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Gender: Female

Age: 21

Career test result

In this test you had to choose between pictures showing specific work activities. Each picture
depicted work associated with a specific type of personality. These types are derived from Dr. John
Holland's theory of careers and vocational choice, known as Holland Codes.

There are six personality types in Holland's model:

Realistic: practical, physical, concrete, hands-on, machine, and tool-oriented

Investigative: analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative, thinker
Artistic: creative, original, independent, chaotic, inventive, media, graphics, and text
Social: cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing, teaching
Enterprising: competitive environments, leadership, persuading, status
Conventional: detail-oriented, organizing, clerical

Personality types and Holland Codes

Dr. Holland did not say that a person is just one of these types. Then there would be only six types
of people in the world. Instead, any one person can have interests associated with all of the six
types. When you rank the types, starting with those you have the most interest in to those you
have the least interest in, you get your specific Holland Code.

There are some 720 different combinations possible, like ISERAC, AIRSEC, or CSERIA.
Generally, however, only two or three letters are necessary to create a useful description, such as
SC, IRC, or AIC. Such a description may apply to both a person and a work environment. By
typifying both people and work environments with Holland Codes, we can calculate matches
between them. This helps you assess a potential career or vocational choice.
Your personality type
You preferred 'Artistic' the most, followed by 'Investigative' and 'Enterprising'. Your six letter
personality type is 'AIECSR. Your personal preference is also shown in a graph below.




AGE: 21


33% 18%

17% 15%

13% 3%

Your personal Holland Code

Depending on how strongly you favor any specific type you can compose your own personal
Holland Code. You do this by taking the first letters of the types you favor most. In your case, this
is the letters A, I and E) Your personal Holland Code then becomes either AIE, AI, IA or even IAE.

Your jobs
Here is a list of jobs that fit your Holland code AIECSR. The list is only part of all jobs that fit your
personality. You should use this list of occupations as prototypical examples. A total of 20
occupations are suggested based on your score.

1. Writer
Match: 94%
Writers develop content for books. They write novels, poetry, short stories, comics and other
forms of literature. These forms of writing can be fictional or non-fictional.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Writer: Open positions

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Open positions:

2. Architect
Match: 92%
Architects investigate, design, and oversee the construction and development of buildings,
urban spaces, infrastructure projects, and social spaces. They design in accordance with the
surroundings and regulations applicable in specific geographic areas, taking into account
factors that include function, aesthetics, costs, and public health and safety. They are aware of
social contexts and environmental factors, which include the relationships between people and
buildings, and buildings and the environment. They engage in multidisciplinary projects aimed
at developing the social fabric of a geographic area and advancing in social urbanism projects.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Architect: Open positions

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Open positions:

3. Lexicographer
Match: 92%
Lexicographers write and compile the content for dictionaries. They also determine which new
words are common use and should be included in the glossary.
Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Lexicographer: Open positions

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Open positions:

4. Journalist
Match: 88%
Journalists research, verify and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, television and
other broadcast media. They cover political, economic, cultural, social and sport events.
Journalists must conform to ethical codes such as freedom of speech and right of reply, press
law and editorial standards in order to bring objective information.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Journalist: Open positions

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Open positions:

5. Landscape architect
Match: 86%
Landscape architects plan and design the construction of gardens and natural spaces. They
determine the specifications and distribution of the space. They combine an understanding of
the natural space with a sense of aesthetics in order to create a harmonious space.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Landscape architect: Open positions

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Open positions:

6. Animator
Match: 84%
Animators use software to create animations, these are rapidly sequenced together images to
create an illusion of movement.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Animator: Open positions

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Open positions:

7. Digital artist
Match: 84%
Digital artists create art which applies digital technology as an essential part of the creative
process. Digital art is usually created using computers or more specialised digital equipment. It
may be enjoyed using the same instruments, shared over the internet, or presented using more
traditional media.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Digital artist: Open positions

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Open positions:

8. Storyboard artist
Match: 84%
Storyboard artists draw out the scenes of a motion picture or television series according to the
script in order to see what will be possible during production. They work together with the
producer and video and motion picture director.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Storyboard artist: Open positions

Find the job of your dreams on, one of the world's largest job portals.

Open positions:

9. Stop-motion animator
Match: 84%
Stop-motion animators create animations by using puppets or clay models.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Stop-motion animator: Open positions

Find the job of your dreams on, one of the world's largest job portals.

Open positions:

10. Special effects artist

Match: 84%
Special effects artists create illusions for movies, videos and computer games. They use
computer software.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Special effects artist: Open positions

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Open positions:

11. 3D modeller
Match: 84%
3D modellers design 3D models of objects, virtual environments, layouts, characters, and 3D
virtual animated agents.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

3D modeller: Open positions

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Open positions:

12. Desktop publisher

Match: 82%
Desktop publishers are responsible for the layout of publications. They use computer software
to arrange texts, photographs and other materials in a pleasing and readable finished product.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Desktop publisher: Open positions

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Open positions:

13. Video and motion picture editor

Match: 80%
Video and motion picture editors are responsible for the assembly and cutting of raw footage
into a logically and aesthetically either for movies, television series, or domestic purposes.
They reorganize scenes that have been shot and decide which special effects are needed.
Video and motion picture editors work closely together with sound editors and music directors.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Video and motion picture editor: Open positions

Find the job of your dreams on, one of the world's largest job portals.

Open positions:

14. Sculptor
Match: 73%
Sculptors may use a wide variety of materials to create sculptures, such as stone, clay, glass,
wood, plaster, or any material of their choice. Those materials can be carved, modelled,
moulded, cast, wrought, welded, and so on, in order to reach the desired shape.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Sculptor: Open positions

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Open positions:

15. Digital games designer

Match: 73%
Digital games designers develop the layout, logic, concept and gameplay of a digital game.
They focus on playfield design, specification writing, and entry of numeric properties that
balance and tune the gameplay.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Digital games designer: Open positions
Find the job of your dreams on, one of the world's largest job portals.

Open positions:

16. Cartoonist
Match: 73%
Cartoonists draw people, objects, events, etc. in a comical or derogatory way. They exaggerate
physical features and personality traits. Cartoonists also portray political, economic, cultural
ans social events in a humoristic way.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Cartoonist: Open positions

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Open positions:

17. Glass artist

Match: 73%
Glass artists create original artworks by assembling pieces of glass. They can be involved in
restoration processes (such as those going on in cathedrals, churches, etc.) and can create
accessoires, windows or decorations.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Glass artist: Open positions

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Open positions:

18. Illustrator
Match: 73%
Illustrators provide a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated
text or idea. Illustrations can help clarify difficult concepts or objects that are hard to describe
textually. Illustrators can work for books, magazines, journals, comic books and other

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Illustrator: Open positions

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Open positions:

19. Street artist

Match: 73%
Street artists create visual art such as graffiti art or sticker art in urban environments' public
spaces, on the streets, typically expressing feelings or political views and ideas, opting for non-
traditional art venues.

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Street artist: Open positions

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Open positions:

20. Artistic painter

Match: 73%
Artistic painters create paintings in oil or water colours or pastel, miniatures, collages, and
drawings executed directly by the artist and/or entirely under their control .

Education level: Bachelor's degree or higher usually required

Artistic painter: Open positions

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Open positions:

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