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GP 15-12-01 Instrument Wire and Cable November 2009

Instrument Wire and Cable

GP 15-12-01

1) [I] This Global Practice (GP) covers the specification and selection of instrument signal wire,
thermocouple extension wire, and multi-conductor cables suitable for service in transmission of low-
level analog, discrete, and digital signals. This Practice also covers fiber-optic cables used for
interfacing between control equipment and systems.
2) [I] This Practice does not cover control systems coax, or pre-terminated duplex fiber-optic cables
used within buildings. Fiber-optic cables used for telecommunications systems are also not covered
by this Practice. Type and materials of construction, installation details, electrical characteristics, and
insulation needs for these others shall be defined by equipment or systems Vendor, and approved by
the Owner's Engineer.

Refining/Chemicals, Upstream,
For Company Use Only Version 1.4.0
Downstream Imperial Oil

Page 1 of 15 ExxonMobil Development Company

Copyright Waiver
ExxonMobil Development Company and ExxonMobil Pipeline Company hereby license the use of ExxonMobil Engineering Practices System (EMEPS) Global Practices (GPs) for
use by any ExxonMobil division, subsidiary, or more-than-50%-owned affiliate. The GPs may be downloaded and modified as necessary for project and affiliate use. Written
permission from ExxonMobil Development Company or ExxonMobil Pipeline Company is not required. However, any modified GPs must be renumbered to a project-specific or
affiliate-specific number to distinguish them from the GPs on the EMEPS web site. ExxonMobil operated joint ventures may utilize GPs to create project-specific or location-specific
specifications. It is the responsibility of individual affiliate or joint venture to ensure that the use of GPs and their derivatives is limited to joint venture related business and not
disclosed or used outside the JV without appropriate EM management approval.
GP 15-12-01 Instrument Wire and Cable November 2009

Table of Contents
Table of Tables .............................................................................................................. 3

1. Required References ............................................................................................ 4

1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices ................................... 4
1.2. API–American Petroleum Institute ................................................................ 4
1.3. BSI–British Standards Institution .................................................................. 4
1.4. IEC–International Electrotechnical Commission ........................................... 4
1.5. IEEE–Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ................................. 4
1.6. ISA–Instrument Society of America .............................................................. 4
1.7. NFPA–National Fire Protection Association ................................................. 5
1.8. UL–Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. .............................................................. 5
2. Materials for Fiber-Optic Cables, Instrument Signal Wire, and Thermocouple
Extension Wire ...................................................................................................... 5

3. Insulation and Jacket Requirements ................................................................... 5

4. Metal Cladding ....................................................................................................... 7

5. Special Exposure Conditions ............................................................................... 8

6. Construction of Instrument Signal Wire.............................................................. 8

7. Single Pairs, Triads, or Quads ............................................................................. 9

8. Multi-Conductor Cable .......................................................................................... 9

9. Construction of Thermocouple Extension Wire ............................................... 10

9.1. Single Pairs ................................................................................................ 10
9.2. Multi-Conductor Cable ................................................................................ 10
10. Construction of Fiber-Optic Transmission Cable ............................................ 11
10.1. Multi-Fiber Indoor Cable ............................................................................. 11
10.2. Multi-Fiber Outdoor Cable .......................................................................... 11
11. Testing and Documentation ............................................................................... 12

Record of Change ....................................................................................................... 13

Attachment: Purpose Code Definitions .................................................................... 15

RFCH, UPST, DIOL For Company Use Only Version 1.4.0

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