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A dream doesn't become reality through magic;
it takes sweat, determination and hard work.

CAMBRIDGE IELTS READING VOCABULARY .................................................................... 5
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 1 -------------------------------------------- 6
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 2 -------------------------------------------10
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 3-------------------------------------------14
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 1 -------------------------------------------18
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 2 ------------------------------------------21
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 3 ------------------------------------------23
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 1-------------------------------------------26
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 2 ------------------------------------------28
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 3 ------------------------------------------29
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 1 ------------------------------------------31
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 2 ......................................... 33
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 3 ------------------------------------------35
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 1 -------------------------------------------37
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 2-------------------------------------------39
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 3 ------------------------------------------41
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14– READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 1 --------------------------------------------43
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14– READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 2 -------------------------------------------45
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14– READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 3 -------------------------------------------48
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14– READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 1--------------------------------------------50
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14– READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 2 -------------------------------------------52
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14– READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 3 -------------------------------------------55
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14– READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 1 -------------------------------------------57
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14– READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 2 -------------------------------------------58
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14– READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 3 -------------------------------------------59
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 1 -------------------------------------------60
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 2 -------------------------------------------64
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 3-------------------------------------------68
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15– READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 1 --------------------------------------------72
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15– READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 3 -------------------------------------------78
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15– READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 1 --------------------------------------------80
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15– READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 2 -------------------------------------------82
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15– READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 3 -------------------------------------------84

CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15– READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 1--------------------------------------------86
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15– READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 2 -------------------------------------------88
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15– READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 3 -------------------------------------------90
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 1 -------------------------------------------92
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 2 -------------------------------------------98
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 – READING TEST 1 – PASSAGE 3 ---------------------------------------- 102
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16– READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 1 ------------------------------------------ 110
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16– READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 2 ----------------------------------------- 115
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16– READING TEST 2 – PASSAGE 3 ----------------------------------------- 121
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16– READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 1 ------------------------------------------ 126
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16– READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 2 ----------------------------------------- 131
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16– READING TEST 3 – PASSAGE 3 ----------------------------------------- 135
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16– READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 1------------------------------------------ 138
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16– READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 2 ----------------------------------------- 141
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16– READING TEST 4 – PASSAGE 3 ----------------------------------------- 146
CAMBRIDGE IELTS LISTENING VOCABULARY ............................................................. 151
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – LISTENING TEST 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ 152
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – LISTENING TEST 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ 157
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – LISTENING TEST 3------------------------------------------------------------ 162
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 13 – LISTENING TEST 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- 168
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14 – LISTENING TEST 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ 174
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14 – LISTENING TEST 2------------------------------------------------------------ 180
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14 – LISTENING TEST 3 ----------------------------------------------------------- 185
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14 – LISTENING TEST 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- 189
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15 – LISTENING TEST 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ 194
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15 – LISTENING TEST 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ 200
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15 – LISTENING TEST 3------------------------------------------------------------ 206
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15 – LISTENING TEST 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- 212
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 – LISTENING TEST 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ 219
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 – LISTENING TEST 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ 226
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 – LISTENING TEST 3------------------------------------------------------------ 231
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 – LISTENING TEST 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- 237



account for v chiếm (%) The Japanese market accounts for 35 per cent
of the company's revenue.
aim v nhắm vào The team aims to complete the project ahead of
appear v xuất hiện The superstar appeared on the talk show to
promote her new movie.
catalogue v chia thành The librarian will catalogue all the new books in
loại the system.
compose v soạn, tạo The talented composer will create the music for
thành the upcoming film.
contribute v đóng góp The volunteers contribute their time and effort
to help the community.
customise v tùy biến The software allows users to customise the
interface according to their preferences.
devise v nghĩ ra, The think tank will devise a strategy to address
sáng chế the environmental issues.
focus v tập trung The presentation will focus on the key findings
of the research.
gain v đạt được, The company hopes to gain a larger market
giành được share with its innovative product.
highlight v nhấn mạnh The report will highlight the importance of
renewable energy sources.
indicate v chỉ ra, hiển The arrow on the map will indicate the location
thị of the hidden treasure.
involved v tham gia The team involved in the project comprises
vào experts from various fields.
launch v khởi đầu, The company plans to launch its new product
bắt đầu next month.
maintain v duy trì The maintenance team will ensure the machines
are in top condition.
offer v cung cấp The hotel will offer complimentary breakfast to
all guests.
perceive v nhận thức Some people perceive abstract art as
challenging to understand.
relate v liên quan The novel will relate the story of a young
adventurer's journey.
submit v nộp Please submit your application before the
suit v thích hợp The dress will suit you perfectly for the formal
với event.
undergo v trải qua The athlete will undergo rigorous training
before the competition.
undertake v đảm đương, The company will undertake a thorough review
thực hiện of its policies.
vary v thay đổi The prices of the products may vary depending
on demand and supply.

access n sự tiếp cận The library provides free access to a wide
range of books and resources.
accommoda- n chỗ ở The hotel offers comfortable accommodation
tion with stunning views of the ocean.
achievement n thành tựu Winning the championship was a remarkable
achievement for the young athlete.
annual n hàng năm The company holds an annual conference to
showcase its latest products.
audience n khán giả The theater was packed with an enthusiastic
audience eagerly awaiting the performance.
backdrop n phông nền The picturesque mountains served as a beautiful
sân khấu backdrop for the outdoor wedding.
blockbuster n phim bom The blockbuster movie became a massive hit
tấn during its opening weekend.
campaign n chiến dịch The environmental organization launched a
campaign to promote recycling.
captain n thủ lĩnh, đội The captain skillfully navigated the ship through
trưởng stormy waters.
destination n điểm đến Paris is a popular tourist destination known for
its rich history and art.
evaluation n sự đánh giá The evaluation of the project's success will be
conducted by an independent committee.
expenditure n sự chi tiêu The company's expenditure on marketing
increased significantly this year.
export n sự xuất The country's export of agricultural products
khẩu has been steadily growing.
feature n đặc tính The latest smartphone has a unique feature that
sets it apart from its competitors.
gateway n cổng vào, The airport serves as a major gateway to the
cửa ngỏ country for international travelers.
impact n tác động The environmental impact of the factory's
operations was a concern for the community.
inclusion n sự bao gồm The organization is committed to the inclusion
of people from diverse backgrounds.
infrastructure n cấu trúc hạ The city's infrastructure includes modern
tầng transportation and communication networks.
inhabitant n cư dân The inhabitants of the remote village rely on
fishing for their livelihood.
innovation n đổi mới, cải The innovation in renewable energy technology
tiến is making strides toward sustainability.
itinerary n lộ trình The travel agency provided a detailed itinerary
for the group tour.
long-haul n khoảng Long-haul flights are preferred for
cách dài intercontinental travel.
market n thị trường The company conducted thorough market
research before launching the new product.
nature n bản chất The beauty of nature can be witnessed in the
serene landscapes and wildlife.

option n sự lựa chọn The online store offers a wide range of options
for shoppers to choose from.
package n giao dịch The vacation package includes flights, hotel
trọn gói accommodation, and guided tours.
presence n sự hiện hữu The manager's presence in the meeting
influenced the team's decision-making.
rate n tỷ lệ The interest rate on the loan is subject to
change based on market conditions.
research n nghiên cứu The research conducted by scientists
contributed valuable insights to the field.
route n tuyến đường The scenic route takes travelers through
picturesque villages and scenic landscapes.
satisfaction n sự hài lòng Customer satisfaction is a top priority for the
service-oriented company.
scheme n kế hoạch The government introduced a new scheme to
support small businesses.
section n phần, đoạn The report focuses on the financial section of
the company's performance.
sector n khu vực The technology sector is experiencing rapid
growth and innovation.
standard n tiêu chuẩn The company adheres to high standards of
quality and safety.
strategy n chiến thuật The marketing strategy aims to increase brand
awareness and customer engagement.
on a regular adv một cách The gym encourages members to work out on a
basis thường regular basis.
once in a adv chỉ có một Visiting the ancient ruins was a once-in-a-
lifetime lần trong lifetime experience.
đời, rất
perhaps adv có thể, có Perhaps we should consider alternative options
lẽ before making a decision.
solely adv duy nhất The decision is solely dependent on the board of
authentic adj đích thực; The restaurant offers authentic dishes from
xác thực various regions of the world.
comprehensive adj bao quát, The comprehensive report covers all aspects of
toàn diện the project.
domestic adj trong nước, The domestic flight will take you to your
nội địa destination within the country.
exhilarating adj làm phấn The thrilling roller coaster ride was exhilarating
chấn and full of excitement.
former adj trước đó The former CEO of the company will be speaking
at the conference.
geographical adj về mặt địa The geographical features of the landscape
lý include mountains and rivers.
individual adj cá nhân Each individual has their own unique strengths
and weaknesses.

interactive adj mang tính The interactive exhibit allows visitors to
tương tác participate and engage with the displays.
key adj chủ chốt Time management is a key factor in achieving
major adj chủ yếu, The major cities in the country have well-
quan trọng developed infrastructure.
potential adj tiềm năng The project shows great potential for future
reliable adj đáng tin The company's reliable services have earned
cậy them a loyal customer base.
remaining adj còn lại Despite the challenges, the team remains
committed to completing the project.
scenic adj ngoạn mục The tour offers scenic views of the countryside
and picturesque villages.
underlying adj cơ bản, cơ The underlying issue needs to be addressed to
sở find a permanent solution.
unique adj đặc biệt, The artisan creates unique and handcrafted
độc nhất jewelry pieces.
unlikely adj không chắc It's unlikely that the event will be canceled due
to bad weather.
various adj đa dạng The survey collected data from various

affect v ảnh hưởng he sudden rainstorm will affect the outdoor
event, so we need a backup plan.
alleviate v làm giảm nhẹ Taking a hot bath can help alleviate muscle
soreness after a workout.
arise v xuất hiện An unexpected issue may arise during the
project, but we'll handle it as a team.
associate v liên tưởng, Some people associate certain scents with
liên kết specific memories from their past.
calibrate v hiệu chuẩn The scientists need to calibrate their
instruments before conducting the experiment.
come up with v nghĩ ra, nảy The creative team brainstormed ideas to come
ra up with a unique marketing campaign.
conclude v kết luận After analyzing the data, the researchers
concluded that there was a significant
cope with v đối phó, Learning effective coping mechanisms can help
đương đầu individuals deal with stress.
count as v coi như This assignment will count as a significant
portion of your final grade.
deal with v giải quyết The customer service team needs to deal with
various customer inquiries and complaints.
engage v thu hút, giành Engaging in regular exercise can improve your
được overall health.
evolve v tiến hóa Over time, technology continues to evolve and
become more advanced.
fester v day dứt If left untreated, the minor wound can fester
and cause infection.
identify v xác định The detective was able to identify the suspect
based on the available evidence.
measure v đo lường The scientist will measure the temperature and
humidity levels in the experiment.
motivate v tạo động lực A positive and encouraging environment can
motivate employees to perform better.
plot v vẽ sơ đồ The author spent weeks plotting the twists and
turns of the thrilling mystery novel.
predict v dự đoán Using historical data, the meteorologists can
predict the weather for the upcoming week.
prove v chứng minh The researcher needs to prove the hypothesis
through rigorous testing.
publish v công bố The author is excited to publish their first book
after years of hard work.
remain v duy trì Despite facing challenges, their dedication to
the cause remains unwavering.
seek v tìm kiếm Job seekers actively seek new opportunities to
advance their careers.
specialise v chuyên về The company specializes in manufacturing eco-
friendly products.

speculate v suy đoán Economists speculate on the potential impacts
of policy changes on the economy.
stretch out v kéo dài ra After a long day, he likes to stretch out on the
couch and relax.
suffer v chịu đựng The hiker suffered minor injuries during the trek
but managed to survive in the wilderness.
survive v tồn tại, sống After being lost in the wilderness for several
sót days, the hiker managed to survive by finding
shelter and foraging for food.
tend v có xu hướng Some plants tend to grow better in sunlight,
while others prefer shade.
wander v lang thang During their travels, they like to wander
through charming little towns and villages.
aim n mục đích, Her aim in life is to become a successful
mục tiêu entrepreneur and make a positive impact on
apathy n sự vô cảm The apathy of the audience was evident as they
showed no interest in the presentation.
approach n cách tiếp The approach taken by the research team led
cận, phương to groundbreaking discoveries.
arousal n sự khơi gợi, The sudden arousal of the crowd indicated their
sự khuấy excitement for the upcoming concert.
axe n trục The lumberjack used an axe to chop down the
old tree.
boredom n sự buồn chán Long hours of monotony led to a feeling of
boredom among the students.
characteristic n đặc trưng Patience is a characteristic that is valued in
any profession.
classification n sự phân loại The classification of animals into different
groups helps in understanding their evolutionary
combination n sự phối hợp The combination of colors and patterns in the
painting created a captivating effect.
cure n phương Researchers are continuously working to find a
thuốc, việc cure for the rare disease.
điều trị
curiosity n sự tò mò The child's curiosity about the natural world led
to endless questions.
depression n sự buồn rầu Clinical depression is a serious mental health
condition that requires professional
disgust n sự chán ghét The sight of garbage piled up in the park filled
him with disgust.
distraction n sự xao lãng, The constant noise in the city became a
trò tiêu khiển distraction for the writer trying to focus on her

effort n sự cố gắng He put a lot of effort into preparing for the
exam, hoping to achieve excellent results.
evidence n bằng chứng The evidence presented during the trial was
crucial in determining the verdict.
experiment n thử nghiệm, The experiment conducted in the lab confirmed
thí nghiệm the hypothesis of the scientists.
failure n sự thất bại Despite facing failure, she remained
determined to try again and succeed.
frustration n sự phiền The constant technical issues led to frustration
muộn among the team members during the online
gear n cơ cấu, thiết Climbers need proper gear to ensure their
bị safety during the expedition.
inability n sự thiếu khả His inability to swim prevented him from
năng participating in the water sports activities.
indifference n sự thờ ơ, sự The indifference of the students towards
lãnh đạm learning worried the teachers.
infection n sự nhiễm The doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat the
trùng infection.
irritability n tính cáu kỉnh Lack of sleep can lead to irritability and mood
lab n phòng thí The lab is equipped with state-of-the-art
nghiệm technology for conducting advanced research.
outcome n kết quả The outcome of the experiment was unexpected
and opened new possibilities for further study.
overstimula- n sự kích thích Overstimulation of the senses can cause anxiety
tion quá mức and restlessness.
proneness n thiên hướng Her proneness to allergies made her cautious
about her surroundings.
prospect n viễn cảnh, The prospect of traveling to a new country
triển vọng excited the young couple.
psychologist n nhà tâm lý The psychologist helped the patient deal with
học their anxiety and fears.
reactant n chất tham Sodium is a reactant used in various chemical
gia phản ứng processes.
state n trạng thái The state of the economy affects the daily lives
of people.
stimulation n sự kích thích The visual and auditory stimulation in the
amusement park reached its threshold for some
threshold n ngưỡng She has a low pain threshold, making even minor
injuries feel more intense to her.
trait n đặc điểm One of his most remarkable traits is his ability
to remain calm and composed in stressful
variety n sự đa dạng The grocery store offers a wide variety of fresh
produce, canned goods, and household items.
intriguingly adv mang tính The plot of the novel unfolded intriguingly,
kích thích keeping readers hooked until the last page.

necessarily adv nhất thiết Not all expensive products are necessarily of
higher quality.
adaptive adj có khả năng The adaptive nature of the species allowed it to
thích nghi thrive in various environments.
agitated adj bị khích động He became agitated when he couldn't find his
keys before an important meeting.
apathetic adj vô cảm Her apathetic response to the news surprised
everyone who knew her passionate nature.
certain adj nhất định I'm certain that with practice, you'll improve
your painting skills.
convinced adj tin chắc After seeing the evidence, she was convinced
of the need for urgent action.
damaging adj có hại The storm caused damaging effects on the
coastline, eroding the sand dunes.
detrimental adj có hại Smoking is detrimental to your health, causing a
range of serious diseases.
distinct adj khác biệt The two species had distinct characteristics
that set them apart from each other.
engaged in adj tham gia vào The scientists were engaged in groundbreaking
research to understand the origins of the
explosive adj gây nổ, dễ nổ The chemical reaction resulted in an explosive
burst of colorful lights.
mental adj liên quan đến She struggled with her mental health, seeking
tinh thần support from therapists.
over- adj kết nối quá In today's over-connected world, it's essential
connected mức to find moments of solitude.
productive adj hiệu suất tốt The workshop was highly productive, leading to
the creation of several innovative ideas.
prone adj dễ xảy ra Some individuals are more prone to allergies
due to genetic predisposition.
restless adj bồn chồn The restless wind howled through the night,
keeping everyone awake.
toxic adj độc hại The toxic environment in the workplace led to
high levels of stress among employees.
undesirable adj không mong The undesirable outcome of the experiment
muốn prompted the researchers to revise their

assess v đánh giá Teachers use various methods to assess students'
understanding of the material.
attain v đạt được With dedication and hard work, you can attain your
goals and dreams.
blast v chỉ trích The explosion produced a powerful blast that
shattered windows nearby.
cast doubt v làm dấy lên The new evidence seemed to cast doubt on the
on nghi ngờ defendant's alibi.
claim v tuyên bố, The company made a bold claim that their product
cho là could increase energy levels overnight.
condemn v chỉ trích The international community came together to
condemn the act of terrorism.
criticise v chỉ trích It's important to offer constructive feedback
rather than simply criticising others.
depict v diễn tả The painting beautifully depicted a tranquil
countryside scene.
enrapture v lầm mê mẩn The mesmerizing performance managed to
enrapture the entire audience.
exhibit v trưng bày, The museum will soon exhibit a collection of rare
phô bày artifacts from ancient civilizations.
fool v đánh lừa His attempt to fool the security system was
unsuccessful, and he was caught.
generate v tạo ra, phát Solar panels are designed to generate electricity
ra from sunlight.
judge v đánh giá It's not fair to judge someone based solely on their
laud v tán dương, The mayor lauded the volunteers for their selfless
ca ngợi contributions to the community.
outrage v xúc phạm The news of the scandal sparked outrage among the
possess v sở hữu She seemed to possess a natural talent for playing
the piano.
reckon v nghĩ là, I reckon we'll need to leave early to avoid the
đoán traffic.
recoil v chùn lại, He recoiled in fear when he saw the snake
thoái lui slithering towards him.
refer to v đề cập, In the text, the author frequently refers to
nhắc đến historical events to provide context.
rely v dựa trên, In this digital age, many people rely on smartphones
dựa vào for communication and information.
reveal v tiết lộ The final chapter of the mystery novel will reveal
the identity of the culprit.
revere v tôn kính, Many cultures revere the elderly for their wisdom
sùng kính and life experience.
stem from v bắt nguồn His fear of heights seemed to stem from a childhood
từ incident.

trawl v tìm kiếm, rà The researchers had to trawl through numerous
soát articles to find relevant information.
trick v đánh lừa The magician performed an incredible trick that
left the audience amazed.
undermine v làm suy yếu Constantly criticizing your team members can
dần undermine their confidence and morale.
analysis n sự phân tích The thorough analysis of the data revealed
unexpected patterns.
clue n manh mối, The detective found a crucial clue that helped solve
gợi ý the mystery.
composition n bản nhạc, The composition of the painting was a harmonious
bản giao blend of colors and textures.
concept n khái niệm, ý The concept of time travel has fascinated scientists
tưởng and writers for centuries.
core n cốt lõi Honesty is at the core of a strong and trustworthy
criteria n tiêu chí The selection criteria for the scholarship included
academic excellence and community involvement.
criticism n chỉ trích Constructive criticism can help you improve your
skills and grow.
essence n tinh hoa The essence of her argument was that education
should be accessible to all.
extent n mức độ The extent of the damage caused by the
earthquake was beyond anyone's expectations.
finding n sự tìm ra The researchers made an important finding that
could revolutionize the field of medicine.
humanity n nhân tính, Acts of kindness and compassion showcase the best
nhân loại of humanity.
impulse n sự thúc đẩy, His impulse to help others led him to volunteer at
sự thôi thúc the local shelter.
inspiration n cảm hứng The breathtaking view from the mountaintop served
as inspiration for her next painting.
millennia n thiên niên The ancient city had been buried for millennia
kỷ before its discovery.
objective n mục tiêu, The objective of the experiment was to test the
mục đích effects of a new drug.
prejudice n thành kiến It's important to confront and address our own
prejudice in order to promote inclusivity.
process n quá trình The process of baking bread involves mixing,
kneading, and then allowing the dough to rise.
progress n tiến triển Despite setbacks, steady progress was made on the
construction of the new bridge.
pseudo- n ngụy khoa Pseudoscience often relies on unproven claims
science học rather than rigorous scientific evidence.
replica n bản sao y The museum displayed a replica of an ancient
hệt artifact alongside the original.
species n loài The rainforest is home to an incredible variety of
plant and animal species.

speculation n sự suy đoán The speculation about the new product launch
generated a lot of buzz among investors.
technical n trục trặc kỹ The live stream was interrupted due to a technical
glitch thuật glitch, disappointing the viewers.
theme n chủ đề The central theme of the novel explored the
complexities of human nature.
deliberately adv cố ý, chủ He deliberately chose his words to avoid offending
tâm anyone during the sensitive conversation.
precisely adv chính xác The tailor measured the fabric precisely to ensure
a perfect fit for the suit.
virtually adv hầu như With modern technology, you can virtually explore
distant lands from the comfort of your home.
artificial adj nhân tạo The artist created an artificial intelligence-driven
painting that left viewers mesmerized.
artistic adj thuộc nghệ Her artistic talents were evident in every
thuật brushstroke of her latest masterpiece.
complex adj phức tạp The complex equations in the research paper
required a deep understanding of advanced
controversy adj gây tranh The controversial decision sparked heated debates
cãi among the community members.
eerie adj kỳ lạ, kỳ The old, abandoned house had an eerie atmosphere
quái that sent shivers down your spine.
fundamen- adj căn bản, Respect for human rights is a fundamental principle
tal cốt lõi in a just society.
fuzzy adj mờ, mờ nhạt The photograph was blurry and had a fuzzy
appearance due to poor lighting.
genuine adj thật Her genuine concern for her friends always shone
through in her actions.
ghostlike adj ma mị The figure in the misty forest appeared ghostlike,
adding an air of mystery to the scene.
indistinguis adj không thể The twins' voices were so alike that they were
hable phân biệt almost indistinguishable over the phone.
irresistible adj không thể The aroma of freshly baked bread was irresistible,
cưỡng lại drawing people into the bakery.
mechanical adj thuộc về The mechanical toy moved in a precise pattern,
mặt cơ khí impressing everyone with its intricacy.
minimal adj tối thiểu The impact of his mistake was minimal, and he
quickly rectified the situation.
obvious adj hiển nhiên The solution to the puzzle was obvious once you
looked at it from a different angle.
prestigious adj danh giá She received a prestigious award for her
groundbreaking research in the field of medicine.
renowned adj lừng danh The chef was renowned for her exquisite culinary
creations that delighted food enthusiasts.
sophisticat- adj tinh vi, phức The software's sophisticated algorithms allowed it
ed tạp to adapt to user preferences seamlessly.

striking adj nổi bật The view from the mountaintop was striking, with a
panoramic vista of the surrounding landscape.
subtle adj tinh tế, tế Her subtle smile gave away her amusement, even
nhị though she tried to remain composed.
vague adj mơ hồ The instructions on the package were vague,
leading to some confusion during assembly.

ally v liên kết, liên The two countries formed a strong alliance to
minh support each other during times of need.
anoint v bôi, thoa In some cultures, it is customary to anoint a
newborn with oil as a symbol of blessing.
boost v thúc đẩy The new advertising campaign helped boost sales
and attract a larger customer base.
cultivate v cày cấy, She worked hard to cultivate her garden, growing a
trồng trọt wide variety of flowers and vegetables.
curl v cuộn Her hair had a natural curl that framed her face
diminish v giảm The effects of the medication helped diminish the
patient's pain and discomfort.
displace v chiếm chỗ The construction of the new highway would displace
several families from their homes.
enable v cho phép The advanced technology enabled scientists to
conduct groundbreaking research.
enslave v bắt làm nô The tyrant's goal was to enslave the population and
lệ exert complete control.
expel v trục xuất The school had to expel the student for repeated
violations of the code of conduct.
flavour v tạo hương vị The unique blend of herbs and spices added a rich
flavor to the dish.
force v bắt buộc The strong wind force caused the trees to sway and
leaves to scatter.
occupy v chiếm đóng, The troops were sent to occupy the strategic
cư ngụ location along the border.
overrun v tràn qua The city's streets were overrun with visitors during
the annual festival.
peel v gọt vỏ; lột She used a knife to carefully peel the skin off the
set sights v đặt mục After completing his studies, he set his sights on
on tiêu lên việc starting his own business.
gì đó
spur v thúc đẩy The coach's encouraging words were the spur that
motivated the team to work harder.
strip v lột (vỏ) She decided to strip the old wallpaper and repaint
the room with a fresh coat of paint.
supersede v thay thế The new version of the software will supersede the
previous one, offering enhanced features.
supplement v bổ sung The vitamins served as a supplement to her daily
diet, providing essential nutrients.
take over v tiếp quản The large corporation decided to take over the
struggling startup to inject new resources.
additive n chất phụ gia The chef used a secret additive to enhance the
flavor of the sauce.
ailment n bệnh nhẹ Her persistent cough was a clear sign of an
underlying respiratory ailment.

appetite n sự khao After the hike, their appetite was enormous, and
khát, sự they devoured a hearty meal.
thèm muốn
banquet n tiệc lớn The wedding banquet featured a lavish spread of
delicious dishes and desserts.
bark n vỏ cây The dog's loud bark alerted the household to the
presence of an intruder.
biblical n vỏ cây The historical novel is set in biblical times,
times capturing the essence of that era.
condiment n gia vị Mustard is a common condiment used to add flavor
to sandwiches and hot dogs.
demand n nhu cầu The high demand for the new product led to a
shortage in stores.
elite n thành phần The elite group of scientists worked together to
tinh túy, ưu solve the complex problem.

fort n pháo đài The old fort had stood as a symbol of strength and
defense for centuries.
funeral n lễ tang The funeral service was a somber event, attended
by family and close friends.
indigestion n chứng khó Eating too quickly often leads to indigestion and
tiêu discomfort.
Mediterran n Địa Trung The Mediterranean diet is known for its emphasis on
ean Hải fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.
merchant n nhà buôn; The merchant traveled to distant lands to trade
thương gia exotic spices and fabrics.
Middle Ages n thời kỳ The castle was built during the Middle Ages and still
Trung Cổ stands as a historical landmark.
monopoly n sự độc The company enjoyed a monopoly in the industry,
quyền controlling the majority of the market share.
mourner n người than The mourners gathered to pay their respects and
khóc honor the memory of the deceased.
rival n đối thủ The two companies were fierce rivals, competing
for dominance in the market.
scent n hương thơm The scent of fresh flowers filled the room, creating
a pleasant and calming atmosphere.
shoot n chồi, búp The photographer aimed her camera and prepared
to shoot the perfect shot.
spice n gia vị Cinnamon is a popular spice used to add warmth
and flavor to various dishes.
sub- n tiểu lục địa India is often referred to as a sub-continent due to
continent its vast size and diversity.
token n dấu hiệu, As a token of appreciation, she gave him a small gift
biểu hiện to thank him for his help.
trader n nhà buôn, The trader specialized in importing unique goods
thương nhân from faraway lands.
tribute n vật tặng The monument was erected as a tribute to the
brave soldiers who fought in the war.

wealth n sự giàu có The entrepreneur amassed great wealth through
years of hard work and dedication.
at one’s adv để tùy ai sử With a vast collection of tools at his disposal, he
disposal dụng was well-equipped for any project.
exorbitant- adv quá đáng, The prices at the luxury resort were exorbitantly
ly thái quá high, making it inaccessible to most people.
harshly adv khắc nghiệt The coach spoke harshly to the team after their
disappointing performance.
permanent- adv vĩnh viễn The decision to close the factory resulted in the
ly loss of jobs for its employees permanently.
ethnic adj thuộc dân The neighborhood was known for its diverse
tộc population and various ethnic backgrounds.
exotic adj kỳ lạ, ngoại She enjoyed trying exotic foods from different
lai cultures during her travels.
fragrant adj thơm ngát The garden was filled with fragrant flowers that
perfumed the air.
lucrative adj sinh lợi The real estate market proved to be a lucrative
opportunity for investors.
overland adj bằng đường The adventurers embarked on an overland journey
bộ across the vast desert.
pliable adj mềm dẻo, The clay was soft and pliable, allowing the sculptor
dễ uốn nặn to mold it into intricate shapes.
virtual adj hầu như, gần In the virtual world of gaming, players can explore
như fantastical realms and complete epic quests.

administer v cấp cho The nurse will administer the vaccine to all the
patients in the waiting room.
co-opt v bầu vào The team decided to co-opt the new member's
creative ideas into their project.
conduct v tiến hành The researchers conducted a series of
experiments to test their hypothesis.
emerge v xuất hiện Over time, new trends and technologies emerge in
the ever-evolving fashion industry.
guarantee v bảo đảm The company offers a satisfaction guarantee for
all their products.
inhale v hít vào She took a deep breath and slowly began to inhale
the fresh mountain air.
interprete v hiểu It's important to carefully interpret the data to
draw accurate conclusions.
manifest v biểu lộ His frustration began to manifest in his short
temper and impatience.
mate v giao phối The male and female birds will mate during the
breeding season.
pinpoint v xác định The detective was able to pinpoint the exact
location of the hidden treasure.
propel v thúc đẩy The strong winds can propel the sailboat across
the open water.
reinforce v củng cố, Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in
tăng cường shaping behavior.
revise v chỉnh sửa She had to revise her essay multiple times to make
sure it was well-written.
trigger v gây ra, nổ The sound of the alarm clock can trigger a rush of
ra adrenaline in the morning.
amygdala n hạch hạnh The amygdala plays a crucial role in processing
nhân emotions and responses to threats.
attachment n sự gắn bó The strong attachment between the mother and
her child was evident in their close relationship.
bias n sự thiên vị The journalist tried to present the story
objectively, without any bias or personal opinions.
bond n sự liên kết The bond between the two siblings was
unbreakable, even in the face of challenges.
disposition n khuynh Her cheerful disposition and positive attitude
hướng brightened the room.
dose n liều thuốc The doctor prescribed a specific dose of
medication to be taken daily.
favouritism n sự thiên vị The teacher's favouritism towards certain
students was evident to the entire class.
flicker n cái chớp The candle's flame began to flicker in the gentle
(mắt) breeze.
goodwill n thiện chí The company donated a significant amount of
money to local charities as a gesture of goodwill.

hypothesis n giả thuyết The scientist proposed a hypothesis to explain the
observed phenomenon.
lonesome n đơn độc He felt lonesome during his solo journey through
the remote wilderness.
molecule n phân tử Water is made up of tiny molecules consisting of
hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
nuance n sắc thái The actor's performance was full of nuance,
capturing the subtle emotions of the character.
pituitary n tuyến yên The pituitary gland is often referred to as the
gland "master gland" because it controls various
hormonal functions.
placebo n giả dược The patient was given a placebo to study the
effects of psychological factors on healing.
posture n tư thế, dáng Sitting with proper posture can help prevent back
bộ pain and improve overall comfort.
reputation n danh tiếng The restaurant's excellent reputation for delicious
food attracted many customers.
sniff n ngửi, hít vào The dog used its keen sense of smell to sniff out
hidden treats.
subtlety n sự tinh vi, sự The artist's use of color and light added a sense of
tinh tế subtlety and depth to the painting.
beforehand adv sẵn sàng It's important to plan and prepare beforehand to
trước ensure a successful event.
constructive adv có tính xây The team worked together constructively to
-ly dựng address the project's challenges.
wholly adv hoàn toàn The new approach to problem-solving was wholly
different from traditional methods.
adept adj tinh thông, He was adept at solving complex puzzles and
lão luyện always finished them quickly.
anonymous adj ẩn danh The generous donor wished to remain anonymous,
preferring not to be recognized.
attuned adj quen thuộc The musician was attuned to the subtle changes in
với melody and rhythm.
charitable adj nhân đức, từ The charitable organization raised funds to
thiện provide food and shelter for the homeless.
empathetic adj đồng cảm Her empathetic nature made her a great listener
and a supportive friend.
envy adj sự ghen tị His success was met with a mix of admiration and
envy from his colleagues.
groundbreak adj đột phá The scientist's groundbreaking discovery
-ing revolutionized the field of medicine.
mutually adj loại trừ The two concepts were mutually exclusive and
exclusive nhau could not coexist in the same scenario.
nasal adj thuộc mũi A nasal spray can provide relief from congestion
and sinus discomfort.
perplexing adj gây lúng The perplexing puzzle took hours to solve,
túng challenging even the most skilled problem solvers.
primitive adj thuộc Early humans used primitive tools made from stone
nguyên thủy and bone for hunting and survival.

abandon v từ bỏ She had to abandon her plans for the day due to
unforeseen circumstances.
accomplish v đạt được With determination and hard work, she was able
to accomplish her goals.
accumulate v tích lũy Over the years, he managed to accumulate a vast
collection of rare books.
adopt v thông qua The family decided to adopt a rescue dog and give
it a loving home.
augment v làm tăng lên The artist used shading techniques to augment the
realism of the portrait.
avert v ngăn chặn Quick action was taken to avert a potential
cater v phục vụ, The restaurant can cater to large parties and
cung cấp events.
cede v nhượng The country agreed to cede control of the
disputed territory to its neighbor.
counteract v chống lại The medication is designed to counteract the
symptoms of the illness.
determine v quyết định Your choices and actions can determine the
outcome of a situation.
engender v mang lại, The team's collaborative efforts helped engender
sinh ra a sense of unity and camaraderie.
entail v đòi hỏi, cần Success in the business world often entails hard
phải có work, resilience, and adaptability.
feature v bao gồm The new smartphone will feature an advanced
camera system and improved battery life.
infuse v truyền The chef used fresh herbs to infuse the dish with
vibrant flavors.
initiate v bắt đầu, The company plans to initiate a recycling program
khởi xướng to reduce waste.
integrate v tích hợp The software was designed to integrate
seamlessly with existing systems.
jeopardize v đe dọa His reckless behavior could jeopardize his
chances of getting a promotion.
launch v bắt đầu The company plans to launch its new product next
oppose v phản đối Some members of the committee oppose the
proposed changes.
perceive v nhận thức People may perceive the same situation
differently based on their personal experiences.
pursue v theo đuổi She decided to pursue a career in medicine to
help others and make a difference.
reaffirm v khẳng định The team meeting served to reaffirm their
lại commitment to the project's goals.
redeem v chuyển She was able to redeem her coupon for a free
thành tiền meal at the restaurant.

reinvigorate v truyền sức The new management team aims to reinvigorate
sống the company's brand and image.
team up with v hợp tác với The two companies decided to team up with each
other to collaborate on a new project.
transcend v tốt hơn, The artist's work was so innovative that it seemed
vượt to transcend traditional boundaries.
unleash v giải phóng The discovery of a new energy source could
unleash a revolution in sustainable technology.
apparel n quần áo The fashion show featured a stunning display of
elegant and fashionable apparel.
aspiration n khát vọng Her aspiration to become a successful author
motivated her to write every day.
attitude n thái độ Having a positive attitude can greatly influence
your overall well-being.
attribute n thuộc tính They attribute their success to hard work,
dedication, and a bit of luck.
cartridge n ống mực The printer needed a new ink cartridge to
continue printing documents.
commitment n sự cam kết Her commitment to her studies led to excellent
academic achievements.
disparity n sự khác biệt There was a significant disparity between the
incomes of the rich and the poor.
downturn n sự suy sụp The economic downturn led to job losses and
financial uncertainty.
engagement n sự tham gia The couple announced their engagement and plans
to get married next year.
insight n sự hiểu thấu Her insight into human behavior allowed her to
predict people's reactions accurately.
insulation n sự cách Proper insulation in your home can help regulate
nhiệt temperature and reduce energy costs.
interface n giao diện The user-friendly interface of the software made
it easy for beginners to navigate.
mindset n tư duy Adopting a growth mindset can lead to increased
resilience and success.
obesity n sự béo phì Poor dietary choices and lack of exercise can
contribute to obesity and related health issues.
opulence n sự giàu có The opulence of the palace was a testament to the
king's wealth and power.
pedometer n đồng hồ He used a pedometer to track the number of steps
đếm bước he took each day.
personnel n nhân sự The company hired new personnel to help manage
the increased workload.
perspective n góc nhìn Looking at a problem from a different perspective
can often lead to innovative solutions.
price cut n sự hạ giá The store announced a temporary price cut on
their most popular products.
recession n sự suy thoái The global recession resulted in widespread job
losses and economic challenges.

renewal n sự đổi mới The renewal of their wedding vows marked their
twenty-fifth anniversary.
retailer n nhà bán lẻ The retailer offered a wide variety of products to
cater to different customer preferences.
streak n vệt, đường The athlete had an impressive streak of
sọc consecutive wins in the competition.
value n tuyên bố giá The company's unique value proposition set it
proposition trị apart from its competitors in the market.
across the adv toàn bộ, The company implemented changes across the
board toàn diện board to improve workplace conditions.
seemingly adv dường như Seemingly insignificant details can sometimes hold
great importance.
temporarily adv tạm thời The website will be temporarily unavailable while
we perform maintenance.
amateur adj nghiệp dư Although he was just an amateur, his photography
skills were impressive.
athletic adj thuộc điền The athletic teenager participated in various
kinh sports, including soccer and track.
conventional adj thông She chose to pursue a conventional career path in
thường law after graduating from university.
existing adj hiện có The company decided to improve its existing
products based on customer feedback.
handheld adj cầm tay The handheld device allowed users to control the
robotic arm remotely.
peripheral adj ở rìa, ngoài The peripheral vision allows us to detect
biên movement on the edges of our field of view.
profound adj sâu sắc The book's message about self-discovery had a
profound impact on the readers.
radical adj triệt để The artist's radical approach to sculpture
challenged traditional artistic norms.
tangible adj hữu hình, rõ The success of the project was tangible, with
ràng clear improvements in efficiency and productivity.
tough adj khó khăn The tough training regimen prepared the athletes
for the intense competition.
vibrant adj rực rỡ The vibrant colors of the painting brought the
scene to life.

acquire v đạt được She worked hard to acquire the skills necessary
for her dream job.
cluster v tụm lại The flowers formed a beautiful cluster in the
center of the garden.
envisage v dự tính, She could envisage a bright future for herself in
vạch ra her chosen career.
float v nổi The boat appeared to float effortlessly on the
calm waters.
germinate v nảy mầm The seeds need proper moisture and warmth to
germinate and grow into plants.
obtain v đạt được She was able to obtain a copy of the rare book
from a collector.
solidify v đặc lại The partnership between the two companies
helped solidify their position in the market.
surmount v đặt lên đỉnh Despite the challenges, they managed to surmount
the obstacles and achieve their goals.
tap v rạch vỏ He used a hammer to gently tap the nail into
tolerate v chịu đựng It's important to tolerate different viewpoints and
được opinions in a diverse society.
cliché n lời nói sáo The movie's plot was filled with cliché and
rỗng predictable twists.
colonizer n kẻ chiếm The history of colonization has left a lasting
thuộc địa impact on many countries.
cosmetics n mỹ phẩm The cosmetics industry offers a wide range of
beauty products and skincare options.
derivative n phái sinh The story felt derivative, lacking originality and
disperse n phân tán The wind helped disperse the clouds, revealing a
clear blue sky.
embryo n phôi The embryo develops into a fetus during the early
stages of pregnancy.
flesh n thịt, cùi The animal's flesh is used for food, clothing, and
other products.
hardwood n gỗ cứng The cabin's floor was made from durable
liquid n chất lỏng Water is a common example of a liquid that takes
the shape of its container.
moisture n hơi ẩm The plants thrived in the humid environment with
ample moisture.
pattern n khuôn mẫu The fabric had a unique pattern of swirls and
geometric shapes.
sap n nhựa cây The sap from the maple trees is collected and
used to make maple syrup.
stem n cuốn, cọng The stem of the flower held up the delicate petals.

timber n gỗ The construction of the house required a
significant amount of timber.
trunk n thân cây The elephant's powerful trunk is used for grasping
objects and drawing up water.
vein n gân lá Blood is transported through the body via the
voyager n người du The voyager embarked on a solo journey around
hành bằng the world, documenting different cultures and
đường biển landscapes.
yield n sản lượng The experiment's results yield important insights
into the behavior of the material.
apparently adv rõ ràng Apparently, the new movie has received positive
reviews from critics.
literally adv theo nghĩa He was so hungry that he could literally eat an
đen entire pizza by himself.
diametrically adj đối lập hoàn Their political views were diametrically opposed,
opposed toàn leading to heated debates.
fibrous adj có sợi, có The fibrous material was strong and resistant to
thớ wear.
indigenous adj bản địa The indigenous people have lived in this region for
innermost adj ở tận trong She shared her innermost thoughts and feelings
cùng with her best friend.
intriguing adj gây hứng The intriguing plot of the novel kept readers
thú hooked until the very end.
maritime adj thuộc hàng The city's rich maritime history is reflected in its
hải bustling port and waterfront.
prominent adj nổi bật The scientist's research led to prominent
discoveries in the field of genetics.
slender adj mảnh khảnh The delicate flower had a slender stem and
vibrant petals.
strategic adj thuộc chiến The company adopted a strategic approach to
lược expand its market share.
viable adj có thể sống The new business idea seemed viable and
và phát promising, attracting potential investors.
waterproof adj chống nước The waterproof jacket kept her dry during the
heavy rainstorm.

babble v bập bẹ The toddler's babble filled the room with joyful
equip v trang bị The team was equipped with the necessary tools
for their challenging expedition.
exaggerate v phóng đại She tended to exaggerate her achievements to
impress others.
figure out v hình dung It took them a while to figure out the solution to
ra the complex puzzle.
induce v gây ra The medicine is known to induce drowsiness as a
side effect.
mimic v bắt chước The parrot could mimic various human sounds and
prompt v gây, gợi The teacher's prompt encouraged the students to
think critically and share their opinions.
speculate v đoán, suy Experts speculate that the recent increase in
đoán temperatures is linked to climate change.
vocalise v đọc, phát The singer was able to vocalize the challenging
âm high notes effortlessly.
activation n sự kích hoạt The activation of the alarm system alerted the
security team to the intruder's presence.
exposure n sự tiếp xúc Her exposure to different cultures during her
travels enriched her worldview.
linguist n nhà ngôn The linguist studied ancient texts to decipher the
ngữ học meanings of forgotten languages.
repertoire n vốn The musician's repertoire included a diverse
selection of classical and contemporary
vest n áo lót He wore a protective vest while working in the
construction zone.
womb n tử cung The baby developed and grew in the warmth of
the mother's womb.
absurd adj vô lý, ngớ The idea that aliens built the pyramids is
ngẩn considered absurd by most historians.
auditory adj thuộc thính The auditory system allows us to hear a wide
giác range of sounds.
bilingual adj song ngữ Growing up in a bilingual household, she was
fluent in both English and Spanish.
pregnant adj có thai She felt a mix of excitement and nervousness
during her first pregnant experience.
repetitious adj lặp đi lặp The repetitious nature of his daily routine
lại became monotonous over time.
synthesizing adj tổng hợp The synthesizing of different elements resulted in
a unique and innovative design.

alter v thay đổi She decided to alter her daily routine to
incorporate more exercise.
exceed v vượt quá The athlete's performance exceeded everyone's
flourish v phát đạt, With hard work and determination, the business
hưng thịnh began to flourish and expand.
settle v định cư After a long journey, they finally found a place to
settle and call home.
succumb v chịu thua, Despite the medical treatment, the patient
ngưng eventually succumbed to the illness.
chống cự
trace v lần theo Archaeologists found a trace of ancient pottery
buried in the ruins.
administration n sự quản trị The administration of the school worked to
improve educational policies.
alleyway n lối đi The narrow alleyway was filled with quaint shops
and small cafes.
civilisation n nền văn The ancient ruins provided insight into the
minh civilization that once thrived in the area.
conflict n mâu thuẫn The conflict between the two countries escalated
into a full-scale war.
craft n thủ công The artisan spent years perfecting his craft of
creating intricate wood carvings.
demise n sự sụp đổ The demise of the old building made way for a
modern skyscraper.
depiction n sự miêu tả The artist's depiction of the sunset captured the
vibrant colors and peaceful atmosphere.
drainage n hệ thống The city's drainage system efficiently directs
system thoát nước rainwater away from the streets.
drought n hạn hán The prolonged drought resulted in water
shortages and agricultural difficulties.
evaporation n sự bay hơi The heat from the sun causes the evaporation of
water from lakes and rivers.
fieldwork n công tác The scientists conducted fieldwork to study the
thực địa behavior of the elusive species.
invasion n sự xâm lược The invasion of foreign forces led to years of
conflict and instability.
monsoon n mùa mưa The monsoon rains brought much-needed relief to
the arid region.
plain n đồng bằng The vast plain extended as far as the eye could
see, covered in lush green grass.
pottery n nghề gốm, The ancient pottery discovered at the
đồ gốm archaeological site provided insights into the
culture of the past.
scale n quy mô The map showed a scale that indicated the
distance between cities accurately.

sediment n cặn Over time, layers of sediment accumulate at the
bottom of the lake.
settlement n sự định cư The settlement was founded by pioneers seeking
new opportunities in the west.
well n cái giếng The villagers relied on the well as their primary
source of clean water.
abrupt adj đột ngột The change in weather was abrupt, with sunny
skies suddenly turning stormy.
archaeological adj thuộc khảo The archaeological site contained artifacts that
cổ dated back thousands of years.
astonishing adj gây kinh The astonishing discovery of a new species
ngạc amazed scientists around the world.
distinctive adj riêng biệt Her distinctive style of painting made her work
easily recognizable.
flawed adj không hoàn The study's methodology was flawed, leading to
thiện inaccurate results.
proactive adj chủ động Taking a proactive approach to problem-solving
can prevent issues from escalating.
ritual adj theo nghi The traditional ritual was passed down through
thức generations.


make use of v tận dụng She knew how to make use of her time efficiently.
pay off v được đền All her hard work and dedication eventually paid
đáp xứng off with a promotion.
steer v lái He used the steering wheel to steer the car
around the corner.
canal n kênh The narrow canal was used for irrigation and
transportation of goods.
cargo n hàng hóa The ship was loaded with a valuable cargo of
spices and silk.
clipper n thuyền cao The clipper ship was known for its impressive
tốc speed and sleek design.
dock n vũng đậu The boat pulled into the dock, and the crew
tàu began unloading the cargo.
drunkard n kẻ nghiện The local drunkard often spent his days at the
rượu tavern.
gale n gió mạnh The gale force winds knocked down trees and
power lines.
gamble n sự đánh He decided to gamble on his entrepreneurial
cược idea and start his own business.
life n tuổi thọ Improved healthcare has led to a higher life
expectancy expectancy in many countries.
maiden voyage n chuyến đi The ship's maiden voyage was met with
biển đầu excitement and anticipation.
misfortune n sự bất hạnh Despite facing misfortune, he remained optimistic
and hopeful.
port n cảnh The bustling port was a hub of trade and
prestige n uy tín The university's prestigious reputation attracted
top students and faculty.
propulsion n sự đẩy về The new propulsion system increased the speed
phía trước and efficiency of the spacecraft.
rudder n bánh lái The captain adjusted the rudder to steer the
ship in the right direction.
steam n hơi nước The old steam locomotive chugged along the
tracks, billowing white clouds of steam.
turnaround n bước ngoặt The company's financial situation improved after
tích cực a successful turnaround strategy.
vessel n thuyền lớn, The vessel sailed smoothly across the open ocean.
ultimately adv sau cùng The team's hard work and perseverance
ultimately led to their success.
daunting adj gây nản chí The prospect of starting a new business can be
daunting, but also exciting.

determined adj kiên quyết Despite the challenges, she remained determined
to achieve her goals.
incompetent adj kém cỏi, The incompetent manager made several costly
thiếu trình mistakes.
intact adj còn nguyên Fortunately, the ancient artifact was found
vẹn intact, preserving its historical value.
laden with adj chất đầy The cart was laden with heavy bags of groceries.
miscellaneous adj linh tinh The box contained a miscellaneous collection of
items, from old books to vintage toys.
profitable adj mang lại lợi The business venture turned out to be highly
nhuận profitable.

agitate v cổ động, The protest was meant to agitate for social
khích động change and equality.
decay v phân rã The old building showed signs of decay after
years of neglect.
decompose v phân hủy Over time, organic matter will decompose and
return to the soil.
digest v tiêu hóa The stomach helps digest food and break it down
for absorption.
enrich v làm giàu Reading diverse books can enrich your
understanding of different cultures.
nourish v nuôi dưỡng The nutritious meal was designed to nourish the
body and promote good health.
pierce v xuyên qua The needle will pierce through the fabric when
you sew.
sustain v duy trì Renewable energy sources help sustain the
environment and reduce pollution.
unify v hợp nhất The leader's goal was to unify the diverse group
and create a sense of solidarity.
ally n đồng minh The two countries decided to become allies and
cooperate on trade agreements.
antibiotic n kháng sinh The doctor prescribed an antibiotic to treat the
bacterial infection.
benchmark n tiêu chuẩn The company set a high benchmark for quality
and innovation in the industry.
brink n bờ vực The country stood on the brink of a major
economic crisis.
cocktail n dung dịch She enjoyed sipping a refreshing cocktail by the
hỗn hợp pool.
content n lượng, phân The artist's content creation attracted a large
lượng online following.
degradation n sự xuống The degradation of the environment has led to
cấp concerns about climate change.
excess n lượng dư The excess consumption of sugary drinks can lead
thừa to health problems.
neutrality n sự trung lập The country maintained a policy of neutrality in
international conflicts.
property n thuộc tính The old mansion had a historic and grandeur
property that attracted many visitors.
farmable adj có thể canh The fertile soil made the land highly farmable and
tác suitable for agriculture.
fertile adj màu mỡ The fertile valley provided ideal conditions for
growing crops.
indiscriminate adj bừa bãi The indiscriminate use of pesticides can harm
beneficial insects and plants.

unspoilt adj không bị The remote island remained unspoilt and
đụng chạm untouched by human development.

reconcile v dung hòa The friends were able to reconcile their
differences and mend their relationship.
reject v không chấp Despite facing rejection, she continued to
thuận, bác pursue her dreams.
advocate n người ủng She was an advocate for animal rights and
hộ spoke out against cruelty.
capitalism n chủ nghĩa Capitalism is an economic system based on
tư bản private ownership and free markets.
confinement n sự giam The confinement of the wild animals to small
hãm cages sparked outrage among activists.
consultant n người tư The consultant provided expert advice to help
vấn improve the company's operations.
conviction n sự tin chắc With unwavering conviction, he stood up for his
beliefs and principles.
entangle n làm rối rắm The branches of the trees became entangled in
a complex web.
illiterate n người mù The illiterate woman enrolled in a literacy
chữ program to learn how to read and write.
inquiry n sự điều tra The scientific inquiry led to groundbreaking
malady n bệnh The doctor diagnosed the patient with a rare
malady that required specialized treatment.
metaphysics n sự siêu Metaphysics explores the fundamental nature of
hình, trừu reality and existence.
oblivious n không nhận He was so focused on his work that he remained
thức được, oblivious to the passing time.
lơ đãng
pedigree n gốc, nòi The dog's pedigree traced its lineage back
several generations.
philosopher n nhà triết The ancient philosopher's writings still influence
học modern thought.
pronouncement n sự tuyên bố The government's pronouncement on the new
policy sparked a heated debate.
pursuit n sự theo Her pursuit of knowledge led her to study
đuổi various subjects.
sensation n cảm giác The sensation of warm sand between her toes
was incredibly soothing.
virtue n ưu điểm; Honesty and integrity are considered virtues in
tính chất many cultures.
có ích
well-being n sự khỏe Practicing mindfulness and self-care contribute
mạnh hạnh to overall well-being.
arresting adj lôi cuốn, The artist's use of color and composition
hấp dẫn created an arresting visual effect.

collective adj tập hợp The collective effort of the community led to the
successful completion of the project.
crude adj nguyên, The crude oil is refined and processed into
sống, thô various petroleum products.
external adj bên ngoài The external factors, such as weather,
influenced the outcome of the experiment.
integral adj cần thiết Teamwork is integral to the success of any
group project.
lucid adj sáng sủa, The teacher's explanation was clear and lucid,
minh bạch making the concept easy to understand.
mere adj ít, nhỏ It was a mere coincidence that they ran into
each other on the street.
outmoded adj lỗi thời The old-fashioned typewriter became outmoded
with the advent of computers.
solitary adj đơn độc He enjoyed solitary walks in the woods, finding
peace in the quiet surroundings.
ultimate adj cơ bản The ultimate goal of the project was to create a
sustainable source of clean energy.

abandon v từ bỏ The ship was abandoned by its crew after it ran
boss around v ra lệnh He always tried to boss around his younger
curtail v rút bớt; The company had to curtail its production due
giảm bớt to supply chain disruptions.
extol v tán dương, The coach extolled the players' hard work and
ca tụng dedication after the championship win.
facilitate v tạo điều The new software was designed to facilitate
kiện dễ collaboration among team members.
initiate v đề xướng The organization decided to initiate a
community outreach program.
intervene v xen vào, The teacher had to intervene to stop the
can thiệp argument between two students.
lose sight of v che mất In the midst of success, it's important not to
tầm nhìn lose sight of one's core values.
regulate v điều chỉnh The government established laws to regulate
pollution levels and protect the environment.
settle down v ngồi yên After years of traveling, she decided to settle
down in a quaint coastal town.
spontaneous v tự phát Their spontaneous decision to go on a road trip
led to unforgettable adventures.
underpin v làm nền Research and evidence underpin the
development of scientific theories.
undertake v đảm nhận The team was ready to undertake the
challenging task of renovating the old building.
approach n phương The company adopted a holistic approach to
pháp address both employee well-being and
autism n tính tự kỷ Early intervention can greatly improve outcomes
for children with autism spectrum disorder.
backwater n chỗ nước The small village remained a quiet backwater,
đọng far from the bustling city life.
body n hội đồng The human body is composed of various systems
that work together to maintain health.
controversy n cuộc tranh The new policy sparked a controversy among
luận citizens with differing opinions.
diagnosis n sự chẩn The doctor's diagnosis revealed a mild allergy to
đoán certain foods.
disorder n sự rối loạn Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
affects many children's ability to focus.
emphasis n sự nhấn The teacher placed great emphasis on the
mạnh importance of critical thinking skills.
implication n ẩn ý, điều The implication of his words was that he
ngụ ý disagreed with the decision.
indicator n biểu thị High unemployment rates are often an indicator
of economic instability.
millennia n nghìn năm The ancient ruins date back millennia, offering a
glimpse into the distant past.
perception n sự nhận The artist's paintings challenged viewers'
thức perceptions of reality.
philosopher n nhà triết The philosopher's writings explored the
học complexities of human existence.
policy n chính sách The company implemented a new policy to
promote work-life balance among employees.
practice n thực tiễn Regular practice is essential for mastering any
pretence n sự giả vờ His show of bravado was just a pretence to hide
his nervousness.
reasoning n ý luận, lập His reasoning for choosing that career path was
luận, lý lẽ based on his passion for helping others.
repercussion n tác động The decision to close the factory had far-
trở lại, hậu reaching repercussions for the local economy.
stimulus n sự kích The government provided financial stimulus to
thích boost the economy during the recession.
toddler n đứa bé đi The toddler giggled as she played with her toys
chập chững on the floor.
turret n tháp nhỏ The medieval castle featured several turrets
along its walls.
victim n nạn nhân She became a victim of a fraud scheme and lost
her life savings.
virtue n đức tính Honesty is considered a virtue in many cultures.
hotly adv sôi động, The debate over the proposed law was hotly
kịch liệ contested in the legislature.
adaptable adj có thể The company's adaptable business model
thích ứng allowed it to thrive in changing market
crucial adj cốt yếu, Timing is crucial when launching a new product
chủ yếu into the market.
enchanting adj làm say mê The enchanting melody of the music captivated
the audience.
gallant adj dũng cảm, He made a gallant effort to rescue the stranded
hào hiệp hiker from the mountain.
intellectual adj có trí thức The intellectual debate explored complex
philosophical concepts.
mindful adj chú ý, lưu She practiced mindful meditation to reduce
tâm stress and improve focus.
scarce adj khan hiếm Clean drinking water is scarce in many rural
areas around the world.
trivial adj tầm thường, In the grand scheme of things, his complaints
không đáng seemed trivial.
untroubled adj không bị The serene landscape provided an untroubled
quấy rầ escape from the busy city life.
wicked adj độc ác The wicked witch in the story cast spells on
unsuspecting travelers.

abolish v thủ tiêu, The government decided to abolish certain
bãi bỏ, huỷ outdated laws.
announce v công bố, The company CEO gathered the employees to
tuyên bố announce the exciting new project.
arouse v khuấy The speaker's passionate words aroused a sense
động, gợi of inspiration in the audience.
boast v lấy làm He liked to boast about his achievements and
hãnh diện accomplishments.
come up with v nghỉ ra, nảy They had to come up with a creative solution to
ra the complex problem.
date back to v có từ thời The ancient manuscript dates back to the 13th
distribute v phân phối, The volunteers worked tirelessly to distribute
phân phát food to those in need.
dominate v át hẳn, The team worked hard to dominate the
chiếm ưu competition and win the championship.
file v đệ trình The secretary organized the documents and
placed them in a file.
get off the v đạt kết quả The startup struggled to get off the ground due
ground tốt đẹp lúc to lack of funding.
khởi đầu
recall v nhắc lại She struggled to recall the details of the event
from her childhood.
seize v nắm lấy, The police were able to seize the stolen artwork
cướp lấy and return it to the museum.
activist n nhà hoạt The environmental activist fought for stricter
động xã hội regulations to protect the ecosystem.
consumerism n sự bảo vệ The culture of consumerism encourages people
quyền lợi to constantly buy and consume products.
người tiêu
deposit n vật gửi, She made a deposit at the bank to secure her
tiền gửi reservation.
initiative n sự khởi The student took the initiative to organize a
xướng charity fundraiser for the local community.
leaflet n tờ truyền She handed out informative leaflets to raise
đơn awareness about the upcoming event.
mentality n trạng thái The growth mentality encourages individuals to
tâm lý embrace challenges and learn from them.
municipality n đô thị tự The municipality invested in improving public
trị, thành transportation for its residents.
phố tự trị
patent n bằng sáng The inventor applied for a patent to protect
chế their innovative idea.

scale n quy mô The architect carefully considered the scale of
the building to ensure it fit into the
scheme n kế hoạch The elaborate scheme involved intricate
planning and precise execution.
vandalism n tính hay The graffiti on the walls was an act of senseless
phá hoại vandalism.
những công
trình văn
unanimously adv nhất trí, The board members voted unanimously in favor
đồng lòng of the proposed changes.
conscious adj có ý thức Being conscious of your spending habits can help
you save money.
conspicuous adj đập ngay Her unique sense of style made her dress in a
vào mắt conspicuous manner.
decisive adj kiên quyết, The team made a decisive move that turned the
dứt khoát game in their favor.
discouraged adj chán nản, Despite facing challenges, she remained
thoái chí undeterred and was not discouraged.
elaborate adj tỉ mỉ, kỹ The speaker took the time to elaborate on the
lưỡng key points of the presentation.
involved in adj có liên hệ She was deeply involved in community service
với and volunteered regularly.
pivotal adj then chốt, Her role was pivotal in ensuring the success of
chủ chốt the project.
prone to adj có thiên Some people are more prone to allergies due to
hướng về genetic factors.
sturdy adj cứng cáp The sturdy construction of the building ensured
its durability over time.

acquire v giành được, She was able to acquire valuable skills through
đạt được years of dedicated practice.
compromise v làm hại, làm Finding a compromise between conflicting
tổn thương opinions can lead to effective solutions.
foster v nuôi dưỡng The organization worked to foster a sense of
community among its members.
obligate v bắt buộc, The contract obligates the parties to fulfill their
ép buộc respective responsibilities.
retain v giữ The company made efforts to retain its talented
capability n khả năng, The new technology significantly improved the
năng lực company's capability to process data.
compensation n sự đền bù, The company offered competitive compensation
sự bồi packages to attract top talent.
dichotomy n sự phân The movie explored the dichotomy between
đôi, sự rẽ good and evil in a thought-provoking manner.
framing n bộ khung; The framing of the argument influenced how
bộ sườn people perceived the issue.
morale n tính thần, The team-building activities improved employee
chí khí morale and camaraderie.
obstacle n sự cản trở, Despite facing many obstacles, she remained
sự trở ngại determined to achieve her goals.
predisposition n khuynh Genetic predisposition can play a role in
hướng thiên determining certain health conditions.
recognition n sự công Her talent and hard work led to widespread
nhận, sự recognition in her field.
thừa nhận
retention n sự giữ lại, The company implemented strategies to improve
sự duy trì employee retention rates.
substance n hực chất, The report lacked substance and failed to
bản chất provide meaningful insights.
turnover n doanh thu The high turnover rate among employees raised
concerns about job satisfaction.
inherently adv vốn đã Curiosity is inherently human and drives us to
explore the unknown.
simultaneously adv xảy ra cùng The two events were scheduled to occur
một lúc simultaneously, causing a logistical challenge.
succinctly adv ngắn gọn, She was able to explain the complex concept
cô đọng, succinctly in just a few sentences.
súc tích
aligned adj được đồng Their goals and values were aligned, making
chỉnh collaboration smooth and productive.
competent adj có đủ trình The team was composed of competent
độ, thạo professionals who excelled in their respective
giỏi fields.

constructive adj mang tính The feedback provided by the coach was
xây dựng constructive and helped the team improve.
delicate adj mỏng manh The delicate artwork required careful handling
to avoid damage.
extrinsic adj bên ngoài Extrinsic rewards, such as bonuses, can
motivate employees to perform well.
favorable adj có lợi, có The favorable weather conditions allowed for a
ích successful outdoor event.
inadequate adj không The company's inadequate response to the crisis
tương xứng led to negative publicity.
intrinsic adj bên trong Intrinsic motivation comes from within and is
driven by personal satisfaction.
managerial adj thuộc quản She held a managerial position and was
lý responsible for overseeing the team's
recurring adj có định kỳ The recurring theme in the novel highlighted the
importance of love and friendship.
sophisticated adj tinh vi, The sophisticated software had a range of
phức tạp advanced features for data analysis.
superior adj cao, cao The athlete's dedication and hard work made
cấp her a superior competitor.

administer v trông nom, The nurse was trained to administer first aid in
quản lý emergency situations.
cater v phục vụ cho The catering company provided delicious food
for the event.
depict v miêu tả The mural depicted scenes from the town's
history and culture.
document v đưa ra tài She meticulously documented her research
liệu, cung findings in a detailed report.
cấp tư liệu
emigrate v di cư Many people chose to emigrate in search of
better opportunities abroad.
apprenticeship n sự học việc, He completed his apprenticeship under a skilled
sư học nghề master craftsman.
chairman n chủ tịch The chairman of the company announced the
new strategic plan.
circulation n sự lưu hành The newspaper had a wide circulation, reaching
readers across the country.
commission n sự uỷ The artist received a commission to create a
nhiệm, sự mural for a public building.
uỷ thác
demand n nhu cầu The high demand for the new product led to
sold-out stores.
excursion n cuộc đi The school organized an educational excursion
chơi to the museum.
farmland n đất chăn The fertile farmland was ideal for growing a
nuôi variety of crops.
landholding n đất chiếm The vast landholding was passed down through
hữu generations.
mansion n dinh thự The grand mansion was surrounded by lush
gardens and elegant architecture.
merchant n thương gia The merchant traveled to distant lands to trade
exotic goods.
outskirts n ngoại ô The quaint cottage was located on the outskirts
of the village.
portrait n chân dung The artist painted a stunning portrait of a
prominent historical figure.
prospect n triển vọng, The young artist saw a bright prospect for her
viễn cảnh career in the art world.
realism n chủ nghĩa The novel was praised for its realism and
hiện thực accurate portrayal of everyday life.
residence n sự cư trú, Her elegant residence overlooked the
sự trú ngụ picturesque countryside.
society n tầng lớp The local society held regular meetings to
thượng lưu discuss cultural events.
bold adj dũng cảm, The artist used bold strokes of color to create a
táo bạo vibrant and dynamic painting.

extensive adj rộng, rộng The museum had an extensive collection of
rãi, bao artifacts from various time periods.
sufficient adj đủ The amount of food was sufficient to feed all the
guests at the party.

accommodate v chứa được, The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests for
đựng được the event.
advocate v ủng hộ She was an advocate for animal welfare and
spoke out against cruelty.
blame v đỗ lỗi She tried to shift the blame onto others for her
own mistakes.
contend v dám chắc The athlete had to contend with a nagging injury
rằng, cho throughout the season.
disprove v bác bỏ The scientist worked to disprove the existing
theory with new experimental evidence.
lament v than van, The poet's verses were filled with a lament for
rên rỉ lost love.
panic v hoảng sợ A sudden loud noise caused a panic among the
reinvent v tái tạo lại The company decided to reinvent its image to
attract a younger audience.
squander v phung phí, He squandered his inheritance on extravagant
hoang phí purchases.
steer clear of v lánh xa It's best to steer clear of that area at night due
to safety concerns.
agent n tác nhân The chemical agent was used in the experiment
to trigger a specific reaction.
auditorium n khán phòng The auditorium was filled with eager attendees
waiting for the keynote speaker.
capacity n công suất The stadium has a seating capacity of over
50,000 spectators.
cholera n bệnh dịch Cholera outbreaks were common in
tả, bệnh tả overcrowded urban areas before modern
sanitation practices.
clamour n tiếng la hét The clamour of the crowd at the concert was
crisis n sự khủng The economic crisis led to widespread job losses
hoảng and financial instability.
culmination n đỉnh cao The successful product launch was the
culmination of months of hard work.
dementia n chứng mất The caregiver provided compassionate support
trí for her elderly relative with dementia.
emission n sự thải The factory's emissions were a major
contributor to air pollution in the area.
epidemic n bệnh dịch The influenza epidemic swept through the city,
affecting thousands of residents.
fraction n phần nhỏ Only a fraction of the population had access to
clean drinking water.
gadget n dụng cụ, đồ The new gadget was equipped with advanced
dùng technology for improved functionality.
infection n sự nhiễm The wound became infected, requiring
trùng antibiotics to treat the bacterial growth.
ingenuity n tính sáng Her ingenuity and creativity were evident in her
tạo innovative designs.
legacy n gia tài, di The inventor's legacy included numerous
sản groundbreaking patents.
liability n cái của nợ The company faced a potential liability due to
unsafe working conditions.
miasma n khí độc In the 19th century, miasma theory believed that
bad air caused diseases.
outbreak n sự bùng nổ The sudden outbreak of a new virus raised
concerns among public health officials.
outlook n cách nhìn, Her positive outlook on life inspired those
quan điểm around her.
pathogen n mầm bệnh The pathogen responsible for the outbreak was
identified and studied by scientists.
prestige n uy tín; The university's prestigious reputation
thanh thế attracted top students from around the world.
principle n nguyên lý, Honesty and integrity are fundamental
nguyên tắc principles in ethical behavior.
reliance n sự phụ The company's reliance on imported materials
thuộc made it vulnerable to supply chain disruptions.
tuberculosis n bệnh lao Tuberculosis was a major public health concern
in the early 20th century.
ventilation n sự thông Proper ventilation is important to maintain
gió, sự indoor air quality.
thông hơi
ward n sự trông The hospital had a dedicated ward for pediatric
nom, sự bảo patients.
aggressively adv xông xáo, The company entered the market aggressively,
tháo vát offering competitive pricing and promotions.
relentlessly adv không He pursued his goals relentlessly, never giving
ngừng nghỉ up in the face of challenges.
solely adv duy nhất The decision to move forward was solely based
on financial considerations.
communal adj công, The communal garden was a gathering place for
chung, công neighbors to share and socialize.
compelling adj hấp dẫn, Her compelling arguments convinced the jury to
thuyết phục reach a unanimous verdict.
contemporary adj đương thời The contemporary art exhibit showcased the
work of modern artists.
excessive adj vượt mức Her excessive spending habits left her in
financial trouble.
foul adj hôi hám, The foul smell from the garbage bin lingered in
hôi thối the air.
habitable adj có thể ở The newly constructed homes were designed to
được be comfortable and habitable.
lethal adj gây chết The venom of the snake can be lethal if not
người treated promptly.

mechanically adj một cách He followed the instructions mechanically,
máy móc without really understanding the process.
prosperous adj thịnh vượng The region experienced a period of prosperous
economic growth.
spectacular adj đẹp mắt, The sunset over the ocean was a spectacular
ngoạn mục sight to behold.
sweeping adj có ảnh The sweeping changes to the education system
hưởng sâu impacted students and teachers alike.
vast adj rộng lớn The vast landscape stretched out before us,
with no end in sight.
widespread adj phổ biến The news of the discovery spread quickly and
rộng rãi became widespread.

diminish v giảm The impact of the policy change on the
environment was expected to diminish over
embrace v nắm bắt lấy The community came together to embrace the
spirit of unity and cooperation.
jump on the v chạy theo Many companies started to offer eco-friendly
bandwagon một trào products to jump on the bandwagon of
lưu đang sustainability.
thịnh hành
outweigh v có nhiều The benefits of regular exercise far outweigh
giá trị hơn, the potential risks.
có nhiều
ảnh hưởng
proclaim v công bố, The king would proclaim his royal decrees from
tuyên bố the balcony of the palace.
put forward v đề xuất, đề She put forward a compelling argument in favor
nghị of the new initiative.
venerate v tôn kính The ancient temple was a place where people
would gather to venerate their gods.
yield v mang lại The farm's crops were expected to yield a
bountiful harvest this year.
aid n sự giúp đỡ The government provided financial aid to help
the citizens recover from the natural disaster.
assumption n sự phỏng The entire plan was based on the assumption
đoán, giả that the project would be completed on time.
barrier n rào cản The language barrier made it difficult for them
to communicate effectively.
bottleneck n sự bế tắc The traffic jam created a bottleneck on the
highway, causing significant delays.
boundary n ranh giới The river serves as the natural boundary
between the two countries.
demographic n sự thống kê The company analyzed the demographic data to
nhân khẩu target their marketing efforts more effectively.
entrepreneur n doanh She started her own business and quickly
nhân, người established herself as a successful
khởi nghiệp entrepreneur.
extent n quy mô, The extent of the damage caused by the storm
phạm vi, was much greater than anticipated.
chừng mực
facet n khía cạnh The diamond had many facets that reflected
light in mesmerizing patterns.
fashion n kiểu cách She was always ahead of the fashion trends and
had a unique sense of style.
hierarchy n hệ thống The organization's hierarchy determined the
cấp bậc flow of decision-making within the company.

mechanism n cơ cấu, cơ The mechanism of action for the new drug is still
chế under investigation.
obsession n sự ám ảnh His obsession with collecting rare stamps
consumed most of his free time.
perfectionist n người theo She was a perfectionist who always strived for
thuyết hoàn flawless results.
rhetoric n lối nói hoa His persuasive rhetoric was key to convincing
mỹ, khoa the audience of his point of view.
utility n sự có ích; The utility of the new software was evident in its
tính hữu ability to streamline workflow processes.
continually adv liên tục The river continually flowed, providing a
constant source of water for the village.
conventionally adv theo thói The concept was understood conventionally, but
thường the artist gave it a fresh interpretation.
formally adv chính thức The agreement was formally signed during the
ironically adv mỉa mai, Ironically, the comedian who often made others
trớ trêu laugh struggled with depression in private.
massively adv quan trọng; The new software update improved the system's
lớn lao efficiency massively.
detrimental adj có hại The lack of proper maintenance had a
detrimental effect on the building's structural
devoid adj không có, The desert landscape was completely devoid of
trống rỗng any signs of human habitation.
former adj trước đó The former president of the company provided
valuable insights based on his experience.
misguided adj bị lạc lối His misguided attempt to fix the plumbing issue
only made things worse.
rigid adj cứng rắn, The rigid rules and regulations stifled creativity
nghiêm within the organization.

avail v giúp ích, có Despite his efforts, his protests did not avail
lợi cho any change in government policy.
elucidate v làm sáng The scientist was able to elucidate the complex
tỏ; giải process through clear explanations.
suspect v nghi ngờ The detective had a suspect in mind, but needed
more evidence to make an arrest.
take into v để ý tới, lưu When making decisions, it's important to take
account tâm tới into account various factors and perspectives.
basis n nền tảng, The experiment was conducted on the basis of a
cơ sở carefully designed research plan.
chaos n sự hỗn độn, The sudden power outage caused chaos in the
sự hỗn loạn busy city streets.
competency n năng lực, The new employee demonstrated a high level of
khả năng competency in her assigned tasks.
democracy n nền dân A democracy allows citizens to participate in
chủ the decision-making process of the government.
elite n thành phần The elite group of scientists was invited to
tinh túy, ưu attend the prestigious conference.

investigation n sự điều tra The police conducted a thorough investigation
nghiên cứu to solve the mystery.
notion n ý niệm, khái The notion that hard work leads to success is
niệm deeply ingrained in our society.
phenomenon n hiện tượng The Northern Lights are a natural phenomenon
that amazes observers with their vibrant colors.
presupposition n sự giả định The argument was based on the presupposition
trước that people are inherently selfish.
scholar n học giả The scholar's research contributed significantly
to the field of quantum physics.
statesmen n chính khách The statesmen negotiated a peace treaty to end
the long-standing conflict.
supplementation n sự bổ sung, Dietary supplementation can provide essential
sự phụ thêm vitamins and minerals to support overall health.
at the expense adv gây bất lợi The company's rapid expansion came at the
of cho expense of employee morale.
loosely adv lỏng lẻo, The ideas were loosely connected, making the
essay difficult to follow.
cognitive adj liên quan The study aimed to explore the cognitive
đến nhận processes involved in decision-making.
explicit adj rõ ràng The instructions were explicit, leaving no room
for confusion.
implicit adj ngầm Her implicit trust in her friend was unshaken by
the rumors.

intersubstitut- adj có thể thay The two products were considered
able thế cho intersubstitutable because they served the
nhau same purpose.
misleading adj đánh lạc The headline was misleading and did not
hướng accurately reflect the content of the article.
preferential adj dành ưu The company offered preferential treatment to
tiên cho long-term employees.
unconscious adj vô ý thức The patient remained unconscious after the
underlying adj cơ bản, cơ The underlying cause of the problem was traced
sở back to a faulty wiring system.

deprive v lấy đi, cướp The economic crisis threatened to deprive many
đi families of their basic needs.
deter v ngăn chặn The security measures were intended to deter
potential burglars.
extract v chiết xuất The scientist used a special method to extract
DNA from the sample.
mine v khai thác The workers used heavy machinery to mine for
precious minerals.
prompt v thúc giục; Her dedication and hard work prompted her
thúc đẩy promotion to a higher position.
rear v nuôi The young birds were safely reared by their
mother in the nest.
rid of v loại bỏ She was determined to rid her house of clutter
and unnecessary items.
secrete v tiết ra Certain glands secrete hormones into the
secure v củng cố He worked hard to secure a scholarship for his
college education.
snip out v cắt bỏ She used scissors to snip out the article from
the magazine.
subdue v chinh phục, The officers worked together to subdue the
khuất phục unruly crowd.
ailment n bệnh tật The herbal remedy was known to relieve
common ailments like headaches and indigestion.
captivity n tình trạng The zoo provides a safe environment for animals
bị giam to live in captivity.
characteriza- n sự biểu thị The writer's skillful characterization brought the
tion đặc điểm fictional characters to life.
compounds n hợp chất The scientist synthesized various chemical
compounds to test their properties.
domain n lãnh thổ The website focused on topics within the domain
of environmental science.
extraction n sự chiết The extraction of natural resources can have
significant environmental impacts.
genome n bộ gen The human genome project aimed to map the
entire genetic makeup of humans.
gland n tuyến The sweat gland regulates body temperature by
producing sweat.
grasp n sự nắm He struggled to grasp the complex mathematical
được, sự concept.
hiểu thấu
hurdle n trở ngại Overcoming the language barrier was a major
hurdle for the international students.
larvae n ấu trùng The larvae of the butterfly hatch from eggs and
undergo a metamorphic process.
millipede n động vật The millipede crawled slowly along the forest
nhiều chân floor.
modification n sự sửa đổi The modification of the software improved its
usability and performance.
parasite n vật ký sinh The tick is a parasite that attaches itself to
animals and feeds on their blood.
pitfall n cạm bẫy One of the pitfalls of social media is the
potential for online harassment.
precedent n tiền lệ The court's decision set a precedent for future
cases involving similar issues.
primates n bộ động Primates, such as monkeys and apes, are closely
vật linh related to humans in the animal kingdom.
recess n hốc The children enjoyed playing on the playground
during recess.
ubiquity n sự có mặt The ubiquity of smartphones has transformed
khắp nơi the way we communicate and access
venom n nọc độc The snake's venom is used for both defensive
and offensive purposes.
firmly adv vững chắc, She firmly believed in the importance of
kiên quyết education for all children.
from scratch adv từ đầu She built her business empire from scratch,
starting with just a small investment.
antimicrobial adj chống vi The antimicrobial properties of the new cleaning
trùng product made it effective against germs.
bewildering adj gây bối rối, The labyrinthine corridors of the old mansion
khiến hoang were bewildering to navigate.
daunting adj làm nản chí The challenging task seemed daunting at first,
but with determination, it was completed
defensive adj phòng thủ She adopted a defensive stance when
addressing criticism of her work.
derived from adj có nguồn The word "biology" is derived from the Greek
gốc từ words "bios" (life) and "logos" (study).
filthy adj bẩn thỉu, The abandoned house was in a filthy condition,
dơ dáy with dirt and debris everywhere.
groundbreaking adj đột phá The scientist's groundbreaking research
revolutionized the field of quantum computing.
noxious adj độc, hại The noxious fumes from the factory posed a
serious health risk to nearby residents.
offensive adj tấn công His offensive comments offended many people in
the audience.
pathogenic adj gây bệnh The pathogenic bacteria were responsible for
the outbreak of food poisoning.
pharmaceutical adj dược The pharmaceutical company developed a new
drug to treat the rare disease.
potent adj có hiệu lực, The herbal remedy was known for its potent
có uy lực healing properties.

soothing adj dịu dàng, The soothing music helped calm her nerves
êm dịu, dễ before the big presentation.
subsequent adj theo sau After the initial stage, the subsequent phases of
the project were smoother.
terrestrial adj trên cạn The terrestrial plants grow on land rather than
in water.
therapeutic adj trị liệu The therapeutic massage helped alleviate her
muscle tension.
undisputed adj không bị His talent as a pianist was undisputed among his
tranh peers.
không bị
tranh chấp
undisputed adj không thể Her expertise in the subject was undisputed and
nghi ngờ, widely respected.
không cãi

elude v vượt quá The solution to the puzzle continued to elude
(sự hiểu them despite their best efforts.
expound v trình bày The professor took time to expound upon the
chi tiết complex concepts to ensure understanding.
give a leg up v giúp ai đó The mentor's guidance and support helped give
cải thiện a leg up to the aspiring entrepreneurs.
regulate v điều chỉnh The government implemented new policies to
regulate the use of natural resources.
autonomy n sự tự quản The newly independent country celebrated its
autonomy and self-governance.
consensus n sự đồng After hours of discussion, the team finally
lòng, sự reached a consensus on the best approach to
nhất trí the problem.
continuum n thể liên tục The spectrum of colors forms a continuum from
red to violet.
counterpart n bộ phận The company's CEO met with her counterpart
tương ứng from the rival corporation to discuss potential
dichotomy n sự phân đôi The novel explored the dichotomy between good
and evil in a thought-provoking manner.
domain n phạm vi The scientist specialized in the domain of
(ảnh astrophysics, exploring the mysteries of the
hưởng), lĩnh universe.
drive n sự khao Her ambition and drive pushed her to achieve
khát, động her goals despite challenges.
essence n bản chất, The essence of the dish was captured in the
thực chất delicate balance of flavors.
mastery n sự tinh With years of practice, he achieved mastery in
thông, sự playing the piano.
nắm vững
repertoire n vốn The actor's impressive repertoire included roles
in both comedies and dramas.
for one’s own adv vì lợi ích She pursued her hobbies for her own sake,
sake của finding joy and fulfillment in the activities.
predominantly adv phần lớn, The region was predominantly known for its rich
chủ yếu cultural heritage.
spontaneously adv tự phát The flowers in the garden bloomed
spontaneously with the arrival of spring.
discrete adj riêng biệt The data was divided into discrete categories
for analysis.
dispositional adj khuynh His dispositional traits influenced how he
hướng reacted in different situations.
intense adj mãnh liệt, The intense workout left her feeling exhausted
dữ dội yet satisfied.

intrinsic adj thực chất; Her intrinsic motivation fueled her passion for
bên trong art and creativity.
optimal adj tối ưu The optimal temperature for the experiment
was carefully controlled.
oriented adj định hướng The program is oriented toward helping
students develop practical skills.
robust adj mạnh mẽ The robust security system provided
comprehensive protection for the building.

coincide v xảy ra The timing of the event coincided with the start
đồng thời; of the festival.
trùng với
deteriorate v làm cho xấu The old building had started to deteriorate due
hơn to lack of maintenance.
reproduce v tái sinh Organisms reproduce to pass on their genetic
information to the next generation.
aging n sự lão hóa The aging population posed new challenges for
healthcare systems.
caretakers n người trông The zookeepers are dedicated caretakers of
nom nhà the animals in their care.
colony n bầy, đàn The ants worked together as a colony to build
their intricate tunnels.
doctoral thesis n luận án tiến She spent years conducting research for her
sĩ doctoral thesis in the field of neuroscience.
entomologist n nhà nghiên The entomologist studied various species of
cứu sâu bọ insects and their behavior.
feat n kỳ công, Climbing Mount Everest is a remarkable feat of
chiến công human endurance.
live prey n con mồi Some animals hunt and feed on live prey in the
sống wild.
mandible n hàm dưới The insect's mandible was adapted for crushing
and chewing food.
pupae n con nhộng The pupae of the butterflies were carefully
observed during their metamorphosis.
scent n mùi, mùi The scent of fresh flowers filled the air with a
thơm pleasant fragrance.
senescence n sự già yếu The process of senescence is a natural part of
the aging process.
tethered fruit n ruồi giấm The experiment used a tethered fruit fly to
fly study its behavior in a controlled environment.
age-defying adj bất chấp The age-defying skincare product promised to
tuổi tác reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
immortal adj bất tử In many myths, gods and goddesses are
portrayed as immortal beings.

breeding n sự gây The breeding season is a crucial time for many
giống animal species.
reservoir n quần thể dự The reservoir population of fish was monitored
population trữ to ensure sustainable fishing practices.
social n tẩy chay xã The social ostracism she experienced was
ostracism hội painful and isolating.
supplements n chất bổ She takes dietary supplements to ensure she
sung gets all the necessary nutrients.
captive adj bị bắt giữ, The zoo had a collection of rare animals in
bị giam captive enclosures.
colossal adj khổng lồ, to The construction of the colossal skyscraper was
lớn a remarkable engineering achievement.

absorb v hấp thụ The sponge can absorb a significant amount of
entangle v làm mắc The vines entangle themselves around the trees,
bẫy creating a dense canopy.
cutoff point n điểm cắt The cutoff point for submitting applications was
at midnight.
marine debris n rác thải Efforts to clean up marine debris are crucial for
biển protecting ocean ecosystems.
misperception n sự hiểu sai, Her misperception of the situation led to
quan niệm misunderstandings.
mussel n con trai The rocky shore was covered in mussel shells
left behind by the tide.
remnant n tàn dư The ancient ruins were the last remnant of a
once-great civilization.
tanker n tàu chở dầu The oil tanker transported crude oil across the
validity n tính chất The validity of the scientific study was
hợp lệ confirmed through rigorous peer review.
bothersome adj làm khó The constant noise from the construction site
chịu was bothersome to the residents.
dismal adj ảm đạm The weather forecast predicted a dismal week
of rain and clouds.
faulty adj có thiếu The faulty wiring in the building caused the
sót, mắc power outage.

branch v đâm cành The company decided to branch out its
operations to tap into new markets.
compromise v dàn xếp, In a negotiation, it's essential to find a
thỏa hiệp compromise that satisfies both parties.
concentrate v tập trung The students were advised to concentrate on
their studies to achieve better results.
cultivate v trồng Farmers diligently cultivate their fields to yield
a bountiful harvest.
encase v bọc The precious artifact was encased in a glass
display for protection.
estimate v ước lượng The project manager estimated that the
construction would be completed within six
exploit v khai thác Some companies exploit their workers by paying
them below the minimum wage.
fight v chiến đấu The soldiers were prepared to fight for their
country's freedom.
insist on v khăng Despite the challenges, she insisted on pursuing
khăng her dream of becoming an astronaut.
obtain v đạt được, He managed to obtain the necessary permits for
lấy được the construction project.
punish v phạt The court decided to punish the criminal with a
lengthy prison sentence.
reveal v tiết lộ The detective revealed the true identity of the
mystery suspect.
rule v cai trị The king ruled his kingdom with wisdom and
secure v giữ, bảo vệ The government took measures to secure the
nation's borders.
seize v nắm lấy The police managed to seize a large shipment of
illegal drugs.
smuggle v buôn lậu The criminals attempted to smuggle contraband
across the border.
soar v tăng vọt The eagle soared high in the sky, scanning for
prey below.
split v tách ra Due to irreconcilable differences, the business
partners decided to split their company.
subcontract v ký hợp The company decided to subcontract part of the
đồng phụ project to a specialized team.
take over v tiếp quản The larger corporation decided to take over the
smaller startup to expand its market share.
thrive v phát triển Despite facing initial challenges, the business
mạnh managed to thrive and achieve success.
transplant v cấy The surgeon skillfully transplanted the heart into
the patient's chest.
uproot v nhổ The construction crew had to uproot the old
trees to make space for the new building.

wipe out v quét sạch The deadly virus threatened to wipe out entire
populations if not contained.
agent n tác nhân The secret agent infiltrated the enemy base to
gather critical information.
army n quân đội The army conducted a strategic maneuver to
gain control over the region.
authority n thẩm quyền The local authority imposed new regulations to
protect the environment.
commodity n hàng hóa Oil is a valuable commodity in the global market.
corporation n tập đoàn, The multinational corporation expanded its
công ty operations to new markets.
cuisine n ẩm thực Indian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and
diverse dishes.
cure n phương Medical researchers are tirelessly working on
thuốc finding a cure for the disease.
decade n thập kỷ Over the past decade, technology has advanced
at an unprecedented pace.
distribution n sự phân bổ The distribution of food supplies was well-
organized during the natural disaster.
dominance n ưu thế, sự The dominance of the champion team was
trội hơn evident throughout the tournament.
domination n sự thống trị The invaders conquered the city, causing an
eruption of panic among the residents.
eruption n sự phun The company's extravagant expenses raised
trào concerns among its stakeholders.
expense n chi phí, phí The company decided to cut down on
tổn unnecessary expenses to improve its financial
flavouring n gia vị, Cinnamon is a popular flavoring in many desserts
hương liệu and beverages.
fleet n hạm đội The navy fleet was deployed to protect the
nation's coastal borders.
foliate n tán lá The leaves begin to foliate in the spring,
covering the trees with vibrant green.
former n cái trước The former CEO of the company is now a
successful entrepreneur.
husk n vỏ The husk of the corn protects the kernels inside.
importer n người nhập The importer brought in exotic goods from
khẩu distant lands.
ingredient n nguyên liệu Fresh vegetables are the key ingredients in a
healthy salad.
invader n kẻ xâm lược The invader's forces were repelled by the
heroic defenders.
investment n sự đầu tư Many investors are interested in renewable
energy projects.
latter n cái sau The latter part of the book takes an unexpected
twist in the plot.
lime n vôi A squeeze of lime adds a tangy flavor to the

location n vị trí The location of the new store is strategic,
attracting a lot of customers.
merchant n thương gia The merchant displayed an array of colorful
textiles in their shop.
monopoly n sự độc The company established a monopoly in the
quyền telecommunications industry.
obstacle n trở ngại Lack of funding proved to be a major obstacle in
completing the project.
operation n doanh The smooth operation of the factory was crucial
nghiệp for meeting deadlines.
opportunity n cơ hội The new project presented a great opportunity
for career advancement.
plague n bệnh dịch The plague devastated the population, leading
to a significant loss of life.
plantation n đồn điền The plantation produced an abundance of crops
due to favorable weather conditions.
policy n chính sách The government implemented a new policy to
promote sustainable development.
presence n sự hiện hữu The presence of the security guard made the
employees feel safer.
ridge n chóp The ridge of mountains provided a natural
barrier between the two regions.
safety n sự an toàn Safety measures were strictly enforced at the
construction site.
sector n khu vực The tech sector is experiencing rapid growth
and innovation.
settlement n sự dàn xếp The settlement of the dispute was reached
through peaceful negotiations.
spread n sự lan Social media played a significant role in the
truyền spread of information during the crisis.
supply n nguồn cung The supply of clean water is essential for the
cấp well-being of the community.
trade n thương mại, The trade between the two nations boosted
buôn bán their economies.
trader n thương gia The trader skillfully negotiated deals to
maximize profits.
troops n binh lính The troops were deployed to maintain peace in
the conflict-torn region.
securely adv một cách The precious gems were securely stored in a
vững chắc high-tech vault.
severely adv mãnh liệt The hurricane severely impacted the coastal
swiftly adv nhanh The skilled athlete swiftly completed the race,
breaking the previous record.
automotive adj tự động The automotive industry is constantly evolving
hóa with new technological advancements.
commercial adj mang tính The commercial district was bustling with
thương mại activity as people went about their business.
contagious adj truyền The contagious disease spread rapidly through
nhiễm the community, causing concern.

dense adj dày đặc The dense forest was home to a diverse range
of flora and fauna.
desperate adj tuyệt vọng The desperate refugees sought shelter and aid
in the neighboring country.
evergreen adj thường Evergreen trees retain their leaves throughout
xanh the year, providing constant shade.
exact adj chính xác Please provide the exact measurements for the
construction project.
exclusive adj độc quyền The club offered exclusive membership benefits
to its loyal patrons.
fertile adj có khả The fertile soil in the region allowed for
năng sinh abundant crop production.
fleshy adj như thịt The fleshy fruit was juicy and delicious, perfect
for a hot summer's day.
medicinal adj dùng làm Many herbs and plants have medicinal
thuốc properties that can aid in healing.
neighbouring adj láng giềng The neighboring towns collaborated on a joint
environmental initiative.
neutral adj trung lập The mediator remained neutral in the dispute to
facilitate a fair resolution.
original adj gốc The artist's original painting was displayed in a
prestigious art gallery.
precious adj quý giá The heirloom necklace held sentimental value as
well as being precious in material.
preservative adj để vảo The preservative in the food helped extend its
quản shelf life.
private adj tư, cá nhân The private investigator discreetly gathered
information for the case.
proper adj đúng cách It is important to follow the proper safety
guidelines when handling hazardous materials.
ripe adj chín The fruit was ripe and ready to be picked from
the trees.
volcanic adj thuộc núi The volcanic eruption caused widespread
lửa damage to nearby towns.

adapt to v thích nghi To survive in the new environment, the animals
had to adapt to the changing conditions.
advance v tiến tới The research team made significant advances in
the field of quantum computing.
announce v thông báo The company plans to announce its latest
product launch at the upcoming conference.
boost v thúc đẩy A strong marketing campaign can boost sales
and brand visibility.
challenge v thách thức The difficult project presented a challenge that
required innovative solutions.
compensate v bù đắp The company offered a competitive salary to
compensate its employees for their hard work.
conquer v chinh phục The fearless explorer set out to conquer the
highest peak in the world.
deliver v đưa ra The courier company promised to deliver the
package by the end of the day.
demonstrate v minh họa The scientist used experiments to demonstrate
the validity of the hypothesis.
encounter v chạm trán During their journey, they encountered various
cultures and traditions.
export v xuất khẩu The country aims to export its agricultural
products to international markets.
implement v thi hành The company decided to implement a new
customer feedback system to improve its
investigate v điều tra, The detective was assigned to investigate the
tìm hiểu mysterious disappearance of the artifact.
involve v liên quan The team worked together to involve all
đến stakeholders in the decision-making process.
manufacture v sản xuất The automobile factory manufactures thousands
of cars each month.
mention v đề cập In his speech, the speaker will mention the
achievements of the organization.
prompt v thôi thúc, The urgent message prompted immediate action
thúc giục from the team.
purchase v mua She decided to purchase a new laptop for her
college studies.
result in v dẫn đến The lack of maintenance resulted in the
machinery breaking down.
socialise v hòa nhập He enjoys socializing with friends at various
xã hội events and gatherings.
target v nhắm vào The marketing campaign is specifically targeted
at young professionals.
access n sự tiếp cận The keycard grants access to the restricted
area of the building.
assistance n sự hỗ trợ The elderly lady needed assistance with
carrying her groceries.

autonomy n sự tự chủ The new policy gave employees more autonomy
in decision-making.
capability n khả năng The advanced technology enhanced the
capability of the research team.
collision n sự va chạm The collision between two vehicles caused
significant damage.
contribution n sự đóng Her contribution to the charity event helped
góp raise a substantial amount of money.
demand n nhu cầu There is a high demand for the latest
smartphones in the market.
enforcement n sự bắt tuân The police officer was responsible for the
theo enforcement of traffic regulations.
flexibility n sự linh hoạt The job offers flexible working hours, allowing
employees to balance work and personal life.
hurdle n trở ngại Overcoming language barriers was a significant
hurdle during the international conference.
implementation n sự thi hành The successful implementation of the project
required careful planning.
implication n sự ngụ ý, sự The implication of his actions led to unforeseen
liên can consequences.
incidence n mức tác The incidence of flu cases increased during the
động winter months.
individual n cá nhân Each individual has unique talents and strengths.
initiative n sáng kiến She took the initiative to organize a community
cleanup event.
liability n trách The company's liability insurance covered the
nhiệm pháp cost of the accident.

mass n đại chúng The mass of people gathered at the concert
venue was overwhelming.
mileage n tổng số The car's high mileage was an indicator of its
dặm đã đi frequent use.
mobility n tính di Improved public transportation enhances the
động mobility of citizens.
motive n động lực His motive for helping others was genuine and
ownership n quyền sở After paying off the mortgage, he finally
hữu obtained ownership of the house.
pace n nhịp độ The athletes ran at a fast pace to complete the
proportion n tỉ lệ The proportion of children attending school
increased significantly.
reality n thực tế Despite his dreams, he had to face the reality of
his financial situation.
reliability n tính đáng The reliability of the new software was
tin cậy questioned after multiple crashes.
turnover n doanh thu The company experienced a high turnover of
employees due to dissatisfaction.
vehicle n xe cộ The electric vehicle is an environmentally
friendly mode of transportation.

indeed adv quả thực The research indeed supported the hypothesis
put forth by the scientist.
intensively adv đầy kĩ The team worked intensively to meet the tight
lưỡng project deadline.
necessarily adv nhất thiết To succeed in the competitive market,
companies necessarily need to adapt and
potentially adv tiềm năng The new medical treatment shows great promise
and is potentially a groundbreaking discovery in
the field of medicine.
concrete adj cụ thể The construction workers poured concrete to
lay the foundation of the new building.
contributory adj góp phần Each team member's contributory efforts were
crucial to the project's success.
conventional adj thông Despite the availability of advanced technology,
thường some industries still rely on conventional
disabled adj tàn tật The organization provided support and facilities
for disabled individuals to access employment
distant adj xa The beautiful sunset painted the distant horizon
with warm colors.
efficient adj hiệu quả The new manufacturing process proved to be
more efficient, reducing production time and
exceptional adj kiệt xuất, Her exceptional talent in art earned her
khác recognition and awards.
existing adj hiện có The company plans to expand its business by
leveraging its existing customer base.
flexible adj linh hoạt The flexible work schedule allows employees to
balance their personal and professional lives
infinite adj vô tận, vô The universe is believed to be infinite, with
hạn countless galaxies and stars.
manual adj thủ công The artisan created the masterpiece using
traditional manual techniques.
modelling adj làm theo The modelling software enables designers to
khuôn visualize their concepts more effectively.
productive adj có hiệu The team's productive efforts resulted in the
suất tốt completion of the project ahead of schedule.
regulatory adj thuộc về The regulatory body oversees the compliance of
điều tiết companies with industry standards.
reliable adj đáng tin The new software update is expected to provide
cậy more reliable performance.
robust adj mạnh mẽ The robust security system ensures the
protection of sensitive data.
societal adj thuộc xã The organization aims to address various
hội societal issues through its charitable activities.

specialised adj chuyên The specialized training program equips
professionals with advanced skills in their field.
unoccupied adj bỏ không The unoccupied house was in need of renovation
before it could be sold.
vast adj rộng lớn The vast landscape of the national park offers
breathtaking views.
viable adj khả thi The new business model proved to be viable,
attracting investors' interest.
vital adj quan trọng Adequate sleep is vital for maintaining good
physical and mental health.

associate v liên tưởng, He is an ambitious young professional looking to
liên kết associate with a reputable company to advance
his career.
cast light on v làm sáng tỏ The new evidence cast light on the mysterious
disappearance, revealing crucial information.
confine v giới hạn The company decided to confine their
operations to the local market for the time
convey v truyền tải The heartfelt letter conveyed her emotions and
gratitude to her best friend.
crawl v bò, trườn The baby eagerly started to crawl, exploring
the world around her.
declare v tuyên bố The president will declare the official opening
of the new museum next week.
delve into v đào sâu The archaeologists delved into the ancient
ruins, uncovering lost treasures of the past.
deplete v làm suy yếu Overfishing has significantly depleted the fish
population in the ocean.
disregard v coi thường, Despite warnings, some people disregard the
không quan importance of wearing seat belts while driving.
dub v đặt biệt The renowned actor was dubbing his voice for
danh cho the character in the animated film.
graze v gặm cỏ The sheep peacefully grazed on the lush green
grunt v cằn nhằn With a loud grunt, he lifted the heavy weights at
the gym.
map v vẽ bản đồ The cartographer meticulously mapped the
unexplored regions of the wilderness.
negotiate v vượt qua The business partners gathered to negotiate
được the terms of the contract.
quest v tìm kiếm, đi The team of scientists quested to discover a
lùng cure for the deadly virus that was spreading
reflect v phản ánh After the incident, he took some time to reflect
on his actions and their consequences.
risk v liều lĩnh Starting a new business involves some level of
risk, but the potential rewards can be
slump v ngồi phịch After several consecutive losses, the team's
xuống performance began to slump, causing concern
among their fans and management.
venture v mạo hiểm The ambitious entrepreneur decided to venture
into the competitive tech industry.
on behalf of pre thay mặt, On behalf of the organization, he expressed
p nhân danh gratitude to the volunteers.
regardless of pre bất kể Regardless of their differences, they worked
p together for a common goal.

alien n người nước As an alien in a foreign land, he struggled to
ngoài adapt to the new culture and customs.
ancestor n tổ tiên Archaeologists discovered ancient tools that
belonged to our ancestors.
bacteria n vi khuẩn Scientists study bacteria to better understand
their role in various ecosystems.
bias n sự thiên vị It's essential to avoid bias while conducting
scientific research.
campaigner n người tham The campaigner tirelessly advocated for
gia chiến environmental conservation.
caveman n người ở The caveman painted on the walls of the cave to
hang depict daily life.
criteria n tiêu chuẩn The selection criteria for the job position were
quite rigorous.
decline n sụt giảm The decline in the population of a species can
have severe consequences for the ecosystem.
desire n sự khao Her burning desire to succeed motivated her to
khát work hard and achieve her goals.
endeavour n nổ lực The mountaineer set out on a dangerous
expedition to conquer the highest peak.
era n kỷ nguyên The ancient era is marked by significant cultural
existence n sự tồn tại The existence of extraterrestrial life is a topic
of great curiosity and debate.
expedition n cuộc thám The scientific expedition aimed to explore
hiểm uncharted territories.
figure n nhân vật The historical figure played a crucial role in
shaping the nation's identity.
finding n sự tìm ra The new finding sheds light on the mysteries of
the ancient civilization.
humanity n nhân loại, Empathy is a crucial trait that defines humanity.
lòng nhân
insight n sự hiểu biết Her deep insight into human behavior made her
an excellent psychologist.
instinct n bản năng The mother's instinct led her to protect her
child from harm.
interpretation n sự diễn giải The interpretation of the ancient text was
challenging due to its complexity.
microbe n vi trùng Microbes play a vital role in maintaining
ecological balance.
mountaineer n người leo The experienced mountaineer tackled the
núi dangerous climb with skill and courage.
objective n mục tiêu The objective of the project was to promote
renewable energy solutions.
outset n ban đầu The outset of the journey was filled with
excitement and anticipation.
peculiar n kì quặc The peculiar behavior of the rare bird puzzled

pioneer n người tiên He was a pioneer in the field of computer
phong science, creating revolutionary software.
pole n cực The explorers reached the North Pole after a
long and arduous journey.
profession n nghề The doctor's profession requires years of
nghiệp training and dedication.
root n nguồn gốc The root of the problem lies in poor
scout n trinh sát The scout searched the area for potential
camping sites.
slant n cách nhìn The news article had a clear slant, presenting a
biased perspective.
specialist n chuyên gia The specialist provided expert advice on the
complex medical condition.
species n loài Many endangered species face the risk of
extinction due to habitat loss.
stunt n trò gây sự He performed a dangerous stunt on his
chú ý motorcycle, thrilling the audience with his
daring skills.
laboriously adv khó nhọc The artist laboriously painted each detail,
creating a masterpiece of precision.
merely adv đơn thuần It was merely a coincidence that they met at
the airport.
relatively adv tương đối The cost of living in the city is relatively higher
compared to rural areas.
scarcely adv hầu như It was scarcely an occasion for laughter.
continental adj thuộc lục The continental breakfast at the hotel includes
địa a variety of pastries, fruits, and beverages.
cutting-edge adj tiên tiến The cutting-edge technology revolutionized the
way we communicate and interact.
enquiring adj dò xét Her enquiring mind led her to explore various
scientific disciplines.
fictional adj hư cấu The novel is a captivating fictional story that
takes readers on a thrilling adventure.
inclined adj có chiều She is naturally inclined towards artistic
hướng pursuits, such as painting and sculpting.
intrinsic adj bên trong The sense of community is an intrinsic part of
their culture.
irrelevant adj không liên His comments were irrelevant to the ongoing
quan discussion and were quickly dismissed.
isolated adj đơn độc The remote village is isolated from modern
amenities and technologies.
nomadic adj du cư The nomadic tribe travels across vast deserts
and mountains, following seasonal migrations.
prominent adj nổi bật The prominent scientist received international
recognition for his groundbreaking research.
puny adj nhỏ bé, yếu Despite its puny size, the tiny insect has a
ớt fascinating life cycle.

remote adj xa xôi The mountain peak stands tall and remote,
accessible only through a challenging trek.
solid adj rắn chắc The sculpture is carved from solid marble,
displaying exquisite craftsmanship.
uncontacted adj biệt lập The uncontacted tribe has lived in seclusion
from the outside world for centuries.
uncultivated adj bỏ hoang The uncultivated land is a vast wilderness,
untouched by human hands.
unique adj độc nhất Her artistic style is unique and stands out
among other contemporary artists.
unmechanised adj chưa có The village relies on traditional, unmechanized
máy móc farming methods for their livelihood.

conceive v hình thành The artist tried to conceive a unique and
trong óc captivating artwork that would stand out among
the rest.
detach v tháo ra, It's important to detach emotionally from the
tách ra outcome and focus on the process of learning.
experiment v thử nghiệm, The scientists conducted a series of
thí nghiệm experiments to test their hypothesis.
ignore v bỏ qua It's crucial not to ignore the warning signs of
potential problems in a relationship.
improvise v ứng biến The musicians decided to improvise a new
melody during their live performance.
lower v làm giảm The company decided to lower its prices to
attract more customers and increase sales.
observe v quan sát As a wildlife photographer, he spent hours
observing animals in their natural habitats.
prioritise v dành ưu When managing your time, it's essential to
tiên prioritize tasks based on their importance and
propose v đề xuất The team proposed a new strategy to increase
efficiency and productivity.
put off v trì hoãn Due to unforeseen circumstances, they had to
put off the project launch until next month.
simplify v đơn giản The teacher used simple language and examples
hóa to simplify complex concepts for the students.
simulate v bắt chước, Engineers use computer programs to simulate
mô phỏng the behavior of structures before construction.
stimulate v kích thích The motivational speaker aimed to stimulate the
audience's enthusiasm and passion for their
tackle v xử lý, giải The team gathered to tackle the challenging
quyết problem and find a solution together.
take into v lưu tâm đến When making decisions, it's essential to take into
account account all relevant factors.
task v giao nhiệm The teacher tasked the students with
vụ researching and presenting their findings on a
historical figure.
approach n cách tiếp The company adopted a new approach to
cận, phương marketing, focusing on digital platforms for
pháp better reach.
assumption n sự giả định The success of the project relied on the
assumption that the market demand would
remain consistent.
awning n mái hắt The café installed a colorful awning to provide
shade for its outdoor seating area.
blueprint n bản sao The architect presented a detailed blueprint of
chụp sơ đồ the building, outlining its design and layout.
thiết kế

carriageway n tuyến xe The carriageway was widened to accommodate
the increasing traffic flow.
choreographer n vũ công The talented choreographer choreographed a
mesmerizing dance performance for the show.
complexity n sự phức tạp The complexity of the software required skilled
programmers to develop it.
consumption n sự tiêu thụ The excessive consumption of resources led to
environmental concerns.
creation n sự tạo ra The artist's creation received critical acclaim
for its innovative and thought-provoking
disruption n sự gián The unexpected disruption in the supply chain
đoạn caused delays in production.
drawback n bất lợi One drawback of the new technology was its
high cost of implementation.
emphasis n sự nhấn The teacher placed emphasis on teamwork and
mạnh collaboration in the classroom.
expertise n chuyên môn Her expertise in finance and accounting made
her a valuable asset to the company.
faith n niềm tin In times of uncertainty, people often turn to
faith for comfort and guidance.
pattern n kiểu mẫu The intricate pattern on the fabric added
elegance to the dress design.
pedestrian n người đi bộ The city installed pedestrian crossings to ensure
the safety of pedestrians.
scale n quy mô The construction company is planning a large-
scale development project to build a new
residential complex in the city.
purely adv hoàn toàn, Her decision was purely based on her personal
chỉ là preferences and beliefs.
solely adv duy nhất He solely took responsibility for the success of
the project, as he was the team leader.
abstract adj trừu tượng The abstract artwork evoked deep emotions
and thoughts in the viewers.
aesthetic adj về mặt mỹ The aesthetic design of the new smartphone is
thuật visually pleasing and modern.
appealing adj hấp dẫn The appealing aroma of freshly baked bread
filled the air, enticing customers into the
cognitive adj liên quan Cognitive abilities play a crucial role in
đến nhận problem-solving and decision-making.
counter- adj phản trực The counter-intuitive solution to the puzzle
intuitive giác surprised everyone but proved to be correct.
fundamental adj căn bản Understanding basic arithmetic is fundamental
to advancing in mathematics.
influential adj có ảnh His influential speeches inspired many people to
hưởng take action and make positive changes.
intimate adj sâu sắc The couple shared an intimate moment as they
watched the sunset together.

mediveval adj thuộc thời Medieval castles were prevalent throughout
trung cổ Europe during the Middle Ages.
prevalent adj phổ biến Due to the prevalent use of smartphones, people
have become highly dependent on mobile apps
for various tasks.
quantitative adj thuộc số The scientist conducted quantitative research
lượng to analyze the data and draw statistical
radical adj triệt để The radical shift in the company's strategy led
to significant growth and success.
sustainable adj bền vững The organization is committed to adopting
sustainable practices to protect the

clone v sao chép Scientists are working on a project to clone
endangered species and repopulate their
debilitate v làm suy yếu The illness debilitated him, leaving him
bedridden for weeks.
emerge v xuất hiện As the sun set, a beautiful rainbow emerged in
the sky.
evolve v tiến hóa Over time, technology will evolve, and new
innovations will be introduced to society.
mitigate v làm dịu bớt The government implemented measures to
mitigate the impact of climate change on
coastal communities.
occupy v chiếm đóng The artist's latest exhibition occupied an entire
gallery space.
pinpoint v xác định The detective was able to pinpoint the exact
chính xác location of the hidden treasure.
regenerate v phục hưng, Certain animals possess the ability to
tái sinh regenerate lost limbs or body parts.
repopulate v phục hồi Efforts to repopulate the region with native
quần thể plant species were successful.
reproduce v sinh sản Bacteria can reproduce rapidly, leading to the
spread of infections.
reverse v đảo ngược The team hoped to reverse the declining trend
of their performance in the upcoming match.
scatter v phân tán The wind scattered the leaves across the yard
during the storm.
strive v nổ lực She always strives for excellence in her
academic pursuits.
suffer v chịu đựng Many people suffer from allergies during the
spring season due to pollen in the air.
trial v thử nghiệm, The clinical trial for the new drug showed
thí nghiệm promising results in treating the disease.
wreck v làm hỏng, The storm wrecked several houses along the
phá hoại coast, causing extensive damage.
adaptation n sự thích The process of adaptation to a new school is
nghi difficult for some children.
carnivore n động vật Lions are carnivores, as they primarily feed on
ăn thịt meat.
disturbance n sự náo The disturbance in the forest caused the
động animals to scatter in fear.
ecosystem n hệ sinh thái The ecosystem of a coral reef is a delicate and
interconnected web of life.
embryo n phôi The embryo develops rapidly in the early stages
of pregnancy.
emission n sự thải ra The emission of greenhouse gases contributes to
climate change.
flock n đàn A flock of birds flew gracefully across the
evening sky.

hazard n mối nguy Smoking poses a hazard to one's health and is
hại linked to various diseases.
hybrid n lai The hybrid car combines both gasoline and
electric power for improved fuel efficiency.
insertion n sự chèn vào The insertion of a new paragraph improved the
flow and clarity of the essay.
migration n sự di cư The migration of birds occurs seasonally,
following specific routes for survival.
millennia n nghìn năm The tradition has been passed down for
millennia, preserving its cultural significance.
modification n sự thay đổi The modification of the software fixed the bug
and improved its performance.
niche n chỗ thích A niche market caters to a specific group of
hợp customers with unique needs.
outcome n kết quả The outcome of the experiment confirmed the
scientist's hypothesis.
permafrost n băng vĩnh Permafrost is a layer of permanently frozen
cửu ground found in Arctic regions.
premise n tiền đề The premise of the argument was based on
logical reasoning and evidence.
prospect n triển vọng, The young entrepreneur sees great prospect in
khả năng the growing technology industry.
resistance n sự chống lại The plant developed resistance to the disease,
ensuring its survival.
specimen n mẫu The biologist collected a specimen of the rare
flower for research purposes.
spectacle n cảnh tượng, The sunset was a stunning spectacle.
quang cảnh
strand n sợi The DNA strand contains the genetic
information of an organism.
syndrome n hội chứng Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that
affects cognitive development.
trait n đặc điểm His creativity and determination were traits
that set him apart from others.
tumour n khối u The doctor discovered a small tumor during a
routine check-up.
abundant adj dồi dào The forest was abundant with diverse plant and
animal species.
complicated adj phức tạp Solving the complicated puzzle required a sharp
mind and analytical skills.
identical adj giống nhau The two siblings looked almost identical, making
it difficult for others to tell them apart.
legendary adj có tính The legendary hero's tales were passed down
truyền through generations.
notorious adj khét tiếng The notorious criminal had a long history of
illegal activities.
questionable adj đáng ngờ The reliability of the source was questionable,
so further verification was needed.

stagnant adj trì trệ The company's growth has become stagnant in
recent years, and they need a new strategy.
subject to adj có thể chịu The construction project is subject to the
approval of the city council.

accomplish v đạt được With hard work and determination, she was able
to accomplish her long-term goals.
appeal v thu hút The new marketing strategy has an appealing
message that resonates with the target
assign v phân công The manager decided to assign different roles
to team members based on their strengths.
conduct v tiến hành The conductor will conduct the orchestra during
the grand performance.
distract v làm xao The noisy environment can distract students
nhãng from focusing on their studies.
elicit v khêu ra, gợi The heartwarming movie can elicit strong
ra emotions in the audience.
facilitate v tạo điều The new trade agreement should facilitate more
kiện rapid economic growth.
insult v lăng mạ, It is impolite to insult someone based on their
xúc phạm appearance or beliefs.
perceive v nhận thấy People may perceive the same situation
differently based on their experiences.
recruit v tuyển dụng The company aims to recruit talented individuals
to join their expanding team.
relieve v xoa dịu A good massage can relieve muscle tension and
promote relaxation.
replicate v Sao chép, The scientists will attempt to replicate the
bắt chước experiment to confirm the results.
tease v chọc ghẹo He liked to tease his little sister, but he always
did it playfully.
anthropologist n nhà nhân The anthropologist studied the customs and
chủng học traditions of the indigenous tribe to understand
their way of life.
assessment n sự đánh giá The teacher's assessment of the students'
performance helped identify areas that needed
discipline n lĩnh vực The new recruits were drawn from a range
of academic disciplines.
dweller n cư dân The city dweller found solace in the peaceful
countryside during the weekend.
fraternity n nhóm đồng The fraternity organized a charity event to
nghiệp raise funds for a local cause.
hierarchy n hệ thống The military organization follows a strict
cấp bậc hierarchy to maintain order and efficiency.
hypothesis n giả thiết The scientist proposed a hypothesis to explain
the observed phenomenon.
laughter n tiếng cười The comedian's jokes elicited laughter from the
audience throughout the show.
neuroscience n khoa học Neuroscientists study the human brain and
thần kinh nervous system to understand cognitive
notion n khái niệm The notion of time perception varies among
different cultures.
perception n sự nhận There is a general public perception that
thức standards in schools are falling.
persistence n sự kiên trì The persistence of the athlete paid off as he
won the championship.
replenishment n sự bổ sung Regular replenishment of essential supplies is
crucial for a well-functioning organization.
respite n thời gian The vacation provided a much-needed respite
nghỉ ngơi from the daily stress of work.
spectrum n một dãy, Autism falls within a spectrum of
một chuỗi neurodevelopmental disorders.
stimuli n kích thích The experiment involved exposing participants
to various stimuli to observe their responses.
deliberately adv cố ý She deliberately chose her words carefully to
avoid misunderstandings.
strategically adv có chiến The company implemented the new marketing
lược plan strategically to reach a broader audience.
consecutive adj liên tiếp She attended consecutive workshops to enhance
her skills in a consistent manner.
consistent adj nhất quán The team's consistent performance throughout
the season earned them the championship title.
diverse adj đa dạng The team is composed of diverse individuals with
unique talents and perspectives.
dominant adj chiếm ưu The dominant team maintained control of the
thế game from start to finish, securing a decisive
energising adj tiếp thêm The energizing music at the concert got the
sinh lực crowd dancing and singing along.
indigenous adj bản địa The indigenous tribe continues to preserve its
traditional customs and practices.
submissive adj quy phục, The submissive dog followed its owner's
phục tùng commands without hesitation.
tedious adj chán The repetitive and tedious task required a lot of
patience and perseverance.
variable adj hay thay The experiment yielded different results due to
đổi the variable factors involved.

abandon v từ bỏ The old building had been abandoned for years
before being renovated into a museum.
appoint v bổ nhiệm The board of directors decided to appoint her
as the new CEO of the company.
carve v chạm khắc The artist used a chisel to carefully carve
intricate patterns into the wood.
comply v tuân theo All employees are expected to comply with the
company's code of conduct.
convince v thuyết phục Her compelling arguments were able to convince
even the most skeptical critics.
display v trưng bày The art gallery featured a beautiful display of
paintings and sculptures.
distort v bóp méo The funhouse mirrors distorted her reflection,
making her appear taller and thinner.
enroll v ghi tên vào She decided to enroll in a cooking class to
improve her culinary skills.
expire v hết hạn The coupon will expire at the end of the month,
so be sure to use it before then.
issue v phát hành The magazine will issue a special edition for its
pierce v chọc thủng, The needle was used to pierce the fabric and
xuyên qua attach the button.
promote v đẩy mạnh The exhibition was intended to promote
interest in contemporary sculpture.
recline v nằm ngả He reclined on the comfortable chair and closed
mình his eyes for a moment of relaxation.
regard v đánh giá She held the actor in high regard for his
exceptional performances.
signify v biểu hiện The red traffic light signifies that it's time to
turn away from v bỏ mặc She decided to turn away from her old habits
and start a healthier lifestyle.
acclaim n sự tán The artist's latest painting received critical
dương acclaim from art critics and enthusiasts alike.
appreciation n sự thưởng The author expressed her appreciation for the
thức readers' support and positive feedback on her
commission n tiền hoa The company received a commission to design
hồng and construct a new office building.
contract n hợp đồng The contract between the two companies
outlined the terms and conditions of their
depiction n sự diễn tả The detailed depiction of the battle scene in the
movie impressed the audience with its realism.
fellow n thành viên She has a very good reputation among her
inclination n ý định Her natural inclination towards music led her to
pursue a career as a professional musician.

menace n mối đe dọa The dark clouds overhead were seen as a
menace, indicating an approaching storm.
miner n thợ mỏ The miner descended into the depths of the
mine to extract valuable minerals.
originality n tính độc The artist's originality shone through in her
đáo unique and innovative approach to painting.
press n báo chí The press covered the event extensively,
publishing articles in various newspapers and
recognition n sự công The singer received recognition for her
nhận outstanding performance at the music awards
resemblance n giống The resemblance between the twins was so
striking that people often mistook them for each
resignation n sự từ chức With a heavy heart, he submitted his resignation
letter to the company he had worked for years.
sculptor n nhà điêu He was court sculptor to Alexander the Great.
sculpture n điêu khắc She trained in painting and sculpture at
Columbia University.
sketch n bức phác The artist is making sketches for his next
họa painting
advanced adj nâng cao The advanced technology allowed for faster
communication across long distances.
critical adj mang tính The critical analysis of the scientific data
nhận xét revealed important insights.
distinct adj khác biệt The two species of birds had distinct patterns
of feather coloring.
fascinated adj bị hấp dẫn The children were fascinated by the magician's
tricks and illusions.
harsh adj khắt khe The harsh winter weather made it difficult to
primitive adj thuộc The tribe used primitive tools made from stones
nguyên thủy and animal bones.
revolutionary adj mang tính The invention of the telephone was a
cách mạng revolutionary development in communication.

absorb v hấp thụ The sponge was able to absorb a significant
amount of liquid.
confront v đối đầu She had to confront her fear of public speaking
during the presentation.
convert v chuyển đổi The factory will convert its operations to using
renewable energy sources.
distill v chưng cất The process of distillation separates liquids
based on their boiling points.
exceed v vượt quá The company's profits are expected to exceed
last year's earnings.
negotiate v thương She had to negotiate with the landlord to lower
lượng the rent.
proceed v bắt đầu After careful consideration, they decided to
proceed with the construction project.
process v xử lý The manufacturing process involves several
purify v lọc sạch The water treatment plant uses chemicals to
purify the drinking water.
sustain v duy trì The renewable energy sources help sustain the
environment for future generations.
transmit v truyền The radio tower can transmit signals over long
trap v giữ lại They were trapped in the burning building.
analysis n sự phân The detailed analysis of the data provided
tích valuable insights for the research project.
bottom line n điểm mấu The bottom line is that we need to increase
chốt efficiency to reduce costs.
desalination n sự lọc muối Desalination is the process of removing salt from
seawater to make it drinkable.
diesel n dầu điezen The truck's engine was powered by diesel fuel.
executive n ban điều The executive team met to discuss the
hành company's strategic goals.
filter n bộ lọc The water filter removed impurities and
contaminants from the tap water.
glazing n tấm kính The glazing on the windows helped keep the
building insulated.
groundwater n nước ngầm The well was drilled deep to access the clean
groundwater below.
income n thu nhập Her income increased after she got a raise at
maintenance n sự bảo Regular maintenance is important to keep
dưỡng machines running smoothly.
microfinance n tài chính vi Microfinance programs provide small loans to
mô help individuals start businesses.
mission n sư mệnh The organization's mission is to provide
education to underprivileged children.

particle n mảnh vụn The scientist observed a tiny particle moving
under the microscope.
plant n nhà máy a nuclear power plant
reserve n trữ lượng The nature reserve is home to a variety of rare
plant and animal species.
scarcity n sự khan The scarcity of water in the desert makes it a
hiếm valuable resource.
servicing n sự bảo The car was taken to the mechanic for servicing
dưỡng and repairs.
steam n hơi nước The steam from the hot shower helped relax her
venture n dự án kinh Starting a new business is a risky venture, but it
doanh can also be rewarding.
outright adv hoàn toàn The decision to cancel the event was met with
outright disappointment.
domestic adj thuộc gia Domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, are
đình often kept as pets.
initial adj ban đầu The initial results of the experiment were
intensive adj chuyên sâu The training program included intensive
workouts and exercises.
municipal adj thuộc thành The municipal government is responsible for
phố, thị xã maintaining public services.
severe adj nghiêm The severe weather conditions led to flight
trọng cancellations at the airport.
sufficient adj đủ The amount of food provided was sufficient to
feed all the guests.

alter v làm thay He decided to alter his diet and exercise
đổi routine to improve his health.
attribute v cho là do, Her success can be attributed to hard work and
quy cho determination.
devise v sáng chế, The team worked together to devise a creative
nghĩ ra solution to the problem.
disguise v ngụy trang He used a clever disguise to hide his identity
from the authorities.
dispose of v giải quyết, They had to dispose of the hazardous waste
khử properly.
preserve v giữ gìn The museum works to preserve artifacts from
different time periods.
reproduce v sao chép, It is illegal to reproduce these worksheets
chép lại without permission from the publisher.
retain v giữ She was able to retain the information from the
lecture and use it in her essay.
episode n đoạn, hồi, The TV show's latest episode was full of suspense
phần; tình and surprises.
gap n khoảch There is a significant gap between the rich and
cách the poor in this society.
incident n sự cố The incident was captured on video and quickly
went viral on social media.
organism n cơ thể, sinh The cell is the basic unit of any living organism.
plot n cốt truyện The novel's intricate plot kept readers engaged
from beginning to end.
rate n tốc độ The crime rate in the city has been decreasing
steadily over the past few years.
variant n Biến thể There are different variants of the virus
circulating in different regions.
variation n biến thể There is some variation in the color of the
flowers, ranging from pink to purple.
victim n nạn nhân The victim of the robbery provided a
description of the suspect to the police.
villain n nhân vật In the story, the villain plotted to take over the
phản diện kingdom.
cautionary adj để báo The cautionary tale warned against the dangers
trước, để of greed.
cảnh cáo
conserved adj bảo tồn The wildlife sanctuary conserved the natural
habitat for endangered species.
crucial adj tối quan Timing is crucial when it comes to executing a
trọng successful plan.
enduring adj lâu dài Their enduring friendship lasted for decades.
gripping adj cuốn hút, The novel's gripping plot kept readers on the
hấp dẫn edge of their seats.

gruesome adj kinh khủng The crime scene was a gruesome sight that
shocked even the experienced detectives.
moral adj thuộc đạo The fable taught a moral lesson about honesty
đức and integrity.
oral adj bằng lời nói The oral presentation was well-rehearsed and
perennial adj vĩnh viễn; The perennial flowers bloom year after year.
bất diệt
phylogenetic adj phát sinh Phylogenetic studies help scientists understand
loài evolutionary relationships between species.
stable adj ổn định The patient's condition is now stable and
trivial adj không quan In the grand scheme of things, this issue seems
trọng trivial.
unconvinced adj không tin, Despite the arguments, she remained
hoài nghi unconvinced of their theory.

certify v chứng nhận, The organization will certify the authenticity of
chứng thực the artwork.
counteract v chống lại, He took medication to counteract the allergic
kháng cự lại reaction.
extend v kéo dài, mở The company decided to extend the deadline
rộng for the project.
persuade v thuyết phục She used logical arguments to persuade him to
change his mind.
reinstate v phục hồi After reviewing the case, the judge decided to
reinstate the charges against the defendant.
restore v phục hồi The team worked tirelessly to restore the
historical monument to its former glory.
roll out v tung ra The company plans to roll out the new product
to stores nationwide.
squeeze v chen qua, She used a lemon squeezer to extract the juice
lách qua for the recipe.
suck up v hút lên The vacuum cleaner was able to suck up dirt
and debris from the floor.
withstand v chịu đựng, The new building design was able to withstand
chống lại even the strongest earthquakes.
archaeobotanist n nhà cổ thực The archaeobotanist studied ancient plant
vật học remains to learn about past civilizations.
bark n vỏ cây The bark of the tree provided protection for
the delicate inner layers.
biodiversity n sự đa dạng The rainforest is home to a rich biodiversity of
sinh học plant and animal species.
charcoal n than chì The artist used charcoal to create a detailed
corridor n dải đất The wildlife corridor allowed animals to travel
hành lang between different habitats.
drought n hạn hán The prolonged drought led to crop failures and
water shortages.
erosion n sự xói mòn The riverbank erosion was caused by strong
currents and heavy rainfall.
ethnobotanist n nhà thực The ethnobotanist studied the traditional uses
vật dân tộc of plants by indigenous communities.
evaporation n sự bay hơi The evaporation of water from the surface
created cooling effects.
expanse n dải, dải The vast expanse of the desert stretched out as
rộng far as the eye could see.
habitat n môi trường The wetlands provide an important habitat for
sống various bird species.
prejudice n thành kiến She worked to raise awareness about prejudice
and discrimination in society.
refuge n nơi trú ẩn The national park served as a refuge for
endangered species.

remedy n phương The herbal remedy helped alleviate her cold
thuốc symptoms.
resuscitation n sự hồi phục The quick resuscitation efforts of the lifeguard
saved the drowning swimmer.
smallholding n nông hộ They managed a smallholding where they grew
fruits and vegetables for their family.
strip n mảnh, dải The bulldozer cleared a strip of land for the
new road.
subsoil n lớp đất The subsoil contained important nutrients for
dưới plant growth.
trunk n thân cây The elephant used its strong trunk to gather
food and drink water.
woodland n miền rừng, The woodland was a peaceful place to take a
vùng rừng leisurely walk.
arid adj khô cằn The desert's arid climate makes it a challenging
(đất) environment for plant life.
aspirational adj khát khao, Her goals were aspirational, motivating her to
mong muốn work hard and achieve success.
fragile adj dễ vỡ, dễ The delicate glass sculpture was fragile and
gãy; mỏng required careful handling.
herbal adj thuộc thảo She brewed a cup of herbal tea to help soothe
mộc her sore throat.

activate v kích hoạt The button is used to activate the security
adjust v điều chỉnh She needed to adjust the settings on her
camera to get the perfect shot.
cup v khum bàn She held the bird gently in cupped hands.
tay thành
hình chén
dedicate v cống hiến, He decided to dedicate his free time to
dành cho volunteering at the local shelter.
distinguish v phân biệt His ability to distinguish between similar-looking
species was impressive.
substitute v thay thế She used applesauce as a substitute for butter
in her baking recipe.
ambiguity n sự mơ hồ The ambiguity in his statement left room for
different interpretations.
frontal lobe n thùy trán The frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for
decision-making and problem-solving.
hemisphere n bán cầu The left hemisphere of the brain is associated
with language and logical thinking.
modality n thể thức, The therapy program included different
phương modalities, such as exercise and counseling.
pitch n độ cao He adjusted the pitch of his voice to match the
thấp song's melody.
ravine n thung lũng The hikers followed the trail down into the steep
hẹp và sâu ravine.
relay n chuyển tiếp The relay race required each team member to
âm run a portion of the track.
scope n phạm vi The scope of the project included research,
design, and implementation.
shepherd n người chăn The shepherd guided the flock of sheep to the
cừu grazing fields.
slope n dốc núi The ski slope was steep and challenging for
temporal lobe n thùy thái The temporal lobe is involved in processing
dương auditory information and memory.
terrain n địa hình The rocky terrain made hiking difficult but
offered breathtaking views.
whistle n tiếng huýt He used a whistle to signal the start of the race.
dwindling adj sụt giảm The dwindling water supply was a cause for
concern in the drought-stricken area.
neuroimaging adj thiết bị The lab acquired state-of-the-art neuroimaging
equipment hình ảnh equipment for their research.
thần kinh
novel adj mới lạ The novel approach to solving the problem
yielded unexpected results.

obscure adj mơ hồ, ít The meaning of the ancient inscription was
người biết obscure and difficult to decipher.
precise adj chính xác The precise measurements ensured the
experiment's accuracy.
steep adj dốc đứng The trail became steeper as they climbed higher
up the mountain.

blame v đổ lỗi Police are blaming the accident on dangerous
empower v truyền sức The program aims to empower young women to
mạnh pursue leadership roles.
enforce v áp đặt, The police officer had to enforce the traffic
thực thi laws during the parade.
exert v dùng, sử He had to exert a lot of effort to lift the heavy
dụng (sức object.
mạnh, ảnh
offend v xúc phạm His comments were meant to offend, and they
sparked a heated argument.
outrage v làm phẫn The news of the scandal caused outrage among
uất the public.
plummet v tụt, lao The temperature began to plummet as winter
thẳng approached.
sue v kiện She decided to sue the company for the injuries
she sustained on their premises.
breach n sự vi phạm The data breach compromised sensitive
circumstance n hoàn cảnh, Her success was due to a combination of talent
tình huống and fortunate circumstances.
greed n lòng tham His greed for power led to unethical decisions.
justice n công lý The pursuit of justice was a central theme in the
legal drama.
lease n hợp đồng Under the terms of the lease, you have to pay
cho thuê maintenance charges.
legislation n pháp luật The new legislation aimed to improve
environmental protection.
logging n việc đốn The logging industry has faced criticism for its
cây impact on deforestation.
means n phương tiện She used various means to express her
creativity, from painting to writing.
obligation n nghĩa vụ He felt a sense of obligation to help his
quota n định mức The team met their sales quota for the quarter.
sense of justice n ý thức về Her strong sense of justice motivated her to
công lý become a lawyer.
sentiment n tính ủy mị, The sentiment among the group was one of hope
đa cảm and optimism.
shareholder n cổ đông The shareholder meeting addressed the
company's financial performance.
stockholder n cổ đông The stockholder received dividends from their
investment in the company.
track record n hồ sơ theo The company's successful track record
dõi attracted investors.

wage n tiền lương She earned a decent wage for her work at the
knowingly adv chủ tâm, có He knowingly violated the terms of the contract.
dụng ý
corrupt adj đồi bại, The corrupt politician was involved in several
mục nát scandals.
destructive adj phá hủy, The destructive tornado left a path of
tàn phá destruction in its wake.
explicit adj rõ ràng The contract included explicit details about
payment terms.
fiduciary adj uỷ thác The lawyer had a fiduciary duty to act in the
best interest of their client.
liable for adj chịu trách The company was found liable for the
nhiệm về environmental damage caused by their
moralistic adj khắt khe về Her moralistic approach to parenting focused
mặt đạo on teaching values and ethics.
ultimate adj cơ bản The ultimate goal was to create a better future
for generations to come.
unmanaged adj không bị The unmanaged forest grew freely without
quản lý human intervention.
unsophisticated adj thiếu tinh vi The unsophisticated design of the device made
it easy to use for beginners.

adapt v điều chỉnh, thích Animals in the Arctic have adapted to the
nghi extreme cold by developing thick fur and
layers of blubber.
affect v ảnh hưởng The economic downturn can affect people's
purchasing behavior.
allow v Cho phép The teacher will allow students to ask
questions during the lecture.
appear to v dường như, có vẻ The new discovery appears to confirm the
như theory about gravitational waves.
associate v liên tưởng, liên She tends to associate rainy days with cozy
kết indoor activities.
calculate v Tính, tính toán Scientists can calculate the velocity of an
object using mathematical equations.
challenge v không thừa nhận, The new
phủ định study challengesfundamental assumptions ab
out the virus.
compare v so sánh The researcher will compare the results of
the two experiments to identify any
consider v xem như, coi như Before making a decision, it's important to
carefully consider all possible outcomes.
control v điều khiển The experiment aims to control the
variables to accurately measure the
demonstrate v Trình bày, minh The professor will demonstrate the chemical
hoạ reaction in the laboratory.
deplete v Làm suy yếu, rút The excessive fishing has started to deplete
cạn the ocean's fish population.
determine v Quyết định Scientists are working to determine the
cause of the mysterious illness.
dig v Đào bới The archaeologists will dig in the ancient
ruins to uncover hidden artifacts.
discover v Khám phá The explorers were excited to discover a
hidden cave deep in the jungle.
dislodge v đánh bật ra khỏi The strong wind managed to dislodge the
vị trí roof tiles from the building.
display v Trưng bày The art gallery will display a collection of
Impressionist paintings.
emerge v xuất hiện New technology has emerged that could
revolutionize the way we communicate.
focus v tập trung During the meditation session, it's important
to focus on your breathing.
hang v treo, mắc The painting will hang in the museum's
exhibition hall.
hibernate v ngủ đông Bears hibernate during the winter months to
conserve energy.
hunt v săn The predator will silently hunt for prey in
the dense forest.
involve v liên quan, bao The project will involve multiple teams
hàm working together.
locate v đặt vào vị trí It took them hours to locate the missing
hiker in the wilderness.
manipulate v điều khiển, thao The magician skillfully manipulated the deck
túng of cards to perform his tricks.
observe v Quan sát Scientists observe the behavior of animals
in their natural habitats.
perceive v nhận thức Different individuals may perceive colors
differently due to variations in their eyes.
possess v Sở hữu The ancient artifact is said to possess
mystical powers.
remain v ở lại; giữ nguyên Despite the challenges, they remained
vị trí, tình trạng optimistic about the outcome.
remodel v tổ chức lại, sửa The couple decided to remodel their kitchen
đổi, tu sửa for a more modern look.
resort to v phải sử dụng In times of desperation, people may resort
đến; phải viện to extreme measures to survive.
shed light on v làm sáng tỏ The new evidence sheds light on the
mysterious disappearance.
study v Nghiên cứu She will study the effects of climate change
on coral reefs.
suffer v chịu đựng The patient continues to suffer from chronic
pain despite treatment.
survive v Sống sót, tồn tại The plant has adapted to the harsh desert
environment and managed to survive.
tend v có xu hướng The caretaker will tend to the injured
animals in the wildlife sanctuary.
threaten v đe dọa The invasive species could threaten the
native ecosystem if left unchecked.
undergo v Trải qua The patient will undergo surgery to repair a
damaged knee.
witness v chứng kiến Many people claimed to witness the meteor
shower in the night sky.
assumption n Sự phỏng đoán, The conclusion was based on the assumption
giả định that the data was accurate.
astronaut n phi hành gia The astronaut conducted experiments
aboard the International Space Station.
attempt n lần thử, nỗ lực Despite the challenges, they made an
attempt to climb the steep mountain.
availability n Tính khả dụng, sự The availability of fresh water is a critical
có sẵn concern in arid regions.
behaviour n hành vi The researcher studied the behavior of
monkeys in their natural habitat.
branch n Cành cây, nhánh She climbed the tree and hid in the
cây branches.
breakthrough n Bước đột phá The scientist's discovery marked a
significant breakthrough in medical

capacity n khả năng The stadium has a seating capacity of over
50,000 spectators.
colleague n Đồng nghiệp Her colleague provided valuable insights
into the project.
consequence n Hậu quả The consequence of deforestation is the loss
of habitat for many species.
conservation n Sự bảo tồn The organization is dedicated to the
conservation of endangered wildlife.
consideration n sự cân nhắc After careful consideration, they decided to
invest in the new technology.
cub n Con thú con hổ, The lioness protected her cub from
sư tử, sói, gấu, potential dangers.
den n Hang thú dữ The bear built a den in a cozy cave for the
winter months.
density n Độ dày đặc The high population density in urban areas
can lead to congestion and pollution.
diabetes n tiểu đường Proper diet and exercise are essential for
managing diabetes.
disappearance n sự biến mất The sudden disappearance of the rare bird
raised concerns among scientists.
disease n Căn bệnh, dịch The outbreak of the infectious disease led
bệnh to a public health crisis.
effort n sự cố gắng The team put in a tremendous effort to
complete the project on time.
emotion n cảm xúc Her face displayed a range of emotion as
she listened to the moving speech.
evidence n Bằng chứng The forensic scientist analyzed the evidence
to solve the crime.
explanation n giải thích The professor provided a detailed
explanation of the complex scientific
extinction n Sự tuyệt chủng The extinction of certain species is a result
of habitat destruction.
factor n Nhân tố Environmental factors can influence a
person's susceptibility to allergies.
field n lĩnh vực The biologist conducted field research in
the rainforest.
frustration n phiền muộn The constant technical problems caused a
great deal of frustration for the team.
humanity n nhân tính, nhân The progress of humanity depends on our
loại ability to address global challenges.
intake n sự lấy vào, lượng The doctor advised reducing the intake of
lấy vào sugary foods to improve health.
loss n mất mát The loss of biodiversity is a growing concern
for conservationists.
manipulation n sự thao túng, sự The manipulation of data to support a
điều khiển biased viewpoint is unethical.
maternity n thai sản The hospital offers maternity services for
expectant mothers.

means n phương tiện Education is a powerful means of promoting
social change.
mechanism n Cơ chế hoạt The mechanism behind the chemical
động reaction was complex and required further
method n Phương pháp The scientist used a sophisticated method
to analyze the DNA samples.
movement n Chuyển động The civil rights movement played a pivotal
role in ending segregation.
mutation n sự đột biến A genetic mutation can lead to changes in
an organism's characteristics.
mystery n điều kì bí The disappearance of the ancient
civilization remains a mystery to
nutrient n Chất dinh dưỡng Fruits and vegetables provide essential
nutrients for a healthy diet.
object n vật, vật thể The telescope captured images of a distant
celestial object.
paradox n nghịch lý The concept of time travel presents a
philosophical paradox.
physiologist n chuyên gia sinh lí The physiologist studied how exercise
học affects the body's cardiovascular system.
pregnancy n sự có thai, thai kì Prenatal vitamins are important for the
health of both the mother and the baby
during pregnancy.
primate n động vật linh Humans are classified as a type of primate
trưởng in the animal kingdom.
process n quá trình The process of photosynthesis converts
sunlight into energy for plants.
reformation n sự cải cách, sự The reformation of the education system
cải tạo aimed to improve student performance.
relative n họ hàng The scientist compared the sizes of planets
to their relative distances from the sun.
researcher n Nhà nghiên cứu The researcher conducted experiments to
test the hypothesis.
reserve n trữ lượng The nature reserve is home to a diverse
array of wildlife.
risk n rủi ro Investing in stocks carries a certain level of
solution n Giải pháp The team worked together to find a solution
to the complex math problem.
species n giống loài The Amazon rainforest is home to an
astonishing variety of plant and animal
starvation n Sự đói, sự thiếu The famine resulted in widespread
ăn; sự chết đói starvation among the population.
temperature n Nhiệt độ The temperature dropped significantly
during the cold winter months.
tissue n mô The surgeon carefully repaired the damaged
tissue during the operation.

tool n công cụ The carpenter used a specialized tool to
carve intricate designs in the wood.
certainly adv chắc chắn, nhất She was certainly excited about her
định upcoming vacation.
constantly adv một cách liên tục The river's flow is constantly changing due
to rainfall and weather conditions.
due to adv vì The flight was delayed due to bad weather.
genetically adv về mặt di truyền Some plants have been genetically modified
học to resist pests.
obviously adv rõ ràng The solution to the problem was obviously
simple, but it took a while to figure out.
potentially adv có triển vọng The new treatment could potentially cure
the disease.
previously adv trước đó The scientist had previously published a
groundbreaking paper on the subject.
remarkably adv đáng chú ý The athlete's recovery was remarkably
quick after the surgery.
uniquely adv độc nhất vô nhị, Each individual has a uniquely shaped
chỉ có một fingerprint.
agile adj nhanh nhẹn, lẹ The agile cat effortlessly leaped from one
làng, lanh lợi branch to another.
anecdotal adj Mang tính truyền The evidence is primarily anecdotal and
miệng, giai thoại lacks scientific rigor.
astonishing adj gây kinh ngạc The view from the mountaintop was
astonishingly beautiful.
bedridden adj nằm liệt giường vì After the surgery, she was bedridden for
ốm hay tàn tật several weeks.
capable adj Có thể, có khả With proper training, humans are capable of
năng achieving remarkable feats.
comparative adj so sánh, tương The study involved a comparative analysis of
đối different economic systems.
conscious adj có nhận thức She made a conscious effort to reduce her
carbon footprint.
deliberate adj cố ý, chủ tâm The deliberate choice to invest in
renewable energy sources paid off in the
long run.
dense adj Dày đặc The forest was so dense that it was difficult
to see the sky.
disappointed adj thất vọng She was disappointed by the results of the
extreme adj vô cùng, cực độ The extreme weather conditions made it
challenging to travel.
far-reaching adj có ảnh hưởng sâu The invention of the internet had far-
rộng reaching implications for society.
genetic adj thuộc về gen, di Genetic testing can reveal information
truyền about a person's ancestry.
insufficient adj không đủ The sample size for the study was
insufficient to draw accurate conclusions.

majestic adj uy nghi, oai The majestic mountain range stretched
nghiêm, oai vệ, across the horizon.
đường bệ
major adj chủ yếu, quan The major breakthrough in medical science
trọng led to the development of a new treatment.
medical adj Liên quan đến y The medical team worked tirelessly to save
khoa the patient's life.
multiple adj nhiều The scientist conducted multiple
experiments to verify the results.
obese adj béo phì A diet high in sugar and fat can contribute
to becoming obese.
potential adj Tiềm năng The new technology has the potential to
revolutionize the industry.
significant adj Đáng lưu ý, quan The discovery of a new dinosaur species
trọng was a significant finding for paleontologists.
unusual adj lạ, khác thường The unusual behavior of the animal caught
the attention of the researchers.
various adj khác nhau, đa The museum had various exhibits showcasing
dạng different periods of history.
violent adj bạo lực, hung The violent storm caused widespread
tợn, hung bạo damage to homes and buildings.
weak adj yếu The patient's immune system was weak due
to the illness.

amaze v Làm kinh ngạc, The breathtaking view from the mountaintop
làm sửng sốt never failed to amaze the hikers.
appreciate v cảm kích, trân I truly appreciate your help and support
trọng during this challenging time.
astonish v Làm ngạc nhiên The magician's tricks never failed to
astonish the audience.
attribute v cho là do, quy Scientists attribute the sudden increase in
cho temperature to climate change.
bury v chôn vùi, chôn Ancient civilizations used to bury their
cất deceased with valuable items.
carve v khắc, tạc, chạm, The artist used a chisel to carve intricate
đục patterns into the stone.
claim v tuyên bố, cho là The archaeologist made a groundbreaking
claim about the origin of the artifacts.
conceive v tưởng tượng It's hard to conceive of the immense size of
the universe.
concern v liên quan đến The growing concern over pollution led to
stricter environmental regulations.
constitute v Cấu tạo nên These ingredients constitute the basic
elements of the recipe.
cover v bao phủ The book cover featured a captivating
criticise v chỉ trích Film critics were quick to criticise the
director's latest work.
discourage v làm nản lòng She didn't let the initial failure discourage
her from pursuing her dream.
dump v đổ thành đống The ancient city was abandoned, and its
ruins became a dump for discarded items.
encircle v vây quanh, bao The walls of the fortress encircle the entire
quanh, bao vây city.
examine v kiểm tra The scientist will carefully examine the fossil
to determine its age.
excavate v đào bới, khai The archaeologists will carefully excavate
quật the site to uncover hidden artifacts.
honor v tôn vinh The monument was built to honor the
soldiers who fought in the war.
incorporate v Kết hợp, gộp The architect decided to incorporate
chung modern design elements into the historical
inscribe v viết, khắc chữ The name of the ruler was inscribed on the
statue's base.
investigate v Điều tra The detective will investigate the
mysterious disappearance of the valuable
occupy v chiếm đóng, cư The ancient civilization used to occupy this
ngụ area thousands of years ago.
overlook v Bỏ sót Don't overlook the small details—they can
be crucial to solving the puzzle.
persuade v thuyết phục She managed to persuade her parents to let
her go on the trip.
prevent v ngăn chặn Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help
prevent many health problems.
remain v vẫn, giữ như cũ The ruins of the castle remain as a
testament to the past.
represent v đại diện, biểu The symbol on the flag represents unity and
trưng strength.
stack v chất thành đống, The archaeologists carefully stacked the
xếp thành chồng recovered artifacts in crates.
store v lưu trữ, cất giữ The museum will store the valuable paintings
in a climate-controlled room.
owing to pre bởi vì The delay in the project was owing to
unexpected weather conditions.
accommoda- n chỗ ở The travelers found comfortable
tion accommodation at a local inn.
accomplish- n thành tựu Her academic accomplishments earned her
ment a scholarship.
advance n sự tiến bộ, bước The ancient civilization made significant
tiến advances in astronomy and mathematics.
archaeologist n nhà khảo cổ học The archaeologist carefully brushed away
the dirt to reveal the hidden artifact.
archetype n nguyên mẫu, The story's hero is often considered an
nguyên hình archetype of bravery and selflessness.
architect n Kiến trúc sư The architect designed the majestic
cathedral with intricate details.
architecture n kiến trúc The Gothic architecture of the cathedral is
brick n gạch The ancient city's walls were made of sturdy
chamber n phòng chứa The royal chamber was adorned with
exquisite artwork.
clay n đất sét The potter shaped the vase using a lump of
complex n khu phức hợp, The ancient city's layout was intricate and
khu liên hợp complex.
construction n việc thi công The construction of the massive pyramid
required a vast workforce.
courtyard n sân nhỏ; sân The center of the palace featured a
trong beautiful courtyard.
discovery n sự khám phá The archaeologist's most significant
discovery was a hidden tomb.
entrance n Lối vào The grand entrance to the palace was
adorned with marble statues.
evolution n sự tiến hoá The evolution of human society has been
shaped by various factors.
exaggeration n sự phóng đại, sự His description of the event was a gross
cường điệu, sự exaggeration of the truth.
nói quá

experimenta- n sự thí nghiệm The scientist conducted careful
tion experimentation to test the hypothesis.
feature n đặc tính One notable feature of the ancient city was
its advanced sewage system.
grave n phần mộ The ancient grave contained valuable
artifacts and treasures.
grave goods n những món đồ The grave goods found with the deceased
được chôn cùng provided insight into their culture.
với những ngôi
mộ cổ
incline n mặt nghiêng, The ancient city was built on an incline,
sườn dốc overlooking the river.
mass n khối, đống The massive statue towered over the city's
central square.
milestone n cột mốc The discovery marked a significant
milestone in the field of archaeology.
monument n tượng đài; đài kỷ The towering monument was erected in
niệm memory of the fallen soldiers.
network n mạng lưới The ancient civilization had a vast trade
network that spanned across continents.
possession n Vật sở hữu; tài The artifact is now in the possession of the
sản, của cải museum.
precaution n sự phòng ngừa, sự The explorers took precautions before
đề phòng entering the dark cave.
predecessor n người tiền nhiệm The ruler's predecessor had laid the
foundation for a strong empire.
priest n linh mục, thầy tu The priest performed rituals and
ceremonies at the temple.
pyramid n kim tự tháp The ancient pyramid was built as a tomb for
the pharaoh.
reign n triều đại The ruler's reign brought prosperity and
cultural growth to the kingdom.
robber n kẻ trộm, kẻ cắp The ancient city's ruins revealed evidence
of a skilled robber.
ruler n người cai trị, The ruler's portrait was prominently
người trị vì displayed in the palace.
scholar n học giả The scholar dedicated her life to studying
ancient civilizations.
shrine n điện thờ, miếu The shrine was a place of worship and
thờ reflection for the ancient inhabitants.
stage n giai đoạn The amphitheater was a stage for various
performances and events.
surroundings n không gian xung The lush surroundings of the river provided
quanh a peaceful atmosphere.
thief n kẻ trộm, kẻ cắp The thief managed to steal valuable
artifacts from the museum.
tomb n mộ, mả The elaborate tomb was filled with
treasures and valuable items.
tribute n Vật tặng The monument serves as a tribute to the
accomplishments of the ancient civilization.

tunnel n đường hầm The ancient civilization used underground
tunnels for various purposes.
cleverly adv khéo léo, sắc The architect cleverly incorporated natural
sảo, khôn ngoan light into the design of the building.
in advance adv trước She booked her travel arrangements in
advance to secure the best rates.
initially adv lúc đầu Initially, the artifact appeared to be just a
simple piece of pottery.
originally adv khởi đầu, nguyên The building was originally constructed as a
thủy place of worship.
progressively adv tăng lên; tăng The technology has improved progressively
dần đều over the years.
thoroughly adv Hoàn toàn; kỹ The archaeologist thoroughly examined the
lưỡng; thấu đáo artifacts to determine their age and origin.
unfortunately adv không may Unfortunately, the ancient manuscript was
damaged and difficult to read.
ancient adj cổ đại The ancient city's ruins tell the story of a
long-lost civilization.
deceased adj chết, đã khuất The archaeologists discovered the remains
of the deceased ruler in the tomb.
enormous adj Khổng lồ The ancient coliseum was an enormous
structure that could hold thousands of
entire adj toàn bộ The entire city was built using intricate
architectural designs.
grand adj lớn lao The grand palace was a symbol of power
and wealth.
intricate adj rắc rối, phức tạp The artifact's intricate patterns showcased
the skilled craftsmanship of its creators.
mysterious adj kỳ bí The disappearance of the ancient
civilization remains a mysterious puzzle for
prior adj trước đó The city's walls were built prior to the
invention of modern construction
proper adj đúng cách, phù The archaeologist used proper techniques
hợp to preserve the fragile artifacts.
revolutionary adj mang tính cách The new archaeological method was
mạng considered revolutionary in the field.
significant adj Đáng lưu ý, quan The artifact's discovery was a significant
trọng achievement in the study of history.
various adj khác nhau, đa The museum's collection includes various
dạng artifacts from different time periods.
vast adj rộng lớn The vast desert landscape held many
secrets waiting to be uncovered.

achieve v đạt được, giành The ancient civilization's ability to achieve
được monumental construction feats is awe-
alter v thay đổi, làm Over time, the landscape has been altered
thay đổi by natural forces and human activity.
analyse v phân tích The archaeologist will carefully analyse the
composition of the pottery shards.
assess v đánh giá The experts will assess the historical
significance of the newly discovered
attract v thu hút The beautiful architecture of the ancient
city continues to attract tourists from
around the world.
avoid v tránh The ancient civilization took precautions to
avoid floods by building on elevated terrain.
base on v dựa vào The reconstruction of the ancient city was
based on detailed archaeological evidence.
carry out v tiến hành The researchers plan to carry out a
thorough excavation of the ancient burial
comprehend v hiểu It can be challenging to comprehend the
complexities of an ancient culture.
creep into v lén lỏi vào Superstitions often creep into ancient
societies and influence their beliefs and
decline v sụt giảm The decline of the ancient civilization was
attributed to a combination of factors.
define v định nghĩa The term "monolith" is commonly used to
define a large, single stone structure.
deliver v cung cấp The historian delivered a captivating
lecture on the history of the ancient
deter v ngăn chặn, cản The defensive walls were built to deter
trở, làm nhụt chí potential invaders.
embody v hiện thân The statue of the goddess embodies the
ideals and values of the ancient society.
enable v cho phép Advanced irrigation techniques enabled the
ancient civilization to thrive in arid regions.
enforce v áp đặt, thực thi The ruler enforced strict laws to maintain
order in the ancient city.
enhance v tăng cường The restoration project aims to enhance the
visibility of the ancient artwork.
ensure v đảm bảo The architect took measures to ensure the
stability of the ancient building.
envisage v dự tính, vạch ra The archaeologists envisage a
comprehensive study of the ancient burial

evolve v tiến hoá Languages evolve over time, reflecting
changes in culture and society.
expect v mong đợi Archaeologists expect to find valuable
artifacts in the untouched tomb.
experiment v thử nghiệm The scientist will experiment with different
techniques to clean the ancient artifacts.
explain v giải thích The expert will explain the cultural
significance of the ancient pottery.
gather v thu thập The archaeologists will gather samples for
carbon dating to determine the age of the
guarantee v cam kết, đảm The seal on the ancient document serves as
bảo a guarantee of its authenticity.
handle v giải quyết The delicate artifacts require careful
handling to prevent damage.
highlight v nhấn mạnh The exhibition will highlight the artistic
achievements of the ancient civilization.
illustrate v minh hoạ The artifacts beautifully illustrate the daily
life of the ancient inhabitants.
impact v tác động The climate change had a significant impact
on the ancient civilization's agriculture.
monitor v giám sát Archaeologists will monitor the excavation
site to ensure the artifacts are properly
observe v quan sát The historian will observe the pottery to
note any unique features.
offer v cung cấp The museum will offer guided tours of the
ancient ruins.
outperform v vượt trội The ancient city's architecture often
outperformed that of its contemporaries.
pre-empt v đón trước, ngăn To pre-empt potential looting, the artifacts
chặn trước were carefully cataloged and documented.
prepare v chuẩn bị The team will prepare for the upcoming
archaeological dig by gathering necessary
prevent v ngăn chặn The city's defensive walls were built to
prevent invasions from neighboring tribes.
pronce v tuyên bố, thông The scholar will pronce through ancient
báo texts to gather evidence for her research.
publish v công bố The archaeologist plans to publish a
comprehensive study on the ancient
rely v dựa trên, dựa Historians rely on written records and
vào artifacts to piece together the past.
restrict v hạn chế The ancient city's laws were designed to
restrict certain activities and behaviors.
seize v bắt lấy, nắm lấy The conquerors seized control of the
ancient city and established a new regime.

switch v đổi The ancient civilization underwent a cultural
switch, adopting new traditions and
tackle v giải quyết, khắc The team will tackle the challenge of
phục deciphering the ancient script.
take over v tiếp quản The invading army managed to take over the
ancient city after a long siege.
transform v biến đổi The discovery of irrigation techniques
helped transform the arid landscape into
fertile farmland.
undertake v đảm đương, thực The archaeologists will undertake a detailed
hiện analysis of the artifacts.
regarding pre về, đối với The historian will provide insights regarding
the daily life of the ancient inhabitants.
with regard to phr liên quan đến The expert will discuss the significance of
the burial practices with regard to ancient
advent n sự xuất hiện The advent of agriculture marked a
significant turning point in the ancient
civilization's history.
algorithm n thuật toán Advanced algorithms are used to analyze
the data from the archaeological
aspect n khía cạnh The social aspect of the ancient society is a
crucial area of study for historians.
attitude n thái độ The ancient civilization's attitude towards
art was deeply ingrained in their culture.
authority n người có thẩm The ruling authority in the ancient city was
quyền held by a council of elders.
automation n sự tự động hoá; The use of automation in construction was a
kỹ thuật tự động groundbreaking development in the ancient
boundary n ranh giới The river served as a natural boundary for
the ancient kingdom.
campaign n chiến dịch The ancient ruler launched a military
campaign to expand his territory.
career n sự nghiệp The archaeologist devoted her career to
uncovering the secrets of the ancient city.
client n khách hàng The ancient merchant's client base
extended to neighboring regions.
consultancy n công ty tư vấn The historian provided consultancy services
for the archaeological excavation.
contract n hợp đồng The craftsman signed a contract to provide
artwork for the ancient temple.
customer n khách hàng The ancient market attracted customers
from distant lands.
democracy n nền dân chủ, chế The ancient society practiced a form of
độ dân chủ direct democracy in decision-making.
dilemma n thế lưỡng nan The ruler faced a moral dilemma when
making a difficult political decision.

enhancement n sự nâng cao, sự The enhancement of trade routes played a
cải thiện crucial role in the ancient city's prosperity.
era n thời đại; kỷ The ancient civilization flourished during the
nguyên Bronze Age era.
experimenta- n sự thí nghiệm The ancient alchemists engaged in extensive
tion experimentation to discover new
expert n chuyên gia The archaeologist is considered an expert in
ancient pottery.
expertise n chuyên môn The historian's expertise in ancient
languages is invaluable for deciphering
exploration n sự thám hiểm, sự The exploration of uncharted territories
khám phá was a hallmark of the ancient seafarers.
extent n mức độ The extent of the ancient city's influence
reached neighboring kingdoms.
fallacy n sự sai lầm, ý kiến The belief in ancient myths and legends
sai lầm often stems from logical fallacies.
finding n sự tìm ra, sự The recent finding of a hidden chamber has
khám phá excited archaeologists worldwide.
government n chính phủ The ancient government was structured
around a council of tribal leaders.
income n thu nhập The civilization's income was largely derived
from trade and agriculture.
individual n cá nhân Each individual in the ancient society played
a unique role in its development.
influence n sự ảnh hưởng The ancient philosopher's ideas had a lasting
influence on Western thought.
innovation n đổi mới, cải tiến The ancient city was known for its
technological innovation and advancements.
instinct n bản năng The ancient inhabitants relied on their
instincts to survive in the harsh
instruction n chỉ thị, lời chỉ The scribes provided instruction on how to
dẫn cultivate and harvest crops.
intrusion n sự xâm phạm, sự The ancient ruins were protected from
xâm nhập intrusion by tall walls and watchtowers.
intuition n trực giác The healer used her intuition to select the
appropriate herbs for medicinal use.
judgement n sự phán xét, sự The ancient ruler's judgement was highly
đánh giá respected by his subjects.
knowledge n kiến thức The ancient society possessed extensive
knowledge of astronomy and mathematics.
labour n lao động chân The construction of the ancient monument
tay required the labor of thousands of workers.
law n luật, phép tắc The ancient city's laws were inscribed on
stone tablets for all to see.
leisure n giải trí The ancient citizens enjoyed various forms
of leisure, including music and games.

market n thị trường The bustling market was the heart of the
ancient city's economic activity.
measure n phương sách, The length of the ancient road was carefully
biện pháp measured to ensure accuracy.
nature n bản chất The ancient city's location was chosen due
to its favorable natural features.
novice n lính mới, người The novice archaeologist eagerly joined the
mới học excavation team to learn from experts.
objective n mục tiêu, mục The archaeologists had a clear objective: to
đích uncover the ancient city's secrets.
observation n sự quan sát The detailed observation of the ancient
artifacts revealed clues about their
occupation n nghề nghiệp Farming was a common occupation for the
inhabitants of the ancient village.
parallel n tương đồng, There are striking parallels between the
tương tự ancient society and modern cultural
policy n chính sách The ruler implemented a policy of neutrality
in foreign conflicts.
potential n tiềm năng, triển The newly discovered site has the potential
vọng to provide valuable insights into the ancient
prediction n dự đoán The astrologers made predictions about the
future based on celestial events.
productivity n hiệu suất The use of advanced tools significantly
increased the productivity of the ancient
profession n nghề, nghề The ancient civilization had a well-defined
nghiệp profession of scribes who recorded
important information.
progress n tiến triển The ancient city made significant progress
in the fields of astronomy and medicine.
proportion n tỷ lệ The proportion of farmland to urban areas
in the ancient society was carefully
range n phạm vi The ancient empire's influence spanned a
vast range of territories.
recommendatio n gợi ý The expert's recommendation is to conduct
n further research on the ancient
redeployment n sự bố trí lại, sự The redeployment of resources helped
sắp xếp lại strengthen the ancient city's defenses.
redundancy n sự cho thôi việc, The ancient civilization practiced
sự sa thải redundancy in water storage to ensure a
steady supply.
reliance n sự phụ thuộc, sự The ancient society's reliance on the Nile
tin tưởng River for irrigation was vital to its survival.

research n nghiên cứu The archaeologists conducted extensive
research to uncover the ancient city's
researcher n nhà nghiên cứu The researcher meticulously analyzed the
ancient manuscripts to decipher their
retirement n sự về hưu The ancient ruler's retirement marked the
end of his long and successful reign.
revolution n cuộc cách mạng The invention of the wheel brought about a
transportation revolution in the ancient
scenario n tình huống, viễn The historian considered various scenarios
cảnh to explain the decline of the ancient
sector n khu vực The agricultural sector was the backbone of
the ancient economy.
security n sự bảo đảm The city's strong defensive walls provided
security and protection to its inhabitants.
shift n sự dịch chuyển, A shift in trade routes led to the decline of
sự chuyển đổi the ancient port city.
society n xã hội The ancient society was organized into
different social classes based on
staff n nhân viên The excavation site was staffed by skilled
archaeologists and researchers.
stage n giai đoạn The ancient theater served as a stage for
performances and plays.
strategy n chiến thuật The ruler devised a clever strategy to
defend the ancient city from invaders.
subsistence n sinh kế, sự cầm Farming and hunting provided the main
cự sources of subsistence for the ancient
supply n nguồn cung cấp The ancient city relied on a steady supply of
water from the nearby river.
trajectory n quỹ đạo, đường The trajectory of the ancient civilization's
đi development was influenced by its
geographic location.
transition n sự chuyển đổi The transition from a nomadic lifestyle to
settled agriculture was a significant change
for the ancient society.
unemployment n sự thất nghiệp The decline of trade led to high levels of
unemployment in the ancient city.
workforce n lực lượng lao The ancient workforce consisted of skilled
động craftsmen and laborers.
workplace n nơi làm việc The bustling marketplace was a central
workplace for merchants and traders.
adequately adv đầy đủ The historian's research was conducted
thoroughly and adequately.
alternative adj khác The ancient civilization's decline was
influenced by alternative trade routes.

apocalyptic adj khải huyền, tận The ancient prophecy warned of an
thế apocalyptic event that would reshape the
appealing adj hấp dẫn The ancient artwork's intricate details make
it appealing to modern viewers.
astounding adj làm kinh ngạc, The scope of the ancient engineering feat is
làm kinh hoàng truly astounding.
available adj có sẵn The available evidence suggests that the
ancient city was a bustling center of
aware adj có nhận thức The ancient ruler was well aware of the
strategic importance of the city's location.
bold adj dũng cảm, táo The architect's bold vision for the ancient
bạo temple included intricate carvings and
towering columns.
certain adj nhất định, nào The historian is certain that the ancient
đó texts hold the key to understanding the lost
cognitive adj liên quan đến The ancient philosopher explored various
nhận thức cognitive processes in his writings.
conventional adj thông thường, The ancient city's architecture defied
truyền thống conventional norms and pushed artistic
corporate adj thuộc đoàn thể The ancient society had a strong sense of
corporate identity and unity.
current adj hiện tại The current state of the ancient ruins gives
us a glimpse into the past.
disruptive adj đột phá, siêu đổi The ancient civilization's adoption of new
mới technology was disruptive to established
external adj bên ngoài The ancient city's external defenses were
designed to withstand enemy attacks.
fair adj hợp lí, công bằng The historian provided a fair and balanced
interpretation of the ancient texts.
fixed adj cố định The ancient city's fixed location near the
river allowed for fertile farmland.
frequent adj thường xuyên The ancient traders made frequent journeys
to neighboring regions.
fundamental adj căn bản, cốt lõi The fundamental principles of astronomy
were studied by ancient scholars.
key adj chủ chốt The key to understanding the ancient script
lies in deciphering its symbols.
leading adj hàng đầu The leading experts in the field of
archaeology were invited to examine the
ancient artifacts.
legal adj thuộc về pháp The legal code of the ancient city was
luật, hợp pháp inscribed on stone tablets.
legitimate adj chính đáng The archaeologist provided legitimate
evidence to support her claims.

mass adj quần chúng, đại The massive stone blocks used in the ancient
chúng pyramid's construction were transported
from quarries.
medical adj liên quan đến y The ancient society had rudimentary
khoa medical knowledge and practices.
misguided adj bị lạc lối The ancient ruler's misguided policies
contributed to the decline of the empire.
previous adj trước đó The previous excavation yielded valuable
artifacts that shed light on ancient customs.
profound adj sâu sắc The profound impact of the ancient
civilization is still felt today.
resentful adj thể hiện sự không The people became increasingly resentful of
bằng lòng, cảm the heavy taxes imposed by the ancient
thấy phẫn uất ruler.
short-sighted adj thiển cận The short-sighted decision to exhaust
natural resources led to the ancient city's
so-called adj được gọi là The so-called "Lost City" turned out to be a
remarkable discovery for archaeologists.
thriving adj phát triển thịnh The thriving marketplace was a testament
vượng to the economic success of the ancient city.
transparent adj trong suốt The historian's research methodology is
transparent and well-documented.
trustworthy adj đáng tin cậy The ancient manuscript is considered a
trustworthy source of historical information.

appear v xuất hiện Ancient inscriptions appear on the walls of
the temple, telling stories of gods and kings.
appreciate v cảm kích, trân Historians appreciate the value of well-
trọng preserved ancient documents.
assign v cho là, quy cho The archaeologist will assign specific
catalog numbers to each artifact.
attest v chứng nhận, nhận The ancient pottery can attest to the
thực, chứng thực artistic skill of its creators.
bother v bận tâm It's important to bother with proper
preservation techniques for ancient
consist v bao gồm The ancient city's defensive walls consist of
massive stone blocks.
contain v chứa đựng, bao The ancient jar is believed to have once
gồm contained precious oils or perfumes.
create v tạo nên, tạo ra The ancient artists were able to create
intricate designs using simple tools.
disappear v biến mất The ancient manuscript disappeared for
centuries before being rediscovered.
expose v phơi bày ra The excavation will expose the hidden layers
of the ancient city's history.
gain v đạt được, giành Archaeologists hope to gain insights into
được ancient trade networks from the recovered
gleaming v sáng bóng The ancient jewelry was found in a gleaming
condition, thanks to careful preservation.
import v nhập khẩu The ancient city's location made it an
important center for trade and cultural
include v bao gồm The exhibition will include a diverse
selection of ancient artifacts.
indicate v chỉ ra, hiển thị The pottery shards indicate that the
ancient settlement was a bustling trade hub.
intend v dự định The ancient scribe likely intended for these
inscriptions to be preserved for future
lessen v làm nhỏ đi, làm The careful restoration work will lessen the
bé đi, làm giảm effects of weathering on the ancient
đi structure.
mention v nhắc đến, đề The ancient chronicles mention a great flood
cập that impacted the city.
mistake v nhầm lẫn The ancient scribe's mistake in copying the
text led to a misinterpretation of its
overlie v nằm trên, đặt The ancient burial ground overlies layers of
trên history, waiting to be uncovered.
preserve v bảo quản, giữ gìn Archaeologists work tirelessly to preserve
and protect ancient artifacts.

remove v loại bỏ The ancient statue was carefully removed
from its original location for restoration.
represent v đại diện, biểu The symbols on the artifact represent
trưng aspects of the ancient society's beliefs.
reveal v tiết lộ The excavation of the tomb is expected to
reveal the remains of an ancient ruler.
scatter v rải rác The ancient coins were scattered across
the floor of the buried treasure hoard.
scour v sục sạo, lùng sục Archaeologists will scour the area for
traces of ancient settlements.
situate v đặt vị trí The ancient city was strategically situated
at the crossroads of major trade routes.
survive v sống sót, tồn tại Fragments of pottery are some of the few
artifacts that survive from the ancient past.
worship v thờ, thờ phụng, The ancient inhabitants used this sacred
tôn thờ space to worship their gods.
due to phr vì The decline of the ancient city was due to a
combination of environmental and societal
analysis n sự phân tích The detailed analysis of ancient bones can
provide insights into ancient diets and
appearance n diện mạo, ngoại The appearance of the ancient artifact
hình suggests it was used in religious ceremonies.
badge n huy hiệu, phù The intricate design on the ancient shield
hiệu; quân hàm served as a badge of honor for the warrior.
carving n nghệ thuật chạm The intricate carving on the ancient door
khắc, vật chạm depicts scenes from daily life.
cemetery n nghĩa trang The ancient cemetery contains the remains
of generations of past inhabitants.
continuity n sự liên tục, sự The continuity of cultural practices is
liên tiếp evident in the ancient artwork and rituals.
county n hạt, tỉnh The ancient city was located in what is now
known as modern-day Riverside County.
creature n sinh vật Ancient myths often feature fantastical
creatures and heroes.
custom n thói quen The ancient custom of building tombs for
revered ancestors was widespread.
depiction n sự tả, sự miêu tả; The depiction of the ancient ruler in the
thuật họa sculpture captures his power and authority.
document n văn kiện; tài liệu, The ancient manuscript provides valuable
tư liệu insights into the daily life of the time.
emblem n cái tượng trưng, The emblem of the ancient kingdom was a
cái biểu tượng powerful symbol of its unity.
fame n tiếng tăm, danh The ancient city's fame spread far and wide
tiếng, tên tuổi due to its remarkable architecture.
fertility n khả năng sinh sản The ancient civilization revered goddesses
associated with fertility and harvest.

figure n hình dáng The figurines found in the ancient settlement
are believed to represent deities.
gesture n điệu bộ, cử chỉ The ancient mural depicted a triumphant
gesture by the victorious ruler.
giant n người khổng lồ The ancient legend speaks of a fearsome
giant who once roamed the land.
glimpse n cái nhìn thoáng The artwork provides a glimpse into the
qua cultural practices of the ancient society.
goddess n nữ thần The ancient goddess was worshipped for
her role in agriculture and fertility.
historian n nhà viết sử, sử The historian's meticulous research sheds
gia light on the ancient world.
inhabitant n cư dân The ancient inhabitants relied on the river
for water and transportation.
landscape n quang cảnh The ancient landscape was dotted with
temples, shrines, and bustling marketplaces.
majority n phần đa số The majority of the ancient city's population
was engaged in agriculture and trade.
millennium n thiên niên kỷ The ancient city's history spans over a
millennium of cultural development.
monk n thầy tu The ancient monastery was a place of
spiritual retreat for monks seeking solitude.
mythology n thần thoại The ancient civilization's mythology is a rich
source of cultural insights.
origin n nguồn gốc The origin of the ancient ritual dates back
to prehistoric times.
outline n đường nét, hình The historian provided a detailed outline of
dáng, nét ngoài the major events in the ancient empire's
ownership n quyền sở hữu The ownership of the ancient artifact was
passed down through generations.
reference n sự nói đến, sự The ancient text serves as a reference for
nhắc đến understanding the language of the time.
representation n sự thể hiện, sự The artwork is a stunning representation of
trình bày the ancient society's artistic achievements.
researcher n nhà nghiên cứu The researcher's findings shed new light on
the daily life of ancient farmers.
significance n sự quan trọng, sự The significance of the ancient monument
đáng kể lies in its role as a cultural and religious
slope n dốc, đường dốc The ancient city was built on a gentle slope
overlooking the fertile plains below.
strength n sức mạnh, sức The strength of the ancient city's defensive
lực, sức khoẻ walls was crucial for its protection.
testament n bằng chứng The ancient document serves as a testament
to the civilization's achievements.
track n đường mòn; a muddy track through the forest
đường hẻm
alternatively adv ngoài ra Alternatively, the ancient building could
have served as a communal gathering space.

exactly adv một cách chính The historian's findings align exactly with
xác the ancient texts' descriptions.
fairly adv vừa phải The archaeological site was fairly well-
preserved, offering valuable insights into
the ancient past.
perhaps adv có thể, có lẽ The origins of the ancient artifact are still
unclear, but it may have served a religious
regularly adv đều đặn, thường The ancient settlement was regularly visited
xuyên by traders from distant lands.
thus adv do đó, theo cách The evidence suggests that the ancient
đó civilization was heavily reliant on trade,
thus promoting cultural exchange.
adequate adj cân xứng, đầy đủ The ancient city's defensive walls were
adequately fortified against potential
artistic adj thuộc về nghệ The artistic creations of the ancient society
thuật reflect their cultural values and beliefs.
controversial adj gây tranh cãi The interpretation of the ancient texts is
controversial among scholars.
convinced adj tin chắc, đoán The historian is convinced that the ancient
chắc manuscript holds hidden secrets waiting to
be discovered.
elegant adj thanh thoát, tao The elegant architecture of the ancient
nhã palace stood as a testament to the ruler's
enigmatic adj bí ẩn, khó hiểu The enigmatic symbols carved into the
ancient monolith have puzzled researchers
for decades.
fascinating adj hấp dẫn, lôi The fascinating stories of ancient heroes
cuốn, quyến rũ and gods continue to captivate modern
huge adj to lớn The ancient city's enormous walls served as
a formidable defense against invaders.
mysterious adj kỳ bí The mysterious disappearance of the
ancient civilization remains a topic of
native adj bản địa, thuộc The native flora and fauna of the ancient
địa phương region are depicted in intricate carvings.
original adj nguyên bản, khởi The original design of the ancient temple
nguồn included intricate sculptures and reliefs.
prehistoric adj thuộc về thời The prehistoric remains provide valuable
tiền sử insights into the ancient inhabitants' way of
recent adj gần đây The recent discovery of an untouched tomb
offers a unique glimpse into ancient burial
regimental adj thuộc trung đoàn The ancient army followed a regimental
training routine to maintain discipline and
combat readiness.

ritual adj theo lễ nghi, The ancient ritual was performed annually
theo nghi thức to honor the gods and seek their blessings.
steep adj dốc đứng The steep staircases in the ancient city
made it difficult for invaders to breach the
temporary adj tạm thời The temporary shelter was constructed to
house the archaeologists during the
tribal adj thuộc bộ lạc The ancient civilization was organized into
various tribal groups.
vast adj rộng lớn The ancient empire controlled a vast
expanse of territory.
visible adj có thể thấy The ancient inscriptions are still visible on
được, trong tầm the weathered stone walls.
archaeological adj thuộc khảo cổ The archaeological site provides a unique
window into the ancient past.
surrounding adj bao quanh, vây The surrounding landscape influenced the
quanh development of the ancient city.
unique adj đặc biệt, độc The unique design of the ancient pottery
nhất sets it apart from artifacts found in other

accept v chấp nhận, đồng I accept your apology and forgive you.
acknowledge v công nhận She nodded to acknowledge his presence in
the room.
aid v cứu trợ, trợ giúp The Red Cross provided aid to the disaster-
stricken region.
attack v tấn công The lion prepared to attack its prey.
behave v cư xử Children should behave well in public places.
combat v đấu tranh The soldiers were trained to combat enemy
construct v xây dựng The workers will construct a new bridge
over the river.
contribute v đóng góp He decided to contribute money to the local
describe v miêu tả Can you describe the suspect's appearance
to the police?
desire v khao khát Her greatest desire is to travel the world.
disrupt v làm gián đoạn The storm disrupted power lines and caused
dub v đặt biệt danh The media dubbed him the "King of Pop."
eliminate v loại bỏ The goal is to eliminate all sources of
endure v kéo dài, tồn tại The marathon runners endure physical and
lâu mental challenges.
exaggerate v phóng đại He tends to exaggerate his
exist v tồn tại Unicorns do not actually exist; they are
mythical creatures.
halt v ngăn cản The traffic came to a halt due to a major
infect v làm nhiễm độc, Germs can infect people and cause illness.
làm nhiễm trùng
inform v thông báo Please inform me if there are any changes
to the schedule.
inhabit v trú ngụ Many species inhabit the depths of the
magnify v mở rộng, khuếch A microscope can magnify tiny objects for
đại closer examination.
maintain v duy trì It's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle
through diet and exercise.
manipulate v điều khiển, thao He tried to manipulate the outcome of the
túng game.
mess with v giỡn mặt, nghịch Don't mess with the settings if you're not
dại sure how they work.
nurture v nuôi dưỡng Parents nurture their children's growth and

outlive v sống lâu hơn Some tortoises can outlive humans by many
overcome v vượt qua Despite the challenges, they were able to
overcome their obstacles.
persuade v thuyết phục She used her eloquence to persuade the
audience to support her cause.
populate v định cư Many different species populate the tropical
pose v đặt ra The wild animal could pose a threat to the
prevent v ngăn chặn Regular handwashing can help prevent the
spread of germs.
regulate v điều tiết, quản lý Governments often regulate industries to
ensure fair competition.
soar v tăng vụt The eagle soared high above the mountains.
spread v dàn trải, lan toả The wildfire quickly spread across the dry
study v nghiên cứu She decided to study biology in college.
swallow v nuốt Birds swallow food whole and then digest it
in their stomachs.
swap v trao đổi Can we swap seats so I can have a better
teem with v tràn ngập The rainforest teems with a diverse array of
plant and animal life.
tend v có xu hướng Farmers tend to their crops to ensure a
bountiful harvest.
unravel v làm sáng tỏ The detective worked tirelessly to unravel
the mystery.
upset v làm rối tung, làm The unexpected news upset her greatly.
đảo lộn
vary v thay đổi, khác The prices of goods can vary depending on
nhau the location.
wipe out v phá hủy, xóa bỏ The disease wiped out a large portion of the
ability n khả năng, năng Her ability to solve complex problems is
lực impressive.
allergy n sự dị ứng He developed an allergy to pollen and
experienced sneezing and itching.
antibiotic n kháng sinh The doctor prescribed an antibiotic to
treat the bacterial infection.
appeal n sức lôi cuốn, sức The new art exhibit has a unique and
quyến rũ captivating appeal.
bacteria n vi khuẩn Bacteria are microscopic organisms that
can cause infections.
biologist n nhà sinh vật học The biologist conducted research on the
behavior of dolphins.
colony n thuộc địa The ants formed a large colony in the
confusion n sự hoang mang, The sudden change in plans caused
sự bối rối confusion among the group.

context n bối cảnh It's important to consider the context of a
situation before making a decision.
dengue fever n sốt xuất huyết Mosquitoes can transmit diseases like
dengue fever to humans.
detergent n chất tẩy rửa Use a mild detergent to wash delicate
diet n chế độ ăn uống A balanced diet includes a variety of fruits
and vegetables.
digestion n sự tiêu hoá; khả Digestion is the process by which the body
năng tiêu hoá breaks down food for nutrients.
distaste n sự chán ghét, sự He wrinkled his nose in distaste at the
ghê tởm unusual smell.
effort n sự cố gắng With consistent effort, you can achieve your
enthusiasm n sự hào hứng, sự Her enthusiasm for the project was
hăng hái contagious and inspired the team.
exposure n sự tiếp xúc Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to
skin damage.
foe n kẻ thù, kẻ địch The superhero's main foe was a supervillain
with incredible powers.
fungus n nấm The damp environment was a breeding
ground for fungus.
germ n mầm bệnh, vi Wash your hands regularly to prevent the
trùng spread of germs.
hygiene n vệ sinh Good hygiene practices include washing
hands and brushing teeth.
illness n bệnh The flu is a common illness during the winter
immune system n hệ thống miễn The immune system defends the body
dịch against infections.
infection n sự nhiễm trùng An infection can lead to fever, fatigue, and
other symptoms.
investigation n cuộc điều tra The detective launched an investigation to
solve the mystery.
journalist n nhà báo, ký giả The journalist interviewed witnesses to
gather information.
knack n sở trường She had a knack for solving puzzles quickly.
microscope n kính hiển vi The scientist used a microscope to examine
tiny cells.
norm n quy tắc, quy In some cultures, eating insects is
phạm considered a norm.
nutrition n chất dinh dưỡng Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining
good health.
obesity n béo phì The rise in obesity rates is a growing
concern for public health.
obsession n sự ám ảnh His obsession with cleanliness bordered on
compulsive behavior.
organism n cơ thể, sinh vật A cell is the basic unit of life for all

overuse n sự dùng quá Overuse of antibiotics can lead to drug-
nhiều, sự lạm resistant bacteria.
panache n sự kiểu cách, sự She performed the piece with panache and
phô trương captivated the audience.
partnership n quan hệ hợp tác The two companies formed a partnership to
develop new technology.
peril n sự nguy hiểm, Exploring the treacherous terrain was a
hiểm hoạ, cơn perilous adventure.
plea n sự nài xin, sự He made a plea for help from the
khẩn cầu community.
poison n chất độc Ingesting certain plants can lead to
poisoning in animals.
population n dân số The population of the city has been steadily
predator n thú săn mồi Lions are powerful predators that hunt
other animals.
range n một loạt The mountain range stretched for miles
across the landscape.
reality n thực tại The harsh reality of the situation became
clear to everyone.
research n nghiên cứu Scientists conducted extensive research on
climate change.
risk n rủi ro Investing in stocks carries a certain level of
species n giống loài There are many different species of birds in
this region.
species n giống loài The conservation project aims to protect
endangered species.
term n thuật ngữ The term "biodiversity" refers to the variety
of life forms in an ecosystem.
the naked eye n mắt thường Some celestial objects are visible to the
naked eye, like the moon.
theory n giả thuyết; học The theory of evolution explains how species
thuyết change over time.
tolerance n khả năng chịu Tolerance and acceptance of diversity are
đựng important values.
villain n nhân vật phản The villain in the movie had a sinister plan to
diện take over the city.
vocab n từ vựng Building a strong vocabulary is essential for
effective communication.
ward n phòng bệnh The nurse took care of patients in the
pediatric ward.
wonder n điều kì lạ, điều The Grand Canyon is a natural wonder of
ngạc nhiên the world.
contentedly adv toại nguyện, vừa After a fulfilling day, he sat back
lòng contentedly and smiled.
decidedly adv rõ ràng, không She was decidedly against the proposed
cãi được changes.

extraordinarily adv đặc biệt, phi The performance was extraordinarily
thường captivating.
mutually adv lẫn nhau, qua lại The two countries agreed to a mutually
beneficial trade deal.
supposedly adv giả định Supposedly, the old mansion is haunted by a
utterly adv hoàn toàn The breathtaking view from the mountaintop
left her utterly speechless.
vastly adv rộng lớn The technology has improved vastly over the
past decade.
absorbing adj hấp dẫn, làm say The novel's plot was so absorbing that I
mê, làm say sưa couldn't put it down.
adept adj thông thạo She is an adept pianist, able to play complex
pieces flawlessly.
bizarre adj kì quái The painting featured bizarre and surreal
complex adj phức tạp The math problem was so complex that it
took hours to solve.
deadly adj gây chết người, The snake's venom is deadly and can kill its
chí mạng prey within minutes.
destructive adj mang tính hủy The hurricane caused widespread and
diệt destructive damage.
diverse adj đa dạng The city's population is incredibly diverse,
representing many cultures.
enthralling adj làm mê hoặc, làm The enthralling story kept me on the edge of
mê mệt, vô cùng my seat.
thú vị
excessive adj vượt mức Excessive consumption of sugary drinks can
lead to health problems.
fascinating adj hấp dẫn, lôi The documentary provided a fascinating
cuốn, quyến rũ glimpse into ancient civilizations.
huge adj to lớn The elephant's ears are huge and help
regulate its body temperature.
inflammatory adj dễ bị viêm His inflammatory comments sparked a
heated debate.
invisible adj vô hình Ultraviolet light is invisible to the human
limited adj bị giới hạn The availability of fresh water is limited in
arid regions.
luminescent adj phát sáng, phát Some marine creatures have luminescent
quang properties that allow them to glow in the
misleading adj đánh lạc hướng The headline was misleading and didn't
accurately represent the story.
necessary adj cần thiết Proper safety precautions are necessary
when handling chemicals.
plentiful adj nhiều During the harvest season, fruits and
vegetables are plentiful.
potent adj có hiệu lực, có uy The medicine is potent and can quickly
lực lớn relieve pain.

rare adj hiếm hoi, hiếm The endangered species is extremely rare
and needs protection.
recent adj gần đây In recent years, advancements in
technology have been remarkable.
relatively adj vừa phải, tương The city's crime rate is relatively low
đối compared to neighboring areas.
symbiotic adj cộng sinh Bees and flowers have a symbiotic
relationship, benefiting each other.
tiny adj rất nhỏ The ant is a tiny insect that can carry
objects many times its size.
ubiquitous adj đầy rẫy, nơi nơi, Smartphones have become ubiquitous in
nhan nhản modern society.
unglamorous adj không gây hứng Cleaning up after events is an unglamorous
thú; không hấp but necessary job.
vital adj thiết yếu, quan Good communication is vital for a healthy
trọng relationship.

adopt v thông qua, lựa The couple decided to adopt a rescue dog
chọn from the shelter.
afford v có đủ sức, có đủ I can't afford to buy a new car right now.
khả năng, có đủ
điều kiện để làm

assign v phân công, ấn The teacher will assign homework for the
định weekend.
attempt v cố gắng, nỗ lực She will attempt the difficult jump during the
belong v thuộc về, của These old books belong in the antique store.
characterize v biểu thị đặc The detective tried to characterize the
điểm, mô tả đặc suspect based on eyewitness accounts.
come up with v nghĩ ra, nảy ra Can you come up with a creative solution to
this problem?
confront v làm cho đối diện She had to confront her fear of public
với, làm cho đối speaking.
mặt với
crystallize v kết tinh Over time, her ideas began to crystallize
into a clear plan.
discuss v thảo luận Let's sit down and discuss the details of the
display v bày tỏ ra, biểu lộ The museum will display the ancient
ra artifacts for the public to see.
encounter v chạm trán, gặp He had an unexpected encounter with an old
gỡ friend at the park.
establish v thiết lập The company aims to establish a strong
online presence.
evaluate v đánh giá The teacher will evaluate the students'
performance on the exam.
forgive v tha, tha thứ It's important to forgive and let go of
foster v bồi dưỡng The organization works to foster a sense of
community among its members.
generalize v nói chung chung It's not accurate to generalize about an
entire group based on a few individuals.
identify v xác định, nhận Can you identify the person in this
dạng photograph?
imagine v tưởng tượng Close your eyes and imagine a peaceful
beach scene.
instruct v chỉ dẫn The coach will instruct the team on the new
lack v thiếu The garden's lack of water resulted in
wilting plants.
negotiate v vượt qua được The diplomats will negotiate a peace treaty
vật chướng ngại, between the two countries.
khó khăn...
offer v cung cấp The store will offer a discount on all items
this weekend.
recognize v công nhận I didn't recognize her with her new
recommend v gợi ý, giới thiệu The doctor will recommend a course of
treatment for your condition.
reflect v nhìn lại, ngẫm Take a moment to reflect on your
nghĩ accomplishments.
regard v đánh giá The artist is highly regarded in the art
relate to v đồng cảm Many people can relate to the challenges of
balancing work and family.
rely v dựa trên, dựa I rely on public transportation to get to
vào work.
require v cần, yêu cầu Safety regulations require employees to
wear protective gear.
retaliate v trả đũa, trả She didn't retaliate when insulted; instead,
miếng, trả thù she walked away.
revere v tôn kính, sùng In some cultures, people revere their
kính, kính trọng ancestors through rituals.
take into v để ý tới, lưu tâm When making a decision, it's important to
account tới take all factors into account.
tend v có xu hướng He has a tendency to get nervous before
public speaking.
underestimate v đánh giá thấp Don't underestimate her ability to solve
complex problems.
unfold v lộ ra, bày ra As the story unfolds, we learn more about
the characters' motivations.
vary v thay đổi, khác The flavors of ice cream vary depending on
nhau the shop.
visualize v hình dung, mường Close your eyes and visualize yourself
tượng succeeding in your goals.
regarding pre về, đối với I have a question regarding the upcoming
pos event.
agreeableness n tính dễ chịu, tính Her agreeableness and friendly nature make
dễ thương her easy to get along with.
alteration n thay đổi The alteration to the dress made it fit
appreciation n sự trân trọng She expressed her appreciation for the
thoughtful gift.
characteristic n bản chất; đặc One characteristic of a good leader is the
trưng ability to inspire others.
circumstance n hoàn cảnh, tình Despite the challenging circumstances, she
huống remained optimistic.
compromise n dàn xếp, thoả They reached a compromise that satisfied
hiệp both parties.
concept n khái niệm, ý The concept of time travel has fascinated
tưởng scientists for centuries.

conflict n xung đột, mâu The conflict between the two nations
thuẫn escalated into a full-blown war.
criteria n điều kiện, tiêu The selection criteria for the job include
chuẩn relevant experience.
experiment n thử nghiệm, thí The scientists conducted an experiment to
nghiệm test their hypothesis.
extent n mức độ The extent of the damage from the
earthquake was shocking.
fairness n sự công bằng The judge emphasized the importance of
fairness in the legal system.
feature n đặc tính One notable feature of the new smartphone
is its high-resolution screen.
framework n khung, sườn The research study was conducted within
the framework of established theories.
function n chức năng The heart's main function is to pump blood
throughout the body.
humility n sự khiêm tốn, sự Despite his success, he remained humble
nhún nhường and approachable.
impartiality n tính công bằng, The judge demonstrated impartiality by
tính không thiên treating all parties fairly.
vị, tính vô tư
incident n sự việc The incident at the factory resulted in a
temporary shutdown.
insight n cái nhìn sâu sắc Her insightful comments shed light on the
complex issue.
integration n sự hội nhập, sự The integration of new technology improved
hòa nhập efficiency in the workplace.
judgment n ý kiến, cách nhìn, Good judgment is essential when making
sự đánh giá important decisions.
justice n công lý The legal system aims to ensure justice for
all citizens.
likelihood n khả năng, sự có The likelihood of success depends on careful
thể đúng planning and hard work.
limit n giới hạn There is a limit to how much information our
brains can process at once.
modesty n tính khiêm tốn Her modesty and humility endeared her to
those around her.
objectivity n tính khách quan Journalists strive for objectivity in their
observer n người quan sát The scientist acted as an observer during
the experiment.
openness n sự cởi mở, sự An atmosphere of openness encourages
chân thật honest communication.
outcome n kết quả The outcome of the negotiation was
favorable for both parties.
outsider n người ngoài cuộc As an outsider, she had a fresh perspective
on the situation.
peak n sự tột đỉnh, cao The hiker reached the peak of the mountain
điểm and enjoyed the breathtaking view.

personality n nhân cách, tính Her friendly personality made her easy to
cách approach.
perspective n góc nhìn Different people have different
perspectives on the same issue.
philosopher n nhà triết học The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was
known for his wisdom.
possibility n khả năng, sự có The discovery of extraterrestrial life is a
thể possibility that excites scientists.
prospect n triển vọng, khả The prospect of a promotion motivated him
năng to work harder.
psychology n tâm lý học The study of psychology explores the human
mind and behavior.
recession n sự lùi lại, sự thụt The country experienced a severe economic
lại recession.
recognition n sự công nhận Her outstanding performance earned her
recognition and praise.
relation n mối quan hệ There is a close relation between diet and
overall health.
research n nghiên cứu The university is known for its
groundbreaking research in medicine.
scenario n tình huống, viễn The scenario of a zombie apocalypse is a
cảnh popular theme in movies.
sensitivity n độ nhạy Her sensitivity to others' emotions made her
a great counselor.
society n xã hội The norms and values of a society influence
individual behavior.
spouse n vợ/ chồng She introduced her spouse to the rest of the
strategy n chiến thuật The company's marketing strategy aims to
increase brand awareness.
trait n đặc điểm Her kindness and generosity are admirable
trait n đặc điểm Eye color is a genetic trait passed down
from parents to children.
variety n sự đa dạng The store offers a wide variety of products
to choose from.
viewpoint n quan điểm Each person has their own viewpoint on the
political issue.
wisdom n sự thông thái, lẽ The elderly woman's wisdom was sought by
phải thông many seeking advice.
broadly adv 1 cách bao quát Broadly speaking, the economy is showing
signs of improvement.
cumulatively adv tích lũy dần Over time, the effects of pollution can
accumulate cumulatively.
dramatically adv đầy kịch tính The price of the stock dropped dramatically
significantly adv 1 cách đáng kể The new policy significantly impacted
employee morale.

solely adv duy nhất She is solely responsible for the success of
the project.
truly adv đích thực, thực I truly believe that honesty is the best
sự policy.
affective adj xúc động, dễ gây The affective domain of learning involves
xúc động emotions and attitudes.
broad adj rộng lớn He has a broad range of knowledge in
various subjects.
challenging adj mang tính thử Climbing Mount Everest is a challenging
thách, thách endeavor.
detached adj không lệ thuộc; The scientist approached the research with
vô tư a detached, objective mindset.
distant adj xa The distant galaxy can only be observed
through powerful telescopes.
egocentric adj ích kỷ Her egocentric behavior made it difficult
for her to work well with others.
empirical adj mang tính thực The conclusions were based on empirical
nghiệm evidence gathered from experiments.
exceptional adj hiếm có, phi Her exceptional talent set her apart from
thường her peers.
expansive adj rộng rãi, bao The expansive landscape stretched as far
quát as the eye could see.
experiential adj dựa trên kinh The workshop provided participants with
nghiệm, theo kinh experiential learning opportunities.
external adj bên ngoài The external factors influenced the outcome
of the experiment.
intellectual adj về mặt trí tuệ He has a strong intellectual curiosity and
loves to learn new things.
interpersonal adj giữa cá nhân với Good interpersonal skills are essential for
nhau effective communication.
limited adj bị giới hạn The limited resources hindered the progress
of the project.
moral adj thuộc về đạo He faced a moral dilemma when he
đức discovered the truth.
related adj liên quan The two ideas are closely related and
complement each other.
reliable adj đáng tin cậy The data from the experiment is reliable
and can be trusted.
remarkable adj đáng chú ý, đặc Her ability to multitask and stay organized
biệt is truly remarkable.
unique adj đặc biệt, độc Each person's fingerprint is unique and can
nhất be used for identification.
unreliable adj không đáng tin The witness's testimony was deemed
cậy unreliable by the court.
unresolved adj chưa được giải The mystery remained unresolved until new
quyết evidence emerged.
wise adj thông thái, khôn The wise old man shared his insights with
ngoan the younger generation.

approach v tiếp cận, đến We will approach the problem from a
gần different angle.
assist v hỗ trợ The volunteers will assist in setting up the
conquer v chinh phục The explorer set out to conquer new lands.
coordinate v điều hành The team must coordinate their efforts to
complete the project.
cripple v làm hỏng, phá The earthquake could cripple the city's
hỏng infrastructure.
damage v làm tổn hại The storm damage to the house was
dominate v thống trị The champion boxer was known to dominate
his opponents in the ring.
drag v kéo lê He had to drag the heavy suitcase up the
enroll v kết nạp, chiêu She decided to enroll in a cooking class to
nạp, tuyển sinh improve her skills.
estimate v ước lượng Can you estimate how long it will take to
complete the project?
excavate v đào bới, khai Archaeologists will excavate the ancient
quật ruins to learn more about the past.
expose v tiếp xúc với The journalist's investigation will expose the
truth behind the scandal.
facilitate v tạo điều kiện The new software will facilitate
communication between team members.
fix v cố định vị trí Play equipment such as swings and climbing
frames should be securely fixed and well
inherit v kế thừa He will inherit his family's estate when his
parents pass away.
intercept v chắn, chặn, chặn The intercept of the two lines occurs at this
đứng point.
lock v khoá Make sure to lock the door when you leave
the house.
navigate v định hướng The captain used the stars to navigate the
ship through the open sea.
note v chú ý, nhận thấy Please make a note of the important details
in the meeting.
pass on to v truyền lại She will pass on the message to her
pierce v đâm vào, chọc The needle will pierce the fabric to create
thủng, xuyên qua the desired pattern.
proceed v chuyển sang làm The construction crew will proceed with
gì, tiếp tục building the new bridge.
pull v lôi, kéo, giật He will pull the heavy cart up the hill.

resemble v tạo hình giống The twins closely resemble each other in
nhau appearance.
sail v đi tàu thủy, đi The sailboat glided smoothly across the
thuyền buồm calm waters.
shift v thay đổi The tectonic plates shift over time, causing
earthquakes and volcanic activity.
sink v chìm The ship began to sink after hitting an
situate v đặt vị trí The new office building will be situated in
the downtown area.
steer v điều hướng He used the steering wheel to steer the car
in the right direction.
stitch v đính, đơm, khâu, She used a needle and thread to stitch the
may torn fabric.
supersede v thay thế The new law will supersede the old
survive v sống sót, tồn tại The explorers had to survive in harsh
transport v chở, vận chuyển The trucks will transport the goods to the
hàng warehouse.
vary v thay đổi, khác The flavors of ice cream vary depending on
nhau the shop.
accuracy n sự chính xác The accuracy of the measurements is
crucial for the experiment.
army n quân đội The army conducted military exercises in
the desert.
bow n mũi tàu thuyền The violinist held the bow against the
strings to create music.
cable n dây cáp The cable provides internet connectivity to
the entire building.
cargo n hàng hoá The ship was loaded with a cargo of fresh
clue n manh mối, gợi ý The detective found a clue that led to the
identity of the thief.
coast n bờ biển The children built sandcastles on the coast.
compass n la bàn The compass pointed north, helping them
navigate in the wilderness.
component n thành phần The motherboard is a crucial component of
a computer.
control n sự điều khiển, The scientist conducted experiments to
quyền hành control the variables.
craftsman n thợ thủ công, The craftsman carved intricate designs into
người điêu luyện the wooden furniture.
description n sự miêu tả, sự mô Her description of the crime scene helped
tả the police solve the case.
destination n điểm đến The tropical island was their dream
vacation destination.
enemy n kẻ thù The soldiers prepared to face the enemy on
the battlefield.

excess n dư thừa We cover costs up to £600 and then you pay
the excess.
frame n khung, sườn, cấu The artist chose a decorative frame for the
trúc painting.
goods n hàng hóa The marketplace was bustling with vendors
selling various goods.
instrument n nhạc cụ The musician played a beautiful melody on
the instrument.
interior n phần bên trong The interior of the castle was adorned with
ornate decorations.
landmark n mốc ranh giới, The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in
giới hạn Paris.
mainland n lục địa, đất liền The city is located on the mainland, not on
an island.
mariner n thuỷ thủ The experienced mariner sailed the ship
through rough waters.
material n chất liệu The dress was made from luxurious silk
merchant n nhà buôn; thương The merchant sold exotic spices and textiles
gia from distant lands.
military n quân đội, quân The military conducted training exercises in
sự the desert.
navy n hải quân The navy's fleet includes powerful warships.
oarsman n tay chèo, người The oarsman rowed the boat across the
chèo thuyền calm lake.
observation n sự quan sát The scientist recorded his observation of
the rare bird species.
perception n nhận thức Our perception of color is influenced by the
wavelengths of light.
phenomenon n hiện tượng The aurora borealis is a natural
phenomenon that lights up the night sky.
port n cảng The ship docked at the bustling port to
unload its cargo.
quantity n lượng, số lượng, The recipe calls for a small quantity of
khối lượng sugar.
quay n bến cảng The large cargo ships were docked at the
representation n sự thể hiện, sự The map is a representation of the city's
trình bày streets and landmarks.
route n tuyến đường The GPS will guide us along the fastest route
to our destination.
rower n người chèo The rower exerted great effort to row the
thuyền boat through the water.
sail n cánh buồm The ship set sail on a journey around the
sailor n thủy thủ The sailor navigated the ship through rough
shore n bờ biển, bờ hồ The beach is a popular destination for
lớn tourists looking to relax by the shore.

slave n nô lệ Prisoners of war were regularly sold as
stability n sự ổn định The foundation of the building ensures its
succession n tràng, chuỗi The king's son was next in line for the
succession to the throne.
surface n bề mặt The surface of the water was calm and
task n công việc Completing the project on time was a
challenging task.
technique n kĩ thuật The chef demonstrated a unique cooking
vessel n thuyền lớn, tàu The ship's crew worked tirelessly to keep
lớn the vessel afloat.
visibility n tầm nhìn xa The fog reduced visibility on the road,
making driving dangerous.
warship n tàu chiến The warship patrolled the coast to protect
the country from threats.
approximately adv xấp xỉ The journey will take approximately three
hours by car.
eventually adv cuối cùng With hard work, she eventually achieved her
dream of becoming a doctor.
initially adv lúc đầu Initially, he was hesitant to join the team,
but he later embraced the opportunity.
additional adj bổ sung, thêm In addition to the main course, there will be
vào additional side dishes.
afloat adj lênh đênh trên The boat remained afloat despite the rough
nước waves.
agricultural adj thuộc nông The region's main industry is agricultural
nghiệp production.
contrary adj trái, ngược, Contrary to popular belief, snakes are not
nghịch always dangerous.
dominant adj chiếm ưu thế The dominant species in the forest
ecosystem is the oak tree.
gigantic adj khổng lồ The gigantic waterfall was a breathtaking
huge adj to lớn The elephant's ears are huge and help
regulate its body temperature.
lightweight adj nhẹ The lightweight material made the backpack
easy to carry.
Mediterranean adj thuộc biển địa The Mediterranean Sea is known for its
trung hải clear blue waters.
raw adj thô, chưa tinh The raw ingredients are mixed together to
chế create the dough.
relative adj cân xứng với, cân The speed of light is relative to the
đối với, tuỳ theo observer's motion.
solid adj chắc chắn The ice turned into a solid block when
placed in the freezer.
sophisticated adj tinh vi, phức tạp The new smartphone features a
sophisticated AI assistant.

speedy adj mau lẹ, nhanh, The cheetah is known for its speedy and
nhanh chóng agile movements.
square adj vuông The garden was divided into a series of
square plots.
systematic adj có hệ thống The researcher followed a systematic
approach to collecting data.
triangular adj có dạng hình tam The mountain had a triangular shape when
giác viewed from a distance.
underwater adj dưới mặt nước The divers explored the underwater world
of the coral reef.
unequalled adj không ai bằng, Her dedication and skill were unequaled in
không ai sánh kịp the field.

assume v phỏng đoán I assume that the meeting will take place at
the usual time.
attract v thu hút Bright colors and cheerful music can attract
children's attention.
boom v phồn vinh, phát The housing market experienced a boom,
triển nhanh with prices rising rapidly.
bury v chôn vùi They will bury the time capsule in the
congregate v tập trung People will congregate in the park for the
outdoor concert.
decay v phân rã The old building had fallen into a state of
discard v vứt bỏ, loại bỏ Please discard any expired food from the
disintegrate v rã ra, phân hủy Over time, the old newspaper began to
escape v thoát khỏi, trốn The prisoners managed to escape from the
thoát maximum-security prison.
expand v mở rộng The company plans to expand its operations
to new markets.
expose v phơi bày ra The artist wanted to expose the hidden
truths of society through his paintings.
extract v chiết xuất The scientist will extract DNA from the
sample for analysis.
gather v tập trung lại The family will gather for a reunion at the
hike v đi bộ đường dài They decided to hike to the summit of the
hunt v săn The predator will hunt for prey in the forest.
limit v giới hạn The doctor advised him to limit his sugar
melt v tan chảy The snow began to melt as the temperature
misplace v để không đúng I seem to misplace my keys every other day.
preserve v bảo quản, giữ gìn The chef used traditional methods to
preserve the homemade jam.
recover v thu lại, tìm lại The patient is expected to recover fully
được after the surgery.
rescue v giải cứu The firefighters worked together to rescue
the trapped cat.
retreat v lùi, rút lui The army had to retreat due to the
overwhelming enemy forces.
reveal v tiết lộ The magician's final trick was to reveal a
hidden object.

shrink v thu nhỏ, co lại, The wool sweater shrank in the wash and no
rút lại longer fit.
supplement v bổ sung She takes a vitamin supplement to boost her
immune system.
thaw out v tan Remember to thaw out the frozen
vegetables before cooking.
trade v mua bán, trao The merchants engaged in a brisk trade of
đổi spices and silk.
transport v chở, vận chuyển The company will transport the goods to the
hàng distribution center.
traverse v băng qua, đi qua The hikers had to traverse a steep and
rocky path.
vanish v biến mất The magician made the rabbit vanish from
the hat.
venture v mạo hiểm, đánh She decided to venture into the unknown
bạo and start her own business.
plenty vô vàn There is plenty of food for everyone at the
approach n cách tiếp cận, As we approach the summit, the air
phương pháp becomes thinner.
arrow n mũi tên The archer released the arrow, and it hit
the bullseye.
artefact n đồ tạo tác The museum displayed ancient artefacts
from different civilizations.
climate n khí hậu The climate in this region is characterized
by hot summers and mild winters.
climate change n biến đổi khí hậu The effects of climate change are becoming
more evident with rising sea levels and
extreme weather events.
crop n cây trồng The farmers worked hard to cultivate a
bountiful crop this season.
degradation n sự xuống cấp Environmental degradation is a serious
concern for the future of our planet.
demand n nhu cầu The demand for organic produce has been
steadily increasing.
elevation n độ cao so với The village is located at a high elevation,
mặt biển offering stunning views of the surrounding
expansion n sự mở rộng The company's rapid expansion led to the
opening of several new branches.
expedition n cuộc thám hiểm The scientific expedition aimed to study the
ecosystem of a remote island.
export n sự xuất khẩu The country's main export is petroleum
fieldwork n công tác thực The archaeologist conducted fieldwork to
địa uncover ancient ruins.
gap n chỗ gián đoạn, There is a significant gap in our
chỗ trống understanding of this complex issue.
goods n hàng hóa The marketplace was bustling with vendors
selling various goods.

harvest n mùa gặt, vụ thu The farmers celebrated a successful
hoạch harvest after months of hard work.
insect n côn trùng The garden was teeming with colorful
butterflies and buzzing insects.
movement n chuyển động The civil rights movement of the 1960s
brought about important social changes.
notice n yết thị, thông Did you notice the subtle changes in the
báo painting's color over time?
prehistory n tiền sử Archaeologists study prehistory to
understand human origins and development.
pressure n áp lực The pressure to meet deadlines can
sometimes be overwhelming.
radiocarbon n phương pháp xác Radiocarbon dating is a valuable tool for
dating định niên đại dating ancient artifacts.
bằng cacbon
record n ghi chép The historian meticulously documented each
event in the historical record.
rest n phần còn lại After a long hike, we decided to rest and
enjoy the beautiful view.
route n tuyến đường The explorers charted a new route through
the uncharted wilderness.
settlement n khu định cư The ancient settlement was discovered
beneath layers of soil and debris.
shift n sự dịch chuyển, There has been a noticeable shift in public
sự chuyển đổi opinion regarding environmental issues.
site n địa điểm The archaeological site revealed fascinating
insights into ancient civilizations.
spread n sự dàn trải, sự The news of the discovery spread quickly
lan truyền throughout the scientific community.
statement n sự phát biểu, The president issued a statement
phát ngôn addressing the recent economic challenges.
storage n sự cất giữ, sự dự We need to find a proper storage solution
trữ for these valuable artifacts.
temperature n nhiệt độ The temperature dropped significantly as
the sun set.
terrain n địa hình The rugged terrain of the mountain range
made the hike challenging.
textile n vải dệt The textile industry plays a crucial role in
the local economy.
trade n thương mại The Silk Road facilitated trade between
Europe and Asia for centuries.
treasure n của quý, vật quý The buried treasure was finally unearthed
by a team of dedicated explorers.
unpredicta- n tính không dự The unpredictability of weather patterns
bility đoán được makes planning outdoor events challenging.
wealth n sự giàu có The discovery of oil brought immense wealth
to the once-impoverished nation.
weapon n vũ khí The warrior carried a sharp sword as his
weapon of choice.

apparently adv rõ ràng Apparently, the storm had caused
significant damage to the coastal town.
perhaps adv có thể, có lẽ Perhaps we should consider a different
approach to solve this problem.
primarily adv chủ yếu The book is primarily focused on the impact
of technology on society.
regularly adv đều đặn, thường She exercises regularly to maintain her
xuyên fitness.
remarkably adv đáng chú ý The student's progress was remarkably
rapid, impressing the teacher.
swiftly adv nhanh The cheetah can run swiftly and catch its
prey with ease.
daunting adj làm nản chí Climbing a steep mountain can be a daunting
fragile adj mong manh dễ vỡ The delicate glass sculpture was displayed
in a special case to protect it from damage.
organic adj hữu cơ Many people prefer to buy organic produce
for its health benefits.
remote adj xa xôi, hẻo lánh The cabin is located in a remote area, far
away from civilization.
rewarding adj đáng làm Teaching can be a challenging profession,
but it is also incredibly rewarding.
stationary adj tĩnh, không The car remained stationary at the red
chuyển động traffic light.
steady adj đều đặn, vững Her steady progress in her studies earned
chắc her top honors.
systematic adj có hệ thống The research study followed a systematic
methodology to gather data.
unreliable adj không đáng tin The information from that source is
cậy unreliable and should be verified.
widespread adj phổ biến rộng rãi The use of smartphones has become
widespread across all age groups.

accelerate v gia tăng, làm The car's engine roared as it started to
nhanh lên accelerate on the highway.
activate v kích hoạt, làm He used the remote control to activate the
hoạt động security system.
bind v kết lại với nhau, The magician used a strong knot to bind the
kết thành khối two ropes together.
breed v gây giống; chăn The breeder specializes in breeding rare
nuôi and exotic birds.
bud v nảy chồi, ra nụ, The flowers began to bud as spring arrived.
ra lộc
detach v tháo ra, tách ra, You can detach the keyboard from the
lấy riêng ra tablet for easier typing.
detect v dò tìm, phát hiện The sensor is designed to detect even the
slightest movement.
dictate v thao túng, điều The boss will dictate the new company
khiển policies during the meeting.
expect v mong đợi We expect a high turnout at the charity
event this year.
function v vận hành The heart's main function is to pump blood
throughout the body.
measure v đo lường The ruler will help you measure the length of
the board.
miss v bỏ lỡ, bỏ phí I'm going to miss my flight if I don't hurry to
the airport.
occur v xảy ra Natural disasters such as earthquakes can
occur without warning.
pinpoint v xác định chính The GPS device can pinpoint your exact
xác location on a map.
predict v dự đoán Meteorologists use weather data to predict
upcoming storms.
publish v công bố The author is excited to publish her new
book next month.
require v cần, yêu cầu The job listing states that a college degree
is required.
restrict v hạn chế The diet plan restricts the consumption of
sugary foods.
resume v bắt đầu lại, lại After the break, the conference will resume
tiếp tục with a keynote speech.
reveal v tiết lộ The detective's investigation revealed the
identity of the thief.
revert to v trở lại một tập When things get tough, he tends to revert to
tục, một thói old habits.
quen cũ
sense v cảm nhận She had a strong sense of intuition that
guided her decisions.
soak v làm ướt đẫm You can soak the stained clothing in warm
water to remove the dirt.
stimulate v kích thích The teacher used visual aids to stimulate
the students' interest in the topic.
suffer v chịu đựng Many people suffer from allergies during
pollen season.
suppress v cầm lại, nén The medication helps to suppress the
symptoms of the illness.
transfer v chuyển đổi The employee requested a transfer to a
different department.
trigger v gây ra, làm nổ ra The sound of thunder can sometimes trigger
anxiety in pets.
collaborator n người cộng tác, She worked closely with her collaborator to
cộng sự complete the research project.
culmination n kết quả cuối The award ceremony was the culmination of
cùng years of hard work.
field n lĩnh vực He is an expert in the field of astrophysics.
inactivity n tính thụ động, Prolonged inactivity can lead to muscle
tính không hoạt atrophy.
indicator n bảng hiển thị The rising stock prices were an indicator of
a strong economy.
laboratory n phòng thí nghiệm The scientists conducted experiments in the
mechanism n cơ chế hoạt The clock's mechanism ensures accurate
động timekeeping.
molecule n phân tử Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms
and one oxygen molecule.
opposite n điều trái ngược; The opposite of "hot" is "cold."
sự đối lập
rate n tốc độ The heart rate increases during exercise.
response n phản ứng The patient's positive response to the
treatment was encouraging.
reversion n sự trở lại The company decided on a reversion to
their previous marketing strategy.
rhyme n vần The children's book had a catchy rhyme that
made it fun to read aloud.
scientist n nhà khoa học; The scientist made a groundbreaking
người nghiên cứu discovery in the field of genetics.
khoa học
sensitivity n độ nhạy The artist's sensitivity to color made her
paintings truly exceptional.
shade n bóng, bóng râm The tree provides a cool shade on hot
summer days.
state n trạng thái The president will address the nation in a
televised state of the union speech.
thermometer n nhiệt kế The thermometer indicated that the
temperature had dropped overnight.
threat n mối đe dọa The cybersecurity team identified a
potential threat to the company's data.
yield n sản lượng, hoa lợi The farmer's hard work in the fields yielded
a bountiful harvest.

consequently adv kết quả là She missed her flight and consequently had
to reschedule her entire trip.
directly adv một cách trực You can reach the destination more quickly
tiếp if you go directly there.
gradually adv dần dần The sun gradually set behind the mountains,
casting a warm glow.
in advance adv trước It's a good idea to book your tickets in
advance to secure the best seats.
rapidly adv 1 cách nhanh The technology industry is evolving rapidly,
chóng with new innovations every year.
uniquely adv độc nhất vô nhị, The design of the building was uniquely
chỉ có một inspired by local architecture.
biological adj thuộc về sinh học The biological diversity of the rainforest is
a testament to its vibrant ecosystem.
considerable adj đáng kể The research required a considerable
amount of time and effort.
direct adj trực tiếp The manager will provide direct instructions
to the team members.
dual adj lưỡng, kép, đôi The smartphone has a dual camera setup
for better photography.
internal adj bên trong The internal combustion engine
revolutionized the automotive industry.
outstanding adj vượt bậc Her outstanding academic achievements
earned her a scholarship.
possible adj có thể With hard work and dedication, anything is
precise adj chính xác The architect provided precise
measurements for the construction project.
proportional adj cân xứng, cân The speed of a moving object is directly
đối proportional to its mass.
resilient adj kiên cường, có The company's resilient spirit allowed it to
sức chống chịu overcome many challenges.
responsive adj phản ứng nhanh The smartphone's touchscreen is highly
responsive to touch gestures.
scientific adj thuộc về khoa The laboratory is equipped with advanced
học scientific equipment.
sensitive adj có cảm giác, The baby's skin is sensitive to changes in
nhạy cảm temperature.
specialist adj chuyên, chuyên Her specialist subject is Italian Renaissance
sâu painting.
thermal adj liên quan đến The thermal energy of the sun is harnessed
nhiệt to generate electricity.
unpredictable adj không thể đoán The weather in this region can be quite
trước unpredictable, with sudden changes.

attach v đính kèm, gắn Please attach the file to your email before
với sending it.
calculate v tính toán He used a calculator to calculate the total
cost of the project.
construct v xây dựng The construction crew will begin to
construct the new building next week.
control v điều khiển The pilot must maintain control of the
airplane during turbulent weather.
cover v bao phủ, che She used a blanket to cover herself and
đậy stay warm.
crack v làm nứt, làm rạn, The vase fell off the shelf and cracked into
làm vỡ several pieces.
divert v làm chệch hướng The road is closed, so we need to divert our
route to the next exit.
drain v rút cạn The sink is clogged, and the water won't
drain properly.
employ v thuê mướn; sử The company plans to employ new staff
dụng members next month.
employ v sử dụng They will employ advanced technology to
improve efficiency.
equip v trang bị The gym is well-equipped with state-of-the-
art exercise machines.
excavate v đào bới, khai The archaeologists will excavate the
quật ancient burial site to uncover artifacts.
extract v chiết xuất The chef will extract the flavors from the
herbs to create a delicious sauce.
flow v chảy The river's flow was strong after heavy
influence v ảnh hưởng Her inspirational speech had a positive
influence on the audience.
locate v xác định vị trí, The treasure hunters were able to locate
định vị the buried treasure using a map.
measure v đo lường It's important to measure the ingredients
accurately for the recipe.
order v yêu cầu, đặt Please place your order at the counter.
pass on to v truyền lại I will pass on your message to the manager.
penetrate v thâm nhập, lọt The bullet was able to penetrate the steel
vào armor.
pursue v theo đuổi He decided to pursue a career in medicine
after his experience as a volunteer.
remove v loại bỏ Please remove your shoes before entering
the house.
replace v thay thế The mechanic will replace the old battery
with a new one.
supply v cung cấp The grocery store has a fresh supply of
fruits and vegetables.

threaten v đe dọa The dark clouds and thunder threatened
rain for the outdoor event.
adjustment n sự điều chỉnh, sự The therapist made an adjustment to the
chỉnh lý patient's chair for comfort.
alternative n lựa chọn khác If the main route is closed, we'll have to
take an alternative path.
aqueduct n cầu dẫn nước The ancient Romans built aqueducts to
transport water to their cities.
canal n kênh, sông đào The canal was dug to connect two bodies of
civilization n nền văn minh The ancient civilization left behind
impressive ruins and artifacts.
contrast n sự tương phản The contrast between the black and white
colors created a striking image.
corridor n đường hành lang The long corridor connected all the rooms
in the hotel.
decade n thập kỷ The museum features artifacts from
different decades of history.
deviation n sự lệch, sự chệch The unexpected deviation from the original
hướng plan caused delays.
direction n phương hướng, Follow the signs to find the correct
chiều, phía, ngả direction to the exit.
excavation n sự khai quật The excavation of the ancient burial site
revealed fascinating artifacts.
extraction n sự chiết, sự tách The extraction of oil from the ground is an
important industry.
geometry n hình học Geometry is a branch of mathematics that
deals with shapes and sizes.
harbor n bến cảng The harbor was bustling with activity as
ships unloaded their cargo.
inscription n câu viết, câu The inscription on the monument
khắc, câu ghi commemorated the fallen soldiers.
trên bia...
interval n khoảng thời gian, The meeting will take place at regular
không gian intervals throughout the day.
lid n nắp, vung Make sure to put the lid on the pot to
prevent the soup from boiling over.
millennium n thiên niên kỷ The ancient ruins date back to the first
millennium BCE.
mine n hầm mỏ The miners worked deep underground in the
coal mine.
mineral n khoáng vật The rocks in the area contain a variety of
valuable minerals.
obstacle n vật cản, chướng The fallen tree served as an obstacle on the
ngại vật hiking trail.
patron n người bảo trợ; The wealthy patron donated a substantial
khách hàng amount to the museum.
progress n tiến triển The team made steady progress on the
construction project.

purpose n mục đích The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the
upcoming event.
rate n tốc độ The inflation rate has been steadily
increasing over the past year.
route n tuyến đường The GPS will guide us along the fastest
route to our destination.
settlement n khu định cư The early settlement grew into a bustling
city over time.
shaft n đường thông, ống The miners descended into the deep shaft
thông to extract coal.
slope n dốc, đường dốc The ski slope was covered in fresh powder
after the snowstorm.
supply n nguồn cung cấp The store received a new supply of fresh
produce this morning.
technique n kĩ thuật The artist used a unique painting technique
to create texture.
territory n lãnh thổ The animal marked its territory with scent
to deter other predators.
trace n dấu vết, vết tích, The detective followed the trace of
dấu hiệu footprints to solve the mystery.
tunnel n đường hầm The train passed through a long tunnel in
the mountain.
ventilation n sự thông hơi, sự Proper ventilation is important to maintain
thông gió fresh air in the room.
remarkably adv đáng chú ý She improved remarkably in her piano skills
after months of practice.
suddenly adv đột ngột The storm clouds gathered, and suddenly it
started to rain.
advanced adj hiện đại, nâng The advanced technology allowed for faster
cao communication.
geological adj thuộc địa chất The geological formations in the area were
formed over millions of years.
initial adj ban đầu The initial phase of the project involves
data collection.
regular adj đều đặn, thường She visits the gym on a regular basis to stay
xuyên fit.
reliable adj đáng tin cậy The new computer system is more reliable
and efficient.
sole adj duy nhất He is the sole owner of the small business.
straightforward adj minh bạch The instructions for assembling the
furniture are straightforward and easy to
uncommon adj không phổ biến The meteor shower is a rare and uncommon
vertical adj thẳng đứng, The vertical line divides the page into two
đứng equal halves.
visible adj có thể thấy The bright stars were clearly visible in the
được, trong tầm night sky.

adjust v điều chỉnh You can adjust the temperature of the air
conditioner using the remote control.
allocate v phân phát The company will allocate funds for the new
browse v đọc lướt qua, She likes to browse through antique shops
xem lướt qua on weekends.
conduct v tiến hành The scientists will conduct experiments to
test their hypothesis.
decode v giải mã, hiểu The cryptographers were able to decode
the secret message.
depict v diễn tả The mural on the wall depicts scenes from
local history.
diminish v giảm The number of participants in the event
started to diminish as the day went on.
disrupt v làm gián đoạn The loud noise from the construction site
disrupts my concentration.
elaborate v làm công phu, The chef will elaborate on the recipe's
trau chuốt details during the cooking demonstration.
encourage v khuyến khích Her supportive words encouraged me to
pursue my dreams.
entrench v bén rễ sâu The new policy aims to entrench a culture of
environmental awareness.
err v lầm lỗi, sai lầm It's natural to err occasionally; nobody is
grasp v nắm được, hiểu He struggled to grasp the complex concept
thấu during the lecture.
hunch v khom, gập cong, She had a hunch that something was wrong
uốn cong người when she heard the noise.
ignore v bỏ qua; làm lơ Please don't ignore the warning signs; they
are there for your safety.
imply v ám chỉ His tone of voice implied that he wasn't
happy with the situation.
incentivize v khuyến khích, The company plans to incentivize employees
khích lệ with performance bonuses.
internalize v tiếp thu phong Children often internalize the values and
tục, văn hoá... beliefs of their parents.
match v xứng, hợp The color of the curtains should match the
furniture in the room.
navigate v vận hành, điều She used a map to navigate through the
khiển unfamiliar city streets.
necessitate v đòi hỏi The large number of guests will necessitate
extra seating at the event.
perceive v nhận thức People may perceive colors differently
depending on their cultural background.
present v đưa ra, bày ra The speaker will present her findings at the
recall v nhớ lại It's important to recall the safety
instructions in case of an emergency.
receive v nhận được He was surprised to receive a gift from a
secret admirer.
reconstruct v tái kiến thiết The archaeologists will reconstruct the
ancient pottery using fragments.
rectify v sửa, sửa cho The company will take steps to rectify the
thẳng mistake and issue a refund.
redress v sửa lại, uốn nắn The government promised to redress the
grievances of the citizens.
select v chọn lọc The judges will select the winner based on
their performances.
study v nghiên cứu She plans to study psychology in college to
better understand human behavior.
trouble v làm cho lo lắng, The car engine started to make a strange
làm phiền muộn noise, indicating trouble.
underlie v làm cơ sở, làm Cultural differences often underlie conflicts
nền tảng của between nations.
acquisition n cái nhận được, The acquisition of the new company
cái giành được expanded our market presence.
atrophy n sự hao mòn, sự Muscle atrophy can occur when a limb is not
teo used for an extended period.
blueprint n bản thiết kế, kế The architect presented a detailed
hoạch chi tiết blueprint of the new building.
bombardment n sự tấn công tới The city experienced heavy bombardment
tấp; sự dồn dập during the war.
caution n sự thận trọng, sự The sign on the road warned drivers to
cẩn thận proceed with caution.
complexity n độ tinh xảo, phức The complexity of the situation required
tạp careful consideration.
comprehension n sự hiểu, sự nhận Her comprehension of complex scientific
thức concepts was impressive.
content n nội dung The book's content covers a wide range of
historical events.
demand n sự đòi hỏi, sự yêu The high demand for the new product
cầu exceeded the company's expectations.
empathy n sự đồng cảm Her empathy and compassion made her an
excellent counselor.
herd n bầy đàn The shepherd led the herd of sheep to the
implication n sự liên can, hậu The implication of his statement was that he
quả disagreed with the decision.
inference n sự suy ra, sự luận Based on the evidence, we can make the
ra inference that the suspect was present at
the scene.
literacy n trình độ học vấn The literacy rate in the region has been
steadily improving.
mechanism n cơ chế hoạt The mechanism of action for this medication
động is not yet fully understood.
medium n phương tiện The internet serves as a medium for
information exchange.

neuroscience n khoa học thần Neuroscience is the study of the brain and
kinh nervous system.
order n thứ tự; trật tự Make sure you get the chronological
order right.
pacifier n núm vú giả cho The pacifier helped soothe the crying baby.
trẻ em
passenger n hành khách đi The passenger took a seat on the crowded
tàu xe... bus.
patience n tính kiên nhẫn, Teaching young children requires a great
tính nhẫn nại deal of patience.
pattern n khuôn mẫu The artist used a unique pattern in her
textile design.
perspective n góc nhìn The historian provided a fresh perspective
on the historical event.
plot n sườn, cốt truyện The plot of the movie was full of unexpected
twists and turns.
principle n nguyên tắc The company operates based on the
principle of transparency.
psychology n tâm lý học Her background in psychology helped her
understand human behavior.
purpose n mục đích The purpose of the study was to explore the
effects of stress on health.
response n câu trả lời, phản The patient's positive response to
hồi treatment was a promising sign.
rest n phần còn lại She took a short rest after completing her
retreat n sự rút lui The soldiers had to retreat due to the
enemy's superior firepower.
scholar n học giả The scholar's research contributed to our
understanding of ancient cultures.
sequence n trình tự The sequence of events in the story was
carefully planned.
threat n mối đe dọa The imminent threat of a hurricane
prompted the evacuation of the coastal
toddler n đứa bé chỉ mới The toddler giggled as he played with his
biết đi toys.
transformation n sự biến đổi The butterfly's transformation from a
caterpillar is a remarkable process.
variety n sự đa dạng The store offers a wide variety of products
to choose from.
youngster n thanh niên The youngster was excited to start school
for the first time.
equally adv bằng nhau All team members should contribute equally
to the project.
particularly adv một cách cụ thể The mountain range is particularly beautiful
during sunrise.
subtly adv một cách tinh vi, The artist incorporated subtle details into
không dễ phát the painting.

chronological adj theo thứ tự thời The historian organized the events in a
gian chronological order.
concerned adj bận tâm, lo lắng The teacher was concerned about the
student's falling grades.
constant adj liên tục The constant noise from the construction
site was annoying.
critical adj mang tính nhận The critical analysis of the data revealed
xét, đánh giá important insights.
demanding adj mang tính đòi hỏi The job is demanding and requires long
cao; thu hút sự hours of work.
chú ý
digital adj kĩ thuật số The digital revolution transformed the way
we communicate.
essential adj thiết yếu Proper nutrition is essential for overall
extraordinary adj phi thường Her extraordinary talent amazed everyone
who heard her sing.
genetic adj thuộc về gen, di Genetic factors can influence a person's
truyền susceptibility to certain diseases.
hidden adj ẩn, khuất The hidden treasure was buried deep
inborn adj bẩm sinh Some people have an inborn talent for
playing musical instruments.
intellectual adj về mặt trí tuệ The intellectual challenge of solving complex
puzzles is satisfying.
invisible adj vô hình The gas is invisible to the naked eye.
involved adj tham gia vào The experiment involved several variables
that needed to be controlled.
irrational adj không hợp lý, phi The irrational fear of spiders is known as
lý arachnophobia.
isolated adj cô lập, tách biệt The remote island is isolated from the
straightfor- adj minh bạch The instructions for assembling the furniture
ward are straightforward and easy to follow.
subtle adj tinh vi, không dễ The subtle differences in color made the
phát hiện artwork truly unique.
sufficient adj đủ The available data was sufficient to draw
meaningful conclusions.
superficial adj thuộc bề mặt, The article provided only a superficial
nông cạn overview of the topic.
superior adj cao hơn, trội hơn Her superior knowledge of the subject
impressed the professor.
susceptible adj dễ bị ảnh hưởng; Children are more susceptible to certain
dễ bị tổn thương illnesses due to their weaker immune
thorough adj kỹ lưỡng The thorough investigation revealed the
true cause of the accident.
unbeknown to adj không được biết Unbeknown to her, the surprise party was
somebody đến being planned by her friends.

unexpected adj không ngờ, thình The unexpected rain caught us off guard
lình during our outdoor event.
unintended adj không được định The unintended consequence of the policy
hướng trước, change was a decrease in customer
không do dự tính satisfaction.
universal adj phổ cập khắp nơi The law of gravity is a universal principle
that applies everywhere.
widespread adj phổ biến rộng rãi The news of the discovery spread quickly
and became widespread.

account for v đóng vai trò, The witness was asked to account for her
chiếm whereabouts during the time of the
coincide v xảy ra đồng thời; The timing of the event will coincide with
trùng với the holiday weekend.
conclude v kết luận After analyzing the data, we can conclude
that there is a correlation between two
contradict v đối nghịch His statement seemed to contradict the
evidence presented in court.
devote v cống hiến She decided to devote all her free time to
volunteering at the local shelter.
embarrass v làm xấu hổ The unexpected joke caused her to blush
and feel embarrassed.
emphasise v nhấn mạnh The coach will emphasise the importance of
teamwork to the players.
exist v tồn tại Many ancient civilizations once existed in
this region.
forecast v dự báo, dự đoán The weather forecast predicts rain for the
entire week.
gain v đạt được, giành Through hard work and dedication, she was
được able to gain the trust of her colleagues.
generate v tạo ra, phát ra The wind turbines generate clean energy
for the community.
implement v thi hành, thực The company plans to implement a new
hiện policy to improve employee morale.
interact v tương tác The social event provides an opportunity for
people to interact and network.
justify v biện minh, chứng The lawyer will try to justify his client's
minh là đúng actions in court.
modify v điều chỉnh The architect will modify the building plans
to include an additional floor.
offer v cung cấp The store is offering a discount on all
electronics this week.
polarise v hình thành hai The controversial topic has the potential to
nhóm xung đột, polarise public opinion.
hoàn toàn đối
lập với nhau
predict v dự đoán The meteorologist will predict the weather
for the upcoming week.
receive v nhận được She was excited to receive a gift from her
best friend.
refuse v từ chối He politely declined the offer, explaining
that he had other commitments.
reject v từ chối, bác bỏ The panel of judges decided to reject the
proposal due to its lack of feasibility.
release v thả, giải phóng The company plans to release a new
product next month.
replace v thay thế The mechanic will replace the old parts with
new ones.
represent v hiện diện The flag is meant to represent the values
and ideals of the country.
reveal v tiết lộ The magician's trick was designed to reveal
a hidden object.
serve v dùng cho, đảm The restaurant will serve a special menu for
nhiệm the holiday celebration.
trust v trông cậy, tin It takes time to build trust between people.
anxiety n sự lo âu Her anxiety increased as the deadline for
the project approached.
application n ứng dụng The job application requires a resume and
cover letter.
approval n sự chấp thuận He eagerly awaited the approval of his
manuscript by the publisher.
attempt n lần thử, nỗ lực She made an attempt to climb the steep hill,
but it was too challenging.
background n lý lịch, xuất thân, The candidate's educational background
nền tảng phía was impressive.
concern n mối lo ngại, mối The environmental impact of the project is a
quan tâm major concern for the community.
consumer n người tiêu dùng The new product received positive
feedback from consumers.
crime n tội phạm The police are investigating the recent
crime in the neighborhood.
disbelief n sự hoài nghi He shook his head in disbelief when he
heard the incredible story.
disclosure n sự vạch trần, sự The company issued a disclosure about the
phơi bày, sự công potential risks involved.
distrust n sự không tin cậy, The ongoing scandal has led to a sense of
sự nghi ngờ, sự distrust in the government.
ngờ vực
divergence n sự khác nhau, sự There was a significant divergence of
bất đồng opinions during the meeting.
error n lỗi The error in the calculation was identified
and corrected.
existence n sự tồn tại The existence of extraterrestrial life is a
topic of ongoing debate.
expertise n chuyên môn Her expertise in the field made her a
sought-after speaker at the conference.
faith n niềm tin His faith in humanity remained unshaken
despite the challenges.
giant n người khổng lồ The tech company became a giant in the
industry after its rapid growth.
guidance n sự hướng dẫn The teacher provided guidance and support
to the struggling students.

heart attack n cơn đau tim The sudden chest pain was a sign of a heart
attack, and he was rushed to the hospital.
incident n sự việc The incident involving the stolen car was
reported to the police.
judgement n sự phán xét, sự Her judgement of character was usually
đánh giá accurate.
lack n sự thiếu The lack of funding prevented the project
from moving forward.
manner n lối, thói, kiểu, He addressed the crowd in a calm and
cách respectful manner.
marketplace n thương trường The marketplace was bustling with activity
as vendors set up their stalls.
misunderstand- n hiểu nhầm Their argument stemmed from a simple
ing misunderstanding of each other's intentions.
openness n sự cởi mở, sự The culture encourages openness and
chân thật honesty in communication.
optimist n người lạc quan Despite the challenges, she remained an
optimist and believed in a better future.
patient n bệnh nhân The patient's recovery was slow but steady
after the surgery.
phenomenon n hiện tượng The natural phenomenon of the aurora
borealis is breathtaking to witness.
physician n thầy thuốc The physician recommended a course of
treatment for the patient.
portrayal n sự miêu tả The actor's portrayal of the historical figure
was praised by critics.
prediction n dự đoán Her accurate prediction of the election
outcome surprised many.
projection n sự dự báo, sự dự The financial projection for the coming year
đoán looks promising.
purpose n mục đích The purpose of the event is to raise
awareness about climate change.
rejection n sự từ chối, sự The rejection of his proposal was
bác bỏ disappointing, but he didn't give up.
reliability n tính đáng tin cậy The reliability of the data is crucial for
drawing valid conclusions.
reluctance n sự chần chừ, do His reluctance to join the team was evident
dự in his hesitant response.
request n lời yêu cầu, lời She sent a formal request for more
đề nghị information about the job.
sceptic n người theo chủ The scientist was a sceptic until she saw the
nghĩa hoài nghi experimental results.
split n sự chia rẽ, sự The group was split into smaller teams for
phân tách the project.
stroke n đột quỵ His sudden headache and confusion were
signs of a stroke.
superiority n sự trội hơn His attitude reflected a sense of superiority
over his classmates.
surveillance n giám sát The surveillance cameras captured the
suspect's movements.

suspicion n sự nghi ngờ Her suspicion was raised when she noticed
the missing money.
tendency n khuynh hướng The company has a tendency to focus on
innovation and new ideas.
transparency n sự minh bạch The organization strives for transparency in
its financial reporting.
treatment n việc chữa trị The doctor prescribed a course of
treatment to alleviate the symptoms.
trust n sự tin tưởng The strong bond of trust between them
allowed for open communication.
acutely adv sâu sắc He was acutely aware of the tension in the
room during the meeting.
fairly adv vừa phải The distribution of resources should be
done fairly and equitably.
fortunately adv may thay, may Fortunately, the fire was extinguished
mắn before it spread to nearby buildings.
pertinently adv đúng chỗ, thích She addressed the question pertinently and
đáng, thích hợp provided a concise answer.
regardless adv bất kể Regardless of the outcome, we should give
our best effort.
seemingly adv có vẻ Seemingly ordinary events can sometimes
have profound consequences.
significantly adv 1 cách đáng kể The new policy significantly improved
employee morale.
slightly adv nhỏ, không đáng The temperature dropped slightly as the sun
kể set.
technically adv một cách cơ bản, Technically, the system should be able to
chính xác handle the increased load.
afraid adj hãi, hoảng, He was afraid of heights and couldn't bring
hoảng sợ himself to climb the ladder.
biased adj có thiên kiến, Her biased opinions prevented her from
thiên vị making an objective decision.
competent adj đủ khả năng The team of competent engineers solved the
complex problem.
disproportio- adj không tỷ lệ, The punishment seemed disproportionate to
nate không cân đối the offense committed.
excessive adj vượt mức The excessive noise from the construction
site disrupted the neighborhood.
foolproof adj hết sức dễ dùng, The new security system was designed to be
hết sức rõ ràng foolproof and easy to use.
guarded adj thận trọng, ý tứ He was guarded in sharing personal
information with strangers.
inaccurate adj không chính xác The inaccurate measurement led to
incorrect calculations.
intricate adj rắc rối, phức tạp The intricate design of the artwork
showcased the artist's skill.
mistrustful adj nghi ngờ, ngờ Years of betrayal had left him mistrustful of
vực, hồ nghi new relationships.
outlandish adj kỳ lạ Her outlandish ideas often sparked lively

plausible adj hợp lý, đáng tin The scientist presented a plausible
cậy explanation for the unusual phenomenon.
previous adj trước The previous owner of the house left behind
some old furniture.
psychological adj thuộc về mặt Her psychological insights helped her
tâm lý học understand human behavior.
relevant adj có liên quan The information provided was relevant to
the discussion.
reluctant adj không nguyện ý, He was reluctant to share his personal
miễn cưỡng experiences with the group.
satisfied adj thỏa mãn, hài She felt satisfied with her accomplishments
lòng after years of hard work.
subjective adj chủ quan Art appreciation is often subjective and
varies from person to person.
superior adj cao hơn, trội hơn Her superior knowledge of the subject
impressed the audience.
unexpected adj không ngờ, thình The unexpected rain caught us off guard
lình during our picnic.
unfamiliar adj không quen The unfamiliar surroundings made him feel a
thuộc bit uneasy.
willing adj sẵn lòng She was willing to help out with the charity


adapt to v thích nghi với Animals must adapt to their environment to
adjust v điều chỉnh You need to adjust the settings for optimal
carry out a v thực hiện cuộc The researchers will carry out a survey to
survey khảo sát gather public opinion.
chop v băm nhỏ He used a sharp knife to chop the vegetables
quickly and efficiently.
come up v xảy ra, xuất He struggled to come up with a creative
hiện solution to the problem.
concentrate v tập trung vào It's important to concentrate on your studies
on to succeed in school.
cope with v đương đầu với She struggled to cope with the loss of her
beloved pet.
feed into v đưa vào The data collected will be fed into the analysis
frighten away v xua đuổi The loud noise frightened away the timid deer.
germinate v nảy mầm The seeds germinate faster in warm and moist
get v quen với It took some time for her to get accustomed to
accustomed to her new surroundings.
locate v định vị They managed to locate the missing hiker in
the remote forest.
make changes v thay đổi It's time to make changes to the company's
outdated policies.
measure v đo lường Use a ruler to measure the length of the
wooden board.
obey v tuân theo, It's important to obey traffic rules for
tuân lệnh everyone's safety.
perch v đậu The bird found a comfortable perch on the
tree branch.
propose v đề xuất He plans to propose a new business idea during
the upcoming meeting.
reflect v phản ánh He took a moment to reflect on his past
regulate v điều chỉnh The government implemented new measures to
regulate pollution levels.
sharpen v mài sắc It's important to regularly sharpen your tools
for better performance.
adaptation n sự thích nghi The adaptation of plants to arid climates is
analysis n sự phân tích The detailed analysis revealed unexpected
patterns in the data.
anatomy n giải phẫu học The study of anatomy provides insights into the
human body's structure.
assignment n nhiệm vụ The professor assigned a challenging essay as
the final assignment.

behaviour n hành vi The behavior of the chimpanzees was observed
in their natural habitat.
bend n chỗ rẽ, chỗ The road took a sharp bend around the
uốn mountain.
biologist n nhà sinh vật The biologists studied the behavior of the
học endangered species.
blackbird n chim sáo The melodious song of the blackbird filled the
bone n xương The X-ray showed a fracture in his arm bone
after the accident.
brain n bộ não The brain is the control center of the nervous
chemical n phân tích hóa The scientist conducted a chemical analysis of
analysis học the water sample.
cliff n vách đá The stunning view from the top of the cliff was
complaint n lời phàn nàn She filed a complaint about the noisy
cookery n nghệ thuật She enrolled in a cookery class to improve her
nấu ăn culinary skills.
counterpart n bên tương ứng, The company's European counterpart is based
đối tác in Paris.
crow n con quạ A murder of crows gathered in the field,
cawing loudly.
dimension n kích thước The new apartment offers a spacious living
room with ample dimensions.
disabled n tài xế khuyết The parking area near the entrance is
driver tật reserved for disabled drivers.
dissertation n luận văn She spent months researching and writing her
endocrine n hệ nội tiết The endocrine system regulates hormones in
system the body.
entrance n lối vào The grand entrance to the palace impressed
all the visitors.
equipment n thiết bị The laboratory is well-equipped for various
evolution n sự tiến hóa Charles Darwin's theory of evolution
revolutionized biology.
feature n đặc điểm The main feature of the park is the beautiful
fumes n khói The toxic fumes from the factory posed a
health risk to the nearby residents.
germination n sự nảy mầm The process of germination is essential for
plant growth.
good n danh tiếng The restaurant has a good reputation for its
reputation outstanding service.
gopher n chuột túi The gopher created an intricate network of
tunnels underground.

heavy traffic n giao thông During rush hour, the city experiences heavy
đông đúc traffic congestion.
hormone n hóc môn Insulin is an important hormone for regulating
blood sugar.
immigrant n dân nhập cư The city has a diverse population with
immigrants from around the world.
implication n ý nghĩa, sự ngụ The implication of the study's findings is
ý significant for medical research.
junction n giao lộ, chổ The accident occurred at the busy junction of
nối two major roads.
label n nhãn, mác The label on the product provides important
usage instructions.
laboratory n phòng thí The biology students conducted experiments in
nghiệm the laboratory.
lack of n thiếu tầm nhìn The fog resulted in a lack of visibility on the
visibility roads.
lecture n bài diễn The professor delivered an engaging lecture on
thuyết quantum physics.
ledge n gờ, rìa The climber carefully balanced on the narrow
local resident n cư dân địa The new playground was well-received by the
phương local residents.
low calorie n ít năng lượng The salad is a delicious low-calorie option for
those watching their weight.
mammal n động vật có Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals.

module n học phần The programming course consists of several
optional n học phần tự The psychology course offers an optional
module chọn module on cognitive behavior.
parking space n chỗ đỗ xe Finding a parking space in the busy city center
is always a challenge.
pavement n vỉa hè The new pavement was smooth and well-
pedestrian n người đi bộ The city installed more sidewalks to ensure the
safety of pedestrians.
pedestrian n vạch sang Use the pedestrian crossing to safely cross the
crossing đường street.
pigeon n chim bồ câu The city square was bustling with tourists
feeding the pigeons.
plant pot n chậu cây She placed the seedling into a decorative plant
police force n lực lượng cảnh The city has a dedicated police force to
sát ensure public safety.
private n cá nhân, riêng They held a private meeting to discuss
sensitive matters.
procedure n thủ tục, quy Follow the step-by-step procedure to assemble
trình the furniture.

proportion n tỉ lệ The proportion of elderly residents in the town
has increased.
regulation n quy định, quy The government introduced new regulations to
tắc improve air quality.
represen- n người đại diện The politician met with a representative from
tative the local community.
restriction n sự hạn chế. sự The speed limit is a necessary restriction to
giới hạn prevent accidents.
seasonal n sản phẩm theo The farmer's market offers a variety of
product mùa seasonal products throughout the year.
seed n hạt giống The farmer planted the seed in the fertile soil.
sensible- n sự thích nghi The migration pattern of birds is a sensible-
seeming có vẻ hợp lí seeming adaptation to changing weather.
specialist n nhân viên The hospital has a team of specialist staff
staff chuyên môn dedicated to pediatric care.
specimen n mẫu vật The museum displayed a rare butterfly
specimen in a glass case.
squirrel n con sóc The squirrel collected acorns and stored them
for the winter.
structure n cấu trúc The essay had a clear and organized structure.
surface n bề mặt The smooth surface of the lake reflected the
surrounding mountains.
technique n kỹ thuật The artist's technique in oil painting is truly
theory n lý thuyết, học Einstein's theory of relativity revolutionized
thuyết our understanding of physics.
traffic n tai nạn giao A traffic accident on the highway caused a
accident thông major delay.
traffic n sự tắc nghẽn The ongoing construction has led to severe
congestion giao thông traffic congestion in the area.
traffic light n cột đèn giao He stopped at the red traffic light and waited
thông patiently.
upheaval n sự biến động The political upheaval led to significant
changes in the country.
urban n môi trường đô The city's parks provide a green oasis in the
environment thị urban environment.
visibility n tầm nhìn The heavy rain reduced visibility on the roads,
making driving difficult.
volume of n lưu lượng giao The highway expansion project aims to
traffic thông accommodate the increasing volume of traffic.
weight loss n giảm cân She embarked on a weight loss journey and lost
over 20 pounds.
widen n mở rộng The city decided to widen the main road to
ease traffic flow.
rural adv thuộc nông She grew up in a small rural village surrounded
thôn by fields.
within budget adv trong ngân The project was completed within budget and
sách cho phép ahead of schedule.

actual adj thực tế Despite the rumors, the actual reason for his
resignation remains unknown.
ambitious adj tham vọng Her ambitious goal is to climb the highest peak
in the region.
available adj có sẵn The latest smartphone model is now available
for purchase.
bold adj dũng cảm Her bold approach to problem-solving yielded
impressive results.
cognitive adj liên quan đến Cognitive abilities decline with age in some
nhận thức individuals.
evolutionary adj tiến hóa The evolutionary process has shaped the
diversity of life on Earth.
existing adj hiện có, hiện They plan to renovate the existing building
hành instead of constructing a new one.
genetically- adj biến đổi gen The debate over genetically-modified crops
modified continues.
highly adj khả năng thích The chameleon is a highly adaptable reptile,
adaptable nghi cao changing its color to blend in.
massive adj to lớn The construction project involved massive
amounts of concrete.
noticeable adj đáng chú ý The difference in sound quality after the
upgrade was noticeable.
permanent adj lâu dài The mural on the building's exterior is a
permanent fixture.
prevalent adj phổ biến, In some cultures, certain traditions are still
thịnh hành prevalent.
relevant adj liên quan The research findings are highly relevant to
the current topic.
sensible adj khôn ngoan It's sensible to wear a helmet while riding a
time- adj tốn thời gian The process of hand-crafting the intricate
consuming design was time-consuming.
vegetarian adj ăn chay The restaurant offers a wide range of
vegetarian dishes on their menu.

allocate v phân bổ The manager needs to allocate resources
effectively to meet project deadlines.
apply v áp dụng You should apply for the scholarship before the
approach v tiếp cận The team adopted a collaborative approach to
be paired with v kết hợp với Each student will be paired with a mentor to
guide them through their academic journey.
be up to v tùy thuộc What you do in your free time is completely up
vào to you.
come in handy v hữu ích Having a first aid kit can come in handy in case
of emergencies.
consult v hỏi ý kiến, You should consult a doctor before starting
tham khảo any new exercise regimen.
distract v làm sao lãng External noises can distract students while
eat into v chiếm vào The unexpected expenses ate into their
encode v mã hóa The brain encodes information in various ways
for long-term storage.
end up v có kết cục If you don't study regularly, you might end up
struggling with the material.
facilitate v tạo điều kiện Technology can facilitate communication and
collaboration among team members.
glance at v liếc nhìn She took a quick glance at the clock to check
the time.
have a positive v có tác động Regular exercise can have a positive impact on
impact on tích cực đến mental well-being.
have a v có ảnh hưởng The introduction of new technology had a
profound sâu sắc tới profound effect on the industry.
effect on
have difficulty v gặp khó khăn Some students may have difficulty grasping
complex mathematical concepts.
have sth in v có điểm She discovered that she had a lot in common
common with sb chung với ai with her new neighbor.
host an event v tổ chức sự The university will host an event to celebrate
kiện its anniversary.
ignore v phớt lờ, bỏ Don't ignore warning signs of a potential issue.
include v bao gồm The travel package includes accommodation,
meals, and guided tours.
keep in touch v giữ liên lạc It's important to keep in touch with old friends
with với even as life gets busy.
keep up with v theo kịp It's important to keep up with the latest
advancements in technology.
look down v nhìn xuống He avoided making eye contact and looked
down at his shoes.

modify v sửa đổi He had to modify the design to meet the
client's specific requirements.
permit v cho phép You need a permit to park in this area during
certain hours.
recall v gợi lại, nhớ It can be challenging to recall details from
lại distant memories.
retrieve v lấy lại, khôi It's important to retrieve information from
phục lại reliable sources.
round off v Hoàn thành The chef decided to round off the meal with a
một cách decadent dessert.
thỏa đáng
scratch your v gãi đầu The challenging puzzle made him scratch his
head head in frustration.
stabilise v làm ổn định The economy began to stabilize after the
implementation of new policies.
strengthen v củng cố, Regular exercise can help strengthen your
tăng cường muscles and improve your overall health.
tailor v điều chỉnh The tailor customized the suit to fit perfectly.
cho phù hợp
tie together v liên kết, thắt The professor managed to tie together various
chặt với complex concepts into a coherent theory.
turn your back v quay lưng lại It's not wise to turn your back on your
on responsibilities.
upgrade v nâng cấp You can upgrade your phone plan to get more
data and additional features.
absence n sự vắng mặt His sudden absence from work raised concerns
among his colleagues.
additive n chất phụ gia The chef used a natural additive to enhance
the flavor of the dish.
aspect n khía cạnh The cultural aspect of the city is what drew
many tourists.
attention n sự chú ý Maintaining focused attention is key during
intense study sessions.
audience n khán giả The speaker captivated the audience with her
compelling presentation.
autism n bệnh tự kỉ Researchers are studying the genetic basis of
autism spectrum disorder.
body language n ngôn ngữ cơ Understanding body language is crucial for
thể effective communication.
charity n từ thiện The annual charity auction raised funds for a
local children's hospital.
commitment n sự cam kết Her commitment to the project was evident in
her tireless efforts.
concept n khái niệm The concept of supply and demand is
fundamental in economics.
conservation n bảo tồn The national park is dedicated to the
conservation of wildlife and natural habitats.
consolidation n sự củng cố Sleep plays a crucial role in the consolidation
of memories.

episodic n trí nhớ sự Episodic memory allows us to recall specific
memory kiện events from our past.
eye contact n sự giao tiếp Maintaining good eye contact is essential
bằng mắt during a job interview.
fascination n niềm đam mê Her fascination with astronomy led her to
pursue a career in space research.
feedback n ý kiến phản The team received overwhelmingly positive
hồi feedback on their new product.
frequency n tần suất The frequency of meetings increased as the
project progressed.
handout n tài liệu phát The teacher provided a handout summarizing
tay the main points of the lecture.
impairment n sự suy yếu, The accident left her with a permanent visual
hư hại, hư impairment.
individual n cá nhân Each individual has a unique perspective and
insurance n bảo hiểm Having health insurance provides financial
security in case of medical emergencies.
job applicant n người xin The company received hundreds of job
việc applications for the open position.
level of fitness n tình trạng His level of fitness improved significantly after
sức khoẻ months of rigorous training.
local n cộng đồng The new library aims to serve as a hub for the
community địa phương local community's educational needs.
majority n đa số The majority of the participants agreed with
the proposed changes.
medication n thuốc The doctor prescribed medication to alleviate
the pain.
membership n thành viên Joining the fitness club gives you access to
various benefits and exclusive membership
nanotechnology n công nghệ Nanotechnology has revolutionized the field of
nano electronics and materials science.
novice n người mới As a novice in painting, she eagerly attended
art classes to improve her skills.
overview n tổng quan The professor provided an overview of the
course syllabus on the first day of class.
potential n khách hàng The sales team focused their efforts on
customer tiềm năng attracting potential customers.
prompt n lời nhắc The teacher provided a prompt to guide the
students' creative writing.
race n cuộc đua The annual marathon race attracted
participants from all around the world.
recollection n sự hồi tưởng Her recollection of the events was vivid and
retrieval n sự lấy lại, The process of retrieval involves accessing
phục hồi stored information.

route n tuyến đường The scenic route through the mountains
offered breathtaking views.
schizophrenia n bệnh tâm Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder
thần phân that affects perception and behavior.
semantic n trí nhớ ngữ Semantic memory involves general knowledge
memory nghĩa and facts.
sense of self n tự ý thức về Building a strong sense of self is crucial for
bản thân personal development.
social n phát triển kĩ Participation in group activities promotes
development năng xã hội social development in children.
(giao tiếp)
social event n sự kiện xã The local community center hosted a social
giao event to bring neighbors together.
space n thám hiểm Space exploration has led to remarkable
exploration không gian scientific discoveries.
strategy n chiến lược He developed a study strategy to improve his
test scores.
suite n dãy phòng The hotel offers a luxurious suite with
breathtaking ocean views.
symptom n triệu chứng Fatigue and headaches are common symptoms
of stress.
tablet n máy tính She uses a tablet for reading e-books and
bảng watching videos.
training facility n cơ sở đào The new state-of-the-art training facility
tạo offers a wide range of fitness programs.
unemployed n người thất The organization provides support and
people nghiệp resources for unemployed people seeking job
abruptly adv đột ngột The music stopped abruptly, leaving the
audience in suspense.
by any means adv bằng mọi giá The team was determined to succeed by any
means necessary.
in adv theo thứ tự The events were presented in chronological
chronological thời gian order to provide a historical context.
in some adv ở một vài The two cities are similar in some respects, but
respects khía cạnh they also have distinct differences.
indefinitely adv vô thời hạn The contract was extended indefinitely due to
unforeseen circumstances.
initially adv ban đầu Initially, she was hesitant to take on the
leadership role.
overwhelmingly adv tràn ngập, The response to the charity event was
áp đảo overwhelmingly positive, exceeding all
properly adv một cách Make sure to handle the equipment properly to
thích đáng avoid accidents.
with regard to adv liên quan With regard to the recent incident, the police
đến are conducting an investigation.

active adj tích cực hoạt Staying active and engaging in regular
động, nhanh exercise promotes good health.
annual adj hàng năm The annual conference brings together experts
from various fields.
aware of adj nhận thức She was not aware of the new policy changes
until they were announced.
computer- adj được máy The surgeon used computer-assisted
assisted tính hỗ trợ technology for precise medical procedures.
dismissive adj gạt bỏ, xem Her dismissive attitude towards others often
thường led to misunderstandings.
distinct from adj khác biệt với The two theories are distinct from each other
in terms of their assumptions.
factual adj thực tế The article is based on factual information
gathered from reliable sources.
familiar with adj quen thuộc She was familiar with the software's interface
với due to previous experience.
intimate adj thân mật, She shared an intimate moment with her
thân thiết closest friends.
neurological adj thuộc hệ The study focused on the neurological effects
thần kinh of sleep deprivation.
outdated adj lỗi thời The software's outdated interface made it
difficult to use.
positive adj tích cực His positive attitude and determination helped
him overcome challenges.
quarterly adj hằng quý The company releases its financial reports on a
(mỗi 4 tháng) quarterly basis.
relevant adj liên quan The course material is highly relevant to the
current industry trends.
sensible adj hợp lý It's sensible to wear sunscreen when spending
time outdoors.
specific adj đặc trưng, The instructions were specific and easy to
riêng biệt follow.
struggling adj vật lộn, đấu The struggling artist persevered through
tranh challenges to create meaningful work.
volunteering adj tình nguyện Many students participate in volunteering
activities to give back to the community.
water-repellent adj chống thấm The jacket's water-repellent coating kept him
nước dry during the rainstorm.

abandon an v từ bỏ ý tưởng It's important not to abandon an idea at the first
idea sign of difficulty.
achieve your v đạt được With dedication and hard work, you can achieve
goals mục tiêu your goals and aspirations.
appreciate v cảm kích I really appreciate your help in organizing the
attract v hút; thu hút, The colorful flowers in the garden attract a
hấp dẫn variety of butterflies.
chop up v băm nhỏ She had to chop up the vegetables before adding
them to the stir-fry.
contact with v tiếp xúc với Contact with certain chemicals can be harmful to
your skin.
cost a v rất đắt đỏ The handwoven rug was exquisite but cost a
fortune fortune.
crush v nghiền nát The elephant's strong trunk can crush large
objects with ease.
doze v ngủ gật The warm sun made her doze off while lying on the
fall out of v không còn As technology advances, some traditional skills
use được sử dụng may fall out of use.
fix v gắn, lắp Play equipment such as swings and climbing
frames should be securely fixed and well
gather data v thu thập dữ The scientists gathered data to support their
liệu hypothesis.
get hold of v liên hệ với, I need to get hold of a copy of that book before
liên lạc với it's sold out.
give up v bỏ cuộc Don't give up on your dreams, even when faced
with obstacles.
hatch out of v nở ra Birds typically hatch out of eggs after an
an egg incubation period.
ingest v ăn vào bụng It's important to be cautious about what you
ingest into your body.
invest v đầu tư It's important to invest time and effort into
building strong relationships.
lose interest v mất hứng thú It's common to lose interest in a hobby if it
becomes too repetitive.
make an v đặt lịch hẹn You should call the doctor's office to make an
appointment appointment for your check-up.
make good v tận dụng Make good use of your time by focusing on tasks
use of that will bring you closer to your goals.
make v tiến bộ By setting achievable goals, you can gradually
progress make progress towards your objectives.
make the v đưa ra quyết After careful consideration, she was able to make
right định đúng the right decision for her career.
decision đắn

push yourself v thúc đẩy bản To improve, you need to push yourself beyond
thân your comfort zone.
put off v trì hoãn Don't put off doing your homework until the last
reach a goal v đạt được With perseverance, you can reach even the most
mục tiêu ambitious goals.
reveal v tiết lộ The investigation revealed new evidence that
could change the course of the trial.
rinse v rửa sạch Remember to rinse the fabric thoroughly after
dyeing to remove excess dye.
rust v rỉ sét The metal parts began to rust after being
exposed to moisture.
set free v thả tự do The rescued bird was nursed back to health and
eventually set free.
sign up for v đăng kí She decided to sign up for yoga classes to
improve her flexibility and strength.
specialise in v chuyên về The bakery specializes in crafting artisanal
pastries and bread.
track v theo dõi The researchers tracked the movements of the
tagged animals using GPS technology.
wash away v cuốn trôi The rain helped wash away the dirt from the
wear out v mòn, rách The fabric started to wear out after years of use.
allergic n phản ứng vì She experienced an allergic reaction after
reaction dị ứng consuming peanuts.
ancient times n thời cổ đại The practice of herbal medicine dates back to
ancient times.
aspect n khía cạnh One aspect of his personality that people
appreciated was his sense of humor.
avoidance n sự tránh xa Avoidance behavior is a common response to
potential threats.
beetle n bọ cánh cứng The garden was teeming with colorful beetles of
various sizes.
beetroot n củ dền The natural dye was extracted from beetroot to
color the fabric.
botanic n vườn bách The botanic garden is home to a wide variety of
garden thảo plant species.
cassowary n đà điểu The cassowary is a large flightless bird found in
the forests of Australia.
chemical dye n màu hóa The textile industry often relies on chemical dyes
phẩm for fabric coloring.
cochineal n Rệp son Cochineal insects are used to produce a red dye
that was historically prized.
commitment n sự cam kết His commitment to his job was evident through his
dedication and reliability.
cotton n bông, chỉ, sợi Cotton is a natural fiber commonly used in textiles
and apparel.
curry n cà ri Curry is a flavorful dish commonly prepared with
a variety of spices.

determinatio n sự quyết tâm Her determination to succeed motivated her to
n work hard and overcome obstacles.
engineering n công trình kỹ The delays were caused by ongoing engineering
work thuật work on the train tracks.
estate agent n nhân viên bất The estate agent helped them find the perfect
động sản home in a desirable neighborhood.
exhibition n cuộc triển The art exhibition showcased a diverse range of
lãm contemporary pieces.
fabric n sợi vải, vải The fabric used in the clothing line was carefully
chosen for its quality and texture.
fanatic n người cuồng She's a fitness fanatic and never misses a workout
tín, đam mê session.
flexible n cách tiếp Adopting a flexible approach to problem-solving
approach cận linh hoạt can lead to innovative solutions.
food n màu thực Food colouring is often used to add vibrant hues
colouring phẩm to baked goods and confections.
fresh air n không khí Spending time outdoors and breathing in fresh air
trong lành is invigorating.
health issue n vấn đề sức A balanced diet and regular exercise can help
khỏe prevent various health issues.
hypothesis n giả thuyết Before conducting the experiment, they
formulated a clear hypothesis.
jaw n hàm The crocodile's powerful jaw allows it to capture
and eat its prey.
landmark n cột mốc The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.
lizard n thằn lằn The desert is home to a variety of lizard species.
logwood n gỗ huyết mộc Logwood is a type of tree commonly used for its
dye-producing properties.
manageable n mục tiêu vừa Breaking down your goals into manageable steps
goals tầm với can make them easier to achieve.
mating habit n thói quen The mating habits of certain species can be quite
giao phối complex and interesting to study.
membership n thành viên With a membership at the gym, you have access
to various fitness facilities.
metal oxide n oxit kim loại Metal oxide compounds are often used as
pigments in fabric dyeing.
natural dye n thuốc nhuộm Using natural dye from plants can create vibrant
tự nhiên and sustainable fabric colors.
navigation n sự định The sailor used the stars for navigation while at
hướng sea.
nightmare n cơn ác mộng Commuting during rush hour can be a nightmare
due to heavy traffic.
nylon n ni lông Nylon is a synthetic fabric widely used in clothing
and other products.
observation n sự quan sát Careful observation is essential for making
accurate scientific conclusions.
permanent n chấn thương If not treated promptly, the injury could cause
damage lâu dài permanent damage.

personal n huấn luyện Hiring a personal trainer can help you achieve
trainer viên cá nhân your fitness goals more effectively.
physical n hoạt động Engaging in regular physical activity is important
activity thể chất for maintaining good health.
positive n trải nghiệm Their vacation was a positive experience filled
experience tích cực with adventure and relaxation.
practical n cuộc điều The students conducted a practical investigation
investigation tra thực tế to test their hypothesis.
predator n kẻ săn mồi Lions are predators that hunt other animals for
project n dự án The science project required extensive research
and experimentation.
recognised n bằng cấp Obtaining a recognised qualification can open
qualification được công doors to new career opportunities.
reptile n loài bò sát A turtle is a type of reptile known for its hard
rush hour n giờ cao điểm Avoid driving during rush hour if you want to save
time on your commute.
self- n bản năng tự The instinct of self-preservation drives animals to
preservation bảo vệ bản protect themselves from harm.
setback n trở ngại, thất Experiencing a setback is a natural part of any
bại journey towards success.
shade n bóng (màu The tree provided a nice spot of shade on a hot
sắc) summer day.
shellfish n động vật có Many people are allergic to shellfish and should
vỏ avoid consuming it.
snail shell n vỏ ốc The snail retreated into its shell for protection.
suburb n ngoại ô They decided to move to the quiet suburb to
escape the noise of the city.
survival n sự sống sót Adaptations help organisms survive and thrive in
their habitats.
tartrazine n thuốc nhuộm Tartrazine is a synthetic yellow dye often used in
food and beverages.
territory n lãnh thổ Male birds often sing to establish their territory
and attract mates.
textile design n thiết kế dệt She studied textile design to create unique and
may artistic fabric patterns.
threat n mối đe dọa The increase in pollution poses a serious threat to
our environment.
tongue n lưỡi The snake flicked its tongue as it explored its
transport n mạng lưới The new subway line improved the transport link
link giao thông between the city and the suburbs.
treat n niềm vui After completing a difficult task, treat yourself to
sướng something you enjoy.
turmeric n củ nghệ Turmeric is a spice known for its anti-
inflammatory properties.

varied diet n chế độ ăn đa A varied diet that includes different food groups
dạng is important for good health.
wool n len Wool is a warm and breathable fabric that is
often used in cold-weather clothing.
apparently adv rõ ràng Apparently, the store is having a big sale this
obviously adv hiển nhiên Obviously, the best way to improve your writing
skills is through practice.
precisely adv chính xác The measurements must be taken precisely to
ensure accuracy.
presumably adv có lẽ The package was presumably lost during transit.
relatively adv tương đối The hike to the summit was relatively challenging,
but the view was worth it.
accessible adj có thể tiếp The park is easily accessible from the main road.
artificial adj nhân tạo Artificial dyes are commonly used to color a wide
range of products.
bound to adj nhất định , If you put in the effort, you're bound to see
chắc chắn improvement over time.
brand new adj mới toanh The brand new shopping mall quickly became a
popular destination.
challenging adj đầy tính thử Climbing the steep mountain was a challenging
thách feat that required determination.
complicated adj phức tạp The process of creating intricate designs using
tie-dye can be complicated.
crowded adj đông đúc The train was so crowded during rush hour that
there was hardly any space to move.
distinctive adj đặc biệt, để The restaurant's distinctive decor and unique
phân biệt menu set it apart from others.
flexible adj linh hoạt A flexible schedule allows for better work-life
incredibly adj cực kỳ phổ The new restaurant became incredibly popular
popular biến within a matter of weeks.
legal adj hợp pháp The company faced legal challenges due to
copyright infringement.
man-made adj do con người The lake was man-made and created for
làm ra recreational purposes.
monogamous adj chế độ một Some animals are monogamous and form long-
vợ một chồng lasting pairs with a single partner.
preferable adj hợp lí hơn, In this situation, a peaceful resolution is
thích hơn preferable to a heated argument.
rare adj hiếm The antique book is a rare find and highly sought
after by collectors.
ready-made adj làm sẵn She opted for a ready-made dress for the formal
realistic adj thực tế Setting realistic expectations is important for
maintaining motivation.
reasonable adj hợp lý The price of the apartment was reasonable
considering its location.

solitary adj cô độc He enjoys taking long solitary walks in nature to
clear his mind.
subtle adj mờ nhạt The artist used subtle shades of blue to create a
calming atmosphere in the painting.
variable adj biến số Temperature is a variable that can affect the
outcome of the experiment.

adopt v áp dụng phổ The goal is to adopt universally accepted
universially biến standards for labeling nutritional
carpet v trải thảm The forest floor was carpeted with fallen
cultivate v trồng trọt The farmer worked tirelessly to cultivate
the fertile land and grow crops.
demand v yêu cầu The demand for luxury goods among the
middle class contributed to economic
exchange ideas v trao đổi ý tưởng The conference provided a platform for
scientists to exchange ideas and
flag up v thu hút sự chú ý If you encounter any issues, please flag
them up during the meeting.
fully master v hoàn toàn làm It takes years of practice and dedication to
chủ fully master a complex skill.
gain v đạt được sự tự Over time, she gained confidence in her
confidence tin ability to tackle challenging tasks.
gain v giành độc lập Many countries fought for and gained
independence independence from colonial powers.
get on with v có quan hệ tốt She was able to get on with her colleagues
với and build strong working relationships.
get support v nhận sự hỗ trợ She regularly gets support from her mentor
from từ to enhance her professional development.
glide v trượt, lướt The skiers glided effortlessly down the
snowy slope.
identify v xác định It's important to identify potential risks
before making investment decisions.
push yourself v thúc đẩy bản To achieve personal growth, you need to
thân push yourself beyond your comfort zone.
respond v phản hồi The company strives to respond promptly to
customer inquiries and concerns.
skyrocket v tăng vọt The demand for the new product caused its
sales to skyrocket.
start off v bắt đầu Let's start off the meeting with a brief
target v nhắm tới The company aimed to target a specific
demographic with its new product line.
regardless of prep bất chấp Regardless of your background, you can
achieve success with hard work and
allergy n sự dị ứng Her severe allergy to peanuts meant she
had to be cautious about her food choices.
argument n sự tranh luận They engaged in a heated argument over
the best approach to the problem.

artificial n chất phụ gia Some processed foods contain artificial
additives nhân tạo additives to enhance flavor and
ascent n đường dốc The challenging ascent to the summit
required strength and endurance.
beautiful n cảnh đẹp The hike through the national park offered
scenery breathtakingly beautiful scenery.
bush n bụi cây The explorer ventured into the thick bush to
document rare plant species.
business skills n kỹ năng kinh Developing strong business skills is essential
doanh for success in the competitive market.
colonization n sự chiếm làm The colonization of distant lands led to
thuộc địa cultural exchanges and conflicts.
colony n thuộc địa The settlers established a colony in the new
consistency n tính nhất quán Consistency in your eating habits can
contribute to overall well-being.
consultation n sự cố vấn He sought consultation from experts before
making a major decision.
consumption n sự tiêu thụ Excessive consumption of resources can
lead to environmental degradation.
cooking n dụng cụ nấu ăn The cabin had basic cooking facilities for
facilities preparing meals.
court physician n ngự y The ruler's court physician was highly
respected for his medical expertise.
customer n dịch vụ khách The company prides itself on its excellent
service hàng customer service and responsiveness to
clients' needs.
department n phòng ban The marketing department is responsible
for promoting the company's products and
destruction n sự phá hủy The war brought destruction to the once-
thriving city.
diploma n chứng chỉ, văn After completing the program, she received
bằng a diploma in graphic design.
documentary n phim tài liệu The documentary highlighted the effects of
climate change on marine life.
dog-sled trip n chuyến đi bằng They embarked on an exciting dog-sled trip
xe chó kéo across the frozen wilderness.
emergency n khẩn cấp In case of an emergency, contact the
nearest ranger station.
enormous n ảnh hưởng lớn The invention of the printing press had an
impact enormous impact on the spread of
expedition n cuộc thám hiểm The scientific expedition aimed to explore
uncharted territories in the ocean.
firewood n củi They collected firewood to keep warm
during the camping trip.

food n nhà sản xuất The local food manufacturer prides itself on
manufacturer thực phẩm using organic ingredients.
ground n mặt đất The hikers pitched their tents on a level
patch of ground.
hut n lều, chòi The mountaineers took shelter in a small hut
during the storm.
intake n lượng tiêu thụ Monitoring your daily calorie intake can
help you manage your weight.
labour n lao động The construction of the monument required
a large amount of skilled labor.
lap n vòng đua She completed another lap around the track
before finishing the race.
location n vị trí The location of the new office is convenient
for both employees and clients.
locator beacon n đèn hiệu định vị The hikers carried a locator beacon for
low literacy n trình độ học The campaign aimed to provide essential
level vấn thấp information to individuals with a low literacy
luxury items n hàng xa xỉ The wealthy class enjoyed indulging in luxury
items and extravagant lifestyles.
medal n huy chương The winner of the competition was awarded
a gold medal.
middle class n tầng lớp trung The middle class played a significant role in
lưu driving economic growth.
miner n thợ mỏ The miner worked tirelessly deep
underground to extract valuable resources.
minimum wage n mức lương tối Some workers are struggling to make ends
thiểu meet on the minimum wage.
monopoly n sự độc quyền The company had a monopoly on the
production of a certain type of product.
mountain slope n sườn núi The skiers navigated down the steep
mountain slope with skill.
mountainside n sườn núi The cabin was nestled on the mountainside,
offering stunning panoramic views.
nutritional food n nhãn thực phẩm Reading the nutritional food label helps you
label dinh dưỡng make informed dietary choices.
nutritional n giá trị dinh Understanding the nutritional value of foods
value dưỡng helps you make healthier choices.
opportunity n cơ hội The internship provided her with an
excellent opportunity to gain practical
ordinary n người bình The policies were designed to improve the
people thường lives of ordinary people.
participation n sưự tham gia Her participation in the community event
was greatly appreciated.
pasenger n hành khách Each passenger on the train enjoyed the
scenic views.

peasant n nông dân The medieval feudal system often exploited
peasants for labor.
plantation n đồn điền The large plantation grew a variety of crops
for export.
port n cảng The bustling port was a hub of trade and
race n cuộc đua The annual marathon race attracted
runners from around the world.
real eye- n mở rộng tầm The documentary on sustainable farming
opener mắt was a real eye-opener for many viewers.
regular n nhân viên chính After the probation period, she became a
employee thức regular employee with added benefits.
relay n cuộc đua tiếp The relay race required teamwork and
sức efficient coordination among the
reliable n thông tin đáng It's important to seek reliable information
information tin cậy before making important decisions.
ruler n người cai trị The ruler of the kingdom was known for his
wisdom and benevolence.
sample size n kích thước mẫu The larger the sample size, the more
representative the study's findings will be.
shelter n nơi trú ẩn Finding a suitable shelter is crucial in harsh
weather conditions.
shopping habit n thói quen mua Her shopping habit includes buying organic
sắm and locally-sourced products.
slave n nô lệ Prisoners of war were regularly sold as
sled n xe trượt tuyết The sled slid smoothly down the icy track.
do ngựa, chó,
hươu kéo
small-scale n nghiên cứu quy The small-scale study focused on a specific
study mô nhỏ aspect of the larger issue.
snowmobile n xe trượt tuyết The snowmobile provided a fast and
exhilarating way to explore the snowy
socio-economic n nhóm kinh tế xã The study focused on the impact of
group hội economic policies on different socio-
economic groups.
stimulant n chất kích thích Caffeine is a common stimulant found in
coffee and tea.
summit n đỉnh Reaching the summit of the mountain was a
rewarding accomplishment.
taxation n sự đánh thuế The government imposed heavy taxation on
imported goods.
trace n dấu vết The ancient city left behind traces of its
history in the form of ruins and artifacts.
trader n thương nhân The trader traveled to distant lands to
exchange goods and resources.

trail n dđường mòn The trail led through the dense forest,
providing a serene escape from the city.
trainee n thực tập sinh The trainee quickly adapted to the
company's culture and workflow.
trainee period n giai đoạn thực The trainee period allowed her to learn and
tập develop new skills in a supportive
tricky section n phần khó khăn The trail had a tricky section that required
careful navigation.
variation n sự biến đổi There is a considerable variation in income
levels across different regions.
massively adv ồ ạt The new marketing campaign massively
increased the company's online visibility.
accessible to adj có thể tiếp cận The website is designed to be accessible to
people with disabilities.
casual adj thông thường He took a casual approach to the project,
focusing on creativity rather than strict
color-coded adj mã màu The map was color-coded to indicate
different types of terrain.
compulsory adj bắt buộc The course included a compulsory module on
ethics and social responsibility.
conclusive adj để kết luận The research provided conclusive evidence
to support the hypothesis.
cross-country adj xuyên quốc gia The cross-country race took participants
through varied terrains and landscapes.
efficient adj hiệu quả The new software system streamlined the
company's operations and made them more
ever-increasing adj không ngừng The company faced the challenge of
tăng lên managing its ever-increasing workload.
exposed adj trần, trơ trọi The mountain climbers felt exposed to the
elements on the open ridge.
familiar with adj quen thuộc với She was familiar with the latest trends in
the fashion industry.
flat adj bằng phẳng The flat terrain of the prairie made for
easy cycling.
high in adj có hàm lợng The fast-food meal was high in calories and
caloroies calo cao low in nutritional value.
initial adj ban đầu During the initial phase of the project, the
team focused on research and planning.
nervous adj lo lắng She felt nervous before her first public
speaking engagement.
opposed to adj chống lại, phản Many people are opposed to the use of
đối artificial ingredients in food.
preferred adj ưa thích Her preferred method of communication is
through email.
premier adj hàng đầu The hotel is known for its premier service
and luxurious accommodations.

revealing adj công khai The study's findings were revealing and
shed light on a previously unknown
ridiculous adj buồn cười, lố The idea of sending people to the moon
bịch once seemed ridiculous, but it became a
steep adj dốc, dốc đứng Climbing the steep hill was a challenging
terrified adj sợ hãi The young child was terrified of the
thunderstorm outside.
transparent adj dễ hiểu The food manufacturer was praised for its
transparent labeling practices.

abide by v tuân theo All employees must abide by the
company's code of conduct.
achieve a goal v đạt được mục tiêu With determination and hard work, she
was able to achieve her career goal.
activate v kích hoạt The system will automatically activate
when energy demand is high.
assign v phân công The teacher will assign different tasks to
each student for the group project.
assume v cho rằng It's important not to assume things
without proper information.
come to a v đi đến quyết định The committee needs to come to a
decision decision on the new policy.
damage the v phá hủy môi The industrial activities in the area have
environment trường started to damage the environment.
deal with v giải quyết The government must deal with the
challenges posed by urbanization.
derive (from) v chuyển hóa Solar panels derive energy from the sun's
rays and convert it into electricity.
discharge v thải ra The discharge of untreated wastewater
into rivers can harm aquatic ecosystems.
dispose of v vứt bỏ Dispose of hazardous materials in
designated containers to prevent
environmental harm.
drain away v rút, tháo (nước) The rainwater will drain away through the
city's intricate network of sewers.
establish v thành lập The organization aims to establish a
presence in international markets.
expand v mở rộng The company plans to expand its
operations to international markets.
generate v tạo ra Solar panels generate electricity by
converting sunlight into energy.
harness v khai thác để sản Wind farms harness the power of the wind
xuất điện to generate electricity.
harvest v thu hoạch The solar panels harvest sunlight and
convert it into electricity.
make an effort v nỗ lực She decided to make an effort to improve
her time management skills.
manufacture v sản xuất The manufacture of solar panels requires
advanced technology and materials.
occur v xảy ra Accidents can occur unexpectedly, so it's
important to stay vigilant.
produce v sản xuất điện The solar panels produce electricity that
electricity powers the entire building.
protect against v bảo vệ... khỏi Proper insulation helps protect against
heat loss during the winter.
replace v thay thế The old water pipes needed to be
replaced due to corrosion.

run out v cạn kiệt We need to find alternative energy
sources before we run out of fossil fuels.
spread v trải, căng ra Within weeks, his confidence had spread
throughout the team.
take into v xem xét When making decisions, it's important to
account take all relevant factors into account.
withdraw v rút tiền He went to the ATM to withdraw some
money for the weekend.
agriculture n nông nghiệp Agriculture is a vital sector that provides
food and raw materials for industries.
antique n đồ cổ The antique shop featured a wide range
of rare and valuable items.
appearance n ngoại hình Her elegant appearance made a positive
impression at the job interview.
apprenticeship n thời gian học việc, He decided to pursue an apprenticeship
thử việc to learn a skilled trade.
audience n khán giả The speaker captivated the audience with
her engaging presentation.
authority n chính quyền The local authority is responsible for
maintaining public infrastructure.
breakwater n đê chắn sóng A breakwater can protect offshore
energy infrastructure from wave damage.
build-up of silt n sự tích tụ của phù The build-up of silt can reduce the
sa capacity of reservoirs and affect
hydropower generation.
cash n tiền mặt She paid for the purchase using cash
rather than a credit card.
casual clothes n quần áo bình On Fridays, employees are allowed to
thường wear casual clothes to work.
channel n kênh The river flows through a narrow channel
between the hills.
circumstance n điều kiện, hoàn In certain circumstances, employees can
cảnh, tình huống request remote work arrangements.
coast n bờ biển The beautiful coast attracts tourists from
all over the world.
coastal city n thành phố ven biển The coastal city is vulnerable to rising sea
levels and storm surges.
coastal erosion n xói mòn bờ biển Coastal erosion poses a threat to
shorelines and infrastructure.
company policy n chính sách công ty The company policy encourages
employees to maintain a healthy work-life
compartment n gian, ngăn She stored her jewelry in a secret
compartment of the wooden box.
confusion n sự mơ hồ, sự rối The changes in the company's policy
rắm caused confusion among the staff.
crime n số tham chiếu tội The police provided her with a crime
reference phạm reference number to track her case.

dam n đập nước The construction of a dam can create a
reservoir for hydropower generation.
demand n nhu cầu There is a growing demand for renewable
energy sources to reduce fossil fuel
device n thiết bị The new device efficiently captures solar
energy for household use.
digit n chữ số The code to unlock the safe required
entering a specific digit sequence.
downstream n hạ lưu The pollution from the factory eventually
reached downstream areas.
drainage n kênh thoát nước The new drainage channel helps prevent
channel flooding during heavy rain.
drawback n hạn chế One drawback of solar energy is that it is
dependent on weather conditions.
dress code n quy định về trang The office has a dress code that requires
phục employees to wear formal attire.
ecosystem n hệ sinh thái The destruction of habitats can disrupt
the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
environmenta- n nhà môi trường The environmentalist advocated for
list học stricter pollution controls.
flexible working n công việc linh hoạt The company offers flexible working hours
to accommodate employees' needs.
flood n chống lũ The construction of dams and levees
prevention contributes to flood prevention.
fossil fuels n nhiên liệu hóa The burning of fossil fuels contributes to
thạch air pollution and climate change.
furniture n đồ nội thất The antique furniture added a touch of
elegance to the room.
generator n máy phát điện The generator converts mechanical
energy into electrical energy.
geographical n yếu tố địa lý The geographical factor of proximity to
factor the coast influenced the climate.
global warming n sự nóng lên toàn The increase in greenhouse gases
cầu contributes to global warming.
greenhouse gas n khí thải nhà kính The burning of fossil fuels leads to
emission greenhouse gas emissions that contribute
to global warming.
handout n tài liệu phát tay The handout provides a summary of the
main points discussed in the presentation.
historical n bối cảnh lịch sử Understanding the historical background
background is crucial for analyzing cultural
human n trưởng phòng nhân The human resources manager oversees
resources sự employee recruitment and development.
implication n hàm ý The implication of the new policy is that
employees will have more flexibility.

inland n nội địa The city is located several miles inland
from the coast.
insurance n công ty bảo hiểm The insurance company compensated her
company for the damage to her car.
interior n nhà thiết kế nội The interior designer transformed the old
designer thất house into a modern and stylish home.
local economy n nền kinh tế địa The introduction of renewable energy
phương projects can stimulate the local economy.
long-term n tham vọng lâu dài He shared his long-term ambitions with his
ambitions colleagues during the meeting.
maintenance n sự bảo trì Regular maintenance of renewable energy
systems ensures optimal performance.
marine n năng lượng tái tạo Tidal and wave energy are examples of
renewable biển marine renewable energy sources.
mentor n người cố vấn The experienced professional acted as a
mentor to guide the new employees.
migration n mô hình di cư Environmental changes can affect the
pattern migration patterns of certain species.
ocean floor n đáy đại dương Underwater turbines can be anchored to
the ocean floor to generate tidal energy.
ocean thermal n chuyển đổi năng Ocean thermal energy conversion utilizes
energy lượng nhiệt đại temperature differences in the ocean to
conversion dương generate power.
offshore system n hệ thống ngoài Offshore wind farms utilize strong
khơi offshore winds to generate power.
onshore system n hệ thống trên bờ Onshore wind turbines are a common form
of renewable energy generation.
personal use n sử dụng với mục The company vehicle is strictly for
đích cá nhân business purposes and not for personal
pollutant n chất ô nhiễm Industrial emissions are a major pollutant
contributing to air quality issues.
principle n nguyên tắc The company's guiding principle is to
prioritize customer satisfaction.
relevant n thông tin liên quan Provide all relevant information to ensure
information accurate decision-making.
renewable n nguồn tái tạo Wind power is a renewable source of
source energy that doesn't deplete over time.
rental car n xe thuê They decided to rent a car for their
vacation to explore the area.
reservoir n hồ chứa nước Hydropower plants use a reservoir to
store water for electricity generation.
resident n cư dân She has been a resident of the
neighborhood for over twenty years.
restriction n sự hạn chế. sự giới The company implemented a restriction on
hạn the use of social media during work hours.
risk n rủi ro The project carries a certain level of risk
that needs to be managed.

river estuary n cửa sông The river estuary provides a rich and
productive ecosystem.
role n vai trò Her role in the company involves managing
client relationships.
scheme n kế hoạch The government introduced a new savings
scheme to promote financial planning.
sediment n trầm tích The river carries sediment downstream,
depositing it along the way.
sterling n bảng anh The price of the imported goods was
listed in British pounds sterling.
submerged pipe n đường ống chìm A submerged pipe can transport water to
and from offshore energy systems.
supervisor n người giám sát Her supervisor provided guidance and
feedback on her work performance.
theft n sự ăn trộm The theft of valuable artwork from the
museum shocked the local residents.
thermal energy n năng lượng nhiệt Geothermal power plants generate
electricity from thermal energy stored in
the Earth's crust.
tidal lagoon n đầm nước thủy A tidal lagoon can be used to harness the
triều energy of the changing tides.
turbine n tua bin The spinning blades of a turbine generate
mechanical energy from wind or water.
urban planning n quy hoạch đô thị Urban planning aims to create efficient
and sustainable city environments.
valuable n kinh nghiệm quý Her internship provided valuable
experience báu experience in the field of marketing.
wetland n đầm lầy The wetland is home to diverse plant and
animal species.
workstation n vị trí làm việc Each employee has a designated
workstation with a computer and desk.
apparently adv nhìn bên ngoài, Apparently, the new restaurant in town
hình như serves delicious seafood.
at an adv ở tầm quốc tế The conference addressed environmental
international issues at an international level.
on a weekly adv hàng tuần The team meets on a weekly basis to
basis discuss progress and updates.
approachable adj dễ gần, dễ tiếp The manager was known for being
cận approachable and open to employee
blonde adj (tóc) vàng She dyed her hair blonde for a change in
challenging adj đầy tính thử thách The project proved to be challenging due
to its complexity.
commitment adj sự cam kết Her commitment to the project was
evident in her dedicated efforts.
constant adj không đổi, liên tục Solar energy provides a constant and
reliable source of power.

eligible adj đủ tư cách, thích Employees who meet certain criteria are
hợp eligible for additional benefits.
erratic adj thất thường, không The wind patterns in the area are erratic,
đều making wind power less predictable.
faulty adj bị lỗi The faulty wiring in the building led to
frequent power outages.
in the long term adj dài hạn, lâu dài Investing in renewable energy sources will
benefit us in the long term.
practical adj thực tế The workshop provided practical skills
that participants could apply immediately.
predictable adj có thể đoán trước Tidal energy is predictable and consistent
due to the regular rise and fall of tides.
preferable adj hợp lí hơn, thích In this situation, it is preferable to seek
hợp legal advice before making a decision.
probationary adj trong thời gian During the probationary period,
thực tập employees undergo performance
sensible adj hợp lý It's sensible to plan ahead and be
prepared for unexpected situations.
statutory adj theo đúng luật The new law introduced statutory
requirements for workplace safety.
subsidised adj được trợ cấp The company offers a subsidised gym
membership to promote employee
unavailable adj không có sẵn The manager was unavailable for the
meeting due to a prior commitment.
unhygienic adj không hợp vệ sinh The unhygienic conditions in the kitchen
led to health and safety concerns.

account for v giải thích cho The geologist could account for the formation
of the rock layers.
announce v thông báo The company plans to announce its new
product line next week.
apply v áp dụng She decided to apply for the job opportunity
at the prestigious company.
aware of v nhận thức về She became aware of the potential dangers
and took necessary precautions.
be attributed v được cho là The invention of the printing press can be
to attributed to Johannes Gutenberg.
collate v đối chiếu, so The researcher will collate the data from
sánh various sources before analysis.
conquer v xâm chiếm, The emperor aimed to conquer new
chinh phục territories and expand his empire.
date back v có từ thời The origins of the ancient artifact date back
to the Roman Empire.
defence v sự bảo vệ The army's primary role is to ensure the
country's defense.
die out v tuyệt chủng The species eventually began to die out due
to changes in its habitat.
draw the v rút ra kết luận After analyzing the evidence, the detective
conclusion was able to draw the conclusion that led to
the culprit.
enlarge v mở rộng The artist decided to enlarge the painting for
better visibility.
escape v trốn thoát The explorer managed to escape from the
treacherous jungle.
evaporate v bốc hơi As the sun rose, the morning dew began to
extend v mở rộng, kéo The architect plans to extend the building to
dài accommodate more rooms.
extract v chiết xuất The archaeologists carefully extracted the
ancient artifact from the ground.
get cut off v cắt đứt khỏi The isolated village often gets cut off from
from the outside world during heavy snowfall.
get in touch v liên lạc với Please get in touch with our customer service
with for further assistance.
hold sway v thống trị, độc The philosopher's ideas held sway over
tôn generations of thinkers.
keep records v giữ hồ sơ The weather station keeps records of
temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
overrun v tràn qua , lấn The city was overrun by tourists during the
qua summer months.
rectify v sửa chữa The team worked quickly to rectify the errors
in the report.
roam v đi lang thang The nomadic tribe would roam across vast
grasslands in search of food.

start off v bắt đầu Let's start off the presentation with an
overview of the main points.
take v uống thuốc, It's important to take medication as
medication dùng thuốc prescribed by your doctor.
take over v tiếp quản The larger corporation attempted to take
over the smaller company.
verify v xác minh The scientist conducted experiments to verify
the accuracy of the results.
wander v đi lang thang He loved to wander through the forest and
explore its beauty.
allergy n dị ứng She developed an allergy to peanuts at a
young age.
altitude n độ cao so với The aircraft climbed to a higher altitude to
mặt biển avoid turbulence.
ancient n nền văn minh cổ The ruins of the ancient civilization offered
civilisation đại insights into their way of life.
animated n sơ đồ động The animated diagram explained the complex
diagram scientific process.
archer n người bắn cung The skilled archer hit the target with
incredible accuracy.
astronomer n nhà thiên văn The astronomer observed the movement of
học celestial bodies in the night sky.
atmosphere n khí quyển The Earth's atmosphere is composed of
different gases that support life.
atmospheric n áp suất khí Changes in atmospheric pressure can
pressure quyển indicate upcoming weather changes.
barometer n áp kế The barometer is used to measure
atmospheric pressure changes.
booklet n cuốn sách nhỏ The tourist information center provides a
helpful booklet for visitors.
bow and arrow n cung và mũi tên In ancient times, hunters used a bow and
arrow to catch their prey.
catastrophe n thảm họa The natural catastrophe caused widespread
destruction and loss of life.
celestial n hiện tượng The Northern Lights are a dazzling celestial
phenomenon thiên thể ( về phenomenon visible in certain regions.
vũ trụ)
chronological n trình tự thời The historian noticed a chronological pattern
pattern gian in the events of the period.
clinic n bệnh viện tư, The new medical clinic offers a wide range of
phòng khám healthcare services.
comet n sao chổi The appearance of a bright comet in the
night sky captured everyone's attention.
creation myth n thần thoại sáng The ancient civilization had a unique creation
thế myth that explained the origins of the world.
falcon n chim ưng The falcon gracefully soared through the sky
in search of prey.
fort n pháo đài, công The historic fort served as a strategic
sự defense during earlier centuries.

government n sự hỗ trợ chính The startup received government support to
support phủ develop innovative technologies.
humidity n độ ẩm High humidity can make the air feel hot and
hygrometer n ẩm kế A hygrometer measures the humidity level in
the air.
illustration n hình minh họa The book includes an illustration of the city's
insurance n công ty bảo The insurance company offers coverage for
company hiểm various types of risks.
invader n kẻ xâm lược The ancient city was often attacked by
invader forces.
jawbone n xương hàm The discovery of a prehistoric jawbone shed
light on early human history.
mammoth n Voi ma mút The mammoth was a large, prehistoric
mammal that roamed the Earth.
meteorological n dụng cụ khí A thermometer is a common meteorological
instrument tượng instrument used to measure temperature.
meteorologist n nhà khí tượng The meteorologist analyzes weather data to
học make predictions and forecasts.
mud n bùn The children enjoyed playing in the mud after
the rain.
observation n sự quan sát Her keen observation skills allowed her to
notice even the smallest details.
occupation n nghề nghiệp His chosen occupation is in the field of
phenomena n hiện tượng (số Natural phenomena like hurricanes and
nhiều) tornadoes can be extremely powerful.
philosopher n nhà triết học The philosopher pondered the nature of
existence and the meaning of life.
prehistoric n thời tiền sử Dinosaurs lived during prehistoric times, long
times before humans.
procedure n quy trình The doctor explained the medical procedure
before the surgery.
proverb n châm ngôn, tục The ancient proverb "Actions speak louder
ngữ than words" holds true even today.
public display n trưng bày chốn The artist's paintings are currently on public
công cộng display at the gallery.
rain gauge n máy đo lượng The rain gauge measures the amount of
mưa rainfall over a specific period.
Renaissance n thời kỳ phục The Renaissance was a period of cultural and
hưng artistic growth in Europe.
restaurant n chuỗi nhà hàng The popular restaurant chain has several
chain locations throughout the city.
rite n lễ nghi, nghi The tribal community performed a traditional
thức rite to celebrate the harvest.
sample n mẫu vật The researchers collected a sample of water
from the river for analysis.

scientific n cách tiếp cận The scientist used a systematic and scientific
approach khoa học approach to conduct the experiment.
telegraph n máy điện báo The telegraph allowed for rapid
communication over long distances.
thermometer n nhiệt kế The thermometer displayed the current
temperature outside.
timeline n dòng thời gian The timeline depicts the major historical
events of the past century.
trade wind n gió mậu dịch Trade winds play a crucial role in ocean
currents and global weather patterns.
viewpoint n quan điểm Each person's viewpoint on the matter
differed greatly.
visual n hình ảnh trực The visual representation of the data helped
quan the audience understand the concept better.
volcanic ash n tro núi lửa The eruption of the volcano covered nearby
areas with a layer of volcanic ash.
wax n sáp The sculptor used wax as the primary
material for the artwork.
wealthy family n gia đình giàu có The mansion was once owned by a wealthy
family with a long history.
weather n dự báo thời tiết Meteorologists use advanced technology for
forecasting accurate weather forecasting.
weather n hình thái thời Meteorologists study weather patterns to
pattern tiết make accurate predictions.
weather vane n chong chóng The weather vane on top of the barn
gió indicates the direction of the wind.
whim n ý nghĩ chợt nảy She decided to travel on a whim and booked
ra a last-minute flight.
on a regular adv thường xuyên He exercises on a regular basis to maintain
basis his fitness.
onwards adv trở đi From the Renaissance onwards, art and
science saw significant advancements.
systematically adv một cách có hệ The data was systematically analyzed to
thống identify trends and patterns.
accurate adj chính xác The weather forecast turned out to be
accurate, predicting a sunny day.
blown down adj bị thổi ngã The strong winds blew down several trees
during the storm.
competitive adj cạnh tranh The market for smartphones is highly
competitive, with many brands vying for
contemporary adj đương thời The contemporary artist's work challenges
traditional artistic norms.
extensive adj rộng rãi The library has an extensive collection of
rare manuscripts and books.
life-like adj giống như thật The museum features life-like sculptures of
historical figures.
luxurious adj sang trọng The luxurious hotel offers premium amenities
and services to its guests.

muddled adj lúng túng, lộn The student's essay was muddled and lacked
xộn a clear structure.
noteworthy adj đáng chú ý The discovery of a new species was
considered a noteworthy achievement.
precise adj chính xác The scientist conducted precise
measurements to ensure accurate results.
run-down adj xuống cấp The old building was in a run-down condition
and required extensive renovations.
short-range adj ngắn hạn The radar system is effective for short-range

come across v tình cờ gặp During the conference, she came across a
fellow researcher working on a similar
devote v cống hiến She decided to devote her time to
attending the conference and learning from
do v dán giấy dán One of the workshop sessions taught
wallpapering tường attendees how to do wallpapering
finalise v hoàn thành The team worked together to finalise the
conference schedule.
function v họat động, The conference venue had multiple rooms
chạy for different functions and workshops.
get involved in v tham gia vào She decided to get involved in a working
group to collaborate on a research project.
make use of v tận dụng Attendees can make use of the networking
opportunities to connect with others.
overshadow v che bóng The impressive keynote speech
overshadowed the rest of the sessions.
plan a budget v lập kế hoạch It's important to plan a budget for travel
ngân sách and accommodations during the
presume v đoán chừng We can presume that the research findings
will have a significant impact.
reflect v phản ánh During the closing ceremony, the speaker
took a moment to reflect on the event's
rehearse v diễn tập The orchestra rehearsed tirelessly to
perfect their performance for the
rush off v vội vàng, gấp After her performance, she had to rush off
gáp to attend another session.
show signs of v có triệu chứng The participant began to show signs of
fatigue after a long day of sessions.
sob v khóc nức nở The emotional scene caused many audience
members to sob.
alongside prep bên cạnh The conference ran alongside various
workshops and breakout sessions.
accommodation n chỗ ở The attendees were provided with
comfortable accommodation during the
ancient Greek n Hy Lạp cổ đại The ancient Greek philosophers' ideas
continue to influence modern thought.
attendee n người tham dự The conference attracted attendees from
around the world.
babysitting n công việc giữ The conference offered babysitting
trẻ services for attendees with children.

behavioural n khó khăn về Some attendees with behavioural
difficulties hành vi difficulties may need additional support.
buffet n Tiệc đứng; Bữa The conference offered a buffet lunch with
ăn tự chọn a variety of options.
carnival n lễ hội hóa A lively carnival atmosphere prevailed
trang throughout the conference.
clarinet n kèn clarinet The clarinet solo added a hauntingly
beautiful melody to the performance.
coach n huấn luyện viên The coach provided guidance on career
development during a workshop.
commission n tiền hoa hồng The orchestra received a commission to
compose a new piece for the conference.
composition n sự sáng tác The composition showcased a blend of
traditional and contemporary elements.
concerto n bản hòa tấu The piano concerto showcased the soloist's
virtuosity and skill.
conference n hội nghị The annual conference brings together
experts from various fields.
creek n lạch nhỏ The gentle sound of the creek added a
soothing backdrop to the conference venue.
crime n tội ác The conference featured a panel discussion
on cybercrime and digital security.
determination n sự quyết tâm Her determination to succeed was evident
in her passionate performance.
dressmaker n thợ may (đồ The conference featured a dressmaker who
cho phụ nữ) showcased unique designs.
facials n chăm sóc da The conference included wellness sessions
mặt such as facials and massages.
facilities n cơ sở vật chất The conference facilities include meeting
rooms and audiovisual equipment.
flag handover n lễ trao cờ The flag handover ceremony symbolized the
ceremony transition of leadership.
flautist n người thổi sáo The talented flautist performed a beautiful
piece during the musical session.
freelance n làm nghề tự do The freelance photographer captured
candid moments throughout the conference.
incentive n sự khích lệ The conference offered a special incentive
for early registrants.
income n thu nhập The conference provided valuable insights
for professionals looking to increase their
inspiration n nguồn cảm The breathtaking scenery served as
hứng inspiration for the artist's work.
marching band n ban nhạc diễu The conference opened with a lively
hành performance by a local marching band.
nightmare n cơn ác mộng The technical difficulties during the
presentation turned into a nightmare for
the speaker.

open area n khu vực mở The conference venue has an open area for
networking and socializing.
orchestra n dàn nhạc The orchestra played a moving piece during
the opening ceremony.
parade n cuộc diễu hành The closing ceremony included a parade
showcasing different cultures and
percussion n nhạc cụ bộ gõ The percussion section added an energetic
and dynamic element to the performance.
projector n máy chiếu The projector displays visual content during
reduction n sự giảm bớt Early registration offers a reduction in the
conference fee.
self-esteem n lòng tự trọng The self-esteem workshop aimed to
empower attendees and boost their
semi-staged n vòng biểu diễn The semi-staged performance combined
performance bán kết acting and singing in a unique way.
sense of n sự cảm thụ về The drummer's impeccable sense of rhythm
rhythm nhịp điệu kept the band's tempo steady.
shuttle bus n xe buýt chạy A shuttle bus service was available to
đường ngắn transport attendees between the venue
and hotels.
stringed n nhạc cụ có dây The violin is a popular stringed instrument
instrument in classical music.
symphony n bản giao hưởng The symphony orchestra played a powerful
and moving piece.
theme n đề tài, chủ đề The conference's theme focused on
innovation and collaboration.
tragedy n thảm kịch, bi The play depicted a classic tragedy from
kịch ancient times.
transport link n mạng lưới giao The conference venue is conveniently
thông located near a major transport link.
trilogy n bộ 3 tác phẩm The performance was part of a trilogy
exploring different themes.
trombonist n người thổi kèn The skilled trombonist added a rich depth
hai ống to the orchestra's performance.
trumpeter n người thổi kèn The trumpeter played a triumphant fanfare
trumpet to kick off the conference.
sensibly adv một cách hợp She managed her expenses sensibly to
lý ensure she stayed within budget.
subconsciously adv vô thức She hummed subconsciously as she listened
to the music.
complex adj phức tạp The complex topic was explored in depth
during the conference presentations.
complimentary adj miễn phí Complimentary beverages and snacks were
provided during the breaks.
disturbing adj xáo trộn The disturbing statistics highlighted the
urgency of addressing the issue.

expressive adj diễn cảm The expressive dancer conveyed a range of
emotions through movement.
fully equipped adj được trang bị The conference room is fully equipped with
with đầy đủ state-of-the-art technology.
inspiring adj truyền cảm The keynote speaker delivered an inspiring
hứng speech that motivated the audience.
plausible adj hợp lý, đáng The speaker presented a plausible theory
tin cậy to explain the phenomenon.
prominent adj nổi bật, đáng The conference attracted prominent
chú ý figures from various industries.
regional adj vùng, địa The conference attracted participants
phương from regional universities and institutions.
struggling adj vật lộn, đấu The struggling economy was a topic of
tranh discussion at the conference.
vibrant adj sôi động The conference atmosphere was vibrant
and filled with energy.

book in v đặt chỗ trước It's advisable to book in advance,
advance especially during peak seasons.
bury v chôn Over time, sediment began to bury
the shipwreck and its cargo.
cabin v căn nhà gỗ The cozy cabin in the woods was the
perfect romantic getaway.
convey v truyền đạt The speaker effectively conveyed his
message to the audience.
deploy v dàn trận, triển khai The team deployed the underwater
vehicle to explore the seabed.
dissolve v hòa tan Over time, minerals in the water
helped dissolve the shipwreck's iron
guarantee v đảm bảo The hotel guarantees a comfortable
and enjoyable stay for all guests.
have a dip v ngâm mình After hiking, they decided to have a
refreshing dip in the lake.
inspire v truyền cảm hứng The artist's work aims to inspire a
sense of wonder and creativity.
make a speech v phát biểu The best man was nervous but
managed to make a heartfelt speech.
manoeuvre v điều khiển The pilot skillfully manoeuvred the
submarine through the depths.
melt v tan chảy The heat caused the ice to melt,
creating a small pool of water.
obey v vâng lời It's important to obey safety
regulations while on the excursion.
observe v quan sát We can use the telescope to observe
distant celestial objects.
offload v giảm tải The crew worked together to offload
the recovered artefacts from the
overlook v nhìn ra, hướng ra From the terrace, you can overlook
the breathtaking view of the city.
reflect v phản ánh Take a moment to reflect on your
goals and aspirations.
shipwreck v đắm tàu The marine archaeologists explored
the remains of a historic shipwreck.
stroll through v đi dạo qua After dinner, the guests took a
leisurely stroll through the garden.
target at v nhắm vào The marketing campaign is designed
to target at a specific demographic.
telescope v kính thiên văn The powerful telescope allowed us to
observe distant galaxies.
thrive v phát triển mạnh Marine life can thrive in even the
most extreme ocean environments.

work out v tìm ra The team needed to work out the
logistics of the complex operation.
astronomy n thiên văn học She has a keen interest in astronomy
and spends nights stargazing.
accommodation n chỗ ở The resort offers luxurious
accommodation options for its guests.
acoustic wave n sóng âm The acoustic wave technology helped
map the terrain underwater.
artefact n đồ tạo tác Each recovered artefact offers a
glimpse into the past.
ballroom n phòng khiêu vũ The grand ballroom hosted the
prestigious gala event.
beam n chùm tia The spotlight beam illuminated the
shipwreck site for further
buffet n tiệc đứng The gala dinner included an
elaborate buffet with a wide variety
of dishes.
cargo n hàng hóa (vận chuyển The shipwreck's cargo provided
bằng tàu thủy hoặc insights into trade during that era.
máy bay)
ceramics n đồ gốm sứ The ceramics workshop offered a
hands-on experience in pottery
chatter n cuộc nói chuyện phiếm The cheerful chatter of guests filled
the room during the reception.
cleansing liquid n nước rửa The cleansing liquid was carefully
chosen to remove debris from the
coordinate n tọa độ The team had to coordinate their
efforts to ensure a successful
courtyard n sân nhỏ, sân trong nhà The hotel's courtyard is a peaceful
oasis in the heart of the city.
cutlery n bộ dao nĩa The elegant ballroom was set with
fine china and polished cutlery.
discipline n kỷ luật Archaeology requires discipline and
attention to detail.
electromagnetic n sóng điện từ The equipment emitted
wave electromagnetic waves to gather
data from the seabed.
excursion n chuyến tham quan The guided excursion took us to
explore the historical landmarks of
the city.
glacier n băng hà The receding glacier exposed a
pristine landscape that had been
hidden for centuries.
gown n váy dạ hội She wore a beautiful gown that was
custom-made for the occasion.

input n đầu vào He welcomed input from the
attendees during the interactive
insight n cái nhìn sâu sắc The discoveries provided new insight
into maritime history.
inspection n sự kiểm tra Close inspection of the artefacts
revealed intricate details and
intriguing n vật thể thú vị Among the artefacts, the most
object intriguing object was a beautifully
crafted statue.
local craft n đồ thủ công địa The town is known for its local craft,
phương including handmade ceramics.
marble n đá cẩm thạch Fragments of marble were found
scattered around the shipwreck site.
marine n khảo cổ học biển His interest in marine archaeology
archaeology led him to study ancient shipwrecks.
Mediterranean n địa trung hải The shipwreck lies in the deep waters
of the Mediterranean Sea.
module n học phần The course curriculum includes a
module on advanced mathematics.
monument n tượng đài The shipwreck is considered a
historical monument and a window
into the past.
observatory n đài thiên văn The observatory provides a clear
view of the night sky for astronomers.
pipeline n đường ống The underwater pipeline carries oil
from the rig to the processing
public speaker n diễn giả She is a skilled public speaker who
can engage any audience.
receptacle n thùng chứa The waterproof container served as
a receptacle for delicate artefacts.
refurbishment n sự nâng cấp The hotel underwent a complete
refurbishment to update its facilities.
remain n đồ thừa, cái còn lại Despite centuries underwater, some
artifacts remained remarkably
rig n giàn khoan The exploration team used a rig to
lower equipment into the water.
satellite n vệ tinh The satellite imagery provided a
broader view of the ocean currents.
seabed n đáy biển The marine researchers explored the
fascinating creatures that inhabit the
shipwreck n tàu đắm The shipwreck is a testament to the
challenges sailors faced in ancient

silt n phù sa The accumulation of silt over the
years contributed to the shipwreck's
sit-down meal n tiệc ngồi The wedding reception featured a
formal sit-down meal for all
spring n lò xo A natural spring on the seabed
provides a source of fresh water.
tablet n viên thuốc The tablet recorded important
information about the artefacts.
tennis court n sân tennis The hotel has a well-maintained
tennis court for guests to enjoy.
terrace n sân hiên The rooftop terrace provides a
stunning setting for outdoor events.
terracotta n đất nung The terracotta figurines found at the
site were remarkably well-preserved.
translation n bản dịch The conference included simultaneous
translation services for non-English
treasure trove n kho báu The shipwreck proved to be a
treasure trove of historical artifacts.
trial n thử nghiệm The trial excavation yielded valuable
insights into the shipwreck's history.
value n giá trị The antique vase has both
sentimental and monetary value.
vessel n thuyền lớn The research vessel was equipped
with state-of-the-art technology.
waiting list n danh sách chờ The popular excursion had a long
waiting list due to high demand.
wedding n lễ kỉ niệm ngày cưới They celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary anniversary with a romantic getaway.
well n giếng nước The well near the shipwreck
contained freshwater that sustained
the crew.
winch n máy để nâng, kéo các The winch was used to lower and
vật nặng lên raise equipment to the seabed.
at no extra adv không tính thêm phí The resort offers additional
charge amenities at no extra charge.
vividly adv sống động She vividly described her travel
experiences during the presentation.
accurate adj chính xác The accurate measurements ensured
the experiment's success.
autonomous adj độc lập The autonomous underwater vehicle
was used to survey the shipwreck
bizarre adj kỳ quái, kỳ lạ The findings from the excavation
revealed some bizarre artifacts.

ceremonial adj trịnh trọng, long trọng The artifacts were used for
ceremonial purposes in ancient
conscious of adj nhận thức, chú ý đến She is conscious of the impact her
actions have on the environment.
energetic adj tràn đầy năng lượng The energetic dance performance
entertained the entire audience.
ethical adj thuộc về đạo đức The company is committed to ethical
practices in all its operations.
factual adj thực tế The presentation was based on
factual information and data.
inexperienced adj thiếu kinh nghiệm The inexperienced hiker struggled to
navigate the challenging terrain.
medieval adj thuộc thời trung cổ The castle's architecture reflects the
grandeur of medieval times.
prefabricated adj được làm sẵn, được The team used prefabricated
đúc sẵn modules to assemble the research
sophisticated adj tinh vi, phức tạp The sophisticated sonar technology
allowed researchers to map the
underwater terrain.
stunning adj lộng lẫy The stunning sunset painted the sky
with vibrant hues of orange and pink.
superior adj chất lượng cao The researchers' expertise and
advanced equipment provided a
superior advantage.
unlimited adj không giới hạn The all-inclusive package includes
unlimited access to the spa facilities.
visible adj có thể nhìn thấy The bright star was clearly visible in
the night sky.
visual adj thuộc thị giác The visual representation helped the
audience understand complex
waterproof adj không thấm nước Make sure to wear waterproof
clothing for the outdoor activities.

account for v giải thích cho The report accounted for various factors
that influenced the study's outcome.
associate v liên tưởng, liên kết The local community strongly associates
the mountain with their cultural heritage.
build a v xây dựng mối quan hệ Networking is a great way to build
relationship professional relationships in your
clamour v kêu la, la thét There was a clamour of voices as the
protesters gathered outside the building.
co-exist v sống chung, cùng tồn Different species of animals co-exist in
tại the same ecosystem.
compete with v cạnh tranh với The small local shop managed to compete
with larger retailers through unique
consume v tiêu thụ The local wildlife consumes various types
of plants and insects.
date back to v có từ thời The tradition of the harvest festival
dates back to ancient times.
decline v giảm The company's decline in sales was
attributed to changing market trends.
defend v bảo vệ She stepped in to defend her colleague
from unwarranted criticism.
determine v quyết định Further research is needed to determine
the long-term effects of the treatment.
die off v chết dần The sudden change in climate caused
some plant species to die off.
dress smartly v ăn mặc bảnh bao Remember to dress smartly for the
interview to make a positive impression.
engage with v tham gia với It's important to engage with your
colleagues to foster teamwork.
fight for v đấu tranh cho She's willing to fight for equal
opportunities for all employees.
flourish v phát triển With proper care, the plants will flourish
and produce beautiful flowers.
function v hoạt động, thực hiện The event venue has a spacious hall that
chức năng can host various functions.
get in touch v giữ liên lạc với If you're interested in the position, feel
with free to get in touch with our HR
get on with v hòa thuận She gets on with her colleagues and is
well-liked by everyone.
get over v vượt qua It took her a while to get over the
disappointment of not getting the job.
have access v tiếp cận với Employees have access to various
to training resources to enhance their skills.
inject v tiêm thuốc The doctor will inject the vaccine to
protect against the virus.

overlook v nhìn ra The scenic overlook provided
breathtaking views of the city below.
pick up v học lỏm She quickly picked up the necessary skills
for her new role.
proliferate v sinh sôi nảy nở In the absence of predators, the rabbit
population began to proliferate.
put up with v chịu đựng She had to put up with difficult working
conditions for months.
recruit v tuyển dụng The HR team worked diligently to recruit
the best candidates for the company.
revolve v quay xung quanh The team's project will revolve around
around sustainable energy solutions.
ring up v gọi điện Feel free to ring up the office if you have
any questions.
run through v điểm qua Let's run through the main points of the
presentation before the meeting.
secrete v tiết ra Glands in the body secrete hormones
that regulate various processes.
strictly v kiểm soát chặt chẽ The government strictly controls access
control to certain protected areas.
suck up v hút The vacuum cleaner can suck up even the
tiniest dust particles.
take into v xem xét When making a decision, it's important to
consideration take into consideration all relevant
wash away v cuốn trôi The rain helped wash away the dirt from
the streets.
academic n thành tích học tập His consistent academic performance
performance earned him a scholarship.
admin job n công việc hành chính He secured an admin job at a prestigious
company in the finance sector.
administrative n phí quản lý There is a small administrative fee for
fee processing certain transactions.
argument n tranh cãi The argument between the coworkers
escalated into a heated exchange.
arrival n sự ra đời Her arrival at the company marked a
new phase in her career.
bad press n điều tiếng xấu The company suffered from bad press
due to a product recall.
biodiversity n sự đa dạng sinh học The rainforest is known for its incredible
birth order n thứ tự sinh Birth order can influence personality
traits and behavior in siblings.
bushfire n cháy rừng The region is at risk of bushfire due to
dry conditions.
business skills n kĩ năng kinh doanh Effective communication and problem-
solving are essential business skills.

candidate n ứng cử viên The candidate's skills and qualifications
were a perfect match for the job
certificate n giấy chứng nhận She earned a certificate in project
management to enhance her
chemical n tên hóa học The chemical name of the compound is
name quite complex.
claim n lời tuyên bố The scientist made a bold claim about the
potential benefits of the new discovery.
clerical job n công việc văn phòng The clerical job required strong
organizational skills and attention to
composition n thành phần cấu tạo The composition of the soil directly
affects plant growth.
computer n hệ thống máy tính The new computer system streamlined
system the company's operations.
consensus n sự đồng thuận The team reached a consensus on the
best approach to solve the problem.
creature n sinh vật The forest is home to a diverse array of
creatures, both big and small.
CV n sơ yếu lí lịch Make sure your CV highlights your
relevant skills and experiences.
disinfectant n thuốc khử trùng The disinfectant solution effectively kills
harmful bacteria.
ecosystem n hệ sinh thái A healthy marine ecosystem supports a
diverse range of marine life.
entrance n lối vào The entrance to the historical site was
adorned with intricate carvings.
family-run n công ty gia đình The quaint bakery is a charming family-
company run company with a long history.
feedback n ý kiến phản hồi Constructive feedback helps employees
improve their performance.
finance n lĩnh vực tài chính The finance sector plays a crucial role in
sector the economy's stability.
full-time job n công việc toàn thời She was relieved to finally secure a full-
gian time job after months of searching.
germs n vi trùng Regular handwashing helps reduce the
spread of germs and illnesses.
harbour n bến cảng The bustling harbour is a hub of maritime
headland n mũi đất We climbed to the top of the headland to
enjoy panoramic views of the coastline.
heritage site n khu di tích The ancient ruins are a designated
UNESCO World Heritage site.
horse-drawn n xe ngựa kéo The horse-drawn tram provided a
tram nostalgic mode of transportation for

indigenous n người bản địa The indigenous people have a deep
people connection to the land and its resources.
job agency n trung tâm giới thiệu She registered with a job agency to find
việc làm suitable employment opportunities.
lime n vôi Lime is often used as a flavoring agent in
cooking and beverages.
loner n người sống tách biệt He's not a loner; he enjoys spending time
with a close circle of friends.
mediaeval n lâu đài thời trung cổ The mediaeval castle stood as a
castle testament to the region's rich history.
middle n con giữa Middle children often develop strong
children negotiation and peacemaking skills.
nectar n mật hoa The flower's nectar attracted butterflies
and bees.
nest n tổ Birds build their nests in the trees to
raise their young.
nightmare n cơn ác mộng The technical difficulties turned the
event into a nightmare for the
nurture n nuôi dưỡng so với tự The debate over nurture versus nature
versus nature nhiên continues to captivate researchers.
nutrient n chất dinh dưỡng Plants need a balanced nutrient supply to
grow healthily.
office n kinh nghiệm văn Previous office experience is often a
experience phòng valuable asset in job applications.
parliament n nghị viện The parliament building is an iconic
symbol of the country's democracy.
pass n vé thông hành The complete ski package includes
equipment hire, tuition and lift pass.
performance n hiệu suất Her consistent high performance earned
her recognition from the management.
personal n dấu ấn cá nhân The personalized service provided by the
touch staff added a special personal touch to
the experience.
personality n đặc điểm tính cách Kindness is often considered a desirable
trait personality trait.
promenade n cuộc dạo chơi People often gather on the promenade to
enjoy the ocean view.
rail n đường sắt The rail system in the city is well-
connected and efficient.
receptionist n nhân viên lễ tân The receptionist greeted visitors with a
warm smile and directed them to the
appropriate area.
registration n quy trình đăng ký Make sure to complete the registration
process process well in advance of the deadline.
robust n bằng chứng mạnh mẽ The study provided robust evidence to
evidence support the hypothesis.
shelter n nơi trú ẩn The tree provided shelter for the birds
during the rainstorm.

sibling n anh chị em ruột She has a close bond with her younger
sibling rivalry n sự ganh đua giữa anh Sibling rivalry is a common phenomenon in
em ruột families with multiple children.
socioeconomi n địa vị kinh tế xã hội Socioeconomic status can significantly
c status impact access to education and
solution n dung dịch The solution to the problem requires
careful analysis and planning.
special n sự đối xử đặc biệt All employees are entitled to fair
treatment treatment and should not receive special
spectacular n khung cảnh ngoạn The mountaintop lookout point offers a
view mục spectacular view of the surrounding
steam railway n đường sắt hơi nước The steam railway offers a unique and
charming way to explore the countryside.
stereotype n khuôn mẫu, rập khuôn It's important not to stereotype
individuals based on their background.
supplement n phần bổ sung, phần The company provides a shuttle service
thêm vào to supplement public transportation
undergrowth n bụi rậm The undergrowth in the forest provides
important habitat for various creatures.
vacancy n vị trí tuyển dụng The company announced a new vacancy
for a senior administrative role.
vegetation n thảm thực vật The area's unique vegetation is home to
many rare species.
verbalising n quá trình diễn đạt The verbalizing process helps individuals
process bằng lời nói articulate their thoughts and ideas.
amicably adv Hoà bình, thân thiện Despite their differences, they managed
to resolve the issue amicably.
at the adv phải trả giá bằng The company focused on profit at the
expense of expense of employee well-being.
by ferry adv bằng phà You can easily reach the island by ferry
from the mainland.
in advance adv trước It's advisable to prepare for the
interview in advance by researching the
prematurely adv sớm The fruit fell off the tree prematurely,
indicating a problem with the plant.
extracted adj được chiết xuất từ The medicine is extracted from natural
from plants and herbs.
intellectually adj Về mặt trí tuệ, trí He is intellectually curious and constantly
thức seeks to expand his knowledge.
accurate adj chính xác It's important to provide accurate
information on your resume.
alarming adj đáng báo động The alarming increase in pollution is a
cause for concern.

alternative adj thay thế If you prefer an alternative route, you
can take the scenic route through the
casual adj thông thường The company has a casual dress code,
allowing employees to wear comfortable
complicated adj phức tạp The registration process may seem
complicated, but we're here to help.
dense adj dày đặc The rainforest is so dense that sunlight
barely penetrates the canopy.
eager to adj thích làm hài lòng His eager-to-please nature made him a
please người khác favorite among customers.
envious of adj ghen tị She couldn't help but feel envious of her
friend's success.
fascinating adj hấp dẫn The history of the ancient ruins was
absolutely fascinating.
harsh adj khắc nghiệt The harsh criticism from the manager
demotivated the team.
individual adj riêng lẻ, cá nhân Each individual's contribution contributes
to the overall success of the team.
nurturing adj ân cần The nurturing environment of the school
fosters creativity and growth.
proper adj thích hợp Make sure to use the proper safety
precautions when handling chemicals.
shy adj nhút nhát Although she's shy, she has a lot of
potential and talent.
sociable adj hòa đồng His sociable nature made him the life of
the party.
typical adj điển hình Her behavior was typical of someone who
is genuinely passionate about their work.
unreliable adj không đáng tin The witness's testimony was deemed
unreliable due to conflicting statements.
well-adjusted adj thích nghi, điều chỉnh Despite facing challenges, she remains
tốt trong mọi tình well-adjusted and positive.

adapt v thích nghi The company had to adapt to changing
market trends to remain competitive.
adopt v thông qua, chấp The local school decided to adopt a greener
nhận approach to its operations.
appeal to v thu hút, hấp dẫn The new art exhibit aims to appeal to a
(ai đó) diverse audience.
attract v thu hút The colorful flowers in the garden attract a
variety of butterflies.
be inclined to v có khuynh hướng, She was always inclined to help those in
có chiều hướng need.
be up to v tùy thuộc vào It's up to you to decide whether to accept
the offer or not.
breed v nuôi Farmers selectively breed animals to
improve their desirable traits.
carry out v tiến hành, thực The research team will carry out field
hiện studies to gather data.
cereals v ngũ cốc Cereals like wheat and oats are staple
crops in many regions.
concentrate v tập trung vào During the workshop, participants were
on encouraged to concentrate on their
creative process.
cultivate v trồng trọt Farmers cultivate various crops to sustain
the local population.
demonstrate v thể hiện The farm's success will demonstrate the
viability of sustainable agriculture
dig v đào They had to dig trenches to install the new
utility lines.
dig up v đào lên Archaeologists hope to dig up artifacts that
shed light on ancient civilizations.
have access v tiếp cận với The community has access to a communal
to garden for growing their own food.
implement v thực hiện The government plans to implement new
policies to address environmental issues.
in charge of v chịu trách nhiệm She is in charge of overseeing the marketing
department's activities.
inherit a v thừa kế gia tài After her wealthy relative passed away, she
fortune inherited a large fortune.
make sense v hợp lý The explanation didn't quite make sense, so
I asked for clarification.
monitor v giám sát It's important to monitor the growth of the
crops to ensure a healthy harvest.
play a key v đóng vai trò Education plays a key role in shaping the
role in quan trọng future of a society.
pretend v giả vờ Children love to pretend they're explorers
on a grand adventure.

protein v chất đạm Legumes and meat are excellent sources of
protein in a diet.
publicise v quảng bá The company used various marketing
strategies to publicize their new product.
put up v dựng lên The farmers put up scarecrows to deter
birds from eating their crops.
result in v dẫn đến The new farming techniques resulted in
higher crop yields.
retain v giữ lại The company aims to retain its employees
through various incentives.
take v chiếm hữu The new owner was excited to take
possession of possession of the historic mansion.
use up v dùng hết We need to use up all the perishable items
before they go bad.
(war) breaks v chiến tranh nổ The country was devastated when war
out ra broke out in the region.
a colony of n đàn ong The garden was home to a thriving colony of
bees bees that pollinated the flowers.
agricultural n đất nước nông The country's economy is largely dependent
country nghiệp on its agricultural sector.
amusement n sự giải trí The amusement park was packed with
families enjoying the rides and games.
angle n góc Adjust the camera angle to capture the
best shot.
arid region n vùng khô hạn The desert is known for its arid climate and
minimal vegetation.
ballet n ba lê The ballet troupe practiced tirelessly for
their upcoming performance.
bend n chỗ rẽ The river takes a sharp bend just beyond
the forest.
boundary n ranh giới The fence marks the boundary between the
two properties.
campaign n chiến dịch, cuộc The non-profit organization launched a
vận động campaign to raise awareness about
endangered species.
carpentry n nghề mộc His carpentry skills allowed him to create
intricate wooden designs.
category n hạng, loại The items in the store are organized by
category for easy shopping.
charcoal n than củi Charcoal is often used for grilling and
barbecuing food.
chisel n dùi đục The sculptor used a chisel to shape the
marble into a beautiful statue.
community n trung tâm văn The local community center offers various
centre hóa cộng đồng activities for residents.
consumption n sự tiêu thụ Sustainable consumption habits help reduce
environmental impact.
cookery n nghệ thuật nấu She enrolled in a cookery class to improve
ăn her culinary skills.

council n hội đồng The city council discussed various issues
during their meeting.
debtors' n nhà tù của con In the past, debtors' prison was a harsh
prison nợ punishment for those in debt.
demonstration n cuộc biểu tình A peaceful demonstration was held to raise
awareness about climate change.
department n phòng, ban, khoa The department responsible for
environmental conservation has been doing
great work.
display n trưng bày The art gallery will display works by local
domestic n vật nuôi trong Cats and dogs are among the most common
animal nhà domestic animals.
duty n nhiệm vụ It is my duty to report it to the police.
farmers' n hiệp hội nông The local farmers' association supports
association dân sustainable farming practices.
feature n đặc điểm The main feature of the exhibit was a
stunning sculpture.
fence off n rào lại The farmer fenced off the pasture to keep
the animals safe.
food security n an ninh lương Promoting sustainable farming practices
thực contributes to food security in the region.
guardian n người giám hộ The guardian of the orphanage cared for
the children like they were her own.
heroine n nữ anh hùng The novel's strong and independent heroine
became a role model for many readers.
income n thu nhập Her income allowed her to live comfortably
and support her family.
initiative n sáng kiến The government launched an initiative to
promote sustainable farming practices.
irrigation n sự tưới tiêu Efficient irrigation is essential for successful
crop growth.
labour n lao động; công The labor-intensive process of planting and
việc harvesting required a large workforce.
lead-in n sự dẫn vào The lead-in to the presentation was
captivating and grabbed the audience's
legal owner n chủ sở hữu hợp As the legal owner of the property, she had
pháp the right to make decisions about it.
legal system n Hệ thống pháp The legal system ensures that justice is
luật served to all citizens.
lifeguard n nhân viên cứu hộ The lifeguard's duty is to ensure the safety
of all swimmers.
livestock n chăn nuôi gia súc Livestock breeding is a vital component of
breeding the agricultural sector.
marked n cải thiện rõ rệt The use of organic fertilizers led to a
improvement marked improvement in crop yield.
maze n mê cung The cornfield was transformed into an
intricate maze for visitors to explore.

medical n tình trạng sức Her medical condition required regular
condition khỏe check-ups and treatments.
orchestra n dàn nhạc The orchestra's performance was met with
thunderous applause.
outline n phác thảo The outline of the proposal highlighted the
key points of the project.
petition n đơn yêu cầu, The residents started a petition to protest
kiến nghị the construction of the new highway.
phase n giai đoạn The project will be implemented in phases to
ensure its success.
pipe n ống dẫn The irrigation system is connected to a
network of pipes that deliver water to the
pond n cái ao The children love feeding the ducks at the
pond in the park.
potential n tiềm năng The farm has the potential to become a
leading example of sustainable agriculture.
preservation n sự bảo quản The preservation of biodiversity is crucial
for a healthy ecosystem.
private n quyền sở hữu tư The company transitioned from public to
ownership nhân private ownership.
produce n nông sản The farm produces a wide variety of fruits
and vegetables.
proposal n sự đề nghị, đề She presented a proposal to the committee
xuất for a new community garden.
quotation n sự trích dẫn The speech began with a powerful quotation
from a renowned philosopher.
rainfall n lượng mưa The average annual rainfall in this area is
relatively low.
residential n khu dân cư The new development will be located in a
area quiet residential area.
responsibility n trách nhiệm With great power comes great
responsibility, as they say.
review n sự phê bình, bài The book received rave reviews from
phê bình literary critics.
rural n dân số nông thôn The rural population relied on agriculture
population for their livelihood.
satire n sự trào phúng, sự The political cartoon used satire to criticize
châm biếm government policies.
sculpture n điêu khắc The sculpture in the park is a beautiful
depiction of a local legend.
seed n hạt giống Plant the seed in fertile soil and water it
social justice n Công bằng xã hội She dedicated her life to advocating for
social justice and equality.
social reform n cải cách xã hội The government initiated a social reform to
address inequality in the education system.
statue n bức tượng A magnificent statue of a local hero stood in
the town square.

sustainable n sự phát triển The government is committed to achieving
development bền vững sustainable development goals.
tank n thùng, két, bể The farm has a large water tank for storing
technique n kỹ thuật The innovative technique revolutionized the
way crops were grown.
tennis court n sân tennis The new sports complex features multiple
tennis courts.
theme n đề tài, chủ đề The party's theme was "Under the Stars,"
complete with twinkling lights and celestial
touring actor n diễn viên lưu The touring actor received a standing
diễn ovation for his outstanding performance.
transforma- n sự biến đổi The urban park underwent a remarkable
tion transformation after years of neglect.
troop n cuộc tập trận The military conducted a troop exercise to
exercise test their readiness.
venue n địa điểm The concert will be held at a historic venue
waste land n đất hoang The community rallied to clean up the waste
land and turn it into a park.
water supply n nguồn cung cấp Access to a clean and reliable water supply
nước is crucial for communities.
wire n dây (kim loại) The wire fence provides protection for the
garden from wildlife.
workforce n lực lượng lao The company's dedicated workforce is the
động backbone of its success.
entirely adv hoàn toàn The situation changed entirely after the new
management took over.
in the long adv dài hạn, lâu dài Investing in renewable energy sources will
term benefit us in the long term.
later on adv sau đó Later on, the farm plans to introduce a
composting system to further improve
presumably adv có lẽ The project was delayed, presumably due to
unforeseen complications.
amateur adj nghiệp dư Despite being an amateur painter, her
artwork was truly impressive.
aware of adj nhận thức He was aware of the potential risks before
taking on the new project.
densely adj dân cư đông đúc The city center is densely populated with
populated high-rise buildings and businesses.
dependable adj đáng tin cậy She is a dependable and trustworthy
existing adj hiện có, hiện The new project will build upon the existing
hành infrastructure.
familiar with adj quen thuộc với She was familiar with the city's landmarks
and attractions.

named after adj được đặt tên The street was named after a famous
theo historical figure.
notable adj đáng chú ý The scientist made a notable contribution to
the field of medicine.
reliable adj đáng tin cậy The farm's irrigation system is reliable and
ensures consistent water supply.
spoiled adj hư hỏng The heavy rains spoiled the crops, causing
them to rot.
supervised adj được giám sát The lifeguard closely supervised the
swimmers at the pool.
sustainable adj bền vững The company is committed to adopting
sustainable practices to protect the
unpredictable adj không thể đoán The weather in this region is unpredictable
trước and can change rapidly.
visible adj có thể nhìn thấy The mountain range is clearly visible from
our cabin.

advance v phát triển Our knowledge of the disease has
advanced considerably over recent years.
analyse v phân tích The team had to analyse the data to
identify trends and patterns.
anoint v bôi,thoa In ancient ceremonies, they would anoint
leaders with sacred oils.
attend v tham dự cuộc họp She had to attend meetings with clients to
meetings discuss project updates.
attract the v thu hút sự chú ý The colorful advertisement was designed to
attention of của... attract the attention of potential
be regarded as v được coi như Soap came to be regarded as an essential
item for personal hygiene.
bear in mind v ghi nhớ When making a decision, it's important to
bear in mind the potential consequences.
block off the v chắn đường The police had to block off the road after a
road traffic accident.
campaign v làm chiến dịch, The environmental campaign aimed to raise
vận động awareness about pollution.
chemist v nhà hóa học The chemist studied ancient soap recipes
to understand their composition.
close off the v chắn đường The city decided to close off the street for
street a neighborhood block party.
communicate v giao tiếp bằng lời He was skilled at communicating orally and
orally nói presenting ideas effectively.
complain v phàn nàn Some residents decided to complain about
the noisy construction site.
cope with v đối phó, đương She learned to cope with the high-pressure
đầu demands of her new role.
credit v ghi nhận The invention of soap is credited to the
ancient civilizations.
date back to v có từ thời The tradition of celebrating harvest
festivals dates back to ancient times.
deal with v giải quyết The customer service team had to deal
with a variety of customer inquiries.
establish v thành lập Ancient civilizations established trade
routes to facilitate commerce.
fund v cấp vốn, tài trợ The non-profit organization raised funds to
support local schools.
go abroad v đi nước ngoài He decided to go abroad to experience
different cultures and languages.
have access to v tiếp cận với Living in the city gave her access to
various cultural events and amenities.
heavily tax v đánh thuế nặng Luxury items were heavily taxed in some
ancient societies.
keep records v lưu giữ hồ sơ It's essential to keep records of financial
transactions for auditing purposes.

keep track of v theo dõi It's important to keep track of inventory
levels to avoid shortages.
manufacture v sản xuất The mass manufacture of soap led to
increased accessibility.
patent v cấp bằng sáng Soapmakers would sometimes patent their
chế unique soap formulations.
persuade v thuyết phục He tried to persuade his colleagues to join
his volunteer campaign.
prehistoric v thời tiền sử Prehistoric times were marked by the
times absence of written records.
raise strong v khơi dậy cảm xúc The controversial art exhibit raised strong
feelings mãnh liệt feelings among viewers.
reinforce v tăng cường, củng The discovery of ancient soap recipes
cố reinforces our understanding of historical
rinse off v rửa sạch After applying the facial mask, she would
rinse it off with warm water.
sacrifice v cúng tế In some ancient cultures, soapmaking was
part of religious rituals and sacrifice.
scrape off v cạo bỏ He used a tool to carefully scrape off
layers of dirt from the artifact.
shampoo v gội đầu Herbal concoctions were used as shampoos
for cleaning hair.
shave v cạo râu Men in ancient times used soap to soften
their beards before shaving.
spread over v trải rộng The festival's activities were spread over
the course of a week.
stare at v nhìn chằm chằm She would often stare at the stars on clear
nights, pondering the universe.
supervise v giám sát She was responsible for supervising the
construction project's progress.
tint v nhuộm màu Different natural ingredients could be
added to tint the soap and add fragrance.
yield v sinh lợi The soapmaking process could yield a large
quantity of soap bars.
administrative n trợ lý hành chính The administrative assistant efficiently
assistant managed office tasks and schedules.
aesthetic n lý do thẩm mỹ The intricate carvings on the cathedral
reason were done for aesthetic reasons.
agency n đại lý, chi nhánh, The employment agency helped her find a
sở, hãng job that matched her skills.
analysis n sự phân tích Her analysis of the market trends helped
the company make informed decisions.
aqueduct n cống dẫn nước Ancient civilizations built aqueducts to
transport water over long distances.
Archaeologist n nhà khảo cổ học The archaeologist discovered a hidden
tomb containing ancient artifacts.
ash n tro tàn The volcanic ash covered the surrounding
landscape after the eruption.

association n tổ chức, hiệp hội The local soapmakers formed an
association to share knowledge and skills.
assumption n giả định The argument was based on the assumption
that the data was accurate.
attitude n thái độ, quan Her positive attitude and optimism
điểm influenced those around her.
civilisation n nền văn minh The discovery of soap indicates an
advanced level of civilization in ancient
clay n đất sét The artist molded the clay into a beautiful
cleansing n đặc tính làm The soap was known for its natural
property sạch cleansing properties.
column n cột , mục (báo) Her weekly column provided insights on the
latest fashion trends.
computer n màn hình máy After hours in front of the computer
screen tính screen, he experienced eye strain.
conflicting n ý kiến trái chiều The debate featured conflicting opinions on
opinion the proposed policy.
controversy n sự tranh cãi The controversial decision sparked heated
debates and public discussion.
coverage n việc phủ sóng The news coverage of the event helped
spread awareness about the issue.
craft n nghề thủ công Soapmaking was considered a valuable
craft in ancient societies.
cylinder n hình trụ The cylindrical object was identified as an
ancient storage container.
data entry n sự nhập dữ liệu Her role involved data entry and
maintaining accurate records in the
delivery n sự giao hàng The delivery of goods was delayed due to
heavy traffic.
deposits of n cặn mỡ động vật Early soapmakers used deposits of animal
animal fat fat as a key ingredient.
editor n biên tập viên The editor reviewed and polished the
articles before publication.
editorial n bài xã luận The editorial discussed the recent changes
in government policy.
everyday n thứ thiết yếu Soap transitioned from a luxury item to an
necessity hằng ngày everyday necessity.
excavation n sự khai quật The archaeological excavation revealed
ancient artifacts buried underground.
extended family n gia đình nhiều The extended family gathered for a reunion
thế hệ and shared fond memories.
filth n sự bẩn thỉu Soap was essential for cleaning away filth
and promoting hygiene.
fresh air n không khí trong The hike in the mountains provided fresh
lành air and stunning views.

graphics n đồ họa The magazine's graphics and layout were
visually appealing.
headline n tiêu đề The headline of the newspaper article
caught everyone's attention.
human interest n câu chuyện đề The human interest story touched the
story cập đến cá nhân hearts of readers and highlighted personal
inscription n chữ khắc The inscription on the stone tablet was
written in an ancient language.
interpersonal n kĩ năng giao tiếp Strong interpersonal skills are crucial for
skill building effective working relationships.
journalist n nhà báo The journalist interviewed various experts
to gather information for the article.
laundry n giặt ủi She did the laundry every weekend to
ensure clean clothes for the week ahead.
level of n trình độ học vấn The level of education often determines
education career opportunities.
licence n giấy phép lái xe She obtained her driver's licence after
passing the written and practical tests.
living condition n điều kiện sống Poor living conditions led to health
problems in ancient times.
local resident n cư dân địa The local resident was passionate about
phương improving the community.
luxury item n hàng xa xỉ In the past, soap was considered a luxury
item reserved for the wealthy.
major factor n yếu tố chính Lack of sanitation was a major factor
contributing to high mortality rates.
media study n nghiên cứu She pursued a media study program to
truyền thông learn about journalism and communication.
medicinal n mục đích chữa Many plants were used for their medicinal
purpose bệnh purposes in ancient times.
mild n nhẹ, êm dịu Many ancient soaps were mild and suitable
for sensitive skin.
minority n thiểu số The minority group advocated for equal
rights and representation.
misleading n thông tin sai lệch The article contained misleading
information information that caused confusion.
mixture n hỗn hợp Soap is typically made from a mixture of
fats and lye.
motorist n người đi xe máy The motorist obeyed traffic laws while
driving through the city.
organisational n kỹ năng tổ chức His exceptional organisational skills made
skills him a valuable asset to the team.
outbreak of n sự bùng phát dịch The outbreak of a contagious disease
disease bệnh spread quickly due to unsanitary
personal n vệ sinh cá nhân Personal cleanliness is important to
cleanliness maintain good health.

physician n thầy thuốc Ancient physicians often prescribed herbal
remedies for various ailments.
politics n chính trị The conversation shifted to discussing
current politics and policy issues.
positive n phản ứng tích cực The new policy received a positive
reaction reaction from the community.
pumice n đá bọt Pumice is a lightweight volcanic rock used
for exfoliation.
representative n người đại diện The company sent a representative to the
conference to present their latest
requirement n yêu cầu Meeting the minimum educational
requirement was necessary for the job
review n bài phê bình The book received a glowing review from a
prominent critic.
scheme n kế hoạch The government introduced a new
recycling scheme to reduce waste.
sign n biển báo The sign warned motorists of the upcoming
construction site.
soapmaking n nghề làm xà Soapmaking is a traditional craft that has
phòng been practiced for centuries.
soda ash n muối natri Soda ash, also known as sodium carbonate,
cacbonat was used in soapmaking.
spreadsheet n bảng tính The finance team used a spreadsheet to
track expenses and revenues.
stock n nguồn hàng, The supermarket always ensured that it
nguồn cung cấp had sufficient stock of popular items.
stranger n người lạ She struck up a conversation with a
stranger on the train.
strigil n vật để kì cọ (khi In ancient times, people used a strigil to
tắm) scrape off dirt and sweat from their skin.
substance n chất The substance used to make soap varies
based on availability and region.
suburb n ngoại ô They decided to move to a quiet suburb
outside the bustling city.
tele- n hội nghị qua điện Teleconferencing allowed team members to
conferencing thoại collaborate remotely.
toddler n trẻ tập đi The toddler eagerly explored the
playground under their parent's watchful
trade secret n bí mật kinh The recipe for making the best soap was a
doanh closely guarded trade secret.
treatment n sự điều trị The medical treatment was effective in
relieving her symptoms.
warden n người giám sát The warden ensured that the park's rules
were followed by visitors.
warehouse n nhà kho The warehouse stored a vast inventory of
products awaiting shipment.

wealthy area n khu giàu có The mansion was located in a wealthy area
with luxurious homes.
widespread use n việc sử dụng rộng The widespread use of soap contributed to
rãi improved hygiene and health.
apparently adv nhìn bên ngoài, Apparently, the local legend had been
hình như passed down through generations.
by accident adv vô tình She stumbled upon the hidden treasure by
accident while exploring the forest.
by the turn of adv ở thời điểm By the turn of the century, soap had
chuyển giao become an essential household item.
considerably adv đáng kể The company's profits increased
considerably after the successful product
deliberately adv cố ý The misleading headline was deliberately
crafted to grab attention.
explicitly adv rõ ràng, dứt The instructions explicitly stated the steps
khoát for assembling the furniture.
computer adj hiểu biết về máy Being computer literate is essential in
literate tính today's tech-driven workplace.
energetic adj tràn đầy năng The energetic team worked tirelessly to
lượng complete the project on time.
inexpensive adj không đắt With mass production, soap became more
inexpensive and accessible.
large-scale adj trên quy mô lớn Soap production shifted to large-scale
manufacturing during the Industrial
luxurious adj xa xỉ, sang trọng In ancient Rome, public baths were known
for their luxurious amenities.
patronised adj bị đối xử với thái She felt patronised when others assumed
độ bề trên she needed help due to her age.
readily adj luôn luôn có sẵn With the growth of trade, soap became
available more readily available to the general
ridiculous adj buồn cười, lố His proposal to build a roller coaster in the
bịch, lố lăng park seemed ridiculous to many.
supportive adj ủng hộ Her supportive family encouraged her to
pursue her dreams.
unsanitary adj mất vệ sinh The unsanitary living conditions contributed
to the spread of disease.
visual adj trực quan The visual presentation used images and
charts to convey information.
well organised adj có tổ chức The event was well organised, and
everything ran smoothly.

assume v cho rằng It's important not to assume things without
proper evidence.
attract v thu hút khách The store used creative displays to attract
customers hàng customers and encourage purchases.
break down v hư hỏng The car broke down on the highway, causing
a traffic jam.
bring sb up to v cập nhật cho ai The manager held a meeting to bring the
date đó team up to date on the latest project
claim v tuyên bố The product claim that it could improve
sleep quality was backed by scientific
come across v tình cờ thấy During the trip, they unexpectedly came
across a hidden waterfall.
contribute v đóng góp Many volunteers contributed their time and
effort to clean up the community park.
differentiate v phân biệt It's important to differentiate between
genuine and counterfeit products.
do a favour v giúp đỡ She asked her friend to do her a favor and
pick up groceries.
dominate v thống trị Steam engines came to dominate factories
and transportation systems.
dump v vứt bỏ The company was fined for illegally dumping
hazardous waste.
exist v tồn tại The ancient ruins still exist, telling the story
of a forgotten civilization.
extend v mở rộng The city planned to extend the park to
include more recreational areas.
fall out of use v ngừng sử dụng As technology advanced, horse-drawn
carriages gradually fell out of use.
flock to v đổ xô đến Shoppers flocked to the newly opened
department store to explore the variety of
force v ép buộc The steam engine provided a powerful force
to drive industrial machinery.
freeze v đóng băng The cold temperatures caused the water in
the lake to freeze over.
get rid of v loại bỏ She decided to get rid of old clothes and
donate them to charity.
hand out v phân phát Volunteers were asked to hand out flyers to
promote the upcoming event.
have a go at v thử cái gì đó He decided to have a go at learning a new
instrument over the summer.
have access v tiếp cận với Students have access to online resources
to for research and learning.
insulate v cô lập, cách ly The walls of the house were insulated to
keep the interior warm in winter.

investigate v điều tra, nghiên The detective was called in to investigate
cứu the mysterious case.
keep an eye v để mắt đến The security personnel were instructed to
on keep an eye on suspicious activities.
let off steam v xả hơi After a long day, he went to the gym to let
off steam and relieve stress.
melt v tan chảy The snow started to melt as the
temperature rose.
migrate v di cư Many rural people migrated to urban areas
in search of better opportunities.
persuade v thuyết phục They had difficulty in persuading the two
sides to sit down together.
plan ahead v lập kế hoạch To avoid last-minute stress, it's best to plan
trước ahead for your trip.
promote v quảng bá The company hired a marketing team to
promote its new product.
recycle v tái chế It's important to recycle materials to
reduce waste and protect the environment.
replant v trồng lại cây The park decided to replant trees to
restore its natural beauty.
separate v tách rời The project required separating recyclables
from non-recyclables.
split into v chia thành The class was split into smaller groups for
the team activity.
stock v tích trữ The store needed to replenish its stock of
popular items.
straw v rơm Farmers used straw to create a cozy
bedding for their animals.
transform v thay đổi, biến đổi The invention of the internet transformed
the way we communicate and access
trigger v kích hoạt, khơi The assassination of the leader triggered a
nguồn series of political changes.
adventure n sân chơi mạo The new adventure playground attracted
playground hiểm many children with its exciting features.
advertising n quảng cáo Effective advertising can significantly
increase brand awareness.
assortment n sự phân loại The store offers a wide assortment of
products to cater to different customer
availability n sự có sẵn The availability of fresh produce varied
depending on the season.
available fund n quỹ có sẵn The school had an available fund to support
extracurricular activities.
bend n chỗ rẽ The river took a sharp bend as it flowed
through the valley.
block of ice n tảng băng They used a block of ice to keep food and
drinks cool during the picnic.

boundary n ranh giới The boundary between the two properties
was marked with a fence.
canal n kênh đào Canals were dug to facilitate the
transportation of goods between cities.
cart n xe đẩy Farmers used carts to transport their
produce to the market.
chemical n hóa chất The chemical composition of the product
was analyzed in the laboratory.
coal n than đá Coal was a major source of power during
the Industrial Revolution.
competitor n đối thủ cạnh The company faces tough competition from
tranh its industry competitors.
complaint n lời phàn nàn The customer lodged a complaint about the
poor service at the restaurant.
component n thành phần Each component of the machine was
carefully inspected before assembly.
constant use n sử dụng liên tục The playground equipment saw constant use
from enthusiastic children.
consumerism n chủ nghĩa tiêu Consumerism refers to the culture of
dùng excessive consumption of goods and
conveniences n đồ dùng tiện nghi The modern kitchen is equipped with many
conveniences that make cooking easier.
customer n sự hài lòng của The restaurant prioritized customer
satisfaction khách hàng satisfaction by improving service quality.
cutlery n dao kéo The restaurant invested in high-quality
cutlery for its upscale dining experience.
damage n sự hư hại The storm caused significant damage to
homes and infrastructure.
delay n sự trì hoãn The flight experienced a delay due to bad
weather conditions.
department n cửa hàng bách The department store offered a wide range
store hóa of products under one roof.
disastrous n hỏa hoạn thảm The disastrous fire destroyed several
fire khốc historical buildings in the town.
discount n giảm giá The store offered a special discount on
electronics during the holiday season.
distribution n sự phân phối The distribution of goods became more
efficient with the rise of railroads.
entrance n lối vào The main entrance to the park was adorned
with colorful flowers.
entrepreneur n doanh nhân The young entrepreneur started a successful
tech startup in his garage.
era n kỷ nguyên The Renaissance era was characterized by
a flourishing of arts and culture.
explosion n sự bùng nổ The company experienced an explosion in
sales after launching a popular product.
facilities n cơ sở vật chất, The airport offers various facilities to make
tiện nghi passengers' experience more comfortable.

fashionable n vải thời trang Silk and velvet were fashionable fabrics
fabrics during the Victorian era.
general n tổng quan The presentation provided a general
overview overview of the company's financial
glass house n nhà kính The botanical garden had a glass house that
housed rare tropical plants.
good value n đáng đồng tiền The all-inclusive vacation package was a
for money bát gạo good value for money.
household n đồ gia dụng The store sells a variety of household
appliances appliances, from refrigerators to washing
icehouse n nhà băng In the past, people used an icehouse to
store ice for cooling purposes.
indication of n biểu hiện của sự The grand mansion served as an indication
the wealth giàu có of the family's wealth and status.
Industrial n cuộc cách mạng The Industrial Revolution brought about
Revolution công nghiệp significant technological advancements.
journalist n nhà báo The journalist interviewed local residents
about their opinions on the new
lace n dây buộc Fine lace was often used to adorn clothing
and accessories.
local market n chợ địa phương The local market was a hub of economic
activity where people bought and sold
manufacturer n nhà sản xuất The manufacturer produced high-quality
electronic devices.
manufacturing n sự sản xuất, sự The manufacturing industry produces a wide
chế tạo range of products for consumers.
necessities n nhu yếu phẩm Running water and electricity are basic
necessities in most households.
ordinary life n cuộc sống đời The ordinary life of a villager in the past
thường was quite different from modern life.
parking n bãi đậu xe The parking lot was full, so it took some time
to find a spot.
passenger n hành khách Each passenger must present their boarding
pass before boarding the plane.
phenomenon n hiện tượng The sudden increase in demand for a
product was a remarkable phenomenon.
pit n hố A deep pit was dug to extract minerals from
the earth.
platform n sân ga The train arrived at Platform 3 of the
poorly n đường có bề mặt Traveling on a poorly surfaced road was
surfaced road xấu uncomfortable and slow.
positive n phản hồi tích cực The company received positive feedback
feedback from its recent advertising campaign.

possessions n tài sản In ancient times, people owned fewer
possessions compared to today.
potential n khách hàng tiềm The store offered free samples to attract
customer năng potential customers.
queue n sự xếp hàng People formed a long queue outside the
store during the Black Friday sale.
refrigeration n sự làm lạnh Proper refrigeration is essential to keep
food fresh and safe to consume.
retailing n bán lẻ The art of retailing involves selling products
directly to consumers.
return ticket n vé khứ hồi He bought a return ticket for his trip so he
could come back home later.
ribbon n ruy băng Delicate ribbons were used as
embellishments on dresses and bonnets.
sawdust n mùn cưa Sawdust from woodworking projects was
collected and repurposed for various uses.
season ticket n vé cả mùa She purchased a season ticket for the train
to save on daily commuting costs.
section n phần, mục The textbook is divided into sections to
make it easier to study.
shady area n khu vực có bóng Visitors sought refuge from the sun in the
râm shady area near the pond.
shift n sự thay đổi The Industrial Revolution marked a shift
from agrarian societies to urbanization.
skateboard n đường dốc trượt The skateboard park had a new ramp for
ramp ván skaters to perform tricks.
source of n nguồn năng lượng Watermills were a common source of power
power for early industries.
stagecoach n xe ngựa The stagecoach was a popular means of
long-distance travel in the 19th century.
steam engine n động cơ hơi nước The steam engine revolutionized
transportation and industry.
subcommittee n tiểu ban The education committee formed a
subcommittee to address specific
curriculum issues.
survey n khảo sát The company conducted a survey to gather
feedback from its customers.
textiles n hàng dệt may The textiles industry played a crucial role in
the early stages of industrialization.
tropical palm n cây cọ nhiệt đới The tropical palm trees added a touch of
tree paradise to the resort.
visibility n tầm nhìn The store's prime location increased its
visibility and foot traffic.
watermill n cối xay nước The watermill harnessed the power of
flowing water to grind grains.
wealthy n thành phần giàu The opera was attended by wealthy
members of có của xã hội members of society.

windmill n cối xay gió Windmills were used to harness wind energy
for various tasks.
workshop n phân xưởng The workshop was filled with the sound of
machinery and bustling activity.
behind adv chậm trễ lịch The construction project was behind
schedule trình schedule due to unforeseen challenges.
for sale adv để bán Many items were marked with "for sale"
signs during the clearance event.
in advance adv trước It's advisable to book your tickets in
advance to secure your spot.
irrespective adv không phân biệt The discount was offered to all customers,
of irrespective of their purchase amount.
properly adv một cách đúng Make sure you fasten your seatbelt properly
đắn before takeoff.
underground adv dưới mặt đất The underground passage provided a safe
route through the city.
advanced adj tiên tiến, tiến bộ The Industrial Revolution led to advanced
technological developments.
complex adj phức tạp The issue at hand is quite complex and
requires careful consideration.
dissatisfied adj không hài lòng The dissatisfied customer demanded a
refund for the faulty product.
domestic adj nội địa Domestic chores include tasks such as
cleaning, cooking, and laundry.
efficient adj hiệu quả The new manufacturing processes were
more efficient than traditional methods.
enormous adj to lớn, khổng lồ The enormous factory complex employed
thousands of workers.
frustrating adj làm nản lòng The repeated delays on the train were very
frustrating for the passengers.
harmful adj có hại Certain chemicals can be harmful if not
handled properly.
heavy going adj khó hiểu The novel was heavy going, with its complex
themes and dense writing.
hidden adj bị ẩn giấu The treasure was hidden deep within the
cave, waiting to be discovered.
horse-drawn adj kéo bằng ngựa Horse-drawn carriages were a common
mode of transportation in the past.
knowledgeable adj có kiến thức The historian was knowledgeable about the
local history and landmarks.
major adj chính The new discovery was a major
breakthrough in the field of science.
massive adj to lớn, khổng lồ The earthquake caused massive destruction
in the city.
reliable adj đáng tin cậy The train service is reliable and usually runs
on time.
satisfied with adj hài lòng với Most customers were satisfied with the
quality of the product.

unimaginable adj không thể tưởng The technological advancements we enjoy
tượng được today would have been unimaginable in the
My mind goes đầu óc tôi trống Whenever I'm asked to speak in public, my
blank rỗng mind goes blank.
the vast đại đa số, phần The vast majority of people supported the
majority of lớn new policy.

amend v sửa đổi, cải thiện The lawyer helped them amend the
contract to better suit their needs.
attached to v đính kèm với The swing was attached to the sturdy
tree branch.
carry out v thực hiện The team was ready to carry out the
clear up v dọn sạch The manager had to clear up the
misunderstanding between the teams.
come about v xảy ra The change in policy came about after
months of negotiations.
come up with v nghĩ ra They had to come up with a creative
solution to the problem.
concentrate v tập trung vào She needed to concentrate on her studies
on to succeed in school.
evaluate v đánh giá The teacher took time to evaluate each
student's performance.
exploit v khai thác The company sought to exploit new
markets for its products.
get on v tiến bộ It's important for team members to get on
well with each other.
hand in v nộp Remember to hand in your assignment by
have a v có ảnh hưởng sâu The invention of the printing press had a
profound sắc lên profound influence on communication.
influence on
have access v tiếp cận với Students have access to a vast library of
to resources.
inspire v truyền cảm hứng His speech was meant to inspire young
minds to pursue their dreams.
look out onto v nhìn ra ngoài The hotel room had a balcony where
guests could look out onto the ocean.
miss v bỏ lỡ I can't afford to miss the bus; I need to
be on time for work.
observe v quan sát Scientists carefully observe the behavior
of the subjects in the study.
orientate v định hướng The map helped us orientate ourselves in
the unfamiliar city.
overcome v vượt qua khó khăn With determination, he was able to
setbacks overcome setbacks and achieve his goals.
pour with rain v mưa như trút nước During the outdoor event, it suddenly
began to pour with rain.
put off v hoãn lại They decided to put off the meeting until
next week.
put on a play v diễn một vở kịch The local theater group decided to put on
a play for the community.
resonate with v cộng hưởng với The message of hope and perseverance
resonated with the audience.

set up v thành lập They decided to set up a new office in the
downtown area.
solve problems v giải quyết vấn đề Engineers work to solve complex problems
through innovation.
stare v nhìn chằm chằm He couldn't help but stare at the
mesmerizing artwork.
swoop over v sà xuống mặt nước The seagull swooped over the water,
the water searching for fish.
work out v tìm ra cách giải They needed to work out the details of
quyết the project before starting.
throughout prep xuyên suốt The museum displayed artifacts from
throughout history.
access n tiếp cận Only authorized personnel were granted
access to the secure area.
access road n đường vào The access road led to the industrial
action plan n kế hoạch hành The team developed an action plan to
động address the issues.
Ancient n hy lạp cổ đại Ancient Greece is known for its
Greece contributions to art and philosophy.
Ancient n triết học cổ đại Ancient philosophy explores fundamental
philosophy questions about life.
animation n phần mềm hoạt The studio used cutting-edge animation
software hình software to create stunning visuals.
apprentice- n sự học việc The young artist began an apprenticeship
ship under a renowned painter.
automotive n ngành công nghiệp Detroit is famous for its strong
industry ô tô automotive industry presence.
balloon n bóng bay The children watched as the colorful
balloon floated into the sky.
basis n nền tảng The decision was made on the basis of
available information.
boardroom n phòng họp của ban Important decisions were made in the
giám đốc company's luxurious boardroom.
brainstorming n phiên họp thảo The team held a brainstorming session to
session luận generate innovative ideas.
brilliant n những hiểu biết The scientist's research led to brilliant
insights tuyệt vời insights in the field.
caution n sự thận trọng He advised caution before making any
hasty decisions.
coding n lập trình His job involved writing complex coding
scripts for software development.
Cognitive n hành vi nhận thức Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is effective
Behaviour for treating anxiety.
component n thành phần The electronic component was crucial for
the device's functionality.
conscious n kiểm soát ý thức Through mindfulness, we can gain
control conscious control over our thoughts.

corridor n hành lang The long corridor connected various
rooms in the building.
courtyard n sân nhỏ, sân trong The peaceful courtyard was a perfect
place to relax.
delay n sự trì hoãn The project experienced a delay due to
unforeseen circumstances.
department n phòng ban The marketing department worked on
promoting the new product.
depression n trầm cảm Her depression made it difficult for her to
find motivation.
description n sự miêu tả The job description outlined the
responsibilities and requirements.
destructive n cảm xúc tiêu cực Jealousy is a destructive emotion that can
emotion harm relationships.
diary n nhật ký He kept a detailed diary to document his
daily experiences.
draft n soạn thảo các đề They worked late into the night to finalize
proposals xuất the draft proposals.
economist n nhà kinh tế học The economist predicted a downturn in
the economy.
entrance n lối vào The grand entrance of the mansion was
adorned with intricate carvings.
entrepreneur n doanh nhân The entrepreneur started multiple
successful businesses.
evolution n sự tiến hóa The theory of evolution revolutionized our
understanding of life.
existence n sự tồn tại The philosopher pondered the nature of
external event n sự kiện bên ngoài His emotional response was triggered by
an external event.
falcon n chim ưng The falcon soared high above the cliffs,
searching for prey.
far side n ở phía xa The garden on the far side of the
property was a hidden gem.
faulty thinking n suy nghĩ sai lầm Faulty thinking can lead to poor decision-
fist n nắm tay He clenched his fist in frustration.
food chain n chuỗi thức ăn Understanding the food chain is crucial in
ecology studies.
foundation n nền tảng Education provides the foundation for
personal development.
founder n người sáng lập Steve Jobs was a co-founder of Apple Inc.
founding n cha đẻ Benjamin Franklin is considered a
father founding father of the United States.
handouts n tài liệu phát tay The instructor distributed handouts with
key information.
healthcare n ngành chăm sóc Advances in technology have transformed
industry sức khỏe the healthcare industry.

human n phòng nhân sự The human resources department handled
resources employee matters.
impression n sự ấn tượng The artist's painting left a lasting
impression on the viewers.
initiation n sự khởi đầu The initiation into the secret society was
shrouded in mystery.
introductory n giai đoạn mở đầu The introductory stage of the project
stage involved brainstorming ideas.
irrational n niềm tin phi lý His irrational belief in conspiracy theories
belief clouded his judgment.
layout n bố cục The interior designer planned the office
layout for maximum efficiency.
lecture n giảng bài The professor delivered an engaging
lecture on astronomy.
letdown n sự thất vọng The cancellation of the event was a
disappointment and a letdown.
lifetime n cả đời He dedicated his lifetime to the pursuit of
lizard n thằn lằn The garden was home to a variety of small
lizard species.
long-term plan n kế hoạch dài hạn The company's long-term plan aimed for
sustainable growth.
managing n giám đốc điều The managing director led the company
director hành with vision and strategy.
manufacturer n nhà sản xuất The automobile manufacturer produced
thousands of cars each year.
master n thành thạo Through years of practice, he became a
master of his craft.
Meditation n thiền Meditation can help reduce stress and
promote relaxation.
meeting room n phòng họp The spacious meeting room was equipped
with state-of-the-art technology.
mind map n sơ đồ tư duy She used a mind map to organize her
thoughts before writing the essay.
modern n máy móc hiện đại The factory invested in modern machinery
machinery to streamline production.
natural n ánh sáng tự nhiên The office was designed to maximize
daylight ban ngày natural daylight.
never-ending n vòng tuần hoàn The changing seasons create a never-
cycle không hồi kết ending cycle of nature.
note-taking n việc ghi chú Effective note-taking is a key study skill.
obstacles n trở ngại The team worked together to overcome
obstacles in their path.
opportunity n cơ hội The merger presented a unique
opportunity for growth.
outcome n kết quả The outcome of the experiment was
unexpected but promising.

perch n đậu The colorful bird found a comfortable
perch on the branch.
personal link n liên kết cá nhân The book created a personal link between
the author and the reader.
perspective n quan điểm, góc Her unique perspective added depth to
nhìn the discussion.
philosophy n triết học Eastern philosophy emphasizes harmony
and balance.
political n nhà lãnh đạo chính The political leader addressed the nation
leader trị during a crisis.
portrait n chân dung The artist painted a lifelike portrait of
the king.
power n cung cấp năng The wind turbines generate renewable
lượng power for the town.
predator n thú săn mồi The lion is a powerful predator at the top
of the food chain.
premises n cơ sở Visitors were not allowed beyond the
company premises without permission.
presentation n bài thuyết trình She prepared a detailed presentation for
the board meeting.
principle n nguyên tắc Honesty is a fundamental principle in
ethical behavior.
production n sự sản xuất The factory increased its production to
meet high demand.
production n phương thức sản The new production method improved
method xuất efficiency and reduced costs.
program n lập trình The coding bootcamp offered an intensive
programming program.
publication n sự công bố; sự xuất Her research findings were published in a
bản prestigious journal.
rapid motion n chuyển động nhanh The cheetah's rapid motion made it the
fastest land animal.
rationale n ý do căn bản, cơ The rationale behind the decision was
sở hợp lý explained during the meeting.
reception n khu vực lễ tân The elegant reception area welcomed
area guests with a sense of luxury.
reed n cây lau The marsh was filled with tall reeds
swaying in the breeze.
refurbishment n sự nâng cấp The hotel underwent a complete
refurbishment to update its facilities.
resilience n sự kiên cường Her resilience helped her bounce back
from adversity.
root n gốc, rễ To understand the issue, we need to
address its root causes.
shape n hình dạng The sculpture took shape under the
artist's skilled hands.
staff canteen n căng tin nhân viên Employees enjoyed their meals in the
bright and airy staff canteen.

state of mind n tâm trí A positive state of mind can lead to
improved well-being.
steel industry n ngành công nghiệp The city's economy was closely tied to the
thép steel industry.
Stoicism n chủ nghĩa khắc kỷ Stoicism teaches the importance of
resilience in the face of adversity.
stoics n những người theo The Stoics believed in living a life of virtue
chủ nghĩa khắc kỉ and wisdom.
talon n móng vuốt The eagle's sharp talons grasped the
branch securely.
texture n kết cấu The texture of the fabric was soft and
smooth to the touch.
timeline n dòng thời gian The project manager created a detailed
timeline for the project.
tower n tòa tháp The tower stood tall, overlooking the city.
triumph n chiến thắng Despite the challenges, their hard work
led to a triumph.
turning area n khu vực quay đầu The driver maneuvered the truck in the
turning area of the loading dock.
undertaking n công việc, nhiệm The project was a massive undertaking
vụ that required careful planning.
unshakable n hạnh phúc không The monk's practice of meditation brought
happiness thể lay chuyển him unshakable happiness.
vehicle n xe cộ The electric vehicle silently glided down
the road.
virtue n đức hạnh The ancient philosopher emphasized the
importance of cultivating virtue.
warehouse n nhà kho The company stored its inventory in a
spacious warehouse.
wildlife n cuộc sống hoang The national park was teeming with
dã diverse wildlife.
workshop n buổi hội thảo The participants engaged in a
session collaborative workshop session.
presumably adv có lẽ She was late, presumably due to traffic.
with regard to adv liên quan đến With regard to the upcoming project, we
need to finalize the details.
advanced adj nâng cao The laboratory was equipped with
advanced research equipment.
ambiguous adj mơ hồ His ambiguous statement left us unsure
about his intentions.
appealing adj hấp dẫn The charming cottage in the countryside
was very appealing.
determined adj quyết tâm Despite challenges, she remained
determined to achieve her goals.
disciplined adj có kỷ luật A disciplined approach to training led to
his success.
ideal adj lý tưởng Their dream home had an ideal location
with a view of the mountains.

middle-aged adj trung niên The middle-aged couple decided to
embark on a world tour.
precise adj chính xác The instructions were clear and precise.
principled adj có nguyên tắc She was known for her principled stance
on social issues.
relevant adj liên quan Her experience was highly relevant to the
job requirements.
renowned adj nổi tiếng, lừng The renowned scientist received
danh numerous awards for his research.
vague adj mơ hồ His explanation was vague and left us with
more questions than answers.
wholly adj hoàn toàn tiêu cực The report painted a wholly negative
negative picture of the situation.
head turned phr. đầu quay sang một The bird's head turned to one side as it
to one side bên listened for sounds.

alter v thay đổi She decided to alter her presentation to
include more visuals.
analyse v phân tích The data analyst will analyze the sales figures
to identify trends.
assume v cho rằng You shouldn't assume that everyone will agree
with your opinion.
be put under v bị căng thẳng The unexpected project deadline put
stress everyone under stress.
calculate v tính toán You need to calculate the total cost before
making a decision.
compete v cạnh tranh She trained hard to compete in the upcoming
convert to v chuyển đổi They decided to convert the spare room into
a home office.
get damaged v bị hư hỏng If you're not careful, the delicate electronics
can get damaged easily.
get marked v đánh giá thấp She was disappointed to see that her essay
down got marked down.
get mixed up v bị lẫn lộn I often get mixed up between the twins; they
look so similar.
justify v biện hộ He struggled to justify his decision to his
make a big v tạo ra sự khác Adding a fresh coat of paint can make a big
difference biệt lớn difference to a room's appearance.
make v cải thiện The team worked tirelessly to make
improvements improvements to the user interface.
make it a v biến nó thành To stay healthy, you should make it a habit to
habit một thói quen exercise regularly.
make use of v tận dụng They decided to make use of the available
resources to complete the project.
predict the v dự đoán tương It's impossible to accurately predict the
future lai future.
prescribe v kê đơn thuốc The doctor prescribed medication to alleviate
the symptoms.
retain v giữ lại Good study habits can help you retain
information better.
separate v tách rời Please separate the recyclables from the
regular trash.
sort out v phân loại It took them some time to sort out the issues
with the software.
struggle v gặp khó khăn Local workers were still struggling to
find employment.
stuck into v dính vào She stuck the notes into her notebook for
suffer from v chịu đựng He suffered from insomnia for years before
seeking treatment.

top up v nạp tiền Don't forget to top up your prepaid phone
card before it runs out.
touch up v chỉnh sửa The artist decided to touch up the painting
before the exhibition.
trigger v kích hoạt The sound of a bell can trigger memories from
the past.
adolescent n thanh thiếu niên Adolescents often experience emotional and
physical changes.
advertisemen n quảng cáo The catchy advertisement on TV persuaded
t many people to try the new product.
aerobic n thể dục nhịp She enjoyed the energetic aerobic workout at
workout điệu the gym.
assignment n bài tập The final assignment was due at the end of the
attic n gác xép The old family photos were found in a dusty
box in the attic.
balance n thăng bằng Athletes need a good sense of balance.
Ballroom n phòng khiêu vũ The ballroom was beautifully decorated for
the elegant event.
barrier n rào cản Language barrier can make communication
difficult in a foreign country.
calories n calo He burned a lot of calories during his intense
catering n các cơ sở phục The venue had excellent catering facilities for
facilities vụ ăn uống events.
cognitive n nhiệm vụ nhận Solving puzzles is a cognitive task that
task thức exercises the brain.
coincidence n sự trùng hợp The fact that they both arrived at the same
time was just a coincidence.
collaboration n sự cộng tác Successful collaboration among team members
led to a great outcome.
commission n uỷ nhiệm, uỷ The artist received a commission to create a
thác mural for the city.
contrast n tương phản The contrast between light and shadow
created a dramatic effect.
correlation n mối tương quan There is a strong correlation between
exercise and overall well-being.
cuisine n ẩm thực The restaurant specialized in French cuisine.
cycle n đạp xe I usually cycle home through the park.
department n khoa The HR department is responsible for hiring
new employees.
digital n định dạng kỹ The photographer converted the old prints
format thuật số into a digital format.
disk n ổ đĩa She stored all her files on an external hard
dream n ký ức giấc mơ She tried to recall the details of her dream
memory memory.
ethical n nguyên tắc đạo The medical study followed strict ethical
guideline đức guidelines.

force n ép buộc The release of the hostages could not be
achieved without the use of force.
frame n khung ảnh She placed the artwork in a beautiful wooden
gardening n làm vườn Gardening is a relaxing and rewarding
outdoor activity.
grand n m The grand ballroom was elegantly decorated
for the event.
grant n cấp She applied for a grant to fund her research
quyềnexisting project.
graph n đồ thị The data was presented in a clear and
informative graph.
heir n người thừa kế He was the rightful heir to the family fortune.
hormone n hóc môn Hormones play a significant role in regulating
bodily functions.
imminent n thay đổi sắp The imminent change in management caused
change xảy ra uncertainty among the employees.
intense n bài tập cường The fitness instructor led a series of intense
exercises độ cao exercises.
intense n tập luyện cường The athletes underwent an intense workout
workout độ cao regimen to prepare for the competition.
local council n hội đồng địa The local council approved the new park
phương development.
maximum n tối đa The theme park can accommodate a maximum
of 500 visitors at a time.
mental health n các vấn đề thần Anxiety is a common mental health problem
problem kinh that many people face.
methodology n phương pháp The researcher explained the methodology
used in the study.
minimum n tối thiểu The minimum age to enter the competition is
18 years.
nucleus n hạt nhân The nucleus of the cell contains genetic
obesity n béo phì The rise in obesity rates is a growing health
observation n sự quan sát The scientist made detailed observations
during the experiment.
off-road n điều kiện địa The vehicle was designed for off-road
condition hình conditions.
parcel n bưu kiện, gói The package was carefully wrapped and sent
hàng in a protective parcel.
pattern n mô hình The data revealed a clear pattern of
performance n trung tâm trình The city opened a new performance center
centre diễn for cultural events.
plastic n nhựa The toy was made of durable plastic.
popularity n sự phổ biến The new restaurant gained popularity due to
its unique cuisine.

problem- n nhiệm vụ giải The problem-solving task required creative
solving task quyết vấn đề thinking.
process n xử lý The manufacturing process involves several
stages of production.
protection n sự bảo vệ Wearing sunscreen provides protection from
harmful UV rays.
psychology n tâm lý học She decided to major in psychology to better
understand human behavior.
pupil n học sinh The pupil diligently completed his math
regulation n quy định The new regulation required all employees to
attend safety training.
research n câu hỏi nghiên The research question aimed to explore the
question cứu relationship between two variables.
restriction n hạn chế There is a restriction on the maximum number
of attendees.
room n chỗ trống There's always room for improvement in any
segmented n ngủ theo phân Some people practice segmented sleeping,
sleeping đoạn taking multiple short naps.
sense of well- n cảm giác hạnh Engaging in creative activities can improve
being phúc your sense of well-being.
serving point n điểm phục vụ The buffet had a dedicated serving point for
smooth n vận hành trơn The efficient team ensured the smooth running
running tru of the event.
standard of n tiêu chuẩn thể The military has a strict standard of fitness
fitness lực for its recruits.
standard n dịch vụ tiêu The hotel offered a standard service that
service chuẩn included daily cleaning.
storage n nơi lưu trữ, kho The storage room was filled with old files and
universal n phản ứng phổ Laughter is a universal response to humor.
response quát
variable n biến số The experiment tested the effects of different
waiting list n danh sách chờ There was a long waiting list for reservations
at the popular restaurant.
in focus adv vào trọng tâm Make sure the subject of the photograph is in
visually adv bằng thị giác, The presentation visually demonstrated the
bằng mắt process step by step.
appropriate adj thích hợp It's important to use appropriate language in
a professional setting.
beneficial adj có lợi Regular exercise is beneficial for overall
existing adj hiện có The company decided to expand its existing
product line.

fragile adj mong manh, dễ The antique vase was very fragile and needed
vỡ careful handling.
full to adj hết công suất The theater was full to capacity for the
capacity opening night.
magnificent adj nguy nga, tráng The castle was a magnificent sight, towering
lệ over the landscape.
precious adj quý giá The diamond necklace was a precious family
statistical adj thuộc thống kê The statistical analysis provided valuable
insights into the data.
straightfor- adj dễ hiểu, dễ làm The instructions were straightforward and
ward easy to follow.
un- adj không hài lòng The quality of the product was unsatisfactory
satisfactory and needed improvement.
well-equipped adj được trang bị The gym was well-equipped with modern
đầy đủ exercise machines.

absorb v hấp thụ Plants absorb nutrients from the soil through
their roots.
adjust v điều chỉnh You can adjust the settings on the
thermostat for more comfort.
be stuck with v bị kẹt với I'm stuck with these chores for the weekend.
depend on v phụ thuộc vào The success of the project depends on
teamwork and dedication.
disclose v vạch trần, phơi The company is required to disclose financial
bày information to investors.
fit v vừa vặn The dress didn't fit properly, so she had it
go into v ít đi, yếu đi, bớt The economy began to go into decline after
decline đi several years of growth.
ground up v nghiền The architect designed the building from the
ground up.
guarantee v đảm bảo The warranty guarantees a free replacement
if the product fails.
juggle v tung hứng She had to juggle work, family, and school
keep a v ghi lại thông tin It's important to keep a record of your
record of về điều gì expenses for budgeting.
keep track of v theo dõi Use a fitness app to keep track of your daily
lose weight v giảm cân She followed a strict diet to lose weight
before the wedding.
operate v vận hành The technician was trained to operate the
complex machinery.
pass down v truyền lại The family tradition of baking was passed
down through generations.
put off v trì hoãn Don't put off your tasks until the last minute.
sew v may, khâu She learned how to sew her own clothes.
specialise in v chuyên về The company specializes in eco-friendly
start off v bắt đầu Let's start off the meeting with a quick
overview of the agenda.
submit v nộp Please submit your application by the
suspect v nghi ngờ The detective began to suspect foul play in
the case.
take v uống thuốc It's important to take medication as
medication prescribed by your doctor.
take over v đảm nhiệm The new manager will take over the
department next month.
vanish v biến mất The magician made the rabbit vanish from
the hat.

in terms of pre xét về mặt In terms of sales, the company has exceeded
p its targets.
administratio n sự quản lý The administration department handles
n paperwork and logistics.
agriculture n nông nghiệp The region's economy relies heavily on
agronomist n nhà nông học The agronomist studied crop cultivation and
soil management.
applicant n ứng viên The company received numerous applications
for the job opening.
approach n Cách tiếp cận, The scientist took a systematic approach to
phương pháp solving the problem.
archaeologic n di tích khảo cổ The excavation uncovered ancient
al remains học archaeological remains.
artificial n chất làm ngọt Some people prefer using artificial
sweetener nhân tạo sweeteners instead of sugar.
babysitter n người trông trẻ The babysitter watched over the children
while the parents were out.
bone n xương The museum displayed a fossilized dinosaur
brisk walking n đi bộ nhanh Brisk walking is an effective cardiovascular
Candidate n ứng cử viên The candidate impressed the interview panel
with their experience.
career ladder n nấc thang sự Climbing the career ladder requires
nghiệp dedication and hard work.
chain of n chuỗi The store is part of a chain of supermarkets
across the country.
client n khách hàng The lawyer met with a client to discuss the
commercial n giám đốc thương The commercial manager oversaw the sales
manager mại department.
competitive n mức lương cạnh The company offered a competitive salary to
salary tranh attract top talent.
conservation n sự bảo tồn The conservation efforts helped protect the
endangered species.
cottage n nhà tranh They rented a charming cottage for their
summer vacation.
craft-based n kỹ năng thủ công The workshop focused on developing craft-
skills based skills.
crop nutrition n dinh dưỡng cho Improving crop nutrition can lead to higher
cây trồng yields.
crop sowing n gieo hạt The farmers focused on crop sowing during
the planting season.
dominance n chiếm ưu thế The dominance of the large corporation led
to concerns about competition.
driving n bằng lái xe You need a valid driving licence to operate a
licence motor vehicle.

economic n khó khăn về kinh Many families faced economic hardship
hardship tế during the recession.
escalator n thang cuốn She rode the escalator to the upper level of
the mall.
fast-paced n môi trường có He thrived in a fast-paced environment
environment nhịp độ nhanh where deadlines were tight.
fast-paced n nhịp sống hối hả Living in the city often means leading a fast-
life paced life.
fat content n hàm lượng chất Check the nutritional label for information
béo about fat content.
financial n Chi tiêu tài chính The initial financial outlay for the project
outlay was substantial.
forestry n lâm nghiệp The study of forestry involves the
management of forests and woodlands.
garments n đồ may mặc The fashion designer showcased a collection
of stylish garments.
guideline n Follow the safety guideline when operating
the equipment.
hand knitting n đan tay She enjoyed spending evenings hand knitting
handicraft n đồ thủ công She enjoyed creating various handicrafts in
her free time.
harvesting n thu hoạch The community came together for the apple
harvesting festival.
helmet n mũ bảo hiểm Make sure to wear a helmet when riding your
homely image n hình ảnh giản dị The cozy decor and warm colors created a
homely image.
horticulture n nghề làm vườn She studied horticulture to learn about plant
industrial n Máy công nghiệp The factory used an industrial machine to
machine mass-produce products.
knitting n mẫu đan She followed the knitting pattern to create a
pattern cozy sweater.
label n nhãn hiệu Check the label for care instructions before
washing the garment.
legislation n pháp luật New legislation was introduced to regulate
environmental practices.
lesson plan n giáo án The teacher created a detailed lesson plan
for the upcoming week.
low profit n tỷ suất lợi nhuận The retail business operated on a low profit
margin thấp margin.
Low-calorie n Các món có hàm The menu includes a variety of low-calorie
items lượng calo thấp items for health-conscious customers.
machine n bảo trì máy móc Regular machine maintenance prevents
maintenance breakdowns.
maintenance n sự bảo trì Regular maintenance of the equipment is
essential for longevity.

manufacturer n nhà sản xuất The manufacturer produces high-quality
maternity n bảo hiểm thai She was hired as maternity cover for the
cover sản regular employee.
modern n công nghệ hiện The company utilizes modern technology for
technology đại efficient operations.
modification n sự thay đổi The modification to the design improved its
motion sensor n cảm biến chuyển The motion sensor detects movement and
động activates the lights.
needle n cây kim The tailor used a fine needle to sew intricate
nutritional n thông tin dinh The nutritional information on the packaging
information dưỡng helps consumers make informed choices.
obesity n béo phì The rise in obesity rates is a growing health
package n gói hàng The package contained all the necessary
components for assembly.
Perks n đặc quyền The company offers various perks, including
gym memberships.
pests n sâu bệnh The farmers used natural predators to
control pests on their crops.
position n vị trí She applied for a managerial position at the
new company.
producer n nhà sản xuất The producer is responsible for coordinating
the film's production.
recruitment n chuyên viên tư The recruitment consultant helped match
consultant vấn tuyển dụng candidates with job positions.
reference n sự giới thiệu The applicant provided a reference from
their previous employer.
regional n sự khác biệt khu There are regional differences in dialect and
difference vực culture.
remote area n vùng sâu vùng xa They lived in a remote area with no nearby
rural setting n bối cảnh nông The farmhouse was located in a peaceful
thôn rural setting.
safety n sự an toàn The company prioritizes safety in all its
safety n quy trình an toàn Following safety procedures is crucial in a
procedure lao động chemical laboratory.
sales figure n doanh số bán The company celebrated a record-breaking
hàng sales figure for the year.
scale n tỉ lệ The scale of the project was much larger
than anticipated.
sociable n tính cách hòa Her sociable personality made her a great
personality đồng fit for customer service.
spare clothes n quần áo dự Always bring spare clothes in case of
phòng unexpected spills.

specialist n chuyên gia The clinic has a specialist in pediatric
spinning n guồng quay The spinning wheel was used to create
wheel thread from wool.
standard of n tiêu chuẩn sức Regular exercise contributes to maintaining
health khỏe a high standard of health.
steel n thép The bridge's structure was made of strong
supervisor n người giám sát The supervisor oversees the team's daily
tasks and progress.
tractor n máy cày The farmer used a tractor to plow the fields.
training n khóa huấn luyện She enrolled in a training course to enhance
course her skills.
tree n kỹ thuật viên The tree technician pruned the branches for
technician chăm sóc cây better growth.
unconscious n quá trình vô thức Breathing is an unconscious process
process controlled by the brainstem.
vacancy n chỗ trống The HR department advertised a vacancy for
a software engineer.
visual identity n sự nhận diện về The new logo and branding elements
thị giác conveyed a consistent visual identity.
waterproofs n quần áo mưa They wore waterproofs to stay dry during
the rainstorm.
wearer n người mặc The design of the shoe focuses on comfort
for the wearer.
well-being n sự khỏe mạnh Taking breaks throughout the day can
improve your overall well-being.
yarns n sợi The store offered a variety of colorful yarns
for knitting.
on purpose adv cố tình, cố ý, có He knocked the vase over on purpose,
chủ tâm causing it to shatter.
Absolutely adv chắc chắn rồi Absolutely, I'll be happy to help you with that.
objectively adv khách quan The report analyzed the data objectively,
without bias.
surrounded adv được bao quanh The cabin was surrounded by tall pine trees.
by bởi
upwards adv trở lên The company's profits have been steadily
increasing upwards.
accurate adj chính xác The measurements need to be accurate for
the experiment.
confusing adj khó hiểu The instructions were confusing and difficult
to follow.
high in adj có hàm lượng Fast food is often high in calories and
calories calo cao unhealthy fats.
minimal adj tối thiểu The investment required for the startup was
problematic adj có vấn đề The project faced various problematic issues
that needed to be resolved.

rewarding adj đáng làm Teaching can be challenging but also highly
rough on the adj thô ráp trên da The fabric was rough on the skin and caused
skin irritation.
unearthed adj được khai quật The archaeologists unearthed ancient
artifacts at the dig site.
work-related adj liên quan đến The stress was mostly work-related and
công việc caused by tight deadlines.
basic adj cơ bản The course covers the basic principles of

add up v thêm vào The numbers don't add up, there seems to be a
mistake in the calculation.
breathe in v hít vào Take a deep breath in and then exhale slowly.
budget v lập ngân sách It's important to create a budget before
planning a trip.
chain v xích lại, trói lại The chain of events that followed led to a
successful outcome.
consume v tiêu thụ Humans consume vast amounts of natural
convert v chuyển đổi They decided to convert the old barn into a
cozy guesthouse.
cut down v chặt, đốn The logging company planned to cut down a
section of the forest.
defend v bảo vệ The lion will fiercely defend its territory from
employ v sử dụng The company plans to employ new staff
members for the project.
exist v tồn tại Many ancient traditions and practices still
exist today.
extend v mở rộng The company plans to extend its product line in
the coming year.
guarantee v đảm bảo The warranty will guarantee a replacement if
the product is faulty.
have a v có ảnh hưởng Our actions can have a significant effect on
significant đáng kể đến the planet's health.
effect on
have in mind v cân nhắc Do you have a specific destination in mind for
our trip?
hunt v săn bắn The predator stalked its prey in the jungle as
it prepared to hunt.
invest v đầu tư They decided to invest in stocks to grow their
launch v cho ra mắt The company plans to launch a new product
next month.
locate v định vị The map helped us locate the hidden treasure.
maintain v duy trì It's important to maintain the cleanliness of
public spaces.
make a v góp phần vào By using public transport, you can make a
contribution contribution to reducing air pollution.
make the v tận dụng tối đa Let's make the most of the sunny weather and
most of it go for a hike.
overrun v tràn qua, lan The garden was overrun by weeds after weeks
qua of neglect.
pick up v nhận Can you pick up some groceries on your way

preserve v bảo quản, giữ The museum works to preserve historical
gìn artifacts.
presume v cho là I presume you've already heard about the
upcoming event.
purchase v mua She decided to purchase a new laptop for her
put off v trì hoãn Don't let a minor setback put you off pursuing
your goals.
stock up v dự trữ Before the trip, they decided to stock up on
food and supplies.
struggle v gặp khó khăn Despite the struggle, he managed to complete
the marathon.
survive v tồn tại The species has evolved to survive in harsh
upset the v làm đảo lộn hệ Introducing non-native species can upset the
ecology sinh thái local ecology.
alongside pre dọc theo The new park was built alongside the river,
p offering scenic views.
accommo- n chỗ ở The hotel offered comfortable accommodation
dation with a beautiful view.
agenda n chương trình The items on the meeting agenda included
nghị sự budget review and project updates.
agriculture n nông nghiệp The region's economy relies heavily on
ambition n tham vọng Her ambition to succeed motivated her to
work hard.
analysis n sự phân tích The data analysis revealed interesting trends.
attempt n sự cố gắng Despite several attempts, they couldn't solve
the puzzle.
balance n thăng bằng Yoga helps improve balance and flexibility.
bend n chỗ rẽ The road took a sharp bend, leading us into
the forest.
bike lane n làn đường cho xe The city added a designated bike lane to
đạp promote cycling.
bike rack n giá đỡ xe đạp The bike rack outside the library was full of
brain n bộ não The brain is a complex organ responsible for
various functions.
car fumes n khói xe The city has implemented measures to reduce
car fumes and air pollution.
colony n thuộc địa the Declaration of Independence of the 13
colonies and the creation of the United States
commuters n người đi làm The new train service was a convenient option
for daily commuters.
complaints n lời phàn nàn The restaurant received several complaints
about the slow service.
cottage n nhà tranh They spent their summer vacation in a
charming countryside cottage.

creature n sinh vật The deep sea is inhabited by a variety of
mysterious creatures.
cricket pitch n sân bóng chày The local cricket pitch hosted friendly matches
on weekends.
cycle path n đường dành cho The city installed a dedicated cycle path to
xe đạp promote cycling.
cyclist n người đi xe đạp The cyclist pedaled along the scenic route
through the countryside.
deckchair n ghế xếp She relaxed on a deckchair by the pool,
enjoying the sunshine.
demand for n nhu cầu về The high demand for the product led to
increased production.
devastating n ảnh hưởng The natural disaster had a devastating effect
effect nghiêm trọng on the community.
diet n chế độ ăn A balanced diet is essential for maintaining
good health.
emissions n khí thải Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial
for the environment.
entrance n lối vào The entrance to the museum was adorned with
facilities n cơ sở vật chất The resort had excellent facilities, including a
spa and fitness center.
farmyard n sân trại The children enjoyed feeding the animals in the
fridge- n tủ đông lạnh The new kitchen comes with a modern fridge-
freezer freezer.
heating n sưởi ấm The heating system in the house kept them
warm during the winter.
high season n mùa cao điểm The beach is usually crowded during the high
inhabitant n cư dân The native inhabitants of the region have a
rich cultural heritage.
instant n thành công ngay The app became an instant success after its
success lập tức launch.
knee joint n khớp gối The athlete injured his knee joint during the
level n đoạn đường ray The train sounded its horn as it approached
crossing giao đường cái the level crossing.
monument n tượng đài The ancient monument attracted tourists from
around the world.
noise n ô nhiễm tiếng ồn The construction site caused a lot of noise
pollution pollution in the neighborhood.
notice board n bảng thông báo The notice board displayed upcoming events
and announcements.
pavement n vỉa hè The pedestrians walked on the pavement next
to the road.
pavilion n (n) lều vải, rạp The pavilion in the park provided shade and
seating for visitors.

pedestrian n người đi bộ The pedestrian crossing provides a safe way
for people to cross the street.
pedestrian n vạch sang đường Always use the pedestrian crossing when
crossing crossing the busy street.
people on n người có thu The program provides support for people on
low incomes nhập thấp low incomes.
people's n quyền của người It's important to respect people's right to
right dân express their opinions.
persuasion n sự thuyết phục His powers of persuasion convinced the team
to change their approach.
playground n sân chơi The newly renovated playground attracted
children of all ages.
population n dân số The city's population has grown significantly
over the past decade.
potholes n ổ gà The road was riddled with potholes, making
driving difficult.
potted n cây trồng trong She placed potted plants on the windowsill to
plants chậu brighten up the room.
public n hệ thống giao The city has a well-developed public transport
transport thông công cộng system.
publicity n chiến dịch quảng The company launched a publicity campaign to
campaign bá raise awareness.
railway line n tuyến đường sắt The old railway line was converted into a
scenic trail.
rat n con chuột The rat scurried across the floor and
disappeared into a hole.
recommenda n sự đề xuất, sự The doctor's recommendation was to get more
tion gợi ý exercise and eat healthier.
recreation n Sân chơi giải trí The recreation ground was a popular spot for
ground outdoor activities.
ripe fruit n quả chín She picked a few ripe fruits from the tree.
rumour n tin đồn There's a rumor going around that the
company is planning layoffs.
sailor n thủy thủ The experienced sailor navigated the ship
through the storm.
scheme n kế hoạch The government launched a new scheme to
promote renewable energy.
skateboard n đường dốc trượt The skate park had a well-designed
ramp ván skateboard ramp.
skeleton n bộ xương The museum had a dinosaur skeleton on
skull n hộp sọ The archaeologist unearthed a well-preserved
human skull.
soft tissue n mô mềm Soft tissue injuries require proper care and
species n loài The rainforest is home to a diverse array of
plant and animal species.

specimen n mẫu vật The museum displayed a specimen of a rare
stray balls n bóng đi lạc The children played soccer in the park,
occasionally kicking stray balls.
thick n thảm thực vật The trail led through thick vegetation, making
vegetation dày it difficult to navigate.
threat n mối đe dọa Pollution poses a significant threat to marine
uneven n mặt đất không Be cautious when walking on uneven ground to
ground bằng phẳng avoid tripping.
vision n tầm nhìn The company's vision is to create a sustainable
voyage n hành trình The captain announced the start of their
voyage across the ocean.
written n tài liệu được ghi The written record of the event was carefully
record chép preserved.
deliberately adv thận trọng, có She deliberately chose the scenic route for
suy nghĩ cân her road trip.
originally adv ban đầu The building was originally constructed in the
19th century.
accessible adj có thể tiếp cận The building is fully accessible to people with
accurate adj chính xác The map provides an accurate representation
of the terrain.
capable of adj có khả năng With proper training, anyone can be capable
of learning a new skill.
clumsy adj vụng về He was feeling clumsy after his arm was in a
complicated adj phức tạp The instructions were complicated and
required careful reading.
cosy adj ấm cúng The cabin in the woods was cozy and inviting.
environment adj thân thiện với The company is committed to producing
ally friendly môi trường environmentally friendly products.
fully adj đầy đủ chức The smartphone is now fully functional after
functional năng the software update.
handy adj thuận tiện, dễ sử Having a toolbox can be handy for fixing minor
dụng repairs.
non-native adj không phải bản The invasive non-native plant species
địa threatened the local ecosystem.
reliable adj đáng tin cậy The reliable source provided accurate
state-of-the adj hiện đại nhất The new facility is equipped with state-of-the-
art art technology.
underground adj tàu điện ngầm The subway is part of the underground public
transport system.


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