìn mới well-known historical event, shedding light on
lesser-known aspects and human stories.
offer a fresh take đề xuất một The movie's unique perspective offered a
on a familiar story cách nhìn mới fresh take on a familiar story, reimagining it
về câu chuyện in a compelling and innovative manner.
quen thuộc
offer a means of cung cấp For some individuals, writing and journaling
self-expression phương tiện tự about their reading experiences can offer a
diễn đạt means of self-expression and personal
offer a sense of cung cấp cảm Books can offer a sense of belonging, as
belonging giác thuộc về readers can relate to characters' struggles
and triumphs, fostering a connection.
offer an escape cung cấp sự Books provide an escape from the stresses of
from reality trốn thoát khỏi reality, offering a temporary respite and
hiện thực relaxation for the mind.
offer intellectual cung cấp bổ Engaging with diverse books offers
enrichment sung trí tuệ intellectual enrichment, expanding one's
knowledge and understanding of various


oscar-worthy màn trình diễn The actor's Oscar-worthy performance

performance đáng giải oscar showcased his exceptional talent and
commitment to the role.
outstanding dàn diễn viên The movie boasted an outstanding ensemble
ensemble cast đồng hành xuất cast, with each actor delivering compelling
sắc performances that complemented one
outstanding visual hiệu ứng hình The movie's outstanding visual effects wowed
effects ảnh xuất sắc the audience with its realistic and awe-
inspiring scenes.
pay homage to tỏ lòng kính The movie paid homage to classic films
classic films trọng đối với through subtle references and stylistic
các bộ phim cổ choices that honored the golden age of
điển cinema.
portray a miêu tả một The actress portrayed the multi-dimensional
character with nhân vật với character with nuance, capturing both the
nuance tính năng chi strengths and vulnerabilities of the role.
powerful emotional tác động cảm The movie's powerful emotional impact left
impact xúc mạnh mẽ many viewers moved to tears and pondering
its themes long after it ended.
powerful on-screen hóa học mạnh The lead actors' powerful on-screen
chemistry mẽ trên màn chemistry added depth and authenticity to
ảnh their characters' relationship.
powerful social nhận xét xã hội The movie offered a powerful social
commentary mạnh mẽ commentary, shedding light on important
societal issues and encouraging meaningful
present a powerful trình bày một The movie presented a powerful social
social critique phê phán xã hội critique, shedding light on systemic issues
mạnh mẽ and inspiring calls for positive change.
promote emotional khuyến khích trí Reading books that explore emotions and
intelligence tuệ cảm xúc human experiences can promote emotional
intelligence, enabling individuals to empathize
and connect with others.
promote lifelong khuyến khích The habit of reading promotes lifelong
learning học hỏi suốt đời learning and a continuous quest for
knowledge throughout one's life.
promote mental khuyến khích Regular reading promotes mental stimulation
stimulation tinh thần and keeps the brain active and engaged,
benefiting cognitive health.
provide a sense of cung cấp cảm Finding relatable stories and characters in
belonging giác thuộc về books can provide a sense of belonging,


making readers feel understood and

provide a sense of cung cấp sự Fictional works provide a sense of escapism,
escapism thoát khỏi hiện allowing readers to escape their daily
thực routines and immerse themselves in
captivating stories.
provide a sense of cung cấp cảm Accomplishing reading goals can provide a
fulfillment giác hài lòng sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, making
the reading experience rewarding and
receive critical nhận được lời The movie received critical acclaim from film
acclaim khen ngợi từ giới critics for its outstanding performances and
phê bình thought-provoking storyline.
seamlessly blend kết hợp các thể The movie seamlessly blended elements of
genres loại một cách comedy, drama, and romance, creating a
mượt mà unique and entertaining genre-bending
special effects hiệu ứng đặc The movie's stunning special effects brought
biệt the fantasy world to life, creating an
immersive cinematic experience.
spectacular visual cảnh quan hình The movie's grand finale offered a
spectacle ảnh tuyệt đẹp spectacular visual spectacle, leaving the
audience in awe of its beauty and scale.
stellar character hình ảnh nhân The actors' stellar character portrayals
portrayals vật xuất sắc brought depth and complexity to the story,
making each character compelling and
stellar production thiết kế sản The movie's stellar production design created
design xuất xuất sắc a vivid and immersive world that perfectly
complemented the story.
stellar screenplay kịch bản xuất The movie's stellar screenplay provided a
sắc solid foundation for the narrative, engaging
the audience from beginning to end.
stimulate a sense kích thích tính Reading books that delve into unknown
of curiosity tò mò territories can stimulate a sense of curiosity
and inspire individuals to seek new
stimulate curiosity kích thích sự tò Children's books stimulate curiosity and
and imagination mò và tưởng imagination, transporting young readers to
tượng magical and fantastical worlds.
stimulate the mind kích thích tâm Engaging with intellectually challenging books
trí can stimulate the mind and keep it sharp and


strengthen tăng cường kỹ Analyzing complex characters and plots in

analytical skills năng phân tích books can strengthen analytical skills,
allowing readers to make deeper connections
and interpretations.
stunning visual kể chuyện hấp The movie's stunning visual storytelling
storytelling dẫn qua hình conveyed the narrative through beautiful and
ảnh đẹp evocative images.
superb on-screen hóa học trên The lead actors' superb on-screen chemistry
chemistry màn ảnh xuất created a compelling and believable
sắc romance, drawing viewers into their love
take moviegoers on đưa khán giả The action-packed movie took moviegoers on
a thrilling journey vào cuộc hành a thrilling journey filled with adrenaline-
trình hồi hộp pumping moments and exciting escapades.
the joy of reading niềm vui từ việc The joy of reading is immeasurable, as it
đọc sách offers entertainment, knowledge, and
personal growth.
top-notch direction đạo diễn chất The movie's top-notch direction was evident
lượng in its seamless storytelling and impactful
transport viewers đưa người xem The movie's captivating storytelling and
to another world vào một thế giới visuals transported viewers to a fantastical
khác world full of magic and wonder.
unplug and unwind tắt điện thoại In this digital age, reading books allows
và thư giãn individuals to unplug from screens and unwind
in a peaceful, analog way.
words of wisdom những lời khuyên Many classic books are filled with words of
trí tuệ wisdom that are still relevant and applicable



english words meaning Example

acid rain mưa axit Acid rain can harm aquatic life and damage
buildings and crops.
acidification axít hóa Acidification of oceans is a consequence of
increased carbon dioxide levels.
adaptation thích ứng Coastal cities need to develop adaptation
plans to cope with the effects of global
address giải quyết các vấn Collective efforts are necessary to address
environmental đề môi trường environmental issues.
address water giải quyết ô nhiễm The government should address water
contamination nước contamination in rivers and lakes.
adopt eco- áp dụng các công Using eco-friendly technologies can contribute
friendly nghệ thân thiện to pollution reduction.
technologies với môi trường
adopt green áp dụng các thực Businesses should adopt green practices to
practices tiễn xanh reduce their environmental impact.
adopt renewable áp dụng các nguồn Switching to renewable energy sources helps
energy sources năng lượng tái tạo reduce pollution.
adopt waste áp dụng các biện Companies can adopt waste reduction
reduction pháp giảm chất practices to minimize their ecological
practices thải footprint.
advocate for ủng hộ năng lượng Environmentalists advocate for clean energy
clean energy sạch solutions to combat pollution.
air pollutants chất gây ô nhiễm Vehicle emissions are significant air pollutants
không khí in urban areas.
air pollution kiểm soát ô nhiễm Air pollution control measures aim to improve
control không khí air quality.
air purification lọc không khí Air purification systems can improve indoor air
air quality giám sát chất Regular air quality monitoring helps identify
monitoring lượng không khí pollution sources.
bioaccumulation tích tụ sinh học Toxic pollutants can bioaccumulate in the food
biodiversity đa dạng sinh học Pollution can lead to a decline in biodiversity.
biodiversity loss suy giảm đa dạng Global warming contributes to the loss of
sinh học biodiversity as habitats change rapidly.
carbon dioxide carbon dioxide Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into
(co2) (co2) the atmosphere.


carbon emission giảm khí thải Carbon emission reduction is vital to combat
reduction carbon climate change.
carbon khí thải carbon Reducing carbon emissions from factories is
emissions essential to mitigate the impacts of global
carbon footprint dấu chân carbon Reducing our carbon footprint can help combat
global warming.
cause gây hại cho môi Irresponsible waste disposal can cause
environmental trường environmental harm.
clean energy năng lượng sạch Investing in clean energy sources is crucial for
sustainable development.
clean energy chuyển đổi năng A clean energy transition is crucial for
transition lượng sạch reducing reliance on fossil fuels and global
clean water nước sạch Access to clean water is a basic human right.
climate action hành động về biến International cooperation is vital for effective
đổi khí hậu climate action to combat global warming.
climate change biến đổi khí hậu Climate change affects weather patterns,
leading to more frequent extreme weather
climate change thích ứng với biến Coastal communities need to plan for climate
adaptation đổi khí hậu change adaptation due to global warming.
climate crisis khủng hoảng biến The world is facing a climate crisis due to
đổi khí hậu escalating global warming impacts.
climate tình trạng khẩn The world is facing a climate emergency due to
emergency cấp biến đổi khí the urgency of global warming impacts.
climate khả năng chống Building climate resilience is crucial to adapt
resilience chịu biến đổi khí to the effects of global warming.
climate summit hội nghị về biến Leaders gather at climate summits to discuss
đổi khí hậu strategies for combating global warming.
combat air chiến đấu chống Cities need effective strategies to combat air
pollution lại ô nhiễm không pollution.
combat climate chống lại biến đổi Individuals and governments must collaborate
change khí hậu to combat climate change.
combat plastic chống lại ô nhiễm Governments need to take measures to combat
pollution nhựa plastic pollution.
conservation bảo tồn Conservation efforts aim to protect
endangered species.
contaminate gây ô nhiễm nguồn Improper waste disposal can contaminate
water sources nước water sources.

contamination sự ô nhiễm Soil contamination can affect the quality of

agricultural produce.
deforestation tàn phá rừng Deforestation contributes to air and water
e-waste chất thải điện tử Proper e-waste recycling prevents harmful
materials from polluting the environment.
eco-conscious nhận thức về môi Eco-conscious consumers choose products with
trường less environmental impact.
eco-friendly thân thiện với môi Using eco-friendly products reduces
trường environmental impact.
ecological cân bằng sinh thái Pollution disrupts the ecological balance of
balance ecosystems.
emissions khí thải Carbon emissions contribute to global warming.
encourage khuyến khích tái Educational campaigns can encourage people
recycling chế to recycle more.
encourage khuyến khích nông Governments can encourage sustainable
sustainable nghiệp bền vững farming methods to protect the environment.
enforce thi hành các luật Strictly enforcing environmental laws can deter
environmental môi trường polluters.
environmental bảo vệ môi trường Environmental advocacy groups raise
advocacy awareness and push for change.
environmental nhận thức về môi Increasing environmental awareness is
awareness trường essential for sustainable development.
environmental tuân thủ môi Businesses must ensure environmental
compliance trường compliance with regulations.
environmental bảo tồn môi Environmental conservation efforts are
conservation trường essential for future generations.
environmental nhà bảo tồn môi The environmental conservationist advocates
conservationist trường for nature protection.
environmental suy thoái môi Industrial activities contribute to
degradation trường environmental degradation.
environmental tác động môi The environmental impact of the project needs
impact trường to be assessed.
environmental đánh giá tác động An environmental impact assessment is
impact môi trường required before starting a new project.
environmental báo cáo tác động The construction project requires an
impact report môi trường environmental impact report.
environmental nghiên cứu tác An environmental impact study assesses
impact study động môi trường potential effects.


environmental chính sách môi The government must implement effective

policy trường environmental policies.
environmental bảo tồn môi Environmental preservation is crucial for future
preservation trường generations.
environmental trách nhiệm môi Each individual has an environmental
responsibility trường responsibility to protect the planet.
environmental phục hồi môi Environmental restoration efforts aim to
restoration trường reverse pollution damage.
extreme thời tiết cực đoan Global warming has been linked to an increase
weather in extreme weather events, such as hurricanes.
fossil fuel nhiên liệu hóa Reducing fossil fuel consumption can curb
thạch greenhouse gas emissions.
global warming nóng lên toàn cầu Global warming has far-reaching consequences
for the planet.
green initiatives sáng kiến xanh Governments encourage green initiatives for a
cleaner future.
green công nghệ xanh Green technology promotes environmentally
technology friendly innovations.
greenhouse hiệu ứng nhà kính The greenhouse effect traps heat, leading to
effect global warming.
greenhouse gas khí nhà kính Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial
to combat climate change.
greenhouse gas khí thải nhà kính Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential
emissions to combat climate change.
greenhouse gas mật độ khí nhà Countries are working to reduce their
intensity kính greenhouse gas intensity to mitigate global
greenhouse gas giảm khí nhà kính Adopting green practices leads to greenhouse
reduction gas reduction.
hazardous waste chất thải nguy hại Proper disposal of hazardous waste is crucial
for public health.
implement eco- thực hiện các Companies should implement eco-friendly
friendly phương pháp thân practices to reduce pollution.
practices thiện với môi
implement thực hiện các biện Industries must implement pollution control
pollution control pháp kiểm soát ô measures to comply with regulations.
measures nhiễm
invest in đầu tư vào năng Countries should invest in renewable energy
renewable lượng tái tạo sources for a greener future.
low-carbon nền kinh tế khí Transitioning to a low-carbon economy is
economy thải thấp necessary to address global warming.


marine bảo tồn biển Marine conservation is crucial to protect

conservation marine ecosystems.
melting ice caps băng tan Melting ice caps are a direct result of global
warming, leading to rising sea levels.
minimize plastic giảm thiểu chất Individuals can take steps to minimize plastic
waste thải nhựa waste in their daily lives.
monitor air giám sát chất Cities should regularly monitor air quality to
quality lượng không khí address pollution.
natural habitat môi trường sống tự Pollution threatens the natural habitat of many
nhiên species.
natural tài nguyên thiên Pollution can deplete natural resources,
resources nhiên affecting future generations.
ozone layer sự suy giảm tầng The ozone layer depletion is a serious concern
depletion ozone for global health.
pollution control kiểm soát ô nhiễm Effective pollution control measures are
essential for a cleaner environment.
pollution giám sát ô nhiễm Regular pollution monitoring helps identify
monitoring problem areas.
preserve marine bảo tồn hệ sinh Environmentalists work to preserve marine
ecosystems thái biển ecosystems from pollution.
preserve natural bảo tồn tài nguyên Preserving natural resources is crucial for
resources thiên nhiên sustainable development.
prevent soil ngăn chặn ô nhiễm Proper waste disposal helps prevent soil
contamination đất contamination.
promote eco- khuyến khích sử Consumers can promote eco-friendly products
friendly dụng sản phẩm to reduce pollution.
products thân thiện với môi
promote khuyến khích giáo Schools can promote environmental education
environmental dục môi trường to instill sustainable practices.
promote green khuyến khích các Companies should promote green initiatives to
initiatives sáng kiến xanh protect the environment.
promote public khuyến khích sử Encouraging public transportation can reduce
transportation dụng phương tiện emissions from cars.
giao thông công
promote thúc đẩy phát Governments play a vital role in promoting
sustainable triển bền vững sustainable development.
protect bảo vệ các loài Conservation efforts aim to protect
endangered đang bị đe dọa endangered species from pollution.


protect natural bảo vệ môi trường Conservationists work to protect natural

habitats sống tự nhiên habitats from pollution.
raise awareness nâng cao nhận Educational campaigns aim to raise awareness
of pollution thức về ô nhiễm of pollution issues.
recycling tái chế Recycling plastic can reduce plastic pollution in
reduce carbon giảm khí thải Governments aim to reduce carbon emissions
emissions carbon to combat climate change.
reduce giảm khí thải nhà The government must take measures to reduce
greenhouse gas kính greenhouse gas emissions.
reduce waste giảm khối lượng Adopting sustainable practices can help
generation chất thải reduce waste generation.
release thải ra chất ô Industries often release pollutants into the air
pollutants nhiễm and water.
renewable năng lượng tái tạo Wind and solar power are forms of renewable
energy energy.
renewable nguồn tài nguyên Solar and wind energy are renewable
resources tái tạo resources.
restore polluted khôi phục môi Environmental restoration projects aim to
environments trường bị ô nhiễm restore polluted areas.
sea level rise tăng mực nước Sea level rise poses a threat to coastal
biển communities due to global warming.
support ủng hộ các nỗ lực Individuals can support conservation efforts
conservation bảo tồn through donations.
support hỗ trợ phòng ngừa Governments must support pollution prevention
pollution ô nhiễm programs for a cleaner environment.
sustainable nông nghiệp bền Sustainable agriculture promotes eco-friendly
agriculture vững farming practices.
sustainable kiến trúc bền vững Sustainable architecture incorporates eco-
architecture friendly design principles.
sustainable tiêu dùng bền Sustainable consumption involves mindful
consumption vững product choices.
sustainable phát triển bền Sustainable development aims to balance
development vững growth and environment.
sustainable mục tiêu phát The UN's Sustainable Development Goals
development triển bền vững include efforts to address global warming
goals challenges.
sustainable lối sống bền vững Adopting a sustainable lifestyle can reduce
lifestyle one's ecological footprint.


tackle industrial đối phó với ô Authorities must tackle industrial pollution to
pollution nhiễm công nghiệp protect the environment.
toxic chemicals chất độc hại Industrial activities may release toxic
chemicals into the environment.
urban sprawl mở rộng đô thị Uncontrolled urban sprawl can lead to
increased pollution.
waste disposal xử lý chất thải Proper waste disposal prevents environmental
waste quản lý chất thải Proper waste management is crucial to
management prevent pollution.
waste reduction giảm chất thải Waste reduction efforts can help mitigate
environmental pollution.
water quản lý nước Effective water management is necessary to
management prevent water pollution.





english words meaning Example

angular features gương mặt góc He has angular features, making him look bold
cạnh and striking.
attractive quyến rũ The actor's attractive features make him
popular among fans.
beady eyes mắt nhỏ tròn The old man had beady eyes that watched
every movement.
beautiful xinh đẹp The model has a beautiful face and a radiant
broad nose mũi rộng His broad nose gives him a strong and
distinctive appearance.
broad smile nụ cười rộ và to Her broad smile brightens up the room.
broad- vai rộng He is a broad-shouldered athlete, perfect for
shouldered his sport.
button nose mũi nhỏ, gọn đẹp She has a button nose that complements her
chiseled jawline cằm sắc nét He has a chiseled jawline, which gives him a
handsome look.
chubby cheeks má lúm đồng tiền The baby has chubby cheeks that make
everyone want to pinch them.
clean and tidy vẻ ngoài gọn gàng His clean and tidy appearance is suitable for a
appearance và ngăn nắp professional setting.
clean-cut dáng người sạch The candidate's clean-cut appearance
appearance sẽ impressed the interviewers.
clean-shaven cạo sạch râu He looks younger when he is clean-shaven.
closely cropped tóc ngắn cắt gọn His closely cropped hair gives him a smart and
hair tidy look.
complexion da sáng hồng After a good night's sleep, her complexion was
glowing glowing.
crooked teeth răng lệch Despite having crooked teeth, he has a
charming personality.
curly-haired tóc xoăn The curly-haired girl had a cheerful and playful
curvy có đường cong She has a curvy figure, which is considered
deep dimples lúm đồng tiền sâu Her deep dimples add charm to her smile.
deep-set eyes mắt sâu His deep-set eyes give him a mysterious look.
delicate gương mặt tinh tế, Her delicate features make her look graceful
features dịu dàng and elegant.
double chin cằm chẽn đôi His weight gain is evident with the appearance
of a double chin.


dressed to ăn mặc để gây ấn She was dressed to impress at the job

impress tượng interview.
dressed to the ăn mặc đẹp, hợp The couple was dressed to the nines for their
nines thời trang wedding.
elegant thanh lịch, tao nhã She dressed elegantly in a black evening gown.
fair complexion da trắng mịn The actress has a fair complexion that
enhances her beauty.
full lips môi đầy đặn Her full lips are her most attractive feature.
gorgeous tuyệt đẹp, rực rỡ The bride looked gorgeous in her wedding
graceful posture dáng đi nhẹ She moved with a graceful posture, like a
nhàng, duyên dáng dancer.
heavyset figure dáng người nặng The actor gained weight for a movie role and
nề, hơi béo had a heavyset figure.
high cheekbones gò má cao She has high cheekbones, which give her a
distinct look.
high forehead trán cao His high forehead makes him stand out in a
long, flowing tóc dài, uốn lượn She has long, flowing hair that cascades down
hair her back.
muscular cơ bắp rắn chắc He is a bodybuilder, and his muscular arms are
neat gọn gàng, ngăn Her neat appearance showed her attention to
nắp detail.
petite nhỏ nhắn The actress has a petite frame, but she's full of
piercing eyes mắt sáng sủa, His piercing eyes can see through your soul.
nhọn nhắt
plump mập mạp The baby's cheeks are plump and adorable.
porcelain skin da sứ Her porcelain skin is flawless and smooth.
radiant smile nụ cười rạng rỡ Her radiant smile lit up the room and made
everyone feel welcomed.
receding rụng tóc, hói đầu His receding hairline made him look older than
hairline his age.
rosy cheeks má ửng hồng She has rosy cheeks, which make her look
rosy lips môi hồng Her rosy lips made her smile even more
rugged vẻ ngoài mạnh mẽ, He has a rugged appearance, suitable for
appearance nam tính action movie roles.
scraggly beard râu rậm nhưng His scraggly beard gave him a slightly unkempt
không đều appearance.


scruffy luộm thuộm, lôi He looked scruffy in his old and wrinkled
thôi clothes.
sharp features gương mặt sắc His sharp features give him a striking and
sảo, nổi bật attractive look.
shoulder-length tóc dài đến vai She has beautiful shoulder-length hair that
hair suits her well.
slender thon gọn The model has a slender figure that looks
slicked-back tóc chải lượt nhẹ He looks elegant with his slicked-back hair.
hair nhàng
slim figure dáng người mảnh She has a slim figure and can fit into any dress
khảnh easily.
sparkling eyes mắt lấp lánh Her sparkling eyes showed excitement and joy.
striking nổi bật, cuốn hút Her striking blue eyes capture everyone's
stylish ấn tượng, phong She always keeps up with the latest fashion
cách, lịch lãm trends and is stylish.
sun-kissed skin da cháy nắng After spending a week at the beach, he had a
sun-kissed skin.
suntanned da rám nắng After spending time at the beach, he got a
complexion suntanned complexion.
svelte figure dáng người thon The model's svelte figure is admired in the
gọn fashion industry.
thick, bushy lông mày dày và His thick, bushy eyebrows add character to his
eyebrows rậm face.
thin lips môi mỏng Her thin lips give her a refined and elegant
toned muscles cơ bắp săn chắc The athlete's toned muscles were the result of
rigorous training.
untidy mất dậy, luộm His untidy appearance gave the impression of
thuộm carelessness.
well-built dáng người săn He has a well-built physique from regular
chắc workouts.
well-groomed ăn mặc gọn gàng, He always appears well-groomed and polished.
lịch sự
well- cân đối, hợp với tỷ Her well-proportioned features give her a
proportioned lệ timeless beauty.



english words meaning Example

adapt to thích nghi với các Being adaptable allows one to adapt to different
different tình huống khác situations and handle challenges with ease.
situations nhau
ambitious tham vọng Emily is ambitious and has set her sights on
becoming a successful businesswoman in the
arrogant kiêu ngạo The arrogant man often belittles others and
thinks he is better than everyone else.
avoid aggressive tránh hành vi hung It's essential to avoid aggressive behavior and
behavior hăng find peaceful ways to resolve conflicts.
avoid tránh gián đoạn Active listening entails avoiding interrupting
interrupting người khác others while they speak, allowing them to express
others their thoughts fully.
avoid tránh trì hoãn To meet deadlines and accomplish tasks
procrastination efficiently, it's important to avoid procrastination
and manage time effectively.
behave cư xử lịch sự Behaving courteously towards others, like holding
courteously doors or giving up seats for those in need,
reflects good character.
behave cư xử trách nhiệm It's essential for adults to behave responsibly and
responsibly set a good example for younger generations.
caring chu đáo, quan tâm Linda is a caring individual who always shows
concern for the well-being of her family and
compassionate từ bi, lòng tốt Mary is a compassionate person, always ready to
lend a helping hand to those in need.
control one's kiểm soát cảm xúc In stressful situations, it's important to control
emotions one's emotions to make rational decisions.
control one's kiểm soát cơn giận When feeling angry, it's important to control one's
temper temper and avoid saying or doing things that
might be regretted later.
demonstrate thể hiện kỹ năng Demonstrating conflict resolution skills enables
conflict giải quyết xung đột one to address disagreements constructively and
resolution skills find solutions together.
demonstrate thể hiện giao tiếp Being able to express ideas clearly and listen
effective hiệu quả actively demonstrates effective communication
communication skills in various situations.
demonstrate thể hiện giải quyết Effective problem-solving skills involve analyzing
effective vấn đề hiệu quả situations and finding practical solutions to
problem-solving address challenges.


demonstrate thể hiện lòng thông A good friend will always demonstrate empathy
empathy cảm and understanding when someone is going through
a difficult time.
demonstrate thể hiện tính linh In a fast-changing world, it's essential to
flexibility hoạt demonstrate flexibility and adapt to new
demonstrate thể hiện kỹ năng Effective leaders inspire and motivate others,
good leadership lãnh đạo tốt provide guidance, and work collaboratively to
skills achieve common objectives.
demonstrate thể hiện quản lý Demonstrating good time management ensures
good time thời gian tốt efficiency and productivity in both personal and
management professional life.
demonstrate thể hiện tính trung A person with strong values will demonstrate
honesty and thực và liêm chính honesty and integrity in all aspects of life.
display thể hiện tính quả In negotiations, one should display assertiveness
assertiveness quyết to stand firm on important points while
respecting the other party's views.
display thể hiện hành vi In a formal setting, it's important to display
respectful tôn trọng respectful behavior towards seniors and
behavior authority figures.
engage in active tham gia tích cực To get the most out of a group activity, it's
participation essential to engage in active participation and
contribute to discussions.
engage in tham gia vào các Volunteering and engaging in charitable acts
charitable acts hoạt động từ thiện contribute to making a positive impact on the
exhibit good thể hiện khả năng A good leader will exhibit good leadership skills,
leadership lãnh đạo tốt inspiring and guiding their team towards success.
exhibit good thể hiện làm việc In a collaborative setting, exhibiting good
teamwork nhóm tốt teamwork involves effective communication and
cooperation with team members.
exhibit honesty in thể hiện tính trung Honesty builds trust and credibility in
all interactions thực trong mọi giao relationships and is essential for maintaining
tiếp integrity.
exhibit kindness thể hiện lòng tử tế Simple acts of kindness, like holding the door for
in daily trong giao tiếp someone or offering help, can brighten someone's
interactions hàng ngày day.
exhibit thể hiện tâm lý tỉnh Being mindful of the present moment and one's
mindfulness in thức trong cuộc actions leads to greater self-awareness and
daily life sống reduces stress in daily life.
exhibit openness thể hiện sẵn lòng Being open to feedback helps one learn and grow,
to feedback tiếp thu phản hồi improving skills and relationships over time.
exhibit patience thể hiện kiên nhẫn In diverse environments, exhibiting patience and
and tolerance và dung thứ tolerance towards different opinions fosters
harmony and understanding.

exhibit patience thể hiện kiên nhẫn Demonstrating patience during tough times
in challenging trong những thời enables one to stay calm and find constructive
times điểm khó khăn solutions to problems.
exhibit thể hiện hành vi Responsible behavior includes being accountable
responsible trách nhiệm for one's actions and fulfilling obligations.
exhibit self- thể hiện nhận thức Self-awareness involves understanding one's
awareness về bản thân strengths, weaknesses, and emotions, leading to
personal growth and development.
exhibit self- thể hiện sự kiểm In challenging situations, it's crucial to exhibit
control soát bản thân self-control and avoid reacting impulsively.
express diễn đạt lòng biết Whenever someone helps you, it's polite to
gratitude ơn express gratitude and thank them sincerely.
express oneself diễn đạt mình một In discussions or negotiations, expressing oneself
clearly and cách rõ ràng và clearly and assertively ensures one's message is
assertively quả quyết understood.
extroverted hướng ngoại Mike is extroverted and gains energy from social
interactions and being around other people.
generous hào phóng Emma is a generous person who is always willing
to share and help others in need.
handle conflicts xử lý xung đột một In disagreements, it's crucial to handle conflicts
calmly and cách bình tĩnh và calmly and rationally to find a fair and
rationally hợp lý reasonable resolution.
handle stress xử lý căng thẳng Knowing how to handle stress effectively helps
effectively một cách hiệu quả maintain overall well-being and reduces negative
impacts on health.
humble khiêm tốn Despite his success, John remains humble and
never brags about his achievements.
independent độc lập Jack is an independent person who enjoys doing
things on his own without relying on others for
insecure bất an, không tự tin James often feels insecure about his appearance
and seeks reassurance from others.
introverted hướng nội Anna is introverted and prefers spending time
alone or with a small group of close friends.
irritable dễ cáu, dễ tức giận Due to lack of sleep, John was irritable and easily
annoyed by the slightest things.
moody thất thường Laura's mood can be quite unpredictable, and she
can go from happy to sad in a matter of minutes.
optimistic lạc quan Despite the challenges, Sarah remains optimistic
and believes that everything will work out in the
outgoing hoạt bát, hướng Laura is an outgoing person who enjoys
ngoại socializing and making new friends.
pessimistic bi quan Tom has a pessimistic outlook on life and often
expects the worst in every situation.

practice active thực hành lòng Actively empathizing with others' feelings and
empathy thông cảm tích cực experiences creates stronger bonds and fosters
a supportive environment.
practice active thực hành lắng Active listening involves giving full attention to
listening nghe tích cực the speaker and responding appropriately to
show understanding.
practice thực hành bảo vệ Practicing environmental sustainability involves
environmental môi trường adopting habits that reduce waste and protect
sustainability the planet's resources.
practice fairness thực hành sự công Treating everyone with fairness and equality
and equality bằng và bình đẳng regardless of their background fosters an
inclusive and harmonious society.
practice good thực hành vệ sinh During the pandemic, it's crucial to practice good
hygiene tốt hygiene, such as washing hands frequently and
wearing a mask.
practice good thực hành tinh thần In sports and competitions, it's important to
sportsmanship thể thao tốt practice good sportsmanship, respecting
opponents and following the rules.
practice thực hành kiên In challenging situations, practicing patience and
patience and nhẫn và thấu hiểu understanding can help maintain harmony in
understanding relationships.
practice self- thực hành kỷ luật Practicing self-discipline involves setting goals
discipline bản thân and sticking to routines to achieve desired
practice self- thực hành tự suy Regular self-reflection allows for personal
reflection ngẫm growth, learning from experiences, and making
positive changes in behavior.
refrain from tránh tham gia vào Refraining from gossiping about others prevents
engaging in tin đồn misunderstandings and maintains a positive
gossip atmosphere in social circles.
refrain from tránh nói chuyện vu To maintain a positive atmosphere, it's best to
gossiping vơ refrain from gossiping about others and focus on
constructive conversations.
refrain from tránh cắt ngang Allowing others to speak without interruption
interrupting or hoặc lấn át người shows respect and fosters better communication
talking over khác and understanding.
refrain from tránh thái độ phê A non-judgmental attitude allows for open-
judgmental phán mindedness and a deeper understanding of
attitudes others' perspectives and experiences.
reliable đáng tin cậy Mark is a reliable friend who can always be
counted on to keep his promises.
reserved kín đáo, dè dặt Mark is a reserved individual who prefers to keep
to himself and values his privacy.


respect personal tôn trọng ranh giới It's crucial to respect personal boundaries and
boundaries cá nhân not intrude on someone's privacy without their
selfish ích kỷ Alex can be quite selfish, always putting his own
needs before others.
show adaptability thể hiện tính thích Being adaptable allows one to adjust to different
in different nghi trong các tình environments and handle challenges effectively.
settings huống khác nhau
show thể hiện sự đánh Showing appreciation and gratitude towards
appreciation and giá cao và lòng others fosters positive relationships and
gratitude biết ơn encourages acts of kindness.
show genuine thể hiện sự quan When conversing with others, showing genuine
interest tâm chân thành interest in their thoughts and feelings fosters
meaningful connections.
show good thể hiện thái độ It is essential to show good manners when
manners lịch sự interacting with others, such as saying "please"
and "thank you."
show kindness thể hiện lòng tử tế A kind person will always show kindness and
and compassion và lòng nhân ái compassion to others, regardless of their
show resilience thể hiện sự kiên Resilience allows one to bounce back from
in challenging nhẫn trong những setbacks and continue pursuing goals despite
situations tình huống khó obstacles.
show tolerance thể hiện sự dung Embracing diversity and showing tolerance
towards thứ với sự khác biệt towards differences promote inclusivity and
differences understanding in a community.
sociable hòa đồng Maria is sociable and enjoys spending time with
friends and meeting new people.
stubborn bướng bỉnh John can be quite stubborn and rarely changes
his mind once he has made a decision.
trustworthy đáng tin cậy Tom is a trustworthy person, and his friends know
they can rely on him in times of need.



english words meaning Example

a balance of sự kết hợp hương The dish had a perfect balance of sweet and
flavors vị cân đối savory flavors.
a feast for the tiệc mừng cho The artfully presented dish was a feast for the
senses giác quan senses.
addictive gây nghiện The addictive combination of flavors kept me
going back for more.
aromatic thơm phức The aromatic spices in the curry added a
delightful scent.
authentic chính gốc, đích The restaurant served authentic Italian pasta.
bursting with ngập tràn hương vị The fruit salad was bursting with fresh and
flavor vibrant flavors.
craved the spicy thèm muốn vị cay The fiery hot wings had us craving for more of
kick nồng that spicy kick.
crispy giòn tan The fried chicken had a crispy outer layer.
crunch on the nhai nhấm vào The chips were so crispy; I loved crunching on
crispy texture cảm giác giòn them.
delectable ngon miệng The chef prepared a delectable seafood dish
for the guests.
delicately được tẩm ướp tinh The fish was delicately seasoned with herbs
seasoned tế and spices.
delighted in the vui mừng với hương The guests delighted in the rich taste of the
rich taste vị đậm đà chocolate dessert.
devour a ngấu nghiến một The seafood dish was a mouthwatering delicacy
mouthwatering món ngon chảy that impressed us.
delicacy nước miếng
devour a ngấu nghiến một We devoured a scrumptious dish of pasta with
scrumptious dish món ăn hảo hạng creamy sauce.
enjoy a hearty thưởng thức bữa We enjoyed a hearty meal of traditional dishes
meal ăn đậm đà at the family gathering.
enjoy a thưởng thức món We enjoyed a mouthwatering dish of traditional
mouthwatering ăn ngon miệng sushi.
enjoy the burst thưởng thức sự The exotic dish had a burst of flavors that
of flavors bùng nổ của hương surprised my taste buds.
exotic flavors hương vị độc đáo The restaurant offered a variety of dishes with
exotic flavors.
exquisite tuyệt vời, tinh tế The restaurant served an exquisite three-
course meal.


flavor-packed hương vị đậm đà, The flavor-packed curry had a perfect balance
phong phú of spices.
flavorful hương vị thơm The Thai curry had a flavorful blend of spices.
gulp down the nốc cạn ly nước After a long run, she gulped down the
refreshing drink giải khát refreshing drink.
heavenly tuyệt vời, ngon The homemade apple pie tasted heavenly with
miệng, như thiên a scoop of ice cream.
indulge in a thưởng thức món I indulged in a delightful treat of creamy
delightful treat ăn thú vị gelato.
irresistible không thể cưỡng The aroma of freshly baked cookies was
lại irresistible.
juicy mọng nước The juicy watermelon was perfect for
quenching thirst.
lick my fingers liếm tay sau khi ăn The sticky barbecue sauce was so good; I
after eating licked my fingers after eating.
luscious hấp dẫn, ngon The luscious chocolate cake was the highlight
miệng of the party.
melt-in-the- kết cấu tan trong The dessert had a melt-in-the-mouth texture
mouth texture miệng that was delightful.
melt in my mouth tan trong miệng The dessert was so soft and creamy, it melted
in my mouth.
mouth-filling đầy miệng The mouth-filling explosion of flavors left me
mouth-watering nước miếng chảy The aroma of the freshly baked bread was
ròng mouth-watering.
nibbled on the gặm nhấm những We nibbled on the crunchy snacks during the
crunchy snacks món ăn nhẹ giòn movie.
nibbled on the ầm ăn các món We nibbled on the savory appetizers before
savory khai vị mặn the main course.
nourished my làm cho cơm mồi The dish nourished my taste buds with its
taste buds của tôi unique blend of spices.
nutritious bổ dưỡng The salad was not only delicious but also
refreshing sảng khoái The fruit salad with mint was a refreshing
relished the thưởng thức sự nổ The spicy curry made me relish the burst of
burst of flavors tung vị flavors in my mouth.
relished the thưởng thức sự kết The fusion cuisine had a delightful combination
delightful hợp thú vị of flavors.


relished the thích thú vị của The chef's special sauce made me relish the
flavor thức ăn flavor of the dish.
relished the thưởng thức sự We relished the homemade goodness of the
homemade ngon miệng tự nấu freshly baked bread.
relished the thưởng thức hương I relished the mouthwatering aroma of freshly
mouthwatering thơm mát miệng baked bread.
rich and creamy đậm đà và béo The rich and creamy soup was perfect for a
ngậy cold day.
sampled a thử nếm nhiều món We sampled a variety of dishes at the food
variety of dishes ăn festival.
satisfied my làm thỏa mãn sự The warm apple pie satisfied my cravings for a
cravings thèm muốn comforting dessert.
satisfying thỏa mãn The hearty stew was satisfying, especially on a
cold day.
satisfyingly thỏa mãn về mức The hearty meal was satisfyingly filling after a
filling no long day.
savor the taste thưởng thức hương I took my time to savor the taste of the fine
vị wine.
savor the aroma thưởng thức hương I savored the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.
savor the rich thưởng thức sự The dark chocolate truffles had a rich and
and velvety mềm mịn và đậm velvety texture.
texture đà
savor the taste thưởng thức hương I savored the taste of the homemade chocolate
vị cake.
savor the thưởng thức sự I savored the tenderness of the perfectly
tenderness mềm mại cooked steak.
savory thơm ngon The savory flavor of the grilled steak was
scrumptious ngon tuyệt, ngon I tried their chocolate cake, and it was
miệng absolutely scrumptious.
sipped the nhấm nháp ly cà She sipped the aromatic coffee while relaxing
aromatic coffee phê thơm in the café.
tasted the nếm thử ẩm thực We tasted the authentic cuisine of the region.
authentic chân thực
tempting hấp dẫn The aroma of freshly baked bread was
tempting to passersby.
tender mềm mại, thịt mềm The tender beef melted in my mouth.
tender and juicy mềm mại và đầy The tender and juicy steak was cooked to
nước perfection.


unique and độc đáo và sáng The chef's unique and innovative dishes
innovative tạo impressed everyone.
wholesome thành phần bổ The salad was made with wholesome
ingredients dưỡng ingredients and fresh greens.



english words meaning Example

beautifully văn phong viết The author's beautifully written prose creates
written prose đẹp vivid imagery.
brilliantly tài tình và tinh tế The novel is brilliantly crafted, leaving a lasting
crafted impression.
bring the đưa nhân vật vào The skilled storytelling brought the characters
characters to cuộc sống to life in my mind.
captivating cốt truyện cuốn The book has a captivating storyline that keeps
storyline hút you engaged.
compelling and hấp dẫn và được The historical novel is compelling and well-
well-researched nghiên cứu kỹ researched.
compelling nội dung hấp dẫn The compelling narrative takes you on an
narrative emotional journey.
convey a truyền tải một The novel conveyed a powerful message about
powerful thông điệp mạnh social justice.
message... mẽ...
craft a tạo nên câu The author crafted a compelling narrative that
compelling chuyện hấp dẫn drew me in.
delight with the thích thú với sự The comedy novel delighted me with its witty
witty humor... hài hước thông humor and clever jokes.
delve into the đi sâu vào sự phức The historical novel delved into the
complexities tạp của... complexities of human relationships.
elicite strong gợi ra những cảm The tragic tale elicited strong emotions,
emotions xúc mạnh mẽ making me cry.
emotionally cảm xúc chân thật The novel's emotionally resonant narrative tugs
resonant at your heart.
endearing and dễ thương và The children's book is endearing and charming
charming quyến rũ to young readers.
engage me from lôi cuốn tôi ngay The opening chapter engaged me from the very
the beginning từ đầu beginning.
engage my kích thích trí The science fiction book engaged my
imagination tưởng tượng imagination with its futuristic world.
engage with the tương tác với The drama explored and engaged with the
underlying những chủ đề cơ underlying themes of family bonds.
themes... bản...


engaging and cuốn hút và khơi The book is both engaging and thought-
thought- gợi suy ngẫm provoking, making it a great read.
engross me cuốn hút tôi hoàn The book engrossed me completely, and I
completely toàn couldn't put it down.
enthralling quyến rũ, lôi cuốn The fantasy book is enthralling with its magical
evocative hình ảnh gợi cảm The poet's use of evocative imagery adds
imagery depth to the verses.
explor themes khám phá các chủ The novel explored themes of love, loss, and
of... đề về... redemption.
explore the khám phá những The psychological thriller explored the
complexities phức tạp của... complexities of the human mind.
gripping and hấp dẫn và gây The thriller is gripping and keeps you in
suspenseful cấn suspense throughout.
gripping plot cốt truyện hấp The novel's gripping plot keeps you on the edge
dẫn of your seat.
heartwarming ấm lòng The heartwarming tale leaves you with a warm
feeling inside.
immerse oneself đắm mình vào... The fantasy series allows readers to immerse
in... themselves in a magical world.
immersive xây dựng thế giới The fantasy novel has an immersive world that
world-building sâu sắc captivates readers.
impactful thông điệp có ảnh The book delivers an impactful message about
message hưởng environmental issues.
informative and có nhiều thông tin The non-fiction book is informative and
educational và giáo dục educational.
insightful nhận xét sâu sắc The book provides insightful commentary on
commentary societal issues.
inspirational and cảm hứng và làm The self-help book is inspirational and uplifting.
uplifting thăng hoa tinh
instill a sense of gây cho tôi cảm The science book instilled a sense of curiosity
curiosity... giác tò mò... about the natural world.
intelligently viết một cách The book is intelligently written, challenging
written thông minh readers' thinking.
intriguing and hấp dẫn và bí ẩn The mystery novel is intriguing, leaving readers
enigmatic enigmatic clues.
keep me khiến tôi luôn The mystery novel kept me guessing about the
guessing... đoán đoán... identity of the culprit.
keep me on the làm cho tôi ngồi The thriller kept me on the edge of my seat,
edge of my seat dậy một chỗ eager to know what happens next.


keep me turning khiến tôi luôn lật The suspenseful thriller kept me turning the
the pages... từng trang... pages to uncover the truth.
leave a lasting để lại ấn tượng lâu The story's powerful message left a lasting
impression dài impression on me.
leave me để lại dấu hỏi... The philosophical novel left me pondering the
pondering... meaning of life.
leave me with a để lại cho tôi cảm The science fiction novel left me with a sense
sense of wonder giác kỳ diệu of wonder about the universe.
masterful cách kể chuyện The author's masterful storytelling creates an
storytelling tài tình immersive experience.
masterpiece kiệt tác Many consider this novel to be a literary
offer a fresh cung cấp cái nhìn The self-help book offered a fresh perspective
perspective on... mới về... on personal growth.
offer an cung cấp một góc The essay collection offered an alternative
alternative nhìn khác về... perspective on social issues.
offer valuable cung cấp những The book offered valuable insights into human
insights hiểu biết quý giá behavior.
offere a glimpse cung cấp một cái The memoir offered a glimpse into the author's
into... nhìn thoáng qua extraordinary life.
original and sáng tạo và độc The author's original and inventive storytelling
inventive đáo stands out.
page-turner cuốn sách khiến The thriller was a real page-turner; I couldn't
bạn không thể put it down.
dừng đọc
paint a realistic vẽ lên một bức The historical fiction painted a realistic
picture of... tranh chân thực picture of life in that era.
paint a vivid vẽ một bức tranh The author's descriptions painted a vivid
picture sống động picture of the setting.
poetic and văn phong thơ ca The poet's use of poetic and lyrical prose is
lyrical prose và du dương mesmerizing.
poignant and cảm động và xúc The memoir is a poignant and touching account
touching động of the author's life.
portray a vivid mô tả một bức The travelogue portrayed a vivid picture of the
picture of... tranh sống động exotic locations.
powerful and mạnh mẽ và gợi The book's powerful and evocative imagery
evocative cảm paints vivid pictures.
provide an cung cấp một nơi The fiction book provided an escape from
escape from trốn tránh thực tế reality for a while.

provoke heated gây ra các cuộc The controversial book provoked heated
debates about... tranh luận sôi nổi debates about its themes.
provoke deep gây ra sự suy tư The thought-provoking book provoked deep
reflection sâu sắc reflection on societal issues.
relatable and dễ cảm thông và The book's relatable and realistic portrayal of
realistic chân thực life is commendable.
reveal tiết lộ những cú The mystery novel revealed unexpected twists
unexpected sốc bất ngờ that surprised me.
rich character phát triển nhân The author's rich character development
development vật phong phú brings the story to life.
rich in giàu tính biểu The poetry collection is rich in symbolism and
symbolism tượng hidden meanings.
richly miêu tả phong phú The book is richly descriptive, painting a vivid
descriptive picture of the setting.
shed light on... sáng tỏ về... The biography shed light on the life of a famous
historical figure.
skillfully dệt một cách khéo The author skillfully weaved multiple storylines
weaved... léo... into one cohesive plot.
stir up gợi lên những cảm The romance novel stirred up emotions, making
emotions... xúc... me fall in love with the characters.
thought- cốt truyện khiến The book's thought-provoking plot raises
provoking plot suy ngẫm important questions.
thought- chủ đề khiến suy The book explores a thought-provoking theme
provoking theme ngẫm about identity.
thoughtful and suy tư và sâu sắc The author's thoughtful and insightful analysis
insightful deepens the meaning.
timeless classic tác phẩm cổ điển "Pride and Prejudice" is a timeless classic in
bất hủ English literature.
touching and xúc động và xót The memoir tells a touching and heartrending
heartrending xa story of resilience.
transport me đưa tôi đến... The novel transported me to a magical world of
to... fantasy.
tug at my kéo đến dây đàn The touching story tugged at my heartstrings,
heartstrings trong tâm hồn making me emotional.
unfold a mở ra một câu The epic saga unfolded a compelling narrative
compelling chuyện hấp dẫn... across generations.
unforgettable nhân vật đáng nhớ The novel features unforgettable characters
characters you can't forget.
unputdownable không thể dừng The mystery novel is unputdownable; I read it
đọc in one sitting.


unravel the giải mã những bí The detective novel unraveled the mystery,
mystery ẩn revealing the culprit.
unveil the tiết lộ sự thật ẩn The investigative journalism book unveiled the
hidden truth... giấu... hidden truth about corruption.
well-developed nhân vật được xây The novel features well-developed characters
characters dựng tốt with depth.
well-paced and tốc độ hợp lý và The thriller is well-paced and keeps readers
engaging cuốn hút engaged.



english words meaning Example

artfully directed được đạo diễn The movie is artfully directed, showcasing the
một cách tinh tế director's vision.
breathtaking những pha hành The movie's breathtaking action sequences are
action động nghẹt thở a visual spectacle.
bring a đưa nhân vật vào The actor's performance brings the character
character to life cuộc sống to life on screen.
captivated my thu hút sự chú ý The movie captivated my attention from the
attention của tôi beginning to the end.
captivating kỹ xảo hấp dẫn The captivating cinematography enhances the
cinematography storytelling experience.
capture the nắm bắt được bản The wildlife documentary captures the essence
essence of... chất của... of nature's beauty and diversity.
compelling and lôi cuốn và gợi suy The thought-provoking film offers compelling
thought- ngẫm insights into human nature.
convey a truyền đạt thông The movie conveys a message of hope and
message of hope điệp về hy vọng resilience in the face of adversity.
and resilience và kiên định
convey a truyền đạt một The film conveys a powerful message about the
powerful thông điệp mạnh importance of family.
message mẽ
convey a sense truyền đạt một The movie conveys a sense of hope and
of hope cảm giác hy vọng optimism for the future.
convey a sense truyền đạt một The war film conveys a sense of realism, making
of realism cảm giác chân the scenes intense.
convey a sense truyền tải một The thriller movie conveys a sense of urgency
of urgency cảm giác khẩn as the plot unfolds.
convey a sense truyền tải cảm The fantasy film conveys a sense of wonder
of wonder giác kỳ diệu about magical creatures and lands.
convey the truyền đạt bản The biographical film conveys the essence of
essence of... chất của... the famous musician's life.
craft a xây dựng một cốt The director skillfully crafts a compelling
compelling truyện hấp dẫn narrative that resonates with viewers.
create a sense tạo ra một cảm The thriller movie creates a sense of suspense
of suspense giác hồi hộp and anticipation.


deeply moving làm xúc động sâu The movie's touching story is deeply moving and
sắc heartfelt.
deliver a thể hiện một diễn The lead actor delivered a powerful
powerful xuất mạnh mẽ performance, impressing the audience.
depict a miêu tả một câu The movie depicts a compelling story of love
compelling story chuyện hấp dẫn and sacrifice.
depict historical miêu tả chính xác The historical drama depicts events with
accuracy lịch sử historical accuracy and detail.
elicit laughter gây ra tiếng cười The movie elicited both laughter and tears
and tears và nước mắt from the audience.
emotionally hấp dẫn về mặt The movie is emotionally engaging, leaving a
engaging cảm xúc lasting impact on the audience.
engage the kích thích sự tham The movie's suspenseful plot engaged the
audience gia của khán giả audience throughout.
engaging from cuốn hút từ đầu The movie is engaging from start to finish,
start to finish đến cuối never losing momentum.
engross in a mê đắm vào một The movie's compelling narrative engrossed me
compelling câu chuyện hấp in its world.
narrative dẫn
engrossing plot cốt truyện cuốn The film has an engrossing plot that keeps you
hút engaged.
evocative and gợi cảm và lôi The movie's evocative storytelling keeps the
compelling cuốn audience engaged.
evocative diễn xuất gợi cảm The actors' evocative performances added
performances depth to the characters.
evoke a feeling gợi lên một cảm The movie's setting and music evoke a feeling
of nostalgia giác hoài niệm of nostalgia for the past.
evoke a sense of gợi lên một cảm The movie's powerful performances evoke a
empathy giác đồng cảm sense of empathy for the characters.
evoke strong gợi lên những cảm The film evoked strong emotions, making me
emotions xúc mạnh mẽ laugh and cry.
evoked a sense gợi lên cảm giác The fantasy movie evoked a sense of wonder
of wonder kỳ diệu about its magical world.
evoked a wide gợi ra nhiều cảm The film's powerful performances evoked a
range of xúc wide range of emotions in the audience.
examine the nghiên cứu điều The movie examines the human condition and
human condition kiện nhân loại the complexities of emotions.
expertly crafted được làm một The movie is expertly crafted with attention to
cách tài tình detail.
explore complex khám phá những The drama movie explores complex themes of
themes chủ đề phức tạp love, loss, and identity.


explore the khám phá những The drama movie explores the complexities of
complexities phức tạp của... human relationships.
gripping and hấp dẫn và căng The movie's gripping and intense scenes keep
intense thẳng you on the edge of your seat.
gripping cốt truyện hấp The movie has a gripping storyline that keeps
storyline dẫn you on the edge of your seat.
illuminate social làm sáng tỏ các The documentary illuminates pressing social
issues vấn đề xã hội issues and raises awareness.
immersive cách kể chuyện lôi The movie's immersive storytelling draws you
storytelling cuốn into its world.
impressive dàn diễn viên ấn The movie boasts an impressive ensemble cast
ensemble cast tượng with great chemistry.
infuse humor thêm vào sự hài The comedy movie infuses humor and wit,
and wit hước và thông making it enjoyable to watch.
keep me on the khiến tôi ngồi dậy The action-packed movie kept me on the edge
edge of my seat một chỗ of my seat throughout.
keep me giữ cho tôi luôn The movie kept me engaged throughout its
engaged tập trung entire duration.
leave a lasting để lại ấn tượng lâu The movie's powerful message left a lasting
impact dài impact on me.
leave me with a để lại cho tôi cảm The movie's breathtaking visuals left me with a
sense of awe giác kính phục sense of awe.
memorable and đáng nhớ và ảnh The movie's memorable moments leave a lasting
impactful hưởng impact on the audience.
memorable and nhân vật đáng nhớ The movie features memorable and well-
well-developed và được phát developed characters.
characters triển tốt
memorable nhạc nền đáng The movie's memorable soundtrack adds an
soundtrack nhớ extra layer of emotion to the scenes.
mesmerizing kỹ xảo mê hoặc The movie's mesmerizing cinematography adds
cinematography to its allure.
multilayered cách kể chuyện The film's multilayered storytelling keeps you
storytelling đa tầng intrigued.
offer an cung cấp một phê The documentary offers an insightful critique of
insightful phán sâu sắc modern society.
outstanding kịch bản xuất sắc The movie's outstanding screenplay brought the
screenplay story to life.
portray a miêu tả một hành The film portrays a compelling journey of self-
compelling trình hấp dẫn discovery and redemption.

portray miêu tả nhân vật The actors portrayed their characters

characters một cách thuyết convincingly and realistically.
convincingly phục
portray the miêu tả bản chất The documentary portrays the essence of a
essence of... của... community's culture.
powerful cách kể chuyện The film's powerful storytelling conveys deep
storytelling mạnh mẽ messages about life.
present a trình bày một đỉnh The movie presents a gripping climax that
gripping climax cao căng thẳng keeps you on the edge of your seat.
provide thought- cung cấp những cú The plot provides thought-provoking twists that
provoking twists twist gợi suy tư challenge your thinking.
seamless editing biên tập mượt mà The movie's seamless editing contributes to its
overall flow.
seamlessly cốt truyện được The movie has a seamlessly woven narrative
woven narrative kết hợp một cách that connects all the subplots.
hợp lý
showcase trưng bày kỹ xảo The movie showcases remarkable
remarkable quay phim đáng cinematography, enhancing the overall
cinematography chú ý experience.
showcase trưng bày những The movie showcases stunning visuals that
stunning visuals hình ảnh đẹp mắt leave a lasting impression.
skillful direction đạo diễn tài tình The movie benefits from skillful direction,
creating a seamless narrative.
skillfully blend kết hợp các thể The movie skillfully blends genres, creating a
genres loại một cách unique and captivating experience.
khéo léo
stellar diễn xuất xuất sắc The actors delivered stellar performances,
performances making the movie memorable.
stellar special hiệu ứng đặc biệt The movie's stellar special effects make it a
effects xuất sắc visual treat.
stirred a range gợi lên nhiều cảm The film's poignant moments stirred a range of
of emotions xúc emotions in the audience.
stirred up a gợi lại cảm giác The movie's setting and soundtrack stirred up a
sense of hoài niệm sense of nostalgia in me.
thought- các chủ đề gợi suy The movie explores thought-provoking themes
provoking tư about society and morality.
thought- hình ảnh gợi suy The movie's thought-provoking visuals leave a
provoking ngẫm lasting impression.
thoughtful phát triển nhân The film offers thoughtful character
character vật sâu sắc và suy development throughout.
development tư

transport me to đưa tôi đến một The fantasy film transported me to another
another world thế giới khác world of magic and wonder.
unfold a mở ra câu chuyện The romance movie unfolds a captivating love
captivating love tình yêu cuốn hút story that touches your heart.
unfold a mở ra một câu The movie unfolds a heartwarming story of
heartwarming chuyện ấm lòng friendship and love.
unravel a giải mã một bí ẩn The movie unraveled a complex mystery,
complex mystery phức tạp keeping me guessing.
unveil a tiết lộ một cú The movie unveils a surprising twist in the plot,
surprising twist twist bất ngờ leaving the audience in awe.
visually stunning hình ảnh đẹp mắt The movie's visual effects are stunning and add
to the overall experience.



english words meaning Example

a well-known người nổi tiếng Brad Pitt is a well-known public figure, admired
public figure trong công chúng for his acting skills and philanthropic efforts.
acclaimed diễn viên được Meryl Streep is an acclaimed actress, winning
actor/actress công nhận numerous awards for her exceptional
admirable những thành tựu Usain Bolt's admirable achievements in track
achievements đáng ngưỡng mộ and field have made him a legend in the sport.
advocated for ủng hộ các vấn đề The celebrity advocate passionately advocated
environmental môi trường for environmental causes, promoting
causes sustainability.
avid nhà từ thiện nhiệt Bill Gates is an avid philanthropist, dedicating
philanthropist huyết his wealth and time to various charitable
award-winning diễn xuất đoạt Leonardo DiCaprio delivered an award-winning
performance giải performance in the movie "The Revenant."
became a social trở thành hiện The dance video went viral, and the performer
media sensation tượng trên mạng became a social media sensation overnight.
xã hội
box office nam châm phòng Marvel movies have been box office magnets,
magnet vé drawing audiences with their action-packed
box office hiện tượng phòng The latest Marvel movie became a box office
sensation vé sensation, breaking records in ticket sales.
broke box office phá vỡ kỷ lục The latest superhero movie broke box office
records phòng vé records, becoming the highest-grossing film of
the year.
captivated the chinh phục trái The singer's soulful performance captivated the
audience's tim của khán giả audience's hearts, leaving them in awe of her
hearts talent.
captivating sự hiện diện quyến The actor's captivating presence on the stage
presence rũ makes it hard to take eyes off him during
captured the nắm bắt bản chất The actor skillfully captured the essence of the
essence of a của một nhân vật character, bringing depth and authenticity to
character the role.
championed ủng hộ quyền con The human rights activist championed various
human rights người causes, fighting for equality and justice
charismatic nhân cách hấp Oprah Winfrey's charismatic personality makes
personality dẫn her an excellent talk show host and motivator.


charmed hấp dẫn khán giả Shah Rukh Khan's charismatic acting has
audiences trên toàn thế giới charmed audiences worldwide, making him a
worldwide global star.
charming nhân cách quyến George Clooney's charming personality makes
personality rũ him a favorite among fans and interviewers
chart-topping các bản hit dẫn The singer's new song quickly became a chart-
hits đầu bảng xếp topping hit, gaining widespread popularity.
conquered chinh phục các The artist conquered various artistic mediums,
various artistic phương tiện nghệ including painting, sculpture, and digital art.
mediums thuật khác nhau
contributed to góp phần cho các The celebrity actively contributed to social
social causes vấn đề xã hội causes, raising awareness and funds for
important issues.
controversial nhân vật gây Kanye West is a controversial figure due to his
figure tranh cãi outspoken opinions and unpredictable
conveyed truyền tải thông The filmmaker conveyed powerful messages
powerful điệp mạnh mẽ through their movies, addressing important
messages social issues.
created a tạo dấu ấn lâu dài Steve Jobs' innovations in technology created a
lasting legacy lasting legacy, shaping the future of the tech
critically được công nhận The movie received rave reviews and was
acclaimed bởi các nhà phê critically acclaimed, thanks to the lead actor's
bình performance.
critically đạo diễn được Christopher Nolan is a critically acclaimed
acclaimed công nhận bởi các director, known for his innovative and mind-
director nhà phê bình bending films.
cultivated a xây dựng nhân The comedian cultivated a unique persona,
unique persona cách độc đáo setting themselves apart with a distinctive
sense of humor.
cultural icon biểu tượng văn Marilyn Monroe remains a cultural icon,
hóa symbolizing beauty and glamour of the golden
Hollywood era.
dazzled the làm mê hoặc khán The magician's incredible tricks dazzled the
audience giả audience, leaving them amazed and
delivered a truyền tải thông The politician's speech delivered a powerful
powerful điệp mạnh mẽ message about unity and progress for the
message nation.


displayed thể hiện tài năng The pianist displayed unparalleled talent,
unparalleled vượt trội leaving the audience in awe with their virtuoso
talent performance.
dominated the thống trị ngành The fashion designer's creations dominated the
fashion industry công nghiệp thời fashion industry, influencing trends and styles.
dominated the thống trị bảng xếp The band's latest album dominated the music
music charts hạng âm nhạc charts, staying at the top position for several
dominates the thống trị ngành The actress dominates the entertainment
entertainment giải trí industry, starring in hit after hit, across
industry various genres.
elevated their nâng cao sự The dancer continuously practiced and
craft nghiệp của họ elevated their craft, becoming one of the best
in their field.
embraced đón nhận các vai The actor embraced diverse roles, showcasing
diverse roles diễn đa dạng their versatility and talent in various film
endearing public hình ảnh công Tom Hanks is loved by his fans for his endearing
persona chúng đáng yêu public persona and humble nature.
endorsing ủng hộ các thương Cristiano Ronaldo has been endorsing popular
popular brands hiệu phổ biến brands like Nike and Adidas, boosting their
epitomized là hình mẫu của sự Audrey Hepburn epitomized elegance and
elegance and thanh lịch và grace, both on and off the screen, making her
grace duyên dáng an iconic figure.
established a xây dựng danh The chef established a reputation for
reputation for tiếng về sự xuất excellence, earning Michelin stars for the
excellence sắc restaurant's cuisine.
established xác lập vị trí tiên The scientists established themselves as
themselves as phong pioneers in their field, making groundbreaking
pioneers discoveries.
evoked strong gợi lên những cảm The poet's words evoked strong emotions,
emotions xúc mạnh mẽ touching the hearts of readers with their
depth and beauty.
excelled in their xuất sắc trong lĩnh The scientist excelled in their field, making
field vực của mình groundbreaking discoveries and contributing to
fan base lượng fan hâm mộ Taylor Swift has a massive fan base that
adores her music and supports her career
fashion icon biểu tượng thời Victoria Beckham's impeccable style has
trang earned her the reputation of a fashion icon.


garnered nhận được khen The author's latest novel garnered accolades
accolades and ngợi và giải and awards, recognizing its literary brilliance.
awards thưởng
garnered nhận được sự khen The actor's powerful performance garnered
critical praise ngợi từ các nhà critical praise, earning him an Oscar
phê bình nomination.
garnered nhận được sự phổ The comedian's hilarious performances
immense biến to lớn garnered immense popularity, attracting a
popularity massive fan following.
garnered nhận được sự công The movie "Parasite" garnered international
international nhận quốc tế acclaim, winning multiple awards at prestigious
acclaim film festivals.
garnered nhận được sự ủng The musician's latest album garnered support
support from hộ từ người hâm from fans, who eagerly purchased and praised
fans mộ the music.
garnered nhận được sự công The artist's paintings garnered widespread
widespread nhận rộng rãi recognition, with exhibitions held in galleries
recognition worldwide.
genuine role hình mẫu chân Michelle Obama is seen as a genuine role model
model thực for empowering women and promoting
global đại sứ toàn cầu Priyanka Chopra serves as a global
ambassador ambassador for UNICEF, advocating for
children's rights worldwide.
global superstar siêu sao toàn cầu Rihanna is a global superstar with fans all
around the world, drawn to her music and
fashion sense.
host and present dẫn dắt và tham The TV presenter hosted and presented major
major events dự các sự kiện lớn events, keeping the audience engaged and
humanitarian các nỗ lực nhân Angelina Jolie is known for her humanitarian
efforts đạo efforts, advocating for refugee rights and
global issues.
iconic nhân vật mang Michael Jackson remains an iconic personality
personality tính biểu tượng in the world of pop music even years after his
ignite a cultural khơi dậy hiện The TV show ignited a cultural phenomenon,
phenomenon tượng văn hóa sparking discussions and fandoms around the
impact and tác động và The civil rights leader impacted and inspired
inspire truyền cảm hứng generations with their advocacy for equality
generations cho các thế hệ and justice.


influential figure nhân vật có ảnh Elon Musk is an influential figure in the tech
hưởng world, revolutionizing the electric vehicle
inspire a truyền cảm hứng Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches inspired a
generation cho một thế hệ generation to fight for civil rights and equality.
inspire positive truyền cảm hứng The activist's speeches inspired positive
change cho sự thay đổi change, encouraging people to stand up for
tích cực their rights.
internationally được công nhận The chef's restaurant is internationally
acclaimed quốc tế acclaimed, attracting food enthusiasts from all
over the world.
maintain a duy trì sự hiện The author maintained a strong online
strong presence diện mạnh mẽ presence, engaging with readers and sharing
insights about writing.
maintain a duy trì sự nghiệp Despite challenges, the actress maintained a
successful thành công successful career, starring in blockbuster
career movies.
media darling người được yêu Meghan Markle became a media darling after
thích bởi truyền marrying into the British royal family.
mesmerize the làm mê hoặc khán The magician's stunning tricks mesmerized the
audience giả audience, leaving them in awe of his skills.
multi-talented nghệ sĩ tài năng Beyoncé is a multi-talented artist, excelling in
artist đa năng singing, dancing, and acting.
notorious người nổi tiếng The notorious celebrity's scandals have
celebrity tiêu cực attracted constant media attention.
nurture a loyal xây dựng đội ngũ The band's continuous dedication nurtured a
fanbase fan hâm mộ trung loyal fanbase that has supported them
thành throughout the years.
overcome vượt qua khó khăn The athlete overcame obstacles and challenges
obstacles and và thử thách to reach the pinnacle of success in their sport.
pop culture icon biểu tượng văn Kim Kardashian has become a pop culture icon
hóa đại chúng with her influence on fashion and social media.
push artistic đẩy mạnh ranh The avant-garde artist pushed artistic
boundaries giới nghệ thuật boundaries, creating thought-provoking and
unconventional works.
receive critical nhận được sự hoan The novel received critical acclaim for its
acclaim nghênh từ các nhà profound storytelling and well-developed
phê bình characters.
record-breaking những thành tựu Michael Phelps' record-breaking achievements
achievements phá vỡ kỷ lục in swimming have solidified his status as a


redefine beauty định nghĩa lại tiêu The model challenged norms and redefined
standards chuẩn vẻ đẹp beauty standards, promoting body positivity
and diversity.
redefine fashion định nghĩa lại xu Lady Gaga's unique style redefined fashion
trends hướng thời trang trends, inspiring designers and fashion
remain at the vẫn đứng đỉnh The athlete remained at the pinnacle of
pinnacle of thành công success, continuously achieving victories and
success breaking records.
renowned sports ngôi sao thể thao Cristiano Ronaldo is a renowned sports star
star nổi tiếng known for his remarkable soccer skills.
resonate with a gây đồng cảm với The singer's heartfelt songs resonated with a
global audience khán giả toàn cầu global audience, connecting people through
revitalize a tái khởi đầu cho The actor's outstanding performance
declining career sự nghiệp suy tàn revitalized a declining career, earning them
critical acclaim.
revolutionize cách mạng hóa Netflix revolutionized the entertainment
the ngành giải trí industry by introducing streaming services for
entertainment movies and shows.
rising star ngôi sao đang nổi Lina Gomez is a rising star in the music
lên industry, gaining popularity with her soulful
set new thiết lập những The fashion designer set new standards in
standards tiêu chuẩn mới haute couture, influencing trends in the
social activism hoạt động xã hội Emma Watson is well-known for her social
activism, advocating for gender equality and
social media người ảnh hưởng Kylie Jenner is a social media influencer,
influencer trên mạng xã hội promoting products and trends to millions of
spearheaded đứng đầu các The actor spearheaded charitable initiatives
charitable hoạt động từ thiện to provide aid and support for underprivileged
initiatives communities.
spearheaded dẫn đầu các nỗ The NGO spearheaded efforts for positive
efforts for lực cho sự thay change, implementing projects to improve
positive change đổi tích cực communities.
stellar diễn xuất xuất sắc Anthony Hopkins delivered a stellar
performance performance in "The Silence of the Lambs,"
earning an Oscar.


timeless beauty vẻ đẹp vượt thời Audrey Hepburn's timeless beauty continues to
gian inspire and captivate people even decades
trailblazing sự nghiệp tiên Serena Williams has had a trailblazing career
career phong in tennis, shattering records and breaking
transcend vượt qua giới hạn Jackie Chan's movies transcended cultural
cultural văn hóa boundaries, appealing to audiences worldwide.
transform the thay đổi ngành The tech entrepreneur's innovations
industry công nghiệp transformed the industry, revolutionizing the
way people live and work.
unapologetically chân thành và Ricky Gervais is unapologetically authentic,
authentic không giả vờ using his humor to address important societal
unconventional nhân cách không Lady Gaga's unconventional personality sets
personality truyền thống her apart from other artists in the music
unmatched sức hút vô song Elvis Presley's unmatched charisma turned him
charisma into a music legend, known as the "King of Rock
and Roll."
unparalleled thành công vô The band's latest album achieved unparalleled
success song success, topping music charts worldwide.
unrivaled talent tài năng vượt trội Mozart's unrivaled talent in music composition
has made him a legendary figure in classical
versatile nghệ sĩ linh hoạt Johnny Depp is a versatile performer,
performer effortlessly transitioning between various film
voice of a tiếng nói của một Bob Dylan's music became the voice of a
generation thế hệ generation during the 1960s, reflecting the
era's sentiments.



english words meaning Example

accepting each chấp nhận những True friends accept each other's flaws and
other's flaws khuyết điểm của imperfections, appreciating each other for
nhau their genuine selves.
a shoulder to là một bờ vai để In times of emotional distress, a friend is
lean on tựa vào always there to be a shoulder to lean on,
offering comfort and understanding.
be a source of là nguồn động viên Sarah's determination to pursue her dreams
motivation served as a source of motivation for her
friends to chase their goals too.
be open-minded cởi mở và chấp In a diverse group of friends, being open-
and accepting nhận minded and accepting of each other's
differences strengthens the friendship.
be reliable and đáng tin cậy và có Tim is a reliable and dependable friend, always
dependable thể tin tưởng keeping his promises and being there when his
friends need him the most.
be there in ở bên nhau trong Tim knew he could count on his friends to be
times of need những lúc cần there in times of need, just as they could rely
thiết on him.
be there in luôn ở bên nhau Mark was always there for his friends in times
times of need trong lúc cần thiết of need, offering a helping hand whenever they
required assistance.
be there luôn ở bên nhau Jake and Tom have been best friends for years,
through thick trong mọi hoàn being there for each other through thick and
and thin cảnh thin.
build a xây dựng nền tảng Over the years, the friends have built a strong
foundation of tin cậy foundation of trust, knowing they can rely on
trust one another without hesitation.
build a network xây dựng mạng Through their friendships, Sarah and her
of connections lưới kết nối friends built a network of connections,
benefiting from each other's expertise.
build a sense of xây dựng cảm giác Being part of a tight-knit group, Jennifer felt a
belonging thuộc về strong sense of belonging, knowing she was
accepted and valued.
build a sense of xây dựng cảm giác The group's regular gatherings helped build a
belonging thuộc về sense of belonging, making each member feel
valued and accepted.
build lasting xây dựng những kỷ During their road trip, the friends built lasting
memories niệm lâu dài memories, cherishing the time spent together.


build lifelong xây dựng những kỷ The friends' road trip across the country was
memories niệm suốt đời an adventure that built lifelong memories they
will always cherish.
build mutual xây dựng tôn Their friendship is based on mutual respect and
respect and trọng và lòng loyalty, as they prioritize each other's well-
loyalty trung thành being and happiness.
celebrate cùng nhau ăn Sarah and her friends have always celebrated
achievements mừng thành tựu their achievements together, making the
together moments even more special.
celebrate each kỷ niệm những The friends always celebrate each other's
other's thành công của successes, making their achievements even
successes nhau more special.
celebrate each tôn vinh sự độc In their diverse circle of friends, they
other's đáo của nhau celebrated each other's uniqueness and
uniqueness embraced individuality.
celebrate kỷ niệm các ngày Every year, the friends gather to celebrate
friendship kỉ niệm tình bạn their friendship anniversaries, marking the
anniversaries time they have spent together.
celebrate kỷ niệm những cột The group of friends gathered to celebrate
milestones mốc cùng nhau each other's milestones, such as birthdays,
together graduations, and job promotions.
celebrate kỷ niệm những cột The friends always come together to celebrate
milestones mốc cùng nhau milestones such as anniversaries, graduations,
together and achievements in their lives.
childhood pals bạn thơ ấu Jenny and I have been childhood pals, creating
cherished memories from our early years.
create a sense tạo ra cảm giác The group of friends created a strong sense of
of belonging thuộc về belonging, ensuring everyone felt welcomed
and valued within the circle.
create tạo ra những kỷ The friends went on a memorable road trip,
cherished niệm đáng quý creating cherished memories that they will
memories cherish forever.
create long- tạo ra những kỷ During their summer vacation, the friends
lasting memories niệm lâu dài created long-lasting memories, which they
reminisce about fondly to this day.
create shared tạo ra những Every year, the friends come together to
traditions and truyền thống và celebrate Christmas, creating shared
rituals nghi lễ chung traditions that strengthen their bond.
ease each hỗ trợ giảm nhẹ The friends took turns easing each other's
other's burdens gánh nặng của burdens, whether it was with schoolwork or
nhau personal problems.
embrace chấp nhận đa The friends have a harmonious relationship,
diversity and dạng và sự khác embracing diversity and differences, which
differences biệt enrich their friendship.

embrace kỷ niệm những cột In their group of friends, they embrace

diversity and mốc cùng nhau diversity and inclusivity, valuing each person's
inclusivity unique background and perspectives.
embrace each hoan nghênh In a healthy friendship, friends embrace each
other's những thành công other's successes, celebrating
successes của nhau accomplishments with genuine happiness.
emotional sự hỗ trợ tinh thần After the loss of her pet, Jennifer relied on her
support friends for emotional support and comfort.
emphasize open nhấn mạnh giao John emphasized the importance of open and
and honest tiếp thẳng thắn và honest communication in the friendship,
communication trung thực allowing for genuine and meaningful
encourage khích lệ phát triển True friends always encourage each other's
personal growth cá nhân personal growth, inspiring one another to
strive for self-improvement.
fidelity in sự trung thành The fidelity in friendship between Lisa and
friendship trong tình bạn Sarah never wavered, even after years of
being apart.
forgive and tha thứ và thông In any friendship, it's crucial to be forgiving
understanding cảm and understanding, recognizing that nobody is
forgive each tha thứ cho những In any friendship, it's essential to forgive each
other's mistakes sai lầm của nhau other's mistakes and grow from the
form strong xây dựng mối quan Sarah and Emily formed strong bonds during
bonds hệ mạnh mẽ their school years, and their friendship has only
grown stronger with time.
foster a phát triển không The friends fostered a supportive atmosphere,
supportive khí hỗ trợ where everyone felt comfortable sharing their
atmosphere thoughts and feelings.
friendship knows tình bạn không Even though they came from different cultures,
no boundaries biết ranh giới their friendship knows no boundaries and
thrives on mutual respect.
genuine tình bạn chân The genuine friendship between Tom and Jerry
friendship thành was evident in their selfless acts of kindness
towards each other.
give emotional cung cấp hỗ trợ During her friend's difficult time, Sarah gave
support tinh thần emotional support and listened attentively to
her concerns.
go the extra hết lòng vì bạn bè Mark always goes the extra mile for his friends,
mile for friends putting their needs and well-being above his


grow and cùng nhau phát The friends supported each other's growth and
evolving triển và tiến bộ evolved together, celebrating their personal
together achievements.
grow and phát triển và tiến Over the years, the friends have grown and
evolving bộ cùng nhau evolved together, supporting one another's
together personal growth and development.
grow through trưởng thành qua The friends grew and matured through shared
shared những trải nghiệm experiences, learning from each other's
experiences chung triumphs and challenges.
heart-to-heart cuộc trò chuyện Emma and Maria often have heart-to-heart
conversations chân tâm conversations, sharing their feelings and
experiences openly.
inseparable bạn bè bất ly thân Jake and Matt have been inseparable friends
friends since college; they do everything together.
journey through đồng hành cùng The friends have journeyed through life
life together nhau trong cuộc together, sharing experiences, joys, and
sống challenges, making their bond unbreakable.
kindred spirits tâm hồn đồng When they met at the yoga retreat, they
điệu instantly connected as kindred spirits with a
shared love for wellness.
lend a helping chia sẻ một bàn When Lisa fell ill, her friends were quick to lend
hand tay giúp đỡ a helping hand, taking care of her and ensuring
she felt supported.
lifelong friends bạn bè suốt đời I met Jane in kindergarten, and we have been
lifelong friends ever since.
lifesaver in người cứu cánh During the pandemic, my friend Anna was a
tough times trong những lúc lifesaver, helping me with groceries and
khó khăn emotional support.
maintain a sense giữ vững tính hài The friends always maintain a sense of humor,
of humor hước making their time together enjoyable and filled
with laughter.
maintain open duy trì giao tiếp Open communication is key in any friendship,
communication thẳng thắn allowing friends to address issues and resolve
conflicts effectively.
navigate đối mặt với thử When they encountered difficulties, the friends
challenges thách cùng nhau navigated challenges together, finding solutions
together as a united team.
nurture a deep xây dựng lòng tin The friends have nurtured a deep sense of
sense of trust sâu sắc trust, knowing that they can rely on one
another without hesitation.
nurture nuôi dưỡng những John has always been good at nurturing
meaningful kết nối ý nghĩa meaningful connections with people, making him
connections a great friend to have.


offer a helping cung cấp một bàn When her friend was struggling, Emily offered a
hand tay giúp đỡ helping hand, providing assistance and support
in any way she could.
offer a listening cung cấp tai để When her friend needed someone to talk to,
ear and support lắng nghe và hỗ Lisa offered a listening ear and emotional
trợ support, being fully present for her.
offer a shoulder cung cấp một bờ In times of sadness, a true friend is there to
to cry on vai để khóc offer a shoulder to cry on, providing comfort
and solace.
offer cung cấp phê bình Sarah values her friends' opinions as they offer
constructive xây dựng constructive criticism, helping her refine her
criticism ideas and decisions.
offer cung cấp phản hồi True friends offer constructive feedback to
constructive xây dựng help each other grow and improve, even if it
feedback may be difficult to hear.
offer cung cấp sự hỗ trợ Lisa offered her friend unwavering support
unwavering kiên định during the difficult times, proving to be a
support reliable and caring companion.
overcome vượt qua những The friends faced challenges together, knowing
challenges thử thách cùng they could rely on one another's support to
together nhau overcome any obstacles.
overcome vượt qua những The group of friends faced challenges
challenges thách thức cùng together, supporting one another and
together nhau overcoming obstacles as a team.
provide a cung cấp tai để Whenever her friend needed to talk, Emma was
listening ear lắng nghe always there to provide a listening ear and
offer a comforting presence.
provide cung cấp sự an ủi During tough times, friends provide emotional
emotional tinh thần reassurance, reminding each other that they
reassurance are not alone in their struggles.
reliable support sự hỗ trợ đáng tin During difficult times, Lisa provided reliable
cậy support, and I'm grateful to have her as a
resolve conflicts giải quyết xung When conflicts arise, the friends strive to
through đột thông qua resolve them through open and honest
communication giao tiếp communication, avoiding misunderstandings.
resolve conflicts giải quyết xung The friends believe in resolving conflicts
through dialogue đột thông qua đối through open dialogue, fostering understanding
thoại and harmony within the group.
respect and tôn trọng và đánh The friends have a strong bond because they
appreciate each giá cao nhau always respect and appreciate each other's
other unique qualities and strengths.


respect tôn trọng ranh In a healthy friendship, respecting boundaries

boundaries giới ensures that each person's privacy and
comfort are upheld.
respect each tôn trọng sự khác In a diverse group of friends, respecting each
other's biệt của nhau other's differences fosters a harmonious and
differences understanding bond.
respect each tôn trọng thời In a busy world, respecting each other's time
other's time gian của nhau shows consideration for one another's
schedules and commitments.
respect tôn trọng các lựa In a healthy friendship, friends respect each
individual chọn cá nhân other's individual choices, even if they have
choices different preferences or opinions.
respect tôn trọng tính cá In a true friendship, respecting individuality
individuality nhân allows each person to be themselves without
fear of judgment.
shared interests sở thích chung Sarah and I developed a strong friendship due
to our shared interests in photography and
share burdens chia sẻ gánh nặng In a strong friendship, friends share both their
and joys và niềm vui burdens and joys, helping each other through
challenges and celebrating successes.
share common chia sẻ sở thích We became friends by sharing common
interests chung interests in sports and music, which brought us
share chia sẻ những trải The group of friends often gather to share
experiences and nghiệm và kỷ niệm experiences and memories, creating a strong
memories sense of camaraderie.
share inside chia sẻ những trò Inside jokes and laughter are essential in
jokes and đùa và tiếng cười friendships, creating a bond through shared
laughter humor and joy.
share laughter chia sẻ tiếng cười Friends share laughter and joy, making each
and joy và niềm vui other's company enjoyable and uplifting.
share personal chia sẻ những trải During their travels, the friends shared
experiences nghiệm cá nhân personal experiences, strengthening their
connection and understanding of one another.
show empathy thể hiện sự thông During tough times, friends show empathy and
and cảm và sẻ chia understanding, offering a listening ear and a
understanding shoulder to lean on.
stand by each ở bên cạnh nhau The friends have stood by each other's side
other's side through thick and thin, supporting one another
in every situation.
strengthen the củng cố mối quan Traveling together helped strengthen the
friendship bond hệ tình bạn friendship bond between Jane and Alex,
creating a deeper connection.

strengthen the củng cố mối quan Traveling together strengthened the friendship
friendship bond hệ tình bạn bond between Jane and Alex, bringing them
closer together.
strong bond mối quan hệ mạnh The strong bond between Sarah and Emily
mẽ helped them support each other through tough
support dreams hỗ trợ những giấc Jennifer's friends always support her dreams
and aspirations mơ và hoài bão and aspirations, encouraging her to pursue her
support each hỗ trợ những giấc John and Mike have been supporting each
other's dreams mơ của nhau other's dreams since college, encouraging and
motivating one another to succeed.
support hỗ trợ phát triển Emily's friends have always supported her
personal cá nhân personal development, encouraging her to
development pursue her passions and interests.
treasure the trân trọng những The friends treasured the moments spent
moments khoảnh khắc bên together, knowing that their time as a group
together nhau was something to cherish.
true tình bạn chân The true companionship between Sarah and her
companionship thành dog, Max, brought joy and comfort to both of
trusted người bạn tin cậy John is my trusted confidant; I can share my
confidant deepest secrets and worries with him.
unconditional sự hỗ trợ vô điều In times of crisis, you can always count on your
support kiện true friends to offer unconditional support and
understand hiểu được những With time, the friends have learned to
unspoken cảm xúc không nói understand each other's unspoken feelings,
feelings ra strengthening their emotional connection.
unwavering lòng trung thành Despite the challenges, Susan showed
loyalty kiên định unwavering loyalty to her friends, standing by
them through thick and thin.
virtual friends bạn bè ảo Online gaming allowed Mark to make virtual
friends from different parts of the world.
weather the ups vượt qua những Over the years, the friends have weathered
and downs thăng trầm the ups and downs of life together, providing
unwavering support for one another.



english words meaning Example

accepting each chấp nhận những True friends accept each other's flaws and
other's flaws khuyết điểm của imperfections, appreciating each other for
nhau their genuine selves.
be considerate tử tế và thông Being considerate and understanding of each
and cảm other's needs and feelings creates a
understanding supportive and caring family environment.
bond over gắn kết qua những Families bond over shared experiences,
shared trải nghiệm chung creating a sense of togetherness and forming
experiences lasting memories.
break down hỏng, suy sụp When facing challenges, family members
support each other, ensuring they don't break
down but overcome the difficulties.
bring up nuôi dạy Mark's parents worked hard to bring up their
children with strong values and a sense of
celebrate each kỷ niệm những Celebrating each other's successes and
other's thành công của achievements reinforces mutual support and a
successes nhau sense of pride in each other's
celebrate family kỷ niệm những Celebrating family achievements recognizes
achievements thành tựu của gia individual and collective efforts, fostering a
đình sense of pride and encouragement.
cherish family trân trọng những We always cherish family moments, capturing
moments khoảnh khắc gia them in photographs and creating lasting
đình memories to look back on fondly.
childhood kỷ niệm tuổi thơ Reminiscing about childhood memories brings
memories joy and nostalgia, evoking shared experiences
among family members.
close mối quan hệ thân She shares a close relationship with her
relationship with thiết với cha mẹ parents, often seeking their advice and
parents guidance in making important decisions.
close-knit family gia đình thân Our family is a close-knit unit; we always
thiết support and care for each other, creating a
strong bond among us.
collaborate on cộng tác trong Collaborating on family projects, like home
family projects các dự án gia đình improvements or family vacations, promotes
teamwork and family involvement.
come along đi cùng ai đó Would you like to come along with us to the
family gathering?


come back trở về After living abroad for years, Mark decided to
come back to his hometown and reunite with
his family.
come from a big đến từ một gia Sarah comes from a big family with many
family đình đông người siblings, which has provided her with a sense of
camaraderie and support throughout life.
communicate giao tiếp cởi mở It's crucial to communicate openly within the
openly family, fostering understanding and resolving
any misunderstandings.
create a tạo ra một không Creating a positive atmosphere within the
positive khí tích cực family promotes happiness and harmony,
atmosphere making it a pleasant place for everyone to be.
create lasting tạo ra những kỷ Engaging in memorable family activities, such
memories niệm lâu dài cùng as vacations or outings, creates lasting
together nhau memories that bring joy for years to come.
cultivate a sense xây dựng lòng biết Cultivating a sense of gratitude within the
of gratitude ơn family encourages appreciation for each
other's efforts, strengthening emotional bonds.
demonstrate thể hiện tình yêu Expressing love and care for one another
love and care và quan tâm through actions and words strengthens
emotional bonds within the family.
develop empathy phát triển lòng Cultivating empathy and understanding
and thông cảm và hiểu towards each other's experiences helps build
understanding biết empathy and compassion within the family.
embrace chấp nhận sự đa Embracing diversity within the family means
diversity within dạng trong gia accepting and respecting each member's
the family đình individuality and unique perspectives.
encourage khuyến khích sự Encouraging forgiveness and reconciliation
forgiveness and tha thứ và làm within the family promotes healing and restores
reconciliation lành harmony after conflicts or disagreements.
encourage khuyến khích độc Parents should encourage independence in
independence lập their children, preparing them for adulthood
and self-reliance in the future.
encourage khuyến khích tôn Encouraging mutual respect within the family
mutual respect trọng lẫn nhau fosters an environment where everyone's
opinions and feelings are valued.
encourage open khuyến khích các Encouraging open discussions allows family
discussions cuộc thảo luận mở members to express their thoughts and
feelings, promoting understanding.
engage in family tham gia các hoạt Engaging in family activities like cooking
activities động gia đình together or playing games promotes bonding
and creates enjoyable shared experiences.


engage in tham gia vào Engaging in meaningful conversations deepens

meaningful những cuộc trò understanding and strengthens bonds between
conversations chuyện ý nghĩa family members.
establish open xây dựng các Establishing open lines of communication
lines of đường dẫn giao encourages family members to express
communication tiếp mở thoughts and feelings freely, enhancing
establish strong xây dựng những Families with strong values instill principles like
family values giá trị gia đình respect and honesty, guiding their members to
vững mạnh make positive life choices.
express bày tỏ lòng biết Expressing gratitude and appreciation towards
gratitude and ơn và đánh giá family members strengthens mutual respect
appreciation cao and fosters a positive atmosphere.
extended family gia đình mở rộng In many cultures, an extended family includes
aunts, uncles, grandparents, and other
relatives beyond the nuclear unit.
family bonding mối quan hệ gắn Spending quality time together helps
kết trong gia đình strengthen family bonding and fosters a sense
of belonging among family members.
family bonding hoạt động gắn kết Engaging in family bonding activities, such as
activities gia đình picnics or game nights, helps strengthen the
family's connection.
family bonding truyền thống gắn Family bonding traditions, such as annual
traditions kết gia đình reunions or special dinners, help reinforce the
family's sense of togetherness.
family những ngày lễ và Family celebrations are occasions when the
celebrations kỷ niệm gia đình entire family comes together to mark special
events and create lasting memories.
family giao tiếp trong Effective family communication fosters
communication gia đình understanding and reduces misunderstandings
among family members.
family conflict giải quyết xung Employing effective family conflict resolution
resolution đột gia đình techniques can help resolve disagreements and
maintain a harmonious atmosphere.
family conflicts xung đột gia đình Like any other relationship, family conflicts may
arise, and resolving them in a healthy way is
essential for unity.
family dynamics mối quan hệ gia Understanding family dynamics is crucial for
đình maintaining harmony and resolving conflicts
within the family.
family gathering cuộc họp gia đình We had a lovely family gathering on the
weekend, where everyone came together to
celebrate a special occasion.


family harmony sự hòa hợp trong Maintaining family harmony requires open
gia đình communication and a willingness to understand
and support one another.
family heritage di sản gia đình Learning about one's family heritage connects
individuals to their roots and cultural identity,
creating a sense of pride.
family trách nhiệm gia As the eldest sibling, he has taken on
responsibilities đình significant family responsibilities, supporting
and helping his younger siblings.
family support sự hỗ trợ từ gia During tough times, family support plays a
đình crucial role in helping individuals cope with
challenges and difficulties.
family support mạng lưới hỗ trợ A reliable family support network provides a
network gia đình safety net during challenging times and offers
emotional and practical assistance.
family tradition truyền thống gia Celebrating Christmas together is a cherished
đình family tradition that we have maintained for
family unity sự đoàn kết trong Family unity is essential in times of adversity,
gia đình as it strengthens the support system and
fosters a sense of belonging.
family values giá trị gia đình In our family, honesty and respect are
essential family values that we uphold and pass
on to the next generation.
family-oriented gia đình là trọng He has always been family-oriented,
tâm prioritizing spending time with his loved ones
over other activities.
filial piety hiếu thảo In some cultures, filial piety is highly regarded,
emphasizing the respect and devotion children
should show towards parents.
foster a sense tạo ra cảm giác Celebrating family traditions and sharing
of belonging thuộc về experiences helps foster a sense of belonging
and unity among family members.
foster a sense xây dựng cảm giác Participating in family activities and
of unity and đoàn kết và gắn celebrations fosters a sense of unity and
togetherness kết togetherness among family members.
foster a xây dựng môi A supportive and caring family environment
supportive and trường hỗ trợ và nurtures emotional well-being and strengthens
caring quan tâm the connections among family members.
generation gap khoảng cách thế Sometimes, there's a generation gap between
hệ parents and children due to differences in
beliefs and experiences.


generational tri thức thế hệ Elderly family members often possess

wisdom generational wisdom, passing down valuable life
lessons and experiences to the youth.
get along with hòa thuận Despite their differences, Sarah and her
brother get along with each other quite well,
rarely having conflicts.
get back quay lại với nhau After a brief separation, Mark and his partner
together got back together, realizing their love and
commitment to each other.
get by vượt qua khó khăn During tough times, families find ways to get by,
supporting each other and relying on their
strengths to overcome challenges.
get through vượt qua khó khăn With the support of his family, Mark managed
to get through the challenging period and
achieve his goals.
get together tụ tập, tụ tập During holidays, the whole family gets together
to celebrate, strengthening their bonds and
enjoying each other's company.
grow apart trở nên xa cách As they grew older, the siblings grew apart due
to their different life paths and interests.
grow into trưởng thành và Susan's younger sister has grown into a
phát triển confident and independent woman, thanks to
the support of her family.
grow old sống già cùng Mark's grandparents grew old together,
together nhau cherishing each moment and building a lifetime
of memories.
grow out of trưởng thành và As children grow older, they may grow out of
không còn thích certain hobbies and interests, exploring new
làm gì ones that align with their maturity.
grow up lớn lên John grew up in a loving family environment,
which contributed to his positive outlook on
grow up with lớn lên cùng ai đó Emily grew up with her cousin, forming a strong
somebody bond as they shared many childhood
experiences and memories.
hang around lưu lạc As teenagers, Sarah and her friends used to
hang around the neighborhood, spending time
together after school.
hang out with dành thời gian với On weekends, Susan loves to hang out with her
family, going on picnics or watching movies
instill discipline truyền dạy kỷ luật Parents play a crucial role in instilling
and values và giá trị discipline and values in their children, shaping
their character and behavior.

listen to each lắng nghe những lo Listening attentively to each other's concerns
other's concerns ngại của nhau demonstrates care and support, making family
members feel valued and understood.
listen with an lắng nghe với tâm Listening with an open mind and without
open mind thái cởi mở judgment allows family members to
communicate effectively and resolve conflicts.
look after chăm sóc As the eldest sister, Sarah looks after her
younger siblings, ensuring they are safe and
well taken care of.
look forward to mong đợi, trông The entire family looks forward to the annual
chờ vacation, where they can create wonderful
memories together.
look in on ghé thăm During her vacation, Emily looked in on her
elderly grandparents to ensure they were
doing well.
look out for chăm sóc, chú ý As a responsible older brother, John always
đến ai đó looks out for his younger siblings, ensuring their
look up to ngưỡng mộ As a role model in her family, Emily's younger
siblings look up to her and often seek her
nuclear family gia đình hạt nhân In modern societies, the nuclear family is
becoming more common, typically consisting of
parents and their children.
nurture a sense xây dựng cảm giác Creating a nurturing environment and involving
of belonging thuộc về everyone in decision-making nurtures a sense
of belonging within the family.
nurture a sense nuôi dưỡng tinh Instilling a sense of responsibility within family
of responsibility thần trách nhiệm members empowers them to make conscious
decisions and contribute to the family.
nurture a nuôi dưỡng môi Within the family, it's important to nurture a
supportive trường hỗ trợ supportive environment where everyone feels
environment safe to express themselves freely.
nurture empathy nuôi dưỡng lòng Nurturing empathy and compassion within the
and compassion thông cảm và lòng family helps members understand and support
nhân ái each other during challenging times.
offer a listening lắng nghe, lắng Being a good listener and offering a listening
ear nghe chân thành ear demonstrates care and empathy, allowing
family members to share their feelings.
offer cung cấp phản hồi Providing constructive feedback helps family
constructive xây dựng members grow and improve, fostering personal
feedback development and mutual support.


offer cung cấp sự hỗ trợ In times of crisis, family members offer

unwavering kiên định unwavering support to each other, providing a
support sense of security and reassurance.
parent-child mối quan hệ cha The parent-child relationship lays the
relationship mẹ và con cái foundation for a child's emotional development
and well-being in later life.
parental sự hướng dẫn của Parents play a significant role in providing
guidance cha mẹ parental guidance, shaping their children's
values and guiding their decisions.
parental love tình yêu cha mẹ Parental love is unconditional and plays a vital
role in a child's emotional and psychological
prioritize family ưu tiên những cam Even with busy schedules, it's important to
commitments kết gia đình prioritize family commitments, showing that
family comes first in our lives.
promote family khuyến khích các Promoting family bonding activities like outings
bonding hoạt động gắn kết or game nights encourages family members to
activities gia đình bond and create cherished memories.
provide cung cấp hỗ trợ Offering emotional support during difficult
emotional tinh thần times helps family members cope with stress
support and challenges together.
quality time with thời gian chất Spending quality time with family members
family lượng với gia đình strengthens bonds and creates cherished
moments to cherish forever.
resolve conflicts giải quyết xung Conflicts are normal, but resolving them
constructively đột một cách xây constructively through open dialogue and
dựng empathy strengthens family relationships.
resolve giải quyết sự khác Resolving differences with empathy and
differences with biệt với lòng thông understanding helps maintain a harmonious
empathy cảm atmosphere within the family.
respect for sự tôn trọng người In many cultures, respect for elders is
elders lớn tuổi ingrained as a sign of reverence and gratitude
for their wisdom and experience.
run in the family có trong máu, Musical talent runs in the family; both Sarah
thừa hưởng gia and her siblings are gifted musicians.
set up thiết lập, thành Emily and her siblings decided to set up a
lập family charity foundation to support
underprivileged children in their community.
settle down ổn định cuộc sống After years of traveling, John decided to settle
down and start a family in his hometown.
share family chia sẻ trách Family members share family responsibilities,
responsibilities nhiệm gia đình contributing to the well-being and smooth
functioning of the household.

share family chia sẻ câu Sharing family stories and anecdotes passes
stories chuyện gia đình down family history and traditions, reinforcing
the family's sense of identity.
share financial chia sẻ trách Sharing financial responsibilities within the
responsibilities nhiệm về tài chính family ensures financial stability and reinforces
the notion of working together as a team.
share household chia sẻ trách Sharing household responsibilities ensures a
responsibilities nhiệm trong gia fair distribution of work and reinforces the
đình notion of teamwork within the family.
share in each chia sẻ những Being there for each other, sharing both joyful
other's joys and niềm vui và nỗi and sorrowful moments, strengthens emotional
sorrows buồn của nhau bonds and empathy within the family.
share laughter chia sẻ tiếng cười Sharing laughter and joy creates a positive
and joy và niềm vui atmosphere, bringing family members closer
and strengthening their bond.
share chia sẻ trách In a functional family, members share
responsibilities nhiệm responsibilities, working together to maintain
the household and care for one another.
share the chia sẻ công việc Sharing the workload among family members
workload lightens the burden on individuals and fosters a
sense of teamwork and cooperation.
share valuable chia sẻ những kinh Sharing valuable life experiences within the
life experiences nghiệm quý giá family imparts wisdom and life lessons,
benefiting younger generations' personal
show affection thể hiện tình cảm Showing affection and care through hugs and
and care và quan tâm kind words strengthens the emotional bond
between family members.
sibling rivalry ganh đua, cạnh Sibling rivalry is common in families, as
tranh giữa các brothers and sisters compete for attention and
anh em chị em recognition from parents.
strengthen củng cố mối quan Spending time together and engaging in
family bonds hệ gia đình activities can strengthen family bonds,
deepening the connection among family
strive for mutual cố gắng hiểu nhau Striving for mutual understanding fosters
understanding empathy and reduces misunderstandings among
family members, promoting a harmonious
strong family mối quan hệ gia In our culture, we place a high value on strong
ties đình mạnh mẽ family ties, and we make an effort to spend
time together regularly.


strong parental mối quan hệ thân A strong parental bond is crucial for children's
bond thiết giữa cha mẹ emotional well-being and establishes a secure
và con cái attachment to their parents.
support each hỗ trợ lẫn nhau In times of difficulty, family members come
other together to support each other, providing
emotional and practical assistance.
support hỗ trợ những sự Supporting individual pursuits and hobbies
individual theo đuổi cá nhân within the family encourages self-expression
pursuits and a sense of personal fulfillment.
supportive anh em hỗ trợ, Having supportive siblings can make challenging
siblings đồng lòng times more manageable, as they share the
burden and offer comfort.
take after giống ai đó (trong Sarah takes after her mother in terms of
gia đình) personality, both being caring and
compassionate individuals.
take care of chăm sóc During her illness, Mark's family took care of
her, providing comfort and support throughout
her recovery.
take on nhận trách nhiệm After their parents' passing, Susan had to take
on the responsibility of caring for her younger
take up bắt đầu tham gia John decided to take up gardening as a hobby,
which he enjoys doing with his family in the
unconditional tình yêu vô điều Unconditional love means loving someone
love kiện without expecting anything in return, just like
parents love their children.
uphold family giữ vững truyền The family upholds treasured traditions passed
traditions thống gia đình down through generations, preserving their
cultural and historical significance.
value family time trân trọng thời Modern lifestyles can be busy, but it's essential
gian bên gia đình to value family time and make an effort to
spend quality moments together.



english words meaning Example

accessible and dễ tiếp cận và The resort ensures that all facilities are
inclusive toàn diện accessible and inclusive, catering to guests
with diverse needs and preferences.
authentic đích thực The traditional homestay offers an authentic
experience, allowing guests to immerse
themselves in the local culture and traditions.
authentic local trải nghiệm đích The hostel organizes tours for guests to have
experience thực văn hóa địa an authentic local experience, immersing them
phương in the culture and traditions of the area.
boasts a rooftop tự hào có quán The city hotel boasts a rooftop bar and lounge,
bar and lounge bar và lounge trên providing guests with a trendy and stylish
mái nhà space to enjoy drinks and city views.
boasts luxurious tự hào về các tiện The luxury resort boasts luxurious amenities
amenities ích xa xỉ such as a private beach, infinity pool, and
gourmet restaurants for an opulent
boasts scenic tự hào về các The mountain lodge boasts scenic hiking trails,
hiking trails đường dẫn đi bộ allowing guests to explore the beautiful natural
ngắm cảnh landscapes and enjoy fresh mountain air.
boasts state-of- tự hào về các cơ The sports complex boasts state-of-the-art
the-art facilities sở hiện đại facilities, including indoor and outdoor courts,
fitness centers, and modern training
centrally tọa lạc ở vị trí The hostel is centrally located, allowing guests
located trung tâm to easily explore the city's main attractions
and landmarks.
contemporary hiện đại và thời The modern apartment is decorated in a
and chic trang contemporary and chic style, making it
appealing to young professionals and urban
contemporary hiện đại và phong The boutique hotel has a contemporary and
and stylish cách stylish design, appealing to modern travelers
who appreciate aesthetic and comfort.
convenient vị trí thuận tiện The guesthouse is in a convenient location,
location close to the city center and public
transportation, making it easy to explore the
cozy and ấm cúng và thoải The cabin in the woods is cozy and
comfortable mái comfortable, providing a warm and welcoming
atmosphere for a memorable retreat.


cozy and ấm cúng và hấp The small cottage by the lake is cozy and
inviting dẫn inviting, perfect for a relaxing weekend
eclectic and đa dạng và nghệ The boutique hotel has an eclectic and artistic
artistic thuật decor, featuring unique artworks and stylish
furnishings that inspire creativity.
exquisite thiết kế nội thất The luxury resort features exquisite interior
interior design tinh tế design, with elegant furnishings and luxurious
decorations throughout the property.
family-friendly thân thiện với gia The family-friendly resort offers activities and
đình facilities suitable for all ages, ensuring an
enjoyable vacation for everyone.
features a có phòng tập hiện The hotel features a state-of-the-art gym,
state-of-the-art đại equipped with modern exercise machines and
gym trained fitness instructors for guests' use.
features eco- áp dụng các biện The eco-lodge features eco-friendly practices,
friendly pháp thân thiện such as recycling and energy conservation, to
practices với môi trường reduce its environmental impact.
features live có các chương The entertainment complex features live
performances trình biểu diễn và performances and shows, such as music
and shows show concerts and theatrical productions, for
guests' enjoyment.
features modern có trang trí hiện The newly renovated restaurant features
and stylish đại và phong cách modern and stylish decor, creating an elegant
decor and sophisticated ambiance for diners.
features nightly có các chương The beachfront resort features nightly
entertainment trình giải trí vào entertainment, such as live music and cultural
buổi tối performances, keeping guests entertained
during their stay.
features unique có thiết kế độc The boutique hotel features unique design
design đáo elements, with stylish furnishings and eye-
catching decor that set it apart from other
fully furnished đầy đủ nội thất The apartment comes fully furnished, with
everything you need for a comfortable stay,
including appliances and furniture.
fully serviced được phục vụ đầy The serviced apartment is fully serviced, with
đủ daily housekeeping and concierge services,
ensuring a hassle-free stay for residents.
great value for giá trị tốt cho số The budget hotel offers great value for money,
money tiền providing comfortable accommodation at an
affordable price.


high-end and cao cấp và độc The exclusive resort is known for its high-end
exclusive quyền and exclusive offerings, catering to discerning
travelers seeking a luxurious experience.
homely bầu không khí ấm The bed and breakfast exudes a homely
atmosphere cúng atmosphere, where guests feel like they are
staying with friends rather than at a hotel.
impeccably tinh khiết không tỳ The guestroom was impeccably clean, with
clean vết fresh linens and a spotless bathroom, ensuring
a pleasant stay for the guests.
includes boat bao gồm dịch vụ The lakeside resort includes boat rentals for
rentals for cho thuê thuyền water activities, allowing guests to go fishing
water activities cho các hoạt or take a leisurely cruise on the lake.
động trên nước
includes bao gồm dịch vụ The luxury resort includes complimentary
complimentary đưa đón sân bay airport transfer, making it convenient for
airport transfer miễn phí guests to reach the accommodation upon
includes guided bao gồm các buổi The eco-lodge includes guided nature walks,
nature walks dạo chơi hướng allowing guests to explore the surrounding
dẫn wildlife and learn about the local ecosystem.
includes modern bao gồm các tiện The apartment rental includes modern
conveniences ích hiện đại conveniences like a fully equipped kitchen,
laundry facilities, and high-speed internet.
includes outdoor bao gồm các hoạt The resort includes outdoor recreational
recreational động giải trí ngoài activities like tennis, golf, and swimming,
activities trời providing guests with plenty of options to stay
lively and sống động và sôi The hostel is located in a lively and vibrant
vibrant động neighborhood, with plenty of entertainment
options and a bustling nightlife.
luxurious and sang trọng và lộng The luxury resort offers luxurious and lavish
lavish lẫy accommodations, pampering guests with
premium amenities and top-notch services.
modern tiện nghi hiện đại The hotel offers modern amenities, including a
amenities gym, swimming pool, and high-speed internet
offers a cung cấp trải The tour company offers a personalized
personalized nghiệm cá nhân experience, tailoring the itinerary to match the
experience interests and preferences of individual
offers a wide cung cấp nhiều The resort offers a wide range of activities,
range of hoạt động đa from water sports and hiking to cultural tours,
activities dạng ensuring guests have a fun and engaging stay.


offers mang đến những The hotel room offers breathtaking views of
breathtaking khung cảnh ngoạn the city skyline, making it a perfect spot for
views mục watching sunsets and city lights.
offers cung cấp bữa sáng The bed and breakfast offers complimentary
complimentary miễn phí breakfast, allowing guests to start their day
breakfast with a delicious meal without additional cost.
offers family- cung cấp các hoạt The resort offers family-friendly activities,
friendly động thích hợp such as a kids' club and family-oriented
activities cho gia đình excursions, ensuring an enjoyable stay for all
offers inclusive cung cấp gói bữa The all-inclusive resort offers inclusive meal
meal packages ăn bao gồm trong packages, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner
giá phòng included, allowing guests to dine hassle-free.
offers cung cấp các tour The travel agency offers personalized
personalized tham quan cá sightseeing tours, tailoring the itinerary to
sightseeing nhân hóa match the interests and preferences of
tours individual travelers.
offers private cung cấp quyền The beachfront villa offers private beach
beach access truy cập bãi biển access, giving guests the opportunity to enjoy
riêng the beach without the crowds of a public
offers scenic cung cấp tour The riverside lodge offers scenic boat tours,
boat tours thuyền ngắm cảnh allowing guests to explore the nearby river and
enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature.
offers stunning cung cấp không The resort offers stunning outdoor spaces,
outdoor spaces gian ngoài trời including a garden, terrace, and pool area,
tuyệt đẹp providing guests with places to relax and
offers top-notch cung cấp dịch vụ The five-star hotel offers top-notch services,
services chất lượng cao with attentive staff and personalized
assistance, ensuring guests have a pleasant
offers wine cung cấp trải The vineyard resort offers wine tasting
tasting nghiệm nếm rượu experiences, where guests can sample a
experiences variety of local wines and learn about the
winemaking process.
panoramic views tầm nhìn toàn The rooftop terrace provides panoramic views
cảnh of the city skyline, making it an ideal spot to
enjoy sunsets and city lights.
peaceful and thanh bình và yên The countryside retreat is peaceful and quiet,
quiet tĩnh offering a serene environment away from the
hustle and bustle of the city.


provides a tạo ra bầu không The spa resort provides a relaxing atmosphere,
relaxing khí thư giãn with soothing music and aromatic scents,
atmosphere ensuring guests unwind and de-stress.
provides a cung cấp môi The countryside lodge provides a serene
serene trường thanh bình environment, with lush gardens and a peaceful
environment surrounding, ensuring a tranquil stay for
provides cung cấp đồ dùng The hotel room provides complimentary
complimentary cá nhân miễn phí toiletries, such as shampoo, soap, and towels,
toiletries for the convenience of guests during their stay.
provides cung cấp các hoạt The heritage hotel provides cultural immersion
cultural động tận hưởng activities, such as traditional dance
immersion văn hóa performances and local cooking classes, for
activities guests.
provides cung cấp sự mến The guesthouse provides exceptional
exceptional khách xuất sắc hospitality, with warm greetings and attentive
hospitality service, making guests feel valued and cared
provides cung cấp dịch vụ The luxury hotel provides exceptional room
exceptional phòng đẳng cấp service, ensuring guests have a comfortable
room service and enjoyable stay with prompt and attentive
provides cung cấp quyền The members-only club provides exclusive
exclusive access truy cập độc access to its facilities and events, offering a
quyền premium experience for its patrons.
provides cung cấp các lớp The culinary resort provides interactive
interactive học nấu ăn tương cooking classes, where guests can learn to
cooking classes tác prepare local dishes from professional chefs.
provides laundry cung cấp dịch vụ The serviced apartment provides laundry
facilities giặt là facilities, allowing residents to do their laundry
without the need to go to an external
provides on-site cung cấp trung The wellness retreat provides an on-site spa
spa and wellness tâm spa và thể and wellness center, offering various
center dục trên chỗ treatments and yoga classes for guests'
provides round- cung cấp hỗ trợ The hotel provides round-the-clock assistance
the-clock suốt ngày đêm at the front desk, ensuring that guests can
assistance receive help whenever they need it.
provides shuttle cung cấp dịch vụ The guesthouse provides shuttle service to
service to xe đưa đón đến nearby attractions, making it easy for guests
attractions các điểm tham to explore the local sights and landmarks.


safe and secure an toàn và bảo The gated community provides a safe and
mật secure environment, with round-the-clock
security personnel and surveillance systems.
scenic and đẹp như tranh vẽ The cottage in the countryside offers scenic
picturesque and picturesque surroundings, with rolling hills
and picturesque landscapes.
scenic khung cảnh đẹp The lodge is situated in scenic surroundings,
surroundings with breathtaking views of snow-capped
mountains and pristine lakes.
secluded and hẻo lánh và riêng The beachfront villa offers a secluded and
private tư private setting, perfect for those seeking a
tranquil and intimate escape.
secured and an ninh và an toàn The apartment complex provides secured and
safe safe premises, with 24/7 security and access
control, ensuring residents' peace of mind.
serene and thanh bình và yên The villa is nestled in a serene and tranquil
tranquil tĩnh environment, surrounded by lush gardens and
peaceful nature.
spacious and rộng rãi và sáng The apartment has a spacious and well-lit living
well-lit sủa room, creating a comfortable and airy
state-of-the-art các tiện ích tiên The resort boasts state-of-the-art facilities,
facilities tiến including a spa, tennis courts, and a gourmet
restaurant, ensuring a luxurious stay.
state-of-the-art công nghệ tiên The hotel incorporates state-of-the-art
technology tiến technology, such as keyless entry systems and
smart home controls, for a modern experience.
unique and độc đáo và khác The eco-lodge provides a unique and offbeat
offbeat biệt experience, allowing guests to reconnect with
nature and enjoy sustainable living.
unobstructed tầm nhìn không bị The penthouse boasts unobstructed views of
views che khuất the city skyline, offering breathtaking sights
from sunrise to sunset.
welcoming bầu không khí The charming bed and breakfast have a
ambiance nồng nhiệt welcoming ambiance, making guests feel like
they are staying in a home away from home.
welcoming and nồng nhiệt và hiếu The innkeepers were welcoming and hospitable,
hospitable khách making the guests feel like they were part of
the family during their stay.
well-connected có kết nối thuận The hostel is well-connected to public
tiện transportation, making it easy for travelers to
explore the city without any hassle.


well-equipped được trang bị đầy The vacation home is well-equipped with a fully
đủ stocked kitchen, providing guests with
everything they need for a comfortable stay.
well-maintained được bảo quản tốt The vacation rental is well-maintained, with a
neat and tidy interior, creating a pleasant and
comfortable environment for guests.



english words meaning Example

accessorize to sử dụng phụ kiện Adding a belt to her dress, she accessorizes to
enhance your để nâng cao trang enhance her outfit and define her waistline for
outfit phục a more flattering silhouette.
accessorize trang trí trang Adding a statement necklace or a colorful
your outfit phục bằng phụ scarf can accessorize your outfit and make it
kiện more interesting and visually appealing.
adapt your style thích nghi với các Depending on the occasion, she knows how to
to different dịp khác nhau adapt her style, choosing appropriate outfits
occasions for formal events or casual outings.
fashion trends xu hướng thời Fashion trends come and go, so it's essential to
come and go trang luôn thay choose timeless pieces that can be worn for
đổi multiple seasons.
casual attire trang phục thường Casual attire, such as jeans and T-shirts, is
ngày suitable for everyday activities like going to
the mall or meeting friends for coffee.
classic and cổ điển và vượt The little black dress is a classic and timeless
timeless thời gian piece of clothing that never goes out of style
and can be worn for various occasions.
complement your kết hợp trang Stylish accessories can complement your outfit,
outfit with phục với phụ kiện adding a touch of elegance and sophistication
stylish thời thượng to elevate the overall look.
complement your kết hợp trang Stylish shoes can complement an outfit, adding
outfit with phục với những đôi a fashionable touch and completing the overall
stylish shoes giày thời trang look.
coordinate phối hợp phụ kiện She skillfully coordinates accessories with her
accessories with với trang phục outfit, wearing a matching necklace and
your outfit earrings that complement her dress.
coordinate phối hợp màu sắc Styling a well-coordinated outfit involves
colors and và hoa văn coordinating colors and patterns to create a
patterns harmonious and visually pleasing look.
create a stylish tạo dựng bộ trang She spent time creating a stylish and polished
and polished phục thời trang và ensemble, combining pieces that complemented
ensemble tinh tế each other for a cohesive look.
designer labels nhãn hiệu cao cấp Some individuals prefer to buy clothes with
designer labels, valuing the high-quality
materials and unique designs of luxury brands.
donate old quyên góp quần Instead of throwing away old clothes, consider
clothes áo cũ donating them to charity or thrift stores to
help those in need and reduce waste.


dress mặc phù hợp với Dressing appropriately for different weather
appropriately điều kiện thời tiết conditions means wearing layers in cold
for different khác nhau weather or opting for breathable fabrics in
weather summer.
dress mặc đồ phù hợp It's essential to dress appropriately for the
appropriately với dịp occasion, whether it's a formal event, a casual
for the occasion outing, or a themed costume party.
dress boldly and mặc mạnh mẽ và She loves to dress boldly and embrace unique
embrace unique thể hiện lựa chọn fashion choices, showing her individuality and
fashion choices thời trang riêng fearlessly experimenting with new styles.
dress casually mặc đồ thường The dress code for the party is casual, so you
ngày can wear jeans and a comfortable top without
being overly formal.
dress code quy định về trang Some events and workplaces have a strict
phục dress code, requiring attendees or employees
to follow specific guidelines for their attire.
dress code quy tắc về trang Understanding dress code etiquette is
etiquette phục essential for attending formal events, ensuring
that one dresses appropriately for the
dress code hướng dẫn về quy The school provides dress code guidelines to
guidelines định trang phục ensure that students maintain a neat
appearance and create a suitable learning
dress code vi phạm quy định He was sent home from the office for a dress
violation về trang phục code violation, as he wore inappropriate
clothing not in line with the company's policy.
dress mặc thoải mái và When attending social gatherings, it's essential
comfortably and tự tin to dress comfortably and confidently to feel at
confidently ease and enjoy the event.
dress mặc tự tin trong When you dress confidently in clothes that suit
confidently in những bộ trang you, it boosts your self-esteem and allows you
clothes that suit phục hợp với bạn to feel comfortable and empowered.
dress elegantly mặc trang nhã và She always dresses elegantly and exudes
and exude tỏa sáng tự tin confidence, carrying herself with poise and
confidence grace, no matter the occasion.
dress in mặc đồ phù hợp Knowing your body type allows you to dress in a
accordance with với dáng người way that flatters your figure, enhancing your
your body type best features with the right clothing.
dress in layers mặc nhiều lớp In cold weather, it's a good idea to dress in
quần áo layers, so you can adjust your clothing to stay
comfortable as the temperature changes.

dress modestly mặc đồ khiêm tốn In some cultures, it is customary to dress

modestly, covering shoulders and knees as a
sign of respect and cultural sensitivity.
dress to impress mặc để gây ấn When attending formal events or job
tượng interviews, people often dress to impress,
wearing sophisticated outfits to make a
positive impact.
dress to impress mặc để gây ấn On her job interview, she dressed to impress
and make a tượng và tạo dấu and make a statement, wearing a tailored suit
statement ấn that showcased professionalism.
dress to match mặc phù hợp với It's important to dress to match the occasion,
the occasion dịp whether it's a formal event, a casual outing, or
a themed party with specific dress codes.
dress to the ăn mặc sang trọng They dressed to the nines for the gala event,
nines wearing elegant gowns and tuxedos to impress
the other attendees.
dress up in mặc quần áo thời She enjoys dressing up in stylish outfits for
stylish outfits trang special occasions, choosing elegant dresses
and fashionable accessories.
dress with mặc với sự chú ý Fashion stylists dress with attention to detail,
attention to đến chi tiết ensuring that every element of the outfit
detail enhances the overall look.
dressing for the lựa chọn trang Dressing for the weather is crucial in cold
weather phục phù hợp với climates, where one needs to wear layers and
thời tiết appropriate outerwear to stay warm.
eco-friendly quần áo thân Eco-friendly clothing is made using sustainable
clothing thiện với môi materials and production methods, reducing
trường the impact on the environment.
embrace a hưởng ứng phong Embracing a minimalist fashion approach
minimalist cách thời trang involves choosing simple and understated
fashion tối giản clothing with clean lines and neutral colors.
embrace hưởng ứng sự lựa Many individuals embrace sustainable fashion
sustainable chọn thời trang choices, supporting eco-friendly brands and
fashion choices bền vững practices for a greener future.
experiment with thử nghiệm những Experimenting with different fashion styles
different phong cách thời allows you to explore various aesthetics and
fashion styles trang khác nhau discover new looks that resonate with you.
experiment with thử nghiệm xu Fashion enthusiasts love to experiment with
fashion-forward hướng thời trang fashion-forward trends, incorporating
trends tiên phong innovative styles into their wardrobe.
express your thể hiện tính cá Fashion can be a means of expressing
individuality nhân qua trang individuality, allowing people to showcase their
through fashion phục personality and unique tastes.

fashion phụ kiện thời Fashion accessories, such as belts, scarves,

accessories trang and hats, can elevate a simple outfit and add a
touch of style and sophistication.
fashion blog blog thời trang She runs a popular fashion blog, sharing her
style tips, outfit ideas, and reviews of fashion
products with her readers.
fashion capital thủ đô thời trang Milan is considered a fashion capital, as it
hosts major fashion events and is home to many
renowned fashion designers and brands.
fashion icon ngôi sao thời Many people consider her a fashion icon, as she
trang sets trends and inspires others with her
impeccable sense of style.
fashion industry ngành công nghiệp The fashion industry plays a significant role in
thời trang the global economy, encompassing design,
manufacturing, retail, and marketing.
fashion người ảnh hưởng Fashion influencers on social media can
influencer trong lĩnh vực thời influence their followers' style choices and
trang introduce them to new fashion trends and
fashion tạp chí thời trang She enjoys reading fashion magazines to stay
magazine updated on the latest trends, fashion
editorials, and interviews with designers.
fashion tạo dáng thời She got a fashion makeover, updating her
makeover trang wardrobe and styling, which significantly
improved her overall appearance and
fashion runway sàn diễn thời Fashion runways showcase the latest
trang collections from designers, where models walk
to display new clothing designs to the
fashion tuyên ngôn thời Wearing bold and unconventional outfits can be
statement trang a way to make a fashion statement and stand
out from the crowd with a unique style.
fashion trends xu hướng thời Neon colors and oversized sunglasses are some
trang of the current fashion trends seen on the
streets and runways this season.
fashion người tạo xu hướng As a fashion trendsetter, she is often seen
trendsetter thời trang wearing unique and avant-garde outfits that
inspire others in the fashion community.
fashion- quan tâm đến thời She is very fashion-conscious and always keeps
conscious trang up with the latest trends and styles in the
fashion industry.
fashion-forward thời thượng và She is known for her fashion-forward style,
tiên phong always wearing the latest trends and daring

combinations that inspire others to

fashion-forward xu hướng thời She loves experimenting with fashion-forward
trends trang tiên phong trends, incorporating new styles and designs
into her wardrobe to stay ahead of the game.
fashionable quần áo thời trang Many people enjoy shopping for fashionable
clothing clothing to keep up with the latest trends and
express their personal style.
fashionably thời trang bền Many brands are embracing fashionably
sustainable vững và thời sustainable practices, combining eco-friendly
thượng materials with stylish designs for conscious
fashionista người yêu thời As a fashionista, she is always one step ahead,
trang knowing what's in and what's out, and
experimenting with various styles and looks.
flaunt a fashion- khoe trang phục She confidently flaunts her fashion-forward
forward outfit tiên phong outfit, featuring a bold pattern and unique
design that catches everyone's attention.
follow a specific tuân theo quy At formal events, guests are expected to follow
dress code định trang phục a specific dress code, such as black-tie or
cụ thể business formal attire.
follow fashion theo dõi xu hướng Many people enjoy following fashion trends by
trends thời trang keeping up with the latest collections from
designers and fashion influencers.
formal wear trang phục lịch sự Employees in corporate offices often wear
formal wear like suits and ties to present a
professional image to clients and colleagues.
handmade quần áo thủ công Handmade garments are crafted with care and
garments attention to detail, often resulting in one-of-a-
kind pieces that showcase artistic creativity.
high street thời trang phố High street fashion refers to trendy and
fashion affordable clothing available in popular retail
stores along busy shopping streets in urban
keep up with the theo kịp thời She makes an effort to keep up with the latest
latest fashion trang mới nhất fashion by reading fashion magazines and
following fashion influencers online.
mix and match kết hợp và phối To create unique looks, fashion enthusiasts love
different pieces đồ to mix and match different pieces, combining
colors and patterns creatively.
personal style phong cách cá Developing a personal style involves choosing
nhân clothes that reflect one's personality and
preferences for a unique and distinctive look.


personal những món đồ cần A white button-up shirt and a pair of well-
wardrobe thiết trong tủ fitted jeans are personal wardrobe essentials
essentials quần áo that can be mixed and matched for various
personalize your cá nhân hóa trang Personalizing your outfits allows you to add a
outfits phục unique touch, such as customizing clothing or
incorporating handmade accessories.
ready-to-wear quần áo sẵn sàng Ready-to-wear clothing is readily available in
clothing mặc stores, offering a convenient and accessible
option for shoppers without custom tailoring.
red-carpet thời trang trên Red-carpet fashion at award ceremonies
fashion thảm đỏ showcases glamorous and extravagant outfits
worn by celebrities and entertainment
revamp your cải tổ diện mạo To revamp your look, consider adding trendy
look with trendy với những món đồ fashion items to your wardrobe, such as
fashion items thời thượng statement shoes or a fashionable handbag.
revamp your cải tổ tủ quần áo She decided to revamp her wardrobe with
wardrobe with với những món đồ trendy pieces, adding fashionable dresses and
trendy pieces thời thượng statement accessories.
seasonal fashion thời trang theo The store showcases its seasonal fashion
mùa collection, featuring clothes suitable for spring,
summer, fall, and winter.
seasonal bộ sưu tập quần Many fashion enthusiasts organize their
wardrobe áo theo mùa seasonal wardrobe, rotating clothes suitable
for different weather conditions throughout
the year.
shop for the mua sắm những xu Fashion enthusiasts love to shop for the latest
latest trends hướng mới nhất trends, visiting boutiques and online stores to
find the most fashionable items.
showcase your thể hiện phong Dressing in unique and expressive ways allows
personal style cách cá nhân you to showcase your personal style and stand
out from the crowd.
sport a casual mang phong cách For a day at the beach, it's perfect to sport a
and relaxed look thường ngày và casual and relaxed look, wearing shorts and a
thoải mái comfortable T-shirt.
stay fashionable thời trang mà She manages to stay fashionable without
without breaking không phá vỡ túi breaking the bank by shopping during sales and
the bank tiền finding affordable yet stylish clothing.
stay on-trend theo kịp xu hướng Many fashion enthusiasts stay on-trend by
thời trang following fashion blogs and magazines and
keeping an eye on the latest runway


stay true to giữ vững phong While experimenting with trends, it's essential
your personal cách cá nhân to stay true to your personal style,
style incorporating fashion elements that you love.
street style phong cách thời Street style refers to the fashion worn by
trang đường phố individuals in everyday life, often influenced by
urban culture and personal expression.
strive for a hướng tới một vẻ For formal events, it's essential to strive for a
cohesive and ngoài thống nhất cohesive and polished look, paying attention to
polished look và tinh tế details for a refined appearance.
sustainable thời trang bền Sustainable fashion promotes eco-friendly
fashion vững practices, such as using recycled materials or
supporting ethical and fair-trade clothing
sustainable thời trang bền Many consumers prefer sustainable fashion,
fashion vững opting for eco-friendly clothing made from
organic materials and ethical production
trendy phụ kiện thời Trendy accessories, such as statement
accessories thượng necklaces or stylish scarves, can add a touch
of flair and personality to any outfit.
update your cập nhật tủ quần With the changing seasons, it's time to update
wardrobe with áo với những món your wardrobe with seasonal pieces like
seasonal pieces đồ theo mùa sweaters for winter and sundresses for
update your cập nhật tủ quần Fashion-conscious individuals often update
wardrobe with áo với những kiểu their wardrobe with the latest styles and
the latest styles dáng mới trends to stay fashionable.
vintage clothing quần áo cổ điển Vintage clothing has become popular again,
with people seeking unique and nostalgic
pieces from past decades to wear as a fashion
wardrobe những món đồ Wardrobe essentials like basic T-shirts and
essentials không thể thiếu versatile jackets are versatile pieces that can
trong tủ quần áo be mixed and matched with various outfits.



english words meaning Example

artistic cách kể chuyện The song's artistic storytelling weaves a
storytelling nghệ thuật narrative with poetic language, painting vivid
images and emotions in the listeners' minds.
blend different kết hợp các thể The song blends different music genres, fusing
music genres loại âm nhạc khác elements of jazz, rock, and hip-hop to create a
nhau unique and innovative sound.
captivating phần giới thiệu lôi The song's captivating intro immediately grabs
intro cuốn the listener's attention and sets the tone for
the rest of the music.
capture the tạo nên bản sắc The song captures the essence of the 80s with
essence of a của một thời đại its nostalgic sound, bringing back the disco and
particular era cụ thể pop culture of that era.
capture the tóm lược bản sắc The song captures the essence of the historic
essence of a của một sự kiện event, commemorating the bravery and
significant event quan trọng sacrifice of those who were involved.
catchy tune giai điệu bắt tai The song has a catchy tune that makes it easy
to remember and enjoyable to listen to.
channel biểu hiện cảm xúc The singer channels their emotions into a
emotions into a vào buổi biểu diễn heartfelt performance, connecting with the
heartfelt chân thành audience through genuine expression.
convey a truyền tải thông The song conveys a message of resilience and
message of điệp sự kiên nhẫn hope, encouraging listeners to stay strong
resilience and và hy vọng during tough times and have faith in a brighter
hope future.
convey a truyền tải thông The song conveys a message of social
message of điệp về nhận thức awareness, raising issues about inequality and
social xã hội urging listeners to take action.
convey a truyền đạt thông The song conveys a powerful message of hope
powerful điệp mạnh mẽ and resilience, inspiring listeners to overcome
message challenges in life.
convey a sense truyền đạt cảm The song conveys a sense of melancholy and
of melancholy giác u buồn và longing, evoking emotions of sadness and a
and longing khao khát desire for something beyond reach.
convey a sense truyền tải cảm The song conveys a sense of nostalgia,
of nostalgia giác hoài niệm transporting listeners back in time to reminisce
about cherished memories from the past.


convey a sense truyền tải cảm The song conveys a sense of peace and
of peace and giác bình yên và tranquility, with soothing melodies that create
tranquility yên lặng a calming atmosphere for listeners.
convey a sense truyền tải cảm The song conveys a sense of protest and
of protest and giác phản đối và advocacy, using music as a platform to voice
advocacy tán thành important social and political issues.
convey a sense truyền tải cảm The song's anthemic chorus conveys a sense of
of triumph and giác chiến thắng triumph and victory, making it a popular choice
victory và thắng lợi for celebratory occasions.
convey a sense truyền đạt cảm The song conveys a sense of unity and
of unity and giác đoàn kết và togetherness, bringing people from different
togetherness thân thương backgrounds together through music.
convey a sense truyền tải cảm The song's fast-paced tempo and powerful
of urgency and giác khẩn cấp và lyrics convey a sense of urgency and call to
action hành động action, motivating listeners to make a
create a mood tạo ra bầu không The song's atmospheric sound and ethereal
of mystery and khí bí ẩn và mê vocals create a mood of mystery and
enchantment hoặc enchantment, transporting listeners to a
magical realm.
deliver a thể hiện một buổi The singer delivered a heartfelt and emotional
heartfelt and biểu diễn chân performance, with tears in their eyes as they
emotional thành và xúc động sang the poignant lyrics.
depict a vivid miêu tả một câu The song depicts a vivid and imaginative story,
and imaginative chuyện sống động painting a picture in the listeners' minds
story và sáng tạo through its imaginative lyrics.
dynamic and mạnh mẽ và sôi The dynamic and powerful performance of the
powerful động song had the crowd on their feet, dancing and
cheering with excitement.
elicit feelings of gợi lên cảm xúc The song's romantic melody and passionate
romance and lãng mạn và đam lyrics elicit feelings of love and affection,
passion mê resonating with those who are in love.
emotional lyrics lời bài hát tình The emotional lyrics of the song convey a
cảm heartfelt message and resonate with listeners.
emphasize the nhấn mạnh chủ đề The song emphasizes the theme of love, with
theme of love tình yêu heartfelt lyrics and a romantic melody that
speaks to the emotions of the heart.
enchanting giọng ca quyến rũ Her enchanting vocals cast a spell on the
vocals audience, creating a magical and captivating
musical experience.
energetic and buổi biểu diễn The band delivered an energetic and lively
lively năng động và sống performance, engaging the audience and
performance động creating a vibrant atmosphere at the concert.

evocative and gợi lên cảm xúc và The song's evocative and atmospheric
atmospheric mê hoặc soundscapes transport the listeners to another
world, creating a mesmerizing musical journey.
evoke a sense of gợi lên cảm giác The song's melody evokes a sense of nostalgia
nostalgia and hoài niệm và tình and sentiment, reminding listeners of cherished
sentiment cảm memories and past experiences.
evoke emotions gợi lên cảm xúc và The song evokes deep emotions and fond
and memories kỷ niệm memories of my childhood, reminding me of
happy moments spent with my family.
evoke strong gợi lên cảm xúc The song has the power to evoke strong
emotions mạnh mẽ emotions, bringing tears to the eyes of those
who connect deeply with its heartfelt lyrics.
expressive and biểu đạt và chân The singer's expressive and heartfelt delivery
heartfelt thành of the song conveyed genuine emotions, making
it a touching and authentic performance.
feature a có đoạn nhạc cụ The song features a captivating guitar solo
captivating đơn độc quyến rũ that steals the spotlight and adds an
instrumental impressive musical element to the composition.
feature có giọng hòa âm The song features captivating vocal harmonies,
captivating quyến rũ with the singers' voices blending seamlessly to
vocal harmonies create a beautiful and melodic sound.
harmonious and hài hòa và hòa The band's harmonious and well-blended sound
well-blended quyện creates a seamless and enjoyable listening
experience for their fans.
harmonious sự hòa quyện hài The song features a harmonious blend of
blend of hòa của các nhạc instruments, with each contributing to the
instruments cụ overall sound in a balanced way.
hauntingly giai điệu đẹp đẽ The song has a hauntingly beautiful melody that
beautiful melody đầy ám ảnh lingers in your mind long after it has ended.
hit all the right đúng chuẩn, đúng The singer's flawless performance hit all the
notes điểm, hoàn hảo right notes, leaving the audience in awe of
their talent and artistry.
incorporate kết hợp lời bài hát The song incorporates meaningful and poetic
meaningful and ý nghĩa và thơ lyrics, creating a beautiful and eloquent
poetic lyrics mộng expression of love and devotion.
infuse the thấm nhuần cảm The singer infuses the performance with raw
performance xúc chân thật vào emotion, baring their soul through heartfelt
with raw buổi biểu diễn vocals and moving gestures.
infuse the song truyền tới bài hát The singer infused the song with passion and
with passion and đam mê và năng energy, delivering an electrifying performance
energy lượng that energized the audience.


inspire listeners truyền cảm hứng The song inspires listeners to dance and move
to dance and để khán giả nhảy to the infectious rhythm, making it a favorite at
move múa parties and dance clubs.
inspire listeners truyền cảm hứng The song's introspective lyrics inspire listeners
to introspect để người nghe tự to introspect and reflect on their own lives and
and reflect trầm tư và suy personal growth.
instill a sense of gieo vào cảm giác The song's soothing melody and gentle vocals
peace and calm bình an và yên instill a sense of peace and calm, providing a
tĩnh moment of relaxation for listeners.
intense and mạnh mẽ và đam The singer delivered an intense and passionate
passionate mê performance, pouring their heart and soul into
every note and lyric.
invoke a sense gợi lên cảm giác The song's empowering lyrics and energetic
of empowerment quyền lực và động beat invoke a sense of empowerment and
and motivation lực motivation, inspiring listeners to pursue their
invoke feelings gợi lên cảm giác The song invokes feelings of joy and
of joy and vui mừng và chúc celebration, making it a perfect anthem for
celebration mừng festive occasions and special events.
lively and sống động và năng The song's lively and energetic performance
energetic động had the crowd singing and dancing along with
meaningful câu chuyện ý The song's meaningful storytelling conveys a
storytelling nghĩa narrative that engages listeners and leaves
them pondering its message.
melancholic giai điệu u buồn The song's melancholic melody creates a sense
melody of nostalgia and evokes feelings of sadness.
melancholy and u buồn và hoài The song's melancholy and wistful melody evoke
wistful niệm a sense of longing and nostalgia, reminding
listeners of past memories and emotions.
melodic and giai điệu du dương The song's melodic and rhythmic qualities make
rhythmic và nhịp nhàng it easy to dance to, with a pleasant flow that
keeps the listener engaged.
melodic and giai điệu du dương The song's melodic and soothing qualities
soothing và dễ nghe create a calming and pleasant listening
memorable and đoạn hát nhớ đời The memorable and powerful chorus of the
powerful chorus và mạnh mẽ song becomes an anthem, with the audience
enthusiastically singing along in unison.
memorable đoạn hát nhớ đời The song's memorable chorus makes it easy for
chorus the audience to sing along and join in during
live performances.


memorable đoạn đánh đàn The song features a memorable guitar solo that
guitar solo guitar đáng nhớ showcases the musician's talent and adds an
impressive instrumental element.
memorable lời bài hát đáng The song's memorable lyrics convey a powerful
lyrics nhớ message that resonates with listeners and
stays with them long after the song ends.
memorable video âm nhạc The song's memorable music video
music video đáng nhớ complemented the lyrics, visually enhancing the
storytelling and leaving a lasting impression.
nostalgic and nỗi nhớ và gợi lại The song's nostalgic and reminiscent lyrics
reminiscent kỷ niệm bring back memories of a time long gone,
evoking feelings of sentimentality.
one-hit wonder ca sĩ, nhóm nhạc They became a one-hit wonder with their debut
có một bản hit lớn single, but struggled to replicate the success
duy nhất with subsequent releases.
poetic and lời bài hát tượng The song's poetic and metaphorical lyrics add
metaphorical trưng và ẩn dụ depth and meaning, encouraging listeners to
interpret its message in different ways.
portray a vẽ một bức tranh The song's lyrics portray a picture of natural
picture of về vẻ đẹp tự nhiên beauty, describing landscapes and elements of
natural beauty nature in poetic imagery.
powerful and mạnh mẽ và sắc The song's powerful and emotive performance
emotive sảo left a lasting impression on everyone in the
project a thể hiện thông The song projects a message of unity and
message of unity điệp đoàn kết và harmony, advocating for peace and
and harmony hòa bình understanding among diverse communities.
reflect cultural phản ánh những The song reflects cultural influences,
influences ảnh hưởng văn hóa incorporating traditional elements that
showcase the musical heritage of its origin.
reflect the phản ánh tinh thần The song's traditional instruments and lyrics
spirit of a của một văn hóa reflect the spirit of the country's culture,
particular cụ thể preserving its rich heritage.
resonate with a gây ấn tượng với The song's universal themes and relatable lyrics
wide range of đa dạng tầng lớp resonate with a wide range of audiences,
audiences khán giả attracting listeners from all walks of life.
rich and phong phú và đa The song's rich and textured instrumentation
textured dạng includes a variety of musical elements, creating
a multi-layered and engaging composition.
set the stage on khuấy động sân The band's electrifying performance set the
fire khấu, thăng hoa stage on fire, with the crowd dancing and
năng lượng cheering throughout the entire show.


showcase trình diễn cấu The song showcases an impressive musical

impressive trúc âm nhạc ấn composition, with intricate arrangements and
musical tượng skillful harmonies that elevate the music.
showcase trình diễn dải The singer showcased an impressive vocal
impressive vocal giọng ấn tượng range, hitting both high and low notes
range flawlessly throughout the song.
skillful musical sự sắp xếp âm The song's skillful musical arrangement
arrangement nhạc khéo léo showcases the musicians' talents, enhancing
the overall impact of the music.
soul-stirring ca khúc xúc động The soul-stirring ballad touched the hearts of
ballad the audience, drawing them into an emotional
journey through its heartfelt lyrics.
soulful and ca từ sâu lắng và The singer's soulful and expressive voice adds
expressive biểu cảm depth and emotion to the song, making it a
captivating and memorable performance.
soulful vocals giọng ca đầy cảm The singer's soulful vocals bring out the
xúc emotions in the song, touching the hearts of the
stirring and xúc động và khiến The song's stirring and thought-provoking lyrics
thought- suy tư encourage listeners to contemplate deeper
provoking meanings and issues within the song.
strike a chord gây cảm động, The song's lyrics struck a chord with the
khiến ai đó cảm audience, as they could relate to the emotions
thấy đồng cảm expressed in the song.
tell a story kể một câu chuyện The song tells a compelling story through its
through qua lời bài hát sâu heartfelt lyrics, drawing listeners into a
compelling lyrics sắc narrative of love and heartbreak.
thought- lời bài hát đáng The thought-provoking lyrics of the song
provoking lyrics suy ngẫm encourage listeners to reflect on deeper
aspects of life and society.
timeless classic kiệt tác bất hủ "Imagine" by John Lennon is considered a
timeless classic, still loved and celebrated by
generations of music enthusiasts.
upbeat rhythm nhịp điệu sôi động The song's upbeat rhythm makes it perfect for
dancing and lifting one's spirits.
uplifting and tạo cảm giác lạc The song's uplifting and feel-good vibe lifts the
feel-good quan và phấn khởi spirits of the listeners, filling them with
optimism and positivity.
uplifting and làm tăng cường The song's uplifting and inspirational message
inspirational tinh thần và motivates listeners and encourages them to
truyền cảm hứng pursue their dreams.



english words meaning Example

a blizzard bão tuyết dông The blizzard brought heavy snow and strong
winds, creating whiteout conditions and making
travel dangerous.
a downpour mưa rào We got caught in a sudden downpour and had
to take shelter until the rain subsided.
a drizzle mưa phùn The drizzle was continuous but light, creating a
damp atmosphere without heavy rainfall.
a drought hạn hán The prolonged drought has resulted in water
shortages and affected agricultural crops in
the region.
a flood lũ lụt The heavy rainfall caused a flood, inundating
streets and homes and disrupting normal life in
the area.
a gust of wind cơn gió thổi mạnh A sudden gust of wind blew away the umbrella,
leaving the person exposed to the rain.
a hailstorm bão đá The hailstorm damaged crops and vehicles,
with hailstones falling heavily for several
a heatwave đợt nắng nóng During a heatwave, temperatures soar, and
people seek shelter and hydration to stay cool
and safe.
a snowstorm bão tuyết Schools were closed due to a snowstorm, which
blanketed the area with heavy snow and
created hazardous driving conditions.
a thunderstorm cơn bão dông During a thunderstorm, lightning and thunder
can be intimidating, but it usually passes
a typhoon bão nhiệt đới Coastal regions are prone to typhoons,
powerful storms that can cause significant
damage and disruption.
a weather dự báo thời tiết The weather forecast indicates a high chance
forecast of rain tomorrow, so it's best to plan indoor
a weather hiện tượng thời The aurora borealis is a stunning weather
phenomenon tiết phenomenon that occurs in polar regions,
creating beautiful colors in the sky.
abnormally cold lạnh không bình The abnormally cold weather in spring
thường surprised everyone, as it's not typical to
experience such low temperatures during that


bitterly cold lạnh rét In winter, the nights can be bitterly cold, and
it's essential to dress warmly to stay
comfortable in the freezing temperatures.
blow over gió thổi qua The storm blew over quickly, and the skies
cleared up in no time.
brutally hot nóng gay gắt The desert experiences brutally hot
temperatures during the day, making it
necessary to stay hydrated and seek shade.
clear up trời quang mây The rain finally cleared up, and we could see
tạnh the beautiful sunset.
cloud over trời trở nên u ám The sky clouded over, indicating that rain might
be on its way.
cool down trở nên mát mẻ The weather cooled down significantly, making
it pleasant to spend time outdoors.
dangerously gió mạnh nguy The weather warning indicated dangerously
windy hiểm windy conditions, and people were advised to
secure loose objects and stay indoors.
dry up khô hạn The water sources in the region dried up due
to the prolonged drought.
exceptionally khô hanh đặc biệt The area faced an exceptionally dry season,
dry leading to drought conditions and water
excessively wet ẩm ướt quá mức The area experienced excessively wet
weather, causing floods and waterlogged roads
in many neighborhoods.
freeze over đóng băng During winter, the lakes and rivers freeze
over, providing opportunities for ice skating.
freezing nhiệt độ lạnh giá Freezing temperatures in winter can lead to
temperatures frostbite and other cold-related health issues.
heavy rain mưa lớn The weather forecast predicts heavy rain this
evening, so it's advisable to carry an umbrella
or raincoat.
hold off trì hoãn The rain held off until after the outdoor event
was over, much to everyone's relief.
incredibly wet ẩm ướt đáng kinh The month was incredibly wet, with almost daily
ngạc rainfall and occasional thunderstorms.
intensely hot nóng đặc biệt The desert experiences intensely hot days, with
temperatures often exceeding 40 degrees
Celsius during the peak of summer.
it's drizzling trời đang mưa It's just drizzling lightly, so you can still go for a
phùn walk if you have an umbrella with you.
it's hailing đang mưa đá We couldn't believe it when it started hailing in
the middle of summer. The hailstones were
quite large.

it's raining trời đang mưa Look, it's raining outside. You should take an
umbrella if you plan to go out.
it's snowing trời đang tuyết Wake up! It's snowing, and everything outside is
rơi covered in a thick layer of snow.
mildly humid hơi ẩm nhẹ nhàng The coastal region is known for its mildly humid
climate, creating a comfortable environment
for both locals and tourists.
moderately ôn hòa vừa phải The weather was moderately warm, making it
warm pleasant for outdoor activities without being
too hot or uncomfortable.
pleasantly cool mát mẻ The weather was pleasantly cool, and the
gentle breeze provided relief from the heat,
creating a comfortable outdoor experience.
rain off hoãn (do mưa) The match was rained off due to the heavy
downpour, and it will be rescheduled for
another day.
remarkably mild ôn hòa đáng chú ý For a northern city, the winter was remarkably
mild, with temperatures staying above freezing
for most of the season.
set in bắt đầu Once the monsoon season sets in, heavy rains
are expected for several months.
severe bão lớn, dông lớn The region experienced a severe
thunderstorm thunderstorm, with lightning and strong winds
causing damage to trees and power lines.
slightly chilly hơi se lạnh The evenings were slightly chilly, and I needed
to wear a light jacket to stay comfortable
snowed in bị kẹt do tuyết rơi The mountain village was snowed in, and the
roads were impassable until the snowplows
sun comes out mặt trời ló ra After days of rain, the sun finally came out,
lifting everyone's spirits.
surprisingly cool mát mẻ bất ngờ Despite being in the middle of summer, the
evenings were surprisingly cool, allowing for
comfortable sleep without air conditioning.
sweltering heat nóng nực The sweltering heat made it difficult to be
outdoors, and people sought shade and cool
places to escape the high temperatures.
the clouds are mây đang tụ tập The clouds are gathering in the sky, indicating
gathering that rain might be on its way.
the fog lifted sương mù tan biến As the morning progressed, the fog lifted,
revealing a stunning view of the city below.


the rain stopped mưa dừng lại We were caught in the rain, but fortunately,
the rain stopped, and we could continue our
the snow is tuyết đang tan As spring approaches, the snow is melting, and
melting chảy the streets are getting slushy.
the snowstorm bão tuyết đã yếu After two days of heavy snowfall, the
subsided đi snowstorm subsided, and the snowplows were
able to clear the roads.
the storm is cơn bão đang tiến The meteorologists warned that the storm is
approaching đến approaching our area, and we should take
necessary precautions.
the storm cơn bão đã qua The storm passed, and the sun is out again,
passed leaving behind clear skies and a refreshing
the sun is mặt trời đang The sun is setting over the horizon, painting the
setting/rising lặn/mọc sky with beautiful hues of orange and pink.
the sun is mặt trời đang tỏa It's a beautiful day; the sun is shining brightly,
shining sáng perfect for a picnic in the park.
the temperature nhiệt độ đang The temperature is rising steadily, and we
is rising/falling tăng/giảm expect a hot day ahead.
the temperature nhiệt độ đạt mức Yesterday, the temperature reached a record
reached a cao/thấp kỷ lục high, breaking the previous temperature
record high/low record for that date.
the weather trời quang mây Luckily, the weather cleared up just in time for
cleared up tạnh the outdoor event, and we had a great time.
the weather thời tiết được cải The weather improved, and the dark clouds
improved thiện disappeared, bringing relief to everyone who
was worried about the storm.
the weather thời tiết trở nên We planned a day at the beach, but
worsened tồi tệ unfortunately, the weather worsened, and we
had to change our plans.
the wind is gió đang thổi The wind is blowing strongly, making it difficult
blowing to walk against the gusts.
thunder can be tiếng sấm vang từ As we hiked up the mountain, we could hear the
heard in the xa faint sound of thunder in the distance, signaling
distance a possible thunderstorm.
unbearably ẩm ướt không thể The summer days in this region can be
humid chịu đựng unbearably humid, with high humidity levels
causing discomfort and stickiness.
unexpectedly ẩm ướt bất ngờ The day started with clear skies, but
wet unexpectedly wet weather arrived in the
afternoon, catching many people off guard.
unseasonably ấm áp không theo In the winter months, the region experienced
warm mùa unseasonably warm weather, with

temperatures much higher than usual for that

unusually dry khô hanh không The normally lush rainforest experienced
bình thường unusually dry conditions, affecting the local
ecosystem and wildlife.
warm up trở nên ấm áp As spring arrives, the weather starts to warm
up, and the days become longer.



english words meaning Example

admire the ngắm nhìn kiến Architecture enthusiasts admire the unique
architecture trúc and diverse architecture found in cities around
the world.
architectural các công trình Rome is home to architectural landmarks like
landmarks kiến trúc nổi tiếng the Colosseum and the Vatican, attracting
millions of tourists each year.
attend tham dự các cuộc Community town hall meetings allow residents
community town họp cộng đồng to voice their concerns and contribute to
hall meetings decisions that affect the city's development.
attend cultural tham dự các buổi Visitors and locals alike attend cultural
performances biểu diễn văn hóa performances in the city, such as dance shows,
theater plays, and musical concerts.
attend public tham gia các bài Attending public lectures and workshops allows
lectures and thuyết trình và hội individuals to learn and expand their
workshops thảo công cộng knowledge in diverse areas.
breathtaking khung cảnh đường Hong Kong's breathtaking skyline is a sight to
skyline chân trời tuyệt behold, especially when illuminated at night.
bustling markets các chợ nhộn nhịp Marrakech is famous for its bustling markets,
where visitors can find spices, textiles, and
handicrafts from Moroccan artisans.
bustling streets những con phố The bustling streets of Tokyo are filled with
nhộn nhịp colorful signs, lively shops, and a constant flow
of people.
busy city thành phố nhộn New York is a busy city with people always on
nhịp the move and countless activities happening
day and night.
capture ghi lại khung cảnh Photographers often capture stunning
cityscapes đô thị qua ảnh cityscapes, showcasing the beauty and
through vibrancy of the city through their camera lens.
career growth sự phát triển Many people move to the city in search of
trong công việc better career growth and opportunities for
professional development.
career cơ hội nghề nghiệp Cities offer abundant career opportunities in
opportunities various industries, attracting professionals
seeking growth and advancement in their


celebrate local kỷ niệm các lễ hội Immersing in local festivals and traditions
festivals and và truyền thống allows residents to celebrate their city's
traditions địa phương unique cultural heritage and sense of
charming các khu phố quyến The city's charming neighborhoods are adorned
neighborhoods rũ with historic buildings, quaint cafes, and
beautiful parks.
city dwellers người cư trú tại City dwellers are accustomed to the fast-
thành phố paced life and convenience of living in an urban
cityscape khung cảnh đô thị The cityscape of New York is iconic, with its
towering skyscrapers and bustling streets.
commune with tiếp xúc với thiên Urban parks offer a peaceful escape, allowing
nature in urban nhiên trong các people to commune with nature amidst the
parks công viên đô thị bustling city environment.
commute time thời gian di The long commute time from the suburbs to the
chuyển city center can be tiring and time-consuming
for many workers.
commute to di chuyển đến nơi Many city dwellers commute to work using
work làm việc public transportation or bicycles to avoid
traffic congestion.
contribute to đóng góp vào Citizens can contribute to urban development
urban phát triển đô thị by being active in civic engagement and
development supporting sustainable initiatives.
cosmopolitan bầu không khí Cities like Singapore and Dubai have a
atmosphere quốc tế cosmopolitan atmosphere, where people from
different backgrounds come together.
cosmopolitan thành phố quốc tế Dubai is a cosmopolitan city, attracting people
city from different countries and offering a blend
of cultures and experiences.
cultural đa dạng văn hóa Cities are known for their cultural diversity,
diversity with various cuisines, festivals, and traditions
celebrated by different communities.
cultural events sự kiện văn hóa và Cities host various cultural events and festivals
and festivals lễ hội throughout the year, showcasing art, music,
and traditions from different cultures.
cultural melting nơi hội tụ văn hóa New York is a cultural melting pot, where
pot people from different backgrounds share their
traditions and customs.
dazzling lights ánh đèn lấp lánh Las Vegas is famous for its dazzling lights,
creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere in the
heart of the city.


discover khám phá các History enthusiasts discover historical

historical điểm tham quan landmarks in the city, uncovering the rich
landmarks lịch sử heritage and stories of the past.
discover local khám phá các Cities with vibrant art scenes offer
art scenes cảnh nghệ thuật opportunities for people to discover local
địa phương artists and their unique creations.
discover local khám phá ẩm thực Travelers often take delight in discovering and
cuisine địa phương trying out the local cuisine of the cities they
diverse cộng đồng đa London's diverse community includes people
community dạng from all over the world, bringing together
various cultures and traditions.
diverse các khu phố đa Cities often have diverse neighborhoods, each
neighborhoods dạng with its own unique character and cultural
dynamic city life cuộc sống đô thị London's dynamic city life offers a plethora of
năng động activities, events, and entertainment options
for people of all ages.
dynamic cuộc sống đêm Cities with dynamic nightlife, such as Bangkok
nightlife năng động and Berlin, offer endless entertainment options
and vibrant social scenes.
eclectic kiến trúc đa dạng San Francisco's eclectic architecture features
architecture a mix of Victorian houses, modern skyscrapers,
and historic landmarks.
embrace city's nắm vững xu hướng Fashion enthusiasts embrace the city's fashion
fashion trends thời trang của trends, exploring boutiques, and experimenting
thành phố with new styles.
embrace nếm thử các trải The city's multicultural dining scene offers a
multicultural nghiệm ẩm thực wide array of international cuisines for people
dining đa văn hóa to savor and enjoy.
embrace public đón nhận các tác Cities often embrace public art installations,
art installations phẩm nghệ thuật such as sculptures or murals, to beautify the
công cộng urban landscape and engage with the
embrace the đón nhận sự đa Embracing the city's cultural diversity involves
city's cultural dạng văn hóa của immersing oneself in its traditions,
diversity thành phố celebrations, and different ways of life.
embrace the đón nhận sự đa Embracing the diversity of the city fosters
diversity of the dạng của thành understanding and appreciation for different
city phố cultures and perspectives.
embrace the đón nhận lối sống Some people embrace the fast-paced lifestyle
fast-paced nhanh nhịp của of the city, thriving in its dynamic energy and
lifestyle thành phố constant opportunities.

embrace urban đón nhận văn hóa Immigrants often embrace urban culture,
culture đô thị adopting new customs and blending them with
their own traditions.
emerging tech trung tâm công Bangalore has emerged as an emerging tech
hub nghệ mới nổi hub, with numerous startups and tech
companies driving innovation and growth.
engage in city tham gia các hoạt Participating in city clean-up initiatives allows
clean-up động dọn dẹp citizens to take pride in their city and
initiatives thành phố contribute to maintaining a clean environment.
engage in city tham gia lập kế Urban planners engage in city planning to
planning hoạch đô thị ensure sustainable development and create
better living environments for the residents.
engage in city- tham gia các lễ kỷ City-wide celebrations, such as New Year's Eve
wide niệm toàn thành or national holidays, bring people together to
celebrations phố celebrate and enjoy festivities.
engage in city- tham gia vào các Engaging in city-wide charity work enables
wide charity hoạt động từ thiện people to give back to the community and
work toàn thành phố support those in need.
engage in city- tham gia các nỗ City-wide environmental efforts aim to address
wide lực môi trường pollution and sustainability issues, engaging
environmental toàn thành phố citizens in eco-friendly initiatives.
engage in tham gia các hoạt Being part of community activities allows
community động cộng đồng people to connect with others and contribute
activities to the city's social fabric.
engage in tham gia các hoạt The city offers various outdoor recreational
outdoor động giải trí ngoài activities, from biking and jogging to picnicking
recreational trời in the park, for people to enjoy.
engage in public tham gia các cuộc Engaging in public debates and discussions
debates and tranh luận và thảo promotes dialogue and exchange of ideas,
discussions luận công cộng shaping the city's development and policies.
enjoy cultural thưởng thức các Residents and visitors alike enjoy cultural
events and sự kiện văn hóa và events and festivals that celebrate the city's
festivals lễ hội traditions and heritage.
entertainment tùy chọn giải trí Cities offer a wide range of entertainment
options options, including theaters, cinemas, concerts,
and sports events.
experience city trải nghiệm cuộc Many young professionals move to the city to
living sống đô thị experience city living and all the opportunities
it offers.
experience city- trải nghiệm các lễ Art enthusiasts experience city-wide art
wide art hội nghệ thuật festivals, where streets and galleries come
festivals toàn thành phố alive with creative expressions and exhibits.

experience city- trải nghiệm các sự Major sporting events hosted in the city bring
wide sports kiện thể thao toàn excitement and joy to both athletes and
events thành phố spectators from all over.
experience the trải nghiệm cuộc Tourists love to experience the nightlife of
nightlife sống đêm cities like Bangkok or New York, which offers a
vibrant and lively atmosphere.
experience the trải nghiệm môi Environmentalists and nature enthusiasts
urban trường đô thị experience the urban environment, advocating
environment for sustainable practices and green spaces.
explore city khám phá các Nature enthusiasts love to explore city parks
parks and công viên và vườn and gardens, escaping the urban hustle to
gardens thành phố enjoy green spaces and tranquility.
explore the city khám phá thành Tourists love to explore the city's historic
phố landmarks, bustling markets, and hidden gems.
fashionable các khu vực thời Milan and Paris are fashionable districts known
districts trang for their influence on the global fashion
fast-growing thành phố đang Shanghai is a fast-growing city, with new
city phát triển skyscrapers, shopping malls, and infrastructure
projects constantly shaping its skyline.
fast-paced lối sống nhanh In a fast-paced lifestyle, people often have
lifestyle nhịp busy schedules and little time to relax or
futuristic city thành phố tương Dubai's futuristic cityscape is a testament to
lai its innovative architecture and ambitious
urban development projects.
get involved in tham gia vào công Being part of volunteer work allows individuals
volunteer work việc tình nguyện to contribute positively to the city and make a
difference in the lives of others.
green and xanh và bền vững Many cities are striving to become green and
sustainable sustainable, implementing eco-friendly
practices and reducing carbon emissions.
green spaces khu vực xanh Parks and gardens provide green spaces in the
city where people can relax, exercise, and
enjoy nature.
hectic pace nhịp độ hối hả In cities like Mumbai, life moves at a hectic
pace, with people always on the go and little
time to relax.
high cost of chi phí sinh hoạt The high cost of living in cities like Tokyo or
living cao London can make it challenging for some people
to afford a comfortable lifestyle.
high-rise các tòa nhà cao High-rise buildings dominate the skyline of
buildings tầng many modern cities, providing office spaces
and residential units for their inhabitants.

historic charm dáng vẻ lịch sử Prague's historic charm is evident in its well-
preserved medieval architecture and
cobblestone streets.
iconic landmarks các địa điểm nổi Cities like Paris and Sydney boast iconic
tiếng landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the
Sydney Opera House.
immerse in city mê mải trong văn Students who study abroad have the chance to
culture hóa đô thị immerse themselves in city culture, gaining new
perspectives and insights.
immerse in city mê mải vào lịch sử History enthusiasts immerse themselves in the
history của thành phố city's history, visiting museums, historical sites,
and archives to learn about its past.
interact with tương tác với các Living in the city allows people to interact with
diverse cộng đồng đa diverse communities, fostering understanding
communities dạng and appreciation for different cultures.
international trung tâm quốc tế Singapore serves as an international hub for
hub finance, commerce, and travel, connecting
people from all corners of the world.
join city tham gia các City improvement campaigns involve citizens in
improvement chiến dịch cải making positive changes, from street clean-ups
campaigns thiện thành phố to neighborhood beautification projects.
join cultural tham gia các Students often join cultural exchange programs
exchange chương trình giao in the city to learn about different cultures and
programs lưu văn hóa make international friendships.
lively không khí sôi động Cities with a lively atmosphere, like Rio de
atmosphere Janeiro and New Orleans, are always buzzing
with energy and excitement.
lively city thành phố sôi Barcelona is a lively city, with its vibrant street
động performances, lively music, and energetic
local cuisine ẩm thực địa Cities offer a wide variety of local cuisine,
phương allowing residents and visitors to experience
the unique flavors of the region.
metropolitan lối sống đô thị The metropolitan lifestyle in Tokyo offers
lifestyle endless opportunities for work, entertainment,
and cultural experiences.
modern tiện ích hiện đại Cities offer modern amenities like high-speed
amenities internet, state-of-the-art healthcare facilities,
and advanced public transportation.
modern hạ tầng hiện đại Developed cities have modern infrastructure,
infrastructure including efficient transportation systems and
advanced communication networks.


modern thành phố hiện Singapore is a modern metropolis with its sleek
metropolis đại skyscrapers, high-tech infrastructure, and
efficient public services.
multicultural thành phố đa văn London is known as a multicultural city, with
city hóa people from diverse backgrounds living and
working together.
multicultural xã hội đa văn hóa Toronto is known for its multicultural society,
society with residents from all over the world
coexisting harmoniously.
navigate the điều hướng qua Getting around in a new city can be
streets các con phố challenging, but with a map or GPS, it's easier
to navigate the streets.
network with xây dựng mạng Professionals often network with other city
city lưới với các professionals to build connections, share ideas,
professionals chuyên gia thành and explore potential collaborations.
night markets chợ đêm Night markets are a popular attraction in many
cities, where people can shop for local goods
and enjoy street food late into the night.
noise pollution ô nhiễm tiếng ồn Living in the city can be challenging due to
noise pollution from traffic and construction
participate in tham gia các sự Sports enthusiasts participate in city sports
city sports kiện thể thao của events like marathons or local leagues,
events thành phố fostering a sense of community and healthy
participate in tham gia các sự City-sponsored events, like street fairs or
city-sponsored kiện do thành phố charity runs, bring the community together and
events tổ chức promote a sense of unity.
participate in tham gia các sự To fully experience city life, it's essential to
local events and kiện và hoạt động participate in local events and activities,
activities địa phương connecting with the community.
participate in tham gia các dự Participating in urban art projects helps
urban art án nghệ thuật đô transform public spaces and adds creativity
projects thị and expression to the city's landscape.
public amenities tiện ích công cộng Cities invest in public amenities like parks,
libraries, and recreational facilities to
enhance residents' quality of life.
public services dịch vụ công cộng Cities offer a wide range of public services,
such as healthcare, education, and sanitation,
to meet the needs of their residents.
public phương tiện giao Many people rely on public transportation such
transportation thông công cộng as buses and trains to get around in the city.


sample street nếm thử đồ ăn Travelers love to sample street food in

food đường phố different cities, experiencing the local flavors
and culinary delights.
savor thưởng thức các Cities offer diverse international cuisine,
international món ăn quốc tế allowing food lovers to savor dishes from
cuisine around the world without leaving the city.
seek job tìm kiếm cơ hội Many people move to the city seeking job
opportunities việc làm opportunities and career growth in various
shopping khu vực mua sắm Shopping districts like Fifth Avenue in New
districts York or Oxford Street in London attract
shoppers from all over the world.
skyscraper tòa nhà chọc trời New York City is known for its impressive
skyline adorned with skyscrapers, symbolizing
the city's prosperity and modernity.
soak in the ngấm vào không Sitting at a sidewalk cafe is an excellent way to
city's khí của thành phố soak in the city's atmosphere and observe the
atmosphere daily life of its residents.
social diversity đa dạng xã hội City life provides an opportunity to interact
with people from diverse backgrounds,
fostering social understanding and acceptance.
social giao tiếp xã hội City life offers numerous opportunities for
interactions social interactions, with events, meetups, and
gatherings happening frequently.
socially diverse đa dạng xã hội Cities are socially diverse places where people
from different backgrounds and beliefs coexist
street art nghệ thuật đường Cities with vibrant street art scenes, like
phố Berlin or Melbourne, attract art enthusiasts
and tourists interested in urban creativity.
support local ủng hộ các cảnh People who support local art and music scenes
art and music nghệ thuật và âm contribute to a thriving creative community
scenes nhạc địa phương and enrich the city's cultural offerings.
support local ủng hộ các doanh Supporting local businesses helps sustain the
businesses nghiệp địa phương city's economy and fosters a sense of
community pride and identity.
support local hỗ trợ các sáng People who support local sustainable initiatives
sustainable kiến bền vững địa contribute to a greener and more eco-friendly
initiatives phương city environment.
take part in tham gia các tour Historical tours and walks offer fascinating
historical tours và cuộc dạo chơi insights into the city's past, exploring
and walks lịch sử landmarks and hidden historical gems.


thriving nền kinh tế phát Hong Kong has a thriving economy, attracting
economy triển businesses and entrepreneurs from around the
traffic tắc nghẽn giao Traffic congestion during rush hours can
congestion thông significantly delay commutes and create
frustration for city dwellers.
urban chic phong cách đô thị Paris is renowned for its urban chic, influencing
fashion, design, and lifestyle trends around the
urban phát triển đô thị Urban development has led to the expansion of
development cities and the construction of modern
urban lifestyle lối sống đô thị Many people are attracted to the urban
lifestyle because of the convenience and
opportunities it offers.
urban sprawl sự mở rộng đô thị Urban sprawl has led to the expansion of cities
into suburban areas, resulting in increased
traffic and infrastructure challenges.
vibrant city trung tâm thành The vibrant city center of Amsterdam offers a
center phố sôi động mix of shops, cafes, and cultural attractions
that appeal to both locals and tourists.
vibrant culture văn hóa phong phú Cities like Barcelona and Paris are known for
their vibrant culture, with museums, theaters,
and art galleries showcasing artistic heritage.
vibrant nightlife cuộc sống đêm sôi Cities like Las Vegas and Bangkok are famous
động for their vibrant nightlife, with numerous
entertainment options available at night.
walkable các khu phố có European cities like Amsterdam and Florence
neighborhoods thể đi bộ are known for their walkable neighborhoods,
encouraging residents to stroll and explore.
wander through dạo chơi qua các Exploring city markets allows travelers to
city markets chợ thành phố wander through a diverse array of goods, from
fresh produce to handmade crafts.
welcoming không khí mừng Sydney is known for its welcoming atmosphere,
atmosphere mừng making visitors feel at home and embraced by
the city's friendly residents.
work-life cân bằng công Achieving work-life balance can be challenging
balance việc và cuộc sống in a city where work demands and
responsibilities are often high.
world-class giải trí hàng đầu Tokyo offers world-class entertainment, from
entertainment thế giới traditional Kabuki theaters to high-tech
amusement parks.


youthful energy năng lượng trẻ Berlin's youthful energy is reflected in its
trung vibrant art scene, trendy fashion, and
innovative start-ups.



english words meaning Example

abundant nguồn tài nguyên The countryside boasts abundant natural
natural thiên nhiên phong resources, including fertile land, clean water,
resources phú and renewable energy sources.
agricultural way lối sống nông Many rural areas embrace an agricultural way
of life nghiệp of life, where farming and livestock raising are
the primary means of livelihood.
appreciate trân trọng các giá Countryside communities often appreciate and
traditional trị truyền thống uphold traditional values, passing down customs
values and cultural heritage to the next generation.
authentic ẩm thực đích thực Travelers savor authentic countryside cuisine,
countryside của nông thôn made from locally sourced ingredients and
cuisine traditional recipes.
close-knit cộng đồng gắn bó The countryside is known for its close-knit
communities communities, where people share strong bonds
and support each other like extended family.
community spirit tinh thần cộng The countryside is known for its strong
đồng community spirit, where people work together
and support one another in times of need.
country living cuộc sống ở nông Country living offers a tranquil and
thôn uncomplicated lifestyle, allowing people to
escape the stresses of urban environments.
country markets các chợ nông thôn Country markets offer a delightful array of
fresh produce, homemade goods, and local
crafts, showcasing the essence of rural life.
countryside nơi trốn thoát đến Many city dwellers seek a countryside retreat
retreat nông thôn to relax and rejuvenate, escaping the hustle
and bustle of urban life.
countryside du lịch nông thôn Countryside tourism attracts travelers looking
tourism to experience the charm and simplicity of rural
life, immersing themselves in local culture.
countryside những truyền Countryside traditions celebrate local customs
traditions thống nông thôn and cultural practices, passed down through
generations, preserving the area's heritage.
embrace đón nhận vẻ đẹp Living in the countryside allows people to
nature's beauty của thiên nhiên embrace nature's beauty, appreciating the
landscapes, wildlife, and natural wonders.
enchanting rural dáng vẻ lôi cuốn The countryside's enchanting rural charm
charm của miền quê captures the hearts of many, drawing them to
experience its allure and beauty.


endless fields of các cánh đồng vô The countryside showcases endless fields of
crops tận crops, painting the landscape with golden hues
during the harvest season.
engage in tham gia trồng Many families in the countryside engage in
farming and trọt và làm vườn farming and gardening, growing their
gardening vegetables and fruits for personal consumption.
enjoy outdoor thưởng thức các With abundant open spaces, countryside
activities hoạt động ngoài residents can enjoy various outdoor activities
trời such as hiking, fishing, and picnicking.
enjoy starry thưởng thức đêm With less light pollution, the countryside offers
nights trời đầy sao a clear view of the night sky, allowing residents
to enjoy starry nights and stargazing.
experience a trải nghiệm nhịp In the countryside, people experience a slower
slower pace of sống chậm hơn pace of life, allowing them to savor each
life moment and avoid the stress of urban living.
farming lifestyle lối sống của người The farming lifestyle revolves around daily
nông dân agricultural activities, such as planting, tending
crops, and raising livestock.
fresh and clean không khí trong Unlike the city, the countryside offers fresh
air lành và sạch and clean air, free from pollution, providing a
healthier living environment.
fresh and tươi và không bị ô The countryside's fresh and unpolluted air is a
unpolluted nhiễm refreshing change from the smog and pollution
in urban areas.
fresh produce nông sản tươi sạch The countryside provides a wide variety of
fresh produce, such as fruits and vegetables,
grown locally and delivered directly to
green khung cảnh xanh The green landscapes of the countryside, with
landscapes rolling hills and lush meadows, create a
refreshing and soothing environment for
harvest season mùa thu hoạch During the harvest season, farmers work
diligently to gather crops, celebrating the
bountiful results of their labor.
idyllic cảnh quan đồng The idyllic countryside views, with rolling hills
countryside quê thơ mộng and green pastures, create a picturesque and
views charming scenery.
natural and tự nhiên và không The countryside's natural and unspoiled beauty
unspoiled bị làm hỏng offers an authentic experience, free from
natural beauty vẻ đẹp tự nhiên The natural beauty of the countryside, with its
lush landscapes and serene lakes, attracts


tourists seeking a peaceful and scenic

natural habitats môi trường sống tự The countryside is dotted with various natural
nhiên habitats, including forests, wetlands, and
rivers, supporting a wide range of flora and
open farmland đồng cỏ mở rộng The countryside is characterized by vast open
farmland, where crops are cultivated, and
livestock graze freely under the open sky.
peaceful and thanh bình và hài The countryside fosters a peaceful and
harmonious hòa harmonious coexistence with nature, promoting
a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.
peaceful cuộc sống thanh People seek peaceful countryside living to find
countryside bình ở nông thôn solace and reconnect with nature, away from
living the noise and distractions of urban areas.
peaceful rural bầu không khí yên The peaceful rural setting allows residents to
setting bình vùng nông escape the noise and hustle of the city and
thôn enjoy a slower pace of life.
picturesque cảnh quan đẹp The picturesque landscapes of the countryside,
landscapes như tranh with their vibrant colors and scenic vistas,
attract artists and photographers.
rich and diverse phong phú và đa The countryside is rich and diverse, with
dạng abundant wildlife, ecosystems, and cultural
rural community cộng đồng nông Rural communities in the countryside maintain
thôn close ties and a strong sense of belonging,
supporting each other like extended family.
rural phát triển nông Initiatives for rural development aim to
development thôn improve infrastructure, livelihoods, and access
to essential services for countryside
rustic and dáng vẻ đồng quê The rustic and charming villages in the
charming và quyến rũ countryside evoke a sense of nostalgia and
rustic charm dáng vẻ đồng quê Small countryside villages exude rustic charm,
with their quaint cottages and picturesque
scenery, attracting tourists seeking an
authentic experience.
scenic các con đường Driving along scenic countryside roads offers
countryside nông thôn đẹp breathtaking views, showcasing the beauty and
roads mắt tranquility of rural landscapes.
scenic rural các tuyến đường Exploring scenic rural routes allows travelers
routes nông thôn đẹp to enjoy breathtaking views of the countryside.

serene and thanh bình và yên The countryside offers a serene and peaceful
peaceful tĩnh environment, perfect for relaxation and
simple and laid- đơn giản và thoải Life in the countryside is simple and laid-back,
back mái allowing people to enjoy a slower and more
relaxed pace of living.
simple and cuộc sống đơn People in the countryside often lead simple and
sustainable giản và bền vững sustainable lives, making the most of local
living resources and minimizing waste.
strong sense of tinh thần cộng The countryside fosters a strong sense of
community đồng mạnh mẽ community, where people support and look out
for one another, creating a tight-knit society.
traditional and truyền thống và Countryside communities uphold traditional and
time-honored lâu đời time-honored practices, preserving their
unique way of life.
traditional phương pháp Traditional farming methods in the countryside
farming methods trồng trọt truyền rely on age-old practices and sustainable
thống agricultural techniques.
tranquil and thanh bình và thơ The countryside's tranquil and idyllic settings
idyllic mộng offer a perfect escape from the hustle and
bustle of city life.
tranquil and môi trường yên The tranquil and serene environment in the
serene bình và thanh bình countryside promotes relaxation and a sense of
environment well-being among its residents.
unforgettable những trải nghiệm Travelers often have unforgettable countryside
countryside đáng nhớ ở nông experiences, creating cherished memories of
experiences thôn their time in rural areas.
welcoming and chào đón và thân Rural communities are welcoming and friendly,
friendly thiện making visitors feel at home and part of the
local culture.
enjoy the thưởng thức sự Many people move to the countryside to enjoy
tranquility thanh bình the tranquility, away from the noise and stress
of city life.
embrace the đón nhận lối sống City dwellers often embrace the rural lifestyle,
rural lifestyle miền quê appreciating its simplicity and connection with
engage in tham gia các hoạt Villagers engage in farming activities, tending
farming động nông nghiệp to their crops and livestock to sustain their
activities livelihoods.
explore the khám phá miền Tourists travel to explore the countryside,
countryside quê discovering its hidden gems, cultural traditions,
and breathtaking landscapes.


experience trải nghiệm các Visitors have the opportunity to experience

village truyền thống làng village traditions, including folk festivals,
traditions quê dances, and local customs.
admire the trầm mê vẻ đẹp tự Nature enthusiasts admire the natural beauty
natural beauty nhiên of the countryside, captivated by its stunning
scenery and diverse wildlife.
connect with the kết nối với cộng Travelers often connect with the local
local community đồng địa phương community, engaging in conversations and
learning about their way of life.
appreciate the trân trọng nhịp Visitors appreciate the slower pace of life in
slower pace of sống chậm hơn the countryside, cherishing moments of
life relaxation and reflection.
breathe in the hít thở không khí People love to breathe in the fresh air of the
fresh air trong lành countryside, enjoying the clean and unpolluted
harvest crops thu hoạch các vụ During harvest seasons, farmers work diligently
and fruits mùa và quả to harvest crops and fruits, celebrating the
fruits of their labor.
engage in tham gia các hoạt Countryside residents engage in various
outdoor động giải trí ngoài outdoor recreation activities such as hiking,
recreation trời biking, and fishing.
experience the trải nghiệm vẻ Experiencing the charm of rural living involves
charm of rural đẹp của cuộc immersing oneself in the simplicity and
living sống miền quê authenticity of countryside communities.
wander through dạo chơi qua các Tourists love to wander through country lanes,
country lanes con đường nông enjoying the scenic views and discovering
thôn quaint villages along the way.
participate in tham gia vào các During traditional festivities, locals and
traditional lễ hội truyền tourists alike participate in cultural
festivities thống celebrations, dancing, and traditional games.
appreciate the trân trọng sự Visitors appreciate the abundance of nature in
abundance of phong phú của the countryside, from wildlife to lush
nature thiên nhiên vegetation, showcasing the richness of the
preserve local bảo tồn di sản địa Villagers work to preserve their local heritage,
heritage phương passing down cultural traditions and historical
landmarks to future generations.
enjoy stargazing thưởng thức việc The clear skies of the countryside provide the
in the clear sky nhìn sao trên bầu perfect setting for stargazing, allowing people
trời trong to marvel at the beauty of the night sky.
foster a sense xây dựng tinh thần People in the countryside foster a strong sense
of community cộng đồng of community, coming together to support one
another and celebrate shared values and

savor local thưởng thức các Food enthusiasts savor local delicacies,
delicacies món đặc sản địa enjoying the unique flavors and culinary
phương traditions of the countryside.
majestic các ngọn núi hùng The majestic mountains stood tall and imposing,
mountains vĩ forming a breathtaking backdrop to the
picturesque valley.
lush green các thung lũng The lush green valleys were dotted with
valleys xanh tươi colorful wildflowers, creating a vibrant and
refreshing atmosphere.
crystal-clear các hồ nước trong The crystal-clear lakes reflected the
lakes veo surrounding mountains, providing a perfect
mirror-like surface for stunning reflections.
serene rivers các con sông và The serene rivers and streams meandered
and streams dòng suối thanh through the landscape, adding a sense of
bình tranquility and harmony to the natural setting.
towering những thác nước The towering waterfalls cascaded down the
waterfalls cao vút cliffs, creating a thunderous roar and a
mesmerizing spectacle for visitors.
dense and các rừng rậm và The dense and ancient forests were home to a
ancient forests cổ xưa diverse range of flora and fauna, some of which
were endemic to the region.
breathtaking những vách đá ven The breathtaking coastal cliffs rose
coastal cliffs biển ngoạn mục dramatically from the sea, offering spectacular
views of the crashing waves below.
endless sandy các cồn cát vô The endless sandy dunes stretched along the
dunes tận shoreline, sculpted by the wind and forming
mesmerizing patterns on the desert landscape.
vibrant coral các rặng san hô The vibrant coral reefs teemed with marine
reefs sặc sỡ life, boasting a kaleidoscope of colors and
providing an underwater paradise for divers.
volcanic cảnh quan núi lửa The volcanic landscapes were marked by
landscapes rugged terrains, volcanic craters, and
geothermal features, showcasing the earth's
raw power.
rolling hills and các đồi và đồng The rolling hills and meadows were covered in
meadows cỏ trải dài a patchwork of colorful wildflowers, presenting
a picturesque countryside scene.
pristine sandy các bãi biển cát The pristine sandy beaches stretched along the
beaches nguyên sơ coast, their unspoiled beauty attracting
beachgoers seeking relaxation and sunbathing.
snow-capped các đỉnh núi phủ The snow-capped peaks gleamed in the
peaks tuyết sunlight, contrasting beautifully against the
blue sky and adding a touch of magic to the

rolling rivers những dòng sông The rolling rivers and gentle waterfalls flowed
and gentle uốn lượn và thác peacefully through the countryside, providing a
waterfalls nước êm dịu soothing ambiance to the surroundings.
sun-kissed các bãi biển được The sun-kissed beaches were perfect for
beaches tắm ánh nắng sunbathing and beach activities, drawing
tourists from all over to enjoy the warm and
sunny weather.
majestic coastal những vách đá The majestic coastal cliffs stood tall,
cliffs biển hùng vĩ overlooking the crashing waves below,
providing an impressive view and a sense of
awe for onlookers.
rolling vineyards các vườn nho trải The rolling vineyards covered the hillsides, with
dài rows of grapevines producing the finest wines,
making the region famous for its winemaking.
rolling heather- các vùng đất The rolling heather-covered moorlands were
covered hoang thảo đầy blanketed in purple flowers, creating a
moorlands hoa breathtaking and colorful sight across the open
rugged coastal các mũi biển đá The rugged coastal headlands extended into
headlands sừng sững the sea, providing an ideal vantage point for
stunning panoramic views of the coastline.


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