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Tacloban City

Final Examination

Computer 2 (Electronic Spreadsheet) Question:

1. Choose a grade, whom you think you deserve and justify. In justifying, write the things you

learned in this subject (Online).

Prior anything else, Sir, let me simply express my gratitude for spending the time to educate us about
this subject. Hence if I had to pick someone to receive a 1.50, it would be me. The explanation for it is
simply because I am aware that I strive to do my best, despite the fact that I frequently find it difficult to
comprehend how to carry out the activities. Nevertheless, I find solutions to ensure that I complete all of
my tasks. I know that I deserve this grade because I always seek to learn form this subject such as on
How to use the IF function in Excel, Nested IF statement, sorting in Excel, Understanding Number
Formats, Cell References and many more that had been added to my knowledge for the past month. For
that I am truly grateful.

2. How important the electronic spreadsheet application in your studies?

Electronic Spreadsheet are immensely versatile, widely recognized, and mostly simple to make use
of. In such, they may broaden the scope and depth of the subjects that are addressed in a lesson.
Spreadsheets might be configured to identify patterns in data, solve difficult systems of equations
numerically, even figure out the most effective method to deal with an issue. Spreadsheet activities are
nevertheless useful in any lesson where data is presented in a table to improve numeric literacy. Given
that the success rate of making use of spreadsheets to improve learning has not yet been officially
looked into, an extensive record of utilizing this type of software in a wide range of disciplines has
shown unquestionable benefits. The ability to be implemented studies, research, and thesis materials
were factors that your higher learning studies will need from you. These are useful in courses in
academia and research. Alternatively, you MS Excel expertise is required for these outcomes. It can be
your most useful tool whenever you gather, organize, and examine data. You can perform computations
and produce more precise outcomes from studies with its assistance.

Chrestian A. Gadores BSCRIM

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