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By Christiana Moore

6 potatoes (red, blue, or yellow work great for this recipe)

1 t. olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon (or more as desired)

1 teaspoon lemon zest (or more as desired)

2 t. honey

1/4 cup finely chopped red onion

2 T. finely chopped chives

1/4 cup finely chopped parsley

1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro

1/4 cup finely chopped dill

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

Salt to taste

1. Steam the potatoes until tender and they can be pierced with a fork without crumbling
(approximately 30 minutes).

Set aside to cool.

2. Prepare the rest of the ingredients.

3. Once the potatoes are cool, add the other ingredients into a big bowl with them, carefully tossing
everything together. Taste and adjust lemon and seasoning as desired.

If you're not familiar with the different herbs are you want me to show you it's ok

If you cannot find us herbs and you have different types of herbs you can get

You can use it..

Enjoy this wonderfully easy, delicious and healthy dish

Pickled Beets2
2 t. lemon juice, fresh

1-2 T. raw honey, but that if you want it you don't have to

1 t. salt

Heat to boiling point and pour over 1 qt. cooked beets.

Let stand 48 hours.

Liquid can be used more than once, or can be thickened for hot beets.

You can eat this with a nice brown rice at the side..
Mashed potatoes

12 potatoes

3 c. coconut milk or soy/nut milk

¼ c. water

1 T. garlic powder

1 T. onion powder

Salt to taste🥔

Cook potatoes and mash. You can leave the skins on if you like. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix
well. Can sprinkle paprika on top and toast top in broiler oven for a few seconds.

If you don't have the milk recipe you can ask for it,

Irish Shepherd's Pie4

1 tablespoon olive oil

2-3 large carrots, finely diced

1 medium yellow onion, finely diced

11/2 tsp. dried thyme

Soy mix or lentils are Black Eyed Peas

and veggies flavored in a thick gravy.You can do it up to your own likeness

1 tsp. Seasoning the homemade one if you don't have the recipe let me know .

*Remember I told you before, soak your peas overnight to get rid of the acid in it.*
5-6 cups mashed potatoes,

Fresh cheese, for topping

the same recipe that I did with the potatoes earlier used that recipe to mash potatoes

Pre-heat oven to 400°F

Add additional seasonings as desired. I forgot to told you . You some garlic as you like garlic is very good
for you

Grease/spray with non-stick spray a 9 inch deep dish pie pan. Add vegetable mixture to the pan.

Grease/spray with non-stick spray a 9 inch deep dish pie pan. Add vegetable mixture to the pan.

Spread mashed potatoes over the top.

Dust the top with cheese. Homemade .

Whatever type you make I'm going to send a recipe to you.

Bake 20-25 minutes or until the potatoes are light brown on top
What I do sometimes I made my cheese beforehand and put it in the fridge.

I also Cook a lot of peas ,and put in more than one plastic bags and place them in the freezer. So when I
ready I just take the one pack and use it it was save a lot of time.

Recipes am giving to you can be very creative in there if you don't have one thing use another that
equivalent to it.

Well I'm going to finish here for the night* 🙏🥔

please enjoy your recipes. for all the newcomers I really would like you to try the recipes and show the

that we all can be enjoying it with you also,

if you have any recipes and you want me to change it up no problem.

I had received some recipes to change but I'm very sorry I have lost them please send them again thank
you in advance

*I will really like you to abide with the rules of this group.*

Kale Salad 1
3-4 big leaves of raw kale (remove the stalks - the tough bits)

½ -1 t. of crushed raw garlic

½ t. of olive oil

1 lemon

Salt, pinch

Chop the kale and steam till tender. Then sprinkle the kale with a small amount of the garlic, the olive
oil, the pinch of salt, and a few drops of the lemon juice. Mix well.🍋🍯

Mix the dressing - The remaining juice of the lemon, more salt if you wish, the rest of the garlic, a drop
of honey to taste.

Mix the dressing - The remaining juice of the lemon, more salt if you wish, the rest of the garlic, a drop
of honey to taste.

Quinoa & Kale Salad2

5 c. kale, rinsed well, stems removed and cooked

½ c. quinoa, uncooked (1 ½ cups cooked)

1 c. edamame beans, cooked what beans you have this ok..

1 ½ c. lentils, cooked

2 c. cooked carrots

½ c. almonds, halved

Salt to taste

Water, for cooking

*Dressing* 🍋🍯:

2 T. olive oil

2 T. freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 teaspoon honey

Salt to taste
Place quinoa in a small saucepan with 1 ½ cups salted water and bring to a simmer. Cook on low for 15-
20 minutes, or until tender. Drain excess liquid and transfer quinoa to plate to cool.

In a medium pan, toast your almonds over low heat for 2-3 minutes, or until fragrant. Move them
around the pan so they don’t burn. Remove from heat and set aside.

After rinsing your kale and removing the stems and cooking it --place in a large salad bowl.

To the kale, add quinoa, edamame, lentils, and almonds. Toss well to combine and season with salt.

To make the dressing, combine olive oil, lemon juice, and whisk together. Continuing to whisk, slowly
drizzle in your honey and season with salt.

Pour dressing over salad, toss well and enjoy!

Tomorrow God willing in the health groups I'm going to do a presentation on it, and you going to see
the benefit of it Kale.

I would encourage you to plant your own , it grow very fast..

I'm finished for the day, any questions I'm around..❓

what is Kale1

Kale is a nutritionally packed leafy vegetable that contains incredible healing and rejuvenating

Kale is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, chlorophyll, amino acids, vitamins A, C, E, K, B-complex and minerals
such as iron, magnesium, copper, and potassium.

Kale is an anti-cancer powerhouse and contains phytochemicals such as glucosinolates that help protect
the body from breast, colon, prostate, ovarian, and bladder cancer.
[ These glucosinolates are also known to detox the body on genetic level and have the ability to literally
transform your body and health.

Kale also contains an exceptionally high amount of antioxidants such as carotenoids and flavonoids
which are essential for protecting the body from degenerative diseases such as heart disease, diabetes,
prostatitis, osteoporosis, and neurological disorders.🥔

don't worry about the big words this is good for health..🥔

Kale contains an organic sulfur which has potent antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties
that work to boost to the immune system and provide significant benefits for chronic,

inflammation and oxidative stress seen in conditions such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic
sinusitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, COPD, and irritable bowel disease.

Kale also contains isothiocyanates which have been shown to help protect the stomach from H. Pylori

Kale is part of the Brassica vegetable family which is known to mildly stimulate the liver and other
tissues and organs out of stagnancy.
Purple kale is a mild, sweeter variety of kale that is a delicious and beautiful addition to any meal. Purple
kale, cooked, is excellent to add to your, salad, or eat as a plain vegetable.

Arguably the most beneficial property of eating kale is its ability to be a powerful anti-inflammatory
agent. When you consider the ideal omega-3: omega-6 ratio, kale is the “perfect food.”


Going hand-in-hand with its anti-inflammatory potency, kale is a marvelous antioxidant food. Of the
three main antioxidant vitamins in the world, kale is particularly rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene (the
precursor to vitamin A). This is important because antioxidants are known to counteract the damage
caused by free radicals.


One of the top health benefits of kale is that it is a natural detoxifier. It not only helps remove toxins but
also helps eliminate them from your body.

This is due to a component in kale called isothiocyanates (ITCs) which are made from glucosinolates.
They have been reported to help detox your body at the cellular level.
These ITC’s are a powerful “one-two punch” against toxins and free radicals. Toxins in our environment,
such as processed foods, pollutants, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals increase the toxic level of the body
and increase the chance of disease.😭

So removing the toxins from your body is an important job. Toxins are destroyed first by antioxidants,
and then removed (detoxified) with glucosinolates.💪🥔


Re Deirdre Orceyre, a naturopathic physician at the Center for Integrative Medicine at the George
Washington University Medical Center, says that, “Any vegetable that has a very deep color the way kale
does, that means there is a high concentration of nutrients, and that translates into a range of
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the body.” This powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
duo in kale make it a perfect food for heart health.


Another one of the key health benefits of kale is its ability to help in infant brain development in the
womb. Kale is a valuable source of folate. So eating kale regularly can help prevent several birth defects
and promotes:

Adequate birth weight.

Healthy neural tube formation.

Proper development of the face and heart.

This is extremely important information for all women of childbearing age because most doctors push
folic acid supplementation, which is a synthetic version of naturally occurring folate that has been linked

Vitamin B12 deficiency Epilepsy Changes in sex drive Lack of focusTrouble sleeping Emotional ups and


Like all of cancer-fighting cruciferous vegetables, kale has been shown to stop cancer in its tracks.
Studies have shown, for example, that more than 70% of all research conducted on cruciferous
vegetables has found that they protect against cancer. We want to praise God for letting us know

Another one of the amazing health benefits of kale is it can improve your eyesight! Two nutrients that
give kale its dark green hue, lutein and zeaxanthin, have been shown to help prevent macular
degeneration and cataracts. We can see how wonderful God is....
Different places it grows it looks different a little 👆🥔

*I am finished I pray to God that we will get a little Garden and able to plant our own food..*

I'm going to give you some little tips later how to start your own garden in your backyard.🥔🥔

I'm going to give you time to go to the lesson and question you can ask.

And by Gods Grace tomorrow I need you to give the group your experience so far in the program it will
be a great help to the ones who haven't started yet..🍎🍇

Types of Kale

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