Conveyancing Sunnybank

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home ervice will & etate

☎ 07 3344 7247 conveancing contact 中文



5-tar Peronalied Multilingual No Client Too ig, Locall Owned

Rated ervice Lawer Or mall & Operated

We look after our client like Contact

the are part of our famil. ➤ LOCATION

3 Cranfield treet,
aed in the riane outh uur of unnank Hill, our firm repreent client unnank Hill QLD 4109
from all over the countr.
We pride ourelve in our trive to provide excellent, cot-effective ervice to our
client. Phone: (07) 3344 7247
Fax: (07) 3344 2145
Whether ou are uing or elling a propert or a uine, dealing with commercial mail:
leae, handling deceaed etate, wanting a will / power of attorne drafted up or
needing help for famil law matter uch a divorce, children or dometic Potal: PO ox 8008,
violence, we will help to protect our interet and provide opinion that are tailored unnank QLD 4109
to our ituation. We ring our experience and profeionalim to ever cae and
cutomie our upport to our individual need and concern.
Get in touch with u to et up a conultation, or ue the contact form at the ottom of
thi page to enquire aout our ervice.
We Are Rated 5 tar

With over 60 Review

icate. We are ver happ Gina helped me to make two mooth ettlement recentl. he i ver profeional
ou for our profeional and helpful to guide me work through all the document and proce to make propert.
thing le treful. I am happ to chooe Denovo Lawer. Highl recommended recommend their ervice to anone and plan to ue them again if the need arie.


• • • • • •

L AV  U  A R  V I W

Area of Practice



“We mut all oe

the great law of

change. It i the

mot powerful law

of nature.”

Let' Chat.
Ue the form elow to contact u regarding our legal enquir. Pleae
e a detailed a poile. To help u et ervice our enquir, we
recommend that ou firt decrie the iue ou’re having efore telling
u what ou want to achieve. You ma alo email or call u to make an

For jo opportunitie, pleae email u our reume. We’re alwa

looking for new and exceptional talent to lead the firm into uncharted
field of practice.

Licened in Queenland, Autralia

home | aout | ervice | will & etate| conveancing | contact | 中文 Denovo Lawer i a outique law practice
that provide legal ervice to uinee
Phone: +61 (07) 3344 7247 | Fax: +61 (07) 3344 2145 | owner, invetor, landlord and memer of
PO ox 8008, unnank QLD 4109 Autralia the communit who require legal ervice.
3 Cranfield treet, unnank Hill QLD 4109 Autralia
Liailit limited  a cheme approved under profeional tandard legilation Powered  quarepace

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