Nada Profile

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My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Commitment.

To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Half-heartedness.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of

Love Intolerance into the Gift of Understanding.
The highest expression of my heart is Honour.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Patience.

Prosperity I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Impatience.
I thrive best in a partnership.

A journey of self illumination


My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 8

You will have to make your life up as you go along. You are a bastion of uniqueness in a world where
sameness is glorified, and you should enjoy the rush of excitement that gives you. You need to hold your
head high in life, never compromising your dream just because others or society calls you a fool. Go ahead
and be a fool! In the ancient wisdom traditions, the fool is the most revered of archetypes because he risks
everything in being himself. The path you walk through life cannot replicate in any way in any other person's
life. Although you can and surely will draw inspiration from other rebellious free spirits, you need never follow
or copy them. You are your own guide, and the relationship with your inner essence is the most important
thing in your world. You must trust in your dream and let your light shine.

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 14

Your real issue in life is putting in all the work necessary to manifest your dreams. You need to realise that
the secret to your success is effective support from people whom you trust. You cannot do everything on
your own, even though you may want to. Knowing where you want to go is not the same as getting there!
One of your great gifts is your ability to allow others to feel involved without compromising your own unique
direction. Therefore you need to use this gift to build the team around you that can take your aspirations and
ideas to the level of manifestation. Your lesson in life is to learn to bend your own rules in order to
accommodate positive change. If you remain ever flexible and still manage to hold on to your inner vision,
you will flourish. You are in fact designed to flourish, but it's all a matter of balance. You have to work closely
with others without ever compromising your own individual flair.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 30

It is of great importance that you really enjoy your life. Life for you is a deeply sensual experience. You are a
voyager through experience, and therefore need to explore as much of life as possible before you die. The
food you eat may not always be good for you but as long as you enjoy it, you will feel full at the end of your
life. Everything about your life tells you to forget the future. There are people who stock up for the future and
there are people who live entirely for the moment - you are the latter. Every experience - whether it causes
agony or ecstasy, pleasure or pain - deepens your inner radiance. In time you will glow from within with the
sheer sensual mystery of life. As you let life touch you deeply, you will stop trying to control the outer
direction of your life. All that matters to you is the inner direction, and that means letting go and letting go.
Enjoy your life and revel in the love that surrounds you and those whom you meet along the way.

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 29

You are here to learn to love the unknown. At the highest level, you are a devotee of life itself. The greatest
things for you will always be your relationships. To love another more than you love anything else is the way
and art of devotion. There is a force that moves through all human beings, and you are here to discover that
force and set your whole trust in it, wherever it may lead you. Your life will lead you into trials and into
dangerous situations where your trust will be tested. You will learn about fear and its limitations. As long as
you put your faith in life as it moves through you, no experience can hurt you. In fact every experience you
have becomes the very thing that shatters your heart open. The more deeply you allow this to happen, the
more you will align with the real, hidden purpose of your life.

© Gene Keys Publishing 2023 My Hologenetic Profile Page 2


Exquisiteness Brand Birth City: Omdurman, Khartoum, Sudan

Mediocrity Birth Date: 17 May 1995
Line 2 - Passion (image) 8.2
Birth Time: 06:13

Pearl Patience
5.2 Line 2 - Recognition

Forgiveness Vocation Culture Timelessness

Understanding Patience
Line 3 - Strategy (implementation) 4.3 5.2 Impatience
Line 2 - Partnership

The Siddhi - my essence Genius

The Gift - my creativity
The Shadow - my challenge


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into your Genius, Love and Prosperity

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