Vocab Reading Cam 15-16

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branch v âm cành The company decided to branch out its

operations to tap into new markets.
compromise v dàn x p, In a negotiation, it's essential to find a
th a hi p compromise that satisfies both parties.
concentrate v t p trung The students were advised to concentrate on
their studies to achieve better results.
cultivate v tr ng Farmers diligently cultivate their fields to yield
a bountiful harvest.
encase v b c The precious artifact was encased in a glass
display for protection.
estimate v cl ng The project manager estimated that the
construction would be completed within six
exploit v khai thác Some companies exploit their workers by paying
them below the minimum wage.
fight v chi n u The soldiers were prepared to fight for their
country's freedom.
insist on v kh ng Despite the challenges, she insisted on pursuing
kh ng her dream of becoming an astronaut.
obtain v t c, He managed to obtain the necessary permits for
l y c the construction project.
punish v ph t The court decided to punish the criminal with a
lengthy prison sentence.
reveal v ti t l The detective revealed the true identity of the
mystery suspect.
rule v cai tr The king ruled his kingdom with wisdom and
secure v gi , b o v The government took measures to secure the
nation's borders.
seize v n ml y The police managed to seize a large shipment of
illegal drugs.
smuggle v buôn l u The criminals attempted to smuggle contraband
across the border.
soar v t ng v t The eagle soared high in the sky, scanning for
prey below.
split v tách ra Due to irreconcilable differences, the business
partners decided to split their company.
subcontract v k h p The company decided to subcontract part of the
ng ph project to a specialized team.
take over v ti p qu n The larger corporation decided to take over the
smaller startup to expand its market share.
thrive v phát tri n Despite facing initial challenges, the business
m nh managed to thrive and achieve success.
transplant v c y The surgeon skillfully transplanted the heart into
the patient's chest.
uproot v nh The construction crew had to uproot the old
trees to make space for the new building.
wipe out v quét s ch The deadly virus threatened to wipe out entire
populations if not contained.
agent n tác nhân The secret agent infiltrated the enemy base to
gather critical information.
army n quân i The army conducted a strategic maneuver to
gain control over the region.
authority n th m quy n The local authority imposed new regulations to
protect the environment.
commodity n hàng hóa Oil is a valuable commodity in the global market.
corporation n t p oàn, The multinational corporation expanded its
công ty operations to new markets.
cuisine n m th c Indian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and
diverse dishes.
cure n ph ng Medical researchers are tirelessly working on
thu c finding a cure for the disease.
decade n th p k Over the past decade, technology has advanced
at an unprecedented pace.
distribution n s phân b The distribution of food supplies was well-
organized during the natural disaster.
dominance n u th , s The dominance of the champion team was
tr i h n evident throughout the tournament.
domination n s th ng tr The invaders conquered the city, causing an
eruption of panic among the residents.
eruption n s phun The company's extravagant expenses raised
trào concerns among its stakeholders.
expense n chi phí, phí The company decided to cut down on
t n unnecessary expenses to improve its financial
flavouring n gia v , Cinnamon is a popular flavoring in many desserts
h ng li u and beverages.
fleet n h m i The navy fleet was deployed to protect the
nation's coastal borders.
foliate n tán lá The leaves begin to foliate in the spring,
covering the trees with vibrant green.
former n cái tr c The former CEO of the company is now a
successful entrepreneur.
husk n v The husk of the corn protects the kernels inside.
importer n ng i nh p The importer brought in exotic goods from
kh u distant lands.
ingredient n nguyên li u Fresh vegetables are the key ingredients in a
healthy salad.
invader n k xâm l c The invader's forces were repelled by the
heroic defenders.
investment n s ut Many investors are interested in renewable
energy projects.
latter n cái sau The latter part of the book takes an unexpected
twist in the plot.
lime n vôi A squeeze of lime adds a tangy flavor to the
location n v trí The location of the new store is strategic,
attracting a lot of customers.
merchant n th ng gia The merchant displayed an array of colorful
textiles in their shop.
monopoly n s c The company established a monopoly in the
quy n telecommunications industry.
obstacle n tr ng i Lack of funding proved to be a major obstacle in
completing the project.
operation n doanh The smooth operation of the factory was crucial
nghi p for meeting deadlines.
opportunity n c h i The new project presented a great opportunity
for career advancement.
plague n b nh d ch The plague devastated the population, leading
to a significant loss of life.
plantation n n i n The plantation produced an abundance of crops
due to favorable weather conditions.
policy n chính sách The government implemented a new policy to
promote sustainable development.
presence n s hi n h u The presence of the security guard made the
employees feel safer.
ridge n chóp The ridge of mountains provided a natural
barrier between the two regions.
safety n s an toàn Safety measures were strictly enforced at the
construction site.
sector n khu v c The tech sector is experiencing rapid growth
and innovation.
settlement n s dàn x p The settlement of the dispute was reached
through peaceful negotiations.
spread n s lan Social media played a significant role in the
truy n spread of information during the crisis.
supply n ngu n cung The supply of clean water is essential for the
c p well-being of the community.
trade n th ng m i, The trade between the two nations boosted
buôn bán their economies.
trader n th ng gia The trader skillfully negotiated deals to
maximize profits.
troops n binh lính The troops were deployed to maintain peace in
the conflict-torn region.
securely adv m t cách The precious gems were securely stored in a
v ng ch c high-tech vault.
severely adv mãnh li t The hurricane severely impacted the coastal
swiftly adv nhanh The skilled athlete swiftly completed the race,
breaking the previous record.
automotive adj t ng The automotive industry is constantly evolving
hóa with new technological advancements.
commercial adj mang tính The commercial district was bustling with
th ng m i activity as people went about their business.
contagious adj truy n The contagious disease spread rapidly through
nhi m the community, causing concern.
dense adj dày c The dense forest was home to a diverse range
of flora and fauna.
desperate adj tuy t v ng The desperate refugees sought shelter and aid
in the neighboring country.
evergreen adj th ng Evergreen trees retain their leaves throughout
xanh the year, providing constant shade.
exact adj chính xác Please provide the exact measurements for the
construction project.
exclusive adj c quy n The club offered exclusive membership benefits
to its loyal patrons.
fertile adj có kh The fertile soil in the region allowed for
n ng sinh abundant crop production.
s n
fleshy adj nh th t The fleshy fruit was juicy and delicious, perfect
for a hot summer's day.
medicinal adj dùng làm Many herbs and plants have medicinal
thu c properties that can aid in healing.
neighbouring adj láng gi ng The neighboring towns collaborated on a joint
environmental initiative.
neutral adj trung l p The mediator remained neutral in the dispute to
facilitate a fair resolution.
original adj g c The artist's original painting was displayed in a
prestigious art gallery.
precious adj qu giá The heirloom necklace held sentimental value as
well as being precious in material.
preservative adj v o The preservative in the food helped extend its
qu n shelf life.
private adj t , cá nhân The private investigator discreetly gathered
information for the case.
proper adj úng cách It is important to follow the proper safety
guidelines when handling hazardous materials.
ripe adj chín The fruit was ripe and ready to be picked from
the trees.
volcanic adj thu c núi The volcanic eruption caused widespread
l a damage to nearby towns.
adapt to v thích nghi To survive in the new environment, the animals
had to adapt to the changing conditions.
advance v ti n t i The research team made significant advances in
the field of quantum computing.
announce v thông báo The company plans to announce its latest
product launch at the upcoming conference.
boost v thúc y A strong marketing campaign can boost sales
and brand visibility.
challenge v thách th c The difficult project presented a challenge that
required innovative solutions.
compensate v bù p The company offered a competitive salary to
compensate its employees for their hard work.
conquer v chinh ph c The fearless explorer set out to conquer the
highest peak in the world.
deliver v a ra The courier company promised to deliver the
package by the end of the day.
demonstrate v minh h a The scientist used experiments to demonstrate
the validity of the hypothesis.
encounter v ch m trán During their journey, they encountered various
cultures and traditions.
export v xu t kh u The country aims to export its agricultural
products to international markets.
implement v thi hành The company decided to implement a new
customer feedback system to improve its
investigate v i u tra, The detective was assigned to investigate the
tìm hi u mysterious disappearance of the artifact.
involve v liên quan The team worked together to involve all
n stakeholders in the decision-making process.
manufacture v s n xu t The automobile factory manufactures thousands
of cars each month.
mention v c p In his speech, the speaker will mention the
achievements of the organization.
prompt v thôi thúc, The urgent message prompted immediate action
thúc gi c from the team.
purchase v mua She decided to purchase a new laptop for her
college studies.
result in v d n n The lack of maintenance resulted in the
machinery breaking down.
socialise v hòa nh p He enjoys socializing with friends at various
xã h i events and gatherings.
target v nh m vào The marketing campaign is specifically targeted
at young professionals.
access n s ti p c n The keycard grants access to the restricted
area of the building.
assistance n s h tr The elderly lady needed assistance with
carrying her groceries.
autonomy n s t ch The new policy gave employees more autonomy
in decision-making.
capability n kh n ng The advanced technology enhanced the
capability of the research team.
collision n s va ch m The collision between two vehicles caused
significant damage.
contribution n s óng Her contribution to the charity event helped
góp raise a substantial amount of money.
demand n nhu c u There is a high demand for the latest
smartphones in the market.
enforcement n s b t tuân The police officer was responsible for the
theo enforcement of traffic regulations.
flexibility n s linh ho t The job offers flexible working hours, allowing
employees to balance work and personal life.
hurdle n tr ng i Overcoming language barriers was a significant
hurdle during the international conference.
implementation n s thi hành The successful implementation of the project
required careful planning.
implication n s ng , s The implication of his actions led to unforeseen
liên can consequences.
incidence n m c tác The incidence of flu cases increased during the
ng winter months.
individual n cá nhân Each individual has unique talents and strengths.
initiative n sáng ki n She took the initiative to organize a community
cleanup event.
liability n trách The company's liability insurance covered the
nhi m pháp cost of the accident.
mass n i chúng The mass of people gathered at the concert
venue was overwhelming.
mileage n t ng s The car's high mileage was an indicator of its
d m ã i frequent use.
mobility n tính di Improved public transportation enhances the
ng mobility of citizens.
motive n ng l c His motive for helping others was genuine and
ownership n quy n s After paying off the mortgage, he finally
h u obtained ownership of the house.
pace n nh p The athletes ran at a fast pace to complete the
proportion n t l The proportion of children attending school
increased significantly.
reality n th c t Despite his dreams, he had to face the reality of
his financial situation.
reliability n tính áng The reliability of the new software was
tin c y questioned after multiple crashes.
turnover n doanh thu The company experienced a high turnover of
employees due to dissatisfaction.
vehicle n xe c The electric vehicle is an environmentally
friendly mode of transportation.
indeed adv qu th c The research indeed supported the hypothesis
put forth by the scientist.
intensively adv yk The team worked intensively to meet the tight
l ng project deadline.
necessarily adv nh t thi t To succeed in the competitive market,
companies necessarily need to adapt and
potentially adv ti m n ng The new medical treatment shows great promise
and is potentially a groundbreaking discovery in
the field of medicine.
concrete adj c th The construction workers poured concrete to
lay the foundation of the new building.
contributory adj góp ph n Each team member's contributory efforts were
crucial to the project's success.
conventional adj thông Despite the availability of advanced technology,
th ng some industries still rely on conventional
disabled adj tàn t t The organization provided support and facilities
for disabled individuals to access employment
distant adj xa The beautiful sunset painted the distant horizon
with warm colors.
efficient adj hi u qu The new manufacturing process proved to be
more efficient, reducing production time and
exceptional adj ki t xu t, Her exceptional talent in art earned her
khác recognition and awards.
th ng
existing adj hi n có The company plans to expand its business by
leveraging its existing customer base.
flexible adj linh ho t The flexible work schedule allows employees to
balance their personal and professional lives
infinite adj vô t n, vô The universe is believed to be infinite, with
h n countless galaxies and stars.
manual adj th công The artisan created the masterpiece using
traditional manual techniques.
modelling adj làm theo The modelling software enables designers to
khuôn visualize their concepts more effectively.
productive adj có hi u The team's productive efforts resulted in the
su t t t completion of the project ahead of schedule.
regulatory adj thu c v The regulatory body oversees the compliance of
i u ti t companies with industry standards.
reliable adj áng tin The new software update is expected to provide
c y more reliable performance.
robust adj m nh m The robust security system ensures the
protection of sensitive data.
societal adj thu c xã The organization aims to address various
h i societal issues through its charitable activities.
specialised adj chuyên The specialized training program equips
professionals with advanced skills in their field.
unoccupied adj b không The unoccupied house was in need of renovation
before it could be sold.
vast adj r ng l n The vast landscape of the national park offers
breathtaking views.
viable adj kh thi The new business model proved to be viable,
attracting investors' interest.
vital adj quan tr ng Adequate sleep is vital for maintaining good
physical and mental health.
associate v liên t ng, He is an ambitious young professional looking to
liên k t associate with a reputable company to advance
his career.
cast light on v làm sáng t The new evidence cast light on the mysterious
disappearance, revealing crucial information.
confine v gi i h n The company decided to confine their
operations to the local market for the time
convey v truy n t i The heartfelt letter conveyed her emotions and
gratitude to her best friend.
crawl v bò, tr n The baby eagerly started to crawl, exploring
the world around her.
declare v tuyên b The president will declare the official opening
of the new museum next week.
delve into v ào sâu The archaeologists delved into the ancient
ruins, uncovering lost treasures of the past.
deplete v làm suy y u Overfishing has significantly depleted the fish
population in the ocean.
disregard v coi th ng, Despite warnings, some people disregard the
không quan importance of wearing seat belts while driving.
dub v t bi t The renowned actor was dubbing his voice for
danh cho the character in the animated film.
graze v g mc The sheep peacefully grazed on the lush green
grunt v c n nh n With a loud grunt, he lifted the heavy weights at
the gym.
map v v b n The cartographer meticulously mapped the
unexplored regions of the wilderness.
negotiate v v t qua The business partners gathered to negotiate
c the terms of the contract.
quest v tìm ki m, i The team of scientists quested to discover a
lùng cure for the deadly virus that was spreading
reflect v ph n ánh After the incident, he took some time to reflect
on his actions and their consequences.
risk v li u l nh Starting a new business involves some level of
risk, but the potential rewards can be
slump v ng i ph ch After several consecutive losses, the team's
xu ng performance began to slump, causing concern
among their fans and management.
venture v m o hi m The ambitious entrepreneur decided to venture
into the competitive tech industry.
on behalf of pre thay m t, On behalf of the organization, he expressed
p nhân danh gratitude to the volunteers.
regardless of pre b tk Regardless of their differences, they worked
p together for a common goal.
alien n ng i n c As an alien in a foreign land, he struggled to
ngoài adapt to the new culture and customs.
ancestor n t tiên Archaeologists discovered ancient tools that
belonged to our ancestors.
bacteria n vi khu n Scientists study bacteria to better understand
their role in various ecosystems.
bias n s thiên v It's essential to avoid bias while conducting
scientific research.
campaigner n ng i tham The campaigner tirelessly advocated for
gia chi n environmental conservation.
d ch
caveman n ng i The caveman painted on the walls of the cave to
hang depict daily life.
criteria n tiêu chu n The selection criteria for the job position were
quite rigorous.
decline n s t gi m The decline in the population of a species can
have severe consequences for the ecosystem.
desire n s khao Her burning desire to succeed motivated her to
khát work hard and achieve her goals.
endeavour n n l c The mountaineer set out on a dangerous
expedition to conquer the highest peak.
era n k nguyên The ancient era is marked by significant cultural
existence n s t nt i The existence of extraterrestrial life is a topic
of great curiosity and debate.
expedition n cu c thám The scientific expedition aimed to explore
hi m uncharted territories.
figure n nhân v t The historical figure played a crucial role in
shaping the nation's identity.
finding n s tìm ra The new finding sheds light on the mysteries of
the ancient civilization.
humanity n nhân lo i, Empathy is a crucial trait that defines humanity.
lòng nhân
insight n s hi u bi t Her deep insight into human behavior made her
an excellent psychologist.
instinct n b n n ng The mother's instinct led her to protect her
child from harm.
interpretation n s di n gi i The interpretation of the ancient text was
challenging due to its complexity.
microbe n vi trùng Microbes play a vital role in maintaining
ecological balance.
mountaineer n ng i leo The experienced mountaineer tackled the
núi dangerous climb with skill and courage.
objective n m c tiêu The objective of the project was to promote
renewable energy solutions.
outset n ban u The outset of the journey was filled with
excitement and anticipation.
peculiar n kì qu c The peculiar behavior of the rare bird puzzled
pioneer n ng i tiên He was a pioneer in the field of computer
phong science, creating revolutionary software.
pole n c c The explorers reached the North Pole after a
long and arduous journey.
profession n ngh The doctor's profession requires years of
nghi p training and dedication.
root n ngu n g c The root of the problem lies in poor
scout n trinh sát The scout searched the area for potential
camping sites.
slant n cách nhìn The news article had a clear slant, presenting a
biased perspective.
specialist n chuyên gia The specialist provided expert advice on the
complex medical condition.
species n loài Many endangered species face the risk of
extinction due to habitat loss.
stunt n trò gây s He performed a dangerous stunt on his
chú motorcycle, thrilling the audience with his
daring skills.
laboriously adv khó nh c The artist laboriously painted each detail,
creating a masterpiece of precision.
merely adv n thu n It was merely a coincidence that they met at
the airport.
relatively adv t ng i The cost of living in the city is relatively higher
compared to rural areas.
scarcely adv h u nh It was scarcely an occasion for laughter.
continental adj thu c l c The continental breakfast at the hotel includes
a a variety of pastries, fruits, and beverages.
cutting-edge adj tiên ti n The cutting-edge technology revolutionized the
way we communicate and interact.
enquiring adj dò xét Her enquiring mind led her to explore various
scientific disciplines.
fictional adj h c u The novel is a captivating fictional story that
takes readers on a thrilling adventure.
inclined adj có chi u She is naturally inclined towards artistic
h ng pursuits, such as painting and sculpting.
intrinsic adj bên trong The sense of community is an intrinsic part of
their culture.
irrelevant adj không liên His comments were irrelevant to the ongoing
quan discussion and were quickly dismissed.
isolated adj n c The remote village is isolated from modern
amenities and technologies.
nomadic adj du c The nomadic tribe travels across vast deserts
and mountains, following seasonal migrations.
prominent adj n ib t The prominent scientist received international
recognition for his groundbreaking research.
puny adj nh bé, y u Despite its puny size, the tiny insect has a
t fascinating life cycle.
remote adj xa xôi The mountain peak stands tall and remote,
accessible only through a challenging trek.
solid adj r n ch c The sculpture is carved from solid marble,
displaying exquisite craftsmanship.
uncontacted adj bi t l p The uncontacted tribe has lived in seclusion
from the outside world for centuries.
uncultivated adj b hoang The uncultivated land is a vast wilderness,
untouched by human hands.
unique adj c nh t Her artistic style is unique and stands out
among other contemporary artists.
unmechanised adj ch a có The village relies on traditional, unmechanized
máy móc farming methods for their livelihood.
conceive v hình thành The artist tried to conceive a unique and
trong óc captivating artwork that would stand out among
the rest.
detach v tháo ra, It's important to detach emotionally from the
tách ra outcome and focus on the process of learning.
experiment v th nghi m, The scientists conducted a series of
thí nghi m experiments to test their hypothesis.
ignore v b qua It's crucial not to ignore the warning signs of
potential problems in a relationship.
improvise v ng bi n The musicians decided to improvise a new
melody during their live performance.
lower v làm gi m The company decided to lower its prices to
attract more customers and increase sales.
observe v quan sát As a wildlife photographer, he spent hours
observing animals in their natural habitats.
prioritise v dành u When managing your time, it's essential to
tiên prioritize tasks based on their importance and
propose v xu t The team proposed a new strategy to increase
efficiency and productivity.
put off v trì hoãn Due to unforeseen circumstances, they had to
put off the project launch until next month.
simplify v n gi n The teacher used simple language and examples
hóa to simplify complex concepts for the students.
simulate v b t ch c, Engineers use computer programs to simulate
mô ph ng the behavior of structures before construction.
stimulate v kích thích The motivational speaker aimed to stimulate the
audience's enthusiasm and passion for their
tackle v x l , gi i The team gathered to tackle the challenging
quy t problem and find a solution together.
take into v l u tâm n When making decisions, it's essential to take into
account account all relevant factors.
task v giao nhi m The teacher tasked the students with
v researching and presenting their findings on a
historical figure.
approach n cách ti p The company adopted a new approach to
c n, ph ng marketing, focusing on digital platforms for
pháp better reach.
assumption n s gi nh The success of the project relied on the
assumption that the market demand would
remain consistent.
awning n mái h t The café installed a colorful awning to provide
shade for its outdoor seating area.
blueprint n b n sao The architect presented a detailed blueprint of
ch p s the building, outlining its design and layout.
thi t k
carriageway n tuy n xe The carriageway was widened to accommodate
the increasing traffic flow.
choreographer n v công The talented choreographer choreographed a
mesmerizing dance performance for the show.
complexity n s ph c t p The complexity of the software required skilled
programmers to develop it.
consumption n s tiêu th The excessive consumption of resources led to
environmental concerns.
creation n s t o ra The artist's creation received critical acclaim
for its innovative and thought-provoking
disruption n s gián The unexpected disruption in the supply chain
o n caused delays in production.
drawback n b tl i One drawback of the new technology was its
high cost of implementation.
emphasis n s nh n The teacher placed emphasis on teamwork and
m nh collaboration in the classroom.
expertise n chuyên môn Her expertise in finance and accounting made
her a valuable asset to the company.
faith n ni m tin In times of uncertainty, people often turn to
faith for comfort and guidance.
pattern n ki u m u The intricate pattern on the fabric added
elegance to the dress design.
pedestrian n ng i ib The city installed pedestrian crossings to ensure
the safety of pedestrians.
scale n quy mô The construction company is planning a large-
scale development project to build a new
residential complex in the city.
purely adv hoàn toàn, Her decision was purely based on her personal
ch là preferences and beliefs.
solely adv duy nh t He solely took responsibility for the success of
the project, as he was the team leader.
abstract adj tr u t ng The abstract artwork evoked deep emotions
and thoughts in the viewers.
aesthetic adj v m tm The aesthetic design of the new smartphone is
thu t visually pleasing and modern.
appealing adj h pd n The appealing aroma of freshly baked bread
filled the air, enticing customers into the
cognitive adj liên quan Cognitive abilities play a crucial role in
n nh n problem-solving and decision-making.
th c
counter- adj ph n tr c The counter-intuitive solution to the puzzle
intuitive giác surprised everyone but proved to be correct.
fundamental adj c nb n Understanding basic arithmetic is fundamental
to advancing in mathematics.
influential adj có nh His influential speeches inspired many people to
h ng take action and make positive changes.
intimate adj sâu s c The couple shared an intimate moment as they
watched the sunset together.
mediveval adj thu c th i Medieval castles were prevalent throughout
trung c Europe during the Middle Ages.
prevalent adj ph bi n Due to the prevalent use of smartphones, people
have become highly dependent on mobile apps
for various tasks.
quantitative adj thu c s The scientist conducted quantitative research
l ng to analyze the data and draw statistical
radical adj tri t The radical shift in the company's strategy led
to significant growth and success.
sustainable adj b n v ng The organization is committed to adopting
sustainable practices to protect the
clone v sao chép Scientists are working on a project to clone
endangered species and repopulate their
debilitate v làm suy y u The illness debilitated him, leaving him
bedridden for weeks.
emerge v xu t hi n As the sun set, a beautiful rainbow emerged in
the sky.
evolve v ti n hóa Over time, technology will evolve, and new
innovations will be introduced to society.
mitigate v làm d u b t The government implemented measures to
mitigate the impact of climate change on
coastal communities.
occupy v chi m óng The artist's latest exhibition occupied an entire
gallery space.
pinpoint v xác nh The detective was able to pinpoint the exact
chính xác location of the hidden treasure.
regenerate v ph c h ng, Certain animals possess the ability to
tái sinh regenerate lost limbs or body parts.
repopulate v ph c h i Efforts to repopulate the region with native
qu n th plant species were successful.
reproduce v sinh s n Bacteria can reproduce rapidly, leading to the
spread of infections.
reverse v o ng c The team hoped to reverse the declining trend
of their performance in the upcoming match.
scatter v phân tán The wind scattered the leaves across the yard
during the storm.
strive v n l c She always strives for excellence in her
academic pursuits.
suffer v ch u ng Many people suffer from allergies during the
spring season due to pollen in the air.
trial v th nghi m, The clinical trial for the new drug showed
thí nghi m promising results in treating the disease.
wreck v làm h ng, The storm wrecked several houses along the
phá ho i coast, causing extensive damage.
adaptation n s thích The process of adaptation to a new school is
nghi difficult for some children.
carnivore n ng v t Lions are carnivores, as they primarily feed on
n th t meat.
disturbance n s náo The disturbance in the forest caused the
ng animals to scatter in fear.
ecosystem n h sinh thái The ecosystem of a coral reef is a delicate and
interconnected web of life.
embryo n phôi The embryo develops rapidly in the early stages
of pregnancy.
emission n s th i ra The emission of greenhouse gases contributes to
climate change.
flock n àn A flock of birds flew gracefully across the
evening sky.
hazard n m i nguy Smoking poses a hazard to one's health and is
h i linked to various diseases.
hybrid n lai The hybrid car combines both gasoline and
electric power for improved fuel efficiency.
insertion n s chèn vào The insertion of a new paragraph improved the
flow and clarity of the essay.
migration n s di c The migration of birds occurs seasonally,
following specific routes for survival.
millennia n nghìn n m The tradition has been passed down for
millennia, preserving its cultural significance.
modification n s thay i The modification of the software fixed the bug
and improved its performance.
niche n ch thích A niche market caters to a specific group of
h p customers with unique needs.
outcome n k t qu The outcome of the experiment confirmed the
scientist's hypothesis.
permafrost n b ng v nh Permafrost is a layer of permanently frozen
c u ground found in Arctic regions.
premise n ti n The premise of the argument was based on
logical reasoning and evidence.
prospect n tri n v ng, The young entrepreneur sees great prospect in
kh n ng the growing technology industry.
resistance n s ch ng l i The plant developed resistance to the disease,
ensuring its survival.
specimen n m u The biologist collected a specimen of the rare
flower for research purposes.
spectacle n c nh t ng, The sunset was a stunning spectacle.
quang c nh
strand n s i The DNA strand contains the genetic
information of an organism.
syndrome n h i ch ng Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that
affects cognitive development.
trait n c i m His creativity and determination were traits
that set him apart from others.
tumour n kh i u The doctor discovered a small tumor during a
routine check-up.
abundant adj d i dào The forest was abundant with diverse plant and
animal species.
complicated adj ph c t p Solving the complicated puzzle required a sharp
mind and analytical skills.
identical adj gi ng nhau The two siblings looked almost identical, making
it difficult for others to tell them apart.
legendary adj có tính The legendary hero's tales were passed down
truy n through generations.
thuy t
notorious adj khét ti ng The notorious criminal had a long history of
illegal activities.
questionable adj áng ng The reliability of the source was questionable,
so further verification was needed.
stagnant adj trì tr The company's growth has become stagnant in
recent years, and they need a new strategy.
subject to adj có th ch u The construction project is subject to the
approval of the city council.
accomplish v t c With hard work and determination, she was able
to accomplish her long-term goals.
appeal v thu hút The new marketing strategy has an appealing
message that resonates with the target
assign v phân công The manager decided to assign different roles
to team members based on their strengths.
conduct v ti n hành The conductor will conduct the orchestra during
the grand performance.
distract v làm xao The noisy environment can distract students
nhãng from focusing on their studies.
elicit v khêu ra, g i The heartwarming movie can elicit strong
ra emotions in the audience.
facilitate v t o i u The new trade agreement should facilitate more
ki n rapid economic growth.
insult v l ng m , It is impolite to insult someone based on their
xúc ph m appearance or beliefs.
perceive v nh n th y People may perceive the same situation
differently based on their experiences.
recruit v tuy n d ng The company aims to recruit talented individuals
to join their expanding team.
relieve v xoa d u A good massage can relieve muscle tension and
promote relaxation.
replicate v Sao chép, The scientists will attempt to replicate the
b t ch c experiment to confirm the results.
tease v ch c gh o He liked to tease his little sister, but he always
did it playfully.
anthropologist n nhà nhân The anthropologist studied the customs and
ch ng h c traditions of the indigenous tribe to understand
their way of life.
assessment n s ánh giá The teacher's assessment of the students'
performance helped identify areas that needed
discipline n l nh v c The new recruits were drawn from a range
of academic disciplines.
dweller n c dân The city dweller found solace in the peaceful
countryside during the weekend.
fraternity n nhóm ng The fraternity organized a charity event to
nghi p raise funds for a local cause.
hierarchy n h th ng The military organization follows a strict
c pb c hierarchy to maintain order and efficiency.
hypothesis n gi thi t The scientist proposed a hypothesis to explain
the observed phenomenon.
laughter n ti ng c i The comedian's jokes elicited laughter from the
audience throughout the show.
neuroscience n khoa h c Neuroscientists study the human brain and
th n kinh nervous system to understand cognitive
notion n khái ni m The notion of time perception varies among
different cultures.
perception n s nh n There is a general public perception that
th c standards in schools are falling.
persistence n s kiên trì The persistence of the athlete paid off as he
won the championship.
replenishment n s b sung Regular replenishment of essential supplies is
crucial for a well-functioning organization.
respite n th i gian The vacation provided a much-needed respite
ngh ng i from the daily stress of work.
spectrum n m t dãy, Autism falls within a spectrum of
m t chu i neurodevelopmental disorders.
r ng
stimuli n kích thích The experiment involved exposing participants
to various stimuli to observe their responses.
deliberately adv c She deliberately chose her words carefully to
avoid misunderstandings.
strategically adv có chi n The company implemented the new marketing
l c plan strategically to reach a broader audience.
consecutive adj liên ti p She attended consecutive workshops to enhance
her skills in a consistent manner.
consistent adj nh t quán The team's consistent performance throughout
the season earned them the championship title.
diverse adj a d ng The team is composed of diverse individuals with
unique talents and perspectives.
dominant adj chi m u The dominant team maintained control of the
th game from start to finish, securing a decisive
energising adj ti p thêm The energizing music at the concert got the
sinh l c crowd dancing and singing along.
indigenous adj b n a The indigenous tribe continues to preserve its
traditional customs and practices.
submissive adj quy ph c, The submissive dog followed its owner's
ph c tùng commands without hesitation.
tedious adj chán The repetitive and tedious task required a lot of
patience and perseverance.
variable adj hay thay The experiment yielded different results due to
i the variable factors involved.
abandon v t b The old building had been abandoned for years
before being renovated into a museum.
appoint v b nhi m The board of directors decided to appoint her
as the new CEO of the company.
carve v ch m kh c The artist used a chisel to carefully carve
intricate patterns into the wood.
comply v tuân theo All employees are expected to comply with the
company's code of conduct.
convince v thuy t ph c Her compelling arguments were able to convince
even the most skeptical critics.
display v tr ng bày The art gallery featured a beautiful display of
paintings and sculptures.
distort v bóp méo The funhouse mirrors distorted her reflection,
making her appear taller and thinner.
enroll v ghi tên vào She decided to enroll in a cooking class to
improve her culinary skills.
expire v h th n The coupon will expire at the end of the month,
so be sure to use it before then.
issue v phát hành The magazine will issue a special edition for its
pierce v ch c th ng, The needle was used to pierce the fabric and
xuyên qua attach the button.
promote v y m nh The exhibition was intended to promote
interest in contemporary sculpture.
recline v n m ng He reclined on the comfortable chair and closed
mình his eyes for a moment of relaxation.
regard v ánh giá She held the actor in high regard for his
exceptional performances.
signify v bi u hi n The red traffic light signifies that it's time to
turn away from v b m c She decided to turn away from her old habits
and start a healthier lifestyle.
acclaim n s tán The artist's latest painting received critical
d ng acclaim from art critics and enthusiasts alike.
appreciation n s th ng The author expressed her appreciation for the
th c readers' support and positive feedback on her
commission n ti n hoa The company received a commission to design
h ng and construct a new office building.
contract n h p ng The contract between the two companies
outlined the terms and conditions of their
depiction n s di n t The detailed depiction of the battle scene in the
movie impressed the audience with its realism.
fellow n thành viên She has a very good reputation among her
inclination n nh Her natural inclination towards music led her to
pursue a career as a professional musician.
menace n m i ed a The dark clouds overhead were seen as a
menace, indicating an approaching storm.
miner n th m The miner descended into the depths of the
mine to extract valuable minerals.
originality n tính c The artist's originality shone through in her
áo unique and innovative approach to painting.
press n báo chí The press covered the event extensively,
publishing articles in various newspapers and
recognition n s công The singer received recognition for her
nh n outstanding performance at the music awards
resemblance n gi ng The resemblance between the twins was so
striking that people often mistook them for each
resignation n s t ch c With a heavy heart, he submitted his resignation
letter to the company he had worked for years.
sculptor n nhà iêu He was court sculptor to Alexander the Great.
kh c
sculpture n iêu kh c She trained in painting and sculpture at
Columbia University.
sketch n b c phác The artist is making sketches for his next
h a painting
advanced adj nâng cao The advanced technology allowed for faster
communication across long distances.
critical adj mang tính The critical analysis of the scientific data
nh n xét revealed important insights.
distinct adj khác bi t The two species of birds had distinct patterns
of feather coloring.
fascinated adj b h pd n The children were fascinated by the magician's
tricks and illusions.
harsh adj kh t khe The harsh winter weather made it difficult to
primitive adj thu c The tribe used primitive tools made from stones
nguyên th y and animal bones.
revolutionary adj mang tính The invention of the telephone was a
cách m ng revolutionary development in communication.
absorb v h p th The sponge was able to absorb a significant
amount of liquid.
confront v i u She had to confront her fear of public speaking
during the presentation.
convert v chuy n i The factory will convert its operations to using
renewable energy sources.
distill v ch ng c t The process of distillation separates liquids
based on their boiling points.
exceed v v t quá The company's profits are expected to exceed
last year's earnings.
negotiate v th ng She had to negotiate with the landlord to lower
l ng the rent.
proceed v b t u After careful consideration, they decided to
proceed with the construction project.
process v x l The manufacturing process involves several
purify v l c s ch The water treatment plant uses chemicals to
purify the drinking water.
sustain v duy trì The renewable energy sources help sustain the
environment for future generations.
transmit v truy n The radio tower can transmit signals over long
trap v gi l i They were trapped in the burning building.
analysis n s phân The detailed analysis of the data provided
tích valuable insights for the research project.
bottom line n i mm u The bottom line is that we need to increase
ch t efficiency to reduce costs.
desalination n s l c mu i Desalination is the process of removing salt from
seawater to make it drinkable.
diesel n d u iezen The truck's engine was powered by diesel fuel.
executive n ban i u The executive team met to discuss the
hành company's strategic goals.
filter n b l c The water filter removed impurities and
contaminants from the tap water.
glazing n t m kính The glazing on the windows helped keep the
building insulated.
groundwater n n c ng m The well was drilled deep to access the clean
groundwater below.
income n thu nh p Her income increased after she got a raise at
maintenance n s b o Regular maintenance is important to keep
d ng machines running smoothly.
microfinance n tài chính vi Microfinance programs provide small loans to
mô help individuals start businesses.
mission n s m nh The organization's mission is to provide
education to underprivileged children.
particle n m nh v n The scientist observed a tiny particle moving
under the microscope.
plant n nhà máy a nuclear power plant
reserve n tr l ng The nature reserve is home to a variety of rare
plant and animal species.
scarcity n s khan The scarcity of water in the desert makes it a
hi m valuable resource.
servicing n s b o The car was taken to the mechanic for servicing
d ng and repairs.
steam n h in c The steam from the hot shower helped relax her
venture n d án kinh Starting a new business is a risky venture, but it
doanh can also be rewarding.
outright adv hoàn toàn The decision to cancel the event was met with
outright disappointment.
domestic adj thu c gia Domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, are
ình often kept as pets.
initial adj ban u The initial results of the experiment were
intensive adj chuyên sâu The training program included intensive
workouts and exercises.
municipal adj thu c thành The municipal government is responsible for
ph , th xã maintaining public services.
severe adj nghiêm The severe weather conditions led to flight
tr ng cancellations at the airport.
sufficient adj The amount of food provided was sufficient to
feed all the guests.
alter v làm thay He decided to alter his diet and exercise
i routine to improve his health.
attribute v cho là do, Her success can be attributed to hard work and
quy cho determination.
devise v sáng ch , The team worked together to devise a creative
ngh ra solution to the problem.
disguise v ng y trang He used a clever disguise to hide his identity
from the authorities.
dispose of v gi i quy t, They had to dispose of the hazardous waste
kh properly.
preserve v gi gìn The museum works to preserve artifacts from
different time periods.
reproduce v sao chép, It is illegal to reproduce these worksheets
chép l i without permission from the publisher.
retain v gi She was able to retain the information from the
lecture and use it in her essay.
episode n o n, h i, The TV show's latest episode was full of suspense
ph n; tình and surprises.
ti t
gap n kho ch There is a significant gap between the rich and
cách the poor in this society.
incident n s c The incident was captured on video and quickly
went viral on social media.
organism n c th , sinh The cell is the basic unit of any living organism.
v t
plot n c t truy n The novel's intricate plot kept readers engaged
from beginning to end.
rate n t c The crime rate in the city has been decreasing
steadily over the past few years.
variant n Bi n th There are different variants of the virus
circulating in different regions.
variation n bi n th There is some variation in the color of the
flowers, ranging from pink to purple.
victim n n n nhân The victim of the robbery provided a
description of the suspect to the police.
villain n nhân v t In the story, the villain plotted to take over the
ph n di n kingdom.
cautionary adj báo The cautionary tale warned against the dangers
tr c, of greed.
c nh cáo
conserved adj b ot n The wildlife sanctuary conserved the natural
habitat for endangered species.
crucial adj t i quan Timing is crucial when it comes to executing a
tr ng successful plan.
enduring adj lâu dài Their enduring friendship lasted for decades.
gripping adj cu n hút, The novel's gripping plot kept readers on the
h pd n edge of their seats.
gruesome adj kinh kh ng The crime scene was a gruesome sight that
shocked even the experienced detectives.
moral adj thu c o The fable taught a moral lesson about honesty
c and integrity.
oral adj b ng l i nói The oral presentation was well-rehearsed and
perennial adj v nh vi n; The perennial flowers bloom year after year.
b t di t
phylogenetic adj phát sinh Phylogenetic studies help scientists understand
loài evolutionary relationships between species.
stable adj n nh The patient's condition is now stable and
trivial adj không quan In the grand scheme of things, this issue seems
tr ng trivial.
unconvinced adj không tin, Despite the arguments, she remained
hoài nghi unconvinced of their theory.
certify v ch ng nh n, The organization will certify the authenticity of
ch ng th c the artwork.
counteract v ch ng l i, He took medication to counteract the allergic
kháng c l i reaction.
extend v kéo dài, m The company decided to extend the deadline
r ng for the project.
persuade v thuy t ph c She used logical arguments to persuade him to
change his mind.
reinstate v ph c h i After reviewing the case, the judge decided to
reinstate the charges against the defendant.
restore v ph c h i The team worked tirelessly to restore the
historical monument to its former glory.
roll out v tung ra The company plans to roll out the new product
to stores nationwide.
squeeze v chen qua, She used a lemon squeezer to extract the juice
lách qua for the recipe.
suck up v hút lên The vacuum cleaner was able to suck up dirt
and debris from the floor.
withstand v ch u ng, The new building design was able to withstand
ch ng l i even the strongest earthquakes.
archaeobotanist n nhà c th c The archaeobotanist studied ancient plant
v th c remains to learn about past civilizations.
bark n v cây The bark of the tree provided protection for
the delicate inner layers.
biodiversity n s a d ng The rainforest is home to a rich biodiversity of
sinh h c plant and animal species.
charcoal n than chì The artist used charcoal to create a detailed
corridor n d i t The wildlife corridor allowed animals to travel
hành lang between different habitats.
drought n h n hán The prolonged drought led to crop failures and
water shortages.
erosion n s xói mòn The riverbank erosion was caused by strong
currents and heavy rainfall.
ethnobotanist n nhà th c The ethnobotanist studied the traditional uses
v t dân t c of plants by indigenous communities.
h c
evaporation n s bay h i The evaporation of water from the surface
created cooling effects.
expanse n d i, d i The vast expanse of the desert stretched out as
r ng far as the eye could see.
habitat n môi tr ng The wetlands provide an important habitat for
s ng various bird species.
prejudice n thành ki n She worked to raise awareness about prejudice
and discrimination in society.
refuge n n i trú n The national park served as a refuge for
endangered species.
remedy n ph ng The herbal remedy helped alleviate her cold
thu c symptoms.
resuscitation n s h i ph c The quick resuscitation efforts of the lifeguard
saved the drowning swimmer.
smallholding n nông h They managed a smallholding where they grew
fruits and vegetables for their family.
strip n m nh, d i The bulldozer cleared a strip of land for the
new road.
subsoil n l p t The subsoil contained important nutrients for
d i plant growth.
trunk n thân cây The elephant used its strong trunk to gather
food and drink water.
woodland n mi n r ng, The woodland was a peaceful place to take a
vùng r ng leisurely walk.
arid adj khô c n The desert's arid climate makes it a challenging
( t) environment for plant life.
aspirational adj khát khao, Her goals were aspirational, motivating her to
mong mu n work hard and achieve success.
fragile adj d v ,d The delicate glass sculpture was fragile and
gãy; m ng required careful handling.
herbal adj thu c th o She brewed a cup of herbal tea to help soothe
m c her sore throat.
activate v kích ho t The button is used to activate the security
adjust v i u ch nh She needed to adjust the settings on her
camera to get the perfect shot.
cup v khum bàn She held the bird gently in cupped hands.
tay thành
hình chén
dedicate v c ng hi n, He decided to dedicate his free time to
dành cho volunteering at the local shelter.
distinguish v phân bi t His ability to distinguish between similar-looking
species was impressive.
substitute v thay th She used applesauce as a substitute for butter
in her baking recipe.
ambiguity n s m h The ambiguity in his statement left room for
different interpretations.
frontal lobe n thùy trán The frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for
decision-making and problem-solving.
hemisphere n bán c u The left hemisphere of the brain is associated
with language and logical thinking.
modality n th th c, The therapy program included different
ph ng modalities, such as exercise and counseling.
th c
pitch n cao He adjusted the pitch of his voice to match the
th p song's melody.
ravine n thung l ng The hikers followed the trail down into the steep
h p và sâu ravine.
relay n chuy n ti p The relay race required each team member to
âm run a portion of the track.
scope n ph m vi The scope of the project included research,
design, and implementation.
shepherd n ng i ch n The shepherd guided the flock of sheep to the
c u grazing fields.
slope n d c núi The ski slope was steep and challenging for
temporal lobe n thùy thái The temporal lobe is involved in processing
d ng auditory information and memory.
terrain n a hình The rocky terrain made hiking difficult but
offered breathtaking views.
whistle n ti ng hu t He used a whistle to signal the start of the race.
dwindling adj s t gi m The dwindling water supply was a cause for
concern in the drought-stricken area.
neuroimaging adj thi t b The lab acquired state-of-the-art neuroimaging
equipment hình nh equipment for their research.
th n kinh
novel adj m il The novel approach to solving the problem
yielded unexpected results.
obscure adj m h , ít The meaning of the ancient inscription was
ng i bi t obscure and difficult to decipher.
precise adj chính xác The precise measurements ensured the
experiment's accuracy.
steep adj d c ng The trail became steeper as they climbed higher
up the mountain.
blame v l i Police are blaming the accident on dangerous
empower v truy n s c The program aims to empower young women to
m nh pursue leadership roles.
enforce v áp t, The police officer had to enforce the traffic
th c thi laws during the parade.
exert v dùng, s He had to exert a lot of effort to lift the heavy
d ng (s c object.
m nh, nh
h ng…)
offend v xúc ph m His comments were meant to offend, and they
sparked a heated argument.
outrage v làm ph n The news of the scandal caused outrage among
u t the public.
plummet v t t, lao The temperature began to plummet as winter
th ng approached.
xu ng
sue v ki n She decided to sue the company for the injuries
she sustained on their premises.
breach n s vi ph m The data breach compromised sensitive
circumstance n hoàn c nh, Her success was due to a combination of talent
tình hu ng and fortunate circumstances.
greed n lòng tham His greed for power led to unethical decisions.
justice n công l The pursuit of justice was a central theme in the
legal drama.
lease n h p ng Under the terms of the lease, you have to pay
cho thuê maintenance charges.
legislation n pháp lu t The new legislation aimed to improve
environmental protection.
logging n vi c n The logging industry has faced criticism for its
cây impact on deforestation.
means n ph ng ti n She used various means to express her
creativity, from painting to writing.
obligation n ngh a v He felt a sense of obligation to help his
quota n nh m c The team met their sales quota for the quarter.
sense of justice n th c v Her strong sense of justice motivated her to
công l become a lawyer.
sentiment n tính y m , The sentiment among the group was one of hope
ac m and optimism.
shareholder n c ông The shareholder meeting addressed the
company's financial performance.
stockholder n c ông The stockholder received dividends from their
investment in the company.
track record n h s theo The company's successful track record
dõi attracted investors.
wage n ti n l ng She earned a decent wage for her work at the
knowingly adv ch tâm, có He knowingly violated the terms of the contract.
d ng
corrupt adj i b i, The corrupt politician was involved in several
m c nát scandals.
destructive adj phá h y, The destructive tornado left a path of
tàn phá destruction in its wake.
explicit adj rõ ràng The contract included explicit details about
payment terms.
fiduciary adj u thác The lawyer had a fiduciary duty to act in the
best interest of their client.
liable for adj ch u trách The company was found liable for the
nhi m v environmental damage caused by their
moralistic adj kh t khe v Her moralistic approach to parenting focused
m t o on teaching values and ethics.
ultimate adj c b n The ultimate goal was to create a better future
for generations to come.
unmanaged adj không b The unmanaged forest grew freely without
qu n l human intervention.
unsophisticated adj thi u tinh vi The unsophisticated design of the device made
it easy to use for beginners.
adapt v i u ch nh, thích Animals in the Arctic have adapted to the
nghi extreme cold by developing thick fur and
layers of blubber.
affect v nh h ng The economic downturn can affect people's
purchasing behavior.
allow v Cho phép The teacher will allow students to ask
questions during the lecture.
appear to v d ng nh , có v The new discovery appears to confirm the
nh theory about gravitational waves.
associate v liên t ng, liên She tends to associate rainy days with cozy
k t indoor activities.
calculate v Tính, tính toán Scientists can calculate the velocity of an
object using mathematical equations.
challenge v không th a nh n, The new
ph nh study challengesfundamental assumptions ab
out the virus.
compare v so sánh The researcher will compare the results of
the two experiments to identify any
consider v xem nh , coi nh Before making a decision, it's important to
carefully consider all possible outcomes.
control v i u khi n The experiment aims to control the
variables to accurately measure the
demonstrate v Trình bày, minh The professor will demonstrate the chemical
ho reaction in the laboratory.
deplete v Làm suy y u, rút The excessive fishing has started to deplete
c n the ocean's fish population.
determine v Quy t nh Scientists are working to determine the
cause of the mysterious illness.
dig v ào b i The archaeologists will dig in the ancient
ruins to uncover hidden artifacts.
discover v Khám phá The explorers were excited to discover a
hidden cave deep in the jungle.
dislodge v ánh b t ra kh i The strong wind managed to dislodge the
v trí roof tiles from the building.
display v Tr ng bày The art gallery will display a collection of
Impressionist paintings.
emerge v xu t hi n New technology has emerged that could
revolutionize the way we communicate.
focus v t p trung During the meditation session, it's important
to focus on your breathing.
hang v treo, m c The painting will hang in the museum's
exhibition hall.
hibernate v ng ông Bears hibernate during the winter months to
conserve energy.
hunt v s n The predator will silently hunt for prey in
the dense forest.
involve v liên quan, bao The project will involve multiple teams
hàm working together.
locate v t vào v trí It took them hours to locate the missing
hiker in the wilderness.
manipulate v i u khi n, thao The magician skillfully manipulated the deck
túng of cards to perform his tricks.
observe v Quan sát Scientists observe the behavior of animals
in their natural habitats.
perceive v nh n th c Different individuals may perceive colors
differently due to variations in their eyes.
possess v S h u The ancient artifact is said to possess
mystical powers.
remain v l i; gi nguyên Despite the challenges, they remained
v trí, tình tr ng optimistic about the outcome.
remodel v t ch c l i, s a The couple decided to remodel their kitchen
i, tu s a for a more modern look.
resort to v ph i s d ng In times of desperation, people may resort
n; ph i vi n to extreme measures to survive.
shed light on v làm sáng t The new evidence sheds light on the
mysterious disappearance.
study v Nghiên c u She will study the effects of climate change
on coral reefs.
suffer v ch u ng The patient continues to suffer from chronic
pain despite treatment.
survive v S ng sót, t n t i The plant has adapted to the harsh desert
environment and managed to survive.
tend v có xu h ng The caretaker will tend to the injured
animals in the wildlife sanctuary.
threaten v ed a The invasive species could threaten the
native ecosystem if left unchecked.
undergo v Tr i qua The patient will undergo surgery to repair a
damaged knee.
witness v ch ng ki n Many people claimed to witness the meteor
shower in the night sky.
assumption n S ph ng oán, The conclusion was based on the assumption
gi nh that the data was accurate.
astronaut n phi hành gia The astronaut conducted experiments
aboard the International Space Station.
attempt n l n th , n l c Despite the challenges, they made an
attempt to climb the steep mountain.
availability n Tính kh d ng, s The availability of fresh water is a critical
có s n concern in arid regions.
behaviour n hành vi The researcher studied the behavior of
monkeys in their natural habitat.
branch n Cành cây, nhánh She climbed the tree and hid in the
cây branches.
breakthrough n B c t phá The scientist's discovery marked a
significant breakthrough in medical
capacity n kh n ng The stadium has a seating capacity of over
50,000 spectators.
colleague n ng nghi p Her colleague provided valuable insights
into the project.
consequence n H u qu The consequence of deforestation is the loss
of habitat for many species.
conservation n S b ot n The organization is dedicated to the
conservation of endangered wildlife.
consideration n s cân nh c After careful consideration, they decided to
invest in the new technology.
cub n Con thú con h , The lioness protected her cub from
s t , sói, g u, potential dangers.
den n Hang thú d The bear built a den in a cozy cave for the
winter months.
density n dày c The high population density in urban areas
can lead to congestion and pollution.
diabetes n ti u ng Proper diet and exercise are essential for
managing diabetes.
disappearance n s bi n m t The sudden disappearance of the rare bird
raised concerns among scientists.
disease n C n b nh, d ch The outbreak of the infectious disease led
b nh to a public health crisis.
effort n s c g ng The team put in a tremendous effort to
complete the project on time.
emotion n c m xúc Her face displayed a range of emotion as
she listened to the moving speech.
evidence n B ng ch ng The forensic scientist analyzed the evidence
to solve the crime.
explanation n gi i thích The professor provided a detailed
explanation of the complex scientific
extinction n S tuy t ch ng The extinction of certain species is a result
of habitat destruction.
factor n Nhân t Environmental factors can influence a
person's susceptibility to allergies.
field n l nh v c The biologist conducted field research in
the rainforest.
frustration n phi n mu n The constant technical problems caused a
great deal of frustration for the team.
humanity n nhân tính, nhân The progress of humanity depends on our
lo i ability to address global challenges.
intake n s l y vào, l ng The doctor advised reducing the intake of
l y vào sugary foods to improve health.
loss n m t mát The loss of biodiversity is a growing concern
for conservationists.
manipulation n s thao túng, s The manipulation of data to support a
i u khi n biased viewpoint is unethical.
maternity n thai s n The hospital offers maternity services for
expectant mothers.
means n ph ng ti n Education is a powerful means of promoting
social change.
mechanism n C ch ho t The mechanism behind the chemical
ng reaction was complex and required further
method n Ph ng pháp The scientist used a sophisticated method
to analyze the DNA samples.
movement n Chuy n ng The civil rights movement played a pivotal
role in ending segregation.
mutation n s t bi n A genetic mutation can lead to changes in
an organism's characteristics.
mystery n i u kì bí The disappearance of the ancient
civilization remains a mystery to
nutrient n Ch t dinh d ng Fruits and vegetables provide essential
nutrients for a healthy diet.
object n v t, v t th The telescope captured images of a distant
celestial object.
paradox n ngh ch l The concept of time travel presents a
philosophical paradox.
physiologist n chuyên gia sinh lí The physiologist studied how exercise
h c affects the body's cardiovascular system.
pregnancy n s có thai, thai kì Prenatal vitamins are important for the
health of both the mother and the baby
during pregnancy.
primate n ng v t linh Humans are classified as a type of primate
tr ng in the animal kingdom.
process n quá trình The process of photosynthesis converts
sunlight into energy for plants.
reformation n s c i cách, s The reformation of the education system
c it o aimed to improve student performance.
relative n h hàng The scientist compared the sizes of planets
to their relative distances from the sun.
researcher n Nhà nghiên c u The researcher conducted experiments to
test the hypothesis.
reserve n tr l ng The nature reserve is home to a diverse
array of wildlife.
risk n r i ro Investing in stocks carries a certain level of
solution n Gi i pháp The team worked together to find a solution
to the complex math problem.
species n gi ng loài The Amazon rainforest is home to an
astonishing variety of plant and animal
starvation n S ói, s thi u The famine resulted in widespread
n; s ch t ói starvation among the population.
temperature n Nhi t The temperature dropped significantly
during the cold winter months.
tissue n mô The surgeon carefully repaired the damaged
tissue during the operation.
tool n công c The carpenter used a specialized tool to
carve intricate designs in the wood.
certainly adv ch c ch n, nh t She was certainly excited about her
nh upcoming vacation.
constantly adv m t cách liên t c The river's flow is constantly changing due
to rainfall and weather conditions.
due to adv vì The flight was delayed due to bad weather.
genetically adv v m t di truy n Some plants have been genetically modified
h c to resist pests.
obviously adv rõ ràng The solution to the problem was obviously
simple, but it took a while to figure out.
potentially adv có tri n v ng The new treatment could potentially cure
the disease.
previously adv tr c ó The scientist had previously published a
groundbreaking paper on the subject.
remarkably adv áng chú The athlete's recovery was remarkably
quick after the surgery.
uniquely adv c nh t vô nh , Each individual has a uniquely shaped
ch có m t fingerprint.
agile adj nhanh nh n, l The agile cat effortlessly leaped from one
làng, lanh l i branch to another.
anecdotal adj Mang tính truy n The evidence is primarily anecdotal and
mi ng, giai tho i lacks scientific rigor.
astonishing adj gây kinh ng c The view from the mountaintop was
astonishingly beautiful.
bedridden adj n m li t gi ng vì After the surgery, she was bedridden for
m hay tàn t t several weeks.
capable adj Có th , có kh With proper training, humans are capable of
n ng achieving remarkable feats.
comparative adj so sánh, t ng The study involved a comparative analysis of
i different economic systems.
conscious adj có nh n th c She made a conscious effort to reduce her
carbon footprint.
deliberate adj c , ch tâm The deliberate choice to invest in
renewable energy sources paid off in the
long run.
dense adj Dày c The forest was so dense that it was difficult
to see the sky.
disappointed adj th t v ng She was disappointed by the results of the
extreme adj vô cùng, c c The extreme weather conditions made it
challenging to travel.
far-reaching adj có nh h ng sâu The invention of the internet had far-
r ng reaching implications for society.
genetic adj thu c v gen, di Genetic testing can reveal information
truy n about a person's ancestry.
insufficient adj không The sample size for the study was
insufficient to draw accurate conclusions.
majestic adj uy nghi, oai The majestic mountain range stretched
nghiêm, oai v , across the horizon.
ng b
major adj ch y u, quan The major breakthrough in medical science
tr ng led to the development of a new treatment.
medical adj Liên quan ny The medical team worked tirelessly to save
khoa the patient's life.
multiple adj nhi u The scientist conducted multiple
experiments to verify the results.
obese adj béo phì A diet high in sugar and fat can contribute
to becoming obese.
potential adj Ti m n ng The new technology has the potential to
revolutionize the industry.
significant adj áng l u , quan The discovery of a new dinosaur species
tr ng was a significant finding for paleontologists.
unusual adj l , khác th ng The unusual behavior of the animal caught
the attention of the researchers.
various adj khác nhau, a The museum had various exhibits showcasing
d ng different periods of history.
violent adj b o l c, hung The violent storm caused widespread
t n, hung b o damage to homes and buildings.
weak adj y u The patient's immune system was weak due
to the illness.
amaze v Làm kinh ng c, The breathtaking view from the mountaintop
làm s ng s t never failed to amaze the hikers.
appreciate v c m kích, trân I truly appreciate your help and support
tr ng during this challenging time.
astonish v Làm ng c nhiên The magician's tricks never failed to
astonish the audience.
attribute v cho là do, quy Scientists attribute the sudden increase in
cho temperature to climate change.
bury v chôn vùi, chôn Ancient civilizations used to bury their
c t deceased with valuable items.
carve v kh c, t c, ch m, The artist used a chisel to carve intricate
c patterns into the stone.
claim v tuyên b , cho là The archaeologist made a groundbreaking
claim about the origin of the artifacts.
conceive v t ng t ng It's hard to conceive of the immense size of
the universe.
concern v liên quan n The growing concern over pollution led to
stricter environmental regulations.
constitute v C u t o nên These ingredients constitute the basic
elements of the recipe.
cover v bao ph The book cover featured a captivating
criticise v ch trích Film critics were quick to criticise the
director's latest work.
discourage v làm n n lòng She didn't let the initial failure discourage
her from pursuing her dream.
dump v thành ng The ancient city was abandoned, and its
ruins became a dump for discarded items.
encircle v vây quanh, bao The walls of the fortress encircle the entire
quanh, bao vây city.
examine v ki m tra The scientist will carefully examine the fossil
to determine its age.
excavate v ào b i, khai The archaeologists will carefully excavate
qu t the site to uncover hidden artifacts.
honor v tôn vinh The monument was built to honor the
soldiers who fought in the war.
incorporate v K t h p, g p The architect decided to incorporate
chung modern design elements into the historical
inscribe v vi t, kh c ch The name of the ruler was inscribed on the
statue's base.
investigate v i u tra The detective will investigate the
mysterious disappearance of the valuable
occupy v chi m óng, c The ancient civilization used to occupy this
ng area thousands of years ago.
overlook v B sót Don't overlook the small details—they can
be crucial to solving the puzzle.
persuade v thuy t ph c She managed to persuade her parents to let
her go on the trip.
prevent v ng n ch n Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help
prevent many health problems.
remain v v n, gi nh c The ruins of the castle remain as a
testament to the past.
represent v i di n, bi u The symbol on the flag represents unity and
tr ng strength.
stack v ch t thành ng, The archaeologists carefully stacked the
x p thành ch ng recovered artifacts in crates.
store v l u tr , c t gi The museum will store the valuable paintings
in a climate-controlled room.
owing to pre b i vì The delay in the project was owing to
unexpected weather conditions.
accommoda- n ch The travelers found comfortable
tion accommodation at a local inn.
accomplish- n thành t u Her academic accomplishments earned her
ment a scholarship.
advance n s ti n b , b c The ancient civilization made significant
ti n advances in astronomy and mathematics.
archaeologist n nhà kh o c h c The archaeologist carefully brushed away
the dirt to reveal the hidden artifact.
archetype n nguyên m u, The story's hero is often considered an
nguyên hình archetype of bravery and selflessness.
architect n Ki n trúc s The architect designed the majestic
cathedral with intricate details.
architecture n ki n trúc The Gothic architecture of the cathedral is
brick n g ch The ancient city's walls were made of sturdy
chamber n phòng ch a The royal chamber was adorned with
exquisite artwork.
clay n t sét The potter shaped the vase using a lump of
complex n khu ph c h p, The ancient city's layout was intricate and
khu liên h p complex.
construction n vi c thi công The construction of the massive pyramid
required a vast workforce.
courtyard n sân nh ; sân The center of the palace featured a
trong beautiful courtyard.
discovery n s khám phá The archaeologist's most significant
discovery was a hidden tomb.
entrance n L i vào The grand entrance to the palace was
adorned with marble statues.
evolution n s ti n hoá The evolution of human society has been
shaped by various factors.
exaggeration n s phóng i, s His description of the event was a gross
c ng i u, s exaggeration of the truth.
nói quá
experimenta- n s thí nghi m The scientist conducted careful
tion experimentation to test the hypothesis.
feature n c tính One notable feature of the ancient city was
its advanced sewage system.
grave n ph n m The ancient grave contained valuable
artifacts and treasures.
grave goods n nh ng món The grave goods found with the deceased
c chôn cùng provided insight into their culture.
v i nh ng ngôi
m c
incline n m t nghiêng, The ancient city was built on an incline,
s nd c overlooking the river.
mass n kh i, ng The massive statue towered over the city's
central square.
milestone n c tm c The discovery marked a significant
milestone in the field of archaeology.
monument n t ng ài; ài k The towering monument was erected in
ni m memory of the fallen soldiers.
network n m ng l i The ancient civilization had a vast trade
network that spanned across continents.
possession n V t s h u; tài The artifact is now in the possession of the
s n, c a c i museum.
precaution n s phòng ng a, s The explorers took precautions before
phòng entering the dark cave.
predecessor n ng i ti n nhi m The ruler's predecessor had laid the
foundation for a strong empire.
priest n linh m c, th y tu The priest performed rituals and
ceremonies at the temple.
pyramid n kim t tháp The ancient pyramid was built as a tomb for
the pharaoh.
reign n tri u i The ruler's reign brought prosperity and
cultural growth to the kingdom.
robber n k tr m, k c p The ancient city's ruins revealed evidence
of a skilled robber.
ruler n ng i cai tr , The ruler's portrait was prominently
ng i tr vì displayed in the palace.
scholar n h c gi The scholar dedicated her life to studying
ancient civilizations.
shrine n i n th , mi u The shrine was a place of worship and
th reflection for the ancient inhabitants.
stage n giai o n The amphitheater was a stage for various
performances and events.
surroundings n không gian xung The lush surroundings of the river provided
quanh a peaceful atmosphere.
thief n k tr m, k c p The thief managed to steal valuable
artifacts from the museum.
tomb n m ,m The elaborate tomb was filled with
treasures and valuable items.
tribute n V t t ng The monument serves as a tribute to the
accomplishments of the ancient civilization.
tunnel n ng h m The ancient civilization used underground
tunnels for various purposes.
cleverly adv khéo léo, s c The architect cleverly incorporated natural
s o, khôn ngoan light into the design of the building.
in advance adv tr c She booked her travel arrangements in
advance to secure the best rates.
initially adv lúc u Initially, the artifact appeared to be just a
simple piece of pottery.
originally adv kh i u, nguyên The building was originally constructed as a
th y place of worship.
progressively adv t ng lên; t ng The technology has improved progressively
d n u over the years.
thoroughly adv Hoàn toàn; k The archaeologist thoroughly examined the
l ng; th u áo artifacts to determine their age and origin.
unfortunately adv không may Unfortunately, the ancient manuscript was
damaged and difficult to read.
ancient adj c i The ancient city's ruins tell the story of a
long-lost civilization.
deceased adj ch t, ã khu t The archaeologists discovered the remains
of the deceased ruler in the tomb.
enormous adj Kh ng l The ancient coliseum was an enormous
structure that could hold thousands of
entire adj toàn b The entire city was built using intricate
architectural designs.
grand adj l n lao The grand palace was a symbol of power
and wealth.
intricate adj r c r i, ph c t p The artifact's intricate patterns showcased
the skilled craftsmanship of its creators.
mysterious adj k bí The disappearance of the ancient
civilization remains a mysterious puzzle for
prior adj tr c ó The city's walls were built prior to the
invention of modern construction
proper adj úng cách, phù The archaeologist used proper techniques
h p to preserve the fragile artifacts.
revolutionary adj mang tính cách The new archaeological method was
m ng considered revolutionary in the field.
significant adj áng l u , quan The artifact's discovery was a significant
tr ng achievement in the study of history.
various adj khác nhau, a The museum's collection includes various
d ng artifacts from different time periods.
vast adj r ng l n The vast desert landscape held many
secrets waiting to be uncovered.
achieve v t c, giành The ancient civilization's ability to achieve
c monumental construction feats is awe-
alter v thay i, làm Over time, the landscape has been altered
thay i by natural forces and human activity.
analyse v phân tích The archaeologist will carefully analyse the
composition of the pottery shards.
assess v ánh giá The experts will assess the historical
significance of the newly discovered
attract v thu hút The beautiful architecture of the ancient
city continues to attract tourists from
around the world.
avoid v tránh The ancient civilization took precautions to
avoid floods by building on elevated terrain.
base on v d a vào The reconstruction of the ancient city was
based on detailed archaeological evidence.
carry out v ti n hành The researchers plan to carry out a
thorough excavation of the ancient burial
comprehend v hi u It can be challenging to comprehend the
complexities of an ancient culture.
creep into v lén l i vào Superstitions often creep into ancient
societies and influence their beliefs and
decline v s t gi m The decline of the ancient civilization was
attributed to a combination of factors.
define v nh ngh a The term "monolith" is commonly used to
define a large, single stone structure.
deliver v cung c p The historian delivered a captivating
lecture on the history of the ancient
deter v ng n ch n, c n The defensive walls were built to deter
tr , làm nh t chí potential invaders.
embody v hi n thân The statue of the goddess embodies the
ideals and values of the ancient society.
enable v cho phép Advanced irrigation techniques enabled the
ancient civilization to thrive in arid regions.
enforce v áp t, th c thi The ruler enforced strict laws to maintain
order in the ancient city.
enhance v t ng c ng The restoration project aims to enhance the
visibility of the ancient artwork.
ensure v mb o The architect took measures to ensure the
stability of the ancient building.
envisage v d tính, v ch ra The archaeologists envisage a
comprehensive study of the ancient burial
evolve v ti n hoá Languages evolve over time, reflecting
changes in culture and society.
expect v mong i Archaeologists expect to find valuable
artifacts in the untouched tomb.
experiment v th nghi m The scientist will experiment with different
techniques to clean the ancient artifacts.
explain v gi i thích The expert will explain the cultural
significance of the ancient pottery.
gather v thu th p The archaeologists will gather samples for
carbon dating to determine the age of the
guarantee v cam k t, m The seal on the ancient document serves as
b o a guarantee of its authenticity.
handle v gi i quy t The delicate artifacts require careful
handling to prevent damage.
highlight v nh n m nh The exhibition will highlight the artistic
achievements of the ancient civilization.
illustrate v minh ho The artifacts beautifully illustrate the daily
life of the ancient inhabitants.
impact v tác ng The climate change had a significant impact
on the ancient civilization's agriculture.
monitor v giám sát Archaeologists will monitor the excavation
site to ensure the artifacts are properly
observe v quan sát The historian will observe the pottery to
note any unique features.
offer v cung c p The museum will offer guided tours of the
ancient ruins.
outperform v v t tr i The ancient city's architecture often
outperformed that of its contemporaries.
pre-empt v ón tr c, ng n To pre-empt potential looting, the artifacts
ch n tr c were carefully cataloged and documented.
prepare v chu n b The team will prepare for the upcoming
archaeological dig by gathering necessary
prevent v ng n ch n The city's defensive walls were built to
prevent invasions from neighboring tribes.
pronce v tuyên b , thông The scholar will pronce through ancient
báo texts to gather evidence for her research.
publish v công b The archaeologist plans to publish a
comprehensive study on the ancient
rely v d a trên, d a Historians rely on written records and
vào artifacts to piece together the past.
restrict v h n ch The ancient city's laws were designed to
restrict certain activities and behaviors.
seize v b t l y, n m l y The conquerors seized control of the
ancient city and established a new regime.
switch v i The ancient civilization underwent a cultural
switch, adopting new traditions and
tackle v gi i quy t, kh c The team will tackle the challenge of
ph c deciphering the ancient script.
take over v ti p qu n The invading army managed to take over the
ancient city after a long siege.
transform v bi n i The discovery of irrigation techniques
helped transform the arid landscape into
fertile farmland.
undertake v m ng, th c The archaeologists will undertake a detailed
hi n analysis of the artifacts.
regarding pre v , iv i The historian will provide insights regarding
the daily life of the ancient inhabitants.
with regard to phr liên quan n The expert will discuss the significance of
the burial practices with regard to ancient
advent n s xu t hi n The advent of agriculture marked a
significant turning point in the ancient
civilization's history.
algorithm n thu t toán Advanced algorithms are used to analyze
the data from the archaeological
aspect n khía c nh The social aspect of the ancient society is a
crucial area of study for historians.
attitude n thái The ancient civilization's attitude towards
art was deeply ingrained in their culture.
authority n ng i có th m The ruling authority in the ancient city was
quy n held by a council of elders.
automation n s t ng hoá; The use of automation in construction was a
k thu t t ng groundbreaking development in the ancient
boundary n ranh gi i The river served as a natural boundary for
the ancient kingdom.
campaign n chi n d ch The ancient ruler launched a military
campaign to expand his territory.
career n s nghi p The archaeologist devoted her career to
uncovering the secrets of the ancient city.
client n khách hàng The ancient merchant's client base
extended to neighboring regions.
consultancy n công ty t v n The historian provided consultancy services
for the archaeological excavation.
contract n h p ng The craftsman signed a contract to provide
artwork for the ancient temple.
customer n khách hàng The ancient market attracted customers
from distant lands.
democracy n n n dân ch , ch The ancient society practiced a form of
dân ch direct democracy in decision-making.
dilemma n th l ng nan The ruler faced a moral dilemma when
making a difficult political decision.
enhancement n s nâng cao, s The enhancement of trade routes played a
c i thi n crucial role in the ancient city's prosperity.
era n th i i; k The ancient civilization flourished during the
nguyên Bronze Age era.
experimenta- n s thí nghi m The ancient alchemists engaged in extensive
tion experimentation to discover new
expert n chuyên gia The archaeologist is considered an expert in
ancient pottery.
expertise n chuyên môn The historian's expertise in ancient
languages is invaluable for deciphering
exploration n s thám hi m, s The exploration of uncharted territories
khám phá was a hallmark of the ancient seafarers.
extent n m c The extent of the ancient city's influence
reached neighboring kingdoms.
fallacy n s sai l m, ki n The belief in ancient myths and legends
sai l m often stems from logical fallacies.
finding n s tìm ra, s The recent finding of a hidden chamber has
khám phá excited archaeologists worldwide.
government n chính ph The ancient government was structured
around a council of tribal leaders.
income n thu nh p The civilization's income was largely derived
from trade and agriculture.
individual n cá nhân Each individual in the ancient society played
a unique role in its development.
influence n s nh h ng The ancient philosopher's ideas had a lasting
influence on Western thought.
innovation n i m i, c i ti n The ancient city was known for its
technological innovation and advancements.
instinct n b n n ng The ancient inhabitants relied on their
instincts to survive in the harsh
instruction n ch th , l i ch The scribes provided instruction on how to
d n cultivate and harvest crops.
intrusion n s xâm ph m, s The ancient ruins were protected from
xâm nh p intrusion by tall walls and watchtowers.
intuition n tr c giác The healer used her intuition to select the
appropriate herbs for medicinal use.
judgement n s phán xét, s The ancient ruler's judgement was highly
ánh giá respected by his subjects.
knowledge n ki n th c The ancient society possessed extensive
knowledge of astronomy and mathematics.
labour n lao ng chân The construction of the ancient monument
tay required the labor of thousands of workers.
law n lu t, phép t c The ancient city's laws were inscribed on
stone tablets for all to see.
leisure n gi i trí The ancient citizens enjoyed various forms
of leisure, including music and games.
market n th tr ng The bustling market was the heart of the
ancient city's economic activity.
measure n ph ng sách, The length of the ancient road was carefully
bi n pháp measured to ensure accuracy.
nature n b n ch t The ancient city's location was chosen due
to its favorable natural features.
novice n lính m i, ng i The novice archaeologist eagerly joined the
m ih c excavation team to learn from experts.
objective n m c tiêu, m c The archaeologists had a clear objective: to
ích uncover the ancient city's secrets.
observation n s quan sát The detailed observation of the ancient
artifacts revealed clues about their
occupation n ngh nghi p Farming was a common occupation for the
inhabitants of the ancient village.
parallel n t ng ng, There are striking parallels between the
t ng t ancient society and modern cultural
policy n chính sách The ruler implemented a policy of neutrality
in foreign conflicts.
potential n ti m n ng, tri n The newly discovered site has the potential
v ng to provide valuable insights into the ancient
prediction n d oán The astrologers made predictions about the
future based on celestial events.
productivity n hi u su t The use of advanced tools significantly
increased the productivity of the ancient
profession n ngh , ngh The ancient civilization had a well-defined
nghi p profession of scribes who recorded
important information.
progress n ti n tri n The ancient city made significant progress
in the fields of astronomy and medicine.
proportion n t l The proportion of farmland to urban areas
in the ancient society was carefully
range n ph m vi The ancient empire's influence spanned a
vast range of territories.
recommendatio n g i The expert's recommendation is to conduct
n further research on the ancient
redeployment n s b trí l i, s The redeployment of resources helped
s px pl i strengthen the ancient city's defenses.
redundancy n s cho thôi vi c, The ancient civilization practiced
s sa th i redundancy in water storage to ensure a
steady supply.
reliance n s ph thu c, s The ancient society's reliance on the Nile
tin t ng River for irrigation was vital to its survival.
research n nghiên c u The archaeologists conducted extensive
research to uncover the ancient city's
researcher n nhà nghiên c u The researcher meticulously analyzed the
ancient manuscripts to decipher their
retirement n s v h u The ancient ruler's retirement marked the
end of his long and successful reign.
revolution n cu c cách m ng The invention of the wheel brought about a
transportation revolution in the ancient
scenario n tình hu ng, vi n The historian considered various scenarios
c nh to explain the decline of the ancient
sector n khu v c The agricultural sector was the backbone of
the ancient economy.
security n s b o m The city's strong defensive walls provided
security and protection to its inhabitants.
shift n s d ch chuy n, A shift in trade routes led to the decline of
s chuy n i the ancient port city.
society n xã h i The ancient society was organized into
different social classes based on
staff n nhân viên The excavation site was staffed by skilled
archaeologists and researchers.
stage n giai o n The ancient theater served as a stage for
performances and plays.
strategy n chi n thu t The ruler devised a clever strategy to
defend the ancient city from invaders.
subsistence n sinh k , s c m Farming and hunting provided the main
c sources of subsistence for the ancient
supply n ngu n cung c p The ancient city relied on a steady supply of
water from the nearby river.
trajectory n qu o, ng The trajectory of the ancient civilization's
i development was influenced by its
geographic location.
transition n s chuy n i The transition from a nomadic lifestyle to
settled agriculture was a significant change
for the ancient society.
unemployment n s th t nghi p The decline of trade led to high levels of
unemployment in the ancient city.
workforce n l c l ng lao The ancient workforce consisted of skilled
ng craftsmen and laborers.
workplace n n i làm vi c The bustling marketplace was a central
workplace for merchants and traders.
adequately adv y The historian's research was conducted
thoroughly and adequately.
alternative adj khác The ancient civilization's decline was
influenced by alternative trade routes.
apocalyptic adj kh i huy n, t n The ancient prophecy warned of an
th apocalyptic event that would reshape the
appealing adj h pd n The ancient artwork's intricate details make
it appealing to modern viewers.
astounding adj làm kinh ng c, The scope of the ancient engineering feat is
làm kinh hoàng truly astounding.
available adj có s n The available evidence suggests that the
ancient city was a bustling center of
aware adj có nh n th c The ancient ruler was well aware of the
strategic importance of the city's location.
bold adj d ng c m, táo The architect's bold vision for the ancient
b o temple included intricate carvings and
towering columns.
certain adj nh t nh, nào The historian is certain that the ancient
ó texts hold the key to understanding the lost
cognitive adj liên quan n The ancient philosopher explored various
nh n th c cognitive processes in his writings.
conventional adj thông th ng, The ancient city's architecture defied
truy n th ng conventional norms and pushed artistic
corporate adj thu c oàn th The ancient society had a strong sense of
corporate identity and unity.
current adj hi n t i The current state of the ancient ruins gives
us a glimpse into the past.
disruptive adj t phá, siêu i The ancient civilization's adoption of new
m i technology was disruptive to established
external adj bên ngoài The ancient city's external defenses were
designed to withstand enemy attacks.
fair adj h p lí, công b ng The historian provided a fair and balanced
interpretation of the ancient texts.
fixed adj c nh The ancient city's fixed location near the
river allowed for fertile farmland.
frequent adj th ng xuyên The ancient traders made frequent journeys
to neighboring regions.
fundamental adj c n b n, c t lõi The fundamental principles of astronomy
were studied by ancient scholars.
key adj ch ch t The key to understanding the ancient script
lies in deciphering its symbols.
leading adj hàng u The leading experts in the field of
archaeology were invited to examine the
ancient artifacts.
legal adj thu c v pháp The legal code of the ancient city was
lu t, h p pháp inscribed on stone tablets.
legitimate adj chính áng The archaeologist provided legitimate
evidence to support her claims.
mass adj qu n chúng, i The massive stone blocks used in the ancient
chúng pyramid's construction were transported
from quarries.
medical adj liên quan ny The ancient society had rudimentary
khoa medical knowledge and practices.
misguided adj b l cl i The ancient ruler's misguided policies
contributed to the decline of the empire.
previous adj tr c ó The previous excavation yielded valuable
artifacts that shed light on ancient customs.
profound adj sâu s c The profound impact of the ancient
civilization is still felt today.
resentful adj th hi n s không The people became increasingly resentful of
b ng lòng, c m the heavy taxes imposed by the ancient
th y ph n u t ruler.
short-sighted adj thi n c n The short-sighted decision to exhaust
natural resources led to the ancient city's
so-called adj c g i là The so-called "Lost City" turned out to be a
remarkable discovery for archaeologists.
thriving adj phát tri n th nh The thriving marketplace was a testament
v ng to the economic success of the ancient city.
transparent adj trong su t The historian's research methodology is
transparent and well-documented.
trustworthy adj áng tin c y The ancient manuscript is considered a
trustworthy source of historical information.
appear v xu t hi n Ancient inscriptions appear on the walls of
the temple, telling stories of gods and kings.
appreciate v c m kích, trân Historians appreciate the value of well-
tr ng preserved ancient documents.
assign v cho là, quy cho The archaeologist will assign specific
catalog numbers to each artifact.
attest v ch ng nh n, nh n The ancient pottery can attest to the
th c, ch ng th c artistic skill of its creators.
bother v b n tâm It's important to bother with proper
preservation techniques for ancient
consist v bao g m The ancient city's defensive walls consist of
massive stone blocks.
contain v ch a ng, bao The ancient jar is believed to have once
g m contained precious oils or perfumes.
create v t o nên, t o ra The ancient artists were able to create
intricate designs using simple tools.
disappear v bi n m t The ancient manuscript disappeared for
centuries before being rediscovered.
expose v ph i bày ra The excavation will expose the hidden layers
of the ancient city's history.
gain v t c, giành Archaeologists hope to gain insights into
c ancient trade networks from the recovered
gleaming v sáng bóng The ancient jewelry was found in a gleaming
condition, thanks to careful preservation.
import v nh p kh u The ancient city's location made it an
important center for trade and cultural
include v bao g m The exhibition will include a diverse
selection of ancient artifacts.
indicate v ch ra, hi n th The pottery shards indicate that the
ancient settlement was a bustling trade hub.
intend v d nh The ancient scribe likely intended for these
inscriptions to be preserved for future
lessen v làm nh i, làm The careful restoration work will lessen the
bé i, làm gi m effects of weathering on the ancient
i structure.
mention v nh c n, The ancient chronicles mention a great flood
c p that impacted the city.
mistake v nh m l n The ancient scribe's mistake in copying the
text led to a misinterpretation of its
overlie v n m trên, t The ancient burial ground overlies layers of
trên history, waiting to be uncovered.
preserve v b o qu n, gi gìn Archaeologists work tirelessly to preserve
and protect ancient artifacts.
remove v lo i b The ancient statue was carefully removed
from its original location for restoration.
represent v i di n, bi u The symbols on the artifact represent
tr ng aspects of the ancient society's beliefs.
reveal v ti t l The excavation of the tomb is expected to
reveal the remains of an ancient ruler.
scatter v r i rác The ancient coins were scattered across
the floor of the buried treasure hoard.
scour v s c s o, lùng s c Archaeologists will scour the area for
traces of ancient settlements.
situate v t v trí The ancient city was strategically situated
at the crossroads of major trade routes.
survive v s ng sót, t n t i Fragments of pottery are some of the few
artifacts that survive from the ancient past.
worship v th , th ph ng, The ancient inhabitants used this sacred
tôn th space to worship their gods.
due to phr vì The decline of the ancient city was due to a
combination of environmental and societal
analysis n s phân tích The detailed analysis of ancient bones can
provide insights into ancient diets and
appearance n di n m o, ngo i The appearance of the ancient artifact
hình suggests it was used in religious ceremonies.
badge n huy hi u, phù The intricate design on the ancient shield
hi u; quân hàm served as a badge of honor for the warrior.
carving n ngh thu t ch m The intricate carving on the ancient door
kh c, v t ch m depicts scenes from daily life.
kh c
cemetery n ngh a trang The ancient cemetery contains the remains
of generations of past inhabitants.
continuity n s liên t c, s The continuity of cultural practices is
liên ti p evident in the ancient artwork and rituals.
county n h t, t nh The ancient city was located in what is now
known as modern-day Riverside County.
creature n sinh v t Ancient myths often feature fantastical
creatures and heroes.
custom n thói quen The ancient custom of building tombs for
revered ancestors was widespread.
depiction n s t , s miêu t ; The depiction of the ancient ruler in the
thu t h a sculpture captures his power and authority.
document n v n ki n; tài li u, The ancient manuscript provides valuable
t li u insights into the daily life of the time.
emblem n cái t ng tr ng, The emblem of the ancient kingdom was a
cái bi u t ng powerful symbol of its unity.
fame n ti ng t m, danh The ancient city's fame spread far and wide
ti ng, tên tu i due to its remarkable architecture.
fertility n kh n ng sinh s n The ancient civilization revered goddesses
associated with fertility and harvest.
figure n hình dáng The figurines found in the ancient settlement
are believed to represent deities.
gesture n i u b , c ch The ancient mural depicted a triumphant
gesture by the victorious ruler.
giant n ng i kh ng l The ancient legend speaks of a fearsome
giant who once roamed the land.
glimpse n cái nhìn thoáng The artwork provides a glimpse into the
qua cultural practices of the ancient society.
goddess n n th n The ancient goddess was worshipped for
her role in agriculture and fertility.
historian n nhà vi t s , s The historian's meticulous research sheds
gia light on the ancient world.
inhabitant n c dân The ancient inhabitants relied on the river
for water and transportation.
landscape n quang c nh The ancient landscape was dotted with
temples, shrines, and bustling marketplaces.
majority n ph n as The majority of the ancient city's population
was engaged in agriculture and trade.
millennium n thiên niên k The ancient city's history spans over a
millennium of cultural development.
monk n th y tu The ancient monastery was a place of
spiritual retreat for monks seeking solitude.
mythology n th n tho i The ancient civilization's mythology is a rich
source of cultural insights.
origin n ngu n g c The origin of the ancient ritual dates back
to prehistoric times.
outline n ng nét, hình The historian provided a detailed outline of
dáng, nét ngoài the major events in the ancient empire's
ownership n quy n s h u The ownership of the ancient artifact was
passed down through generations.
reference n s nói n, s The ancient text serves as a reference for
nh c n understanding the language of the time.
representation n s th hi n, s The artwork is a stunning representation of
trình bày the ancient society's artistic achievements.
researcher n nhà nghiên c u The researcher's findings shed new light on
the daily life of ancient farmers.
significance n s quan tr ng, s The significance of the ancient monument
áng k lies in its role as a cultural and religious
slope n d c, ng d c The ancient city was built on a gentle slope
overlooking the fertile plains below.
strength n s c m nh, s c The strength of the ancient city's defensive
l c, s c kho walls was crucial for its protection.
testament n b ng ch ng The ancient document serves as a testament
to the civilization's achievements.
track n ng mòn; a muddy track through the forest
ng h m
alternatively adv ngoài ra Alternatively, the ancient building could
have served as a communal gathering space.
exactly adv m t cách chính The historian's findings align exactly with
xác the ancient texts' descriptions.
fairly adv v a ph i The archaeological site was fairly well-
preserved, offering valuable insights into
the ancient past.
perhaps adv có th , có l The origins of the ancient artifact are still
unclear, but it may have served a religious
regularly adv u n, th ng The ancient settlement was regularly visited
xuyên by traders from distant lands.
thus adv do ó, theo cách The evidence suggests that the ancient
ó civilization was heavily reliant on trade,
thus promoting cultural exchange.
adequate adj cân x ng, y The ancient city's defensive walls were
adequately fortified against potential
artistic adj thu c v ngh The artistic creations of the ancient society
thu t reflect their cultural values and beliefs.
controversial adj gây tranh cãi The interpretation of the ancient texts is
controversial among scholars.
convinced adj tin ch c, oán The historian is convinced that the ancient
ch c manuscript holds hidden secrets waiting to
be discovered.
elegant adj thanh thoát, tao The elegant architecture of the ancient
nhã palace stood as a testament to the ruler's
enigmatic adj bí n, khó hi u The enigmatic symbols carved into the
ancient monolith have puzzled researchers
for decades.
fascinating adj h p d n, lôi The fascinating stories of ancient heroes
cu n, quy n r and gods continue to captivate modern
huge adj to l n The ancient city's enormous walls served as
a formidable defense against invaders.
mysterious adj k bí The mysterious disappearance of the
ancient civilization remains a topic of
native adj b n a, thu c The native flora and fauna of the ancient
a ph ng region are depicted in intricate carvings.
original adj nguyên b n, kh i The original design of the ancient temple
ngu n included intricate sculptures and reliefs.
prehistoric adj thu c v th i The prehistoric remains provide valuable
ti n s insights into the ancient inhabitants' way of
recent adj g n ây The recent discovery of an untouched tomb
offers a unique glimpse into ancient burial
regimental adj thu c trung oàn The ancient army followed a regimental
training routine to maintain discipline and
combat readiness.
ritual adj theo l nghi, The ancient ritual was performed annually
theo nghi th c to honor the gods and seek their blessings.
steep adj d c ng The steep staircases in the ancient city
made it difficult for invaders to breach the
temporary adj t m th i The temporary shelter was constructed to
house the archaeologists during the
tribal adj thu c b l c The ancient civilization was organized into
various tribal groups.
vast adj r ng l n The ancient empire controlled a vast
expanse of territory.
visible adj có th th y The ancient inscriptions are still visible on
c, trong t m the weathered stone walls.
m t
archaeological adj thu c kh o c The archaeological site provides a unique
window into the ancient past.
surrounding adj bao quanh, vây The surrounding landscape influenced the
quanh development of the ancient city.
unique adj c bi t, c The unique design of the ancient pottery
nh t sets it apart from artifacts found in other
accept v ch p nh n, ng I accept your apology and forgive you.
acknowledge v công nh n She nodded to acknowledge his presence in
the room.
aid v c u tr , tr giúp The Red Cross provided aid to the disaster-
stricken region.
attack v t n công The lion prepared to attack its prey.
behave v c x Children should behave well in public places.
combat v u tranh The soldiers were trained to combat enemy
construct v xây d ng The workers will construct a new bridge
over the river.
contribute v óng góp He decided to contribute money to the local
describe v miêu t Can you describe the suspect's appearance
to the police?
desire v khao khát Her greatest desire is to travel the world.
disrupt v làm gián o n The storm disrupted power lines and caused
dub v t bi t danh The media dubbed him the "King of Pop."
eliminate v lo i b The goal is to eliminate all sources of
endure v kéo dài, t n t i The marathon runners endure physical and
lâu mental challenges.
exaggerate v phóng i He tends to exaggerate his
exist v t nt i Unicorns do not actually exist; they are
mythical creatures.
halt v ng n c n The traffic came to a halt due to a major
infect v làm nhi m c, Germs can infect people and cause illness.
làm nhi m trùng
inform v thông báo Please inform me if there are any changes
to the schedule.
inhabit v trú ng Many species inhabit the depths of the
magnify v m r ng, khu ch A microscope can magnify tiny objects for
i closer examination.
maintain v duy trì It's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle
through diet and exercise.
manipulate v i u khi n, thao He tried to manipulate the outcome of the
túng game.
mess with v gi n m t, ngh ch Don't mess with the settings if you're not
d i sure how they work.
nurture v nuôi d ng Parents nurture their children's growth and
outlive v s ng lâu h n Some tortoises can outlive humans by many
overcome v v t qua Despite the challenges, they were able to
overcome their obstacles.
persuade v thuy t ph c She used her eloquence to persuade the
audience to support her cause.
populate v nh c Many different species populate the tropical
pose v t ra The wild animal could pose a threat to the
prevent v ng n ch n Regular handwashing can help prevent the
spread of germs.
regulate v i u ti t, qu n l Governments often regulate industries to
ensure fair competition.
soar v t ng v t The eagle soared high above the mountains.
spread v dàn tr i, lan to The wildfire quickly spread across the dry
study v nghiên c u She decided to study biology in college.
swallow v nu t Birds swallow food whole and then digest it
in their stomachs.
swap v trao i Can we swap seats so I can have a better
teem with v tràn ng p The rainforest teems with a diverse array of
plant and animal life.
tend v có xu h ng Farmers tend to their crops to ensure a
bountiful harvest.
unravel v làm sáng t The detective worked tirelessly to unravel
the mystery.
upset v làm r i tung, làm The unexpected news upset her greatly.
ol n
vary v thay i, khác The prices of goods can vary depending on
nhau the location.
wipe out v phá h y, xóa b The disease wiped out a large portion of the
ability n kh n ng, n ng Her ability to solve complex problems is
l c impressive.
allergy n s d ng He developed an allergy to pollen and
experienced sneezing and itching.
antibiotic n kháng sinh The doctor prescribed an antibiotic to
treat the bacterial infection.
appeal n s c lôi cu n, s c The new art exhibit has a unique and
quy n r captivating appeal.
bacteria n vi khu n Bacteria are microscopic organisms that
can cause infections.
biologist n nhà sinh v t h c The biologist conducted research on the
behavior of dolphins.
colony n thu c a The ants formed a large colony in the
confusion n s hoang mang, The sudden change in plans caused
s b ir i confusion among the group.
context n b i c nh It's important to consider the context of a
situation before making a decision.
dengue fever n s t xu t huy t Mosquitoes can transmit diseases like
dengue fever to humans.
detergent n ch t t y r a Use a mild detergent to wash delicate
diet n ch n u ng A balanced diet includes a variety of fruits
and vegetables.
digestion n s tiêu hoá; kh Digestion is the process by which the body
n ng tiêu hoá breaks down food for nutrients.
distaste n s chán ghét, s He wrinkled his nose in distaste at the
ghê t m unusual smell.
effort n s c g ng With consistent effort, you can achieve your
enthusiasm n s hào h ng, s Her enthusiasm for the project was
h ng hái contagious and inspired the team.
exposure n s ti p xúc Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to
skin damage.
foe n k thù, k ch The superhero's main foe was a supervillain
with incredible powers.
fungus n n m The damp environment was a breeding
ground for fungus.
germ n m m b nh, vi Wash your hands regularly to prevent the
trùng spread of germs.
hygiene n v sinh Good hygiene practices include washing
hands and brushing teeth.
illness n b nh The flu is a common illness during the winter
immune system n h th ng mi n The immune system defends the body
d ch against infections.
infection n s nhi m trùng An infection can lead to fever, fatigue, and
other symptoms.
investigation n cu c i u tra The detective launched an investigation to
solve the mystery.
journalist n nhà báo, k gi The journalist interviewed witnesses to
gather information.
knack n s tr ng She had a knack for solving puzzles quickly.
microscope n kính hi n vi The scientist used a microscope to examine
tiny cells.
norm n quy t c, quy In some cultures, eating insects is
ph m considered a norm.
nutrition n ch t dinh d ng Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining
good health.
obesity n béo phì The rise in obesity rates is a growing
concern for public health.
obsession n s ám nh His obsession with cleanliness bordered on
compulsive behavior.
organism n c th , sinh v t A cell is the basic unit of life for all
overuse n s dùng quá Overuse of antibiotics can lead to drug-
nhi u, s l m resistant bacteria.
d ng
panache n s ki u cách, s She performed the piece with panache and
phô tr ng captivated the audience.
partnership n quan h h p tác The two companies formed a partnership to
develop new technology.
peril n s nguy hi m, Exploring the treacherous terrain was a
hi m ho , c n perilous adventure.
plea n s nài xin, s He made a plea for help from the
kh n c u community.
poison n ch t c Ingesting certain plants can lead to
poisoning in animals.
population n dân s The population of the city has been steadily
predator n thú s n m i Lions are powerful predators that hunt
other animals.
range n m t lo t The mountain range stretched for miles
across the landscape.
reality n th c t i The harsh reality of the situation became
clear to everyone.
research n nghiên c u Scientists conducted extensive research on
climate change.
risk n r i ro Investing in stocks carries a certain level of
species n gi ng loài There are many different species of birds in
this region.
species n gi ng loài The conservation project aims to protect
endangered species.
term n thu t ng The term "biodiversity" refers to the variety
of life forms in an ecosystem.
the naked eye n m t th ng Some celestial objects are visible to the
naked eye, like the moon.
theory n gi thuy t; h c The theory of evolution explains how species
thuy t change over time.
tolerance n kh n ng ch u Tolerance and acceptance of diversity are
ng important values.
villain n nhân v t ph n The villain in the movie had a sinister plan to
di n take over the city.
vocab n t v ng Building a strong vocabulary is essential for
effective communication.
ward n phòng b nh The nurse took care of patients in the
pediatric ward.
wonder n i u kì l , i u The Grand Canyon is a natural wonder of
ng c nhiên the world.
contentedly adv to i nguy n, v a After a fulfilling day, he sat back
lòng contentedly and smiled.
decidedly adv rõ ràng, không She was decidedly against the proposed
cãi c changes.
extraordinarily adv c bi t, phi The performance was extraordinarily
th ng captivating.
mutually adv l n nhau, qua l i The two countries agreed to a mutually
beneficial trade deal.
supposedly adv gi nh Supposedly, the old mansion is haunted by a
utterly adv hoàn toàn The breathtaking view from the mountaintop
left her utterly speechless.
vastly adv r ng l n The technology has improved vastly over the
past decade.
absorbing adj h p d n, làm say The novel's plot was so absorbing that I
mê, làm say s a couldn't put it down.
adept adj thông th o She is an adept pianist, able to play complex
pieces flawlessly.
bizarre adj kì quái The painting featured bizarre and surreal
complex adj ph c t p The math problem was so complex that it
took hours to solve.
deadly adj gây ch t ng i, The snake's venom is deadly and can kill its
chí m ng prey within minutes.
destructive adj mang tính h y The hurricane caused widespread and
di t destructive damage.
diverse adj a d ng The city's population is incredibly diverse,
representing many cultures.
enthralling adj làm mê ho c, làm The enthralling story kept me on the edge of
mê m t, vô cùng my seat.
thú v
excessive adj v tm c Excessive consumption of sugary drinks can
lead to health problems.
fascinating adj h p d n, lôi The documentary provided a fascinating
cu n, quy n r glimpse into ancient civilizations.
huge adj to l n The elephant's ears are huge and help
regulate its body temperature.
inflammatory adj d b viêm His inflammatory comments sparked a
heated debate.
invisible adj vô hình Ultraviolet light is invisible to the human
limited adj b gi i h n The availability of fresh water is limited in
arid regions.
luminescent adj phát sáng, phát Some marine creatures have luminescent
quang properties that allow them to glow in the
misleading adj ánh l c h ng The headline was misleading and didn't
accurately represent the story.
necessary adj c n thi t Proper safety precautions are necessary
when handling chemicals.
plentiful adj nhi u During the harvest season, fruits and
vegetables are plentiful.
potent adj có hi u l c, có uy The medicine is potent and can quickly
l cl n relieve pain.
rare adj hi m hoi, hi m The endangered species is extremely rare
and needs protection.
recent adj g n ây In recent years, advancements in
technology have been remarkable.
relatively adj v a ph i, t ng The city's crime rate is relatively low
i compared to neighboring areas.
symbiotic adj c ng sinh Bees and flowers have a symbiotic
relationship, benefiting each other.
tiny adj r t nh The ant is a tiny insect that can carry
objects many times its size.
ubiquitous adj y r y, n i n i, Smartphones have become ubiquitous in
nhan nh n modern society.
unglamorous adj không gây h ng Cleaning up after events is an unglamorous
thú; không h p but necessary job.
d n
vital adj thi t y u, quan Good communication is vital for a healthy
tr ng relationship.
adopt v thông qua, l a The couple decided to adopt a rescue dog
ch n from the shelter.
afford v có s c, có I can't afford to buy a new car right now.
kh n ng, có
i u ki n làm

assign v phân công, n The teacher will assign homework for the
nh weekend.
attempt v c g ng, n l c She will attempt the difficult jump during the
belong v thu c v , c a These old books belong in the antique store.
characterize v bi u th c The detective tried to characterize the
i m, mô t c suspect based on eyewitness accounts.
i m
come up with v ngh ra, n y ra Can you come up with a creative solution to
this problem?
confront v làm cho i di n She had to confront her fear of public
v i, làm cho i speaking.
m tv i
crystallize v k t tinh Over time, her ideas began to crystallize
into a clear plan.
discuss v th o lu n Let's sit down and discuss the details of the
display v bày t ra, bi u l The museum will display the ancient
ra artifacts for the public to see.
encounter v ch m trán, g p He had an unexpected encounter with an old
g friend at the park.
establish v thi t l p The company aims to establish a strong
online presence.
evaluate v ánh giá The teacher will evaluate the students'
performance on the exam.
forgive v tha, tha th It's important to forgive and let go of
foster v b id ng The organization works to foster a sense of
community among its members.
generalize v nói chung chung It's not accurate to generalize about an
entire group based on a few individuals.
identify v xác nh, nh n Can you identify the person in this
d ng photograph?
imagine v t ng t ng Close your eyes and imagine a peaceful
beach scene.
instruct v ch d n The coach will instruct the team on the new
lack v thi u The garden's lack of water resulted in
wilting plants.
negotiate v v t qua c The diplomats will negotiate a peace treaty
v t ch ng ng i, between the two countries.
khó kh n...
offer v cung c p The store will offer a discount on all items
this weekend.
recognize v công nh n I didn't recognize her with her new
recommend v g i , gi i thi u The doctor will recommend a course of
treatment for your condition.
reflect v nhìn l i, ng m Take a moment to reflect on your
ngh accomplishments.
regard v ánh giá The artist is highly regarded in the art
relate to v ng c m Many people can relate to the challenges of
balancing work and family.
rely v d a trên, d a I rely on public transportation to get to
vào work.
require v c n, yêu c u Safety regulations require employees to
wear protective gear.
retaliate v tr a, tr She didn't retaliate when insulted; instead,
mi ng, tr thù she walked away.
revere v tôn kính, sùng In some cultures, people revere their
kính, kính tr ng ancestors through rituals.
take into v t i, l u tâm When making a decision, it's important to
account t i take all factors into account.
tend v có xu h ng He has a tendency to get nervous before
public speaking.
underestimate v ánh giá th p Don't underestimate her ability to solve
complex problems.
unfold v l ra, bày ra As the story unfolds, we learn more about
the characters' motivations.
vary v thay i, khác The flavors of ice cream vary depending on
nhau the shop.
visualize v hình dung, m ng Close your eyes and visualize yourself
t ng succeeding in your goals.
regarding pre v , iv i I have a question regarding the upcoming
pos event.
agreeableness n tính d ch u, tính Her agreeableness and friendly nature make
d th ng her easy to get along with.
alteration n thay i The alteration to the dress made it fit
appreciation n s trân tr ng She expressed her appreciation for the
thoughtful gift.
characteristic n b n ch t; c One characteristic of a good leader is the
tr ng ability to inspire others.
circumstance n hoàn c nh, tình Despite the challenging circumstances, she
hu ng remained optimistic.
compromise n dàn x p, tho They reached a compromise that satisfied
hi p both parties.
concept n khái ni m, The concept of time travel has fascinated
t ng scientists for centuries.
conflict n xung t, mâu The conflict between the two nations
thu n escalated into a full-blown war.
criteria n i u ki n, tiêu The selection criteria for the job include
chu n relevant experience.
experiment n th nghi m, thí The scientists conducted an experiment to
nghi m test their hypothesis.
extent n m c The extent of the damage from the
earthquake was shocking.
fairness n s công b ng The judge emphasized the importance of
fairness in the legal system.
feature n c tính One notable feature of the new smartphone
is its high-resolution screen.
framework n khung, s n The research study was conducted within
the framework of established theories.
function n ch c n ng The heart's main function is to pump blood
throughout the body.
humility n s khiêm t n, s Despite his success, he remained humble
nhún nh ng and approachable.
impartiality n tính công b ng, The judge demonstrated impartiality by
tính không thiên treating all parties fairly.
v , tính vô t
incident n s vi c The incident at the factory resulted in a
temporary shutdown.
insight n cái nhìn sâu s c Her insightful comments shed light on the
complex issue.
integration n s h i nh p, s The integration of new technology improved
hòa nh p efficiency in the workplace.
judgment n ki n, cách nhìn, Good judgment is essential when making
s ánh giá important decisions.
justice n công l The legal system aims to ensure justice for
all citizens.
likelihood n kh n ng, s có The likelihood of success depends on careful
th úng planning and hard work.
limit n gi i h n There is a limit to how much information our
brains can process at once.
modesty n tính khiêm t n Her modesty and humility endeared her to
those around her.
objectivity n tính khách quan Journalists strive for objectivity in their
observer n ng i quan sát The scientist acted as an observer during
the experiment.
openness n s c im ,s An atmosphere of openness encourages
chân th t honest communication.
outcome n k t qu The outcome of the negotiation was
favorable for both parties.
outsider n ng i ngoài cu c As an outsider, she had a fresh perspective
on the situation.
peak n s t t nh, cao The hiker reached the peak of the mountain
i m and enjoyed the breathtaking view.
personality n nhân cách, tính Her friendly personality made her easy to
cách approach.
perspective n góc nhìn Different people have different
perspectives on the same issue.
philosopher n nhà tri t h c The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was
known for his wisdom.
possibility n kh n ng, s có The discovery of extraterrestrial life is a
th possibility that excites scientists.
prospect n tri n v ng, kh The prospect of a promotion motivated him
n ng to work harder.
psychology n tâm l h c The study of psychology explores the human
mind and behavior.
recession n s lùi l i, s th t The country experienced a severe economic
l i recession.
recognition n s công nh n Her outstanding performance earned her
recognition and praise.
relation n m i quan h There is a close relation between diet and
overall health.
research n nghiên c u The university is known for its
groundbreaking research in medicine.
scenario n tình hu ng, vi n The scenario of a zombie apocalypse is a
c nh popular theme in movies.
sensitivity n nh y Her sensitivity to others' emotions made her
a great counselor.
society n xã h i The norms and values of a society influence
individual behavior.
spouse n v / ch ng She introduced her spouse to the rest of the
strategy n chi n thu t The company's marketing strategy aims to
increase brand awareness.
trait n c i m Her kindness and generosity are admirable
trait n c i m Eye color is a genetic trait passed down
from parents to children.
variety n s a d ng The store offers a wide variety of products
to choose from.
viewpoint n quan i m Each person has their own viewpoint on the
political issue.
wisdom n s thông thái, l The elderly woman's wisdom was sought by
ph i thông many seeking advice.
th ng
broadly adv 1 cách bao quát Broadly speaking, the economy is showing
signs of improvement.
cumulatively adv tích l y d n Over time, the effects of pollution can
accumulate cumulatively.
dramatically adv y k ch tính The price of the stock dropped dramatically
significantly adv 1 cách áng k The new policy significantly impacted
employee morale.
solely adv duy nh t She is solely responsible for the success of
the project.
truly adv ích th c, th c I truly believe that honesty is the best
s policy.
affective adj xúc ng, d gây The affective domain of learning involves
xúc ng emotions and attitudes.
broad adj r ng l n He has a broad range of knowledge in
various subjects.
challenging adj mang tính th Climbing Mount Everest is a challenging
thách, thách endeavor.
th c
detached adj không l thu c; The scientist approached the research with
vô t a detached, objective mindset.
distant adj xa The distant galaxy can only be observed
through powerful telescopes.
egocentric adj ích k Her egocentric behavior made it difficult
for her to work well with others.
empirical adj mang tính th c The conclusions were based on empirical
nghi m evidence gathered from experiments.
exceptional adj hi m có, phi Her exceptional talent set her apart from
th ng her peers.
expansive adj r ng rãi, bao The expansive landscape stretched as far
quát as the eye could see.
experiential adj d a trên kinh The workshop provided participants with
nghi m, theo kinh experiential learning opportunities.
nghi m
external adj bên ngoài The external factors influenced the outcome
of the experiment.
intellectual adj v m t trí tu He has a strong intellectual curiosity and
loves to learn new things.
interpersonal adj gi a cá nhân v i Good interpersonal skills are essential for
nhau effective communication.
limited adj b gi i h n The limited resources hindered the progress
of the project.
moral adj thu c v o He faced a moral dilemma when he
c discovered the truth.
related adj liên quan The two ideas are closely related and
complement each other.
reliable adj áng tin c y The data from the experiment is reliable
and can be trusted.
remarkable adj áng chú , c Her ability to multitask and stay organized
bi t is truly remarkable.
unique adj c bi t, c Each person's fingerprint is unique and can
nh t be used for identification.
unreliable adj không áng tin The witness's testimony was deemed
c y unreliable by the court.
unresolved adj ch a c gi i The mystery remained unresolved until new
quy t evidence emerged.
wise adj thông thái, khôn The wise old man shared his insights with
ngoan the younger generation.
approach v ti p c n, n We will approach the problem from a
g n different angle.
assist v h tr The volunteers will assist in setting up the
conquer v chinh ph c The explorer set out to conquer new lands.
coordinate v i u hành The team must coordinate their efforts to
complete the project.
cripple v làm h ng, phá The earthquake could cripple the city's
h ng infrastructure.
damage v làm t n h i The storm damage to the house was
dominate v th ng tr The champion boxer was known to dominate
his opponents in the ring.
drag v kéo lê He had to drag the heavy suitcase up the
enroll v k t n p, chiêu She decided to enroll in a cooking class to
n p, tuy n sinh improve her skills.
estimate v c l ng Can you estimate how long it will take to
complete the project?
excavate v ào b i, khai Archaeologists will excavate the ancient
qu t ruins to learn more about the past.
expose v ti p xúc v i The journalist's investigation will expose the
truth behind the scandal.
facilitate v t o i u ki n The new software will facilitate
communication between team members.
fix v c nh v trí Play equipment such as swings and climbing
frames should be securely fixed and well
inherit v k th a He will inherit his family's estate when his
parents pass away.
intercept v ch n, ch n, ch n The intercept of the two lines occurs at this
ng point.
lock v khoá Make sure to lock the door when you leave
the house.
navigate v nh h ng The captain used the stars to navigate the
ship through the open sea.
note v chú , nh n th y Please make a note of the important details
in the meeting.
pass on to v truy n l i She will pass on the message to her
pierce v âm vào, ch c The needle will pierce the fabric to create
th ng, xuyên qua the desired pattern.
proceed v chuy n sang làm The construction crew will proceed with
gì, ti p t c building the new bridge.
pull v lôi, kéo, gi t He will pull the heavy cart up the hill.
resemble v t o hình gi ng The twins closely resemble each other in
nhau appearance.
sail v i tàu th y, i The sailboat glided smoothly across the
thuy n bu m calm waters.
shift v thay i The tectonic plates shift over time, causing
earthquakes and volcanic activity.
sink v chìm The ship began to sink after hitting an
situate v t v trí The new office building will be situated in
the downtown area.
steer v i uh ng He used the steering wheel to steer the car
in the right direction.
stitch v ính, m, khâu, She used a needle and thread to stitch the
may torn fabric.
supersede v thay th The new law will supersede the old
survive v s ng sót, t n t i The explorers had to survive in harsh
transport v ch , v n chuy n The trucks will transport the goods to the
hàng warehouse.
vary v thay i, khác The flavors of ice cream vary depending on
nhau the shop.
accuracy n s chính xác The accuracy of the measurements is
crucial for the experiment.
army n quân i The army conducted military exercises in
the desert.
bow n m i tàu thuy n The violinist held the bow against the
strings to create music.
cable n dây cáp The cable provides internet connectivity to
the entire building.
cargo n hàng hoá The ship was loaded with a cargo of fresh
clue n manh m i, g i The detective found a clue that led to the
identity of the thief.
coast n b bi n The children built sandcastles on the coast.
compass n la bàn The compass pointed north, helping them
navigate in the wilderness.
component n thành ph n The motherboard is a crucial component of
a computer.
control n s i u khi n, The scientist conducted experiments to
quy n hành control the variables.
craftsman n th th công, The craftsman carved intricate designs into
ng i iêu luy n the wooden furniture.
description n s miêu t , s mô Her description of the crime scene helped
t the police solve the case.
destination n i m n The tropical island was their dream
vacation destination.
enemy n k thù The soldiers prepared to face the enemy on
the battlefield.
excess n d th a We cover costs up to £600 and then you pay
the excess.
frame n khung, s n, c u The artist chose a decorative frame for the
trúc painting.
goods n hàng hóa The marketplace was bustling with vendors
selling various goods.
instrument n nh c c The musician played a beautiful melody on
the instrument.
interior n ph n bên trong The interior of the castle was adorned with
ornate decorations.
landmark n m c ranh gi i, The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in
gi i h n Paris.
mainland n l c a, t li n The city is located on the mainland, not on
an island.
mariner n thu th The experienced mariner sailed the ship
through rough waters.
material n ch t li u The dress was made from luxurious silk
merchant n nhà buôn; th ng The merchant sold exotic spices and textiles
gia from distant lands.
military n quân i, quân The military conducted training exercises in
s the desert.
navy n h i quân The navy's fleet includes powerful warships.
oarsman n tay chèo, ng i The oarsman rowed the boat across the
chèo thuy n calm lake.
observation n s quan sát The scientist recorded his observation of
the rare bird species.
perception n nh n th c Our perception of color is influenced by the
wavelengths of light.
phenomenon n hi n t ng The aurora borealis is a natural
phenomenon that lights up the night sky.
port n c ng The ship docked at the bustling port to
unload its cargo.
quantity n l ng, s l ng, The recipe calls for a small quantity of
kh i l ng sugar.
quay n b n c ng The large cargo ships were docked at the
representation n s th hi n, s The map is a representation of the city's
trình bày streets and landmarks.
route n tuy n ng The GPS will guide us along the fastest route
to our destination.
rower n ng i chèo The rower exerted great effort to row the
thuy n boat through the water.
sail n cánh bu m The ship set sail on a journey around the
sailor n th y th The sailor navigated the ship through rough
shore n b bi n, b h The beach is a popular destination for
l n tourists looking to relax by the shore.
slave n nô l Prisoners of war were regularly sold as
stability n s n nh The foundation of the building ensures its
succession n tràng, chu i The king's son was next in line for the
succession to the throne.
surface n b m t The surface of the water was calm and
task n công vi c Completing the project on time was a
challenging task.
technique n k thu t The chef demonstrated a unique cooking
vessel n thuy n l n, tàu The ship's crew worked tirelessly to keep
l n the vessel afloat.
visibility n t m nhìn xa The fog reduced visibility on the road,
making driving dangerous.
warship n tàu chi n The warship patrolled the coast to protect
the country from threats.
approximately adv x px The journey will take approximately three
hours by car.
eventually adv cu i cùng With hard work, she eventually achieved her
dream of becoming a doctor.
initially adv lúc u Initially, he was hesitant to join the team,
but he later embraced the opportunity.
additional adj b sung, thêm In addition to the main course, there will be
vào additional side dishes.
afloat adj lênh ênh trên The boat remained afloat despite the rough
n c waves.
agricultural adj thu c nông The region's main industry is agricultural
nghi p production.
contrary adj trái, ng c, Contrary to popular belief, snakes are not
ngh ch always dangerous.
dominant adj chi m u th The dominant species in the forest
ecosystem is the oak tree.
gigantic adj kh ng l The gigantic waterfall was a breathtaking
huge adj to l n The elephant's ears are huge and help
regulate its body temperature.
lightweight adj nh The lightweight material made the backpack
easy to carry.
Mediterranean adj thu c bi n a The Mediterranean Sea is known for its
trung h i clear blue waters.
raw adj thô, ch a tinh The raw ingredients are mixed together to
ch create the dough.
relative adj cân x ng v i, cân The speed of light is relative to the
i v i, tu theo observer's motion.
solid adj ch c ch n The ice turned into a solid block when
placed in the freezer.
sophisticated adj tinh vi, ph c t p The new smartphone features a
sophisticated AI assistant.
speedy adj mau l , nhanh, The cheetah is known for its speedy and
nhanh chóng agile movements.
square adj vuông The garden was divided into a series of
square plots.
systematic adj có h th ng The researcher followed a systematic
approach to collecting data.
triangular adj có d ng hình tam The mountain had a triangular shape when
giác viewed from a distance.
underwater adj d im tn c The divers explored the underwater world
of the coral reef.
unequalled adj không ai b ng, Her dedication and skill were unequaled in
không ai sánh k p the field.
assume v ph ng oán I assume that the meeting will take place at
the usual time.
attract v thu hút Bright colors and cheerful music can attract
children's attention.
boom v ph n vinh, phát The housing market experienced a boom,
tri n nhanh with prices rising rapidly.
bury v chôn vùi They will bury the time capsule in the
congregate v t p trung People will congregate in the park for the
outdoor concert.
decay v phân rã The old building had fallen into a state of
discard v v t b , lo i b Please discard any expired food from the
disintegrate v rã ra, phân h y Over time, the old newspaper began to
escape v thoát kh i, tr n The prisoners managed to escape from the
thoát maximum-security prison.
expand v m r ng The company plans to expand its operations
to new markets.
expose v ph i bày ra The artist wanted to expose the hidden
truths of society through his paintings.
extract v chi t xu t The scientist will extract DNA from the
sample for analysis.
gather v t p trung l i The family will gather for a reunion at the
hike v ib ng dài They decided to hike to the summit of the
hunt v s n The predator will hunt for prey in the forest.
limit v gi i h n The doctor advised him to limit his sugar
melt v tan ch y The snow began to melt as the temperature
misplace v không úng I seem to misplace my keys every other day.
preserve v b o qu n, gi gìn The chef used traditional methods to
preserve the homemade jam.
recover v thu l i, tìm l i The patient is expected to recover fully
c after the surgery.
rescue v gi i c u The firefighters worked together to rescue
the trapped cat.
retreat v lùi, rút lui The army had to retreat due to the
overwhelming enemy forces.
reveal v ti t l The magician's final trick was to reveal a
hidden object.
shrink v thu nh , co l i, The wool sweater shrank in the wash and no
rút l i longer fit.
supplement v b sung She takes a vitamin supplement to boost her
immune system.
thaw out v tan Remember to thaw out the frozen
vegetables before cooking.
trade v mua bán, trao The merchants engaged in a brisk trade of
i spices and silk.
transport v ch , v n chuy n The company will transport the goods to the
hàng distribution center.
traverse v b ng qua, i qua The hikers had to traverse a steep and
rocky path.
vanish v bi n m t The magician made the rabbit vanish from
the hat.
venture v m o hi m, ánh She decided to venture into the unknown
b o and start her own business.
plenty vô vàn There is plenty of food for everyone at the
approach n cách ti p c n, As we approach the summit, the air
ph ng pháp becomes thinner.
arrow n m i tên The archer released the arrow, and it hit
the bullseye.
artefact n t o tác The museum displayed ancient artefacts
from different civilizations.
climate n khí h u The climate in this region is characterized
by hot summers and mild winters.
climate change n bi n i khí h u The effects of climate change are becoming
more evident with rising sea levels and
extreme weather events.
crop n cây tr ng The farmers worked hard to cultivate a
bountiful crop this season.
degradation n s xu ng c p Environmental degradation is a serious
concern for the future of our planet.
demand n nhu c u The demand for organic produce has been
steadily increasing.
elevation n cao so v i The village is located at a high elevation,
m t bi n offering stunning views of the surrounding
expansion n s m r ng The company's rapid expansion led to the
opening of several new branches.
expedition n cu c thám hi m The scientific expedition aimed to study the
ecosystem of a remote island.
export n s xu t kh u The country's main export is petroleum
fieldwork n công tác th c The archaeologist conducted fieldwork to
a uncover ancient ruins.
gap n ch gián o n, There is a significant gap in our
ch tr ng understanding of this complex issue.
goods n hàng hóa The marketplace was bustling with vendors
selling various goods.
harvest n mùa g t, v thu The farmers celebrated a successful
ho ch harvest after months of hard work.
insect n côn trùng The garden was teeming with colorful
butterflies and buzzing insects.
movement n chuy n ng The civil rights movement of the 1960s
brought about important social changes.
notice n y t th , thông Did you notice the subtle changes in the
báo painting's color over time?
prehistory n ti n s Archaeologists study prehistory to
understand human origins and development.
pressure n áp l c The pressure to meet deadlines can
sometimes be overwhelming.
radiocarbon n ph ng pháp xác Radiocarbon dating is a valuable tool for
dating nh niên i dating ancient artifacts.
b ng cacbon
record n ghi chép The historian meticulously documented each
event in the historical record.
rest n ph n còn l i After a long hike, we decided to rest and
enjoy the beautiful view.
route n tuy n ng The explorers charted a new route through
the uncharted wilderness.
settlement n khu nh c The ancient settlement was discovered
beneath layers of soil and debris.
shift n s d ch chuy n, There has been a noticeable shift in public
s chuy n i opinion regarding environmental issues.
site n a i m The archaeological site revealed fascinating
insights into ancient civilizations.
spread n s dàn tr i, s The news of the discovery spread quickly
lan truy n throughout the scientific community.
statement n s phát bi u, The president issued a statement
phát ngôn addressing the recent economic challenges.
storage n s c t gi , s d We need to find a proper storage solution
tr for these valuable artifacts.
temperature n nhi t The temperature dropped significantly as
the sun set.
terrain n a hình The rugged terrain of the mountain range
made the hike challenging.
textile n v id t The textile industry plays a crucial role in
the local economy.
trade n th ng m i The Silk Road facilitated trade between
Europe and Asia for centuries.
treasure n c a qu , v t qu The buried treasure was finally unearthed
by a team of dedicated explorers.
unpredicta- n tính không d The unpredictability of weather patterns
bility oán c makes planning outdoor events challenging.
wealth n s giàu có The discovery of oil brought immense wealth
to the once-impoverished nation.
weapon n v khí The warrior carried a sharp sword as his
weapon of choice.
apparently adv rõ ràng Apparently, the storm had caused
significant damage to the coastal town.
perhaps adv có th , có l Perhaps we should consider a different
approach to solve this problem.
primarily adv ch y u The book is primarily focused on the impact
of technology on society.
regularly adv u n, th ng She exercises regularly to maintain her
xuyên fitness.
remarkably adv áng chú The student's progress was remarkably
rapid, impressing the teacher.
swiftly adv nhanh The cheetah can run swiftly and catch its
prey with ease.
daunting adj làm n n chí Climbing a steep mountain can be a daunting
fragile adj mong manh d v The delicate glass sculpture was displayed
in a special case to protect it from damage.
organic adj h uc Many people prefer to buy organic produce
for its health benefits.
remote adj xa xôi, h o lánh The cabin is located in a remote area, far
away from civilization.
rewarding adj áng làm Teaching can be a challenging profession,
but it is also incredibly rewarding.
stationary adj t nh, không The car remained stationary at the red
chuy n ng traffic light.
steady adj u n, v ng Her steady progress in her studies earned
ch c her top honors.
systematic adj có h th ng The research study followed a systematic
methodology to gather data.
unreliable adj không áng tin The information from that source is
c y unreliable and should be verified.
widespread adj ph bi n r ng rãi The use of smartphones has become
widespread across all age groups.
accelerate v gia t ng, làm The car's engine roared as it started to
nhanh lên accelerate on the highway.
activate v kích ho t, làm He used the remote control to activate the
ho t ng security system.
bind v k t l i v i nhau, The magician used a strong knot to bind the
k t thành kh i two ropes together.
r n
breed v gây gi ng; ch n The breeder specializes in breeding rare
nuôi and exotic birds.
bud v n y ch i, ra n , The flowers began to bud as spring arrived.
ra l c
detach v tháo ra, tách ra, You can detach the keyboard from the
l y riêng ra tablet for easier typing.
detect v dò tìm, phát hi n The sensor is designed to detect even the
slightest movement.
dictate v thao túng, i u The boss will dictate the new company
khi n policies during the meeting.
expect v mong i We expect a high turnout at the charity
event this year.
function v v n hành The heart's main function is to pump blood
throughout the body.
measure v ol ng The ruler will help you measure the length of
the board.
miss v b l , b phí I'm going to miss my flight if I don't hurry to
the airport.
occur v x y ra Natural disasters such as earthquakes can
occur without warning.
pinpoint v xác nh chính The GPS device can pinpoint your exact
xác location on a map.
predict v d oán Meteorologists use weather data to predict
upcoming storms.
publish v công b The author is excited to publish her new
book next month.
require v c n, yêu c u The job listing states that a college degree
is required.
restrict v h n ch The diet plan restricts the consumption of
sugary foods.
resume v b t u l i, l i After the break, the conference will resume
ti p t c with a keynote speech.
reveal v ti t l The detective's investigation revealed the
identity of the thief.
revert to v tr l i m t t p When things get tough, he tends to revert to
t c, m t thói old habits.
quen c
sense v c m nh n She had a strong sense of intuition that
guided her decisions.
soak v làm t m You can soak the stained clothing in warm
water to remove the dirt.
stimulate v kích thích The teacher used visual aids to stimulate
the students' interest in the topic.
suffer v ch u ng Many people suffer from allergies during
pollen season.
suppress v c m l i, nén The medication helps to suppress the
symptoms of the illness.
transfer v chuy n i The employee requested a transfer to a
different department.
trigger v gây ra, làm n ra The sound of thunder can sometimes trigger
anxiety in pets.
collaborator n ng i c ng tác, She worked closely with her collaborator to
c ng s complete the research project.
culmination n k t qu cu i The award ceremony was the culmination of
cùng years of hard work.
field n l nh v c He is an expert in the field of astrophysics.
inactivity n tính th ng, Prolonged inactivity can lead to muscle
tính không ho t atrophy.
indicator n b ng hi n th The rising stock prices were an indicator of
a strong economy.
laboratory n phòng thí nghi m The scientists conducted experiments in the
mechanism n c ch ho t The clock's mechanism ensures accurate
ng timekeeping.
molecule n phân t Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms
and one oxygen molecule.
opposite n i u trái ng c; The opposite of "hot" is "cold."
s il p
rate n t c The heart rate increases during exercise.
response n ph n ng The patient's positive response to the
treatment was encouraging.
reversion n s tr l i The company decided on a reversion to
their previous marketing strategy.
rhyme n v n The children's book had a catchy rhyme that
made it fun to read aloud.
scientist n nhà khoa h c; The scientist made a groundbreaking
ng i nghiên c u discovery in the field of genetics.
khoa h c
sensitivity n nh y The artist's sensitivity to color made her
paintings truly exceptional.
shade n bóng, bóng râm The tree provides a cool shade on hot
summer days.
state n tr ng thái The president will address the nation in a
televised state of the union speech.
thermometer n nhi t k The thermometer indicated that the
temperature had dropped overnight.
threat n m i ed a The cybersecurity team identified a
potential threat to the company's data.
yield n s nl ng, hoa l i The farmer's hard work in the fields yielded
a bountiful harvest.
consequently adv k t qu là She missed her flight and consequently had
to reschedule her entire trip.
directly adv m t cách tr c You can reach the destination more quickly
ti p if you go directly there.
gradually adv d nd n The sun gradually set behind the mountains,
casting a warm glow.
in advance adv tr c It's a good idea to book your tickets in
advance to secure the best seats.
rapidly adv 1 cách nhanh The technology industry is evolving rapidly,
chóng with new innovations every year.
uniquely adv c nh t vô nh , The design of the building was uniquely
ch có m t inspired by local architecture.
biological adj thu c v sinh h c The biological diversity of the rainforest is
a testament to its vibrant ecosystem.
considerable adj áng k The research required a considerable
amount of time and effort.
direct adj tr c ti p The manager will provide direct instructions
to the team members.
dual adj l ng, kép, ôi The smartphone has a dual camera setup
for better photography.
internal adj bên trong The internal combustion engine
revolutionized the automotive industry.
outstanding adj v tb c Her outstanding academic achievements
earned her a scholarship.
possible adj có th With hard work and dedication, anything is
precise adj chính xác The architect provided precise
measurements for the construction project.
proportional adj cân x ng, cân The speed of a moving object is directly
i proportional to its mass.
resilient adj kiên c ng, có The company's resilient spirit allowed it to
s c ch ng ch u overcome many challenges.
responsive adj ph n ng nhanh The smartphone's touchscreen is highly
responsive to touch gestures.
scientific adj thu c v khoa The laboratory is equipped with advanced
h c scientific equipment.
sensitive adj có c m giác, The baby's skin is sensitive to changes in
nh y c m temperature.
specialist adj chuyên, chuyên Her specialist subject is Italian Renaissance
sâu painting.
thermal adj liên quan n The thermal energy of the sun is harnessed
nhi t to generate electricity.
unpredictable adj không th oán The weather in this region can be quite
tr c unpredictable, with sudden changes.
attach v ính kèm, g n Please attach the file to your email before
v i sending it.
calculate v tính toán He used a calculator to calculate the total
cost of the project.
construct v xây d ng The construction crew will begin to
construct the new building next week.
control v i u khi n The pilot must maintain control of the
airplane during turbulent weather.
cover v bao ph , che She used a blanket to cover herself and
y stay warm.
crack v làm n t, làm r n, The vase fell off the shelf and cracked into
làm v several pieces.
divert v làm ch ch h ng The road is closed, so we need to divert our
route to the next exit.
drain v rút c n The sink is clogged, and the water won't
drain properly.
employ v thuê m n; s The company plans to employ new staff
d ng members next month.
employ v s d ng They will employ advanced technology to
improve efficiency.
equip v trang b The gym is well-equipped with state-of-the-
art exercise machines.
excavate v ào b i, khai The archaeologists will excavate the
qu t ancient burial site to uncover artifacts.
extract v chi t xu t The chef will extract the flavors from the
herbs to create a delicious sauce.
flow v ch y The river's flow was strong after heavy
influence v nh h ng Her inspirational speech had a positive
influence on the audience.
locate v xác nh v trí, The treasure hunters were able to locate
nh v the buried treasure using a map.
measure v o l ng It's important to measure the ingredients
accurately for the recipe.
order v yêu c u, t Please place your order at the counter.
pass on to v truy n l i I will pass on your message to the manager.
penetrate v thâm nh p, l t The bullet was able to penetrate the steel
vào armor.
pursue v theo u i He decided to pursue a career in medicine
after his experience as a volunteer.
remove v lo i b Please remove your shoes before entering
the house.
replace v thay th The mechanic will replace the old battery
with a new one.
supply v cung c p The grocery store has a fresh supply of
fruits and vegetables.
threaten v ed a The dark clouds and thunder threatened
rain for the outdoor event.
adjustment n s i u ch nh, s The therapist made an adjustment to the
ch nh l patient's chair for comfort.
alternative n l a ch n khác If the main route is closed, we'll have to
take an alternative path.
aqueduct n c ud nn c The ancient Romans built aqueducts to
transport water to their cities.
canal n kênh, sông ào The canal was dug to connect two bodies of
civilization n n n v n minh The ancient civilization left behind
impressive ruins and artifacts.
contrast n s t ng ph n The contrast between the black and white
colors created a striking image.
corridor n ng hành lang The long corridor connected all the rooms
in the hotel.
decade n th p k The museum features artifacts from
different decades of history.
deviation n s l ch, s ch ch The unexpected deviation from the original
h ng plan caused delays.
direction n ph ng h ng, Follow the signs to find the correct
chi u, phía, ng direction to the exit.
excavation n s khai qu t The excavation of the ancient burial site
revealed fascinating artifacts.
extraction n s chi t, s tách The extraction of oil from the ground is an
important industry.
geometry n hình h c Geometry is a branch of mathematics that
deals with shapes and sizes.
harbor n b n c ng The harbor was bustling with activity as
ships unloaded their cargo.
inscription n câu vi t, câu The inscription on the monument
kh c, câu ghi commemorated the fallen soldiers.
trên bia...
interval n kho ng th i gian, The meeting will take place at regular
không gian intervals throughout the day.
lid n n p, vung Make sure to put the lid on the pot to
prevent the soup from boiling over.
millennium n thiên niên k The ancient ruins date back to the first
millennium BCE.
mine n h mm The miners worked deep underground in the
coal mine.
mineral n khoáng v t The rocks in the area contain a variety of
valuable minerals.
obstacle n v t c n, ch ng The fallen tree served as an obstacle on the
ng i v t hiking trail.
patron n ng i b o tr ; The wealthy patron donated a substantial
khách hàng amount to the museum.
progress n ti n tri n The team made steady progress on the
construction project.
purpose n m c ích The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the
upcoming event.
rate n t c The inflation rate has been steadily
increasing over the past year.
route n tuy n ng The GPS will guide us along the fastest
route to our destination.
settlement n khu nh c The early settlement grew into a bustling
city over time.
shaft n ng thông, ng The miners descended into the deep shaft
thông to extract coal.
slope n d c, ng d c The ski slope was covered in fresh powder
after the snowstorm.
supply n ngu n cung c p The store received a new supply of fresh
produce this morning.
technique n k thu t The artist used a unique painting technique
to create texture.
territory n lãnh th The animal marked its territory with scent
to deter other predators.
trace n d u v t, v t tích, The detective followed the trace of
d u hi u footprints to solve the mystery.
tunnel n ng h m The train passed through a long tunnel in
the mountain.
ventilation n s thông h i, s Proper ventilation is important to maintain
thông gió fresh air in the room.
remarkably adv áng chú She improved remarkably in her piano skills
after months of practice.
suddenly adv t ng t The storm clouds gathered, and suddenly it
started to rain.
advanced adj hi n i, nâng The advanced technology allowed for faster
cao communication.
geological adj thu c a ch t The geological formations in the area were
formed over millions of years.
initial adj ban u The initial phase of the project involves
data collection.
regular adj u n, th ng She visits the gym on a regular basis to stay
xuyên fit.
reliable adj áng tin c y The new computer system is more reliable
and efficient.
sole adj duy nh t He is the sole owner of the small business.
straightforward adj minh b ch The instructions for assembling the
furniture are straightforward and easy to
uncommon adj không ph bi n The meteor shower is a rare and uncommon
vertical adj th ng ng, The vertical line divides the page into two
ng equal halves.
visible adj có th th y The bright stars were clearly visible in the
c, trong t m night sky.
m t
adjust v i u ch nh You can adjust the temperature of the air
conditioner using the remote control.
allocate v phân phát The company will allocate funds for the new
browse v c l t qua, She likes to browse through antique shops
xem l t qua on weekends.
conduct v ti n hành The scientists will conduct experiments to
test their hypothesis.
decode v gi i mã, hi u The cryptographers were able to decode
the secret message.
depict v di n t The mural on the wall depicts scenes from
local history.
diminish v gi m The number of participants in the event
started to diminish as the day went on.
disrupt v làm gián o n The loud noise from the construction site
disrupts my concentration.
elaborate v làm công phu, The chef will elaborate on the recipe's
trau chu t details during the cooking demonstration.
encourage v khuy n khích Her supportive words encouraged me to
pursue my dreams.
entrench v bén r sâu The new policy aims to entrench a culture of
environmental awareness.
err v l m l i, sai l m It's natural to err occasionally; nobody is
grasp v n m c, hi u He struggled to grasp the complex concept
th u during the lecture.
hunch v khom, g p cong, She had a hunch that something was wrong
u n cong ng i when she heard the noise.
ignore v b qua; làm l Please don't ignore the warning signs; they
are there for your safety.
imply v ám ch His tone of voice implied that he wasn't
happy with the situation.
incentivize v khuy n khích, The company plans to incentivize employees
khích l with performance bonuses.
internalize v ti p thu phong Children often internalize the values and
t c, v n hoá... beliefs of their parents.
match v x ng, h p The color of the curtains should match the
furniture in the room.
navigate v v n hành, i u She used a map to navigate through the
khi n unfamiliar city streets.
necessitate v òi h i The large number of guests will necessitate
extra seating at the event.
perceive v nh n th c People may perceive colors differently
depending on their cultural background.
present v a ra, bày ra The speaker will present her findings at the
recall v nh l i It's important to recall the safety
instructions in case of an emergency.
receive v nh n c He was surprised to receive a gift from a
secret admirer.
reconstruct v tái ki n thi t The archaeologists will reconstruct the
ancient pottery using fragments.
rectify v s a, s a cho The company will take steps to rectify the
th ng mistake and issue a refund.
redress v s a l i, u n n n The government promised to redress the
grievances of the citizens.
select v ch n l c The judges will select the winner based on
their performances.
study v nghiên c u She plans to study psychology in college to
better understand human behavior.
trouble v làm cho lo l ng, The car engine started to make a strange
làm phi n mu n noise, indicating trouble.
underlie v làm c s , làm Cultural differences often underlie conflicts
n n t ng c a between nations.
acquisition n cái nh n c, The acquisition of the new company
cái giành c expanded our market presence.
atrophy n s hao mòn, s Muscle atrophy can occur when a limb is not
teo used for an extended period.
blueprint n b n thi t k , k The architect presented a detailed
ho ch chi ti t blueprint of the new building.
bombardment n s t n công t i The city experienced heavy bombardment
t p; s d n d p during the war.
caution n s th n tr ng, s The sign on the road warned drivers to
c n th n proceed with caution.
complexity n tinh x o, ph c The complexity of the situation required
t p careful consideration.
comprehension n s hi u, s nh n Her comprehension of complex scientific
th c concepts was impressive.
content n n i dung The book's content covers a wide range of
historical events.
demand n s òi h i, s yêu The high demand for the new product
c u exceeded the company's expectations.
empathy n s ng c m Her empathy and compassion made her an
excellent counselor.
herd n b y àn The shepherd led the herd of sheep to the
implication n s liên can, h u The implication of his statement was that he
qu disagreed with the decision.
inference n s suy ra, s lu n Based on the evidence, we can make the
ra inference that the suspect was present at
the scene.
literacy n trình h cv n The literacy rate in the region has been
steadily improving.
mechanism n c ch ho t The mechanism of action for this medication
ng is not yet fully understood.
medium n ph ng ti n The internet serves as a medium for
information exchange.
neuroscience n khoa h c th n Neuroscience is the study of the brain and
kinh nervous system.
order n th t ; tr t t Make sure you get the chronological
order right.
pacifier n núm vú gi cho The pacifier helped soothe the crying baby.
tr em
passenger n hành khách i The passenger took a seat on the crowded
tàu xe... bus.
patience n tính kiên nh n, Teaching young children requires a great
tính nh n n i deal of patience.
pattern n khuôn m u The artist used a unique pattern in her
textile design.
perspective n góc nhìn The historian provided a fresh perspective
on the historical event.
plot n s n, c t truy n The plot of the movie was full of unexpected
twists and turns.
principle n nguyên t c The company operates based on the
principle of transparency.
psychology n tâm l h c Her background in psychology helped her
understand human behavior.
purpose n m c ích The purpose of the study was to explore the
effects of stress on health.
response n câu tr l i, ph n The patient's positive response to
h i treatment was a promising sign.
rest n ph n còn l i She took a short rest after completing her
retreat n s rút lui The soldiers had to retreat due to the
enemy's superior firepower.
scholar n h c gi The scholar's research contributed to our
understanding of ancient cultures.
sequence n trình t The sequence of events in the story was
carefully planned.
threat n m i ed a The imminent threat of a hurricane
prompted the evacuation of the coastal
toddler n a bé ch m i The toddler giggled as he played with his
bi t i toys.
transformation n s bi n i The butterfly's transformation from a
caterpillar is a remarkable process.
variety n s a d ng The store offers a wide variety of products
to choose from.
youngster n thanh niên The youngster was excited to start school
for the first time.
equally adv b ng nhau All team members should contribute equally
to the project.
particularly adv m t cách c th The mountain range is particularly beautiful
during sunrise.
subtly adv m t cách tinh vi, The artist incorporated subtle details into
không d phát the painting.
hi n
chronological adj theo th t th i The historian organized the events in a
gian chronological order.
concerned adj b n tâm, lo l ng The teacher was concerned about the
student's falling grades.
constant adj liên t c The constant noise from the construction
site was annoying.
critical adj mang tính nh n The critical analysis of the data revealed
xét, ánh giá important insights.
demanding adj mang tính òi h i The job is demanding and requires long
cao; thu hút s hours of work.
digital adj k thu t s The digital revolution transformed the way
we communicate.
essential adj thi t y u Proper nutrition is essential for overall
extraordinary adj phi th ng Her extraordinary talent amazed everyone
who heard her sing.
genetic adj thu c v gen, di Genetic factors can influence a person's
truy n susceptibility to certain diseases.
hidden adj n, khu t The hidden treasure was buried deep
inborn adj b m sinh Some people have an inborn talent for
playing musical instruments.
intellectual adj v m t trí tu The intellectual challenge of solving complex
puzzles is satisfying.
invisible adj vô hình The gas is invisible to the naked eye.
involved adj tham gia vào The experiment involved several variables
that needed to be controlled.
irrational adj không h p l , phi The irrational fear of spiders is known as
l arachnophobia.
isolated adj cô l p, tách bi t The remote island is isolated from the
straightfor- adj minh b ch The instructions for assembling the furniture
ward are straightforward and easy to follow.
subtle adj tinh vi, không d The subtle differences in color made the
phát hi n artwork truly unique.
sufficient adj The available data was sufficient to draw
meaningful conclusions.
superficial adj thu c b m t, The article provided only a superficial
nông c n overview of the topic.
superior adj cao h n, tr i h n Her superior knowledge of the subject
impressed the professor.
susceptible adj d b nh h ng; Children are more susceptible to certain
d b t n th ng illnesses due to their weaker immune
thorough adj k l ng The thorough investigation revealed the
true cause of the accident.
unbeknown to adj không c bi t Unbeknown to her, the surprise party was
somebody n being planned by her friends.
unexpected adj không ng , thình The unexpected rain caught us off guard
lình during our outdoor event.
unintended adj không c nh The unintended consequence of the policy
h ng tr c, change was a decrease in customer
không do d tính satisfaction.
tr c
universal adj ph c p kh p n i The law of gravity is a universal principle
that applies everywhere.
widespread adj ph bi n r ng rãi The news of the discovery spread quickly
and became widespread.
account for v óng vai trò, The witness was asked to account for her
chi m whereabouts during the time of the
coincide v x y ra ng th i; The timing of the event will coincide with
trùng v i the holiday weekend.
conclude v k t lu n After analyzing the data, we can conclude
that there is a correlation between two
contradict v i ngh ch His statement seemed to contradict the
evidence presented in court.
devote v c ng hi n She decided to devote all her free time to
volunteering at the local shelter.
embarrass v làm x u h The unexpected joke caused her to blush
and feel embarrassed.
emphasise v nh n m nh The coach will emphasise the importance of
teamwork to the players.
exist v t nt i Many ancient civilizations once existed in
this region.
forecast v d báo, d oán The weather forecast predicts rain for the
entire week.
gain v t c, giành Through hard work and dedication, she was
c able to gain the trust of her colleagues.
generate v t o ra, phát ra The wind turbines generate clean energy
for the community.
implement v thi hành, th c The company plans to implement a new
hi n policy to improve employee morale.
interact v t ng tác The social event provides an opportunity for
people to interact and network.
justify v bi n minh, ch ng The lawyer will try to justify his client's
minh là úng actions in court.
modify v i u ch nh The architect will modify the building plans
to include an additional floor.
offer v cung c p The store is offering a discount on all
electronics this week.
polarise v hình thành hai The controversial topic has the potential to
nhóm xung t, polarise public opinion.
hoàn toàn i
l p v i nhau
predict v d oán The meteorologist will predict the weather
for the upcoming week.
receive v nh n c She was excited to receive a gift from her
best friend.
refuse v t ch i He politely declined the offer, explaining
that he had other commitments.
reject v t ch i, bác b The panel of judges decided to reject the
proposal due to its lack of feasibility.
release v th , gi i phóng The company plans to release a new
product next month.
replace v thay th The mechanic will replace the old parts with
new ones.
represent v hi n di n The flag is meant to represent the values
and ideals of the country.
reveal v ti t l The magician's trick was designed to reveal
a hidden object.
serve v dùng cho, m The restaurant will serve a special menu for
nhi m the holiday celebration.
trust v trông c y, tin It takes time to build trust between people.
t ng
anxiety n s lo âu Her anxiety increased as the deadline for
the project approached.
application n ng d ng The job application requires a resume and
cover letter.
approval n s ch p thu n He eagerly awaited the approval of his
manuscript by the publisher.
attempt n l n th , n l c She made an attempt to climb the steep hill,
but it was too challenging.
background n l l ch, xu t thân, The candidate's educational background
n n t ng phía was impressive.
concern n m i lo ng i, m i The environmental impact of the project is a
quan tâm major concern for the community.
consumer n ng i tiêu dùng The new product received positive
feedback from consumers.
crime n t i ph m The police are investigating the recent
crime in the neighborhood.
disbelief n s hoài nghi He shook his head in disbelief when he
heard the incredible story.
disclosure n s v ch tr n, s The company issued a disclosure about the
ph i bày, s công potential risks involved.
distrust n s không tin c y, The ongoing scandal has led to a sense of
s nghi ng , s distrust in the government.
ng v c
divergence n s khác nhau, s There was a significant divergence of
b t ng opinions during the meeting.
error n l i The error in the calculation was identified
and corrected.
existence n s t nt i The existence of extraterrestrial life is a
topic of ongoing debate.
expertise n chuyên môn Her expertise in the field made her a
sought-after speaker at the conference.
faith n ni m tin His faith in humanity remained unshaken
despite the challenges.
giant n ng i kh ng l The tech company became a giant in the
industry after its rapid growth.
guidance n s h ng d n The teacher provided guidance and support
to the struggling students.
heart attack n c n au tim The sudden chest pain was a sign of a heart
attack, and he was rushed to the hospital.
incident n s vi c The incident involving the stolen car was
reported to the police.
judgement n s phán xét, s Her judgement of character was usually
ánh giá accurate.
lack n s thi u The lack of funding prevented the project
from moving forward.
manner n l i, thói, ki u, He addressed the crowd in a calm and
cách respectful manner.
marketplace n th ng tr ng The marketplace was bustling with activity
as vendors set up their stalls.
misunderstand- n hi u nh m Their argument stemmed from a simple
ing misunderstanding of each other's intentions.
openness n s c im ,s The culture encourages openness and
chân th t honesty in communication.
optimist n ng i l c quan Despite the challenges, she remained an
optimist and believed in a better future.
patient n b nh nhân The patient's recovery was slow but steady
after the surgery.
phenomenon n hi n t ng The natural phenomenon of the aurora
borealis is breathtaking to witness.
physician n th y thu c The physician recommended a course of
treatment for the patient.
portrayal n s miêu t The actor's portrayal of the historical figure
was praised by critics.
prediction n d oán Her accurate prediction of the election
outcome surprised many.
projection n s d báo, s d The financial projection for the coming year
oán looks promising.
purpose n m c ích The purpose of the event is to raise
awareness about climate change.
rejection n s t ch i, s The rejection of his proposal was
bác b disappointing, but he didn't give up.
reliability n tính áng tin c y The reliability of the data is crucial for
drawing valid conclusions.
reluctance n s ch n ch , do His reluctance to join the team was evident
d in his hesitant response.
request n l i yêu c u, l i She sent a formal request for more
ngh information about the job.
sceptic n ng i theo ch The scientist was a sceptic until she saw the
ngh a hoài nghi experimental results.
split n s chia r , s The group was split into smaller teams for
phân tách the project.
stroke n t qu His sudden headache and confusion were
signs of a stroke.
superiority n s tr i h n His attitude reflected a sense of superiority
over his classmates.
surveillance n giám sát The surveillance cameras captured the
suspect's movements.
suspicion n s nghi ng Her suspicion was raised when she noticed
the missing money.
tendency n khuynh h ng The company has a tendency to focus on
innovation and new ideas.
transparency n s minh b ch The organization strives for transparency in
its financial reporting.
treatment n vi c ch a tr The doctor prescribed a course of
treatment to alleviate the symptoms.
trust n s tin t ng The strong bond of trust between them
allowed for open communication.
acutely adv sâu s c He was acutely aware of the tension in the
room during the meeting.
fairly adv v a ph i The distribution of resources should be
done fairly and equitably.
fortunately adv may thay, may Fortunately, the fire was extinguished
m n before it spread to nearby buildings.
pertinently adv úng ch , thích She addressed the question pertinently and
áng, thích h p provided a concise answer.
regardless adv b tk Regardless of the outcome, we should give
our best effort.
seemingly adv có v Seemingly ordinary events can sometimes
have profound consequences.
significantly adv 1 cách áng k The new policy significantly improved
employee morale.
slightly adv nh , không áng The temperature dropped slightly as the sun
k set.
technically adv m t cách c b n, Technically, the system should be able to
chính xác handle the increased load.
afraid adj hãi, ho ng, He was afraid of heights and couldn't bring
ho ng s himself to climb the ladder.
biased adj có thiên ki n, Her biased opinions prevented her from
thiên v making an objective decision.
competent adj kh n ng The team of competent engineers solved the
complex problem.
disproportio- adj không t l , The punishment seemed disproportionate to
nate không cân i the offense committed.
excessive adj v tm c The excessive noise from the construction
site disrupted the neighborhood.
foolproof adj h t s c d dùng, The new security system was designed to be
h t s c rõ ràng foolproof and easy to use.
guarded adj th n tr ng, t He was guarded in sharing personal
information with strangers.
inaccurate adj không chính xác The inaccurate measurement led to
incorrect calculations.
intricate adj r c r i, ph c t p The intricate design of the artwork
showcased the artist's skill.
mistrustful adj nghi ng , ng Years of betrayal had left him mistrustful of
v c, h nghi new relationships.
outlandish adj k l Her outlandish ideas often sparked lively
plausible adj h pl , áng tin The scientist presented a plausible
c y explanation for the unusual phenomenon.
previous adj tr c The previous owner of the house left behind
some old furniture.
psychological adj thu c v m t Her psychological insights helped her
tâm l h c understand human behavior.
relevant adj có liên quan The information provided was relevant to
the discussion.
reluctant adj không nguy n , He was reluctant to share his personal
mi n c ng experiences with the group.
satisfied adj th a mãn, hài She felt satisfied with her accomplishments
lòng after years of hard work.
subjective adj ch quan Art appreciation is often subjective and
varies from person to person.
superior adj cao h n, tr i h n Her superior knowledge of the subject
impressed the audience.
unexpected adj không ng , thình The unexpected rain caught us off guard
lình during our picnic.
unfamiliar adj không quen The unfamiliar surroundings made him feel a
thu c bit uneasy.
willing adj s n lòng She was willing to help out with the charity

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