Event Sustainable Management

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Sustainability in event management refers WHAT IS POLICY

to organizing events in a way that

minimizes negative environmental, social,
and economic impacts while maximizing
positive outcomes. It involves integrating
DEFRA Sustainable Events Guide
practices that promote responsible use of Include sustainability clauses in contracts
resources, reduce waste generation, Use the 3 Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle
Communicate electronically rather than by paper
support local communities, and consider Be energy- and water-efficient
the long-term effects of an event on the Minimize the impacts of travel
Consider the well-being of delegates, local community,
environment and society. This approach
suppliers and stakeholders
aims to create events that are
environmentally friendly, socially SEXI: The Sustainable Exhibition Industry
Raise awareness and share best practice
responsible, and economically viable,
Be transparent
ensuring they leave a positive legacy and Waste hierarchy as applied to the exhibitions
industry – research, re-design, reduce, reuse and recycle
minimize their overall footprint. Monitoring, recording and reporting


Influence cultural change, engage in


Economic. Although economic stability is traditionally
concerned with the con- cepts of efficiency and effectiveness
of generating profit from a business activity, the more radical
suggestion is that eco- nomic growth cannot be infinite, and
that limitations to resources and thus scarcity of these
resources will impact on eco- nomic stability
Environmental. The more widely associ- ated issue concerns
itself with the impact on biodiversity and the environment.
Overexploitation and mismanagement of ecological systems,
living organisms and the non-living materials of the sur-
roundings impact on the welfare of the population and society
at large
Social. Societal needs cannot solely be met by providing a
stable ecological environ- ment. Social and cultural stability
goes hand- in-hand with the other pillars. Without investment
and services to support a stable infrastructure, a cohesive
society cannot exist.

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