ACTIVITY 6 Essential Self 2034646954

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APPENDIX P (required activity)

Key-phrase reflective writing

INSTRUCTIONS: This is a 10 minute activity. Once you have finished reading the quote, identify the
phrase which struck you most and explain why these words left a deep impression on you.

“Always continue to grow. It is possible to achieve what

you wish if you take the time to learn who you are, and
willing to be who you were meant to be…”
-Embellished MInds

APPENDIX Q (required activity)

“Tips for vitality and serenity”

INSTRUCTIONS: A. Read the different tips and assess yourself:

1. Be realistic- accept your basic personality, use your strengths and accept your weaknesses.
2. Appreciate what you have- rather than focusing on what you don’t have.
3. Say “ No!” – you are no good to anyone if you are exhausted, resentful, and over stretched.
4. Say “ Yes!” – list what you want and go for it. You will experience more joy and pleasure in life.
5. Move your body- stretch, strengthen and get your heart pumping. You will look and feel better.
6. Sleep- you know how much rest you need; aim to get it.
7. Choose food wisely- include plenty of whole grains, vegetables and fruit, eat some protein and avoid
excess sugar, fat and salt. Stop eating when slightly full.
8. Enjoy simple, everyday pleasures – it will brighten each day.
9. Reduce guilt – be clear on what you can and cannot control and move on.
10. Live in the present – rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
11. Feel your feelings – and express them in healthy ways.
12. Learn more – it is one of the best ways to reduce tension.
13. Keep hopeful – a positive attitude helps create positive outcomes.
14. Try new things- take a risk, keep an open mind, invite spontaneity…it keeps life fresh.
15. Recognize when you need help – and ask for it.
16. Take a quiet time – it is important to reflect and contemplate.
17. Remember to relax – and breathe deeply.
18. Communicate openly and honestly – to avoid conflict and confusion.
19. Embrace creative expression –dance, music, art and writing powerful and magical resources.
20. Connect with your “spiritual self” – however you define it.
21. Listen to your intuition – it has very good advice.
22. Follow your dreams – and keep dreaming… it creates happy people.

b. Which tips are you already practicing consistently?

1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
c. Which tips need to be improved?
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________

d. How do you intend to improve your answers in c? ANSWER COMPREHENSIVELY

REFERENCE: Mandala (2016)

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