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[Part of the IRR of R.A. No. 1581 (of 1956) &
R.A. No. 545 (of 1950), the Predecessor Laws of
R.A. No. 9266, The Architecture Act of 2004]


UAP DOC. 200


The United Architects of the Philippines, Inc.


This Document or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without written
permission from the United Architects of the Philippines, Inc. Printed copies are
available for the use of all practicing Architects in the Philippines.







































































On January 21, 1933, the first document entitled “Relation of Charges and
Rules Relative to Professional Fees” was promulgated and adopted by the
Philippine Architects Society (PAS), the first architectural association organized in
the Philippines. The second edition of their document was made on February 21,

After the name of the organization was changed to “Philippine Institute of

Architects” (PIA), a new Code of Ethics was published on April 7, 1946. This was
amended and a fourth edition was published in 1950.

On November 25, 1960, after re-examining the Code of Ethics, a new set of
documents entitled “National Code of Architect’s Services and Fees in the
Philippines” was published.

On October 23, 1965, the “Architect’s National Code” was approved by the
three organizations existing at that time, namely, the Philippine Institute of Architects
(PIA), the League of Philippine Architects (LPA), and the Association of Philippine
Government Architects (APGA).

On January 15, 1975, the three architectural organizations were integrated

into one association called the “United Architects of the Philippines” (UAP).

In the process of consolidating all the documents of the three organizations,

the UAP saw the need to review and update them in order to be more responsive to
the practice of the profession in the Philippines. The first draft of the revised code
was published by the UAP in October 1977.

In the continuing examination of the expanding practice of the architect, the

UAP Committee on Professional Practice which was tasked to prepare the final draft,
decided to divide the Architect’s National Code into two divisions, namely:

1. Code of Ethical Conduct

- and -

2. Standards of Professional Practice

UAP DOC. 200


Due to the several facets of services now being undertaken by the Architect,
the Committee deemed it necessary to classify the services of the Architect and
assign each classification as a section under the Standards of Professional Practice
document. This will contribute to a better understanding by the Client of the scope of
services and responsibilities of the Architect in each area of the Architect’s
involvement. It will further facilitate easy reference for the Architect. The
classification with the corresponding sections are as follows:


1. Pre-Design Services - UAP Doc. 201

2. Design Services - UAP Doc. 202
3. Specialized Allied Services - UAP Doc. 203
4. Construction Services - UAP Doc. 204
5. Post-Construction Services - UAP Doc. 205
6. Comprehensive Architectural Services - UAP Doc. 206
7. Design-Build Services - UAP Doc. 207
8. Selection of Architects and
Methods of Compensation - UAP Doc. 208
9. Competition Code - UAP Doc. 209

The final form of the Architect’s National Code was approved by the UAP
National Board of Directors on July 21, 1979 and the Professional Regulation
Commission through the Board of Architecture on Sept. 24, 1979 for adoption and
compliance by the practicing Architects in the Philippines


Chairman - Felipe M. Mendoza, FUAP

Vice Chairman - Froilan L. Hong, CUAP
Members - Otilio A. Arellano, FUAP
- Cesar V. Canchela, FUAP
- Antonio S. Dimalanta, FUAP
- Cristina Fugoso, FUAP
- Geronimo V. Manahan, CUAP
- Norberto M. Nuke, FUAP
- Rebecca V. Tobia, CUAP

Resolution No. 9-A

Series of 1979

WHEREAS, under Resolution No. 79-81 dated July 21, 1979, the United Architects
of the Philippines submitted a draft of the proposed Code of Ethical
Conduct and the Standards for Professional Practice of Architecture
with a request that the same be adopted as the National Code for
Architects in the Philippines;
WHEREAS, the Professional Regulation Commission and the Board of Architecture
acknowledge the urgency of adopting a national code for architects for
the proper maintenance of ethical and professional standards in the
practice of architecture and for the protection of life, health and property;
WHEREAS, the Board of Architecture, after a review of the draft, finds the proposed
Code of Ethical Conduct, UAP Document No. 200, and the proposed
Standards of Professional Practice, UAP Documents Nos. 201, 202,
203, 204, 205, 206, 207 and 208, which are hereto attached and made
integral parts of this Resolution, to be responsive to the demands and
requirements of the profession, and when implemented will achieve the
desired high degree of professionalism that will redound to the best
interest of the profession and the public;
NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to Sections 2 and 8 of R.A. No. 545, as amended, the
Board of Architecture hereby adopts the attached UAP Documents Nos.
200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207 and 208 as the NATIONAL
CODE FOR ARCHITECTS and as part of the Rules and regulations to
which all practicing architects shall conform in the performance of their
duties and obligations, a violation of which shall be a ground for the
suspension or revocation of the certificate of registration of a practicing
The attached NATIONAL CODE FOR ARCHITECTS consisting of
Documents Nos. 200.1 to 200.5, 201.1 to 201.4, 202.1 to 202.6, 203.1,
203.a to 203.e, 204.a to 204.b, 205.5, 206.1 to 206.8, 207.1 to 207.3,
208.a to 208.b, inclusive, shall take effect after fifteen (15) days
following its publication in the Official Gazette.
DONE IN THE CITY OF MANILA, this 19th day of September in the
year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Seventy Nine.

Sgd. Sgd.
Member Member


THE PHILIPPINES, this 24th day of September, 1979.

Sgd. Sgd.
Associate Commissioner Commissioner
Resolution No. 79-18
Series of 1979
The United Architects of the Philippines

WHEREAS, there were existing standards on professional practice for Architects

since 1985 adopted and in use by the members of the three
architectural organizations, the Association of Philippine Government
Architects (APGA), the League of Philippine Architects (LPA), and the
Philippine Institute of Architects (PIA), before their integration in 1975
into one national organization the United Architects of the Philippines

WHEREAS, in the desire of the members of the UAP to make the practice of
architecture relevant to the demands of our time, our people and our
government’s thrust for national development, the UAP Committee on
Professional Practice prepared a new set of documents on Standards of
Professional Practice and Code of Ethical Conduct embodied in the
Architect’s National Code, and other standard Contract Documents;
WHEREAS, these documents were presented and distributed to the members on
December 1977 and discussed and approved by the members in 1978
and 1979 during the provincial chapter and regional conferences;
WHEREAS, upon the certification of UAP as the only duly accredited bonafide
professional organization for architects in the country, the Board of
Architecture of the Professional Regulation Commission requested the
UAP to prepare documents on Standards of Professional Practice and
Code of Ethical Conduct for Architects to maintain a high standard of
ethical conduct and excellence in the practice of the architectural
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved as it is hereby resolved that the Architect’s
National Code and all Standard Documents related to the professional
practice of the Architect as prepared by the Committee on Professional
Practice and Ethics, and approved by the UAP Board and the general
membership, be submitted to the Professional Regulation Commission
through the Board of Architecture for their approval.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that copies of this Resolution and the Architect’s National
Code and all Standard Documents be furnished the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) through the Board of Architecture as a
response to their request, and enjoining them to adopt and require these
as the standard documents for use and compliance by all Architects in
the Philippines.

Done this 21st day of July, 1979 in Metro-Manila, Philippines.

National President

National Secretary

Adherence to the Principles of the Architect’s National Code is an obligation

of every architect and member of the United Architects of the Philippines. Any
deviation therefrom shall be subject to discipline in proportion to its seriousness. The
National Board of Directors of the United Architects of the Philippines and the Board
of Architecture, Professional Regulation Commission, shall have the sole power of
interpreting the provisions of this Code.


“May the Architect be high-minded;

not arrogant, but faithful;

Just, and easy to deal with,

without avarice;

Not let his mind be occupied

in receiving gifts,

But let him preserve his good name

with dignity...

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio

UAP DOC. 200

(Already superseded by the
2006 Code of Ethical Conduct)

I shall work with this general objective - that my duty is not only to myself, but also to my
Country and God.

I shall uphold the ideals and follow the norms of conduct of a noble profession and endlessly
endeavor to further its just ends.

I shall humbly seek success not through the measure of solicited personal publicity, but by
industrious application to my work, strive to merit a reputation for quality of service and for fair

I shall ask from all, fair remuneration for my services while expecting and asking no profits
from any other source.

I shall hold the interest of my Client over and above any self-interest for financial returns.

I shall exercise my professional prerogatives always with impartiality and disinterestedness.

I shall avoid any private business investments or venture which may tend to influence my
professional judgment to the detriment of the trust placed upon me.

I shall inspire by my behaviour the loyalty of my associates and subordinates and take upon
me the mentorship of the aspirants to the profession.

I shall confine my criticisms and praises within constructive and inspirational limits and never
resort to these means to further malicious motives.

I shall dedicate myself to the pursuit of creative endeavor towards the goal of enlightened Art
and Science, generously sharing with colleagues, friends and strangers alike the benefits of
my experience and experiments.

UAP DOC. 200

(Already superseded by the
2006 Code of Ethical Conduct)
The professional of Architecture
calls for men of the highest integrity,
judgment, business capacity and artistic
and technical ability. An Architect’s
honesty of purpose must be above
suspicion; he acts as professional
adviser to his client and his advice must
be unprejudiced; he is charged with the
exercise of judicial functions as between
client and contractor and must act with
entire impartiality; he has moral
responsibilities to his professional
associates and subordinates; and he is
engaged in a profession which carries
with it grave responsibilities to the
public. These duties and
responsibilities cannot be properly
discharged unless his motives, conduct,
sense of moral values and ability are
such as to command respect and

In order to promote the highest standards of ethical conduct in the practice of

Architecture, the United Architects of the Philippines, with the approval of
the Board of Architecture and the Professional Regulation Commission, has
codified and formulated the following principles for adoption and compliance
of the Architect.

UAP DOC. 200

STATEMENT: The Architect is engaged in a profession which carries
1 with it civic responsibilities towards the public, whether such
responsibilities are the natural outcome of good citizenship or of his
professional pursuit or whether they partake of informative and
educational matters or of his normal, good public relations.

1-a The Architect shall seek opportunities to be of constructive service

in civic and urban affairs and to the best of his ability advance the
safety, health and well-being of the people and the community as
well as the promotion, restoration or preservation of the general
amenities and other examples of historic and architectural heritage
of the nation.

1-b The Architect shall promote the interest of his professional

organization and do his full part of the work to enhance the
objectives and services of the organization. He should share in the
interchange of technical information and experience with the other
design professions and the building industry.

1-c The Architect as a good citizen shall abide and observe the laws and
regulations of the government and comply with the standards of
ethical conduct and practice of the profession in the Philippines.
He shall at no time act in a manner detrimental to the best interest
of the profession.

1-d The Architect shall not use paid advertisement nor use self-
laudatory, exaggerated or misleading, publicity. However, the
presentation of factual materials, verbal or visual, of the aims,
standards and progress of the profession through literature or by
industrious application of his work and services which tend to
dignify the professional or advance public knowledge of the
Architect’s function in society may be presented through any public
communication media.

1-e The Architect shall not solicit nor permit to solicit in his name,
advertisements or other support towards the cost of any publication
presenting his work. He should refrain from taking part in paid
advertisement endorsing any materials of construction or building

1-f The Architect shall not mislead the public through advertisements,
signs or printed matter citing his professional specializations unless
such qualifications are well known facts or sanctioned by
professional consensus and years of experience.

UAP DOC. 200


STATEMENT: The Architect’s relation to his Client is dependent upon

2 good faith. To insure the continued existence of such state of good
relationship, the Architect’s position carries with it certain moral
obligations to his Client and to himself.

2-a The Architect may introduce to a prospective Client the

professional services he is able to perform provided it is limited to
presentation of examples of his professional experience and does
not entail the offering of free preliminary sketches or other services
without the benefit of an agreement with the Client for legitimate

2-b The Architect shall acquaint or ascertain from the Client at the very
inception of their business relationship, the exact nature and scope
of his services and the corresponding professional charges.

2-c The Architect shall advise a Client against proceeding with any
project whose practicability may be questionable due to financial,
legal or arresting or exigent conditions, even if such advice may
mean the loss of a prospective commission to the Architect.

2-d The Architect shall explain the conditional character of estimates

other than estimates submitted in the form of actual proposals by
contractors and in no case shall he guarantee any estimates or cost
of the work in order to secure a commission.

2-e The Architect shall consider the needs and stipulation of his Client
and the effects of his work upon the life and well-being of the
public and the community as a whole, and to endeavor to meet the
aesthetic and functional requirements of the project commensurate
with the Client’s appropriation.

2-f The Architect shall charge his Client for services rendered, a
professional fee commensurate with the work involved and with his
professional standing and experience based upon the Basic
Minimum Fee prescribed under the “Standards of Professional
Practice” of the “Architect’s National Code.”

2-g The Architect shall not undertake, under a fixed contract sum
agreement, the construction of any project based on plans prepared
by him. He may in certain cases, undertake the construction of a
project even when the plans were prepared by him provided it is
undertaken in conformity with the conditions set forth under
sections covering “Construction Services”, “Comprehensive
Services” or “Design-Build Services” of the document on
UAP DOC. 200
2-h The Architect shall be compensated for his services solely through
his professional fee charged directly to the Client. He shall not
accept nor ask for any other returns in whatever form from any
interested source other than the Client.

2-i The Architect shall be free in his investments and business relations
outside of his profession from any financial or personal interests
which tend to weaken and discredit his standing as an unprejudiced
and honest adviser, free to act in his Client’s best interests. If the
Architect has any business interest which will relate to, or affect the
interest of his Client, he should inform his Client of such condition
or situation.

2-j The Architect shall include in his agreement with the Client a
clause providing for arbitration as a method for settlement of



STATEMENT: The Contractor depends upon the Architect to safeguard

3 fairly his interests as well as those of the Client.

3-a The Architect shall give the Contractor every reasonable aid to
enable him to fully understand the contents of the Contract
Documents by furnishing clear, definite and consistent information
in all pertinent contract documents to avoid unnecessary mistakes
that may involve extra costs to the Contractor.

3-b The Architect shall not knowingly call upon the Contractor to
correct or remedy oversights or errors in the Contract Documents to
the Contractor’s financial disadvantage.

3-c The Architect shall immediately upon his personal knowledge and
inspection, reject or condemn materials, equipment or workmanship
which are not in conformity with the Contract Documents in order
not to cause unnecessary delay and additional expense to the

3-d The Architect shall not, at any time or circumstance, accept free
engineering services, or receive any substantial aid, gifts,
commissions, or favors from any Contractor or sub-contractor
which will tend to place him under any kind of moral obligation.

3-e The Architect shall upon request by the Contractor promptly inspect
each phase of the work completed and if found according to the
terms of the Contract Documents issue the corresponding
Certificates of Payment and the Final Certificate of Completion,
respectively, to the Contractor.
UAP DOC. 200



STATEMENT: An exchange of technical information between

4 Architects and those who supply and handle building materials or
equipment is necessary and therefore encouraged and commended.

4-a The Architect shall not avail or make use of engineering or other
technical services offered by manufacturers, or suppliers of building
materials or equipment which may be accompanied by an
obligation detrimental to the best interest of the Client or which
may adversely affect the Architect’s professional opinion.

4-b The Architect shall not at any time receive commissions, discounts,
fees, gifts or favors from agents or firms handling building
materials or equipment which may place him in a reciprocal frame
of mind. He may however, accept market discounts which shall be
credited to the Client.



STATEMENT: The Architect has moral responsibilities towards his

5 profession, his colleagues and his subordinates.

5-a The Architect shall not render professional services without

compensation except for small civic or charity projects. He shall
neither offer nor provide preliminary services on a conditional basis
prior to definite agreement with the Client for the commission of
the project.

5-b The Architect shall not knowingly compete with other Architects on
the basis of difference of professional charges, nor use donation as
a device for obtaining competitive advantage except for worthy
civic or religious projects. Neither shall he submit solicited or
unsolicited sketches or drawings in competition with other
Architects unless such competitive arrangements are conducted
substantially under the terms of the UAP Architectural Competition

5-c The Architect shall not under any circumstances nor through any
means seek commissions already known to him as previously
endowed to another Architect, whether such endowment has been
definitely agreed upon or still in the process of negotiation.
5-d The Architect shall not, in any case, enter as a competitor in any
Architectural Competition when he has direct relations with the
formulation of the Program thereof or when he has been
UAP DOC. 200
to act as Professional Adviser or Juror for such competition. Neither
shall the Architect accept and act as professional adviser or juror in any
architectural competition when he has had any information or has
reviewed or assisted in the preparation of any competition design
entered. Nor shall an Architect, retained as professional adviser in a
competition, accept employment as an Architect for that competition
project except as Consulting Architect.

5-e The Architect shall not undertake a commission for which he knows
another Architect has been previously employed until he notified such
other Architect of the fact in writing and has conclusively determined
that the original employment has been terminated and has been duly
compensated for.

5-f The Architect shall not undertake a commission for additions,

rehabilitation or remodeling of any erected structure undertaken
previously by another Architect without duly notifying him of the
contemplated project even when the Owner is no longer the same.
When the greater mass, area or design of the original structure is
substantially maintained the new Architect should limit his
advertisement or claim only to the extent of the work done to the
structure. Architects are enjoined to preserve or restore as much as
possible especially the few and remaining historic examples of our
architectural heritage affecting this phase of practice.

5-g The Architect shall not knowingly injure falsely or maliciously, the
professional reputation, prospects or practice of another Architect.

5-h The Architect shall refrain from associating himself with or allowing
the use of his name by an enterprise of doubtful character or integrity.

5-i The Architect shall not affix his signature and seal to any plans or
professional documents prepared by other persons or entities not done
under his direct personal supervision.

5-j The Architect shall inspire the loyalty of his employees and
subordinates by providing them with suitable working conditions,
requiring them to render competent and efficient services and paying
them adequate and just compensation therefor. He shall tutor and
mentor the young aspirants towards the ideals, functions, duties and
responsibilities of the profession.

5-k The Architect shall unselfishly give his share in the interchange of
technical information and experience among his colleagues and young
aspirants and do his part in fostering unity in the fellowship of the
5-l He shall unselfishly give his time and effort to the advancement of the
profession thru his active and personal commitment and involvement
with the accredited professional organization for architects.

UAP DOC. 200


From a synthesis of the past 50 years of Architect-Client relations in the Philippines, this
PRACTICE” is adopted primarily to set a norm of practice of the profession.

The Code defines all aspects of professional service, prescribes the MINIMUM BASIC FEE
relative to each phase of service and thereby establishes the rights and obligations of both the
Architect and his Client.

It stresses the principle that the Architect’s qualification which is based upon his ability,
experience and integrity on one hand, requires the full trust and sympathetic cooperation of the
Client on the other. Their relationship depends upon good faith and mutual respect in order to
inspire the Architect to produce his best work and a sustained devotion to his Client’s interest. For
these ends, the conditions and standards prescribed in this Code should be respected and
adhered to.

The National Board of Directors of the United Architects of the Philippines and the Board of
Architecture, Professional Regulation Commission, shall have the sole power of interpreting the
provisions of this Code.



The Architect creates man’s environment through his awareness and sensitive handling of
spaces that fit the scale of human experience. The resulting quality of the form-envelope
manifested as a structure or building gives rise to man’s appreciation of beauty and order in his
physical world.

The Architects’ deliberation determine how people will be placed in relationship one to
another, how whole societies will work, play, eat, sleep, recreate, travel, worship, or in short how
people will live in consonance with their culture and national aspirations.

His objective is to bring order to man’s environment to cause it to function properly within a
structure that is safe and healthful and to impart to the whole a beauty and distinction that is
appropriate to our time.


The spectrum of the Architect’s services extends over the entire range of activities that
proceed from the time the idea is conceived, perfected, transformed into sets of space/ design
requirements, translated into structure through design, built, used and become a permanent
feature of the man-made environment.

The Architect’s services consist of the necessary conferences, deliberations, discussions,

evaluations, investigations, consultations, advice on matters affecting the scientific, aesthetic and
orderly coordination of all the processes of safeguarding life, health, and property which enter into
the production of different levels and sophistication of man-made structures and environment.

The Architect, in the process of translating abstract ideas into meaningful concrete terms,
produces documents in the form of a data base report, an architectural program, a feasibility
study, a market study, an appraisal report, an impact analysis report, a space-organizational set-
up report, a site planning analysis and evaluation report, an operational programming report,
building programming and scheduling report.

A complete and detailed documentation of construction or erection drawings is prepared

consisting of the architectural plans, the structural plans, the electrical plans, the plumbing/sanitary
plans, the mechanical/airconditioning plans, the civil work plans, the technical specifications and
the other bid documents.

Aside from these, the Architect can prepare the post construction management
documents, the operating manual, the maintenance manual and other forms of written and
graphical documentations necessary for the effective and efficient functioning of the man-made
structures and environment.

An appreciation of this scope of services of the Architect will bring into focus the crucial
role that the Architect assumes in the realization of abstract ideas into tangible and meaningful

Between abstract ideas and the physical world, stands the Architect.


1.1 The entire range of the Architect’s services are divided into SEVEN (7) major services as
follows :

1) Pre-Design Services
2) Design Services
3) Specialized Allied Services
4) Construction Services
5) Post Construction Services
6) Comprehensive Architectural Services
7) Design-Build Services

1.2 Each of these SEVEN (7) major services can be contracted separately to the Architect
depending upon the desire and needs of the Client.

1.3 The terms and conditions for the delivery of the SEVEN (7) major services are stipulated in
several UAP Documents as shown in the table below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Management Service
UAP DOC. 206

Buildings and Grounds

UAP DOC. 205

Full-Time Supervision/
Construction Management
UAP DOC. 204

Acoustics, Communications
and Electronic Engineering
UAP DOC. 203

Architect’s Regular Services

UAP DOC. 202

Architectural Programming/Feasibility Study/Site Study

Cost Effectiveness Study/Others
UAP DOC. 201



1.1 The ever-increasing client and user demands, the continuous development of new technology, and
the enactment of new laws have pressured architectural firms to expand their services. While the
basic services provided by the Architect have remained relatively unchanged over the years,
additional services have become increasingly accepted as a part of general practice.

1.2 To stay abreast of the demands of the times, the architect-professional has expanded his
traditional basic services to include pre-design services. There are many instances where the
Architect is called upon by the client to perform services other than purely architectural or designing
services. In most cases, the client finds it practical and expedient to engage the architect in the
process of site selection, land acquisition, project promotions, and studying the financing options of
the project.

1.3 There is great advantage to the client if the Architect is involved in the early stage of conceiving
the project. With the Architect’s knowledge on site evaluation, construction techniques, materials
and new technologies that bear on the cost of a project, the basic design parameters can be
established that will assure the optimization of building needs vis-à-vis available resources and
attendant constraints.
The client will, therefore, be assured of the choice of site and a financial scheme that is most
appropriate for the project.


2.1 The individual Architect would have to be knowledgeable in a number of fields in addition to his
basic discipline and training.
For the architect to effectively assist and serve his client in Pre-Design Services, special training will
be required leading to a broad background in real estate, finance, business, taxation, human behavior,
space programming and others, to supplement the architect’s skill as a researcher, space activities
organizer, coordinator and manager of the various activities of professionals and tradesmen.

2.2 It would not be expected however, that the architect would actually perform services in all such
fields, but rather, he would act as the agent of his client in procuring some of the necessary services
that he and his staff cannot provide. It is his task to coordinate these services so that acting for his
client, he can retain the degree of control and coordination of activities necessary to assure the client
of a more unified result.
2.3 Briefly the Architect can render the services in the following manner:
a. Architect’s Own Staff
It is possible for individual architects working in a single firm to specialize in a variety of ways.
Many individuals and firms specialize without losing the generalist approach of the whole
architect or of the complete firm.

b. By Association or Consultation
Another trend is towards more consultation between architects and other firms
of other disciplines under the extended terms of the Owner-Architect Agreement.
The several activities that fall under Pre-Design Services are as follows:

3.1 Economic Feasibility Studies

A study to determine the viability of a project such as its cost of development versus its potential
return to the Owner. A detailed cost-benefit analysis can guide the client and the architect in
selecting a more viable alternative plan.

3.2 Project Financing

Architects assist in the determination of requirements of lending agencies, income-expense
relationship and relative demand for different building types in actual financing negotiations.

3.3 Architectural Programming

Investigating, identifying and documenting the needs of the client for use in the design of the

3.4 Site Selection and Analysis

Assisting the client in locating sites for the proposed project and evaluating their adequacy with
regards to topography, sub-surface conditions, utilities, development costs, climate, population,
legal considerations and other factors.

3.5 Site Utilization and Land-Use Studies

A detailed analysis of the site to develop its potential through the proper utilization of land.

3.6 Space/Management Studies

Analysis of the space requirements of the project based on organizational structure and functional
set-up. One method is to use human behavior and transactional analysis to pinpoint linkages and
interactions of spaces. The services cover space use and space character analysis, work station and
space module design and a space program to serve as basis for architectural design.

3.7 Promotional Services

In some cases, the project would require promotional activities in order to generate financial support
and acceptance from governing agencies or from the general public. The Architect, with his own
staff, can accomplish many of these activities including preparation of promotional designs,
drawings, brochures and the like. As the agent of the Owner, the Architect can produce and
coordinate the additional activities necessary to complete the services.

In all such activities, the Architect must maintain his professional status as the agent of the Owner.


4.1 The Architect’s services for the Pre-Design Phase where creative designing is not included are often
compensated for on the basis of multiple of direct personnel expense. This cost-based method of
compensation is directly related to the Architect’s and his consultant’s efforts where they are
compensated for every technical hour expended on the project with a multiplier to cover overhead
and a reasonable profit. This method is suitable for projects in which the scope of work is
indefinite, particularly for large complex projects.
But other methods of compensation can be applied depending on the agreement between the Owner
and the Architect or on the requirements of the project. Refer to UAP Doc. 208 -- “Selection of
the Architect and Methods of Compensation.”

4.2 Progress payment of services shall be made based on the accomplishments of the work of the



1.1 The Architect, in regular practice, normally acts as his client’s or the Owner’s adviser. He
translates the Owner’s needs and requirements to spaces and forms in the best manner of
professional service he can render.

1.2 The Architect’s work starts at the very inception of the project when the Owner outlines his
requirements to him. It ranges through his study and analysis of the various aspects of the project,
goes through the preparation of the necessary instruments of service and through the multitude of
construction problems and does not terminate until the project is completed.

1.3 In effect, the Architect renders services whose sequence come in four phases as follows:
a. Schematic Design Phase
b. Design Development Phase
c. Contract Documents Phase and
d. Construction Phase.

1.4 Schematic Design Phase

a. Consults with the Owner to ascertain the requirements of the project and confirms such
requirements with him.

b. Prepares schematic design studies leading to a recommended solution including a general

description of the project for approval by the Owner.

c. Submits to the Owner a Statement of Probable Project Construction Cost based on current cost

UAP DOC. 202

1.5 Design Development Phase

a. Prepares from approved Schematic Design Studies, the Design Development consisting
of plans, elevations, and other drawings, and outline specifications, to fix and illustrate
the size and character of the entire project in its essentials as to kinds of materials, type
of structure, mechanical, electrical and sanitary systems and such other work as may be

b. Submits to the Owner a further Statement of Probable Project Construction Cost.

1.6 Contract Documents Phase

a. Prepares from approved Design Development Documents, the complete Construction
Drawings and Specifications setting forth in detail the work required for the
architectural, structural, electrical, plumbing/sanitary, mechanical and other service-
connected equipment.
b. Prepares specifications describing type and quality of materials, finish, manner of
construction and the general conditions under which the project is to be constructed

c. Furnishes the Owner not more than five (5) complete sets of all construction drawings,
specifications and general conditions for purposes of bidding.
d. Keeps the Owner informed of any adjustments to previous Statements of Probable
Project Construction Cost indicated by changes in scope, requirements or market
e. Assists the owner in filing the required documents to secure approval of government
authorities having jurisdiction over the design of the Project.

1.7 Construction Phase

a. Prepares forms for contract letting, documents for construction, forms for invitation and
instruction to bidders, and forms for bidders’ proposals.
b. Assists the Owner in obtaining proposals from Contractors, in preparing abstract of bids
and in awarding and preparing construction contracts.
c. When required in the contract, makes decisions on all claims of the Owner and
Contractor and on all other matters relating to the execution and progress of work or the
interpretation of the Contract Documents, prepares change orders, gathers and turns
over the Owner written guarantees required of the Contractor or sub-contractors.
d. Makes periodic visits to the project site to familiarize himself with the general progress
and quality of the work and to determine whether the work is proceeding in accordance
with the Contract Documents. He shall not be required to make exhaustive or
continuous 8-hour on-site supervision to check on the quality of the work involved and
he shall not be held responsible for the Contractor’s failure to carry out the Construction
work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
UAP DOC. 202
During such project site visits and on the basis of his observations he shall report to the
Owner defects and deficiencies noted in the work of Contractors, and shall condemn
work found failing to conform to the Contract Documents.
e. Based on his observations and the Contractor’s Applications for Payment, he shall
determine the amount owing and due to the Contractor and shall issue corresponding
Certificates for Payment for such amounts. These Certificates will constitute a
certification to the Owner that the work has progressed to the state indicated and that
to his best knowledge the quality of work performed by the Contractor is in accordance
with the Contract Documents. He shall conduct the necessary inspection to determine
the date of substantial and final completion and issue the final Certificate for Payment
to the Contractor.

f. Should more extensive inspection or full time (8-hour) construction supervision be

required by the Owner a separate full-time supervisor shall be hired and agreed upon
by the Owner and the Architect subject to the conditions provided in the UAP
Document on Full-Time Supervision. When the Architect is requested by the Owner to
do the full time supervision his services and fees shall conform to the same UAP

2.1 Architectural work varies in complexities and in the creative skill required to successfully
meet the requirements of the Client within the constraints of the technical, functional,
economic, aesthetic and other considerations.

2.2 These considerations imply that each design project can be determined only on its own

2.3 The following groupings of buildings are attempts to classify them in accordance with the
degree or complexity of each structure.

2.4 based on this grouping, corresponding graduated scale of charges is prescribed to be able
to determine the fair remuneration to the Architect.

2.5 The Architect’s fee includes the normal structural, electrical, plumbing/sanitary, and
mechanical engineering services and is determined by getting the percentage indicated in
the Schedule of Minimum Basic Fee for specific group and multiplying it with the Project
Construction Cost.

2.6 The schedule of charges herein indicated are to be considered as the Minimum Basic Fee
since the Architect’s Charges also take into consideration his professional standing in the

UAP DOC. 202


Note: All fees quoted are for architectural and basic engineering
plan/design preparation with periodic construction supervision
(PCS) services.

3.1 GROUP-1
Structures of simplest, utilization character which are without complication of design or detail
and require a minimum of finish, structural, mechanical and electrical design.
Armories Parking Structures
Bakeries Printing Plants
Farm Structures Public Markets
Service Garages
Freight Facilities Simple Loft-type Structure
Industrial Buildings Warehouses
Manufacturing/Industrial Plants
Packaging and Processing Plants

And other similar utilization type buildings


P 50 Million and less........................................6 percent

Over P 50 Million to P 3,000,000 plus 5 percent
P100 Million .....................................................of excess of P 50 Million
Over P 100 Million to P 5,500,000 plus 4 percent
P200 Million .....................................................of excess of P 100 Million
Over P 200 Million to P 9,500,000 plus 3 percent
P500 Million .....................................................of excess of P 200 Million
Over P 500 Million to P 18,500,000 plus 2 percent
P1 Billion ..........................................................of excess of P 500 Million
Over P 1 Billion ...............................................P 28,500,000 plus 1 percent
of excess of P 1 Billion

UAP DOC. 202

3.2 GROUP-2
Structures of moderate complexity of design requiring a moderate amount of structural,
mechanical and electrical design and research.

Art galleries Nursing Homes

Banks, Exchange and other Office Buildings
Financial Institutions Park, Playground and Open-air
Bowling Alleys Recreational Facilities
Churches and Religious Facilities Police Stations
City Halls Post Offices
College Buildings Private Clubs
Convents, Monasteries and Seminaries Publishing Plants
Correctional and Detention Institutions Race Tracks
Court Houses Restaurants
Dormitories Retail Stores
Exhibition Halls and Display Structures Schools
Fire Stations Shopping Centers
Laundries & Cleaning Facilities Specialty shops
Libraries Supermarkets
Motels and Apartels Welfare Buildings
Multi-storey Apartments

And other structures of similar nature or use


P 50 Million and less........................................7 percent

Over P 50 Million to P 3,500,000 plus 6 percent
P100 Million .....................................................of excess of P 50 Million
Over P 100 Million to P 6,500,000 plus 5 percent
P200 Million .....................................................of excess of P 100 Million
Over P 200 Million to P 11,500,000 plus 4 percent
P500 Million .....................................................of excess of P 200 Million
Over P 500 Million to P 23,500,000 plus 3 percent
P1 Billion ..........................................................of excess of P 500 Million
Over P 1 Billion ...............................................P 38,500,000 plus 2 percent
of excess of P 1 Billion

UAP DOC. 202

3.3 GROUP-3

Structures of exceptional character and complexity of design or requiring comparatively large

amounts of structural, mechanical and electrical design and research.

Aquariums Laboratories
Atomic Facilities Marinas
Auditoriums Medical Office Facilities & Clinics
Airports Mental Institutions
Breweries Mortuaries
Cold Storage Facilities Observatories
Communication Buildings Public Health Centers
Convention Halls Research Facilities
Gymnasiums Stadiums
Hospitals and Medical Buildings Theaters and Similar Facilities
Hotels Veterinary Hospitals

And other structures of similar nature or use


P 50 Million and less........................................8 percent

Over P 50 Million to P 4,000,000 plus 7 percent

P100 Million .....................................................of excess of P 50 Million

Over P 100 Million to P 7,500,000 plus 6 percent

P200 Million .....................................................of excess of P 100 Million

Over P 200 Million to P 13,500,000 plus 5 percent

P500 Million .....................................................of excess of P 200 Million

Over P 500 Million to P 28,500,000 plus 4 percent

P1 Billion ..........................................................of excess of P 500 Million

Over P 1 Billion ...............................................P 48,500,000 plus 3 percent

of excess of P 1 Billion

UAP DOC. 202

3.4 GROUP-4
Residences (Single Detached or Duplex), small apartment houses and town houses.

Minimum Basic Fee............................................. 10 Percent of Project Construction Cost

3.5 GROUP-5

Monumental buildings and other facilities requiring consummate design skill and much
precise detailing.

Exposition and Fair Buildings Specialized decorative buildings

Mausoleums, Memorials,
Monuments And structures of similar nature or use

Minimum Basic Fee............................................. 10 percent of Project Construction Cost

3.6 GROUP-6 Repetitive Construction of Buildings

When the design of the Architect is used again for the repetitive construction of similar
structures, without amending the drawing and the specifications, the Architect’s fee is
computed as follows:

First structure.......................................................Minimum Basic Fee

Second structure ..................................................80% of Basic Fee
Third structure......................................................60% of Basic Fee
Succeeding structure............................................40% of Basic Fee

UAP DOC. 202

3.7 GROUP-7 Housing Projects

When the Architect is engaged to undertake a HOUSING PROJECT involving the

construction of several residential units on a single site with the use of one basic plan
and specifications, the MINIMUM FEE chargeable thereunder shall conform with the

First Unit..............................................................10 Percent of the Construction Cost of one

unit as Basic Fee

From two to ten units...........................................Fee of 1 unit plus 60% of Basic Fee for
each additional unit

Eleven units and above........................................Fee for 10 units plus 30% of Basic Fee for
each additional unit
3.8 GROUP-8

Projects involving extensive detail such as furniture design, built-in equipment, special
fittings, screens, counters, interiors and other detailed parts of appurtenances of
buildings or structures and landscaping designs.
Minimum Basic Fee............................................. 15 Percent of Project Construction Cost

3.9 GROUP-9
For alterations and additions of existing structures belonging to Groups 1 to 5
enumerated above, compensation of services should be increased by 50 percent or a
total of 150 percent of the Basic Fee.

3.10 GROUP-10
Where the Architect is engaged to render opinion or give advice, clarifications or
explanation on technical matters pertaining to his profession, the Minimum Fee
chargeable thereunder shall not be less than Two Hundred Pesos (P200.00*) per hour
subject to increase depending on the extent and coverage of service required. When
rendering service as an expert witness, the Architect’s fee shall not be less than Five
Hundred Pesos (P500.00*) per appearance irrespective of whether the scheduled
hearing took place or not.
* All references to fixed amount shall refer to the value of the Peso as of November
1979. Adjustment of the price shall be made at the time of the contract.
UAP DOC. 202
Note: All fees quoted are for architectural and basic engineering
plan/design preparation with periodic construction supervision
(PCS) services.
4.1 Payments on account of the Architect’s basic services shall be as follows:

a. Upon the signing of the Agreement a minimum payment equivalent to five

(5%) of the compensation for basic services.

b. Upon the completion of the Schematic Design Services, but not more than 15
days after submission of the Schematic Design to the Owner, a sum equal to
fifteen percent (15%) of the Basic Fee, computed upon a reasonable estimated
construction cost of the structure.

c. Upon the completion of the Design Development Services, but not more than
15 days after submission of the Design Development to the Owner, a sum
sufficient to increase the total payments on the fee to thirty -five (35%) of the
Basic Fee computed upon the same estimated construction cost of the structure
as in (b).

d. Upon the completion of the Contract Documents Services but not more than 15
days after submission of the Contract Documents to the Owner, a sum
sufficient to increase the total payments on the fee to eighty-five percent (85%)
of the Basic Fee, computed upon a reasonable estimated construction cost of
the structure as in (b).

e. Within 15 days after the awards of Bids, the payment to the Architect shall be
adjusted so that it will amount to a sum equivalent to eighty-five percent
(85%) of the Basic Fee, computed upon the winning Bid Price

f. Upon completion of the construction work, the balance of the Architect’s fee,
computed on the Final Project Construction Cost of the structure shall be paid.

4.2 The Owner shall make partial payments during each of the various stages of the
Architect’s work, upon request of the Architect, provided that such payments are
within the framework of the manner of payments outlined above.

UAP DOC. 202


5.1 Provide full information as to his requirements for the project.

5.2 Designate when necessary, representative authorized to act in his behalf.
Examine documents submitted by the Architect and render decisions pertaining
thereto promptly, to avoid reasonable delay in the progress of the Architects’
work. Observe the procedure of issuing orders to contractors only through the

5.3 Furnish or direct the Architect to obtain at the Owner’s expense, a certified survey
of the site, giving, as may be required, topographical surveys, grades and lines of
streets, alleys, easements, encroachments, zoning, and deed restrictions,
boundaries, with dimensions and complete data pertaining to existing buildings,
and other improvements and full information as to available utility service lines
both public and private; and test borings and pits necessary for determining sub-
soil conditions.

5.4 Pay for structural, acoustical, chemical, mechanical, soil mechanics or other tests
and reports as may be required for the project.

5.5 Pay for design and consultancy services on acoustic, communication, electronic,
and other specialty systems which may be required for the project.
5.6 Arrange and pay for such legal, auditing, and insurance counselling services as
may be required for the project.
5.7 Pay for all reimbursible expenses incurred in the project as called for in Section 6
“Other Conditions on Services” and all taxes (not including income tax) that the
government may impose on the Architect as a result of the services rendered by
the Architect on the project whether the services were performed as an individual
practitioner, as a partnership or as a corporation.
5.8 If the Owner observes or otherwise becomes aware of anything that may impair
the successful implementation of the project, he shall give prompt written notice
thereof to the Architect.


6.1 Conditions for Minimum Basic Fee

The “Minimum Basic Fee” referred to in Section 3.0 applies to construction work
done by a Contractor on the basis of a Lump Sum Contract. Construction works
that are let on cost-plus-fee basis, or on any basis other than the Lump Sum
Contract, where the Architect has to render additional services shall be subject to
additional compensation commensurate with the additional services required.
Such additional compensation shall be in addition to the Minimum Basic Fee.
UAP DOC. 202
6.2 Other Professional Services
The Architect’s fee includes normal structural, electrical, plumbing/sanitary and
mecha- nical engineering services. Other services that may be needed in order to
complete the project such as services of acoustic and illumination engineers, mural
painters, sculptors, interior decorators and landscape architects are to be
recommended by the Architect for the owner’s approval and costs for the services
are to be paid for separately by the Owner.

6.3 Miniature Models

The Architect may make and include miniature models of his design studies as
part of his preliminary work if he so deems it to be necessary but no extra charge
for such miniature models shall be made by the Architect. However, if the Owner
desires to have a miniature model of the final and approved design for
exhibition and display purposes, the Owner shall pay for the cost of said
miniature model.
6.4 Per Diem and Traveling Expenses
A per diem of not less than P500.00* plus traveling and living expenses shall be
chargeable to the Owner on any occasion where the Architect or his duly
authorized representative shall be required to perform services at a locality
beyond the radius of 100 kilometers from his established office.

6.5 Extra Sets of Contract Documents

The Architect shall furnish the Owner five (5) sets of Drawings, Specifications and
other contract documents. Cost of printing or reproduction of extra sets of
Contract Documents when required by the Owner or his representative is to be
charged to and paid for by the Owner.

6.6 Changes Ordered by Owner

If the Architect is caused additional professional services, extra drafting or other
office expenses due to changes ordered by the Owner after approval of the Design
Development Documents, he shall be paid for such expenses and services
involved. The amount of compensation and the extension of time for the
completion of the documents shall be upon mutual agreement of both parties.
*All references to fixed amount shall refer to the value of the Peso as of November 1979. Adjustment
of the price shall be made at the time of the contract.
6.7 Work Suspended or Abandoned
If the work of the Architect is abandoned or suspended, in whole or in part, the
Architect is to be paid by the Owner for the services rendered corresponding to
the fees due at the stage of suspension or abandonment of the work.

The primary service of the Architect is the preparation of plans, specifications and
other building construction documents which are actually sets of detailed
instructions that shall serve as the basis for the Contractor to build the Project.

UAP DOC. 202


Once the Architect has prepared all these documents he has completed the
Contract Documents Phase of his services which is equivalent to EIGHTY FIVE
PERCENT (85%) of his work. The remaining FIFTEEN PERCENT (15%) of his
work is broken down as follows:

TEN PERCENT (10%) for the Architect’s liability under the Civil Code -and-

FIVE PERCENT (5%) for the construction phase service which includes
preparation of contract document forms and periodic visits during the

When the OWNER therefore fails to implement the plans and documents for
construction as prepared by the Architect, the Architect is entitled to receive as
compensation the sum corresponding to EIGHTY FIVE (85%) PERCENT of his

6.8 Different Periods of Construction

If portions of the buildings are erected at different periods of time, thus increasing
the Architect’s construction phase period and burden of services, charges pertaining
to services rendered during the construction phase shall be doubled. A suspension
of construction for a period not exceeding six (6) months shall not be covered by this

6.9 Services of Consultants

If the Owner desires to engage special consultants, such consultants shall be with
the consent of the Architect and the cost of their services shall be paid for separately
by the Owner and shall not be deducted from the fees due the Architect.

6.10 Separate Services

Should the Owner require the Architect to design or plan movable or fixed pieces of
furniture, cabinets, covered walks, grottos, pools, landscaping and other items of
similar nature, the Owner shall pay the Architect in addition to the Minimum Basic
Fee, a compensation in the amount of the Construction Cost of the above work.

6.11 Full-time Supervision

Upon recommendation of the Architect and with the approval of the Owner, full-
time construction inspectors as will be deemed necessary shall be engaged and paid
for by the Owner. The full-time construction inspectors shall be under the technical
control and supervision of the Architect and shall make periodic reports to the
Owner and to the Architect as to the progress and quality of the work done.

UAP DOC. 202

6.12 Estimates
Any Statements of Probable Construction Cost, or any Semi-Detailed or Detailed
Cost Estimates submitted by the Architect is accurate only up to a certain degree.
This is so because the Architect has no control over the cost of labor and materials,
or the many factors that go into competitive bidding.
6.13 Government Taxes on Services
The Architect’s Fee as stipulated in Section 3 “Minimum Basic Fee” is net to the
Architect. Any tax that the government may impose on the Architect as a
consequence of the services performed for the Project (exclusive of income tax)
shall be paid by the Owner.
6.14 Ownership Document
All designs, drawings, models specifications and copies thereof, prepared and
furnished by the Architect in connection with any project are instruments of
professional service. As instruments of service they are the property of the
Architect whether the work for which they were made may be executed or not, and
are not to be reproduced or used on other work except with a written agreement
with the Architect.
This is in pursuance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act 545 promulgated
on June 17, 1950 and of Presidential Decree No. 49 on the “Protection of
Intellectual Property” issued on November 14, 1972.
6.15 Cost Records
During the progress of work the Owner shall furnish the Architect two (2) copies of
records of expenses being incurred on the construction. Upon completion of the
project, the Owner shall furnish the Architect two (2) copies of the summary of all
cost of labor, services, materials, equipment, fixtures and all items used at and for
the completion of the construction.
6.16 Design and Placement of Signs
All signboards of contractors, sub-contractors, jobbers and dealers that shall be
placed at the project site during the progress of construction shall be approved by
the Architect as to size, design and contents. After the completion of the project, the
Owner or his building lessee shall consult the Architect for the design and size of all
signboards, letterings, directories and display boards that will be placed on the
exterior or public areas attached to the building, in order to safeguard the Owner’s
interest that nothing will be installed inside or outside of the building that would
mar the safety and aesthetics of the structure.
6.17 Project Construction Cost
Project Construction Cost as herein referred to, means the cost of the completed
structure to the Owner including plumbing and electrical fixtures, mechanical
equipment, elevators, escalators, air-conditioning system, automatic fire sprinkler
system, alarm and clock system, communications and electronic system, elements
attached to the building and all items indicated in the drawings designed by or
specified by the Architect and his consultant.
UAP DOC. 202

Other items if designed and planned by the Architect, such as movable or fixed
pieces of furniture, cabinets, covered walks, grottos, pools, landscaping and other
items of similar nature are to be paid for separately by the Owner to the Architect as
stipulated in Section 6.10 (Separate Services)

The Project Construction Cost does not include any Architect’s fee or Engineer’s fee
or the salaries of the construction inspectors. When labor or materials are furnished
by the Owner below its market cost, the cost of the work shall be computed upon
such current market-cost.


1.1 Architecture -- the blending of aesthetics, functions, space and materials results
from the application of the skills of many people. Time and Technology have
moved to a level where other allied professions are needed to complete,
complement or supplement the necessary services for a building project. Today,
the environmental design professions, of which architecture has a lead part, are
involved with a total commitment to improving the way we live.

1.2 The Architect’s main responsibility to his client is to produce a structure that will
house the activity it was intended for that is well-planned, soundly constructed,
aesthetically satisfying and within the financial limitation of the project.
1.3 The Architect’s responsibility to society is to make sure that not the structure alone
but also its physical environment can enhance the lives of all people. He relates
not only to purely design and build professions but to allied professions as well, to
achieve totality in design.

1.4 The design of the structure proper falls under the Architect’s Regular Services
(UAP Doc. 202).

1.5 Design services needed within and outside the building which require
specializations fall under “Specialized Allied Services” namely:
a. Interior Design
b. Acoustic, Communication and Electronic Engineering
c. Landscape Design
d. Physical Planning
e. Comprehensive Planning

UAP DOC. 203



(Please also refer to R.A. No. 8534, The Interior Design Act of 1998 and
to the specific provisions of R.A. No. 9266 that clearly state that
architectural interiors form part of the scope of practice of the regulated
profession of architecture)

1.1 In the design of the structure, the Architect works on a concept. For the realization
of this concept, the Architect builds his structure making both exterior and interior
spaces contribute to the total design concept of the structure.
He designs and develops interiors of buildings and residences such that they
contribute to the physical, visual and intellectual comforts of the users.
2.1 Depending on the complexity of the project, the Architect may get assistance from
Consultants whose expert advice may be needed in the detailing of interior
3.1 The Architect, upon designing a structure, houses specific activities by controlling
the spaces where these activities are to take place. The various spaces are designed
to make the space fit the specific mood and the required activity.

Due to the discovery of new products and equipment, interior design has become a
field of specialization. As such it offers the following services:

a. Prescribes furniture and interior design finishes appropriate for different

activities and spaces and prepares furniture and furnishing layout.
b. Prepares the design and schedule of furniture giving their dimensions,
specifications and locations.
c. Assists the client in conducting bids or negotiations with furniture fabricators
and other suppliers.
d. Checks and approves samples of materials and shop drawings of furniture,
furnishings, fixtures and decor items.
e. Conducts final inspection and approval of furniture and other item.
4.1 For projects including extensive detailing such as furniture design, built-in
equipment and special fittings, the Architect is paid 15% of the cost of the work.
The fee may however vary from 12% to 20% depending on the complexity of the
work to be undertaken.

4.2 The fee of the Architect as stipulated above includes the fee of the Consultant
working with the Architect.

UAP DOC. 203-a

4.3 Should the Client hire separately the services of the Consultant, the fee of said
Consultant shall be on the account of the Client and paid directly by the Client. In
such a case, the fee of the Architect for coordinating the work and relating the
work of the Consultant to the design concept of the Architect will be 5% of the cost
of the work.


(Please also refer to P.D. No. 1308, The Environmental Planning Act and to
the specific provisions of R.A. No. 9266 that clearly state that site and
physical planning form part of the scope of practice of the regulated
profession of architecture)

4.1 When the Architect is commissioned to do physical planing for building sites
such as Industrial Estates, Commercial, Institutional and Government Centers,
Sports Complexes, Tourist Centers, Resorts, Amusement Parks, Educational
Campuses, Housing Subdivisions and the like, the services are as follows:
a. Confers with the Client on project requirements and secures and/or generates
sufficient data base from which reliable projections and/or analyses can be
made for translation to physical design.
b. Examines laws, ordinances, rules and regulations affecting the project.
c. Prepares concept development plans and report from relevant information
gathered by other disciplines.

d. Prepares scaled preliminary plans showing physical allocation of areas,

roads and pedestrian arteries, basic utility layouts and building envelopes.

e. Prepares budgetary estimate of cost of physical development.

f. Undertakes modifications, revisions and changes as may be required.

g. Prepares Final Plans, report and Specifications needed for approval by the
proper government agencies concerned.
UAP DOC. 203-a
Type 1
5.1 Physical Planning for building sites such as Industrial Estates, Commercial Centers,
Sports Complexes, Resorts, Tourist Centers, Amusement Parks, Educational Campuses,
Institutional and Government Centers, and Site Planning of any complex consisting of
several structures within a contiguous site.

* Basic rate for the first 50 hectares - P 5,000 per hectare

or less
* Over 50 - P250,000 plus
hectares up to 100 hectares P 4,5000 per hectare in excess of 50
* Over 100 hectares up to 200 - P475,000 plus P 4,000 per hectare in
hectares excess of 100 hectares
* Over 200 hectares - P875,000 plus
P 3,000 per
hectare in excess of 200 hectares
* All References to fixed amount are based on the 1979 purchasing value of the Peso. Adjustment of the fee
shall be made at the time of the contract due to inflation and other factors.
Type 2
5.2 Subdivision Planning for housing on properties within Metro-Manila, cities, regional centers
and provincial capitals.

* Basic rate for the first 100 - P 3,000 per hectare

hectares or less
* Over 100 hectares up to 200 - P300,000 plus
hectares P 2,3000 per hectare in excess of 100
* Over 200 hectares - P550,000 plus
P 2,000 per
hectare in excess of 200 hectares
Type 3
5.3 Subdivision Planning for housing on properties located on other localities beside those under
Type 2.
* Basic rate for the first 100 - P 2,000 per hectare
hectares or less
* Over 100 hectares up to 200 - P200,000 plus
hectares P 1,5000 per hectare in excess of 100

* Over 200 hectares - P350,000 plus

P 1,000 per
hectare in excess of 200 hectares

The rate stipulated under Article 5 above is based on the assumption that the land to be
developed is moderately flat. If the land is rugged with steep terrain the fee shall
increased by thirty percent (30%).


6.1 The Architect may undertake the site planning of a project requiring a composite
arrangement of several buildings enveloped on a contiguous site of a moderate size of
three (3) hectares or less. Any commission on physical planning of a larger magnitude or
a complex nature, should be done by the Architect with several years of experience in
planning or has had additional academic training in planning. He should most
importantly possess administrative, technical and managerial ability aside from an
equitable social commitment.

6.2 Should other services be required by the project, such as environmental studies, feasibility
study, market analysis, movement systems, impact analysis and others, said services
should be performed by an Architect acting as the prime professional of the team.

6.3 The cost for environmental studies surveys, site investigation and titling of the parcels of
land shall be on the account of the Owner.

6.4 The detailed design of the building and landscaping elements is not part of physical
planning services and shall be treated separately under the “Architects Regular Services”
or “Specialized Allied Services”.

6.5 For the preparation of detailed engineering drawings and specifications on roads,
drainage, sewerage, power and communication system an additional fee of four percent
(4%) of the cost of the development is to be charged.
UAP DOC. 203-a
(Please also refer to P.D. No. 1308, The Environmental Planning Act)


1.1 In the planning discipline, the process of coming up with a plan is made more explicit.
The gathering of data is made more scientific by the analysis and synthesis of data
with the use of certain scientific tools for analysis like statistics. The preparation
of the final plan gives alternative options through consideration of various factors
such as social and economic cost benefits, forecasting of environmental
consequences and the like.

1.2 Comprehensive Planning Services is based on the concept of expanded planning

services to include other activities necessary for the proper handling of the
numerous components considered in the formulation of a master development plan.


2.1 Comprehensive Planning Services is the range of all services offered by the
environmental-planner from data base gathering to environmental impact
statements up to the formulation of the Master Development Plan.

2.2 In the formulation of the Master Development Plan, the following components are
to be considered:

a. Physical Component

Concerned with land use and the changes which occur within the physical
environment (within the space where these activities take place).

b. Economic Component

Concerned with the nation’s assets and its management

c. Socio-Cultural Component

Concerned with the people, their living conditions and the seeking of ways to
ameliorate it.

UAP DOC. 203-e

d. Transport Component

Concerned with the movement of people and goods from one place to another.

e. Legal and Administrative Component

Concerned with the relationship of policies to the existing laws.


3.1 Planning calls for the detailed study of physical, social, economic and administrative
components and as such requires the expertise and knowledge of other specialists. (Refer
to succeeding diagram.)


(Please also refer to P.D. No. 1308, The Environmental Planning Act and to
the specific provisions of R.A. No. 9266 that clearly state that site and
physical planning form part of the scope of practice of the regulated
profession of architecture)

4.1 The Architect’s ability to synthesize and organize into a whole, various information
relating to the user’s needs, user’s perception and expectations, site and climatic factors,
construction technology, materials, cost and other information has qualified him to take
the lead role in any undertaking that cut across various disciplines.
4.2 The Environmental Planner is concerned with the management and use of land as well as
the conservation and upgrading of the human environment. Since the Architect, with
experience in planning, has the social commitment and technical experience as
coordinator of several disciplines, he is qualified as the Environmental Planner and leader
of the multi-disciplinary team to offer Comprehensive Planning Services.


5.1 When the Environmental Planner is commissioned to do town and regional planning or
urban renewal projects, he performs the following:
a. Identifies existing land use, resources, social behavior and interaction.
b. Undertakes environmental analysis, feasibility studies, demographic analysis.
c. Examines existing laws, ordinances, political/social constraints.
d. Prepares concept development plans, policies, implementing strategies to arrive at the
Master Development Plan.

UAP DOC. 203-e


6.1 As a specialized service, the Architect shall be compensated for by the following methods:

a. Professional Fee plus Expenses

The fee of the Architect-Planner for the physical planning component is based on the
schedule prescribed under UAP Doc. 203-D “Physical Planning Services” while the fee
for consultants, researches and other out of pocket expenses are reimbursable to the

b. Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense

Refer to UAP Doc. 208-B “Methods of Compensation” for details.

UAP DOC. 203-e

TELEPHONES: 8327850, 551-4233,552-4329, 551-4350, 832-1120 loc. 09 TELEFAX: 832-3711






1.1 For the past 50 years in our country, the design and building construction process
is undertaken by four principal members namely:

a. The OWNER who orders for the implementation of a project;

b. The ARCHITECT and his ENGINEER - CONSULTANTS who render design

services and limited inspection work;

c. The CONTRACTOR who performs the construction work;

d. The individual or group of individuals who assist on the supervision and

delivery of the work.


2.1 Up to the early fifties when projects were manageable in size, the Architect was
assisted by a construction inspector, traditio- nally called Clerk-of-Works. As
projects become more complex, there is a need for a construction supervision group
who will do the full-time inspection at the jobsite. The Construction Supervision
Group is normally recommended by the Architect based on their performance and
hired by the Owner. He is responsible both to the Owner and the Architect.

The fundamental functions and primary responsibilities of the construction supervision
group are:

3.1 Quality Control of Work

He makes certain that the Contractor complies with the plans, specifications and
called other contract documents and assures that workmanship is in accordance
with sound and accepted construction practices.

3.2 Evaluation and Construction Work

He assists the Architect and the Design Engineer in the evaluation of the work of
the Contractor.

3.3 Keeping of Records, Reports and Contract Documents

UAP DOC. 204-a

4.1 Quality Control

a. Assist the Contractor in the interpretation of the Contract Documents.

b. Obtain from the Architect additional details of information if, and when
required at the jobsite for proper execution of the work.
c. Conduct on-site observations and check the quality of the work, materials and
equipment for consistency with the Contract Documents.

d. Notify Contractor if any material or any portion of the work does not conform to
specifications or if unacceptable in quality. Confirm these in writing.

e. Follow-up and check daily on corrective work being undertaken.

f. Check that materials are properly stored, handled, and used on the project.

g. Inspect safety measures taken by the Contractor.

h. Supervise/Perform sampling and testing of materials when necessary. Promptly

report test results to those concerned.

i. Check, in the company of Contractor and others concerned, testing of plumbing,

electrical, air conditioning, mechanical and other installations.
j. Disallow the installation of any material and equipment for which shop
drawings have not been duly approved by the Architect.
k. Forbid the use of materials, tools and equipment, or workmanship which do not
conform with the plans and specifications.
l. Require the removal or repair of defective or faulty construction; or of
construction which could not be inspected in place; or the construction of a
critical item, expressedly identified as such, and which was performed without
m. Stop any work which is not being done in accordance with the plans and
specifications and the Contract Agreement between the Owner and the
n. Before a project nears its completion stage, make a list of items for correction, and
check each item as it is corrected before final inspection.

4.2 Evaluation
a. Consider and evaluate suggestions or modifications which may be submitted by
the Contractor to the Architect and report them with recommendations to the
Architect for final decision.

UAP DOC. 204-a

b. Review and verify nature, quantities, and Contractor’s prices on change orders.

c. Confirm, review and verify Emergency/Extra Work Orders claimed by the


d. Review with all concerned the requisitions for payment as submitted by the
Contractor and forward them with recommendations to the Architect for

e. Be alert to the various schedules of completion date and to conditions which may
cause delay in completion, and report same to the Architect. When the
construction work has been completed in accordance with the Contract
Documents, advise the Architect that the work is ready for general inspection
and acceptance.

4.3 Records

a. Keep in the field office an orderly file of:

Copy of the Contract Agreement

Copy of Approved Plans and Specifications
Copies of Building Permits and Licenses

4.4 Make daily Inspection Reports which include:

a. Weather Conditions
b. Manpower Availability and Distribution of Skills
c. Construction Activities by Phase (Structural, Sanitary, Electrical, Mechanical,
Architectural, etc.)
d. Equipment Utilization
e. Materials Delivered/Checked
f. Correspondence/Memoranda Received
g. Correspondence/Memoranda Transmitted
h. Agreement/Decisions Made
i. Official Visitors
j. Observations/Recommendation

UAP DOC. 204-a

4.5 Keep in file the following documents:
a. Progress and Accomplishment Reports
b. Change Orders
c. Payments Processed
d. As-Built Drawings/Information
e. Maintenance and Operation manuals of equipment certifications, guarantees,
and the like for items furnished on the project.


5.1 Conduct regular coordination meetings with the Owner, the Architect-Engineer-
Consultant, the Contractor, and such other parties as may be required, or their
designated representatives.

5.1 Attend conferences called by the Owner or the Architect/Engineer-Consultant.

5.2 Accompany the Owner, the Architect/Engineer-Consultant or their

representative(s), and government inspectors during their visits to the project.
6.1 The Construction Supervision Group shall not enter into the field of responsibility
of the Contractor’s project superin- tendent.

6.2 He shall not make decisions on matters that are the sole responsibility of the
Architect and/or Design Engineer.

7.1 The Construction Supervision Group is responsible to the Owner on administrative
matters. On technical matters he is responsible to the Architect and the Design
Engineers. He does not have any legal responsibility as far as the present Civil
Code is concerned. It is still the Architect and the Design Engineer who are
responsible for their designs while the Contractor is responsible for his
construction work.

8.1 Full-Time Inspectors must be at least a college graduate who has a degree in
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Sanitary Engineer or Electrical Engineering. He must have some experience in
designing and very knowledgeable in building materials and in construction.

UAP DOC. 204-a


The Construction Supervision Group is usually recommended by the Architect and is paid
by the Owner either on a salary basis or on an agreed flat rate per month. Overtime work
is paid on a higher rate.


10.1 When requested by the Owner, the Architect can also perform full-time supervisory
services. As the Architect of the project, he is in a better position to interpret his
drawings and documents for compliance by the Contractor. He can assign his staff to
undertake the full-time supervisory work and perform those works enumerated
under articles 3, 4, and 5.
10.2 The services of the Architect as full-time supervisor can be compensated for by any of
the following methods:
a. Percentage Fee Method
A fee of 1% to 1½% of the Project Construction Cost.
b. Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense Method (Refer to UAP Doc. 208)

1.1 Due to the growing complexity of construction projects, there is a need to have a more
effective cost control and faster project implementation scheme. The Construction
Manager has emerged to fill this need in the construction industry.
1.2 The Construction Manager could be a member of the staff of the Owner or he could be
an independent individual or firm hired by the Owner to manage the construction of
a particular project.


2.1 Coordination and Supervision

a. Recommends the General Contractor and Specialty Trade Contractors that
would work with the construction team.
b. Coordinates and supervises all construction groups involved in the project.
c. Approves methods and systems of construction.

UAP DOC. 204-b


2.2 Cost and Time Control

a. Programming, planning and scheduling of all construction activities and sees to it
that these are properly monitored during execution phase.
b. Prepares Pert CMP and Cash Flow
c. Reviews all Change Orders and Payments prior to approval of Owner.

2.3 Quality Control of Work and Keeping of Records

The functions of the Construction Supervision Group become part of the
responsibilities of the Construction Manager. (Refer to Doc. 204-A for complete
functions of Construction Supervision Group).
The Construction Manager may hire the Construction Supervision Group under his
employ or it could be a separate group hired directly by the Owner but works under
the control of the Construction Manager.

3.1 The Construction Manager shall not involve himself directly with the work of the
Contractor such that it may be construed that he is relieving the Contractor of his
responsibility as provided for in the Civil Code.
3.2 He shall not impose methods, systems or designs that will substantially affect the
construction schedule and impair the design concept of the Architect.
3.3 He shall not interfere with the Architect’s design if such design generates the
necessary environmental and aesthetic quality of the project.

4.1 The Construction Manager usually reports directly to the Owner and he is therefore
responsible to the Owner on all aspects of the programming, coordination, quality
control of the work and cost control.
4.2 However, he has no legal responsibility should the equipment fail to function as per
design or should a portion of the building collapse.
It is the Architect with his Design Engineers and the Contractor who are responsible by
law for their designs and construction respectively.

5.1 The Construction Manager may be an individual or a firm.
5.2 The individual or the principal of the firm must be a professional, preferably an
Architect or Engineer, long experienced in the construction field and possessed with
managerial talent and capabilities.
5.3 Those who were contractors or who have been in responsible charge of construction
are usually capable of making the transition from Contractors to Construction

UAP DOC. 204-b

6.1 Construction management contracts are professional service contracts normally
negotiated between the Owner and the Construction Manager. A basic fixed fee of
1½% to 3% of the estimated construction cost is the total compensation. The contract
provides for reimbursement for the actual costs of certain designated services and
general condition items.


7.1 To motivate the Construction Manager to reduce acquisition and operating costs, the
services of the Construction Manager is compensated for by a range of incentive-type
contracts and provisions.

During the initial stages of acquisition, incentive type contracts are appropriate such
a. Award Fee Provisions-
The Construction Manager has the opportunity to obtain an award fee of specified
maximum size if the measured cost-related values meet or exceed the specified
target values.
b. Price Adjustment Provision-
The contract price is adjusted upward or downward in accordance with a
prearranged formula.
c. Operating and support cost factor provision provides a direct incentive on
operating and support costs.

7.1 For the later stages of a project, contract types are used to encourage better
construction management services. The preceding types of contracts for construction
management services are used according to gross estimates and complexity of work.

a. Firm Fixed Price -

The Owner will pay the Construction Manager a fixed fee. The fee will be
unaffected by variations between the estimate and the bids or by change orders
during the construction phase unless the Owner initiates an increase in scope.

b. Fixed Price Incentive -

The Owner will pay the Construction Manager a fixed fee which is adjusted
according to the difference between the final allowable costs and the target costs.

UAP DOC. 204-b

c. Cost plus Incentive Fee (CPIF) or Cost plus Adjusted Fee (CPAF) -

Cost reimbursement type contracts will provisions for a fee that is adjusted by
“sharing” formulas applied to the difference between the final allowable costs
and the target costs.

d. Cost Plus Fixed Fee -

The Owner will pay the construction management a fixed fee plus reimbursement
of certain expenses incurred in the performance of basis services.


8.1 Trained in the coordination of various specialties, the Architect can also serve as the
Construction Manager. He can easily supervise and make sure that all construction
activities are properly monitored and followed and that all workmanship is of the
quality desired with all costs incurred justified.

Since construction management is not part of the regular services of the Architect, the
services rendered by the Architect as a Construction Manager shall be compensated of
UAP DOC. 204-b

1. The Owner who orders for the implementation of a project;
2. The Architect and his Engineer-Consultants who render design services and limited inspection work;
3. The Contractor who performs the construction work; and
4. The individual or group of individuals called Clerk-of-Works, Resident Inspector or Works Engineer who
is hired by the Owner to do full-time inspection work.
He assists in the Construction Phase of the project and is responsible to the Architect on technical matters.
5. The individual or firm called the Construction Manager who assists on the supervision and delivery of the
The Construction Manager may have a group of full-time inspectors in his staff or hire the necessary
inspectors for the owner. The functions of the full-time inspectors are therefore included under the
responsibility of the Construction Manager in this matrix.


A-1 Selection of prime professional
Architect or Engineer

A-2 Selection of Consultants
• • •
A-3 Site Selection and Evaluation
* • •
a. Utilities *Owner might
• •
b. Transportation have acquired
• •
c. Cost site already.
• •
d. Land-Use
• •
A-4 Feasibility Study
a. Technical (definitive
drawings and specifications)
• •
b. Socio-Economic

c. Marketing

d. Financial

UAP DOC. 204-b



e. Budgetary Estimate
• •
f. Programming & Scheduling
• •
A-5 Topographic Survey
• •
A-6 Soil Investigation

A-7 Environmental Impact Study

A-8 Design, Criteria, Applicable
Codes & Regulations
• •
A-9 Clearances
a. Human Settlements

b. Subdivision Regulation

c. National Pollution Control

d. National Housing Authority
• •
e. Building Official
• •
A-10 Space & Functional

(Preparation of Contract
B-1 Preliminary Design
• •
a. Outline Specifications
• •
b. Preliminary Estimate
• • •
c. Presentation Drawings &
• •
B-2 Construction Documents
a. Working Drawings
• •
b. Specifications
• •
c. General Conditions

UAP DOC. 204-b



B-3 Procurement Specifications

• • •
B-4 Bill of Materials

B-5 Cost Estimates * Based on certain
* * •
B-6 Approval of Contract parameters to serve
Documents •
B-7 Authentication of Contract only as guide on
Documents (plans and • • • bidding
C-1 Selection of Const. Manager *Recommendatory
• * *
C-2 Selection of Gen. Contractor
• • •
C-3 Selection of Specialty Trade
• • • • •
C-4 Selection of Bids & Awards

C-5 Preparation of Bid Documents
• •
C-6 Distribution of Bid Documents
• • • •
C-7 Advertising
• •
C-8 Evaluation
• • •
C-9 Awards of Contracts

D-1 Selection of Full-Time *Recommendatory
• * * •
D-2 Full-Time Inspection
• •
D-3 Part-Time Inspection
• •
D-4 Secure Building Permits &
• • •

UAP DOC. 204-b



D-5 Payment of Building Permits

& Licenses
• •
D-6 Provision of Temporary Filed
Offices, & Utilities

D-7 Pert CPM

a. Preparation

b. Review
• •
c. Approval
• •
D-8 Keeping of Field Records for
the Owner
a. Time Records
• •
b. Materials & Equipment
• •
c. Progress Reports
• •
d. Change Orders
• •
e. Payments
• •
f. As-Built Information
• •
g. Shop Drawings
• •
h. Filed Logbook
• •
i. Contract Documents
• •
j. Test Results
• •
k. Minutes of Meeting &
• •
D-9 Request for Change Orders
• • • •
D-10 Issuance of Change Orders
• •
D-11 Evaluation of Change Orders
• • • • •
D-12 Approval of Change Orders
• •
UAP DOC. 204-b


D-13 Progress Payments

a. Billing

b. Verification of Billing
• •
c. Certificate of Payment
• • •
d. Payment

D-14 Interpretation of Drawings,
Specifications and Other
• • • •
Contract Documents
D-15 Resolution of Conflict on
Technical Matters Relative to
• •
Drawings, Specifications &
Other Contract Documents
D-16 Assist in Solving Construction
Problems Caused by
• • • •
Unforeseen Contingencies &
D-17 Preparation of Shop Drawings

D-18 Approval of Shop Drawings
• •
D-19 Quality Control
a. Testing and Sampling of
• • •
Materials at Site or Factory
b. Inspection of Structural
• • •
c. Inspection of Mechanical
System • • •
d. Inspection of Electrical System
• • •
e. Inspection of Sanitary/
Plumbing System
• • •
f. Inspection of Architectural
Works & Finishes
• • •
g. Inspection of Civil Works
• •
h. Overall Field Coordination
• •
UAP DOC. 204-b


D-20 Approval of Samples of •

Finishing Materials
D-21 Coordination of Works of • •
Various Contractors &
Specialty Trade Contractors
D-22 Adherence to Approved Schedule
a. Equipment • •
b. Labor • •
c. Material/Deliveries • •
D-23 Cost Control
a. Cash Flow • •
b. Purchasing of Materials/ • •
c. Value-Engineering • •
d. Cost Records • •
D-24 Safety Measures
a. Preparation of Requirements • • •
b. Implementations •
c. Inspection • •
D-25 Testing of Systems
a. Sanitary/Plumbing • • • •
b. Electrical • • • •
c. Mechanical & Other • • • •
d. Other Auxiliary Systems • • • •
D-26 Substantial Completion
a. Inspection • • • •
b. Preparation of Check, List of • •
Uncompleted Work and/or
Defective Work

UAP DOC. 204-b



D-27 Completion
a. Preparation of Request for
Final Inspection

b. Certification from
Government Agencies

- Certificate of Occupancy
• • •
- Certificate of Final
Inspection of Electrical,

Sanitary and Mechanical
c. Certificate of Complete
Payment of Contractor’s

Labor, Materials and
d. Preparation of As-Built Drawings

e. Verification of As-Built Drawings

f. Issuance of Operating

g. Main Utility Connection

h. Filing of report and
Guarantee Bond

i. Certificate of Final Payment
- Verification of Billing
• •
- Issuance of Certificate
• • •
- Acceptance
• •
- Payment

E-1 Maintenance

E-2 Issuance of Maintenance
Guidelines & Operating


UAP DOC. 204-b



E-3 Correction Measures on •

E-4 Start-Up of Plant Equipment •
& Correction Adjustment
E-5 Final Report • •



1. He shall not enter into the field of responsibility of the contractors’ project superintendent.

2. He shall not make decisions on matters that are the sole responsibility of the Architect and/or
Design Engineer.
UAP DOC. 204-b
1.1 Post-construction services “wraps-up” the whole range of architectural services. It gives
full meaning to what the professional calls Comprehensive Architectural Services. The
channel of communications from building owners and operators to architects, builders,
manufacturers and building research groups is maintained so that information on
performance and upkeep of buildings, and building component is readily available.
1.2 The involvement of the Architect in post-construction services helps maintain the
necessary channel of communications between the designers and the end users. Some of
the services are the following:
a. Building and Equipment Maintenance
b. Building and Ground Administrations
c. Post-Construction Evaluation


2.1 With the completion of the structures and consequent turnover to the Owner, the latter
can hire the services of an “in-house” Architect. It shall be the duty of the Architect to
see to it that the building and all the parts thereat (plumbing and lighting fixtures,
partitions, etc.) as well as all the equipment (air conditioning; sprinkler system,
generators, etc.) are in good working condition and properly maintained.


3.1 Aside from building and equipment maintenance, the “in-house” Architect functions as
the building and grounds administrator. Specifically, the responsibilities of a building
and grounds administrator are:
a. Billing of tenants for rentals and utilities like electricity, water, telephone and gas.
b. Monitoring of security and janitorial services.
c. Must be conversant with local ordinances and building regulations enacted to protect
health, life and property.

4.1 Whenever desired by the Owner, the Architect can offer post-construction evaluation
services. His services shall then consist of the following:
a. Evaluate the initial program versus the actual use of facility.
b. Determine the effectiveness of the various building systems and the materials
systems and the materials systems in use.
c. Evaluate the functional effectiveness of the plan
d. Study the application and effectiveness of the design construction process

UAP DOC. 205


5.1 The method of compensation can either be (1) salary basis or (2) management fee based
on percentage of gross rentals. The rate of the fee is from 4% to 6% of gross rentals.
5.2 In both cases, the expenses for repairs of the building and equipment and maintenance of
the grounds are paid separately by the Owner.

1.1 The concept of Comprehensive Architectural Services crystallized through the years in
response to the demands of today’s complex building projects. The transition of the
architectural profession from providing “basic” and “additional” services to a
comprehensive nature is due to the fact that a continuity of services related to design and
construction is necessary for the execution of a completely viable project.
1.2 Comprehensive Architectural Services is a range of professional services that covers Pre-
design Services, Allied Services, Construction Services and Post-Construction Services.
1.3 In this extended dimension, the Architect is the prime professional. He functions as
creator, coordinator and author of the building design with which a project will be
Architects have to be knowledgeable in a number of fields in addition to those that are
concerned mainly with building design for him to properly assist and serve his client.
1.4 It is not expected that the Architect will actually perform all the services. Rather, he is to
act as the agent of the Client in procuring and coordinating the necessary services
required by a project.


2.1 Pre-Design Services (UAP Doc. 201)
a. Economic Feasibility
b. Project Financing
c. Architectural Programming
d. Site Selection and Analysis
e. Site Utilization and Land-Use Study
f. Promotional Services
g. Space/Management Study
2.2 Design Services: Regular Architectural Services
(UAP Doc. 202)
a. Preliminary Design
b. Work Drawings
c. Specifications and Other Contract Documents
d. Part-Time Supervision
UAP DOC. 206
2.3 Specialized Allied Services
(UAP Doc. 203)
a. Interior Design
b. Landscape Design
c. Acoustics, Communication and Electronic Engineering
d. Planning

2.4 Construction Services

(UAP Doc. 204)
a. Full-Time Supervision
b. Construction Management
2.5 Post-Construction Services
(UAP Doc. 205)
a. Building and Equipment Maintenance
b. Building Administration


3.1 Project Management
When the Owner hires an Architect or a firm to coordinate the whole range of
Comprehensive Architectural Services this constitute Project Management.
3.2 Project Management is therefore that
group of a management activities over and above normal architectural and engineering
services carried out during the pre-design, design and construction phases, that
contribute to the control of time, cost and quality of construction of a project. It is a
procedure by which an Owner, desiring to embark on a project of unusual scope and
complexity, engages a professional management service to provide technical
consultations during the conceptual and design stages of a project and also to provide for
organizing and directing consultation activities, including purchasing, supervision,
inspection and acceptance.
3.3 It is the intention and the practice of project management not to impinge or relieve the
designers and contractors of their respective normal duties and responsibilities in the
design and construction of the project. Project Management is supposed to augment,
supplement and be complimentary to the functions of Architects, Engineers and
Contractors in meeting the broad and complex requirements of usual projects.


4.1 Basic Functions
a. In the Team Concept of construction, the Project Manager (individual or firm)
operates as a member of an Owner-Architect-Engineer-Contractor Team.
In the Team Approach, each member of the team will have precedence and exercise
leadership in his own sphere of operations or expertise.

UAP DOC. 206

In accordance with this principle, the Architect and the Engineer-Consultants will
have prime responsibility for the design of the project.
b. The Contractor shall be responsible for his men and equipment and the delivery of the
project as per contract. The Owner’s role is to make decisions on the project and to
assure that funds are available to complete the project within the budget estimates.
c. The Project Manager’s role is to plan, program and monitor the various activities, and
act as an adviser on material costs and construction methods. His primary
responsibility, therefore, is the exercise of overall cost control. It relieves the Owner of
many of the anxieties that usually beset him, particularly those concerned with
forecasting costs and completion dates.

4.2 Detailed Functions

a. Pre-Construction Phase
As early as practicable during design development, perhaps, concurrently with the
Architect’s commission, the Project Manager should enter regular consultation with
Architects and Engineers (AE) and with the Owner on all aspects of planning for the
project. Pre-bid management service might include, but not necessarily encompass all
of or be limited to the following:
a-1 Advise Owner and Architect on practical consequences of their decisions and
design options. Review drawings and specifications, architectural and
engineering, for the purpose of advising on site conditions, appropriate materials
alter- nates, construction feasibility of various systems and the possible design and
cost implications of local availability of materials and labor.
a-2 Prepare periodic cost evaluations and estimates related to both the overall
budget and to the preliminary allocations of budget to the various systems. These
cost estimates will be successively revised and refined as working drawings for
each system are developed. The Project Manager will advise the Architect-
Engineer and the Owner whenever the refined estimates shows the probability of
exceeding the budget allocation, or whenever the construction time required for a
given system is likely to prolong or delay completion schedule.
a-3 Recommend for early purchase (by the Owner) of those specified items of
equipment and materials that require a long lead time for procurement and
delivery and expedite purchases in general.
a-4 Advise on the pre-packing of bidding documents for the awarding of separate
construction contracts for the various systems and trades. This will include
advising on the sequence of document preparation to facilitate phased
construction work during completion of the design development.
a-5 Consider the type and scope of work represented by each bid package in relation
to time required for performance, availability of labor and materials,
community relations and participate in the schedule of both design and
construction procedures.
UAP DOC. 206
a-6 As schedule criteria of design and construction emerge, the Project Manager may,
with the cooperation of the Architect-Engineer, work some of the design
operations into an overall CPM or other network scheduling opera- tion.

a-7 Check bid packages, dra- wings and specifications to eliminate overlapping of
jurisdictions among the separate contractors.

a-8 Review all contract docu- ments to be sure that someone is responsible for
general requirements on the site and for temporary facilities to house the
management and commerce. The project manager should ascertain that
specifications for such headquarters and furnishings are adequate to the operation.
Sometimes the general requirements are a separate contract under which
temporary site buildings, general guardrails, some items of machinery, access and
security measures are taken care of, either by a separate contractor or one of the
primes doing other parts of the work. As early as possible, the project manager
should set up a checklist of such general requirements to be sure that someone is
responsible for each.

a-9 Conduct pre-bid conferences among Contractors and Manufacturers of systems

and sub-systems to be sure that all bidders understand the components of the
bidding documents and the management techniques that will be applied including
any computerized inter-communication, network scheduling and cash flow

a-10 Review stipulations of the Owner with the bidders regarding the project
management personnel, services control authorities, insurance, bonding, liability
and other aspects and requirements of the project.

b. Construction Phase

The Project Manager reviews all bids for compliance with stipulated conditions. He
also makes recommendations for awards and may, with the concurrence of the
Architects, Engineers and Owner enter into the pre-qualifying and actual awarding
process. On a phased construction project, he will coordinate the awards with the
planning schedule and provide the following services:
b-1 Manage the general coordination and scheduling of work.
b-2 Maintain his own supervisory and inspection staff at the jobsite as well as
conducting factory inspections as required.
b-3 Observe work in progress to assure compliance with drawings and
b-4 Confer with Architects and Engineers when clarification or interpretation of the
documents becomes necessary.
b-5 Obtain and transmit in writing to all concerned any contract interpretations
where any possible dispute may arise.

UAP DOC. 206


b-6 Set up on-site lines of authority and communication to be sure progress of

work of all contractors is unimposed and the intent of the Architects and
Engineers is accurately fulfilled.
b-7 Set up assurances, perhaps in the form of organization charts, showing the project
administrator exactly what on-site personnel and organization channels are
provided and see that no changes are made without the written approval of the

b-8 Establish procedures or coordination among the administrator, architects,

engineers, separate contractors and the construction management organization.

b-9 Conduct such conferences among successful bidders as may be necessary to

maintain schedule and clarify any matter in dispute.

b-10 Revise and refine estimates as construction proceeds and as required to

incorporate approved changes as they occur. Monitor estimates and changes to
be sure that neither the schedule nor the budget is in danger of being exceeded.
b-11 Establish procedures for processing shop drawings, catalogs, and samples, the
scheduling of material requirements, and prompt cash flow as job phases are
b-12 See that each contractor’s labor and equipment are adequate for the work and
the schedule.
b-13 Be aware of safety programs developed by each separate contractor and
specially those safety provisions for the overall job as provided by the general
requirements contractor. (The Project Manager should be sure that this attention
to safety provisions does not relieve the separate contractors of their
responsibilities or liabilities for safety or property damaged).
b-14 Assist the Owner and the various Contractors in the development and
administration of an overall labor relations program for the project.
b-15 Update and keep current the CPM or other computerized overall control and be
sure that all parties with the need to know are informed.
b-16 Maintain records at the jobsite and elsewhere including, but not limited to,
records of all contracts, shop drawings, samples, purchases, subcontracts,
materials, equipment, applicable codes and standards, etc. These records are to
be available to the Architect and Engineers and Owner and may become
property of the Owner at the time of final payment.
b-17 Maintain cost accounting records of all job components including separate
accounting of the consequences of any change order and its effect of the
b-18 Keep accurate progress reports during all stages of construction.
b-19 Review and process all applications for progress payments.
UAP DOC. 206

b-20 Review all requests for changes and submit recommendations to the
Architects, Engineers and the Owner.
b-21 Implement any special Client requirements regarding processing forms or job
b-22 Be prepared to supply documentation required in the handling of claims or
disputes (and be sure the cost of preparing any such submission is covered
one way or another in the construction management agreement).
b-23 Advise Owner to obtain from qualified surveyors such as certified
records of site conditions, elevations, floor levels, etc., as may be required.

b-24 Insure that Contractors maintain a current set of records working drawings
and specifications.

b-25 Set up a joint inspection of the whole project at some specified interval prior
to completion, the inspection to be made by the Project Manager in company
with the Owner, the Architects and Engineers and other interested parties.
This inspection and the final inspection should be followed by decisions on
the part of all concerned as to the most economical and/or expeditious ways
of handling a “punch list” of incomplete and/or faulty installations
4.3 Note that the Project Manager’s Agreement should stipulate that none of his
inspection work will relieve any Contractor of his responsibility to provide acceptable
materials or to properly perform the work in accordance with the drawings and
specifications. Until such time as the lines of liability are more clearly defined, no part
of the Project Manager’s function should be construed as providing direct supervision
or instruction of the work or methods of the Contractor.

5.1 The limitation of authority of the Project Manager is similar to that of the
Construction Manager.
a. The Project Manager shall not involve himself directly with the work of the
Contractor such that it may be construed that he is relieving the Contractor of his
responsibility as provided for in the Civil Code.
b. He shall not impose methods, systems or designs that will substantially affect the
construction schedule and impair the design concept of the Architect.
c. He shall not interfere with the Architect’s design if such design generates the
necessary environmental and aesthetic quality of the project.
The Project Manager shall provide the necessary management support, by
applying his leadership and showing respect for co-professionals to be more
effective participants in the team.

UAP DOC. 206


6.1 Based on the Civil Code, the Project Manager has no legal responsibility insofar as
design and construction is concerned. It is still the Architect and design Engineers
who are responsible for the design, while the Contractor is solely responsible for his
construction. It is for this reason that the Construction Manager and the Project
Manager are not allowed to interfere in the field of design and construction as this
may be construed as relieving the designers and the Contractors of responsibilities as
provided by law.


7.1 Normally, the Architect enters into a contract with the Owner to perform
comprehensive architectural services. By the very nature of the services, he assumes
the role of the Project Manager or overall coordinator whose functions is outlined in
Section 4 of this document.
7.2 To perform the variety of services indicated in the Comprehensive Architectural
Services, the Architect must make full use of his own capability as well as the services
offered by other professionals.
He may expand his staff by hiring the experts needed or form a professional team
consisting of the following:
a. Architects
b. Engineers
c. Market Analyst
d. Accountants
e. General Contractors
f. Real Estate Consultants
g. Sociologists
h. Planners
I. Bankers
j. Lawyers
7.3 If a Project Manager is hired by the Owner, it is the responsibility of the Project
Manager to hire the Construction Manager either to be paid by him or by the Owner
on a salary or percentage basis of construction cost. In the same manner, the Full-
Time Supervisor will either be with the staff of the Project Manager or hired by the

8.1 The Project Manager is compensated on a percentage basis of 2% to 5% of estimated
Project Cost.
8.2 If the Architect as Project Manager performs Regular Architectural services for the
same project, he is compensated separately for these services as stipulated in UAP
Doc. 202.

UAP DOC. 206


1.1 In any building project, there is an intricate balance between time, quality and cost.
The architecture profession has been under pressure to come up with overall answers
to Client’s demands for simulations handling of time, quality and cost of projects with
the goal of maximizing these factors.

1.2 The building industry and the architectural profession have devised several methods
of project delivery with the ultimate goal of handling projects in the shortest possible
time, at the lowest cost and at an acceptable quality and performance.

1.3 One method of project delivery is the Design-Build Service namely:

a. Design-Build by Administration
b. Design-Build on a Guaranteed Maximum Cost
1.4 Legal Responsibility

This single-point-responsibility of project delivery puts the legal liability for both the
design and the construction on the Architect alone.


When the Project is constructed under the direct and sole responsibility of the Architect, he
performs the following services:

2.1 Prepares schedule of work, construction program, estimate and bill of materials, labor,
plants, equipment and services.
2.2 Hires construction personnel and designates duties and remunerations thereof;
2.3 Negotiates and enters into contract with piecework contractors and evaluates work
accomplished thereunder;
2.4 Procures materials, plants and equipment, licenses and permits;
2.5 Authorizes payments of accounts;
2.6 Keeps records and books of accounts;
2.7 negotiates with government agencies having jurisdiction over the project; and
2.8 Manages all other businesses of the construction;

UAP DOC. 207

2.9 The above services are performed with the following conditions:

- All costs of labor and materials are paid directly by the Client. The Architect does
not advance any money for payment of expenditures connected with the work.

- Although the Architect may prepare a detailed cost estimate of the Project, the
estimate may be guaranteed only on a range of Ten Percent (10%) plus or minus
the stated estimate.

- The Architect appoints, subject to the Client’s approval a construction

superintendent, a purchasing agent, a timekeeper or keepers, and a property clerk
aside from the usual labor personnel required. Salaries of such persons re paid by
the Client and is not deductible from the Architect’s fee.

- Cost of all permits and licenses incidential to the work are paid by the Client.

2.10 The fee of the Architect for the Design-Build Service by Administration is Seven
Percent (7%) of the Project Construction Cost in addition to the Architect’s Fee for the
Regular Design Services.


3.1 Basically the services rendered by the Architect is the same as that of the Design-Build
by Administration.

3.2 This method essentially consist of the Client being given a guaranteed maximum cost
for the construction of the project.
3.3 The manner of payment is by lump sum amount scheduled to follow the progress of
the Project. The Architect does not advance any amount to buy materials or pay labor.
Instead, a “revolving capital” is given at the start of the construction
3.4 If there is a savings on the cost of the Project, it is divided equally between the Client
and the Architect.
3.5 If the guaranteed maximum cost is exceeded by not more Ten Percent (10%), it is
divided equally between the Client and the Architect. However, if the excess is more
than Ten Percent (10%) , the Architect pays for all the extra costs in excess of the Ten
Percent (10%).
3.6 The fee of the Architect for the Design Build Service on a Guaranteed Maximum Cost
is either Ten Percent (10%) of the Project Construction Cost or is already built-in in the
Guaranteed Maximum Cost. Said fee is aside from the fee of the Architect for Regular
Design Services.

UAP DOC. 207


In formulating this document several references were used such as the AIA - Architect’s
Handbook of Professional Practice, RIBA Handbook: Architectural Practice, and
Management and other materials on architectural practice.

Three basic methods of selection are available to a Client seeking the services of an
2.1 Direct selection is most often used by an individual person undertaking a relatively
small project.
2.2 Comparative selection is most often employed by committees representing institutions,
corporations or public agencies.
2.3 Design Competitions are most frequently used for civic or monumental projects and
prestigious private buildings.

In this method, the Client selects his Architect on the basis of:
3.1 Reputation
3.2 Personal acquaintance or Recom- mendation of a friend
3.3 Recommendation of a former Client
3.4 Recommendation of another Architect

Usually, selection is made after information interviews and is most often based on the
personal desires of and evaluation by the Client.

This is perhaps the most common method of selecting an Architect. In essence, one
Architect is compared with others and the Client makes a selection based upon his
judgment of which firm is most qualified for the successful execution of his project.

Usually, a system is established whereby architectural firms must first qualify for an
interview by submitting information describing their firms. The Client reviews these
submissions and determines that perhaps six or seven might best serve his needs.
Representatives of these firms are then asked to present personally the qualifications of
their organizations at an interview session:

UAP DOC. 208-a

4.1 The Architect is usually given the opportunity to explain his background and particular
qualifications for the project under consideration and his approach to the proposed
project. He is then asked to respond to questions from the selection committee.

4.2 It is customary for the following information to be solicited from the Architect:
a. Date of organization of the firm.
b. References from former Clients and form some financial institutions.
c. Number of technical staff members.
d. Ability to undertake the project under consideration with due recognition of other
work in the office.
e. A list of similar projects built in recent years covering points as:

a-1 Project cost

a-2 Efficiency factors such as square foot or cubic foot costs, per pupil costs
for schools, per car costs for parking garages, or per patient costs for
a-3 Unique solutions to prior commissions.
a-4 Names of consultants normally used for services not provided by the
Architect himself.

4.3 The selection committee established by the Client may consist of experienced laymen; it
may have on it representatives of other professions or the construction industry and it may
include other concerned persons with related expertise, including Architects and
Engineers. The Architect should attempt to ascertain the composition of the selection
committee so that this presentation can be given at the appropriate technical level. He
should also learn in advance the general scope of the project and the location of the site.
This information should be readily available from the prospective Client.
4.4 After the selection committee has interviewed each of the applicants, checked references
and possibly visited actual buildings designed by each Architect, it forms its opinion of the
most capable firm and then undertakes the negotiations of the Owner-Architect Agreement
and the compensation to be paid for architectural services.
4.5 The Client, in order to be prepared for this negotiation, may undertake an inquiry into the
methods of compensation used for similar projects.
4.6 The Architect should be prepared to discuss the nature of the compensation. He should be
able to explain to the Client the scope of services of the Architect and the Minimum Basic
Fee as prescribed by the Architect’s National Code, which is mandatory. Throughout each
discussion, the Client must remember that he is purchasing professional services, that the
cost of these professional services is very minor compared to the total cost of his
contemplated project, and that often more extensive architectural services can result in the
lowest total project cost. The Client is buying personal services and expertise and should
not be misled by the lure of the lowest compensation amount.

UAP DOC. 208-a

4.7 It is important for the Architect to be aware of the Standards of Ethical Practice, concerning
solicitation of a Client when another Architect has been retained for a project. An attempt
to supplant another Architect who is in the process of negotiating for a commission should
be viewed as detrimental to the selection process.
4.8 The Client, while obviously interested in retaining a firm which has done similar types of
projects, should be aware that many firms have done outstanding projects in their first
attempt in a field in which they have had little or no experience. Similarly, many young
and/or small firms have been known to do outstanding work and should be given serious
4.9 Some other factors which should be considered in retaining an Architect include his ability
to establish realistic construction costs and his success in producing a design within that
framework; his ability to maintain an appropriate time schedule and his success in
administering construction contracts.
4.10 Of interest to some clients is the number of technical employees who will be assigned to
their projects. With work of significant magnitude, size of technical staff of Consultants is
extremely important. Execution of multi-million dollar projects in a limited span of time
requires a significant concentration of capable technical employees.


In the Philippines, the large majority of the Architects belong to the UAP, therefore, they
will abide by the UAP’s rules for design competitions as embodied in UAP Document 209.
It is important for the client contemplating a design competition to read this document.
5.1 Design competitions are based on the process whereby various architectural firms
submit solutions to a particular problem and are judged on the comparative excellence
of their submissions as evidence of their imagination and skill. The successful Architect
is then awarded the design of the actual project. Competitions offer many advantages
to both the Architect and the Owner. For instance, firms which might not be otherwise
be considered for the project are encouraged to compete for the commission. In
particular, the opportunity to compete for a commission is offered to those young
firms or those not previously having extensive experience with the type of project
under consideration but are willing to spend the time necessary to enter the
competition. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to design competitions:
for example, a firm that is extremely competent in the type of building under
consideration might not wish to spend the time or effort required to enter the
competition. Obviously, the Client must decide if the effort on the part of both the
Client and competitors is worthwhile.
5.2 Some competitions have resulted in the construction of outstanding buildings; some
have produced disastrous results. The Client contemplating the selection of an
Architect by this means, should discuss this matter with other organizations who have
conducted similar competitions so that he is well aware of the pros and cons. This
method of selection is usually the most expensive and time consuming and, for these
reasons, its use is generally limited to very large or historically important civic or
commercial projects.
UAP DOC. 208-a

UAP Document 209 Competition Code sets forth the procedures under which such
competitions should be held, with a view toward producing the most satisfactory
selection of an Architect.

5.3 If a Client is considering conducting a design competition, he should first seek the
assistance of the UAP or one of its local components. One of the first steps will be the
selection of a registered

Architect as the Professional Advisor. He assists the Client, writes the program,
advises on the choice of the jury, answers questions, and conducts the competition so
that all competitors receive equal treatment, and so that strict anonymity is observed to
the end that neither the Owner, the Advisor, nor the jury will be aware of the identity
of the author of any design until after the jury makes its report.
5.4 At least a majority of the jury is composed of practicing Architects and the jury
examines the rates and competition drawings. The drawings are as few in number and
as small in scale as will express the general design of the building. The program
specifies the limits of the cubical contents or square meter area and the total
construction costs. Normally the program must include a guaranteed contract on
usually acceptable terms between the Owner and the Architect selected by the jury,
assuring that the winner of the competitions will be offered the assignment as
Architect. Special provisions to substitute for this requirement are made for public
Owners. Adequate cash prizes to compensate for the costs of submitting the drawings
must be assured to a reasonable number of competitors. In addition to the prizes, fees
and expenses should be paid to the advisor and to the members of the jury. A
considerable variation is possible in the size, complexity, and objectives of design
5.5 The Client may wish to combine methods of selection: for instance, a design
competition could be held between several equally qualified firms that have been
chosen through comparative selection procedures. In such a case, the Client would be
well advised to actually engage these firms for an appropriate level of compensation in
order for them to actively pursue the initial studies upon which a final selection would
be made.


1.1 The Architect has to deal with the pragmatic aspects of money, politics and business
development while striving for excellence as a professional. He has to play the
dichotomous role of serving his Client and seeing to it that his Client’s needs are
compatible with the goals of Society.

UAP DOC. 208-b

1.2 Today, the Architect is being asked to apply the architectural process to entire
neighborhoods, campuses, cities and even regions. The present market for
architectural services demands more from the Architect and imposes broader
responsibilities for creating and directing man’s environment.

1.3 These increased Client needs have created greater demands in architectural offices.
Increased time on projects, more professional time and greater expenditures are
required. As a consequence, the Architect is spending more direct costs, overhead and
outside consulting costs. A compensation agreement based directly on percentage of
construction cost should provide for adjustments in compensation should the project,
due to its complexity, entail extra overhead, indirect and consulting costs on the part of
the Architect.

1.4 The experienced Architect knows that a fair margin of profit in the practice makes it
easier to serve the Client’s interest more effectively. Furthermore, the work of a
successful Architect enhances the image and reputation of the profession.

The criteria for computing the Architect’s compensation should be based on mutual
evaluation of the amount of the architectural firm’s talents, skill, experience, imagination,
effort and time available for, and required by the project.

The method of compensation should:

2.1 Be fair to the Architect in that it should permit him to recover his costs and net him an
adequate profit, provided he is reasonably efficient.
2.2 Be fair to the Client and the Architect by reflecting the value of the Architect’s services.
2.3 Be flexible to protect the Architect from cost increases because of changes or the scope
of the commission.
2.4 Not create legal problems for the Architect.
2.5 Encourage the Client to be cooperative and supportive.
2.6 Provide incentive for the Architect to produce the highest design quality.
2.7 Be easy to understand and simple to use.
2.8 Provide a basis for the Client to predetermine his costs for architectural services, and
be otherwise acceptable to him.
2.9 Encourage the Architect to develop a solution which will result in the lowest possible
construction cost consistent with the Client’s requirements.
2.10 Not focus the Client’s attention on “price”, but rather on the quality and performance
of the Architect’s services.

UAP DOC. 208-b

2.11 Protect the Architect against the rising costs of providing services during the course of
a commission.

3.1 Percentage of Construction Cost
This is a world-wide used method of compensation for architectural services. The
amount of the percentage is related to the size and the type of the Project.

This method is fair to both the Client and the Architect as the fee is pegged to the cost
of the Project the Client is willing to undertake.

It is similar to the percentage fee concept being charged by realtors, developers and

It is flexible and easy to apply since if there will be changes, additions or deductions
of the work demanded by the Project or required by the Client, the Owner-Architect
Agreement need not be supplemented.

3.2 Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses

This cost-based method of compensation is applicable only to non-creative work such

as accounting, secretarial, research, data gathering, supervision, preparation of
reports and the like.

This method of compensation based on technical hour expended does not account for
creative work because the value of a creative design cannot be measured by the length
of time the designer has spent on his work.

This method may therefore be applied only on Pre-Design Services, Supervision Work
and other works which the Architect may perform other than the Regular and
Specialized Allied Design Services. The computation is made by adding all costs of
technical services (man-hours x rate) and multiply it by a multiplier to take care of
overhead and profit.

The multiplier ranges from 2 or 2.5 depending on the office set-up, overhead and
experience of the Architect and the complexity of the Project.

Other items such as cost of transportation, living and housing allowances of foreign
consultants, out-of-town living and housing allowances of local consultants, and the
like, are to be charged to the Client and reimbursed to the Architect. At the start of
the commission, the Architect shall make known to the Client the rate of professionals
and personnel who will be assigned to the Project and the multiplier that has to be
applied before agreeing to this method of computation.

UAP 208-b

A = Architect’s rate/hour
C = Consultant’s rate/hour
T = Rate per hour of Technical Staff, researchers and others involved in the

N1,N2,N3 = No. of hours spent by Architect, Consultants and Technical Staff

M = Multiplier. From 2 to 2.5 depending on office set-up and experience of
Architect and complexity of the Project. Multiplier to take care of
overhead and reasonable profit.

R = Reimbursable expenses such as transportation, housing and living

allowance of Foreign Consultants, transporta-tion, per diem , housing
and living allowance of local consultants and technical staff if assigned
to a place over 100 km. from area of operation of the Architect;

Cost of printing of extra sets of drawings, reports, maps, contract

documents, etc. over the five (5) copies submitted to the Client; overseas
and long distance telephone calls; technical and laboratory tests,
licenses, fees and taxes etc. needed by the Project
Direct Cost = AN1+ CN2 + TN3

Fee = Direct Cost x Multiplier

Total Cost of Fee + R

charged to the

3.3 Professional Fee Plus Expenses

This method of compensation, frequently used where there is a continuing
relationship on a series of projects. It establishes a fixed sum over and above
reimbursement for the Architect’s technical time and overhead. An agreement on the
general scope of the work is necessary in order to set an equitable fee.

3.4 Lump Sum or Fixed Fee

Some governmental agencies sometimes request a form of contract which establishes a
fixed sum for architectural and engineering services.

UAP DOC. 208-b

This concept of compensation is more than not, disadvantageous to both the Client and
the Architect. Firstly, it represents a risk situation to the Architect, since his costs may
exceed the agreed amount.

Secondly, as there are often changes made by the Client either during the design or
construction stage it adds cost not only to the construction but also to the work of the
Architect. This will mean that for every change in the work, the Architects and the
Client will have to supplement their contract to stipulate the additional fee and time

In the bureaucratic system of the government this will entail more paper work and
time-consuming efforts, not only the computation and haggling of the fee for the extra
work but also in the arduous processing for the approval of the supplementary work
within the Client’s agency and the Auditing agency. If the Client’s agency is under the
Office of the President, the task is made doubly difficult.
The end result of this exercise is a delay on the work of the architect and an upset on
critical timetable of the project of the Client.

3.5 Per Diem Plus Reimbursable Expense

In some cases a Client may request an Architect to do work which will require his
personal time such as:
a. Attend Board Meetings or Conferences
b. Ocular inspection of possible sites
c. Confer with others regarding prospective investments or ventures and the like
For these particular activities, the Architect may be paid on a per diem basis plus out-of-
pocket expenses such as travel, accommodations and subsistence, long-distance
telephone calls, secretarial service, etc.

3.6 Mixed Methods of Compensation

The UAP Documents provide for more than one method of compensation on a Project.
Each Project should be examined to determine the most appropriate method of
establishing an equitable method of compensation between the Architect and the
Owner. There is no reason that an assortment of compensation methods should not be
used if appropriate in a single Project.

For example, Pre-Design Services and Construction Work Services could be

compensated on a multiple of Direct Personnel Expense, while the Regular and
Specialized Allied Design Services could be paid on a Percentage of Construction Cost

UAP DOC. 208-b



I will open my eyes to VISION, that I may unlock the message in the stone and
the clay. Let me sense in the sand and the iron and the tree the Mystery beyond
all mysteries, the Builder beyond all building. With Vision MAY I ALWAYS

I will open my mind to HUMILITY, that I may remember my debt to

those who have taught me, and strive to discharge it to those whom I
teach. Let me be always aware that my days are short, my work is long,
my talent endures not forever. In humility MAY I ALWAYS BUILD.

I will open my heart to PATIENCE, that those for whom I plan may not
be denied their true answer through any haste of mine or shallow
expediency. As my art grows in the building of man’s shelter, so may my
heart grow in the building of man’s happiness. Patiently MAY I

I will open my hands to ARTISTRY, that I may skillfully turn point, line
and plane to the support and protection of man’s body, to the
nourishment of his hope, to the preservation of his culture. Let my tools
be adroit and ready weapons in his resistance to decay and his struggle to
be free. With Artistry MAY I ALWAYS BUILD.

Even if the whole world ravage and destroy, MAY I ALWAYS BUILD. Let my
work go beyond creed and color and nation, bridging the world of difference,
letting fall to ruin the House of War and enlarging the House of Peace. While
the breath of the Great Architect is in me, MAY I ALWAYS BUILD.















UAP DOC. 200

FOR BP 220




RULE I. General Provisions 1

Section 1. Scope of Application 1

Section 2. Declaration of Policies 1

RULE II. Minimum Design Standards and Requirements 1

For Economic and Socialized Housing Projects

Section 3. Compliance with Standards and Guidelines 1

Section 4. Basis and Objectives of the Minimum Design Standards 1
Section 5. Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions 2
Section 6. Building Design Standards and Guidelines 22
Section 7. Variances/Exemptions 37

RULE III. Approval of Subdivision Plans and Building Designs 37

Section 8. Approval Required 37

Section 9. Approval of Proposed Residential Houses of 37
Average and Low-Income Earners
Section 10. Application for Approval of Subdivision Development Plan 37
Section 11. Evaluation of Land Development and Structural
Design Components of the Project 41
Section 12. Survey and Approval of Subdivision Plan 41

RULE IV. Registration and Licensing of Economic and 42

Socialized Housing Projects

Section 13. Application for Registration 42

Section 14. Application for License to Sell 45
Section 15. Notice of Publication 46
Section 16. Certificate of Registration 46
Section 17. License to Sell 46
Section 18. Monitoring of Project 47

RULE VI. Miscellaneous Provisions 48

Section 19. Definition of Terms 48

Section 20. Conformance to the Requirements of Other 50
Pertinent Laws, Rules and Regulations
Section 21 . Non-Development 51
Section 22. Organization and Registration of Homeowners 51
Section 23. Donation of Roads, Open Spaces and Water Supply 51
Section 25. Separability Clause 51
Section 26. Effectivity 51

List of Tables

Table 1 Parks and Playground Allocation 5

Table 2 Required Facilities According to the No. of Saleable Lots 6
Table 3 Community facilities Allocation 6
Table 4 Hierarchy of Roads 7
Table 5 Right-of-Way 8
Table 6 Width of Planting Strips and Sidewalks 10
Table 7 Minimum Lot Area 13
Table 8 Minimum Lot Frontage 13
Table 9 Planning Design Standards 17
Table 10 Private Open Space Requirement 23
Table 11 Minimum Setback per Storey 30

List of Figures

Figure 1 Interconnecting Road 9

Figure 2 Setback Requirement Along Main Public Road 9
Figure 3 Curb Radii Dimension 11
Figure 4 Road Grade (Slope) 12
Figure 5 Minimum Ceiling Heights 24
Figure 6 Mezzanine Floor 24
Figure 7 Door Openings 25
Figure 8 Stairway Design 27
Figure 9 Winding and Circular Stairways 27
Figure 10 Firewall for Dwelling Units on Property Line 28
Figure 11 Non-Residential Use 29
Figure 12 Distance Between 2-Storey Buildings 30
Figure 13 Distance Between 3-Storey Buildings 31
Figure 14 Distance Between Blank Walls of Two Buildings 31
Figure 15 Measurement of Distance Between Buildings 32
Figure16 Parking Layout 32


Annex 1 Section 3.1007 Detached Single and Two Family 53

Dwellings of the Rules and Regulations Implementing
The Fire Code of the Philippines (PD No. 1185)

Annex 2 Board Resolution No. R-532, S. 1993 55

Approving the Rules and Regulations Implementing
PD 953

Annex 2.A Rules Implementing PD 953 56

Annex 2.B Memo Circular No. 29, S. 2005 61

Supplemental Rules and Regulations to Implement PD 953

Annex 3 Registration Statement 62

HLURB Form No. 001

Annex 4 Registration Statement 64

HLURB Form No. 003

Annex 5 Commission Proper Resolution No. R-97, S. 1982 65

Annex 6 Batas Pambansa Blg. 220 67

Pursuant to Section 3 of BP 220, the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board is
authorized to establish and promulgate two levels of standards and technical
requirements for the development of economic and socialized housing
projects/units in urban and rural areas from those provided in PD 957, PD 1216,
PD 1096, and PD 1185, hence the following rules are hereby promulgated.


Section 1. Scope of Application

These rules and standards shall apply to the development of economic and
socialized housing projects in urban and rural areas as defined in Section 2 of BP
Blg. 220. They shall apply to the development of either a house and lot or a house
or lot only.

Section 2. Declaration of Policies

It is a policy of the government to promote and encourage the development of
economic and socialized housing projects, primarily by the private sector in order
to make available adequate economic and socialized housing units for average
and low income earners in urban and rural areas.


Section 3. Compliance with Standards and Guidelines

Development of economic and socialized housing projects shall be in accordance
with the minimum design standards herein set forth.

Section 4. Basis and Objectives of the Minimum Design

The minimum design standards set forth herein are intended to provide minimum
requirements within the generally accepted levels of safety, health and ecological
considerations. Variations, however are also possible, as may be based on some
specific regional, cultural and economic setting, e.g., building materials, space
requirement and usage. This minimum design standards encourages the use of
duly accredited indigenous materials and technology such as innovative design
and systems, modular systems and components among others. The parameters
used in formulating these Design Standards are:

A. Protection and safety of life, limb, property and general public welfare.

B. Basic needs of human settlements, enumerated in descending order as


1. Water
2. Movement and circulation
3. Storm drainage
4. Solid and liquid waste disposal
5. Park/playground
6. Power

The provision of these basic needs shall be based on the actual setting
within which the project site is located.

C. Affordability levels of target market

Affordable cost - refers to the most reasonable price of land and shelter
based on the needs and financial capability of Program Beneficiaries and
Appropriate Financing Schemes (RA 7279)

D. Location

Both economic and socialized housing projects shall be located within

suitable site for housing and outside potential hazard prone and protection

Section 5. Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions

In determining whether an economic and socialized housing shall be allowed, the
following guidelines shall be considered.

A. Site Criteria

1. Availability of basic needs

The prioritized basic needs cited earlier shall preferably be available with
reasonable distance from the project site, but where these are not available,
the same shall be provided for by the developer.

2. Conformity with the Zoning Ordinance or Land Use Plan of the


Generally, housing projects should conform with the zoning ordinance of the
city/municipality where they are located, thus, shall be in suitable sites for
housing. However, where there is no zoning ordinance or land use plan, the
predominant land use principle and site suitability factors cited herein shall
be used in determining suitability of a project to a site.

Furthermore, if the project is undoubtedly supportive of other land uses and

activities (e.g., housing for industrial workers) said project shall be allowed.

3. Physical Suitability

A potential site must have characteristics assuring healthful, safe and

environmentally sound community life. It shall be stable enough to
accommodate foundation load without excessive site works. Critical areas
(e.g., areas subject to flooding, land slides and stress) must be avoided.

4. Accessibility

The site must be served by a road that is readily accessible to public

transportation lines. Said access road shall conform to the standards set
herein of these Rules to accommodate expected demand caused by the
development of the area. In no case shall a subdivision project be approved
without necessary access road/right-of-way constructed either by the
developer or the Local Government Unit.

B. Planning Considerations

1. Area Planning

Project design should consider not only the reduction of cost of

development to a minimum but also the provision for possible future
improvement or expansion, as in the prescription of lot sizes, right-of-way of
roads, open space, allocation of areas for common uses and facilities.

Land allocation and alignment of the various utilities (roads, drainage, power
and water) of the subdivision shall be integrated with those of existing
networks as well as projects outside the boundaries of the project site, e.g.
access roads set forth herein and should follow the standard specifications
of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).

2. Site Preservation/Alteration

a. Slope

The finished grade shall have a desired slope to allow rain water to be
channeled into street drains. Where cut and fill is necessary, an
appropriate grade shall be attained to prevent any depression in the

Grading and ditching shall be executed in a manner that will prevent

erosion or flooding of adjoining properties.

b. Preservation of Site Assets

Suitable trees with a caliper diameter of 200 milimeters or more, shrubs

and desirable ground cover shall be preserved. Where a good quality top
soil exists in the site, it shall not be removed and shall be preserved for
finishing grades of yards, playgrounds, parks and garden area.

c. Ground Cover

Grass, shrubs, plants and other landscaping materials used for ground
cover shall be of variety appropriate for its intended use and location.
They shall be so planted as to allow complete and permanent cover of
the area.

3. Easements

Subdivision projects shall observe and conform to the provisions of

easements as may be required by:

a. Chapter IV, Section 51 of the Water Code of the Philippines on water


b. National Power Corporation (NPC) on transmission lines

c. Fault traces as identified by PHIVOLCS per Resolution No. 515,

series of 1992

d. Right-of-way of other public companies and other entities.

e. For projects abutting national roads (primary roads) adequate

easement shall be provided for road including loading and unloading
as may be required by national/local government units.

f. Other related laws

4. Circulation

a. Depending on the classification of roads adjacent to the subdivision

and the size of the project site, road network should result into a
hierarchy of functions and should define and serve the subdivisions
as one integrated unit.

b. Roads complemented with pathwalk within the subdivision must be

so aligned to facilitate movement within and in linking the subdivision
to the nearest major transportation route and adjacent property.

Whenever there is/are existing roads within the project site which
shall be made part of the subdivision, these shall be improved in
accordance with the standards set forth herein.

c. Streets should conform to the contours of the land as much as


d. Provisions of major street extension for future connection to adjoining

developed and/or underdeveloped properties shall be mandatory and
integrated or aligned with existing ones, if any.

e. Streets shall be so laid out to minimize critical intersections such as

blind corners, skew junctions, etc.
f. Roads shall conform with civil work design criteria as per Section
10.B.3 of this rules and sound engineering practices.

C. Design Parameters

1. Land Allocation

a. Saleable Areas

There shall be no fixed ratio between the saleable portion and non-saleable
portion of a subdivision project.

b. Non-saleable Areas

Non-saleable areas shall conform with the minimum requirements for open
space comprising those allotted for circulation system, community facilities
and parks and playgrounds.

b.1 Allocation of Area for Parks and Playgrounds

Area allocated for parks and playgrounds shall be mandatory for projects 1
hectare or above and shall be strategically located within the subdivision

Allocated areas for parks and playgrounds shall be non-alienable and non-
buildable for community hall but buildable for basketball court. It shall be
exclusive of those areas allocated for community facilities and shall vary
according to the density of lots and/or dwelling units in the subdivision,
whichever is applicable, as shown below:

Table 1: Parks and Playgrounds Allocation


Density Allocation Density Allocation
(No. of lots/DU* (% of gross area (No. of lots/DU* (% of gross area
per hectare) for PP**) per hectare) for PP**)
150 and below 3.5 % 150 and below 3.5 %
151 – 160 4% 151 – 160 4%
161 – 175 5% 161 – 175 5%
176 – 200 6% 176 – 200 6%
201 - 225 7% 201 – 225 7%
Above 225 9% Above 225 9%
* Dwelling units
** Parks and Playgrounds

In no case shall an area allocated for parks and playgrounds be less than
100 square meters. An addition of 1% increment for every 10 or fraction
thereof above 225.

The site shall not be subject to flooding nor situated in steep slopes. Sites
potentially hazardous or dangerous to the health and safety of users
especially children, should be avoided, e.g., along rivers, near dumping site,

Location of parks shall be based on hierarchy, accessibility and shall be free

from hazards, risks, barriers, etc.

b.2 Area Allocated for Community Facilities

Mandatory provision of area for neighborhood multi-purpose center both for

economic and socialized housing projects with a gross area of 1 hectare
and above. These areas are non-saleable. However, the developer may
provide for areas for community facilities such as schools and
convenience/retail centers in excess of the requirement set forth in this Rule
which shall be deemed saleable. The use of the said area shall be indicated
in the plan and annotated in the title thereto. (Refer to Table 2)

Table 2: Facilities According to the Number of Saleable Lots/

Dwelling Units for Subdivision Projects 1 Hectare and Above

No. of Saleable Neighborhood

Convenience/ Elementary High Tricycle
Lots and/or Multi-Purpose
Retail Center** School** School** Terminal*
Dwelling Unit Center*
10 & below - - - - -
11 – 99 - - - - -
100 – 499 x - - - -
500 – 999 x - - - -
1000 – 1499 x - - - -
1500 – 1999 x x x - x
2000 – 2499 x x x x x
2500 – 3000 x x x x x
* Mandatory Provision of area
** Optional Saleable but when provided in plan the same shall be annotated in the title.

Community facilities shall be strategically located and easily accessible

where they can serve a maximum number of population, preferably near or
side by side by park/playground.

The area allocated for community facilities shall vary with the density of the
subdivision, i.e., number of lots and/or living units whichever is applicable,
as shown below:

Table 3: Community Facilities Allocation


Density Allocation Density Allocation
(No. of lots/DU* (% of gross area (No. of lots/DU* (% of gross area
per hectare) for CF**) per hectare) for CF**)
150 and below 1.0 150 and below 1.0
151 – 225 1.5 151 – 225 1.5
Above 225 2.0 Above 225 2.0
* Dwelling units
** Community Facilities

b.3 Circulation System

The area allocated for circulation system shall not be fixed, as long as the
prescribed dimension and requirements for access (both for project site and
dwelling units) specified in these Rules are complied with.

Land circulation system shall comply with the pertinent requirements of BP

344 otherwise known as the Accessibility Law.

Below are the planning considerations to be observed for circulation layout:

a. Observance of the hierarchy of roads within the subdivision.

b. Conformance to natural topography.
c. Consideration for access and safety, e.g., adequate radius,
minimum number of roads at intersections, moderate slope/grade,
adequate sight distance, no blind corners, etc.
d. Optimization as to number of lots to lessen area for roads, at the
same time enhances community interaction.

b.3.1 Hierarchy of Roads

Hierarchy of roads (with respect to function, dimensions and project

area) shall be observed when planning the road network such that no
major or minor road align with an alley or pathwalk.

Table 4: Hierarchy of Roads


Major, minor, motor court, Major, minor, motor
2.5 has. And below
alley court, pathwalk
Above 2.5 – 5 - do - - do -
Major, collector, minor,
Above 5 - 10 - do -
Motor court, alley
Major, collector, minor,
Above 10 - 15 - do -
Motor court, pathwalk
Above 15 – 30 - do - - do -
Above 30 - do - - do -

b.3.2 Road Right-Of-Way

The corresponding right-of-way for hierarchy of roads shall be as follows:

Table 5: Road Right-of-Way


Major Collector Minor Major Collector Minor
2.5 and below 8 - 6.5 8 - 6.5
Above 2.5 – 5.0 10 - 6.5 10 - 6.5
Above 5.0 – 10 10 8 6.5 10 - 6.5
Above 10 - 15 10 8 6.5 10 8 6.5
Above 15 – 30 12 8 6.5 10 8 6.5
Above 30 15 10 6.5 12 10 6.5
ROW Carriageway ROW Carriageway
Motor Court 6 5 6 5
Alley 2 - - -
Pathwalk - - 3 -

The minimum right-of-way of major roads shall be in accordance with the

preceding table. However, in cases where the major road will serve as
interconnecting road, it shall have a minimum right-of-way of 10 meters. It shall
have a 15-centimeter mix gravel (pit run) base course on well-compacted sub

Major roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right-of-way. Tapering of

road width shall not be allowed where the road right-of-way is wider than the
prescribed standard for the interconnecting road of the proposed subdivision.

Minor roads shall have a right-of-way of 6.50 meters wide.

Interior subdivision project must secure right-of-way to the nearest public road
and the right-of-way shall be designated as interconnecting road with a
minimum width of 10 meters. This fact shall be annotated on the title of the said
road lot and must be donated and deemed turned over to the LGU upon
completion of the said interconnecting road. (See Figure 1: Interconnecting

Figure 1: Interconnecting Road

Subdivision projects abutting a main public road must provide sufficient

setbacks with a minimum dimension of 3.0 meters in depth and 5.0
meters in length at both sides of the subdivision entrance to
accommodate loading and unloading of passengers. (See Figure 2:
Setback Requirement Along Main Public Road)

Figure 2: Setback Requirement Along Main Public Road

Contiguous projects or projects to be developed by phases shall be

provided with interconnecting roads with a minimum right-of-way of 10.0

Alley shall have a width of 2.0 meters intended to break a block and to
serve both pedestrian and for emergency purposes, both ends connecting
to streets. It shall not be used as access to the property.

Pathwalk shall have a width of 3.0 meters intended only to provide

pedestrian access to property for socialized housing projects. It shall
have a maximum length of 60 meters.
b.3.3 Planting Strips

Planting strips as required under PD 953 and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations shall be observed in accordance with the following road

Table 6: Width of Planting Strips and Sidewalks

RIGHT-OF-WAY Planting Strip Sidewalk Planting Strip Sidewalk
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
15 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.2
12 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2
10 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2
8 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6
6.5 Optional 0.5 Optional 0.5

Note: Refer to Supplemental Rules and Regulations to Implement PD 953

Tree Planting. – Every owner of existing subdivision is required
among others to plant trees in designated area as per Resolution No.
R-532, series of 1993. (Approving the Rules and Regulations
Implementing PD 953 “Requiring the Planting of Trees in Certain
Places and Penalizing Unauthorized Cutting, Destruction, Damaging
and Injuring of Certain Trees, Plans and Vegetation”).

b.3.4 Road Pavement

Major, minor roads and motor court for economic and socialized housing
projects shall be paved with asphalt with minimum thickness of 50
millimeters or concrete with minimum thickness of 150 millimeters and a
minimum compressive strength of 20.7 Mpa at 28 days. Sidewalk or alley
shall be of macadam finish.

b.3.5 Road Intersection

Roads should intersect at right angles as much as practicable. Multiple

intersections along major roads shall be minimized. Distance between
offset intersections should not be less than 20 meters from corner to

Road intersections shall be provided with adequate curb radii consistent

with sound engineering principles. (See Figure 3: Curb Radii Dimension)

Figure 3: Curb Radii Dimension

b.3.6 Road Grade/Slope

Crown of the roads shall have a slope of not less than 1.5 to 9 percent.
(See Figure 4: Road Grade Slope)

Grades and vertical curbs shall conform to the design requirements of the
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).

Figure 4 : Road Grade (Slope)


2. Lot Requirement

a. Lot Planning

a.1 A lot shall be served by an independent access either by a road,

motor court, or path walk. Path walk shall have a maximum length
of 60 meters intended only as pedestrian access to property for
socialized housing projects.

a.2 Deep lots and irregularly shaped lots shall be avoided.

a.3 Whenever possible, lot frontage elevation shall be at street


a.4 Lots shall be protected against physical hazards. No lot shall be

laid out where potential risks exist (e.g. erosion, slides, flooding,
fault lines, etc.)

a.5 Lots shall be protected against non-conforming uses and/or other

risks through the provision of adequate buffer strips, protective
walls, and roads or other similar devices.
a.6 Lot shall be so laid out that administrative boundaries, water
courses/drainage ways utility lines do not bisect the lots.

b. Minimum Lot Area(Amended per Board Res. No. 824, Series of 2008)

The minimum lot area of various types of housing for economic and
socialized housing project shall be as follows:

Table 7. Minimum Lot Area

Type of Housing Economic (sq.m.) Socialized (sq.m.)

a. Single detached 72 64
b. Duplex/single
attached 54 48
c. Row houses 36 28


1. Saleable lots designated as duplex/single attached and/or row house lots

shall be provided with housing components.

2. Price of saleable lots intended for single detached units shall not exceed 40%
of the maximum selling price of the house and lot package.

c. Lot Frontages(Amended per Board Res. No. 824, Series of 2008)

The minimum lot frontages for various types of housing both for
economic and socialized housing projects shall be as follows:

Table 8. Minimum Lot Frontage

Types of Housing/Lot Economic Housing Socialized

1. Single detached
a. Corner lot 8m 8m
b. Regular lot 8m 8m
c. Irregular lot 4m 4m
d. Interior lot 3m 3m
2. Duplex/single attached 6m 6m
3. Row house 4m 3.5m


For row houses, there shall be a maximum of 20 units per block or cluster but in no
case shall this be more than 100 meters in length.

3. Length of Block

Maximum block length is 400 meters. However, block length exceeding 250
meters shall already be provided with a 2-meter alley approximately at

4. Shelter Component

a. Floor Area Requirement

The minimum floor area requirement for single-family dwelling shall be

22 square meters for economic housing and 18 square meters for
socialized housing.

b. Minimum Level of Completion

The minimum level of completion for economic housing shall be

complete house based on the submitted specifications. For socialized
housing project, it shall be shell house with doors and windows to
enclose the unit.

Provision of firewall shall be mandatory for duplex and single-attached

units and at every unit for row houses.

5. Setback/Yard

The minimum setback of dwelling unit both for economic and socialized
housing project shall be as follows:

a. Front Setback 1.5 m.

b. Side yard 1.5 m (from the building line)
c. Rear yard 2.0 m.
d. Abutments May be allowed per requirements of the
National Building Code of the Philippines

6. Water Supply

Whenever a public water supply system exists, connection to it by the

subdivision is mandatory.

Each lot and/or living unit shall be served with water connection (regardless
of the type of distribution system). Water supply provided by the local water
district shall be potable and adequate. It shall be complemented/
supplemented by other sources, when necessary, such as communal well,
which may be located strategically for ease and convenience in fetching
water by residents and at the same time not closer than 300 meters from
each other.

If public water supply system is not available, the developer shall provide for
an independent water supply system within the subdivision project.
Minimum quantity requirement shall be 150 liters per capita per day.

Each subdivision must have at least an operational deep well and pump
sets with sufficient capacity to provide average daily demand (ADD) to all
homeowners provided a spare pump and motor set is reserved.

Likewise, required permits from the NWRB shall be obtained and standards
of the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) shall be complied with.

If ground reservoir is to be put up, an area shall be allocated for this

purpose (part of allocation for community facilities). The size shall depend
on volume of water intended to be stored. It shall be protected from
pollution by providing buffer of at least 25 meters from sources of

For elevated reservoir, structural design shall comply with accepted

structural standards or the National Building Code of the Philippines. The
elevated reservoir or water tank capacity must be 20% average daily
demand plus fire reserve.

Alternative sources of water supply may be availed of such as collected rain

water and other devices with water impounding capacity.

Provision for fire protection shall comply with the requirements of the Fire
Code of the Philippines. Whichever is applicable, the Local Government
Unit shall provide each community with fire hydrants and a cistern that are
operational at all times.

For a multi-storey building, a water tank shall be provided if the height of the
building requires pressure in excess of that in the main water line. Capacity
should be 20% average daily demand plus fire reserve.

7. Electrical Power Supply

When power is available within the locality of the project site, its connection
to the subdivision is required. Actual connection, however, may depend on
the minimum number of users as required by the power supplier.

Provision of street lighting per pole shall be mandatory if poles are 50-meter
distance and at every other pole if the distance is less than 50 meters.

Installation practices, materials and fixtures used, shall be in accordance

with the provisions of the existing rules and regulations of the National
Electrical Code of the Philippines or the Local Electric Franchise
Holder/Local Electric Cooperative or the local utility company.

Electric bills shall be proportionately shouldered by the users prior to

issuance of Certificate of Completion (COC) and turn over of open space to
Local Government Unit (LGU).

8. Sewage Disposal System

a. Septic Tank

The sewage disposal system shall be communal or individual septic tank

conforming to the design standard of the Sanitation Code of the

b. Connection to Community Sewer System

Whenever applicable, connections shall be made to an approved public

or community sewer system, subject to the requirements and provisions
of the Sanitation Code of the Philippines and other applicable rules and
regulations with regard to materials and installation practices.

9. Drainage System

The design of the drainage system of the subdivision shall take into
consideration existing development of adjacent areas relative to their
impact/effect on its drainage system, if any. Further, it shall conform with
the natural drainage pattern of the subdivision site, and shall drain into
appropriate water bodies or public drainage system or natural outfalls. In no
case shall drainage outfalls drain into a private lot. Its layout shall conform
with sound engineering design principles certified by a duly licensed
civil/sanitary engineer. Drain lines shall be of durable materials and
approved installation practices.

The minimum drainage system for economic and socialized housing shall
be concrete lined canal with load bearing cover.

In case of non-existence of drainage system in the locality, catchment area

for drainage discharge shall be provided for and developed by the
owner/developer in consultation with local authorities or private entities
concerned, to prevent flooding of adjacent property. Moreover, said
catchment area shall be made safe and maintained.

If applicable, underground drainage system shall be provided with adequate

reinforced concrete pipes (RCP), catch basins, manholes/inlets and cross
drain for efficient maintenance. Minimum drainage pipe shall be 300

10. Garbage Disposal System

Garbage disposal shall be undertaken by the local government or in the

absence thereof, by individual lot owners or homeowners association, with
proper observance of sanitary practices and methods.

11. Fire Firefighting

The Homeowners Association shall form fire brigade in collaboration with

the barangay fire brigade. Water for fire fighting shall be part of the water

supply requirements and shall comply with the requirements of the
local/district fire unit of the Philippine National Police.




Within suitable sites for housing and outside potential hazard prone and
1. Project Location
protection areas.

2. Land Allocation
for Projects 1
hectare and above
a. Saleable Area a. Variable
b. Non-saleable b. See open space requirement as per b.1, b.2 and b.3
Mandatory allocation for parks and playgrounds per tabulation below:

b.1 Area for parks Density % of Density % of

and (No. of Lots or Gross Area (No. of Lots or Gross Area
playgrounds Dwelling Unit for Parks & Dwelling Unit for Parks &
for projects 1 Per Hectare) Playgrounds Per Hectare) Playgrounds
hectare &
above. 150 & below 3.5% 150 & below 3.5%
151 – 160 4.0% 151 – 160 4.0%
161 – 175 5.0% 161 – 175 5.0%
176 – 200 6.0% 176 – 200 6.0%
201 – 225 7.0% 201 – 225 7.0%
Above 225 9.0% Above 225 9.0%

An addition of 1% increment for every 10 or fraction thereof above 225.

In no case shall an area allocated for parks and playgrounds be less

than 100 square meters. The same shall be strategically located within
the subdivision project.

b.2 Area for Mandatory provision of area for neighborhood multi-purpose center both
community for economic and socialized housing projects with area of 1 hectare and
facilities above. These areas are non-saleable. However, the developer may
provide for areas for community facilities such as schools and
convenience/retail centers in excess of the mandatory requirement set
forth in this rule which shall be deemed saleable. The use of the said
area shall be indicated in the plan and annotated in the title thereto.
(Refer to Table 2)

Density % of Gross Area Density % of Gross Area

(No. of lots or for Community (No. of lots or for Community
DwellingUnits Facilities DwellingUnits Facilities
Per Hectare) Per Hectare)

150 & below 1.0% 150 & below 1.0%

151 – 225 1.5% 151 – 225 1.5%
Above 225 2.0% Above 225 2.0%

b.3 Circulation
Observe hierarchy of roads


3. Minimum Lot Area

3.1 Single Detached 72 sqm. 64 sqm.
3.2 Duplex/Single- 54 sqm. 48 sqm.
3.3 Row house 36 sqm. 28 sqm.

Saleable lots designated as duplex/single-attached and/or row house

lots shall be provided with housing components.

Price of saleable lots intended for single-detached units shall not

exceed 40% of the maximum selling price for house and lot package.

4. Minimum Lot
4.1 Single
Detached 8 m. 8 m.
a. Corner lot 8 m. 8 m.
b. Regular lot 4 m. 4 m.
c. Irregular lot 3 m. 3 m.
d. Interior lot 6 m. 6 m.
4.2 Single Attached/
Duplex 4 m. 3.5 m.
4.3 Row house

5. Length of Block Maximum length of block is 400 meters. However, blocks exceeding
250 meters shall be provided with a 2-meter alley approximately at

6. Road Right-of-Way

Project Size Range Major Collector Minor Major Collector Minor

(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
2.5 has. & below 8 - 6.5 8 - 6.5
above 2.5 – 5 has. 10 - 6.5 10 - 6.5
Above 5 – 10 has. 10 8 6.5 10 - 6.5
Above 10 – 15 has. 10 8 6.5 10 8 6.5
Above 15 – 30 has. 12 8 6.5 10 8 6.5
Above 30 has. 15 10 6.5 12 10 6.5

ROW Carriageway ROW Carriageway

Motor Court 6 5 6 5
Alley 2 - 2 -
Pathwalk - - 3 -


The minimum right-of-way of major roads shall be in accordance with

the preceding table. However, in cases where the major road will serve
as interconnecting road, it shall have a minimum right-of-way of 10
meters. It shall have a 15-centimeter mix gravel (pit run) base course
on well-compacted subgrade.

Major roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right-of-way.

Tapering of road width shall not be allowed where the road right-of-way
is wider than the prescribed standard for the interconnecting road of the
proposed subdivision.

Minor road shall have a minimum right-of-way of 6.50 meters.


1. Interior subdivision project must secure right-of-way to the nearest

public road and the right-of-way shall be designated as
interconnecting road with a minimum right-of-way of 10 meters.
This fact shall be annotated on the title of said road lot and must be
donated and deemed turned over to the LGU upon completion of
the said interconnecting road. (See figure 1)

2. Subdivision projects abutting main public thoroughfare must provide

sufficient setbacks (at least 3.0 meters in depth by 5.0 meters in
length) at both sides of the subdivision entrance to accommodate
loading and unloading of passengers. (See figure 2)

3. Contiguous projects or projects to be developed by phases shall be

provided with interconnecting road with a minimum right-of-way of
10 meters.

4. Alley shall have a width of 2.0 meters intended to break a block and
to serve both pedestrian and for emergency purposes, both ends
connecting to streets. It shall not be used as access to property.

5. Pathwalk shall have a width of 3.0 meters intended only to provide

pedestrian access to property for socialized housing projects. It
shall have a maximum length of 60 meters.

7. Hierarchy of Roads
per Project Size

2.5 has. & below Major, minor, motor court, alley Major, minor, motor court,
Above 2.5 – 5 has. -do- -do-
Above 5 – 10 has. Major, collector, minor, motor court, -do-
Above 10 – 15 has. -do- Major, collector, minor, motor
court, pathwalk
Above 15 – 30 has. -do- -do-
Above 30 has. -do- -do-


8. Roads

8.1 Planting Strip

Sidewalk (SW)


15.0 m. 1.30 m 1.20 m

12.0 m. 0.80 m 1.20 m
10.0 m. 0.80 m 1.20 m
8.0 m. 0.40 m 0.60 m
6.5 m. optional 0.50 m

Refer to Supplemental Rules and Regulations to Implement PD 953 for

specific tree species, Annex 2.B.

8.2 Road Pavement

Motor Court
Concrete road pavement shall have a minimum thickness of 150
milimeters and a minimum compressive strength of 20.7 MPa at 28
days. Asphalt pavement shall have a minimum thickness of 50

9. Water Supply Mandatory connection to appropriate public water system. Each

subdivision shall have at least an operational deepwell and pump sets
with sufficient capacity to provide ADD to all homeowners provided
further that a spare pump and motor set is reserved. Water supply shall
be potable and adequate.

9.1 Minimum Water 150 liters per capita per day for household connection
Supply Req’t.

9.2 Fire Protection Provision for fire protection facilities shall comply with the requirements
Demand of the Fire Code of the Philippines.

10. Electrical Power Mandatory individual household connection to primary and alternate
Supply sources of power if service is available in the locality.

Mandatory provision of street lighting per pole if 50-meter distance; at

every other pole, if the distance is less than 50 meters.

Electric bills shall be proportionately shouldered by users prior to

issuance of COC and turn over of open space to LGU.

Installation practices, materials and fixtures used shall be in accordance

with the provision of the Philippine Electrical Code and local utility


11. Drainage System The drainage system for economic and socialized housing projects shall
be made of concrete lined canal with adequate capacity and with load
bearing cover.

The drainage system must conform with the natural drainage pattern of
the subdivision site, and shall drain into appropriate water bodies, public
drainage system or natural outfalls.

If applicable, underground drainage system shall be provided with

adequate reinforced concrete pipes (RCP), catch basins,
manholes/inlets and cross drain for efficient maintenance. Minimum
drainage pipe diameter shall be 300 milimeters.

12. Sewage Disposal


12.1 Septic Tank Individual septic tank conforming to the standards and design of the
Sanitation Code of the Philippines.

Construction of individual septic tanks shall conform to the standards

and design of the Sanitation Code of the Philippines.

12.2 Connection to Whenever applicable, connection shall be made to an approved public

Community or community sewer system subject to the requirements and provisions
Sewer System of the Sanitation Code of the Philippines and other applicable rules and

13. Garbage Disposal Provide sanitary and efficient refuse collection and disposal system
System whether independently or in conjunction with the local government
garbage collection and disposal services.

14. Shelter

14.1Minimum Floor
a. Single 22 sqm. 18 sqm.
b. Duplex/ 22 sqm. 18 sqm.
c. Row house 22 sqm. 18 sqm.

Mandatory provision of firewall for duplexes/single-attached units and at

every unit for row houses (See Fig. 10)

The number of row houses shall not exceed 20 units per

block/cluster but in no case shall this be more than 100 meters in


14.2 Minimum Level

of Completion

a. Single Complete house Shell house

Detached (Based on the submitted (with doors and windows to
specifications) enclose the unit)
b. Duplex/ same same
c. Row houses same same

15. Setback/Yard
a. Front setback 1.5 m
b. Side yard 1.5 m (from the building line)
c. Rear yard 2.0 m
d. Abutments May be allowed per requirement of the National Building Code of the

Section 6. Building Design Standards and Guidelines

Projects incorporating housing components shall comply with the following design
standards and guidelines.

A. Single-Family Dwelling (Applicable for both Economic and Socialized


1. Lot Planning

a. Access to the Property

Direct access to the single-family dwelling shall be provided by means of an

abutting public street or pathwalk. However, pathwalk shall only be allowed
as pedestrian access to property for Socialized Housing projects.

b. Access to the Dwelling Unit

An independent means of access to the dwelling unit shall be provided

without trespassing adjoining properties. Acceptable means of access to
the rear yard of the dwelling unit shall be provided without passing through
any other dwelling unit or any other yard.

c. Open Space Requirements

Open spaces shall be located totally or distributed anywhere within the lot in
such a manner as to provide maximum light and ventilation into the building.

d. Sizes and Dimensions of Courts or Yards

The minimum horizontal dimension of courts and yards shall not be less
than 2.0 meters. All inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard,
either by a passageway with a minimum width of 1.20 meters or by a door
through a room or rooms.

Every court shall have a width of not less than 2.0 meters for one and two
storey buildings. However, this may be reduced to not less than 1.50
meters in cluster living units such as quadruplexes, row houses and the like,
one or two stories in height with adjacent courts with an area of not less
than 3 square meters. Provided, further, that the separation walls or fences,
if any, shall not be higher than 2.0 meters. Irregularly shaped lots such as
triangular lots and the like whose courts may also be triangular in shape
may be exempted from having a minimum width of 2.0 meters, provided that
no side thereof shall be less than 3.0 meters.

e. Abutments

Abutments on the side and rear property lines may be allowed provided the
following requirements shall be complied with:

1) Open space as prescribed in the table below:

Table 10: Private Open Space Requirements

Percent of Open Space

Type of Lot
Residential All Others
a. Interior lot (lot located in the interior
of a block made accessible from a 50% 25%
public street or alley by means of a
private access road)

b. Inside lot (non-corner or single

frontage lot) 20% 15%

c. Corner and/or through lot

10% 15%
d. Lots bounded on 3 or more sides by public
open spaces such as streets, easement of 5% 5%
seashores, rivers, esteros, etc.

2) Window opening as prescribed in number 2.C.2 below.

3) Firewall shall have a minimum of one-hour fire resistive rating.

2. Building Design Standards (Applicable for both Economic and Socialized


a. Space Standards

Spaces within the dwelling structures shall be distributed in an economical,

efficient and practical manner so as to afford the maximum living comfort

and convenience and to insure health and safety among the occupants. It
shall provide complete living facilities for one family including provisions for
living, sleeping, laundry, cooking, eating, bathing and toilet facilities.

b. Ceiling Heights

1) Minimum ceiling height for habitable rooms shall be measured from

the finished floor line to the ceiling line. Where ceilings are not
provided, a minimum headroom clearance of 2.0 meters shall be
provided. (See Fig. 5: Minimum Ceiling Heights)

Fig. 5: Minimum Ceiling Heights

2) Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height of not less than
1.80 meters above and below it, provided that it shall not cover 50%
of the floor area below it. (See Fig. 6: Mezzanine Floor)

Figure 6 : Mezzanine Floor

c. Openings

1) Doors

a) A minimum of one entrance/exit shall be provided where the

number of occupants is not more than 10 and 2 entrances/exits
where the number of occupants is greater than 10.

b) Doors shall have a minimum clear height of 2.0 meters. Except for
bathroom and mezzanine doors which shall have a minimum clear
height of 1.80 meters.

c) Minimum clear widths of doors shall be as follows:

Main Door 0.80 m.

Service/Bedroom Doors 0.70 m.
Bathroom Door 0.60 m.
(See Fig. 7: Door Openings)

Fig. 7 : Door Openings

2) Windows

a) Rooms for habitable use shall be provided with windows with a

total free area of openings equal to at least 10% of the floor area
of the room.

b) Bathrooms shall be provided with window/s with an area not less

than 1/20 of its floor area.

c) Required windows may open into a roofed porch where the porch:

c.1 abuts court, yard, public street or alley, or open water course
and other public open spaces;

c.2 has a ceiling height of not less than 2.0 meters.

3) Interior Stairs

The stairs shall ensure structural safety for ascent and descent, even
in extreme cases of emergency. It shall afford adequate headroom
and space for the passage of furniture.

a) Width. Stairways shall have a minimum clear width of 0.60 meter.

b) Riser and Run. Stairs shall have a maximum riser height of 0.25
meter and a minimum tread width of 0.20 meter. Stair treads
shall be exclusive of nosing and/or other projections.

c) Headroom Clearance. Stairs shall have a minimum headroom

clearance of 2.0 meters. Such clearance shall be established by
measuring vertically from a place parallel and tangent to the
stairway tread moving to the soffit above all points.

d) Landings. Every landing shall have a dimension measured in the

direction of travel equal to the width of the stairway. Maximum
height between landing shall be 3.60 meters.

e) Handrails. Stairways shall have at least one handrail on one side

provided there is a guard or wall on the other side. However,
stairways with less than 4 risers need not have handrails, and
stairs with either a guard or wall on one end need not be provided
with a handrail on that end.

f) Guard and Handrail Details. The design of guards and handrails

and hardware for attaching handrails to guards, balusters of
masonry walls shall be such that these are made safe and

f.1 Handrails on stairs shall not be less than 0.80 meter or more
than 1.20 meters above the upper surface of the tread,
measured vertically to the top of the rail from the leading edge
of the tread. (See Fig. 8: Stairway Design)

f.2 Handrails shall be so designed as to permit continuous sliding

of hands on them and shall be provided with a minimum
clearance of 38 millimeters from the wall to which they are
fastened. (See Fig. 8: Stairway Design).

f.3 The height of guards shall be measured vertically to the top

guard from the leading edge of the tread or from the floor of
landings. It shall not be less than 0.80 meter and no more
than 1.20 meters. Masonry walls may be used for any portion
of the guard.

Fig. 8: Stairway Design

g) Winding and Circular Stairways. Winding and circular stairways

may be used if the required width of run is provided at a point not
more than 300 millimeters from the side of the stairway where the
treads are narrower but in no case shall any width of run be less
than 150 milimeters at any point. The maximum variation in the
height of risers and the width of treads in any one flight shall be 5
milimeters. (See Fig. 9: Winding and Circular Stairways)

Fig. 9 : Winding and Circular Stairways

h) Ladders. The use of ladders may be allowed provided that the

maximum distance between landings shall be 1.80 meters.
d. Roofing

Roofing material that is impervious to water shall be provided.

e. Electrical Requirements

There shall be provided at least one light outlet and one convenience
outlet per activity area.

f. Firewall(Amended per Board Res. No. 824, Series of 2008)

Whenever a dwelling abuts on a property line, a firewall shall be required.

The firewall shall be of masonry construction, at least 150 millimeters or
6 inches thick and extend vertically from the lowest portion of the wall
adjoining the living units up to a minimum height of 0.30 meter above the
highest point of the roof attached to it. The firewall shall also extend
horizontally up to a minimum distance of 0.30 meter beyond the
outermost edge of the abutting living units.

A firewall shall be provided for duplex/single-attached units and at every

unit for row houses. No openings whatsoever shall be allowed except
when the two abutting spaces of 2 adjacent living units are unenclosed or
partially open, e.g. carports, terraces, patios, etc.; instead, a separation
wall shall be required. (See Fig. 10: Firewall for Dwelling Units on
Property Line).

Ceiling should be compartmentalized and should not be continuous

from one living unit to another.

Fig. 10: Firewall for Dwelling Units on Property Line

B. Multi-Family Dwellings and Condominiums (Applicable for both Economic
and Socialized Housing)

1. Lot Planning

a. Access to the property. Direct vehicular access to the property shall be

provided by means of an abutting improved public street.

b. Access to the dwelling. An independent means of access shall be

provided to each dwelling, or group of dwellings in a single plot, without
trespassing adjoining properties. Each dwelling must be capable of
maintenance without trespassing adjoining units. Utilities and service
facilities must be independent for each dwelling unit.

Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a sanitary means for the
removal of garbage and trash.

c. Access to living units. An independent means of access to each living

units shall be provided without passing through any yard of a living unit
or any other yard.

d. Non-residential use. Portions of the property may be designed for non-

residential use provided the type of non-residential use is harmonious or
compatible with the residential character of the property. Some
examples of allowable non-residential uses are private clinic/office,
garages, and carports.

The computation of the non-residential area shall include hallways,

corridors or similar spaces which serve both residential and non-
residential areas. (See Fig. 11: Non-Residential Use)

Fig. 11: Non - Residential Use



e. Cooperative store, and structures for the homeowners’ association.

Any non-residential use of any portion of the property shall be

subordinate to the residential use and character of the property. The
floor area authorized for non-residential use, whether in the principal
dwelling structure or in any accessory building, shall not exceed 25% of
the total residential area.

f. Open Space Requirements. Portions of the property shall be devoted to
open space to provide adequate light, ventilation and fire safety.

1) Setbacks from the property line shall be maintained, the minimum of

which shall be the following:

Table 11: Minimum Setbacks per Storey

Minimum Setback Requirement Per Storey

Kinds of Lot
1&2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Corner/Through 2.0 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.7 5.0
Lot abutting 3 or
more streets, alleys,
rivers, esteros, etc.

2) Distance between buildings shall also be adequately maintained to

ensure light and ventilation.

In general, the minimum distance between 2 buildings in which the

taller buildings does not exceed 2 storeys shall be 4.0 meters. And
the minimum horizontal clearance between the two roof eaves shall
be 1.50 meters. (See Fig. 12: Distance Between 2-Storey

Fig. 12: Distance Between 2-Storey Buildings

The minimum distance between two buildings wherein the taller

building has 3 or 4 storeys, shall be 6.0 meters. And the minimum
horizontal clearance between the two roof eaves shall be 2.0
meters. (See Fig. 13: Distance Between 3-Storey Buildings)

Fig. 13: Distance Between 3 - Storey Buildings

The minimum distance between buildings with more than 4 storeys

shall be 10 meters. The minimum horizontal clearance shall be 6.0

Except, however, in cases when the two sides of the buildings

facing each other are blank walls, i.e., either there are no openings
or only minimal openings for comfort rooms, the minimum distance
between the buildings shall be 2.0 meters. And the horizontal
clearance between the roof eaves shall be 1.0 meter. (See Fig. 14:
Distance Between Blank Walls of Two Buildings)

Fig. 14: Distance Between Blank Walls of Two Buildings

In the measurement of distance between two buildings,

measurement shall be made where the distance between the two
buildings is shortest. (See Fig. 15: Measurement of Distance
Between Buildings).

Fig. 15: Measurement of Distance Between Buildings


g. Parking Requirements. (Amended per Board Res. No. 824, Series of 2008)

For multi-family dwellings and condominiums, the parking requirement

shall be one (1) parking slot per eight (8) living units. The size of an
average automobile (car) parking slot must be computed at 2.5
meters by 5.0 meters for perpendicular or diagonal parking and at
2.15 meters by 6.0 meters for parallel parking.

The driveway may be used as parking area provided that the

minimum right-of-way shall be maintained. (See figure 16: Parking

Fig. 16: Parking Layout

Off-site parking may be allowed in addition to on-site parking provided that
designated parking area is part of the project and provided further that it
shall not be 100 meters away from the condominium project.

Mandatory compliance with additional parking space required by local

2. Building Design Standards

a. Living Units

In general, all building design standards for the single-family dwelling shall
apply to all living units of multi-family dwellings, except that, the minimum
floor area of a living unit in multi-family dwellings shall be 22 square meters
for economic housing and 18 square meters for socialized housing. For BP
220 condominium projects, the minimum floor area shall be 18 square

b. Exits, Corridors, Exterior Exit Balconies and Common Stairways

Standards for exits, corridors, exterior balconies and common stairways

shall conform with the provisions of the National Building Code of the
Philippines and its Implementing Rules and Regulations as well as Section
3.1007 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Fire Code of
the Philippines (Annex 1).

Automatic fire alarm suppression system should be provided for

structure more than 15 meters in height.

c. Utilities and Services

To ensure healthful and livable conditions in the project, basic utilities and
services shall be provided, the minimum requirements of which shall be:

1) Water Supply

Water supply shall be potable and adequate in amount; a main service

connection and a piping system with communal faucets to serve the
common areas like the garden, driveways, etc. shall be provided. Pipes
branching out from the main water line shall service the individual units
which shall be provided with individual water meters.

2) Power Supply/Electrical Service

If available in the vicinity, a main power service shall be provided with a

main circuit to service common lighting as well as common power needs
of the dwellings. Like the water system, however, branch circuits with
separate meters shall service the individual living units.

3) Drainage System

Surface run-offs shall be channeled to appropriate repositories.

4) Sewage Disposal System

Sewage disposal may be accomplished by any of the following means:

a) discharge to an existing public sewerage system

b) treatment in a community disposal plant or communal septic tank

c) treatment in individual septic tanks with disposal by absorption

field or leaching pit

5) Garbage Disposal System

Adequate services for the regular collection and disposal of garbage and
rubbish shall be in compliance with applicable local ordinances.

6) Elevator Requirements (If Applicable) (Amended per Board Res. No. 824, Series
of 2008)

Provision of elevators shall be required for buildings 6 storeys and

beyond. The same shall conform with the plans and specifications of
the duly licensed design architect/engineer who shall determine the
requirement for elevators including the number of cars, capacity, safety
features and standards, elevator type, speed and location in relation to
the over all design and use of the building. The design architect/engineer
shall certify under oath that all components thereof are in accordance
with the National Building Code of the Philippines, Accessibility Law,
National Industry Standards and other pertinent laws.

Compliance to the provisions of the Fire Code of the Philippines shall be


3. General Construction Requirements

a. Structural Requirements

All construction shall conform with the provisions of the latest edition of the
Philippine Structural Code.

b. Electrical Requirements

All electric systems, equipment and installation shall conform with the
provisions of the latest edition of the Philippine Electrical Code and the
requirements of the electric utility that serves the locality.

c. Sanitary Requirements

All sanitary systems, equipment and installation shall conform with the
provisions of the latest edition of Sanitation Code of the Philippines and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations and National Plumbing Code.

d. Construction Materials

The use of indigenous materials for site development and construction of

dwellings shall be encouraged, as long as these are in conformity with the
requirements of these Rules and ensures a building life span of at least 25
years, or in correspondence to loan terms payment.

Section 7. Variances/Exemptions

Variances from these standards and requirements may be granted pursuant to the
conditions stipulated in Board Resolution No. R-97, series of 1982 (Annex 2) under
strict observance hereof will cause unnecessary hardship to the case of regional
considerations/characteristics, peculiarities of the location and other relevant


Section 8. Approval Required

No development of economic and socialized housing projects shall be allowed
without having complied with the standards and approval procedures set forth in
these Rules.

An approved socialized housing project shall not be upgraded to any other type of
housing project.

Section 9. Approval of Proposed Residential Houses of Average

and Low-Income Earners
Individual lot owners who are average and low-income earners as defined under
BP 220 may construct their individual residential houses in the manner provided by
these Rules, provided that:

1. The development approval is secured from Local Government Unit thru

Sangguniang Bayan or Sangguniang Panglunsod prior to their construction

2. The proposed building plans are submitted to the city/municipal engineer for

Section 10. Application for Approval of Subdivision Development

Every registered owner or developer of a parcel of land who wishes to convert the
same into a subdivision project shall apply with the Housing and Land Use
Regulatory Board or Local Government Unit concerned for approval of the
subdivision development plan by filing the following:

A. For Optional Application for Preliminary Subdivision Development Plan

1. At least 2 sets of site development plan (schematic plan) at a scale ranging

from 1:200 to 1:2,000 showing the proposed layout of streets, lots, parks
and playgrounds and other features in relation to existing conditions in the
area, prepared, signed and sealed by any licensed and registered

architect, environmental planner, civil engineer, or geodetic engineer.
(Amended per Board Res. No. 794, Series of 2006)

2. A set of the following documents duly signed and sealed by a licensed

geodetic engineer:

a. Vicinity map indicating the adjoining land uses, access, as well as

existing facilities and utilities at least within 500 meters from the property
boundaries of the project, drawn to any convenient scale.

b. Topographic plan to include existing conditions as follows:

1) Boundary lines: bearings and distances or geographic coordinates of

the reference or tie point (referred to as the BLLM #);

2) Streets, easements, width and elevation of right-of-way within the

project and adjacent subdivisions/areas;

3) Utilities within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision project,

location, sizes and invert elevations of sanitary and storm or
combined sewers; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and
telephone poles and street lights. If water mains and sewers are not
within/adjacent to the subdivision, indicate the direction and distance
to and size of nearest one, showing invert elevations of sewers, if

4) Ground elevation of the subdivision: for ground that slopes less than
2%, indicate spot elevations at all breaks in grade, along all
drainage channels and at selected points not more than 25 meters
apart in all directions: for ground that slopes more than 2%, either
indicate contours with an interval of not more than 0.50 meter if
necessary due to irregular land or need for more detailed
preparation of plans and construction drawings.

5) Watercourses, marshes, rock and wooded areas, presence of all

preservable trees in caliper diameter of 200 milimeters, houses,
barns, shacks, and other significant features.

6) Proposed public improvements: highways or other major

improvements planned by public authorities for future construction
within/adjacent to the subdivision.

c. Survey plan of the lot(s) as described in TCT(s).

3. At least 2 copies of certified true copy of title(s) and current tax receipts

4. Right to use or deed of sale of right-of-way for access road and other
utilities when applicable, subject to just compensation for private land.

Approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Development Plan will be valid only for a
period of 180 days from date of approval.

B. For application for Subdivision Development Permit

1. All requirements for application for preliminary Subdivision

Development Plan as specified on Section 10.A of this Rule.

2. Subdivision Development Plan consisting of the site development plan

at any of the following scales: 1:200; 1:1,000; or any scale not
exceeding 1:2,000; showing all proposals including the following:

a. Roads, easements or right-of-way and roadway width, alignment,

gradient, and similar data for alleys, if any.

b. Lot numbers, lines and areas and block numbers.

c. Site data such as number of residential and saleable lots, typical lot size,
parks and playgrounds and open spaces.

The Subdivision Development Plan shall be prepared, signed and sealed

by any licensed and registered architect, environmental planner, civil
engineer or geodetic engineer. (Amended per Board Res. No. 794, Series of 2006)

3. Civil and Sanitary Works Design

Engineering plans/construction drawings based on applicable engineering

code and design criteria to include the following:

a. At least 2 copies of road (geometric and structural) design/plan duly

signed and sealed by a licensed civil engineer.

1) Profile derived from existing topographic map signed and sealed by a

licensed geodetic engineer showing the vertical control, designed
grade, curve elements and all information needed for construction.

2) Typical roadway sections showing relative dimensions of pavement,

sub-base and base preparation, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, shoulders,
benching and others.

3) Details of roadway and miscellaneous structure such as curb and

gutter (barrier, mountable and drop), slope protection wall and
retaining wall.

b. At least 2 copies of storm drainage and sanitary sewer system duly

signed and sealed by a licensed sanitary engineer or civil engineer.

1) Profile showing the hydraulic gradients and properties of sanitary and

storm drainage lines including structures in relation with the road
grade line.

2) Details of sanitary and storm drainage lines and miscellaneous

structures such as various types of manholes, catch basins, inlets
(curb, gutter, and drop), culverts and channel linings.
c. At least 2 copies of site grading plan with finished contour lines
superimposed on the existing ground the limits of earth work
embankment slopes, cut slopes, surface drainage, drainage outfalls and
others, duly signed and sealed by a licensed civil engineer.

4. At least two 2 copies of water system layout and details duly signed and
sealed by a licensed sanitary engineer or civil engineer. Should a pump
motor has a horsepower (hp) rating of 50 hp or more, its pump rating and
specifications shall be signed and sealed by a professional mechanical

5. Certified true copy of tax declaration covering the property(ies) subject of

the application for the year immediately preceding;

6. Zoning Certification from HLURB Regional Office.

7. Certified true copy of DAR Conversion Order.

8. Certified true copy of Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) or

Certificate Of Non-Coverage (CNC), whichever is applicable, duly issued by
the DENR;

9. At least 2 copies of project description for projects having areas of 1 hectare

and above to include the following:

a. Project profile indicating the cost of raw land and its development (total
project cost), amortization schedule, sources of financing, cash flow,
architectural scheme, if any, and work program;

b. Audited financial statement for the last 3 preceding years;

c. Income Tax Return for the last three 3 preceding years;

d. Certificate of registration with Securities and Exchange Commission


e. Articles of incorporation or partnership;

f. Corporation by-laws and all implementing amendments, and

g. For new corporations (3 years and below) statement of capitalization and

sources of income and cash flow to support work program.

10. Plans specifications, bill of materials and cost estimates duly signed and
sealed by the appropriate licensed professionals.

11. Application for permit to drill from the National Water Resources Board

12. Traffic impact assessment for projects 30 hectares and above.

13. List of names of duly licensed professionals who signed the plans and other
similar documents in connection with application filed indicating the
following information:

a. Surname;
b. First name;
c. Middle name;
d. Maiden name, in case of married women professional;
e. Professional license number, date of issue and expiration of its validity;
f. Professional tax receipt and date of issue
g. Taxpayer’s identification number (TIN)

If the establishment of the subdivision project is physically feasible and does not
run counter to the approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning
Ordinance of the City or Municipality and the plan complies with these Rules, the
same shall be approved and a Development Permit shall be issued upon
payment of the prescribed processing fee.

A Development Permit shall only be valid for a period of 3 years from date of
issue if no physical development is introduced.

The owner or developer shall cause the necessary surveys of the project and
prepare the survey returns with technical description and computations duly
signed and sealed by a licensed geodetic engineer to be submitted together and
in accordance with the approved subdivision plan, to the Land Management
Sector (LMS) for verification and approval; pursuant to Section 50 of PD 1529
(Property Registration Decree) and subject to the provisions of R.A. 8560 and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations.

Section 11. Evaluation of Land Development and Structural

Design Components of Project
Should the project be found locationally viable, the Board shall proceed to
determine whether the land development scheme and building design are in
accordance with the standards set forth in these Rules. If the design is not in
compliance with the standards set forth in these Rules, the developer shall be
required to revise the same.

Section 12. Survey and Approval of Subdivision Plan

Upon the approval of the subdivision development plan for economic and
socialized housing projects, the developer shall submit the subdivision plan
together with the parcellary map to the Land Management Sector for the conduct
of verification survey and approval of the subdivision scheme.

Section 13. Application for Registration
A. Common Requirements

No subdivision or condominium intended for economic and socialized housing shall

be sold unless it has been registered and issued a License to Sell in accordance
with these Rules.

Upon receipt of Verified Survey Returns of subdivision plan from the Land
Management Sector, the developer shall cause the registration of the project with
the Board by submitting the following documents:

1. Sworn registration statement using either:

a. HLURB form 001 for corporation (See Annex 3)

b. HLURB form 003 for single proprietorship (See Annex 4)

2. Certified true copy of Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) or Original Certificate

of Title (OCT) duly stamped with original marking “Certified True Copy” by
the proper Register of Deeds and bearing its seal or security marker.

a. When project covers more than 20 individual titles without the required
marks described above, the following shall be submitted:

1) Photocopy of TCTs

2) Certification from the Register of Deeds concerned with its seal or

security mark giving the following information:

a) TCT or OCT numbers;

b) Name of all registered owner(s) and their sharing, if any;

c) Area covered by each title;

d) Number of OCT or TCT from which the title is derived;

e) Statement of all uncancelled liens and encumbrances, if any;

f) Lot and block numbers as well as PSD, PSU, PCS, or other

relevant numbers

b. When certified copy of the TCT was issued more than one month prior to
application for Certificate of Registration (CR), affidavit of the owner that
the property is free from liens and encumbrances. When the applicant is
not the owner, deed from the registered owner showing clearly the
authority of the applicant to the property, its development and sale of

individual lots or units; to sign and receive documents; and other
relevant authority. Provided, however, that in case the subdivision
project or portion thereof is mortgaged, affidavit of undertaking to submit
title; certification from the mortgagee regarding outstanding balance of
loan and amortization schedule; mortgage of contract; and affidavit of
undertaking of mortgagor.

3. Duly audited balanced sheet (certified copy of the original) issued and
signed by the authorized official of the applicant and under the latter’s

a. When individual person involved and no balance sheet can be

submitted, income tax returns for the preceding year duly received by
BIR office and tax receipts evidencing payment.

b. When applicant is a new corporation, partnership, or single

proprietorship, i.e., no financial statement or Income Tax Return has
been prepared yet, sworn statement declaring:

1) Other assets or sources of funds and other resources;

2) The nature of control or ownership over such assets, funds or


3) Commitment to the effect that, if necessary, the same shall be used

to complete the project.

4. Articles of incorporation (or of partnership or association), amendments

thereof and existing by-laws (or its equivalent) clearly indicating the
authority of the applicant to engage in real estate trade particularly in the
development and selling of lots or units. When an applicant deviates from
the intended line of business stipulated in its articles of incorporation (or
partnership or association), authorization from the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) and/or the appropriate government agency to engage in
the development and selling of the subject project.

5. A copy of any circular, prospectus, brochure, advertisement, or

communication used/to be used for public offering of subject project and for
circulation upon approval by this Board.

6. Sample copy of contract to sell to be used in the public offering of lots, units
or lots and units. When amendments shall be effected on the form contract
submitted for notification/approval by HLURB, pro-forma affidavit signifying
willingness to change project name.

7. Certified true copy of Environmental Compliance Certificate

(ECC)/Certificate Of Non-Coverage (CNC), whichever is applicable, duly
issued by the Department Of Environmental And Natural Resources

8. Zoning Certification from HLURB Regional Office.

9. Certified true copy of DAR Conversion Order.

(In cases where the property involved is located in an area already
classified as residential, commercial, industrial or other similar
development purposes as provided in CLUPs approved pursuant to
EO 72, Series of 1993, a DAR Conversion Order shall no longer be
required as a precondition for issuance of Certificate of Registration
and License to Sell). (Amended per Board Res. No. 748, Series of 2003)

10. Electrical plan and specifications duly signed and sealed by a licensed
professional electrical engineer and duly approved by the local franchise
holder as appropriate.

11. Permit to operate a deepwell and subsequent submission of confirmed water

resistivity test from the National Water Resources Board (NWRB). Water
potability test results from concerned government agencies.

B. Additional Requirements

1. For condominium projects, master deeds with declaration of registration and

declaration of restrictions evidenced by the proper annotations thereof in the
title(s) of the property and the certified true copy of such title(s) from the
Register Of Deeds.

2. For subdivision projects:

a. Two copies of Verified Survey Returns with label for all non-saleable
areas including but not limited to parks and playgrounds, community
facilities and roads and easements;

b. Copy of the following documents in case the Development Permit was

issued by the Local Government Unit (LGU) pursuant to the 1991 Local
Government Code and related issuances:

1) Sangguniang Resolution/Ordinance granting of Development

Permit/Subdivision Development Plan containing the following

a) Full name of the grantee or permittee and his address;

b) Complete project name and its location;
c) Date of the resolution or ordinance;
d) Project area;
e) Full listing of title(s) covering the project;
f) Legal basis of the approval (PD 957, BP 220, EO 648 and other
related laws)

2) Certified true copy of resolution conferring authority to the mayor or

other local government official to issue development permit in
cases where the same was not granted by the Sangguniang
Evidences of approval by the local government of the subdivision
scheme must be any original copy or one certified as true copy
thereof by the authorized local government official, indicating
clearly his full name and position and the date of approval. It must
contain the same data as above described. Most important of all, it
must bear an indication of Sanggunian approval such as but not
limited to words like: “approved by authority of the Sanggunian” or
others of similar import, it being understood that the Sangguniang
Bayan/Panglungsod has properly issued such authority.

3) Proof of compliance to Section 18 of RA 7279 (for BP 220 project

whose selling price is above the maximum selling price of
socialized housing project) in any of the following manner:

a) Development Permit of socialized housing projects within the

main subdivision.
b) License to Sell of socialized housing project offered as
compliance if location of compliance is not within the main
subdivision project.
c) Joint venture agreement with LGU or other housing agencies.
d) Certified true copy of bond issued by the LGU where the main
project is located or by any of the housing agencies.

4) Topographic Plan

c. Project study

d. Copy of brochures and other form of advertisements.

Section 14. Application for License to Sell

The owner or the real estate dealer interested in the sale of lots or units in a
subdivision or condominium project shall apply with the Board for a License To Sell
by submitting the following:

1. Program of development (bar chart with S-curve, Gantt chart/PERT-CPM, etc.)

signed and sealed by a licensed engineer or architect indicating work activities,
duration and costing.

2. Affidavit of undertaking to perform the following:

a. Segregation of the individual titles for all lots or units within the project;

b. Submission of proof that titles to the saleable lots or units have been issued,
which proof may include a certification from concerned Register of Deeds
indicating the lots/blocks or units or data similar to those required under the
requirement for Certificate of Registration only when required by the Board.

c. Submission of a certified true copy of title of the common areas/open space,

which title shall expressly indicate the kind of common use approved

therefor, on or before a definite date (to be specified by applicant subject to
approval by the Board).

3. Duly accomplished and notarized fact sheet

4. Proof showing the required minimum level of development before the

issuance of license sell: (Per Board Res. No. R-830, Series of 2008)

a. For subdivision projects – land clearing and grubbing, road tracing,

earthworks, sub-base and base preparation activities, and entrance
gate if included in the brochure, advertisement or development plan.

b. For condominium projects – civil and structural works of foundation to

include excavation, pile driving, concreting, steel reinforcement and

Section 15. Notice of Publication (Per Board Res. No. R-764,Series of 2004)
Upon evaluation of the completeness and veracity of the documents submitted, the
Board shall cause the publication at the expense of the applicant, of a notice on
application for Certificate of Registration in one newspaper of general circulation, in
English or in Pilipino, reciting therein that an application for registration statement
for the sale of subdivision lots and condominium units has been filed with the
Board; and that the aforesaid application, as well as documents attached thereto,
are open to inspection during business hours by interested parties. In addition, a 3’
x 6’ billboard notice of the project shall be posted on the project site until the
issuance of the license to sell.

Failure to publish the notice of filing of registration statement within two (2)
weeks from receipt of notice to publish issued by the Board, the owner/
developer shall be required to re-file the application for Certificate of

Section 16. Certificate of Registration (Per Board Res. No. R-764,Series of 2004)

After five (5) days(Per Board Res. No. 812, Series of 2007) from the completion of the
publication as provided for in Section 15 and upon submission of the
affidavit of publications, executed by the publisher, the Board shall, in the
absence of an opposition to the Registration of the project, issue a
Certificate of Registration “upon payment of the prescribed fees.” (Per Board Res.
No. 812, Series of 2007)

Section 17. License to Sell (Per Board Res. No. R-764,Series of 2004)
No owner or developer shall sell any disposable subdivision lot or condominium
unit in a registered property without a license to sell issued by the Board within 2
weeks from registration of such project.

Upon proper application therefore, submission of the required work program,

performance bond and payment of the prescribed license fee by the owner or
developer, the Board shall issue a license to sell the lot or unit in the project or

portion thereof covered by the performance bond, provided that submitted
registration statement and other pertinent documentary requirements can establish
that the proposed sale of the subdivision lot or condominium unit to the public is
not fraudulent.

The Performance Bond required may be in any of the following forms or a

combination thereof:

A. A surety bond callable upon demand amounting to 10% of the

development cost of the unfinished portion of the approved plan issued
by a duly accredited bonding company (whether private or government)
and acceptable to the Board; or

B. Real estate mortgage to be executed by the applicant as mortgagor in

favor of the Republic of the Philippines as mortgagee, the latter as
represented by and acting through the HLURB, over a property other
than that subject of the application, free from any liens and
encumbrance and provided, that the value of the property, computed on
the basis of the zonal valuation schedule of the Bureau of Internal
Revenue, shall be at least 10% of the total development cost; or

C. Other forms of security equivalent to 5% of the development cost of the

unfinished portion of the approved plan which may be in the form of the

1. Cash Bond;

2. Fiduciary deposit made with the cashier and/or disbursing officer of

the Board;

3. A certificate of guaranty deposit issued by any bank or financing

institution of good standing in favor of the Board for the total
development cost;

4. A letter from any bank of recognized standing certifying that so much

has been set aside from the bank account of the applicant in favor of
the Board which amount may be withdrawn by the Chief Executive
Officer of the Board or by his duly authorized representative, at any
time the principal fails or refuses to comply with his duties and
obligations under the bond contract;

5. Any irrevocable credit line to be utilized in the development of the

project from any bank of recognized standing and a refinancing re-
structuring program indicating sources of funding from duly
accredited funding institutions.

Section 18. Monitoring of Project
The Board shall have the power to monitor projects granted Development
Approval and License to Sell under these Rules to ensure faithful compliance with
the terms, standards and conditions thereof. It may exercise visitorial powers and
in case of violation or non-compliance of the terms, standards and conditions set
forth in the approval and the license issued, it may institute revocation proceedings
and impose appropriate fines and penalties.


Section 19. Definition of terms

As used in this rules, the following words and phrases are defined and understood
to have the meaning correspondingly indicated therein.

1. Alley – a public way with a width of 2.0 meters intended to break a block and to
serve both pedestrian and for emergency vehicles, both ends connecting to
streets. It shall not be used as access to property.

2. Block - A parcel of land bounded on the sides by streets occupied by or

intended for buildings.

3. Board or HLURB - shall mean the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board.

4. Cluster Housing - single-family detached dwelling unit containing three or

more separate living units grouped closely together to form relatively compact

5. Community Facilities - facilities or structures intended to serve common

needs and for the benefit of the community, such as neighborhood/multi-
purpose center, drugstore, school, livelihood center, and the like.

6. Dwelling - a building designed or used as residence for one or more families.

a. Dwelling Types

Single Detached - a dwelling for 1 family which is completely surrounded

by permanent open spaces, with independent access, services, and use of

Duplex/Single Attached - a dwelling containing 2 or more separate living

units each of which is separated from another by party or lot lines walls and
provided with independent access, services, and use of land. Such dwelling
shall include duplexes, quadruplex or terraces, and cluster housing.

Row house - a single-attached dwelling containing 3 or more separate

living units designed in such a way that they abut each other at the sides, as
in a row, and are separated from each other by party walls; provided with
independent access, and use of land. There shall be a maximum of 20
units per block or cluster but in no case shall this be beyond 100 meters in

Single-family dwelling – shall mean single family per lot.

Multi Family Dwelling – a dwelling on 1 lot containing separate living units

for 3 or more families, usually provided with common access, services and
use of land.

b. Level of Completion

Shell house - a habitable dwelling unit which meets the minimum

requirements for a housing core with the following additional components
being included as part thereof:

1) All exterior walls to enclose the unit

2) Openings for doors and windows
3) Plumbing fixtures
4) Electrical wiring within the unit
5) Floor

Complete House - a habitable dwelling unit which meets the minimum

requirements for a shell house with the following additional components
being included as part thereof: all windows and doors and partition walls for
separating functional areas.

7. Economic Housing - a type of housing project provided to average income


8. Fire Resistive Time Period Rating - fire resistive time period is the length of
time a material can withstand being burned which may be 1 hour, 2 hours, 3
hours, 4 hours or more.

9. Firewall - any wall which separates 2 abutting living units and extends
vertically from the lowest portion of the wall which adjoins the 2 living
units up to a minimum height of 0.30 meter above the highest portion of
the roof attached to it; the firewall shall also extend horizontally up to a
minimum distance beyond the outermost edge of the abutting living units.
(Amended per Board Res. No. 824, Series of 2008)

10. Frontage - that part or end of a lot which abuts a street.

11. Living Unit - a dwelling, or portion thereof, providing complete living facilities
for 1 family, including provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, eating, bathing
and toilet facilities and laundry facilities, the same as a single-family dwelling.

12. Lot - a portion of a subdivision or any parcel of land intended as a unit for
transfer of ownership or for building development.

13. Lot Line Wall - a wall used only by the party upon whose lot the wall is located,
erected at a line separating two parcels of land each of which is a separate real
estate entity.

14. Multi Family Dwelling – a dwelling on one lot containing separate living units
for 3 or more families, usually provided with common access, services and use
of land.

15. Occupancy – the purpose for which a building is used or intended to be used.
The term shall also include the building or room housing such use. Change of
occupancy is not intended to include change of tenants or proprietors.

16. Open Space - shall refer to areas allocated for the following purposes:

a. Circulation
b. Community facilities
c. Park/playground
d. Easements
e. Courts

17. Party Wall - a wall used jointly by two parties under easement agreement,
erected upon a line separating 2 parcels of land each of which is a separate
real estate.

18. Pathwalk – a public way intended to be used only as pedestrian access to

property for socialized housing projects. It shall have a width of 3.0 meters and
a maximum length of 60 meters.

19. Parks/Playgrounds - that portion of the subdivision which is generally not built
on and intended for passive or active recreation.

20. Socialized Housing - refers to housing programs and projects covering houses
and lots and homelots only undertaken by the government or the private sector
for the underprivileged and homeless citizens which shall include sites and
services development, long term financing, liberalized terms on interest
payments, and such other benefits in accordance with the provisions of R.A.
7279 or the urban development and housing act of 1992.

Section 20. Conformance to the Requirements of Other Pertinent

Laws, Rules and Regulations

Unless otherwise amended or expressly provided, the provisions of Presidential

Decree No. 957 and its Implementing Rules on the following Sections are hereby
adopted in these Rules:

1. Application for approval of condominium projects

2. Registration of real estate dealers, brokers and salesmen
3. Submission of Semestral Reports on Operations
4. Display of Certificate of Registration and License to Sell
5. Lost or Destroyed Certificate of Registration or License to Sell
6. Advertisement
7. Time of Completion
8. Transfer of ownership or change of name
9. Alteration of Plans
10. Non-Forfeiture of Payments
11. Registration of Conveyance
12. Mortgages
13. Complaints against owners, developers, dealers, brokers, salesmen
14. Administrative fines
15. Criminal penalties
16. Take-over Development
17. Fees
18. Identification of lot subject of sale

19. Broker/salesmen as witness to sales
20. Phases of Subdivision
21. Realty Tax and Other Charges
22. Conversion of existing structures

Section 21. Non-Development

Failure on the part of the owner or developer to develop the project in accordance
with the approved project plans and within the time herein specified shall subject
the owner/developer to administrative sanctions and penalties.

Section 22. Organization and Registration of Homeowners

The owner or developer of a socialized and economic housing project shall initiate
the organization of a homeowners association among the buyers and residents of
the project for the purpose of promoting and protecting their mutual interest. Said
homeowners association shall register with the Board and the latter is hereby
authorized to accredit and determine the legitimate homeowners association of the
housing project for purposes of applying the pertinent provisions of these Rules.

Section 23. Donation of Roads, Open Spaces and Water Supply

The owner or project developer shall donate the roads and open spaces found in
the project to the local government of the area after their completion had been
certified to by the Board and it shall be mandatory for the said local government to
accept such donations. Parks and playgrounds maybe donated to the duly
accredited Homeowners Association of the project with the consent of the city or
municipality concerned under PD 1216.

The water supply system of the project may likewise be donated to the duly
accredited homeowners association after certification by the Board of its
completion and of its being operational. Should the homeowners not accept the
donation, the owner or developer of the project shall collect reasonable rates to be
determined by the Board in consultation with the National Water Resources Board
or the Local Water Works and Utilities Administration. The proceeds thereof shall
be used exclusively for the maintenance and operation of the water system by the

Section 24. Separability Clause

The provisions of these Rules are hereby declared separable, and in the event any
of such provisions are declared null and void, the validity of all other provisions
shall not be affected thereby.

Section 25. Effectivity

These Rules shall take effect thirty days after its publication in a newspaper of
general circulation in the Philippines.


A. General – This rule covers detached single and two dwellings. Where the
occupancy is so limited, the only requirements applicable are those in
this Section.

B. Exit Details

(1) Number, type and access to exits

a. In any dwelling of more than 2 rooms, every room used for sleeping,
living or dining purposes shall have at least two (2) means of
egress, at least one (1) of which shall be a door or stairway
providing a means of unobstructed travel to the outside of the
building at street ground level. No room or a space shall be
occupied for living or sleeping purposes which is accessible only
by a ladder, folding stairs or through a trap door.

b. Every sleeping room shall have at least one (1) outside window.
Such window could be opened from the inside, without the use of
tools, to provide a clear opening of not less than fifty six (56)
centimeters in least dimension and forty five-hundredths (0.45)
square meter in area. The bottom of the opening shall be not more
than one hundred twenty two (122) centimeters above the floor,
except if the room has two (2) doors providing separate ways of
escape or has a door leading directly outside of the building.

c. No required path of travel to the outside from any room shall be

through another room or apartment not under the immediate
control of the occupant of the first room or his family, not through a
bathroom or other space subject of locking.

d. No exit access from sleeping rooms to outside shall be less than

ninety (90) centimeters wide.

e. No interior door providing means of exit shall be less than sixty (60)
centimeters wide.

f. Every closet door latch shall be such that children can open the
door from inside the closet.

g. Every bathroom door lock shall be designed to permit the opening

of the locked door from the outside in an emergency.

h. Stairs – the width, risers and treads of every stair shall comply at
least with the minimum requirements for Class B stairs.

C. Interior Finish – interior finish of occupied spaces of new buildings shall
be Class A, B or C as defined in Section 3.504 and existing buildings, the
interior finish shall be Class A, B, C or D.

D. Building Service Equipment – no heating equipment such as stove or

combustion heater shall be so located as to block escape in case of fire
arising from malfunctioning of the stove or heater.



Series of 1993



WHEREAS, Presidential Decree No. 953 requires the planting of trees in

certain places and penalizes unauthorized cutting, destruction, damaging and
injuring of certain plants and vegetation;

WHEREAS, the Board takes cognizance of the need and growing concern
for the environment and preservation of ecological balance and the public clamor
for the greening of urban areas such as residential subdivision projects;

WHEREFORE, be it RESOLVED that the “Rules Implementing P.D. 953

Which Requires Among Others Every Owner of an Existing Subdivision to Plant
Trees in Designated Areas”, hereto attached as Annex “A” and made an integral
part hereof; be APPROVED as it is hereby APPROVED.

APPROVED, Quezon City, 12 July 1993.


Chairman, HUDCC
Ex-Officio Chairman, HLRB


Asst. Secretary, DPWH Commissioner and
Ex-Officio Commissioner Chief Executive Officer


Undersecretary, DOJ Commissioner


Commissioner, DILG Commissioner


Deputy Director-General, NEDA
Ex-Officio Commissioner

Attested By:


Board Secretary

Annex 2.A



Pursuant to Article IV Section 5 I of Executive Order No. 648 the

following rules are promulgated to implement Presidential Decree


Section 1. TITLE – this Rules and Regulations shall be known as the Rules and
Regulations implementing PD 953 which Requires among others
Every Owner of an Existing Subdivision to Plant Trees in Designated

Section 2. DECLARATION OF POLICIES – It is the policy of the government to

create and maintain a healthful environment by requiring the planting
of trees in areas reserved as parks and playgrounds and along all
roads and service streets.

Section 3. SCOPE OF APPLICATION – These rules shall apply to all existing

subdivisions approved as of the effectivity of the law on July 6, 1976.



1. Existing It shall refer to subdivision projects whose plans have been

Subdivision approved after July 6, 1976 by the government authorities
concerned, provided that the road lots and open spaces
therein have not yet been issued certificate of completion by
the Board and donated to the local government unit concerned
or to the Homeowners Association in the case of parks and
playground. It shall include those projects approved prior to
July 1976 if the same were registered and issued license to
sell after July 6, 1976.

2. Subdivision it shall refer to a subdivision as defined under PD 957 and

which have designated open spaces and delineated road
lots/service streets in the approved plans.

3. Open spaces shall mean an area reserved exclusively for parks,

playgrounds, recreational uses and other similar facilities and

4. Road Lots shall include roads, sidewalks, alleys and planting strips and
its gutters drainage and sewerage.

5. Application refers to applications for development permit, alteration,

license to sell, requests for extension of time, advertisement,
mortgage clearance and other similar permits pursuant to PD
957 and other related laws and its implementing rules and

6. Deputees refers to the heads of regional field offices of the Board or the
local government official deputized pursuant to the rules
implementing EO 71 Series of 1993.


Section 5. APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION PLANS - No subdivision

plan shall be approved without the submission of an
undertaking from owner/developer to plant trees as indicated
therein within one year from the issuance of its License to Sell
or such period as may be approved by the Board.

Section 6. LICENSE TO SELL – No License to Sell shall be issued

without the submission of plans duly approved by the Housing
and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLRB) based on the
manuals/guidelines of the BFD indicating the location and type
of trees to be planted in its parks and playground (open space)
and along roads and service streets.

Section 7. MONITORING OF COMPLIANCE – Monitoring of compliance

to these rules shall form part of the regular monitoring
activities of the Board. The HLRB or its deputees shall
monitor compliance to this requirements by accomplishing the
prescribed inspection report (Annex A of this Rules). The
report as prescribed per Annex A shall be accomplished for
every inspection conducted after the issuance of the license to
sell and shall be an integral part of the report form prescribed
under Office circular 11, Series of 1990. Non compliance to
the tree planting requirements shall be a cause for
cancellation of License to Sell.


Certificate of Completion (COC) shall be issued by the HLRB
unless the subdivision owner/developer complies with the
provisions of these Rules and Regulations.


Section 9. MAINTENANCE – It shall be the continuing obligation of the

owner/developer to take good care of the trees planted and
from time to time remove any tree planted by them in their
respective areas which has grown very old, is deceased or in
defective and replant with trees their respective areas
whenever necessary. The developer shall be relieved of the
obligation to maintain the trees planted only upon the issuance
of a certificate of completion by the HLRB and upon receipt by
the local government unit concerned of the Deed of Donation
for the Road Lots and open spaces duly executed in their
favor on the Homeowners Association in the case of parks and
playground with the consent of the local government.



. – No new applications of developers who have not complied
with the tree planting requirements in his previous
application(s) shall be acted upon unless he issues proof of
compliance with his previous project(s).


Section 11. SUPPLEMENTAL RULES – The chief Executive shall issue

supplemental rules as may be necessary in implementing and
interpreting these guidelines consistent with the provisions

Section 12. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE – In case these rules or any part

thereof are found to be unconstitutional or invalid for any
reasons the remainder thereof shall not be affected by the
declaration of invalidity and shall remain in full force and

Section 13. EFFECTIVITY – These Rules shall take effect fifteen (15)
days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation.

APPROVED THIS 12th day of July, 1993 at Quezon City.


This is to certify that the foregoing Rules and Regulations constitute the
attachment referred to in HLRB Board Resolution NO. R-532, Series of 1993 as
Annex 2.A thereof, and that the same was deliberated and passed upon as an
integral part of the said Resolution during the Board’s 255th Regular Board Meeting
held last July 12, 1993.

Witness my hand and the seal of this Board, this 12th day of July 1993.


Board Secretary, HLRB

Fact Sheet and Ocular Inspection/Project Evaluation Report Form


Project Name:_______________________________Project No.: ____________ Date of Inspection : ___________

Location:______________________________________Total Saleable Lots/Units Occupied:__________________
Owner:_______________________________________________No. of Lots/Units Fully
Address:_____________________________________Tel. No. _______ No. of Lots/Units Not Fully Paid _______
Developer:____________________________________________Account Receivables:______________________
Address:__________________________________ Tel. No. __________ Date Development Started:___________
Land Area:_________ Total Saleable Lots/Units:___________Date Permit Issued:___________Issued
Project Type: PD 957 [ ] BP [ ] (Others) Specify [ ] ________ Date License Issued _______Issued
Latest Date of Inspection:____ Conducted by:_____Date Registered:_______ Reg.
Last Reported Status of Dev’t:____________L.S. No.______________ Reg. by:___________
Purpose of Inspection:_____________________________Inspected Conducted by:_______

No. of Trees to be Status of Tress Planted

Planted per Approved Numbers of Tress
Road Lot/Alley Defective
Plan Planted & Alive Deceased
No./TCT Remarks
Right-Side Left-Side Left- Left – Left-
Right-Side Right-Side Right-Side
of Road of Road Side Side Side

Parks and


This Form shall be notarized if accomplished by Project Owner/Developer/Engineer.


_________________________________ of legal age, after having duly sworn, depose and say that I have sealed and
accomplished this form and the events hereof are true & correct.




Series of 2005 (19 July)




In view of the issuance of Board Res. No. 775, Series of 2004, Approving the Deletion of
Item 4 of Board Res. No. 725, Series of 2002, entitled “Amending the Revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations for PD 957 and BP 220”, the above subject is hereby
issued for consistency and compliance.

A. Definition of Terms

1. Shade trees - usually large trees with profused branches and extended laterally at
least four meters in height
2. Ornamental tree - medium-sized trees with less profused primarily branches and
attain a maximum height of three meters
3. Garden plants – single woody stem plants which do not have primary branches

B. Designated Areas for Planting Trees

The planting of trees shall be required in areas reserved for parks and playgrounds
and along planting strips of subdivision projects.

C. General Guidelines in Planting of Trees along Planting Strips of Subdivision


1. All shade trees shall be planted along the side of the road opposite the electrical
power distribution lines. The recommended distance between shade trees shall be
five (5) meters. Refer to Figure 1.
2. Ornamental trees shall be planted on the planting strip along the side of the
electrical power distribution lines. The recommended distance between ornamental
trees shall be three (3) meters. Refer to Figure 1
3. The vertical clearance from the topmost part of the ornamental trees to the primary
electrical power distribution lines shall be three (3) meters. Refer to Figure 2.
4. Coconut and other high growing plants shall not be allowed in all designated
planting strips.
5. Recommended potted planting materials is at least 1 meter in height for higher
plant survival.

Please be guided accordingly.



HLURB Form No. 001

(For Corporation)

I, ___________________________, Filipino of legal age, single/married,

with postal address and residence at _____________________________, after
being sworn to in accordance with the law do hereby depose and state the

1. That I am the ________________ of ___________________________

(Position) (Name of Corporation)
with office address at _______________________________________.

2. That the names and address of the Directors, Officer of ____________

___________________________________ are as follows:

3. That the general character of the business being conducted by

______________________ is ______________________ with a
capitalization of _________________ (P ________) broken down
as follows:
Authorized _________________(P_______________)
Paid up _________________(P_______________)

4a. That the corporation is the developer of certain parcel(s) of land

hereinafter called _________________________________
situated at ______________________________________ and
covered by TCT No.(s) _______________________ comprising
an aggregate area of ______________ sqm; or

b. That the said corporation is the developer of certain parcel(s) of

land hereinafter called __________________________ situated
at __________________ and covered by TCT No.(s)
______________________________ comprising an aggregate
area of ____________________________;
(Delete which is not applicable)

5. That our authorized broker(s) shall be


6. That the said property is untenanted and is not covered by PD

27 and other related laws;
7. That is our capacity as owner and/or developer, we bind
ourselves to comply with all the rules and regulations pertaining
to this project and shall be held responsible for all the facilities,
improvements infrastructures and similar forms of development

___________________, __________________________
(Date) (Place)



(If No. 4b applies)


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______ day of _______________,

Affiant exhibiting before me his/her Community Tax Certificate No.
______________ issued at ____________________________ on

Notary Public

Doc. No._____
Page No._____
Book No._____
Series of _____



(For Single Proprietorship)

I, ____________________________________________, Filipino, of legal age,

single/married to _______________________________, with residence address at
________________________________, after being sworn to in accordance with the law do hereby
depose and state the following:

1. That I am engaged in the business of ______________________________________,

with capitalization of __________________________________.

2. That I am the owner of certain parcel of land situated at ____________________

covered by TCT No. (s) ____________ comprising an aggregate area of
_______________ sq.m.

3. That I am developing said parcel(s) of land into a __________________________ to be

(Classification of Project)
hereinafter called ______________________________and sell the same to the public.
(Name of Project)

4. That for this purpose, I am engaging the services of

_____________________________, as developer for project for project;
(Name of Developer)

5. That I, as owner, and _____________________________ as Developer , undertake

(Name of Developer)
to establish and develop said project in accordance with the plans as by the
(Approving Institution)

6. That my authorized broker/s shall be _______________________________________


7. That I bind myself to comply with all the rules and regulations pertaining to this project
and shall be held liable for all the facilities, improvements, infrastructures and similar
forms of development.
Republic of the Philippines )
______________________) S.S.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of ____________________ 20_____ in the
City/Province of ______________________________, affiant exhibited to me his/her Residence
Certificate No. _______________ issued at ________________ on _______________ 20___.

Doc. No. _______

Page No._______
Book No._______ ___________________
Series of _______ Notary Public


Series of 1982



RESOLVED, as it hereby resolved that Resolution No. 55, Series of 1982,

of the Executive Committee, Interpreting the Terms in Section 9 of Batas
Pambansa Blg. 220 for Purposes of Evaluation of Applications for the Integrated
Permit by HSRC Personnel, where the terms are interpreted in the same context
hereunder stated, be ratified as the same is hereby ratified.

VARIANCE - refers to a permit to undertake/develop a low-cost housing project

notwithstanding the fact that the minimum standards set forth in the rules
cannot be complied with, on the ground that there is an urgent need for the
project, that compliance with the standards would be impractical, and that
the deviation therefrom will not cause undue adverse effect or defeat the
purpose and objectives of such standards.

- also refers to minimum possible deviation from standards which is permitted

so as to make feasible a highly beneficial housing project.

EXEMPTION - or exception, refers to the privilege granted to a certain

person/project with unique characteristics, of being relieved from
compliance with, and of being not subject to general standards and
regulations, on the ground of practicality, beneficiality, and necessity.

- also refers to the exclusion from the applicability/effectivity of guidelines and

standards, of certain person/project with unique characteristics, whose
exclusion is the most practical and beneficial course of action and would not
cause undue adverse effects.

UNNECESSARY HARDSHIP - refers to hardship that is beyond that foreseeable

and bearable condition by reasonable and prudent men in the ordinary
conduct of their business or personal affairs, and which would substantially
impair or prejudice their rights to property and reasonable profits, or impair
viable endeavors on their part, without corresponding tangible compelling
benefit to general welfare or social justice.

PREJUDICE INTENDED BENEFICIARIES - refers to the imminent possibility of

impairing the intended accomplishment of a project whose beneficiaries are
those defined in Sec. 2 of B.P. 220.

- also refers to a judgment of action by either the implementing or regulating
party that would be detrimental or cause damage to the intention of the
regulation or standard.

APPROVED, this 03 November 1982 at Makati, Metro Manila.


Commissioner Commissioner


Commissioner Commissioner


Commissioner Commissioner


Commissioner and Commissioner
Chief Executive Officer



Acting Commission Secretary



Fourth Regular Session





SECTION 1. It is hereby declared a policy of the government to promote

and encourage the development of economic and socialized housing projects,
primarily by the private sector, in order to make available adequate economic and
socialized housing units for average and low-income earners in urban and rural

SECTION 2. As used in this Act, economic and socialized housing refers to

housing units which are within the affordability level of the average and low-income
earners which is thirty percent (30%) of the gross family income as determined by
the National Economic and Development Authority from time to time. It shall also
refer to the government-initiated sites and services development and construction
of economic and socialized housing projects in depressed areas.

SECTION 3. To carry out the foregoing policy, the Ministry of Human

Settlements is authorized to establish and promulgate different levels of standards
and technical requirements for the development of economic and socialized
housing projects and economic and socialized housing units in urban and rural
areas from those provided in Presidential Decree Numbered Nine hundred fifty-
seven otherwise known as the “Subdivision and Condominium Buyers Protective
Decree”, presidential Decree Numbered Twelve hundred and sixteen, “Defining
Open Space in Residential Subdivision”; Presidential Decree Numbered Ten
hundred and ninety-six, otherwise know as the “National Building Code of the
Philippines”; and Presidential Decree Numbered Eleven hundred and eighty-five,
otherwise know as the “Fire Code of the Philippines” and the rules and regulations
promulgated hereunder, in consultation with the Ministry of Public Works and
Highways, the Integrated National Police, and the other appropriate government
units and instrumentalities and private associations.

SECTION 4. The standards and technical requirements to be established
under Section three hereof shall provide for environmental ecology, hygiene, and
cleanliness, physical, cultural and spiritual development and public safety and may
vary in each region, province or city depending on the availability if indigenous
materials for building construction and other relevant factors.

SECTION 5. The different levels of standards and technical requirements

that shall be established and promulgated by the Ministry of Human Settlements
only after hearing shall be published in two newspapers of general circulation in
the Philippines for at least once a week for two consecutive weeks and shall take
effect thirty days after the last publication.

SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved, March 25, 1982.


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(AccessibiHtY Law)
and its
Original antl Amended
Implementing Rules and Regulations

An Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled Persons

by Requiring Certain Buildings, Institutions,
Establishments and Public Utllities
to Install Facilities and Other Devices


?r.tu. nS.
Quezon City, Metrolt/anila, Philippines
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Congress of the Philippines

Metro Manila





Basic Policies


General Provisions

SECTION 1. Short Title. — This Act shall be known as the “Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000.”

SECTION 2. Declaration of Policies. — It is hereby declared the policy of the State to adopt a
systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program which shall:

(a) Ensure the protection of public health and environment;

(b) Utilize environmentally-sound methods that maximize the utilization of valuable

resources and encourage resource conservation and recovery;

(c) Set guidelines and targets for solid waste avoidance and volume reduction through
source reduction and waste minimization measures, including composting, recycling, re-use,
recovery, green charcoal process, and others, before collection, treatment and disposal in
appropriate and environmentally sound solid waste management facilities in accordance with
ecologically sustainable development principles;

(d) Ensure the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of
solid waste through the formulation and adoption of the best environmental practice in ecological
waste management excluding incineration;

(e) Promote national research and development programs for improved solid waste
management and resource conservation techniques, more effective institutional arrangement and
indigenous and improved methods of waste reduction, collection, separation and recovery;
(f) Encourage greater private sector participation in solid waste management;

(g) Retain primary enforcement and responsibility of solid waste management with local
government units while establishing a cooperative effort among the national government, other
local government units, non-government organizations, and the private sector;

(h) Encourage cooperation and self-regulation among waste generators through the
application of market-based instruments;

(i) Institutionalize public participation in the development and implementation of

national and local integrated, comprehensive and ecological waste management programs; and

(j) Strengthen the integration of ecological solid waste management and resource
conservation and recovery topics into the academic curricula of formal and non-formal education
in order to promote environmental awareness and action among the citizenry.


Definitions of Terms

SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. — For the purposes of this Act:

(a) Agricultural waste shall refer to waste generated from planting or harvesting of crops,
trimming or pruning of plants and wastes or run-off materials from farms or fields;

(b) Bulky wastes shall refer to waste materials which cannot be appropriately placed in
separate containers because of either its bulky size, shape or other physical attributes. These
include large worn-out or broken household, commercial, and industrial items such as furniture,
lamps, bookcases, filing cabinets, and other similar items;

(c) Bureau shall refer to the Environmental Management Bureau;

(d) Buy-back center shall refer to a recycling center that purchases or otherwise accepts
recyclable materials from the public for the purpose of recycling such materials;

(e) Collection shall refer to the act of removing solid waste from the source or from a
communal storage point;

(f) Composting shall refer to the controlled decomposition of organic matter by micro-
organisms, mainly bacteria and fungi, into a humus-like product;

(g) Consumer electronics shall refer to special wastes that include worn-out, broken, and
other discarded items such as radios, stereos, and TV sets;

(h) Controlled dump shall refer to a disposal site at which solid waste is deposited in
accordance with the minimum prescribed standards of site operation;
(i) Department shall refer to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources;

(j) Disposal shall refer to the discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling, leaking or placing of
any solid waste into or in any land;

(k) Disposal site shall refer to a site where solid waste is finally discharged and

(l) Ecological solid waste management shall refer to the systematic administration of
activities which provide for segregation at source, segregated transportation, storage, transfer,
processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste and all other waste management activities
which do not harm the environment;

(m) Environmentally acceptable shall refer to the quality of being re-usable, biodegradable
or compostable, recyclable and not toxic or hazardous to the environment;

(n) Generation shall refer to the act or process of producing solid waste;

(o) Generator shall refer to a person, natural or juridical, who last uses a material and
makes it available for disposal or recycling;

(p) Hazardous waste shall refer to solid waste or combination of solid waste which
because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics may:

(1) cause, or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious

irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness; or

(2) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment
when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed;

(q) Leachate shall refer to the liquid produced when waste undergo decomposition, and
when water percolate through solid waste undergoing decomposition. It is contaminated liquid
that contains dissolved and suspended materials;

(r) Materials recovery facility — includes a solid waste transfer station or sorting station,
drop-off center, a composting facility, and a recycling facility;

(s) Municipal waste shall refer to wastes produced from activities within local
government units which include a combination of domestic, commercial, institutional and
industrial wastes and street litters;

(t) Open dump shall refer to a disposal area wherein the solid wastes are indiscriminately
thrown or disposed of without due planning and consideration for environmental and health
(u) Opportunity to recycle shall refer to the act of providing a place for collecting source-
separated recyclable material, located either at a disposal site or at another location more
convenient to the population being served, and collection at least once a month of source-
separated recyclable material from collection service customers and to providing a public
education and promotion program that gives notice to each person of the opportunity to recycle
and encourage source separation of recyclable material;

(v) Person(s) shall refer to any being, natural or juridical, susceptible of rights and
obligations, or of being the subject of legal relations;

(w) Post-consumer material shall refer only to those materials or products generated by a
business or consumer which have served their intended end use, and which have been separated
or diverted from solid waste for the purpose of being collected, processed and used as a raw
material in the manufacturing of a recycled product, excluding materials and by-products
generated from, and commonly used within an original manufacturing process, such as mill

(x) Receptacles shall refer to individual containers used for the source separation and the
collection of recyclable materials;

(y) Recovered material shall refer to material and by-products that have been recovered
or diverted from solid waste for the purpose of being collected, processed and used as a raw
material in the manufacture of a recycled product;

(z) Recyclable material shall refer to any waste material retrieved from the waste stream
and free from contamination that can still be converted into suitable beneficial use or for other
purposes, including, but not limited to, newspaper, ferrous scrap metal, non-ferrous scrap metal,
used oil, corrugated cardboard, aluminum, glass, office paper, tin cans and other materials as
may be determined by the Commission;

(aa) Recycled material shall refer to post-consumer material that has been recycled and
returned to the economy;

(bb) Recycling shall refer to the treating of used or waste materials through a process of
making them suitable for beneficial use and for other purposes, and includes any process by
which solid waste materials are transformed into new products in such a manner that the original
products may lose their identity, and which may be used as raw materials for the production of
other goods or services: Provided, That the collection, segregation and re-use of previously used
packaging material shall be deemed recycling under this Act;

(cc) Resource conservation shall refer to the reduction of the amount of solid waste that are
generated or the reduction of overall resource consumption, and utilization of recovered

(dd) Resource recovery shall refer to the collection, extraction or recovery of recyclable
materials from the waste stream for the purpose of recycling, generating energy or producing a
product suitable for beneficial use: Provided, That, such resource recovery facilities exclude

(ee) Re-use shall refer to the process of recovering materials intended for the same or
different purpose without the alteration of physical and chemical characteristics;

(ff) Sanitary landfill shall refer to a waste disposal site designed, constructed, operated
and maintained in a manner that exerts engineering control over significant potential
environmental impacts arising from the development and operation of the facility;

(gg) Schedule of Compliance shall refer to an enforceable sequence of actions or operations

to be accomplished within a stipulated time frame leading to compliance with a limitation,
prohibition, or standard set forth in this Act or any rule or regulation issued pursuant thereto;

(hh) Secretary shall refer to the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural

(ii) Segregation shall refer to a solid waste management practice of separating different
materials found in solid waste in order to promote recycling and re-use of resources and to
reduce the volume of waste for collection and disposal;

(jj) Segregation at source shall refer to a solid waste management practice of separating, at
the point of origin, different materials found in solid waste in order to promote recycling and re-
use of resources and to reduce the volume of waste for collection and disposal;

(kk) Solid waste shall refer to all discarded household, commercial waste, non-hazardous
institutional and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste, and
other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.

Unless specifically noted otherwise, the term “solid waste” as used in this Act shall not include:

(1) waste identified or listed as hazardous waste of a solid, liquid, contained gaseous or
semi-solid form which may cause or contribute to an increase in mortality or in serious or
incapacitating reversible illness, or acute/chronic effect on the health of persons and other

(2) infectious waste from hospitals such as equipment, instruments, utensils, and fomites
of a disposable nature from patients who are suspected to have or have been diagnosed as having
communicable diseases and must therefore be isolated as required by public health agencies,
laboratory wastes such as pathological specimens (i.e., all tissues, specimens of blood elements,
excreta, and secretions obtained from patients or laboratory animals), and disposable fomites that
may harbor or transmit pathogenic organisms, and surgical operating room pathologic specimens
and disposable fomites attendant thereto, and similar disposable materials from outpatient areas
and emergency rooms; and

(3) waste resulting from mining activities, including contaminated soil and debris.
(ll) Solid waste management shall refer to the discipline associated with the control of
generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and disposal of solid wastes in
a manner that is in accord with the best principles of public health, economics, engineering,
conservation, aesthetics, and other environmental considerations, and that is also responsive to
public attitudes;

(mm) Solid waste management facility shall refer to any resource recovery system or
component thereof; any system, program, or facility for resource conservation; any facility for
the collection, source separation, storage, transportation, transfer, processing, treatment, or
disposal of solid waste;

(nn) Source reduction shall refer to the reduction of solid waste before it enters the solid
waste stream by methods such as product design, materials substitution, materials re-use and
packaging restrictions;

(oo) Source separation shall refer to the sorting of solid waste into some or all of its
component parts at the point of generation;

(pp) Special wastes shall refer to household hazardous wastes such as paints, thinners,
household batteries, lead-acid batteries, spray canisters and the like. These include wastes from
residential and commercial sources that comprise of bulky wastes, consumer electronics, white
goods, yard wastes that are collected separately, batteries, oil, and tires. These wastes are usually
handled separately from other residential and commercial wastes;

(qq) Storage shall refer to the interim containment of solid waste after generation and prior
to collection for ultimate recovery or disposal;

(rr) Transfer stations shall refer to those facilities utilized to receive solid wastes,
temporarily store, separate, convert, or otherwise process the materials in the solid wastes, or to
transfer the solid wastes directly from smaller to larger vehicles for transport. This term does not
include any of the following:

(1) a facility whose principal function is to receive, store, separate, convert, or otherwise
process in accordance with national minimum standards, manure;

(2) a facility, whose principal function is to receive, store, convert, or otherwise process
wastes which have already been separated for re-use and are not intended for disposal; and

(3) the operations premises of a duly licensed solid waste handling operator who receives,
stores, transfers, or otherwise processes wastes as an activity incidental to the conduct of a refuse
collection and disposal business.

(ss) Waste diversion shall refer to activities which reduce or eliminate the amount of solid
waste from waste disposal facilities;
(tt) White goods shall refer to large worn-out or broken household, commercial, and
industrial appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes washers and dryers
collected separately. White goods are usually dismantled for the recovery of specific materials
(e.g., copper, aluminum, etc.); and

(uu) Yard waste shall refer to wood, small or chipped branches, leaves, grass clippings,
garden debris, vegetable residue that is recognizable as part of a plant or vegetable and other
materials identified by the Commission.


Institutional Mechanism

SECTION 4. National Solid Waste Management Commission. — There is hereby

established a National Solid Waste Management Commission, hereinafter referred to as the
Commission, under the Office of the President. The Commission shall be composed of fourteen
(14) members from the government sector and three (3) members from the private sector. The
government sector shall be represented by the heads of the following agencies in their ex officio

(1) Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR);

(2) Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG);

(3) Department of Science and Technology (DOST);

(4) Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH);

(5) Department of Health (DOH);

(6) Department of Trade and Industry (DTI);

(7) Department of Agriculture (DA);

(8) Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA);

(9) League of provincial governors;

(10) League of city mayors;

(11) League of municipal mayors;

(12) Association of barangay councils;

(13) Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA); and

(14) Philippine Information Agency.

The private sector shall be represented by the following:

(a) A representative from nongovernment organizations (NGOs) whose principal purpose

is to promote recycling and the protection of air and water quality;

(b) A representative from the recycling industry; and

(c) A representative from the manufacturing or packaging industry;

The Commission may, from time to time, call on any other concerned agencies or sectors as it
may deem necessary.

Provided, That representatives from the NGOs, recycling and manufacturing or packaging
industries shall be nominated through a process designed by themselves and shall be appointed
by the President for a term of three (3) years.

Provided, further, That the Secretaries of the member agencies of the Commission shall
formulate action plans for their respective agencies to complement the National Solid Waste
Management Framework.

The Department Secretary and a private sector representative of the Commission shall serve as
chairman and vice chairman, respectively. The private sector representatives of the Commission
shall be appointed on the basis of their integrity, high degree of professionalism and having
distinguished themselves in environmental and resource management. The members of the
Commission shall serve and continue to hold office until their successors shall have been
appointed and qualified. Should a member of the Commission fail to complete his/her term, the
successor shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines but only for the unexpired
portion of the term. Finally, the members shall be entitled to reasonable traveling expenses and

The Department, through the Environmental Management Bureau, shall provide secretariat
support to the Commission. The Secretariat shall be headed by an executive director who shall be
nominated by the members of the Commission and appointed by the chairman.

SECTION 5. Powers and Functions of the Commission. — The Commission shall oversee
the implementation of solid waste management plans and prescribe policies to achieve the
objectives of this Act. The Commission shall undertake the following activities:

(a) Prepare the national solid waste management framework;

(b) Approve local solid waste management plans in accordance with its rules and

(c) Review and monitor the implementation of local solid waste management plans;
(d) Coordinate the operation of local solid waste management boards in the provincial and
city/municipal levels;

(e) To the maximum extent feasible, utilizing existing resources, assist provincial, city and
municipal solid waste management boards in the preparation, modification, and implementation
of waste management plans;

(f) Develop a model provincial, city and municipal solid waste management plan that
will establish prototypes of the content and format which provinces, cities and municipalities
may use in meeting the requirements of the National Solid Waste Management Framework;

(g) Adopt a program to provide technical and other capability building assistance and
support to local government units in the development and implementation of source reduction

(h) Develop and implement a program to assist local government units in the
identification of markets for materials that are diverted from disposal facilities through re-use,
recycling, and composting, and other environment-friendly methods;

(i) Develop a mechanism for the imposition of sanctions for the violation of
environmental rules and regulations;

(j) Manage the Solid Waste Management Fund;

(k) Develop and prescribe procedures for the issuance of appropriate permits and

(l) Review the incentives scheme for effective solid waste management, for purposes of
ensuring relevance and efficiency in achieving the objectives of this Act;

(m) Formulate the necessary education promotion and information campaign strategies;

(n) Establish, after notice and hearing of the parties concerned, standards, criteria,
guidelines and formula that are fair, equitable and reasonable, in establishing tipping charges and
rates that the proponent will charge in the operation and management of solid waste management
facilities and technologies;

(o) Develop safety nets and alternative livelihood programs for small recyclers and other
sectors that will be affected as a result of the construction and/or operation of a solid waste
management recycling plant or facility;

(p) Formulate and update a list of non-environmentally acceptable materials in accordance

with the provisions of this Act. For this purpose, it shall be necessary that proper consultation be
conducted by the Commission with all concerned industries to ensure a list that is based on
technological and economic viability;
(q) Encourage private sector initiatives, community participation and investments
resource recovery-based livelihood programs for local communities;

(r) Encourage all local government agencies and all local government units to patronize
products manufactured using recycled and recyclable materials;

(s) Propose and adopt regulations requiring the source separation and post separation
collection, segregated collection, processing, marketing and sale of organic and designated
recyclable material generated in each local government unit; and

(t) Study and review the following:

(i) Standards, criteria and guidelines for the promulgation and implementation of an
integrated national solid waste management framework; and

(ii) Criteria and guidelines for siting, design, operation and maintenance of solid waste
management facilities.

SECTION 6. Meetings. — The Commission shall meet at least once a month. The
presence of at least a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. The chairman, or in his
absence the vice chairman, shall be the presiding officer. In the absence of the heads of the
agencies mentioned in Sec. 4 of this Act, they may designate permanent representatives to attend
the meetings.

SECTION 7. The National Ecology Center. — There shall be established a National

Ecology Center under the Commission which shall provide consulting, information, training, and
networking services for the implementation of the provisions of this Act.

In this regard, it shall perform the following functions:

(a) Facilitate training and education in integrated ecological solid waste management;

(b) Establish and manage a solid waste management information data base, in
coordination with the DTI and other concerned agencies:

(1) on solid waste generation and management techniques as well as the management,
technical and operational approaches to resource recovery; and

(2) of processors/recyclers, the list of materials being recycled or bought by them and
their respective prices;

(c) Promote the development of a recycling market through the establishment of a

national recycling network that will enhance the opportunity to recycle;

(d) Provide or facilitate expert assistance in pilot modeling of solid waste management
facilities; and
(e) Develop, test, and disseminate model waste minimization and reduction auditing
procedures for evaluating options.

The National Ecology Center shall be headed by the director of the Bureau in his ex officio
capacity. It shall maintain a multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary pool of experts including those
from the academe, inventors, practicing professionals, business and industry, youth, women and
other concerned sectors, who shall be screened according to qualifications set by the

SECTION 8. Role of the Department. — For the furtherance of the objectives of this Act,
the Department shall have the following functions:

(a) Chair the Commission created pursuant to this Act;

(b) Prepare an annual National Solid Waste Management Status Report;

(c) Prepare and distribute information, education and communication materials on solid
waste management;

(d) Establish methods and other parameters for the measurement of waste reduction,
collection and disposal;

(e) Provide technical and other capability building assistance and support to the LGUs in
the development and implementation of local solid waste management plans and programs;

(f) Recommend policies to eliminate barriers to waste reduction programs;

(g) Exercise visitorial and enforcement powers to ensure strict compliance with this Act;

(h) Perform such other powers and functions necessary to achieve the objectives of this
Act; and

(i) Issue rules and regulations to effectively implement the provisions of this Act.

SECTION 9. Visitorial Powers of the Department. — The Department or its duly

authorized representative shall have access to, and the right to copy therefrom, the records
required to be maintained pursuant to the provisions of this Act. The Secretary or the duly
authorized representative shall likewise have the right to enter the premises of any generator,
recycler or manufacturer, or other facilities any time to question any employee or investigate any
fact, condition or matter which may be necessary to determine any violation, or which may aid in
the effective enforcement of this Act and its implementing rules and regulations. This Section
shall not apply to private dwelling places unless the visitorial power is otherwise judicially

SECTION 10. Role of LGUs in Solid Waste Management. — Pursuant to the relevant
provisions of R.A. No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code, the LGUs shall
be primarily responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of this Act
within their respective jurisdictions.

Segregation and collection of solid waste shall be conducted at the barangay level specifically for
biodegradable, compostable and reusable wastes: Provided, That the collection of non-recyclable
materials and special wastes shall be the responsibility of the municipality or city.

SECTION 11. Provincial Solid Waste Management Board. — A Provincial Solid Waste
Management Board shall be established in every province, to be chaired by the governor. Its
members shall include:

(a) All the mayors of its component cities and municipalities;

(b) One (1) representative from the Sangguniang Panlalawigan to be represented by the
chairperson of either the Committees on Environment or Health or their equivalent committees,
to be nominated by the presiding officer;

(c) The provincial health and/or general services officers, whichever may be
recommended by the governor;

(d) The provincial environment and natural resources officer;

(e) The provincial engineer;

(f) Congressional representative/s from each congressional district within the province;

(g) A representative from the NGO sector whose principal purpose is to promote
recycling and the protection of air and water quality;

(h) A representative from the recycling industry;

(i) A representative from the manufacturing or packaging industry; and

(j) A representative of each concerned government agency possessing relevant technical

and marketing expertise as may be determined by the Board.

The Provincial Solid Waste Management Board may, from time to time, call on any other
concerned agencies or sectors as it may deem necessary.

Provided, That representatives from the NGOs, recycling and manufacturing or packaging
industries shall be selected through a process designed by themselves and shall be endorsed by
the government agency representatives of the Board: Provided, further, That in the Province of
Palawan, the Board shall be chaired by the chairman of the Palawan Council for Sustainable
Development, pursuant to Republic Act No. 7611.
In the case of Metro Manila, the Board shall be chaired by the chairperson of the MMDA and its
members shall include:

(i) All mayors of its component cities and municipalities;

(ii) A representative from the NGO sector whose principal purpose is to promote
recycling and the protection of air and water quality;

(iii) A representative from the recycling industry; and

(iv) A representative from the manufacturing or packaging industry.

The Board may, from time to time, call on any other concerned agencies or sectors as it may
deem necessary.

Provided, That representatives from the NGOs, recycling and manufacturing or packaging
industries shall be selected through a process designed by themselves and shall be endorsed by
the government agency representatives of the Board.

The Provincial Solid Waste Management Board shall have the following functions and

(1) Develop a provincial solid waste management plan from the submitted solid waste
management plans of the respective city and municipal solid waste management boards herein
created. It shall review and integrate the submitted plans of all its component cities and
municipalities and ensure that the various plans complement each other, and have the requisite
components. The Provincial Solid Waste Management Plan shall be submitted to the
Commission for approval.

The Provincial Plan shall reflect the general program of action and initiatives of the provincial
government in implementing a solid waste management program that would support the various
initiatives of its component cities and municipalities.

(2) Provide the necessary logistical and operational support to its component cities and
municipalities in consonance with subsection (f) of Sec. 17 of the Local Government Code;

(3) Recommend measures and safeguards against pollution and for the preservation of the
natural ecosystem;

(4) Recommend measures to generate resources, funding and implementation of projects

and activities as specified in the duly approved solid waste management plans;

(5) Identify areas within its jurisdiction which have common solid waste management
problems and are appropriate units for planning local solid waste management services in
accordance with Section 41 hereof;
(6) Coordinate the efforts of the component cities and municipalities in the
implementation of the Provincial Solid Waste Management Plan;

(7) Develop an appropriate incentive scheme as an integral component of the Provincial

Solid Waste Management Plan;

(8) Convene joint meetings of the provincial, city and municipal solid waste management
boards at least every quarter for purposes of integrating, synchronizing, monitoring and
evaluating the development and implementation of its provincial solid waste management plan;

(9) Represent any of its component city or municipality in coordinating its resource and
operational requirements with agencies of the national government;

(10) Oversee the implementation of the Provincial Solid Waste Management Plan;

(11) Review every two (2) years or as the need arises the Provincial Solid Waste
Management Plan for purposes of ensuring its sustainability, viability, effectiveness and
relevance in relation to local and international developments in the field of solid waste
management; and

(12) Allow for the clustering of LGUs for the solution of common solid waste management

SECTION 12. City and Municipal Solid Waste Management Board. — Each city or
municipality shall form a City or Municipal Waste Management Board that shall prepare, submit
and implement a plan for the safe and sanitary management of solid waste generated in areas
under its geographic and political coverage.

The City or Municipal Solid Waste Management Board shall be composed of the city or
municipal mayor as head with the following as members:

(a) One (1) representative of the Sangguniang Panlungsod or the Sangguniang Bayan,
preferably chairpersons of either the Committees on Environment or Health, who will be
designated by the presiding officer;

(b) President of the Association of Barangay Councils in the municipality or city;

(c) Chairperson of the Sangguniang Kabataan Federation;

(d) A representative from NGOs whose principal purpose is to promote recycling and the
protection of air and water quality;

(e) A representative from the recycling industry;

(f) A representative from the manufacturing or packaging industry; and

(g) A representative of each concerned government agency possessing relevant technical
and marketing expertise as may be determined by the Board.

The City or Municipal Solid Waste Management Board may, from time to time, call on any
concerned agencies or sectors as it may deem necessary.

Provided, That representatives from the NGOs, recycling and manufacturing or packaging
industries shall be selected through a process designed by themselves and shall be endorsed by
the government agency representatives of the Board.

The City and Municipal Solid Waste Boards shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

(1) Develop the City or Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan that shall ensure the
long-term management of solid waste, as well as integrate the various solid waste management
plans and strategies of the barangays in its area of jurisdiction. In the development of the Solid
Waste Management Plan, it shall conduct consultations with the various sectors of the

(2) Adopt measures to promote and ensure the viability and effective implementation of
solid waste management programs in its component barangays;

(3) Monitor the implementation of the City or Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan
through its various political subdivisions and in cooperation with the private sector and the

(4) Adopt specific revenue-generating measures to promote the viability of its Solid
Waste Management Plan;

(5) Convene regular meetings for purposes of planning and coordinating the
implementation of the solid waste management plans of the respective component barangays;

(6) Oversee the implementation of the City or Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan;

(7) Review every two (2) years or as the need arises the City or Municipal Solid Waste
Management Plan for purposes of ensuring its sustainability, viability, effectiveness and
relevance in relation to local and international developments in the field of solid waste

(8) Develop the specific mechanics and guidelines for the implementation of the City or
Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan;

(9) Recommend to appropriate local government authorities specific measures or

proposals for franchise or build-operate-transfer agreements with duly recognized institutions,
pursuant to R.A. 6957, to provide either exclusive or non-exclusive authority for the collection,
transfer, storage, processing, recycling or disposal of municipal solid waste. The proposals shall
take into consideration appropriate government rules and regulations on contracts, franchises and
build-operate-transfer agreements;

(10) Provide the necessary logistical and operational support to its component cities and
municipalities in consonance with subsection (f) of Sec. 17 of the Local Government Code;

(11) Recommend measures and safeguards against pollution and for the preservation of the
natural ecosystem; and

(12) Coordinate the efforts of its component barangays in the implementation of the city or
municipal Solid Waste Management Plan.

SECTION 13. Establishment of Multi-Purpose Environment Cooperatives or Associations

in Every LGU. — Multi-purpose cooperatives and associations that shall undertake activities to
promote the implementation and/or directly undertake projects in compliance with the provisions
of this Act shall be encouraged and promoted in every LGU.


Comprehensive Solid Waste Management


General Provisions

SECTION 14. National Solid Waste Management Status Report. — The Department, in
coordination with the DOH and other concerned agencies, shall within six (6) months after the
effectivity of this Act, prepare a National Solid Waste Management Status Report which shall be
used as a basis in formulating the National Solid Waste Management Framework provided in
Sec. 15 of this Act. The concerned agencies shall submit to the Department relevant data
necessary for the completion of the said report within three (3) months following the effectivity
of this Act. The said report shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

(a) Inventory of existing solid waste facilities;

(b) General waste characterization, taking into account the type, quantity of waste
generated and estimation of volume and type of waste for reduction and recycling;

(c) Projection of waste generation;

(d) The varying regional geologic, hydrologic, climatic, and other factors vital in the
implementation of solid waste practices to ensure the reasonable protection of:

(1) the quality of surface and groundwater from leachate contamination;

(2) the quality of surface waters from surface run-off contamination; and
(3) ambient air quality.

(e) Population density, distribution and projected growth;

(f) The political, economic, organizational, financial and management problems

affecting comprehensive solid waste management;

(g) Systems and techniques of waste reduction, re-use and recycling;

(h) Available markets for recyclable materials;

(i) Estimated cost of collecting, storing, transporting, marketing and disposal of wastes
and recyclable materials; and

(j) Pertinent qualitative and quantitative information concerning the extent of solid waste
management problems and solid waste management activities undertaken by local government
units and the waste generators.

Provided, That the Department, in consultation with concerned agencies, shall review, update
and publish a National Solid Waste Management Status Report every two (2) years or as the
need arises.

SECTION 15. National Solid Waste Management Framework. — Within six (6) months
from the completion of the national solid waste management status report under Sec. 14 of this
Act, the Commission created under Sec. 4 of this Act shall, with public participation, formulate
and implement a National Solid Waste Management Framework. Such framework shall consider
and include:

(a) Analysis and evaluation of the current state, trends, projections of solid waste
management on the national, provincial and municipal levels;

(b) Identification of critical solid waste facilities and local government units which will
need closer monitoring and/or regulation;

(c) Characteristics and conditions of collection, storage, processing, disposal, operating

methods, techniques and practices, location of facilities where such operating methods,
techniques and practices are conducted, taking into account the nature of the waste;

(d) Waste diversion goal pursuant to Sec. 20 of this Act;

(e) Schedule for the closure and/or upgrading of open and controlled dumps pursuant to
Sec. 37 of this Act;

(f) Methods of closing or upgrading open dumps for purposes of eliminating potential
health hazards;
(g) The profile of sources, including industrial, commercial, domestic and other sources;

(h) Practical applications of environmentally sound techniques of waste minimization

such as, but not limited to, resource conservation, segregation at source, recycling, resource
recovery, including waste-to-energy generation, re-use and composting;

(i) A technical and economic description of the level of performance that can be attained
by various available solid waste management practices which provide for the protection of public
health and the environment;

(j) Appropriate solid waste facilities and conservation systems;

(k) Recycling programs for the recyclable materials, such as but not limited to glass,
paper, plastic and metal;

(l) Venues for public participation from all sectors at all phases/stages of the waste
management program/project;

(m) Information and education campaign strategies;

(n) A description of levels of performance and appropriate methods and degrees of control
that provide, at the minimum, for protection of public health and welfare through:

(1) Protection of the quality of groundwater and surface waters from leachate and run-off

(2) Disease and epidemic prevention and control;

(3) Prevention and control of offensive odor; and

(4) Safety and aesthetics.

(o) Minimum criteria to be used by the local government units to define ecological solid
waste management practices. As much as practicable, such guidelines shall also include
minimum information for use in deciding the adequate location, design, and construction of
facilities associated with solid waste management practices, including the consideration of
regional, geographic, demographic, and climatic factors; and

(p) The method and procedure for the phaseout and the eventual closure within eighteen
(18) months from the effectivity of this Act in case of existing open dumps and/or sanitary
landfills located within an aquifer, groundwater reservoir or watershed area.

SECTION 16. Local Government Solid Waste Management Plans. — The province, city or
municipality, through its local solid waste management boards, shall prepare its respective 10-
year solid waste management plans consistent with the national solid waste management
framework: Provided, That the waste management plan shall be for the re-use, recycling and
composting of wastes generated in their respective jurisdictions: Provided, further, That the solid
waste management plan of the LGU shall ensure the efficient management of solid waste
generated within its jurisdiction. The plan shall place primary emphasis on implementation of all
feasible re-use, recycling, and composting programs while identifying the amount of landfill and
transformation capacity that will be needed for solid waste which cannot be re-used, recycled, or
composted. The plan shall contain all the components provided in Sec. 17 of this Act and a
timetable for the implementation of the solid waste management program in accordance with the
National Framework and pursuant to the provisions of this Act: Provided, finally, That it shall be
reviewed and updated every year by the provincial, city or municipal solid waste management

For LGUs which have considered solid waste management alternatives to comply with Sec. 37
of this Act, but are unable to utilize such alternatives, a timetable or schedule of compliance
specifying the remedial measures and eventual compliance shall be included in the plan.

All local government solid waste management plans shall be subjected to the approval of the
Commission. The plan shall be consistent with the national framework and in accordance with
the provisions of this Act and of the policies set by the Commission: Provided, That in the
Province of Palawan, the local government solid waste management plan shall be approved by
the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, pursuant to R.A. No. 7611.

SECTION 17. The Components of the Local Government Solid Waste Management Plan.
— The solid waste management plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following

(a) City or Municipal Profile — The plan shall indicate the following background
information on the city or municipality and its component barangays, covering important
highlights of the distinct geographic and other conditions:

(1) Estimated population of each barangay within the city or municipality and population
projection for a 10-year period;

(2) Illustration or map of the city/municipality, indicating locations of residential,

commercial, and industrial centers, and agricultural area, as well as dump sites, landfills and
other solid waste facilities. The illustration shall indicate as well, the proposed sites for disposal
and other solid waste facilities;

(3) Estimated solid waste generation and projection by source, such as residential, market,
commercial, industrial, construction/demolition, street waste, agricultural, agro-industrial,
institutional, other wastes; and

(4) Inventory of existing waste disposal and other solid waste facilities and capacities.

(b) Waste characterization — For the initial source reduction and recycling element of a
local waste management plan, the LGU waste characterization component shall identify the
constituent materials which comprise the solid waste generated within the jurisdiction of the
LGU. The information shall be representative of the solid waste generated and disposed of
within that area. The constituent materials shall be identified by volume, percentage in weight or
its volumetric equivalent, material type, and source of generation which includes residential,
commercial, industrial, governmental, or other sources. Future revisions of waste
characterization studies shall identify the constituent materials which comprise the solid waste
disposed of at permitted disposal facilities.

(c) Collection and Transfer — The plan shall take into account the geographic
subdivisions to define the coverage of the solid waste collection area in every barangay. The
barangay shall be responsible for ensuring that a 100% collection efficiency from residential,
commercial, industrial and agricultural sources, where necessary within its area of coverage, is
achieved. Toward this end, the plan shall define and identify the specific strategies and activities
to be undertaken by its component barangays, taking into account the following concerns:

(1) Availability and provision of properly designed containers or receptacles in selected

collection points for the temporary storage of solid waste while awaiting collection and transfer
to processing sites or to final disposal sites;

(2) Segregation of different types of solid waste for re-use, recycling and composting;

(3) Hauling and transfer of solid waste from source or collection points to processing sites
or final disposal sites;

(4) Issuance and enforcement of ordinances to effectively implement a collection system

in the barangay; and

(5) Provision of properly trained officers and workers to handle solid waste disposal.

The plan shall define and specify the methods and systems for the transfer of solid waste from
specific collection points to solid waste management facilities.

(d) Processing — The plan shall define the methods and the facilities required to process
the solid waste, including the use of intermediate treatment facilities for composting, recycling,
conversion and other waste processing systems. Other appropriate waste processing technologies
may also be considered provided that such technologies conform with internationally-acceptable
and other standards set in other laws and regulations.

(e) Source reduction — The source reduction component shall include a program and
implementation schedule which shows the methods by which the LGU will, in combination with
the recycling and composting components, reduce a sufficient amount of solid waste disposed of
in accordance with the diversion requirements of Sec. 20.

The source reduction component shall describe the following:

(1) strategies in reducing the volume of solid waste generated at source;

(2) measures for implementing such strategies and the resources necessary to carry out
such activities;

(3) other appropriate waste reduction technologies that may also be considered, provided
that such technologies conform with the standards set pursuant to this Act;

(4) the types of wastes to be reduced pursuant to Sec. 15 of this Act;

(5) the methods that the LGU will use to determine the categories of solid wastes to be
diverted from disposal at a disposal facility through re-use, recycling and composting; and

(6) new facilities and of expansion of existing facilities which will be needed to
implement re-use, recycling and composting.

The LGU source reduction component shall include the evaluation and identification of rate
structures and fees for the purpose of reducing the amount of waste generated, and other source
reduction strategies, including but not limited to, programs and economic incentives provided
under Sec. 45 of this Act to reduce the use of non-recyclable materials, replace disposable
materials and products with reusable materials and products, reduce packaging, and increase the
efficiency of the use of paper, cardboard, glass, metal, and other materials. The waste reduction
activities of the community shall also take into account, among others, local capability, economic
viability, technical requirements, social concerns, disposition of residual waste and
environmental impact: Provided, That, projection of future facilities needed and estimated cost
shall be incorporated in the plan.

(f) Recycling — The recycling component shall include a program and implementation
schedule which shows the methods by which the LGU shall, in combination with the source
reduction and composting components, reduce a sufficient amount of solid waste disposed of in
accordance with the diversion requirements set in Sec. 20.

The LGU recycling component shall describe the following:

(1) The types of materials to be recycled under the programs;

(2) The methods for determining the categories of solid wastes to be diverted from
disposal at a disposal facility through recycling; and

(3) New facilities and expansion of existing facilities needed to implement the recycling

The LGU recycling component shall describe methods for developing the markets for recycled
materials, including, but not limited to, an evaluation of the feasibility of procurement
preferences for the purchase of recycled products. Each LGU may determine and grant a price
preference to encourage the purchase of recycled products.
The five-year strategy for collecting, processing, marketing and selling the designated recyclable
materials shall take into account persons engaged in the business of recycling or persons
otherwise providing recycling services before the effectivity of this Act. Such strategy may be
based upon the results of the waste composition analysis performed pursuant to this Section or
information obtained in the course of past collection of solid waste by the local government unit,
and may include recommendations with respect to increasing the number of materials designated
for recycling pursuant to this Act.

The LGU recycling component shall evaluate industrial, commercial, residential, agricultural,
governmental, and other curbside, mobile, drop-off, and buy-back recycling programs, manual
and automated materials recovery facilities, zoning, building code changes and rate structures
which encourage recycling of materials. The Solid Waste Management Plan shall indicate the
specific measures to be undertaken to meet the waste diversion specified under Sec. 20 of this

Recommended revisions to the building ordinances, requiring newly-constructed buildings and

buildings undergoing specified alterations to contain storage space, devices or mechanisms that
facilitate source separation and storage of designated recyclable materials to enable the local
government unit to efficiently collect, process, market and sell the designated materials. Such
recommendations shall include, but shall not be limited to separate chutes to facilitate source
separation in multi-family dwellings, storage areas that conform to fire and safety code
regulations, and specialized storage containers.

The Solid Waste Management Plan shall indicate the specific measures to be undertaken to meet
the recycling goals pursuant to the objectives of this Act.

(g) Composting — The composting component shall include a program and

implementation schedule which shows the methods by which the LGU shall, in combination with
the source reduction and recycling components, reduce a sufficient amount of solid waste
disposed of within its jurisdiction to comply with the diversion requirements of Sec. 20 hereof.

The LGU composting component shall describe the following:

(1) The types of materials which will be composted under the programs;

(2) The methods for determining the categories of solid wastes to be diverted from
disposal at a disposal facility through composting; and

(3) New facilities, and expansion of existing facilities needed to implement the
composting component.

The LGU composting component shall describe methods for developing the markets for
composted materials, including, but not limited to, an evaluation of the feasibility of procurement
preferences for the purchase of composted products. Each LGU may determine and grant a price
preference to encourage the purchase of composted products.
(h) Solid waste facility capacity and final disposal — The solid waste facility component
shall include, but shall not be limited to, a projection of the amount of disposal capacity needed
to accommodate the solid waste generated, reduced by the following:

(1) Implementation of source reduction, recycling, and composting programs required in

this Section or through implementation of other waste diversion activities pursuant to Sec. 20 of
this Act;

(2) Any permitted disposal facility which will be available during the 10-year planning
period; and

(3) All disposal capacity which has been secured through an agreement with another
LGU, or through an agreement with a solid waste enterprise.

The plan shall identify existing and proposed disposal sites and waste management facilities in
the city or municipality or in other areas. The plan shall specify the strategies for the efficient
disposal of waste through existing disposal facilities and the identification of prospective sites
for future use. The selection and development of disposal sites shall be made on the basis of
internationally accepted standards and on the guidelines set in Secs. 41 and 42 of this Act.

Strategies shall be included to improve said existing sites to reduce adverse impact on health and
the environment, and to extend life span and capacity. The plan shall clearly define projections
for future disposal site requirements and the estimated cost for these efforts.

Open dump sites shall not be allowed as final disposal sites. If an open dump site is existing
within the city or municipality, the plan shall make provisions for its closure or eventual phase
out within the period specified under the framework and pursuant to the provisions under Sec. 37
of this Act. As an alternative, sanitary landfill sites shall be developed and operated as a final
disposal site for solid and, eventually, residual wastes of a municipality or city or a cluster of
municipalities and/or cities. Sanitary landfills shall be designed and operated in accordance with
the guidelines set under Secs. 40 and 41 of this Act.

(i) Education and public information — The education and public information
component shall describe how the LGU will educate and inform its citizens about the source
reduction, recycling, and composting programs.

The plan shall make provisions to ensure that information on waste collection services, solid
waste management and related health and environmental concerns are widely disseminated
among the public. This shall be undertaken through the print and broadcast media and other
government agencies in the municipality. The DECS and the Commission on Higher Education
shall ensure that waste management shall be incorporated in the curriculum of primary,
secondary and college students.

(j) Special waste — The special waste component shall include existing waste handling
and disposal practices for special wastes or household hazardous wastes, and the identification of
current and proposed programs to ensure the proper handling, re-use, and long-term disposal of
special wastes.

(k) Resource requirement and funding — The funding component includes identification
and description of project costs, revenues, and revenue sources the LGU will use to implement
all components of the LGU solid waste management plan.

The plan shall likewise indicate specific projects, activities, equipment and technological
requirements for which outside sourcing of funds or materials may be necessary to carry out the
specific components of the plan. It shall define the specific uses for its resource requirements and
indicate its costs. The plan shall likewise indicate how the province, city or municipality intends
to generate the funds for the acquisition of its resource requirements. It shall also indicate if
certain resource requirements are being or will be sourced from fees, grants, donations, local
funding and other means. This will serve as basis for the determination and assessment of
incentives which may be extended to the province, city or municipality as provided for in Sec. 45
of this Act.

(l) Privatization of solid waste management projects — The plan shall likewise indicate
specific measures to promote the participation of the private sector in the management of solid
wastes, particularly in the generation and development of the essential technologies for solid
waste management. Specific projects or component activities of the plan which may be offered
as private sector investment activity shall be identified and promoted as such. Appropriate
incentives for private sector involvement in solid waste management shall likewise be
established and provided for in the plan, in consonance with Sec. 45 hereof and other existing
laws, policies and regulations; and

(m) Incentive programs — A program providing for incentives, cash or otherwise, which
shall encourage the participation of concerned sectors shall likewise be included in the plan.

SECTION 18. Owner and Operator. — Responsibility for compliance with the standards in
this Act shall rest with the owner and/or operator. If specifically designated, the operator is
considered to have primary responsibility for compliance; however, this does not relieve the
owner of the duty to take all reasonable steps to assure compliance with these standards and any
assigned conditions. When the title to a disposal is transferred to another person, the new owner
shall be notified by the previous owner of the existence of these standards and of the conditions
assigned to assure compliance.

SECTION 19. Waste Characterization. — The Department, in coordination with the LGUs,
shall be responsible for the establishment of the guidelines for the accurate characterization of
wastes including determination of whether or not wastes will be compatible with containment
features and other wastes, and whether or not wastes are required to be managed as hazardous
wastes under R.A. 6969, otherwise known as the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear
Wastes Control Act.

SECTION 20. Establishing Mandatory Solid Waste Diversion. — Each LGU plan shall
include an implementation schedule which shows that within five (5) years after the effectivity of
this Act, the LGU shall divert at least 25% of all solid waste from waste disposal facilities
through re-use, recycling, and composting activities and other resource recovery activities:
Provided, That the waste diversion goals shall be increased every three (3) years thereafter:
Provided, further, That nothing in this Section prohibits a local government unit from
implementing re-use, recycling, and composting activities designed to exceed the goal.


Segregation of Wastes

SECTION 21. Mandatory Segregation of Solid Wastes. — The LGUs shall evaluate
alternative roles for the public and private sectors in providing collection services, type of
collection system, or combination of systems, that best meet their needs: Provided, That
segregation of wastes shall primarily be conducted at the source, to include household,
institutional, industrial, commercial and agricultural sources: Provided, further, That wastes shall
be segregated into the categories provided in Sec. 22 of this Act.

For premises containing six (6) or more residential units, the local government unit shall
promulgate regulations requiring the owner or person in charge of such premises to:

(a) provide for the residents a designated area and containers in which to accumulate
source separated recyclable materials to be collected by the municipality or private center; and

(b) notify the occupants of such buildings of the requirements of this Act and the
regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.

SECTION 22. Requirements for the Segregation and Storage of Solid Waste. — The
following shall be the minimum standards and requirements for segregation and storage of solid
waste pending collection:

(a) There shall be a separate container for each type of waste from all sources: Provided,
That in the case of bulky waste, it will suffice that the same be collected and placed in a separate
and designated area; and

(b) The solid waste container depending on its use shall be properly marked or identified
for on-site collection as “compostable”, “non-recyclable”, “recyclable” or “special waste”, or any
other classification as may be determined by the Commission.


Collection and Transport of Solid Wastes

SECTION 23. Requirements for Collection of Solid Waste. — The following shall be the
minimum standards and requirements for the collection of solid waste:
(a) All collectors and other personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste shall
be equipped with personal protective equipment to protect them from the hazards of handling
solid wastes;

(b) Necessary training shall be given to the collectors and personnel to ensure that the
solid wastes are handled properly and in accordance with the guidelines pursuant to this Act; and

(c) Collection of solid waste shall be done in a manner which prevents damage to the
container, and spillage or scattering of solid waste within the collection vicinity.

SECTION 24. Requirements for the Transport of Solid Waste. — The use of separate
collection schedules and/or separate trucks or haulers shall be required for specific types of
wastes. Otherwise, vehicles used for the collection and transport of solid wastes shall have the
appropriate compartments to facilitate efficient storing of sorted wastes while in transit.

Vehicles shall be designed to consider road size, condition and capacity to ensure the safe and
efficient collection and transport of solid wastes.

The waste compartment shall have a cover to ensure the containment of solid wastes while in

For the purpose of identification, vehicles shall bear the body number, the name, and telephone
number of the contractor/agency collecting solid waste.

SECTION 25. Guidelines for Transfer Stations. — Transfer stations shall be designed and
operated for efficient waste handling capacity and in compliance with environmental standards
and guidelines set pursuant to this Act and other regulations: Provided, That no waste shall be
stored in such station beyond twenty-four (24) hours.

The siting of the transfer station shall consider the land use plan, proximity to collection area,
and accessibility of haul routes to disposal facility. The design shall give primary consideration
to size and space sufficiency in order to accommodate the waste for storage and vehicles for
loading and unloading of wastes.


Recycling Program

SECTION 26. Inventory of Existing Markets for Recyclable Materials. — The DTI shall,
within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act and in cooperation with the Department, the
DILG and other concerned agencies and sectors, publish a study of existing markets for
processing and purchasing recyclable materials and the potential steps necessary to expand these
markets. Such study shall include, but not be limited to, an inventory of existing markets for
recyclable materials, product standards for recyclable and recycled materials, and a proposal,
developed in conjunction with the appropriate agencies, to stimulate the demand for the
production of products containing post-consumer and recovered materials.
SECTION 27. Requirement for Eco-Labeling. — The DTI shall formulate and implement a
coding system for packaging materials and products to facilitate waste recycling and re-use.

SECTION 28. Reclamation Programs and Buy-back Centers for Recyclables and Toxics. —
The National Ecology Center shall assist LGUs in establishing and implementing deposit or
reclamation programs in coordination with manufacturers, recyclers and generators to provide
separate collection systems or convenient drop-off locations for recyclable materials and
particularly for separated toxic components of the waste stream like dry cell batteries and tires to
ensure that they are not incinerated or disposed of in a landfill. Upon effectivity of this Act, toxic
materials present in the waste stream should be separated at source, collected separately, and
further screened and sent to appropriate hazardous waste treatment and disposal plants,
consistent with the provisions of R.A. No. 6969.

SECTION 29. Non-Environmentally Acceptable Products. — Within one (1) year from the
effectivity of this Act, the Commission shall, after public notice and hearing, prepare a list of
non-environmentally acceptable products as defined in this Act that shall be prohibited according
to a schedule that shall be prepared by the Commission: Provided, however, That non-
environmentally acceptable products shall not be prohibited unless the Commission first finds
that there are alternatives available which are available to consumers at no more than ten percent
(10%) greater cost than the disposable product.

Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, this section shall not apply to:

(a) Packaging used at hospitals, nursing homes or other medical facilities; and

(b) Any packaging which is not environmentally acceptable, but for which there is no
commercially available alternative as determined by the Commission.

The Commission shall annually review and update the list of prohibited non-environmentally
acceptable products.

SECTION 30. Prohibition on the Use of Non-Environmentally Acceptable Packaging. —

No person owning, operating or conducting a commercial establishment in the country shall sell
or convey at retail or possess with the intent to sell or convey at retail any products that are
placed, wrapped or packaged in or on packaging which is not environmentally acceptable
packaging: Provided, That the Commission shall determine a phaseout period after proper
consultation and hearing with the stakeholders or with the sectors concerned. The presence in the
commercial establishment of non-environmentally acceptable packaging shall constitute a
rebuttable presumption of intent to sell or convey the same at retail to customers.

Any person who is a manufacturer, broker or warehouse operator engaging in the distribution or
transportation of commercial products within the country shall file a report with the concerned
local government unit within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, and annually
thereafter, a listing of any products in packaging which is not environmentally acceptable. The
Commission shall prescribe the form of such report in its regulations.
A violation of this Section shall be sufficient grounds for the revocation, suspension, denial or
non-renewal of any license for the establishment in which the violation occurs.

SECTION 31. Recycling Market Development. — The Commission together with the
National Ecology Center, the DTI and the Department of Finance shall establish procedures,
standards and strategies to market recyclable materials and develop the local market for recycled
goods, including but not limited to:

(a) measures providing economic incentives and assistance including loans and grants for
the establishment of privately-owned facilities to manufacture finished products from post-
consumer materials;

(b) guarantees by the national and local governments to purchase a percentage of the
output of the facility; and

(c) maintaining a list of prospective buyers, establishing contact with prospective buyers
and reviewing and making any necessary changes in collecting or processing the materials to
improve their marketability.

In order to encourage establishment of new facilities to produce goods from post-consumer and
recovered materials generated within local government units, and to conserve energy by reducing
materials transportation, whenever appropriate, each local government unit may arrange for
long-term contracts to purchase a substantial share of the product output of a proposed facility
which will be based in the jurisdiction of the local government unit if such facility will
manufacture such finished products from post-consumer and recovered materials.

SECTION 32. Establishment of LGU Materials Recovery Facility. — There shall be

established a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in every barangay or cluster of barangays. The
facility shall be established in a barangay-owned or -leased land or any suitable open space to be
determined by the barangay through its Sanggunian. For this purpose, the barangay or cluster of
barangays shall allocate a certain parcel of land for the MRF. The determination of site and
actual establishment of the facility shall likewise be subject to the guidelines and criteria set
pursuant to this Act. The MRF shall receive mixed waste for final sorting, segregation,
composting, and recycling. The resulting residual wastes shall be transferred to a long-term
storage or disposal facility or sanitary landfill.

SECTION 33. Guidelines for Establishment of Materials Recovery Facility. — Materials

recovery facilities shall be designed to receive, sort, process, and store compostable and
recyclable material efficiently and in an environmentally sound manner. The facility shall
address the following considerations:

(a) The building and/or land layout and equipment must be designed to accommodate
efficient and safe materials processing, movement, and storage; and

(b) The building must be designed to allow efficient and safe external access and to
accommodate internal flow.


SECTION 34. Inventory of Markets for Composts. — Within six (6) months after the
effectivity of this Act, the DA shall publish an inventory of existing markets and demands for
composts. Said inventory shall thereafter be updated and published annually: Provided, That the
composting of agricultural wastes, and other compostable materials, including but not limited to
garden wastes, shall be encouraged.

SECTION 35. Guidelines for Compost Quality. — Compost products intended to be

distributed commercially shall conform with the standards for organic fertilizers set by the DA.
The DA shall assist the compost producers to ensure that the compost products conform to such


Waste Management Facilities

SECTION 36. Inventory of Waste Disposal Facilities. — Within six (6) months from the
effectivity of this Act, the Department, in cooperation with the DOH, DILG and other concerned
agencies, shall publish an inventory of all solid waste disposal facilities or sites in the country.

SECTION 37. Prohibition Against the Use of Open Dumps for Solid Waste. — No open
dumps shall be established and operated, nor any practice or disposal of solid waste by any
person, including LGUs, which constitutes the use of open dumps for solid waste, be allowed
after the effectivity of this Act: Provided, That within three (3) years after the effectivity of this
Act, every LGU shall convert its open dumps into controlled dumps, in accordance with the
guidelines set in Sec. 41 of this Act: Provided, further, That no controlled dumps shall be
allowed five (5) years following the effectivity of this Act.

SECTION 38. Permit for Solid Waste Management Facility Construction and Expansion.
— No person shall commence operation, including site preparation and construction of a new
solid waste management facility or the expansion of an existing facility until said person obtains
an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the Department pursuant to P.D. 1586 and
other permits and clearances from concerned agencies.

SECTION 39. Guidelines for Controlled Dumps. — The following shall be the minimum
considerations for the establishment of controlled dumps:

(a) Regular inert cover;

(b) Surface water and peripheral site drainage control;

(c) Provision for aerobic and anaerobic decomposition;

(d) Restriction of waste deposition to small working areas;

(e) Fence, including provision for litter control;

(f) Basic record-keeping;

(g) Provision of maintained access road;

(h) Controlled waste picking and trading;

(i) Post-closure site cover and vegetation; and

(j) Hydrogeological siting.

SECTION 40. Criteria for Siting a Sanitary Landfill. — The following shall be the
minimum criteria for the siting of sanitary landfills:

(a) The site selected must be consistent with the overall land use plan of the LGU;

(b) The site must be accessible from major roadways or thoroughfares;

(c) The site should have an adequate quantity of earth cover material that is easily
handled and compacted;

(d) The site must be chosen with regard for the sensitivities of the community’s residents;

(e) The site must be located in an area where the landfill’s operation will not detrimentally
affect environmentally sensitive resources such as aquifer, groundwater reservoir or watershed

(f) The site should be large enough to accommodate the community’s wastes for a period
of five (5) years during which people must internalize the value of environmentally sound and
sustainable solid waste disposal;

(g) The site chosen should facilitate developing a landfill that will satisfy budgetary
constraints, including site development, operation for many years, closure, post-closure care and
possible remediation costs;

(h) Operating plans must include provisions for coordinating with recycling and resource
recovery projects; and

(i) Designation of a separate containment area for household hazardous wastes.

SECTION 41. Criteria for Establishment of Sanitary Landfill. — The following shall be the
minimum criteria for the establishment of sanitary landfills:
(a) Liners — a system of clay layers and/or geosynthetic membranes used to contain
leachate and reduce or prevent contaminant flow to groundwater;

(b) Leachate collection and treatment system — installation of pipes at the low areas of
the liner to collect leachate for storage and eventual treatment and discharge;

(c) Gas control and recovery system — a series of vertical wells or horizontal trenches
containing permeable materials and perforated piping placed in the landfill to collect gas for
treatment or productive use as an energy source;

(d) Groundwater monitoring well system — wells placed at an appropriate location and
depth for taking water samples that are representative of groundwater quality;

(e) Cover — two (2) forms of cover consisting of soil and geosynthetic materials to
protect the waste from long-term contact with the environment:

(i) a daily cover placed over the waste at the close of each day’s operations, and

(ii) a final cover, or cap, which is the material placed over the completed landfill to
control infiltration of water, gas emission to the atmosphere, and erosion.

(f) Closure procedure — with the objectives of establishing low maintenance cover
systems and final cover that minimizes the infiltration of precipitation into the waste. Installation
of the final cover must be completed within six (6) months of the last receipt of wastes; and

(g) Post-closure care procedure — During this period, the landfill owner shall be
responsible for providing for the general upkeep of the landfill, maintaining all of the landfill’s
environmental protection features, operating monitoring equipment, remediating groundwater
should it become contaminated and controlling landfill gas migration or emission.

SECTION 42. Operating Criteria for Sanitary Landfills. — In the operation of a sanitary
landfill, each site operator shall maintain the following minimum operating requirements:

(a) Disposal site records of, but not limited to:

(1) Records of weights or volumes accepted in a form and manner approved by the
Department. Such records shall be submitted to the Department upon request, accurate to within
ten percent (10%) and adequate for overall planning purposes and forecasting the rate of site

(2) Records of excavations which may affect the safe and proper operation of the site or
cause damage to adjoining properties;

(3) Daily log book or file of the following information: fires, landslides, earthquake
damage, unusual and sudden settlement, injury and property damage, accidents, explosions,
receipt or rejection of unpermitted wastes, flooding, and other unusual occurrences;
(4) Record of personnel training; and

(5) Copy of written notification to the Department, local health agency, and fire authority
of names, addresses and telephone numbers of the operator or responsible party of the site;

(b) Water quality monitoring of surface and ground waters and effluent, and gas

(c) Documentation of approvals, determinations and other requirements by the


(d) Signs —

(1) Each point of access from a public road shall be posted with an easily visible sign
indicating the facility name and other pertinent information as required by the Department;

(2) If the site is open to the public, there shall be an easily visible sign at the primary
entrance of the site indicating the name of the site operator, the operator’s telephone number, and
hours of operation, an easily visible sign at an appropriate point shall indicate the schedule of
charges and the general types of materials which will either be accepted or not;

(3) If the site is open to the public, there shall be an easily visible road sign and/or traffic
control measures which direct traffic to the active face and other areas where wastes or
recyclable materials will be deposited; and

(4) Additional signs and/or measures may be required at a disposal site by the Department
to protect personnel and public health and safety;

(e) Monitoring of quality of surface, ground and effluent waters, and gas emissions;

(f) The site shall be designed to discourage unauthorized access by persons and vehicles
by using a perimeter barrier or topographic constraints. Areas within the site where open storage
or pounding of hazardous materials occurs shall be separately fenced or otherwise secured as
determined by the Department. The Department may also require that other areas of the site be
fenced to create an appropriate level of security;

(g) Roads within the permitted facility boundary shall be designed to minimize the
generation of dust and the tracking of material onto adjacent public roads. Such roads shall be
kept in safe condition and maintained such that vehicle access and unloading can be conducted
during inclement weather;

(h) Sanitary facilities consisting of adequate number of toilets and handwashing facilities,
shall be available to personnel at or in the immediate vicinity of the site;

(i) Safe and adequate drinking water supply for the site personnel shall be available;
(j) The site shall have communication facilities available to site personnel to allow quick
response to emergencies;

(k) Where operations are conducted during hours of darkness, the site and/or equipment
shall be equipped with adequate lighting as approved by the Department to ensure safety and to
monitor the effectiveness of operations;

(l) Operating and maintenance personnel shall wear and use appropriate safety
equipment as required by the Department;

(m) Personnel assigned to operate the site shall be adequately trained in subject pertinent
to the site operation and maintenance, hazardous materials recognition and screening, and heavy
equipment operations, with emphasis on safety, health, environmental controls and emergency
procedures. A record of such training shall be placed in the operating record;

(n) The site operator shall provide adequate supervision of a sufficient number of
qualified personnel to ensure proper operation of the site in compliance with all applicable laws,
regulations, permit conditions and other requirements. The operator shall notify the Department
and local health agency in writing of the names, addresses, and telephone number of the operator
or responsible party. A copy of the written notification shall be placed in the operating record;

(o) Any disposal site open to the public shall have an attendant present during public
operating hours or the site shall be inspected by the operator on a regularly scheduled basis, as
determined by the Department;

(p) Unloading of solid wastes shall be confined to a small area as possible to

accommodate the number of vehicles using the area without resulting in traffic, personnel, or
public safety hazards. Waste materials shall normally be deposited at the toe of the fill, or as
otherwise approved by the Department;

(q) Solid waste shall be spread and compacted in layers with repeated passages of the
landfill equipment to minimize voids within the cell and maximize compaction. The loose layer
shall not exceed a depth approximately two feet before compaction. Spreading and compacting
shall be accomplished as rapidly as practicable, unless otherwise approved by the Department;

(r) Covered surfaces of the disposal area shall be graded to promote lateral runoff of
precipitation and to prevent pounding. Grades shall be established of sufficient slopes to account
for future settlement of the fill surface. Other effective maintenance methods may be allowed by
the Department; and

(s) Cover material or native material unsuitable for cover, stockpiled on the site for use or
removal, shall be placed so as not to cause problems or interfere with unloading, spreading,
compacting, access, safety, drainage, or other operations.

Local Government Solid Waste Management

SECTION 43. Guidelines for Identification of Common Solid Waste Management

Problems. — For purposes of encouraging and facilitating the development of local government
plans for solid waste management, the Commission shall, as soon as practicable but not later
than six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, publish guidelines for the identification of
those areas which have common solid waste management problems and are appropriate units for
clustered solid waste management services. The guidelines shall be based on the following:

(a) the size and location of areas which should be included;

(b) the volume of solid waste which would be generated;

(c) the available means of coordinating local government planning between and among
the LGUs and for the integration of such with the national plan; and

(d) possible lifespan of the disposal facilities.

SECTION 44. Establishment of Common Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities. —

Pursuant to Sec. 33 of R.A. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code, all
provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays, through appropriate ordinances, are hereby
mandated to consolidate, or coordinate their efforts, services, and resources for purposes of
jointly addressing common solid waste management problems and/or establishing common
waste disposal facilities.

The Department, the Commission and local solid waste management boards shall provide
technical and marketing assistance to the LGUs.



SECTION 45. Incentives. — (a) Rewards, monetary or otherwise, shall be provided to

individuals, private organizations and entities, including nongovernment organizations, that have
undertaken outstanding and innovative projects, technologies, processes and techniques or
activities in re-use, recycling and reduction. Said rewards shall be sourced from the Fund herein

(b) An incentive scheme is hereby provided for the purpose of encouraging LGUs,
enterprises, or private entities, including NGOs, to develop or undertake an effective solid waste
management, or actively participate in any program geared towards the promotion thereof as
provided for in this Act.

(1) Fiscal Incentives — Consistent with the provisions of E.O. 226, otherwise known as
the Omnibus Investments Code, the following tax incentives shall be granted:
(a) Tax and Duty Exemption on Imported Capital Equipment and Vehicles — Within ten
(10) years upon effectivity of this Act, LGUs, enterprises or private entities shall enjoy tax and
duty-free importation of machinery, equipment, vehicles and spare parts used for collection,
transportation, segregation, recycling, re-use and composting of solid wastes: Provided, That the
importation of such machinery, equipment, vehicle and spare parts shall comply with the
following conditions:

(i) They are not manufactured domestically in sufficient quantity, of comparable quality
and at reasonable prices;

(ii) They are reasonably needed and will be used actually, directly and exclusively for the
above mentioned activities;

(iii) The approval of the Board of Investment (BOI) of the DTI for the importation of such
machinery, equipment, vehicle and spare parts.

Provided, further, That the sale, transfer or disposition of such machinery, equipment, vehicle
and spare parts, without prior approval of the BOI, within five (5) years from the date of
acquisition shall be prohibited, otherwise, the LGU concerned, enterprises or private entities and
the vendee, transferee or assignee shall be solidarily liable to pay twice the amount of tax and
duty exemption given it.

(b) Tax Credit on Domestic Capital Equipment — Within ten (10) years from the
effectivity of this Act, a tax credit equivalent to 50% of the value of the national internal revenue
taxes and customs duties that would have been waived on the machinery, equipment, vehicle and
spare parts, had these items been imported shall be given to enterprises, private entities,
including NGOs, subject to the same conditions and prohibition cited in the preceding paragraph.

(c) Tax and Duty Exemption of Donations, Legacies and Gift — All legacies, gifts and
donations to LGUs, enterprises or private entities, including NGOs, for the support and
maintenance of the program for effective solid waste management shall be exempt from all
internal revenue taxes and customs duties, and shall be deductible in full from the gross income
of the donor for income tax purposes.

(2) Non-Fiscal Incentives — LGUs, enterprises or private entities availing of tax

incentives under this Act shall also be entitled to applicable non-fiscal incentives provided for
under E.O. 226, otherwise known as the Omnibus Investments Code.

The Commission shall provide incentives to businesses and industries that are engaged in the
recycling of wastes and which are registered with the Commission and have been issued ECCs in
accordance with the guidelines established by the Commission. Such incentives shall include
simplified procedures for the importation of equipment, spare parts, new materials, and supplies,
and for the export of processed products.

(3) Financial Assistance Program — Government financial institutions such as the

Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), Landbank of the Philippines (LBP), Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS), and such other government institutions providing financial
services shall, in accordance with and to the extent allowed by the enabling provisions of their
respective charters or applicable laws, accord high priority to extend financial services to
individuals, enterprises, or private entities engaged in solid waste management.

(4) Extension of Grants to LGUs — Provinces, cities and municipalities whose solid
waste management plans have been duly approved by the Commission or who have been
commended by the Commission for adopting innovative solid waste management programs may
be entitled to receive grants for the purpose of developing their technical capacities toward
actively participating in the program for effective and sustainable solid waste management.

(5) Incentives to Host LGUs — Local government units who host common waste
management facilities shall be entitled to incentives.


Financing Solid Waste Management

SECTION 46. Solid Waste Management Fund. — There is hereby created, as a special
account in the National Treasury, a Solid Waste Management Fund to be administered by the
Commission. Such fund shall be sourced from the following:

(a) Fines and penalties imposed, proceeds of permits and licenses issued by the
Department under this Act, donations, endowments, grants and contributions from domestic and
foreign sources; and

(b) Amounts specifically appropriated for the Fund under the annual General
Appropriations Act.

The Fund shall be used to finance the following:

(1) products, facilities, technologies and processes to enhance proper solid waste

(2) awards and incentives;

(3) research programs;

(4) information, education, communication and monitoring activities;

(5) technical assistance; and

(6) capability building activities.

LGUs are entitled to avail of the Fund on the basis of their approved solid waste management
plan. Specific criteria for the availment of the Fund shall be prepared by the Commission.
The fines collected under Sec. 49 shall be allocated to the LGU where the fined prohibited acts
are committed in order to finance the solid waste management of said LGU. Such allocation shall
be based on a sharing scheme between the Fund and the LGU concerned.

In no case, however, shall the Fund be used for the creation of positions or payment of salaries
and wages.

SECTION 47. Authority to Collect Solid Waste Management Fees. — The local
government unit shall impose fees in amounts sufficient to pay the costs of preparing, adopting,
and implementing a solid waste management plan prepared pursuant to this Act. The fees shall
be based on the following minimum factors:

(a) types of solid waste;

(b) amount/volume of waste; and

(c) distance of the transfer station to the waste management facility.

The fees shall be used to pay the actual costs incurred by the LGU in collecting the local fees. In
determining the amounts of the fees, an LGU shall include only those costs directly related to the
adoption and implementation of the plan and the setting and collection of the local fees.


Penal Provisions

SECTION 48. Prohibited Acts. — The following acts are prohibited:

(1) Littering, throwing, dumping of waste matters in public places, such as roads,
sidewalks, canals, esteros or parks, and establishment, or causing or permitting the same;

(2) Undertaking activities or operating, collecting or transporting equipment in violation

of sanitation operation and other requirements or permits set forth in or established pursuant to
this Act;

(3) The open burning of solid waste;

(4) Causing or permitting the collection of non-segregated or unsorted waste;

(5) Squatting in open dumps and landfills;

(6) Open dumping, burying of biodegradable or non-biodegradable materials in flood-

prone areas;

(7) Unauthorized removal of recyclable material intended for collection by authorized

(8) The mixing of source-separated recyclable material with other solid waste in any
vehicle, box, container or receptacle used in solid waste collection or disposal;

(9) Establishment or operation of open dumps as enjoined in this Act, or closure of said
dumps in violation of Sec. 37;

(10) The manufacture, distribution or use of non-environmentally acceptable packaging


(11) Importation of consumer products packaged in non-environmentally acceptable


(12) Importation of toxic wastes misrepresented as “recyclable” or “with recyclable


(13) Transport and dumping in bulk of collected domestic, industrial, commercial and
institutional wastes in areas other than centers or facilities prescribed under this Act;

(14) Site preparation, construction, expansion or operation of waste management facilities

without an Environmental Compliance Certificate required pursuant to Presidential Decree No.
1586 and this Act and not conforming with the land use plan of the LGU;

(15) The construction of any establishment within two hundred (200) meters from open
dumps or controlled dumps, or sanitary landfills; and

(16) The construction or operation of landfills or any waste disposal facility on any aquifer,
groundwater reservoir or watershed area and or any portions thereof.

SECTION 49. Fines and Penalties. — (a) Any person who violates Sec. 48, paragraph (1)
shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine of not less than Three hundred pesos (P300.00)
but not more than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or render community service for not less than
one (1) day to not more than fifteen (15) days to an LGU where such prohibited acts are
committed, or both;

(b) Any person who violates Sec. 48, pars. (2) and (3), shall, upon conviction, be punished
with a fine of not less than Three hundred pesos (P300.00) but not more than One thousand pesos
(P1,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than one (1) day to not more than fifteen (15) days, or

(c) Any person who violates Sec. 48, pars. (4), (5), (6), and (7) shall, upon conviction, be
punished with a fine of not less than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) but not more than Three
thousand pesos (P3,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than fifteen (15) days but not more than
six (6) months, or both;

(d) Any person who violates Sec. 48, pars. (8), (9), (10) and (11) for the first time shall,
upon conviction, pay a fine of Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) plus an amount not
less than five percent (5%) but not more than ten percent (10%) of his net annual income during
the previous year.

The additional penalty of imprisonment of a minimum period of one (1) year, but not to exceed
three (3) years at the discretion of the court, shall be imposed for second or subsequent violations
of Sec. 48, paragraphs (9) and (10).

(e) Any person who violates Sec. 48, pars. (12) and (13), shall, upon conviction, be
punished with a fine of not less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) but not more than Two
hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than thirty (30) days but not
more than three (3) years, or both;

(f) Any person who violates Sec. 48, pars. (14), (15) and (16) shall, upon conviction, be
punished with a fine not less than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more than
One million pesos (P1,000,000.00), or imprisonment not less than one (1) year but not more than
six (6) years, or both.

If the offense is committed by a corporation, partnership, or other juridical entity duly organized
in accordance with law, the chief executive officer, president, general manager, managing
partner or such other officer-in-charge shall be liable for the commission of the offense penalized
under this Act.

If the offender is an alien, he shall, after service of the sentence prescribed above, be deported
without further administrative proceedings.

The fines herein prescribed shall be increased by at least ten percent (10%) every three (3) years
to compensate for inflation and to maintain the deterrent function of such fines.

SECTION 50. Administrative Sanctions. — Local government officials and officials of

government agencies concerned who fail to comply with and enforce rules and regulations
promulgated relative to this Act shall be charged administratively in accordance with R.A. 7160
and other existing laws, rules and regulations.


Miscellaneous Provisions

SECTION 51. Mandatory Public Hearings. — Mandatory public hearings for the national
framework and local government solid waste management plans shall be undertaken by the
Commission and the respective Boards in accordance with the process to be formulated in the
implementing rules and regulations.

SECTION 52. Citizen Suits. — For purposes of enforcing the provisions of this Act or its
implementing rules and regulations, any citizen may file an appropriate civil, criminal or
administrative action in the proper courts/bodies against:
(a) Any person who violates or fails to comply with the provisions of this Act or its
implementing rules and regulations; or

(b) The Department or other implementing agencies with respect to orders, rules and
regulations issued inconsistent with this Act; and/or

(c) Any public officer who willfully or grossly neglects the performance of an act
specifically enjoined as a duty by this Act or its implementing rules and regulations; or abuses
his authority in the performance of his duty; or, in any manner, improperly performs his duties
under this Act or its implementing rules and regulations: Provided, however, That no suit can be
filed until after thirty-day (30) notice has been given to the public officer and the alleged violator
concerned and no appropriate action has been taken thereon.

The Court shall exempt such action from the payment of filing fees and shall, likewise, upon
prima facie showing of the non-enforcement or violation complained of, exempt the plaintiff
from the filing of an injunction bond for the issuance of a preliminary injunction.

In the event that the citizen should prevail, the Court shall award reasonable attorney’s fees,
moral damages and litigation costs as appropriate.

SECTION 53. Suits and Strategic Legal Action Against Public Participation (SLAPP) and
the Enforcement of this Act. — Where a suit is brought against a person who filed an action as
provided in Sec. 52 of this Act, or against any person, institution or government agency that
implements this Act, it shall be the duty of the investigating prosecutor or the Court, as the case
may be, to immediately make a determination not exceeding thirty (30) days whether said legal
action has been filed to harass, vex, exert undue pressure or stifle such legal recourses of the
person complaining of or enforcing the provisions of this Act. Upon determination thereof,
evidence warranting the same, the Court shall dismiss the case and award attorney’s fees and
double damages.

This provision shall also apply and benefit public officers who are sued for acts committed in
their official capacity, there being no grave abuse of authority, and done in the course of
enforcing this Act.

SECTION 54. Research on Solid Waste Management. — The Department, after

consultations with the cooperating agencies, shall encourage, cooperate with, and render
financial and other assistance to appropriate government agencies and private agencies,
institutions and individuals in the conduct and promotion of researches, experiments, and other
studies on solid waste management, particularly those relating to:

(a) adverse health effects of the release into the environment of materials present in solid
wastes, and methods to eliminate said effects;

(b) the operation and financing of solid waste disposal programs;

(c) the planning, implementation and operation of resource recovery and resource
conservation systems;

(d) the production of usable forms of recovered resources, including fuel from solid

(e) the development and application of new and improved methods of collecting and
disposing of solid waste and processing and recovering materials and energy from solid waste;

(f) improvements in land disposal practices for solid waste (including sludge); and

(g) development of new uses of recovered resources and identification of existing or

potential markets of recovered resources.

In carrying out solid waste researches and studies, the Secretary of the Department or the
authorized representative may make grants or enter into contracts with government agencies,
nongovernment organizations and private persons.

SECTION 55. Public Education and Information. — The Commission shall, in coordination
with DECS, TESDA, CHED, DILG and PIA, conduct a continuing education and information
campaign on solid waste management. Such education and information program shall:

(a) Aim to develop public awareness of the ill-effects of and the community-based
solutions to the solid waste problem;

(b) Concentrate on activities which are feasible and which will have the greatest impact
on the solid waste problem of the country, like resource conservation and recovery, recycling,
segregation at source, re-use, reduction and composting of solid waste; and

(c) Encourage the general public, accredited NGOs and people’s organizations to publicly
endorse and patronize environmentally acceptable products and packaging materials.

SECTION 56. Environmental Education in the Formal and Non-formal Sectors. — The
national government, through the DECS and in coordination with concerned government
agencies, NGOs and private institutions, shall strengthen the integration of environmental
concerns in school curricula at all levels, with particular emphasis on the theory and practice of
waste management principles like waste minimization, specifically resource conservation and
recovery, segregation at source, reduction, recycling, re-use and composting, in order to promote
environmental awareness and action among the citizenry.

SECTION 57. Business and Industry Role. — The Commission shall encourage
commercial and industrial establishments, through appropriate incentives other than tax
incentives, to initiate, participate and invest in integrated ecological solid waste management
projects, to manufacture environment-friendly products, to introduce, develop and adopt
innovative processes that shall recycle and re-use materials, conserve raw materials and energy,
reduce waste, and prevent pollution, and to undertake community activities to promote and
propagate effective solid waste management practices.

SECTION 58. Appropriations. — For the initial operating expenses of the Commission and
the National Ecology Center as well as the expenses of the local government units to carry out
the mandate of this Act, the amount of Twenty million pesos (P20,000,000.00) is hereby
appropriated from the Organizational Adjustment Fund on the year this Act is approved.
Thereafter, it shall submit to the Department of Budget and Management its proposed budget for
inclusion in the General Appropriations Act.

SECTION 59. Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). — The Department, in

coordination with the Committees on Environment and Ecology of the Senate and House of
Representatives, respectively, the representatives of the Leagues of Provinces, Cities,
Municipalities and Barangay Councils, the MMDA and other concerned agencies, shall
promulgate the implementing rules and regulations of this Act, within one (1) year after its
enactment: Provided, That rules and regulations issued by other government agencies and
instrumentalities for the prevention and/or abatement of the solid waste management problem not
inconsistent with this Act shall supplement the rules and regulations issued by the Department,
pursuant to the provisions of this Act.

The draft of the IRR shall be published and be the subject of public consultations with affected
sectors. It shall be submitted to the Committees on Environment and Ecology of the Senate and
House of Representatives, respectively, for review before approval by the Secretary.

SECTION 60. Joint Congressional Oversight Committee. — There is hereby created a Joint
Congressional Oversight Committee to monitor the implementation of the Act and to oversee the
functions of the Commission. The Committee shall be composed of five (5) Senators and five (5)
Representatives to be appointed by the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, respectively. The Oversight Committee shall be co-chaired by a Senator and a
Representative designated by the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, respectively.

SECTION 61. Abolition of the Presidential Task Force on Waste Management and the
Project Management Office on Solid Waste Management. — The Presidential Task Force on
Waste Management which was created by virtue of Memorandum Circular No. 39 dated
November 2, 1987, as amended by Memorandum Circular No. 39A and 88 is hereby abolished.
Further, pursuant to Administrative Order No. 90 dated October 19, 1992, the Project
Management Office on Solid Waste Management is likewise hereby abolished. Consequently,
their powers and functions shall be absorbed by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of
this Act.

SECTION 62. Transitory Provision. — Pending the establishment of the framework under
Sec. 15 hereof, plans under Sec. 16 and promulgation of the IRR under Sec. 59 of this Act,
existing laws, regulations, programs and projects on solid waste management shall be enforced:
Provided, That for specific undertaking, the same may be revised in the interim in accordance
with the intentions of this Act.
SECTION 63. Report to Congress. — The Commission shall report to Congress, not later
than March 30 of every year following the approval of this Act, giving a detailed account of its
accomplishments and progress on solid waste management during the year and make the
necessary recommendations in areas where there is need for legislative action.

SECTION 64. Separability Clause. — If any provision of this Act or the application of such
provision to any person or circumstances is declared unconstitutional, the remainder of the Act
or the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected by
such declaration.

SECTION 65. Repealing Clause. — All laws, decrees, issuances, rules and regulations, or
parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified

SECTION 66. Effectivity. — This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication
in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

Approved on January 26, 2001

FOR PD 957



1. Board Res. No. 725, series of 2002, “Amending the

Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations for
Presidential Decree No. 957 and Batas Pambansa No.

2. Board Res. No. 748, series of 2003, “Further Relaxing

the Requirements for the Issuance of Certificate of
Registration and License to Sell”.

3. Board Res. No 763, series of 2004, “Amending

Sections 9, 10 & 11 of the Revised Implementing Rules
and Regulations for PD 957”.

4. Board Res. No. 794, series of 2006, “Amending

Provision on Signatories to Subdivision Development
Plan and Site Development Plan for Projects under PD
957 & BP 220”.

5. Board Res. No. 812, series of 2007, “Approving the

Fastracking of the Issuance of Certificate of Registration
and License to Sell”.

6. Board Res. No. 839, series of 2009, “Requiring

Subdivision and Condominium Owner/Developer to
Submit a Copy of the Special/Temporary Permit from the
Professional Regulations Commission and of the
Separate Permit from the Department of Labor and
Employment for Foreign Architects who Signed on Plans
Required Under the Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) of PD 957 and BP 220”.

7. Board Res. No. 830-A, series of 2009, “Amending the

Minimum Level of Development Requirement in the
Issuance of License to Sell for Subdivision and
Condominium Projects Under Board Resolution No. 830,
Series of 2008”.

Pursuant to Article IV Section 5 c) of Executive Order No. 648 the following

rules are hereby promulgated by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
(HLURB) to implement Presidential Decree Nos. 957, 1216, 1344 and other related
laws applicable to open market and medium cost subdivision and condominium


Section 1. Design Standards for Subdivision

Residential subdivision projects shall conform with the following minimum design
standards, applicable local government units' (LGU) zoning ordinances as well as
pertinent provisions of the National Building Code if project is with housing

A. Site Criteria

1. Location

Conformity with Zoning Ordinance/Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Subdivision projects shall be located in residential zones or other areas

appropriate for residential uses. If there is no Zoning Ordinance or approved
Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the dominant land use principle and site
suitability factors cited herein shall be used in determining suitability of a

Subdivision projects supportive of other major urban activities (e.g. housing for
industrial workers) may be allowed in area zoned for the said urban

2. Physical Suitability

Subdivision projects shall be located within suitable sites for housing and
outside hazard prone areas and protection areas as provided for by pertinent
laws. Critical areas (e.g. areas subject to flooding, landslides and those with
unstable soil) must be avoided.

The site shall be stable enough to accommodate foundation load without excessive
earthmoving, grading or cutting and filling.
3. Accessibility

The site must be served by a road that is readily accessible to public

transportation lines. Said access road shall conform with the standards set
herein to accommodate expected demand caused by the development of
the area. In no case shall a subdivision project be approved without the
necessary access road/right-of-way. Said access road right-of-way may be
constructed either by the developer or the local government unit.

B. Planning Considerations

1. Area Planning
Planning and designing of subdivision projects shall take into account the

a. safety and general welfare of the future occupants:

b. adequate, safe, efficient and integrative road circulation system

servicing every lot therein;

c. judicious allocation of land uses for diversity and amenity;

d. preservation of site

e. proper siting or orientation of lots;

f. harmony with existing and proposed development in the vicinity;

g. Application of workable design principles or parameters for a well

planned and self-sustaining environment.

When a developer or planner submits a Planned Unit Development (PUD)

type of project, the layout shall likewise conform to the standards for
residential/condominium projects.

a. Open spaces

Open spaces shall conform to the provisions of P.D. 1216 and its
implementing rules and shall include the following:

a. 1 Streets - adequate and safe means of vehicular and pedestrian

circulation and easements for utilities and planting strips, shall be

a. 2 Walks - paved walks shall be provided to the living units from

streets, parking spaces and from living units to play areas

a. 3 Parks and playground - suitable recreational area(s) shall be

allocated within the subdivision. Where applicable, a hierarchy of
such recreational areas may be provided for, such that, a
strategically located main park area is supplemented or
complemented by one or more smaller pocket(s) or areas for
recreational use. These areas must be accessible to living units and free
from any form of hazard or risk_ Said parks and playgrounds shall be
cleared and free from any debris. Parks and playgrounds as much as
possible shall be at street level.

b. Facilities and Amenities

Areas required for subdivision facilities and amenities shall be judiciously

allocated in accordance with the provisions herein specified.

c. Density

Density of subdivision projects shall conform with the residential densities

set forth in the zoning ordinance of the city/municipality where project is
located. Where there is a mixture of housing types within the subdivision
(such as single-detached, row house, town houses, etc.), density shall include
the total number of dwelling units in multi-storey structure plus the total number
of lots intended for single and semi-detached houses.

2. Site Preservation

a. Slope

The finished grade shall have a desired slope to allow rain water to be channeled
into street drains. Where cut and fill is necessary, an appropriate grade shall
be attained to prevent any depression in the area.

Grading and ditching shall be executed in a manner that will prevent erosion or
flooding of adjoining properties.

B. Preservation of Site Assets

Suitable trees with a caliper diameter of 200 millimetres or more, shrubs and
desirable ground cover per Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) rules shall be preserved. Where a good quality top soil
exists in the site, it shall be banked and shall be preserved for finishing grades
of yards, playgrounds, parks and garden area.

c. Ground Cover

Grass, shrubs, plants and other landscaping materials used for ground cover shall
be of a variety appropriate for its intended use and location. They shall be planted
so as to allow well-tended cover of the area.
3. Easements

Subdivision projects shall observe and conform to the following provisions on easements
as may be required by:

a. Chapter IV, Section 51 of The Water Code, on water bodies;

b. National Power Corporation (NPC), on transmission lines;

c. PHIVOLCS per Resolution No. 515, Series of 1992, on identified fault traces;

d. Other public utility companies and other entities' right-of-way;

e. National/local government units for projects abutting national roads (primary roads)
where adequate easement shall be provided for, including loading and unloading

f. Other related laws.

4. Circulation

Depending on the classification of roads adjacent to the subdivision and the size of the
project site, road network should result into a hierarchy of functions and should define and
serve the subdivision as one integrated unit.

a. Roads complemented with pathwalks within the subdivision must be so aligned to

facilitate movement and to link the subdivision to the nearest major transportation
route and/or adjacent property.

Whenever there are existing roads within the project site which shall be made part
of the subdivision plan, these shall be improved in accordance with the standards
set forth herein.

b. Streets should conform to the contours of the land as far as practicable

Where a proposed project adjoins a developed property, roads within the said project
shall be connected/integrated/aligned with existing ones.

Where a proposed project adjoins undeveloped property, a provision for future

connection shall be mandatory.

c. As far as practicable, streets shall be laid out at right angles to minimize critical
intersections such as blind corners, skew junction, etc.

d. Roads shall conform to sound engineering practices.

e. Subdivision projects shall comply to the pertinent requirements of Batas

Pambansa No. 344, otherwise known as the Accessibility Law.

5. Installation of Street Names/Signs:

The developer shall bear the cost of installation of street names/signs

coincident with the construction of streets.

C. Design Parameters

1. Land Allocation

For open market and medium cost subdivision projects with an area of one
(1) hectare or more, the percentage (%) allocation of land shall be as

a. saleable area — maximum of 70% of the gross area

b. non-saleable area — minimum of 30% of the gross area

The following non-saleable area shall be observed consistent with PD

No. 1216:

b.1 Parks/Playgrounds

Allocation of area for parks and playgrounds shall be mandatory for

projects one (1) hectare or more and shall be deemed non -
buildable area. The same shall be strategically located within the
subdivision project. Area allocated for parks and playgrounds shall
in no case be less than 100 square meters.

The percentage requirement for parks/playgrounds shall be as


Table 1. Parks and Playgrounds Allocation

(No. of Lots/Dwelling Unit Allocation in Percent of Gross
Per Hectare)
20 and below 3.5
21 — 25 4.0
26 — 35 5.0
36 — 6.0
51 — 50
65 7.0
Above 65 9.0
b.2 Community Facilities

Mandatory provision of areas for community facilities, such as

neighbourhood multi-purpose center both for open market and medium cost
housing projects with area one (1) hectare and above. These areas are
non-saleable. However, the developer may provide additional areas
for community facilities such as schools and commercial/retail centers in
excess of the mandatory requirement set forth in this rule which shall be
deemed saleable. The use of the said area shall be indicated in the plan and
shall be annotated in the title thereto. (Refer to Table 2)

Table 2. Facilities According to the Number of Saleable Lots/

Dwelling Units for Subdivision Projects I hectare and Above

Neighbor- Convenience
No. of
Stores & Element-
Saleable hood High Tricycle
Other ary
Lots Multi- Commercial School** School** Terminals**
and/or Purpose
Dwelling Unit Center*

10 & below - - - - -

11 — 99 - - - - -

100 — 499 x Center - -

s ** -
500 - 999 x - - - -

1000 - 1499 x - - - -

1500 - 1999 x x x - x

2000 — x x x x x
2500 & x x x x x

* Mandatory non-saleable

** Optional saleable but when provided in the plan the same shall be
annotated in the title
b.3 Circulation System

b.3.1 Hierarchy of Roads

The circulation system for open market and medium cost housing
projects shall have the following hierarchy of roads:

Table 3. Hierarchy of Roads

Project Size
Open Market Medium Cost
2.5 & below major, minor, motor major, minor, motor
court,alley court, alley
Above 2.5 — 5 major, collector, -do-
minor, motor
Above 5 —10 court, alley
-do- major, collector,
minor, motor
Above 10 — 15 -do- court, alley
Above 15 — 30 -do- -do-
Above 30 -do- -do-

Minimum road right-of-way shall be in accordance with b.3.2 of this section.

In no case shall a major road be less than 10 meters when used as

main access road and/or as future connection.

a) Major Road - a street or road linking the site and serves as the main
traffic artery within the project site and shall traverse the longer axis of
the property.

b) Collector Road - a street or a road that services

pedestrian/vehicular traffic from minor roads leading to major roads.

c) Minor Road - a road which main function is to provide direct access to lots
and other activity centers.

d) Motor Courts - shall have a right-of-way of not less than 6 meters in

width with provision for sufficient space for vehicular turn around
in the form of a cul-de-sac, loop, branch or "T", with a maximum
length of 60 meters inclusive of terminal.

e) Service Roads - roads which provide for the distribution of

traffic among individual lots and activity centers.
f ) Alley - a 2-meter wide walkway which shall be used to break a block and
to serve pedestrians and for emergency purposes. It shall not be used as
access to property.

b.3.2 Road Right-of-Way (ROW)

The corresponding right-of-way for hierarchy of roads shall be as follows:

Table 4. Road Right-of-Way

Right - Of- Way (Row)

Project Size
Open Market Medium Cost
Major CollectorMinor Major CollectorMinor
2.5 & below 10 8 10 - 8

Above 2.5 - 5 12 10 8 10 8

Above5- 10 12 10 8 12 10 8

Above10-15 12 10 8 12 10 8

Above 15- 30 15 12 10 12 10 8

Above 30 15 12 10 15 12 10
ROW Carriageway ROWCarriageway

Motor Court 6 5 6 5
Alley 2 2 2 2
Note: a 6-m service
road, both ends
connecting to a
minor road,shall be
allowed for blocks not
exceeding 60 meters.

a) Major roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right-of-way. Tapering of

road width shall not be allowed where the road right-of-way is wider than the
prescribed standard for the interconnecting road 2.5the proposed

b) Interior Subdivision project must secure right-of-way to the nearest public

road and the right-of-way shall be designated as interconnecting road with a
minimum width of 10 meters. This fact shall be annotated on the title of said
road lot and must be donated and deemed turned over to the LGU upon
completion of the said interconnecting road. (See Figure 1)
Figure 1. Interconnecting Road

c) Subdivision projects abutting main public road must provide a setback of 3-meter
deep by 5-meter in length at both sides of the subdivision entrance to accommodate
loading and unloading of passengers (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Setback Requirement along Main Public Road

d) Subdivision projects shall have provision for future expansion

where applicable, by designating the major r o a d s , a s p r e s c r ib e d
i n S e c. 1 . C. b . 3 . 2 a s t h e interconnecting road right-of-way for both
open market and medium cost housing projects.

b.3.3 Planting Strips

Planting strips shall be observed with the following road specifications:

Table 5. Width of Planting Strips and Sidewalks


Planting Sidewalk Planting Sidewalk
(m) Strip Strip
(m) (m)
(m.) (m)
1.30 1.20 1.30 1.20
15.00 0.80 1.20 0.80 1.20
12.00 0.80 1.20 0.80 1.20
10.00 0.60 0.40 0.60
6.00 (Service Road)
Optional optional

b.3.4 Road Pavement

All roads for both open market and medium cost housing projects shall be paved
with either concrete or asphalt. Concrete pavement shall have a minimum
thickness of 150 millimeters and a minimum compressive strength of 20.7 Mega
Pascal (Mpa) while asphalt shall have a minimum thickness of 50 millimeters.

Sidewalk pavement shall have a minimum compressive strength of 17.2 Mega


b.3.5 Road Intersection

Roads should intersect at right angles as much as practicable. Multiple
intersections along major roads shall be minimized. Distance between offset
intersections should not be less than 20 meters from corner to corner.
Intersections should occur on straight sections instead of on curved sections
of road and on gentle grades with clear sight distance.

Road intersections shall be provided with adequate curb radii consistent with
sound engineering principles. (see Figure 3)

Figure 3 : Curb Radii Dimension

B.3.6 Road Grade/Slope

Crown of the roads shall have a slope of not less than 1.5
percent, while curbs and gutters shall not be less than 7
percent to 9 percent (see Figure 4).

Grades and vertical curbs shall conform to the design

requirements of the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH).


2. Lot requirements

a. Lot Layout:

The following shall be considered when plotting the subdivision


A.1 Preservation of site assets and proper siting orientation of lots;

blending with existing and proposed development in the vicinity; and

A.2 Application of workable design principles/parameters for a well

planned environment.

To accommodate a wider range of clientele (in terms of income level and

lifestyle), and to provide diversity in housing design in a subdivision
project, the owner/developer is encouraged to allocate area s f o r
va rious housin g typ e s su ch a s sin gle -d eta ched , duplex/single
attached and row houses.

b. Minimum Lot Area

The minimum lot area for various types of housing under open market and medium
cost housing project shall be as follows:

Table 6. Minimum Lot Area


HOUSING (Sqm•) (Sqm.)

a. Single 120
b. Duplex/Single 96 80
c. Rowhouse 60 50

Saleable lots designated as duplex/single attached and/or rowhouse lots shall be

provided with housing units.

Price of saleable lots intended for single-detached units shall not exceed 40
percent of the maximum selling price of house and lot packages.

c. Lot Design

C.1 Saleable lots shall be designed such that they are not bisected by political
boundaries, water courses, drainage ways and utility lines.

C.2 A lot shall be served by an independent access road.

C.3 Whenever possible, lot frontage elevation shall be at street level.

C.4 Lot lines shall preferably be made perpendicular to street lines.

C.5 Deep lots and irregularly shaped lots shall be avoided.

C.6 Lots shall be planned with adequate width for side yards.

C.7 Lots shall be protected against risks.

C.8 Lots shall not be laid out if potential risks exist e.g. erosion, slides, flooding,
fault lines, etc.

d. Lot Frontage
The minimum lot frontages for various types of housing under open market and
medium cost housing projects shall be as follows:

Table 7. Minimum Lot Frontage


1. Single Detached
a. Corner Lot 12
b. Regular Lot 10
c. Irregular Lot 6
d. Interior Lot 3
2. Duplex/Single Attached 8
3. Rowhouse 4

The number of rowhouses shall not exceed 20 units per block/cluster but in no
case shall this be beyond 100 meters in length.

3. Length of Block

Maximum length of block shall be 400 meters, however, blocks exceeding 250 meters
shall be provided with an alley approximately at mid-length.

4. Shelter Component

a Minimum floor area for open market housing shall be 42 square meters and
30 square meters for medium cost housing.

b. Minimum level of completion - complete house for all types of dwelling units based
on the submitted specifications.

Provision of firewall shall be in conformity with the Fire Code of the Philippines
and mandatory for duplexes/single attached units and every unit for rowhouses
(refer to Fig. 5).
Figure 5. Firewall Requirement for Rowhouse

5. Yard/Setback

The minimum setback of dwelling units both for open market and medium cost
housing projects shall conform to the National Building Code of the

6. Water Supply System

a. Specific Rules:

The subdivision water supply shall be mandatory or obligatorily

connected to an appropriate public water system or community system
provided that the water supply is enough to meet the total daily
requirements of the anticipated population.

When neither a public water system, nor an acceptable community

system is available, a centralized water supply system shall be
accepted, provided that:

a.1 The technical consultant of the developer shall determine the

location and discharge capacity of the water source(s) within the

a.2 The permit to drill well(s) or tap water lines from the appropriate government
agencies shall be obtained;

a.3 The water source shall be sufficient to meet the daily water requirements
of every household in the subdivision;

a.4 No hazards shall exist in the immediate vicinity of the water source that
might reduce or pollute the supply;

a.5 Water distribution shall be assured.

Accordingly, every water service entrance or connection shall be provided with a

pressure-compensating, self-regulating, constant flow valve or fitting to ensure
equitable distribution of water, water and power conservation, and long-
term savings on operational costs of the water system.
a.6 Each subdivision shall have at least an operational deep well and pump sets
with sufficient capacity to provide Average Daily Demand (ADD) to all

b. Water Requirement - Every dwelling unit shall be served by an individual

supply of water sufficient to meet the total hourly domestic needs of every household
for any 8 hour period.

The Average Daily Demand (ADD) for both open market and medium cost
housing projects is 150 liters per capita per day (LCPD) household
connection. (Per Board Resolution No. 506, series of 1992)

c. Fire Protection Demand - Provision for fire protection shall comply with the
requirements of the National Fire Protection Code.

d. Water Tank Capacity - 20% ADD plus fire reserve.

e. Pipes - Pipes shall conform to the standards required by Metropolitan Waterworks

and Sewerage System (MWSS) and/or Local Water Utilities Administration

7. Electrical power supply

Mandatory individual household connection to primary and/or alternate sources of


Installation practices, materials and fixtures used shall be in accordance with the
provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code and/or local utility company.

Provision of street lighting per pole is mandatory at 50-meter distance and every
other pole if distance is less than 50 meters.

Electrical bills for streetlights shall be proportionately shouldered by the users

thereof prior to issuance of Certificate of Completion (COG) and turn-over of
open space to LGU.

8. Sewage Disposal System

The sewage disposal system for open market and medium cost
subdivision projects shall either be any of the following:

a. Connection to Community Sewer System

Connections shall be made to an approved public or community sewer

system, subject to the requirements and provisions of the Sanitation
Code of the Philippines and other applicable rules and regulations.
b. Septic Tanks

Where community sewer system is not available, sewage shall be

disposed of and treated in individual septic tanks.

Construction of individual septic tanks shall conform to the design

standards of Sanitation Code of the Philippines (PD 856) and National
Plumbing Code of the Philippines (RA 1378).

9. Drainage System

The drainage system of the subdivision shall conform to the natural

drainage pattern of the subdivision site, and shall drain into appropriate
water bodies or public drainage system. In no case shall drainage outfalls
drain into a private lot. Its layout shall conform to sound engineering
design/ principles certified by a duly licensed civil/sanitary engineer. Drain
lines shall be of durable materials and approved installation practices.

For both open market and medium cost subdivision projects, underground
drainage system shall be properly engineered and environmentally sound
and shall be provided with adequate Reinforced Concrete Pipes (RCP),
catch basins manholes, inlets and cross drain for efficient maintenance.
Minimum drainage pipes diameter shall be 30 centimeters.

10. Garbage Disposal System

The subdivision shall have a sanitary and efficient refuse collection and
disposal system, whether independently or in conjunction with the
municipal/city garbage collection and disposal services.

The Summarized Planning and Design Standards for Open Market and
A Medium Cost Subdivision Projects is presented in Table 8.
TABLE 8. Planning and Design Standards
for a Residential Subdivision Project
Under PD 957
1. Project Location Within suitable sites for Within suitable sites for housing
housing and outside and outside potential hazard
potential hazard prone and prone and protection areas.
protection areas.

2. Land Allocation for

projects 1 hectare and
a. Saleable area
a. 70% (maximum)
b. Non-saleable area b. 30% (minimum)

Mandatory allocation for parks and playgrounds per tabulation below:

Density Percentage of Percentage of
b.1 Area allocated for parks (No. of Lots or Dwelling Unit Gross area allocated for parks and
and playgrounds for projects 1 Gross Area Allocated for playground.
has. & above. Per Hectare)

20 & below 3.5%

21 -25 4.0%
26 - 35 5.0%
36 - 50 6.0%
51 - 65 7.0%
Above 65 9.0%
In no case shall an area allocated for parks and playgrounds be less
than 100 sqm and the same shall be strategically located within the

b.2 Area allocated for Mandatory provision of areas for community facilities such as
community facilities neighbourhood multi-purpose center for housing projects with area 1
hectare and above. These areas are non-saleable. However,
the developer may provide areas for community facilities
such as schools and commercial centers in excess of the
mandatory requirement set forth in this rule which shall
be deemed saleable. The use of the said area shall be
indicated in the plan and annotated in the title there to. (Refer
to Table 1)
b.3 Circulation System
Observe hierarchy of roads
3. Minimum Lot Areas

a. Single Detached 120 sqm 100 sqm

b. Duplex/Single 96 sqm 80 sqm
Attached 60 sqm 50 sqm
c. Rowhouses
Saleable lots designated as duplex and/or rowhouse lots shall
be provided with housing components.
Price of saleable lots intended for single-detached units shall
not exceed 40% of the maximum selling price of house
and lot packages.

4. Minimum Lot Frontage

4.1 Single Detached
a. corner lot 12m
b. regular lot 10m
c. irregular lot 6m
d. interior lot 3m
4.2 Single Attached/ 8m
4.3 Rowhouses

5. Length of Block Maximum length of block is 400 meters, however,

blocks exceeding 250 meters shall be provided
with an alle y approximately at mid-length.

6. Roads Right of Way

Project size range Major road Collector Minor Road Major road Collector Minor Road

2.5 has, & below 10m 10 m - - 8m8m 10m 10 m - 8m 8m

Above 2.5 - 5 has. 12 m 12m1010m

m 8m8 m 10 m10m - 8m 8 m

Above 5 - 10 has. 12m 12 m10m

10m 8m8m 12m12 m 10m
10m 8m 8m

Above 10 - 15 has. 12m 12 m10m

10m 8m8m 12m 12m 10m
10m 8m 8m

Above 15 - 30 has. 15m 15m12m

12m 10m
10m 12m 12m 10m
10m 8m 8m

Above 30 has. 15m 12m 10m 15m 12m 10m

A 6.0 meter service road,

both ends connecting to a
minor road, shall be allowed
for blocks not exceeding 60


7. Motor Court Alley 6 5
2 2 6 5
2 2
Alley is a 2-meter wide walkway which shall be used to break
a block and to serve both pedestrians and for emergency
purposes. It shall not be used as access to property.

Right-of-Way (ROW) of major roads shall be increased as

project size increases.

Major roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right-of-

way. Tapering of road width shall not be allowed, where the road
right-of-way is wider than the prescribed standard for the
interconnecting road of the proposed subdivision.

1. Interior subdivision project must secure right-of-way to the nearest
public road and the right-of-way shall be designated as interconnecting
road with a minimum width of 10 meters. This fact shall be annotated
on the title of said road lot and must be donated and deemed turned over
to the LGU upon completion of the said interconnecting road. (See
Figure 1).
2. Subdivision projects abutting main public road must provide a
setback of 3-Meter deep by 5-meter in length at both sides of the
subdivision entrance to accommodate loading and unloading of
passengers. (See Figure 2)
3. Subdivision projects shall have provision for future expansion where
applicable, by designating a minimum interconnecting road right-of-
way of 10 meters.

8. Hierarchy of Roads per

Project Size Range
major, minor, motor court, alley major, minor, motor court, alley
2.5 has. & below
major, collector, minor, motor - do –
Above 2.5 - 5 has. court, alley
Above 5 —10 major, collector, service road,
- do – minor, motor court, alley

Above 10 — 15 has. - do - - do -
- do – - do –
Above 15 - 30 has.
Above 30 has. - do – - do –
9. Roads Specification
a. Planting Strip (PS)**

15m PS SW
12m 1.3 1.2
10m 0.8 1.2
8m 0.8 1.2
6m (Service Road) 0.4 0.6
Optional Optional
b.Road Pavement

Major Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt

Minor Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt
Motor Court Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt
Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt
Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt
Concrete road pavement shall have a minimum thickness of
150 millimeters and a minimum compressive strength of
20.7 MPa while roads may either be concrete of same
thickness and compressive strength or asphalt with
minimum thickness of 50 millimeters.

Sidewalk pavement shall have a minimum compressive strength

of 1 7 . 2 M P a .
Mandatory connection to appropriate public water system,
10. Water Supply centralized water supply system.

Each subdivision shall have at least an operational deepwell

and pump sets with sufficient capacity to provide Average
Daily Demand (ADD) to all homeowners.

150 liters per capita per day for household connection

a. Minimum Water
Supply Requirement

b. Fire Protection Provision for fire protection shall comply with the requirements
Demand of the Fire Code of the Philippines.

Mandatory individual household connection to primary

11. Electrical Power Supply and alternate sources of power if services are available in the

Mandatory provision of street lighting per pole if 50 -meter

in distance; at every other pole, if less than 50- meter in

Electric bills shall be proportionately shouldered by the

users thereof, prior to issuance of COC and turnover of open
space to LGU.

Installation practices, materials and fixtures used shall be in

accordance with the provision of the Philippine Electrical Code
and local utility company.

12. Drainage System Underground

The drainage system must conform to the natural drainage

pattern of the subdivision site, and shall drain into
appropriate water bodies, public drainage system or natural

For both open market and medium cost subdivision

projects, underground drainage system shall be properly
engineered and environmentally sound, and shall be
provided with adequate Reinforced Concrete Pipes (RCP),
catch-basins, manholes/inlets and cross drain for efficient
maintenance. Minimum drainage pipe diameter shall be 30

13. Sewage Disposal System

a. Septic Tank Individual septic tank shall conform to the standards and design
of the Sanitation Code of the Philippines (PD 856) and
its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

b. Connection Community Whenever applicable, connection shall be made to an approved

Sewer system public or community sewer system subject to the requirements and
provisions of the Sanitation code of the Philippines and other
applicable rules and regulations.
14. Garbage Disposal System

Provide sanitary and efficient refuse collection and disposal

system whether independently or in conjunction with the local
government garbage collection and disposal services.

15. Shelter Component

a. Minimum Floor

a.1Single Detached 42 sqm 30 sqm

a.2 Duplex 42 sqm 30 sqm

a.3 Row house 42 sqm 30 sqm

In no case shall the number of row houses exceed 20 units per

block/cluster and/or be beyond 100 meters in length.

b. Minimum Level
of Completion

b.1 Single Detached complete house (Based on the submitted specifications)

b.2 Duplex/Semi- same

b.3 Row house
Mandatory provision of firewall for duplexes/semi-attached units
and for every unit of row houses (See Figure 5)

16. Setbacks/Easements

a. Front
Shall conform to the provisions of the
b. Side National Building Code of the Philippines
c. Rear
Section 2. Design Standards and Guidelines for Residential Condominium

A. Site Criteria

Conformity to Comprehensive Land Use Plan/Zoning Ordinance/National

Building Code

1. Residential condominium projects shall preferably be located in areas zoned as

or appropriate for residential uses.

2. Condominium projects shall likewise conform to the minimum building

requirements, lot occupancy, open spaces, parking and other requirements of the
National Building Code of the Philippines and its Implementing Rules and

B. Planning Consideration

1. Area Planning

a. Supplementary and supportive activities to residential use shall be

allowed provided that the privacy, order, health and safety of the residents are
not jeopardized nor threatened and that the land use plan and/or zoning
ordinance of the locality can accommodate such mixture of land uses.

b. Open spaces shall be provided within the project site pursuant to the
National Building Code of the Philippines and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations. These shall include courts, yards, setbacks, light wells,
uncovered driveways, access roads, parking spaces, buffer strips, parks and
playgrounds. Except as may hereafter be otherwise provided these spaces
shall be open from the ground to the sky. The open space shall also be
allocated for basic utilities and community facilities or common areas.

c. Easements for utilities, such as drainage system, water supply, power lines
and communication lines, shall be integrated with land circulation system.

d. Building orientation on lot shall take into account proper ventilation,

sunlight and land characteristics.

e. No development shall be allowed within the 5-meter mandatory easement on

both sides of the Marikina Valley Fault Trace and such other fault traces as
may be identified by PHIVOLCS. (Approved per Board Res. No. 515, Series of
2. Site Preservation/Alteration

a. Slope

The finished grade shall have a desired slope to allow rainwater to be

channeled into street drains. Where cut and fill is necessary an
appropriate grade shall be attained to prevent any depression in the area.

Grading and ditching shall be executed in a manner that will prevent

erosion or flooding of adjoining properties.

b. Preservation of Site Assets

Suitable trees with a caliper diameter of 200 millimeters or more, as well

as shrubs and desirable ground cover shall be preserved in accordance
with the implementing rules and regulations of DENR. Where good
quality top soil exists in the site, it shall be banked and shall be preserved
for finishing grades of yards, playgrounds, parks and garden area.

c. Ground Cover

Grass, shrubs, plants and other landscaping materials used for ground
cover shall be of variety appropriate for its intended use and location.
They shall be so planted as to allow complete and permanent cover of the

C. Design parameters

1. Space location

Space allocations shall provide areas for living, dining, kitchen, sleeping, toilet
and bath, laundry/ drying area and storage - the minimum sizes of which shall
be in accordance with the requirements of the National Building Code of the
Philippines and its Implementing Rules and Regulations/referral codes.

a. Parks/Playground and/or Other Recreational Areas

a.1 Parks/Playground (exclusive of easements, access roads,

driveways, parking space) shall be required for:

a.1.1 Projects with a gross saleable area of 1.000 square meters:

a.1.2 Projects with ten (10) or more condominium units. Except
when the condominium is part of a subdivision project or a
park/playground not more than or 800 meters away and in
reaching it, the pedestrian will not be unduly exposed to

a.2 The minimum area for a single park/playground shall be 50 square meters. Increments of
3.00 square meters for every additional family dwelling type in excess of 10 units shall be

a.3 Parks/playground or other recreational facilities may not be required if the

condominium is located not more than or 800 meters from a publicly accessible
park/playground/or other recreational facilities.

a.4 Parks/playground shall be properly landscaped to accommodate both active and

passive activities.

a.5 Parks/playground may be accommodated in the yard/s provided such yards are
adequate and usable as park.

a.6 Other facilities (optional) such as tennis courts, swimming pool, etc. may be
integrated with the park/playground.

b. Parking Space Requirement

b.1 For Residential Condominium Units

b.1.1 The parking slot requirement for residential condominium project snail be in
accordance with the provisions of the National Building Code of the

b.1.2 Off-site parking may be allowed in addition to the on-site parking provided
that the designated parking area is part of the project and provided further that
the required distance shall be in accordance with the National Building Code of
the Philippines.

b.1.3 Compliance with additional parking spaces as required by local

ordinances shall be mandatory.

b.2 For Commercial Condominium Units

b.2.1 The minimum parking slot requirement shall be in accordance with the
provisions of the National Building Code of the Philippines.
b.2.2 Off-site parking may be allowed in addition to the on-site parking provided
that the designated parking area is part of the project or the project is within the
commercial subdivision where common parking area is part of the
approved subdivision plan and provided further that parking
arrangements are explicitly indicated in the contract of sale of property to be
developed. Off-site parking shall not be located 200 meters away from
condominium project.

c. Access Roads

Roads shall serve every building, parking space, park/playground and service
points (e.g. garbage collection points). Minimum roads or right-of-way shall be 8
meters, 6 meters thereof shall be the carriageway and the remaining 2 meters shall
be developed as sidewalk/planting strip.

Path walks shall be provided for pedestrian circulation with a minimum width of
1.2 meters.

Construction of roads, sidewalk and path walks, shall be in accordance with the
standards of residential subdivision. Space for turnaround at dead end shall be

Direct vehicular access to the property shall be provided by public street or alley.

An independent means of access shall be provided to each dwelling, or group of

dwellings in a single plot. Without trespassing adjoining properties. Utilities
and service facilities- must be independent for each dwelling unit.

An independent means of access to each living unit shall be provided without

passing through any yard of a living unit or any other yard.

c.1 Hierarchy of Roads

For horizontal condominium projects, the hierarchy of roads shall be the

same as the minimum design standard requirements for subdivision

c.2 Pavement

All roads (major, minor, motor court) for both residential and
commercial condominium projects shall be pa ve d with
d. Basic Facilities and Services

d.1 Service Area (Laundry/Drying Area)

Adequate laundry and drying areas shall be provided.

Where such service areas are held in common, they shall have suitable
outdoor locations, fenced or screened and kept away from living rooms,
entrance or front yards.

d.2 Water supply, power, sewerage and drainage utilities shall conform to the
requirements of a subdivision.

d.2.1 Reservoir/Water Tank

For multi-storey buildings

If the height of the building requires water pressure in excess of

that in the main water line, a water tank shall be provided.

Tank shall also be required if the peak drawn should reduce the
pressure on the highest usable floor to less than 0.06 Mpa -
the minimum pressure required for satisfactory operation of
fixtures, particularly those with flush valves.

d.2.2 Capacity - 20% Average Daily Demand plus fire reserve

d.3 Mechanical Equipment and Service Areas

d.3.1 Provision of elevators shall conform to the plans and

specifications of the duly licensed architect/engineer who shall
determine the requirement for elevators including the number of
cars, capacity, safety features and standards, elevator type,
speed and location in relation to the over-all design and use of the
building; the design architect/engineer shall certify under oath that all
the components thereof are in accordance with the National
Building Code of the Philippines, the Accessibility Law and
national industry standards and other pertinent laws.

d.3.2 Compliance to the provisions of the Fire Code of the

Philippines, shall be mandatory

d.4 Refuse Collection/Disposal

Centralized garbage depository area and efficient refuse collection and

disposal services shall be provided whether independently or in conjunction
with the city or municipality garbage collection and disposal services. It
shall conform to the provisions of the Sanitation Code of the Philippines
and its Implementing Rules and Regulations/pertinent referral codes.

2. Floor Area Requirements

a. Single-Occupancy Unit

Single occupancy units shall have a minimum floor area of 18 square meters,
however, a net floor area of 12 square meters may be allowed provided that:

a.1 These are intended for students/employees/workers and provided further

that the condominium project to which these will be integrated is within highly
urbanized areas.

a.2 The same shall be provided with common basic facilities such as laundry/drying
area and support amenities such as visitor's lounge and dining area.

a.3 Said facilities/support amenities including all other measures that will ensure
compliance with the intended use of the unit shall be explicitly indicated in the master
deed/ contract to sell.

b. Family Dwelling Unit

The minimum floor area of family condominium units shall be 36 square meters and
22 square meters for open market and medium cost condominium project

Section 3. Conversion of Existing Structures to Condominium Projects.

Existing structures may be converted into condominium projects upon proper application
there for with the Board and compliance with the requirements of condominium laws and
these rules and standards.

Section 4. Variances

These design standards and requirements may be modified or varied by the Board in cases of
large scale government and private residential subdivision or condominium projects,
housing in areas for priority development or urban land reform zones, resettlement or social
housing projects for low income groups, or housing projects financed by any government financing
institution, or in cases where strict observance hereof will cause extreme hardship to the
subdivision or condominium owner/developer.
1 The location is unique and different from the adjacent locality, and because of its uniqueness, the
owners cannot obtain a reasonable return on the residential subdivision/condominium projects;

2. The hardship is not self-created;

3. The proposed variance is due to existing permanent structures (concrete/steel) and is

necessary to permit a reasonable use of the residential

4. The variance will not alter the essential character of the location where the residential
subdivision for which the variance is sought, is located, and will not substantially or
permanently affect the use of the other residential subdivision/condominium in the
same locality; particularly those within a 1 kilometer radius thereof;

5. The variance will not give rise to unauthorized reclassification of the approved
residential subdivision/condominium plan (i.e. whether partial or full alteration of the
plan), and will not adversely affect the public health, safety or general welfare of the
community. (Per Commission Proper Resolution No. R-53, S. 1982)


Section 5. Application for Approval of Subdivision Development Plan

Every registered owner or developer of a parcel of land who wishes to convert the
same into a subdivision project shall apply with the Board or the local government unit
(LGU) concerned for the approval of the subdivision development plan by filing the

A. For Optional Application for Preliminary Subdivision Development Plan

1. At least 2 sets of Site Development Plan (Schematic Plan) at a scale ranging

from 1:200 to 1:2,000 showing the proposed layout of streets, lots, parks and
playgrounds and other features in relation to existing conditions in the area
prepared, signed and sealed by any licensed and registered architect,
environmental planner, civil engineer, or geodetic engineer. (Amended per
Board Res. No. 794, Series of 2006)

2. One (1) set of the following documents duly signed and sealed by a licensed
geodetic engineer:

a. Vicinity map indicating the adjoining land uses, access, as well as existing
facilities and utilities at least within 500 meters from the property boundaries
of the project, drawn to any convenient scale.

b. Topographic Plan to include the following:

(1) Boundary Lines: bearings, distances tie point or reference point,

geographic coordinates of the tie point or Bureau of Lands Locational
Monument (BLLM);

(2) Streets, easements, width and elevation of road right-of-way within the
project and adjacent subdivisions/areas;

(3) Utilities within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision project; location,
sizes and invert elevations of sanitary and storm or combined sewers;
location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles and street
lights, if any. If water mains and sewers are not within or adjacent to the
subdivision, indicate the direction and distance to and size of nearest
one, showing invert elevations of sewers, if applicable.

(4) Ground elevation of the subdivision: for ground that slopes less than 2%,
indicate spot elevations at all breaks in grade, along all drainage
channels and at selected points not more than 25 meters apart in all
directions: for ground that slopes more than 2%, either indicate contours
with an interval of not more than 0.5 meter if necessary due to irregular
land or need for more detailed preparation of plans and construction

(5) Water courses, marshes, rock and wooded areas, presence of

preservable trees in caliper diameter of 200 millimeters, houses, barns,
shacks, and other significant features.

(6) Proposed public improvements: highways or other major improvements

planned by public authorities for future construction within/adjacent to the

c. Survey Plan of the lot(s) as described in TCT(s).

3. At least 2 copies of Certified True Copy of Title(s) and Current Tax Receipt

4. Right to use or deed of sale of right-of-way for access road and other utilities
when applicable, subject to just compensation for private land.

Approval of the preliminary subdivision development plan will be valid only for a period
of 180 days from date of approval.

B. For Application for Subdivision Development Permit

1. All requirements for application for preliminary subdivision development plan as

specified in Sec.5.A of this Rule.

2. Subdivision Development Plan consisting of the site development plan at any of

the following scales: 1:200; 1:1,000; or any scale not exceeding 1:2,000;
showing all proposals including the following:

a. Roads, easements or right-of-way and roadway width, alignment, gradient,

and similar data for alleys, if any.
b. Lot numbers, lines and areas and block numbers.

c. Site data such as number of residential and saleable lots, typical lot size,
parks and playgrounds and open spaces.

The subdivision development plan shall be prepared, signed and sealed by

any licensed and registered architect, environmental planner, civil
engineer or geodetic engineer. (Amended per Board Res. No. 794, Series
of 2006)

3. Civil and Sanitary Works Design

Engineering plans/construction drawings based on applicable engineering code

and design criteria to include the following:

a. At least 2 copies of road (geometric and structural) design/plan duly signed

and sealed by a licensed civil engineer.

(1) Profile derived from existing topographic map, showing the vertical
control, designed grade, curve elements and all information needed for

(2) Typical roadway sections showing relative dimensions of pavement, sub-

base and base preparation, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, shoulders
benching and others.

(3) Details of miscellaneous structures such as curb and gutter (barrier,

mountable and drop), slope protection wall, rip rapping and retaining wall.

b. At least 2 copies of storm drainage and sanitary sewer system duly signed
and sealed by a licensed sanitary engineer or civil engineer.

(1) Profile showing the hydraulic gradients and properties of sanitary and
storm drainage lines including structures in relation with the road grade

(2) Details of sanitary and storm drainage lines and miscellaneous structures
such as various types of manholes, catch basins, inlets (curb, gutter, and
drop), culverts and channel linings.

c. At least 2 copies of site grading plan with the finished contour lines
superimposed on the existing ground the limits of earthwork embankment
slopes, cut slopes, surface drainage, drainage outfalls and others, duly
signed and sealed by a licensed civil engineer.

4. At least 2 copies of water system layout and details duly signed and sealed by a
licensed sanitary engineer or civil engineer. Should a pump motor have a
horsepower (HP) rating of 50 HP or more, its pump rating and specifications
shall be signed and sealed by a professional mechanical engineer.
5. Certified true copy of Tax Declaration covering the property (ies) subject of the
application for the year immediately preceding.

6. Certified true copy of Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) or Certificate

of Non-coverage (CNC) duly issued by the DENR, whichever is applicable.

7. Zoning Certificate from HLURB Regional Office.

8. Certified true copy of DAR conversion order.

9. At least 2 copies of project description for projects having an area of 1 hectare

and above to include the following:

a. Project profile indicating the cost of raw land and its development (total
project cost), amortization schedule, sources of financing, cash flow,
architectural plan, if any, and work program;

b. Audited financial statement for the last 3 preceding years;

c. Income tax return for the last 3 preceding years;

d. Certificate of Registration from Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC);

e. Articles of incorporation or partnership;

f. Corporation by-laws and all implementing amendments; and

g. For new corporations (3 years and below) statement of capitalization and

sources of income and cash flow to support work program.

10. Plans, specifications, bills of materials and cost estimates duly signed and
sealed by the appropriate licensed professionals.

11. Application for permit to drill from the National Water Resources Board (NWRB).

12. Traffic impact assessment (TIA) for subdivision projects 30 hectares and above.

13. Copy of the special/temporary permit from the Professional Regulation

Commission (PRC) and of the separate permit from the Department of
Labor and Employment (DOLE) for foreign architects who signed on plans
required under the Implementing Rules and Regulations of PD 957. (per
Board Res. No. 839, series of 2009)

14. List of names of duly licensed professionals who signed the plans and other
similar documents in connection with application filed indicating the following

a. Surname;
b. First name;

c. Middle name;

d. Maiden name, in case of married women professional;

e. Professional license number, date of issue and expiration of its validity

f. Professional tax receipt and date of issue

g. Taxpayer's Identification Number (TIN)

If the establishment of the subdivision project is physically feasible and does not run
counter to the approved zoning and land use plan of the city or municipality and the
subdivision plan complies with these Rules, the same shall be approved and a
development permit shall be issued upon payment of the prescribed processing fee.

A development permit shall only be valid for a period of 3 years from date of issuance if
no physical development is introduced.

If project has been issued a development permit, a locational clearance is deemed

incorporated therein.

The owner or developer shall cause the necessary surveys of the project and prepare
the survey returns with technical description and computations duly signed and sealed
by a licensed geodetic engineer to be submitted together and in accordance with the
approved subdivision plan, to the Land Management Sector (LMS) for verification and
approval; pursuant to Section 50 of PD 1529 (Property Registration Decree) and
sections 4 & 5 of PD 957 and subject to the provisions of RA 8560 and its
implementing rules and regulations.


Section 6. Application for Approval of Condominium Plan

Any registered owner or developer of a parcel of land who wishes to develop the same
into a condominium project shall apply with the Board by filing the following:

A. At least 2 sets of Condominium Plan at any of the following scales: 1:200; 1:400; or
any scale not exceeding 1:400 duly signed and sealed by a licensed architect:

1. Site development plan to include parking and parks and playground layout, if

2. Floor plan(s)
3. Sections and elevations

B. At least 2 copies of vicinity map indicating the adjoining land uses, access, as well
as existing facilities and utilities at least within 500 meters from the property
boundaries of the project, drawn to scale and duly signed and sealed by a licensed
geodetic engineer.

C. Building specifications and estimated cost.

D. Zoning Certificate from HLURB Regional Office

E. Certified true copy of DAR conversion order.

F. Certified true copy of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) or Certificate of

Non-coverage (CNC) duly issued by the DENR, whichever is applicable.

G. Certified true copy of title(s) and current tax receipt.

H. Right to use or deed of sale of right-of-way for access road and other utilities when

I. One (1) copy of project study to include the following:

1. Project profile indicating among others, the development cost, total project cost,
amortization schedules, sources of financing, marketability, cash flow,
architectural building plans and work program/project time table;

2. Audited financial statement for the last 3 preceding years;

3. Income tax return for the last 3 preceding years;

4. Certificate of registration from Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC);

5. Articles of incorporation or partnership;

6. Corporation by-laws and all implementing amendments, and

7. For new corporations (3 years and below) statement of capitalization and

sources of income and cash flow to support work program.

J. Permit to drill from NWRB or certificate of coverage from concerned local franchise

K. Copy of the special/temporary permit from the Professional Regulation

Commission (PRC) and of the separate permit from the Department of Labor
and Employment (DOLE) for foreign architects who signed on plans required
under the Implementing Rules and Regulations of PD 957. (per Board Res. No.
839, series of 2009)
L. List of names of duly licensed professionals who signed the plans and other similar
documents in connection with application filed indicating the following information;

1. Surname

2. First name

3. Middle name

4. Maiden name, in case of married women professional;

5. Professional license number, date of issue and expiration of its validity; and

6. Professional tax receipt and date of issue

7. Taxpayer's Identification Number (TIN)

If the establishment of the condominium project is physically feasible and does not
run counter to the approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance of
the city or municipality and the plan complies with these Rules, the condominium plan
shall be approved and a development permit shall be issued upon payment of the
prescribed processing fee.

A development permit shall only be valid for a period of 3 years from date of issuance
if no physical development is introduced.

If project has been issued a development permit, a locational clearance is deemed

incorporated therein.

The owner or developer shall submit the condominium plan in accordance with the
requirements of the National Building Code to the building official of the city or
municipality where the property lies and the same shall be acted upon subject to the
conditions and in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Section 4 of the
Condominium Act (R.A. No. 4726).


Section 7. Application for Registration

A. Common Requirements

The owner or the real estate dealer interested in the sale of lots or units in a
subdivision project or condominium project, respectively, shall register the project
with the Board by filing the following:

1. Sworn Registration Statement using either:

a. HLURB Form 001 for Corporation; or
b. HLURB Form 003 for Single Proprietorship

2. Certified True Copy of Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) or Original Certificate

Of Title (OCT) duly stamped with original marking "CERTIFIED TRUE COPY"
by the proper Register of Deeds and bearing its seal or security marker.

a. When a project covers more than 20 individual titles without the required
marks described above, the following shall be required:

a.1 Photocopy of TCTs

a.2 Certification from the register of deeds concerned with its seal or
security mark giving the following information:

a.2.1 TCT or OCT numbers;

a.2.2 Name of all registered owner(s) and their sharing, if any;
a.2.3 Area covered by each title;
a.2.4 Number of OCT or TCT from which the title is derived;
a.2.5 Statement of all uncancelled liens and encumbrances, if any;
a.2.6 Lot and block numbers as well as PSD/PSU/PCS number, etc.

b. When certified copy of the TCT was issued more than one month prior to
the application for Certificate of Registration (CR), affidavit of the owner
that the property is free from liens and encumbrances. When the applicant
is not the owner, deed from the registered owner showing clearly the
authority of the applicant to the property, e.g., its development and sale of
individual lots or units; to sign and receive documents; and, other relevant
authority. In case the subdivision/condominium project or portion thereof is
mortgaged, affidavit of undertaking to submit title; certification from the
mortgagee regarding outstanding balance of loan and amortization
schedule; mortgage of contract; and, affidavit of undertaking of mortgagor

3. Duly audited balance sheet (certified copy of the original) issued and signed by
the authorized official of the applicant and under the latter's authority.

a. When individual persons are involved and no balance sheet can be

submitted, income tax returns for the preceding year duly received by BIR
office and tax receipts evidencing payment.

b. When applicant is a new corporation, partnership, association or single

proprietorship, i.e., no financial statement or income tax return has been
prepared yet, sworn statement declaring.

b. 1 other assets or sources of funds and other resources;

b.2 The nature of control or ownership over such assets, funds or

b.3 Commitment to the effect that, if necessary, the same shall be used to
complete the project.

4. Articles of Incorporation (or of Partnership or Association), amendments

thereof and existing by-laws (or its equivalent) clearly indicating the authority
of the applicant to engage in real estate trade particularly in the development
and selling of lots or units. When an applicant deviates from the intended line
of business stipulated in its articles of incorporation (or partnership or
association), authorization from the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) and/or the appropriate government agency to engage in the
development and selling of the subject project.

5. A copy of any circular, prospectus, brochure, advertisement, or communication

used/to be used for public offering of subject project and for circulation upon
approval by the Board.
6. Sample copy of Contract to Sell to be used in the public offering of lots, units
or lots and units. When amendments shall be effected on the form contract
submitted for notification/approval by HLURB, pro-forma affidavit signifying
willingness to change project name.

7. Certified true copy of Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)/Certificate

of Non-coverage (CNC), whichever is* applicable, duly issued by the
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR)

8. Zoning Certificate from HLURB Regional Office

9. Certified true copy of DAR conversion order.

(In cases where the property involved is located in an area already
classified as residential, commercial, industrial or other similar
development purposes as provided in CLUPs approved pursuant to EO
72, Series of 1993, a DAR Conversion Order shall no longer be required
as a precondition for issuance of Certificate of Registration and License
to Sell). (Amended per Board Res. No. 748, Series of 2003)

10. Electrical plan and specifications duly signed and sealed by a licensed
professional electrical engineer and duly approved by the local franchise

11. Permit to operate a deepwell and subsequent submission of confirmed water

resistivity test from the National Water Resources Board (NWRB). Water
potability test results from concerned government agencies/Maynilad.

B. Additional Requirements

1. for Condominium Projects

a. Master Deeds with Declaration of Registration and Declaration of

Restrictions evidenced by the proper annotation thereof in the titte(s) of the
property and the certified true copy of such title(s) from the Register of

b. Building Permit

2. for Subdivision Projects:

a. 2 copies of verified survey returns with label for all non-saleable areas
including but not limited to parks and playgrounds, community facilities and
roads and easements.

b. Copy of the following documents in case the development permit was

issued by the Local Government Unit (LGU) pursuant to the 1991 Local
Government Code and related issuances:

b.1 Sangguniang Resolution/Ordinance granting of development permit/

subdivision development plan containing the following information:
b.1.1 full name of the grantee or permittee and his address;
b.1.2 complete project name and its location;
b.1.3 date of the resolution or ordinance;
b.1.4 project area;
b.1.5 full listing of title(s) covering the project;
b.1.6 legal basis of the approval (PD 957, EO 648 and other related

b.2 Certified true copy of resolution conferring authority to the mayor or

other local government official to issue development permit in cases
where the same was not granted by the Sangguniang

Evidence of approval of the subdivision scheme by the local

government official must be any original copy or one certified as true
copy thereof by the authorized local government official, indicating
clearly his full name and position and the date of approval. It must
contain the same data as described above. Most important of all, it
must bear an indication of Sanggunian approval such as but not
limited to words like "APPROVED BY AUTHORITY OF THE
SANGGUNIAN" or others of similar import, it being understood that
the Sanggunian has properly issued such authority.

b.3 Proof of compliance to Sec. 18 of RA 7279 in any of the following


b.3.1 Development permit of socialized housing projects within the

main subdivision.

b.3.2 License to sell of socialized housing project offered as

compliance if location of compliance is not within the main
subdivision project.
b.3.3 Joint venture agreement with LGU or other housing agencies.

b.3.4 Certified true copy of bond issued by the LGU where the main
project is located or by any of the housing agencies.

b.4 one (1) set of subdivision development plan.

c. Project study

d. Copy of brochures and other forms of advertisements.

Section 8. Application for License to Sell

The owner or the real estate dealer interested in the sale of tots or units in a
subdivision or condominium project shall apply with the Board for a License to Sell by
submitting the following:

A. Program of development (bar chart with S-curve, Gantt chart/PERT-CPM, etc.)

signed and sealed by licensed engineer or architect indicating work activities,
duration and costing.

B. Affidavit of undertaking to perform the following:

1. Segregation of the individual titles for all lots or units within the project;

2. Submission of proof that titles to the saleable lots or units have been issued,
which proof may include a certification from concerned register of deeds
indicating the lots/blocks or units or data similar to those required under the
requirement for Certificate of Registration only when required by the Board;

3. Submission of a Certified True Copy of title of the common areas/open space,

which title shall expressly indicate the kind of common use approved therefor,
on or before a definite date (to be specified by applicant subject to approval by
the Board).

C. Duly accomplished and notarized fact sheet

D. Proof showing the required minimum level of development before the

issuance of license to sell: (Per Board Res. No. 830-A, Series of 2009)

a. For subdivision projects – land clearing and grubbing, road tracing and
entrance gate if included in the brochure or advertisement.

b. For condominium projects – excavation per approved plan/excavation

Section 9. Notice of Publication (Amended per Board Res. No. 763, Series of

Upon evaluation of the completeness and veracity of the documents submitted, the
Board shall cause the publication, at the expense of the applicant, a notice of pending
application for Certificate of Registration in two (2) newspapers of general
circulation, one published in English and another in Pilipino, once a week for two
(2) consecutive weeks reciting that a registration statement for the sale of subdivision
lots and condominium units has been filed with the Board; and that the aforesaid
application as well as the papers attached thereto, are open to inspection during the
business hours by interested parties. In addition, a 3’ x 6’ billboard notice of the project
shall be posted on the project site until the issuance of the license to sell.

As used herein, an interval of seven (7) calendar days between the two (2)
publications shall be strictly observed.

Failure to publish the notice of filing of registration statement within two (2)
weeks from receipt of notice to publish issued by the Board, the
owner/developer shall be required to re-file the application for Certificate of

Section 10. Certificate of Registration

After five (5) days from the completion of the publication as provided for in Section
9, and upon submission of the affidavit of publications executed by the
publisher, and an affidavit attesting to the posting of the billboard notice on the
site, the Board shall, in the absence of any impediment, issue a Certificate of
Registration upon payment of the prescribed fees. (per Board Res. No. 812, Series of

Section 11. License to Sell (Amended per Board Res. No. 763, Series of 2004)

No owner or dealer shall sell any disposable subdivision lot or condominium unit in the
registered project without a license to sell issued by the Board within two (2) weeks
from the registration of each project.

Upon proper application therefore, submission of the required work program,

performance bond as provided for in Section 12 of this Rule and payment of the
prescribed license fee by the owner or dealer, the Board shall issue a license to sell the
lot or unit in the project or portion thereof covered by the performance bond, provided
that, the submitted registration statement and other pertinent documentary
requirements can establish that the proposed sale of the subdivision lot or
condominium unit to the public is not fraudulent.

Section 12. Performance Bond (Amended per Board Res. No. 763, Series of 2004)

The performance bond required may be in any of the following forms or a combination
A. A surety bond callable upon demand amounting to 20% of the development cost
of the unfinished portion of the approved plan issued by a duly accredited bonding
company (whether private or government) and acceptable to the Board; or,

B. Real estate mortgage to be executed by the applicant as mortgagor in favor of the

Republic of the Philippines as mortgages, the latter as represented by and acting
through the HLURB, over a property other than that subject of the application, free
from any liens and encumbrance and provided, that the value of the property,
computed on the basis of the zonal valuation schedule of the Bureau of Internal
Revenue, shall be at least 20% of the total development cost; or,

C. Other forms of security equivalent to 10% of the development cost of the

unfinished portion of the approved plan which may be in the form of the following:

1. Cash Bond;

2. Fiduciary deposit made with the cashier and/or disbursing officer of the Board;

3. A certificate of guaranty deposit issued by any bank or financing institution of

good standing in favor of the board for the total development cost;

4. A letter from any bank of recognized standing certifying that so much has been
set aside from the bank account of the applicant in favor of the board which
amount may be withdrawn by the chief executive officer of the board or by his
duly authorized representative, at any time the principal fails or refuses to
comply with his duties and obligations under the bond contract;

5. Any irrevocable credit line to be utilized in the development of the project from
any bank of recognized standing and a refinancing re-structuring program
indicating sources of funding from duly accredited funding institutions.


Section 13. Application for Registration of Brokers and Salesmen

No broker or salesman shall engage in the business of selling subdivision lots or

condominium units without securing a certificate of registration by filing with the Board
a registration statement in quadruplicate containing the following information:

a. Name, age and address

b. If a corporation, partnership, or association, its office address and branch offices

and the names and addresses of its executive officers and directors.

c. Statement that applicant is qualified to act as real estate broker or salesman

pursuant to law.
d. If applicant is a salesman, the name and address of the dealer or broker who
employs him, attaching a copy of appointment.

e. If the applicant is a broker, the names and addresses of salesmen employed by


Section 14. Certificate of Registration

The certificate of registration for brokers and salesmen shall expire on the first day of
December of each year Renewal of registration for the succeeding year shall be
granted upon filing an application made not less than 30 or more than 60 days before
the first day of the ensuing year and upon payment of the prescribed fee without the
necessity of filing further statements or information, unless specified by the Board. All
applications filed beyond said period shall be treated as original applications.

Section 15. Bonds
The Bond required under Section 6 of the Decree may be either a cash or a surety bond
issued by a duly accredited bonding company whether private or government agency. The
bond shall contain a clause stating among others that it shall remain in full force and effect
unless it is ordered, cancelled or released by the Board. The bond shall be executed in
favor of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board conditioned upon the faithful and
honest discharge by the applicant, as well as the salesman working under a broker or
dealer, of their duties and shall further provide that upon failure to discharge those duties,
the applicant shall be liable on the bond to any and all persons who may suffer loss by
reason of such failure. The amount of the bond shall be P5, 000 for Dealers/Brokers and
P1, 000 for Salesmen. These bonds shall no longer be required if equivalent bonds or
securities have already been posted by applicants for the same purpose with other
government agencies pursuant to law.

A dealer, broker or salesman may apply in writing with the Board for the cancellation and
release of his bond stating therein his reasons. In appropriate cases, the Board may require
the applicant to cause the publication of a notice there for at the latter's expense in a
newspaper of general circulation slating, among others, the fact of such application.
The proof of publication shall be submitted to the Board. Any person, having any claim
for money or property against the dealer, broker or salesman in his real estate service
or practice, must file his claim with the Board within 15 days from the date of publication.
If the reason for the cancellation of the bond is his cessation from further engaging in the
business of selling subdivision lots or condominium units, the dealer, broker or salesman
shall surrender his certificate of registration to the Board and his name shall be cancelled
from the Register of Dealers, Brokers and Salesmen.

Section 16. Definition of Terms

For purposes of these rules, the following words and phrases are defined:

a. Board or HLURB shall mean the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board.

b. Block a parcel of land bounded on the sides by streets or alleys or pathways or

other natural or man-made features, and occupied by or intended for buildings.

All lands fronting on one side of a street between the nearest streets,
intersecting, meeting or crossing the aforesaid street.

c. Commercial Condominium a building, or group of buildings, used for office,


businesses, professional services and other commercial enterprise organized, owned

and maintained as a condominium.
d. Common Areas - means the entire project excepting all units separately granted,
held or reserved.

e. Community Facilities - facilities or structures intended to serve common needs and

for the benefit of the community such as schools, places of worship, hospitals,
health centers, barangay centers and other similar facilities/amenities per PD 1216.

f. Condominium shall mean an interest in real property consisting of a separate interest

in a unit in a residential, industrial or commercial building and an undivided interest
in common directly or indirectly, in the land on which it is located and in other
common areas of the building. A condominium may include, in addition, a separate
interest in other portions of such real property. Title to the common areas, including the
land, or the appurtenant interests in such areas, may be held by a corporation
specially formed for the purpose in which the holders of separate interests shall
automatically be members or shareholders, to the exclusive of others, in proportion
to the appurtenant interest of their respective units in the common areas.

A building in which each individual unit is held in separate private ownership and all
floor space, facilities and outdoor areas used in common by all tenants are owned,
administered and maintained by a corporation created pursuant to the provisions of the
appropriate statute.

An individual dwelling unit under individual ownership in a multiple units

development with common elements in which:

a. The units comprise not only the space enclosed by the unit boundaries, but all
material parts of the land within the space;

b. The common element means all the property within the development except the

c. The common element is owned by all of the owners as tenants in common.

A building or group of buildings, in which units are owned individually, and the
structure, common areas and facilities are owned by the owners on a
proportional undivided basis.

g. Condominium Project means the entire parcel of real property divided or to be divided
in condominium, including all structures thereon.

h. Condominium Unit - means a part of the condominium project intended for any type of
independent use or ownership, including one or more floors (or part or parts of floors)
in a building or buildings and such accessories as may be appended thereto.

i. Dealer - shall mean any person directly engaged as principal in the business of buying,
selling or exchanging real estate whether on full time or part-time basis. A bulk buyer
shall mean any person who acquires a lot or a portion of the subdivision and who,
with or without re-subdividing or introducing housing or other facilities, sells the
same, under its previous license to sell or in a new license to sell in his name to the

j. Decree shall mean Presidential Decree No. 957 otherwise known as "The

Subdivision and Condominium Buyer's Protective Decree."

k. Dwelling Unit structure designed or used as residence.

One or more rooms that may be used as a residence, each unit having sleeping, cooking
and toilet facilities.

One or more habitable rooms designed or intended for use by 1 or more

individuals as an independent and separate housekeeping establishment in which
separate kitchen and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of such
individual or individuals, with a private entrance from outside the building or from a
common hallway or stairway inside the building.

Dwelling Types:

1. Single Detached - a dwelling unit completely surrounded by yards.

2. Single Attached - a dwelling unit with one side attached to a firewall.

3. Duplex - a dwelling unit containing 2 separate living units each of which is

separated from another by a firewall and provided with independent access.

4. Rowhouse dwelling units containing 3 or more living units designed in

such a way that they a but each other and are separated from each other by a
firewall each unit provided with independent access.

l. Firewall any wall which subdivides a building so as to resist the spread of fire, by

starting at the foundation and extending continuously through all storeys to, or above the
roof. Extension above the roof is 1 millimeter.

m. Frontage the side of a lot which abuts a street.


n. Living Unit a dwelling, or portion thereof, providing complete living facilities for one

family, including provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, eating, bathing and toilet
facilities and laundry facilities, the same as a single-family dwelling.

o. Lot portion of a subdivision or any parcel of land intended as a unit for transfer or

ownership for building development.

Types of Lots. Lots shall be defined as follows:


1. corner lot - a lot situated at the intersection of two or more streets.

2. regular lot - a lot fronting on one street and the remaining sides bounded by lot

3. interior lot - a lot located at the inner portion of a block with a minimum of three-
meter (3-m) wide access which forms part of the lot.

4. through lot - a lot bounded on two opposite sides by roads.

5. irregular lot any lot which is not rectangle nor square -shaped
p. Medium Cost and Open Marketrefers to housing projects where prices of house and
lot packages are within the suggested price ranges as determined through HUDCC
resolution and falling under the standards prescribed in these rules.

q. Open Space - shall refer to an area reserved exclusively for parks,

playgrounds, recreational uses, schools, roads, places of worship, hospitals, health
centers, barangay centers and other similar facilities and amenities.

r. Project - means the entire parcel of real property divided or to be divided in

condominiums, including all structures thereon.

Section 17. Submission of Semestral Reports on Operations

Every owner or dealer of a registered subdivision or condominium project shall submit
to the Board semi-annual reports on operations showing the sales status indicating therein
name of buyer, lot/block no., TCT no., date of purchase, name of mortgagee, mode of
acquisition, extent /development status, changes in corporate officers and their addresses
within 60 days after the end of each semester. Copies of corporate reports to the
Securities and Exchange Commission shall also be furnished to the Board.

Section 18. Display of Certificate of Registration and License to Sell

The Certificate of Registration and License to Sell issued by the Board shall be displayed
in a conspicuous place in the principal office of the owner, dealer, broker or salesman, as
the case may be and a Xerox copy thereof in all its branches and offices.

Section 19. Lost or Destroyed Certificate of Registration or


Upon loss or destruction of a Certificate of Registration or License to Sell a duplicate copy

thereof may be issued by the Board after satisfactory proof of such loss or destruction,
and payment of the prescribed fee. The fact that such duplicate has been issued shall be
made of record.

Section 20. Advertisement

All advertisements for the sale of subdivision lots and condominium units shall be declared
and approved by the Board pursuant to Section 19 of the Decree.

Section 21. Time for Completion

Every owner or developer shall construct and provide the facilities, infrastructures, other
forms of development, including water supply and lighting facilities and as far as
practicable improvements, which are offered and indicated in the approved subdivision
or condominium plans, brochures, prospectus, printed matters, letters or in any form of
advertisement, within one (1) year or within such other period of time as may be fixed by
the Board from the date of the issuance of license to sell for the subdivision or condominium
Request for extension of time to complete development of a subdivision or
condominium project may be granted only in cases where non-completion of project is
caused by fortuitous events, legal orders or such other reasons that the board may
deem fit/proper with the written notice to lot or unit buyers without prejudice to the
exercise of their rights pursuant to Section 23 of the Decree.

The request for extension of time for completion shall be accompanied by a revised work
program duly signed and sealed by a licensed engineer or architect with project costing and
financing scheme there for. In appropriate cases, the Board may require the posting of
additional performance bond amounting to 20% of development cost of the unfinished
portion of the approved development plan, or issue such orders it may deem proper.

Section 22. Transfer of Ownership or Change of Name

Request for transfer of ownership and/or change of name may be granted only if there
is a deed of absolute sale over the subdivision and condominium project sought to be
transferred and/or the name thereof changed with an undertaking on the part of the
transferee to assume full responsibility for the completion of the development thereof.
The requirements in Sections 7 and 13 hereof shall be observed whenever applicable.

Such request for transfer of ownership or change of name shall be published at

applicant's expense in a newspaper of general circulation within the city or
municipality where the project is located at least once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks.

Section 23. Alteration of Plans

Request for alteration of subdivision plans may be granted if the requirements of Section
22 of the Decree are complied with. Alteration of condominium plans shall be in
accordance with Section 4 of the Condominium Act as amended by Sections 1 and 2 of RA

Section 24. Non-forfeiture of Payments

No installment payment made by a buyer in a new or existing subdivision or

condominium project for the lot or unit he contracted to buy shall be forfeited in favor of
the owner or developer when the buyer, after due notice to the owner or developer
and clearance from the Board desists from further payment due to the failure of the
owner or developer to develop the project according to the approved plans and within the
time limit for complying with the same. Such buyer may at his option be reimbursed the
total amount paid including amortization interests but excluding delinquency interests,
with interest thereon at the legal rate.

Section 25. Registration of Conveyances

Sales or conveyances of the subdivision lots and condominium units shall be

registered within 180 days from execution thereof by the seller with the Register of Deeds
of the province or city where the property is situated pursuant to Section 17 of the Decree.
Except as may otherwise be provided for by law, the Board may in appropriate cases
cause the Register of Deeds to cancel registration, entries or annotations on titles made
on this regard.
Section 26. Mortgages

Mortgage of any unit or lot by the owner or developer shall be cleared with the Board pursuant
to Section 18 of the Decree.

Section 27. Realty Tax and Other Charges

No realty tax assessment or other charges shall be imposed on a lot or unit buyer except
as provided for in Section 26 and 27 of the Decree.

Section 28. Complaints Against Owners, Developers. Dealers,

Brokers and Salesmen

Complaints or proceedings against owners, developers, dealers, brokers and salesmen

shall be resolved in accordance with the Rules of Procedure to Govern the Conduct of
Hearings before the Board.

Section 29. Administrative Fines

Any owner or dealer who fails to register an existing subdivision project or

condominium project within the period prescribed under these rules and regulations shall
be penalized in accordance with the approved schedule of fines. The implementation
and payment of these administrative fines shall not preclude criminal prosecution of the
offender under Section 39 of the Decree.

Section 30. Criminal Penalties

Any person violating any provisions of these rules shall be guilty of an offense and
shall suffer the penalties provided for under Section 39 of the Decree.

Section 31. Identification of Lot Subject of Sale

The owner or dealer of a subdivision project shall attach to and shall form part of the sales
document of any lot, a sketch plan clearly showing the area, boundaries and dimensions of
the lot in relation with the block and the whole project, as well as the location of the project
in relation with public roads and other land marks, to be certified by a licensed geodetic
engineer and signed by the seller and buyer.

Section 32. Broker/Salesman as Witness to Sales

The broker or salesman who negotiated the sale of a subdivision lot or condominium unit
shall act as one of the witnesses to the sales document with an indication of his Certificate of
Registration number and renewal date. If the sale was directly made by the owner or
dealer, that fact must be so stated in the sales document.

Section 33. Fees

The Board or the local government unit concerned shall collect fees in accordance with
the schedule of fees approved by the Board or the local government concerned.
Section 34. Applicability

These Rules shall apply only to residential subdivision and condominium projects as
defined by the Decree and related laws.

Section 35. Transitory Provisions

The provisions of Rule II. Section (5) Subsection (A) (1) and Subsection (B) (2) of these
Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, and subject to further review thereof, licensed
architects who are not licensed environmental planners may in the meantime still
continue to sign site development plans/subdivision development plans of subdivision
projects, for a period of 2 years from the date of effectivity of these Rules

Section 36. Separability Clause

The provisions of these Rules are hereby declared separable, and in the event any of
such provisions are declared null and void, the validity of all other provisions shall not be
affected thereby.

Section 37. Effectivity

These Rules shall take effect immediately after its publication once in any
newspaper of general circulation.





WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State to afford its inhabitants the requirements
of decent human settlement and to provide them with ample opportunities for improving
their quality of life;

WHEREAS, numerous reports reveal that many real estate subdivision owners,
developers, operators, and/or sellers have reneged on their representations and
obligations to provide and maintain properly subdivision roads, drainage, sewerage,
water systems, lighting systems, and other similar basic requirements, thus endangering
the health and safety of home and lot buyers;

WHEREAS, reports of alarming magnitude also show cases of swindling and

fraudulent manipulations perpetrated by unscrupulous subdivision and condominium
sellers and operators, such as failure to deliver titles to the buyers or titles free from
liens and encumbrances, and to pay real estate taxes, and fraudulent sales of the same
subdivision lots to different innocent purchasers for value;

WHEREAS, these acts not only undermine the land and housing program of the
government but also defeat the objectives of the New Society, particularly the promotion
of peace and order and the enhancement of the economic, social and moral condition of
the Filipino people;

WHEREAS, this state of affairs has rendered it imperative Mat the real estate.
subdivision and condominium businesses be closely supervised and regulated and that
penalties be imposed on fraudulent practices and manipulations committed in
connection therewith.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E MARCOS, President of the Philippines,

by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby decree and order:

Title I

SEC. 1. Title. - This decree shall be known as THE SUBDIVISION AND


SEC. 2. Definition of Terms. - When used in this decree, the following terms
shall unless the context otherwise indicates, have the following respective meanings:

a) Person. - "Person" shall mean a natural or a juridical person. A juridical

person refers to a business firm whether a corporation, partnership, cooperative or
association or a single proprietorship.
b) Sale or Sell. - "Sale" or "Sell" shall include every disposition, or attempt to
dispose, for a valuable consideration, of a subdivision lot, including the building and
other improvements thereof, if any, in a subdivision project or condominium unit in a
condominium project. "Sale" and "Sell" shall also include a contract to sell, a contract of
purchase and sale, an exchange, an attempt to sell, an option of sale or purchase, a
solicitation of a sale, or any offer to sell, directly or by an agent, or by a circular, letter,
advertisement or otherwise.

A privilege given to a member of a cooperative, corporation, partnership, or any

association and/or the issuance of a certificate of receipt evidencing or giving the right of
participation in, or right, any land in consideration of payment of the membership fee or
dues, shall be deemed a sale within the meaning of this definition.

c) Buy and Purchase. - The term "Buy" and "Purchase" shall include any
contract to buy, purchase, or otherwise acquire for a valuable consideration a
subdivision lot, including the building and other improvements, if any, in a subdivision
project or a condominium unit in a condominium project.

d) Subdivision Project. - "Subdivision Project" shall mean a tract or a parcel

of land registered under Act No. 496 which is partitioned primarily for residential
purposes into individual lots with or without improvements thereon, and offered to the
public for sale, in cash or in installment terms. It shall include all residential,
commercial, industrial and recreational areas, as well as open spaces and other
community and public areas in the project.

e) Subdivision Lot. - "Subdivision Lot" shall mean any of the lots, whether
residential, commercial, industrial, or recreational, in a subdivision project.

f) Complex Subdivision Plan. - "Complex Subdivision Plan" shall mean a

subdivision plan of a registered land wherein a street, passageway or open space is
delineated on the plan.

g) Condominium Project. - "Condominium Project" shall mean the entire

parcel of real property divided or to be divided primarily for residential purposes into
condominium units, including all structures thereon.

h) Condominium Unit. - "Condominium Unit" shall mean a part of the

condominium project intended for any type of independent use or ownership, including
one or more rooms or spaces located in one or more floors (or part of parts of floors) in
a building or buildings and such accessories as may be appended thereto.

i) Owner. - "Owner" shall refer to the registered owner of the land subject of
a subdivision or a condominium project.

j) Developer. - "Developer" shall mean the person who develops or

improves the subdivision project or condominium project for and in behalf of the owner

k) Dealer. - "Dealer" shall mean any person directly engaged as principal in

the business of buying, selling or exchanging real estate whether on a full-time or part-
time basis.
l) Broker. - "Broker" shall mean any person who, for commission or other
compensation, undertakes to sell or negotiate the sale of a real estate belonging to

m) Salesman. - "Salesman" shall refer to the person regularly employed by a

broker to perform, for and in his behalf, any or all the functions of a real estate broker.

n) Authority. - "Authority" shall mean the National Housing Authority.

Title II

SEC. 3. National Housing Authority. - The National Housing Authority shall

have exclusive jurisdiction to regulate the real trade and business in accordance with
the provisions of this Decree.

SEC. 4. Registration of Project. - The registered owner of a parcel of land who

wishes to convert the same into a subdivision project shall submit his subdivision plan to
the Authority which shall act upon and approve the same, upon a findings that the plan
complies with the Subdivision Standards and Regulations enforceable at the time the
plan is submitted. The same procedure shall be followed in the case of a plan for a
condominium project except that, in addition, said Authority shall act upon and approve
the plan with respect to the building or buildings included in the condominium project in
accordance with the National Building Code (R.A. No. 6541).

The subdivision plan, as so approved, shall then be submitted to the Director of

Lands for approval in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Section 44 of the
Land Registration Act (Act No. 496 as amended by R.A. No. 440): Provided, that in
case of complex subdivision plans, court approval shall no longer be required. The
condominium plan, as likewise so approved, shall be submitted to the Register of Deeds
of the province or city in which the property lies and the same shall be acted upon
subject to the conditions and in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Section 4
of the Condominium Act (R.A. No. 4726).

The owner or the real estate dealer interested in the sale of lots or units,
respectively, in such subdivision project or condominium project shall register the project
with the Authority by filing therewith a sworn registration statement containing the
following information:

a) Name of t he owne r;

b) The location of the owner's principal business office, and if the owner is a
non-resident Filipino, the name and address of his agent or representative
in the Philippines authorized to receive notice;

c) The names and addresses of all the directors and officers of the business
firm, if the owner;

d) The general character of the business actually transacted or to be

transacted by the owner;
A statement of the capitalization of the owner, including the authorized and
outstanding amounts of its capital stock and the proportion thereof which is

The following documents shall be attached to the registration statement:

a. A copy of the subdivision plan or condominium plan as approved in

Accordance with the first and second paragraphs of this section;

b A copy of any circular, prospectus, brochure, advertisement, letter, or

Communication to be used for the public offering of the subdivision lots or
condominium units;

c. In case of a business firm, a balance sheet showing the amount and

general character 01 its assets and liabilities and a copy of its articles of
incorporation or articles n partnership or association, as the case may be,
with all the amendment thereof and existing by-laws or instruments
corresponding thereto;

d A title to the property which is free from all liens and encumbrances:
Provided, however, that in case any subdivision lot or condominium unit is
mortgaged, it is sufficient if the instrument of mortgage contains a
stipulation that the mortgagee shall release the mortgage on any
subdivision lot or condominium unit as soon as the full purchase price for
the same is paid by the buyer.

The person filing the registration statement shall pay the registration fees
prescribed therefore by the Authority.

Thereupon, the Authority shall immediately cause to be published a notice of the

filing of the registration statement at the expense of the applicant - owner or dealer, in
two newspapers of general circulation, one published in English and another in Pilipino,
once a week for two consecutive weeks, reciting that a registration statement for the
sale of subdivision lots or condominium units has been filed in the National Housing
Authority; that the aforesaid registration statement, as well as the papers attached
thereto, are open to inspection during business hours by interested parties, under such
regulations as the Authority may impose; and that copies thereof shall be furnished to
any party upon payment of the proper fees.

The subdivision project or the condominium project shall be deemed registered

upon completion of the above publication requirement. The fact of such registration
shall be evidenced by a registration certificate to be issued to the applicant-owner or

SEC. 5. License to Sell. Such owner or dealer to whom has been issued a

registration certificate shall not, however, be authorized to sell any subdivision lot or
condominium unit in the registered project unless he shall have first obtained a license
to sell the project within two weeks from the registration of such project.

The Authority, upon proper application therefore. shall issue to such owner or
dealer of a registered project a license to sell the project if, after an examination of the
registration statement filed by said owner or dealer and all the pertinent documents
attached thereto, he is convinced that the owner or dealer is of good repute, that his
business is financially stable, and that the proposed sale of the subdivision lots or
condominium units to the public would not be fraudulent.

SEC. 6. Performance Bond. - No license to sell subdivision lots or

condominium units shall be issued by the Authority under Section 5 of this Decree
unless the owner or dealer shall have filed an adequate performance bond approved by
said Authority to guarantee the construction and maintenance of the roads, gutters,
drainage, sewerage, water system, lighting systems, and full development of the
subdivision project or the condominium project and the compliance by the owner or
dealer with the applicable laws and rules and regulations.

The performance bond shall be executed in favor of the Republic of the

Philippines and shall authorize the Authority to use the proceeds thereof for the
purposes of its undertaking in case of forfeiture as provided in this Decree.

SEC. 7. Exempt Transactions. - A license to sell and performance bond shall

not be required in any of the following transactions:

a) Sale of a subdivision lot resulting from the partition of land among co-
owners and co-heirs.

b) Sale or transfer of a subdivision lot by the original purchaser thereof and

any subsequent sale of the same lot.

c) Sale of a subdivision lot or a condominium unit by or for the account of a

mortgagee in the ordinary course of business when necessary to liquidate
a bona fide debt.

SEC. 8. Suspension of License to Sell. - Upon verified complaint filed by a

buyer of a subdivision lot or a condominium unit or any interested party, the Authority
may, in its discretion, immediately suspend the owner's or dealer's license to sell
pending investigation and hearing of the case as provided in Section 13 hereof.

The Authority may motu propio suspend the license to sell if, in its opinion, any
information in the registration statement filed by the owner or dealer is or has become
misleading. Incorrect, inadequate or incomplete or the sale or offering for sale of the
subdivision or condominium project may work or tend to work a fraud upon prospective

The suspension order may be lifted if, after notice and hearing, the Authority is
convinced that the registration statement is accurate or that any deficiency therein has
been corrected or supplemented or that the sale to the public of the subdivision or
condominium project will neither be fraudulent nor result in fraud. It shall also be lifted
upon dismissal of the complaint for lack of legal basis.

Until the final entry of an order of suspensions, the suspension of the right to sell
the project, though binding upon all persons notified thereof, shall be deemed
confidential unless it shall appear that the order of suspension has in the meantime be
SEC. 9. Revocation of Registration Certificate and License to Sell. - The
Authority may, moto propio or upon verified complaint filed by a. buyer of a subdivision
lot or condominium unit, revoke the registration of any subdivision project and the
license to sell any subdivision lot or condominium unit in said project by issuing an order
to this effect, with his findings in respect thereto, if upon examination into the' affairs of
the owner or dealer during a hearing as provided for in Section 14 hereof, it shall appear
there is satisfactory evidence that the said owner or dealer:

a) Is insolvent; or

b) Has violated any of the provisions of this Decree or any applicable rule or
regulation of the Authority, or any undertaking of his/its performance bond;

c) Has been or is engaged or is about to engage in fraudulent transactions;


d) Has made any misrepresentation in any prospectus, brochure, circular or

Other literature about the subdivision project or condominium project that
has been distributed to prospective buyer; or

e) Is of bad business repute; or

f) Does not conduct his business in accordance with law or sound business

Where the owner or dealer is a partnership or corporation or an unincorporated

association, it shall be sufficient cause for cancellation of its registration certificate and
its license to sell, if any member of such partnership or any officer or director of such
corporation or association has been guilty of any act or omission which would be cause
for refusing or revoking the registration of an individual dealer, broker or salesman as
provided in Section 11 hereof.

SEC. 10. Registers of Subdivision Lots and Condominium Units. - A record

of subdivision lots and condominium units shall be kept in the Authority wherein shall be
entered all orders of the Authority affecting the condition or status thereof. The registers
of subdivision lots and condominium units shall be open to public inspection subject to
such reasonable rules as the Authority may prescribe.

Title III

SEC. 11. Registration of Dealers, Brokers and Salesmen. - No real estate

dealer, broker or salesman shall engage in the business of selling subdivision lots or
condominium units unless he has registered himself with the Authority in accordance
with the provisions of this section.

If the Authority shall find that the applicant is of good repute and has complied
with the applicable rules of the Authority, including the payment of the prescribed fee, he
shall register such applicant as a dealer, broker, or salesman upon his filing a bond, or
other security in lieu thereof, in such sum as may be fixed by the Authority conditioned
upon his faithful compliance with the provisions of this Decree: Provided, that the
registration of a salesman shall cease upon the termination of his employment with a
dealer or broker.

Every registration under this section shall expire on the thirty-first day of
December of each year. Renewal of registration for the succeeding year shall be
granted upon written application therefore made not less than thirty nor more than sixty
days before the first day of the issuing year and upon payment of the prescribed fee,
without the necessity of filing further statements or information, unless specifically
required by the Authority. All applications filed beyond said period shall be treated as
original applications.

The names and addresses of all persons registered as dealers, brokers or

salesman shall be recorded in a Register of Brokers, Dealers and Salesman kept in the
Authority which shall be open to public inspection.

SEC. 12. Revocation of Registration as Dealers, Brokers, Salesmen. -

Registration under the preceding section may be refused or any registration granted
there under, revoked by the Authority if, after reasonable notice and hearing, it shall
determine that such applicant or registrant:

1) Has violated any provision of this Decree or any rule or regulation made
hereunder; or

2) Has made a material false statement in his application for registration; or

3) Has been guilty of a fraudulent act in connection with any sale of a

subdivision lot or condominium unit; or

4) Has demonstrated his unworthiness, to transact the business of dealer,

broker, or salesman, as the case may be.

In case of charges against a salesman, notice thereof shall also be given the
broker or dealer employing such salesman.

Pending hearing of the case, the Authority shall have the power to order the
suspension of dealer's, broker's or salesman's registration; provided, that such order
shall state the cause for the suspension.

The suspension or revocation of the registration of a dealer shall carry with it all
the suspension or revocation of the registrations of all his salesman.

Title IV

SEC. 13. Hearing. - In the hearing for determining the existence of any ground
or grounds for the suspension and/or revocation of registration certificate and license to
sell as provided in Sections 8 and 9 hereof, the following shall be complied with:

a) Notice - No such hearing shall proceed unless the respondent is

furnished with a copy of the complaint against him or is notified in writing
of the purpose of such hearing.

b) Venue - The hearing may be held before the officer or officers designated
by the Authority on the date and place specified in the notice.

c) Nature of Proceedings - The proceedings shall be non litigious and


summary in nature without regard to legal technicalities obtaining in courts

of law. The Rules of Court shall not apply in said hearing except by
analogy or in a suppletory character and whenever practicable and

d) Power Incidental to the Hearing - For the purpose of the hearing of other
Proceeding under this Decree, the officer or officers designated to hear the
complaint shall have the power to administer oaths, subpoena witnesses,
conduct ocular inspections; take dispositions, and require the production of
any book, paper, correspondence, memorandum, or other record which
are deemed relevant or material to the inquiry.

SEC. 14. Contempt.

a) Direct Contempt. - The officer or officers designated by the Authority to

hear the complaint may summarily adjudge in direct contempt any person
guilty of misbehavior in the presence of near the said hearing officials so
as to obstruct or interrupt the proceedings before the same or of refusal to
be sworn or to answer as a witness or to subscribe an affidavit or
deposition when lawfully required to do so. The person found guilty of
direct contempt under this section shall be punished by a fine not
exceeding fifty (P50.00) pesos or imprisonment not exceeding five (5)
days, or both.

b) Indirect Contempt. - The officer or officers designated to hear the

complaint may also adjudge any person in indirect contempt on grounds
and in the manner prescribed in Rule 71 of the Revised Rules of Court.

SEC. 15. Decision. The case shall be decided within thirty (30) days from the

time the same is submitted for decision. The decision may order the revocation of the
registration of the subdivision or condominium project, the suspension, cancellation, or
revocation of the license to sell and/or the forfeiture, in whole or in part, of the
performance bond mentioned in Section 6 hereof. In case forfeiture of the bond is
ordered, the Decision may direct the provincial or city engineer to undertake or cause
the construction of roads and of other requirements for the subdivision or condominium
as stipulated in the bond, chargeable to the amount forfeited. Such decision shall be

immediately executory and shall become final after the lapse of 15 days from the date of
receipt of the Decision.
SEC. 16. Cease and Desist Order. - Whenever it shall appear to the Authority
that any person is engaged or about to engage in any act or practice which constitutes
or will constitute a violation of the provisions of this Decree, or of any rule or regulation
there under, it may, upon due notice and hearing as provided in Section 13 hereof, issue
a cease and desist order to enjoin such act or practices.

SEC. 17. Registration. All contracts to sell, deeds of sale and other similar

instruments relative to the sale or conveyance of the subdivision lots and condominium
units, whether or not the purchase price is paid in full, shall be registered by the seller in
the Office of the Register of Deeds of the province or city where the property is situated.

Whenever a subdivision plan duly approved in accordance with Section 4 hereof,

together with the corresponding owner's duplicate certificate of title, is presented to the
Register of Deeds for registration, the Register of Deeds shall register the same in
accordance with the provisions of the Land Registration Act, as amended: Provided,
however, that if there is a street, passageway or required open spare delineated on a
complex subdivision plan hereafter approved and as defined in this Decree, the Register
of Deeds shall annotate on the new certificate of title covering the street, passageway or
open space, a memorandum to the effect that except- by way of donation in favor of a
city or municipality, no portion of any street, passageway, or open space delineated on
the plan shall be closed or otherwise disposed of by the registered owner without the
requisite approval as provided under Section 22 of this Decree.

SEC. 18. Mortgages. No mortgage on any unit or lot shall be made by the

owner or developer without prior written approval of the Authority. Such approval shall
not be granted unless it is shown that the proceeds of the mortgage loan shall be used
for the development of the condominium or subdivision project and effective measures
have been provided to ensure such utilization. The loan value of each lot or unit
covered by the mortgage shall be determined and the buyer thereof, if any, shall be
notified before the release of the loan. The buyer may, at his option, pay his installment
for the lot or unit directly to the mortgagee who shall apply the payments to the
corresponding mortgage indebtedness secured by the particular lot or unit being paid
for with a view to enabling said buyer to obtain title over the lot or unit promptly after full
payment thereof.

SEC. 19. Advertisements. Advertisements that may be made by the owner


or developer through newspaper, radio, television, leaflets, circular or any other form
about the subdivision or the condominium or its operations or activities must reflect the
real facts and must be presented in such manner that will not tend to mislead or deceive
the public.

The owner or developer shall be answerable and liable for the facilities,
improvements, infrastructures or other forms of development represented or promised in
brochures, advertisements and other sales propaganda disseminated by the owner or
developer or his agents and the same shall form part of the sales warranties
enforceable against said owner or developer, jointly and severally. Failure to comply
with these warranties shall also be punishable in accordance with the penalties provided
for in this Decree.
SEC. 20. Time of Completion. - Every owner or developer shall construct and
provide the facilities, improvements, infrastructures and other forms of development,
including water supply and lighting facilities, which are offered and indicated in the
approved subdivision or condominium plans, brochures, prospectus, printed matters,
letters or in any form of advertisement, within one year from the date of the issuance of
the license for the subdivision or condominium project or such other period of time as
may be fixed by the Authority.

SEC. 21. Sales Prior to Decree. - In cases of subdivision lots or condominium

units sold or disposed of prior to the effectivity of this Decree, it shall be incumbent upon
the owner or developer of the subdivision or condominium project to complete
compliance with his or its obligations as provided in the preceding section within two
years from the date of this Decree unless otherwise extended by the Authority or unless
an adequate performance bond is filed in accordance with Section 6 hereof.

Failure of the owner or developer to comply with the obligations under this and
the preceding provisions shall constitute a violation punishable under Sections 38 and
39 of this Decree.

SEC. 22. Alteration of Plans. - No owner or developer shall change or alter

the roads, open spaces, infrastructures, facilities for public use and/or other form of
subdivision development as contained in the approved subdivision plan and/or
represented in its advertisements, without the permission of the Authority and the
written conformity or consent of the duly organized homeowners' association, or in the
absence of the latter, by the majority of the lot buyers in the subdivision.

SEC. 23. Non-Forfeiture of Payments. - No installment payment made by a

buyer in a subdivision or condominium project for the lot or unit he contracted to buy
shall be forfeited in favor of the owner or developer when the buyer, after due notice to
the owner or developer, desists from further payment due to the failure of the owner or
developer to develop the subdivision or condominium project according to the approved
plans and within the time limit for complying with the same. Such buyer, may at his
option, be reimbursed the total amount paid including amortization interest but excluding
deliquency interests, with interest thereon at the legal rate.

SEC. 24. Failure to Pay Installments. - The rights of the buyer in the event of
his failure to pay the installments due for reasons other than the failure of the owner or
developer to develop the project shall be governed by Republic Act No.6552

Where the transaction or contract was entered into prior to the effectivity of
Republic Act No.6552 on August 26, 1972, the defaulting buyer shall be entitled to the
corresponding refund based on the installments paid after the effectivity of the law in
the absence of any provision in the contract to the contrary.

SEC. 25. Issuance of Title. - The owner or developer shall deliver the title of
the lot or unit to the buyer upon full payment of the lot or unit. No fees, except those
required for the registration of the deed of sale in the Registry of Deeds, shall be
collected for the issuance of such title. In the event a mortgage over the lot or unit is
outstanding at the time of the issuance of the title to the buyer, the owner or developer
shall redeem the mortgage or the corresponding portion thereof within six months from
such issuance in order that the title over any fully paid lot or unit may be secured and
delivered to the buyer in accordance herewith.
SEC. 26. Realty Tax. - Real estate tax and assessment on a lot or unit shall be
paid by the owner or developer without recourse to the buyer for as long as the title has
not passed the buyer; Provided, however, that if the buyer has actually taken
possession of occupied the lot or unit, he shall be able to the owner or developer for
such tax and assessment effective the year following such taking of possession and

SEC, 27. Other Charges. - No owner or developer shall levy upon any lot or
unit buyer a fee for an alleged community benefit. Fees to finance services for common
comfort, security and sanitation may be collected only by a properly organized
homeowners association and only with the consent of a majority of the lot or unit buyers
actually residing in the subdivision or condominium project.

SEC. 28. Access to Public Offices in the Subdivision. - No owner or

developer shall deny any person free access to any government office or public
establishment located within the subdivision or which may be reached only by passing
through the subdivision.

SEC. 29. Right of Way to Public Road. - The owner or developer of a

subdivision without access to any existing public road or street and such right of way
must be developed and maintained according to the requirement of the government
authorities concerned.

SEC. 30. Organization of Homeowners Association. - The owner or

developer of a subdivision project or condominium project shall initiate the organization
of a homeowners association among the buyers and residents of the projects for the
purpose of promoting and protecting their mutual interest and assist in their community

Sec. 31. Donation of Roads and Open Spaces to Local Government. - The
registered owner or developer of the subdivision or condominium project, upon
completion of the development of said project may, at his option, convey by way of
donation the roads and open spaces found within the project to the city or municipality
wherein the project is located. Upon acceptance of the donation by the city or
municipality concerned, no portion of the area donated shall thereafter be converted to
any other purpose or purposes unless after hearing, the proposed conversion is
approved by the Authority.

SEC. 32. Phases of Subdivision. - For purposes of complying with the

provisions of this Decree, the owner or developer may divide the development and sale
of the subdivision into phases, each phase to cover not less than ten (10) hectares. The
requirement imposed by this Decree on the subdivision as a whole shall be deemed
imposed on each phase.

SEC. 33. Nullity of Waivers. - Any condition, stipulation, or provision in

contract of sale whereby any person waives compliance with any provision of this
Decree or of any rule or regulation issued there under shall be void.

SEC. 34. Visitorial Powers. - This Authority, through its duly authorized
representative may, at any time, make an examination into the business affairs,
administration, and condition of any person, corporation, partnership, cooperative, or
association engaged in the business of selling subdivision lots and condominium units.

For this purpose, the official authorized to do so shall have the authority to examine
under oath the directors, officers, stockholders or members of any corporation,
partnership, association, cooperative or other persons associated or connected with the
business and to issue subpoena or subpoena duces tecum in relation to any
investigation that may arise therefrom.

The Authority may also authorize the Provincial, City or Municipal Engineer, as
the case may be, to conduct an ocular inspection of the project to determine whether the
development of said project conforms to the standards and specifications prescribed by
the government.

The books, papers, letters, and other documents belonging to the person or
entities herein mentioned shall be open to inspection by the Authority or its duly
authorized representatives.

SEC. 35. Take Over Development. The Authority, May take-over or cause
- -

the development and completion of the subdivision or Condominium project at the

expense of the owner or developer, jointly and severally, in cases where the owner or
developer has refused or failed to develop or complete the development of the Project
as provided for in this Decree.

The Authority may, after such take-over, demand, collect and receive from the
buyers the installment payments due on the lots, which shall be utilized for the
development of the subdivision.

SEC. 36. Rules and Regulations. The Authority shall issue the necessary

standards rules and regulations for the effective implementation of the provisions of this
Decree. Such standards, rules and regulations shall take effect immediately after their
publication three (3) times a week for two consecutive weeks in any newspaper of
general circulation.

SEC. 37. Deputization of Law Enforcement Agencies. The Authority may


deputize the Philippine Constabulary or any law enforcement agency in the execution of
its final orders, rulings or decisions.

SEC. 38. Administrative Fines. The Authority may prescribe and impose

fines not exceeding ten thousand pesos for violations of the provisions of this Decree or
of any rule or regulation thereunder. Fines shall be payable to the Authority and
enforceable through writs of execution in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of

SEC. 39. Penalties. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this

Decree and/or any rule or regulation that may be issued pursuant to this Decree shall,
upon conviction, be punished by a fine of nor more than twenty thousand (P20,000.00)
pesos and/or imprisonment of not more than ten (10) years. Provided, that in the case
of corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, or associations, the President, Manager or
Administrator or the person who has charge of the administration of the business shall
be criminally responsible for any violation of this Decree and/or the rules and regulations
promulgated pursuant thereto.

SEC. 40. Liability of Controlling Persons. - Every person who directly or

indirectly controls any person liable under any provision of this Decree or of any rule or
regulation issued thereunder shall be liable jointly and severally with and to the same
extent as such controlled person unless the controlling person acted in good faith and
did not directly or indirectly induce the act or acts constituting the violation or cause of

SEC. 41. Other Remedies. - The rights and remedies provided in this Decree
shall be in addition to any and all other rights and remedies that may be available under
the existing laws.

SEC. 42. Repealing Clause. - All laws, executive order, rules and regulations,
or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.

SEC. 43. Effectivity. - This Decree shall take effect upon its approval.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 12th day of July, in the year of our Lord, Nineteen
hundred and seventy-six.


Republic of the Philippines

By the President:


Presidential Executive Assistant

Presidential Decree No. 1067, s. 1976
Signed on December 31, 1976



WHEREAS, Article XIV, Section 8 of the New Constitution of the Philippines provides, inter alia, that all
waters of the Philippines belong to the State;

WHEREAS, existing water legislations are piece-meal and inadequate to cope with increasing scarcity of
water and changing patterns of water use;

WHEREAS, there is a need for a Water Code based on rational concepts of integrated and multipurpose
management of water resources and sufficiently flexible to adequately meet future developments;

WHEREAS, water is vital to national development and it has become increasingly necessary for
government to intervene actively in improving the management of water resources;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers in me
vested by the Constitution, do hereby order and decree the enactment of the Water Code of the
Philippines of 1976, as follows:

Declaration of Objectives and Principles

ARTICLE 1. This Code shall be known as The Water Code of the Philippines.

ARTICLE 2. The objectives of this Code are:

a. To establish the basic principles and framework relating to the appropriation, control and
conservation of water resources to achieve the optimum development and rational utilization of these

b. To define the extent of the rights and obligations of water users and owners including the protection
and regulation of such rights;

c. To adopt a basic law governing the ownership, appropriation, utilization, exploitation, development,
conservation and protection of water resources and rights to land related thereto; and

d. To identify the administrative agencies which will enforce this Code.

ARTICLE 3. The underlying principles of this code are:

a. All waters belong to the State.

b. All waters that belong to the State can not be the subject to acquisitive prescription.

c. The State may allow the use or development of waters by administrative concession.

d. The utilization, exploitation, development, conservation and protection of water resources shall be
subject to the control and regulation of the government through the National Water Resources Council,
hereinafter referred to as the Council.

e. Preference in the use and development of waters shall consider current usages and be responsive to
the changing needs of the country.

ARTICLE 4. Waters, as used in this Code, refers to water under the grounds, water above the ground,
water in the atmosphere and the waters of the sea within the territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines.

Ownership of Waters

ARTICLE 5. The following belong to the State:

a. Rivers and their natural beds;

b. Continuous or intermittent waters of springs and brooks running in their natural beds and the beds

c. Natural lakes and lagoons;

d. All other categories of surface waters such as water flowing over lands, water from rainfall whether
natural or artificial, and water from agriculture runoff, seepage and drainage;

e. Atmospheric water;

f. Subterranean or ground waters; and

g. Seawater.

ARTICLE 6. The following waters found on private lands also belong to the State:

a. Continuous or intermittent waters rising on such lands;

b. Lakes and lagoons naturally occurring on such lands;

c. Rain water falling on such lands;

d. Subterranean or ground waters; and

e. Water in swamps and marshes.

The owner of the land where the water is found may use the same for domestic purposes without
securing a permit, provided that such use shall be registered, when required by the Council. The Council,
however, may regulate such use when there is wastage, or in times of emergency.

ARTICLE 7. Subject to the provisions of this Code, any person who captures or collects water by means
of cisterns, tanks, or pools shall have exclusive control over such water and the right to dispose of the

ARTICLE 8. Water legally appropriated shall be subject to the control of the appropriator from the
moment it reaches the appropriator’s canal or aqueduct leading to the place where the water will be
used or stored and, thereafter, so long as it is being beneficially used for the purposes for which it was

Appropriation of Waters

ARTICLE 9. Waters may be appropriated and used in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

Appropriation of water, as used in this Code, is the acquisition of rights over the use of waters or the
taking or diverting of waters from a natural source in the manner and for any purpose allowed by law.

ARTICLE 10. Water may be appropriated for the following purposes:

a. Domestic

b. Municipal

c. Irrigation

d. Power generation

e. Fisheries

f. Livestock raising

g. Industrial

h. Recreational, and

i. Other purposes

Use of water for domestic purposes is the utilization of water for drinking, washing, bathing, cooking or
other household needs, home gardens, and watering of lawns or domestic animals.

Use of water for municipal purposes is the utilization of water for supplying the water requirements of
the community.

Use of water for irrigation is the utilization of water for producing agricultural crops.

Use of water for power generation is the utilization of water for producing electrical or mechanical
Use of water for fisheries is the utilization of water for the propagation and culture of fish as a
commercial enterprise.

Use of water for livestock raising is the utilization of water for large herds or flocks of animals raised as a
commercial enterprise.

Use of water for industrial purposes is the utilization of water in factories, industrial plants and mines,
including the use of water as an ingredient of a finished product.

Use of water for recreational purposes is the utilization of water for swimming pools, bath houses,
boating, water skiing, golf courses and other similar facilities in resorts and other places of recreation.

ARTICLE 11. The State, for reasons of public policy, may declare waters not previously appropriated, in
whole or in part, exempt from appropriation for any or all purposes and, thereupon, such waters may
not be appropriated for those purposes.

ARTICLE 12. Waters appropriated for a particular purpose may be applied for another purpose only
upon prior approval of the Council and on condition that the new use does not unduly prejudice the
rights of other permittees, or require an increase in the volume of water.

ARTICLE 13. Except as otherwise herein provided, no person, including government instrumentalities or
government-owned or controlled corporations, shall appropriate water without a water right, which
shall be evidenced by a document known as a water permit.

Water right is the privilege granted by the government to appropriate and use water.

ARTICLE 14. Subject to the provisions of this Code concerning the control, protection, conservation, and
regulation of the appropriation and use of waters, any person may appropriate or use natural bodies of
water without securing a water permit for any of the following:

a. Appropriation of water by means of hand-carried receptacles; and

b. Bathing or washing, watering or dipping of domestic or farm animals, and navigation of watercrafts or
transportation of logs and other objects by flotation.

ARTICLE 15. Only citizens of the Philippines, of legal age, as well as juridical persons, who are duly
qualified by law to exploit and develop water resources, may apply for water permits.

ARTICLE 16. Any person who desires to obtain a water permit shall file an application with the Council
who shall make known said application to the public for any protests.

In determining whether to grant or deny an application, the Council shall consider the following:
protests filed, if any; prior permits granted; the availability of water; the water supply needed for
beneficial use; possible adverse effects; land-use economics; and other relevant factors.

Upon approval of an application, a water permit shall be issued and recorded.

ARTICLE 17. The right to the use of water is deemed acquired as of the date of filing of the application
for a water permit in case of approved permits, or as of the date of actual use in a case where no permit
is required.
ARTICLE 18. All water permits granted shall be subject to conditions of beneficial use, adequate
standards of design and construction, and such other terms and conditions as may be imposed by the

Such permits shall specify the maximum amount of water which may be diverted or withdrawn, the
maximum rate of diversion or withdrawal, the time or times during the year when water may be
diverted or withdrawn, the point or points of diversion or location of wells, the place of use, the
purposes for which water may be used and such other requirements the Council deems desirable.

ARTICLE 19. Water rights may be leased or transferred in whole or in part to another person with prior
approval of the Council, after due notice and hearing.

ARTICLE 20. The measure and limit of appropriation of water shall be beneficial use.

Beneficial use of water is the utilization of water in the right amount during the period that the water is
needed for producing the benefits for which the water is appropriated.

ARTICLE 21. Standards of beneficial use shall be prescribed by the Council for the appropriator of water
for different purposes and conditions, and the use of waters which are appropriated shall be measured
and controlled in accordance therewith.

Excepting those for domestic use, every appropriator of water shall maintain water control and
measuring devices, and keep records of water withdrawal. When required by the Council, all
appropriators of water shall furnish information on water use.

ARTICLE 22. Between two or more appropriators of water from the same sources of supply, priority in
time of appropriation shall give the better right, except that in times of emergency the use of water for
domestic and municipal purposes shall have a better right over all other uses; Provided, That where
water shortage is recurrent and the appropriator for municipal use has a lower priority in time of
appropriation, then it shall be his duty to find an alternative source of supply in accordance with
conditions prescribed by the Council.

ARTICLE 23. Priorities may be altered on grounds of greater beneficial use, multi-purpose use, and other
similar grounds after due notice and hearing, subject to payment of compensation is proper cases.

ARTICLE 24. A water right shall be exercised in such a manner that the rights of third persons or of other
appropriators are not prejudiced thereby.

ARTICLE 25. A holder of a water permit may demand the establishment of easements necessary for the
construction and maintenance of the works and facilities needed for the beneficial use of the waters to
be appropriated subject to the requirements of just compensation and to the following conditions:

a. That he is the owner, lessee, mortgagee or one having real right over the land upon which he
proposes to use water; and

b. That the proposed easement is the most convenient and the least onerous to the servient estate.

Easements relating to the appropriation and use of waters may be modified by agreement of the
contracting parties provided the same is not contrary to law or prejudicial to third persons.
ARTICLE 26. Where water shortage is recurrent, the use of the water pursuant to a permit may, in the
interest of equitable distribution of benefits among legal appropriators, be reduced after due notice and

ARTICLE 27. Water users shall bear the diminution of any water supply due to natural causes or force

ARTICLE 28. Water permits shall continue to be valid as long as water is beneficially used; however, it
may be suspended on the grounds of non-compliance with approved plans and specifications or
schedules of water distribution; use of water for a purpose other than that for which it was granted;
non-payment of water charges; wastage; failure to keep records of water diversion, when required; and
violation of any term or condition of any permit or of rules and regulations promulgated by the Council.

Temporary permits may be issued for the appropriation and use of water for short periods under special

ARTICLE 29. Water permits may be revoked after due notice and hearing on grounds of non-use; gross
violation of the conditions imposed in the permit; unauthorized sale of water; willful failure or refusal to
comply with rules and regulations or any lawful order; pollution, public nuisance or acts detrimental to
public health and safety; when the appropriator is found to be disqualified under the law to exploit and
develop natural resources of the Philippines; when, in the case of irrigation, the land is converted to
non-agricultural purposes; and other similar grounds.

ARTICLE 30. All water permits are subject to modification or cancellation by the Council, after due notice
and hearing, in favor of a project of greater beneficial use or for multi-purpose development, and a
water permittee who suffers thereby shall be duly compensated by the entity or person in whose favor
the cancellation was made.


Utilization of Waters

ARTICLE 31. Preference in the development of water resources shall consider security of the State,
multiple use, beneficial effects, adverse effects and costs of development.

ARTICLE 32. The utilization of subterranean or ground water shall be coordinated with that of surface
waters such as rivers, streams, springs and lakes, so that a superior right in one is not adversely affected
by an inferior right in the other.

For this purpose the Council shall promulgate rules and regulations and declare the existence of control
areas for the coordinated development, protection, and utilization of subterranean or ground water and
surface waters.

Control area is an area of land where subterranean or ground water and surface water are so
interrelated that withdrawal and use in one similarly affects the other. The boundary of a control area
may be altered from time to time, as circumstances warrant.
ARTICLE 33. Water contained in open canals, aqueducts or reservoirs of private persons may be used by
any person for domestic purpose or for watering plants as long as the water is withdrawn by manual
methods without checking the stream or damaging the canal, aqueduct or reservoir; Provided, That this
right may be restricted by the owner should it result in loss or injury to him.

ARTICLE 34. A water permittee or appropriator may use any watercourse to convey water to another
point in the watercourse for the purpose stated in a permit and such water may be diverted or
recaptured at that point by said permittee in the same amount less allowance for normal losses in

ARTICLE 35. Works for the storage, diversion, distribution and utilization of water resources shall
contain adequate provision for the prevention and control of diseases that may be induced or spread by
such works when required by the Council.

ARTICLE 36. When the reuse of waste water is feasible, it shall be limited as much as possible, to such
uses other than direct human consumption. No person or agency shall distribute such water for public
consumption until it is demonstrated that such consumption will not adversely affect the health and
safety of the public.

ARTICLE 37. In the construction and operation of hydraulic works, due consideration shall be given to
the preservation of scenic places and historical relics and, in addition to the provisions of existing laws,
no works that would require the destruction or removal of such places or relics shall be undertaken
without showing that the destruction or removal is necessary and unavoidable.

ARTICLE 38. Authority for the construction of dams, bridges and other structures across of which may
interfere with the flow of navigable or floatable waterways shall first be secured from the Department
of Public Works, Transportation and Communications.

ARTICLE 39. Except in cases of emergency to save life or property, the construction or repair of the
following works shall be undertaken only after the plans and specifications therefor, as may be required
by the Council, are approved by the proper government agency; dams for the diversion or storage of
water; structures for the use of water power, installations for the utilization of subterranean or ground
water and other structures for utilization of water resources.

ARTICLE 40. No excavation for the purpose of emission of a hot spring or for the enlargement of the
existing opening thereof shall be made without prior permit.

Any person or agency who intends to develop a hot spring for human consumption must first obtain a
permit from the Department of Health.

ARTICLE 41. No person shall develop a stream, lake, or spring for recreational purposes without first
securing a permit from the Council.

ARTICLE 42. Unless otherwise ordered by the President of the Philippines and only in time of national
calamity or emergency, no person shall induce or restrain rainfall by any method such as cloud seeding
without a permit from the proper government emergency.

ARTICLE 43. No person shall raise or lower the water level of a river stream, lake, lagoon or marsh nor
drain the same without a permit.
ARTICLE 44. Drainage systems shall be so constructed that their outlets are rivers, lakes, the sea, natural
bodies of water, or such other water course as may be approved by the proper government agency.

ARTICLE 45. When a drainage channel is constructed by a number of persons for their common benefit,
the cost of construction and maintenance of the channel shall be borne by each in proportion to the
benefits derived.

ARTICLE 46. When artificial means are employed to drain water from higher to lower land, the owner of
the higher land shall select the routes and methods of drainage that will cause the minimum damage to
the lower lands, subject to the requirements of just compensation.

ARTICLE 47. When the use, conveyance or storage of waters results in damage to another, the person
responsible for the damage shall pay compensation.

ARTICLE 48. When a water resources project interferes with the access of landowner to a portion of his
property or with the conveyance of irrigation or drainage water, the person or agency constructing the
project shall bear the cost of construction and maintenance of the bridges, flumes and other structures
necessary for maintaining access, irrigation, or drainage, in addition to paying compensation for land
and incidental damages.

ARTICLE 49. Any person having an easement for an aqueduct may enter upon the servient land for the
purpose of cleaning, repairing or replacing the aqueduct or the removal of obstructions therefrom.

ARTICLE 50. Lower estates are obliged to receive the waters which naturally and without the
intervention of man flow from the higher estates, as well as the stone or earth which they carry with

The owner of the lower estate can not construct works which will impede this natural flow, unless he
provides an alternative method of drainage; neither can the owner of the higher estate make works
which will increase this natural flow.

ARTICLE 51. The banks of rivers and streams and the shores of the seas and lakes throughout their
entire length and within a zone of three (3) meters in urban areas, twenty (20) meters in agricultural
areas and forty (40) meters in forest areas, along their margins, are subject to the easement of public
use in the interest of recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing and salvage. No person shall be allowed to
stay in this zone longer than what is necessary for recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing or salvage or
to build structures of any kind.

ARTICLE 52. The establishment, extent, form, and conditions of easements of water not expressly
determined by the provisions of this Code shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Code.

Control of Waters

ARTICLE 53. To promote the best interest and the coordinated protection of flood plain lands, the
Secretary of Public Works, Transportation and Communications may declare flood control areas and
promulgate guidelines for governing flood plain management plans in these areas.

ARTICLE 54. In declared flood control areas, rules and regulations may be promulgated to prohibit or
control activities that may damage or cause deterioration of lakes and dikes, obstruct the flow of water,
change the natural flow of the river, increase flood losses or aggravate flood problems.

ARTICLE 55. The government may construct necessary flood control structures in declared flood control
areas, and for this purpose it shall have a legal easement as wide as may be needed along and adjacent
to the river bank and outside the bed or channel of the river.

ARTICLE 56. River beds, sand bars and tidal flats may not be cultivated except upon prior permission
from the Secretary of the Department of Public Works, Transportation and Communication and such
permission shall not be granted where such cultivation obstructs the flow of water or increase flood
levels so as to cause damage to other areas.

ARTICLE 57. Any person may erect levees or revetments to protect his property from flood,
encroachment by the river or change in the course of the river, provided that such constructions does
not cause damage to the property of another.

ARTICLE 58. When a river or stream suddenly changes its course to traverse private lands, the owners of
the affected lands may not compel the government to restore the river to its former bed; nor can they
restrain the government from taking steps to revert the river or stream to its former course. The owners
of the lands thus affected are not entitled to compensation for any damage sustained thereby. However,
the former owners of the new bed shall be the owners of the abandoned bed in proportion to the area
lost by each.

The owners of the affected lands may undertake to return the river or stream to its old bed at their own
expense; Provided, That a permit therefor is secured from the Secretary of Public Works, Transportation
and Communication and work pertaining thereto are commenced within two years from the change in
the course of the river or stream.

ARTICLE 59. Rivers, lakes and lagoons may, upon the recommendation of the Philippine Coast Guard, be
declared navigable either in whole or in part.

ARTICLE 60. The rafting of logs and other objects on rivers and lakes which are floatable may be
controlled or prohibited during designated season of the year with due regard to the needs of irrigation
and domestic water supply and other uses of water.
ARTICLE 61. The impounding of water in ponds or reservoirs may be prohibited by the Council upon
consultation with the Department of Health if it is dangerous to public health, or it may order that such
pond or reservoir be drained if such is necessary for the protection of public health.

ARTICLE 62. Waters of a stream may be stored in a reservoir by a permittee in such amount as will not
prejudice the right of any permittee downstream. Whoever operates the reservoir shall, when required,
release water for minimum stream flow.

All reservoir operations shall be subject to rules and regulations issued by the Council or any proper
government agency.

ARTICLE 63. The operator of a dam for the storage of water may be required to employ an engineer
possessing qualifications prescribed for the proper operations, maintenance and administration of the

ARTICLE 64. The Council shall approve the manner, location, depth, and spacing in which borings for
subterranean or ground water may be made, determine the requirements for the registration of every
boring or alteration to existing borings as well as other control measures for the exploitation of
subterranean or ground water resources, and in coordination with the Professional Regulation
Commission prescribe the qualifications of those who would drill such borings.

No person shall drill a well without prior permission from the Council.

ARTICLE 65. Water from one river basin may be transferred to another river basin only with approval of
the Council. In considering any request for such transfer, the Council shall take into account the full
costs of the transfer, the benefits that would accrue to the basin of origin without the transfer, the
benefits would accrue to the receiving basin on account of the transfer, alternative schemes for
supplying water to the receiving basin, and other relevant factors.


Conservation and Protection of Waters and Watersheds and Related Land Resources

ARTICLE 66. After due notice and hearing when warranted by circumstances, minimum stream flows for
rivers and streams, and minimum water levels for lakes may be established by the Council under such
conditions as may be necessary for the protection of the environment, control of pollution, navigation,
prevention of salt damage, and general public use.

ARTICLE 67. Any watershed or any area of land adjacent to any surface water or overlying any ground
water may be declared by the Department of Natural Resources as protected area. Rules and
regulations may be promulgated by such Department to prohibit or control such activities by the owners
or occupants thereof within the protected area which may damage or cause the deterioration of the
surface water or ground water or interfere with the investigation, use, control, protection, management
or administration of such waters.

ARTICLE 68. It shall be the duty of any person in control of a well to prevent the water from flowing on
the surface of the land, or into any surface water, or any porous stratum underneath the surface
without being beneficially used.
ARTICLE 69. It shall be the duty of any person in control of a well containing water with minerals or
other substances injurious to man, animals, agriculture, and vegetation to prevent such waters from
flowing on the surface of the land or into any surface water or into any other aquifer or porous stratum.

ARTICLE 70. No person shall utilize an existing well or pond or spread waters for recharging
subterranean or ground water supplies without prior permission of the Council.

ARTICLE 71. To promote better water conservation and usage for irrigation purposes, the merger of
irrigation associations and the appropriation of waters by associations instead of by individuals shall be

No water permit shall be granted to an individual when his water requirement can be supplied through
an irrigation association.

ARTICLE 72. In the consideration of a proposed water resource project, due regard shall be given to
ecological changes resulting from the construction of the project in order to balance the needs of
development and the protection of the environment.

ARTICLE 73. The conservation of fish and wildlife shall receive proper consideration and shall be
coordinated with other features of water resources development programs to insure that fish and
wildlife values receive equal attention with other project purposes.

ARTICLE 74. Swamps and marshes which are owned by the State and which have primary value for
waterfowl propagation or other wildlife purposes may be reserved and protected from drainage
operation and development.

ARTICLE 75. No person shall, without prior permission from the National Pollution Control Commission,
build any works that may produce dangerous or noxious substances or perform any act which may result
in the introduction of sewage, industrial waste, or any pollutant into any source of water supply.

Water pollution is the impairment of the quality of water beyond a certain standard. This standard may
vary according to the use of the water and shall be set by the National Pollution Control Commission.

ARTICLE 76. The establishment of cemeteries and waste disposal areas that may affect the source of a
water supply or a reservoir for domestic or municipal use shall be subject to the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Department of Health.

ARTICLE 77. Tailings from mining operations and sediments from placer mining shall not be dumped into
rivers and waterways without prior permission from the Council upon recommendation by the National
Pollution Control Commission.

ARTICLE 78. The application of agricultural fertilizers and pesticides may be prohibited or regulated by
the National Pollution Control Commission in the areas where such application may cause pollution of a
source of water supply.

Administration of Waters and Enforcement of the Provisions of This Code

ARTICLE 79. The administration and enforcement of the provisions of this Code, including the granting
of permits and the imposition of penalties for administrative violations hereof, are hereby vested in the
Council, and except in regard to those functions which under this Code are specifically conferred upon
other agencies of the government, the Council is hereby empowered to make all decisions and
determinations provided for in this Code.

ARTICLE 80. The Council may deputize any official or agency of the government to perform any of its
specific functions or activities.

ARTICLE 81. The Council shall provide a continuing program for data collection, research and manpower
development needed for the appropriation, utilization, exploitation, conservation, and protection of the
water resources of the country.

ARTICLE 82. In the implementation of the provisions of this Code, the Council shall promulgate the
necessary rules and regulations which may provide for penalties consisting of a fine not exceeding One
Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) and/or suspension or revocation of the water permit or other right to the
use of water. Violations of such rules and regulations may be administratively dealt with by the Council.

Such rules and regulations shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in newspapers of general

Rules and regulations prescribed by any government agency that pertain to the utilization, exploitation,
development, control, conservation, or protection of water resources shall, if the Council so requires, be
subject to its approval.

ARTICLE 83. The Council is hereby authorized to impose and collect reasonable fees or charges for water
resources development from water appropriators, except when it is for purely domestic purposes.

ARTICLE 84. The Council and other agencies authorized to enforce this Code are empowered to enter
upon private lands, with previous notice to the owner, for the purpose of conducting surveys and
hydrologic investigations, and to perform such other acts as are necessary in carrying out their functions
including the power to exercise the right of eminent domain.

ARTICLE 85. No program or project involving the appropriation, utilization, exploitation, development,
control, conservation, or protection of water resources may be undertaken without prior approval of the
Council, except those which the Council may, in its discretion, exempt.

The Council may require consultation with the public prior to the implementation of certain water
resources development projects.

ARTICLE 86. When plans and specifications of a hydraulic structure are submitted for approval, the
government agency whose functions embrace the type of project for which the structure is intended,
shall review the plans and specifications and recommend to the Council proper action thereon and the
latter shall approve the same only when they are in conformity with the requirements of this Code and
the rules and regulations promulgated by the Council. Notwithstanding such approval, neither the
engineer who drew up the plans and specifications of the hydraulic structure, nor the constructor who
built it, shall be relieved of his liability for damages in case of failure thereof by reason of defect in plans
and specifications, or failure due to defect in construction, within ten (10) years from the completion of
the structure.

Any action to recover such damages must be brought within five (5) years following such failure.

ARTICLE 87. The Council or its duly authorized representatives, in the exercise of its power to investigate
and decide cases brought to its cognizance, shall have the power to administer oaths, compel the
attendance of witnesses by subpoena and the production of relevant documents by subpoena duces

Non-compliance or violation of such orders or subpoena and subpoena duces tecum shall be punished in
the same manner as indirect contempt of an inferior court upon application by the aggrieved party with
the proper Court of First Instance in accordance with the provisions of Rule 71 of the Rules of Court.

ARTICLE 88. The Council shall have original jurisdiction over all disputes relating to appropriation,
utilization, exploitation, development, control, conservation and protection of waters within the
meaning and context of the provisions of this Code.

The decisions of the Council on water rights controversies shall be immediately executory and the
enforcement thereof may be suspended only when a bond, in an amount fixed by the Council to answer
for damages occasioned by the suspension or stay of execution, shall have been filed by the appealing
party, unless the suspension is by virtue of an order of a competent court.

All disputes shall be decided within sixty (60) days after the parties submit the same for decision or

The Council shall have the power to issue writs of execution and enforce its decisions with the assistance
of local or national police agencies.

ARTICLE 89. The decisions of the Council on water rights controversies may be appealed to the Court of
First Instance of the province where the subject matter of the controversy is situated within fifteen (15)
days from the date the party appealing receives a copy of the decision, on any of the following grounds:
(1) grave abuse of discretion; (2) question of law; and (3) questions of fact and law.


Penal Provisions

ARTICLE 90. The following acts shall be penalized by suspension or revocation of the violator’s water
permit or other right to the use of water and/or a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Pesos
(P1,000.00), in the discretion of the Council:

a. Appropriation of subterranean or ground water for domestic use by an overlying landowner without
registration required by the Council.
b. Non-observance of any standard of beneficial use of water.

c. Failure of the appropriator to keep a record of water withdrawal, when required.

d. Failure to comply with any of the terms or conditions in a water permit or a water rights grant.

e. Unauthorized use of water for a purpose other than that for which a right or permit was granted.

f. Construction or repair of any hydraulic work or structure without duly approved plans and
specifications, when required.

g. Failure to install a regulating and measuring device for the control of the volume of water
appropriated, when required.

h. Unauthorized sale, lease, or transfer of water and/or water rights.

i. Failure to provide adequate facilities to prevent or control diseases when required by the Council in
the construction of any work for the storage, diversion, distribution and utilization of water.

j. Drilling of a well without permission of the Council.

k. Utilization of an existing well or ponding or spreading of water for recharging subterranean or ground
water supplies without permission of the Council.

l. Violation of or non-compliance with any order, rules, or regulations of the Council.

m. Illegal taking or diversion of water in an open canal, aqueduct or reservoir.

n. Malicious destruction of hydraulic works or structures valued at not exceeding P5,000.00.

ARTICLE 91. A. A fine of not exceeding Three Thousand Pesos (P3,000.00) or imprisonment for not more
than three (3) years, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court, shall be
imposed upon any person who commits any of the following acts:

1. Appropriation of water without a water permit, unless such person is expressly exempted from
securing a permit by the provisions of this Code.

2. Unauthorized obstruction of an irrigation canal.

3. Cultivation of a river bed, sand bar or tidal flat without permission.

4. Malicious destruction of hydraulic works or structure valued at not exceeding Twenty-Five Thousand
Pesos (P25,000.00).

B. A fine exceeding Three Thousand Pesos (P3,000.00) but not more than Six Thousand Pesos
(P6,000.00) or imprisonment exceeding three (3) years but not more than six (6) years, or both such fine
and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court, shall be imposed on any person who commits any of
the following acts:

1. Distribution for public consumption of water which adversely affects the health and safety of the

2. Excavation or enlargement of the opening of a hot spring without permission.

3. Unauthorized obstruction of a river or waterway, or occupancy of a river bank or seashore without

4. Establishment of a cemetery or a waste disposal area near a source of water supply or reservoir for
domestic municipal use without permission.

5. Constructing, without prior permission of the government agency concerned, works that produce
dangerous or noxious substances, or performing acts that result in the introduction of sewage, industrial
waste, or any substance that pollutes a source of water supply.

6. Dumping mine tailings and sediments into rivers or waterways without permission.

7. Malicious destruction of hydraulic works or structure valued at more than Twenty-Five Thousand
Pesos (P25,000.00) but not exceeding One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00).

C. A fine exceeding Six Thousand Pesos (P6,000.00) but not more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00)
or imprisonment exceeding six (6) years but not more than twelve (12) years, or both such fine and
imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court, shall be imposed upon any person who commits any of the
following acts:

1. Misrepresentation of citizenship in order to qualify for water permit.

2. Malicious destruction of hydraulic works or structure, valued at more than One Hundred Thousand
Pesos (P100,000.00).

ARTICLE 92. If the offense is committed by a corporation, trust, firm, partnership, association or any
other juridical person, the penalty shall be imposed upon the President, General Manager, and other
guilty officer or officers of such corporation, trust, firm, partnership, association or entity, without
prejudice to the filing of a civil action against said juridical person. If the offender is an alien, he shall be
deported after serving his sentence, without further proceedings.

After final judgment of conviction, the Court upon petition of the prosecution attorney in the same
proceedings, and after due hearing, may, when the public interest so requires, order the suspension or
dissolution of such corporation, trust, firm, partnership, association or juridical person.

ARTICLE 93. All actions for offenses punishable under Article 91 of this Code shall be brought before the
proper court.

ARTICLE 94. Actions for offenses punishable under this Code by a fine of not more than Three Thousand
Pesos (P3,000.00) or by an imprisonment of not more than three (3) years, or both such fine and
imprisonment, shall prescribe in five (5) years; those punishable by a fine exceeding Three Thousand
Pesos (P3,000.00) but not more than Six Thousand Pesos (P6,000.00) or an imprisonment exceeding
three (3) years but not more than six (6) years, or both such fine and imprisonment, shall prescribe in
seven (7) years; and those punishable by a fine exceeding Six Thousand Pesos (P6,000.00) but not more
than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or an imprisonment exceeding six (6) years but not more than
twelve (12) years, or both such fine and imprisonment, shall prescribe in ten (10) years.

Transitory and Final Provisions

ARTICLE 95. Within two (2) years from the promulgation of this Code, all claims for a right to use water
existing on or before December 31, 1974 shall be registered with the Council which shall confirm said
rights in accordance with the provisions of this Code, and shall set their respective priorities.

When priority in time of appropriation from a certain source of supply cannot be determined, the order
of preference in the use of the waters shall be as follows:

a. Domestic and municipal use

b. Irrigation

c. Power generation

d. Fisheries

e. Livestock raising

f. Industrial use, and

g. Other uses.

Any claim not registered within said period shall be considered waived and the use of the water deemed
abandoned, and the water shall thereupon be available for disposition as unappropriated waters in
accordance with the provisions of this Code.

ARTICLE 96. No vested or acquired right to the use of water can arise from acts or omissions which are
against the law or which infringe upon the rights of others.

ARTICLE 97. Acts and contracts under the regime of old laws, if they are valid in accordance therewith,
shall be respected, subject to the limitations established in this Code. Any modification or extension of
these acts and contracts after the promulgation of this Code, shall be subject to the provisions hereof.

ARTICLE 98. Interim rules and regulations promulgated by the Council shall continue to have binding
force and effect, when not in conflict with the provisions of this Code.

ARTICLE 99. If any provision or part of this Code, or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance, is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the other provisions or parts therein
shall not be affected.

ARTICLE 100. The following laws, parts and/or provisions of laws are hereby repealed:

a. The provisions of the Spanish Law on Waters of August 3, 1866, the Civil Code of Spain of 1889 and
the Civil Code of the Philippines (R.A. 386) on ownership of waters, easements relating to waters, use of
public waters and acquisitive prescription on the use of waters, which are inconsistent with the
provisions of this Code;
b. The provisions of R.A. 6395, otherwise known as the Revised Charter of National Power Corporation,
particularly section 3, paragraph (f), and section 12, insofar as they relate to the appropriation of waters
and the grant thereof;

c. The provisions of Act No. 2152, as amended, otherwise known as the Irrigation Act, section 3,
paragraphs (k) and (m) of P.D. No. 813, R.A. 2056; Section 90, C.A. 137; and,

d. All decrees, laws, acts, parts of acts, Rules of Court, executive orders, and administrative regulations
which are contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this Code.

ARTICLE 101. This Code shall take effect upon its promulgation.

Done in the City of Manila, this 31st day of December, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Six.

Published in the Official Gazette, Vol. 73 No. 18 Page 3554 on May 2, 1977.
2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o






(PD 1096)





October 2004

Prepared By


And Its

Published By

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o

Copyright 2008

2007 - 2012

This PRBoA Version was based on the April 2005 DPWH-published version of the 2004
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 National
Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)



This was first posted as a series of electronic files in February 2008 at the Latest Publications
section of the PRBoA website at


This volume may however be reprinted

or reproduced without the written permission of the
the 2007-2012 PRBoA as it is intended for public use and for general reference.

Electronically published by
The 2007-2012 PRBoA
PRC, City of Manila

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o


19 July 15



A. For those still seeking copies of P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 National Building Code of the
Philippines (NBCP, a law and a system unto itself, long considered the 2nd bible of
professional architectural practice on Philippine soil), and its Stream of Regulations (SoR
evolved over the last 42 years), not limited to its 2004 Revised implementing rules and
regulations (IRR), its Referral Code Sub-system (RCS), its Technical Reference Sub-system
(TRS), and its Derivative Regulation Sub-system (DRS), it may actually be more advisable to
seek out freely accessible ONLINE PUBLICATIONS FROM OFFICIAL SOURCES (and to
DOWNLOAD and PRINT THESE ON YOUR OWN), and NOT rely on privately published
hardcopy versions, which may contain deletions or additions ("dagdag-bawas" na text or
images), depending on the agenda of the hardcopy publishers. BUYERS OF NBCP
HARDCOPIES, BEWARE (caveat emptor)!!!


P.D. No. 1096, The 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP, a law and a
system unto itself), and its stream of regulations (SoR), not limited to its 2004 Revised (or
later) Implementing Rules and Regulations/ IRR, its latest Referral Code Subsystem (RCS),
its latest Technical Reference Subsystem (TRS) and its latest Derivative Regulation
Subsystem (DRS)

Very Important Note : Electronic copies of the OFFICIAL, ORIGINAL AND TRUE TEXT of P.D.
No. 1096 (1977 NBCP) and its 2004 Revised IRR can be found and readily downloaded from
these active PH Government links:

1. Official Gazette of the Philippines:

2. Supreme Court E-Library:

3. Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Website at (for

free downloads of official NBCP documents), particularly its References folder and its Laws,
Codes and Orders sub-folder for electronic copies of the NBCP (at link :
page 3 of 246
2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o and its
2004 Revised IRR (at link :

C. Other NBCP References :

1. Websites

a) NCCA-AAIF National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) : Illustrated Projects at; and

b) DPWH-AAIF National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) : Illustrated Project at

2. Dropbox Sites

a) NBCP 2004 Revised IRR 2015 Interpretations at;

b) NBCP-related Laws/ Regulations at;

c) 2015 DPWH Design Codes/ Guidelines at

3. YouTube Videos

a) NCCA-AAIF National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) : Illustrated Projects PHASE 2 (2019) :
Full development potential of a Low-Density Residential (R-1) Building/ Dwelling Structure (with Deck Roof
Level) as Set on a Minimum R-1 Lot at;

b) NCCA-AAIF National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) : Illustrated Projects PHASE 2 (2019) : full
development potential of a Medium-Density Residential (R-2) Building/ Dwelling Structure (with Deck Roof
Level) as Set on a Minimum R-2 Lot at

3. Senate Bill No. (SBN) 2087 - An Act to Ordain the New Building Code of the Philippines
filed 13 November 2018 by Senator Grace Poe (which seeks in part to update, strengthen,
and affirm the NBCP-related regulations evoved by the PH Government over the last 42
years, and to thereby assist in attaining a much better level of compliance with and
enforcement of said law), at link :!.pdf.

Thank You All.

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o


Presidential Decree 1096, popularly known as the National Building Code of the Philippines,
which was issued on February 19, 1977 has achieved the purpose of enforcing uniform standards and
requirements on building design, construction, use, occupancy and maintenance in line with the policy of
the state to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare.

The original rules and regulations of the Code were issued on various dates in 1977-1979
through Memorandum Orders by the defunct Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and
Communications. These rules and regulations were then compiled by the then Ministry of Public Works,
now the Department of Public Works and Highways. This compilation was subsequently approved as the
“Implementing Rules and Regulations” (IRR) of the Code.

The need to update and amplify various provisions of the existing IRR has become imperative to
be realistic and relevant in the present times as demanded by technological changes in building design
and construction, rapid urbanization, development of mega cities characterized by high-rise
buildings/structures and the relevant requirements of related laws and other government agencies.

This revised IRR includes additional provisions so that each of the Chapters of PD 1096 now has
its corresponding rules and regulations. For the purpose of clarity, continuity and homogeneity, the rules
and regulations are rearranged following the same sequence and numbering as those of the Chapters
and Sections of the Code. Included also in this publication are Permit Forms relevant in the
implementation and enforcement of PD 1096.

The realization of this revised IRR is made possible through the efforts of the National Building
Code Review Committee and its Board of Consultants and the National Building Code Development
Office of the Department of Public Works and Highways.

It is hoped that this publication will contribute to a uniform and clearer interpretation and
understanding of the Code for its effective enforcement.

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o

Our profound gratitude to all the representatives of the accredited technical professional
organizations and other agencies of the government who shared their expertise, materials, time and effort
in realization of the revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of PD 1096 otherwise known as the
National Building Code of the Philippines. Likewise, our sincere appreciation to all those responsible for
drafting this revised IRR, we commend our esteem and deference in recognition of their contribution,
particularly to the following:


Assistant Secretary


Director IV, Bureau of Research Director IV, PMO-Special Buildings
and Standards


OIC, Director IV, Bureau of Design Director III, Bureau of Construction


OIC, Director III, Legal Service Architect V, Bureau of Design




Oversight Committee
Archt. Armando D. N. Alli Engr. Alberto J. Azarcon, Jr.
Archt. Lorenzo P. Espeleta Col. Rafael E. Rueda, Jr.
Engr. Agustin S. Torres Atty. Teresita G. Vidamo
Engr. Julius F. Villanueva Archt. Elmor V. Vita
BOC Members:
Archt. Ramon L. Abiera Archt. Francisco Mapalo, Jr.
Engr. Romulo R. Agatep Engr. Joel J. Marciano
Engr. Porthos P. Almajose Engr. Edward L. Mendoza
Engr. Antonio A. Avila Engr. Emilio M. Morales
Engr. Fe. M. Barrientos Ms. Belen S. Morey
Engr. Ernesto J. Battad, Jr Ms. Delia R. Pabalan
Engr. Rodolfo N. Ferrer Dr. Benito M. Pacheco
Archt. Eugene G. Gan Archt. Aquiles Paredes
Ms. Patricia M. Gomez Dr. Raymundo S. Punongbayan
Atty. Merceditas N. Gutierrez Engr. Laurentino R. Punzalan
Engr. Antonio Janubas Dr. Arthur Saldivar-Sali
Engr. Antonio E. Kaimo Engr. Eluderio S. Salvo
Engr. Antonio Jerome Lara Archt. Fernando L. Santos
Archt. Prosperidad C. Luis Archt. Michael V. Tomeldan
Comm. Roque Magno Engr. Pablo M. Magpily, Jr.

Technical Staff and Secretariat:

Asst. Director Judy F. Sese, Archt. Mariano C. del Castillo, Engr. Teodoro S. Landicho, Archt. Alpha F.
Azarcon, Archt. Ellison M. de Guzman, Marilyn A. Oba, , Miriam O. Santos, Yolanda L. Gallardo, Emelita
Jorge, Gregoria R. Flores, Ma. Dioscora L. Salomon, Evangeline P. Cruz, Milagros B. Perez, and Maria L.
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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o

Foreword…………………………………………………………………….... iii
Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………….. iv



101 Title ………………………………………………….………………….….….. 1

102 Declaration of Policy………………………………………………….……….. 1
103 Scope and Application……………….……………………………….………. 1
104 General Building Requirements………………………………………..…….. 1
105 Site Requirements…………………………………………………………….. 2
106 Definitions…………………………………………………….…………..…….. 2-3


201 Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement………………….……… 4

202 Technical Staff………………………………………….……………….……... 4
203 General Powers and Functions of the Secretary………………………….… 4
204 Professional and Technical Assistance..……………………………..…….… 4-5
205 Building Officials………………………………………….…………….……..… 5
206 Qualifications of Building Officials…………………………………….……..… 5
207 Duties of the Building Official…………………………………………..…….… 5-7
208 Fees…………………………………………………….……………………..... 7
209 Exemption…………………………………………………………………….….. 7
210 Use of Income from Fees………………………………….……………....….. 7 - 12
211 Implementing Rules and Regulations……………………………………...... 12
212 Administrative Fines……………………………………….………………... 12 - 14
213 Penal Provisions……………….…………………………………………..…. 14
214 Dangerous and Ruinous Buildings or Structures…………….………….…. 14
215 Abatement of Dangerous Buildings………………………………………....… 14 - 16
216 Other Remedies……………………………………………….………………. 17
Procedure for Abatement/Demolition
of Dangerous/Ruinous Buildings/Structures……………………………. 17 - 18


301 Building Permits………………………………………………………………... 19 - 20

302 Application for Permits………………………………………………………..… 20 - 27
303 Processing of Building Permits………………………….………………....…. 27 - 30
304 Issuance of Building Permits....………………………….…………….…….… 31 - 32
305 Validity of Building Permits………………………………………………...….. 32
306 Non-issuance, Suspension or Revocation of Building Permits………..…… 32 - 33
307 Appeal………………………………………………………………………….... 33
308 Inspection and Supervision of Work……………………………………..….. 34
309 Certificate of Occupancy……………………………………….…………..… 34


401 Types of Construction……………………………………………………..…... 35

402 Changes in Types…..…………………………………..…….…………….…. 35
403 Requirements on Type of Construction…………………………….………... 35 - 36
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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o

501 Fire Zones Defined…………………………………………….…….………….. 37

502 Buildings Located in More than One Fire Zone………………………....…. 37
503 Moved Buildings.………………………………………………………………. 37
504 Temporary Buildings/Structures…………………….…….…………………... 37
505 Center Lines of Streets……………………………………….……………..….. 37
506 Restrictions on Existing Buildings…………………………………………..... 37 – 38
507 Designation of Fire Zones…………………………………………………….. 38



601 Fire-Resistive Rating Defined……………………………………………….. 39

602 Fire-Resistive Time Period Rating…………………………………………..… 39
603 Fire-Resistive Standards……………………………………………………..… 39
604 Fire-Resistive Regulations………………………………………………….…. 39



701 Occupancy Classified……………………………………….…………….…… 40 - 65

702 Change in Use………………………………………………….…………….…. 66
703 Mixed Occupancy……………………………………….….…………………... 66 - 67
704 Location on Property………………………………………….……………….... 67 - 69
705 Allowable Floor Areas…………………………………………………………. 69 - 73
706 Allowable Floor Area Increases..………………………….………………….. 74
707 Maximum Height of Buildings……………………………….……………….. 74 - 96
708 Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings………….………………... 96 - 98
709 Requirements for Other Group Occupancies…………….………………..… 98
Guidelines on Building Bulk, Development Control,
Buildings & Other Accessory Structures Within
Cemeteries and Memorial Parks………………………………………... 99 - 107


801 General Requirements of Light and Ventilation…………………………….. 108

802 Measurement of Site Occupancy……………………….…………….…….… 108
803 Percentage of Site Occupancy…………………………………………………108 - 114
804 Size and Dimensions of Courts……………………………………………..….115 - 120
805 Ceiling Heights………………………………………………………………… 121
806 Sizes and Dimensions of Rooms……………………………………………… 121
807 Air Space Requirements in Determining the Size of Rooms……………..... 121
808 Windows Openings………………………………………….………………... 121 - 122
809 Vent Shafts……………………………………………………………………..... 122
810 Ventilation Skylights…………………………………………………………..… 122
811 Artificial Ventilation……………………………………………………………....122 - 123
Guidelines on Easements, View Corridors/Sight Lines,
Streets/Road Right-of-Way (RROW), Sidewalks,
Arcades, Basements, Lots, and Public Buildings/Structures……….….124 - 151


901 General Requirements………………………………….…………………….. 152

902 Water Supply System.…………………….………………………………….... 152
903 Wastewater Disposal System……….………………….…….…………….…. 152
904 Storm Drainage System.………………………….………………………….... 152
905 Pest and Vermin Control.……………………………….…….…………….….. 153

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o
906 Noise Pollution Control………………………………………………………..... 153
907 Pipes Materials…………………………………….……….…………………... 153



1001 General Requirements………………………………….….………………..…. 154

1002 Projection into Alleys or Streets…………………………….………………... 154
1003 Projection of Balconies and Appendages Over Streets……………………. 154
1004 Arcades……………………………………………………….…………………. 155
1005 Canopies (Marquees)………………………………………………………..…. 156
1006 Movable Awnings or Hoods………………………………………………….... 156
1007 Doors, Windows, and the Like…………………………….………………….. 156
1008 Corner Buildings with Chaflans………………………….…………………....156 - 157



1101 General Requirements………………………………………………………... 158

1102 Storage in Public Property…………………………………….……….…….. 158
1103 Mixing Mortar on Public Property……………………………………………. 158
1104 Protection of Utilities………………………………………………………….… 158
1105 Walkway…………………………….……………………….…………..…….. 158 - 159
1106 Pedestrian Protection………………………………….………….…………….159 - 164
1107 Maintenance and Removal of Protective Devices………………………..….164 - 170
1108 Demolition..………………………………………………….…………...…….. 170 - 175



1201 General Requirements……………………………………………………….… 176

1202 Excavation, Foundation, and Retaining Walls……….……………………....176 - 178
1203 Veneer………………………………………………………….……………….... 178 - 179
1204 Enclosure of Vertical Openings……………………………………………… 179
1205 Floor Construction……………………………………………..…………….... 180
1206 Roof Construction and Covering………………………….…………………..180 - 181
1207 Stairs, Exits, and Occupant Loads…………………………….…………….. 181 - 192
1208 Skylights……………………………………………………………………….…192 - 193
1209 Bays, Porches, and Balconies………………………….…………………..…. 193
1210 Penthouses and Roof Structures………………………………………….... 193 - 194
1211 Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Barbecues………………….……………………194 - 197
1212 Fire-Extinguishing Systems…………………………………………………... 197 - 200
1213 Stages and Platform…………………………………………..………………...200 - 201
1214 Motion Picture Projection Rooms……………………….……………………..201 - 202
1215 Lathing, Plastering, and Installation of Wall Boards………..…….…….…... 202



1301 Electrical Regulations……………………………………….……………….….203 - 208

1302 Mechanical Regulations…………………………………….……………….....208 - 213


1401 Storage and Handling……………………………………….………………….. 214

1402 Classes of Film Exempted…………………………………..…………….….... 214
1403 Fire Extinguishing System………………………………….……………….... 214
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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o

1501 Prefabricated Assembly………………………………………………..…….. 215


1601 Approved Plastics….………………………………………………………….. 216

1602 Installation….……………………………………….….……….……………..… 216
1603 Glazing of Openings…..……………………………….……………………..… 216
1604 Skylights…..…………………………………………….……………………... 216 - 217
1605 Light-Transmitting Panels in Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs……………….. 217
1606 Plastic Light Diffusers in Ceilings………………………….………………..…217 - 218
1607 Partitions….……………………………………………………………………... 218
1608 Exterior Veneer….……………………………………….…………………….... 218
1609 Awnings and Canopies….……………………………….…………………….. 218


1701 Sheet Metal Paint Spray Booth…………………………………………….... 219

1702 Fire Protection….………………………………………….…………………….. 219
1703 Light….……………………………………………………….………………… 219
1704 Ventilation….………………………………………….………………………....219 - 220


1801 General Requirements….……………………………….……………………… 221

1802 Area Limitation….……………………………….………….…………….….... 221
1803 Glazing….…………………………………………..……….………………….... 221
1804 Louvered Windows….…………………………………….……………….... 222
1805 Impact….…………………………………………………….……………….... 222


1901 General Rule……..…………………………………………………………....... 223

1902 Program Documentation………………………………….………………….... 223
1903 Submission of Computer-Generated Computations………………………… 223


2001 General Requirements……………………………………….……………….... 224

2002 Maintenance………………………………………………….………………... 224
2003 Design and Construction………………………………….………………….... 224
2004 Supports and Anchorages………………………………….……………….….224 - 225
2005 Projections and Clearances……………………………………………….… 225 - 226
2006 Lighting…………………………………………………………..……………..… 226 - 228


2101 Separability Clause………………………………….…..…….……………… 229

2102 Repealing and Amending Clause……………………….…………………….. 229
2103 Effectivity…….……………………………………………..…………………....…. 229

GLOSSARY………………………………………………………………….…..230 - 242

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o

II.1 Office of the Building Official Organization…………………………………… 6
II.2 Communication Flow of Quarterly Report…………………………………… 8
III.1 Standard Form (Type A0, A1, A2 and A3) for Building Plans /
Construction Drawings …………………………………………….……. 22
III.2 Model Title Block for Building Plans/Construction Drawings ……………… 22
III.3 Processing of Application of Building Permit Flow Chart……………… 29
III.4 Standard Signboard……………… 33
III.5 Required Standard Signboard……………… 33
VII.1 Height of Building/ Structure………………………………………………… 76
VII.2 Height of Building/ Structure………………………………………………… 76
VII.3 Height of Building/ Structure………………………………………………… 76
VII.4 Approach/ Departure Surface ………………………………………………… 79
VII.5 Approach/ Departure Surface ………………………………………………… 79
VII.6 Approach/ Departure Surface ………………………………………………… 79
VII.7 Approach/Departure Surface………………………………………………… 80
VII.8 Allowable Conditions (Buildable) Within
Approach - Departure Zones ……… 81
VII.9 Required Distance of Ingress/Egress of Vehicles for a Commercial Lot
Near Major Intersections ………………………………………………… 92
VII.G.1. Angles from Centerline That Determine the OFB and OLBP of R-1
Buildings/Structures (With and without Projections) Along A 14.00m
RROW………………………………………………… 104
VII.G.2. Establishing the Outmost Faces of Building (OFB) for a Typical R-1
use/occupancy Through the use of the AMBF, the BHL, the AMVB and
the Angular Plane Along the RROW (14.00m Wide RROW)……… 105
VIII.1 Public RROW or Access 112
VIII.2 Lot Types………………………………………………… 113
VIII.3 Lot Types ………………………………………………… 113
VIII.4 Lot Types ………………………………………………… 113
VIII.5 Lot Types ………………………………………………… 113
VIII.6 Lot Types ………………………………………………… 113
VIII.7 Lot Types ………………………………………………… 113
VIII.8 Lot Types ………………………………………………… 113
VIII.9. Lot Types………………………………………………… 114
VIII.10. Lot Types………………………………………………… 114
VIII.11. Lot Types………………………………………………… 114
VIII.12. Required Open Space Locations …………………………………………… 116
VIII.13. Required Open Space Locations …………………………………………… 116
VIII.14. Required Open Space Locations …………………………………………… 116
VIII.15 Required Open Space Locations …………………………………………… 116
VIII.16 Open Court/Yard ………………………………………………… 118
VIII.17 Open Court/Yard ………………………………………………… 118
VIII.18. Open Court/Yard ………………………………………………… 118
VIII.19. Open Court/Yard ………………………………………………… 118
VIII.20. Rear or Side Incremental Setback and OFB of C-3
Buildings/Structures………………………………………………… 119
VIII.21. Abutments (Firewalls) on the Side & Rear Property lines………………… 120
VIII.G.1. Esplanade Development for Easements of at Least 9.00m Wide ………… 125
VIII.G.2. Promenade Development within a Minimum Easement
for Urban Areas ………………………………………………… 126
VIII.G.3. Minimum Easement at Urban Areas ………………………………………… 126
VIII.G.4. Unobstructed View Corridors/Sight Lines …………………………………… 128
VIII.G.5. …………………………………… 132
VIII.G.6. …………………………………… 132
VIII.G.7. Cul-De-Sac…………………………………………….… 133

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VIII.G.8. Turn Court…………………………………………….… 133
VIII.G.9 Turn Court ……………………………………………… 133
VIII.G.10 ……………………………… 133
VIII.G.11. Possible Road Right-Of-Way (RROW) Section (30.00m)……………… 134
VIII.G.12. Levels of the Road Right-Of-Way (RROW) At a RROW of 15.00m
Only…………………………………………………… 135
VIII.G.13. Angle From RROW Centerline that Determine the Incremental
Setback and OFB of C-3 Buildings/Structures Along a 14.00m
RROW………………………………………………… 136
VIII.G.14. Sidewalks and Planting Strips………………………………………………… 139
VIII.G.15. Sidewalks and Planting Strips ………………………………………………… 139
VIII.G.16. Sidewalks and Planting Strips ………………………………………………… 140
VIII.G.17. Grade of Sidewalks ………………………………………………… 140
VIII.G.18. Grade of Sidewalks ………………………………………………… 140
VIII.G.19. Front Elevation of Driveway………………………………………………… 142
VIII.G.20. Side Elevation of Driveway ……… 142
VIII.G.21. Cross Section of Driveway ………………………………………………… 142
VIII.G.22. Driveways Across Sidewalks………………………………………………… 142
VIII.G.23. Maximum Basement Configuration And Minimum Natural Ventilation
Provisions for Basement Construction……… 149
X.1. Arcades………………………………………………… 155
X.2. Arcades ………………………………………………… 155
X.3. Chaflans ………………………………………………… 157
X.4. Chaflans ………………………………………………… 157
XI.1. Protection of Pedestrians, Nearby Residents and the Public During
Construction and Demolition ………………………………………………… 161
XI.2. Protection of Pedestrians, Nearby Residents and the Public During
Construction and Demolition ………………………………………………… 161
XI.3. Protection of Pedestrians, Nearby Residents and the Public During
Construction and Demolition ………………………………………………… 162
XI.4. Protection of Pedestrians, Nearby Residents and the Public During
Construction and Demolition ………………………………………………… 162
XI.5. Protection of Pedestrians, Nearby Residents and the Public During
Construction and Demolition ………………………………………………… 162
XI.6. Protection of Pedestrians, Nearby Residents and the Public During
Construction and Demolition ………………………………………………… 163
XI.7. Protection of Pedestrians, Nearby Residents and the Public During
Construction and Demolition ………………………………………………… 163
XIII.1. Clearance Diagram for Building …………………………………………… 206
XX.1. Ground Sign…………………………………… 226
XX.2. Projecting Signs Front Elevation 227
XX.3. Projecting Signs………………………………………….…… 227
XX.4. Projecting Signs ……………………………………………… 228

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VI.1. Assembly Material and Minimum Thickness for Fire Resistance………… 39
VII.1. Schedule of Principal, Accessory and Conditional Use/Occupancy of 43 - 65
Building/Structure ………………
VII.1. Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) Based on the
Allowed Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) of the Total Lot Area 70 - 73
VII.2. Building Height Limit (BHL) by Type of Use or Occupancy……………… 74 - 75
VII.3. Dimensions of Isosceles Trapezoid……………… 78
VII.4. Minimum Required Off-Street (Off-RROW) cum On-Site Parking Slot,
Parking Area and Loading/Unloading Space Requirements by
Allowed Use or Occupancy ………………………………………………… 82 - 94
VII.5. Dimensions of Wooden Posts or Suportales ………………………………… 97
VII.6. Reference Table of Floor to Lot Area Ratio (FLAR)
Designations/Rights ………………………………………………… 99
VII.G.2. Conversion Table of Gross Floor Area (GFA) to Total Gross Floor
Area (TGFA)………………………………………………… 100
VII.G.3. Reference Table of Angles/Slopes* To Satisfy Natural Light and
Ventilation Requirements Along RROW and Front Yards …………………100 - 101
VIII.1. Reference Table of Maximum Allowable PSO, Maximum Allowable ISA,
the MACA, the Minimum USA and the TOSL by Type of Land Use
Zoning per Lot……………………………………………………………………109 - 110
VIII.2. Minimum Setbacks for Residential Buildings/Structures …………………… 115
VIII.3. Setbacks for Commercial*, Industrial, Institutional and Recreational
Building…………………………………………………………………… 115
VIII.4. Minimum Requirements for Air Changes …………………………………… 123
VIII.G.1. Easement* Along Water Bodies/Way by Location ………………………… 124
VIII.G.2. Suggested Median and Lane Widths Within
Alleys/Roadways/Carriageways by Minimum RROW Width and by
Suggested Vehicle Speeds…………………………………………………… 130
VIII.G.3. Minimum Road Right-of-Way (RROW) Provisions for Developments with
Multiple Dwelling Units ………………………………………………… 131
VIII.G.4. Range of Required Sidewalk and Planting Strip Widths (total at both
sides of RROW) by RROW Width……………………………………… 137
VIII.G.5. Minimum Planting Strip Widths by RROW Width…………………………… 138
VIII.G.6. Minimum TOSL Requirements by Lot Type/Location………………………143 - 147
X.1. Projection of Balconies and Appendages …………………………………… 154
XII.1. General Requirements for Occupant Loads and Exits*…………………… 182
XIII.1. Clearance of Wires, Conductors, Cables and Unguarded Rigid
Energized Parts Adjacent but not Attached to Buildings and Other
Installations Except Bridges ……………………………………………… 205

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IN THESE 2004 REVISED IRR OF P.D. No. 1096 (1977 NBCP)

A - agricultural use
AI - agro-industrial use
ACCU - air-conditioning condensing unit
AMBF - allowable maximum building footprint
AMVB - allowable maximum volume of building
BHL - building height limit
BP - Batas Pambansa
C-1 - commercial 1 (light commercial use)
C-2 - commercial 2 (medium commercial use)
C-3 - commercial 3 (metropolitan commercial use)
CA - Court of Appeals
CAAP - Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
CE - civil engineer
CLUP - comprehensive land use plan
CUL - cultural use
DC - development control
DPWH - Department of Public Works and Highways
FLAR - floor area ratio, same as FLAR
FLAR - floor to lot area ratio, same as FAR
GFA - gross floor area
GI - general institutional use
I-1 - industrial 1 (light industrial use)
I-2 - industrial 2 (medium industrial use)
ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
IRR - implementing rules and regulations
ISA - impervious surface area
LBO - Local Building Official
LGU - local government unit
MACA - maximum allowable construction area
NBCP - National Building Code of the Philippines
NBO - National Building Official, currently the DPWH Secretary
NPCP - National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
NSCP - National Structural Code of the Philippines
OLBP - outermost limit of building projection
OBO - Office of the Building Official
OFB - outermost face of building
PD - Presidential Decree
PH - Philippines
PL - property line
PRE - park structures, recreation and entertainment
PRL - professional regulatory law
PSO - percentage of site occupancy
ROW - right-of-way
RROW - road right-of-way
PUD - planned unit development
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R-1 - residential 1 [low density residential use; single-detached dwelling (with no firewall)]
R-2 - residential 2 [medium density residential use; single-attached (with 1 side firewall) or duplex (with
common firewall]
R-3 - residential 3 [high density residential use; row-house dwelling (with 2 side firewalls)]
R-4 - residential 4 [medium to high density residential use; townhouse dwelling (with 2 side firewalls)]
R-5 - residential 3 [very high density residential use; condominium dwelling (with no firewalls)]
RA - Republic Act
SPE - special use
SRA - Standards and Recommended Practices
TGFA - total gross floor area
TLA - total lot area
TOSL - total open space within lot
USA - unpaved surface area
UTS - utilities, transportation and services
ZO - zoning ordinance

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Pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) under Chapter 2 of the National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096), the
following Rules and Regulations are hereby promulgated and issued:

Annotation: The 2004 Revised IRR text and graphics are as originally published by the DPWH on April 1, 8 and 15,
2005 in The Manila Standard Today, with supplied emphases, underscoring and annotations.


SECTION 101. Title

These Rules shall be known and cited as the “Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of
the National Building Code of the Philippines (P.D. 1096)” and shall be referred to as the “IRR”.

SECTION 102. Declaration of Policy

It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to safeguard life, health, property, and public
welfare, consistent with the principles of sound environmental management and control; and to this
end, make it the purpose of the Code to provide for all buildings and structures, a framework of
minimum standards and requirements to regulate and control their location, site, design, quality of
materials, construction, use, occupancy, and maintenance.

SECTION 103. Scope and Application

1. The scope of this IRR shall cover the following disciplines: architectural, civil/structural, electrical,
mechanical, sanitary, plumbing, and electronics. This shall also apply to the design, location, siting,
construction, alteration, repair, conversion, use, occupancy, maintenance, moving, demolition of, and
addition to public and private buildings and structures, except traditional indigenous family dwellings,
and those covered by Batas Pambansa Bilang 220 otherwise known as the “Economic and Socialized
Housing Projects”.

2. Existing buildings or structures without appropriate building permits/certificates of occupancy may be

legalized and issued the necessary permits and certificates, provided, they are made to conform to
these rules and regulations. However, they shall be subject to the imposition of penalties,
surcharges, fines and other appropriate measures.

3. The applicable and consistent provisions of the allied professional codes and other government
agency codes as approved by the DPWH Secretary shall serve as the referral codes of PD 1096 and
this IRR.

SECTION 104. General Building Requirements

1. All buildings or structures as well as accessory facilities thereto shall conform in all respects to the
principles of safe construction and must be suited to the purpose for which they are designed.

2. Buildings or structures intended to be used for the manufacture and/or production of any kind of
article or product shall observe adequate environmental safeguards.

3. Buildings or structures and all parts thereof as well as all facilities found therein shall be maintained in
safe, sanitary and good working condition.

SECTION 105. Site Requirements

The land or site upon which will be constructed any building or structure, or any ancillary or auxiliary
facility thereto, shall be sanitary, hygienic or safe. In case of sites or buildings intended for use as human
habitation or abode, the same shall be at a safe distance, as determined by competent authorities, from
streams or bodies of water and/or sources of air considered to be polluted; from a volcano or volcanic site
and/or any other building considered to be a potential source of fire or explosion.
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SECTION 106. Definitions

1. For purposes of this IRR, the following definitions shall apply:

ADDITION – Any new construction which increases the height and/or floor area of existing

AGENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT – Refers to any of the various units of the government including a
department, bureau, office, instrumentality, or government owned or controlled corporation.

ALTERATION – Works in buildings/structures involving changes in the materials used, partitioning,

location/size of openings, structural parts, existing utilities and equipment but does not increase the
building height and/or floor area.

APPLICATION FORMS – A preformatted prescribed application form duly accomplished and notarized
by the respective design professional with validation matrices related to other building rules and

APPLICANT/PERMITTEE – Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, head of government or private

institution, organization of any character applying for the issuance of permits and certificates.

BUILDING OFFICAL – the Executive Officer of the OBO appointed by the Secretary.

BUILDING PERMIT – A document issued by the Building Official (BO) to an owner/applicant to proceed
with the construction, installation, addition, alteration, renovation, conversion, repair, moving, demolition
or other work activity of a specific project/building/structure or portions thereof after the accompanying
principal plans, specifications and other pertinent documents with the duly notarized application are found
satisfactory and substantially conforming with the National Building Code of the Philippines (the Code)
and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

CODE – PD 1096, otherwise known as the National Building Code of the Philippines.

CONSTRUCTION – All on-site work done in the site preparation, excavation, foundation, assembly of all
the components and installation of utilities, machineries and equipment of buildings/structures.

CONVERSION – A change in the use or occupancy of buildings/structures or any portion/s thereof, which
has different requirements.

DEMOLITION – The systematic dismantling or destruction of a building/structure, in whole or in part.

DEPARTMENT – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – The Executive Officer or Head of the NBCDO.

MOVING – The transfer of buildings/structures or portion/s thereof from original location or position to
another, either within the same lot or to a different one.

OFFICE OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL (OBO) – The Office authorized to enforce the provisions of the
Code and its IRR in the field as well as the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant thereto.

REFERRAL CODES – The applicable provisions of the various agency and technical professional codes
that are supplementary to the Code.

RENOVATION – Any physical change made on buildings/structures to increase the value, quality,
and/or to improve the aesthetic.

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REPAIR – Remedial work done on any damaged or deteriorated portion/s of building/structure to restore
to its original condition.

SECRETARY – Head or Chief Executive Officer of DPWH.

STAFF – The personnel of the National Building Code Development Office (NBCDO).

2. As used in this IRR, other words, terms and phrases enumerated in the Glossary hereof shall have
the meaning or definition correspondingly provided therein.

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SECTION 201. Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement

The administration and enforcement of the provisions of the Code and this IRR, including the
imposition of penalties for administrative violations thereof, is hereby vested in the Secretary.

SECTION 202. Technical Staff

The National Building Code Development Office (NBCDO) created through DPWH Department Order,
shall serve as the technical staff of the Secretary. The functions thereof are as follows:

1. Assist the Secretary in the administration and enforcement of the provisions of the Code and its IRR.

2. Review, evaluate and take final action on various technical and legal problems forwarded to the
Office of the Secretary.

3. Conduct seminar/workshops on the Code, its IRR, and Batas Pambansa Blg. 344 (Accessibility Law).

4. Undertake such other duties and tasks as may be assigned by the Secretary from time to time.

SECTION 203. General Powers and Functions of the Secretary

1. Formulate policies, plans, standards and guidelines on building design, construction, use, occupancy
and maintenance, in accordance with the Code.

2. Issue and promulgate additional rules and regulations in the form of Memorandum Circulars to
implement the provisions of the Code and ensure compliance with policies, plans, standards and
guidelines and issue office guidelines or Memorandum Circulars to guide the actions of the Building
Official in the performance of his duties and responsibilities.

3. Exercise appellate jurisdiction over the decisions and orders of the Building Official. The order or
decision of the Secretary shall be final and executory subject only to review by the Office of the
President of the Republic.

4. Evaluate, review, approve and/or take final action on changes and/or amendments to existing
Referral Codes as well as on the incorporation of other referral codes, which are not yet expressly
made supplementary to the Code and its IRR.

5. Prescribe and impose the amount of fees and other charges as may be deemed necessary that the
Building Official shall collect in connection with the performance of regulatory functions.

6. Appoint a Building Official, separate and distinct from the Office of the City/Municipal Engineers in all
Cities and Municipalities.

Annotation: Many Building Officials appointed by the DPWH Secretary simultaneously hold the office of
City/Municipal Engineer, a position created under R.A. No. 7160, The Local Government Code. This situation has
resulted in only one (1) individual overseeing both the horizontal and vertical developments for local government
units (LGUs). Section 35 of the R.A. No. 9266, The Architecture Act of 2004 provides that positions in government
requiring the expertise of architects shall only be filled by registered and licensed architects (RLAs). R.A. No. 9266
also expressly provides that all national and local government officials, such as Building Officials and Municipal/City
Engineers shall implement the said law.

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SECTION 204. Professional and Technical Assistance

The Secretary may secure professional, technical, scientific and other services including testing
laboratories and facilities from other agencies of the National Government when deemed necessary. He
may also engage and compensate within available appropriations, such number of consultants, experts
and advisers on full or part-time basis, as may be necessary, coming from the government or private
business, entities or associations to carry out the provisions of the Code and this IRR.

SECTION 205. Building Officials

Except as otherwise provided herein, the Building Official shall be responsible for carrying out the
provisions of the Code in the field as well as the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant

All Building Officials appointed or designated other than by the Secretary, shall continue to act as the
Building Official until such time that the Secretary appoints the Building Official. Offices of the Building
Officials already established, separate and distinct from the office of the City/Municipal Engineers in cities
and municipalities may continue to exist until such time that a regular office is created. (Fig. II.1.)

SECTION 206. Qualifications of Building Officials

No person shall be appointed as Building Official unless he possesses the following qualifications:

1. A Filipino citizen and of good moral character.

2. A duly registered architect or civil engineer.

3. A member of good standing of a duly accredited organization of his profession for not less than five
(5) years endorsed or recommended by the accredited professional organization.

4. Has at least five (5) years of diversified and professional experience in building design and

5. Has attended and successfully completed a seminar workshop on PD 1096 and its IRR conducted by
the DPWH.

SECTION 207. Duties of the Building Official

The Building Official shall have the following duties:

1. Be primarily responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of the Code and its IRR, as well as
circulars, memoranda, opinions and decisions/orders issued pursuant thereto. His actions shall
always be guided by appropriate orders/directives from the Secretary.

2. Have overall administrative control and/or supervision over all works pertinent to buildings/structures
in his area of responsibility and shall be charged with the processing of all permit applications and
certificates as well as the issuance of the same.

3. Ensure that all changes, modifications, and alterations in the design plans during the construction
phase shall not start until the modified design plan has been evaluated and the necessary
amendatory permit issued.

4. Undertake annual inspections of all buildings/structures and keep an up-to-date record of their status.

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Figure II.1.
Anotation: The Architectural/Accessibility Section for both workflows i.e. processing and evaluation and inspection
and enforcement, is a requirement under these Revised IRR. The review of architectural plans, designs, drawings,
specifications, estimates and contract documents submitted as part of a building permit application should only be
undertaken by a registered and licensed architect (RLA) in full accordance with Sec. 35 of R.A. No. 9266.
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5. Upon complaint or motu propio and after due notice/s and hearing, initiate action towards:

a. Non-issuance, suspension, revocation and/or invalidation of a building permit or certificate of


b. Issuance of work stoppage order, or an order for discontinuance of the use or occupancy of the
building/structure or portion thereof;

c. Declaration of a building/structure as ruinous or dangerous; and/or

d. The imposition of appropriate fines/penalties.

6. Submit a quarterly situational report to the Secretary through the NBCDO, on the status of all existing,
on-going, and proposed public as well as private building/structure activities. (See Communication
Flow Chart, Fig. II.2.)

7. Undertake such other duties and tasks as may be assigned by the Secretary from time to time.

SECTION 208. Fees

1. The Secretary, thru Memorandum Circulars, shall prescribe the rates of fees and formulate guidelines
in the imposition and collection of fees.

2. Subject to existing budgetary, accounting and auditing rules and regulations, the Building Official shall
retain not more than 20% of the income/collection derived from permit fees and other charges for the
operating expenses of his office. The remainder of 100% shall accrue to the general fund of the
respective city/municipality.

3. Every Building Official shall keep a permanent record and accurate account of all fees and other
charges fixed and authorized to be collected and received.

SECTION 209. Exemption

Public buildings and traditional indigenous family dwellings shall be exempt from payment of building
permit fees.
As used in the Code, the term “traditional indigenous family dwelling” means a dwelling intended for
the use and occupancy by the family of the owner only and constructed of native materials such as
bamboo, nipa, logs, or lumber, the total cost of which does not exceed fifteen thousand pesos (P

SECTION 210. Use of Income from Fees

The procedure for the proper reporting and recording of collections and disbursements of the funds of
the General Fund Special Account 151 of the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Public Works
and Highways (DPWH) is hereby prescribed.

1. Recording of Collections

a. Every Building Official shall keep a permanent record and accurate account of all fees and other
charges fixed and authorized to be collected by him.

b. The Order of Payment issued by the Building Official shall show the breakdown of the total
collections indicating the share of the local government concerned - 80% and the share of the
national government - 20%.

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Figure II.2.

Anotation: As with Figure II.1., the Architectural/Accessibility Section for both workflows i.e. processing and
evaluation and inspection and enforcement, is a requirement under these Revised IRR. Again, the review of
architectural plans, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates and contract documents submitted as part of a
building permit application should only be undertaken by a registered and licensed architect (RLA) in full accordance
with Sec. 35 of R.A. No. 9266.

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c. Every Building Official shall keep a separate record from the DPWH Central Office of all
allotments (Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) and Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA), or
Funding Checks), received by him out of budgeted amounts released by the Department of
Budget and Management (DBM). The funds shall cover all the necessary operating expenses of
the OBO, including the purchase of equipment, supplies and materials, traveling expenses,
obligation expenses and sheriffs’ fees and payment of other prior years’ obligations not
adequately funded, subject to existing budgetary and auditing rules and regulations.

d. He shall render the reports required under the Centralized Accounting System.

2. Disposition of Collections

a. The collection shall be made by the Local Treasurer, and the Official Receipt shall show the
breakdown of the total collections indicating the share of the local government concerned - 80%
and the share of the national government - 20%.

b. Subject to existing budgetary, accounting and auditing rules and regulations, the Local Treasurer
shall remit to the Bureau of the Treasury, the 20% of his collection. The remaining 80% shall be
deposited with the Authorized Government Depository Bank (AGDB) for the account of the Local
Government and shall accrue to the general funds of the City or Municipality concerned.

c. Pursuant to Sec. 21, Volume I of the New Government Accounting System (NGAS) Manual as
provided under COA Circular No. 2001-004 dated October 30, 2001, the Local Treasurer thru his
collecting officer or cashier shall deposit the 80% share of collections to the AGDB for the
account of the Local Government concerned. He shall remit the 20% of the collections to the
Bureau of the Treasury thru any AGDB branch nearest the locality to the credit of the Department
of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Office of the Secretary with Code No. B5702 and
Special Account No. 151.

d. Distribution of validated remittance advices and deposit slips of the 20% collections thru any
Authorized Government Depository Bank shall be in accordance with COA Circular 2001-004, to

Original - to be retained by the bank branch.

Duplicate - to be submitted by the Local Treasurer to the OBO.

Triplicate - to be retained by the bank branch for submission to the Provincial Treasury
Fiscal Examiner assigned to the province where the bank is located.

Quadruplicate - to be returned to the Local Treasurer for submission to the DPWH-Central

Office (CO) Chief Accountant with his monthly report of collections.

Quintuplicate - to be returned to the Local Treasurer for submission to the Field/Local Auditor.

e. The Local Treasurers and the Treasury Vault/Bank Auditor shall have the following

i. Local Treasurer. Since the distribution of copies of the validated remittance advices and
deposit slips for the Agency/Field Auditor of the Local Treasurers shall be undertaken by
the National/Treasury/Bank Branch thru its Treasury Vault Auditor/Bank Auditor, all Local
Treasurers shall indicate on the face of the remittance advice, the name and office address
of their respective Agency/Field Auditors to facilitate matters.
ii. Treasury Vault/Bank Auditor. Upon receipt of the validated remittance advices, the
Treasury Vault Auditor/Bank Auditor shall confirm and transmit said remittance advices
every end of the week to the corresponding agency/field auditor of the Local Treasurer
concerned. In cases where there is no bank auditor assigned in a particular locality,
confirmation shall be undertaken by the officer designated by the Head of the Bank branch.

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f. Reporting of Collections and Deposits

At the close of each business day, the collecting officers (Local Treasurers) shall accomplish the
Report of Collections and Deposits (RCD) in accordance with the NGAS Manual. The reports
shall be prepared by the Local Treasurer in five copies, distributed as follows after verification by
the field auditor:

Original - to the DPWH-CO Auditor (thru the DPWH-

CO Accountant for recording).

Duplicate (with duplicate official - to the Field/Local Auditor for final custody.
receipts and validated quintuplicate
remittance advices)

Triplicate (with validated quadruplicate - to the DPWH-CO Accountant (for posting

remittance advices) to the corresponding subsidiary ledgers).

Quadruplicate - to be retained by the Local Treasurer.

Quintuplicate - local office accounting file.

The Local Treasurer shall certify all the copies of the report and submit the first three (3) copies to
his Field Auditor within three (3) days after the end of the month for audit. The Field Auditor shall
verify the report, cross-check the remittances indicated therein against the quintuplicate copies of
remittance advices he receives/received from the Bank Auditor and indicate his certification
thereon and finally submits the original and triplicate copies thereof to the DPWH-CO Auditor thru
the DPWH-CO Chief Accountant within five (5) days from date of receipt from the Local

g. Crediting of Accounts of Local Treasurer

In the monthly report of collections, specifically at the back thereof, is a statement of account
current showing the accountability of the Local Treasurer. The DPWH-CO Chief Accountant shall
cross-check the validated quadruplicate remittance advices attached to the duplicate copy of the
monthly report of collections against the remittances made by the Local Treasurer with the
National Treasury or any of its authorized depository banks as appearing in the statement of
account current. After the crosschecking, and in the absence of any discrepancy, the DPWH-CO
Chief Accountant shall credit the account of the Local Treasurer even without the monthly
abstract of remittances from the National Treasury.

h. Safeguards

i. Upon receipt of the monthly abstract of remittances from the National Treasury, the
remittances appearing therein shall be counter checked by the DPWH-CO Chief
Accountant against the credits already given the collecting officers concerned and any
discrepancies discovered in the process shall be verified and adjusted immediately.

ii. In case of retirement or resignation by the Local Treasurers, their clearances shall be held
in abeyance until their remittances have been fully cleared by the National Treasury.
i. Centralized Accounting System

i. A centralized accounting system shall be maintained in the Office of the DPWH Secretary.
Said office shall set up and maintain a separate set of books of accounts to be used solely
for transactions pertaining to the implementation of the provisions of the National Building
Code and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

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ii. Upon receipt of the SARO and the corresponding NCA, the Office of the DPWH Secretary
shall in turn allocate the same together with the NCA or Funding Check to the Building
Officials, and at the same time obligate the allotment for the amount of expenditures.

iii. All deputized disbursing officers shall render the following reports:

Report of Checks Issued together with duplicate copies of checks issued for submission to
the Treasury Provincial Fiscal Examiner in the region.

Report of Checks Issued as required by the NGAS for entry in the Checks Disbursement
Journal by DPWH-CO Chief Accountant.

iv. The Department Chief Accountant shall adjust obligations quarterly to actual liquidations as

v. Deputized disbursing officers shall keep a record to control NCA/Funding Check separate
from other funds in his custody.

vi. Deputized disbursing officers shall prepare other statements or reports as may be required
from time to time by the proper authorities.

vii. The Deputized Disbursing Officer (DDO) shall render a monthly report of accountability for
checks issued during the month and the balance at the end of the month. Copies of said
report shall be distributed as follows :

Original - to the Treasury Provincial Fiscal Examiner

(Cash Operation Service)

Duplicate - to the DPWH-CO Chief Accountant

Triplicate - to the Auditor, DPWH-CO

Quadruplicate - Field Auditor

Quintuplicate - File of Disbursing Officer

viii. The deputized disbursing officer authorized to requisition blank Modified Disbursement
System (MDS) or Commercial checks shall prepare and submit requisition and issue
voucher, and the Invoice and Receipt of Accountable Forms which shall be distributed as

Original - Treasury Provincial Fiscal Examiner

Duplicate - Cash Operations Service, Bureau of the Treasury
Triplicate - COA Auditor of the DDO's Agency
Quadruplicate - Accounting Unit of DDO
Quintuplicate - DDO file
Sextuplicate - Office of the Provincial/City Auditor Concerned

j. Turnover of Accountability

i. In case of change, transfer, resignation or retirement from the service of the Building
Official, an inventory of all money and property accountabilities shall be taken jointly by the
outgoing and incoming Building Official and a receipt passed on the basis of such
inventory. Such inventory shall be certified as accurate by the said officers, witnessed by
the local auditor thereat.

ii. The preceding procedure shall also apply to a deputized disbursing officer other than the
Building Official with respect to money and property accountabilities in his custody.

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iii. Application for clearance of the Building Official and other deputized disbursing officers
shall be coursed to the Office of the DPWH Secretary, to check their unpaid obligations
with the OBO.

k. Other Provisions

i. Compensation of consultants, experts and advisers whose services were secured shall be
funded from the 20% income derived from the building permit fees and other charges.

ii. Any circular/s that may subsequently be issued by the proper authorities revoking or
amending provisions or certain portions of circular/s incorporated in the above rules and
regulations shall automatically revoke or amend such corresponding portions that are
inconsistent therewith.

SECTION 211. Implementing Rules and Regulations

In the implementation of the provisions of the Code and its IRR, the Secretary shall formulate
necessary rules and regulations and adopt design and construction standards and criteria for buildings
and other structures. Such standards, rules and regulations shall take effect after their publication once
a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation.

SECTION 212. Administrative Fines

1. Imposition of Administrative Fines

a. The Secretary or his duly authorized representative may prescribe and impose fines not
exceeding ten thousand pesos (P10, 000.00) in the following cases, subject to the terms and
procedures as hereunder provided:

i. Erecting, constructing, altering, repairing, moving, converting, installing or demolishing a

private or public building/structure if without building/demolition permit.

ii. Making any alteration, addition, conversion or repair in any building/structure/

appurtenances thereto constructed or installed before the adoption of the Code, whether
public or private, without a permit.

iii. Unauthorized change, modification or alteration during the construction in the duly
submitted plans and specifications on which the building permit is based.

iv. Non-compliance with the work stoppage order or notice and/or orders to effect necessary
correction in plans and specifications found defective.

v. Non-compliance with order to demolish building/structure declared to be nuisance, ruinous

or dangerous.

vi. Use or occupancy of a building/structure without Certificate of Occupancy/Use even if

constructed under a valid building permit.

vii. Change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building/structure or portion

thereof without the corresponding Certificate of Change of Use.

viii. Failure to post or display the certificate of occupancy/use/operation in a conspicuous place

on the premises of the building/structure/appurtenances.

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ix. Change in the type of construction of any building/structure without an amendatory permit.

b. In addition to the imposed penalty, the owner shall correct/remove his violations of the provisions
of the Code.

2. Determination of Amount of Fines

a. In the determination of the amount of fines to be imposed, violations shall be classified as follows:

i. Light Violations

(a) Failure to post Certificate of Occupancy/Use/Operation.

(b) Failure to post Building Permit construction information sign.

(c) Failure to provide or install appropriate safety measures for the protection of workers,
inspectors, visitors, immediate neighbors and pedestrians.

ii. Less Grave Violations

(a) Non-compliance with the work stoppage order for the alteration/addition/
conversion/repair without permit.

(b) Use or occupancy of building/structure without appropriate Certificate of


iii. Grave Violations

(a) Unauthorized change, modification or alteration during construction in the duly

submitted plans and specifications on which the building permit is based.

(b) Unauthorized change in type of construction from more fire-resistive to less fire-

(c) Non-compliance with order to abate or demolish.

(d) Non-compliance with work stoppage order for construction/demolition without permit.

(e) Change in the existing use or occupancy without Certificate of Change of


Excavations left open without any work being done in the site for more than one
hundred twenty (120) days.
b. Amount of Fines

The following amount of fines for violations of the Code and this IRR is hereby prescribed:
Light Violations - P 5,000.00
Less Grave Violations - P 8,000.00
Grave Violations - P 10,000.00
c. Penalty

i. Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding Sections, the Building Official is hereby
also authorized to impose a penalty or surcharge in the following cases in such amount and
in the manner as hereunder fixed and determined:

For constructing, installing, repairing, altering or causing any change in the occupancy/use
of any building/structure or part thereof or appurtenances thereto without any permit, there
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shall be imposed a surcharge of 100% of the building fees; Provided, that when the work in
the building/structure is started pending issuance of the Building Permit by the Building
Official, the amount of the surcharge shall be according to the following:

Excavation for
foundation………………………………… - 10% of the building permit fees

Construction of foundation (including pile

driving and laying of reinforcing
bars)………………………………………. - 25% of the building permit fees

Construction of superstructure up to 2.00

meters above established grade……….. - 50% of the building permit fees

Construction of superstructure above

2.00 meters……………………………….. - 100% of the building permit fees

3. For failure to pay the annual inspection fee within thirty (30) days from the prescribed date, a
surcharge of 25% of the inspection fee shall be imposed.

SECTION 213. Penal Provisions

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair,
move, improve, remove, convert, demolish, equip, use, occupy, or maintain any building or structure or
cause the same to be done contrary to or in violation of any provision of the Code.

Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of the Code and/or commit
any act hereby declared to be unlawful shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than
twenty thousand pesos or by imprisonment of not more than two years or by both such fine and
imprisonment; Provided, that in the case of a corporation firm, partnership or association, the penalty
shall be imposed upon its officials responsible for such violation and in case the guilty party is an alien, he
shall immediately be deported after payment of the fine and/or service of his sentence.

SECTION 214. Dangerous and Ruinous Buildings or Structures

Dangerous buildings are those which are herein declared as such or are structurally unsafe or not
provided with safe egress, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life, or
which in relation to existing use, constitute a hazard to safety or health or public welfare because of
inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, or abandonment; or which otherwise contribute to
the pollution of the site or the community to an intolerable degree.

SECTION 215. Abatement of Dangerous Buildings

When any building or structure is found or declared to be dangerous or ruinous, the Building
Official shall order its repair, vacation or demolition depending upon the degree of danger to life, health,
or safety. This is without prejudice to further action that may be taken under the provisions of Articles 482
and 694 to 707 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. The condition or defects that render any
building/structure dangerous or ruinous are as follows: (See Procedure for Abatement/Demolition of
Dangerous/Ruinous Buildings/Structures at the end of this Rule)

1. Structural Hazards

a. Whenever any building/structure or portion thereof has been damaged by fire, earthquake, wind,
flood, or by any other cause to such an extent that the structural strength or stability thereof is
materially less than it was before the catastrophe and is less than the minimum requirements of

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the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) for new buildings of similar structure,
purpose or location.

b. Whenever any portion or member or appurtenances thereof is likely to fall, or to become

detached or dislodged or to collapse and thereby injure persons or damage property.

c. Whenever any portion of a building/structure or any member, appurtenance or ornamentation on

the exterior thereof is not of sufficient strength or stability, or is not anchored, attached or
fastened in place so as to be capable of resisting a wind pressure of one-half of that specified in
the NSCP for such type of buildings.

d. Whenever any portion thereof has been wrecked, warped, buckled or settled to such an extent
that the walls or other structural portions have materially less resistance to wind or earthquake
than is required in the case of similar new construction.

e. Whenever the building/structure or any portion thereof, because of: (1) dilapidation, deterioration
or decay; (2) faulty construction; (3) the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the
ground necessary for the purpose of supporting such building; (4) the deterioration, decay or
inadequacy of its foundation; or (5) any other cause, is likely to partially or totally collapse.

f. Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical structural member lean or buckle to such an extent
that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity does not fall inside the middle one-third of
the base.

g. Whenever the building/structure, exclusive of the foundation, shows 33% or more damage or
deterioration of its supporting member or members, or 50% damage or deterioration of its non-
supporting members, enclosing or outside walls or coverings.

h. Whenever the building/structure has been so damaged by fire, wind, earthquake or flood, or has
become so dilapidated or deteriorated as to become: (1) an attractive nuisance to public; (2) a
harbor for vagrants, criminals or immoral persons; or (3) a resort for purposes of committing
unlawful or immoral acts.

i. Whenever the building/structure which, whether or not erected in accordance with all applicable
laws or ordinances, has in any non-supporting part, member or portion, less than 50% or in any
supporting part, member or portion less than 66% of the: (1) strength; (2) fire-resisting qualities or
characteristics; (3) weather-resisting qualities or characteristics required by law in the case of a
newly constructed building of like area, height and occupancy in the same location.
j. Whenever any portion of a building/structure remains on the site after its demolition or whenever
any building/structure or portion thereof is abandoned for a period in excess of twelve (12)
months so as to make it a nuisance or hazard to the public.

2. Fire Hazards

a. Any building/structure or portion thereof, device, apparatus, equipment material, or vegetation

which may cause fire or explosion, or provide a ready fuel or augment the speed and intensity of
fire or explosion arising from any cause.

b. All buildings/structures or portions thereof not provided with the required fire-resistive or fire-
protective construction or fire-extinguishing system or equipment.

c. Whenever any door, aisle, passageway, stairway, or other means of exit is not of sufficient width
or size, or is not so arranged as to provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire and

d. Whenever any building/structure, because of obsolescence, dilapidated condition, deterioration,

damaged, inadequate exits, lack of sufficient fire-resistive construction, hazardous electric wiring,

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gas connections or heating apparatus, or other cause, in violation of the Fire Code of the
Philippines (PD 1185).

3. Unsafe Electrical Wiring

a. All wiring systems or installations which do not conform to the rules and regulations embodied in
the latest Philippine Electrical Code.

b. Inadequately maintained or improperly used electrical wirings, outlets, devices and/or equipment.

4. Unsafe Mechanical Installation

a. Mechanical systems or installations which do not conform to the rules and regulations embodied
in the Philippine Mechanical Code.

b. Inadequately maintained or improperly used mechanical outlets, devices and/or equipment.

c. Lack of or improper operation of required ventilating equipment or air-conditioning systems.

d. Improperly installed or lack of protection and safety provisions on steam, gas and fuel supply

5. Inadequate Sanitation/Plumbing and Health Facilities

a. All sanitation and plumbing systems or installations which do not conform to the rules and
regulations embodied in the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines and the Revised National
Plumbing Code.

b. Inadequately maintained or improperly used sanitation and plumbing facilities.

c. Infestation of insects, vermin or rodents and lack of adequate control for the same.

d. Lack of adequate garbage and rubbish storage and removal or disposal facilities.

e. Source of pollution.

6. Architectural Deficiency

a. All buildings/structures or portion thereof used or occupied for purposes other than their intended

b. Improper/Unauthorized Occupancy/Location.

c. Insufficient amount of natural light and ventilation due to inadequate open spaces such as courts
and yards as required.

d. Inadequate sizes of rooms and space dimensions and window openings.

e. Dilapidated, blighted and other unpresentable buildings/structures against generally accepted

aesthetic standards.

SECTION 216. Other Remedies

The rights, actions and remedies provided in the Code and in the IRR shall be in addition to any
and all other rights of action and remedies that may be available under existing laws.

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1. There must be a finding or declaration by the Building Official that the building/structure is a
nuisance, ruinous or dangerous.

2. Written notice or advice shall be served upon the owner and occupant/s of such finding or
declaration giving him at least fifteen (15) days within which to vacate or cause to be vacated,
repaired, renovated, demolished and removed as the case may be, the nuisance, ruinous or
dangerous building/structure or any part or portion thereof.

3. Within the fifteen (15) day period, the owner may, if he so desires, appeal to the Secretary the
finding or declaration of the Building Official and ask that a re-inspection or re-investigation of the
building/structure be made.

4. In case the owner should ask the Building Official for a reconsideration on his order, same shall be
given not more than not more than fifteen (15) days within which to render his final decision
appealable to the Office of the Secretary.

5. If the appeal is meritorious, the Secretary may designate a competent representative/s other than
the Building Official to undertake the re-inspection or re-investigation of the building/structure. The
representative/s so designated shall make or complete his/their report/s within the period of thirty
(30) days from the date of termination of re-inspection or re-investigation.

6. If after re-inspection, the finding is the same as the original one, the Secretary through the Building
Official shall notify the owner, giving him not more than fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice with
affirmed finding to vacate or cause to be vacated and make necessary repair, renovation,
demolition and removal of the subject building/structure or parts thereof, as the case may be.

7. If the Building Official has determined that the building/structure must be repaired or renovated, the
Order to be issued shall require that all necessary permits therefor be secured and the work be
commenced physically within such reasonable time as may be determined by the Building Official.

8. If the Building Official has determined that the building/structure must be demolished, the Order
shall require that the building/structure be vacated within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of
the Order; that all required permits be secured therefor within the same fifteen (15) days from the
date of the Order, and that the demolition be completed within such reasonable time as may be
determined by the Building Official.

9. The decision of the Secretary on the appeal shall be final.

10. Upon failure of the owner to comply with the Order of the Building Official or of the Secretary, in
case of appeal, to repair, renovate, demolish and remove the building/structure or any part thereof
after fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the Order, the Building Official shall cause the
building or structure to be repaired, renovated, demolished and removed, partly or wholly, as the
case may be, with all expenses therefor chargeable to the owner.
10. The building/structure as repaired or in case of demolition, the building materials gathered after the
demolition thereof shall be held by the OBO until full reimbursement of the cost of repair,
renovation, demolition and removal is made by the owner which, in no case, shall extend beyond
thirty (30) days from the date of completion of the repair, renovation, demolition and removal. After
such period, said building materials of the building thus repaired, renovated or removed shall be
sold at public auction to satisfy the claim of the OBO. Any amount in excess of the claim of the
government realized from the sale of the building and/or building materials shall be delivered to the
11. The procedures, actions and remedies herein are without prejudice to further action that may be
taken by the Building Official against the owner/occupants of the building/structure found or
declared to be nuisance/s, dangerous, and/or ruinous under the provisions of Articles 482 and 694
to 707 of the Civil Code of the Philippines.

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SECTION 301. Building Permits

1. No person, firm or corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of the government shall
construct, alter, repair, convert, use, occupy, move, demolish and add any building/structure or any
portion thereof or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a building permit therefor from
the Building Official assigned in the place where the subject building/structure is located or to be
done. The prescribed application for building permit form (NBC Form B-01) shall be used by all

2. Permits supplementary to a Building Permit shall be applied for and issued by the Building Official.
These include Ancillary and the Accessory Permits.

a. Ancillary Permits

The Ancillary Permits duly signed and sealed by the corresponding professionals and the plans
and specifications shall be submitted together with the duly notarized application for Building
Permit. The Building Permit is null and void if not accompanied by the Ancillary Permits. The
prescribed Ancillary and other Accessory Permits/forms shall likewise be used whenever
applicable. The Ancillary Permits are the following:

i. Architectural Permit

ii. Civil/Structural Permit

iii. Electrical Permit

iv. Mechanical Permit

v. Sanitary Permit

vi. Plumbing Permit

vii. Electronics Permit

b. Accessory Permits

i. Accessory Permits are issued by the Building Official for accessory parts of the project with
very special functions or use which are indicated in the plans and specifications that
accompany the building permit application. These may include, among others: bank and
records vaults; swimming pools; firewalls separate from the building/structure; towers; silos;
smokestacks; chimneys; commercial/industrial fixed ovens; industrial kilns/furnaces;
water/waste treatment tanks, septic vaults; concrete and steel tanks; booths, kiosks and
stages; and tombs, mausoleums and niches.

ii. Accessory Permits are issued by the Building Official for activities being undertaken prior to
or during the processing of the building permit. The coverage is spelled out in the
accessory permit form including the expiry period. These shall be signed by the concerned
owner/applicant and by the concerned professionals. These permits include, among
others, ground preparation and excavation, encroachment of foundation to public area,
fencing, for fence not exceeding 1.80 meters high, sidewalk construction, temporary
sidewalk enclosure and occupancy, erection of scaffolding, erecting, repair, removal of
sign; and demolition.

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3. Exemption From Building Permits

A building permit shall not be required for the following minor constructions and repairs, provided
these shall not violate any provision of the Code and this IRR.

a. Minor Constructions

i. Sheds, outhouses, greenhouses, children’s playhouses, aviaries, poultry houses and the
like, not exceeding 6.00 sq. meters in total area, provided they are completely detached
from any other building and are intended only for the private use of the owner.

ii. Addition of open terraces or patios resting directly on the ground, not exceeding 20.00 sq.
meters in total floor area, exclusively for the private use of the owner.

iii. Installation of window grilles.

iv. Garden pools for the habitation of water plants and/or aquarium fish not exceeding 500
millimeters in depth and exclusively for private use.

v. Garden masonry walls other than party walls not exceeding 1.20 meters in height,
footpaths, residential garden walks and/or driveways.

b. Repair Works

i. Repair works not affecting or involving any structural member, such as replacement of
deteriorated roofing sheets or tiles, gutters, downspouts, fascias, ceilings and/or sidings.

ii. Repair and/or replacement of non load-bearing partition walls.

iii. Repair and/or replacement of any interior portion or a house not involving addition or

iv. Repair and/or replacement work of doors and windows.

v. Repair and/or replacement work of flooring.

vi. Repair of perimeter fence and walls.

vii. Repair and/or replacement of plumbing fixtures, fittings or pipings, such as toilet bowls,
sinks, lavatories, urinals, bidets, pipes, faucets, valves for single detached dwellings and

SECTION 302. Application for Permits

1. Any person desiring to obtain a building permit and any ancillary/accessory permit/s together with a
Building Permit shall file application/s therefor on the prescribed application forms.

2. Together with the accomplished prescribed application form/s, the following shall be submitted to the

a. In case the applicant is the registered owner of the lot:

i. Certified true copy of OCT/TCT, on file with the Registry of Deeds,

ii. Tax Declaration, and
iii. Current Real Property Tax Receipt.
b. In case the applicant is not the registered owner of the lot, in addition to the above; duly
notarized copy of the Contract of Lease, or Deed of Absolute Sale.

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3. Five (5) sets of survey plans, design plans, specifications and other documents prepared, signed and
sealed over the printed names of the duly licensed and registered professionals (Figs. III.1. and

a. Geodetic Engineer, in case of lot survey plans;

b. Architect, in case of architectural documents; in case of architectural interior/interior design
documents, either an architect or interior designer may sign;

Annotation: The preparation, signing and dry-sealing of ALL architectural documents (plans, designs, drawings,
specifications, estimates and the like) and of architectural interiors form part of the exclusive scope of work of
registered and licensed architects (RLAs) as defined under R.A. No. 9266, The Architecture Act of 2004 and its
2004 IRR. Interior design (specifically excluding architectural interiors done by RLAs) is the work of registered
and licensed interior designers (RLIDs) under R.A. No. 8534, The Interior Design Act of 1987. Strictly speaking,
the respective practices of RLAs and RLIDs should not overlap. R.A. No. 9266 and its IRR clearly state that
architectural documents e.g. perspectives, architectural floor plans/ sections/ elevations/ reflected ceiling plans/
roof plans, schedules of finishes/ hardware, detailed designs, architectural specifications/ estimates,
architectural contract/ tender documents, etc. are all part of the scope of the regulated practice of architecture.

Architectural documents are not part of the scope of the practice of the regulated profession of civil engineering
(under R.A. No. 1582 of 1956, amending R.A. No. 544 of 1950). As such, only registered and licensed architects
(RLAs) shall prepare, sign and seal architectural documents.

Moreover, any executive issuance such as this 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (1977 NBCP) cannot alter
any part of a statute such as R.A. No. 9266, that expressly state that architectural documents are only for RLAs
to prepare, sign and seal. R.A. No. 9266 and its IRR also clearly state that architectural interior documents are
part of the scope of the regulated practice of architecture.

Architectural interiors are not part of the scope of the practice of the regulated profession of interior design
(under R.A. No. 8534). As such, only registered and licensed architects (RLAs) shall prepare, sign and seal
architectural interior documents. Again, any executive issuance such as this 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096
(1977 NBCP) cannot alter any part of a statute such as R.A. No. 9266, that expressly state that architectural
interior documents are only for RLAs to prepare, sign and seal.

To be clear, the DPWH is not the agency tasked with the regulation of the state regulated professions such as
architecture, civil engineering and interior design. Only the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), by virtue
of R.A. No. 8981 (The PRC Modernization Act of 2000) and the concerned professional regulatory boards/ PRBs
(such as the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture/ PRBoA) by virtue of the pertinent professional
regulatory laws (such as R.A. No. 9266) have sole/ joint jurisdiction over the practice of State-regulated

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c. Civil Engineer, in case of civil/structural documents;

Annotation: Before the approval of R.A. No. 9266, the limited preparation of civil/structural documents
formed part of the scope of work of registered and licensed architects (RLAs) as defined under R.A. No.
1581, which amended R.A. No. 545, The Organic Architecture Act of 1950 and its 1979 IRR. Interior
design is the work of registered and licensed interior designers (RLIDs) under R.A. No. 8534, The Interior
Design Act of 1987. With the approval of R.A. No. 9266 that limited RLAs only to structural
conceptualization, there is now no overlap between the respective practices of RLAs and civil engineers

d. Professional Electrical Engineer, in case of electrical documents;

e. Professional Mechanical Engineer, in case of mechanical documents;
f. Sanitary Engineer, in case of sanitary documents;
g. Master Plumber, in case of plumbing documents;
h. Electronics Engineer, in case of electronics documents.

4. Architectural Documents

a. Architectural Plans/Drawings

i. Vicinity Map/Location Plan within a 2.00 kilometer radius for commercial, industrial, and
institutional complex and within a half-kilometer radius for residential buildings, at any
convenient scale showing prominent landmarks or major thoroughfares for easy reference.

ii. Site Development Plan showing technical description, boundaries, orientation and position
of proposed building/structure in relation to the lot, existing or proposed access road and
driveways and existing public utilities/services. Existing buildings within and adjoining the
lot shall be hatched and distances between the proposed and existing buildings shall be

iii. Perspective drawn at a convenient scale and taken from a vantage point (bird’s eye view or
eye level).

iv. Floor Plans drawn to scale of not less than 1:100 showing: gridlines, complete identification
of rooms or functional spaces.

v. Elevations, at least four (4), same scale as floor plans showing: gridlines; natural ground to
finish grade elevations; floor to floor heights; door and window marks, type of material and
exterior finishes; adjoining existing structure/s, if any, shown in single hatched lines.

vi. Sections, at least two (2), showing: gridlines; natural ground and finish levels; outline of cut
and visible structural parts; doors and windows properly labeled reflecting the direction of
opening; partitions; built-in cabinets, etc.; identification of rooms and functional spaces cut
by section lines.

vii. Reflected ceiling plan showing: design, location, finishes and specifications of materials,
lighting fixtures, diffusers, decorations, air conditioning exhaust and return grills, sprinkler
nozzles, if any, at scale of at least 1:100.

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Annotation: The box for the architectural

section should be accomplished only by a
duly registered and licensed architect
(RLA) who is the only entity authorized by
law (R.A. No. 9266 and its IRR) to review
architectural plans, designs, drawings,
specifications, estimates and the like.

STANDARD FORM (Type A0, A1, A2 and A3)


Figure III.1.

PRC No. . Validity

IAPOA No. O.R. No. Date
PTR No. Date
Place TIN

Annotation: The box for the signature and dry seal of an

architect shall be filled only by a duly registered and
licensed architect (RLA) who is the only entity authorized
by law (R.A. No. 9266 and its IRR) to prepare, sign and
dry-seal architectural plans, designs, drawings,
specifications, estimates and the like. The signature of
the RLA as Architect-of-record (Aor) signifies the RLA’s
assumption of professional responsibilities under R.A.
No. 9266 and R.A. No. 8981, The PRC Modernization
Act of 2000 and of the mandated civil liability under Art.
1723 of the New Civil Code.

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Figure III.2.

viii. Details, in the form of plans, elevations/sections:

(a) Accessible ramps

(b) Accessible stairs
(c) Accessible lifts/elevators
(d) Accessible entrances, corridors and walkways
(e) Accessible functional areas/comfort rooms
(f) Accessible switches, controls
(g) Accessible drinking fountains
(h) Accessible public telephone booths
(i) Accessible audio visual and automatic alarm system
(j) Accessible access symbols and directional signs
(k) Reserved parking for disabled persons
(l) Typical wall/bay sections from ground to roof
(m) Stairs, interior and exterior
(n) Fire escapes/exits
(o) Built-in cabinets, counters and fixed furniture
(p) All types of partitions

ix. Schedule of Doors and Windows showing their types, designations/marks, dimensions,
materials, and number of sets.

x. Schedule of Finishes, showing in graphic form: surface finishes specified for floors, ceilings,
walls and baseboard trims for all building spaces per floor level.

xi. Details of other major Architectural Elements.

b. Architectural Interiors/Interior Design

i. Space Plan/s or layout/s of architectural interior/s.

ii. Architectural interior perspective/s.
iii. Furniture/furnishing/equipment/process layout/s.
iv. Access plan/s, parking plan/s and the like.
v. Detail design of major architectural interior elements.
vi. Plan and layout of interior, wall partitions, furnishing, furniture, equipment/appliances at a
scale of at least 1:100.

vii. Interior wall elevations showing: finishes, switches, doors and convenience outlets, cross
window sections with interior perspective as viewed from the main entrance at scale of at
least 1:100.

viii. Floor/ceiling/wall patterns and finishing details.

ix. List of materials used.
x. Cost Estimates.
c. Plans and specific locations of all accessibility facilities of scale of at least 1:100.

d. Detailed design of all such accessibility facilities outside and around buildings/structures including
parking areas, and their safety requirements all at scale of 1:50 or any convenient scale.

e. Fire Safety Documents

i. Layout plan of each floor indicating the fire evacuation route to safe dispersal areas,
standpipes with fire hose, fire extinguishers, first aid kits/cabinets, fire alarm, fire operations
room, emergency lights, signs, etc.

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ii. Details of windows, fire exits with grilled windows and ladders.

iii. Details of fire-resistive construction of enclosures for vertical openings.

iv. Details of fire-resistive construction materials and interior decorative materials with fire-
resistive/fire-retardant/fire-spread ratings

v. Other Related Documents

f. Other related documents

5. Civil/Structural Documents

a. Site Development Plan

Site Development Plan showing technical description, boundaries, orientation and position of
proposed non-architectural horizontal structure such as: sewerage treatment plan (STP), silos,
elevated tanks, towers, fences, etc. building/structure in relation to the lot, existing or proposed
access road and driveways and existing public utilities/services. Existing buildings within and
adjoining the lot shall be hatched and distances between the proposed and existing buildings
shall be indicated.

b. Structural Plans

i. Foundation Plans and Details at scale of not less than 1:100.

ii. Floor/Roof Framing Plans and Details at scale of not less than 1:100.

iii. Details and Schedules of structural and civil works elements including those for deep wells,
water reservoir, pipe lines and sewer system.

c. Structural Analysis and Design for all buildings/structures except for one storey and single
detached building/structure with a total floor area of 20.00 sq. meters or less.

d. Boring and Load Tests

Buildings or structures of three (3) storeys and higher, boring tests and, if necessary, load tests
shall be required in accordance with the applicable latest approved provisions of the National
Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP). However, adequate soil exploration (including boring
and load tests) shall also be required for lower buildings/structures at areas with potential
geological/geotechnical hazards. The written report of the civil/geothecnical engineer including
but not limited to the design bearing capacity as well as the result of tests shall be submitted
together with the other requirements in the application for a building permit. Boring test or load
test shall also be done according to the applicable provisions of the NSCP which set forth
requirements governing excavation, grading and earthwork construction, including fills and
embankments for any building/structure and for foundation and retaining structures.

e. Seismic Analysis

f. Other related documents

6. Electrical Documents

Electrical plans and technical specifications containing the following:

a. Location and Site Plans

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b. Legend or Symbols

c. General Notes and/or Specifications

d. Electrical Layout

e. Schedule of Loads, Transformers, Generating/UPS Units (Total kVA for each of the preceding
items shall be indicated in the schedule)

f. Design Analysis

g. One Line Diagram

7. Mechanical Documents

a. Location Plan and Key Plan

b. General Layout Plan for each floor, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:100, indicating the
equipment in heavier lines than the building outline with names of machinery and corresponding
brake horsepower shall be indicated.

c. Longitudinal and Transverse Sections of building and equipment base on the section lines drawn
to scale of at least 1:100 showing inter-floor relations and defining the manner of support of
machines/equipment. Sections shall run longitudinally and transversely through the building
length or width other than particularly detailed section for each machinery/equipment (fired and
unfired pressure vessel, elevator, escalator, dumbwaiter, etc.).

d. Isometric drawing of gas, fuel, oil system showing: Assembly of pipes on racks and supports,
Legend and General Notes, Capacity per outlet and Complete individual piping system.

e. Plans drawn to scale of 1:100 indicating location of store rooms, fuel tanks, fire extinguishing
systems, fire doors, fire escape ladders and other protective facilities.

f. Detailed drawings of all duct work installations, indicating dampers, controls, filters, fireproofing,
acoustical and thermal insulation.

g. Detailed Plans of machinery foundations and supports drawn to scale of at least 1:50.

h. Detailed Plans of boilers and pressure vessels with a working pressure of above 70 kPa
regardless of kilowatt rating.

i. Design Computations and Detailed Plans of elevators, escalators, and the like drawn to scale of

j. For all installations, additions or alterations involving machinery of at most 14.9 kW, the signature
of a duly licensed Mechanical Engineer shall be sufficient except fired and unfired pressure
vessels, elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, central/split/packaged type air conditioners and
piping systems of steam, gas or fuels.

k. Detailed plans of fire suppression systems, location of automatic and smoke detectors and alarm
and initiating devices use to monitor the conditions that are essential for the proper operation
including switches for the position of gate valves as well as alert and evacuation signals; the
detailed layout of the entire safe area to be protected and the heat/smoke ventilation system.

8. Sanitary Documents

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a. For deepwell, water purification plants, water collection and distribution systems, reservoirs,
drainage and sewer systems, sewage treatment plants, malaria control structures, and sewage
disposal systems:

i. Location Plan and Site Plan

ii. Detailed Plan and layout drawings of minimum scale 1:100
iii. Design Analysis and Technical Specifications
iv. Cost Estimates

b. For pest and vermin control, sanitation, and pollution control facilities:

i. Detailed plan, layout and drawing of abatement and control device of minimum scale 1:100

ii. Design analysis and technical specification

iii. Cost Estimates

9. Plumbing Documents

For all plumbing installations, additions and/or alterations involving hot and cold water supply,
fixtures, sewage drainage and vent system, storm drainage and sewerage system within or adjacent
to the building:

a. Location Plan and Site Plan of minimum scale 1:2000

b. Plumbing Plans, Layouts and Details, of minimum scale 1:50
c. Legend and General Notes
d. Isometric drawings of the systems
e. Design analysis and technical specifications
f. Cost Estimates

10. Electronics Documents

Electronic plans and technical specifications for wired or wireless telecommunications systems,
broadcasting systems, including radio and TV broadcast equipment for commercial and training
purposes, cable or wireless television systems, information technology (IT) systems, security and
alarm systems, electronic fire alarm systems, sound-reinforcement systems, navigational aids and
controls, indoor and outdoor signages, electronically-controlled conveyance systems,
electronic/computerized process controls and automation systems, building automation, management
and control systems, including, but not limited to the following:

a. General layout plans with legends

b. Single line diagram
c. Riser diagram
d. Isometry of the system
e. Equipment specifications
f. Design analysis, as applicable
g. Cost estimates

11. Geodetic documents

Lot Survey Plans, including but not limited to:

a. Vicinity Map/Location Plan

b. Lot Plan
c. Relocation Survey Plan and Report
d. Line and Grade
e. Detailed Topographic Plan of the site and immediate vicinity

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12. Clearances from Other Agencies

a. A locational clearance shall be obtained by the owner/permittee from the City/Municipal Zoning

b. Whenever necessary, written clearances shall be obtained from the various authorities exercising
and enforcing regulatory functions affecting buildings/structures. Application for said clearances
shall be requested by the owner/applicant and failure to receive reply within seven (7) days from
receipt of the application for building permit shall be sufficient not to cause further delay in
processing the building permit application by the Building Official. Such authorities who are
expected to enforce their own regulations are:

i. Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)

ii. Air Transportation Office (ATO)
iii. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB)
iv. Local Government Unit (LGU)
v. Department of Tourism (DOT)
vi. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
vii. Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC)
viii. Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
ix. Philippine Ports Authority (PPA)
x. Department of Education (DepEd)
xi. Department of Health (DOH)
xii. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
xiii. Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA)
xiv. Manila Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS)
xv. National Water Resources Board (NWRB)
xvi. Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
xvii. Department of Agriculture (DA)
xviii. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
xix. National Housing Authority (NHA)
xx. National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP)

SECTION 303. Processing of Building Permits

The flow of processing of building permit shall follow the procedure shown in Figure III.3.

1. Building Permit Application

a. When satisfied that all plans, specifications and other documents are in order, the Building Official
gives due course to the application.

b. The OBO verifies conformity of the proposed buildings/structures with the land use zoning
ordinance of the city/municipality. If the project has been issued a development permit such as
residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, memorial parks and other development by the
HLURB or the Sangguniang Bayan/Panglungsod, an individual locational clearance shall not be

c. The Building Official verifies whether applicants have secured the required section clearances
from other agencies mentioned in the preceding section.

d. The owner/permittee for any existing building/structure that shall undergo alterations, additions,
conversions, renovations and/or repair not covered by Section 301, Sub-Section 3 of this IRR
shall submit, in addition to other documents, the most recent Certificate of Occupancy when
applying for a building permit. Under any of this case, the Locational Clearance shall not be

2. Line and Grade Verification

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The Line and Grade Section/Unit of the OBO:

a. Verifies the lot plan as reflected in the Torrens Title, Original Certificate of Title (OCT)/Transfer
Certificate of Title (TCT) and its relation to the proposed buildings/structures.

b. Checks compliance to establish easements/setbacks and determines grades in relation to road

lots, property lines, streets or highways, whether existing or proposed as reflected in the land use
zoning or development plan of the city/municipality including road widening, construction of
various public utilities/services and other infrastructure projects along creeks, esteros, waterways,
subject to a written clearance from the DPWH.

c. Verifies that at least one (1) side of the lot has direct access to a street/alley and that grades in
relation to road lots and streets or highways, whether existing or proposed conform to the

3. Architectural

The Architectural Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to

technical requirements for:

a. Types of Construction
b. Requirements of Fire Zones and Fire Resistive Regulation
c. Building projections over public streets
d. Access Streets/Roads and Alleys
e. Architectural Interior/Interior Design
f. Classification and General Requirements of all Buildings by Use or Occupancy
g. Maximum Height of Buildings/Structures
h. Parking and Loading/Unloading Space Requirement

Figure III.3.1.

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Figure III.3.1.

Annotation: With the exclusion of geodetic engineering plans and survey results, the preparation of architectural plans and
designs precede all other engineering plans and designs i.e. which are derivative plans and designs. In practice, the architectural
plans are prepared slightly ahead of the engineering plans since engineering inputs are actually required before the architectural
plans and designs could be finalized. The ideal situation is for an architectural review process and architectural permit issuance
to first occur. This would ensure that compliances with the Code, the Fire Code and Accessibility laws are fully complied with and
properly addressed by the subsequent engineering plan and design preparation.
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i. Corner Buildings with Chaflans
j. Occupant Load
k. Glazing of Opening
l. Architectural Accessibility Features
m. Light and Ventilation
n. Construction of Buildings/Structures within the obstacle limitation surfaces of Aerodromes
o. Buildings and other Ancillary Structures within Cemeteries and Memorial Parks

4. Civil/Structural

The Civil/Structural Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical

requirements for:

a. General Design and Construction Requirements

b. Structural Design Requirements
c. Excavations, Foundations and Retaining Walls
d. Prefabricated Construction
e. Protection and Safety Requirements for Construction, Demolition and Excavation
f. Abatement/Demolition of Buildings
g. Plastics
h. Signs

5. Electrical

The Electrical Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical

requirements for Electrical Regulations.

6. Mechanical

The Mechanical Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical

requirements for Mechanical Regulations.

7. Sanitary

The Sanitary Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical

requirements under the Sanitary Engineering Law (RA 1364).

8. Plumbing

The Plumbing Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical

requirements under the Plumbing Law (RA 1378).

9. Electronics

The Electronics Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical


10. Fire Safety Requirements

The Building Official shall refer one (1) set of plans and specifications to the City/Municipal Fire
Marshall (C/MFM), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), for his review and recommendations with respect
to fire safety and control requirements. The C/MFM shall submit his report and recommendations to
the Building Official within five (5) working days from date of referral. Failure of the C/MFM to act
within said period shall mean that the plans and specifications conform to all the requirements of the
Fire Code of the Philippines (FCP). In case of non-issuance, suspension or revocation of the said
requirements by the C/MFM, he shall so state in writing the reasons or grounds therefor.

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SECTION 304. Issuance of Building Permit

1. When the application for building permit and the plans and specifications submitted herewith
conforms to the requirements of the Code and its IRR, the Building Official shall within fifteen (15)
days from payment of the required fees by the applicant, issue the building permit applied for.

2. The Building Official may issue a permit for the construction of only a part or portion of a
building/structure whenever the plans and specifications submitted together with the application do
not cover the entire building/structure.

3. The Building Official may issue a Ground Preparation and Excavation Permit even while the building
permit application is still being processed subject to payment of the corresponding fees.

4. For excavations more than 50.00 cu. meters and more than 2.00 meters in depth, the
owner/permittee shall post a cash bond of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) for the first 50.00 cu.
meters and three hundred pesos (P300.00) for every cu. meters in excess of 50 cu. meters until the
building permit is issued, said excavations shall not exceed 100.00 cu. meters or 3.00 meters in depth
and shall not be left open without any work being done in the site for more than one hundred twenty
(120) days, otherwise the cash bond shall be forfeited in favor of the government to cover the
expense for the backfilling of the excavation should the owner/permittee fail to restore the same. If
the bond is insufficient to effect the necessary restoration, additional cost to be incurred to complete
the restoration shall be charged to the account of the owner/permittee or to whoever shall assume
ownership of the property. If the owner/permittee refuses backfilling of the excavation, the Building
Official shall initiate legal proceedings.

5. Terms and Conditions of Permits

The issued building permit shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

a. That under Article 1723 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, the engineer or architect who drew up
the plans and specifications for a building/structure is liable for damages if within fifteen (15)
years from the completion of the building/structure, the same should collapse due to defect in the
plans or specifications or defects in the ground. The engineer or architect who supervises the
construction shall be solidarily liable with the contractor should the edifice collapse due to defect
in the construction or the use of inferior materials.

b. This permit shall be accompanied by the various applicable ancillary and accessory permits,
plans and specifications signed and sealed by the corresponding design professionals who shall
be responsible for the comprehensiveness and correctness of the plans in compliance to the
Code and its IRR and to all applicable referral codes and professional regulatory laws.

c. That the proposed construction/erection/addition/alteration/renovation/conversion/

repair/moving/demolition, etc. shall be in conformity with the provisions of the National Building
Code, and its IRR.

i. That prior to commencement of the proposed projects and construction an actual relocation
survey shall be conducted by a duly licensed Geodetic Engineer.

ii. That before commencing the excavation the person making or causing the excavation to be
made shall notify in writing the owner of adjoining property not less than ten (10) days
before such excavation is to be made and show how the adjoining property should be

iii. That the supervising Architect/Civil Engineer shall keep at the jobsite at all times a logbook
of daily construction activities wherein the actual daily progress of construction including
tests conducted, weather condition and other pertinent data are to be recorded, same shall
be made available for scrutiny and comments by the OBO representative during the
conduct of inspection his/her inspection pursuant to Section 207 of the Code.

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iv. That upon completion of the construction, the Owner shall submit the logbook duly signed
and sealed to the Building Official including as-built plans and other documents and shall
also prepare and submit a Certificate of Completion of the project stating that the
construction of the building/structure conform to the provision of the Code, its IRR as well
as the plans and specifications.

v. All such changes, modifications and alterations shall likewise be submitted to the Building
Official and the subsequent amendatory permit therefor issued before any work on said
changes, modifications and alterations shall be started.

d. That no building/structure shall be used until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of
Occupancy therefor as provided in the Code. However, a partial Certificate of Occupancy may be
issued for the Use/Occupancy of a portion or portions of a building/structure prior to the
completion of the entire building/structure.

e. That this permit shall not serve as an exemption from securing written clearances from various
government authorities exercising regulatory function affecting buildings/structures.

f. When the construction is undertaken by contract, the work shall be done by a duly licensed and
registered contractor pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor’s License Law (RA 4566).

g. The Owner/Permittee shall submit a duly accomplished prescribed “Notice of Construction” to the
Office of the Building Official prior to any construction activity.

h. The Owner/Permittee shall put a Building Permit sign which complies with the prescribed
dimensions and information, which shall remain posted on the construction site for the duration of
the construction. (Figs. III.4. and III.5).

SECTION 305. Validity of Building Permits

The issuance of a building permit shall not be construed as an approval or authorization to the
permittee to disregard or violate any of the provisions of the Code.

Whenever the issuance of a permit is based on approved plans and specifications which are
subsequently found defective, the Building official is not precluded from requiring permittee to effect the
necessary corrections in said plans and specifications or from preventing or ordering the stoppage of any
or all building operations being carried on thereunder which are in violation of the Code.

A building permit issued under the provisions of the Code shall expire and become null and void if the
building or work authorized therein is not commenced within a period of one (1) year after the issuance of
the building permit, or is suspended or abandoned at any time after it has been commenced for a period
of one hundred twenty (120) days.

SECTION 306. Non-issuance, Suspension or Revocation of Building Permits

The Building Official may order or cause the non-issuance, suspension or revocation of building
permits on any or all of the following reasons or grounds:

1. Errors found in the plans and specifications;

2. Incorrect or inaccurate data or information supplied;
3. Non-compliance with the provisions of the Code or any rules or regulations.

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Notice of non- issuance, suspension or revocation of building permits shall always be made in writing,
stating the reason or grounds thereof.

Figure III.4.

Figure III.5.

Anotation: The space for Architect should only be filled by the name of a duly registered and licensed architect (RLA)
who shall act as the architect-of-record (Aor), in full accordance with R.A. No. 9266, The Architecture Act of 2004.
Otherwise, there may be a willful (and culpable) violation of the pertinent provisions of R.A. No. 9266 by the
concerned party/ parties.

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SECTION 307. Appeal

Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of advice of the non- issuance, suspension or
revocation of permits, the applicant/permittee may file an appeal with the Secretary who shall render his
decision within fifteen days from date of receipt of notice of appeal. The decision of the Secretary shall be
final subject only to review by the Office of the President.

SECTION 308. Inspection and Supervision of Work

1. The owner of the Building who is issued or granted a building permit under the Code shall engage the
services of a duly licensed architect or civil engineer to undertake the full time inspection and
supervision of the construction work.

2. Such architect or civil engineer may or may not be the same architect or civil engineer who is
responsible for the design of the building.

3. It is understood however that in either case, the designing architect or civil engineer is not precluded
from conducting inspection of the construction work to check and determine compliance with the
plans and specifications of the building submitted.

4. There shall be kept at the jobsite at all times a logbook wherein the actual progress of construction
including tests conducted, weather conditions and other pertinent data are to be recorded.

5. Upon completion of the construction, the said licensed architect or civil engineer shall submit the
logbook, duly signed and sealed, to the Building Official. He shall also prepare and submit a
Certificate of Completion of the project stating that the construction of building conforms to the
provisions of the Code as well as with the approved plans and specifications.

SECTION 309. Certificate of Occupancy

1. The owner/permittee shall submit to the OBO an application of Certificate of Occupancy together with
a duly notarized Certificate of Completion together with the construction logbook, as-built plans and
specifications and the Building Inspection Sheet all signed by whoever is the contractor (if the
construction is undertaken by contract) and signed and sealed by the Owner’s duly licensed Architect
or Civil Engineer who undertook the full time inspection and supervision of the construction works.
Said Plans and Specifications shall reflect faithfully all changes, modifications and alterations made
on the originally submitted Plans and Specifications on file with the OBO which are the basis of the
issuance of the original building permit. The as-built Plans and Specifications may be just an orderly
and comprehensive compilation of all the documents, which include the originally submitted plans and
specifications and all amendments thereto as actually built or they may be an entirely new set of
plans and specifications accurately describing and/or reflecting therein the building/structure as
actually built.
2. A notification to conduct final inspection shall be endorsed by the OBO to the C/MFM, BFP, who shall
issue a Fire Safety Inspection Certificate within five (5) workings days if the Fire Safety requirement
shall have been complied. If, after the prescribed period no action is taken by the C/MFM, the
Building Official may issue the Certificate of Occupancy with the condition that the Fire Safety
requirements shall be complied with, within the prescribed period set forth in the Fire Code of the
Philippines (PD 1185).
3. The OBO undertakes the final inspection, verification and/or review of the building/structure based on
the Certificate of Completion, construction logbook, building inspection sheets, original and as-built
plans and specifications, as the case may be and specifications on the prescribed standard form
according to the requirements set forth under Section 303.
4. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, the OBO shall prepare the corresponding fees
and order of payment. The Building Official then issues the Certificate of Occupancy in the form
prescribed therefor after all fees are paid.

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a. A partial Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for the use or occupancy of a portion or portions
of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or structure, through the
proper phasing of its major independent portions without posing hazards to its occupants, the
adjacent building residents and general public.
b. A building for which a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued may further be issued other
Certificates of Occupancy due to changes in use, whether partly or wholly, provided, that the new
use/s or character/s of occupancy conforms with the requirement of the Code and its IRR.

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SECTION 401. Types of Construction

For purposes of the Code and its IRR, all buildings proposed for construction shall be classified
according to the following types:

1. Type I - shall be of wood construction. The structural elements may be any of the materials permitted
by the Code.

2. Type II - shall be of wood construction with protective fire-resistant materials and one-hour fire-
resistive throughout, except, that permanent non-bearing partitions may use fire-retardant treated
wood within the framing assembly with one-hour resistivity.

3. Type III - shall be of masonry and wood construction. Structural elements may be any of the
materials permitted by the Code provided, that the building shall be one-hour fire-resistive throughout.
Exterior walls shall be of incombustible fire-resistive construction.

4. Type IV - shall be steel, iron, concrete, or masonry construction and walls, ceiling and permanent
partitions shall be of incombustible fire-resistive construction, except, that permanent non-bearing
partitions of one-hour fire-resistive construction may use fire-retardant treated wood within the
framing assembly.

5. Type V - shall be four-hour fire-resistive throughout and the structural elements shall be of steel, iron,
concrete, or masonry construction.

SECTION 402. Changes in Types

No change shall be made in the type of construction of any building which would place the building in
a different sub- type or type of construction unless such building is made to comply with the requirements
for such sub- type of construction: Except, when the changes is approved by the Building Official upon
showing that the new or proposed construction is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the
existing construction.

SECTION 403. Requirements on Type of Construction

The following standards are prescribed:

1. Fire Resistive Requirements

a. Exterior bearing and non-bearing walls of Types II and III Constructions shall have one hour fire-
resistive rating, while those of Types IV and V shall have four-hour fire-resistive rating.

b. Interior bearing walls, permanent partitions, floors, and roofs of Types II, III and IV Construction
shall have one-hour fire-resistive rating while those of Type V shall have three-hour fire-resistive
rating for bearing walls and one-hour fire-resistive rating for vertical openings, floors and roofs.

c. Structural frames of Types II and III Construction shall have one-hour fire-resistive rating, while
those of Type IV shall have two-hour fire-resistive rating and those of Type V shall have three
hour fire-resistive rating.

d. Exterior doors and windows shall have one hour fire-resistive rating for all Types.

2. Interior Wall and Ceiling Finishes

a. Finishes for interior walls and ceilings of any building shall be classified according to their flame-
spread characteristic using generally accepted engineering standards. The smoke density shall
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not be greater than that obtained from burning of untreated wood under similar conditions when
tested in accordance with the “Tunnel Test” in the way intended for use. The products of
combustion shall be no more toxic than the burning of untreated wood under similar conditions.
These finishes include: interior wainscoting, paneling, or other finish applied structurally or for
decoration, acoustical correction, frames and trims of doors and windows, surface insulation or
similar purposes.

b. Requirements for flame-spread characteristics of finishes shall not apply to frames and trim of
doors and windows and to materials which are less than 1.00 millimeter in thickness cemented to
the surface of walls or ceilings.

c. Materials required to be flame-spread proofed shall be treated with a flame-retardant having a

flame-spread of fifty (50) or less as determined by the “Tunnel Test”.

3. Standards for materials use in structural framework, exterior walls and openings, floors, exits,
stairs & roofs shall be governed by the pertinent provision of the Fire Code of the Philippines.

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SECTION 501. Fire Zones Defined

Fire zones are areas within which only certain types of buildings/structures are permitted to be
constructed based on their use or occupancy, type of construction, and resistance to fire.

SECTION 502. Buildings Located in More Than One Fire Zone

A building/structure which is located partly in one (1) fire zone and partly in another shall be
considered to be in the more highly restrictive fire zone, when more than one third (1/3) of its total floor
area is located in such zone.

SECTION 503. Moved Buildings

1. Any building/structure moved within or into any fire zone shall be made to comply with all the
requirements for buildings/structures in that fire zone.

2. This shall also apply to pre-engineered or pre-fabricated buildings/structures that may be dismantled
and re-assembled.

SECTION 504. Temporary Buildings/Structures

1. Temporary buildings such as reviewing stands and other miscellaneous structures conforming to the
requirements of the Code, and sheds, canopies and fences used for the protection of the public
around and in conjunction with construction work, may be erected in the fire zones by special permit
from the Building Official for a limited period of time, and such buildings or structures shall be
completely removed upon the expiration of the time limit stated in such permits.
2. Erection of temporary buildings/structures to be located in restrictive and highly restrictive zones and
which do not conform with the type of construction allowed or permitted within such zones may be
allowed by the Building Official for a given period of time provided that, fire protective/preventive
measures and fire suppression facilities are adequate.

SECTION 505. Center Lines of Streets

The center line of adjoining street or alley may be considered an adjacent property line. Distances
shall be measured at right angles to the street or alley.

SECTION 506. Restrictions on Existing Buildings

1. Existing buildings or structures in fire zones that do not comply with the requirements for a new
building erected therein shall not hereafter be enlarged, altered, remodeled, repaired or moved
except as follows:

a. Such building is entirely demolished;

b. Such building is to be moved outside the limits of the more highly restrictive Fire Zone to a zone
where the building meets the minimum standards;

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c. Changes, alterations and repairs may be made provided that in any 12- month period, the value
of the work does not exceed 20% of the value of the existing building, and provided that, such
changes do not add additional combustible material, and do not, in the opinion of the Building
Official, increase the fire hazard;

d. Additions thereto are separated from the existing building by fire walls, as set forth in Section 506

e. Damage from fire or earthquake, typhoons or any fortuitous event may be repaired, using the
same kind of materials of which the building or structure was originally constructed, provided that,
the cost of such repair shall not exceed 20% of the replacement cost of the building or structure.

SECTION 507. Designation of Fire Zones

The legislative body of the LGU may enact ordinances for the purpose of designating fire zones
based on the parameters and guidelines set forth in this Section.

1. Designation of Fire Zones is purposely for management, prevention, control and suppression of
conflagration that may occur in population centers. The designation of fire zones is as follows:

a. Non-Fire Restricted Zones: These are areas where siting of buildings/structures are permitted
without fire-resistivity measures, often located in the country sides or rural areas where
commercial and industrial and other buildings are sparsely constructed, or may be clustered in
small groups like farm lands wherein dwellings are built of indigenous materials such as bamboo,
sawali, nipa, cogon, palm leaves and wood up to Types I and II Construction as classified in
Section 401 of the Code.

b. Fire Restrictive Zones: Areas wherein siting of buildings/structures are permitted within
prescribed fire-resistivity measures for exterior walls of at least two-hour fire resistivity. Usual
locations in suburban areas are permitted to be built with at least one-hour fire-resistivity
throughout as Types II, III to IV Constructions as prescribed in Section 401 of the Code.

c. Highly Fire Restrictive Zones: Areas wherein highly fire- resistive or non-combustible
buildings/structures and/or construction assemblies of no less than three to four-hour fire-resistive
construction materials are used throughout, including exterior walls. Only Types IV and V
Constructions are permitted in the areas.

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SECTION 601. Fire- Resistive Rating Defined
Fire-resistive rating means the degree to which a material can withstand fire as determined by
generally recognized and accepted testing methods.

SECTION 602. Fire- Resistive Time Period Rating

Fire-resistive time period rating is the length of time a material can withstand being burned which may
be one- hour, two- hours, four- hours, etc.

SECTION 603. Fire-Resistive Standards

All materials of construction, and type of materials and assemblies or combinations thereof shall
conform to the following fire-resistive ratings:

Table VI.1. Assembly Material and Minimum Thickness for Fire Resistance

Minimum thickness (in millimeter) for

Type of Assembly and Material the given fire resistance
4 hrs. 3 hrs. 2 hrs. 1hr.
Floor Construction
Solid R.C. slab
- Average cover to reinforcement 25 25 20 15
- Overall Depth 150 150 125 100

Solid pre-stressed
Concrete slab
- Average cover to tendons 65 50 40 25
- Overall Depth 150 150 125 100

- Solid concrete 175 175 150 125
- Solid masonry 200 175 150 125
- Hollow unit masonry 300 250 200 150

Protection for metal structural members

- Concrete 75 50 38 25
- Masonry 100 75 55 38
- Metal lath with vermiculite or perlite
gypsum plaster 50 38 20 12

Exterior Wall
- Solid concrete 180 150 125 75
- Solid masonry 200 175 150 100
- Hollow masonry 300 250 200 150

Column (all faces exposed)

- Reinforced concrete 450 400 300 200

SECTION 604. Fire- Resistive Regulations

The Secretary shall prescribe standards and promulgate rules and regulations on the testing of
construction materials for flame-spread characteristics, tests on fire damages, fire tests of building
construction and materials, door assemblies and tinclad fire doors and window assemblies, the
installation of fire doors and windows and smoke and fire detectors for fire protective signaling system,
application and use of controlled interior finish, fire-resistive protection for structural members, fire-
resistive walls and partitions, fire-resistive floor or roof ceiling, fire-resistive assemblies for protection of
openings and fire-retardant roof coverings.

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SECTION 701. Occupancy Classified

1. There are 10 Groups of Occupancies sub-divided into 25 Divisions. The accompanying matrix shows
the Groupings and Divisions and the corresponding uses. The final column indicates the Zoning

a. Buildings proposed for construction shall be identified according to their use or the character of its
occupancy and shall be classified as follows:

i. Group A – Residential Dwellings

Group A Occupancies shall include:

Division 1- Residential building/structure for exclusive use of single family occupants

including school or company staff housing; single (nuclear) family dwellings;
churches or similar places of worship; church rectories; community facilities
and social centers; parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, promenades
and play lots; clubhouses and recreational uses such as golf courses, tennis
courts, basketball courts, swimming pools and similar uses operated by the
government or private individuals as membership organizations for the benefit
of their members, families, and guests and not operated primarily for gain.

Division 2- Residential building for the exclusive use of non-leasing occupants not
exceeding 10 persons including single-attached or duplex or townhouses, each
privately-owned; school dormitories (on campus); convents and monasteries;
military or police barracks/dormitories; pre-schools, elementary and high
schools, provided that they do not exceed 16 classrooms; outpatient clinics,
family planning clinics, lying-in clinics, diagnostics clinics, medical and clinical
laboratories; branch library and museums; steam/dry cleaning outlets; party
needs and accessories (leasing of tables and chairs, etc.).

ii. Group B – Residentials, Hotels and Apartments

Group B Occupancies shall be multiple dwelling units including boarding or lodging houses,
hotels, apartment buildings, row houses, convents, monasteries and other similar building
each of which accommodates more than 10 persons.

iii. Group C – Education and Recreation

Group C Occupancies shall be buildings used for school or day-care purposes, involving
assemblage for instruction, education, or recreation, and not classified in Group I or in
Division 1 and 2 or Group H Occupancies.

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iv. Group D – Institutional

Group D Occupancies shall include:

Division 1 - Mental hospitals, mental sanitaria, jails, prisons, reformatories, and buildings
were personal liberties of inmates are similarly restrained.

Division 2 - Nurseries for full-time care of children under kindergarten age, hospitals,
sanitaria, nursing homes with non-ambulatory patients, and similar buildings
each accommodating more than five persons.

Division 3 - Nursing homes for ambulatory patients, homes for children of kindergarten age
or over, each accommodating more than five persons: Provided, that Group D
Occupancies shall not include buildings used only for private or family group
dwelling purposes.

v. Group E - Business and Mercantile

Group E Occupancies shall include:

Division 1- Gasoline filling and service stations, storage garages and boat storage
structures where no work is done except exchange of parts and maintenance
requiring no open flame, welding, or the use of highly flammable liquids.

Division 2- Wholesale and retail stores, office buildings, drinking and dining establishments
having an occupant load of less than one hundred persons, printing plants,
police and fire stations, factories and workshops using not highly flammable or
combustible materials and paint stores without bulk handlings.

Division 3- Aircraft hangars and open parking garages where no repair work is done
except exchange of parts and maintenance requiring no open flame, welding or
the use of highly flammable liquids.

vi. Group F - Industrial

Group F Occupancies shall include: ice plants, power plants, pumping plants, cold storage,
and creameries, factories and workshops using incombustible and non-explosive materials,
and storage and sales rooms for incombustible and non-explosive materials.

vii. Group G - Storage and Hazardous

Groups G Occupancies shall include:

Division 1- Storage and handling of hazardous and highly flammable material.

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Division 2- Storage and handling of flammable materials, dry cleaning plants using
flammable liquids; paint stores with bulk handling, paint shops and spray
painting rooms.

Division 3- Wood working establishments, planning mills and box factories, shops, factories
where loose combustible fibers or dust are manufactured, processed or
generated; warehouses where highly combustible materials is stored.

Division 4- Repair garages.

Division 5- Aircraft repair hangars.

viii. Group H - Assembly Other Than Group I

Group H Occupancies shall include:

Division 1- Any assembly building with a stage and an occupant load of less than 1000 in
the building.

Division 2- Any assembly building without stage and having an occupant load of 300 or
more in the building.

Division 3- Any assembly building without a stage and having an occupant load of less
than 300 in the building.

Division 4- Stadia, reviewing stands, amusement park structures not included within Group
I or in Division 1, 2, and 3 of this Group.

ix. Group I – Assembly Occupant Load 1000 or More

Group I Occupancies shall be any assembly building with a stage and an occupant load of
1000 or more in the building.
x. Group J - Accessory
Group J Occupancies shall include:
Division 1- Agricultural structures.
Division 2- Private garages, carports, fences over 1.80 meters high, tanks, swimming
pools and towers.
Division 3- Stages, platforms, pelota, tennis, badminton or basketball courts, tombs,
mausoleums, niches, aviaries, aquariums, zoo structures, banks and record
Other subgroupings or divisions within Groups A to J may be determined by the Secretary.
Any other occupancy not mentioned specifically in this Section, or about which there is any
question, shall be included in the Group which it most nearly resembles based on the
existing or proposed life and fire hazard.

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Table VII.1. Schedule of Principal, Accessory and Conditional Use/Occupancy of

General USE U S E
Character of Zoning
Building/ Structure
Group A –
Division A-1 1. Indigenous family 1. Preparatory Residential R-1 -
(Residential schools, provided that a low-density
1. Customary accessory
building/ structure dwelling units they do not exceed residential zone,
uses incidental to any of
for exclusive use of three (3) classrooms characterized
the principal uses housed
single family and shall be located mainly by single-
2. Single-detached units in the same Division A-1
occupants) not less than 500 family, single
(or R-1 class)
meters from nearest detached
3. School or company staff existing school offering dwellings with the
provided that such
similar course and are usual community
accessory uses shall not
housing equipped with ancillary uses on
include any activity
adequate parking or as a neighborhood
conducted for monetary
provided in the local scale, such as
4. Single (nuclear) family gain or commercial
zoning ordinance. executive
dwellings purposes such as
2. Boarding houses subdivisions and
5. Churches or similar servants quarter, private
with no more than eight relatively
places of worship garage, guardhouse,
(8) boarders. exclusive
6 Church rectories home laundries, non-
3. Neighborhood residential
7. Community facilities and commercial garages,
convenience stores communities
social centers houses for pets such as
selling miscellaneous which are not
8. Parks, playgrounds, dogs, birds, rabbits and
items, provided that subdivisions.
pocket parks, parkways, the like of not more than
such stores shall not
promenades and playlots 4.00 sq. meters in floor
exceed 10% of the
9. Clubhouses and area, pump houses and
gross floor area (GFA)
recreational uses such as generator houses.
of the dwelling unit and
golf courses, tennis provided that no liquor
courts, basketball courts, 2. auxiliary uses customarily
shall be allowed for
swimming pools and conducted in dwellings
similar uses operated by and homes for the
4. Audio-video and
the government or private practice of one's
computer rental shops,
individuals as profession such as
provided that such
membership offices of physicians,
shops shall not exceed
organizations for the surgeons, dentists,
10% of the total floor
benefit of their members, architects, engineers,
area of the dwelling
families, and guests and lawyers and other
not operated primarily for professionals provided
gain. that such professionals
5. Home occupation
are members of the
engaging in an in-
family residing in the
house business such
premises; provided
as dressmaking,
further, that not
tailoring, and baking,
provided that the

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more than three (3) area used shall not
semi-professional occupy more than 20%
assistants are employed of the total floor area of
at any time, that in no the dwelling unit; the
case that more than 20% number of persons
of the floor area of the engaged in such
building be used for said business/industry shall
professional practice or not exceed three (3)
home occupation for inclusive of the owner;
engaging an in-house there shall be no
business such as change in the outside
dressmaking, tailoring, appearance of the
baking and the like, building/structure or
provided that the number premises; no home
of persons engaged in occupation shall be
such business/industry conducted in any
shall not exceed five (5), customary accessory
inclusive of the owner; use; no traffic shall be
there shall be no change generated by such
in the outside home occupation in
appearance of the greater volume than
building or premises; no would normally be
home occupation shall be expected in a residential
conducted in any neighborhood and any
customary accessory need for parking
uses cited above; no generated by the
traffic shall be generated conduct of such home
by such home occupation occupation shall be met
in greater volume than off the street and in
would normally be place other than in a
expected in a residential required front yard; no
neighborhood and any equipment or process
need for parking shall be used in such
generated by the conduct home occupation which
of such home occupation creates noise, vibration,
shall be met off the street glare, fumes, odors or
and in a place other than electrical interference
in a required front yard; detectable to the normal
no equipment or process senses and visual or
shall be used in such audible interference in
home occupation which any radio or television
receivers or causes
fluctuation in line
voltage of the premises.
7. Home industry classified
as cottage
industry provided that
such home industry
shall not occupy more

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General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Occupancy of
Building/ Structure

creates noise, 30% of the gross floor

vibration, glare, area (GFA) of the
fumes, odors or dwelling unit with
electrical interference employees not to
detectable to the normal exceed five (5) persons
senses and visual or and shall have no
audible interference in change or alteration in
any radio or television the outside appearance
receivers or causes of the dwelling unit and
fluctuation in line voltage shall not be a
of the premises. hazard/nuisance;
3. Home industry classified allotted capitalization
as cottage industry shall not exceed the
provided that such home capitalization as set by
industry shall not occupy the Department of
more than 30% of the Trade and Industry
floor area of the dwelling (DTI); no home industry
unit; there shall be no shall be conducted in
change or alteration in any customary
the outside appearance accessory use; no traffic
of the dwelling unit and shall be generated by
shall not be a such home industry in
hazard/nuisance; allotted greater volume than
capitalization shall not would normally be
exceed the capitalization expected in a residential
as set by the Department neighborhood and any
of Trade and Industry need for parking
(DTI); shall consider generated by the
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same provisions as conduct of such home
enumerated in number 2, occupation shall be met
Profession or Home off the street and in a
Occupation, this Section. place other than in a
4. Recreational facilities for required front yard; no
the exclusive use of the equipment or process
members of the family shall be used in such
residing within the home industry which
premises, such as creates noise, vibration,
swimming pool, pelota glare, fumes, odors or
court, etc. electrical interference
5. Religious use detectable to the normal
6. Multi-purpose/Barangay senses and visual or
Hall audible interference in
7. Pre-School any radio or television
8. Sports club receivers or causes
9. Clinic, nursing and fluctuation in line
convalescing home, voltage of the premises.
health center
10. Plant nursery

Division A-2 1. Single-attached or 1. Customary incidental 1. Ballet, dance and voice Residential R-2 - a
(residential building duplex or town-houses, home occupa-tions such studios provided that medium density
for the exclusive each privately owned as barber and beauty the classes or residential use or
use of non-leasing 2. School dormitories (on shops, tailoring and dress instructions are held in occupancy,
occupants not campus) shops, neighborhood soundproofed and characterized
exceeding 10 3. Convents and convenience stores, retail airconditioned buildings mainly as a low-
persons) monasteries drug stores 2. Sanitaria, nursery or rise single-
4. Military or police convalescent homes attached, duplex or
barracks/ dormitories 3. Philanthropic or multi-level building/
5. All uses allowed in charitable institutions structure for
Division A-1 (or for R-1 upon approval of the exclusive use as
class) Building Official and multiple family
buildings/structures subject to such dwellings. This
6. Pre-schools, elementary conditions and includes R-2
and high schools, safeguards as deemed structures within
provided that they do not appropriate semi-exclusive
exceed sixteen (16) 4. Offices with no actual subdivisions and
classrooms display, sale, transfer, semi-exclusive
7. Outpatient clinics, family or lending of the office residential
planning clinics, lying-in commodities in the communities which
clinics, diagnostic clinics, premises and with are not
medical and clinical subject gross floor area subdivisions.
laboratories (GFA) not exceeding
8. Branch library and 30% of the building There shall be two
museum GFA (2) general types
9. Steam/ dry cleaning 5. Apartment of R-2 use or
outlets hotels/hometels occupancy, to wit:
10. Party needs and 6. Processing, refilling a. Basic R-2 :
accessories (leasing and retailing of bottled single-attached or
of tables and chairs, etc.) drinking water provided duplex
that clearances from building/structure
local health department of from one (1)
and certification of storey up to three
adequate supply from (3) storeys in
the water supply height and with
concessionaire shall be each unit for
secured. separate
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General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of
Zoning Classification
Building/ Structure

7. Home occupation use as single-family

for the practice of dwellings and;
one's profession
or for engaging in b. Maximum R-2
an in-house : low-rise multi-
business such as level
dressmaking, building/structure
tailoring, baking, of from three (3)
barber and beauty up to five (5)
shops and the storeys in height
like, provided that and for use as
the area in use multiple family
shall not exceed dwellings
30% of the gross
floor area (GFA)
of the dwelling unit
with the number of
persons engaged
in such
not exceeding ten
(10) inclusive of
owner; there shall
be no change in
the outside
appearance of the
building or
premises, no
home occupation
shall be
conducted in any
accessory use; no
traffic shall be
generated by such
home occupation
in greater volume
than would
normally be
expected in a
neighborhood and
any need for
parking generated
by the conduct of
such home
occupation shall
be met off the
street and in a
place other than in
a required front
yard; no
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equipment or
process shall be
used in such
home occupation
which creates
noise, vibration,
glare, fumes,
odors or electrical
detectable to the
normal senses
and visual or
interference in any
radio or television
receivers or
causes fluctuation
in line voltage of
the premises.
8. Car barns for not
more than three
(3) units.
9. LPG retailing with
a maximum of
twenty (20) units
of LPG tanks at
any given time
10. Recreational
facilities such as
resorts, swimming
pools, clubhouses
and similar uses
except carnivals
and fairs
11. Bank branches,
ing shops.
12. Driving range

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General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of Zoning Classification
Building/ Structure

Group B –
Structures, Hotels
and Apartments)
Division B-1 1. All uses permitted in 1. All customary accessory 1. All conditional Residential R-3 - a
Divisions A-1 and A-2 (or uses allowed in Divisions uses in R-1 and high-density
for R-1 class and R-2 A-1 and A-2 (or for R-1 R-2 with residential use or
class) class and R-2 class) appropriate occupancy,
buildings/structures buildings/ structures regulations characterized
2. Leased single-detached 2. Branch library and mainly as a low-
dwelling unit, cottage with museum rise or medium-rise
more than one (1) 3. Hometel building/ structure
independent unit and 4. Vocational school for exclusive use
duplexes. as multiple family
3. Boarding and lodging dwellings with
houses mixed housing
4. Multiple-housing units for types. R-3
lease or still for sale structure may
5. Townhouses, each include low-rise or
privately owned medium-rise
6. Boarding houses residential
7. Accessorias (shop- condominium
houses), rowhouses, buildings that are
townhouses, tenements already commercial
and apartments in nature and
8. Multiple privately-owned scale. There shall
condominium units or be two (2) general
tenement houses types of R-3 use or
(residential building for occupancy, to wit:
the exclusive use of non- a. Basic R-3 :
leasing occupants not rowhouse
exceeding ten (10) building/structure
persons and of low—rise of from one (1)
type (up to five (5) storey up to three
storeys maximum (3) storeys in
building height) height and with
9. Hotels, motels, inns, each unit for
pension houses and separate use as
apartels single-family
10. Private or off-campus dwellings; and
dormitories. b. Maximum R-3 :
11. Elementary schools and medium-rise multi-
high schools, provided level building/
that these will not exceed structure of from
twenty (20) classrooms six (6) up to twelve
(12) storeys in
height and for use
as multiple family
Residential R-4 -
a medium to high-

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density residential
use or
main-ly as a low-
rise townhouse
building/ structure
for exclusive use
as multiple family
dwellings. The
term R-4
specifically refers
to the
on an individual
lot (a townhouse
unit) and
generally refers to
the series or rows
of R-4
es within a
subdivided lot or
property (an R-4
1. Multi-family residential Residential R-5 - a
buildings such as very high-density
condominium, high-rise residential use or
residential occupancy,
buildings/structures, characterized mainly
multi-level apart-ments, as a medium-rise or
tenements, mass high-rise condominium
housing, etc. taller than building/structure for
five (5) storeys but not exclusive use as
more than twelve (12) multiple family
storeys dwelling.

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General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of Zoning Classification
Building/ Structure

Group C –
Education and
Division C-1 1. Educational institutions
like schools, colleges,
universities, vocational,
institutions, seminaries,
convents, including
school auditoriums,
gymnasia, reviewing
stands, little theaters,
concert halls, opera
2. Seminar/workshop
3. Training centers/facilities
4. Libraries, museums,
exhibition halls and art

5. Civic centers,
clubhouses, lodges,
community centers.
6. Churches, mosque,
temples. shrines, chapels
and similar places of
7. Civic or government
8. Other types of
government buildings
Division C-2 1. Amusement halls and 1. Government centers to GI (General
parlors house national, regional Institutional) - a
2. Massage and sauna or local offices in the community to national
parlors area level of institutional
3. Health studios and 2. Colleges, universities, use or occupancy,
reducing salons professional business characterized mainly
4. Billiard halls, pool rooms, schools, vocational and as a low-rise, medium-
bowling alleys and golf trade schools, technical rise or high-rise
clubhouses schools and other building/structure for
5. Dancing schools, disco institutions of higher education-al, training
pads, dance and learning and related activities,
amusement halls 3. General hospitals, e.g., schools and
6. Gymnasia, pelota courts medical centers, multi- related facilities and
and sports complex purpose clinics the like.
4. Scientific, cultural and
academic centers and
research facilities
except nuclear,
radioactive, chemical
and biological warfare
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5. Convention centers and
related facilities
6. Religious structures,
e.g., church, seminary,
7. Museums
8. Embassies/ consulate
9. Student housing, e.g.,
dormitories, boarding

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of Zoning Classification
Building/ Structure
Group D –
(Government and
Health Services)
Division D-1 1. Mental hospitals, 1. Welfare homes, GI (General
(Institutional, where mental sanitaria and orphanages, boys and Institutional) - a
personal liberties of mental asylums girls town, home for the community to national
in-mates are 2. Police and fire aged and the like level of institutional
restrained, or stations, guard houses 2. Rehabilitation and use or occupancy,
quarters of those 3. Jails, prisons, vocational training center characterized mainly
rendering public reformatories and for ex-convicts, drug as a low-rise, medium-
assistance and correctional institutions addicts, unwed mothers, rise or high-rise
maintaining peace 4. Rehabilitation physically, mentally and building/ structure for
and order) centers emotionally handicapped, medical, government
5. Leprosaria and ex-sanitaria inmates; and service administrative
quarantine station similar establishments and related activities,
3. Military e.g., hospitals and
camps/reservations/bases related health care
and training grounds facilities, government
4. Penitentiary and offices, military, police
correctional institution and correctional
buildings and the like.
Division D-2 1. Hospitals, sanitaria, and
buildings for health homes for the aged
2. Nurseries for children of
kindergarten age or non-
ambulatory patients
accommodating more
than five (5) persons
1. Nursing homes for
Division D-3 ambulatory patients
(Institutional, for 2. School and home, for
ambulatory patients children over
or children over kindergarten age
kindergarten age) 3. Orphanages

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General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of Zoning Classification
Building/ Structure

Group E – Business
and Mercantile
Division E-1 1. All uses allowed in 1. Office building 1. Garage for C-1 (Commercial One
(Business and Division B-1 (or for R-3 2. Office condominium jeepneys and taxis or Light Commercial) -
Mercantile, where class) buildings/ 3. Department not greater than six a neighborhood or
no work is done structures store/shopping center (6) units in number community level of
except change of 2. Gasoline filling and 4 Bookstore and office 2. Garage for bus and commercial use or
parts and service stations. supply shop trucks not greater occupancy,
maintenance 3. Storage garage and boat 5. Car shop than three (3) units characterized mainly
requiring no open storage. 6. Home appliance store in number as a low-rise
flames, welding, or 4. Commercial garages and 7. Photo shop 3. Retailing of CHBs, building/structure for
use of highly parking buildings, display 8. Flower shop gravel and sand low intensity
flammable liquids) for cars, tractors, etc. 9. Bakery and bake shop and other concrete commercial/trade,
5. Bus and railways depots 10. Wine store products service and business
and terminals and offices 11. Grocery activities, e.g., one to
6. Port facilities 12. Supermarket three (1 to 3) storey
7. Airports and heliport 13. Beauty parlor shopping centers,
facilities 14. Barber shop small offices or mixed-
8. All other types of 15. Sauna bath and use/occupancy
transportation complexes massage clinic buildings and the like.
9. All other types of large 16. Dressmaking and
complexes for public tailoring shops
services 17. Movie house/theater
10. Pawnshops, money
shops, photo and portrait
studios, shoeshine/repair
stands, retail drugstores,
tailoring and dress shops

11. Bakeshops and bakery 18. Playcourt, e.g., tennis, UTS (Utilities,
goods stores bowling, billiards Transportation and
19. Swimming pool Services) – a range of
12. Stores for construction utilitarian/functional
20. Day/night club
supplies and building uses or occupancies,
21. Stadium, coliseum,
materials such as characterized mainly
electrical and electronics, as a low-rise or
22. Other sports and
plumbing supplies, medium- rise
ceramic clay cement and building/structure for
other similar products low to high intensity
except CHBs, gravel and 23. Restaurants and other community support
sand and other concrete eateries functions, e.g.,
products 24. Short term special terminals/inter-
education like dancing modals/multi-modals
schools, schools for and depots
self-defense, driving
schools, speech clinics
25. Storeroom and
warehouse but only as
may be necessary for
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the efficient conduct of
the business
26. Commercial housing
like hotel, apartment,
apartel, boarding
house, dormitory,
pension house,
clubhouse, motel
27. Commercial
condominium (with
residential units in
upper floors)
28. Embassy/ consulate
29. Library/museum
30. Filling station/service
31. Clinic
32. Vocational/ technical
33. Convention center and
related facilities
34. Messengerial service
35. Security agency
36. Janitorial service
37. Bank and other
financial institution
38. Radio and television
39. Building garage
40. Commercial job
41. Typing and photo
engraving services
42. Repair of optical
instruments and
equipment and
43. Repair of clocks and
44. Manufacture of insignia,
badges and similar
emblems except metal
45. Transportation
46. Plant nurseries
47. Scientific, cultural and
academic centers and
research facilities except
nuclear, radioactive,
chemical and biological
warfare facilities.
Division E-2 1. Wholesale and retail 1. All uses in C-1 C-2 (Commercial
(Business and stores class buildings/ 1. Institutional uses Two or Medium
Mercantile in 2. Shopping centers, structures may be as colleges and Commercial) - a
nature) malls and supermarkets allowed in C-2 class universities, municipal or city
3. Wet and dry markets buildings/structures vocational and level of
4. Restaurants, 2. Repair shops like house technical schools, commercial use
drinking and dining appliances, motor general hospitals or occupancy,
and specialized
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establishments with less vehicles and accessory, general welfare, characterized
than one hundred (100) home furnishing shops charitable and mainly as a
occupancies. government medium-rise
5. Day/night clubs, bars, institutions building/structure
cocktails, 2. Hauling services for medium to
and garage high intensity
terminals for commercial/
trucks, tow trucks, trade, service and
and buses not

sing-along lounges, 3. Transportation exceeding three business activities,

bistros, pubs, beer terminal/garage with (3) units and e.g., three to
gardens repair shops storage five (3 to 5) storey
6. Bakeries, pastry 4. Publishing facilities in support
and bake shops. 5. Medium scale junk of commercial shopping centers,
7. Office buildings shop establishments
8. Financial Institutions 6. Machinery display 4. Auto sales and medium to large office
9. Printing & publishing shop/center rentals, automotive
plants and offices 7. Gravel and sand handicraft, or mixed
10. Engraving, photo 8. Lumber/hardware accessory and
developing and printing spare parts shops, use/occupancy
shops marine craft,
9. Manufacture of ice, ice
11. Photographer and painter aircraft and sales buildings/structures
blocks, cubes, tubes,
studios, tailoring and yards
crushed except dry ice
haberdashery shops 5. Junk shops, scrap and the like.
10. Manufacture of signs
12. Factories and dealer shops
and advertising displays
workshops, using less
(except printed)
flammable or non-
11. Chicharon factory
combustible materials
12. Welding shops SPE (Special) – other
13. Battery shops and repair
13. Machine shops service vertical facilities not
operations mentioned under
14. Paint stores without bulk
(repairing/rebuilding, or regular
custom job orders) uses/occupancies of
15. Funeral parlors
14 Motorcycles/bicycles buildings/structures
16. Memorial and mortuary
repair shops such as cemeteries,
chapels, crematories
15. Lechon stores memorial parks and
17. Columbarium
16. Biscuit factory - the like
18. Telephone and telegraph
manufacture of biscuits,
cookies, crackers and
19. Telecommunications,
other similar dried
media and public
bakery products
information complexes
17. Doughnut and hopia
including radio and TV
broadcasting studios
18. Factory for other bakery
20. Cell (mobile) phone
products not elsewhere
classified (n.e.c.)
21. Battery shops and auto
19. Shops for repacking of
repair shops
food products e.g.
22. Bakeries, pastry and
fruits, vegetables, sugar
bake shops
and other related
23. Police and fire stations

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24. Glassware and 20. Funeral parlors,
metalware stores, mortuaries and
household equipment crematory services and
and appliance shops memorial chapels
25. Manufacture of insignia, 21. Parking lots, garage
badges and similar facilities
emblems except metal 22. Buildings/structures for
26. General retail other commercial
establishments such as activities not elsewhere-
curio or antique shops, classified (n.e.c.)
pet shops and aquarium
stores, bookstores, art
supplies and novelties,
jewelry shops, liquor wine
stores and fIower shops
27. Employment/recruitment
agencies, news syndicate
services and office
equipment and repair
shops and other offices
28. Watch sales and services,
locksmith and other
related services
29. Other stores and shops
for conducting retail
business and local
shopping establishments
30. Radio, television and other
electrical appliance repair
31. Furniture, repair and
upholstering job
32. Computer stores and
video shops, including
33. Internet cafes and cyber
34. Garment manufacturing
with no more than twenty
(20) machines
34. Signboard and streamer
painting and silk

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35. Car barns for jeepneys
and taxis not more than
six (6) units
36. Lotto terminals, off-
fronton, on-line bingo
outlets and off-track
betting stations
37. Gardens and
landscaping supply/
38. Printing, typesetting,
copiers and duplicating
39. Photo supply and
40. Restaurants, canteens,
eateries, delicatessen
shops, confectionery
shops and
41. Groceries
42. Laundries and
43. Recording and film
44. Auto repair, tire,
vulcanizing shops and
carwash with minimum
100 sq. meters service
45. Physical fitness
Division E-3 1. All permitted uses in 1. All uses allowed in C-3 (Commercial
(Business and R-1, R-2 and R-3 Zones Three or Metropolitan
Mercantile, where Division E-1 (or for C-1 2. All uses allowed in Commercial) means a
no repair work is C-1, C-2 and C-3 Zones metropolitan level of
done except and C-2 class) buildings/ 3. Some uses commercial
exchange of parts allowed in I-1 Zones use/occupancy,
and maintenance structures 4. All uses allowed in characterized mainly
requiring no open GI Zones and SI Zones as a medium-rise to
flames, welding or 5. Parks and high-rise
2. Aircraft hangars
use of highly Recreation and building/structure for
flammable liquid) Entertainment class high to very high
3. Commercial parking lots buildings/ structures intensity commercial/
trade, service and
and garages business activities,
e.g., large to very
large shopping malls,
4. Department stores, very large office or
shopping malls/ centers, mixed-use/occupancy
commercial and sports buildings and the like.
complexes/ areas
5. Institutional uses as
university complexes
6. Other commercial/
business activities not
elsewhere classified

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General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of Zoning Classification
Building/ Structure

Group F –
Industrial (Non-
Pollutive/ Non-
Industries and
Division F-1 1. Ice plants and cold Customary support facilities Building/structure with I-1 (Industrial
(Light Industrial) storage buildings for industries such as lesser negative One) - a light
2. Power plants housing, community, utilities environmental impact industrial use or
(thermal, hydro or and services occupancy,
geothermal) characterized
3. Pumping plants mainly as a low-
(water supply, storm rise but sprawling
drainage, sewerage, building/
irrigation and waste
structure for low
treatment plants)
4. Dairies and
manufacturing or
production activities.
5. Rice mills and
sugar centrals
6. Breweries, bottling
plants, canneries, and
7. Factories and
workshops using
incombustible or non-
explosive materials
Group G – Storage
and Hazardous
(Pollutive/ Non-
industries and
Industries Only)
Division G-1 1. Storage tanks, Customary support facilities Building/structure with I-2 (Industrial Two) - a
(Medium Industrial, buildings for storing for industries such as lesser negative medium industrial use
which shall include gasoline, acetylene, LPG, housing, community, utilities environment impact or occupancy,
storage and calcium, carbides, and services characterized mainly
handling of oxygen, hydrogen, and as a low-rise but
hazardous and the like sprawling building/
highly flammable 2. Armories, arsenals structure for medium
materials) and munitions factories intensity
3. Match and manufacturing or
fireworks factories production activities.

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4. Plastics resin UTS (Utilities,
plants (monomer and Transportation and
polymer) Services) – a range of
5. Plastics utilitarian/functional
compounding and uses/ occupancies,
processing plants characterized mainly
6. Acetylene and by low-rise or medium-
oxygen generating plants rise
7. Cooking oil and buildings/structures for
soap processing plants low to high intensity
8. Factories for highly community support
flammable chemicals functions, e.g., power
9. Water and power and water generation/
generation/ distribution distribution facilities,
complexes telecommunication
10. Liquid and solid facilities,
waste management drainage/wastewater
facilities and sewerage
11. All other types of facilities, solid waste
large complexes for handling facilities and
public utilities the like excluding
and depot
Division G-2 1. All uses permitted Customary support facilities Building/structure with
(Medium Industrial in I-1 class for industries such as lesser negative
buildings for storage 2. Dry cleaning plants housing, community, utilities environment impact
and handling of using flammable liquids and services
flammable 3. Paint stores with
materials) bulk handling
4. Paint shops and
spray painting rooms
5. Sign and billboard
painting shops
Division G-3 1. Wood working Customary support facilities Building/structure with
(Medium Industrial establishments, lumber for industries such as lesser negative
buildings for wood and timber yards housing, community, utilities environment impact
working activities, 2. Planing mills and and services
papers cardboard sawmills, veneer plants
manufactures, 3. Wood drying kilns
textile and garment 4. Pulp, paper and
factories paperboard factories
5. Wood and
cardboard box factories
6. Textile and fiber
spinning mills
7. Grains and cement
8. Warehouses
where highly combustible
materials are stored.
9. Factories where
loose combustible fiber or
dirt are manufactured,
processed or generated.
10. Garment and
undergarment factories
Division G-4 1. Repair garages Customary support facilities Building/structure with
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(Medium Industrial, and shops for industries such as lesser negative
for repair garages 2. Factories for housing, community, utilities environment impact
and engine engines and turbines and and services
manufacture attached testing facilities
Division G-5 1. Hangars Customary support facilities Building/structure with
(Medium Industrial, 2. Manufacture and for industries such as lesser negative
for aircraft facilities) assembly plants of housing, community, utilities environment impact
aircraft engine and services
3. Repairs and
testing shops for aircraft
engines and parts

General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of Zoning Classification
Building/ Structure

Group H –
Assembly for less
than 1,000
(Cultural and/ or
Division H-1 1. Theaters and PRE (Park Structures,
(Recreational, which auditoriums Recreation and
are assembly 2. Concert halls and open Entertainment) - a
buildings with stage houses range of recreational
and having an 3. Convention halls uses or occupancies,
occupant load of 4. Little theaters, audio- characterized mainly
less than 1,000) as a low-rise or
visual rooms medium-rise
building/structure for
low to medium
intensity recreational
or entertainment
functions related to
educational uses, e.g.,
structures on
campuses or its
component parks/open
spaces and all other
kinds of recreational or
buildings/structures on
campus such as
auditoria, mess halls,
seminar facilities,
gymnasia, stadia,
arenas and the like.

CUL (Cultural) - a
community to national
level of cultural use or
mainly as a low-rise or
medium-rise building/
structure for cultural
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activities, e.g., cultural
centers, convention
centers, very large
office or mixed-
buildings and the like.
Division H-2 1. Dance halls, cabarets,
(Recreational, which ballrooms
are assembly 2. Skating rinks
buildings with stage 3. Cockfighting arenas
and having an
occupant load of
300 or more)
Division H-3 1. Dance halls, ballrooms
(Recreational, which 2. Skating rinks
are assembly
buildings with stage
and having an
occupant load of
less than 300)
Division H-4 1. Sports stands
(Recreational, 2. Reviewing stands
tourism estate 3. Grandstand and
developments or bleachers
tourism-oriented 4. Covered amusement
establishments, parks
which are structures 5. Boxing arenas, jai-alai
not included in stadiums
Divisions H-1) 6. Race tracks and
7. All types of resort
8. All other types of
amusement and
entertainment complexes
Group I –
Assembly for More
than 1,000
(Cultural and/or
Division I-1 1. Colisea and sports 1. Parks/gardens CUL (Cultural) - a
(Recreational, complexes 2. Resort areas, e.g., community to national
Assembly Buildings 2. Theaters and convention beaches, including level of cultural use or
with stage and an centers accessory uses occupancy,
occupant load of 3. Concert halls and open 3. Open air or outdoor characterized mainly
1,000 or more in the houses sports activities and as a low-rise or
building) 4. Convention centers support facilities, medium-rise
including low rise stadia, building/structure for
gyms, amphitheaters and cultural activities
swimming pools
4. Golf courses, ball courts, PRE (Park
race tracks and similar Structures,
uses Recreation and
5.Memorial/Shrines/monume Entertainment) - a
nts, kiosks and other range of
park structures recreational uses
6. Sports Club occupancies,
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7. Underground parking characterized mainly as a
structures/ facilities low-rise or medium-rise
building/ structure for low
to medium intensity
recreational or
entertainment functions
related to educational
uses, e.g., structures on
campuses or its
component parks/open
spaces and all other
kinds of recreational or
assembly buildings/
structures on campus
such as auditoria, mess
halls, seminar facilities,
gymnasia, stadia, arenas
and the like.
General U S E
Classification of
Use/Character of Zoning Classification
Building/ Structure

Group J –
(Agricultural and
Uses not
Mentioned Under
Groups A through

Division J-1 1. Agricultural structures: there shall be no change A (Agricultural) - an

a. Sheds or alteration in the agricultural or
b. Barns outside appearance of agriculture-related use
c. Poultry houses the dwelling unit and or occupancy,
d. Piggeries shall not be a hazard or characterized mainly
e. Hatcheries nuisance; allotted as a low-rise or
f. Stables capitalization shall not medium-rise
g. Greenhouses exceed the capitalization building/structure for
h. Granaries as set by the Department low to high intensity
i. Silos of Trade and Industry agricultural or related
(DTI); such shall consider activities, e.g., poultry
same provisions as houses, hatcheries,
enumerated in Home piggeries,
Occupation, this Section. greenhouses,
10. Backyard raising of granaries and the like
livestock and fowl, as well as offices,
provided that for educational, training,
livestock- a maximum of research and related
10 heads; for fowl. a facilities for agriculture
maximum of 500 birds and the like.
11. All uses allowed in
agriculture AI (Agro-Industrial) -
12. Rice/ corn mills (single an agro-industrial or
pass) related use or
13. Drying, cleaning, curing occupancy,
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and preserving of meat characterized mainly
and its by products and as a low-rise building/
derivatives structure for low to
14. Drying, smoking and high intensity agro-
airing of tobacco industrial or related
15. Flour mill activities to include
16. Cassava flour mill offices, educational,
17. Manufacture of coffee training, research and
18. Manufacture of related facilities for
unprepared animal feeds, agro-industry.
other grain milling, n.e.c.
19. Production of prepared
feeds for animals
20. Cigar and Cigarette
21. Curing and redrying
tobacco leaves
22. Miscellaneous
processing of tobacco
leaves, n.e.c.
23. Weaving hemp textile
24. Jute spinning and
25. Manufacture of charcoal
26. Milk processing plants
(Manufacturing filled,
reconstituted or
recombined milk,
condensed or
27. Butter and cheese
processing plants
28. Natural fluid milk
processing (pasteurizing,
vitaminizing, bottling of
natural animal milk and
cream related products)
29. Other dairy products,
30. Canning and preserving
of fruits and fruit juices
31. Canning and preserving
of vegetables and
vegetable juices
32. Canning and preserving
of vegetable sauces
33. Miscellaneous canning
and preserving of fruit
and vegetables, n.e.c.
34. Fish canning
35. Patis factory
36. Bagoong factory
37. Processing,
preserving and canning
of fish and other
seafoods, n.e.c.
38. Manufacturing of

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desiccated coconut
39. Manufacture of starch
and its products
40. Manufacture of wines
from juices of local
41. Vegetable oiI mills,
including coconut oil
42. Sugarcane milling
(centrifugal and
43. Sugar refining
44. Muscovado sugar mill
45. Cotton textile mill
46. Manufacture/processing
of other plantation
crops, e.g., pineapple,
bananas, etc.
47. Other commercial
handicrafts and
industrial activities
utilizing plant or animal
parts and/or products
as raw materials, n.e.c.
22. 48. Other accessory
uses incidental to agro-
industrial activities
Division J-2 1. Private garages, 1. All PUD (Planned Unit
(Accessory) carports uses/occupancy Development) - refers
2. Towers, smokestacks permitted in all to land development or
and chimneys other Divisions (or redevelopment
3. Swimming pools classes of schemes for a new or
including shower and buildings/ built-up project site
locker room structures) if such wherein said project
4. Fence over 1.80 uses/occupancy site must have a
meters high, separate are part of the Comprehensive
fire walls Planned Unit Development Master
5. Steel and/ or concrete Development Plan (CDMP) or its
tanks (PUD) acceptable equivalent,
i.e., a unitary
development plan/site
plan that permits
flexibility in planning/
urban design,
complementarity of
building types and
land uses, usable
open spaces for
general public use
services and

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Business activities and
the preservation of
significant natural land
features if feasible,
whereby said CDMP
must be duly approved
by the LGU
Division J-3 1. Stages, platforms and
similar structures
2. Pelota, tennis,
badminton or
basketball courts
3. Tombs, mausoleums
and niches
4. Aviaries and
aquariums and zoo
5. Banks and record

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SECTION 702. Change in Use

No change shall be made in the character of occupancy or use of any building which would place
the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancies,
unless such building is made to comply with the requirements of the Code for such division or group of
occupancy. The character of occupancy of existing buildings may be changed subject to the approval of
the Building Official and the building may be occupied for purposes set forth in other Groups: Provided
the new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing use.

SECTION 703. Mixed Occupancy

1. General Requirements

When a building is of mixed occupancy or used for more than one occupancy, the whole building
shall be subject to the most restrictive requirement pertaining to any of the type of occupancy found
therein except in the following:

a. When a one-storey building houses more than one occupancy, each portion of the building shall
conform to the requirement of the particular occupancy housed therein and;

b. Where minor accessory uses do not occupy more than 10% of the area of any floor or a building,
nor more than 10% of the basic area permitted in the occupancy requirements, in which case, the
major use of the building shall determine the occupancy classification.

2. Forms of Occupancy Separation

Occupancy separations shall be vertical or horizontal or both, or when necessary, of such other forms
as may be required to afford a complete separation between the various occupancy divisions in the

3. Types of Occupancy Separation

Occupancy separation shall be classified as “One-Hour Fire-Resistive”, “Two-Hour Fire-Resistive”,

“Three-Hour Fire-Resistive” and “Four-Hour Fire-Resistive.”

a. A “One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be of not less than one-hour fire-
resistive construction. All openings in such separation shall be protected by a fire-assembly
having a one-hour fire-resistive rating.

b. A “Two-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be of not less than two-hour fire-
resistive construction. All openings in such separation shall be protected by a fire assembly
having a two-hour fire-resistive rating.

c. A “Three-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be of not less than three-hour fire-
resistive construction. All openings in walls forming such separation shall be protected by a fire
assembly having a three-hour fire-resistive rating. The total width of all openings in any three-
hour fire-resistive occupancy separation wall in any one-storey shall not exceed 25% of the length
of the wall in that storey and no single opening shall have an area greater than 10.00 sq. meters.
All openings in floors forming a “Three-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall be
protected by vertical enclosures extending above and below such openings. The walls of such
vertical enclosures shall be of not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction, and all openings
therein shall be protected by a fire assembly having a three-hour fire-resistive rating.

d. A “Four-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation” shall have no openings therein and shall be
of not less than four-hour fire-resistive construction.

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4. Fire Rating for Occupancy Separation

Occupancy Separations shall be provided between groups, subgroupings, or divisions of

occupancies. The Secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations for appropriate occupancy
separations in buildings of mixed occupancy; Provided, that, where any occupancy separation is
required, the minimum shall be a “One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation”; and where the
occupancy separation is horizontal, structural members supporting the separation shall be protected
by an equivalent fire-resistive construction.

SECTION 704. Location on Property

1. General

a. No building shall be constructed unless it adjoins or has direct access to a public space, yard or
street on at least one of its sides.

b. For the purpose of this Section, the centerline of an adjoining street or alley shall be considered
an adjacent property line.

c. Eaves over required windows shall not be less than 750 millimeters from the side and rear
property lines.

2. Fire Resistance of Walls

Exterior walls shall have fire resistance and opening protection in accordance with the requirements
set forth by the Secretary. Projections beyond the exterior wall shall not exceed beyond a point one-
third the distance from an assumed vertical plane located where the fire-resistive protection of
openings is first required to the location on property whichever is the least restrictive. Distance shall
be measured at right angles from the property line. When openings in exterior walls are required to
be protected due to distance from property line, the sum of the areas of such openings in any storey
shall not exceed 50% of the total area of the wall in that storey.

3. Buildings on Same Property and Buildings Containing Courts

For the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection, buildings on the same
property and court walls shall be assumed to have a property line between them. When a new
building is to be erected on the same property with an existing building, the assumed property line
from the existing building shall be the distance to the property line for each occupancy as set forth by
the Secretary; Provided, that two or more buildings on the same property may be considered as one
building if the aggregate area of such building is within the limits of allowable floor areas for a single
building, and when the buildings so considered, house different occupancies or are of different types
of construction, the area shall be that allowed for the most restrictive occupancy or construction.

4. Building Footprint and Firewall Requirements

a. The following rules shall be observed in the determination of the Allowable Maximum Building
Footprint (AMBF) for buildings and related habitable structures. If the stated rules are compared
with (1) Rule VIII Table VIII.1.- Reference Table on Percentage of Site Occupancy and Maximum
Allowable Construction Area (MACA); (2) Rule VIII Tables VIII.2. and VIII.3. (setbacks, yards and
courts); or (3) with the applicable stipulations under this Rule and with the applicable stipulations
of the Fire Code, the more stringent but applicable regulation out of the aforementioned rules
should be observed;

b. If without a firewall, the footprint of a proposed building/structure shall be measured horizontally

from the property line to the outermost faces of the exterior walls of the building/structure;
Provided, that the distance measured from the property line shall conform with the applicable

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stipulations of this Rule and Rule VIII; The resultant area established at grade level upon which
the proposed building/structure may stand shall be the AMBF;

c. Footprint Based on Firewall Provisions

i. If with a firewall on one (1) side, the footprint of a proposed building/structure shall be
measured horizontally from the property line with a firewall to the outermost faces of the
opposite exterior walls of the building/structure; Provided, that the applicable stipulations of
the Fire Code are strictly followed;

ii. If with a firewall on two (2) sides or on one (1) side and the rear property line, the footprint
of a proposed building/structure shall be measured horizontally from the opposing property
lines in case of a firewall on two (2) sides or from the rear property line with a firewall to the
outermost faces of the opposite exterior walls of the building/structure; provided, that the
applicable stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly followed;

iii. Absolutely no firewalls are allowed for a low density residential (R-1) uses or occupancies;
an abutment of up to 3.20 meters from established grade level may however be permitted
but solely for the purpose of supporting a carport roof; provided further that such abutment
shall be constructed of perforated or decorative concrete blocks above 1.50 meters
measured vertically from the established grade level; such an abutment shall not be longer
than 7.00 meters or 50% of the side property line in total length, whichever is shorter.

iv. For medium density residential (R-2) uses or occupancies, a firewall can be erected on a
maximum of 80% of the total length of a side property line; provided that only one (1) side
property line is used for a firewall in the case of a R-2 structure; and provided further that
the applicable stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly followed;

v. For high-density residential (R-3) uses or occupancies, two (2) types of firewall construction
may be permitted:

(a) For a R-3 use or occupancy with a firewall on two (2) sides, a firewall can be erected
on a maximum of 85% of the total length of each side property line; provided that all
firewall construction shall not exceed 65% of the total perimeter of the R-3 property,
i.e., total length of all property lines; provided that firewalls in R-3 lots shall only be
allowed for a maximum two (2) storey component structure; and provided further that
all the applicable stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly followed; and

(b) For a R-3 use or occupancy with a firewall on one (1) side property line and at the
rear property line, a firewall can be erected on a maximum of 90% of the total length
of the side and rear property lines and up to 100% in case the rear property line is
only 4.00 meters wide; provided that all firewall construction at the side property lines
shall not exceed 50% of the total perimeter of the R-3 property, i.e., total length of all
property lines; provided that firewalls in R-3 lots shall only be allowed for a maximum
two (2) storey structure but not at the rear property line where the maximum allowed
firewall height shall only be 3.20 meters measured vertically from established grade;
and provided further that all the applicable stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly

vi. For townhouse residential (R-4) uses or occupancies, firewalls on the two (2) sides of each
townhouse unit may be permitted; the R-4 firewall can be erected on a maximum of 85% of
the total length of each side property line; provided that all firewall construction shall not
exceed 50% of the total perimeter of each R-4 property, i.e., total length of all property
lines; provided that firewalls in each R-4 use or occupancy shall be allowed for a maximum
three (3) storey structure; and provided further that all the applicable stipulations of the Fire
Code are strictly followed;

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vii. For residential condominium (R-5) uses or occupancies, two (2) types of firewall
construction may be permitted:

(a) For a R-5 use or occupancy with a firewall on two (2) sides, a firewall can be erected
on a maximum of 75% of the total length of each side property line; provided that all
firewall construction at the side property lines shall not exceed 50% of the total
perimeter of the R-5 property, i.e., total length of all property lines; provided that side
firewalls in R-5 uses or occupancies shall only be allowed for a maximum eight (8)
storey component structure, i.e., the podium; and provided further that all the applicable
stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly followed; and

(b) For a R-5 use or occupancy with a firewall on one (1) side and at the rear property line,
a firewall can be erected on a maximum of 65% of the total length of the side property
line and on a maximum of 50% of the total length of the rear property line; provided that
all firewall construction shall not exceed 60% of the total perimeter of the R-5 property,
i.e., total length of all property lines; provided that the side firewalls in R-5 uses or
occupancies shall only be allowed for a maximum eight (8) storey component structure
and that at the rear property line, the maximum allowed firewall height shall only be
14.00 meters measured vertically from established grade; and provided further that all
the applicable stipulations of the Fire Code are strictly followed.

viii. All existing openings on all firewalls shall be sealed completely to maintain the fire integrity
of adjoining buildings/structures.

ix. The provision of a fully functional sprinkler system and the installation of other fire-retardant
or fire suppression devices in the case of commercial, institutional and industrial
buildings/structures may allow firewall construction for up to 70% of the total perimeter of
the property lines provided that the prescribed setbacks, yards and courts fronting the Road
Right-Of-Way (RROW) are first fully complied with; and provided further that all the
applicable stipulations of the Fire Code, particularly on the number, type and locations of
fire exits are strictly followed.

SECTION 705. Allowable Floor Areas

1. General. The Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) of any proposed
building/structure shall only be as allowed under this Rule.

2. TGFA Limitation. In Table VII.1. hereafter, the percentages (%) indicated in the third (3 rd) through
eighth (8th) columns, but excluding the multiplier numbers 3, 5, 12, 18, and 30 (which represent the
number of storeys/floors), are the percentages of the Total Lot Area (TLA) that may be used to
initially determine the Allowable Maximum TGFA for a proposed building/structure.

3. Crosscheck of TGFA with Allowable Maximum Volume Building (AMVB). The Allowable Maximum
TGFA once established must be thoroughly crosschecked with the AMVB to find out if the AMVB is
not exceeded. If exceeded, the necessary adjustments on the Maximum Allowable TGFA must be
made since the AMVB must always prevail.

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Table VII.1. Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)
Based on the Allowed Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO)
of the Total Lot Area (TLA)

Allowable Maximum
Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)*
by Type/ Location of Lot
of Use/ Type of
*Note: Building Height Limit (BHL) multiplied by the Allowable Maximum Building
Occupan- Building/
Footprint (AMBF) expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area or TLA (with
cy Structure
or without firewall). Figure subject to reduction to comply with the floor area
component of the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB). Refer to Table
VII.1. to arrive at the percentage (%) of TLA.

Interior Inside Corner Through Corner- Corner Lot

(or Rear) (or Lot Lot Through Abutting 3 or
Lot Regular) Lot More Streets, etc.
and Lot (see Fig. (see Fig. Rivers, Etc.
End Lot VIII.10. of VIII.11. of (see Fig. (see Fig. VIII.13.
(see Fig. Rule VIII) Rule VIII) VIII.12. of of Rule VIII)
(see Fig. VIII.9. of Rule VIII)
VIII.8. and Rule VIII)
of Rule
Residen- Residen- 3 (floors/ 3 x50% 3 x70% of 3 x70% 3 x70% of 3 x70% of TLA
tial tial TLA storeys) of TLA x TLA of TLA TLA
GROUP (R-1) 60% of
A-l (without TLA
Basic 3 x 70% 3 x 60% 3 x 70% 3 x 70% 3 x 70% 3 x 70%
tial 2 (R-2)
Maximum 5 x 70% 5 x 60% 5 x 70% 5 x 70% 5 x 70% 5 x 70%
tial 2 (R-2)
Basic 3 x 70% 3 x 70% 3 x 70% 3 x 70% 3 x70% 3 x70%
tial 3 (R-3)
Maximum 12x80% 12x80% 12x80% 12x80% 12x80% 12x80%
tial 3 (R-3)
Residen- 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80%
tial 4 (R-4)
Residen- 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80%
tial 4 (R-4)
Residen- 18x80% 18x80% 18x80% 18x80% 18x80% 18x80%
tial 5 (R-5)

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Residen- Residen-
tial tial 1 Not NA NA NA NA NA
GROUP (R-1) applicable
A-l (NA)

Allowable Maximum
Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)*
by Type/ Location of Lot
of Use/ Type of
*Note: Building Height Limit (BHL) multiplied by the Allowable Maximum Building
Occupan- Building/
Footprint (AMBF) expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area or TLA (with
cy Structure
or without firewall). Figure subject to reduction to comply with the floor area
component of the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB). Refer to Table
VII.1. to arrive at the percentage (%) of TLA.

Basic 3 x 75% 3 x 70% 3 x 75% 3 x 75% 3 x 75% 3 x 75%

tial 2 (R-2)
Maximum 5 x 75% 5 x 70% 5 x 75% 5 x 75% 5 x 75% 5 x 75%
tial 2 (R-2)
Basic 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80%
tial 3 (R-3)
Maximum 12x80% 12x80% 12x80% 12x80% 12x80% 12x80%
tial 3 (R-3)
Residen- 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80% 3 x 80%
tial 4 (R-4)
Residen- 18x80% 18x80% 18x80% 18x80% 18x80% 18x80%
tial 5 (R-
Commer- Commer- 5 x 80% 5 x 75% 5 x 80% 5 x 80% 5 x 90% 5 x 90%
cial cial 1
GROUPS (Com-1)
B, C, E, H,
Commer- 12x80% 12x75% 12x80% 12x80% 12x90% 12x90%
cial 2
Commer- 30 x 80% 30x75% 30x80% 30x80% 30x90% 30x90%
cial 3
Commer- 5 x 85% 5 x 85% 5 x 90% 5 x 90% 5 x 95% 5 x 95%
cial 1
System &

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Commer- 12x85% 12x85% 12x90% 12x90% 12x95% 12x95%
cial 2
System &
Commer- 30x85% 30x85% 30x90% 30x90% 30x95% 30x95%
cial 3
System &

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
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Allowable Maximum
Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)*
by Type/ Location of Lot
of Use/ Type of
*Note: Building Height Limit (BHL) multiplied by the Allowable Maximum Building
Occupan- Building/
Footprint (AMBF) expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area or TLA (with
cy Structure
or without firewall). Figure subject to reduction to comply with the floor area
component of the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB). Refer to Table
VII.1. to arrive at the percentage (%) of TLA.
Industrial Industrial 1 Duly- BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL
GROUPS (Ind-1) approved x x x x x
F, G Building 75% 80% 80% 90% 90%
Height of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA
(BHL) x
80% of
(Ind-2) x 80% x 75% x 80% x 80% x 90% X 90%
(Ind-3) x 80% x 75% x 80% x 80% x 90% x 90%
(Ind-1) x x x x x x
with 85% 85% 90% 90% 95% 95%
System &
(I-2) with x x x x x x
Sprinkler 85% 85% 90% 90% 95% 95%
System &
(Ind-3) x x x x x x
with 85% 85% 90% 90% 95% 95%
System &
Institution- Without BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL
al Sprinkler x x x x x x
GROUP D System & 50% 50% 60% 60% 60% 60%
Firewalls of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA
Sprinkler x x x x x x
System & 60% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70%
Firewalls of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA
Cultural Without BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL
Sprinkler x 60% x 60% x 65% x 65% x 65% x 65%
System & of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA
Sprinkler x 70% X 70% x 70% x 70% x 70% x 70%
System &
Transport- Without BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL BHL
ation Sprinkler x 50% x 50% x 60% x 60% x 60% x 60%
System & of TLA Of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA of TLA
Sprinkler x 60% x 60% x 70% x 70% x 70% x 70%
System &
Maximum of sixty (60) storeys (180.00 meters) BHL for inland areas not close to airports.

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SECTION 706. Allowable Floor Area Increases

The floor areas hereinabove provided may be increased in certain specific instances and under
appropriate conditions, based on the existence of public space, streets or yards extending along and
adjoining two or more sides of the building or structure subject to the approval of the Building Official.
(Refer to Guidelines on Determining Gross Floor Area and Total Gross Floor Area of a Building/Structure
at the end of this Rule)

SECTION 707. Maximum Height of Buildings

1. The maximum height and number of storeys of proposed building shall be dependent upon the
character of use or occupancy and the type of construction, considering end-user population density,
light and ventilation, width of RROW/streets particularly of its roadway/carriageway component,
building bulk, off-street cum off-site parking requirements, etc. and in relation to local land use plan
and zoning regulations as well as other environmental considerations, e.g., geological, hydrological,
meteorological, topographical, prevailing traffic conditions, the availability and capacity of public
utility/service systems, etc. (Refer to Guidelines on Building Bulk at the end of this Rule)

2. Determination of Building Height:

a. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT (BHL) - the maximum height to be allowed for buildings/structures
based on their proposed use or occupancy; the BHL is generally determined after the application
of other development controls (DC) and certain other parameters, i.e., considerations of site
conditions, view, etc. (Table VII.2. of this Rule). The BHL shall be generally measured from the
established grade line to the topmost portion of the proposed building/structure. If applicable, the
BHL may be subject to clearance requirements of the Air Transportation Office (ATO) or of the
concerned military/security authorities. (Refer to Guidelines on Development Controls at the end
this Rule)

BHL excludes the height of permitted/allowed projections above the roof of the building/structure,
e.g., signage, mast, antenna, telecom tower, beacons and the like.

b. The Building Height Limit (BHL) of any proposed building/structure shall only be as allowed under
this Rule (as shown in table below) or under the duly approved city/municipal (local) zoning
ordinance, whichever is more restrictive.

Table VII.2. Building Height Limit (BHL) by Type of Use or Occupancy

Building Height Limit (BHL)

Character of Use or Type of Building/ Number of allowable
Meters above highest
Occupancy Structure storeys/floors above
established grade
1. Residential Residential 1 (R-1) 3 10.00
Residential 2 (R-2)
a. Basic 3 10.00
b. Maximum 5 15.00
Residential 3 (R-3)
a. Basic 3 10.00
b. Maximum 12 36.00
Residential 4
3 10.00
(Individual lots/ units)
Residential 5
(R-5)/ 12 - 18 36.00 - 54.00
2. Commercial Commercial 1
3-5 10.00 -15.00

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Commercial 2
6 18.00
Commercial 3
16-60 48.00 -180.00
Building Height Limit (BHL)
Character of Use or Type of Building/ Number of allowable
Meters above highest
Occupancy Structure storeys/floors above
established grade
3. Industrial 15.00 meters but not exceed the duly-approved
Industrial 1 (I-1) BHL in the major zone it is part of

21.00 meters but not exceed the duly-approved

Industrial 2 (I-2) BHL in the major zone it is part of

27.00 meters but not exceed the duly-approved

Industrial 3 (I-3) BHL in the major zone it is part of)

4. Institutional 15.00 meters (or must follow the duly-approved

- BHL in the major zone it is part of)

5. Cultural 30.00 meters (or must follow the duly-approved

- BHL in the major zone it is part of)

6. Utility/Trans- 15.00 meters (or must complement the duly-

portation/RROW/ - approved BHL in the major zone it is part of)
7. Parks and Open 15.00 meters (or must complement the duly-
Recreational and approved BHL in the major zone it is part of)
8. Agricultural/Agro- 15.00 meters (or must complement the duly-
Industrial/Tourism - approved BHL in the major zone it is part of)

9. Planned Unit PUD at a reclamation 10.00-45.00 (with ATO-

Development area close to an prescribed BHL as
3 - 15
(PUD) operating airport needed)

PUD at a reclamation
3 - 30 10.00 – 30.00
PUD at a coastal area 48.00 – 135.00
16 - 45
PUD at an inland area 10.00 - 75.00 (with
close to an operating 3 - 25 ATO-prescribed BHL
airport as needed)
PUD at an inland area 12 - 60 36.00 – 180.00


a. Establishing Grade

- In case of sloping grade where the edges of the building footprint (AMBF) running perpendicular to
the RROW has a difference in elevation of less than 3.00 meters, the highest adjoining natural
grade (ground surface) or finished grade (sidewalk surface) shall be considered the established
grade elevation (Figure VII.1.);

- In case of sloping grade where the edges of the building footprint (AMBF) running perpendicular to
the RROW has a difference in elevation of more than 3.00 meters, the average grade level of the
building footprint (AMBF) shall be considered the established grade elevation (see Figure VII.3.);

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- The building/structure height shall be measured from the highest adjoining public sidewalk (finished
grade) or ground surface (natural grade); Provided, that the height measured from the lowest
adjoining surface shall not exceed such maximum height by more than 3.00 meters; Except, that
towers, spires and steeples, erected as parts of the building and not used for habitation or storage
are limited as to the height only by structural design, if completely of incombustible materials, or
may extend but not exceed 6.00 meters above the prescribed building height limit (BHL) for each
occupancy group, if of combustible materials (Figures VII.2.).

Figure VII.1. Figure VII.2.

Annotation. The height of buildings should also

be generally proportional to its base/footprint. In
practice, a smaller footprint cum taller profile for
a building is resorted to in order to preserve as
much of the open space within a lot (or
surrounding the building) as much as possible.

Figure VII.3.


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3. Other Considerations in Height Determination

a. In any given locality, the height of proposed buildings/structures shall be governed by the
following factors:

i. The designer/space planner must consider both the present and projected population
density within the project site and in the project’s location/area at full completion/operation
of the project;

ii. For a given volume of building/structure (the building bulk), that which has a lesser
Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) or area of ground coverage Allowable Maximum
Building Footprint (AMBF) or Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA) may be built
higher than that with a greater PSO, AMBF or MACA;

iii. A proposed building/structure which has a greater TGFA requirement shall be built higher
than that with a lower TGFA requirement;

iv. A proposed building/structure on a lot with a higher FLAR designation/rights may be built
higher than that on a lot with a lower FLAR designation/rights; and

v. Lots that face a wider RROW and therefore with more RROW features/elements may
become the site of a taller building/structure as compared to a lot facing a narrow RROW.

b. The height of proposed buildings/structures shall also be governed by the following RROW-based

i. If only one (1) RROW services a lot and such is only 6.00 to 7.00 meters wide, a BHL of
three (3) storeys (or 9.00 meters maximum) shall be observed regardless of use or
occupancy, lot size, lot dimensions, lot frontage and like considerations.

ii. If only one (1) RROW services a lot and such is only 4.00 to 5.00 meters wide, a BHL
equivalent to 2 ½ storeys (or 7.50 meters maximum) shall be observed regardless of use or
occupancy, lot size, lot dimensions, lot frontage and like considerations. If only one (1)
RROW services a lot and such is only 3.00 meters wide or less, a BHL equivalent to two (2)
storeys (or 6.00 meters maximum) shall be observed regardless of use or occupancy, lot
size, lot dimensions, lot frontage and like considerations.

iii. Taller buildings are allowed for duly approved high-density developments such as Planned
Unit Development (PUD) areas. Taller and bulkier buildings are better suited in such areas
due to higher end-user targets, more advanced and coordinated planning efforts and the
application of more stringent development controls (DC) by the project proponents

c. The following factors shall also be considered in the determination of the building height:

i. Soil characteristics, lot location in relation to fault lines and earthquake belts or proximity to
volcanoes and other geological conditions.

ii. Hydrological conditions such as the water table at the site and distance to waterways and

iii. Meteorological conditions such as the frequency and intensity of destructive

typhoons/monsoon winds/rains, prevailing wind speed and direction, relative humidity,
amount of precipitation and the prevailing ambient conditions.

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iv. Effect/s of environmental conditions on the building/structure and vice versa coupled with
the effective control of air, noise and thermal pollution, radiant heat, lights and shadows,
etc., and the optimization of natural light and ventilation.

v. Effect/s of traffic conditions on the building/structure and vice versa and the satisfaction of
parking/loading requirements in accordance with this Rule.

vi. Availability and capacity of public utility/service system considering the availability and
adequacy of electric power, potable and non-potable water supply, drainage and sewerage,
transportation and communications facilities, solid waste management system, etc.

vii. Need for applicable building safety and maintenance systems, e.g., lightning arresters,
beacons, protective railings and barriers, gondolas, window washing systems, etc.

d. In accordance with the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP) of the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) where the Philippines is a member state and of Administrative
Order No. 5 (Civil Air Regulation) of the Air Transportation Office (ATO), the following rules and
regulations shall govern the construction of buildings/structures within the 24.00 kilometer radius
of aerodromes where turbo-jet aircraft operate and within the 10.00 kilometer radius of
aerodromes where no turbo-jet aircraft operate. (Figs. VII.4. through VII.8.)

i. The height of buildings/structures within this area shall be limited by an imaginary line with
slope of 2% or 1:50 for aerodromes where turbo-jet aircraft operate and 2.5% or 1:40 for
aerodromes where no turbo-jet aircraft operate from the inner edge reckoned from the
surface of the runway. The dimensions of the isosceles trapezoidal are as shown on Table
VII.3. hereafter.

Table VII.3. Dimensions of Isosceles Trapezoid

Inner Edge Distance

Long Base
Type of Aerodrome (Start Base) Between Bases
(meters) (meters)
Aerodromes where 300 4,800 15,000
turbo-jet aircraft
operates 150 4,650 15,000

Aerodromes where no 150 2,150 10,000

turbo-jet aircraft
operates 100 2,100 10,000

ii. No new buildings/structures shall be allowed within the runway strip.

iii. A height clearance certificate shall be first secured from the Air Transportation Office (ATO)
before a building permit may be issued for the construction of buildings/structures located:

(a) Within 4.00 kilometer radius of the runway ends of an aerodrome regardless of

(b) From 4.00 kilometer to 24.00 kilometer radius of the runway ends of an aerodrome
where turbo-jet aircraft operate and exceeding 45.00 meters in height above the
elevation of the runway; and

(c) From 4.00 kilometer to 10.00 kilometer radius of the runway ends of an aerodrome
where no turbo-jet aircraft operate and exceeding 45.00 meters in height above the
elevation of the runway.

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Figure VII.4.
Annotation. Plan adjustments are necessary for airports with parallel runways and for runways with taxiways.

Figure VII.5.

Figure VII.6.
Annotation. Section adjustments may still be necessary for airports with parallel runways and for runways with taxiways.
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Figure VII.7.

Annotation. Isometric, plan and section adjustments may still be necessary for airports with parallel runways and for runways with taxiways.

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Figure VII.8.

Annotation.Adjustments may still be necessary for airports with parallel runways and for runways with taxiways.

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4. Parking Slot, Parking Area and Loading/Unloading Space Requirements

a. The parking slot, parking area and loading/unloading space requirements listed hereafter are
generally the minimum off-street cum on-site requirements for specific uses/occupancies for
buildings/structures, i.e., all to be located outside of the road right-of-way (RROW).

b. The size of an average automobile (car) parking slot must be computed at 2.50 meters by 5.00
meters for perpendicular or diagonal parking and at 2.15 meters by 6.00 meters for parallel
parking. A standard truck or bus parking/loading slot must be computed at a minimum of 3.60
meters by 12.00 meters. An articulated truck slot must be computed at a minimum of 3.60 meters
by 18.00 meters which should be sufficient to accommodate a 12.00 meters container van or bulk
carrier and a long/hooded prime mover. A jeepney or shuttle parking/loading/unloading slot must
be computed at a minimum of 3.00 meters by 9.00 meters. The parking slots shall be drawn to
scale and the total number of which shall be indicated on the plans and specified whether or not
parking accommodations are attendant-managed.

c. The parking space ratings listed below are minimum off-street/off-RROW cum on-site
requirements for specific uses/occupancies for buildings/structures, i.e., all to be located outside
of the road right-of-way (RROW):

Table VII.4. Minimum Required Off-Street (Off-RROW) cum On-Site Parking Slot, Parking Area
and Loading/Unloading Space Requirements by Allowed Use or Occupancy

Reference Uses or Character Minimum Required Parking

Specific Uses or of
of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Occupancy (refer to
or Type of Loading Space
Section 701 of this Rule)
Buildings/Structures Requirements
1.1. Division A-1 Single family and multi-family Units with a lot measuring
dwelling units [whether 32.00 to 72.00 sq. meters
single-detached (R-1), and/or with a dwelling unit
single-attached or duplex (R- having a gross floor area of
2) or rowhouse (R-3)], each from 18.00 to 22.00 sq.
privately owned or lots with meters - a minimum of one
dwelling units located in (1) pooled off-street cum on-
residential subdivisions/ site parking slot* for every
developments regardless of six (6) lots or lots with
number of hectares/dwelling dwelling units;
Units with a lot measuring
50.00 to 96.00 sq. meters
and/or with a dwelling unit
having a gross floor area of
from 30.00 to 42.00 sq.
meters - a minimum of one
(1) pooled off-street cum on-
site parking slot* for every
four (4) lots or lots with
dwelling units;

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* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of
buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

Reference Uses or Character Minimum Required Parking

Specific Uses or of
of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Occupancy (refer to
or Type of Loading Space
Section 701 of this Rule)
Buildings/Structures Requirements
Unit with a lot measuring
100.00 to 120.00 sq.
meters and/or with a
dwelling unit having a
minimum gross floor area of
from 30.00 to 42.00 sq.
meters - a minimum of one
(1) off-street cum on-site
parking slot* for each lot or
lot with dwelling unit;
Unit with a lot measuring
more than 120.00 sq.
meters and/or with a
dwelling unit having a
minimum gross floor area of
more than 42.00 sq. meters
- minimum of one (1) off-
street cum on site parking
slot* for each lot or lot with
dwelling unit;
Units located in town house Units with a gross floor area
(R-4) buildings/structures of 50.00 sq. meters –
regardless of number of provide one (1) pooled
storeys parking slot*for every two
(2) units or fraction thereof,
i.e., with more than two (2)
but not less than four (4)
Unit with a gross floor area
above 50.00 up to 150.00
sq. meters – provide one
(1) parking slot* for each
Unit with a gross floor area
above 150.00 sq. meters –
provide two (2) parking
slots* for each unit.
Indigenous family dwelling At least one (1) car parking
units; each privately owned slot* for every six (6)
dwelling units and which
shall be provided outside of
the RROW (within property
or lot lines only)

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* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

**The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.
2. Reduction of parking spaces.
3. Encroachment on RROW.
4. Public utility and bulky vehicles.

Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking

Specific Uses or of
Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Occupancy (refer to
or Type of Loading Space
Section 701 of this Rule)
Buildings/Structures Requirements
1.2. Division A-2 Multi-family dwelling units Units with a gross floor
located in residential area of from 18.00 to 22.00
condominium (R-5) sq. meters - provide one (1)
buildings/structures pooled parking slot* for
regardless of number of every eight (8) units or for a
storeys fraction thereof, e.g.,
another slot* shall be
provided if there are more
than eight (8) units but less
than sixteen (16) units, etc.;
Units with a gross floor
area up to 50.00 sq. meters
- provide one (1) pooled
parking slot* for every six
(6) medium cost units or for
a fraction thereof, e.g.,
another slot* shall be
provided if there are more
than six (6) but less than
twelve (12) medium cost
units, etc., or provide one
(1) parking slot* for each
open market unit (as
defined under the revised
IRR of PD 957);
Units with a gross floor
area above 50.00 sq.
meters up to 100.00 sq.
meters - provide one (1)
pooled parking slot* for
every four (4) medium cost
units, or provide one (1)
parking slot* for each open
market unit (as defined
under the revised IRR of
PD 957); and

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Units with a gross floor
area of more than 100.00
sq. meters – one (1)
parking slot* for each unit.

2.1. Division B-1 Hotels One (1) car parking slot for
every three (3) rooms or a
fraction thereof for highly
urbanized areas and one
(1) car parking slot for
every seven (7) rooms or a
fraction thereof for all other
areas; and two (2) tourist
bus parking slots for each
hotel; provide at least one
(1) loading slot for
articulated truck or vehicle
* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of
buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

Reference Uses or Character Minimum Required Parking

Specific Uses or of
of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Occupancy (refer to
or Type of Loading Space
Section 701 of this Rule)
Buildings/Structures Requirements
A 12.00 meters long
container van plus 4.00
meter length for the prime
mover and one (1) loading
slot for a standard truck for
every 5,000.00 sq. meters
of gross floor area (GFA);
and provide truck
maneuvering area outside
of the RROW (within
property or lot lines only)
Residential hotels and One (1) car slot for every
apartels five (5) units or a fraction
thereof; and one (1) bus
parking slot for every sixty
(60) rooms/units or a
fraction thereof
Motels One (1) car slot for every
Pension/boarding/lodging One (1) car slot for every
houses twenty (20) beds
3.1. Division C-1 Bowling alleys One (1) car slot for every
four (4) alleys
3.2. Division C-2 Churches and similar places One (1) car slot and one (1)
of worship jeepney/shuttle slot for
every 50.00 sq. meters of
congregation area

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Public elementary, One (1) off-street cum on-
secondary, vocational and site parking slot for every
trade school ten (10) classrooms; and
(GI) one (1) off-RROW (or off-
street) passenger loading
space that can
accommodate two (2)
queued jeepney/shuttle
Private elementary, One (1) car slot for every
secondary, vocational and five (5) classrooms; one (1)
trade school off-RROW (or off-street)
(GI) passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots; and one (1) school
bus slot for every one
hundred (100) students

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of
buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

** The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.
2. Reduction of parking spaces.
3. Encroachment on RROW.
4. Public utility and bulky vehicles.

Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking

Specific Uses or of
Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Occupancy (refer to
or Type of Loading Space
Section 701 of this Rule)
Buildings/Structures Requirements
Public colleges and One (1) car slot for every five
universities (5) classrooms; one (1) off-
(GI) RROW (or off-street)
passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots; and one (1) school bus
slot for every two hundred
(200) students

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Private colleges and One (1) car slot for every
universities three (3) classrooms; one (1)
(GI) off-RROW (or off-street)
passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots; and one (1) school bus
slot for every one hundred
(100) students

4.1. Division D-1 Mental hospitals, sanitaria One (1) off-street cum on-
and mental asylums and site car parking slot for every
like uses twenty five (25) beds; and
one (1) off-RROW (or off-
street) passenger loading
space that can
accommodate two (2)
queued jeepney/shuttle slots
4.2. Division D-2 Public hospital One (1) off-street cum on-
site car parking slot for every
twenty five (25) beds; and
one (1) off-RROW (or off-
street) passenger loading
space that can
accommodate two (2)
queued jeepney/shuttle slots;
provide at least one (1)
loading slot for articulated
truck or vehicle (a 12.00
meter long container van
plus 6.00 meter length for a
long/hooded prime mover)
and one (1) loading slot for a
standard truck for every
5,000.00 sq. meters of gross
floor area (GFA); and
provide truck maneuvering
area outside of the RROW
(within property or lot lines
* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of
buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

**The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.
2. Reduction of parking spaces.
3. Encroachment on RROW.
4. Public utility and bulky vehicles.

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Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking
Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space
Buildings/Structures Requirements

Private hospital One (1) off-street cum on-

site car parking slot for
every twelve (12) beds; and
one (1) off-RROW (or off-
street) passenger loading
space that can
accommodate two (2) queed
jeepney/shuttle slots;
provide at least one (12)
loading slot for articulated
truck or vehicle (a 12.00
meters long container van
plus 6.00 meters length for a
long/hooded prime mover)
and one (1) loading slot for
a standard truck for every
5,000.00 sq. meters of GFA;
and provide truck
maneuvering area outside of
the RROW (within property
or lot lines only)
4.3. Division D-3 Nursing homes for One (1) off-street cum on-
ambulatory patients, school site car parking slot for
and home, for children over every twelve (12) beds; and
kindergarten age, one (1) off-RROW (or off-
orphanages and the like street) passenger loading
space that can
accommodate two (2)
queued jeepney/shuttle slots

5.1. Division E-1 Terminals, Inter-modals or One (1) car slot for every
Multi-modals, Depots and 500.00 sq. meters of gross
the like floor area or for a fraction
(UTS) thereof; and one (1) off-
RROW (or off-street)
passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots or two (2) queued bus
slots whichever is
applicable; maneuvering
area of buses, trucks and
like vehicles shall be outside
of the RROW (within
property or lot lines only)

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* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking

Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space
Buildings/Structures Requirements

Transit Stations and the like Provide on each side of the

(UTS) RROW one (1) off-RROW
(or off-street) passenger
loading space that can
accommodate four (4)
queued jeepney/shuttle slots
or three (3) queued bus
slots whichever is
applicable; in case of
elevated mass transit
stations, on-roadway
terminals or on-RROW
terminals on both sides of
the RROW may be

One (1) car slot for every

100.00 sq. meters of
shopping floor area

5.2. Division E-2 Neighborhood shopping One (1) customer (buyer)

center/supermarket jeepney/shuttle parking slot
(C-1) for every 150.00 sq. meters
of wet and dry market floor
area and one (1) vendor
(seller) jeepney/shuttle
parking slot or loading
space for every 300.00 sq.
meters of wet and dry
market floor area; and one
(1) off-RROW (off-street)
terminal that can
accommodate at least two
(2) jeepneys and six (6)
tricycles for every 1,000.00
sq. meters of wet and dry
market floor area
Public Markets One (1) car slot for every
(C) 30.00 sq. meters of
customer area

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Restaurants, fast-food One (1) car slot for every 20
centers, bars and sq. meters of customer
beerhouses area: and two (2) tourist
(C) parking slots for tourist bus
parking slots for each
Nightclubs, super clubs and One (1) car slot for every
theater-restaurants 30.00 sq. meters of
(C) customer area


* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking

Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space
Buildings/Structures Requirements

Nightclubs, super clubs and Units with a gross floor area

theater-restaurants of from 18. 00 to 40. 00 sq.
(C) meters – provide one (1)
pooled parking slot* for
every two (2) units or for a
fraction thereof.
Units located in office, Unit with a gross floor area
commercial or mixed-use of from 41. 00 to 70. 00 sq.
condominium buildings/ meters –provide one (1)
structures regardless of parking slot* for each unit;
number of storeys and

Unit with a gross floor area

of more than 70.00 sq.
meters provide one (1)
parking slot* for every 70.00
sq. meters and for a fraction
Columbarium One (1) car slot for every
compartment niche

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5.3. Division E-3 Aircraft hangars, open One (1) car slot for every
parking carports and 1,000.00 sq. meters of gross
garages, etc. floor area and one (1) bus
slot for every one hundred
(100) workers; if number of
workers exceed two
hundred (200), provide one
(1) off-RROW (or off-street)
passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle

6.1. Division F-1 Industrial buildings, mills, One (1) car slot for every
breweries, etc. 1,000.00 sq. meters of gross
(I) floor area and one (1) bus
slot for every one hundred
(100) workers; if number of
workers exceed two
hundred (200), provide one
(1) off-RROW (or off-street)
passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots; provide at least one
(1) loading slot for

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking

Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space
Buildings/Structures Requirements

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truck or vehicle (a 12.00
meter long container van
plus 6.00 meters length for a
long/hooded prime mover)
and one (1) loading slot for
a standard truck for every
5,000.00 sq. meters of GFA;
and provide truck
maneuvering area outside of
the RROW (within property
or lot lines only)

7.1. Division G-1 Industrial buildings, One (1) car slot for every
factories, manufacturing 1,000.00 sq. meters of gross
establishments, mercantile floor area and one (1) bus
buildings, warehouses, slot for every one hundred
storage bins, power and (100) workers; if number of
water generation/distribution workers exceed two
facilities hundred (200), provide one
(1) off-RROW (or off-street)
passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots; provide at least one
(1) loading slot for
articulated truck or vehicle
(a 12.00 meter long
container van plus 6.00
meters length for a long/
hooded prime mover) and
one (1) loading slot for a
standard truck for every
5,000.00 sq. meters of GFA;
and provide truck
maneuvering area outside of
the RROW (within property
or lot lines only)

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7.2. Division G-2 -do- -do-

7.3. Division G-3 -do- -do-

7.4. Division G-4 -do- -do-

7.5. Division G-5 -do- -do-


* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

**The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.
2. Reduction of parking spaces.
3. Encroachment on RROW.
4. Public utility and bulky vehicles.
Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking
Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space
Buildings/Structures Requirements
8.1. Division H-1 Public recreational One (1) car slot and one (1)
assembly buildings such as jeepney/shuttle slot for
theaters/cinemas, auditoria, every 50.00 sq. meters of
etc. spectator area; and one (1)
bus parking slot for every
two hundred (200)
8.2 Division H-2 Dance halls, cabarets,
ballrooms, skating rinks and -do-
cockfighting arenas, etc.
8.3 Division H-3 Dance halls, ballrooms,
skating rinks, etc.
8.4 Division H-4 Covered amusement parks, one (1) car slot for every
amusement and 50.00 sq. meters of gross
entertainment complexes, floor area
Clubhouses, beach houses one (1) slot for every 100.00
and the like sq. meters of gross floor
9.1. Division I-1 Recreational or similar One (1) car slot and one (1)
public assembly buildings jeepney/shuttle slot for
such as stadia, sports every 50.00 sq. meters of
complexes, convention spectator area; and one (1)
centers, etc. bus parking slot for every
two hundred (200)

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10.1. Division J-1 Agriculture-related uses or Not required if located
occupancies (A) outside urbanized area; if
located within urbanized
area, provide one (1) car
slot for every 1,000.00 sq.
meters of gross floor area
and one (1) bus slot for
every one hundred (100)
workers; if number of
workers exceed two
hundred (200), provide one
(1) off-RROW (or off-street)
passenger loading space
that can accommodate two
(2) queued jeepney/shuttle
slots; provide at least one
(1) loading slot for
articulated truck or vehicle

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

**The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.
2. Reduction of parking spaces.
3. Encroachment on RROW.
4. Public utility and bulky vehicles.
Specific Uses or of Reference Uses or Minimum Required Parking
Occupancy (refer to Character of Occupancies Slot, Parking Area and
Section 1.3 of this Rule) or Type of Loading Space
Buildings/Structures Requirements
(a 12.00 meter long
container van plus 6.00
meters length for a
long/hooded prime mover)
and one (1) loading slot for
a standard truck for every
5,000.00 sq. meters of GFA;
and provide truck
maneuvering area outside of
the RROW (within property
or lot lines only)
10.2. Division J-2 Other uses not classified in Provide parking
previous sections requirements stipulated for
(PUD, etc.) most similar or most related

* The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of

buildings/structures and any parking slot provided outside the
building/structure will be quantified only as buffer parking.

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d. In computing for parking slots, a fraction of 50% and above shall be considered as one (1) car
parking slot to be provided. In all cases however, a minimum of one (1) car parking slot shall be
provided unless otherwise allowed under this Rule.

i. Multi-floor parking garages may serve the 20% parking requirements of the
building/structure within 200.00 meter radius, provided at least 80% of the parking
requirements are complied with and integrated in the building design.

ii. Special Provision on the Handicapped: For buildings/structures to be provided with features
intended for the use or occupancy of the handicapped, the minimum provisions of Batas
Pambansa (BP) Bilang 344 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) with respect
to parking shall be strictly observed.

e. Allowed Off-RROW/Off-Street cum Off-Site Parking Provision:

i. In addition to on-site cum off-RROW (off-street) parking provisions mandated under this
Rule, off-site cum off-street parking facilities may be allowed and considered part of a
project provided that such facilities specifically consist of reserved or leased parking slots
within a permanent parking building/structure and not in a vacant parking lot or parking
structure/space for a commercial development and provided further that such parking slots
are located no more than 100.00 meters away from a residential building project or are
located no more than 200.00 meters away from an office or commercial building project.

ii. Direct access of parking/loading/utility slots and terminals to the RROW shall be generally
disallowed to prevent the usage of the RROW as a maneuvering area.

iii. Traffic generating buildings such as shopping malls or similar facilities that have very high
volumes of pedestrian and vehicular traffic may be located at major intersections or within
100.00 meters of such intersections, provided that the distance between the street curb of
the ingress/egress of such a commercial lot/property (nearest the intersection) and the
straight curb of the intersection shall not be less than 50.00 meters. (Fig. VII.9.)

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Annotation. For larger developments and traffic generating buildings as well as parking structures, a minimum 100.00 m distance
should be the standard to be considered.

iv. For R-2, R-3, GI, C, C-2 and C-3 uses or occupancies, front yards abutting RROW are not
to be used for long-term off-street parking. Due to the very public nature of these uses (high
vehicular and pedestrian concentrations), the front yard (a transition space between the
RROW and the building/structure) shall be used exclusively for driveways, off-RROW
loading spaces, short-term off-RROW parking and landscaping (hardscape and softscape)
treatment. Temporary or short-term off-street parking, particularly on driveways, shall
preferably be only for visitors to these buildings/structures.

v. For Basic R-2 and Basic R-3 uses or occupancies (for single family dwelling units only), up
to 50% of the front yard abutting the RROW may be paved/hardscaped, i.e., converted into
a courtyard for carport use. Such use shall not be permitted in all other uses or

SECTION 708. Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

1. Dwelling Location and Lot Occupancy

The dwelling shall occupy not more than 90% of a corner lot and 80% of an inside lot, and subject to
the provisions on Easements of Light and View of the Civil Code of Philippines, shall be at least 2.00
meters from the property line.

2. Light and Ventilation

Every dwelling shall be so constructed and arranged as to provide adequate light and ventilation as
provided under Section 805 to Section 811 of the Code.

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3. Sanitation

Every dwelling shall be provided with at least one sanitary toilet and adequate washing and drainage

4. Foundation

Footings shall be of sufficient size and strength to support the load of the dwelling and shall be at
least 250 millimeters thick and 600 millimeters below the surface of the ground.

5. Post

The dimensions of wooden posts shall be those found in Table VII.5.: Dimensions of Wooden Posts.
Each post shall be anchored to such footing by straps and bolts of adequate size.

Table VII.5.: Dimensions of Wooden Posts or Suportales

Maximum Maximum Maximum Required Maximum
Height of Height Spacing of Finished Size of
Type Building
1st Floor Total Post Suportales
(meters) (meters) (meters) (millimeters)
1-Storey Shed - 4.00 3.50 100 X 100
1-Storey Shed - 3.00 4.00 100 X 100
1-Storey Shed - 5.00 4.00 125 X 125
1-Storey House or
1.00 - 3.00 5.50 3.60 125 X 125
2-Storey House 3.00 6.00 3.00 125 X 125
2-Storey House 4.50 7.00 4.00 120 X 120
2-Storey House 5.00 8.00 4.50 175 X 175
2-Storey House - 9.00 4.50 200 X 200

Logs or tree trunk suportales may be used as post in indigenous traditional type of construction,
provided that these are of such sizes and spacing as to sustain vertical loading equivalent at least to
the loading capacities of the posts and spacing in this Table.

6. Floor

The live load of the first floor shall be at least 200 kilograms per sq. meter and for the second floor, at
least 150 kilograms per sq. meter.

7. Roof

The wind load for roofs shall be at least 120 kilograms per sq. meter for vertical projection.

8. Stairs

Stairs shall be at least 750 millimeters in clear width, with a rise of 200 millimeters and a minimum run
of 200 millimeters.

9. Entrance and Exit

There shall be at least one entrance and another one for exit.

10. Electrical Requirements

All electrical installations shall conform to the requirements of the Philippine Electrical Code.

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11. Mechanical Requirements

Mechanical systems and/or equipment installations shall be subject to the requirements of the
Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code.

SECTION 709. Requirements for Other Group Occupancies

Subject to the provisions of the Code, the Secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations for each
of the other Group Occupancies covering: allowable construction, height, and area; location on property,
exit facilities, light and ventilation, sanitation; enclosures of vertical openings; fire extinguishing systems;
and special hazards.

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1. General. Building bulk (a volume quantity) shall be generally determined by the application of the
Floor-Lot Area Ratio (FLAR), vertically projecting the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint
(AMBF), establishing the Outermost Faces of Building (OFB) and quantifying the Allowable
Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB). The building bulk may be ultimately governed by the width
of the RROW and other applicable provisions for light and ventilation (including incremental
setbacks as a result of satisfying natural light and ventilation requirements for RROW and front
yards as partly shown in Table VII.G.1. hereafter).
2. Application of the FLAR. The FLAR (Table VII.G.1.) shall be the primary or initial determinant of
the building bulk.

Table VII.G.1. Reference Table of Floor to Lot Area Ratio (FLAR) Designations/Rights
Type of Use
or Type of Building/Structure FLAR Designation/Rights
Residential Residential 1 (R-1) 1.50
(at a 3-storey or 10.00 m BHL)
Residential 2 (R-2)
a. Basic R-2 1.30 up to 1.50
(at a 3-storey or 10.00 m BHL)
b. Maximum R-2 2.10 up to 3.00
(at a 5-storey or 15.00 m BHL)
Residential 3 (R-3)
a. Basic R-3 1.80 up to 2.10
(at a 3-storey or 10.00 m BHL)
b. Maximum R-3 7.10 up to 8.10
(at a 12-storey or 36.00 m BHL)
Individual Lot for Residential 4 1.60 up to1.80
(R-4)/Townhouses (at a 3-storey or 10.00 m BHL)
Residential 5(R-5)/ 6.00 up to 9.00
Condominiums (at an 18-storey or 54.00 m BHL)
Commercial Commercial 1 (Com-1) 1.70 up to 3.00
(at a 5-storey or 15.00 m BHL)
Commercial 2 (Com-2) 3.60 up to 9.00
(at a 15-storey or 45.00 m BHL)
Commercial 3 (Com-3) 9.00 up to 34.00
(at a 60-storey or 180.00 m BHL)
Industrial Industrial 1 (Ind-1) 1.50 up to 2.50
Industrial 2 (Ind-2) 2.50 up to 3.00
Industrial 3 (Ind-3) 3.00 up to 5.00
Institutional - 2.50
Cultural - 3.50
Utility/Transportation/Road Rights-of
- 2.00 up to 3.00
Way (RROW)/ Services
Parks and Open
Recreational Spaces - 0.50 up to 1.00
Agricultural/Agro-Industrial/Tourism - 1.80 up to 2.20
Planned Unit Development (PUD) PUD at a reclamation area close
to an operating airport
PUD at a reclamation area 6.00 up to 12.00
PUD at a coastal area 12.00 up to 18.00
PUD at an inland area very
6.00 up to 18.00
close to an operating airport
PUD at an inland area 9.00 up to 34.00
(at a 60-storey or 180.00 m BHL)
Cemetery - 0.80
Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .
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Table VII.G.2. Conversion Table of Gross Floor Area (GFA) to Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)
Excluded Floor Areas (non-
Type of Building/Structure Multiplier to Convert the
GFA) as a Percentage (%)
based on Use/Occupancy GFA to TGFA
of the TGFA
Residential 1 33% 1.50
Residential 2 (Basic),
Residential 3 (Basic) and 20% 1.25
Residential 4
Residential 2 (Maximum),
Residential 3 (Maximum) 16% 1.20
and Residential 5
Commercial 1 20% 1.25
Commercial 2 25% 1.33
Commercial 3 33% 1.50
Industrial 1 25% 1.33
Industrial 2 and 3 33% 1.50
Transportation, Utility and
33% 1.50
Service Areas
Agricultural and Agro- 2%-5% 1.03-1.06
3. Establishing the OFB. The OFB shall be primarily determined by the vertical projections of the
outermost faces of the AMBF up to a height prescribed by the applicable BHL. Figure VII.G.1.
shows the determination of the angular planes needed to establish the outer limits for walls and
projections of the proposed building/structure facing RROW and for their corresponding roof
configurations. Table VII.G.3. also shows the recommended angles or slopes for the angular
planes originating from the centerline of the RROW for R-1 and C-3 properties only. Angles or
slopes for other permitted uses/occupancies can be extrapolated from the two (2) examples.
(Figs. VIII.G.1. and VIII.G.2.)
Table VII.G.3. Reference Table of Angles/Slopes* To Satisfy Natural Light and Ventilation
Requirements Along RROW and Front Yards
Angle or Slope of Angular
Angle or Slope of Angular Plane for
Plane for
Buildings/Structures With
Buildings/Structures Without
Width of Projections*
Type of Projections**
Road Right-
Use or Angle
of-Way Angle from
Occupancy from
(RROW) Ratio Centerline of Ratio
(Slope) RROW (Slope)
Residential 1 9 m:8.5m 7.5 m:6.25m
8.00 meters 46.5 50.0
(R-1) (1.06) (1.20)
9 m:9.5m 7.5 m:7.25m
10.00 meters 43.0 46.0
(0.95) (1.03)
9 m:10.5m 7.5 m:8.25m
12.00 meters 40.0 43.0
(0.86) (0.91)
9 m:11.5m 7.5 m:9.25m
14.00 meters 39.0
38.0 (0.78) (0.81)
9 m:12.5m 7.5m:10.25m
16.00 meters 35.0 36.0
(0.72) (0.73)
9 m:13.5m 7.5m:11.25m
18.00 meters 33.5 33.0
(0.67) (0.67)
9 m:14.5m 7.5m:12.25m
20.00 meters 31.0 32.0
(0.62) (0.61)
Commercial 3 48 m:16.5m -
8.00 meters 71.0 -
(C-3) (2.90)
48 m:17.5m
10.00 meters 69.5 - -
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Continuation Table VII.G.3. . . .

Angle or Slope of Angular Angle or Slope of Angular Plane for
Plane for Buildings/Structures Buildings/Structures With
Width of Without Projections** Projections*
Type of
Road Right- Angle
Use or
of-Way from
Occupancy Ratio
(RROW) Centerline of
Commercial 3 48 m:18.5m
12.00 meters 68.0 - -
(C-3) (2.59)
48 m:19.5m
14.00 meters 65.5 - -
48 m:20.5m
16.00 meters 63.6 - -
48 m:21.5m
18.00 meters 61.7 - -
48 m:22.5m
20.00 meters 60.0 - -

* To be used for plotting the angular plane from the grade level centerline of the RROW. The angular
plane can also help determine the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB) as well as the
alternative incremental setback lines. Only the uses/occupancies with the least and heaviest
developments (R-1 and C-3 respectively are shown). The angles/slopes of angular planes for all other
uses/occupancies in between can be extrapolated.

** Considered projections from the outermost face of the building/structure are eaves, medias aguas
(canopy for windows), cantilevers, heavy sign supports (only for applications permitted or consistent
with the Code) and the like.

4. Quantifying the AMVB. The AMVB shall be primarily determined by the following:

a. Multiply the AMBF (in square meters) for the lot by the applicable BHL (in meters) for the lot
to arrive at the initial AMVB (in cubic meters); the result of this step is the imaginary footprint

b. Superimpose the angular plane originating from the center of the RROW on the footprint
prism; this shall result in the reduction of the initially computed building volume due to the
application of incremental setbacks and of roof configuration dictated by the angular plane;
the result of this step is the AMVB;

c. To crosscheck the AMVB against the Allowable Maximum TGFA (separately determined),
convert the AMVB into its approximate area equivalent (in sq. meters) by dividing it with the
BHL. Before converting the AMVB to its area component, check for the effects of the
incremental setbacks on the TGFA for each floor of the proposed building/structure.

B. Application of Development Controls (DC)

(To Determine the Maximum Development Potential of a Lot)

1. Sizing the Building/Structure. To determine the allowed/appropriate building bulk (volume), the
following series of steps using the DC under this Guideline and other Rules in the Code shall be
a. Refer to Rule VIII for prescribed setbacks, yards, courts (at grade level), etc. applicable to the
lot/project site; determine the extent of firewall construction if required and/or if permitted;
refer to Rule VIII for the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO); compute for the Allowable
Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF) under this Rule by using the formula:

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Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .

Land area
Additional buildable lot
Allowable Maximum required for
area due to Firewall
Building/ Total yards/ courts
_ construction
Footprint or AMBF = Lot +
(if permitted
(in sq. meters) Area (prescribed
under this Rule)
(TLA) under Rule VIII)

b. Check resultant building footprint against applicable PSO under Reference Table VIII.1. of
Rule VIII and consult existing/applicable and/or duly approved zoning ordinances; to check,
use the formula:

Percentage Allowable Maximum Building Total

of Site = Footprint or AMBF Lot Area
Occupancy (PSO) (in square meters) (TLA)

c. Compute for the resultant height of the building/structure by referring to Table VII.2. of this Rule
and by using the formula:

Building Height Limit or the Desired

Resultant Height
BHL Floor to Floor
of the building/structure = X
(as expressed in number of Height
(in meters)
floors/storeys) (in meters)

d. Check the resultant height against the BHL (refer to Table VII.2. of this Rule); if a greater
building/structure height is desired, consult existing zoning ordinances or other applicable laws
for possible relief; if relief cannot be sought, explore sub-grade (basement level) solutions or
reduce the desired floor to floor heights in case it is greater than 3.00 meters;

e. Establish the Outermost Faces of Building (OFB) to help determine the Allowable Maximum
Volume of Building (AMVB) and to satisfy natural light and ventilation requirements for
RROW and front yards abutting RROW; an imaginary prism within which the proposed
building/structure must fit shall result, unless specifically allowed under the Code; thereafter,
establish the Outermost Limits of Building Projections (OLBP) to fully comply with other
applicable light and ventilation provisions;

f. Initially determine building bulk by computing for the maximum allowable Gross Floor Area
(GFA) for the building/structure using the formula:

Gross Floor Area (GFA) of the Total

building/structure = Lot Area X
Floor to Lot Area Ratio (FLAR)*
(in square meters) (TLA)

NOTE: * Refer to Table VII.G.1. of this Guideline (Recommended FLAR Designations/Rights) and/or consult
existing/applicable and duly-approved zoning ordinances.

i. GROSS FLOOR AREA (GFA) - the total floor space within the perimeter of the
permanent external building walls (inclusive of main and auxiliary buildings) such as
office areas, residential areas, corridors, lobbies and mezzanine level/s. The GFA shall
also include building projections which may serve as floors or platforms that are directly
connected to/integrated with areas within the building/structure, e.g., balconies (Refer to
Section 1004 of Rule X of this IRR) and the GFA excludes the following:

(a) Covered areas used for parking and driveways, services and utilities;

(b) Vertical penetrations in parking floors where no residential or office units are present;
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Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .

(c) Uncovered areas for helipads, air-conditioning cooling towers or air-conditioning

condensing unit (ACCU) balconies, overhead water tanks, roof decks, laundry areas
and cages, wading or swimming pools, whirlpools or jacuzzis, terraces, gardens, courts
or plazas, balconies exceeding 10.00 sq. meters, fire escape structures and the like.

g. Determine the Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) to approximate building
volume using the formula hereafter. In particular, determine the minimum required off-street
cum on-site parking provisions, driveways and related access systems, particularly for new
developments and/or re-developments whereby provisions of this Guideline shall apply.

Gross Floor
All requirements for courts
Total Gross Floor Area Area (GFA) of
at all floors (above grade)
(TGFA) of the building/ the building/ Non-GFA
_ under
structure = structure + areas*
(in sq. meters) (in square
(in square meters)

NOTE: * Compute for all other areas not covered by the FLAR or by the GFA using Table VII.G.2.

i. TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA (TGFA) - the total floor space within the main and
auxiliary buildings primarily consisting of the GFA and all other enclosed support areas
together with all other usable horizontal areas/surfaces above and below established
grade level that are all physically attached to the building/s which shall consists of the

(a) Covered areas used for parking and driveways, services and utilities. The TGFA
specifically excludes provisions for courts above grade level;

(b) Vertical penetrations in parking floors where no residential or office units are present;

(c) Uncovered areas for helipads, air-conditioning cooling towers or ACCU balconies,
overhead water tanks, roof decks, laundry areas and cages, wading or swimming
pools, whirlpool or jacuzzis, terraces, gardens, courts or plazas, balconies exceeding
10.00 sq. meters, fire escape structures and the like; and

(d) Other building projections which may additionally function as floors or platforms if
properly reinforced, e.g., the top surfaces of roof extensions/eaves, sun-breakers, large
roofed or cantilevered areas such as porte cocheres, canopies and the like.

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Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .

Figure VII.G.1.

Annotation. Steeper angles shall result if the RROW is narrower, particularly for higher
density and higher intensity building uses/occupancies..
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Guidelines on Building Bulk and Development Controls. . . .

Figure VII.G.2.


Annotation. Steeper angles shall result if the RROW is narrower, particularly for higher density and higher intensity
building uses/occupancies.

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Guidelines on Buildings and Other Accessory Structures Within Cemeteries and Memorial Parks……



1. Location of Cemeteries/Memorial Parks

a. Cemeteries and Memorial Parks shall be located in accordance with the approved land use
plan of the city/municipality concerned. Prior clearance shall be obtained from the
Department of Health, the National Water Resources Council, the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources and the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board.

2. Protective Enclosures

a. The cemetery shall be totally enclosed by a perimeter fence/wall of strong material, and all
gates shall be provided with a strong door and lock. Perimeter wall shall not exceed 3.00
meters in height.

b. Where a cemetery is enclosed by a solid reinforced concrete wall at least 2.00 meters high, it
is allowed to construct tombs, vaults, mausoleums or other types of sepulchres for the dead
up to the walls. Otherwise, a clearance of 5.00 meters shall be maintained between the
perimeter fence and the nearest interment plot.

3. Interments, Burials and Entombments

a. For ground interments, there shall be a minimum depth of excavation of 1.50 meters from
ground level to base of excavation. However, if concrete vaults are used, the minimum depth
of excavation from base of vault to ground level shall be 1.00 meter, depending on the depth
of ground water table.

b. Ground interments shall be allowed only in designated graveyard areas of the cemetery and
may be provided with suitable markers, headstones or memorials.

c. Vaults for tombs and mausoleums for aboveground interments shall be of solid reinforced
concrete. Concrete hollow blocks or any unit masonry construction of ceramics, adobe or the
like shall not be allowed for the construction of above-ground vaults; tombs or mausoleums.
Mausoleums may be provided with ossuaries and/or cineraria along the interior walls.

d. Multi-level interment niches shall only be of solid reinforced concrete construction, of not less
than 150 millimeters thickness in which case they may be allowed to abut walls of the
cemetery, provided, the walls are of solid reinforced concrete construction. Concrete hollow
blocks, or any unit masonry construction of ceramics, adobe or the like shall not be allowed.

e. Before construction is started on any mausoleum, canopy over a tomb, or multi-level niches,
a building permit shall be secured therefor from the OBO.

f. Horizontal divisions of columbaria shall be of reinforced concrete of at least 50 millimeters

thickness. Vertical divisions may be of concrete hollow blocks of at least 100 millimeters
thickness, in which case, cement mortar shall be applied evenly to present a non-porous
surface. Minimum dimensions of individual cinerarium shall be 300 millimeters by 300
millimeters by 460 millimeters. Cinerary remains shall be placed inside tightly sealed urns.

4. Accessory Structures

a. A chapel with a floor area of at least 50.00 sq. meters shall be constructed at a convenient
location within the cemetery where funeral ceremonies may be held, and incidentally serve as
haven for funeral participants against sun and rain.

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Guidelines on Buildings and Other Accessory Structures Within Cemeteries and Memorial Parks……

b. Wake chaplets with a minimum area of 50.00 sq. meters for thirty (30) persons and at least
1.60 sq. meters for each additional person may be provided.

c. Administrative Office - a 64.00 sq. meters lot shall be allocated for an administration
building office for memorial parks with an area of above one (1) hectare.

d. Electrical Power Supply - Distances of lampposts for street lighting shall be placed at a
maximum of 100.00 meters or as prescribed by the power firm servicing the area. Utility
poles shall be installed along sides of streets and pathways.

e. Parking Area - Parking area equivalent to a minimum of five 5% of the gross area of
memorial park/cemetery shall be provided over and above the required parking area/facility
for any structures to be constructed within the premises of the memorial park/cemetery.

f. Comfort Rooms - Adequate and clean comfort rooms with facilities for disabled persons shall
be provided in properly located areas.

NOTE: Refer also to the latest applicable HLURB Guidelines regarding Cemeteries and Memorial Parks.

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SECTION 801. General Requirements of Light and Ventilation

1. Subject to the provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines on Easements of Light and View, and to
the specific provisions of the Code, every building shall be designed, constructed, and equipped to
provide adequate light and ventilation. (Refer to Guidelines on Easements, View Corridors/Sight
Lines and Basements at the end of this Rule)

2. All buildings shall face a street or public alley or a private street which has been duly approved.
(Refer to Guidelines on Streets/RROW and Sidewalks at the end of this Rule)

3. No building shall be altered nor arranged so as to reduce the size of any room or the relative area of
windows to less than that provided for buildings under this Rule, or to create an additional room,
unless such additional room conforms to the requirements of this Rule.

4. No building shall be enlarged so that the dimensions of the required court or yard would be less than
what is prescribed for such building lot.

SECTION 802. Measurement of Site Occupancy

1. The measurement of site occupancy or lot occupancy shall be taken at the ground level and shall be
exclusive of courts, yards, and light wells.

2. Courts, yards, and light wells shall be measured clear of all projections from the walls enclosing such
wells or yards with the exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills, or steel fire escapes not
exceeding 1.20 meters in width.

SECTION 803. Percentage of Site Occupancy

1. The measurement of the percentage (%) of site occupancy (or lot occupancy) shall be taken at the
ground level and shall be exclusive of courts, yards and light wells. Courts, yards, and light wells
shall be measured clear of all projections from the walls enclosing such wells or yards with the
exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills, or steel fire escapes not exceeding 1.20 meters in width.

2. In case of proposed additional construction on a lot on which another building/structure already

stands, the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) arising out of such existing buildings/structures
must be included in the computation of the PSO for the Total Lot Area (TLA). In case of discrepancy
between the specified Maximum Allowable PSO and the other light and ventilation provisions under
this Rule, the resulting lesser building/structure footprint or gross floor area at the ground floor (or at
grade level) must prevail.

3. Maximum site occupancy shall be governed by use, type of construction, and height of the building
and the use, area, nature and location of the site; and subject to the provisions of the local zoning
requirements and in accordance with the following types of open spaces:

a. Public open spaces – streets, alleys, easements of sea/lakeshores, rivers, creeks, esteros,
railroad tracks, parks/plazas, playgrounds, and the like.

b. Total Open Spaces within Lot (TOSL) – courts, yards, gardens, light wells, uncovered driveways,
access roads and parking spaces consisting of two (2) types:

i. Paved or tiled (hardscaped areas); sub-classification of open space shall fall under Maximum
Allowable Impervious Surface Areas (ISA) within the Total Lot Area (TLA); and

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ii. Unpaved areas within the lot that are with exposed soil and planted (softscaped), i.e., the
Unpaved Surface Areas (USA); this sub-classification is the true open space.

4. The following Table illustrates the manner in determining the Maximum Allowable Percentage of Site
Occupancy (PSO), Maximum Allowable Impervious Surface Area (ISA), Maximum Allowable
Construction Area (MACA), Minimum Unpaved Surface Area (USA), and the Total Open Space within
Lot (TOSL) with reference to Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot.

Table VIII.1. Reference Table of Maximum Allowable PSO, Maximum Allowable ISA, the MACA, the
Minimum USA and the TOSL by Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot

% of Total Lot Area (TLA)

Structure Use Maximum
or Maximum Allowable Minimum USA TOSL d
Occupancy Duly-Approved Zoning b Allowable ISAc (Unpaved (ISA +
(or Land Use)a PSO c,d (Paved Open Open Spaces) USA)
Residential Basic
Residential 2 (R- 55 e 30 15 45
2)/Medium Density
Housing [single family
dwelling unit with a 60 f 30% 10 40
Building Height Limit
(BHL) of 10.00 meters]
Maximum R-2 /Medium
Density 60 e 30 10 40
Housing (multiple
family dwelling units within
one building/ structure with
a BHL of 15.00 meters)

70 f 20 10 30

Residential 3 (R-3)/High 65 e 20 15 35
Housing (single
family dwelling unit with a
70 f 20 10 30
BHL of 10.00 meters)
Maximum R-3 /High
Density 70 e 20 10 30
Housing (multiple family
dwelling units within one
building/ structure with a
80 f 10 10 20
BHL of 36.00 meters)
Residential 4 (R-4)/ 70 e 20 10 30
Individual Townhouse
Units 80 f 10 10 20
Residential 5 (R-5)/ 70 e 20 10 30
80 f 10 10 20
Commercial Commercial 1 70 e 20 10 30
(Com-1) 80 f 10 10 20

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% of Total Lot Area (TLA)
Structure Use Maximum
or Maximum Allowable Minimum USA TOSL d
Occupancy Duly-Approved Zoning b Allowable ISAc (Unpaved (ISA +
(or Land Use)a PSO c,d (Paved Open Open Spaces) USA)
Commercial 2 75 e 20 5 25
85 f 10 5 15
Commercial 3 80 e 15 5 20
90 f 5 5 10
Industrial Industrial 1 70 e 20 10 30
80 f 10 10 20
Industrial 2 70 e 15 15 30
80 f 5 15 20
Industrial 3 70 e 15 15 30
80 f 5 15 20
Institutional 50 e 20 30 50
60 f 20 20 40
Cultural 60 e 20 20 40
70 f 20 10 30
Utility/Trans- 50 e 40 10 50
portation/ -
Services 60 f 30 10 40
Sidewalks/ 11.11
Arcades at (of total width 33.33
(of total width
RROW of RROW as (of total width
- - of RROW as
Unpaved of RROW)
Paved portion
portion of
of sidewalk)
Parks and
- 20 30 50 80
Planned Unit PUD at a reclamation area
Development close to an operating
70 15 15 30
(PUD) airport

PUD at a reclamation area 70 15 15 30

PUD at a coastal area 70 15 15 30
PUD at an inland area
close to an operating 70 10 20 30
PUD at an inland area 70 10 20 30
Cemetery - 85 10 5 15


a) per duly-approved City/ Municipal Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

b) per duly-approved City/Municipal Zoning Ordinance (ZO) and its IRR
c) PSO + ISA = MACA (Maximum Allowable Construction Area)
d) PSO + TOSL = TLA (Total Lot Area).
e) without firewall
f) with firewall

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4. Minimum Requirements for Total Open Spaces within Lot (TOSL)

a. Total Open Spaces within Lot (TOSL) are portions of the Total Lot Area (TLA) not occupied by
the Maximum Allowable PSO. The TOSL may consist of either the Maximum Allowable ISA
(hardscaped areas) or the USA (exposed and planted/softscaped soil) or may also be the
combination of both types of open spaces. (Figure VIII.1.)

b. Group A buildings or Residential 1 (R-1) uses/occupancies shall follow the minimum yard
standards in Table VIII.2. to comply with the TOSL requirement.

c. Abutments for Basic Uses/Occupancies forming part of new developments shall be basically
similar to the restrictions prescribed for firewalls under Rule VII, to wit:

i. Absolutely no abutments are allowed at any property line for any R-1 lot type/location.

ii. Abutments shall be allowed on only one (1) side for any R-2 lot type/location. There shall
be no firewalls/abutments on the front and rear property lines for any R-2 lot type/ location.

iii. Abutments shall be allowed on two (2) sides only or on one (1) side and the rear property
line/ boundary for any R-3 lot type/location. There shall be no abutments on the front
property line for any R-3 lot type/location.

iv. Abutments shall be allowed on two (2) sides only for any R-4 lot type/location. There shall
be no firewalls/abutments on the front and rear property line for any R-4 lot type/location.

v. Abutments shall be allowed on two (2) sides only or on one (1) side and the rear property
line/boundary for any R-5 lot type/location. There shall be no abutments on the front
property line for any R-5 lot type/location.

vi. Abutments shall be allowed on two (2) sides only or on one (1) side and the rear property
line/boundary for any C-3 lot type/location. There shall be no abutments on the front
property line for any C-3 lot type/location.

d. Lot Type/Location
Only seven (7) types of lots and their respective locations are described under this Rule.
(Figures VIII.2. through VIII.8.)

e. Variance

When the lots as described in Figures VIII.2. through VIII.8. are too narrow or too shallow such
that the public open space, e.g., RROW, alley or the like on which they abut can adequately
supply light and ventilation to every room therein subject to the requirements on window
opening, the requirements on the minimum Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) above may be
waived (Figures VIII.9. through VIII.11.), provided however, that for lots abutting on only one (1)
public open space, the depth of the open space to be provided shall not be more than 8.00
meters; and for those lots abutting two (2) or more public open spaces, the depth of the open
space to be provided shall not be more than 12.00 meters.

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Figure VIII.1.

Annotation. Spaces for carports have to be introduced within the building footprint. If no roof is introduced over the
proposed carport (that may be partly situated at the front yard or any of the 2 side yards), the space may then serve
as open car parking. To maintain the single-detached quality of the building, only a low fence or low wall (not a all
wall or a firewall) should be allowed along the entire property perimeter. Firewalls are absolutely prohibited for R-1
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Figure VIII.2. Figure VIII.3.

Figure VIII.4. Figure VIII.5.

Figure VIII.6. Figure VIII.7.

Annotation: The last 2 lot

types are recommended for
low density residential (R-1)

Figure VIII.8.

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Figure VIII.9.

Figure VIII.10.

Figure VIII.11.

Annotation: The last 2 lot configurations may be better suited for non-residential developments.

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
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SECTION 804. Sizes and Dimensions of Courts

1. Minimum sizes of courts and yards and their least dimensions shall be governed by the use, type of
construction, and height of the building as provided hereunder, provided that the minimum horizontal
dimension of said courts and yards shall be not less than 2.00 meters. All inner courts shall be
connected to a street or yard, either by a passageway with a minimum width of 1.20 meters or by a
door through a room or rooms.

2. The required open space shall be located totally or distributed anywhere within the lot in such a
manner as to provide maximum light and ventilation into the building. (Figures VIII.12. through

3. YARD – the required open space left between the outermost face of the building/structure and the
property lines, e.g., front, rear, right and left side yards. The width of the yard is the setback. Yards
prescribed for Commercial, Industrial, Institutional and Recreational Buildings are shown in Table
VIII.3. hereafter.

Table VIII.2. Minimum Setbacks for Residential Buildings/Structures

Type of Residential Use/ Occupancy

R-2 R-3 R-4
(individual R - 5****
YARD R–1 Basic Maximum Basic Maximum
lot/unit) (meters)
(meters) (meters) (meters) (meters) (meters)
Front 4.50 3.00 8.00 * 3.00 8.00 * 4.50 6.00
2.00 2.00
Side 2.00 2.00 ** 2.00 ** *** 3.00
(optional) (optional)
Rear 2.00 2.00 2.00 *** 2.00 2.00 3.00

a) The setback requirements in Table VIII.2. above are for newly-developed subdivisions.
b) * Total setback only at grade (or natural ground) level, i.e., 3.00 meters + 5.00 meters = 8.00 meters (to
accommodate part of the minimum parking requirement outside the designated area for the front yard).
The second and upper floors and mezzanine level shall thereafter comply with the minimum 3.00
meters setback unless otherwise provided under the Code.
c) ** Setback required for only one (1) side. Setbacks on two sides shall be optional.
d) *** Abutments on two sides and rear property lines may be allowed with conditions as enumerated under
Section 804, Subsection 10 of this Rule.
e) **** Mixed-Use Buildings/Structures in R-5 lots shall be considered a commercial use or occupancy if a
substantial percentage, i.e., 55% of the Gross Floor Area (GFA) is commercial.
f) In cases where yards/setbacks are impossible to attain or where frontage and depth of lots are similar
to that of Open Market or Medium Cost Housing Projects, abutments on the sides and rear property
lines may be allowed and 1.50 meters front yard is left open as transition area.

Table VIII.3. Setbacks for Commercial*, Industrial, Institutional and Recreational Buildings
Road Right-of-Way
Front Side Rear
(RROW) Width
(meters) (meters) (meters)

30.00 & above 8.00 5.00 5.00

25.00 to 29.00 6.00 3.00 3.00
20.00 to 24.00 5.00 3.00 3.00
10.00 to 19.00 5.00 2.00 2.00
Below 10.00 5.00 2.00 2.00

* Mixed-Use Buildings/Structures in R-5 lots may be considered a commercial development if a substantial
percentage of the GFA is commercial.

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Figure VIII.12. Figure VIII.13.


Figure VIII.14. Figure VIII.15.


Annotation: For all firewalls (particularly those above 3.0 m in height), great care should be taken when such firewalls
face the south or southwest i.e. facing the southwest monsoon (“habagat”) winds which are wet and destructive i.e.
the firewalls may also be generally subjected to rain for up to six to eight (6-8) months annually. In such a situation,
firewall gutters are strongly suggested to prevent the firewall water from flooding the adjoining properties. A better
option is to set back the firewall by up to 0.60 m to create a drainage channel as well as a firewall maintenance space
i.e. for painting and general repair work. When the latter solution is adopted, an endwall is created instead.

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4. The setback requirements in Table VIII.3. above are for newly-developed thoroughfares. For highly
built-up urban areas with duly established lines and grades reflecting therein proposed road widening
and elevation, the requirements in Table VIII.3. above may not be imposed and the face of the
building may abut on the side and/or rear property lines provided that all the requirements on open
space, window opening, artificial ventilation, if any, and firewalls (Rule VII) are first fully complied with.

5. Every court shall have a width of not less than 2.00 meters for one (1) or two (2) storey buildings.
However, if the court is treated as a yard or vice versa, this may be reduced to not less than 1.50
meters in cluster living units such as quadruplexes, rowhouses and the like, with adjacent courts with
an area of not less than 3.00 sq. meters. Provided further, that the separation walls or fences, if any,
shall not be higher than 2.00 meters. Irregularly–shaped lots such as triangular lots and the like,
whose courts may be also triangular in shape may be exempted from having a minimum width of not
less than what is required in Table VIII.3. and as shown in Figures VIII.16., VIII.17., VIII.18. and

6. For buildings of more than two (2) storeys in height, the minimum width of the rear or side court shall
be increased at the rate of 300 millimeters for each additional storey up to the fourteenth (14th) storey
(Figure VIII.20. showing incremental setbacks). For buildings exceeding fourteen (14) storeys in
height, the required width of the court shall be computed on the basis of fourteen (14) storeys.

7. Uncovered Driveways, Access Roads and Parking Spaces may be considered part of the open space
provided that they are open and unobstructed from the ground upward as in courts and yards.

8. A carport shall not be considered part of the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) particularly if it is
entirely roofed or roofed with overhangs. In such a case, it must be counted as an integral
component of the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF).

9. A front yard may be partly paved/hardscaped (converted into a courtyard) to serve as a carport but
only for a basic R-2 or basic R-3 or R-4 (individual lot) use or occupancy, i.e., all for single-family
dwelling units only. All other uses/occupancies shall not be allowed to use the front yard for a carport
nor for parking.

10. For Basic R-3, abutments on two sides and rear property lines may be allowed provided the following
requirements are first complied with:

a. Open space as prescribed in Reference Table for Maximum PSO, TOSL, and Table VIII.2. of this
Rule are satisfied.

b. Window opening as prescribed in Section 808 of this Rule are satisfied.

c. Firewall with a minimum of two-hour fire-resistive rating constructed with a minimum height
clearance of 400 millimeters above the roof. (Figure VIII.21)

11. In case of conflict in the provisions on lighting and ventilation under this Rule or under the Code, the
more stringent restrictions must prevail.

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Figure VIII.16.

Figure VIII.17. Figure VIII.18.

Figure VIII.19.
Annotation: The separation walls are actually firewalls (particularly if these are above 3.0 m in height or above the roof lines of the buildings). A better option is to
set back the firewall by up to 0.60 m to create a drainage channel as well as a firewall maintenance space i.e. for painting and general repair work. When the said
solution is adopted, endwalls are created instead.
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ALONG A 14.00 m RROW,

Figure VIII.20.

Annotation: The incremental setbacks are not intended for adoption as architectural design standards. These are
only tools to limit floor area generation using climatic conditions as bases. The actual design solution may actually
have a different configuration that must however match the limit prescribed by the incremental setbacks.
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Figure VIII.21.

Annotation: The 0.40 m height of the firewall above the roof lines of the buildings is an absolute minimum. Only the
flashing may be allowed to cross over to the other side of the firewall for anchorage purposes.

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SECTION 805. Ceiling Heights

1. Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less than 2.40 meters
measured from the floor to the ceiling; provided that for buildings of more than one (1) storey, the
minimum ceiling height of the first storey shall be 2.70 meters and that for the second story 2.40
meters and the succeeding stories shall have an unobstructed typical head-room clearance of not
less than 2.10 meters above the finished floor. Above-stated rooms with natural ventilation shall have
ceiling heights of not less than 2.70 meters.

2. Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height not less than 1.80 meters above and below it.

SECTION 806. Sizes and Dimensions of Rooms

1. Minimum sizes of rooms and their least horizontal dimensions shall be as follows:

a. Rooms for Human Habitations – 6.00 sq. meters with a least dimension of 2.00 meters;

b. Kitchen – 3.00 sq. meters with a least dimension of 1.50 meters; and

c. Bath and toilet – 1.20 sq. meters with a least dimension of 900 millimeters.

SECTION 807. Air Space Requirements in Determining the Size of Rooms

1. Minimum air space shall be provided as follows:

a. School Rooms – 3.00 cu. meters with 1.00 sq. meter of floor area per person;

b. Workshop, Factories, and Offices – 12.00 cu. meters of air space per person; and

c. Habitable Rooms – 14.00 cu. meters of air space per person.

SECTION 808. Window Openings

1. Rooms intended for any use, not provided with artificial ventilation system, shall be provided with a
window or windows with a total free area of openings equal to at least 10% of the floor area of the
room, provided that such opening shall be not less than 1.00 sq. meter. However, toilet and bath
rooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms shall be provided with window or windows with an area not
less than 1/20 of the floor area of such rooms, provided that such opening shall not be less than 240
sq. millimeters. Such window or windows shall open directly to a court, yard, public street or alley, or
open watercourse.

2. Required windows may open into a roofed porch where the porch:

a. Abuts a court, yard, public street or alley, or open watercourse and other public open spaces;

b. Has a ceiling height of not less than 2.70 meters;

c. Has one of the longer sides at least 65% open and unobstructed.

3. Eaves, canopies, awnings (or media agua) over required windows shall not be less than 750
millimeters from the side and rear property lines.

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4. There shall absolutely be no openings on/at/within/through all types of abutments (such as firewalls)
erected along property lines except for permitted vent wells. This Rule strictly applies to all new and
existing developments.
5. In locating window openings it should be borne in mind that in cases of extreme emergencies
windows must serve as emergency egress to vacate the premises or access for rescue operations.
Such windows shall meet the following requirements:

a. They can be opened from the inside without the use of any tools;

b. The minimum clear opening shall have a width not less than 820 millimeters and a height of 1

c. The bottom of the opening should not be more than 820 millimeters from the floor;

d. Where storm shutters, screens or iron grilles are used, these shall be provided with quick opening
mechanism so that they can be readily opened from the inside for emergency egress and shall be
so designed that when opened they will not drop to the ground;

e. All areas immediately outside a fire exit window/grille must be free of obstacles and must lead to
a direct access down into the ground or street level.

SECTION 809. Vent Shafts

1. Ventilation or vent shafts shall have a horizontal cross-sectional area of not less than 1.00 sq. meter
for every meter of height of shaft but in no case shall the area be less than 1.00 sq. meter. No vent
shaft shall have its least dimension less than 600 millimeters.

2. Unless open to the outer air at the top for its full area, vent shafts shall be covered by a skylight
having a net free area or fixed louver openings equal to the maximum required shaft area.

3. Air ducts shall open to a street or court by a horizontal duct or intake. Such duct or intake shall have a
minimum unobstructed cross-sectional area of not less than 0.30 sq. meter with a minimum
dimension of 300 millimeters. The openings to the duct or intake shall be not less than 300
millimeters above the street surface or level of court.

SECTION 810. Ventilation Skylights

1. Ventilation skylights shall have a glass area not less than that required for the windows that are
replaced. They shall be equipped with movable sashes or louvers with an aggregate net free area not
less than the parts in the replaced window that can be opened, or else provide artificial ventilation of
equivalent effectiveness.

SECTION 811. Artificial Ventilation

1. Rooms or spaces housing industrial or heating equipment shall be provided with artificial means of
ventilation to prevent excessive accumulation of hot and/or polluted air.

2. Whenever artificial ventilation is required, the equipment shall be designed to meet the following
minimum requirements in air changes as shown in Table VIII.4. hereafter.

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Table VIII.4. Minimum Requirements for Air Changes

Cubic Meter Air Changes Per Hour

Per Minute Ceiling Height
Per Person (meters)
Min. Max. 2.40 3.00 3.70 4.90 6.10
Apartment 0.29 0.43 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Banking Space 0.22 0.29 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Barber Shop 0.22 0.29 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Beauty Parlor 0.22 0.29 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Broker’s Board Room 0.57 0.85 8 6 4-½ 3 2-½
Cafeteria 0.43 0.57 6 4-½ 3-½ 2-½ 1-¾
Cocktail Bar 0.57 0.85 8 6 4-½ 3 2-¼
Churches 0.14 0.22 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Department Stores 0.22 0.43 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Director’s Room 0.85 0.14 8 6 4-½ 3 2-¼
Drugstore (no counter) 0.22 0.29 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Drugstore (w/counter) 0.29 0.43 5 3-¾ 3 2 1-½
Funeral Parlor 0.14 0.22 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Gambling Rooms 0.57 0.85 6 6 4-½ 3 2-¼
Hospital Room 0.29 0.43 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Hotel Room 0.29 0.43 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Laboratories 0.43 0.57 6 4-½ 3-½ 2-½ 1-¾
Office 0.29 0.43 4 3 2-¼ 1-½ 1
Restaurant Kitchen 0.34 0.43 5 3-¾ 3 2 1-½
Shop, Retail 0.22 0.29 3 2 1-½ 1 ¾
Theaters 0.14 0.22 - - - - -

3. For other rooms or spaces not specifically covered under this Section, see applicable provisions of
the pertinent referral code/s.


1. Variances, exception or deviations from the provision of light and ventilation may be allowed only when
the following term and conditions are fully complied with:

a. In case of variances

When the property is unique and different from other properties and because of its uniqueness such
the owner cannot comply with the open space requirements, variances shall be applied to relax the
application of the following provisions:

i. setback;
ii. ventilation and window opening requirements;
iii. percentage of site occupancy;
iv. floor area ratio; and
v. building height limit (BHL).

At least two (2) conditions must be satisfied for exception to be granted.

b. In case of exceptions

i. The exception must not adversely affect public health, safety and welfare and must be in
keeping with the general pattern of development in the community.

ii. The exception must not alter the essential character of the district where the exception sought
is located, and will be in harmony with the general purpose of this IRR.

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1. As it is situated outside of private property limits, the easement is public land, i.e., public domain,
that should be equally enjoyed by all members of the community. The easement is not to be used
for any form of building/structure that may go against its public recreational character and as
such, the following uses and others similar thereto are absolutely prohibited:

a. Residential and like uses whether temporary or permanent;

b. Long-term or overnight vehicle parking, i.e., unless duly designated as day and/or night pay-
parking zones;

c. As a depository of stalled, wrecked or abandoned vehicles, mechanical devices and the like;

d. The conduct of specific commercial, institutional and/or industrial activities not compatible with
its stated character;

e. Unauthorized recreational or entertainment usage and the like which will only benefit certain
entities and which will ultimately result in inconvenience/ nuisance/safety problems to the
general public; nor

f. Any other form of private use, gain, enjoyment or profit at the expense of the motoring or
walking public.

2. Allowed or Encouraged Structures/Developments Within Easements

a. If wider than 9.00 meters, the easement may include a roadway/carriageway component on
which vehicles can pass or on which the same may temporarily park, e.g., an esplanade and
the like. (Fig. VIII.G.1.)

b. Pedestrian access-ways and the like and to be located at/ above/below the easement may also
be developed for public use, e.g., a promenade and the like. (Fig. VIII.G.2.)

Table VIII.G.1. Easement* Along Water Bodies/Way by Location

Location of Water Body/Way Easement

Urban Areas 3.00 meters per side of waterway (Fig.VIII.G.3.)

Agricultural Areas 20.00 meters per side of waterway
Forest Areas 40.00 meters per side of waterway

* Source: Water Code of the Philippines

c. The allowed structures/developments include:

i. Hardscaped (paved) pedestrian access-ways such as walks, footpaths or arcades (covered

or roofed sidewalks without any habitable structures above or below it); temporary or
movable hardscape elements such as gazebos, sheds, fountains and like structures with
large footprints must not encroach on the easement;

ii. Softscaped (paved) developments such as park strips, linear parks and the like as well as
small tree farms are encouraged for recreational, livelihood and soil stabilization/protection

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Figure VIII.G.1.

Annotation: The level of the waterline surface must be established by the DPWH Regional or District Office, not by
the Office of the Municipal/ City Engineer nor by the Office of the Building Official (OBO). Note also that the trees
along the promenade are staggered i.e. the trees do not face each other but are suggested to be positioned in a
zigzag pattern. In case the width for the esplanade is insufficient, the left sidewalk could also be dispensed with.
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Guidelines on Easements . . . .

Annotation: The level of the waterline

surface must be established by the DPWH
Regional or District Office, not by the
Office of the Municipal/ City Engineer nor
Figure VIII.G.2. by the Office of the Building Official
(OBO). Note also that the trees along the
promenade are staggered i.e. the trees do
not face each other but are suggested to
be positioned in a zigzag pattern.

Figure VIII.G.3.
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Guidelines on Easements, View Corridors/Sight Lines, Streets/RROW . . . .

iii. Concrete steps leading down to the water or wooden boardwalks are allowed, provided that
all necessary safety precautions are taken, e.g., non-slip finishing for surfaces, handrails
and railings;

iv. Other forms of soil stabilization/protection including anti-erosion/scouring

measures/structures within the easement are allowed, e.g., rip-rapping, embankment
protection, etc., provided that no enclosed/semi-enclosed habitable structures are built on,
above or below such structures; and

v. Permanent utility/service lines (power, water, telecommunications, gas, etc.) are allowed
within the easement provided that these are either below grade (underground) or above
grade (overhead).

3. Disallowed and Prohibited Structures/Developments Within Easements

a. No portion of the easement whether at grade (on the ground), below grade or above grade
may be leased or developed by the government or by private entities for purposes
inconsistent with its character and intended function. In particular, any form of semi-
permanent/permanent or semi-enclosed/enclosed residential, commercial, industrial,
institutional or government structure/use and like, structures/uses at any portion of the public
easement is prohibited;

b. All semi-enclosed or enclosed, semi-permanent or permanent habitable building projections

(particularly arcade structures) or any other building projection or structural element (eaves,
roof, cantilevered beams, foundations and the like) located above or below the easement are
absolutely prohibited; and

f. All forms of enclosures such as fences, perimeter walls and the like, intended to limit the use
of the easement for private enjoyment/benefit or to restrict full access to the public easement
are absolutely prohibited unless the same are erected for reason of public safety.


1. Preservation of View Corridors and/or Sight Lines

a. The carriageway/roadway portion of the RROW shall be free of structures, particularly

commercial signs that will impede the view corridor and sight lines within the RROW. (See
Fig. VIII.G.4)

b. To dignify very important public or historical/culture buildings/structures, all forms of

commercial signs intruding into RROW leading to or away from such buildings/structures
shall not be allowed. Specifically disallowed from such RROW are commercial signs
supported from any building projection (such as arcades).

c. View corridors or sight lines from buildings/structures on a higher or lower lot shall not be
entirely blocked by the intervening property to allow some sight lines to exist.
d. In case of allowed structures within the RROW for transportation, e.g., elevated ramps,
flyovers, tracks, stations, terminals and the like, the appropriate designs shall be adopted to
maximize light, ventilation and view.


1. General. No building shall be constructed unless it adjoins or has direct access to public space,
yard or street/road on at least one (1) of its sides. All buildings shall face a public street, alley or
a road, which has been duly approved by the proper authorities for residential, institutional,
commercial and industrial groups.
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Figure VIII.G.4.

Annotation: Billboard structures that block the view are particularly prohibited under this guideline.
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a. Allowed or Encouraged Structures/Developments Within the RROW

i. The RROW at all its physical levels may only be used for the following types of
structures/uses or others similar to them, to wit:

(a) Transportation structures and like uses whether temporary or permanent, e.g., mass
transit alignments (particularly light and heavy rail) at grade, mass transit stations and
terminal facilities above grade (RROW air rights utilization) or below grade and the
like; these also include waiting sheds, traffic outposts and the like;

(b) Limited commercial structures/uses above grade (RROW air rights utilization) or
below grade provided that these are ancillary or supplementary/complementary to the
transportation structures/uses allowed in the previous paragraph, and the like;
commercial signages on the exterior of the commercial structure are disallowed and

(c) Improvements on the RROW and on all its components/elements found at all its
physical levels, e.g., sidewalks, arcades, roadway/carriageway, medians, planting
strips, street furniture, elevated or underground crossings or access-ways, non-
commercial traffic and directional signages and the like; and

(d) Public utility/service structures/uses (power, water, drainage, sewerage,

telecommunications, gas, etc.) at all physical levels of the RROW provided that these
do not restrict nor impede the movement of people and vehicles and provided further
that the rights to utilize the RROW are properly secured and permitted.

b. Disallowed and Prohibited Structures/Developments at RROW

i. If situated outside of private property limits, the RROW is public land, i.e., public domain,
which should be equally enjoyed by all members of the community. The RROW is not to
be used for the following types of buildings/structures/ occupancies or others similar to

(a) Any form of semi-permanent/permanent or semi-enclosed/enclosed commercial

structure/use and like structures/uses;

(b) Any form of temporary, semi-permanent/permanent or semi-enclosed/ enclosed

residential structure/use and like structures/uses;

(c) Government structures/use unless the same are located below or above grade; in
such cases, the proposed structure must be properly planned/designed and

(d) Long-term or overnight vehicle parking, i.e., unless duly designated as day and/or
night pay-parking zones;

(e) As a depository of stalled, wrecked or abandoned vehicles, mechanical devices and

the like;

(f) The conduct of other commercial/business/industrial activities incompatible with the

character of the RROW;

(g) Unauthorized recreational or entertainment usage and the like which will only benefit
certain entities and which will ultimately result in inconvenience/ nuisance/safety
problems to the general public; nor
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Guidelines on Street/RROWS . . . .
(h) Any other form of private use, gain, enjoyment or profit at the expense of the motoring
or walking public.

Table VIII.G.2. Suggested Median and Lane Widths Within Alleys/Roadways/Carriageways by

Minimum RROW Width and by Suggested Vehicle Speeds
Range of
Range Minimum
of Total Required Suggested Suggested
Minimum to
Alley or Width of Minimum to Minimum to
RROW Alley or Maximum Maximum
Vehicle Speeds
Width Roadway/ Median Widths Lane Widths
Along Alley or
(meters) Carriageway (meters) (meters)
2.00 2.00
(for 3.00 meters None one way
Alley ROW) 1.00 car passage
3.00 to 6.00
4.00 to
(for 6.00 meters 15.00 None
each way
(for 6.01 meters None
each way
RROW) 16.00
6.10 to 20.00
13.40 to
(for 20.00 meters 30.00 1.20 to 2.00 2.80 to 3.00
(for 20.10 meters 1.20 to 4.50 3.00 to 3.30
RROW) 31.00
20.10 to 40.00
26.80 to
(for 40.00 meters 60.00 1.20 to 4.80 3.3 to 3.50
(for 40.10 meters 1.50 to 5.00 3.50 to 3.80
40.10 to RROW) 61.00
60.00 and
40.00 and
(for 60.00 meters above 1.50 to 5.50 3.80 to 4.00

c. Minimum Access Requirements

i. RROW/access streets or alleys shall have the following widths:
(a) Interior or rear lots shall have a RROW/access street with a minimum width
depending upon the number of buildings or units which it serves provided, however,
that said RROW/access street shall not be less than 3.00 meters in width and
provided further that such RROW shall be provided with a minimum 4.00 meters
wide chaflan at its intersect with the main RROW and provided, finally, that such
RROW shall not be used for any form of parking.
(b) Multiple living units on same lot on which apartments, rowhouses or accessorias or
a group of single-detached buildings are built be provided with a RROW/access
street directly connecting said buildings or units to a public street/road or alley
following the schedule as shown in Table VIII.G.3.
(c) For commercial or industrial areas, sufficient lane widths, shoulders and
maneuvering spaces for long-bodied/articulated vehicles should be considered
within the RROW.
(d) Privately-owned RROW/access streets shall be duly registered and annotated in the
lot title as such for as long as the apartments, rowhouses, etc., using said
RROW/access streets, still exist.

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(e) Alignment of RROW/access streets shall be integrated into the existing street/ road
network, particularly with the provision of chaflans of the appropriate width.
(f) No obstruction should exist within the RROW/access streets servicing multiple
housing of more than 75 units.
(g) All kinds of subdivisions and residential condominiums may generally refer to this
Guideline concerning access streets/roadways. (Figs. VIII.G.5. through VIII.G.10.)

Table VIII.G.3. Minimum Road Right-of-Way (RROW) Provisions for Developments with Multiple
Dwelling Units

Minimum Minimum Minimum

Width of Width of Total Width of
Number of
Carriageway/ Sidewalk the
Dwelling Units
Roadway on each side RROW
(meters) (meters) (meters)
Up to six (6) units 3.00 0.60 4.20
Seven (7) up to fifteen (15) units 4.00 1.00 6.00
Sixteen (16) up to
5.00 1.00 7.00
Twenty-five (25) units
Twenty-six (26) up to
6.00 1.00 8.00
Thirty-five (35) units
More than thirty-five (35) units 6.70 1.00 8.70

d. The RROW consists of three (3) different physical levels as follows:

i. RROW ABOVE GRADE - refers to the portion of the RROW reckoned from the finished
surface of the roadway/carriageway and/or the sidewalk/arcade all the way up to the air.
If this level of the RROW is utilized for whatever purpose, the Air Rights or the right to
develop, benefit and profit from the use of the RROW above grade is given up by the
government/general public and should therefore be compensated, i.e., leased and paid
for by the proponent/end-user/beneficiary of the proposed building/structure (Figs.
VIII.G.11. and VIII.G.12.). The minimum clear height for the utilization of air rights above
RROW shall be 4.27 meters from the finished crown elevation of the

ii. RROW AT GRADE - refers to the portion of the RROW reckoned from the natural grade
line up to the finished surface of the roadway/carriageway and/ or the sidewalk/arcade.
This portion of the RROW is generally utilized for the movement of the general public
(motorists and pedestrians). If this level of the RROW is utilized for whatever purpose,
the right to develop, benefit and profit from the use of the RROW at grade is given up by
the government/general public and should therefore be compensated, i.e., leased and
paid for by the development proponent/end-user/ beneficiary. (Figs. VIII.G.11. and

iii. RROW BELOW GRADE - refers to the portion of the RROW reckoned from the finished
surface of the roadway and/or the sidewalk all the way down into the ground. If this level
of the RROW is utilized for whatever purpose, the right to develop, benefit and profit from
the use of the RROW below grade is given up by the government/general public and
should therefore be compensated, i.e., leased and paid for by the development
proponent/end-user/beneficiary. (Figs. VIII.G.11. and VIII.G.12.)

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Figure VIII.G.5.

Figure VIII.G.6.

Annotation: The minimum 3.0 m wide access road necessarily includes all provisions for drainage and for utility lines.
It must be maintained free of all forms of obstructions at all times, particularly parked or abandoned vehicles that may
impede rescue/emergency response. Trees or plants should not be sited within any part of the minimum 3.0m wide
access road i.e. suggested for planting within the property limits instead.

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Figure VIII.G.7.

Figure VIII.G.8. Figure VIII.G.10.


Annotation: The minimum 3.0 m wide access road necessarily includes all provisions for
drainage and for utility lines. It must be maintained free of all forms of obstructions at all
times, particularly parked or abandoned vehicles that may impede rescue/emergency
response. Trees or plants should not be sited within any part of the minimum 3.0m wide
Figure VIII.G.9. access road i.e. suggested for planting within the property limits instead.

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Figure VIII.G.11.

Annotation: Carriageway widths must also be measured in terms of standard-width lanes based on legal/allowed
vehicle speeds on the thoroughfare.

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Fig.ure VIII.G.12.

Annotation: Assuming the necessary permits and/or required leasing arrangements for the use of air rights
and below-grade rights are perfected, all three levels of RROW development could be introduced/

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Figure VIII.G.13.

Annotation: The incremental setbacks are not intended for adoption as architectural design standards. These are
only tools to limit floor area generation using climatic conditions as bases. The actual design solution may actually
have a different configuration that must however match the limit prescribed by the incremental setbacks.

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Guidelines on Sidewalks, Arcades. . . .


1. Subject to existing laws and regulations, the local planning authority shall determine which street
shall have an open sidewalk or an arcaded (covered) sidewalk, or a combination of both.

2. The minimum width of the sidewalk for a RROW width of 9.00 meters or more shall be 1.20
meters on each side of the RROW or a total of 2.40 meters on both sides of the RROW (Fig.
VIII.G.14.). For the minimum width of sidewalk for RROW of less than 9.00 meters wide, refer to
Table VIII.G.3.

3. Sidewalk widths shall be based on the following considerations:

a. Volume of pedestrians (end-users, visitors and the like) who will use the sidewalk on a
regular basis;
b. Type, intensity or level of operation and size/expanse of the allowed uses/ occupancies
along the RROW;
c. The types and volume of street furniture, e.g., street lighting and traffic signs/signal
supports, pedestrian barriers/aids, etc., and other urban design elements that will be
allowed as permanent developments design elements that will be allowed as permanent
developments within the width of the sidewalk;
d. The width of the planting strips;
e. The spatial needs for servicing utility/service lines underneath the sidewalk and for
utility/service poles;
f. Compliance with accessibility requirements as stipulated under Batas Pambansa Blg. 344
(Accessibility Law);
g. Provisions for commuters, e.g., waiting sheds, loading/unloading areas and the like;
h. Provisions for vehicle crossings/driveways between the roadway/carriageway and the front
yards of lots or buildings/structures or provisions for loading/unloading platforms if allowed;
i. Need for introduction of allowed uses/ elements within the sidewalk area only if there is
sufficient sidewalk width, e.g., bicycle lanes, jogging lanes and the like; and
j. Climate, light, ventilation, safety, security and overall maintenance of the sidewalk and all
its surface areas.

4. Sidewalks shall be of uniform width throughout the entire length of the street. The sidewalk
width grade and finish of the dominant use/occupancy along the RROW shall be generally

5. The width of the sidewalk shall be as follows:

Table VIII.G.4. Range of Required Sidewalk and Planting Strip Widths

(total at both sides of RROW) by RROW Width

Road Right-Of-Way Range of Required Sidewalk Widths

(RROW) Width (Total at both sides of RROW)

30.00 meters & above From 1/6 up to 1/4 of RROW Width

25.00 - 29.00 meters From 1/6 up to 1/3 of RROW Width
20.00 - 24.00 meters From 1/6 up to 1/3 of RROW Width
10.00 - 19.00 meters From 1/4 up to 1/3 of RROW Width
Below 10.00 meters From 1/4 up to 1/3 of RROW Width

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6. The width of the sidewalk shall include both the paved and unpaved (planted) portions. (see
Table VIII.G.5.)

Table VIII.G.5. Minimum Planting Strip Widths by RROW Width

Total Minimum Widths of Planting Strip within RROW*

Road Right-Of-Way
(width per sides of RROW)
(RROW) Width
30.00 meters & above
(0.60 )
25.00 - 29.00 meters
20.00 - 24.00 meters
10.00 - 19.00 meters
Below 10.00 meters Optional

* Minimum width of planting strip (for grass and shrubs) is 200 millimeters for each side of the RROW. The
minimum width of planting strip (for trees) is 300 millimeters for each side of the RROW.

7. For allowed, disallowed and prohibited structures/developments at RROW, refer to Sections C.1.
(a) and C.1. (b) of this Guideline.

8. The sidewalk pavement shall have a non-slip surface and shall slope down from the building line
towards the curb line at not more than 1/50 and shall level off with the curb. (Fig. VIII.G.14.)

9. Sidewalks of 2.00 meters or more in width shall include on its outer side a planting strip of not
less than 800 millimeters in width up to a maximum of 1/3 of the allowed sidewalk width,
separating the curb from the sidewalk pavement. The planting strip must always be near the
curbline. (Fig. VIII.G.15.)

10. Combined open and arcaded sidewalks shall be provided with a planting strip of not less than
800 millimeters in width up to a maximum of 1/3 of the allowed sidewalk width, as a separating
strip between the arcaded portion and the open portion of the sidewalk. (Fig. VIII.G.16.)

11. Grade of Sidewalks

a. Sidewalks shall, as much as possible, be level and of uniform grade throughout the entire
length of the street.

b. Whenever the slope of the street does not exceed 1/12 the sidewalk grade shall follow the
level or slope of the street. (Fig. VIII.G.17.)

c. Whenever the slope of the street is 1/10, the sidewalk shall be maintained level for every
20.00 to 40.00 meters of run (Fig. VIII.G.18.). Sidewalks of different levels shall be joined
by means of a ramp having any convenient slope not exceeding 1/6. (Fig. VIII.G.18.)

d. When the grade of two (2) connecting sidewalks are between 1/10 and 1/8, the two
sidewalks shall be joined by means of a ramp having any convenient slope not exceeding

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Figure VIII.G.14.

Figure VIII.G.15.


Annotation: The arcades shown above were originally for widened RROWs where property recovery was necessary
through air rights utilization. If no road widening occurs, arcade structures above sidewalks represent the use of
public domain, for which leases need to be paid to the LGU or the DPWH as the case may be. Arcades and arcade
structures are best sited within the property limits.
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Figure VIII.G.16.


Figure VIII.G.17.

Figure VIII.G.18.
Annotation: Ramped or inclined sections of the sidewalk should have heavily textured surfaces for traction and better surface
drainage. Sever inclines for sidewalks should be accompanied by railings or guides for additional safety of the end-users.

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12. Driveways, Entrances and Exits

a. Driveways Across Sidewalks

i. To maximize the use of the sidewalk area, the surface of the sidewalk and the
driveway shall as much as possible, be at the same plane. The entry ramp of the
driveway connecting the roadway surface to the sidewalk surface shall have a slope
ranging from 1/3 to 1/4. (Figs. VIII.G.19. and VIII.G.20.)

ii. Whenever the height of the curb is more than 200 millimeters, driveways may be
constructed across the entire width of the sidewalk, provided that the driveway shall
be joined to the sidewalk by means of a ramp of rough finish have a slope of not
more than 1/8. The driveway and the ramp shall be made of the same materials as
that of the sidewalk. (Figs. VIII.G.19., VIII.G.20., and VIII.G.21.)

iii. Entrances and exits of buildings abutting sidewalks shall be made of either ramps or

iv. Entrance and exits ramps shall have a slope not exceeding 1/10. (Fig. VIII.G.22.)

v. Entrance or exit steps shall have treads of not less than 300 millimeters. The
minimum number of steps shall be two (2) with risers not exceeding 100 millimeters.

vi. No portion of either entrance or exit ramps or steps shall intrude into the sidewalk

13. Obstruction on Sidewalks

a. Under no circumstances shall obstruction of any kind be allowed on sidewalks, whether

open or arcaded. This specifically refers to all forms of commercial signs and commercial
structures that impede sight lines or pedestrian traffic along the sidewalk.

b. Planted areas forming part of the sidewalk or arcade shall not be fenced in to allow
passage of pedestrians and disabled in transit.

14. Curb Configurations

a. Mountable curbs shall only be allowed if the sidewalk width on each side of the RROW is at
a minimum of 5.00 meters wide.

b. For greater protection of pedestrians and the disabled, raised curbs are encouraged for use
along sidewalks that are less than 5.00 meters in width.

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Figure VIII.G.19.

Annotation: The foregoing

examples are particularly
important for basement/below
grade and above grade
entrances/exits to covered
parking areas
Figure VIII.G.20.

Figure VIII.G.21.

Figure VIII.G.22.
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Guidelines on Lots. . . .



Table VIII.G.6. Minimum TOSL Requirements by Lot Type/Location

Note: Higher Percentages (%) may apply for lots with Minimum Total Lot Area (TLA).
(for Proposed Developments (for Proposed Developments
without Firewalls or Abutments) with Permitted Firewalls or Allowed
LOT TYPE/ A & B (Residential H-1, H-2, A&B H-1, H-2,
LOCA-TION* or Institution-al) H-4 and I All Other (Residential or H-4 and I All Other
& C, D, E-2 (Cultural) and Uses/ Institution-al) (Cultural) and Uses/
and H (Institutional) E-1 and E-3 Occu- & C, D, E-1 and E-3 Occu-
(Transport- pancy E-2 (Transpor- pancy
ation/ and H tation/Utility)
Utility) (Institutional)

Interior or Rear Lot 40% 40% 20% * 30% # 15%

(Lot located in the (for R-1 use or (for all classes (for all cultural)
interior of a block occupancy only), of cultural use
made accessible or occupancy) 25%**
from a public street 30% (for R-2)
or alley by means of (for R-2 use or and
a private access occupancy only) 40% ##
road); see Figure and 50% 20%*** (for all transpor-
VIII.2. (for all classes (for other tation/ utility/
30% of residential) services)
(for other transportation/
residential uses or utility use or
occupancy); occupancy)

50% (for all
(for all classes of institutional)
institutional uses or
Notes :

* with absolutely no firewalls/abutments allowed for R-1 use.

** with firewall/abutment allowed on only one (1) side property line and absolutely no firewall/abutment at front
and rear property lines for R-2 use.

*** with firewalls/abutments allowed on two (2) side property lines only or on one (1) side property line and the
rear property line and absolutely no firewall/abutment at front property lines for R-3 and R-5 uses; and with
firewalls/ abutments allowed on two (2) side property lines only and absolutely no firewall/abutment at the front
and rear property lines for R-4 use.

**** with firewalls/abutments for all classes of institutional uses.

# with firewall/abutment allowed on only one (1) side for all classes of cultural uses.

## with firewalls/abutments allowed on two (2) sides only or on one (1) side and rear boundary for all classes of
transportation/utility uses.
+ Refer to Rule VIII - Figures VIII.2. through VIII.8. for lot type/location.
++ Refer to Rule VII for occupancy grouping.

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o
Guidelines on Lots. . . .

Continuation of Table VIII.G.6. . . .

(for Proposed Developments (for Proposed Developments
without Firewalls or Abutments) with Permitted Firewalls or Allowed
LOT TYPE/ Abutments)
LOCA- H-1, H-2, A&B H-1, H-2,
TION* A & B (Residential H-4 and I All Other (Residential or H-4 and I All Other
or Institutional) (Cultural) and Uses/ Institutional) (Cultural) and Uses/
& C, D, E-2 E-1 and Occu- & C, D, E-2 E-1 and Occu-
and H (Institutional) E-3 pancy and H E-3 pancy
(Transport- (Institutional) (Transport-
ation/Utility/Ser ation/Utility/Ser
vices) vices)

Inside Lot otherwise 50% 40% 25% * 30% # 15%

referred to as a (for R-1 use or (for all classes (for all cultural)
Regular Lot (Non – occupancy only), of cultural use
corner or single or occupancy)
frontage lot); see 40% 30%**
Figure VIII.3. (for R-2 use or and (for R-2)
occupancy only)
and 50% 40% ##
(for all classes (for all
30% of transport- 20%*** transportation/
(for other ation/utility use (for other utility/ services)
residential uses or or occupancy) residential)


50% 40%****
(for all classes of (for all
institutional uses or institutional)

Corner Lot+ or 30% 35% 20% * 30% # 10%

Through (for R-1 and all (for all classes (for all cultural)
Lot; see Figures other residential of cultural use 25%**
VIII.4. and VIII.5. uses or or occupancy) (for R-2)
occupancy); 20%***
+Note: For corner and (for other
lots, the largest and residential)
setback requirement 40%
shall apply to the 40% (for all 30% ##
two (2) sides (for all classes of classes of 30%**** (for all
serviced by the institutional uses or transport- (for all transportation/
RROW. occupancy) ation/ utility use institutional) utility/ services)
or occupancy)

* with absolutely no firewalls/abutments allowed for R-1 use.
** with firewall/abutment allowed on only one (1) side property line and absolutely no firewall/abutment at front and rear
property lines for R-2 use.
*** with firewalls/ abutments allowed on two (2) side property lines only or on one (1) side property line and the rear property
line and absolutely no firewall/abutment at front property lines for R-3 and R-5 uses; and with firewalls/ abutments allowed
on two (2) side property lines only and absolutely no firewall/abutment at the front and rear property lines for R-4 use.
**** with firewalls/abutments for all classes of institutional uses.
# with firewall/abutment allowed on only one (1) side for all classes of cultural uses.
## with firewalls/abutments allowed on two (2) sides only or on one (1) side and rear boundary for all classes of
transportation/utility uses.
+ Refer to Rule VIII - Figures VIII.2. through VIII.8. for lot type/location.
++ Refer to Rule VII for occupancy grouping.

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o
Guidelines on Lots. . . .

Continuation of Table VIII.G.6. . . .

(for Proposed Developments (for Proposed Developments
without Firewalls or Abutments) with Permitted Firewalls or Allowed
A & B (Residential H-1, H-2, All Other A&B H-1, H-2, All Other
or Institutional) H-4 and I Uses/ (Residential or H-4 and I Uses/
& C, D, E-2 (Cultural) and Occu- Institutional) (Cultural) and Occu-
and H (Institutional) E-1 and E-3 pancy & C, D, E-2 E-1 and E-3 pancy
(Transport- and H (Transport-
ation/Utility/Ser- (Institutional) ation/Utility/Ser-
vice) vice)

End Lots bounded 40% 40% 20% * 30% # 15%

on two (2) or more (for R-1 use or (for all classes (for all cultural)
sides by the property occupancy only), of cultural use
line of the or occupancy)
subdivision or by 30%
public open spaces (for R-2 use or and 25%**
such as easements occupancy only) (for R-2)
of lake/ and 50%
sea-shores, rivers, (for all classes 40% ##
esteros, 30% of transport- (for all
etc. and accessible (for other ation/utility use 20%*** transportation/
only through one (1) residential uses or or occupancy) (for other utility /services)
side of the lot; occupancy) residential)
see Figure VIII.8.

(for all classes of
institutional uses or
occupancy) 40%****
(for all

Corner-Through Lots 30% 35% 10% * 30% # 5%

or Corner Lots+ (for R-1 and all (for all classes (for all cultural)
abutting three (3) other residential of cultural 25%**
or more public open and commercial use or (for R-2)
spaces such as uses or occupancy) occupancy) 20%***
streets, alleys, (for other
ease-ment of and and residential and
lake/sea-shores, commercial)
rivers, esteros, etc.; 40% 30% ##
see Figures VIII.6 . 40% (for all classes (for all
and VIII.7. (for all classes of of transport- 30%**** transport-
+Note: For corner institutional uses or ation/ utility use (for all ation/utility/
lots, the largest occupancy) or occupancy) institutional) services)
setback requirement
shall apply to the
two (2) sides
serviced by the
Note: See preceding page for typical Notes/Legends

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o
Guidelines on Lots. . . .

Table VIII.G.7. Suggested Minimum Lot Sizes, Lot Dimensions and Types
by Use or Occupancy
Use or Occupancy
(preferably based
on Duly-Approved Lot Location/Type
Local Zoning
Interior Inside Corner End Lot Corner-Through
(or Rear) (or Regular) Lot or Lot or Corner Lot
Lot Lot Through Lot Abutting 3 or More
Streets, etc. Rivers,
(See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII-Figs.
Figure VIII.2.) Figure VIII.3.) Figures Figure VIII.8.) VIII.6. & VIII.7.)
VIII.4.& VIII.5.)

Residential 1 301.00 sq. 301.00 sq. 365.00 sq. 548.00 sq. 365.00 sq. meters
(R-1) meters meters meters meters
17.00 meters (w)
21.50 meters 14.00 meters 17.00 meters 25.50 meters x 21.50 meters(d)
wide (w) x (w) (w) (w)
14.00 meters x 21.50 x 21.50 x 21.50
deep (d) meters (d) meters (d) meters (d)

Basic Not 80.00 sq. 96.00 sq. 140.00 sq. 96.00 sq. meters
Residential 2 Allowed meters meters meters
Medium Density 9.60 meters (w)
Housing (single family 8.00 meters 9.60 meters 14.00 meters x 10.00 meters (d)
dwelling unit with a (w) (w) (w)
BHL of 10.00 meters) x 10.00 x 10.00 x 10.00
meters (d) meters (d) meters (d)

Maximum Not 192.00 sq. 261.00 sq. 378.00 sq. 261.00 sq. meters
R-2 Allowed meters meters meters
Medium Density
Housing (multiple 14.50 meters (w)
family dwelling units 12.00 meters 14.50 meters 21.00 meters x 18.00 meters (d)
within one building/ (w) (w) (w)
structure with a BHL x 16.00 x 18.00 x 18.00
of 15.00 meters) meters (d) meters (d) meters (d)

Basic Residential 3 Not 50.00 sq. 75.00 sq. 200.00 sq. 75.00 sq. meters
(R-3) Allowed meters meters meters
High Density
Housing (single family 6.00 meters (w)
dwelling unit with a 4.00 meters 6.00 meters 16.00 meters x 12.50 meters (d)
BHL of 10.00 meters) (w) (w) (w)
x 12.50 x 12.50 x 12.50
meters (d) meters(d) meters (d)

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Guidelines on Lots. . . .

Continuation of Table VIII.G.7. . .

Use or Occupancy
(preferably based
on Duly-Approved Lot Location/Type
Local Zoning
Interior Inside Corner End Lot Corner-Through
(or Rear) (or Regular) Lot or Lot or Corner Lot
Lot Lot Through Lot Abutting 3 or More
Streets, etc. Rivers,
(See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII- (See Rule VIII-Figs.
Figure VIII.2.) Figure VIII.3.) Figures VIII.4. Figure VIII.8.) VIII.6. & VIII.7.)
& VIII.5.)

Maximum R-3 Not 400.00 sq. 475.00 sq. 700.00 sq. 475.00 sq. meters
High Density Allowed meters meters meters
Housing (multiple 19.00 meters (w)
Family dwelling units 16.00 meters 19.00 meters 28.00 meters x 25.00 meters (d)
within one building/ (w) (w) (w)
structure with a BHL x 25.00 x 25.00 x 25.00
of 36.00 m) meters (d) meters (d) meters (d)

Residential 4 Not 96.00 sq. 120.00 sq. 180.00 sq 120.00 sq. meters
(R-4) Allowed meters meters meters
Individual Townhouse 10.00 meters (w)
Lots 8.00 meters 10.00 meters 15.00 meters x 12.00 meters (d)
(w) (w) (w)
x 12.00 x 12.00 x 12.00
meters (d) meters (d) meters (d)
Residential 5 Not 500.00 sq. 540.00 sq. 945.00 sq. 540.00 sq. meters
(R-5) Allowed meters meters meters
20.00 meters (w)
18.50 meters 20.00 meters 35.00 meters x 27.00 meters (d)
(w) (w) (w)
x 27.00 x 27.00 x 27.00
meters (d) meters (d) meters (d)
Commercial 1 Not 204.00 sq. 238.00 sq. Not 238.00 sq. meters
(Com-1) Allowed meters meters Allowed
14.00 meters (w)
12.00 meters 14.00 meters x 17.00 meters (d)
(w) (w)
x 17.00 x 17.00
meters (d) meters (d)
Commercial 2 Not 301.00 sq. 365.00 sq. Not 365.00 sq. meters
(Com-2) Allowed meters meters Allowed
17.00 meters (w)
14.00 meters 17.00 meters x 21.50 meters (d)
(w) (w)
x 21.50 x 21.50
meters (d) meters (d)
Commercial 3* Not 600.00 sq. 813.00 sq. Not 813.00 sq. meters
(Com-3) Allowed meters meters Allowed
20.00 meters 25.00 meters 25.00 meters (w)
(w) (w) x 32.50 meters (d)
x 30.00 x 32.50
meters (d) meters (d)
* Suggested minimum lot sizes, lot dimensions, types and restrictions for Commercial 3 (C-3) lots may also apply to Industrial
(I), General Institutional (GI) and Cultural (C) Uses or Occupancies.

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o
Guidelines on Basements. . . .


1. Maximum Configuration of Basement Levels

While basements may be developed for medium to very high density residential, commercial,
institutional and mixed-use developments, its planning, design and construction shall observe the
following limitations:

a. The minimum road right-of-way (RROW) width that services the lot on which the basement
can be constructed should be at least 10.00 meters wide;

b. For basements to be allowed, the prescribed setbacks and yards must be satisfied for the
building/structure above grade inasmuch as the very same setbacks shall apply below grade
to determine the maximum depth or width of the basement level;

c. If the Code prescriptions for introducing natural light and ventilation into all basement levels
are first satisfied (refer to Fig. VIII.G.23.), the maximum depth of the basement can then be
made equal to one-half of the height of the building above grade; if the prescriptions for
natural lighting and ventilation are satisfied, the basement depth can therefore be as much as
one-third of the combined height of the building to be constructed above grade and below

d. The center portion of all basement levels shall be reserved for the satisfaction of the
basement level may extend by a minimum clear distance of 1.40 meters from the outermost
face of the building (OFB) at grade level;

e. The OFB at the second and lower basement levels shall follow the line of the OFB at grade
level; and

f. All drainage structures below grade shall not exceed the OFB below grade.

2. Minimum Provisions for Natural Lighting and Ventilation at Basement Levels

If basements are to be developed, the following minimum provisions for natural light and
ventilation shall be satisfied:

a. A primary or main natural light and ventilation shaft (vertical) with a clear distance of at least
3.00 meters shall be located at the center of the building and shall traverse the entire
combined height of the building above and below grade; (refer to Fig. VIII.G.23)

b. Secondary or support natural light and ventilation shaft/s (angular) with a clear distance of at
least 1.20 meters shall emanate from the front and rear perimeters of the building and shall
traverse the entire depth of the basement; the angular shaft/s shall be at an angle of 60º from
the horizontal, consistent with the maximum Philippine solar angle; separate angular shafts
emanating from the side perimeters of the building are encouraged; and

c. Both the vertical and angular shafts shall only be used for natural air and light intake and
shall not be used for any form of exhaust or air exchange to keep the temperature inside the
shafts at a minimum.

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Guidelines on Basements. . . .

Figure VIII.G.23.

Annotation: The diagonal light shafts through the basement levels consist of imaginary lines of available natural light
i.e. not an actual diagonal light shaft. The diagonal lines partly represent natural light-connected grated openings on
the basement floors.
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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o
Guidelines on Public Buildings/Structures. . . .


1. General

a. Public buildings/structures are permanent edifices owned by the government, whether

national or local, its agencies, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations.

b. Design of public buildings/structures shall conform to the applicable provisions of the

preceding rules and regulations. Aside from being logically functional and structurally sound,
should promote, enhance and express the aesthetic presentability, customs and traditions,
socio-economic values environmental quality and cultural heritage of the region concerned
towards evolving a distinct Filipino Architecture.

c. The architectural character of public buildings/structures must fully express the nature of their
function, use or occupancy and should reflect their identity as public buildings/structures
compatible with their total macro and microenvironment.

d. Public buildings/structures should be designed for permanence but with maximized flexibility
to allow for future adjustments in their uses/occupancies.

e. Use of indigenous and/or locally manufactured/produced materials such as marble, stone,

adobe, clay tiles, wood, coco wood, kapis shells, should be maximized unless their
production or usage are banned or regulated by the government to promote the efforts to
conserve natural resources.

f. Use of natural light and ventilation by means of proper orientation, cross ventilation,
convection, sun control devices and the like should be maximized.

g. Choice of finishes should aim to minimize maintenance costs.

h. The architectural plan and design must basically reflect the functional manner or spatial
utilization and/or the evolving Filipino, Asian or International usage of spaces that need to be
projected if required or used, more than just attention to pure forms/images.

i. Only the use of good to high quality materials, labor, technologies and construction methods
within the approved budget, must be specified by its planners and designers to ensure
permanence, long continued use and low maintenance cost of public buildings or structures.

j. Plans and designs of all public buildings must fully comply with all of the planning and design
requirements under the Code and this IRR including the Fire Code of the Philippines and the
Accessibility Law (BP Blg. 344).

k. Strictly consider proper landscaping analysis and design not only for aesthetics but more so
for the prevention of erosion of its site and immediate vicinity, and for ecological balance.

l. These requirements are not intended to limit the creativity of the designer nor preclude the
use of advanced or innovative technology particularly in instances wherein mandated
compliance under this Guideline shall present a major difficulty in or hamper the proper
execution of the plan, design or architectural concept.

Guidelines on Public Buildings/Structures. . . .

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2. Site Selection

a. Where a project site is yet to be selected, the potential site must be compatible with the
project usage. The site should be accessible, and near power, water, sewerage, drainage as
well as transportation, communication and solid waste management system for practical and
economic considerations.

b. Site analysis should show an accurate and thorough understanding of the site. It should
include, but not limited to, consideration of topography, point of access, existing
buildings/structures/utilities/services, trees, soil characteristics, existing and approved land
uses, views and vulnerabilities to flooding, erosion, seismic activity or other threats.

c. The site must be properly and completely described, clearly defining its technical boundaries,
showing access thereto such as highway, road or alley and indicating easements,
encroachments, approved building lines, proposed road widening, existing
buildings/structures, utilities/services and trees. For site on rolling grounds or steep slope, its
contour lines must be shown at convenient intervals.

3. Site Development

a. Location and Orientation - Locate and orient the buildings to maximize the use of natural
ventilation and lighting and minimize energy consumption within the constraints of the
functional requirements, the topography and site configuration. North-south exposure of
buildings has the advantage of maximizing the cooling effect of prevailing winds coming from
the southeasterly and southwesterly directions. Such exposures minimize the effect of
afternoon solar heat at the same time.

b. Site Drainage - Drainage is a basic site design consideration and must be done in
conjunction with siting and orientation of buildings, location of parking lots and roads,
consideration of topography and compliance with functional site requirements. Parking lots,
roads and walks must be graded to assure positive drainage for each major site element and
must be coordinated into a total drainage system. Existing drainage ways, if any, should be
utilized to retain the original character of the site and to avoid unnecessary earthwork.

c. Grading Design - Balance the cut and fill for the entire site as closely as possible to
eliminate the need for hauling earth on or off the site. If topography for areas required for
parking, roadways and other site features require cut and fill, selection of finished elevations
for backfilling of the entire site should be well studied and appropriate.

d. Vehicular and Pedestrian Access and Circulation - Access and circulation patterns to and
within the site must be studied in the process of site planning. Easy and direct access and
smooth circulation should be provided for vehicles and pedestrians including for disabled

e. Site Utilities and Services - Provide adequate underground utilities and services such as
concrete or masonry trench with retractable covers for maintenance and avoid diggings of
new roads. The trench alignments shall be coordinated with paving of roads and landscape,
including future extensions, to avoid conflicts with these site elements. Provide most
economical run, and minimize the possibility of utility relocation. Coordinate the location of
underground site utilities and services such as power, water supply, sewerage
communications and drainage systems to reduce the possibility of utility/service crossing and

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o

SECTION 901. General Requirements

Subject to the provisions of Book II of the Civil Code of the Philippines on Property, Ownership, and
its Modification, all buildings hereafter erected, altered, remodeled, relocated or repaired for human
habitation shall be provided with adequate and potable water supply, plumbing installation, and suitable
wastewater treatment or disposal system, storm water drainage, pest and vermin control, noise
abatement device, and such other measures required for the protection and promotion of health of
persons occupying the premises and others living nearby.

SECTION 902. Water Supply System

1. Whenever available, the potable water requirements for a building used for human habitation shall be
supplied from existing municipal or city waterworks system.

2. The quality of drinking water from meteoric, surface or underground sources shall conform to the
criteria set in the latest approved National Standards for Drinking Water Standards.

3. The design, construction and operation of deepwells for the abstraction of groundwater shall be
subject to the provisions of the Water Code of the Philippines (PD 1067).

4. The design, construction and operation of independent waterwork systems of private housing
subdivisions or industrial estates shall be governed by existing laws relating to local waterworks

5. The water piping installation for water supply and distribution to each fixture including the wastewater
drainage with proper venting inside building and premises, shall conform to the provision of the
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.

SECTION 903. Wastewater Disposal System

1. Sanitary sewage from buildings and neutralized or pre-treated industrial wastewater shall be
discharged directly into the nearest street sanitary sewer main of existing municipal or city sanitary
sewerage system in accordance with the criteria set by the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines and
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

2. All buildings located in areas where there are no available sanitary sewerage system shall dispose
their sewage to “Imhoff” or septic tank and subsurface absorption field or to a suitable waste water
treatment plant or disposal system in accordance with the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines and
the Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.

3. Sanitary and industrial plumbing installations inside buildings and premises shall conform to the
provisions of the Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.

SECTION 904. Storm Drainage System

1. Rainwater drainage shall not discharge to the sanitary sewer system.

2. Adequate provisions shall be made to drain rainwater from low areas in buildings and their premises.

3. The drainage pipe installation and sewerage system of any premises and/or connection with any
public disposal or any acceptable terminal shall conform to the Revised National Plumbing Code of
the Philippines.
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SECTION 905. Pest and Vermin Control

1. All buildings with hollow and/or wood construction shall be provided with rat-proofing.

2. Garbage bins and receptacles shall be provided with ready means for cleaning and with positive
protection against entry of pests and vermins.

3. Dining rooms for public use without artificial ventilation shall be properly screened.

SECTION 906. Noise Pollution Control

1. Industrial establishments shall be provided with positive noise abatement devices to tone down the
noise level of equipment and machineries to acceptable limits set down by the Department of Labor
and Employment and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

2. Noise as an unwanted sound both in quality and intensity and excessive vibration whose sources in
building/structure construction shall conform to acceptable limits the required emission standards of

SECTION 907. Pipes Materials

All pipe materials to be used in buildings/structures shall conform to the standard specifications of the
Bureau of Product Standards (BPS) of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o

SECTION 1001. General Requirements

1. No part of any building or structure or any of its appendages, shall project beyond the building line
except as provided herein.

2. The projection of any structure or appendage over a public property shall be the distance measured
horizontally from the property line to the outermost point of the projection.

SECTION 1002. Projection into Alleys or Streets

1. No part of any structure or its appendage shall project into any alley or street, national road or public
highway except as provided in the Code.

2. Footings located at least 2.40 meters below grade along national roads or public highway may project
not more than 300 millimeters beyond the property line provided that said projection shall not obstruct
any existing utilities/services such as power, water, sewer, gas, communication, and drainage lines,
etc, unless the owner concerned shall pay the corresponding entities for the rerouting of the parts of
the affected utilities.

3. Foundations may be permitted to encroach into public sidewalk areas to a width not exceeding 500
millimeters; provided that the top of the said foundation is not less than 600 millimeters below the
established grade; and provided further, that said projection shall not obstruct any existing
utilities/services such as power, water, sewer, gas, communication and drainage lines, etc., unless
the owner concerned shall pay the corresponding entities for the rerouting of the parts of the affected

SECTION 1003. Projection of Balconies and Appendages Over Streets

1. The extent of any projection over an alley or street shall be uniform within a block and shall conform to
the limitations set forth in Table X.1. as shown below:

TABLE X.1. Projection of Balconies and Appendages

Width of Streets Total Projections

Over 3.00 meters but less than 6.00 meters .60 meter
6.00 meters to less than 10.00 meters .90 meter
10.00 meters to less than 11.00 meters 1.00 meter
11.00 meters to less than 12.00 meters 1.10 meters
12.00 meters to less than 13.00 meters 1.30 meters
13.00 meters to less than 14.00 meters 1.40 meters
14.00 meters or over 1.50 meters

2. The clearance between the established grade of the street and/ or sidewalk and the lowest under
surface of any part of the balcony shall not be less than 3.00 meters.

3. In case the projection is a neon sign and the like, the same shall be in accordance with Rule XX –

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SECTION 1004. Arcades

1. Whenever required by existing building and zoning regulations, arcades shall be constructed on
sidewalks of streets. The width of the arcade and its height shall be uniform throughout the street
provided that in no case, shall an arcade be less than 3.00 meters above the established sidewalk
grade. (Fig. X.1.)
2. Arcaded pedestrian walkways shall have a clear height of 3.00 meters. (Fig. X.1.)

3. Driveways crossing arcaded pedestrian walkways shall be at the same level with that of the arcades

for the safety of the pedestrians. (Fig. X.2.)

Figure X.1.

Figure X.2.

Annotation. There should be no hanging signs, projecting signs nor ground signs within the entire length of the arcade area. Signs should be
above, part of or above the storefront windows. All doors must swing inward to prevent accidents.
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SECTION 1005. Canopies (Marquees)

1. Canopy or Marquee is a permanent roofed structure above a door attached to and supported by the
building and projecting over a wall or sidewalk. This includes any object or decoration attached

2. Projection and Clearances. The horizontal clearance between the outermost edge of the marquee
and the curb line shall be not less than 300 millimeters. The vertical clearance between the pavement
or ground line and the undersurface of any part the marquee shall not be less than 3.00 meters.

3. Construction. A marquee shall be constructed of incombustible material or materials of not less than
two- hours fire- resistive construction. It shall be provided with necessary drainage facility.

4. Location. Every marquee shall be so located as not to interfere with the operation of any exterior
standpipe connection or to obstruct the clear passage from stairway exits from the building or the
installation or maintenance of electroliers.

SECTION 1006. Movable Awnings or Hoods

1. Awning is a movable shelter supported entirely from an exterior wall of a building and of a type which
can be retracted, folded, or collapsed against the face of a supporting building.

2. Clearance. The horizontal clearance between the awning and the curb line shall not be less than 300
millimeters. The vertical clearance between the undermost surface of the awning and the pavement
or ground line shall be not less than 2.40 meters. Collapsible awnings shall be so designated that
they shall not block a required exit when collapsed or folded.

SECTION 1007. Doors, Windows, and the Like

Doors, windows, and the like less than 2.40 meters above the pavement or groundline shall not, when
fully opened or upon opening, project beyond the property line except fire exit doors.

SECTION 1008. Corner Buildings with Chaflans

1. Every corner building or solid fence on a public street or alley less than 3.60 meters in width shall be
truncated at the corner. The face of the triangle so formed shall be at right angle to the bisector of the
angle of the intersection of the street lines, provided, that in no case shall the length of the chaflan be
less than 4.00 meters. (Fig. X.3.)

2. Corner buildings or solid wall fences to be built abutting property lines on corners of public alley or
street intersections shall be provided with chaflans to afford a clear view.

3. If the building is arcaded, no chaflan is required notwithstanding that the width of the public street or
alley is less than 3.60 meters. (Fig. X.4.)

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Figure X.3.

Figure X.4.

Annotation. The foregoing examples assume that the building faces are flush with the property lines i.e. no setbacks provided.
These examples are thus only possible if the arcades to be introduced are either within the property line or are within the RROW
i.e. leases of the air rights for the arcade structure (or the spaces directly above the arcade) shall be absolutely necessary.
(emphases, underscoring and annotations supplied)

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SECTION 1101. General Requirements

1. No person shall use or occupy a street, alley or public sidewalk for the performance or work covered
by a building permit except in accordance with the provisions of this Rule.

2. No person shall perform any work or any building/structure adjacent to a public way in general use for
pedestrian travel, unless the pedestrians are protected as specified in this Rule.

3. Any material, building/structure temporarily occupying public property, including fence, canopies and
walkways, shall be adequately lighted between sunset and sunrise.

SECTION 1102. Storage in Public Property

1. Materials and equipment necessary for work to be done under a permit when placed or stored on
public property shall not obstruct free and convenient approach to and use of any fire hydrant, fire or
police alarm box, utility box, catch basin, or manhole and shall not interfere with any drainage of any
street or alley, gutter, and with the safe and smooth flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

2. Materials to be stored at or near construction sites shall be piled or stacked in an orderly manner to
avoid toppling over or being otherwise displaced. No materials shall be piled or stacked higher than
1.80 meters, except in yards or sheds intended especially for storage. When piles exceed 1.20
meters in height, the material shall be so arranged that the sides and ends of the piles taper back.

SECTION 1103. Mixing Mortar on Public Property

The mixing of mortar, concrete, or similar materials on public streets shall not be allowed.

SECTION 1104. Protection of Utilities

1. All public or private utilities and services above or below the ground shall be protected from any
damage by any work being done under the permit.

2. The protection shall be maintained while such work is being done and shall not obstruct the normal
functioning of any such utility.

3. Temporary Light and Power

a. Temporary wiring for light, heat and/or power shall be adequately protected against mechanical
or over-current failures. All conductive materials enclosing fixed or portable electric equipment, or
forming a part of such equipment, shall be properly grounded.

b. Temporary electric service poles shall be self-supporting or adequately braced or guyed at all

SECTION 1105. Walkway

1. When the Building Official authorizes a sidewalk to be fenced or closed, or in case there is no
sidewalk in front of the building/structure site during construction or demolition, a temporary walkway
of not less than 1.20 meters shall be provided.

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2. Such walkway shall be capable of supporting a uniform live load of 650.00 kilogram per sq. meters.

3. Durable wearing surface shall be provided and must remain safe throughout the construction period.

4. Where the sidewalk is permitted by the Building Official to be fully occupied and fenced-off or
enclosed, a temporary walkway adjacent to the curb line shall be required. Where the street has no
sidewalk, a temporary walkway adjacent to the street line not less than 600 millimeters wide shall be
provided. Where the RROW is 5.00 meters or less, no temporary walkway shall be allowed.

5. Where only partial occupancy and fencing-off of the sidewalk is necessary, a temporary walkway will
not be required provided that a width of at least 600 millimeters of the sidewalk with protective railing
on road side shall be left open for the use of pedestrians.

SECTION 1106. Pedestrian Protection

1. Where the walkway occupies part of the roadway or is adjacent to an excavation, protective railings
on the street side or on the side of the excavation shall be required.

2. Railings where required, shall be built substantially strong and sturdy and shall not be less than 1.00
meters in height.

3. Fences

Fences shall entirely enclose the construction/demolition site and shall be erected on the
building side of sidewalks or walkways and shall be made of approved materials (e.g. G.I. sheet,
wooden boards and/or planks, plywood or Lawanit, sawali), not less than 2.40 meters in height above
the curb line. Fences shall be built solid for its full length except for such openings as may be
necessary for proper execution of the work. Such openings shall be provided with doors, which shall
be kept closed at all times except when in actual use.

a. When the horizontal distance between the outermost face of the building/structure area and the
inner edge of the sidewalk is more than one-half (1/2) the height of the building, a 2.40 meters
fence is required. (Figure XI.1.)

b. When the horizontal distance between the outermost face of the building and the inner edge of
the sidewalk is equal to or less than one-half (1/2) the height of the building, a canopy shall be
required in addition to a fence. (Fig. XI.2.)

4. Canopies

a. The protective canopy shall have a clear unobstructed height of 2.40 meters above the
walkway and shall be made of sufficient strength and stability to sustain safely the weight of
materials that may be placed thereon, and to withstand shocks incident to the handling of such
materials or their preparation for use, and accidental jars from trucks passing or delivering

b. When the canopy is used for the storage of materials or for the performance of work of any kind,
substantial railings not less than 1.00 meters high and solid toe boards not less
than 300 millimeters high shall be placed along the street side and ends of the canopy. The
canopy shall be capable of safely sustaining a load of 4800 Pascal or the intended load to be
placed thereon, whichever is bigger.

c. The deck flooring of a canopy shall consist of planking not less than 50 millimeters in thickness,
closely laid. All members of the canopy shall be adequately braced and connected to resist
displacement of members or distortion of the framework.

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d. Canopies shall be constructed solid for its entire length except for such openings as may be
necessary for loading purposes. Such openings shall be kept closed at all times except during
actual loading operation.

e. Unless the top deck of the canopy is built solidly against the face of the building/structure to be
constructed/demolished, the vertical face of the canopy supports next to the building shall be
solidly fenced throughout, except for such openings as may be necessary for the execution of
work. Such openings shall be provided with sliding or swinging gates which shall be kept closed
at all times except when in actual use. (Figs. XI.3., XI.4., XI.5., XI.6.).

f. The street side of the canopy shall be kept open for a height of not less than 2.40 meters above
the curb. The underside of the canopy shall be properly lighted at night with not less than 100-
Watts bulb every 6.00 meters of its length and at each change of grade or elevation of the
sidewalk surface.

g. When a wall of the building abuts or fronts a street, fans or catch platforms shall be erected along
that wall at the level of the first floor of the building above the street level. Fans or catch
platforms shall be erected at the level of other floors of the building as may be necessary to
prevent nuisance from dust or danger from falling debris or materials.

h. When the horizontal distance between the outermost face of the building and the outer edge of
the sidewalk is less than one-half (1/2) the height of the building, a protective device such as a
net or screen extending from the uppermost part of the construction/demolition to ground level
shall be required in addition to a fence and canopy. (Fig. XI.7.)

i. Wherever required, protective netting/covering shall be of approved and substantially strong

material such as 2 millimeters diameter G.I. wire, 38 millimeters mesh nylon net, or canvas.

j. Where a wall of the building abuts or fronts a street, dust screens shall be erected to cover the
entire wall so as to prevent nuisance from dust.

k. For medium and high-rise buildings six (6) storeys and higher, all protective and safety
devices/facilities shall be completely installed including safety belts, safety nets and canopies for
the safety of workers, pedestrians, nearby residents and motorists.

5. Warning Signs and Lights

a. At every construction/demolition site, warning signs shall be conspicuously posted around the
property. Warning signs shall be adequately illuminated at night for the protection of unwary

b. All entrances/exits to and from the construction/demolition site shall be kept closed at all times
except during actual passage of men, materials or equipment.

c. All warning signs and lights shall be properly maintained even when operations are not in

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Figure XI.1.

Figure XI.2.

Annotation. The necessary lights, warning devices and safety barriers should be properly installed, operated and
maintained in the areas to be used by the general public during construction.
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Figure XI.3.



Figure XI.4. Figure XI.5.

Annotation. For narrow roadways (along which tall buildings shall be constructed), it may be best to provide a steel
mesh (with protective net) to catch falling debris. Also, the necessary lights, warning devices and safety barriers
should be properly installed, operated and maintained in the areas to be used by the general public during
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Figure XI.6.

Figure XI.7.

Annotation. The necessary lights, warning devices and safety barriers should be properly installed, operated and
maintained in the areas to be used by the general public during construction.

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d. All areas of danger in demolition operations shall be properly enclosed and danger signs posted.
Watchmen shall be provided to warn workers of impending dangers and all unauthorized persons
shall be excluded from places where demolition is in progress.

SECTION 1107. Maintenance and Removal of Protective Devices

1. Maintenance. All protective devices shall be properly maintained in place kept in good order for the
entire length of time pedestrians may be endangered.

a. Average Light Intensity and Illumination

i. All parts of buildings/structures under construction/demolition, and all sheds, scaffolds,

canopied walkways, work or storage areas, and equipment used in connection with such
operations shall have sufficient light to insure safety and protection of life and property. In
passageways, stairways and corridors, the average light intensity measured at floor level
shall be not less than 200 LUX.

ii. At locations where tools and/or machinery are used, the average light intensity measured at
floor level shall be not less than 500 LUX. Natural or artificial illumination shall be provided
in such a manner that glare and shadows will not adversely affect the safety and protection
of the public, workers and property.

b. Welding and Cutting

i. Gas welding and cutting and arc welding in construction/ demolition operations shall be
restricted to experienced workers accredited by the Technical Education Skills
Development Authority (TESDA). Suitable goggles, helmets and gloves shall be provided
for and worn by workers engaged in gas welding or cutting or arc welding. Incombustible
shields shall be provided to protect the workers when exposed to falling hot metal oxide.

ii. Gas welding or cutting or arc welding shall not be done above pedestrians and workers.
When unavoidable, an incombustible shield shall be provided between the work and
workers below. A watchman shall be stationed to give warning at places where
pedestrians and workers, in the course of their activity, are likely to pass under a gas
welding or cutting or an arc welding operation.

iii. Gas welding or cutting shall not be carried out in any place where ample ventilation is not
provided or from which quick escape is difficult. When unavoidable, workers engaged in
such work in confined spaces shall be allowed frequent access to fresh air. A relief worker
shall be stationed close at hand to assist the worker in case of accident and to shut off the

iv. Tanks of fuel gas shall not be moved or allowed to stand for any extended period when not
in use unless the caps of such tanks are in place.

v. Suitable cradles shall be used for lifting or lowering oxygen or fuel tanks, to reduce to a
minimum the possibility of dropping tanks. Ordinary rope slings shall not be used.

vi. Tanks supplying gases for welding or cutting shall be located at no greater distance from
the work than is necessary for safety.

vii. Such tanks shall be securely fastened in place and in upright position. They shall be stored
or set in place for use so that they are not exposed to the direct rays of the sun or to high

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viii. Before steel beams or other structural shapes or elements of construction are cut by means
of a gas flame, they shall be secured by cables or chains to prevent them from dropping or

ix. Where, in the course of demolition work, steel work or ironwork is being cut, released or
dismantled, all necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from sudden twist,
spring or collapse.

c. Special Typhoon Precautions

i. Whenever a typhoon is expected to pass at or near the construction site, all construction
materials and equipment shall be secured against displacement by wind forces.

ii. Construction sheds, construction materials and equipment shall be secured by guying,
shoring, or by tying down.

iii. Where a full complement of personnel is employed or engaged for such protection
purposes, normal construction activity or uses of materials or equipment may continue,
allowing such reasonable time as may be necessary to secure such materials and
equipment before winds of gale force are anticipated, in accordance with warnings or
advisories issued by the Philippine Atmospherical Geophysical Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA).

d. Hoisting Machinery

i. Every hoisting engine shall be provided with adequate brakes capable of holding the
maximum load at any point of travel.

ii. Hoisting machinery shall be enclosed to exclude unauthorized persons. If placed outside
the building, further protection against falling objects shall be provided.

iv. Guards shall be provided with exposed gears and other moving parts and around hoisting
cables at all points to prevent workers from tripping or getting their clothing caught.
v. Ample room shall be provided around hoisting engines, motors or machineries or apparatus
to allow the free and safe movement of the operators.

vi. When hoisting machinery is set on an elevated platform, such platform shall be of
substantial and sturdy construction. Guardrails and toe boards shall be provided along all
open sides of such platform.

vii. Electrical machinery and equipment to be used for construction work shall be installed and
operated in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code.

viii. Steam boilers used in construction work shall be installed, equipped and maintained in
accordance with the Philippine Mechanical Code.

ix. A tag line or guide rope shall be used on all loads being hoisted or lowered.

e. Platform Hoists

i. Platform hoists for the handling of materials in buildings under construction shall have the
car substantially constructed and provided with covers, either solid or wire mesh.

ii. If suitable overhead protection is provided, the covers may be omitted.

iii. Hoists shall be equipped with a broken-rope safety device.

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iv. Where wheelbarrows or buggies are used for handling material on platform hoists, cleats
shall be nailed to the platform to fix the proper position so that handles shall not project
beyond platform edges.

v. Supports for the overhead sheave of the hoist shall be designed to carry two (2) times the
weight of the hoist and its maximum load.

f. Hoist Towers

i. Hoist towers erected in connection with construction work shall be substantially constructed.
All members shall be so proportioned that the stresses shall not exceed those specified for
the material when carrying the dead load of the tower plus two times the weight of the
platform or bucket or its maximum load.

ii. Every hoist tower shall rest on a sufficiently solid foundation to prevent injurious settlement
or distortion of its framework.

iii. The base of every hoist tower shall be screened or otherwise protected on all sides to a
height of not less than 1.80 meters.

iv. Every hoist tower shall be secured in not less than four (4) directions against swaying or
tipping at intervals of not more than 10.00 meters in its height, by steel cable guys
adequately anchored or by other satisfactory means.

v. Such towers which are constructed adjacent to buildings shall be secured to the building
frame at each floor as the construction progresses.

vi. Hoist towers erected within the building, but not occupying the entire opening through
which they pass, shall be completely enclosed on all sides and shall be provided with doors
at the unloading points unless the platform hoist is solidly enclosed on all sides to the
height to which material is to be loaded or unloaded.

vii. Landing platforms in hoist towers or platforms connecting a hoist tower to a building or
other structure shall be provided with guardrails and toe boards.

g. Derricks and Cranes

i. Derricks shall be so designed and assembled that no part shall be stressed beyond the
safe working stress for the material under its maximum rated load in any possible position.
Such maximum load shall be conspicuously posted on each derrick.

ii. The foot-block of every derrick shall be firmly secured against motion in any direction.

iii. Guy derricks shall have the top of the mast held by not less than six (6) steel guy cables
secured by firm anchorages and so placed that the angle of the guy with the mast shall be
as large as possible.

iv. The moving parts of derricks and cranes shall be kept well lubricated. All parts shall be
inspected at least every other day.

v. Use and operation of cranes shall be in accordance with Rule XIII.

vi. In the operation of cranes and similar devices, a standard signal system shall be used and
all men assigned to the operation of such equipment shall be fully instructed on the signals.

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h. Cables, Ropes, Chains and Blocks

i. All ropes and cables used in connection with scaffolds, derricks and hoisting
apparatus shall be tested before being put to use and at least once every thirty (30) days
while in use, to insure their safety and suitability for the purpose.

ii. Cables, ropes, chains and blocks shall be of such size that the maximum load supported by
them will not exceed one-sixth (1/6) of their breaking strength.

iii. Blocks designed for use with abaca ropes shall not be used for steel cables.

iv. Blocks used at or near floors or in other exposed places to change the direction of cables
shall be enclosed or otherwise effectively guarded.

v. Chains shall not be used for slings, bridles or other similar purposes, but shall be restricted
to only a straight pull.

vi. Hooks shall not be used for hoisting buckets, cages or skips.

i. Ladders and Temporary Stairways

i. Except where either permanent or temporary stairways or runways are required, ladders shall
be provided to give access to all floors, stagings or platforms where work is being done
more than five (5) storeys above ground or above a permanent or temporary floor.

ii. Ladders shall not be extended by joining two (2) or more together. No single ladder shall
exceed 6.00 meters in length. When greater heights are to be reached, intermediate
platforms shall be erected.

iii. Ladder landings shall be at least 1.20 meters square and equipped with handrails and toe

iv. Ladder rungs shall be spaced uniformly and as near to 300 millimeters as practicable.

v. Ladders leading to floors, stagings or platforms shall extend at least 900 millimeters above
the level of such floors, stagings or platforms.

vi. When used temporarily in place of stairways or runways, ladders serving traffic in both
directions simultaneously shall be at least 1.00 meters wide. If separate ladders are
provided for going up and coming down, they shall be marked "UP" and "DOWN"
respectively at each floor and platform level.

vii. All ladders, when in use, shall be set up in a manner to be secured and to prevent slipping.
Ladders, except stepladders or other self-supporting ladders, shall be securely fastened to
a permanent support at the top, and if necessary, at the bottom, and braced to prevent
swaying, bending or shaking.

viii. Ladders shall not be placed or used in shafts of operative elevators or hoists except by
workers engaged in the erection, construction, alteration or repair of any such shafts,
hoistways or equipment.

ix. Ladders shall not be painted, but may be oiled or treated with preservatives so as to permit
the detection of faults.

x. Every ladder shall be inspected by the superintendent or foreman in charge before being
put to use on a construction operation and thereafter at least once every thirty (30) days
while in continued use.

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xi. Permanent stairways shall be installed in all buildings under construction as soon as
conditions will permit.

xii. When the work on a building has progressed to a height in excess of 18.00 meters and it
has not been practicable to install the permanent stairways, at least one temporary stairway
shall be provided for the full height and continued upward as rapidly as the work

xiii. Stairs and stairways shall be of sufficient strength to support a load of at least 4800 Pascal.
All stairways shall be guarded on all open sides with handrails and toe boards.

xiv. Temporary stairs shall be constructed so that treads and risers are uniform in width and
height in any one (1) flight.

xv. The sum of the height of the two (2) risers and the width of one (1) tread shall be not less
than 460 millimeters nor more than 700 millimeters.

xvi. Temporary stairways shall be not less than 900.00 millimeters wide.

xvii. Landings shall be not less than 750 millimeters long. No flight of stairs of temporary
stairways shall have a vertical rise in excess of 3.60 meters. Whenever necessary,
intermediate landings shall be provided.

xviii. Temporary and permanent stairways shall be adequately lighted.

xix. Permanent stairs that are to be used during construction and on which treads are to be
filled in later shall have wooden treads firmly fitted in place for the full area of the tread.

xx. The top surfaces of the temporary treads shall be maintained above the tops of the risers or

xxi. No door shall open directly onto a flight of stairs, but a landing equal at least the width of
the door shall be provided between the door and the stairs.

j. Runways and Ramps

i. Runways and ramps used in connection with scaffolds or extending from storey to storey or
otherwise located and maintained for an extended period of time or for the transfer of bulky
material shall be constructed of at least three (3) 25 x 250 millimeters planks laid closely
side by side and substantially supported and braced to prevent unequal deflection and
springing action.

ii. Runways and ramps shall have a slope not greater than one is to three (1:3). The total rise
of a runway or ramp between landings shall not exceed 1.80 meters.

iii. When the rise is steeper than 1:3, runways or ramps shall be provided with cleats spaced
not more than 20 millimeters apart.

iv. Runways and ramps having a total rise of more than 1.80 meters, or passing over or near
floor openings, high tension wires or other dangerous places, shall be provided with
guardrails and toe boards.

h. Scaffolds

i. Properly constructed scaffolds shall be provided for all works which cannot be done safely
by workmen standing on permanent or solid construction, except when such work can be
done safely from ladders. All such scaffolds shall be substantially constructed to support at
least four (4) times the maximum load, and shall be secured to prevent swaying.

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ii. Planks used in the construction of stationary scaffolds shall be not less than 50 millimeters
nominal thickness. Where such planks overlap at the ends, the overlap shall be not less
than 150 millimeters. Planks shall be so placed that they cannot tip under the weight of the
worker at any point. All nails shall be driven full strength. No nails shall be subject to direct

iii. Ropes, cables and blocks shall sustain at least six (6) times the maximum loads to which
they will be subjected. Where acids are likely to come in contact with them, ropes shall not
be used but steel cables properly protected by grease or oil or other effective methods shall
be used instead.

iv. Every scaffold, the platform level of which is more than 1.80 meters above the ground, or
above a permanent or temporary floor, other than iron workers' scaffolds and carpenters'
bracket scaffolds, shall be provided with guard rails and toe boards extending the full length
of the scaffold and along the ends except where ramps or runways connect with them,
unless otherwise enclosed or guarded. On suspended, swinging and pole scaffolds, the
space between guardrails and toe boards shall be fitted with wire mesh screens securely

v. Where objects are likely to fall on a scaffold from above, a substantial overhead protection
shall be provided not more than 3.00 meters above the scaffold platform, and at doorways,
passageways or other points. Where workers must pass under scaffolds, a substantial
overhead protection shall be provided.

vi. No materials or equipment other than required by the workers shall be placed on scaffold

vii. Roof brackets, roof scantling, crawling boards and similar forms of supports shall be
substantial in construction and securely fastened in place when in use.

viii. Barrels, boxes or other similar unstable objects shall not be used as supports.

ix. When used over public sidewalks or other places of public use, scaffolds used for minor
building repairs, alterations, or painting, shall be equipped with drop cloths to effectively
prevent the falling of paint or debris.

x. Scaffolds used for sandblasting and guniting operations shall be entirely and effectively
enclosed, and the determination of effective enclosure shall be the completed absence of
particles of materials of operation in the air at a horizontal distance of 15.0 meters from the
point of operation.

k. Temporary Flooring

i. In buildings of skeleton construction, the permanent floor, except for necessary hoistway
openings, shall, when possible, be constructed as the building progresses. There shall be
not more than three (3) unfilled floors below the highest permanent floor.

ii. In buildings of skeleton construction, the entire working floor shall be planked over, except
spaces required for raising or lowering materials, and for stairways or ladders. Planks shall
not tip under the weight of a worker at any point and secured, so that they cannot slip out of

iii. In buildings of wood joist construction, the immediate underfloor shall be laid for each floor
as the building progresses.

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l. Floor Openings

i. All floor openings used as hoistways or elevator shaftways shall be protected on all sides,
except the side being used for loading or unloading. Protection shall be in the form of
barricades or guardrails not less than 900 millimeters high placed not less than 600
millimeters distant at all points from the edges of such openings. If guardrails are used, toe
boards shall be provided along the edges of the openings. Sides left open for loading or
unloading shall be guarded by similar solid doors or gates.

ii. All floor openings used as stairways or for the accommodation of ladders or runways shall
be guarded by railings and toe boards.

iii. All floor openings shall be protected on all sides by solid barriers or railings with toe boards
not less than 900 millimeters high or shall be planked over by temporary construction
capable of sustaining safely such loads as are likely to come thereon.

iv. Barriers for the protection of openings used as hoistways or for elevators shall be
constructed so that workers cannot thrust head, arms or legs through them, and loose
materials cannot fall or be pushed into the shaftway.

v. Barriers and guardrails around floor openings shall remain in place until permanent
enclosures or protection are otherwise provided.

m. Guardrails and Toe Boards

i. Guardrails, when required under this Rule, shall have the top rail not less than 900
millimeters with an intermediate rail provided between the top rail and the platform.

ii. All guardrails shall have supports not more than 2.40 meters apart, constructed to
withstand a horizontal force of 30 kilograms per sq. meters.

iii. Toe boards, whenever required under this Rule, shall extend not less than 150 millimeters
above the platform level and shall be placed to fit close to the edges of the platform. They
shall be adequately secured along the entire length to resist the impact of workers' feet and
the shifting of materials.

iv. Toe boards of metal shall be not less than 25 millimeters nominal thickness, with supports
not more than 1.20 meters apart.

v. Toe boards of metal shall be not less than 30 millimeters thick, with supports not more than
1.20 meters apart.

2. Removal. Every protective fence or canopy shall be removed within 30 days after such protection is no
longer required as determined by the Building Official.

SECTION 1108. Demolition

1. If the work is of a difficult or dangerous nature, it should be done by a contractor experienced in such

2. Before demolition is commenced, notice of intention to proceed should be given to the adjoining
owners of the buildings.

3. Before commencing to demolish a building or repair a badly damaged building, shoring, tying, and
strutting are necessary to prevent movement.

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4. For the purposes of arranging shores, ties, and other security measures, a survey of the existing
building and the adjoining owner’s building should be made prior to demolition and, where possible,
particulars of existing wall foundations and of the subsoil should be obtained.

5. Demolition should be done as much as possible, floor-by-floor.

6. Care should be taken to dispose of debris as it arises. If this is not done, there is a great risk of
overloading the floors, which may result in a collapse. All debris arising from demolition should be
kept damp by means of spraying water from a hose with a fine spray to prevent dust arising and
causing inconvenience to adjoining owners and pedestrians.

7. Fans or catch platforms should be provided over public footways, etc., to protect workmen and
occupants of adjoining building and the general public from falling debris during demolition. One fan
at the first (1st) floor level should be sufficient for buildings of three (3) storeys. Building of more than
three (3) storeys should have additional fans at higher levels, generally at alternate floor levels.

8. Precautions Before Demolition

a. Before commencing the work of demolition of a building/structure, all gas, electric, water and
other utility meters shall be removed and the supply and service lines disconnected by the
corresponding utility/service companies, who should be notified in advance.

b. All fittings attached to the building/structure and connected to any street lighting system, electrical
supply or other utilities shall be removed.

c. All electric power shall be shut off and all electric service lines shall be cut and disconnected by
the power company at or outside the property line.

d. No electric cable or other apparatus, other than those especially required for use in connection
with the demolition work, shall remain electrically charged during demolition operations. When it
is necessary to maintain any power, water, gas, or other utility/service lines during the process of
demolition, such lines shall be temporarily relocated and protected with substantial covering to
the satisfaction of the utility/service company concerned.

e. All necessary steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons arising from fire or explosion
from leakage or accumulation of gas or vapor, and from flooding from uncapped water mains,
sewers and/or culverts.

f. All entrances/exits to and from the building shall be properly protected so as to prevent any
danger to persons engaged in the demolition work using such entrances/exits in the performance
of their works.

g. Glazed sashes and glazed doors shall be removed before the start of demolition operations.

9. Chutes

a. Chutes for the removal of materials and debris shall be provided in all parts of demolition
operations, which are more than 6.00 meters above the point from which material is to be
removed. Chutes shall be so situated and constructed so as not to pose any danger to the public
or to workmen.

b. Chutes shall be completely enclosed and shall be equipped, at intervals of 6.00 meters or less,
with substantial stops to prevent descending materials from attaining dangerous speeds. Proper
tools shall be provided and kept available to loosen materials or debris jammed in the chute. No
materials or debris shall be dropped from any part of a building under demolition to any point
outside the walls of the building except through properly enclosed wooden or metal chutes.

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c. Chutes which are at an angle of more than 45o from the horizontal shall be completely enclosed
on all four (4) sides, except for openings at or about floor level at each floor, for the receiving of
materials or debris.

d. Chutes at an angle of less than 45o with the horizontal may be left open on the upper side.
However, where such a chute discharges into another chute steeper than 45o with the horizontal,
the top of the steeper chute shall be covered at the junction point of the two (2) chutes to prevent
the spillage of materials or debris.

e. Openings into which materials or debris are dumped at the top of a chute shall be protected by a
substantial guardrail extending at least 1.80 meters above the level of the floor.

f. At chute openings where materials or debris are dumped from wheelbarrows, a toe board or
bumper not less than 150 millimeters high and 50 millimeters nominal thickness shall be

g. Any space between the chute and edges of floor openings through which the chute passes shall
be solidly planked over.

h. Chutes, as well as floors, stairways and other places, shall be effectively wet down at frequent
intervals, whenever the dust from demolition operations would cause a menace or hardship to
residents of adjoining buildings or premises.

i. The bottom of each chute shall be equipped with an adjustable gate or stop for regulating the flow
of materials.

j. Except when in actual use in the discharge of materials, the gate or stop shall be kept closed. A
reliable person shall be designated to control the gate and the backing up and loading of trucks.
He shall see to it that no person is allowed to stand or pass under the discharge end of the chute
at any time.

k. The area at the discharge end of each chute shall be completely enclosed with a substantial
fence at all times or otherwise made inaccessible. A danger sign shall be placed at the discharge
end of every chute.

10. Demolition of Walls and Chimneys

a. No wall, chimney or other construction shall be allowed to fall in mass, except under competent

b. Scaffolds or stagings shall be erected for workers if walls or other elements of the structure are
too thin or too weak to work on. Heavy structural members, such as beams or columns, shall be
carefully lowered and not allowed to fall freely.

c. Masonry walls or sections of masonry walls shall not be permitted to fall upon the floors of the
building in such masses as to exceed the safe carrying capacity of the floors.

d. No walls or section of walls whose height is more than twenty-two (22) times its thickness shall be
permitted to stand without lateral bracing unless such wall is in good condition and was originally
designed to stand to a greater height without such lateral support.

e. Workmen shall not be permitted to work on top of a wall when weather conditions constitute a

f. Before demolishing any interior or exterior wall which is within 3.00 meters of any opening
in the floor immediately below, such opening shall be substantially planked over unless all
workmen are removed from all floors below and access to such floors is positively prevented.

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g. At the completion of each day’s work, all walls undemolished shall be left stable and in no danger
of overturning or falling.

h. Foundation walls which serve as retaining walls to support earth and adjoining structures shall not
be demolished until such adjoining structures have been underpinned or braced, and earth either
removed or supported by sheet piling or other suitable materials.

i. In the demolition of brick and/or masonry chimneys which cannot safely be toppled or dropped, all
materials shall be dropped down through the inside of such chimneys.

j. The loading point at the discharge end chute, at or near the bottom of a chimney, shall be
completely protected by means of any overhead timber canopy.

k. To enable workmen to reach or leave their work on any wall or scaffold, walkways shall be
provided. Such walkways shall not be less than three (3) planks, properly tied or nailed to
bearers of not less than 560 millimeters in width, such that the planks do not deflect more than 50
millimeters under normal loading.

l. In buildings of skeleton construction, the steel framing may be left in place during the demolition
of masonry work. When this is done, all steel beams, girders and the like shall be cleared of all
loose materials as the demolition progresses.

11. Demolition of Floors

a. Before the demolition of floors and floor beams, the floors and beams shall be completely
supported by temporary planking and supports.

b. When the load is transferred to lower floors, these floors shall be carefully propped.

c. Demolition of floors shall not be started until the surrounding floor area to a distance of 6.00
meters have been entirely cleared of debris and other unnecessary materials.
d. No floor, roof or other part of a building that is being demolished shall be so overloaded with
debris or materials as to render it unsafe.

e. Where workmen are engaged in the removal of floors, planks of ample strength which are
supported independently of the flooring shall be provided for the workmen to step on. The planks
shall be so placed as to give the workmen a firm support in case the floor gives way or collapses
unexpectedly. Where it is necessary for a workman to straddle a space between two planks,
such space shall not exceed 400 millimeters. To enable workmen to reach any workplace without
the necessity of walking on exposed beams, planks shall be provided to serve as catwalks.

f. Planks used for temporary protection shall be sound, and at least 25 millimeters thick. They
shall be laid close together, with the ends overlapping by at least 100 millimeters over solid
bearings to prevent tipping under a load.

g. Where floors are being removed, no workmen shall be allowed to work in the area directly
underneath. Such areas shall be barricaded to prevent access to it.

h. Structural or load-supporting members at any floors shall not be cut or removed until all
stories above that floor have been demolished and removed.

i. Where any floor has been removed, the entire tier of beams on which any device is supported
shall be completely planked over, except for such openings as are required for the handling of
materials or equipment.

j. Stairs and stair railings shall be kept in place and in usable condition as long as it is

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k. Steps and landings shall be kept free from debris and obstructions.

12. Other Safeguards

a. Where applicable, the Building Official shall require strict compliance with the minimum safety
standards as prescribed under Administrative Order of DOLE. The construction, alteration and
removal of scaffolds and the application, installation and setting up of safeguard devices shall be
done by skilled workmen under the supervision of a person, qualified by experience or training for
such work.

b. A device or piece of equipment, which is unsafe, shall be reported to the superintendent or

foreman, who shall take immediate steps to remedy such condition or remove such device or

c. Scaffolds, ladders, stairs, fuel gas tanks and other devices or equipment falling within the scope
of this Rule shall be maintained in a good, safe and usable conditions as long as in use.

d. Scaffolds, temporary floors, ramps, stairway landings, stair treads, and all other walkway surfaces
shall be kept free from protruding nails/splinters.

e. Protruding nails and tie wire ends shall be removed, hammered in or bent in a safe condition.

f. Electric lines, moving ropes and cable gears, or similar hazards with which a person might come
in contact with shall be encased or protected.

g. No person, firm or corporation, either personally or through an employee or agent of another,

shall operate or move any machinery, equipment, materials, scaffolds, closer than 5.00 meters to
any energized high voltage overhead electrical facilities unless authorized by the Electrical

h. All workmen on any demolition job shall be required to wear industrial safety helmets and body
protective gears.

i. Construction sheds and toolboxes shall be so located as to protect persons from dangerous
falling walls and objects.

j. The Building Official may permit the use of alternative methods and/or devices depending on
local conditions provided that the minimum standard of safety sought to be achieved under this
Rule is not jeopardized.

k. In Fire Zones of Types I, II and III Construction, only heaters with enclosed flames shall be used
for the heating of any roofing or other similar materials.

l. Wherever any enclosed flame heaters or open fires are used, there shall be a workman in
constant attendance, whose duty shall be to have such heater or fire under proper control at all

m. In all buildings in which standpipes are required, such standpipes shall be installed as the
construction progresses in such a manner that they are always ready for Fire Department use, to
the topmost constructed floor. Such standpipes shall be provided with a Siamese twin dry
standpipe outside the building and with one (1) outlet at each floor connected to a fire hose

n. In every construction operation, wherever a tool house, storeroom or other shanty is built or a
room or space is used for storage, dressing room or workshop, at least one (1) approved hand
pump, tank or portable chemical or dry powder fire extinguisher shall be provided and maintained
in an accessible location.

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o. During construction operations, free access from the street to fire hydrants and to outside
connections for standpipes, sprinklers or other fire extinguishing equipment, whether permanent
or temporary shall be provided and maintained at all times. No material or construction
equipment shall be placed within 3.00 meters of such hydrant or connection, nor between it and
the centerline of the street.

p. Toilet facilities at the construction/demolition site, as an ancillary to the bunkhouse and operation,
shall be maintained in a clean/sanitary condition for the use of the workers.

q. Supply of potable water and sanitary washing facilities shall be provided for workers’ and other
uses during workdays.

r. At every construction/demolition operation, arrangements shall be made for prompt medical

attention in case of an accident. An ample supply of first aid medicine shall be provided and
maintained in a clean/sanitary cabinet, which shall be available at all times under the direction of
the superintendent or a person designated by him.

s. Unless competent medical attention is quickly available, where more than two hundred (200)
workers are employed, a properly equipped first-aid room shall be provided, and a physician or
competent nurse shall be in constant attendance.

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SECTION 1201. General Requirements

1. Buildings proposed for construction shall comply with all the regulations and specifications including
safety standards embodied in the Administrative Order of DOLE herein set forth governing quality,
characteristics and properties of materials, methods of design and construction, type of occupancy
and classification.

2. The various applicable referral codes shall supplementally guide the planning, design, layout, content,
construction, location/siting, installation and maintenance of all buildings/structures.

3. For the guidance of the general public, the Secretary shall periodically issue generic lists of approved,
strictly regulated or banned items, procedures, usages and the like relative to the design, construction
and use/occupancy of buildings/structures:

a. Materials for construction;

b. Processes for the production of materials, their installation or construction;

c. Procedures/methodologies/systems for both design and construction;

d. Organizational structures/hierarchies for construction;

e. Types of occupancy; and

f. Classifications relative to design, construction and occupancy.

4. All buildings/structures shall be placed in or upon private property or duly designated public land and
shall be securely constructed in conformance with the requirements of the Code.

SECTION 1202. Excavation, Foundation, and Retaining Walls

1. Subject to the provisions of Articles 684 to 686 of the Civil Code of the Philippines on lateral and
subjacent support, the design and quality of materials used structurally in excavation, footings, and in
foundations shall conform to accepted engineering practice.

2. Excavation and Fills

a. Excavation and fills for buildings or structures shall be so constructed or protected that they do
not endanger life or property.

b. Whenever the depth of excavation for any construction is such that the lateral and subjacent
support of the adjoining property or existing structure thereon would be affected in a manner that
the stability or safety of the same is endangered, the person undertaking or causing the
excavation to be undertaken shall be responsible for the expense of underpinning or extending
the foundation or footings of the aforementioned property or structure.

c. Excavation and other similar disturbances made on public property shall, unless otherwise
excluded by the Building Official, be restored immediately to its former condition within 48 hours
from the start of such excavation and disturbances by whosoever caused such excavation or
d. Before undertaking excavation works, drilling or otherwise disturbing the ground, the persons
doing the work, or causing such work to be done, shall contact all public utilities/services to
determine the possible location of underground facilities, to avoid hazard to public safety, health
and welfare caused by the inadvertent disruption of such facilities.
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e. Protection of Adjoining Property. Any person making or causing an excavation to be made below
existing grade shall protect the excavation so that the soil of adjoining property will not cave-in or
settle and shall defray the cost of underpinning or extending the foundation of buildings on
adjoining properties. Before commencing the excavation, the person making or causing the
excavation to be made shall notify in writing the owners of adjoining buildings not less than ten
(10) days before such excavation is to be made and that the adjoining buildings will be protected
by him. The owners of the adjoining properties shall be given access to the excavation for the
purpose of verifying if their properties are sufficiently protected by the person making the
excavation. Likewise, the person causing such excavation shall be given access to enter the
adjoining property for the purpose of physical examination of such property, prior to the
commencement and at reasonable periods during the progress of excavation. If the necessary
consent is not accorded to the person making the excavation, then it shall be the duty of the
person refusing such permission to protect his buildings or structure. The person causing the
excavation shall not be responsible for damages on account of such refusal by the adjoining
property owner to permit access for inspection. In case there is a party wall along a lot line of the
premises where an excavation is being made, the person causing the excavation to be made
shall at his own expense, preserve such party wall in as safe a condition as it was before the
excavation was commenced and shall, when necessary, underpin and support the same by
adequate methods.

f. At an early stage, and before work is commenced, a careful and accurate survey of any cracks in
the existing adjoining owner’s premises should be made, and, where possible, photographs
should be taken, recorded, and agreed between the parties concerned. Where necessary, tell-
tales should be fixed to cracks with the object of showing any further movements during
demolition and excavation. Tell-tales should preferably be in the form of fixed points built in on
each side of the crack and should be capable of being measured by a micrometer or vernier
caliper. They should be of such a nature that both horizontal and vertical movements could be

g. Cut slopes for permanent excavations shall not be steeper than two (2) horizontal to one (1)
vertical and slopes for permanent fills shall not be steeper than two (2) horizontal to one (1)
vertical. Deviation from the foregoing limitations for slopes shall be permitted only upon the
presentation of a geotechnical/geological investigation report acceptable to the Building Official.

h. On a large site that is at a considerable distance from the surrounding properties and public
highways, deep excavation may be carried out in the open in bulk, leaving slopes around the
perimeter. It is important to ensure that no serious failures of the banks will occur to endanger
those working on the site or the public. The safe angle of the cut slope shall be determined by an
appropriate geotechnical/geological site investigation acceptable to the Building Official.

i. In cases where the excavation passes through a permeable water-bearing stratum overlying an
impervious bed, a bench should be formed at the junction of the strata to carry an intermediate
intercepting drain.

j. If groundwater is standing at a considerable head around the excavation, measures shall be

undertaken to reduce this head by a system of weepholes at the lowest 1/3 section of the
excavation wall or by enclosing the site with suitable sheet piling or if a water-sealing stratum can
be reached within a reasonable distance at the bottom of the excavation.

k. In fine sands or silts where sheet piling alone is relied upon, it will be necessary to watch the
pumping very carefully because, in fine-grained materials, the removal of even a small volume of
water may cause “blows” in the bottom of the excavation or may result in disturbance to adjoining

l. Except in excavation inside sloping banks, rock, or within caissons, all excavations should be
lined with shotcrete, boards, runners or sheet piles supported laterally, if necessary, by framings
of wallings and struts, which may be of timber, steel, or reinforced concrete, to a sufficient extent

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to prevent the excavation from becoming dangerous to life or limb by movement or caving in of
the adjoining soil.

m. All linings and framings should be inserted as the excavation proceeds, and should be tightened
up against the adjoining soil by wedging or jacking and secured by cleats or other suitable

n. Every trench, 1.50 meters or deeper, shall be provided with suitable means of exit or escape at
least every 7.50 meters of its length.

o. Where workers are employed adjacent to an excavation on work other than that directly
connected with the excavation, sufficient railings or fences shall be provided to prevent such
workers from falling into the excavation.

p. Excavations that may be left open for any length of time, periodic inspections of timbering or
strutting should be made and wedges tightened as found necessary.

q. In long excavation for walls, it may be found expedient and safe to arrange the excavation in a
series of alternate sections in order to avoid a long, continuous excavation supported only on
temporary strutting. Such sections should be arranged in convenient lengths (depending on the
total length to be done) and of a width sufficient to construct a unit of the retaining wall that will be
adequate to afford permanent support to that portion of the ground; the wall unit should be
completed before proceeding with the adjacent section of the excavation.

r. Where water is encountered in excavation, a sump should be maintained below the level of the
excavation in order that surface and groundwater can be led into it and pumped out; provided that
the inflow of water does not carry much soil in suspension and does not require continuous
pumping to keep the risk of settlement of the surrounding ground.

s. No fill or other surcharge loads shall be placed adjacent to any building/structure unless such
building/structure is capable of withstanding the additional loads caused by the fill or surcharge.

t. Existing footings or foundations which may be affected by any excavation shall be underpinned
adequately, or otherwise protected against settlement, and shall be protected against lateral

u. Fills to be used to support the foundations of any building/structure shall be placed in accordance
with accepted engineering practice. A soil investigation report and a report of satisfactory
placement of fill, shall be both acceptable to the Building Official.

3. Footings, Foundations, and Retaining Walls

a. Footings and foundations shall be of the appropriate type, of adequate size, and capacity in order
to safely sustain the superimposed loads under seismic or any condition of external forces that
may affect the safety or stability of the structure. It shall be the responsibility of the architect
and/or engineer to adopt the type and design of the same in accordance with the standards set
forth by the Secretary.

b. Whenever or wherever there exist in the site of the construction an abrupt change in the ground
levels or level of the foundation such that instability of the soil could result, retaining walls shall be
provided and such shall be of adequate design and type of construction as prescribed by the

SECTION 1203. Veneer

1. Veneer is a nonstructural facing of brick, concrete, tile, metal, plastic, glass, or other similar approved
materials attached to a backing or structural components of the building for the purpose of

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ornamentation, protection, or enclosure that may be adhered, integrated, or anchored either on the
interior or exterior of the building or structure.

2. Design Requirements. The design of all veneer shall comply with the following:

a. Veneer shall support no load other than its own weight and the vertical dead load of veneer
immediately above.

b. Surfaces to which veneer is attached shall be designed to support the additional vertical and
lateral loads imposed by the veneer.

c. Consideration shall be given to differential movements of the supports including those caused by
temperature changes, shrinkage, creep, and deflection.

d. Adhered veneer and its backing shall be designed to have a bond to the supporting elements
sufficient to withstand shearing stresses due to their weights including seismic effects on the total

e. Anchored veneer and its attachment shall be designed to resist horizontal forces equal to twice
the weight of the veneer.

f. Anchors supports and ties shall be non-combustible and corrosion-resistant.

SECTION 1204. Enclosure of Vertical Openings

1. General. Vertical openings shall be enclosed depending upon the fire resistive requirements of a
particular type of construction as set forth in the Code.

2. Elevator Enclosures. Walls and partitions enclosing elevators and escalators shall be of not less
than the fire-resistive construction required under the Types of Construction. Enclosing walls of
elevator shafts may consist of wire glass set in metal frames on the entrance side only. Elevator
shafts extending through more than two storeys shall be equipped with an approved means of
adequate ventilation to and through the main roof of the building; Provided, that in those buildings
housing Groups F and G Occupancies equipped with automatic fire-extinguishing systems
throughout, enclosures shall not be required for escalators; Provided, further that the top of the
escalator opening at each storey shall be provided with a draft curtain. Such draft curtain shall
enclose the perimeter of the unenclosed opening and shall extend from the ceiling downward at least
300 millimeters on all sides. Automatic sprinklers shall be provided around the perimeter of the
opening and within a 600 millimeters of the draft curtain. The distance between the sprinkles shall
not exceed 1.80 meters center-to-center.

3. Other Vertical Openings. All shafts, ducts, chutes, and other vertical openings not covered in
paragraph above shall have enclosing walls conforming to the requirements specified under the type
of construction of the building in which they are located. In other than Group A Occupancies, rubbish
and linen chutes shall terminate in rooms separated from the remainder of the building by a One-Hour
Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation. Openings into the chutes shall not be located in required exit
corridors or stairways.

4. Air Ducts. Air ducts passing through a floor shall be enclosed in a shaft. The shaft shall be as
required in this Code for vertical openings. Dampers shall be installed where ducts pierce the shaft
enclosure walls. Air ducts in Group A Occupancies need not be enclosed in a shaft if conforming to
the mechanical provisions of the Code.

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SECTION 1205. Floor Construction

1. Floors shall be of such materials and construction as specified under Rule V - Fire Zones and Fire-
Resistive Standards and under Rule IV - Types of Construction.

2. All floors shall be so framed and secured into the framework and supporting walls as to form an
integral part of the whole building.

3. The types of floor construction used shall provide means to keep the beam and girders from lateral

SECTION 1206. Roof Construction and Covering

1. Roof Covering. Roof covering for all buildings shall be either fire-retardant or ordinary depending
upon the fire-resistive requirements of the particular type of construction. The use of combustible roof
insulation shall be permitted in all types of construction provided it is covered with approved roof
covering applied directly thereto.

2. Roof Trusses. All roofs shall be so framed and tied into the framework and supporting walls so as to
form an integral part of the whole building. Roof trusses shall have all joints well fitted and shall have
all tension members well tightened before any load is placed in the truss. Diagonal and sway bracing
shall be used to brace all roof trusses. The allowable working stresses of materials in trusses shall
conform to the Code. Camber shall be provided to prevent sagging.

3. Attics.

a. Access. An attic access opening shall be provided in the ceiling of the top floor of buildings with a
combustible ceiling or roof construction. The opening shall be located in a corridor or hallway of
buildings of three (3) or more storeys in height and readily accessible in buildings of any height.
An opening shall not be less than 600 millimeters square or 600 millimeters in diameter. The
minimum clear headroom of 800 millimeters shall be provided above the access opening. For
ladder requirements, refer to the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code.

b. Area Separation. Enclosed attic spaces of combustible construction shall be divided into
horizontal areas not exceeding 250 sq. meters by fire-resistive partitions extending from the
ceiling to the roof. Except, that where the entire attic is equipped with approved automatic fire-
extinguishing system, the attic space may be divided into areas not to exceed 750 sq. meters.
Openings in the partitions shall be protected by self-closing doors.

c. Draft Stops. Regardless of the type of construction, draft stops shall be installed in trusses roofs,
between roof and bottom chords or trusses, in all buildings exceeding 2000 sq. meters. Draft
stops shall be constructed as for attic area separations.

d. Ventilation. Enclosed attics including rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied direct to
the underside or roof rafters shall be provided with adequate ventilation protected against the
entrance of rain.

4. Roof Drainage System

a. Roof Drains. Roof drains shall be installed at low points of the roof and shall be adequate in size
to discharge all tributary waters.

b. Overflow Drains and Scuppers. Where roof drains are required, adequate overflow drains shall
be provided.

c. Concealed Piping. Roof drains and overflows drains, when concealed within the construction of
the building, shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the National Plumbing Code.

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d. Over Public Property. Roof drainage water from a building shall not be permitted to flow over
public property, except for Group A and J Occupancies.

5. Flashing. Flashing and counterflashing shall be provided at the juncture of the roof and vertical

SECTION 1207. Stairs, Exits, and Occupant Loads

1. General. The construction of stairs and exits shall conform to the occupant load requirements of
buildings, reviewing stands, bleachers, and grandstands.

a. Determination of Occupant Loads. The occupant load permitted in any building or portion thereof
shall be determined by dividing the floor area assigned to that use by the unit area allowed per
occupant as shown on Table XII.1. and as determined by the Secretary.

i. When the unit area per occupant for any particular occupancy is not provided for in Table
XII.1., the Building Official shall determine the same based on the unit area for occupancy,
which it most nearly resembles.

ii. The occupant load of any area having fixed seats shall be determined by the number of
fixed seats installed. Aisles serving the fixed seats in said area shall be included in
determining the occupant load.

iii. The occupant load permitted in a building or portion thereof may be increased above that
specified in Table XIII.1. if the necessary exits are provided.

iv. In determining the occupant load, all portions of a building shall be presumed to be
occupied at the same time.

EXCEPTION: Accessory areas, which ordinarily are only used by persons who occupy the
main areas of occupancy, shall be provided with exits as though they were completely
occupied. However, in computing the maximum allowable occupant load for the
floor/building, the occupant load of the accessory area/s shall be disregarded.

b. Exit Requirements. Exist requirements of a building or portion thereof used for different purposes
shall be determined by the occupant load which gives the largest number of persons. No
obstruction shall be placed in the required width of an exit except projections permitted by the

c. Posting of Room Capacity. Any room having an occupant load of more than fifty (50) where fixed
seats are not installed, and which is used for classroom, assembly, or similar purpose shall have
the capacity of the room posted in a conspicuous place near the main exit from the room.

d. Changes in Elevation. Except in Group A Occupancies, changes in floor elevations of less than
300 millimeters along any exit serving a tributary occupant load of ten (10) or more shall be by
means of ramp.

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Table XII.1. General Requirements for Occupant Loads and Exits*
(*In all occupancies, floors above the first (1st) storey having an occupant load of more than ten (10) shall
have at least two (2) exits)

Minimum of Two (2) Exits Other

Unit Area per Occupant
Use or Occupancy than Elevators are Required Where
(sq. meters)
Number of Occupants is Over

Dwellings 28.00 10
Hotels 18.60 10
Apartments 18.60 10
Dormitories 18.60 10
Classrooms 1.80 50
Conference Rooms 1.40 50
Exhibit Rooms 1.40 50
Gymnasia 1.40 50
School Shops 4.60 50
Vocational Institutions 4.60 50
Laboratories 4.60 50
Hospitals**, Sanitaria** 8.40 5
Nursing Homes** 7.40 5
Children’s Homes** 7.40 5
Homes for the Aged** 7.40 5
(**Institutional Sleeping
Departments shall be
based on one (1) occupant
per 11.00 sq. meters of
the gross floor area; In-
patient Institutional
Treatment Departments
shall be based on one (1)
occupant per 22.00 sq.
meters of gross floor area)
Nurseries for Children 3.25 6

Dwellings 28.00 10
Stores-Retail Sales Rooms
Basement 2.80 50
Ground Floor 2.80 50
Upper Floors 5.60- 10
Offices 9.30 30
Aircraft Hangars (no repair) 46.50 10
Parking Garages 18.60 30
Drinking Establishments 1.40 30
Kitchens (commercial) 18.60 50
Warehouses 28.00 30
Mechanical Equipment 28.00 30
Garages 9.30 10
Auditoriums 0.65 50
Theaters 0.65 50
Churches and chapels 0.65 50
Dance Floors 0.65 50
Reviewing Stands 0.65 50
Stadia 0.65 50

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2. Exits

a. Number of Exits. Every building or usable portion thereof shall have at least one (1) exit. In all
occupancies, floors above the first storey having an occupant load of more than ten (10) shall not
have less than two (2) exits. Each mezzanine floor used for other than storage purposes, if
greater in area than 185 sq. meters or more than 18.00 meters in any dimension, shall have at
least two (2) stairways to an adjacent floor. Every storey or portion thereof, having an occupant
load of 500 to 999 shall have at least three (3) exits. Every storey or portion thereof having an
occupant load of one thousand (1000) or more shall have at least four (4) exits. The number of
exits required from any storey of a building shall be determined by using the occupant loads of
floors which exit through the level under consideration as follows: 50% of the occupant load in
the first adjacent storey above (and the first adjacent storey below, when a storey below exits
through the level under consideration) and 25% of the occupant load in the storey immediately
beyond the first adjacent storey. The maximum number of exits required for any storey shall be
maintained until egress is provided from the structures. For purposes of this Section basement or
cellars and occupied roofs shall be provided with exits as required for storeys. Floors above the
second storey, basements and cellars used for other than service of the building shall have not
less than two (2) exits.

b. Width. The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant load served
divided by one hundred sixty five (165). Such width of exits shall be divided approximately
equally among the separate exits. The total exit width required from any storey of a building shall
be determined by using the occupant load of that storey plus the percentage of the occupant
loads of floors which exits through the level under consideration as follows: 50% of the occupant
load in the first adjacent storey above (and the first adjacent storey below when a storey below
exits through the level under consideration) and 25% of the occupant load in the storey
immediately beyond the first adjacent storey. The maximum exit width from any storey of a
building shall be maintained.

c. Arrangement of Exits. If only two (2) exits are required, they shall be placed a distance apart to
not less than one-fifth (1/5) of the perimeter of the area served measured in a straight line
between exits. Where three (3) or more exits are required, they shall be arranged a reasonable
distance apart so that if one becomes blocked, the others will be available.

d. Distance to Exits. No point in a building without a sprinkler system shall be more than 45.00
meters from an exterior exit door, a horizontal exit, exit passageway, or an enclosed stairway,
measured along the line of travel. In a building equipped with a complete automatic fire
extinguishing system, the distance from exits may be increased to 60.00 meters.

3. Doors. The provisions herein shall apply to every exit door serving an area having an occupant load
of more than ten (10), or serving hazardous rooms or areas.

a. Swing. Exit door shall swing in the direction of exit travel when serving any hazardous areas or
when serving an occupant load of fifty (50) or more. Double acting doors shall not be used as
exits serving a tributary occupant load of more than one hundred (100); nor shall they be used as
a part of fire assembly, nor equipped with panic hardware. A double acting door shall be
provided with a view panel of not less than 1,300 sq. centimeters.

b. Type of Lock or Latch. Exit door shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any
special knowledge or effort: Except, that this requirement shall not apply to exterior exit doors in
a Group E or F Occupancy if there is a conspicuous, readily visible and durable sign on or
adjacent to the door, stating that the door is to remain unlocked during business hours. The
locking device must be of a type that will readily be distinguishable as locked. Flush bolts or
surface bolts are prohibited.

c. Width and Height. Every required exit doorway shall be of a size as to permit the installation of a
door not less than 900 millimeters in width and not less than 2.00 meters in height. When
installed in exit doorways, exit doors shall be capable of opening at least 90 degrees and shall be

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so mounted that the clear width of the exitway is not less than 700 millimeters. In computing the
required exit width the net dimension of the exitway shall be used.

d. Door Leaf Width. No leaf of an exit door shall exceed 1.20 meters in width.

e. Special Doors. Revolving, sliding, and overhead doors shall not be used as required exits.

f. Egress from Door. Every required exit door shall give immediate access to an approved means
of egress from the building.

g. Change in Floor Level at Doors. Regardless of the occupant load, there shall be a floor or
landing on each side of an exit door. The floor or landing shall be leveled with, or not more than
50 millimeters lower than the threshold of the doorway: Except, that in Group A and B
Occupancies, a door may open on the top step of a flight of stairs or an exterior landing provided
the door does not swing over the top step or exterior landing and the landing is not more than 200
millimeters below the floor level.

h. Door Identification. Glass doors shall conform to the requirements in Section 1802. Other exit
doors shall be so marked that they are readily distinguishable from the adjacent construction.

i. Additional Doors. When additional doors are provided for egress purposes, they shall conform to
all provisions in the following cases: Approved revolving doors having leaves which will collapse
under opposing pressures may be used in exit situations; provided; that such doors have a
minimum width of 2.00 meters or they are not used in occupancies where exits are required to be
equipped with panic hardware or at least one conforming exit door is located adjacent to each
revolving doors installed in a building and the revolving door shall not be considered to provide
any exit width.

4. Corridors and Exterior Exit Balconies. The provisions herein shall apply to every corridor and exterior
exit balcony serving as a required exit for an occupant load of more than ten (10).

a. Width. Every corridor or exit balcony shall not be less than 1.10 meters in width.

b. Projections. The required width of corridors and exterior exit balconies shall be unobstructed.
Except, that trim handrails, and doors when fully opened shall not reduce the required width by
more than 200 millimeters. Doors in any position shall not reduce the required width of the
corridor by more than one-half (1/2).

c. Access to Exits. When more than one (1) exit is required, they shall be so arranged to allow
going to either direction from any point in the corridor or exterior exit balcony to a separate exit,
except for dead ends permitted by the Code.

d. Dead Ends. Corridors and exterior exit balconies with dead ends are permitted when the dead
end does not exceed 6.00 meters in length.

e. Construction. Walls and ceilings of corridors shall not be less than one-hour fire-resistive
construction. Provided, that this requirement shall not apply to exterior exit balconies, railings,
and corridors of one-storey building housing a Group E and F Occupancy occupied by one (1)
tenant only and which serves an occupant load of thirty (30) or less, nor to corridors, formed by
temporary partitions. Exterior exit balconies shall not project into an area where protected
openings are required.

f. Openings. Where corridor wall are required to be one-hour fire-resistive construction, every
interior door opening shall be protected as set forth in generally recognized and accepted
requirements for dual-purpose fire exit doors. Other interior openings except ventilation louvers
equipped with approved automatic fire shutters shall be 7 millimeters thick fixed wire glass set in
steel frames. The total area of all openings other than doors, in any portion of an interior corridor

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wall shall not exceed 25% of the area of the corridor wall of the room being separated from the

5. Stairways. Except stairs or ladders used only to access equipment, every stairway serving any
building or portion thereof shall conform to the following requirements:

a. Width. Stairways serving an occupant load of more than fifty (50) shall not be less than 1.10
meters. Stairways serving an occupant load of fifty (50) or less may be 900 millimeters wide.
Private stairways serving an occupant load of less than ten (10) may be 750 millimeters. Trim
and handrails shall not reduce the required width by more than 100 millimeters.

b. Rise and Run. The rise of every step in a stairway shall not exceed 200 millimeters and the run
shall not be less than 250 millimeters. The maximum variations in the height of risers and the
width of treads in any one flight shall be 5 millimeters: Except, in case of private stairways
serving an occupant load of less than ten (10), the rise may be 200 millimeters and the run may
be 250 millimeters, except as provided in sub-paragraph (c) below.

c. Winding Stairways. In Group A Occupancy and in private stairways in Group B Occupancies,

winders may be used if the required width of run is provided at a point not more than 300
millimeters from the side of the stairway where the treads are narrower but in no case shall any
width of run be less than 150 millimeters at any point.

d. Circular Stairways. Circular stairs may be used as an exit provided the minimum width of run is
not less than 250 millimeters. All treads in any one flight between landings shall have identical
dimensions within a 5 millimeters tolerance.

e. Landings. Every landing shall have a dimension measured in the direction of travel equal to the
width of the stairway. Such dimension need not exceed 1.20 meters when the stairs has a
straight run. Landings when provided shall not be reduced in width by more than 100 millimeters
by a door when fully open.

f. Basement Stairways. Where a basement stairway and a stairway to an upper storey terminate in
the same exit enclosure, an approved barrier shall be provided to prevent persons from
continuing on to the basements. Directional exit signs shall be provided as specified in the Code.

g. Distance Between Landings. There shall be not more than 3.60 meters vertical distance between

h. Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side and every stairway required to be more
than 3.00 meters in width shall be provided with not less than one intermediate handrail for each
3.00 meters of required width. Intermediate handrails shall be spaced approximately equal within
the entire width of the stairway. Handrails shall be placed not less than 800 millimeters nor more
than 900 millimeters above the nosing of treads, and ends of handrails shall be returned or shall
terminate in newel posts or safety terminals: Except, in the following cases: Stairways 1.10
meters or less in width and stairways serving one (1) individual dwelling unit in Group A or B
Occupancies may have one handrail, except that such stairway, open on one or both, sides shall
have handrails provided on the open side or sides: or stairways having less than four (4) risers
need not have handrails.

i. Exterior Stairway Protection. All openings in the exterior wall below or within 3.00 meters,
measured horizontally, of an exterior exit stairway serving a building over two storeys in height
shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a three-fourth - hour fire-resistive rating;
Except, that openings may be unprotected when two separated exterior stairways serve an
exterior exit balcony.

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j. Stairway Construction

i. Stairway Construction - Interior. Interior stairways shall be constructed as specified in this

Code. Where there is enclosed usable space under the stairs the walls and soffits of the
enclosed space shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire
resistive construction.

ii. Stairway Construction - Exterior. Exterior stairways shall be of incombustible material:

Except, that on Type III buildings which do not exceed two storeys in height, which are
located in less fire-restrictive Fire Zones, as well as on Type I buildings which may be of
wood not less than 50 millimeters in nominal thickness. Exterior stairs shall be protected
as required for exterior walls due to location on property as specified in the Code. Exterior
stairways shall not project into an area where openings are required to be protected.
Where there is enclosed usable space under stairs, the walls and soffits of the enclosed
space shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-resistive

k. Stairway to Roof. In every building four (4) or more storeys in height, one (1) stairway shall extend
to the roof unless the roof has a slope greater than 1 in 3.

l. Headroom. Every required stairway shall have a headroom clearance of not less than 2.00
meters. Such clearance shall be established by measuring vertically from a plane parallel and
tangent to the stairway tread nosing to the soffit above all points.

6. Ramps. A ramp conforming to the provisions of the Code may be used as an exit. The width of
ramps shall be as required for corridors.

7. Horizontal Exit. If conforming to the provisions of the Code, a horizontal exit may be considered as
the required exit. All openings in a separation wall shall be protected by a fire assembly having a fire-
resistive rating of not less than one hour. A horizontal exit shall not lead into a floor area having a
capacity for an occupant load not less than the occupant load served by such exit. The capacity shall
be determined by allowing 0.30 sq. meter of net floor area per ambulatory occupant and 1.90 sq.
meters per non-ambulatory occupant. The dispersal area into which the horizontal exit leads shall be
provided with exits as required by the Code.

8. Exit Enclosure. Every interior stairway, ramp, or escalator shall be enclosed as specified in the Code;
Except, that in other than Group D Occupancies, an enclosure will not be required for stairway, ramp,
or escalator serving only one adjacent floor and not connected with corridors or stairways serving
other floors. Stairs in Group A Occupancies need not be enclosed.

a. Enclosure walls shall not be less than two-hour fire-resistive construction. There shall be no
openings into exit enclosures except exit doorways and openings in exterior walls. All exit doors
in an exit enclosure shall be appropriately protected.

b. Stairway and ramp enclosures shall include landings and parts of floors connecting stairway
flights and shall include a corridor on the ground floor leading from the stairway to the exterior of
the building. Enclosed corridors or passageways are not required for unenclosed stairways.

c. A stairway in an exit enclosure shall not continue below the grade level exit unless an approved
barrier is provided at the ground floor level to prevent persons from accidentally continuing into
the basement.

d. There shall be no enclosed usable space under stairways in an exit enclosure, nor shall the open
space under such stairways be used for any purpose.

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9. Smokeproof Enclosures

A smokeproof enclosure shall consist of a vestibule and a continuous stairway enclosed from the
highest point to the lowest point by walls of two-hour fire-resistive construction. In buildings five (5)
storeys or more in height, one of the required exits shall be a smokeproof enclosure.

a. Stairs in smokeproof enclosures shall be of incombustible construction.

b. There shall be no openings in smokeproof enclosures, except exit doorways and openings in
exterior walls. There shall be no openings directly into the interior of the building. Access shall
be through a vestibule with one (1) wall at least 50% open to the exterior and having an exit door
from the interior of the building and an exit door leading to the smokeproof enclosure. In lieu of a
vestibule, access may be by way of an open exterior balcony of incombustible materials.

c. The opening from the building to the vestibule or balcony shall be protected with a self-closing fire
assembly having one-hour fire-resistive rating. The opening from the vestibule or balcony to the
stair tower shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a one-hour fire-resistive

d. A smokeproof enclosure shall exit into a public way or into an exit passageway leading to a public
way. The exit passageway shall be without other openings and shall have walls, floors, and
ceilings of two-hour fire-resistance.

e. A stairway in a smokeproof enclosure shall not continue below the grade level exit unless an
approved barrier is provided at a ground floor level to prevent persons from accidentally walking
into the basement.

10. Exit Outlets, Courts, and Passageways

Every exit shall discharge into a public way, exit court, or exit passageway. Every exit court shall
discharge into a public way or an exit passageway. Passageways shall be without openings other
than required exits and shall have walls, floors, and ceilings of the same period of fire-resistance as
the walls, floors and ceilings of the building but shall not be less than one-hour fire-resistive

a. Width

Every exit court and exit passageways shall be at least as wide as the required total width of
the tributary exits, such required width being based on the occupant load served. The required
width of exit courts or exit passageways shall be unobstructed except as permitted in corridors.
At any point where the width of an exit court is reduced from any cause, the reduction in width
shall be affected gradually by a guardrail at least 900 millimeters in height. The guardrail shall
make an angle of not more than 30º with the axis of the exit court.

b. Slope

The slope of exit courts shall not exceed 1 in 10. The slope of exit passageway shall not
exceed 1 in 8.

c. Number of Exits

Every exit court shall be provided with exits as required in the Code.

d. Openings

All openings into an exit court less than 3.00 meters wide shall be protected by fire
assemblies having not less than three-fourth - hour fire-resistive rating. Except, that openings
more than 3.00 meters above the floor of the exit court may be unprotected.

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11. Exit Signs and Illuminations

Exits shall be illuminated at any time the building is occupied with lights having an intensity of not
less than 10.7 LUX at floor level; Except, that for Group A Occupancies, the exit illumination shall be
provided with separate circuits or separated sources of power (but not necessarily separate from exit
signs when these are required for exit sign illumination).

12. Aisles

Every portion of every building in which are installed seats, tables, merchandise, equipment, or
similar materials shall be provided with aisles leading to an exit.

a. Width

Every aisle shall be not less than 800 millimeters wide if serving only one side, and not less
than 1.00 meter wide if serving both sides. Such minimum width shall be measured at the point
farthest from an exit, cross aisle, or foyer and shall be increased by 30 millimeters for every meter
in length towards the exit, cross aisle or foyer.

Side aisles shall not be less than 1.10 meters in width.

b. Exit Distance

In areas occupied by seats and in Groups H and I Occupancies without seats, the line of
travel to an exit door by an aisle shall be not more than 45.00 meters. With standard spacing, as
specified in the Code, aisles shall be so located that there will be not more than seven (7) seats
between the wall and an aisle and not more than fourteen (14) seats between aisles. The
number of seats between aisles may be increased to thirty (30) where exits doors are provided
along each side aisle of the row of seats at the rate of one (1) pair of exit doors for every five (5)
rows of seats, provided further that the distance between seats back to back is at least 1.00
meter. Such exit doors shall provide a minimum clear width of 1.70 meters.

c. Cross Aisles

Aisles shall terminate in a cross aisle, foyer, or exit. The width of the cross aisle shall be
not less than the sum of the required width of the widest aisle plus 50% of the total required width
of the remaining aisle leading thereto. In Groups C, H and E Occupancies, aisles shall not be
provided a dead end greater than 6.00 meters in length.

d. Vomitories

Vomitories connecting the foyer or main exit with the cross aisles shall have a total width
not less than the sum of the required width of the widest aisles leading thereto plus 50% of the
total required width of the remaining aisles leading thereto.

e. Slope

The slope portion of aisles shall not exceed a fall of 1 in 8.

13. Seats

a. Seat Spacing

With standard seating, the spacing of rows of seats from back-to-back shall be not less than
840 millimeters. With continental seating, the spacing of rows of unoccupied seats shall provide
a clear width measured horizontally, as follows: 450 millimeters clear for rows of eighteen (18)

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seats or less; 500 millimeters clear for rows of thirty five (35) seats or less; 525 millimeters clear
for rows of forty five (45) seats or less; and 550 millimeters clear for rows of forty six (46) seats or

b. Width

The width of any seat shall be not less than 450 millimeters.

14. Reviewing Stands, Grandstands, and Bleachers

a. Height of Stands

Stands made of combustible framing shall be limited to eleven (11) rows or 2.70 meters in height.

b. Design Requirements

The minimum unit live load for reviewing stands, grandstands, and bleachers shall be 500
kilograms per square meter of horizontal projection for the structure as a whole. Seat and
footboards shall be 180 kilograms per linear meter. The sway force, applied to seats, shall be 35
kilograms per linear meter parallel to the seats and 15 kilograms per linear meter perpendicular to
the seats. Sway forces need not be applied simultaneously with other lateral forces.

c. Spacing of Seats

i. Row Spacing

The minimum spacing of rows of seats measured from back-to-back shall be: 600
millimeters for seats without backrests in open air stands; 750 millimeters for seats with
backrests; and 850 millimeters for chair seating. There shall be a space of not less than
300 millimeters between the back of each seat and the front of the seat immediately behind

ii. Rise Between Rows

The maximum rise from one row of seats to the next shall not exceed 400 millimeters.

iii. Seating Capacity

For determining the seating capacity of a stand, the width of any seat shall not be less than
450 millimeters nor more than 480 millimeters.

iv. Number of Seats Between Aisles

The number of seats between any seat and an aisle shall not be greater than fifteen (15) for
open air stands with seats without backrests, a far open air stands with seats having
backrests and seats without backrests within buildings and six (6) for seats with backrests
in buildings.

d. Aisles

i. Aisles Required

Aisles shall be provided in all stands; Except, that aisles may be omitted when all the
following conditions exist: Seats are without backrests; the rise from row to row does not
exceed 300 millimeters per row; the number of rows does not exceed eleven (11) in height;
the top seating board is not over 3.00 meters above grade; and the first seating board is not
more than 500 millimeters above grade.

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ii. Obstructions

No obstruction shall be placed in the required width of any aisle or exitway.

iii. Stairs Required

When an aisle is elevated more than 200 millimeters above grade, the aisle shall be
provided with a stairway or ramp whose width is not less than the width of the aisle.

iv. Dead End

No vertical aisle shall have a dead end more than sixteen (16) rows in depth regardless of
the number of exits required.

v. Width

Aisles shall have a minimum width of 1.10 meters.

e. Stairs and Ramps

The requirements in the Code shall apply to all stairs and ramps except for portions that pass through
the seating area.

i. Stair Rise and Run

The maximum rise of treads shall not exceed 200 millimeters and the minimum width of the
run shall be 280 millimeters. The maximum variation in the width of treads in any one (1)
flight shall not be more than 5 millimeters and the maximum variation in one (1) height of
two (2) adjacent rises shall not exceed 5 millimeters.

ii. Ramp Slope

The slope of a ramp shall not exceed 1 in 8. Ramps shall be roughened or shall be of
approved non-slip material.

iii. Handrails

A ramp with a slope exceeding 1 in 10 shall have handrails. Stairs for stands shall have
handrails. Handrails shall conform to the requirements of the Code.

f. Guardrails

i. Guardrails shall be required in all locations where the top of a seat plank is more than 1.20
meters above the grade and at the front of stands elevated more than 600 millimeters
above grade. Where only sections of stands are used, guardrails shall be provided as
required in the Code.

ii. Railings shall be 1.10 meters above the rear of a seat plank or 1.10 meters above the rear
of the steps in an aisle when the guardrail is parallel and adjacent to the aisle; Except, that
the height may be reduced to 900 millimeters for guardrails located in front of the

iii. A midrail shall be placed adjacent to any seat to limit the open distance above the top of
any part of a seat to 250 millimeters where the seat is at the extreme end or at the extreme
rear of the bleachers or grandstand. The intervening space shall have one additional rail
midway in the opening; Except, that railings may be omitted when stands are placed
directly against a wall or fence giving equivalent protection; stairs and ramps shall be

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provided with guardrails. Handrails at the front of stands and adjacent to an aisle shall be
designed to resist a load of 75 kilograms per linear meter applied at the top rail. Other
handrails shall be designed to resist a load of 40 kilograms per linear meter.

g. Foot Boards

Footboards shall be provided for all rows of seats above the third (3rd) row or beginning at such point
where the seating plank is more than 600 millimeters above grade.

h. Exits

i. Distance to Exit

The line of travel to an exit shall not be more than 45.00 meters. For stands with seats
without backseats, this distance may be measured by direct line from a seat to the exit from
the stand.

ii. Aisle Used as Exit

An aisle may be considered as only one (1) exit unless it is continuous at both ends to a
legal building exit or to a safe dispersal area.

iii. Two (2) Exits Required

A stand with the first (1st) seating board not more than 500 millimeters above grade of floor
may be considered to have two (2) exits when the bottom of the stand is open at both ends.
Every stand or section of a stand within a building shall have at least two means of egress
when the stand accommodates more than fifty (50) persons. Every open air stand having
seats without backrests shall have at least two (2) means of egress when the stand
accommodates more than three hundred (300) persons.

iv. Three (3) Exits Required

Three (3) exits shall be required for stands within a building when there are more than 300
occupants within a stand and for open air stands with seats without backrests where a
stand or section of a stand accommodates more than one thousand (1000) occupants.

v. Four (4) Exits Required

Four (4) exits shall be required when a stand or section of a stand accommodates more
than 1000 occupants; Except, that for an open air stand with seats without backrest four (4)
exits need not be provided unless there are accommodations for more than three thousand
(3000) occupants.

vi. Width

The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant load served
divided by one hundred sixty five (165); Except, that for open air stands with seats without
backrest the total width of exits in meters shall be not less than the total occupant load
served divided by five hundred (500) when exiting by stairs, and divided by six hundred fifty
(650) when exiting by ramps or horizontally. When both horizontal and stair exits are used,
the total width of exits shall be determined by using both figures as applicable. No exit
shall be less than 1.10 meters in width. Exits shall be located at a reasonable distance
apart. When only two (2) exits are provided, they shall be spaced not less than one-fifth
(1/5) of the perimeter apart.

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i. Securing of Chairs

Chairs and benches used on raised stands shall be secured to the platforms upon which they are
placed; Except, that when less than twenty five (25) chairs are used upon a single raised platform the
fastening of seats to the platform may be omitted. When more than five hundred (500) loose chairs
are used in connection with athletic events, chairs shall be fastened together in groups of not less
than three (3), and shall be tied or staked to the ground.

j. Safe Dispersal Area

Each safe dispersal area shall have at least two (2) exits. If more than six thousand (6000)
persons are to be accommodated within such an area, there shall be a minimum of three (3) exits,
and for more than nine thousand (9000) persons there shall be a minimum of four (4) exits. The
aggregate clear width of exits from a safe dispersal area shall be determined on the basis of not less
than one (1) exit unit of 600 millimeters for each five hundred (500) persons to be accommodated and
no exit shall be less than 1.10 meters in width, a reasonable distance apart that shall be spaced not
less than one-fifth (1/5) of the perimeter of the area apart from each other.

15. Special Hazards

a. Boiler Rooms

Except in Group A Occupancies, every boiler room and every room containing an incinerator or
liquefied petroleum gas or liquid fuel-fired equipment shall be provided with at least two (2) means of
egress, one of which may be a ladder. All interior openings shall be protected as provided for in the

b. Cellulose Nitrate Handling

Film laboratories, projection rooms, and nitro-cellulose processing rooms shall have not
less than two exits.

SECTION 1208. Skylights

1. All skylights shall be constructed with metal frames except those for Groups A and J Occupancies.
Frames of skylights shall be designed to carry loads required for roofs. All skylights, the glass of
which is set at an angle of less than 45º from the horizontal, if located above the first storey, shall be
set at least 100 millimeters above the roof. Curbs on which the skylights rest shall be constructed of
incombustible materials except for Types I or II Construction.

2. Spacing between supports in one direction for flat wired glass in skylights shall not exceed 625
millimeters. Corrugated wired glass may have supports 1.50 meters apart in the direction of the
corrugation. All glass in skylights shall be wired glass; Except, that skylights over vertical shafts
extending through two (2) or more storeys shall be glazed with plain glass as specified in the Code;
Provided, that wired glass may be used in ventilation equal to not less than one-eight (1/8) the cross-
sectional area of the shaft but never less than 1.20 meters provided at the top of such shaft. Any
glass not wired glass shall be protected above and below with a screen constructed of wire not
smaller than 2.5 millimeters in diameter with a mesh not larger than 25 millimeters. The screen shall
be substantially supported below the glass.

3. Skylights installed for the use of photographers may be constructed of metal frames and plate glass
without wire netting.

4. Ordinary glass may be used in the roof and skylights for greenhouses, Provided, that height of the
greenhouses at the ridge does not exceed 6.00 meters above the grade. The use of wood in the
frames of skylights will be permitted in greenhouses outside of highly restrictive Fire Zones if the
height of the skylight does not exceed 6.00 meters above the grade, but in other cases metal frames
and metal sash bars shall be used.

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5. Glass used for the transmission of light, if placed in floors or sidewalks, shall be supported by metal
or reinforced concrete frames, and such glass shall not be less than 12.5 millimeters in thickness.
Any such glass over 100 sq. centimeters in area shall have wire mesh embedded in the same or shall
be provided with a wire screen underneath as specified for skylights in the Code. All portions of the
floor lights or sidewalk lights shall be of the same strength as required for floor or sidewalk
construction, except in cases where the floor is surrounded by a railing not less 1.10 meters in height,
in which case the construction shall be calculated for not less than roof loads.

SECTION 1209. Bays, Porches, and Balconies

Walls and floors in bay and oriel windows shall conform to the construction allowed for exterior walls
and floors of the type of construction of the building to which they are attached. The roof covering of a
bay or oriel window shall conform to the requirements of the roofing of the main roof. Exterior balconies
attached to or supported by wall required to be of masonry, shall have brackets or beams constructed of
incombustible materials. Railings shall be provided for balconies, landings, or porches which are more
than 750 millimeters above grade.

SECTION 1210. Penthouses and Roof Structures

1. Height

No penthouse or other projection above the roof in structures of other than Type V construction
shall exceed 8.40 meters above the roof when used as an enclosure for tanks or for elevators which
run to the roof and in all other cases shall not extend more than 3.60 meters in height with the roof.

2. Area

The aggregate area of all penthouses and other roof structures shall not exceed one third (1/3) of
the area of the supporting roof.

3. Prohibited Uses

No penthouse, bulkhead, or any other similar projection above the roof shall be used for purposes
other than shelter of mechanical equipment or shelter of vertical shaft openings in the roof. A
penthouse or bulkhead used for purposes other than that allowed by this Section shall conform to the
requirements of the Code for an additional storey.

4. Construction

Roof structures shall be constructed with walls, floors, and roof as required for the main portion of
the building except in the following cases:

a. On Types III and IV constructions, the exterior walls and roofs of penthouses which are 1.50 meters
or more from an adjacent property line may be of one-hour fire-resistive incombustible construction.

b. Walls not less than 1.50 meters from an exterior wall of a Type IV construction may be of one-hour
fire-resistive incombustible construction.

The above restrictions shall not prohibit the placing of wood flagpoles or similar structures on the roof
of any building.

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5. Towers and Spires

Towers and spires when enclosed shall have exterior walls as required for the building to which
they are attached. Towers not enclosed and which extend more than 20.00 meters above the grade
shall have their framework constructed of iron, steel, or reinforced concrete. No tower or spire shall
occupy more than one-fourth (1/4) of the street frontage of any building to which it is attached and in
no case shall the base area exceed 150.00 sq. meters unless it conforms entirely to the type of
construction requirements of the building to which it is attached and is limited in height as a main part
of the building. If the area of the tower and spire exceeds 10.00 sq. meters on any horizontal cross
section, its supporting frames shall extend directly to the ground. The roof covering of the spires shall
be as required for the main room of the rest of the structure. Skeleton towers used as radio masts,
neon signs, or advertisement frames and placed on the roof of any building shall be constructed
entirely of incombustible materials when more than 7.50 meters in height, and shall be directly
supported on an incombustible framework to the ground. No such skeleton towers shall be
supported on roofs of combustible framings. They shall be designed to withstand a wind load from
any direction in addition to any other loads.

SECTION 1211. Chimneys, Fireplaces, and Barbecues

1. Chimneys

a. Structural Design

Chimneys shall be designed, anchored, supported, reinforced, constructed, and installed in

accordance with generally accepted principles of engineering. Every chimney shall be capable of
producing a draft at the appliance not less than that required for the safe operation of the appliance
connected thereto. No chimney shall support any structural load other than its own weight unless it is
designed to act as a supporting member. Chimneys in a wood-framed building shall be anchored
laterally at the ceiling line and at each floor line which is more than 1.80 meters above grade, except
when entirely within the framework or when designed to be free standing.

b. Walls

Every masonry chimney shall have walls of masonry units, bricks, stones, listed masonry chimney
units, reinforced concrete or equivalent solid thickness of hollow masonry and lined with suitable
liners in accordance with the following requirements:

i. Masonry Chimneys for Residential Type Appliances

Masonry chimneys shall be constructed of masonry units or reinforced concrete with walls
not less than 100 millimeters thick; or of rubble stone masonry not less than 300 millimeters
thick. The chimney liner shall be in accordance with the Code.

ii. Masonry Chimneys for Low Heat Appliances

Masonry chimneys shall be constructed of masonry units or reinforced concrete with walls
not less than 200 millimeters thick; Except, that rubble stone masonry shall be not less than
300 millimeters thick. The chimney liner shall be in accordance with the Code.

iii. Masonry Chimneys for Medium-Heat Appliances

Masonry chimneys for medium-heat appliances shall be constructed of solid masonry units
of reinforced concrete not less than 200 millimeters thick, Except, that stone masonry shall
be not less than 300 millimeters thick and, in addition shall be lined with not less than 100
millimeters of firebrick laid in a solid bed of fire clay mortar with solidly filled head, bed, and
wall joints, starting not less than 600 millimeters below the chimney connector entrance.

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Chimneys extending 7.50 meters or less above the chimney connector shall be lined to the

iv. Masonry Chimneys for High-Heat Appliances

Masonry chimneys for high-heat appliances shall be constructed with double walls of solid
masonry units or reinforced concrete not less than 200 millimeters in thickness, with an air
space of not less than 50 millimeters between walls. The inside of the interior walls shall
be of firebrick not less than 100 millimeters in thickness laid in a solid bed of fire clay mortar
with solidly filled head, bed, and wall joints.

v. Masonry Chimneys for incinerators installed in Multi-Storey Buildings (Apartment-Type


Chimneys for incinerators installed in multi-storey buildings using the chimney passageway
as a refuse chute where the horizontal grate area of combustion chamber does not exceed
0.80 sq. meter shall have walls of solid masonry or reinforced concrete, not less than 100
millimeters thick with a chimney lining as specified in the Code. If the grate area of such an
incinerator exceeds 0.80 sq. meter, the walls shall not be less than 100 millimeters of
firebrick except that higher than 9.00 meters above the roof of the combustion chamber,
common brick alone 200 millimeters in thickness may be used.

vi. Masonry Chimneys for Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators

Masonry chimneys for commercial and industrial type incinerators of a size designed for not
more than 110 kilograms of refuse per hour and having a horizontal grate area not
exceeding 0.50 sq. meter shall have walls of solid masonry or reinforced concrete not less
than 100 millimeters thick with lining of not less than 100 millimeters of firebrick, which
lining shall extend for not less than 12.00 meters above the roof of the combustion
chamber. If the design capacity of grate area of such an incinerator exceeds 110 kilograms
per hour and 0.80 sq. meter respectively, walls shall not be less than 200 millimeters thick,
lined with not les than 100 millimeters of firebrick extending the full height of the chimney.
c. Linings

Fire clay chimney lining shall not be less than 15 millimeters thick. The lining shall extend from 200
millimeters below the lowest inlet or, in the case of fireplace, from the throat of the fireplace to a point
above enclosing masonry walls. Fire clay chimney linings shall be installed ahead of the construction
of the chimney as it is carried up, carefully bedded one on the other in fire clay mortar, with close-
fitting joints left smooth on the inside. Firebrick not less than 500 millimeters thick may be used in
place of fire clay chimney.

d. Area

No chimney passageway shall be smaller in area than the vent connection of the appliance attached

e. Height

Every masonry chimney shall extend at least 600 millimeters above the part of the roof through which
it passes and at least 600 millimeters above the highest elevation of any part of a building within 3.00
meters to the chimney.

f. Corbeling

No masonry chimney shall be corbeled from a wall more than 150 millimeters nor shall a masonry
chimney be corbeled from a wall which is less than 300 millimeters in thickness unless it projects
equally on each side of the wall. In the second (2nd) storey of a two-storey building of Group A
Occupancy, corbeling of masonry chimneys on the exterior of the enclosing walls may equal the wall

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thickness. In every case the corbeling shall not exceed 25 millimeters projection for each course of

g. Change in Size or Shape

No change in the size or shape of a masonry chimney shall be made within a distance of 150
millimeters above or below the roof joints or rafters where the chimney passes through the roof.

h. Separation

When more than one passageway is contained in the same chimney, masonry separation at least
100 millimeters thick bonded into the masonry wall of the chimney shall be provided to separate

i. Inlets

Every inlet to any masonry chimney shall enter the side thereof and shall be of not less than 3
millimeters thick metal or 16 millimeters refractory material.

j. Clearance

Combustible materials shall not be placed within 50 millimeters of smoke chamber or masonry
chimney walls when built within a structure, or within 25 millimeters when the chimney is built entirely
outside the structure.

k. Termination

All incinerator chimneys shall terminate in a substantially constructed spark arrester having a mesh
not exceeding 20 millimeters.

l. Cleanouts

Cleanout openings shall be provided at the base of every masonry chimney.

2. Fireplaces and Barbecues

Fireplaces, barbecues, smoke chambers, and fireplace chimneys shall be of solid masonry or
reinforced concrete and shall conform to the minimum requirements specified in the Code.

a. Fireplace Walls

Walls of fireplaces shall not be less than 200 millimeters in thickness. Walls of fireboxes shall not be
less than 250 millimeters in thickness; Except, that where a lining of firebrick is used, such walls shall
not be less than 200 millimeters in thickness. The firebox shall not be less than 500 millimeters in
depth. The maximum thickness of joints in firebrick shall be 10 millimeters.

b. Hoods

Metal hoods used as part of a fireplace or barbecue shall be not less than No. 18 gauge copper,
galvanized iron, or other equivalent corrosion-resistant ferrous metal with all seams and connections
of smokeproof unsoldered construction. The hoods shall be sloped at an angle of 45 or less from
the vertical and shall extend horizontally at least 150 millimeters beyond the limits of the firebox.
Metal hoods shall be kept a minimum of 400 millimeters from combustible materials.

c. Circulators

Approved metal heat circulators may be installed in fireplaces.

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d. Smoke Chamber

Front and side walls shall not be less than 200 millimeters in thickness. Smoke chamber back walls
shall not be less than 150 millimeters in thickness.

e. Fireplace Chimneys

Walls of chimneys without flue lining shall not be less than 200 millimeters in thickness. Walls of
chimneys with flue lining shall not be less than 100 millimeters in thickness and shall be constructed
in accordance with the requirements of the Code.

f. Clearance to Combustible Materials

Combustible materials shall not be placed within 50 millimeters of fireplace, smoke chamber, or
chimney walls when built entirely within a structure, or within 25 millimeters when the chimney is built
entirely outside the structure. Combustible materials shall not be placed within 150 millimeters of the
fireplace opening. No such combustible material within 300 millimeters of the fireplace opening shall
project more than 3 millimeters for each 25 millimeters clearance from such opening. No part of
metal hoods used as part of a fireplace, barbecue or heating stoves shall be less than 400 millimeters
from combustible material. This clearance may be reduced to the minimum requirements set forth in
the Code.

g. Area of Flues, Throats, and Dampers

The net cross-sectional area of the flue and of the throat between the firebox and the smoke chamber
of a fireplace shall not be less than the requirements to be set forth by the Secretary. Where
dampers are used, they shall be of not less than No. 12 gauge metal. When fully opened, damper
opening shall be not less than 90% of the required flue area. When fully open, damper blades shall
not extend beyond the line of the inner face of the flue.

h. Lintel

Masonry over the fireplace opening shall be supported by a non-combustible lintel.

i. Hearth

Every fireplace shall be provided with a brick, concrete, stone, or other approved non-combustible
hearth slab at least 300 millimeters wider on each side than the fireplace opening and projecting at
least 450 millimeters therefrom. This slab shall not be less than 100 millimeters thick and shall be
supported by a noncombustible material or reinforced to carry its own weight and all imposed loads.

SECTION 1212. Fire-Extinguishing Systems

1. Fire-Extinguishing Systems – Where required, standard automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be

installed in the following places, and in the manner provided in the Code.

a. In every storey, basement or cellar with an area of 200.00 sq. meters or more which is used for
habitation, recreation, dining, study, or work, and which has an occupant load of more than twenty

b. In all dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, workshops or factories, and other rooms with an occupant
load of more than ten (10) or assembly halls under Group H and I Occupancies with occupant load of
more than five hundred (500), and if the next doors of said rooms are more than 30.00 meters from
the nearest safe fire dispersal area of the building or opening to an exit court or street.

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c. In all rooms used for storage or handling of photographic x-ray nitrocellulose films and other
inflammable articles.

2. Dry Standpipes – Every building four (4) or more storeys in height shall be equipped with one or more
dry standpipes.

a. Construction and Tests – Dry standpipes shall be of wrought iron or galvanized steel and together
with fittings and connections shall be of sufficient strength to withstand 20 kilograms per square
centimeter of water pressure when ready for service, without leaking at the joints, valves, or fittings.
Tests shall be conducted by the owner or the building contractor in the presence of a representative
of the Building Official whenever deemed necessary for the purpose of certification of its proper

b. Size – Dry standpipes shall be of such size as to be capable of delivering 900 liters of water per
minute from each of any three (3) outlets simultaneously under the pressure created by one (1) fire
engine or pumper based on the standard equipment available.

c. Number Required – Every building four (4) or more storeys in height where the area of any floor
above the third (3rd) floor is 950 sq. meters or less, shall be equipped with at least one (1) dry
standpipe and an additional standpipe shall be installed for each additional 950 sq. meters or fraction

d. Location – Standpipes shall be located within enclosed stairway landings or near such stairways as
possible or immediately inside of an exterior wall and within 300 millimeters of an opening in a
stairway enclosure of the balcony or vestibule of a smokeproof tower or an outside exit stairway.

e. Siamese Connections - Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (b) all 100 millimeters dry
standpipes shall be equipped with a two-way Siamese fire department connection. All 125
millimeters dry standpipes shall be equipped with a three-way Siamese fire department connection,
and 150 millimeters dry standpipes shall be equipped with four-way Siamese fire department
connections. All Siamese inlet connections shall be located on a street-front of the building and not
less than 300 millimeters nor more than 1.20 meters above the grade and shall be equipped with a
clapper-checks and substantial plugs. All Siamese inlet connections shall be recessed in the wall or
otherwise substantially protected.

f. Outlets - All dry standpipes shall extend from the ground floor to and over the roof and shall be
equipped with a 63 millimeters outlet nor more than 1.20 meters above the floor level at each storey.
All dry standpipes shall be equipped with a two-way 63 millimeters outlet above the roof. All outlets
shall be equipped with gate valves.
g. Signs – An iron or bronze sign with raised letters at least 25 millimeters high shall be rigidly
attached to the building adjacent to all Siamese connections and such signs shall read:

3. Wet Standpipes – Every Group H and I Occupancy of any height, and every Group C Occupancy of
two (2) more storeys in height, and every Group B, D, E, F and G Occupancy of three (3) or more
storeys in height and every Group G and E Occupancy over 1800 sq. meters in area shall be
equipped with one or more interior wet standpipes extending from the cellar or basement into the
topmost storey; Provided, that Group H buildings having no stage and having a seating capacity of
less than five hundred (500) need not be equipped with interior wet standpipes.

a. Construction – Interior wet standpipes shall be constructed of the same materials as those required
for dry standpipes.

b. Size

i. Interior wet standpipes shall have an internal diameter sufficient to deliver 190 liters of
water per minute under 2.00 kilograms per square centimeter pressure at the hose
connections. Buildings of Group H and I Occupancy shall have wet standpipes systems

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capable of delivering the required quantity and pressure from any two (2) outlets
simultaneously; for all other Occupancies only one (1) outlet need be figured to be opened
at one time. In no case shall the internal diameter of a wet standpipe be less than 50
millimeters, except when the standpipe is attached to an automatic fire-extinguishing

ii. Any approved formula which determines pipe sizes on a pressure drop basis may be used
to determine pipe size for wet standpipe systems. The Building Official may require
discharge capacity and pressure tests on completed wet standpipe systems.

c. Number required – The number of wet standpipes when required in the Code shall be so determined
that all portions of the building are within 6.00 meters of a nozzle attached to a hose 23.00 meters in

d. Location – In Group H and I Occupancies, outlets shall be located as follows: one (1) on each side of
the stage, one (1) at the rear of the auditorium, and one (1) at the rear of the balcony. Where
occupant loads are less than five hundred (500) the above requirements may be waived; Provided,
that portable fire extinguishers of appropriate capacity and type are installed within easy access from
the said locations. In Group B, C, D, E, F and G Occupancies, the location of all interior wet
standpipes shall be in accordance with the requirement for dry standpipes; Provided, that at least
one (1) standpipe is installed to cover not more than 650 sq. meters.

e. Outlets. All interior wet standpipes shall be equipped with a 38 millimeter valve in each storey,
including the basement or cellar of the building, and located not less than 300 millimeters nor
more than 1.20 meters above the floor.

f. Threads. All those threads used in connection with the installation of such standpipes, including
valves and reducing fittings shall be uniform with that prescribed by the Secretary.

g. Water Supply. All interior wet standpipes shall be connected to a street main not less than 100
millimeters in diameter, or when the water pressure is insufficient, to a water tank of sufficient size as
provided in subparagraph (h). When more than one (1) interior wet standpipe is required in the
building, such standpipe shall be connected at their bases or at their tops by pipes of equal size.

h. Pressure and Gravity Tanks – Tanks shall have a capacity sufficient to furnish at least 1,500 liters per
minute for a period of not less than 10 minutes. Such tanks shall be located so as to provide not less
than 2 kilograms per square centimeter pressure at the topmost base outlet for its entire supply.
Discharge pipes from pressure tanks shall extend 50 millimeters into and above the bottom of such
tanks. All tanks shall be tested in place after installation and proved tight at a hydrostatic pressure
50% in excess of the working pressure required. Where such tanks are used for domestic purposes
the supply pipe for such purposes shall be located at or above the center line of such tanks.
Incombustible supports shall be provided for all such supply tanks and not less than a 900 millimeters
clearance shall be maintained over the top and under the bottom of all pressure tanks.

i. Fire pumps. Fire pumps shall have a capacity of not less than 1,000 liters per minute with a
pressure not less than 2 kilograms per square centimeter at the topmost hose outlet. The source of
supply for such pump shall be a street water main of not less than 100 millimeters diameter or a well
or cistern containing a one-hour supply. Such pumps shall be supplied with an adequate source of
power and shall be automatic in operation.

j. Hose and Hose Reels – Each hose outlet of all interior wet standpipes shall be supplied with a
hose not less than 38 millimeters in diameter. Such hose shall be equipped with a suitable brass or
bronze nozzle and shall be not over 23.00 meters in length. An approved standard form of wall hose
reel or rack shall be provided for the hose and shall be located so as to make the hose readily
accessible at all times and shall be recessed in the walls or protected by suitable cabinets.

4. Basement Pipe Inlets – Basement pipe inlets shall be installed in the first (1st) floor of every store,
warehouse, or factory where there are cellars or basements under same; Except, where in such

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cellars or basements there is installed a fire-extinguishing system as specified in the Code or where
such cellars or basements are used for banking purposes, safe deposit vaults, or similar uses.

a. Material – All basement pipe inlets shall be of cast iron, steel, brass, or bronze with lids of cast brass
or bronze and shall consist of a sleeve not less than 200 millimeters in diameter through the floor
extending to and flush with the ceiling below and with a top flange, recessed with an inside shoulder,
to receive the lid and flush with the finished floor surface. The lid shall be a solid casting and shall
have a ring lift recessed on the top thereof, so as to be flushed. The lid shall have the words “FOR
FIRE DEPARTMENT ONLY, DO NOT COVER UP” cast on the top thereof. The lid shall be installed
in such a manner as to permit its removal readily from the inlet.

b. Location. Basement pipe inlets shall be strategically located and kept readily accessible at all
times to the Fire Department.

5. Approval – All fire-extinguishing systems, including automatic sprinklers, wet and dry standpipes,
automatic chemical extinguishers, basement pipe inlets, and the appurtenances thereto shall meet
the approval of the Fire Department as to installation and location and shall be subject to such
periodic test as it may require.

SECTION 1213. Stages and Platform

1. Stage Ventilators – There shall be one (1) or more ventilators constructed of metal or other
incombustible material near the center and above the highest part of any working stage raised above
the stage roof and having a total ventilation area equal to at least 5% of the floor area within the stage
walls. The entire equipment shall conform to the following requirements:

a. Opening Action – Ventilators shall open by spring action or force of gravity sufficient to overcome
the effects of neglect, rust, dirt, or expansion by heat or warping of the framework.

b. Glass – Glass, if used in ventilators, must be protected against falling on the stage. A wire
screen, if used under the glass, must be so placed that if clogged it cannot reduce the required
ventilating area or interfere with the operating mechanism or obstruct the distribution of water
from the automatic fire extinguishing systems.

c. Design – Ventilators, penthouses, and supporting framework shall be designed in accordance

with the Code.

d. Spring Actuation – Springs, when employed to actuate ventilator doors, shall be capable of
maintaining full required tension indefinitely. Springs shall not be stressed more than 50% of their
rated capacity and shall not be located directly in the air stream, nor exposed to elements.

e. Location of Fusible Links – A fusible link shall be placed in the cable control system on the
underside of the ventilator at or above the roof line or as approved by the Building Official, and
shall be so located as not to be affected by the operation of fire-extinguishing systems.

f. Control – Remote, manual or electrical control shall provide for both opening and closing of the
ventilator doors for periodic testing and shall be located at a point on the stage designated by the
Building Official. When remote control of ventilator is electrical, power failure shall not affect its
instant operation in the event of fire. Hand winches may be employed to facilitate operation of
manually controlled ventilators.

2. Gridirons –
a. Gridirons, fly galleries, and pin-rails shall be constructed of incombustible materials and fire
protection of steel and iron may be omitted. Gridirons and fly galleries shall be designed to

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support a live load of not less than 367 kilograms per sq. meter. Each loft block well shall be
designed to support 373 kilograms per linear meter and the head block well shall be designed to
support the aggregate weight of all the loft block wells served. The head block well must be
provided with an adequate strongback or lateral brace to offset torque.

b. The main counterweight sheave beam shall be designed to support a horizontal and vertical
uniformly distributed live load sufficient to accommodate the weight imposed by the total number
of loft blocks in the gridiron. The sheave blocks shall be designed to accommodate the maximum
load for the loft or head blocks served with a safety factor of five (5).

3. Rooms Accessory to Stage – In a building having a stage, the dressing room sections, workshops,
and storerooms shall be located on the stage side of the proscenium wall and shall be separated from
each other and from the stage by not less than a One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation.

4. Proscenium Walls – A stage shall be completely separated from the auditorium by a proscenium wall
of not less than two-hour incombustible construction. The proscenium wall shall extend not less than
1.20 meters above the roof over the auditorium. Proscenium walls may have, in addition to the main
proscenium openings, one (1) opening at the orchestra pit level and not more than two (2) openings
at the stage floor level, each of which shall be not more than 2.00 sq. meters in area. All openings in
the proscenium wall of stage shall be protected by a fire assembly having a one and one-half - hour
fire-resistive rating. The proscenium opening, which shall be the main opening for viewing
performances, shall be provided with a self-closing fire-resistive curtain as specified in the Code.

5. Stage Floor – The type of construction for stage floors shall depend upon the requirements based on
the Type of Occupancy and the corresponding fire-resistive requirements. All parts of the stage floor
shall be designed to support not less than 620 kilograms per square meters. Openings through stage
floors shall be equipped with tight-fitting trap doors of wood of not less than 50 millimeters nominal

6. Platforms – The type of construction for platforms shall depend upon the requirements based on the
Type of Occupancy and corresponding fire-resistive requirements. Enclosed platforms shall be
provided with one (1) or more ventilators conforming to the requirements of stage ventilators; Except,
that the total area shall be equal to 5% of the area of the platform. When more than one (1) ventilator
is provided, they shall be so spaced as to provide proper exhaust ventilation. Ventilators shall not be
required for enclosed platforms having a floor area of 45.00 sq. meters or less.

7. Stage Exits – At least one (1) exit not less than 900 millimeters wide shall be provided from each side
of the stage opening directly or by means of a passageway not less than 900 millimeters in width to a
street or exit court. An exit stair not less than 750 millimeters wide shall be provided for egress from
each fly gallery. Each tier of dressing rooms shall be provided with at least two (2) means of egress
each not less than 750 millimeters wide and all such stairs shall be constructed in accordance with
the requirement specified in the Code. The stairs required in this Sub-section need not be enclosed.

SECTION 1214. Motion Picture Projection Rooms

1. General Requirements – The provisions of this Section shall apply only where ribbon type motion
picture films in excess of 22-millimeter width and electric projection equipment are used. Every
motion picture machine using ribbon type film in excess of 22 millimeter width and electric arc
projections equipment, together with all electrical devices, rheostats, machines, and all such films
present in any Group C, I, or H Occupancy, shall be enclosed in a projection room large enough to
permit the operator to walk freely on either side and back of the machine.

2. Construction – Every projection room shall be of not les than one-hour fire-resistive construction
throughout and the walls and ceiling shall be finished with incombustible materials. The ceiling shall
be not less than 2.40 meters from the finished floor. The room shall have a floor area of not less than
7.00 sq. meters and 3.50 sq. meters for each additional machine.

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3. Exit – Every projection room shall have at least two doorways separated by not less than one-third
the perimeter of the room, each at least 750 millimeters wide and 2.00 meters high. All entrances to
a projection room shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a three-fourth - hour fire-
resistive rating. Such doors shall open outward and lead to proper exits as required in the Code and
shall not be equipped with any latch. The maximum width of such door shall be 750 millimeters.

4. Ports and Openings – Ports in projection room walls shall be of three (3) kinds: projection ports;
observation ports; and combination ports used for both observation and for stereopticon, spot or
floodlight machines.

a. Ports Required – There shall be provided for each motion picture projector not more than one (1)
projection port, which shall be limited in area to 750 sq. centimeters, and not more than one (1)
observation port, which shall be limited in area to 1,300 sq. centimeters. There shall be not more
than three (3) combination ports, each of which shall not exceed 750 millimeters by 600 millimeters.
Each port opening shall be completely covered with a pane of glass; Except, that when acetate
safety film is used, projection ports may be increased in size to an area not to exceed 4,500 sq.

b. Shutters – Each port and every other opening in projection room walls, including, any fresh-air inlets
but excluding exit doors and exhaust ducts, shall be provided with a shutter of not less than 2.4
millimeters thick sheet metal or its equivalent large enough to overlap at least 25 millimeters on all
sides of such openings. Shutters shall be arranged to slide without binding in guides constructed of
material equal to the shutters in strength and fire-resistance. Each shutter shall be equipped with a
74 fusible link, which when fused by heat will cause closure of the shutter by gravity. Shutters of a
size greater than 1,300 sq. centimeters shall be equipped with a counter-balance. There shall also
be a fusible link located over the upper magazine of each projector, which upon operating, will close
all the shutters. In addition, there shall be provided suitable means for manually closing all shutters
simultaneously from any projector head and from a point within the projection room near each exit
door. Shutters on openings not in use shall be kept closed; Except, that shutters may be omitted
when only acetate safety film is used.

5. Ventilation

a. Inlet – A fresh-air inlet from the exterior of the building not less than 900 sq. centimeters and
protected with wire netting, shall be installed within 50 millimeters of the floor in every projection
room, the source of which shall be remote from other outside vents or flues.

b. Outlets – Ventilation shall be provided by one (1) or more mechanical exhaust systems which shall
draw air from each arc lamp housing to out-doors either directly or through an incombustible flue used
for no other purpose. Exhaust capacity shall not be less than 0.50 cu. meter nor more than 1.40 cu.
meter per minute for each arc lamp plus 5.60 cu. meters for the room itself. Systems shall be
controlled from within the enclosure and shall have pilot lights to indicate operation. The exhaust
systems serving the projection room may be extended to cover rooms associated therewith such as
rewind rooms. No dampers shall be installed in such exhaust systems. Ventilation of these rooms
shall not be connected in any way with ventilating or air-conditioning systems serving other portions
of the building. Exhaust ducts shall be of incombustible material and shall either be kept 25
millimeters from combustible material or covered with 10 millimeters of incombustible heat-insulating

6. Regulation of Equipment – All shelves, fixtures, and fixed equipment in a projection room shall be
constructed of incombustible materials. All films not in actual use shall be stored in metal cabinets
having individual compartments for reels or shall be in generally accepted shipping containers. No
solder shall be used in the construction of such cabinets.

SECTION 1215. Lathing, Plastering, and Installation of Wall Boards

The installation of lath, plaster and gypsum wall board shall conform to the fire-resistive rating
requirements and the type of construction of building.
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SECTION 1301. Electrical Regulations

All electrical systems, equipment and installations mentioned in the Code shall conform to the
provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 (PEC-1) and Part 2 (PEC-2), as adopted by the Board
of Electrical Engineering pursuant to Republic Act 7920, otherwise known as the Philippine Electrical
Engineering Law.

1. Overhead Service Entrance

In Subdivisions, Housing Projects, Commercial and Industrial Buildings, overhead transmission and
distribution voltages are required to supply power source including transformers, poles and
supporting structures.

2. Attachments on and Clearances from Buildings

a. An Attachment Plan approved by professional electrical engineer shall cover power lines and
cables, transformers and other electrical equipment installed on or in buildings and shall be
submitted to the local Building Official.

b. Where building/s exceed 15.00 meters in height, overhead lines shall be arranged where
practicable so that clear space or zone at least 1.80 meters (horizontal) will be left adjacent to the
building or beginning not over 2.45 meters (horizontal) from the building, to facilitate the raising of
ladders where necessary for fire fighting.

EXCEPTION: This requirement does not apply where it is the rule of the local fire department to
exclude the use of ladders in alleys or other restricted places, which are
generally occupied by supply lines.

3. Open Supply Conductors Attached to Buildings

Where the permanent attachment of open supply conductors to any class of buildings is necessary
for service entrance, such conductors shall meet the following requirements:

a. Conductors of more than 300 volts to ground shall not be carried along or near the surface of the
building unless they are guarded or made inaccessible.

b. To promote safety to the general public and to employees not authorized to approach conductors
and other current-carrying parts of electric supply lines, such parts shall be arranged so as to
provide adequate clearance from the ground or other space generally accessible, or shall be
provided with guards so as to isolate persons effectively from accidental contact.

c. Ungrounded service conduits, metal fixtures and similar noncurrent-carrying parts, if located in
urban districts and where liable to become charged to more than 300 volts to ground, shall be
isolated or guarded so as not to be exposed to accidental contact by unauthorized persons. As
an alternative to isolation or guarding noncurrent-carrying parts shall be solidly or effectively

d. Service drops passing over a roof shall be securely supported by substantial structures. Where
practicable, such supports shall be independent of the building.

4. Conductors Passing By or Over Buildings

a. Unguarded or accessible supply conductors carrying voltages in excess of 300 volts may be
either beside or over buildings. The vertical or horizontal clearance to any buildings or its
attachments (balconies, platforms, etc.) shall be as listed in Table XIII.1. The horizontal
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clearance governs above the roof level to the point where the diagonal equals the vertical
clearance requirements. This Rule should not be interpreted as restricting the installation of a
trolley contact conductor over the approximate centerline of the track it serves. (Figure XIII.1.)

b. Supply conductors of 300 volts or more, when placed near enough to windows, verandas, fire
escapes, or other ordinarily accessible places, shall be properly guarded by grounded conduit
and barriers.

c. Where the required clearances cannot be obtained, supply conductors shall be grouped or
bundled and supported by grounded messenger wires.

5. Clearance of Service Drops

a. Service drop conductors shall not be readily accessible and when not in excess of 600 volts, shall
conform to the following:

i. Conductors shall have a clearance of not less than 2.50 meters from the highest point of
roofs over which they pass with the following exceptions:

(a) Where the voltage between conductors does not exceed 300 volts and the roof has a
slope of not less than 100 millimeters in 300 millimeters, the clearance may not be less
than 1.00 meter.

(b) Service drop conductors of 300 volts or less which do not pass over other than a
maximum of 1.20 meters of the overhang portion of the roof for the purpose of
terminating at a through-the-roof service raceway or approved support may be
maintained at a minimum of 500 millimeters from any portion of the roof over which
they pass.

b. Conductors shall have a clearance of not less than 3.00 meters from the ground or from any
platform or projection from which they might be reached.

c. Conductors shall have a horizontal clearance of not less than 1.00 meter from windows, doors,
porches, fire escapes, or similar locations and shall be run less than 1.00 meter above the top
level of a window or opening.

d. Service drop of conductors, when crossing a street, shall have a clearance of not less than 5.50
meters from the crown of the street or sidewalk over which it passes; and shall have a minimum
clearance of 3.00 meters above ground at its point of attachment to the building or pedestal.

e. No parts of swimming and wading pools shall be placed under existing service drop conductors or
any other overhead wiring; nor shall such wiring be installed above the following:

i. Swimming and wading pools and the area extending 3.00 meters outward horizontally from
the inside of the walls of the pool;
ii. Diving structures;
iii. Observation stands, towers or platforms.

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TABLE XIII.1. Clearance of Wires, Conductors, Cables and Unguarded Rigid Energized Parts
Adjacent but not Attached to Buildings and Other Installations Except Bridges

Supply Unguarded rigid Supply Open Unguarded
cables of energized parts, cables over supply rigid
conductors and
0 to 750 0 to 750 V; non- 750 V; open conductors, energized
V insulated supply over 750 V parts, over
Clearance of messengers;
communication conductors, to 22 kV 750 V to 22
surge protection
conductors 0 to 750 V kV
wires; grounded
guys; neutral
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

1. Buildings

a. Horizontal
(1) To walls, 1400 1500 1500 1700 2300 2000
projection and
guarded windows
(2) To unguarded 1400 1500 1500 1700 2300 2000
(3) To balconies 1400 1500 1500 1700 2300 2000
and areas readily

b. Vertical

(1) Over or under 900 1070 3000 3200 3800 3600

roofs or projections
not readily
accessible to
(2) Over or under 3200 3400 3400 3500 4100 4000
balconies and roofs
readily accessible
to pedestrians
(3) Over roofs 3200 3400 3400 3500 4100 4000
accessible to
vehicles but not
subject to truck
(4) Over roofs 4700 4900 4900 5000 5600 5500
accessible to truck

2. Signs, chimneys,
billboards, radio
and television
antennas, and
other installations
not classified as
buildings or bridges

a. Horizontal 900 1070 1500 1700 2300 2000

b. Vertical over or 900 1070 1700 1800 2450 2300


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H V1


H – Minimum horizontal clearance

V – Minimum vertical clearance, measured
either diagonally or vertically
V1 - Transition
V1 = V

Figure XIII.1.


6. Wiring Methods

Service entrance conductors extending along the exterior or entering buildings or other structures
shall be installed in rigid steel conduit or concrete encased plastic conduit from point of service drop
to meter base and from meter base to the disconnecting equipment. However, where the service
entrance conductors are protected by approved fuses or breakers at their terminals (immediately after
the service drop or lateral) they may be installed in any of the recognized wiring methods as provided
by PEC-1.

a. Abandoned lines and/or portions of lines no longer required to provide service shall be removed.

b. Power pole, lines, service drop and other line equipment shall be free from any attachment for
antennas, signs, streamers and the like.

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7. Transformers

a. Oil-insulated transformers rated more than 15 kV between conductors shall be installed inside a
transformer vault.

b. Dry-type and other transformers with non-flammable insulation shall be installed in a transformer

c. Transformers shall be guarded as follows:

i. Appropriate provisions shall be made to minimize the possibility of damage to transformers

from external causes where the transformers are located exposed to physical damage.

ii. Dry-type transformers shall be provided with a non-combustible moisture resistant case or
enclosure which will provide reasonable protection against accidental insertion of foreign

iii. The transformer installation shall conform to the provisions for guarding of live parts in

iv. The operating voltage of exposed live parts of transformer installations shall be indicated by
signs or visible markings on the equipment or structures.

8. Provisions for Transformer Vault

a. A transformer vault when required, shall be constructed in accordance with PEC-1 latest edition.

b. Transformers and transformer vaults shall be accessible only to qualified personnel for inspection
and maintenance.

c. Adequate ventilation shall be provided for the transformer vault.

9. Capacitor

a. This applies to installation of capacitors on electric circuits in buildings.

EXCEPTION: 1. Capacitors that are component of other apparatus shall conform to the
requirements for such apparatus.

2. Capacitors in hazardous locations shall comply with additional requirements

as prescribed in PEC-1.

b. Installation of capacitors in which any single unit contains more than 11 liters of flammable liquid
shall be in a vault or outdoor fence enclosures complying with PEC-1.

c. Capacitors shall be protected from physical damage by location or by suitable fences, barriers or
other enclosures.

d. Capacitors shall be provided with non-combustible cases and supports.

10. Emergency Power Systems

a. Shall provide electric power for the safety to life and property when normal electric power supply
is interrupted.

b. Shall have adequate capacity for the operation of the emergency load.

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c. For hospitals, the transition time to transfer power supply from the instant of interruption of normal
power supply to the emergency supply shall not exceed 10 seconds.

11. Electrical Room

a. An adequate space or area shall be provided at load centers where panel boards, breakers,
switchgears and other electrical equipment are installed.

12. Service Equipment

a. An adequate space or area shall be provided for the service equipment that shall be located in a
readily accessible area, either inside or the outside walls of the building.

13. Metering Facilities

a. Metering Vault, when required for primary service, shall be provided with natural or artificial

b. Metering space shall be provided for single metering or multi-metering centers for secondary

SECTION 1302. Mechanical Regulations

1. All mechanical systems, equipment and installations mentioned in the Code shall conform to the
provisions of the Philippine Mechanical Code, as adopted by the Board of Mechanical Engineering
pursuant to RA 8495 as amended, otherwise known as the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Law.

2. Guarding of Moving and Dangerous Parts

All prime movers, machines and machine parts, power transmission equipment shall be so guarded,
shielded, fenced or enclosed to protect any person against exposure to or accidental contact with
dangerous moving parts.

3. Cranes

a. Adequate means like ladders, stairs or platforms shall be provided for cranes having revolving
cabs or machine houses, to permit the operator to enter or leave the crane cab and reach the
ground safely, irrespective of its position. If a step-over is provided, the gap must not exceed 300

b. A gong or other effective warning device shall be mounted on each cage or cab.

c. Temporary crane operation without warning device may be allowed provided there is a flagman
whose sole duty is to warn those in the path of the crane or its load.

d. The maximum rated load of all cranes shall be plainly marked on each side of the crane. If the
crane has more than one hoisting unit, each hoist shall have marked on it or its load block, its
rated capacity clearly legible from the ground or floor.

4. Hoists

a. Operating control shall be plainly marked to indicate the direction of travel and provided with an
effective warning device.

b. Each hoist designed to lift its load vertically shall have its rated load legibly marked on the hoist or
load block or at some easily visible space.

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c. A stop, which shall operate automatically, shall be provided at each switch, dead end rail or
turntable to prevent the trolley running off when the switch is open.

d. Each electric hoist motor shall be provided with electrically or mechanically operated brake so
arranged that the brake will be applied automatically when the power is cut off from the hoist.

5. Elevators

Elevators shall be installed in all private and public buildings for public use accessible to disabled
persons, pursuant to the objectives of Batas Pambansa Bilang 344 (Accessibility Law).

a. Hoistway for elevators shall be substantially enclosed throughout their height, with no openings
allowed except for necessary doors, windows or skylights.

b. Ropes, wires or pipes shall not be installed in hoistways, except when necessary for the
operation of the elevators.

c. Hoistway pits shall be of such depth that when the car rests on the fully compressed buffers, a
clearance of not less than 600 millimeters remains between the underside of the car and the
bottom of the pit.
d. When four (4) or more elevators serve all or the same portion of a building, they shall be located
in not less than two (2) hoistways and in no case shall more than four (4) elevators be located in
any one hoistway.

e. Where a machine room or penthouse is provided at the top of a hoistway, it shall be constructed
with sufficient room for repair and inspection. Access shall be by means of an iron ladder or
stairs when the room is more than 600 millimeters above the adjacent floor or roof surface. The
angle of inclination of such ladder or stairs shall not exceed 60 from the horizontal. This room
shall not be used as living quarters or depository of other materials and shall be provided with
adequate ventilation.

f. Minimum number of hoisting ropes shall be three (3) for traction elevators and two (2) for drum
type elevators.

g. The minimum diameter of hoisting and counterweight ropes shall be 30 millimeters.

h. Elevators shall be provided with Fall-Free Safety Device, over-load switch and reverse polarity

i. In apartments or residential condominiums of five (5) storeys or more, at least one (1) passenger
elevator shall be kept on twenty-four (24) hour constant service.

6. Escalators

a. The angle of inclination of an escalator shall not exceed 30 from the horizontal.

b. The width between balustrades shall not be less than 560 millimeters nor more than 1.20 meters.
This width shall not exceed the width of the steps by more than 330 millimeters.

c. Solid balustrades of incombustible material shall be provided on each side of the moving steps. If
made of glass, it shall be of tempered type glass.

d. The rated speed, measured along the angle of inclination, shall be not more than 38 meters per

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7. Boilers and Pressure Vessels

a. Location of Boilers

i. Boilers may be located inside buildings provided that the boiler room is of reinforced
concrete or masonry and that the boiler room shall not be used for any other purpose. No
part of the boiler shall be closer than 1.00 meter from any wall and shall have at least two
(2) separate exits.

ii. In case the main building is not made up of fire resistive materials, boilers shall be located
outside the building at a distance of not less than 3.00 meters from the outside wall of the
main building and the building housing the boiler shall be made up of fire-resistive

b. Smokestacks, whether self-supporting or guyed, shall be of sufficient capacity to handle fuel

gases, shall be able to withstand a wind load of 175 kilometers per hour and shall rise at least
5.00 meters above the eaves of any building within a radius of 50.00 meters.

c. Manufacturers/assemblers of boilers/pressure vessels/pressurized water heaters shall stamp each

vessel on the front head or on any other suitable location with the name of the manufacturer,
serial number, year of manufacture maximum allowable working pressure, heating surface in sq.
meters, and thickness of shell.

d. Boilers of more than 46.00 sq. meters heating surface shall each be provided with two (2) means
of feeding water, one (1) steam driven and one (1) electrically driven, or one (1) pump and one
(1) injector.

e. Two (2) check valves shall be provided between any feed pump and the boiler in addition to the
regular shut-off valve.

f. Where two (2) or more boilers are connected in parallel, each steam outlet shall be provided with
a non-return valve and a shut-off valve.

g. In no case shall the maximum pressure of an existing boiler be increased to a greater pressure
than would be allowed for a new boiler of same construction.

h. Each boiler shall have at least one (1) safety valve. For boilers having more than 46.00 sq.
meters of water heating surface or a generating capacity exceeding 910 kilograms per hour, two
(2) or more safety valves shall be required.

i. Each boiler shall have a steam gauge, with a dial range of not less than one and one-half times
and not more than twice the maximum allowable working pressure. It may be connected to the
steam space or to the steam connection to the water column.

j. Repairs/replacements on any parts shall comply with the applicable section on New Installation of
Boilers/Pressure Vessels of the Philippine Mechanical Code.

k. Upon the completion of the installation, the Building Official shall conduct an inspection and test,
and if found complying with requirements, a certificate of operation for a period not exceeding one
(1) year shall be issued after payment of the required inspection fees.

l. After a permit has been granted to install a boiler/pressure vessel/pressurized water heater upon
payment of the installation fees therefore, it shall be the duty of the Building Official to make
periodic inspection of the installation to determine compliance with the approved plans and

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m. The Building Official shall notify the owner in writing of the intended date of the annual inspection
at least fifteen (15) days in advance but not to exceed thirty (30) days from the intended date of

n. The owner/user shall prepare the boiler(s) for inspection and provide all labor and equipment
required during said inspection.

8. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

a. The effective temperature and relative humidity of the air to be used for comfortable cooling shall
be maintained at 20Celsius to 24Celsius and 50% to 60%, respectively, with 4.60 to 7.60
meters per minute air movement within the living zone.

b. Water from evaporators, condensers and other machinery shall be properly collected into a
suitable water or drainage system.

c. Ducts shall be constructed entirely of non-combustible materials such as steel, iron, aluminum or
other approved materials. Only fire retardant lining shall be used on the inside of ducts.

d. Access doors shall be provided at all automatic dampers, fire dampers, thermostats and other
apparatus requiring service and inspection in the duct system.

e. Where ducts pass thru walls, floors or partitions, the space around the duct shall be sealed with
fire resistant material equivalent to that of the wall, floor or partition, to prevent the passage of
flame or smoke.
f. When ducts or their outlets or inlets pass through firewalls, they shall be provided with automatic
fire dampers that automatically close on both sides of the firewall through which they pass.

g. Fire doors and fire dampers shall be arranged to close automatically and remain tightly closed,
upon the operation of a fusible link or other approved heat actuated device, located where readily
affected by an abnormal rise of temperature in the duct.

h. Each refrigerating system shall be provided with a legible metal sign permanently attached and
easily noticeable, indicating thereon the name of manufacturer or installer, kind and total number
of kilograms of refrigerant contained in the system and applied field test pressure applied.

i. In refrigerating plants of more than 45 kilograms, refrigerant, masks and helmets shall be used.
These shall be kept in a suitable cabinet outside the machine room when not in use.

j. Not more than 140 kilograms of refrigerant in approved containers shall be stored in a machine
room at any given time.

k. Where ammonia is used, the discharge may be into tank of water, which shall be used for no
other purpose except ammonia absorption. At least 1 liter of water shall be provided for every
120 gallons of ammonia in the system.

l. In a refrigerating system containing more than 9 kilograms, stop valves shall be installed in inlets
and outlets of compressors, outlets of liquid receivers, and in liquid and suction branch headers.

m. Window type air conditioners shall be provided with drainpipe or plastic tubing for discharging
condensate water into a suitable container or discharge line.

n. Window type air conditioners shall be provided with exhaust ducts if the exhaust is discharged
into corridors/hallways/arcades/sidewalks, etc., and shall be installed at not less than 2.10 meters
above the floor level.

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9. Water Pumping for Buildings/Structures

a. Installation of pumping equipment to supply buildings/structures directly from existing water

supply system shall not be allowed. An underground water tank or cistern must be filled by
gravity flow from the water supply system, from where pumps can be installed.

b. To maintain water pressure in all floors of a building/structure, the following systems may be

i. Overhead tank supply – may be installed above the roof supported by the
building/structure or on a separate tower.

(a) Water tanks shall be provided with a vent and an overflow pipe leading to a storm drain
and shall be fully covered.

ii. Pneumatic tank – an unfired pressure vessel, initially full of air, into which water from mains
is pumped.

(a) A suitable pressure switch shall stop the pump when pressure required is attained.

(b) Tanks shall be designed for twice the maximum total dynamic pressure required.

(c) An air volume control device shall be installed to maintain correct air volume inside the

10. Pipings for Fuel, Gas and Steam

a. Piping shall, as much as possible, run parallel to building walls.

b. Grouped piping shall be supported on racks, on either horizontal or vertical planes.

c. Piping on racks shall have sufficient space for pipe or chain wrenches so that any single line can
be altered/repaired/replaced without disturbing the rest.

d. Piping 100 millimeters in diameter and above shall be flanged. Smaller sized pipes may be

e. Piping subjected to varying temperatures shall be provided with expansion joints.

f. Galvanized piping shall not be used for steam.

g. Piping carrying steam, hot water or hot liquids shall not be embedded in concrete walls or floors
and shall be properly insulated.

h. Piping carrying propane, butane and other gas which are heavier than air, shall be provided with
automatic shut-off devices. The automatic shut-off device is most effective if provided to each
burner before the flexible connection.

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11. Identification of piping by color and tag shall be as follows:

Material Piped Pipe Color Pipe Identification

Acetylene Orange Acetylene

Acid Yellow Acid
Air-High pressure Yellow H.P. Air
Air-Low Pressure Green L.P. Air
Ammonia Yellow Ammonia
Argon-Low Pressure Green L.P. Argon
Blast Furnace Glass Orange B.F.Gas
Carbon Dioxide Red Carbon Dioxide
Gasoline Orange Gasoline
Grease Orange Grease
Helium-Low Pressure Green L.P. Helium
Hydrogen Orange Hydrogen
Nitrogen-Low Pressure Green L.P.-Nitrogen
Oxygen Orange Oxygen
Oil Orange Oil
Steam-High Pressure Yellow H.P.Steam
Steam-Low Pressure Yellow L.P. Steam
Tar Orange Tar
Producer Gas Orange Producer Gas
Liquid Petroleum Gas Orange L. P. Gas
Vacuum-High Orange High Vacuum
Water-Boiler Feed Yellow Boiler Feed Water
Water-Cold Green Cold Water
Water-Distilled Green Distilled Water
Water (Fire Service) Red Fire Service Water
Water-Hot Yellow Hot Water
Water-Low-Pressure Green L.P. Water
(Excl. Of fire Service)
Water-High Pressure Yellow H.P. Water

(Excl. of Fire service)

Water-Treated Green Treated Water
Oil and Water Green Oil and Water
(For hydraulic system)
Oil and Water Orange Oil and Water
(For hydraulic system)

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SECTION 1401. Storage and Handling

1. Storage rooms of unexposed photographic and x-ray films shall be provided with automatic fire
extinguishing systems in the following cases:

a. When unexposed films in generally accepted safety shipping containers exceed the aggregate of
14.00 cu. meters;

b. Where shelving used for storage of individual packages not in said shipping containers exceeds
1.40 cu. meters in capacity; and

c. Storage is not in generally accepted safety shipping containers in any section not exceeding
14.00 cu. meters.

2. Film negatives in storage or in process of handling shall be kept in heavy Manila envelopes, not
exceeding twelve (12) films to an envelope. Expanding envelopes shall not be used.

3. Film negatives shall be kept in properly insulated vented cabinets, vented storage vaults or outside
storage houses. Not more than 110 kilograms shall be stored in any single cabinet. Where the film
stored exceeds 450 kilograms, it shall be in vented storage vaults or in a detached structure or roof
vault. Door openings in vaults shall be of four-hour fire-resistive construction and shall be kept closed
except when in use.

4. Only incandescent electric light shall be permitted; protected with substantial wire guards or vapor
proof globes or both. Portable lights on extension cords are prohibited. Conspicuous “NO
SMOKING” signs shall be posted.

5. No films shall be stored within 600 millimeters of steam pipes, chimneys, or other sources of heat.

6. There shall be first aid provisions of types using water or water solutions. Discarded films shall be
stored and handled in the same manner as other films until removed from the premises.

SECTION 1402. Classes of Film Exempted

1. The provisions of this Section do not apply to the following: film for amateur photographic use in
original packages of “roll” and “film pack” films in quantities of less than 1.40 cu. meters; safety film;
dental X-ray film; establishments manufacturing photographic films and their storage incidental
thereto; and films stored or being used in standard motion picture booths.

2. Safety photographic X-ray film may be identified by the marking on the edge of the film.

SECTION 1403. Fire Extinguishing System

Unless otherwise provided in the Code, all fire extinguishing systems when so required shall be of a
type, specifications, and methods of installation as prescribed in accordance with the requirements of the

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SECTION 1501. Prefabricated Assembly

1. Prefabricated assembly is a structural unit, the integral parts of which have been built-up or
assembled prior to incorporation in the building. It shall be made of pre-cast concrete, various metal
components, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) or other construction materials acceptable to the

2. To determine the structural adequacy, durability, soundness, weather and fire resistance of pre-
fabricated assemblies, they shall pass the special tests conducted by any accredited material testing

3. Every device or system to connect prefabricated assemblies shall be capable of developing the
strength of the different members as an integral structure. Except, in the case of members forming
part of a structural frame as specified in the Code and this IRR.

4. Anchorages and connections between members and the supporting elements of the structure or walls
shall be capable of withstanding all probable external and internal forces or other conditions for a
structurally adequate construction.

5. In structural design, proper allowances shall be made for any material to be displayed or removed for
the installation of pipes, conduits, or other equipment.

6. Metal and uPVC prefabricated assembly shall be adequately provided with anchorage and

7. Placement of prefabricated assemblies shall be inspected to determine compliance with the Code.

8. During the placement of the prefabricated assembly, a safety engineer shall be required at the site.

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SECTION 1601. Approved Plastics

Approved plastic materials shall be those which have a flame-spread rating of two hundred twenty
five (225) or less and a smoke density not greater than that obtained from the burning of untreated wood
under similar conditions when tested in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices. The
products of combustion shall be no more toxic than the burning of untreated wood under similar

SECTION 1602. Installation

1. Structural Requirements – All plastic materials shall be of adequate strength and durability to
withstand the prescribed design loads. Sufficient and substantial technical data shall be submitted to
establish stresses, maximum unsupported spans, and such other information as may be deemed
necessary for the various thicknesses and forms used.

2. Fastenings – Fastenings shall be adequate to withstand design loads and internal and external
stresses required of the assembly. Proper allowances of plastic materials in conjunction with other
materials with which it is assembled or integrated shall be provided.

SECTION 1603. Glazing of Openings

1. The location of doors, sashes and framed openings glazed or equipped with approved plastics at the
exterior walls of a building shall be so arranged that in case of fire, the occupants may use such
openings to escape from the building to a place of safety. The travel distance from any point of the
building towards the location of such openings should not be over 45.00 meters in any place of
assembly for spaces not protected by automatic fire suppression and 60.00 meters in areas so

2. Openings glazed with approved plastics at the ground floor shall be so located such that it shall open
directly to a street or into an exit court. Such openings at the upper floor shall be so located at a
horizontal distance not less than 3.00 meters from the enclosed stairway, outside stairway or exit
passageway leading to a street or into an exit court.

3. The use of plastic doors, sashes and framings of openings for Group A to I Occupancies may be
allowed except for entrance doors and exit doors which should be of materials other than plastics
permitted by the Code.

4. The size of openings glazed with approved plastics shall have a minimum dimension where one
person could pass through or 600 millimeters square.

5. The maximum size of such openings depends upon the structural strength and the fastening
adequacy requirements of approved plastics being used.

6. The spacing between openings glazed with approved plastics shall have a minimum distance such
that the materials used in between can withstand the vertical and lateral forces within the influence of
such openings. The minimum distance shall be 2.00 meters for all spans.

SECTION 1604. Skylights

1. General – Approved plastics may be used in skylights installed on roofs of Types I, II or III
Constructions and all buildings in these categories shall be equipped with an approved automatic fire-
extinguishing system in Groups A, B, C, E, F, J, H-3 and H-4 Occupancies; Except, that:
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a. Approved plastics may be used in any type of construction or occupancy as a fire venting system
when approved by the Building Official.

b. Plastics may be used in approved skylights in Type II one-hour fire-resistive construction which
are located 300 millimeters or more above the lower flange of the ceiling. The walls of the
skylight well shall be no less fire-resistive than the adjacent ceiling.

c. Where a fire-resistive ceiling is not required in one-storey buildings, approved plastics may be
used in skylights.

2. Installation Requirements

a. Except in Group A Occupancies, no skylight shall be installed within 3.00 meters of a property

b. The edges of dome-type skylights shall be properly flashed.

c. Plastic skylights shall be separated from each other by at least 2.50 meters laterally and 3.00
meters along the slope of the roof.

3. Allowable areas – The area of individual plastic skylights shall not exceed 10.00 square meters. The
total aggregate area of plastics used in skylights, monitors, and sawtooth glazing shall not exceed
20% of the floor area of the room or occupancy sheltered.

4. Curb Requirements – Plastic skylights in roofs having a slope of less than 1 in 3 shall have a 100
millimeters high curb. The curb may be omitted where a wire screen not smaller than No. 12 U.S.
gauge with a mesh not larger than 25 millimeters is provided immediately below the skylight. The
screen shall be substantially mounted below the skylight.

SECTION 1605. Light-Transmitting Panels in Monitors and Sawtooth Roofs

1. General - Where a fire-resistive rating is not required for the roof structure, and in all buildings
provided with an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system, approved plastics may be used with
or without sash as the light-transmitting medium in monitors and sawtooth; Except, that plastics used
in monitors or sawtooth roofs of Type II Construction shall be of materials appropriate to be used
according to flame-spread characteristics.

2. Allowable Areas – The area of individual plastic glazing used in monitors and sawtooth glazing shall
not exceed 15.00 square meters. The total aggregate area of plastics used in skylights, monitors,
and sawtooth glazing shall not exceed 20% of the floor area of the room or occupancy sheltered.

3. Area Separation – The area of such plastic panels shall be separated from each other by a section of
incombustible material or by a section of the roofing material of the structure not less than 1.50
meters in length. The lower edge of the plastic material shall be at least 150 millimeters above the
surface of the adjoining roof surface.

SECTION 1606. Plastic Light Diffusers in Ceilings

1. General – Ceiling light diffusers having an area greater than 10% of any 10.00 sq. meters of room
area shall be of approved plastics conforming to the requirements specified in the Code.

2. Installation – Plastic light diffusers shall be installed in such a manner that they will not readily
become detached when subjected to room temperature of 80C for 15 minutes, Except, for plastic
light diffusers which are installed in the first floor area of Group C Occupancies having egress directly
to the exterior of the building; and plastic light diffusers which are located between an approved
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automatic Fire-extinguishing system and the area to be protected other than public corridors for
Group A, B, C, D, E, G, H, and I Occupancies if tests required by the Secretary have established that
such installation will not interfere with the efficient operation of such automatic fire-extinguishing

SECTION 1607. Partitions

Where partitions are not required to be of fire-resistive or incombustible construction, approved

plastics conforming to the requirements specified in the Code may be used.

SECTION 1608. Exterior Veneer

1. General - Exterior veneer may be of approved plastic materials, and shall conform to the provisions of
this Section.
2. Height - Plastic veneer shall not be attached to any exterior wall above the first storey; Provided,
that plastic veneer may be attached to exterior walls above the first storey of buildings located outside
of highly restrictive Fire Zones; Provided, further that the height of veneer is not in excess of 10.00
meters above the adjacent grade of elevation.
3. Area - Sections of plastic veneer shall not exceed 15.00 sq. meters in area, Except, that in less
restrictive Fire Zones, the area may be increased by 50%.
4. Separation - Sections of plastic veneer shall be separated by a minimum of 1.20 meters vertically
and 600 millimeters horizontally.

SECTION 1609. Awnings and Canopies

1. Plastic materials appropriate for use according to Flame Spread characteristics may be utilized in
awnings and canopies, provided such awnings and canopies are constructed in accordance with
provisions governing projections and appendages as specified in the Code.

2. Approved plastics may be used in awnings where untreated canvass is permitted.

3. Approved plastics may be used in lieu of plain glass in greenhouses in less restrictive Fire Zones.

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SECTION 1701. Sheet Metal Paint Spray Booth

1. Paint spray booths shall be constructed of steel of not less than No. 18 U.S. gauge in thickness and
shall be designed in accordance with the Code.

2. The area of a paint spray booth shall not exceed 150 sq. meters nor 10% of the basic area permitted
for the major use of the building according to its Occupancy Group.

3. The floor of the spray booth and operator’s working area, if combustible, shall be covered with non-
combustible, non sparkling material of such character as to facilitate the safe cleaning and removal of

4. Paint spray booths shall be designed to permit the free passage of exhaust air from all parts of the
interior and all interior surfaces shall be smooth and continuous without outstanding edges.

SECTION 1702. Fire Protection

1. Every spray booth having an open front elevation larger than 1.00 sq. meters and which is not
equipped with doors, shall have a fire curtain or metal deflector not less than 100 millimeters deep
installed at the upper outer edge of the booth opening.

2. Each paint spray booth shall be separated from other operations by not less than 91 centimeters, or
by a greater distance, or by such partition or wall as the Local Fire Service Marshall may require.

SECTION 1703. Light

1. Paint spray booths shall be illuminated through hammered wire or heat-treated glass panels. The
glass panels shall be located in such a manner as to reduce the hazard of ignition caused by paint
spray deposit.

2. When spraying areas are illuminated through glass panels or other transparent materials, only light
units shall be used as source of illumination.

3. Panels shall effectively isolate the spraying area from the area in which the lighting unit is located and
shall be of non-combustible material or such a nature or so protected that breakage will be unlikely.

4. Panels shall be arranged so that normal accumulations of residue on the exposed surface of the
panel will not be raised to a dangerous temperature by radiation or conduction from the source of

SECTION 1704. Ventilation

1. Mechanical ventilation shall be provided direct to the exterior of the building. The mechanical exhaust
system shall be designed to move the air through any portion of the paint spray area at the rate of not
less than 30.00 lineal meters per minute.

2. The blades of exhaust fans shall be constructed of non-ferrous material and shall be mounted in such
a manner as to prevent contact with the exhaust duct.

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3. The motor shall not be mounted in the spray booth or the duct system and belts shall be enclosed
where they enter the booth or duct system.

4. The discharge point for ducts in a paint spray booth shall be not less than 2.00 meters from the
adjoining combustible construction nor less than 8.00 meters from adjoining exterior wall openings;
except, that the discharge point for exhaust ducts is not regulated in a waterwash spray booth.

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SECTION 1801. General Requirements

1. This Rule shall apply to exterior glass and glazing in all Uses/Occupancies except Groups A, B and J
Occupancies not over three (3) storeys in height, and to interior and exterior glass and glazing in all
occupancies subject to human impact.

2. Standards for glass and glazing materials shall conform to the provision on glass dimensional
tolerance, breaking stress level, and design safety factors.

3. Each light (glass panel) shall bear the manufacturer’s label designating the type and thickness of

4. Each light with special performance characteristics such as laminated, heat strengthened, fully
tempered or insulated, shall bear the manufacturer’s identification showing the special characteristics
and thickness by etching or other permanent identification that shall be visible after the glass is

5. Appropriate measures shall be provided to deter persons walking into fixed glass panels where the
floor contiguous thereto on to both sides is approximately the same level.

6. Glass panels not adjacent to wall openings may be made obvious by horizontal bars at guardrail
height, a 450 millimeters opaque bulkhead, distinctive glass such as etched or translucent for
guardrail height, fixed flower bins or other appropriate construction arrangement.

SECTION 1802. Area Limitation

1. Exterior glass and glazing shall be capable of safely withstanding the load due to wind pressure for
various height zones above ground acting inward or outward. The area of individual light shall not be
more than the maximum allowable area of glass according to the wind load multiplied by the
appropriate adjustment factor.

2. Glass panels which are more than 600 millimeters in width and 180 millimeters or more in height
adjacent to wall opening shall be safety glass unless a bulkhead of opaque materials not less than
450 millimeters high is provided.

3. The table provided below shall govern the glass area limitation for use in large area along shopping
malls, commercial buildings, theaters, offices, institutional public buildings and factories other than
Group A, B and J Occupancies.


(millimeter) (meter) (meter)

8 1.10 and below 1.10 and below

10 2.25 and below 2.25 and below
12 3.00 and below 3.00 and below
15 Over 3.00 Over 3.00

SECTION 1803. Glazing

Glass firmly supported on all four (4) edges shall be glazed with minimum laps and edge clearances
in accordance with Section 1801 paragraph (2), Provided, that glass edge clearance in fixed openings
shall be not less than what is required for wind and earthquake drift. For glass not firmly supported on all
four (4) edges and design shall be submitted for approval of the Building Official. Glass supports shall be
considered firm when deflection of the support at design load does not exceed 1/175 of the span.

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SECTION 1804. Louvered Windows

Regular plate, sheet, or patterned glass in jalousies and louvered windows shall not be thinner than
5.6 millimeters minimal and shall not be longer than 1.20 meters. Exposed glass edges shall be smooth.

SECTION 1805. Impact

Frameless glass doors, glass in doors, fixed glass panels, and similar glazed openings which may be
subject to accidental human impact shall conform with the requirements provided under Section 1802 on
impact loads of glass; Except in the following cases:

1. Bathtub and shower enclosures shall be constructed from approved shatter-resistant materials, such
as: wire-reinforced glass not less than 5.6 millimeters thick; fully tempered glass not less than 4.8
millimeters thick; or laminated safety glass not less than 6.4 millimeters thick.

2. Glass lights located not less than 450 millimeters above the adjacent finished floor or walking surface.

3. Glass lights when the least dimension is not greater than 450 millimeters.

4. Glass lights 1.50 sq. meters or less in area.

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SECTION 1901. General Rule

The use of computer for all or any part of the design of buildings under the Code is permitted
provided that all programs to be used are documented.

SECTION 1902. Program Documentation

1. Documenting a program under the Code consists of filing with the OBO a reference to a publication or
publications accessible to him where the detailed description of the program or a brief statement of
the theoretical background of the program including a description of the algorithms used are found.

2. The software name, version number and the company that developed the program and its address
shall be provided as part of the program documentation.

SECTION 1903. Submission of Computer-Generated Computations

a. A copy of the output sheets for computer-generated computations shall be submitted as

part of the design computations.

i. The first sheet of the output sheets shall be signed and sealed by the designer.

b. The output sheets shall be accompanied by a certification of a designer and/or consultant that
the output sheets are the results obtained through the use of documented programs. The certification
should include the identification of the specific program used for each portion of the computer-
generated computations being submitted.

i. The data provided, as computer input shall be clearly distinguished from those computed
in the program.

ii. The information required in the output shall include date of processing, program
identification, all output data, units and final results.

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SECTION 2001. General Requirements
1. No sign or signboard shall be erected in such a manner as to confuse or obstruct the view or
interpretation of any official traffic sign, signal, or device.
2. Signs which are written in any foreign language shall have a corresponding translation in English
or in the local dialect.
3. The bottom line of all signboards adjacent to each other shall follow a common base line as
determined by the Building Official.
4. The installation of all kinds of signs shall be such that a harmonious and aesthetic relationship of all
units therein is presented.

SECTION 2002. Maintenance

All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys, and anchors, shall be kept in repair and
in proper state of preservation. The display of all signs shall be kept neatly painted and secured at all

SECTION 2003. Design and Construction

Sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist all forces in accordance with the
National Structural Code for Buildings. For signs on buildings, the dead lateral loads shall be
transmitted through the structural frame of the building to the ground in such a manner as not to
overstress any of the elements of the building. The weight of earth superimposed over footings may be
used in determining the dead load resisting moment. Such earth shall be carefully placed and
thoroughly compacted.

SECTION 2004. Supports and Anchorages

1. General. The supports and anchorages of all signs or sign structures shall be placed in or upon
private property and shall be constructed in conformity with the requirements of the Code.
a. Sign structures may be constructed only in areas where zoning regulations permit them and in
accordance with the accepted standards of design, construction and maintenance.
b. Roof Signs
i. The design and construction of roof signs shall conform to the provisions of Sec. 1210 of the
ii. No signs shall be erected, attached to, installed or fastened on rooftops of buildings of
wooden structures or of buildings/structures with wooden roof framing.
iii. Adequate provisions for grounding metallic parts of roof signs exposed to lightning shall be
iv. Installation of warning lights/obstruction lights for air traffic shall be installed where applicable.
c. Ground Signs
i. Ground signs and advertising ground signs which shall be constructed in conformity with
accepted engineering standards, of which height control shall be in conformity with the Local
Zoning Regulation (LZR). (Figure XX.1.)
ii. Ground sign structures shall be located within the property line and under no circumstances
shall they occupy the RROW/street or sidewalk/arcade or similar accessways.
iii. Public or government signs erected or installed within the area of the sidewalk shall be so
designed and located that they do not obstruct the easy passage of pedestrians nor distract
the attention of motorists.
d. Projecting Signs
i. On non-arcaded RROW/streets, signs shall not extend more than 1.20 meters over the
sidewalk and measured horizontally from the wall line or building line. On arcaded
RROW/streets, the signs shall not project more than 0.60 meter from the outermost portion of
the wall line of the allowed structure over the arcade. For buildings abutting on RROW/streets
or alleys without sidewalks or provisions therefor, the signs shall not project more than 0.30
meter from the outermost portion of the building/structure. (Figures XX.2., XX.3., and XX.4.)
ii. A height clearance of not less than 3.00 meters measured from the finished road surface
shall be provided below the lowest part of such signs projecting over sidewalks on buildings
without arcades and a clearance of not less than 5.00 meters shall be provided below the
lowest part of such signs projecting over arcaded RROW/streets.
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iii. The erection of electric neon signboards or other advertisements of similar nature projecting
over roadways or public streets shall be allowed, provided that:
(1) Clear distance between the signboards erected on one building is not less than 4.00
(2) Signboards on multi-storey buildings shall be erected on the same vertical line and
shall not overlap each other.
(3) Tops of signboards shall not extend over the topmost part of the parapet or the
bottom line of the eave of the building.
(4) Horizontal projections of signboards shall follow subsections (i) and (ii) of this Rule.
(5) In case of two (2) adjacent buildings, adjacent signboards shall be placed at a
distance of not less than 2.00 meters from the common boundary line.
(6) Signboards shall not obstruct any window or emergency exit and shall not be closer
than 1.00 meter from electric and telephone posts and wires.
e. Wall Signs
i. Outdoor display signs placed against the front exterior surface of buildings shall not extend
more than 300 millimeters from the wall with its lowest portion not less than 3.00 meters
above the sidewalk.
ii. Commercial signs shall not be attached to, painted on, installed or displayed on
posts/columns, beams/girders or any other exterior portion of arcades and structures for
public utilities/services, e.g. mass transit and the like
iii. Display windows or wall signs within 3.00 meters above the sidewalk shall be flushed or

2. Materials. Materials for construction of signs or sign structures shall be of the quality and grade as
specified in the Code. In all signs and sign structures, the materials and details of construction shall,
in the absence of specified requirements, conform to the following:
a. Structural steel shall be of such quality as to conform to ASTM A 36. Secondary members in
contact with or directly supporting the display surface may be formed of light gauge steel,
provided such members are designed in accordance with the specifications of the design of
light gauge steel as specified in ASTM A 242 and, in addition, shall be galvanized. Secondary
members, when formed integrally with the display surface, shall be not less than No. 24
gauge in thickness. When not formed integrally with the display surface, the minimum
thickness of the secondary members shall be No. 12 gauge. The minimum thickness of hot-
rolled steel members furnishing structural support for signs shall be 6.35 millimeters, except
that if galvanized, such members shall be not less than 3.18 millimeters thick. Steel pipes
shall be of such quality as to conform to ASTM A 36. Steel members may be connected with
one galvanized bolt provided that connection is adequate to transfer the stresses in the
b. Anchors and supports, when of wood and embedded in the soil, or within 150 millimeters of
the soil, shall all be of heartwood of a durable species or shall be pressure-treated with an
approved preservative.
3. Restrictions on Combustible Materials - All signs or sign structures erected in highly restrictive Fire
Zones shall have structural members of incombustible materials. Ground signs may be constructed
of any material meeting the requirements of the Code. Combination signs, roof signs, wall signs,
projecting signs, and signs on marquees shall be constructed of incombustible materials. No
combustible material other than approved plastics shall be used in the construction of electric
4. Non-structural Trim - Non-structural trim and portable display surfaces may be of wood, metal,
approved plastics, or any combination thereof.
5. Display Surfaces - Display surfaces in all types of signs may be made of metal, glass, or approved

SECTION 2005. Projections and Clearances

1. Clearances from High Voltage Power Lines - Clearances of signs from high voltage power lines
shall be in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code.
2. Clearances from Fire Escapes, Exits, or Standpipes - No signs or sign structures shall be erected
in such a manner than any portion of its surface or supports will interfere in any way with the free
use of any fire escape, exit, or standpipe.

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Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o
3. Obstruction of Openings. No sign shall obstruct any opening to such an extent that light or
ventilation is reduced to a point below that required by the Code. Signs erected within 1.50 meters
of an exterior wall in which there are openings within the area of the sign shall be constructed of
incombustible material or approved plastics.
4. Projection over Alleys. No sign or sign structure shall project into any public alley below a height of
3.00 meters above established sidewalk grade, nor project more than 300 millimeters where the
sign structure is located 3.00 meters to 4.50 meters above established sidewalk grade. The sign or
sign structure must not project more than 1.00 meter into the public alley where the sign or sign
structure is located more than 4.50 meters above established sidewalk grade.

SECTION 2006. Lighting

Signs shall be illuminated only by electrical means in accordance with the Philippine Electrical

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Annotation. The ground-mounted sign must have its foundation/supports firmly planted within the
property limits and not on any part of the RROW.

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Figure XX.3.

Annotation. There shall be no ground-mounted, hanging nor projecting signboard within the arcade/ arcaded
sidewalk itself. The permitted signs for arcaded structures are to be located above portions of the RROW (not below
the arcade structure).

Figure XX.4.

Annotation. The example above assumes that there shall be no arcade structure (only a covered sidewalk i.e. which
still qualifies as an arcade).
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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o

Annotation: The DPWH published these 2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of P.D.
No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP) on 01, 08 and 15 April 2005 in the Manila Standard Today. These IRR took
effect 01 May 2005.
While a preliminary injunction against its sections 302.4 & 4 (limiting the signing and sealing of architectural
documents only to registered and licensed architects (RLAs) was issued in May 2005, the said injunction
was lifted (by the same court that issued the injunction) by virtue of a Court Order cum Decision dated 29
January 2008.
To date, only RLAs can prepare, sign and seal architectural documents, in full accordance with R.A. No.
9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004), particularly Section 20.5, its IRR and derivative regulations and in
accordance with these Revised IRR.

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Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o
ABUTMENT - A form of a semi-permanent or permanent structure constructed along a property line,
usually of masonry or reinforced concrete or other fire-rated material where absolutely no form of
permitted opening, whether temporary/permanent or operable/inoperable, is allowed on it. A vent well
with a clear width of 1.00 meter is the only permitted opening in an abutment or firewall.

ACCIDENTAL CONTACT - Any unplanned physical contact with the power transmission equipment,
prime movers. Machine parts which could result from slipping or any other unplanned action or

ADVERTISING SIGN - A sign that directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or
entertainment conducted, sold or offered at a place other than where the business, profession, etc., is
located; An off-premise sign.

AERODROME - A defined area on a land or water (including any building, installation, and equipment)
intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.

AIR CONDITIONING (AC) - The process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its temperature,
humidity, cleanliness, and distribution to meet the requirements of the conditioned space.

AIR RIGHTS – The right to physically develop and subsequently benefit or profit from the use of the air
space above the road right-of-way (RROW). The upper limit of the air rights is the airways navigational
path such as those clearance limits of aerodrome and flight patterns, and below grade development limit
is the ground water table.

ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM BUILDING FOOTPRINT (AMBF) - The maximum portion of the lot that may be
occupied by the building/structure at grade level after satisfying setback, yard and court requirements.
The area of the AMBF is measured from the outermost face of the exterior walls of the proposed
building/structure. The AMBF is the true buildable area on which a fully enclosed building/structure can be
erected. The AMBF shall exclude provisions for courts at grade level.

ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM VOLUME OF BUILDING (AMVB) Above-Grade - The limit of the total volume
of space that can be occupied by a proposed building/structure above grade level. The AMVB is an
imaginary prism within which the fully enclosed areas and courts of a proposed building/structure shall fit.
It is generally determined by multiplying the AMBF for the lot by the applicable building height limit (BHL)
for the lot and thereafter deducting the volume of space at the top part of the prism to satisfy natural light
and ventilation requirements for RROW and front yards and to satisfy incremental setback requirements.
The AMVB is expressed in cubic meters.

APPROACH/DEPARTURE SURFACE - That area with an edge located at the end of a clearway or
stopway when such is provided or at a distance of 60.00 meters from the end of the runway,
perpendicular and symmetrical about the prolongation of the runway centerline, both sides of which have
a divergence of 12.5% towards the outside and with the inner edge as a short base of the isosceles
trapezoid thus formed.

ARCADE - A roofed or covered sidewalk.

ARCADE STRUCTURE - Any semi-enclosed or enclosed and usable or habitable building projection
constructed in the airspace above the arcade and therefore utilizing the air rights above the road right-of-
way (RROW), in case the arcade is part of the RROW. In such a case, the usage of RROW air rights
shall be compensated by the proponent/beneficiary.

AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR - A licensed professional mechanical engineer with at least 10 years of

relevant experience in construction, operation, inspection and maintenance of machinery or equipment
and/or mechanical processes, works, projects or plants.

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AUTOMATIC FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM - An engineered system to detect automatically and
suppress fire through fixed piping and nozzles using carbon dioxide, foam, dry or wet chemical, clean or
halogenated extinguishing agents or an automatic sprinkler system.

AWNING - A movable shelter supported entirely from an exterior wall of a building and of a type which
can be retracted, folded, or collapsed against the face of a supporting building.

BASEMENT/BASEMENT LEVEL - The portion of the building/structure below natural/ finished grade.

BASEMENT FOOTPRINT - The actual land area occupied by the basement component of the
building/structure at below-grade level. It is measured from the outermost face of the basement walls of
the building/structure.

BILLBOARD - A panel for posting bills or posters.

BOILER OR STEAM GENERATOR - A closed vessel intended for use in heating water or for
application of heat to generate steam or other vapor to be used externally from itself.

BUFFER - A device designed to stop a descending car or counterweight beyond its lowest limit of
travel by absorbing the momentum of descent of the car or counterweight.

BUILDING/STRUCTURE - A three-dimensional physical development erected within a lot or property or

any combination of or all of its three different levels (at grade, below grade, above grade). The term
buildings/structures as used in the Code shall invariably refer to both proposed and existing physical
developments within a lot.

BUILDING BULK - The overall size of a proposed building/structure as initially characterized by the
expanse of its gross floor area (GFA) or total gross floor area (TGFA), by the overall dimensions of its
allowable maximum building footprint (AMBF), by its height as dictated by the building height limit (BHL)
and also by the extent of allowable building projections (if these are large enough to host certain types of
activities). The building bulk, expressed in cubic meters, must not exceed the established AMVB above
grade. All measurements pertaining to building bulk shall be made from the outermost faces of the
exterior walls and roof or from the most bottom surface of the lowermost floor of the building/structure
(including those below grade).

BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT (BHL) - The maximum height to be allowed for buildings/ structures based on
their proposed use or occupancy; the BHL is generally determined after the application of other
development control (DC) and certain other parameters, i.e., considerations of site conditions, view, etc..
The BHL shall be generally measured from the established grade line to the topmost portion of the
proposed building/structure.

BUILDING LINE - The line formed by the intersection of the outer surface of the enclosing wall of the
building and the surface of the ground.

BUSINESS SIGN - An accessory sign that directs attention to a profession, business, commodity,
service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered in the same place where the business is located; An
identification or on-premise sign.

CANOPY (or MARQUEE) - A permanent roofed structure above a door attached to and supported by
the building and projecting over a wall or sidewalk.

CAPACITY OF WORKS, PROJECT OR PLANT - The total horsepower of all engines, motors, turbines
or other prime movers installed, whether in operation or not.

CAR, ELEVATOR - The load-carrying unit including its platform, enclosure and door or gate.

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CEMETERY - Public or private land used for the burial of the dead and other uses dedicated for
cemetery purposes, to include landscaped grounds, driveways, walks, columbaria, crematories,
mortuaries, mausoleums, niches, graveyards, and public comfort rooms and off-street parking lots.

CINERARIUM - A niche in a tomb or columbarium to accommodate an urn containing the ashes of a

cremated body.

CINERARY REMAINS - The ashes resulting from cremation of a dead body.

CLEARWAY - A defined rectangular area on the ground or water at the end of a runway in the direction
of take-off and under the control of appropriate authority, selected or prepared as a suitable area over
which an aircraft may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height.

COLUMBARIUM - A sepulcher with niches for cinerary remains.

COMPRESSOR - A mechanical device used in refrigeration system for the purpose of increasing the
pressure upon the refrigerant.

CONDEMNED BOILER OR UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL - A boiler or unfired pressure vessel that
has been inspected and declared unsafe to operate or disqualified stamped and marked indicating its
rejection by qualified inspecting authority.

CONDENSER - A vessel or arrangement of pipes or tubing in which vaporized refrigerant is liquefied

by the removal of heat.

CONICAL SURFACE - A specified surface sloping upwards and outwards from the periphery of the
Inner Horizontal Surface with limits which shall comprise: A lower edge coincident with the periphery of
the Inner Horizontal Surface; and an upper edge located at a specified height above the Inner Horizontal
Surface. Its slope measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the periphery of the Inner Horizontal
Surface shall be 5% (or 1:20) measured above the horizontal in the same vertical plane.

COURT - An unoccupied space between the faces of the building lines and a yard or another court, free,
open and unobstructed from the ground upward.

INNER COURT - A court bounded on all sides or around its periphery by building lines.

OPEN COURT - A court bounded on three sides by building lines with one (1) side bounded by
another open space whether public or private.

THROUGH COURT - A court bounded on two (2) opposite sides by building lines with the other
opposite sides bounded by other open spaces whether public or private.

COURTYARD - A portion of a yard for which the permitted limit of paving/hardscaping shall not exceed
50% of the area of the yard.

CRANE - A machine for lifting or lowering a load and moving it horizontally in which the hoisting
mechanism is an integral part of the machine. It may be driven manually or by power and may be a fixed
or mobile machine, but does not include stackers, or lift trucks.

CREMATORIUM - Any designated place duly authorized by law to cremate dead persons.

DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS (DC) - A set of inter-acting regulations concerning the physical utilization
of a lot and likewise governing the planning/design of spaces and/or the use or occupancy of a
building/structure to be introduced (or already existing) on a lot; Development Controls help determine in
detail the Development Potential and/or the Carrying Capacity of all lots and/or of proposed developments
on lots.

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DIRECT COUPLE - The system of driver-driven connection where the rotation of the driver is at the
same axis as that of the driven along the same axis at the same speed.
DISPLAY SIGN - Any material, device or structure that is arranged, intended, designed, or used as an
advertisement, announcement or directory that includes a sign, sign screen, billboard or advertising
device of any kind.

DISPLAY STAND - Any movable structure, table, showcase, cabinet and the like where goods or
periodicals are displayed.

DISPLAY SURFACE - The entire area enclosed by the extreme limits or perimeter of a sign.

DISPLAY WINDOW - That portion of a building abutting the sidewalk open to public view protected by
grilles, screens or transparent materials for the display of goods.

DUCT - A passageway made of sheet metal or other suitable material not necessarily leak tight, for
conveying air or other gases at low pressure.

DUMBWAITER - A hoisting mechanism design to materials and other loads such as food, laundry, etc.,
equipped with a car, which moves in fixed guides and serves two or more fixed landings through a
hoistway. This equipment shall be designed to carry small materials in a car, or partitioned or shelved
enclosure measuring no more than 0.86 sq. meters of net platform area; with a maximum height of 1.20
meters and a maximum rated capacity of 225 kilograms.

EASEMENT - A kind of public open space defined under the Water Code and other laws that must be
absolutely free of all forms of physical obstructions that can negatively affect natural light and ventilation
within such space or that can impede access to or the full recreational use of such space by the general
public. It is the area that may lie between the legally usable portions of a public or private property and
natural or man-built bodies of water such as seas, rivers, lakes, esteros, canals, waterways, floodways,
spillways and the like.

ELECTRICAL SIGN - Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs, faces, backgrounds or
outline illuminated by incandescent or fluorescent lamps or luminous tubes as part of the sign proper.
These light sources are external or internal.

ELEVATOR - A hoisting and lowering mechanism other than a dumbwaiter or freight elevator which is
designed to carry passanger or authorized personnel, in a protected enclosure (elevator car) which
moves along fixed guides in a vertical direction serving two or more fixed landings/floors on a hoistway.

ELEVATOR LANDING - That portion of a floor, balcony or platform for loading or discharging
passengers or freight to or from the elevator.

ELEVATOR WIRE ROPES - Steel wire ropes attached to the car frame or passing around sheaves
attached to the car frame from which elevator/dumbwaiter cars and their counterweights are suspended.

ENCLOSED - Means that the moving parts of a machine are so guarded that physical contact by any
part of the human body is precluded or prevented. This does not, however, prohibit the use of hinged,
sliding or otherwise removable doors or sections to permit inspection, lubrication or proper maintenance.

ESCALATOR - A power driven, inclined, continuous stairway for raising or lowering passengers.

ESTABLISHED GRADE ELEVATION - The point of reference on the highest adjoining natural grade
(ground surface), as established by the proper government authority. However, in case of sloping natural
grade (ground surface) where the edges of the buildable area running perpendicular to the road has a
difference in elevation of more than 3.00 meters, the average natural grade (ground surface) level of the
buildable area shall be considered the established elevation.

EVAPORATION - That part of the airconditioning/refrigeration system in which liquid refrigerant is

vaporized to produce refrigeration.

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EXTERNAL INSPECTION - An inspection made on a boiler during operation.

FIREWALL - A reinforced masonry or reinforced concrete separator with the appropriate fire-resistive
rating and which shall be positioned between dwelling units or between buildings/structures to maintain
the fire integrity of each building/structure. Firewalls, particularly those erected above or along property
lines, shall have absolutely no openings, except for permitted vent wells and shall extend above the roof
from 400 millimeters to 1000 millimeters.

FLOOR-TO-FLOOR HEIGHT - The perpendicular distance or vertical measurement between the

uppermost surfaces (finish level) of two (2) successive floors of a proposed building/structure.

FLOOR PLATE - The gross expanse of a floor measured from the outermost edges of floor slabs and
which may or may not be representative of the typical floor of a proposed building/structure.

FLOOR TO LOT AREA RATIO (FLAR) or FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) - The ratio between the Gross
Floor Area (GFA) of a building/structure and the Total Lot Area (TLA) of the lot/property on which it
stands. The FLAR is determined by dividing the GFA of a building/structure by the TLA. The GFA of any
proposed or existing building/structure should not exceed the prescribed FLAR multiplied by the TLA.

FREIGHT LOADING/UNLOADING SPACE - Loading/unloading and ancillary spaces that are all located
outside the roadway/ carriageway component of the road right-of-way (RROW). Freight
loading/unloading spaces may also refer to spaces that may still be located within the shoulder and that
such spaces shall not occupy paved sidewalk/arcade areas intended solely for use by pedestrians or by
the disabled in transit.

FRONT YARD - The part of the required Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) created by setbacks
along RROW. The front yard shall not be used as parking space as it is to be used as the transition area
between the sidewalk or other similar portions of the RROW and the building/structure. Driveways,
spaces for parking of a very temporary nature and hard and soft landscaping may be introduced for the
front yard.

FRONT OF LOT - The side of a lot on which the main pedestrian and vehicular access into the
property shall be situated. In the case of all classes of corner lots, both sides shall be treated as fronts of

GRADE - The lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of the ground between the exterior wall
of a building and a point 1.50 meters distant from said wall, or the lowest point of elevation of the finished
surface of the ground between the exterior wall of a building and a property line, if it is less than 1.50
meters distant from said wall. In case walls are parallel to and within 1.50 meters of a public sidewalk,
alley or other public way, the grade shall be the elevation of the sidewalk, alley or public way.

GRAVEYARD - A cemetery or portion of a cemetery reserved for ground interments or burials.

GROSS FLOOR AREA (GFA) - The total floor space within the perimeter of the permanent external
building walls (inclusive of main and auxiliary buildings) such as office areas, residential areas, corridors,
lobbies and mezzanine level/s.

GROUND SIGN - A sign with its support resting on the ground, the base of which ranges from a single
pole (plyon) and does not exceed 10.00 sq. meters as one (1) unit.

GUARDED - Shielded, fenced or otherwise protected by means of suitable enclosure guards, covers or
standard railings, so as to preclude the possibility of accidental contact or dangerous approach to persons
or objects.

HEADSTONE - The stone or marker at the head of a grave.

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HEIGHT OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE - The vertical distance from the established grade elevation to
the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, to the average height of the highest gable, pitch or hip roof, or
to the top of the parapet, if the roof is provided with a parapet, whichever is higher or to the topmost
elevation of the helipad structure, if the roof is provided with a helipad, whichever is higher.

LOW-RISE - One-storey up to 5-storeys in height, i.e., from 3.00 meters up to a maximum of

15.00 meters above established grade; while not generally requiring an elevator if the
building/structure is for purely residential use; fire escapes and other safety systems are
mandatory for all low-rise buildings/structures.

MEDIUM-RISE - From 6-storeys up to 15-storeys in height, i.e., from 18.00 meters up to a

maximum of 45.00 meters above established grade; elevators, fire escapes, sprinkler systems
and other safety systems are mandatory for all medium-rise buildings/structures.

HIGH-RISE - 16-storeys or taller in height, i.e., from 48.00 meters above established grade;
elevators, fire escapes, sprinkler systems, arresters, beacons and other safety systems,
particularly if near airports, are mandatory for all high-rise buildings/structures.

HELIPAD - An area of land or a structural surface or an area of water (for pontoon-fitted or ski-supplied
helicopter models) which is used, or intended for use in the landing and takeoff of helicopters provided
that no refueling, maintenance, repairs or storage of helicopters is permitted.

HOIST - An apparatus for raising or lowering a load by the application of a force, but does not include a
car or platform. It may be base-mounted, hook suspension, monorail, overhead, simple drum type or
trolley suspension.

HOISTWAY - An opening through a building/structure for the travel of elevators, dumbwaiters, or material
lifts, extending from the pit floor to the roof of flow above.

IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA (ISA) - The percentage (%) of the maximum allowable floor area of
any paved, tiled or hardscaped surface at the ground floor/ grade level (located outside the main
building/structure) in relation to the Total Lot Area (TLA). The Maximum Allowable ISA consists of built-
up areas within the lot connected to the main building/structure but without opaque or solid roofing, e.g.,
patios, grade level terraces, driveways, walks, parking areas and the like. Since it is paved but unroofed,
the ISA is considered an open space and may therefore be combined with the Unpaved Surface Area
(USA), on portions of the lot to satisfy the total open space requirement for each type of use or
occupancy. The word impervious in the term ISA denotes that the paved surfaces generally do not allow
water percolation into the soil nor do they allow the soil to breathe and that such developments are
generally composed of light-reflective and heat-reflective surfaces.

IMPRINT - A plaque or sticker or lettering to be painted on either the top or the bottom of the poster or
sign as a means of identifying the company to whom the structure belongs and the permit issued therefor.

INCREMENTAL SETBACK - The horizontal distance between the outermost building/structure line of a
lower floor and that of a higher floor, wherein the outermost building line of a higher floor is farther from
the property line.

INDIRECT COUPLE - The system of driver-driven connection where the rotation of the driver and driven
rotate along axis not necessarily on the same straight line, rotation or speed.

INNER EDGE - A line perpendicular to the prolongation of the runway centerline and at the end of a
clearway or stop way when such is provided or at distance of 60.00 meters from the end of the runway. It
is a short base of isosceles trapezoid formed by the approach/departure area, having length of 100.00
meters or 105.00 meters, for aerodromes where no turbo-jet aircraft operates depending on the actual
runway strip width; and 150.00 meters or 300.00 meters, for aerodromes where turbo-jet aircraft operates
depending on the actual runway strip width.

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INNER HORIZONTAL SURFACE - A horizontal plane located 45.00 meters above the elevation of the
nearest end of the runway starting from a distance of 365.00 meters normal to the centerline of the
runway up to 4,000.00 meters, for aerodromes where the runway strip width is 100.00 meters; 390.00
meters normal to the centerline of the runway up to 4,000.00 meters, for aerodromes where the runway
strip width is 150.00 meters; and 465.00 meters normal to the centerline of the runway up to 4,000.00
meters, for aerodromes where the runway strip width is 300.00 meters. The periphery of this surface shall
be defined by circular areas of 4,000.00 meters radius from the centerpoints of the ends of all existing
and proposed runway strips joined by straight lines tangential to these circular arcs.

INTERNAL INSPECTION - An inspection made when a boiler is shut down, with hand-holes,
manholes, or other openings opened or removed to permit inspection

LIQUID RECEIVER - A vessel permanently connected to a system by inlet and outlet pipes for storage
of a liquid refrigerant.

LOCOMOTIVE BOILER - A boiler mounted on a self-propelled track locomotive used to furnish

motivating power for traveling on rails.

LOT - (a) The physical setting for any building/structure whereby the level or intensity of development
covering such property is regulated by DC stipulated under this Code, by other agencies of
the national government concerned with physical development, by the local government
unit (LGU) concerned and by the Deed of Restrictions (only if in force).

(b) A unit area in a cemetery used either for ground interment or for the erection of a
mausoleum or tomb.

LOW PRESSURE HEATING BOILER - A boiler operated at pressures not exceeding 103.48 Kilopascal
(kPa) with steam or water temperature not exceeding 121 C.

MACHINE - The driven unit, appliance or equipment as distinguished from the driving unit,
transmission equipments or prime mover. The machine shall consist of fixed and movable parts
characteristic to the process or type of operation which it is intended to perform.

MACHINE HOUSE - An enclosure for housing the hoisting mechanism and power plant.

MACHINE PARTS - Any or all-moving parts of a machine.

MARKER - A cross, stake, tablet, made of wood, stone, concrete, or marble to mark a grave.

MAUSOLEUM - A large stately tomb to accommodate one or more interments, usually with provisions
for an ossuary and/or a cinerarium.

MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCTION AREA (MACA) - The combined total of the Maximum
Allowable Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) and the Maximum Allowable Impervious Surface Area (ISA)
expressed as a percentage (%) of the total Lot area (TLA). The MACA specifically excludes the Unpaved
Surface Area (USA).

MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT OR MACHINERY - All prime-movers such as steam engines and

turbines, internal combustion engines, gas engines and turbines; steam generators such as boilers;
furnaces; heat exchanger such as cooling towers, kilns and dryers, coolers and heaters; materials
handling equipment such as pumps, cranes, conveyors, hoists, elevators, escalators, mechanized dumb-
waiters, moving ramps and walkways; heating, air-conditioning, ventilating and refrigeration equipment
and machinery, including compressors, and centrifugal fans, mechanical pollution abatement and
environmental control system; piping system with a working pressure of not less than 70 Kilopascal (kPa),
fired and unfired pressure vessels , printing machine; mechanical working machines for metallic and non-
metallic materials and other mechanical equipment and machinery whether installed on land,
underground, or on board watercraft.
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MECHANICAL LIFT PARKING SPACE - A rigid steel structure for light vehicle parking under which
another vehicle can be parked after loading the structure and raising it with a hydraulic or motor driven
mechanical system.


geothermal plants, dendro-thermal plants, nuclear plants, ocean thermal energy conservation (OTEC)
plants, internal combustion plants, hydraulic plants, pumping plants, compressed gas plants, all kinds of
mills, shops, factories, shipyards, dry-docks, heating, air conditioning, ventilating and refrigeration plants
containing any mechanical equipment, machinery or process, deriving power from steam, fossil fuels,
wind, air, gas, water, solar radiation, nuclear energy, ocean waves and tides, or other energy sources.

MEMORIAL - A monument, marker, tablet, headstone, tombstone, private mausoleum or tomb for
family or individual use.

MEMORIAL PARK - A cemetery with well kept landscaped lawns and wide roadways and footpaths
separating the areas assigned for ground interments, tombs, mausoleums and columbaria, with or without
a mortuary chapel; and provided with systematic supervision and maintenance and where park-like
atmosphere is an outstanding quality.

MONUMENT - A tombstone, or memorial of concrete, granite, marble or other durable stone extending
above the surface of the ground, usually with decorative urns or symbolic statuary.

MOVING RAMP/WALKWAY - A type of horizontal passenger-carrying device on which passengers

stand or walk, with its surface remaining parallel to its direction of motion and is uninterrupted.

NEW DEVELOPMENT - New physical development (consisting mainly of new construction and fit-out
work) within a lot that is open for development, vacant, unutilized, development-committed or within other
lots that are similarly situated, provided that such a lot and/or adjacent/contiguous lots which are similarly
situated have a common continuous frontage along the main road right-of-way (RROW) of at least 200.00
meters. If the frontage or combined frontage along the main RROW of such lot or lots is less than 200.00
meters, the existing building lines of adjoining properties on the same side of the RROW may be followed.

NICHE - Interment space for remains of dead persons.

OBSTACLE LIMITATION SURFACES - The height limits of natural or man-made objects around
aerodromes so as to permit the intended aircraft operations at the aerodromes to be conducted safely
and to prevent the aerodromes from becoming unusable by the growth of obstacle around the

OSSUARY - The interment space for bones of the dead.

OUTER HORIZONTAL SURFACE - A specified portion, a horizontal plane located above the environment
of an aerodrome beyond limits of the conical surface.

OUTERMOST FACES OF BUILDING (OFB) - The outermost and topmost vertical or angular planes of
a proposed building/structure that shall govern the limits of its walls and roof. It is primarily determined by
first vertically projecting the outermost lines of the Alllowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)
(wherein the height of vertical projection is governed by the Building Height Limit or BHL). To then set the
roof height limit and configuration (as well as to determine the limits of incremental setbacks applicable to
the height of the proposed building/structure), a diagonal line (or plane) at an allowed angle or slope must
then be drawn from the center of the RROW. The intersection of the angular plane and the vertical prism
based on the AMBF (the “footprint prism”) shall complete the applicable OFB for the lot.

OUTERMOST LIMITS OF BUILDING PROJECTIONS (OLBP) - The outermost horizontal limit of

projections, i.e., canopies, porte cocheres, balconies, eaves, roofs, decks, terraces and the like) from a
proposed building/structure above the first floor. The horizontal projections must not exceed 60% of the
prescribed setback for a given property line. The OLBP will result in another imaginary prism (the

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2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1096, 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
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“projections prism”) within which the fully enclosed areas and courts of a proposed building/structure plus
all of its projections shall fit.

PARKING AREA - Parking slots together with their ancillary spaces (such as driveways connecting such
parking slots, ramps, access systems, etc.) for the use of motor vehicles of all types (private and public).

OFF-RROW (or OFF-STREET) PARKING - Parking slots and ancillary spaces that are all
located outside the RROW/street.

OFF-SITE PARKING - Parking slots and ancillary spaces that are all located outside the
RROW/street and to be provided only within the property lines/limits of a separate site or lot on
which a project is not located. Off-site parking may be below-grade (basement level), at grade
(ground level) or above-grade (elevated/upper floor levels) of buildings/structures.

ON-SITE PARKING - Parking slots and ancillary spaces that are all located outside the
RROW/Street and to be provided only within the property lines/limits of a site or lot on which a
building/ structure is to be constructed. On-site parking may be below-grade, at grade or above-

PARKING SLOT - Spaces to be used mainly for parking motor vehicles of all types (private and public).

PARKING BUILDING/STRUCTURE - An off-RROW on-site multiple parking facility consisting of a multi-

level building/structure that may have components located below-grade or above-grade.

PASSENGER LOADING/UNLOADING SPACE - Loading/unloading and ancillary spaces for commuters

that are located within the shoulder and that such spaces shall not occupy paved sidewalk/arcade areas
intended solely for use by pedestrians or by the disabled in transit.

PERCENTAGE OF SITE OCCUPANCY (PSO) - A quantity related to the Allowable Maximum Building
Footprint (AMBF) and the Total Lot Area (TLA) via the equation “PSO equals AMBF divided by TLA”. The
PSO is expressed as the percentage (%) of the maximum allowable enclosed floor area of any
building/structure at the ground floor/ grade level in relation to the TLA.

PODIUM - The fully enclosed component of the building/structure situated between the established
grade and the first of a typical floor of the building/structure’s tower component.

POINT OF OPERATION - That part of machine which performs an operation on the stock or material
and/or that place or location where stock or material is fed to the machine. A machine may have more
than one (1) point of operation.

PORTABLE BOILER - An internally fired boiler which is self-contained, primarily intended for temporary

POSTER - A fabricated flat surface upon which a message is either posted or painted.

POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY - A shaft, wheel, drum, pulley system of fast and loose
pulleys, coupling, clutch, driving belt, V-belt sheaves and belts, chains and sprockets, gearing, torque
connectors, conveyors, hydraulic couplings, magnetic couplings, speed reducers or increasers or any
device by which the motion of an engine is transmitted to or received by another machine.

PRIME MOVER - An engine or motor operated by steam, gas, air, electricity, liquid or gaseous fuels,
liquids in motion or other forms of energy whose main function is to drive or operate, either directly or
indirectly, other mechanical equipment.

PROCESS MACHINE - Equipment designed and operated for a specific purpose.

PROJECTING SIGN - A sign fastened to, suspended from or supported on a building or structure the
display surface of which is perpendicular from the wall surface or is at an angle therefrom.

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Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o

PROJECTION - Any structurally attached portion of a building/structure that is outside its outermost
walls and which perform a utility or aesthetic function, e.g., roof/eaves, trellis, canopy (media agua), porte
cochere, balcony, decks, deck/cantilevered terraces, sunbreaker, cantilevers, signage support, flag and
lighting support, gondolas/window cleaning systems and the like; a building projection is situated between
the imaginary footprint prism and projections prism.

R – 1 - A low density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a low-rise single-detached

building/structure for exclusive use as a single (nuclear) family dwelling. This includes R-1 structures
within exclusive subdivisions and relatively exclusive residential communities which are not subdivisions.

R–2 - A medium density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a low-rise single-
attached, duplex or multi-level building/structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings. This
includes R-2 structures within semi-exclusive subdivisions and semi-exclusive residential communities
which are not subdivisions.

Basic R-2 - Single-attached or duplex building/ structure of from one (1) storey up to three (3)
storeys in height and with each unit for separate use as single-family dwellings.

Maximum R-2 - Low-rise multi-level building/ structure of from three (3) up to five (5) storeys in
height and for use as multiple family dwellings.

R – 3 - A high density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a low-rise or medium-rise

building/ structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings with mixed housing types. R-3 structure
may include low-rise or medium-rise residential condominium buildings that are already commercial in
nature and scale.

Basic R-3 - Rowhouse building/structure of from one (1) storey up to three (3) storeys in height
and with each unit for separate use as single-family dwellings; and

Maximum R-3 - Medium-rise multi-level building/structure of from six (6) up to twelve (12) storeys
in height and for use as multiple family dwellings.

R – 4 - A medium to high density residential use or occupancy, characterized main-ly as a low-rise

townhouse building/ structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings. The term R-4 specifically
refers to the building/structure on an individual lot (a townhouse unit) and generally refers to the series or
rows of R-4 buildings/structures within a subdivided lot or property (an R-4 development).

R–5 - A very high density residential use or occupancy, characterized mainly as a medium-rise or
high-rise condominium building/structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings.

REDEVELOPMENT - The physical development (consisting mainly of renovation, rehabilitation, retrofit,

upgrading and the like as well as expansion and/or new construction work) within a lot or property that is
under-utilized, unfit/unsafe for habitation/use or within other lots/properties that are similarly situated.

REFRIGERANT - A substance which produces a refrigerating effect by its absorption of heat while
expanding or evaporating.
RESULTANT HEIGHT OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE - The vertical measurement of a proposed
building/structure as determined by the Building Height Limit (BHL) and by the project proponent’s
desired floor-to-floor height.

ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY (RROW) or ACCESS STREET or STREET - A kind of public open space for
the continuous flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic that must be free of all forms of prohibited physical
obstructions. The RROW is the area lying between two (2) or more parallel properties and its width is
horizontally measured from opposite property lines

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ROADWAY (or CARRIAGEWAY) - The portion or component of the RROW on which motor vehicles
are allowed to pass and on which vehicles may also be allowed to park in case of on-RROW (on-street)
or on-roadway parking.

ROOF SIGN - A sign installed on roofs, roof decks, the horizontal least cross sectional area in case of
supporting frame does not exceed 10.00 sq. meters for such framed structure resting entirely on the roof.

RUNWAY - A defined rectangular area on land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of craft
along its length.

RUNWAY STRIP - The rectangular area determined by a line originating at the end of the inner edge
drawn parallel to the centerline of the runway having a total length of L + stopway length at both ends of
the runway when such is provided or L + 120.00 meters, where L is the length of the runway in meters,
and a width equal to the length of the inner edge.

SEPULCHRE - A burial place solidly built of stone or concrete.

SETBACK - The horizontal distance measured 90º from the outermost face of the building/structure to
the property lines.

SIDEWALK - The portion, on each side of the road right-of-way (RROW) reserved for the exclusive
use of pedestrians and the disabled who are in transit.

SIGHT LINE - The line of view from any fixed or moving station point within a building/structure or from
any other open space within or immediately outside the lot or from any point within a public open space
such as the RROW to a built or natural structure, formation, vista and the like.

SIGN - Any letter, word, numeral, pictorial presentation, illustration, decoration, emblem, device,
symbol or trademark, flag, banner, or pennant, or any other figure of similar character that is attached to,
painted on or in any manner represented on a building or structure; used to announce, direct attention to
or advertise, and visible to the public.

SIGN STAND - Any movable structure on which a sign is mounted or supported.

SIGN STRUCTURE - Any means to support the installation of signs, and this includes the structural
frame, anchorages and fasteners to support and suspend such sign. A building where a roof sign is
installed entirely on its roof is not part of the sign structure.

STOPWAY - A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of a runway in the direction of take-
off designated and prepared by an aerodrome owner or operator as a suitable area in which an aircraft
can be stopped in case of interrupted take-off.

STOREY - Portion of a building/structure included between the uppermost surface (or finish level) of
any floor and the uppermost surface (or finish level) of the next floor above or below it. If the uppermost
surface (or finish level) of a floor/level above the uppermost surface (or finish level) of a basement, cellar
or unused under-floor space is more than 3.60 meters above established grade as defined herein at any
point, such basement, cellar or unused under-floor space shall be considered a storey.

STRUCTURE - That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of
work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
STRUCTURE OVER ARCADE - Any portion of a building above the first floor projecting over the
sidewalk beyond the first storey wall and used as protection for pedestrian.

TEMPORARY SIGN - A sign of cloth or other light and/or combustible material, with or without frame
such as streamer, bills, posters and the like installed for a limited period of time.

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Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o
TERMINAL - Passenger and freight loading/unloading spaces and ancillary spaces (such as parking
slots, waiting areas, driveways connecting such spaces, access systems, etc.) for use by public motor

OFF-STREET (or OFF-RROW) TERMINAL – A terminal located outside the road right-of-way

ON-STREET (or ON-RROW) TERMINAL – A terminal that may still be located within the
shoulder and that such spaces shall not occupy paved sidewalk/arcade areas intended solely for
use by pedestrians or by the disabled in transit.

TOMB - An above ground sepulchre without roof or canopy.

TON OF REFRIGERATION - The useful refrigerating effect equal to 3.5 kilowatts (kW).

TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA (TGFA) - The total floor space within the main and auxiliary buildings
primarily consisting of the GFA and all other enclosed support areas together with all other usable
horizontal areas/surfaces above and below established grade level that are all physically attached to the
building/s which shall consists of the following: Covered areas used for parking and driveways, services and

TOTAL OPEN SPACE WITHIN LOT (TOSL) - The total open space required for each type of use or
occupancy for a given lot. It is the portion of the lot consisting of the ISA and the USA combined and
expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area (TLA).

TOTAL LOT AREA (TLA) - The total surface area of a lot on which a proposed building/ structure is to be
erected. If the proposed building or structure is erected on two or more lots, the TLA shall be equal to the
surface area of such number of lots. The TLA is expressed in square meters and is equivalent to the
combined total of the MACA.

TOWER - The fully enclosed component of the building/structure situated between the podium
component and the roof of the building/structure; the tower shall not be higher than five times the height
of the podium.

TRANSITIONAL SURFACE - A specified surface sloping upwards and outwards from the edge of the
approach/departure area and from a line originating at the end of the inner edge, drawn parallel to the
runway centerline, having a slope of 14.3% or 1:7. The outer limit of the transitional surface shall be
determined by its intersection with the plane of the inner horizontal surface.

TRAVELING CABLE - A cable made up of electric conductors which provides electrical connection
between an elevator or dumbwaiter car and a fixed outlet in the hoistway.

TYPICAL FLOOR - A regularly replicated floor plan or area, usually for the tower component of a
proposed building/ structure. The typical floor must not be that of the ground floor and should be repeated
or replicated throughout large portions of or throughout the entire building/structure.

UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL - A vessel in which pressure is obtained from an external source or
from an indirect application of heat.

UNPAVED SURFACE AREA (USA) - The portion of the lot that shall remain unpaved and reserved for
softscaping/planting. It is expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area or TLA and may be
combined with the ISA to satisfy the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL), i.e., the total open space
requirement for each type of use or occupancy.
VENEER - A non-structural facing facing of brick, concrete, tile, metal, plastic, glass, or other similar
approved materials attached to a backing or structural components of the building for the purpose of
ornamentation, protection, or enclosure that may be adhered, integrated, or anchored either on the interior
or exterior of the building/structure.

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Copyright 2008 by The 2007-2012 Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) c/o
VENTILATION - Process of supplying or removing air by natural or mechanical means to or from any

VENT WELL - A permitted minimal opening along a specified vertical portion of the firewall that shall
not be more than 3.00 meters in clear width and a minimum depth of 1.50 meters.

VERTICAL PENETRATIONS - Shall mean stairs, fire escapes, elevator shafts, pipe shafts, vertical
shafts, vertical ducts, and the like and their enclosing walls which enclose areas such as machine room
and closets, storage rooms and closets, covered balconies and terraces, interior walls and columns and
other interior features and the like.

VIEW CORRIDOR - The visually unobstructed width, depth and height of all available sight lines
running through and along road rights-of-way (RROW), easements and similar rights-of-way (ROW), open
spaces within lots (including yards and courts) or through and along designated public spaces including
recreational areas. View corridor may also refer to specific ranges of sight lines from a building or
structure to a specific natural or man-built object and/or development considered of beauty or value.

WALL SIGN - A sign painted on, attached or fastened to the surface of the wall or any part of a
building or structure the display surface of which is parallel to the wall surface.

VAULT - The interment receptacle for coffins, of reinforced concrete, covered and sealed, whether
sunk into the ground or to rest on the ground.

YARD - The vacant space left between the outermost face of the building/structure and the property
lines, e.g., front, rear, right and left side yards. As a yard performs a vital environmental function because
of its exposed soil and/or plant cover (surface water percolation, light/heat absorption, etc.), it shall
preferably not be paved/hardscaped. A yard may be considered part of the Total Open Space within Lot
(TOSL), provided that it abuts a permanent public open space without any separation between them
which obstructs the free flow of light and ventilation.

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Republic Act (R.A.) No. 545 of 1950
(as amended by R.A. No. 1581 of 1956)

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Republic Act (R.A.) No. 545 of 1950
(as amended by R.A. No. 1581 of 1956)

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Republic Act (R.A.) No. 545 of 1950
(as amended by R.A. No. 1581 of 1956)

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Republic Act (R.A.) No. 545 of 1950
(as amended by R.A. No. 1581 of 1956)

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Republic Act (R.A.) No. 545 of 1950
(as amended by R.A. No. 1581 of 1956)

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Republic Act (R.A.) No. 545 of 1950
(as amended by R.A. No. 1581 of 1956)

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Republic Act (R.A.) No. 545 of 1950
(as amended by R.A. No. 1581 of 1956)

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Republic Act (R.A.) No. 545 of 1950
(as amended by R.A. No. 1581 of 1956)

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History of Plumbing Practice

The birth of the plumbing profession in the Philippines is traced back to the 17th
century. The WALI .ED CITY known as Intramuros was established by the Spaniards as
a model conununity. The Friar Engineers who built the government buildings, residential
and other structures. incorporated European standards in their plumbing installations.
During the 18th and 1cJh centuries, the Filipino plumbers were assigned the task of
maintaining, repairing and/or remodeling plumbing systems in all "pueblos" or towns
including churches, convents and government buildings.
The recognized plumbers then were called upon by the ''ilustrados" or the elite
group to act as consultants of plumber journeymen on matters pertaining to plumbing
installations in villas and mansions.
PLUMBING took a great lr.-ap at the tum of the 20th century with theo arrival of
the American soldiers, engineers, Thomasite teachers, doctors and evangelists. Health
and hygiene became priority when epidemics including cholera, leprosy. schistosomiasis
and other contagious diseases engulfed the Philippines. Alanned, Governor General
Harrison issued a letter of instruction on proper waste disposal in all municipalities.
Sometime in 1902, the PLUMBING TRADE was duly recognized by the
government. The City of Manila was the model community. Master Plumber John F.
Hass became the first Chief of the Division of Plumbing Construction and Inspection.
Through the initiative of the Filipino Master Plumbers, a plumbing code based on
the Plumbing Code of the United States was incorporated into the Building Code for the
City of Manila.
In 1935, Francisco Geronimo, Mariano de Ocampo, lgmidio Suarez, Eusebio
Mina. Jose Rivera, Raymundo Reyes, Sr., Roberto Feliciano, Gregorio Lazaro,
Raymundo Gumapac, John Jones, Trinitario Ortiz, Valentin Casupanan, Catalino
Casupanan. Crispin F11Ulcisco, Teodoro Pastor, Cornelio Odvina and Jesus Tangbal Dera
organized the National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines (NAMP AP) and
had it registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Initiated by N AMP AP, the Department of Public Services of the City of Manila
was created by an Act of Congress. City Ordinance 2411, otherwise known as "the
Plumbing ~ode forth~ City of Manila" was enacted in consultation with NAMPAP. The
practice of plumbing was eventually placed under the Department of Public Services,
The National Government, through the Bureau of Public Works, and other cities
and municipalities adopted the Plumbing Code of Manila. NAMP AP spearheaded the
enactment of a law regulating the practice of master plumbing in the Philippines.

In 1954, the Third Congress of the Republic of the Philippines in its Second
Session, approved after the third reading House Bill No. 962. This became Republic Act
No.l378. On June 18, 1955, R.A. 1378, otherwise known as the "PLUMBING LAW OF
THE PlillJPPINES" was signed by President Ramon Magsaysay.
On January 28, 1959, the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines prepared by
the NAMPAP was promulsated and approved by Malacai\ang. NAMPAP also assisted in
the passage of the law creating the National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority
In 1966-1969, the Board of Examiners for Master Plumbers and the NAMPAP
prepared a Cuniculum for Plumbing Engineering that was approved by the Department
of Education and was first introduced at the Feati University. ·
On November 28, 1967, the First Amendment to the National Plumbing Code was
approved, which effected the inclusion of "Asbestos·Cement Pipe" as an approved
plumbing material.
Before Martial Law in 1972, Republic Act No. 6541 otherwise known as the
•Building Code of the Philippines" was passed with the "National Plumbing Code of
1959" as referral code in full text.
In 1996, NAMPAP President JAIME M. CABASE spearheaded the updating of
the Revised National Plumbing Code. Finally, in October 1999, NAMPAP submitted the
Draft Code to the Board of Master Plumbers (BOMP) Chaired by Engr. FORTIJNATO
H. AMOSCO. After careful review, the Professional Regulation Commission under
Chairman HERMOGENES POBRE adopted the Revised Plumbing Code of 1999 wruch
His Excellency, President JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA approved last December 21,
1999 pursuant to Section 4 ofR.A. 1378 known as the Plumbing Law.
In order to continuously upgrade the technical expertise of Master Plumbers and
propagate the growth of the plumbing industry; NAMPAP have caused the holding of
regular National Convention as well as Regional Conferences such as LUZON,
VJSAYAS and MINDANAO, as well as the Midyear Forum where manufacturers,
dealers and suppliers of plumbing tools, equipment, materials and services are given the
opportunity to conduct product presentations for the benefit of the plumbing practitioners.


An adequate Plumbing Code is one of the most important

governances in modem and healthful human existence. It involve the
three basic necessities of life, such as: AIR, WATER and FOOD.

The plumbing systems: water supply, sewage collection and

disposal and stormwater drainage involve the right choice of materials,
the economical design of the systems and their proper operation and
maintenance. The supply of adequate hot, cold and chilled water, the
efficient conveyance and disposal of wastewater such as food wastes and
human excreta from plumbing fiXtures require provision of enough air,
which will result to the efficient installation of the systems.

Plumbing practice has grown in scope and magnitude with the

progress in complexities of constructions such as high rise buildings
with multi -level basement floors that now require electro- mechanical
equipment and controls. The dwindling water resources intensify water
use conservation. Modem or state-of-the-art plumbing installation now
require the close coordination of works among Master Plumbers,
Architects and Engineers to come up with the most efficient and
economical plumbing installations.

I wish to thank wholeheartedly those who have given their time in

making available their expertises by discussing with us certain important
aspects of this Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines. Many
of them have unselfishly rendered invaluable assistance in criticizing and
improving our text and for innumerable insights into this complex
subject. Also, my thanks go to my wife CONCEPCION 0. CABASE for her
untiring full support in pursuing this major activities of NAMPAP.

NAMPAP National President

Calooron City, Philippines

May 3, 2000
Basic Principles

The basic principles of the 1999 National Plumbing Code of the Philippines is an
update of the tenets established in the "Plumbing Law of the Philippines" approved on 18
June 1955 as amended on 28 November 1959.
The basic goal of the 1999 National Plumbing Code of the Philippines is to
ensure the unqualified observance of the latest provisions of the plumbing and
environmental laws.
Principle No. 1 A11 premises intended for human habitation, occupancy or use shall
be provided with a supply of pure and wholesome water, neither connected with
unsafe water supplies nor subject to hazards of backflow or back-siphonage.

Principle No. 2 Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall be supplied

with water in sufficient volume and at pressure adequate to enable them to function
satisfactorily and without undue noise under all nonnal conditions of use.

Principle No.3 Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the minimum
quantity of water consistent with proper perfonnance and cleaning.

Principle No. 4 Devices for heating and storing water shall be so designed and
installed as to prevent dangers from explosion through overheating.

Principle No. 5 Every building having plumbing fixtures installed and intended for
human habitation, occupancy or usc on premises abutting on a street, alley or
easement where there is a public sewer, shall be connected to the sewer system.

Principle No.6 Each frunily dwelling unit on premises abutting on a sewer or with
a private sewage-disposal system shall have at least one water closet and one kitchen-
type sink. Further, a lavatory and bathtub or shower shall be installed to meet the
basic requirements of sanitation and personal hygiene .

.Principle No.7 Plumbing fixtures shall be made of smooth non·absorbent material,

free from concealed fouling surfaces and shall be located in ventilated enclosures.

Priaciple No. 8 - The drainage system shall be designed, constructed and maintained
to safeguard against fouling, deposit of solids, clogging and with adequate cleanouts
so arranged that the pipes may be readily cleaned.

Principl~No. 9 - All pipings of plumbing systems shall be of durable NAMPAP-

APPROVED materials, free form defective workmanship, designed and constructed
by Registered Master Plumbers to ensure satisfactory service.
~nciple No. 10 - Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be
equipped with a water-sealed trap.

Principle No. 11 • The drainage piping system shall be designed to provide adequate
circulation of air free from siphonage, aspiration or forcing of trap seals under
ordinary use.
Principle No. 12 - Vent terminals shall extend to the outer air and installed to preempt
clogging and the return of foul air to the building.
Principle No. 13 - Plumbing systems shall be subjected to such tests to effectively
disclose all leaks and defects in the workmanship.
Principle No. 14 - No substance which will clog the pipes, produce explosive
mixture~ destroy the pipes or their joints or interfere unduly with the sewage-disposal
process shall be allowed to enter the building drainage system.
Principle No. 15 - Proper protection shall be provided to prevent contamination of
food, water, sterile goods and similar materials by backflow of se\vage. When
necessary, the fixture, device or appliance shall be connected indirectly with the
building drainage system.
Principle No. 16 - No water closet shall be located in a room or compartment which
is not properly lighted and ventilated.
Principle No. 17 - If water closets or other plumbing fixtures are installed in buildings
where there is no sewer within a reasonable distance, suitable provision shall be made
for disposing of the building sewage by some accepted method of sewage treatment
and disposal, such as a septic tank.
Principle No. 18 - Where a plumbing drainage system may be subject tb backflow of
sewage, suitable provision shall be made to prevent its overflow in the building.
Principle No. 19 - Plumbing systems shall be maintained in serviceable condition by
Registered Master Plumbers. ·
Principle No. 20 - All plumbing fixtures shall be installed properly spaced, to be
accessible for their intended use.
Principle No. 11 - Plumbing shall be installed by Registered Master Plumbers with
due regard to the preservation of the strength of structural members and the
prevention of damage to walls and other surfaces through fixture usage.
Principle No. 22 - Sewage or other waste from a plumbing system which may be
deleterious to surface or sub-sutface waters shall not be discharged into the ground or
into any waterway, unless first rendered innocuous through subjection to some
acceptable form of treatment.


1. Act in an unprofessional manner and demand any

remuneration other than his/her original charges except for
additional services not covered in the basic contract;

2. Supplant another Registered Master Plumber after definite

steps h::lve already been taken toward his/her being
commissioned to perform the contract;

3. Underbid another Registered Master Plumber by reducing

his/her professional fees after being informed of the 'Ccs
charged by the other Registered Master Plumber;
4. Take the advantage of a salaried government position to
compete unfairly with a practicing Registered Master Plumber;
s. Allow the use of his/her License as Registered Master Plumber
for a fee to an unlicensed Master Plumber in plumbing works
without his jher personal supervision.

6. Injure falsely or maliciously, directly or indirectly, the

reputation of another Registered Master Plumber by reviewing
his/her work for the same client unless the professional
services of the former have been officia lly terminated and 2-U
professional fees have been fully paid by the client;

7. Advertise in self-lauda tory language, act in any manner and

engage in any practice which tend to bring dishonor to the
dignity of the Registered Master Plumber, the National Master
Plumbers Association of the Philippines (NAMPAP) and the
plumbing profession.

Chapter 1
• Stction 100- PERMIT REQUIRED

To ensure compliance of the provisions of this Code, the professional services of

a Registered and Licensed Master Plumber shall be enlisted in accordance with
Republic Act No. 1378, the "Plumbing Law".

It shaH be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, whether acting as

principal, setvant, agent or employee, to do or cause to be done any plumbing or
drainage work for which a permit is required without securing prior permit from
the Office of lhe Building Official having jurisdiction under the Department of
Public Works 3Ild Highways, Department of Interior & Local Government or
City Mayors.


No permit shall be issued to any person, fim1 or corporation, to do or c<.:use to be

done any installation of plumbing work regulated by this Code, except to a
Registered and Licensed Master Plumber, holding a valid, unexpired and
wuevoked certificate of registration as required by Republic Act No. 1378, as
amended .


102 I Application - A Registered and Licensed Master Plumber shall file an

application at the Office of the Building Official in behalf of the building Owner
for whom such work shaH be done and shall till out the forms provided for that
purpose. Every application shall:

102.1. 1 IdentifY and describe the plumbing work to be covered by the pem1it
for which an application is made;

102.1.2 Describe the land upon which the proposed plumbing work !s to be
done, legal description, street address or similar description that will
readily identify and locate the proposed building or work;

• Sec. 148 NPC 1959

•• Sec. 149 NPC 1959
••• Sec. 150 NPC 1959
Revi$ed National Plumbing Codo of The Philippines

102.1.3 Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed plumbing work
is intended~

102.1. 4 Be accompanied by plan~ drawings, diagrams, computations,

technical .specifications, and other data as required in Subsection

102.1.5 Give such other data and information as required by the

Administrative Authority;

102.1.6 Be signed by Owner or permittee, who is required to submit evidence

to indicate such authority; and

102.1.7 Be signed and sealed by the Registered and Licensed Master Plumber.

102.2 Plans and SpKifications - All plumbing plans, drawings. diagrams, design
analyses/computations as required, technical sp~cifications, bills of materials and
other required documents for all types of occupancy shall be prepared, signed and
sealed by a Registered and Licen§e(i Master Plumber. without limitations.
pursuant to Republi~ Act 1378, as amended. and shall be submitted in six (6) sets
of the aforementioned requirements with each application for a permit.

102.3 Information on Plans and Specifications- shall be drawn to scale on tracing paper
or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent
of the work proposed showing in detail, conformance with the provisions of this
Code, relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.

The technical specifications submitted shall comply with the proVJstons of

existing standards of the National Building Code and this Code.


I 03 .I. 1 The application, plans> technical specifications and other required docwnents
filed by an applicant for a permit shall be reviewed by the Administrative
Authority. Other concerned departments which verify compliance with other
applicable Jaws may review such plans. If the Administrative Authority finds
that the work described in an appHcation for permit and the plans, specifications
and other documents filed therewith conform to the requirements of the
Plumbing Code and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and upon payment of
the fees specified in Section I 05, a permit shaH then be issued to the Applicant.


103 .1.2 When the Administrative Authority issues the permit he shall endorse in
writing or stamp the plans and specifications as "APPROVED". Such
approved plans and specifications shaH not be changed, modified or
altered without authorization from the Administrative Authority and aU
works shall be done in accordance with approved plans and

103 .1.3 The Administrative Authority may issue a Partial Permit for the
construction of a part of a large and/or complicated plumbing system
before the entire plans and specifications for the whole system have been
submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed
statements have been filed, complying with all pertinent requirements of
this Code. The holder of such partial permit may proceed at his ovm risk
without assurance that the final permit for the entire building, structure
or plumbing system will be granted.

103.2 Retention of Plans- One set of approved plans, specifications, computations and
related data shall be retained by the Administrative Authority. Two (2) sets of
approved plans, specifications and data shall be returned to the applicant a!ld
Owner, one ( 1) set of which shall be kept at the jobsite at all times while the work
is in progress.

103.3 Validity of Permit - The issuance of a permit or approval of plans and

specifications shall not be construed as a permit to violate any provision of this
Plumbing Code or of any other applicable ordinances. The issuance of a permit
based on submitted plans. specifications or other documents shall not prevent the
Administrative Authority from thereafter requiring the correction of errors on said
plans, specifications and other documents .and from stopping an on-going
plumbing installations violative of this Code or of other pertinent ordinances of
this Jurisdiction.

103.4 Expiration- A plumbing permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall
expire and become null and void if the plumbing work authorized therein is not
commenced within one year from the date of such permit or if the plumbing work
so authorized is suspended or abandoned at any time after having been
commenced for a period of 120 days .

In case of renewal of a plumbing permit, a fee equivalent to one-half the amount

ofthe original fee shall be paid.

Revised National Plumbing Code of The Philippines

*103 .5 Suspension or Revocation - The Administrative Authority may, in Miting,

suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provis:ons of this Code whenever
issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied or in violation of
pertinent ordinances, rules and regulations.


104.1 Additions, Alterations or Repain - may be made to any existing plumbing

system provided the addition, alteration or repair works confonn to requirements
for a new plumbing sy~'tem. Additions, alterations or repairs shall not render an
existing system unsafe, unsanitcuy or overloaded.

104.2 Changes in Building Occupancy- Plumbing systems which are a part of any
building or structure undergoing a change in use or occupancy, as defined in the
National Building Code, shall comply with all requirements of this Code
applicable to the changed use or occupancy.

104.3 Maintenance - All plumbing systems, materials and appurtenances, both existing
and new, and all parts thereof shall be maintained in proper operating condition.
All devices or safeguards required by this Code shall be maintained in
conformance with the existing Code edition at the time the plumbing system was
installed. The owner or his designated agent shall be responsible for the
maintenance of plumbing systems. To detennine compliance with this
subsection, the Administrative Authority may cause the re-inspection of any
plumbing system.

104.4 Moved Buildings -·- Plumbing systems, which are part of buildings or structures
in one place and moved into another Jurisdiction. shall comply with the
provisions of this Code for new installation.

• Sec. 153 NPC 1959


Sfction 105 - INSPECTIONS

105.1 General - All plumbing systems for which permits are required by this Code
shall be inspected by the Administrative Authority. No portion of any plumbing
svstem shall be concealed until inspected and approved. The Administrative
Authority or his representative shalt not be liable for expenses incurred in the
removal and replacement of materials required to warrant proper inspection.
When the installation of a plumbing system is complete, an additional and final
inspection shall be made. Plumbing systems regulated by this Code shall not be
connected to the water and energy fuel supplies nor to the sewer system tAntil
authorized by the Administrative Authority and other Agencies concerned.

AU AQ.01inistrative flumbing Personnel, Plurnbif!&.lnsoector shaH be a Registered

an4. Licensed Master Plumb~r in accordance with the provision of Republic Act
)378, otherwise, known as "Plumbing Law··.

105 2 Operation of Plumbing Equipment- The requirements of this Section do not

prohibit the operation or use of any plumbing accessory installed to replace
existing equipment or fixtures serving an occupied portion of the building when a
request for inspection of such equipment or fixtures has been filed with the
Administrative Authority not more than 72 hours after such replacement work is
completed and before any portion of such plumbing system is concealed by any
permanent portion of the building.

105 3 Testing of Systems - All plumbing systems shall be tested and approved as
required by this Code or the Administrative Authority.

105 4 lnspec.tion Requests - It shaH be the duty of the person doing the plumbing work
authorized by a permit to notify the Administrative Authority that such work is
ready for inspection. The Administrative Authority requires that every request for
inspection be filed at least three (3) working days before such inspection is
intended. Such request shall be in writing and jointly signed by the Owner and
the Registered and Licensed Master Plumber- Contractor.

It shall be the duty of the person requesting inspections required by this Code to
provide access to and means t{)r proper inspection of such work as well as provide
all the equipment. the tools, power and water required tor the test.

J(i5 5 Other lnspe-{tions - ln addition to the inspections required by this Code, the
Administrative Authority may require othet mspections of the plumbing work to
comply with the other provisions of this Code, other pertinent laws and
ordinances enforced by the Administrative Authority.
REJVi&ed National Plumbing Code cA The PMippin•

l05.6 Rtiospedions

105.6.1 A fee will be charged on the Applicant for each inspection or re-
insp~tion when a portion of the plumbing work for inspection is caJled
for is not completed.

105.6.2 This provision shall not be interpreted as requiring re-inspection fees for
the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements
of this Code, but as deterrent on the practice of calling for inspections
before the job is ready for inspection or re-inspection.

105.6.3 Re-inspection fees shall be charged when the approved plans arc not
readily available to the Inspector, for failure to provide access and
facility on the date when the inspection is requested, or for deviating
fro m plans requiring the approval of the Administrative Authority.

105.6 .4 To obtain re-inspection, the Applicant shall file an application, in

writing, on a form furnished for that purpose and pay the re-inspection

105.6.5 In instances where re-inspection fees have been assessed, but pending
payment of required fees, no re-inspection of the work will . be


106.1 Permanent Connections - no person shall install coMections to any water ·

supply line, sewer or storm drain systems as required by this Code and for which·
other applications and permits are also required from other Agencies before·
approval by the Administrative Authority.

106.2 Temporary Coonedions - Administrative Authority will endorse to other

authorities or government agencies the issuance of temporary connections of the
plumbing equipment to the water supply mai~ sewer main, power line and gas
main for the purpose oftestjng the equipment.



107.1 All Licensed Master Plumbers registered in accordance with the provisions of
Republic Act No. 1378 shall secure for themselves a seal of the standard size and
type as required. The same shall be used on all plumbing applications for pemtitlJ
and all plumbing plans prepan~d by Registered and Licensed Master Plumbers as
well as on all documents required in the practice of their profession. The seal
shall be round in shape and shall be inscribed with the following:

107. 1. I Registered and Licensed Master Plumber at upper portion of the round

107.1 .2 Name of Registered and Licensed Master Plumber at the upper center.

107.1.3 The registration number shall appear at the center below the name.

107.1.4 Philippines, appearing at the lower portion of the round seat


Each building shall be provided with sanitary facilities in accordance with best
practice for mobility of disabled persons as provided in the National Building
Code of the Philippines or by other government departments having jurisdiction.

Chapter 2

S«tioo 201 - GENERAL

For the purpose of this Code, the following tenns shall bear the meanings
indicated in this Chapter.

No attempt is made to define ordinary words, used in accordance with their

established dictionary meanings except where a word has been used loosely, that
it becomes necessary to define its meaning as adopted in this Code to avoid

Since the primary purpose is to define tenns in general rather than nouns, th~
definitions are arranged alphabetically according to the first word of the term
rather than the noun.

Section 202

202.1 ADS - Acrylonitrile-Butadiene·Styrene

ALLEY - any public space. public park or thoroughfare less than three (3)
meters but not less than two (2) meters in width dedicated or deeded for
public use.

-*202.3 ALTER or ALTERATION - any change, addition or modification i.1

construction or occupancy.

202.4 ACCESSmLE - when applied to a fixture, connection, appliance or

equipment, shalt mean having access thereto, but which may require prior
removaJ of an access panel, door or similar obstruction. "Readily
accessible" shall mean direct access without the necessity of removing any
panel, door or similar obstruction.

202.5 AIRBREAK_-· a physical separation. which may be a low inlet into the
indirect waste receptor from the fixture, appliance or device indirectly

* Sec. I NPC 1959

Revised National Plumbing Code of The Philippines

202 6 AIR GAP, DRAINAGE - the unobstructed vertical distance through the
free atmosphere between the lowest opening fiom any pipe, plumbing
fixture, appliance or apputtenance conveying waste to the tlood level rim
ofthe rcc~ptor.

202.7 AIR GAP, WATER DISTRmUTION- an unobstructed vertical distance

through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or
faucet conveying potable water to the tlood-level rim of any tank, vat or

APPROVED - accepted or acceptable under an applicable specifications

or standard stated or cited in this Code., or accepted as suitable for any
proposed use under procedures and powers of the Administrative

202 9 APPROVED TESTING AGENCY - an organization primarily

established t()r purposes of testing to approve standards and approved by
the Administrati ve Autlwrity.

•202. IO AUTHORITY, ADMINISTRATIVE - The Administrative Authority

including the Building Ofiicial, the Commission, the Board and such other
drpartment or agency established and authorized to administer and enforce
the provisions of Republic Act 13 78 - The Plumbing Code of the
Philippines, Presidential Decree No. 223~ as amended by P.D. 657 -
creating the Professkmal Regulation Commission and prescribing its
powers and functions, and Letter of Instruction No. 1000 - ordering and
directing the Professiona\ Regulation Commission (PRC), the former
Ministry of Human Settlements, the Departments of Foreign Affairs,
Education and Culture, Public Works and Highways, Tourism,
Transportation and Communication all SOOT agencies concerned, to
authorize and support PRC Accredited Bonafide Professional
Organizations only, and their members to organize, host, sponsor or
rcprc~ent the Filipino Professionals in national, regional and international
fora, conventions where the concerned professions arc involved; and
further orders and directs that all government agencies and
instrumentalities shall g.iv\.~ priority to bonafide members of the accredited
prnft·s~;i\Hlal organizations in the hi1 in!l of its employees and engagement
of prot~ssional services.

• Sec. 3 NPC IY5Y

u Sec. -1 .Vl'C 1959

Section 203
• 203.1 BACKFLOW- the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances
into the distributing pipes of a potable wpply of water from any source
other than from its intended source.
203.2 BACKFLOW CONNECTION - condition or any arrangement whereby
reverse flow can occur.
• • 203 .3 BACKPRESSURE BACKFLOW - occurs due to an increased reverse
pressure above the supply pressure. This may be due to pumps, boilers,
gravity or other sources of pressure.
203.4 BACKFI.,OW PREVENTER - device or means to prevent flow of liquid
from retuming to the source of supply. Also called vacuum breaker.
... 203.5 BACK-SiPHONAGE - the flowing back of used, contaminated or ·
polluted water from a plumbing fixture or vessel into a water supply pipe
due to a negative pressure in such pipe. See backflow.
203.6 BACKWATER VALVE - a device installed iri a drainage system to
prevent reverse flow .
• ** • 203.7 BACKVENT PIPE - the part of a vent line, which connects directly with
an individual trap underneath or behind the fixture and extends to the
branch or main vent pipe at any point higher than the fixture or fixture traps
it serves. This is sometimes called an individual vent. See Revent pipe.
..... 203.8 BALL COCK - a valve opened and closed by the fall and rise,
respective!y, of an attached ball floating on the surface of the liquid.
.... 203 .9 BALI, JOINT- a type of pipe connection in which a ball-shaped end is
held in a cuplike shell and allows movements in every direction.
203.10 BATHROOM- a room equipped with a shower stall or bathtub.
••• 203.11 BAITERY OF FIXTURES - any of two or more similar adjacent t! xtures
which discharge into a common horizontal soil or waste branch.
203.12 BELL OR HUB - that portion of a pipe which, for a short distance, is
suffi ciently enlarged to rt.~ceive the end of another pipe of the same
diameter for the purpose of making rt caulked or push-on joi nt

• Sec. 5 NPC 1959

** Sec. 6 NPC 1959
*** Sec. 7 NPC /959
**** Sec. 8 NPC 1959
... ,... Sec. 9 NPC 1959
****** Sec. 10 NPC 1959
•****** 5'e£:. 1 I NPC 1959
******** S£~c. 12 NPC 1959
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

• 203.13 BENDING PIN (or IRON)- a tool for straightening or bending lead pipe.

•• 203.14 BIBB- synonymous with faucet, cock, tap, plug, etc. The word "faucet" is

u • 203.15 BIDET - A plumbing fixtures used for washing the middle private part of
the body, especially the genitals. Also called a "sitz" bath.
•••• 203.16 BLANK H.,ANGE- A pipe tlange that is not drilled for bolt holes.

••••• 203.17 BLIND FLANGE- a flange that closes the end of a pipe. There is no
opening for the passage of liquid or gas.

•••••• 203.18 BLOW·OFF - a controHed outlet of a pipeline to discharge liquid or


203.19 BOARO - the Licensure Board for Master Plumbers

203.20 BOILER BLOW-OFF- a valved outlet of a boiler that permits discharge
of accumulated sediment.
••• 203.21 BRANCH -- any part of the piping system other than a main, riser or stack.

.... 203.22 BRANCH INTERVAL- a length of soil or waste stack corresponding in
general to a story height, but in no case less than 2.43 meters within which
the horizontal branches from one floor or story of a building are connected
to the stack

203.23 BRANCH, FIXTURE- see Fixture Branch

203.24 BRANCH, HORIZONTAL- see Horizontal Branch

•••• 203.25 BRANCH VENT- a hmizontal vent connecting one or more individual
vertical back vents with the vent stack or stack vent.

203.26 BRAZED JOINT - any joint obtained by joining of metal parts with
alloys which melt at temperatures higher than 449 degrees centigrade, but
lower than t.he melting temperature of the parts to be joined.

* Sec. I 3 NPC IV59

** ~f·i(!c. J.l NJ>C !959
*** Sec. 15 NPC 1959
**** Sec. 16 NPC 1959
***** Sec. 17 NPC l<J59
.. .,.. .. Sec. 18 NPC 1959
******• Sec. 19 NPC 1959
**** u u Sec. 20 NPC 1959
•• .. ***** St•c. 21 NJ'(' 1959


203.27 B & S- Brown and Sharpe (Specification) or Bell and Spigot (Ends of
• 203.28 BUILDING -a structure built, erected and framed of component structural
pat1s designed for the housing. shelter, enclosure or support of persons>
animals or prope11y of any kind.
•• 203.29 BUILDING DRAIN - that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a
drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste and other
drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the
building sewer beginning 0.6 meter outside the building waH.
... 203.30 BUILDING SEWER - that pat1 of the horizontal piping of a drainage
system which starts from the end of the building drain and which ref.:eives
the discharge of the building drain and conveys it to a public sewer, private
sewer, individual sewage disposal system or other point of disposal.
..... 203.31 BUILDING SUBDRAIN - that portion of an underground system, which
cannot drain by gravity into the building sewer.
203.32 BUILDING SUPPLY - the pipe carrying potable water from the water
meter or other source of water supply to a building or other point of use or
distribution on the lot. Building supply shall also mean water service

Section 204
•• 204.1 CAULKING ·- plugging an opening with oakum, lead or other materials
that are pounded into the annular space. Also, the material pounded into
the annular opening .
••• 204.2 CAP-- a fitting, screwed or caulked over the end of a pipe for closing the
pipe end.
... 204.3 CATCH BASIN - a receptacle in which liquids are retained for ~
suflicient period of time to allow settleable material to deposit.
shown compct('ncc to test and maintain backtlow assemblies to the
satisfaction of the Administratiw Authority having jurisdiction.

*Sec. 22 NPC 1959

**Sec. 23 NPC 1959
•u Sec. 2.J NJ>C 1959
****Sec. 25 NPC 1959
***** ,)'ec.
2() NPC 1959
******Sec. 27 NPC 1959
..***+*Sec. 28 NP(' 1959
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

* 204.5 CESSPOOL - a non-watertight lined excavation in .thl! ground which

receives the discharge of a sanitttry drainage system or part thereof,
d~signed to retain the organic matter and solids discharging thcretrom, 0ut
permitting the li4uid to seep through the bottom and sides of the cesspool.

204.6 CHASE- a vertical shaft for installarion of different pipe stacks.

•• 204.7 CHECK VAl.VE- a valve that automatically closes to prevent the flow
of liquid or gas in a reverse direction

... 2048 CIRCUIT VENT - a group vent pipe which starts in front of the extreme
fixture connection on a h01izontal branch and connects to the vent stack.
Sec loop' vent, also .

204.9 CLARIFIER- Sec Interceptor.

204.10 CODF. -The word ''Code" or "this Code," when U5ed alone, shall mean
these regulations, subsequent amendments thereto or any emergency rule
or regulation which the Administrative Authority having jurisdiction may
lawfully adopt .
•• 204.11 COMMON VENT- sec unit vent and dual vent.


designed system of waste piping embodying the horizontal wet venting of
one or more sinks or floor drains by means of a common horizontal waste
and vent pipe. adequately sized to provide free movement of air above the·
flow line of the drain.

204.13 COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION - a structure which any part of it!>

stmctural framework will ignite and burn at a temperature of 756 degrees
centigrade or less.

204.14 COMMISSION -The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

204.15 COMMON - that part of a plumbing system designed and installed to

serve more than one ( 1) appliance, fixture, building or system.

204.16 CONFINED SPACE·- a mom or space having a volume less than I 4 cu.
m with 250 kilogram calorie of the aggregate input rating of all fuel-
bmning applianc~s installed in that space

*Sec. 29 NJ'(' 195Y

** s(!(:. Jo Nr·c 1959
••• St'C. 31 NJ'(' JI)5Y
**** St•c. 32 NPC /959


204.17 CONTAMINATION - an impairment of the quality of the potable water

which creates an actual hazard to the public health through poisoning or
spread of disease by sewage, industrial fluids or waste. Also, defined as
High Hazard.

.. 204.18 CONTINUOUS VENT - a continuous vent is vertical vent that is a

continuation of the drain to which the vent connects.

204.19 CONTINUOUS WASTE - a drain connecting the compartments of a set

of fixtures to a trap or connecting other permitted fixtures to a common

.. 204.20 CONDUCfOR OR DOWNSPOUT- a vertical pipe to convey rainwater.

.... 204.21 CORPORATION COCK - a stop valve placed at the connection of the
water service pipe to the water main.
•• 204.22 COURT- an open, unoccupied space, bounded on two (2) or more sides
by the walls of the building. An inner court is a court entirely within the
exterior walls of a building. All other courts are outer courts.

204.23 CRITICAL LEVEL- C-L or C/L marking on a backflow prevention

device or vacuum breaker is a point conforming to approved standards (;:fld
established by the testing laboratory (usually stamped on the device by the
manufacturer) which determines the minimum elevation above the flood
level rim of the fixture or rcceptable served where the device may be
installed. When a backflow prevention device does not bear a critical level
marking, the bottom of the vacuum breaker, combination valve or the
bottom of any such approved device shaH constitute the critical level.
.. 204.24 CROSS-CONNECfiON- any connection or arrangement, physical or
otherwise, between a potable water supply system and any plumbing
fixture or any tank. receptable, equipment or device, through which
enables non-potable, used, unclean, polluted, contaminated water or other
substances to enter into any part of such potable water system under any

*Sec. 33 NPC 1959

**Sec. 34 NPC' /95<J
... Sec. 35 NPC 1959
••u Sec. 36 NP(: 1959
••••• Sec. 37 NPC 1959


·~·:· •••• f ••• ··~·

~evised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

Section 205
• 205.1 DEAD-END - the extended portion of a pipe that is closed at o ne end to
which no councctions arc made on the exl.cndcd portion, thus permitting the
stagnation of liquid or air therein.

205.2 DEPARTMENT HAVING J URISDICTION - the Administrative

Authority and includes any other law enforcement agency concerned by any
provision of this Code, whether St1ch agency is specifically named or not.
.. 205.3 DEVELOPED LENGTH - the length of a pipe along its centerline and
fitti ngs.
... 205.4 DIAMETER - unless specifically stated, the term "diameter'' is the nominal
diameter as designated commercially. I. D . denotes inside diameter of pipe
and O.D . d enotes outside diameter of tube.
•••• 205.5 DOMESTIC SEWAGE- the liquid and water-home wastes derived from
the ordinary living processes, free trom industrial wastes and of such
character that permit satisfactory disposal without special treatment. It is
discharged into the public sewer or into a private sewage disposal system .
.. 205.6 DOUBLE-BEND FITTING -· a pipe fi tting with adjacent reverse bends and
shaped like the letter "S''
... 205.7 DOUBLE OFFSET- two offsets in succession or in series such that the
centerlines of the o utside ends are in the same straight line .
••• 205 .8 DOWNSPOUT -· the vertical portion of a rainwater conductor .
•••• 205.9 DRAIN - a pipe, which carries ground and surface waters, stonn water or

.... 205 .I0
wastewater into a building drainage system .

DRAINAGE SYSTEM - includes all the pipings within public or private

premises which convey sewage or other liquid wastes to a legal point of
di sposal but does not include the mains of a public sewer system or a public
sewage treatment or disposal plant.

••••• 205.11 DRY VENT ·- a vent that does not carry liquid or water-borne wastes.
••••• 205. I2 DUAL VENT sec Cnit Vent.

•Sec. 3H NPC 1959 • ••• .. St'c. 4.' XPC' /95 9 ... •••••• .\ec -16 Nl'C /959
.,. .\c>c. 39 :\PC /959 •u••• -"ec. -13 .\PC /95<i ...... ••••• St·c ..J7 ,\ PC 1959
.,.. 't'c. -10 .\'PC 1959 ••••••• .\i.·c. -I.J \PC I\J5 V ••••••• •**• Sec. -IH SI'C 1959
.,.. .vc. -I f .\'PC /959 ****••u Set . .f.S .\PC 19.59

I 'i

205.13 DURHAM SYSTEM- a term used to describe soil or waste system where
all pipings are of threaded pipe, tubing or other such rigid construction using
recessed drainage fittings to con·espond to the types of piping.

Section 206
206.1 EFFECTIVE OPENING --is the minimum cross-sectional area at the point
of water supply discharge measured or expressed in terms of: ( 1) diameter of
a circle; (2) if the opening is not circular, the diameter of a circle of
equivalent cross-sectional area. (This is applicable also to air gap

* 206.2 EXISTING WORK - the on-going installation of the plumbing system or

any part thereof which has been installed prior to the effectivity of this Code.

Section 207

** 207.1 FAMILY - one pers<ln living alone or a group Jiving together, whether
related to each other by birth or not.
*** 207.2 FAUCET- a valve located at the end of a water pipe through of which water
can be drawn from or held within the pipe.
** 207.3 FERRULE -- a metallic sleeve, caulked or joined to an opening in a pipe,
into which a plug is screwed that can be removed for cleaning or examining
the interior of the pipe.
.. 207.4 FIXTURE - a receptacle other than a trap attached to a plumbing system in
which water or wastes may be collected or retained for ultimate discharge
into the plumbing system.
... 207.5 FIXTURE BRANCH -the water supply pipe between the fixture supply
pipe and the water-distributing pipe.
*** 207.6 FlXTlJRF. DRAIN - the drainpipe from the trap of a fixture to the junction
of that drain with any other drainpipe.

*Sec. -19 NPC 1959

**Sec. 50 NPC 1959
***Sec. 51 NP(' 1959
****Sec. 52 NPC 1959
*****Sec. 53 NPC 1959
.,..,...,... Sec. 5-I NPC 1959
*******Sec. 55 NPC 1959

Revised National Plumbing Co<le o1 the Philippines

207.7 ft'IXTlJRl: StJJ•J'LY - a water supply pipe connecting the fi xture with the
fh.ture branch.
• :!07 8 fi'IXTli RE liN IT - is an arbitrary quantity in terms of which the load-
producing efTects or water requirements on the plumbing system of different
kinds of plumbing fixtures are cxpres~cd in some arbitrarily chosen scale.
One fixture unit is equivalent to a rate of flow at 28.3 liters per minute ( l cu.
•• 207.9 FLOOD LEVF..L - the level in a fixture at which water begins to overflow
ovc:r the top or rim of the fixture.
~07 . 10 FLOOD LEVEL RIM -is the top edge of a receptacle from where water
107.ll FLOODEU - a fixture is flooded when the liquid therein rises to the flood
level rim.
... :07.12 FLOOR AREA - the area included within surrounding walls of a building
(or portion thc1eof), exclusive of vent shafts and courts.
207.13 FLUSH TANK·- a tank located above or integral with water closet, urinal or

similar fixtures for flushing or removing excrements in the fixture.

- :.07. 14 FLUSH VALVE - is a device located at the bottom of the tank for the
purpose of flushing waster closet and similar fixtures.
207. 15 FLUSHOMETER TANK- is integrated within an air accumulator ve:Bel
which is designed to discharge a predetermined quantity of water into
fixtures for flushing purposes.
~07 . 16 FLUSHOMETER VALVE- is a device, which discharges a predetennined
quantity of water into fixtures for flushing purposes and is actuated by direct .
water pressure.
Section 208
.. 108.1 GATE VALVE- a valve in which the flow ofwater is cut off by means
of a circular disc fitted against machine-smoothed faces, at righl angles to
the direction of flow. The disk is raised or lowered by means of a
threaded stern connected to the handle of the valve. The opening in the
valve is usually as large as the full bore of the pipe.

* s.·c. 56 JVJ>( ' l<J5()

,..... S.:c. 5~ NJ'(' /959
*"'* .\·,·.· 59 NI'C 1959
.,...,.. S.·c. 60 Nl'C 1959
*** ... Sc·c. (,J NJ>(' IY5Y


• 208.2 GWBE VALVE- a valve in which the flow of fluid is cut off by means of
a circular disc that fits over and against the horizontal valve seat. The
movement of the plane of disc is parallel to the nonnal direction of flow of
water through the orifice resulting to a tortuous passage which offers a high.
pressure loss.
.. 208.3 GOOSENECK - a return bend of small-sized pipe, one end of which is
about 30 em. long and the other end is about 7. 5 em. long. It is commonly
used as a faucet for a pantry sink. Also, the term means the flexible tubing
connection between a service pipe and a water main.

*** 208.4 GRADE - is the slope or fall of a line of pipe with reference to a horizontal
plane. In drainage, it is usually expressed as the fall in centiEleters per
meter or percentage slope of pipe.
208.5 GREASE INTERCEPTOR - an interceptor of at least 3 c.ubic meters
capacity to serve one or more fixtures and which is remotely located.
208.6 GREASE TRAP - a device designed to retain grease from one to a
maximum of tour fixtures .
.. 208.7 GROUND \VATER - the water that stands in or passes through the ground.

•• 208.8 GROUP VENT- a branch vent that performs its functions for two (2) or
more traps.

s~ction 209
209.1 HANGERS - see Supports.
HEIGHT OF BUILDING - the vertical distance from the "Grade Line" to
the highest point of the coping of a tlat roof or to the top line of n n~:"J1?.<itt
roof or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitch or hip-roof
209.3 HIGH HAZARD - see Contamination.
... 209.4 HORIZONTAL BRANCH - is a drain pipe extending laterally from a soil
or waste stack or building drain with or without vertical sections or
branches, which receives the discharge from one or more fixture drains and
conducts it to the soil or waste stack or to the building drain.

*Sec. 62 NPC 1959 ******Sec. 67 NPC 1959

**Sec. 63 NPC 1959 *"'****+Sec. 68 NFC !Y59
***Sec. 64 NJ>C 1959
**** Sec. 65 NPC 1959
..... Sec. 66 NPC 1959

Revised National Plumbing Coda of the Philippines

209.5 HORIZONTAL PIPE - is any pipe or fitting installed in a horizontal

position or which forms an angle of not more than forty-five (45) degrees
with the horizontal plane.

• 209.6 lJOUSE DRAIN- is that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a plumbing
system which receives the dischaiges from soil, waste and other drainage
pipes inside of a building and conveys it to the house sewer outside of the
lJOlJSE SEWER- is that part of a plumbing system extending from the
house drain at a point 0.60 meters from the outside face of the foundation
walt of a building to the junction with the street sewer or to any point of
discharge, and conveying the drainage of one building site.

···109.8 HOUSE STORM SEWER- is the pipeline from the building to the public
or street storm drainage system.

209.9 HURLESS PIPES ··- are cast iron soil pipes with plain ends connected
together with bolted stainless steel bands and neoprene gaskets.

Section 210
•• 210.1 INDIRECT WASTE PIPE - is a pipe that does not connect directly with
the drainage system but conveys liquid wastes by discharging into a
plumbing fixture, interceptor or receptacle d irectly connected to the
drainage system.
•• 210.2 IN.DIVIDUAL VENT- is a pipe installed to vent a fixture trap and which
COIUlects with the vent system above the fixtu re se1ved or terminates in the
open air.
••• 210.3 INDUSTRIAL \VASTE - any and aJI liquid or water-borne waste from
industrial or commercial processes, except domestic sewage.

210.4 I.P.S. - means Iron Pipe Size.

••• 210.5 INSANITARY · a condition contrary to sanitary principles or injurious to
h~alth .

• Sec. 6!J NPC 1959

.. Sec. 70 NPC 1959
*"'* Sec. 7I NPC 1959
.... •\·cc. 72 NI'C 1959
u u • .~.: ..'c.73 NI)C 1959
,... .... .\ec. 7 -l Nf>C 1951)
...... . **Sec. -:-5 /\'/'(' 1959


Conditions where the word "insanitary" shall apply include the following:

210.5.1 Any trap which does not maintain a proper trap seal;
210.5.2 Any opening in a drainage system. except where lawful, which is not
provided with an approved water-sealed trap;
210.5.3 Any plumbing fixture or other waste-discharging receptacle or device. not
supplied wit h water sufftcient to flush it and maintain it in a clean condition;
210.5.4 Any defective fixture, trap, pipe or fitting;
210.5.5 Any trap, except where exempted in this Code, directly connected to a
drainage system, the seal of which is not protected against siphonage and
backpressure by a vent pipe~
210.5.6 Any connection, cross-connection, construction or condition, temporary or
permanent, which permit or make possible, by any means whatsoever, for
any unapproved foreign matter to enter into a water distribution system used
for domestic purposes; and
210.5.7 The foregoing enumeration of conditions which the term "insanitary"
applies, shaH not preclude the application of that term to conditions that are,
in fact, insanitary.
• 210.6 INTERCEPTOR (CLARIFIER) - is a device designed and installed to
separate and retain deleterious, hazardous or undesirable matters from
normal wastes and permits normal sewage or liquid wastes to discharge into
the disposal terminal by gravity.
.. 210.7 INVERT - The lowest portion of the interior part of any pipe or conduit
that is not vertical.

Section :Z 11
211.1 JURISDICTION - the Administrative Authority under the Department of
Health, the Department of Public Works & Highways, the Department of
Interior and Local Government, the City Mayors of Chartered Cities,
Environmeatal Management Bureau (D.E.N.R) and other government:
entities that regulate the practice of Registered & Licensed Master

Section 212
No Definitions

*Sec. 76 NPC !959

**Sec. 77 NI'C 1959


····-··· ~ . . .... ····-·--···· -·-·---·- --- . ..

Revised National Plumbing Code of tho Philippines

St-rtion 213

llll LABELED - equipment or materials bearing a label of a listing agency.

AH labels shall be embossed, stamped or indelibly marked with stickers,
glued on the tinished product indicating the weight, specifications and logo
of the manufacturer.

~32 LATERAL -· in plumbing, a secondary pipeline. In sewerage, a common

sewer to which no other branch sewer is connected. It receives sewage from
building sewer service connections only.
LATRINE -- a water closet consisting of a continuous trough containing
water. The trough extends under two or more adjacent seats. Prohibited by
health authorities for pennanent installations.

213.4 LA VATORY - a fixture designed for the washing of the hands or face.
Sometimes called a wash basin.

LEACHING CESSPOOL- a cesspool that is not watertight.

1136 LEADER - (See Conductor) - a pipe connected from building gutter to the
downspout or conductor.

IIJ_7 LENGTH OF PIPE - is measured along its cente-rline.

11.3 8 LIQUID WASTE - is the discharge from any fixture, appliance or
appurtenance in connection with a plumbing system which does not receive
fecal matter.

IIJ_9 LISTED - equipment or materials included in a LIST published by a listing

agency that maintain periodic inspection on current production of listed
equipment or materials and whose listing state either that the equipment or
materials complied with approved standards or have been tested and found
suitable for use in specified manners.

11110 LfSTING AGENCY -· is an agency accepted by the Administrative

Authority in the business of listing nr labeling and which maintains a
periodic inspection program on curn~nt produc1ion of listed modefs, and
makes available a published repot1 of such listing where specific
information is included tint the product has been tested against approved
standards and found safe for use in a sp~citic manner.

*Sec. 78 NPC 1959 Sec·. HI NPC 1959


u Sec. 79 NPC 1959 ** u• Sec. 81 NPC 1959

** • Sec. 80 NJ'(' JIJ59 ...... 5it'C. ~3 NP(' 1959

Defi nitions

*213 . 11 WCAL VENT - a pipe or shaft to convey foul air from a plumbing fixture
or a room to the outer air.

.. 213. 12 LOOP OR CIRCUIT VENT - a vertical vent connection on a horizontal

soil or waste pipe branch at a point downstream of the last fixture
cormection and turning to a horizontal line above the highest overflow level
of the highest fixture connected thereat; the tenninus connected to the stack
vent in the case of loop venting or to the vent stack nearby in the case of
circuit venting.

213.13 LOT - a single area of land legally recorded or validated by other means
acceptable to the Administrative Authority where a building is situated or
site of any work regulated by this Code, together with the yard, court, and
unoccupied space legally required for the building or works; and which i!
owned by or in the lawful possession of the owner of the building or works.

213. 14 LOW HAZARD - see Pollution.

Section 214
••• 214. 1 MAIN - any system of continuous piping, which is the principal artery of
the system where branches are connected.

214.2 MAIN SEWER - see Public Sewer.

•• 214.3 MAIN VENT - the p1incipal artery of the venting system to which vem
branches are connected .
•• 214.4 MANHOLE - a large opening in a sewer line or part of a plumbing system
constmcted with sufficient size for a man to gain access therein for
maintenance purposes and facility for changes of line and/or grade of
pipdine .
... 214.5 MASTER PLUMBER - a person technically and legally qualified anc
licensed to practice the profession of Master Plumbing without limitations in
accordance with Republic Act 13 78. having passed the examinatiom
conducted by the Professio nal Regulation Commission, has received a
C'e.rtificate of Registration from the Board of Master Plumbing and possesses
the current license to practice.

• Sec. 84 NPC 1959 ****Sec. !f7 NPC 1959

**Sec. 85 NPC 1959 ... .,.. Sec. 88 NPC JY59
***Sec. 86 NPC' 1959 ***••• Sec. 8<J NI'C 1959

Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

:14.6 MAY- the word "may" is a permissive tenn.

214 7 MODiLl: HOME PARK SF.WER- that part of the horizontal piping of
sanilary drainage system which measures 0.6 meter downstream from the last
mobile home site and conveys sewage to a public sewer, private sewer,
individual sewage disposal system or other points of disposal.

Section 215
:IS.l NAMPAP- National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines.

%15.2 NUISANCE - includes, but is not limited to the following:

lt5.2.1 Any public nuisance known in common law or in equity jurisprudence~

lJ52.2 Whenever any work regulated by this Code is dangerous to human life or
detrimental to health and property~ and
215.2.3 Inadequate or unsafe water supply and or sewage disposal system.

Section 216

~216.1 OAKUM - hemp or old hemp rope soaked in oil or tar to make it

It 216.2 OCCUPANCY- the purpose for which a building is used or intended to be

used. The term shall also include the building or room housing used.
Change of occupancy is not interpreted to mean change of tenants or

2J6.1 OFFSET - in a line of piping is a combination of elbows or bends, which

brings one st..~tion of the pipe out of line but into a line parallel with the
original section.

Section 217

PERSON - a natural person, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns;
and also includes a firm, partnership or corporation, its or their successors or
assigns or agents of any of the aforesaid

*Sec. 90 NP( ~ 1959

•• Sec. 91 NJ>C 1959
... Sec. 92 NPC 1959

217.2 PB - Polybutylene. Tube made of plastic material and colored black. The
cross-sectional shape is nonnally oval and is denoted by its outside diameter
or 0.0. Nom1ally used as water service connection from main to meter.
217.3 PE - Polyethylene. Tube made of plastic material and colored black. The
cross-sectional shape is cir~lar and is denoted by its outside diameter or
217.4 PIPE - a cylindrical conduit or conductor conforming to the particular
dimensions commonly known as ..pipe size, and is denoted by its interior
diameter or l.D.
• 217.5 PITCH - see Grade.
•• 217.6 PLUMBING- the Nt and t~hnique of installing pipes, fixtures and other
apparatuses in buildings for bringing in the supply, liquids, substances and/or
ingredients and removing them~ and such water, liquid and other carried-
wastes hazardous to health, sanitation, life) property~ also the pipes and
fixtures after installation i.e., the plumbing system.
217.7 PLUMBING APPLIANCE -· any one of a special class of device or
equipment intended to perform a speciaf plumbing function. Its operation
and/or control may be dependent upon one or more energ~ components,
such as motors, controls, heating elements and pressure-temperature-sensing
elements. Such device or equipment may operate automatically through one
or more of the following actions: a time cycle, a temperature range, a
pressure range, a measuted volume or weight~ or the device or equipment
may be manually adjusted or controlled by the user or operator.
217.8 PLUMBING APPURTENANCE - a manufactured device or a prefabricated
assembly or an on-the-job assembly of component parts, and serves as adjunct
to the basic piping sy~tem and plumbing fixtures. An appurtenance demands
no additional water supply nor does it add any discharge load to a fixture or
the drainage system. It performs some useful functions in the operation,
maintenance, servicing, eccnomy or Sclfety of the plumbing system.
217.9 PLUMBING FIRM- a sole proprietorship or corporation composed of
Registered and Licen:)ed Master Plumbers together with allied professionals, the Master Plumbers composing the majority of the members~ip,
incorporators, directors and/or executive officers and Licensed Master
Plumber only render work and services within the cognizance of a Registered
Master PJumber and members of the allied professions also only render work
and services within the cognizance of their respective professions.

• Sec. 93 Nrc 1959

u Sec. 94 NPC 1959
Revised National Plumbin~J Code r:A the Philippines

• 217.10 PLU MBJNG Fl.XTURF.S ·- are approved-type installed receptacles. devices

or appliances supplied with water or receive liquid or liquid-borne wastes and
discharge such wastes into the drainage system to which they may be directly
or indirectly connected. Jndustrial or commercial tanks, vats and similar
processing equipment are not plumbing fixtures, but may be connected to or
discharged into approved traps or plumbing fixtures as provided for jn this

•• 217.11 PLUMBING OFFICIAL - the Administrative Authority or the officer

charged with the administration and enforcement of the National Plumbing
Code, or his regularly authorized deputy.

••• 211.12 PLUMBING SYSTEM - includes all potable water supply and distribution
pipes, ali plumbing fix.tures and traps; all sanitary and storm drainage systems~
vent pipes, roof drains, leaders and downspouts; and all building drains and
sewers, including their respective joints and connections; devices, receptacles,
and appurtenances within the property~ water lines in the premises: potable,
tap, hot and chilled watt!r pipings~ potable water treating or using equipment;
fuel gas piping; water heaters and vents for same.

217.13 PLUMBING UNIT - a minimum standard quantity ofplumbing fixtures that

discharge wastes into a plumbing installation induding: one (I) water meter,
one (I) water closet, one (I) lavatory, one ( l) shower head and drain tor a
bathtub or shower stall, one ( 1) kitchen sink, one ( 1) Iau ndry tray and three ( 3)
t1oor drains ~n,d ~ou~ (4) faucets/hose bibb.

217. 14 POLLUTION- an impairment of the quality of the water to a degree which

creates hazard to the public health and adversely affects the aesthetic and
potable qual it irs of waters for domestic usc .

... 217.15 POTABLE WATER -- water satisfactory for drinking, culinary ar.d
domestic purposes and meets the requirements of the Philippine National
Standards for Drinking Water.

217.l6 PRESSURE·- the normal force exerted by a homogeneous liquid or gas,

per unit of area on the wall of the container

217.16. 1 STATIC PRI!:SSlJRE -- the pressure existing without any flow


*Sec. 95 NPC 1959

.. Sec. 97 NPC /959
***Sec 96 NPC 1959
****Sec. 98 NPC {959


217. 16.2 RESlDlJAL PRESSURE -- the pressure available at the fixture or

water outlet; allowance is made for pressure drop due to friction loss,
head, meter and other losses in the system during maximum demand
• 217.17 PRIMARY BRANCH -- of the building drain is the single sloping drain
from the base of a stack to its junction with the main building drain.
** 217. 18 PRIVATE OR PRIVATE USE- In classification of plumbing fixtures,
"private" applies to plumbing fixtures in residences and apartments, to
private bathrooms in hotels and hospital s, to rest rooms in commercial
establishments for restricted use, single fixture or group of single fi xtures
and to similar installations where the fixtures are intended for the usc of a
fam ily or an individual.
217. 19 PRJVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - a septic tank with the
effluent discharging into a subsurface disposal field, into one or more
seepage pits or into a combination of subsurface disposal field and seepage
pit or of such other facilities as may be permitted under the procedures set
forth elsewhere in this Code.
*** 217.20 PRIVATE s•:WER - a building sewer, which receives the discharge from
more than one building drain and conveys it to a public sewer, private
sewage disposal system, or other points of disposaL

•• 217.21 PRIVY - an outhouse or structure used for the deposition of excrement.

.. 217.22 PRIVY VAULT- a pit beneath a privy where excrement collects.
••• 217.23 PUBLIC OR PUBLIC USJ<: - In the classification of plumbing fixtures,
" public" or "public use" shall mean all buildings or structures that are not
defined as private or private use .
.... 217.24 PUBLIC SEWER - a common sewer directly controlled by publk
authority to which all abutters have equal rights of connections.
217.25 PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride. Potable water pipings are color-coded BLUE.
Drainpipes are manufactured with toxic components and are color-coded
gray, orange or brown.

*Sec. 99 NPC 1959 •••u Sec. 103 NI'C 1Y59

•• ,)'ec. 100 NPC 195Y ****u .\·ec. /0-1 NPC 1959
*** Sec. 101 NPC 1959 •••uu Sec. 105 NPC 1959
•••• Sec. 102 NPC 1959

Revised National Plumbing Code of the Fhilippin8s

Section 218
218.1 QUALITY OF MATERIALS- all plumbing fixtures and materiats used in
any discharge or plumbing system or pa11s thereof shall be free from defects.

Section 219
219.1 RECEPTOR - an approved plumbing fixture or device of such materials,
shape and capacity to Adequately receive the discharge from indirect waste
pipes, constructed and located to be readily cleaned.

219.2 REGUlATING EQUIPMENT - include alJ valves and controls used in

plumbing systems which are accessible.
• 219.3 RELIEF Vt:NT- a vertical vent line, the primary function of which is to
provide additional circulation of air between the drainage and vent systems
or to act as an auxiliary vent on a specially designed system such as a ''yoke
vent" conn<..'"Ction between the soil and vent stacks.

.. 219.4 REPAIR- the reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building

for its maintenance. The word "repair" or "repairs" shall not apply to any
change of constmction or occupancy.

.... 219.5 RETURN BEND - an open return bend usually made up two 90° bends
with inside and outside threads, flanged or welded fittings~ and applied also

. . 219.6
to a one hundred eighty degrees bend in copper tubings.

REVENT PIPE- see backvent pipe .

219.7 RIM - an unobstructed top open edge of a fixture.

.. 219.8 RISER - a water supply pipe, which extends vertically to one full story or
more to convey water into pipe branches or plumbing fixtures.

... 219.9 ROllGHING-lN - the installation of all pipings and fitting parts of the
plumbing system, which can be completed prior to the installation of
fixtures and accessories. These include sanitary and storm drainage, t<!p, hot
and chilled water supplies, gas pipings, vent pipings and the necessary
fixture supports.

• Sec. 106 NPC 1959 •••• Sec.:. 109 NPC 1959

•• S(!c. 107 NI'C N59 •• • • • Sec. 110 NPC 1959
••• Sec. 108 NJ'C 1959 ••••u Sec. I 1I A'PC 1959


Section 220
220.1 SAND INTERCEPTOR - see Interceptor.
• 220.2 SANITARY SEWAGt: - the wastewater containing human excrements
and liquid household waste. Also called domestic sewage.
•• 220.3 SANITARY SE\VER - a sewer intended to receive sanitary sewage with or
without pre-treated industrial wastes and without the admixture of rain or
ground water.
••• 220.4 SEAL- the vertical distance between the dip and the crown weir of a trap .
Also, the water in the trap between the dip and the crown weir.
•• 220.5 SECONDARY BRANCH - any branch in a building dra\n other than the
primary branch.
220.6 SEEPAGE PIT- a loosely lined excavation in the ground. which receives
the discharge of a septic tank and designed to pemut the effluent from the
septic tank to seep through pit bottom and sides .
** 220.7 SEPTIC TANK- a water-tight receptacle which receives the discharge of a
sanitaty plumbing system or part thereof, designed and constructed to retain
solids, digest organic matter through a period of detention and to allow the
liquids to discharge into the soil outside of the tank through a system of
open-jointed sub-surface pipings or a seepage pit meeting the requirements
of this Code.
••• 220.8 SERVICE PIPE - the pipe from the street water main or other source of
waler supply to the building served .
... 220.9 SEWAGE - any wastewater containing animal or vegetable matter in
suspension or solution and may include liquids containing chemical s in
solution .
.... 220.10 SEWER- a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage and wastewater .
•••• 220.11 SEWERAGE OR SEWERAGE WORKS - a comprehensive term,
including all constructions for collection, transportation. pumping. treatment disposition of sewage .
..... 220.12 SIIAFI'- a vertical opening through a building for elevators, dumbwaiters,
lights. ventilation or similar purposes.
• Sec. I 12 NPC 1959 • ••••• Sec. ll 7 NPC 1959
.. Se,:. JJ3NPC 1959 •••-u•• ,'>ec. J/8 NPC 1959
••• Sec. 114 Nl'C 1.959 •••••••• &c. 119 NPC 1959
.... Sec. 115NJ>C 1959 ••••••••• ,)'ec. 120 NPC 1959
..... Sec. 116 Nl'C 1959 •••••••• .. Sec. 121 NPC 1959

Hevised National Plumbing Code of tha Philippines

• 220.13 SIAMF..S.t: CONNECTION -· a huse fitting with clapper valves for

combining the flow from two or more Jines of hose into a single stream.
The inlet fitting of a fire standpipe located above ground level.
•• 220.14 SIPHONAGE ··· a suction created by the t1ow of liquids m p1pes. A
pressure less than atmospheric.
... 220. IS · SHALL - the word "shall" denotes mandatory acceptation.
220.16 SHIELDED COUPLING- an approved clastomeric sealing gasket with an
approved outer shield and a tightening mechanism.
220.17 SL"iGLE FAMILY D\\'ELLJNG- a building designed as a home by the
owner of such building, and shalJ be the only dwelling located on a parcel of
ground with the usual accessory building.
220.18 SIZE AND TYPE Oil~ TUBING -· see Diameter.
220.19 SLIP JOINT - an adjustable tubing connection, consisting of a
compression nut, a friction ring, and a compression washer. designed to fit a
threaded adapter fitting or a standard taper pipe thread.
220.20 SLOPE - see Grade.

.. 220.21 SOIL STACK PIPE - a vertical soil pipe conveying fecal matter and


SOIL PIPE - any pipe, which conveys the discharge of water closet, urina!
or fixtures having similar functions, with or without the discharges from
other fixtures to the building drain or building sewer.
%20.23 SOLDERED JOINT - a pipe joint obtained by joining metal parts with
metallic mixtures or alloys which melt at a temperature below 427 degrees
centigrade and above 149 degrees centigrade .

.,.!LO 24 SPIGOT - the end of a pipe which fits into a bell. Also a word used
synonymousl y with faucet.
=t).25 SPECIAL WASTES - wastes which require some special methods of
handling such as th<' usc of in(Hrc.ct waste piping and receptors; corrosion-
resistant piping~ sand, oil or grcasl~ intc1ceptors ~ condensers or other
pretreatment facilities.

*Sec. 123 NPC 1959 u""*Sec. 126 NPC 1959

* • Sec. 12-1 NPC 1959 •••**Sec. 125 NPC 1959
... s,•c. 122 NPC 1959 ******Sec. 127 NPC 1959

.. 220.26 STACK - the vertical main of a system of soil, waste or vent ptpmgs
extending through one or more stories and extended thru the roof
•• 220.27 STANDPIPE- a vertical pipe, or a reservoir, into which water is pumped
to give it at a head, classified as:
l. Wet Standpipe - water pressure is maintained at all times~
2. Automatic Standpipe System - operates automatically by
opening a hose valve~
3. Manually-OJ)erated Standpipe System - remote control
device al each hose station; and
4. Dry Standpipe - having no permanent water inside the
••• 220.28 STORM WATER- that portion of the rainfall or other precipitation which
runs ofT over the earth surface after a storm .
•• 220.29 STOREY - that portion of a building included between the upper surface of
any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above .
•• 220.30 SUBSOIL DRAIN - an underground drainpipe that receives only sub-
surface or seepage water and convey it to a sump for disposal by gravity
flow or by lift pump.
••• 220.31 STACK VENT - the. extension of a soil or waste stack above the highest
horizontal drain connected to the stack. The uppermost end above the roof
is called stack vent through roof (SVTR) .
.... 220.32 SUMP - an approved tank or pit which receives sewage or wastewater and
is located below the normal grade of the gravity system and must be emptied
by mechanical means .
****220.33 SUPPORTS - supports, hangers, anchors, brackets, cradles are devices for
holding and securing pipes and fixtures to walls, ceiling, floors or structural

..... 220.34 SURFACF: WATER - that portion of rainfa ll or other precipitation which
runs off over the surface of the ground .
.. *** 220.35 SWIMMING POOL - a water basin used for swimming designed to
accommodate many bathers at a time and properly connected to a di sposal
system, fi ll s and draws water supply or provided with approved water
purification and recirculation system.
*Sec. 128 Nl'C 1959 •• •• •• .sec. 129 NPC 19.59
•• Sec. 130 NPC 1959 •••••••sec. 134 NPC 1959
••• Sec. 131 NPC /959 ••u•••• S<'c. I 35 NPC I 959
.... Sec. 13: NPC 1959 ***•••••• Sec. /36 NPC / 959
••**• .vc. 133 NPC /959 u•••••••• .'\ec. 137 NPC 1959
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

Section 221

22I.l TAll,PIECE -the pipe or tubing that connects the outlet of a plumbing
fixture to the trap.
• 221 .2 TAPPED TEE - a tee with the branch tapped to receive a threaded pipe or
fittings .
•• 221.3 TRAP -- a fitting or device designed and constructed to provide, when
properly vented, a liquid seal wh\ch prevents the backflow of foul air or
methane gas without materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater
through it.

221.4 TRAP ARM -that portion of a fixture drain between a trap and the vent.
... 221.5 TRAP SEAL - the maximum vertical depth of liquid that a trap will retai~
measured between the crown weir and the top of the dip of the trap.
221.6 TUBF. -- a cylindrical conduit or conductor C4.:mfonning to the particular
dimensions known as "tube sizes" and denoted by its outside diameter or

Se-ction 222
222.1 UNCONFINED SPACE- a room space having a volume equal to at least
1.4 c.u. m. of the aggregate input rating of the fuel-burning appliance
installed in that space. Rooms adjacent and open to the space where the
appliance is installed, through openings not furnished with doors, are

•• 222.2
considered a part of the unconfined space .

UNIT VENT- an arrangement of venting so installed that one vent pipe

will serve two (2) traps.

Section 223

•• 223.1
VACUUM -- an air pressure less than atmospheric. Also, implies siphonage
in piping system.
223 .2 VAClJUM UREAKER- sec Backtlow Prevcnter.

• St•c. 138 NPC 1959 **** Sec. f./1 NI'C.l959

**Sec. 139 NPC 1959 """"""* St•c. 1./2 NPC 1959
** *Sec. J.IO NPC /959


* 223.3 VENT PIPJ: - a pipe or opening used for ensuring the circulation of air in a
plumbing system and for relieving the negative pressure exerted on trap
223.4 Vf.~NT STACK -the vertical vent pipe installed primarily for providing
circulation of air to and from any part of the soil, waste of the drainage
223.5 VENT SYSTEM - pipes installed to provide flow of air to or from a
drainage system or to provide a circulation of air within such system to
protect traps seals from siphonage and backpressure.
223.6 VERTICAL PIPE - any pipe cr fitting installed in a vertical position or
which forms an angle of not more than forty-five (45) degrees with the
vertical line.
Section 224

224. I WASTE- see Liquid Waste and Industrial Waste.

••• 224.2 WASTE PlPE - :1 pipe, which conveys only wastewater or liquid wa~te,
free of fel~al matter.
224.3 \VATER TREATMENT - a device which conditions cr treats water
supply to improve water quality, remove suspended solids by filt ration.
224.4 WATER- DISTRIBUTING PlPE - a pipe which conveys potable water
from the building supply pipe to the plumbing fixtures and other water
224.5 WATER MAIN - or street main is the water-supply pipe for public or
community use.
224.6 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM - of a building or premises consists of the
water service pipe, water supply line, water distributing pipe and the
necessary branch pipes, fittings, valves and all appurtenances required for
the supply of potablt! water.
** 224.7 WET VENT -· that portion of a vent pipe through where wastewater also
fl ows through.
224.8 WEtDEO JOINT OR Sf:AM -any joint or seam obtained by the joining
of metal parts in a plastic molren state.

*Sec. 143 NPC 19.59 ***Sec. f.l6 NPC' 1959

**sec. 14-1 NJ>C 1959 ****Sec. U5 NPC 1959
Revised Netional Plumbing Code of the Philippines

224.9 WELDER, PIPELINE-- a person who specializes in the welding of pipes

and holds a valid certificate of competency from a recognized testing
agency, based on the requirements of the regulating authority.

224.10 WYE - a hose connection with two~gated outlets permitting two

connections of the same or smaller coupling diameter to be taken from a
single supply line. Also, a pipe fitting of three branches that form the letter
c."l.T\.1 ~ ,,
""'c .

Section 225
No definitions.

Section 226

• 226.1 YARD- an open. unoccupied space, other than a court, unobstructed from
the ground to the sky, except where specifically provided in thi s Code.

226.2 YOKE VENT - a pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack below
the floor and below horizontal connection to an adjacent vent stack at a
point above the tloor and higher than highest spill level of fixtures for
preventing pressure changes in the stacks.

Section 227
No definitions.

*Sec. 147 NPC 1959

Chapter 3


It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, suffer or pennit the disposal of
sewage, human excrement or other waste waters in any place or manner, except
through and by means of an approved Excreta and Storm Drainage Systems
installed and maintained in accordance with the pro\~sions of this Code.


Horizontal drainage pipes shall be run in practical alignments and at a uniform
slope between manholes of not less than 20 mm/m or 2% toward the point of
disposal, provided that, where it is impracticable to obtain a 2% slope due to the
following constraints in: ( l) excessive depth of the proposed drainage line~ (2}
structural and/or geological features of the terrain; and (3) existing adverse in
arrangements of bu.ilding or structure~ any !iuch pipe or piping l 02 nun or larger
in diameter may have a slope of l 0 mm/m or 1% provided it is first appro~v·ed by
the Administrative Authority.


303.1 Changes in direction of drainage piping shall be made by the use of

approved pipe fittings and shall be of the angles presented by a 22 l/2° bend,
45° bend, 60° bend or other approved fittings of longer sweeps.
303.2 Horizontal drainage lines connecting to a vertical stack shalJ enter through
45° or 60° wye branc.hcs, combination wye and 1/8 bend branches, sanitary
tee or other approved fittings of longer sweeps. No fitting having more than
one inlet at the same level shall be used unless such fitting is constructed so
that the discharge trom one inlet cannot readily enter into the other inlet.
Vertical installation of double sanitary tees may be used when the barrel of
the fitting is at least two (2) pipe sizes larger than the largest side inlet.
Nominal pipe sizes recognized for these purposes are: 51, 63, 76, 89, 102,
114, 127 & 152 mm. diameters.
303.3 Horizontal drainage lines connecting to other horizontal drainage lines shall
enter through 45° wye branches, combination wye and 1/8 bend branches or
other approved fittings of longer sweeps.

* Sec. 154 NPC 1959

**Sec. 157 NPC !95Y
Revised National Plumbmg Code of the Philippines

303.4 Vertical drainage lines connecting to horizontal drainage line shall enter
through 4S-degree branches, or other approved fittings of longer sweep
Sixty (60) degree branches or offsets may be used only when installed in a
true verticai position


All plumbing fixtun~s, drains, appurtenances and appliances used to receive

or di scharge liquid wastes or sewage, shall be connected properly to the
drainage systems of the building and premises, in accordance with the
requin.'ments of this Code.

Sf-t:tion 305- Sf:\VER REQUIRE[)

;o5 1 Every build ing where plumbi11g fixtures are installed shall have a sewer
service connection to a public or private sewer systems except as provided
in Subsection JOS .2 ofthis section.

; o5 2 When a Public or Private Sewer is not available for use, excreta drainage
piping from buildings and premises shall be connected to an approved
Pri vate Sewage Oispo s<~ l System


:;06.1 It shall be unlawful for any persnn to deposit, by whatever means into any
plumbing fixture, floor drain, int erceptor, sump, recept acle or device,
connected to the excreta and storm drainage systems, public sewer, private
sev,;er, septic tank or cesspool, any ashes, cinders, solids, rags, fl ammable,
poiso nous or explosive liquids or gases; oils, greases or other things which
would or could cause. damage to the drainage system or puhlic sewer.

306 2 Roofs, inner courts, vent shafts, light well s or similar areas having rainwater
drains sh all discharge outside of the building or to the gutter, and sha ll not
be connected to the soil and waste pipe systems.

Stction 307 ·- INI>l :sTRIAL \VASTF:S

J(•i I Wa stes d ~t rimenta l to the public sewer system or to the fu nctioning of the
sewage tr eatment plant shall be treated anJ disposed of as lound ne;;essary
and as directed by the Admi nistrati ve Authority or other authorities having
juri ~;d ict !-\.Hl
General Regulations

307.2 Sewage or other waste from a plumbing system which may be deleterious to
surface or subsurface waters, shall not be discharged into the ground or into
any waterway unless first rendered innocuous through subjection to some
acceptable form of treatment.
Section 308- LOCATION

308. t Except as otherwise provided in thi s Code, no excreta plumbing system,

storm drainage system, building drain, building sewer, private sewage
disposal system or parts thereof, shall be located in any lot other than the lot
where the site of the building, stntcture or premises are served by such
308.2 No subdivision, sale, or transfer of ownership of existing property shall be
made in such a manner that the area, clearance, and access requirements of
this Code are decreased or impaired.


Piping, fixtures or equipment shall not be so located to interfere with the
normal functi o n or usc thereof or with the normal operation and use of
windows, doors or other required facilities.
*Section 310- WORKMANSHIP
310.1 All designs, constructions and workrnanships shall be in conformity with
accepted engineering practices and shall be of such character as to secure
the results sought to be obtained by th is Code.
310.2 It shall be unlawfi.1l to conceal cracks, holes, or other imperfection in
materials by welding, brazing or soldering the defects or by using therein or
thereon any paint, wax, tar, or other sealing or repair agents.

J I 0.3 Burred ends of all pipes and tubings shall be reamed to the full bore of the
pipe or tubing and all chips left inside the pipe or tubing shall be removed .


311 . 1 No double hub fitting for lead-caulked joint in vertical position, single or
double tee hranch; single or double tapped tee branch, side inlet quaner
bend, running thread, band or saddle shall be used as a drainage titting,
except that a double hub sanitary tapped tee may be used on vertical lines as
a fixture connection. (Approved stainless steel bands with neoprene gaskets
for jointing of hub less cast iron soil pipes are acceptable for use.

• Sec. 156 NPC 1959

**Sec. 158 NPC !959
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

311.2 No drainage or vent p1pmg shall be drilled and tapped for making
connections thereto, and no cast iron soil pipe shall be threaded.

311.3 No waste connection shall be made to a closet bend or stub of a water closet
or similar fixtures.

311 .4 Except as hereinafter provided in Sections 812, 813 and 814 of this Code, no
vent pipe shall be used as a soil or waste pipe, nor shall any soil or waste
pipe be used as a vent. Also, single drainage and venting systems with
unvented branch lines are prohibited.

311.5 No fitting, fixture and piping connections, appliance, device or method of

instailation which obstmcts or retards the flow of water, sewage or air in the
excreta and storm drainage and venting systems in an amount greater than
the normal fri ctional resistance to flow, shall be used unl ess it is indicated as
acceptable in this Code or approved by the Administrative Authority as
having the desirable nnd acceptable function and of ultimate benefit to the
proper and continuous functioning of the plumbing system. The
enlargement of a 76-mm closet bend or stub to 102-mm diameter shall not
be considered as an obstruction.

311.6 Except for necessary use of gate & check valves. where inter-membering or
mixing of dissimilar metals occurs, the points of connection shall be
con tined to exposed or accessible locations.

311.7 All valves. pipes and fittings shall be installed in correct relationship to the
direction of flow.


The drainage system of each new building and of new work installed in any
existing building shall be separate and independent from that of any other
building and whe-n available, every building shall have an independent connection
with a private or public sewer.

Eueption: Where one building stand" in the rear of another building on an

interior lot, and no private sewer line is available nor can be constructed to the
rear building through an adjoining court, yard or driveway, the building drain
from lhe front huJ/ding may be extended to the rear building if Jhe existing size is
adequate fi.u· borh buildings and gravity flow is po.'isib/e.

General Regulations


313.1 In existing building or premises where plumbing installations are to be

a!tered, repaired or renovated, deviations from the provision of this Code are
permitted, provided such deviations are necessary and first approved by the
Administrative Authority.

313.2 Existing building sewer and building drain may be used in connection with a
new building or new plumbing and drainage works only when they are
found on examination and tested to conform in all respects to the
requirements governing new work. and the proper Administrative Authority
shaH notify the Owner to make changes necessary to confomt to this Code.
No building or part thercot: shall be erected or placed over any part of the
existing drainage system, which is constructed of materials other than those
approved elsewhere in this Code tor use under or within a building.

313.3 All openings into a Sanitary drainage and vent system, cx(cpt those
openings to which plumbing fixtures are pmperly conne~tcd or which
constitute vent terminals, shall be permanently plugged or capped in an
approved manner. using the appropriate materials required by this Code.


314.! All pipings passing under or through walls shall be protected from breakage
with embedded metal pipe sleeves. All pipes passing through or under
cinders or other corrosive materials shaH be protected from external
corrosion by encasing same with polyethylene sheath or in other approved
manner. Approved provisions shall be made for expansions of hot water
pipings. Void between pipes and sleeves through concrete floors in the
ground shall be appropriately sealed with bitumen.
314.2 All pipes in connection with the plumbing system shall be installed so that
the piping or connections will not be exposed to undue strains or stresses,
and provisions shall be made for pipe expansions and contraction, and
bending due to structural settlement ~o pipe shall be directly embedded in
concrete and masonry walls without metal sleeve. No structural member
shall be seriously weakened or impaired by cutting, notching or otherwise.
314.3 The bottom of all pipe trenches deeper than the footing of any adjacent
building or structure and parallel to it must be at least for1y-five (45) degrees
therefrom. unless permission is granted by the Administrative Authority.

"'Sec. 155 NPC 1959

r~evi sed Nation31Plumbing C(:de of the Philippines

Jl-4 4 No building sewer or other drainage pipings or part thereof, constructed of

materials other than that approved for use under or within the building, shall
be installed under or within 0.6 meter of any building or structure, nor less
than 0 3 meter below the finish ground surfat.e.

114 5 Pipe surfaces subject to undue corrosion, erosion or mechanical damage

shall be protected with approved material and manners such as inside lining,
outside coating and proper bottom bedding and top shielding with concrete

51dion 315 - IIANGt: RS AND SUPPORTS

~.1 Verticall,iping

Attachment - vertical piping shall be secured at sufficiently close intervals to

keep the pipes in alignment and to carry its weight and contents. Stacks shall be
supported at their base as l(>Jiows:

315. 1. 1 Cast Iron SoiJ Pipe - Bell & Spigot and Hubless p1pe shall be
supported at every storey or clo~er.

315.1.2 Snewed Pi1)e -· Iron Pipe Size (IPS) shall be supported at not less than
every other storey height ../·

3 15 . I 3 Copper Tubing - shall be ~up ported at each storey or at max1mum

intervals of J nwters on center.

J 15 .1.4 Lead Pipf ... shall be supported at intervals not exc.eeding 1.20 meters at
centers with a rigid vertical back-up

) 15 . I. S Plastic Pipe ·· shall be supported at every one- ( 1) meter interval.

1152 Horizontal Piping

J 15.2.1 Supports ··· hori zontal pipes shall be supported at sufliciently close
intervals to keep them in alignment and prevent sagging.

315.2.2 Cast Iron Soil Pipe- Where joints occur, suspended cast iron soil pipe
shall be supported at not more than 1. 5 meters intervals; except that
pipe exceeding I. S meters length, may be supported at not more
than J meters intervals. Supp011s shall be adequate to maintain
alignment and to prevent sagging and shall be placed within 0.45 meters
of the hub or joiat. Hubless or compression gasket joints must be
supported at least at every other joint except that when the developed
length between supports exceeds 1.2 meters, they shall be provided at
each joint Support shall also be provided at each horizontul branch
coMection, placed on or immediately adjacent to the ' ::; ~~:!!s.
Suspended lines shall be suitably braced to prevent l. . i .; ~tal

315.2.3 Screwed Pipe- IPS except as provided in other Sections of this Code,
shall be supported at approximately 3.0 meters intervals for piping 19
.mm diam.eter and smaller and 3.6 meters intervals for piping 25 mm and
larger in diameter.

315.2.4 Copper Tubing - shall be supported at approximately 1.8 t:-t~~ :-: :..:· 11
intervals for piping 38 mm diameter and smaller and 3.0 meters in!-::rvc'.n
for pipings 51 mm and larger in diameter.

315.2.5 uad Pipe - shall be supported by stiff metal or wooden backing for its
entire length with hangers properly spaced.

315.2.6 In Ground - piping buried in the ground shall be laid on a flTYll bed for
its entire length, except where concrete cradle support is provided,
which is adequate and approved by the Administrative Authority.

315. 2.7 Plastic Tube - sh~l be supported by stiff metal or wood backing with
hangers in its entire length for small-size tubings up to 38 mm diameter
and without backings but with spaced metal hangers at approved spacing
for larger-size tubings.

315.3 Hangers and Anchon

3 I 5.3 .I Materials - for hangers and anchors shall be of sufficient strength

to maintain their proportional share with the weight of the pipe and
its content.

3 I 5.3.2 All pipings, fixtures and equipment shall be adequately anchored

or supported to the satisfaction of the Administrative Authority.


3 l 6.1 Tunneling and driving may be done in yard, court or driveway of any
building site. Where there is suffici ent depth, tunneling may be used
between open cut trench~s. Tunnels shall have a clear height of 0.6 meter
above the pipe and hall be limited in le ngth to one-half (1/2) the :iepth
of the trench, wd. a maximum length of 2.4 meters. When pi pe is
driven, the drive pi. l· shall be at least one pipe size larger than the pipet;:> be

R~visod National Plumbing COde of the Philippines

)16.2 Open Trenches - all excavations required to be made for the installation of
a building drainage system or any part thereof, within the walls of a
building, shall be open trench work and kept open until the piping has been
inspected, tcs!ed and accepted.

316 3 All excavations shaH he completely back-tilled as soon as possible after

inspection. Adequate precaution shall be taken to ensure proper
compactness of backfill around pipes without damage to such pipe
Trenches shall be back-filled in thin layers of0.3 meter above the top of the
pipe with clean earth which shall not contain stones, boulders, cinders ~
other mate.rials which can damage or break the pipes or cause con:osfve
action. Mechanical devices or equipment such as bulldozer, grader, etc.,
may then be used to complete the back-filhng to grade. The filling shall be
properly compacted Suitable precautions shall be taken to ensure
permanent stability for pipes in filled or made ground.
Chapter 4
Quality of Fixture8 - plumbing fixtures shall be manufactured of dense, durable,
non-absorbent materials an.d must have smoot~ impervious surfaces, free from
unnecessary concealed fouling surfaces. Except as permitted elsewhere in this
Code. all fixtures shall conform in quality aad design to nationally recognized
applicable standards or to other approved standards acceptable to the
Administrative Authority. All porcelain enamel swfaces on fixtures
shall be acid resistant (for the convenience of users of this Code, a list of
generally accepted Plumbing Fixtures is included in Table 14-4 Plumbing
Material Referenced Standards.) •

Water doset bowls fur public use shall be the elongated bowl types equipped with
open-front seats. Water closet seats shall be of smooth non·absorbent material
and properly sized for the water closet bowl used.


Special-use fixtures may be made of soapstone) chemical stoneware or may be
lined with lead, copper base alloy, nickel-copper alloy, corrosion-resisting steel or
other materials specially suited for the use which the fixture is intended.

Restaurant kitchen and other special-use sinks may be made of approved-type

bonderized and galvanized sheet steel of not less than Gauge No. 16 U.S. B&S or
1.6 mm thick. All sheet metal plumbing fixtures shall be adequately designed,
constructed and braced in an approved manner to satisfactorily accomplish th~
intended purposes.

• • Section 403 - OVERFLOWS

When any fixture is provided with an overflow outlet, .the waste shall be so
arranged that the standing water inside the fixture cannot rise inside the overflow
way when the stopper is closed nor remain inside the overflow way when the
fixture is empty. The overflow pipe from a fixture shall be connected to the house
or inlet side of the fixture trap. Water Closet or Urinal flush tanks shall discharge
into the bowls or wares served by them, but it shall be unlawful to connect such
overflows with any other part of the drainage system.

• Sec. 205 NPC /959

•• Sec. 210 NPC 1959

Revised l'rotional Plumbing Code ~ the Philippines


404.1 Straiuen -all plumbing fixtures other than water closets and siphon action
washdown or blowout urinals, shall be equipped with approved strainers
having an approved w?Jerway area. The strainers serving shower drains
shall have waterway equivalent to the area of the tailpiece~ (meaning, the
sum of all the areas of the perforations of the strainer is equivalent to the
outlet area) .
4:J4.2 Connections - Fixtures having concealed slip joint connections shall be
provided with an access panel or utility at least 0.3 meter in its least
dimension and arranged so that the <.:mmections are readily accessible fer
inspection and repair.
404.3 Continuous wa.ste and fixture tailpiece shall be constructed from the
materials specified on Table 14-4 of this Code for drainage piping, provided
however, that such connections where exposed or accessible may be of
seamless drawn brass not less than Gauge No. 20 8 & S or 0.8 rr,m in
thickn):·ss. Each such tailpiece, continuoos waste or waste and overflow
shall not be less than 38 mm O.D. for sinks, dishwashers, laundry tubs,
bathtubs, urinals and similar fixtures., and not less than 32 mm O.D. for
lavatories, drinking fountains and similar small fixtures~ brass or oopper
shall not be used for urinal tailpiece or trap .
.w4.4 Approved wye or other directional-type branch fittings shall be installed in
all continuous wastes connecting or receiving the discharge from food waste
disposal units, dishwashers, clothes w~.hers or other forced-discharge
fixtures or appliances. No dishwasher drain shall be connected to a sink
tailpiece, continuous waste or trap on the discharge side of a food waste
disposal unit .

.tt)5. l Use of water closets having invisible seats or unventilated space or having
walls, which are not t.horoughly washed out at each discharge, shall be
prohibited. Any water closet, which might pennit siphonage of the contents
of the bowl back into the water tank, shall be prohibited as well as trough
urinals. Drinking fount ains shall not he installed inside public toilet rooms.
~)5 . 2 Fixed wooden, concrete, cement, or tile washtrays or sinks for domestic use
shall not be installed in any building designed for human habitation. No
sheet metal lined wooden bathtubs shall be installed or reconnected. No dry
or chemical closet (toilet) shall be installed in a.ny building for human
habitation, unless first approved by the Health Officer or Administn•.tive

* St?t.:. 207 N/1( ' 195Y

Plumbing Fixtures


406.1 Water Connections - baptistries~ ornamental and lily ponds, aquaria,

ornamental fountain basins and similar constmctions when provided with
water supplies connected to potable water supply lines shall be protected
tlom back-siphonage.

406.2 Wastewater Drain - for ·•sacrarium" cupsink at church altar and

Baptistries font outlet shall discharge direct to the ground and not connected
to the sanitary drainage system.

406.3 Apprcved - specialties requiring water supply and waste discharge

c01mections shalt be submitted for approval of the Administrative Authority.


407.1 Cleaning - plumbing fixture shall be installed in a manner to provide easy

access for repair and cleaning. Where practical, all pipes from fixtures shaH
be run parallel and dose to the nearest wall or building line.

407.2 Joints - where a fixture comes in contact with the wall or floor, the joint
between the fixture and wall or floor shall be made watertight.

407.3 Securi11g •'i1.turt's - floor outlet or floor mounted fixtures shall be rigidly
secured on the drainage connection and floor when so designed with the use
of adequately-sized screws or expansion bolts of copper, brass or other
equally cmTosion-resistant material.

407.4 Wall-Hung Fixtures - wall-hung fixtures shall be rigidly supported by

metal supporting members or chairs so that no bending or pullout strain is
transmitted to the wall. Approved non-corrosive screws or bolts sha!l secure
water closet and urinal flush tanks and similar appurtenances.

407.5 Setting - fixtures shaH be set level and in proper alignment with reference
to adjacent walls. No water closet or bidet shall be !1et closer than 0.315
meter from its center to any side wall or obstruction nor closer than 0.7:;
meter center to ceruer to any similar fixture No urinal shall be set closer
than 0.3 meter from its center to any sidewall or partition nor closer than 0.6
meter center to center.

407.6 Supply Fittings - the supply lines or fittings for every plumbin3 fixture
shall b.;! installed to prevent backflow.
Rt:tvisoo National Plumbing Code of the Philippine$

Section 408 -URINALS

An approved type vacuum breaker shall protect every water supply to a

urinal or other approv~d backflow prevention device as described in Table

408.1 Automatic Flushing.Tanks- tanks flushing more than one urinal shall be
automatic in operation and of sufficient capacity to provide the necessary
volume of water to flush and properly cleanse all urinals simultaneously.
Automatically controlled flushometer valves maybe substituted for
automatic flush tanks.

408.2 F!ushometer Valves -no manually controlled flushometer valve shall be

used to flush more than one urinal and each such urinal flushomcter valve
shall be approved, self-closing type discharging a predetermined quantity of


·409.1 Floor drains shall be considered plumbing fixtures and each drain shaH be
provided with an approved-type and hinged s.trainer plate having the sum of
the areas of the small holes of the strainer plate or gross w<!terway is
equivalent to the cross-sectional area of the tailpiece. Floor drains, flocr
receptors and shower drains shall be of an approved type, the body provided
with integraUyhcast water-stop outside flange around the body at mid dtpth
and with an inside caulk outlet to provide a watertight joint in the floor.

409.2 Shower receptors are plumbing fixtures and shall conform to the gener.d
requirements therefore contained in Table 14-4. Each shower receptor sk;H
be constructed of vitrified china or earthenware, ceramic tile, porcelain-
enameled m~tal or of such other material as may be acceptable to the
Administrative Authority. No shower receptors shall be installed unless it
conforms to acceptable standards as required by Chapter 14 of this Code or
until a specification or a prototype or both of such receptor is first submitted
to the Administrative Authority for approval .

409.3 Each shower receptor shall be an approved type and be constructed to have a
finished dam, curb or threshold which is at least 25.4 mm lower than the
outside floor at the sides and back of such receptor. ln no case shall any
dam or threshold be less than 51 mm nor more than 228 mm in depth when
mf'.asured from the top of the dam or threshold to the of the drain. The
finished floor of the receptor shall slope uniformly from the sides towards
the drain not less than 2% or 20 mmlm or more than 4% or 40 mm/m.
Thresholds shaH be of sufficient width to accommodate a minimum 559-nun
wide door.
Plumbing Fixtures

Eneption: Special shower compartments for wheelchair use may

eliminate the curb or threshold. The required slope and depth shall bt
maintained from the door entry to the drain opening. The minimum distance
between the door or entry to the drain opening shalt be 1.2 meters.

409.4 All shower compartments, regardless of shape, shall have a minimum

finished interior area of 0.6 square meter, and shall also be capable of
encom,assing a 762 mm diameter circle. The minimum area and
dimensions shall be maintained from a point above the shower drain outlet
to a height of l. 78 meters with no protrusions other than the fixture valve or
valves, shower head and safety grab bars· or rails.

409.5 When the construction of on-site built-up shower receptors is permitted by

the Administrative Authority, one of the following means shaH be

409.5.1 Shower receptors built directly on the ground:

Shower receptors built directly on the ground shall be watertight and shall
be constnacted from approved-type dense, non-absorbent and non-conosive
materials. Each receptor shall be adequately reinforced, provided with an
approved flanged floor drain designed to make a watertight joint in the floor,
and shall have smooth, impetvious and durable.surfaces.

409.5.2 Shower receptors built above ground:

When shower receptors are built above ground the sub-floor and rough side
of walls to a height of no less than 76 mm above the top of the finished dam
or threshold shall be first lined with sheet lead or copper or with other
durable and watertight materials.

All lining materials shall be pitched at a slope of2 percent or 20 mrnlm to weep holes in
the subdrain of a smooth and solidly formed sub-base. All lining materials shall extend
upward on the rough jambs of the shower opening to a point no less than 76 mrn above
the top of the finished dam or threshold and shall extend outward over the top of the
rough threshold and be turned over and fastened on the outside face of both the rough
threshold and the jambs.

No metallic shower sub-pans or linings may be built-up on the jobsite of not less than
three (3) layers of standard grade 6.8 kg asphah·impregnated roofing telt. The bottom
layer shall be fitted to the formed sub-base and each succeeding layer thoroughly hot
mopped to that below. AH comers shall be carefully fitted, strengthened and wnt,.!rti;Jht
by foJding or lapping, and each corner shall be reinforced with suitable meta! V;ebbing
hot-mopped in place All folds, laps and reinforcing webbing shall extend to at least 101
mm in all directions from the comer and all webbing shall be of approved type and mesh,
producing a tensile strength of not less than 0 9 kg/mm in either direction. Non-metallic
Re:vised National Plumt:.lng Code of the Philippines

shower sub-pans or linings may also consist of multi-layers of other approved equivalent
materials suitably reinforced and c.arefully fitted in place on the job~site as elsewhere
requiied in this Section.

Linings shall be properly· recessed and fastened to approved backing so as not to occupy
tbe space required for the wall c.overing and shall not be nailed or perforated at any point
which may be less than 25.4 mm above the finished dam or threshold. An approved type
sutrdrain shall be installed with every shower sub-pan or lining. Each such sub-drain
sb.lll be of the type that sets tlush with the sub-base and shall be equipped with a
damping ring or other device to make a tight connection between the lining and the
drain. The sub-drain shall have weep holes into the waste line.

All shower-lining materials conform to approved standards acceptable to the

Administrative Auth01ity.

409.6 Floors of public shower rooms shall have a non-skid surface and shall be
drained in such a manner that wastewater ftom one bather will not pass over
areas occupied by other bathers. Gutters in public or gang shower rooms
shall have rounded comers for easy cleaning and shaH be sloped not less
than two (2) percent toward the drains. Drains in gutters shall be spaced not
more than 4.9 meters apart .

111}.7 In the absence of local regulations, showers occupancies other than dwelling
units served by individual water heaters shall be provided with individl\al
shower control valves of the pressure balance or the thennostatic mixing
valve type. Multiple or gang showers may be controlled by a master
thermostatic mixing valve in lieu of individually controlJed pressure balance
or thermostatic mixing valves. Limit stops shall be provided on such valves
and shall be adjusted to deliver hot water \v1th a maximum temperature of
48.88 " C.

• Lead and copper sub-pans or linings shall be installedfrom all conducting

substances other than their connecting drain by 6.8 kg asphalt felt or its
equivalent and no lead pan or liner shall be constructed of material
weighing less than 19.6 kglm2. Thickness of copper pans or liners shall be
at ieast Gauge No. l.J B & S (0.5 mm) thick. Jointl· in lead pans or liners
5hall he burned. Joints in copper pans or liners shall be soldered or brazed.

Plumbing Fixtures


Each building shaH be provided with sanitary facilities as prescribed by the

National Building Code or other authorities having jurisdiction. ln the
absence of local requirements, a recommended list of minimum facilities for
various occupancies is given on Table 4-1 of this Code.


Unless otherwise listed, all whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with the
following requirements:

(a) A removable panel of sufficient dimension shall be provided for

access to the pump;

(b) The circulation pump shall be located above the crown weir of the
trap, ·

(c) The pump and the circulation piping shall be self-draining to

minimiz.e water retention~

(d) Suction fittings on whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with the listed
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippir.el



r oryptoccupan'
s l of Building Water Closets Urtnels'"
(Fhtures per
(Fbturcs per Peno11)
Bathtubs or
{Fbtures per Penon) ll
Person) (Fixtures pu
ir ,\SS.-:tll bl y l'lace5 ... Maie Fcmale 14 -Maic Ft."''Tlale
I. 1-1 s I: 1-15 0: 1-9 I 1'1<:1"40 l pcr40
1Tbcatcrs, 2 16-35 3 16-35 1: 10·50
j Coo\'cnticn Halls, 3: 36-55 4. 36-55
AJ.d one (I)
• CIC._ for permanent O.ocr SS, add 1 fixtw·e for
I cmplo~use eacil adJitional40 persons fixture for each
add.i!ionnl 50
r-,.Assernbly [>l.aoo; - Male: Femalen Mlile Female lper7SIT"
Tbcaters. 1: 1-100 3: J.. so 1: 1-100 1: 1-200 1: 1-200
AIXIitoriums, 2: 101-200 4: 51·100 2: 101-200 2: 201·400 2: 201-400
convention Balls, 3:201400 8: 101-200 3: 201-400 3: 40 1-750 3: 401 -7SO
1. dl:.. for public I I :2111-400 4: 40 i -600
Over 400, add I fiXIurt: fol Over 600, adtl Ov.:r 750, udd I fixture for
each additional 500 males I fi,.~ure for each additional SOO
•md 2 for each 300 each aJ.ditiona1 ~'1SOOS.
I females 500 males

~itorics' Male l;emale 1 ~

--- Male Female I per8
Sf;bcOI or Labor I pa 10 lper8 1 J)el' 25 I J'>O" 12 I per 12
Add I fixtun: for each Over I 50, add Over ISO, add I fixture for
additiO!lB.l 25 males (on:r I liXIure !'Or each additional20 males

'I 10) and I for ateh

additional 20 females
(over _!!)
each additional
50 mllle:s
and I for each IS
I ·-
rl):(!!litories for Male Female':{" I Jltt 50 Male Female I per &
f sarr~
1: l -15 t : l -15 l pc:r 40 I per40
2: 16-35 3: 16-35
3: 36-55 4:36-55
Over 55, add I fixture for
t rOKilings•
each ndditivnal40 PO'sons

I Si.flglcOwe~ I per dwelling I pt., . dwellill8 I per dwelling

Mlilliple I pa or I per dwelling <>r I per dwelling
1)\,cUu~g or aptutment wtit apartment wli l or epartmc:nt
lJCPIITUlli."'II unit
~tal Waiting l per room ! perrwm I pc:r7517'
Male Female14 Male Female
ibpital for 1: t-15 l : 1-15 0: 1-9 I pcr 40 I per 40 I
. ,Ioyecuse 2: 16-35 2: 16-35 I : 10-50 Over ISO, add I fixture: (i.:.Jr
3 36-55 3· 36-55 each additional20 males
Over 5~. 11<hl I fixtu:e lor Add I fixture and I for each I~
cad1 adJillooal 41) fX'tSOns 1i1r ea~h additional females
~tdditional SO
m<t h.:s
rti~itals I (lCl75rr
.ildividual Room I per pei'S(ln 1 P<!l wom I per room
7'2rli Room I pcr 8 patients I pcr Ill patients 1 per 20 patimts

Plumbing Fi).tures

I: 1-10
''"""' _1_______
1: 1-10
Up to 100, I po:r 10
f'Shower for
each 15 persons
I per 75'!Tj
Wmkshops. 2: 11-25 2: 11-25 expo$00 to
!=- oundries and
4: 51-75
3: 26-50
4: 51-75
Over 100, l per 15
excessive heat
or to skin
e-,"tahlishments (for
~;Jioyee use)
5: 76-100 5: 76-100
Over 100, add 1 fixture for
with poisonous, II
each additioual 30 persons inf<!Ctious, or
irritating l
tMterial I
lnsti lutional-
L'ther than
I per 25
l per 20
0: 1-IJ
1: 10-50
I per 10
l per 10
I pt'1' 8 l per 7S1T
Hospitals or Penal
Institutions (on
Add I llxiure
f<'f euch
each oc.:eupicd
Institutional- Male Female
additional 50
ltll:ti i:S
0: 1-9 Male Female 1 per 8 I J)(11'STT l
Other than l : 1-15 1: 1-15 1: 10-50 I per 40 1 per 40 I
Hospitals or Penal 2: 16-35 3: 16-35
4: 36-55
Add I fix1ure
for cnch
Institution (on each 3: 36-55 i
occupied floor) for Owr 55, add I f:xture for additional SO

employee use c.a~h aJc!ilio nnl 40 pcr:;;)l\s male:;
j Otlicc or Public M<\lc h :nwlc 1: 1-HJO Male Female J· 1-tOO I: 1-200 2. 101-200 1: l -200 1: 1-200 I "" 75
2 101-200 2: 201-40() ) . 20 I .....!()() 2:201-400 2: 201-400
I 3: 2()1-400 :1-40 1-750 4•401-600 3• 40 1-750 3: 401-750
Ovc.:r. 55, add I lixture for Over oUO, add Over 750, add l f;xtuJ<: f01 ;
~..ech additional 500 males I fixture for each additional ~00
and 2 l(lr ce.:h 55 fem&cs e.~ch oJditional ~JSOllS. l
~_l() ma.~-
Femalerr-· 0: 1·9
Office or Public Mlle !\A.ale tc:nmle
Buildings- for I: 1-15 I: 1-15 I : 10-50 I per 40 1 per 40 i
employee use 2: 16-]5 3: 16-35 A<hl 1 fixture I
3: 3(·-55 4: 36-55
Q,·cr 55, add I fixture for
for each
addtt.ionnl SO
each additional 40_ll(:l'~ns males

P~·nal Institutions - Male r c:malc' r 0: 1-? M<Jc i'l'II\OJc
For employee use I: 1- I 5 I: l-15 1: 10-50 l Jl<!r 411 l P.,'T 40 iI
2: 16-3'\ 3: 16-3S Add I tixture i

3: -' 6-55 4: 36-55 for c.'11~.:h
Ovcr 55, add l iixturc lor P.dilitional 50
each additi~J.!!_~~- 40 ~son;>_ ~~lcs
Penal lnsliruuon -
r or Prison usc bloc.k floor i
Cell 1 per cell I pc:r cell
I Exercise Room l per e>;er<.:isc room I per exercise I per exercise room
room room
Restaurants, Pubs Male Femlllc l: 1· 150 Male Female" ....
and Low1ges 11 1: l-50 1: l-15 Over 150, add I: 1-150 I. l-150
2: 51-150 3: !6-35 1 fixture for 2. 151-200 2: 151-200
3: 150-300 4: 3ti-5~ each !Jdditionnl 3: 20 1- 1(1() 3: 201-400 !

Over 300, add l !ixttu-e for I SO males Over 400, ntl<l 1 fixti..U'c lor
each &ldi1ionnl 2~JO Cll~o:h nddilwuui 4 00 '
w._-..:r.<~·~~~---·-·-- .. ''
Schools- for sta!T M-~---Fctnal~-- f-·-- --- - Mt~k
I 1x:J 50 Fc rnule ~
use I: 1-1 S I: 1-1 S I Jl<!l' ·lli I pcr4!J I
All schools 2: 16·35 3 16-35
3: 36-55 4: 36-55 .
Over SS,ud llixturc f1>r
e-a~h aJdilionai ~0 persons I I .I I !

Revised National Plumbing Code of th9 Philippines

·-------- - r-··----- -
~!s-for Male t em ale Male Fl1Il8.!e I pa75 12
I ttA'21!
1: 1-20
2• 21-)0
1: l-20
2: 2-l-50
1: I-ISO
I: 1-25
2: 26-50
t Over 50, udd 1 lhltuc for
c;;~h uddttinMl 50
Ovct 50, utld I fixture for
01ch &ddit;onal 50
I £)e!r.entar)'
I't.1.S()!I s l per 75 pCl ::Klll!\ lper7S12
• Male h:mal..: lvtak !"<.-mole

, -~
I pto:r 30 1 per 25 I ll\.'1" .):'i 1~35 l {ll:t 35 1 per 75 '
01:cfs (Colleges, Male Female Male Fcmuk
i."a:\d'Sitics, Adult I po-40 1 per 30 I per 35 I per40 I pt.>r 30 1 per 75 12
Malt>: Fe~nale
. ~,ftC. ) Male
I pel' 40
I per 30 1 p..:r 40 I pa- 30

p-~uPlaces Male Female' ~ l pa-25 I per 2 water closets 1 per 7517

£-Ja;tJtional and 1 per 25 1 per 75 '
.J,;:!Yities Uni~ 2: !26-250 2: 76-125
~ : 126-250

~pPiaccs Male F~.·matc'~ 1 p.:r I SO 1 J'C!f l wttiLT closets I per7S'-

~1001 lp:~_!?O I pc! 75
• \tno."·er unnals are prO\ tded, one ( l) water closet ts subtracted Irom the number specified on the table,
~that the number of water closets in such cases shall not be reduced to less than lwo-tttirds (2/3) of
tc Jlli-'limum specified.

The fibures sho·,..n are based upon one (I) f.ixt~m: bcing the minimwn n ..oquired for the nwnber of pe~scns
indicated or any fediiln then-of
Building categ01i<.>s not sho\\U on this table shiD.I be 1:0n5idered separately by the Administrative Authority.
Drinking shall not be installed in toilet n.x11ns.
Laundry truys. One (I) lntu\dry tray or one ( 1) automatic washer standpipe for each dwelling writ IJf twt> (2)
luw1dry tray:; or two automati.; washer standpipes, or t:ombin::tion thCI'eOf, for each ten (10) apartments.
Kitchen sinks. one ( 1) I"Or cal~h dwelling or apurtmmt Wlit.
As rt.:·quin:d by ANSllA. l, Sanil.tltion in Places ()f Emplo}n1e11t.
Wllere there is exposure to skin contamination v.-ith poisonous, infectiou~, or irritating materials, provide one
(l) Javatoty for each five·- (5) persons.
. W~tk 6{)9 6 nun or "'ac;h sink 457.2-mm diameter a cif(:ular be.sin, when provided \\ith water outlets for such
space, shall be considered equivalent to one (I) lavatory.
Laundr)· trays, one (I) for ea.:h fifty (50) perl!<lns. Slop sinks, one (I) for each 100 persons.
Gencrnl. In upplying thi.• schedule of facilities, \X)Hsideration must be given to the accessibility of the
fi xtures Conformity plU'ely on a munerical basis may not result in an irtS!allation suited to the need of the
indi,·idual establishment. For example, schools should be provided v.'ith toilet facilities on each floor having
classrwms Temporary workingmen fncilities., one ( t) water closet and one ( 1) urinal for each thirty- {30)
a. Surrow1ding matei iBis, wall lltnple lloor spoce t~ a point 0.6 meter in front o~ urinal lip and 1.2 m
above the floor and at least 0.6 rn to each side of lhe urinal shall be! liocd with non-absolbent
b Tr0ugh urinals nre prohibitoJ.
A rcst;lUrant is ddin~"t a.s u husin~ss. whirh sell,; food 10 be conswned ou the premises.
a. The mmh-::r or n1.·..:upants for a dti\·e-in restaurant shall be Cl•nsideted as equal to the number of
p:aioug sl<tlt~;
b huph'Y~ roilt:t l<~t.ili t ics or~ ntlt he illcludeJ 111 lhl~ nhovc res1xurru1t n-quircwents.
.. Hand washing
nn,,l I·· tm •ii:Jhlc 111 t!w lo.ih:hcn fm cmp}{l\"ct:~.
When !i .. •d is cnn:; um.-d irhhl\HS, \\alt-1 slntl\liJS mav II\: suhsltlulcJ fur thinklllg I'<.>LUttnins. The31t:rs,
audttonwus. tk,nr.Jton::s, llni<A'S, vr puhlic buildings fm 11se hy mo!e thnn six (6) ~lel'>llflS sh•ul have one ( l)
drin.\.ing fowltaul for the ftisl seventy-live l7S) persons a.nJ om: (I) additional fountain fCir each one hundred
ru1d fifi) (I SO) persons then:atler.
..... There shulllx> a minimwn of one ( I) <.llinkiltg fowttam pa OC\.:Upicd llnor in schools, theak'T.!, auditoriurns,
domliton~,; otli.:..:s 01 p<J.blit; buiiJ wg
lllc totul munbcr of wut::7 cks.!ts for fcm11lcs shall be at l~sl C4uul to tJ1e total number of water dt)~i.i and
winals rcyuiro.l mal~
Chapter 5
• 501.1 Inspections
501.1.1 Scope - an new plumbing work and such portions of existing systems as
may be affected by new work or any changes shall be inspected by the
Administrative Authority to insure comp}jance with all the requirements
of this Code and to asswne that the installation and construction of the
plumbing system are in accordance with approved plans and
•• 501.1.2 Advance Notice - it shall be the duty of the Registered and Licensed
Master Plumber doing the work authorized by the permit to notify the ·
Administrative Authority that said work is ready for inspection. Such
notification shall be given not less than three (3) days before the work ~a .
501.1.3 Responsibility - it shall be the duty of the holder of a permit to make
sure that the work will stand the tests prescribed before giving
notification and provide all the testing equipment and facilities required.
501.1.4 Re-testing - if the Administrative Authority finds that the work will not
pass the test, necessary corrections shalt be made, and the work shcll
then be resubmitted for another test or inspections. The Pennittee shall
be assessed an appropriate fee appearance .
••• 501.1.5 Test - tests shall be conducted in the presence of the Administrative
Authority or of his duly appointed representative.
501.1.6 Corrections - notices of corrections or violations shall be written by the
Administrative Authority and hand-ddivered to the permittee at the site
of the work or sent by registered mail to the Permittee's authorized
501.1.7 Approval - upon the satisfactory completion of plumbing work and
successful final test of the installation, a certificate of approval shall be
issued by the Administrative Aut hority to the Permittee on demand .
**50 1. 1.8 Covering or Use - no plumbing or drainage system, building sewer
private sewer disposal system or part thereof, shall be coverei
concealed or put into use until it has been inspected, tested and approvej
as prescribed in the Code.

* St!c. 252 NPC 1959 *** Se<:. 256 NPC 1959

•• Sec. 253 NPC 1959 •u• Sec. 258 NPC 1959
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

• 501.1.9 Uncovering- any drainage or plumbing system, building sewer, private

sewage disposal system or part thereof, which is installe{!, altered or
repaired is covered or concealed before the installation is inspected,
tested and approved a5 prescribed in this Code shall be uncovered for
inspection and testing after notice to uncover the work that has been
issued to the responsible person at the job site by the Plumbing Inspector.

501.2 Testing
501 2.1 Responsibility -· the equipment, material and labor necessary for
inspections or tests shall be furnished by the person to whom the permit
is issued or by whom insi')ection is requested.

501.2.2 Media - the piping of the plumbing, drainage and venting system shall
be tested with water or air. The Administrative Authority requires the
opening or removal of any plug or clean-out, etc., to ascertain if the
testing medium has reached all parts of the system. After the plumbing
fixtures have been set and their traps filled with water, they shall be
submitted again for a final test.

•• 501.2.3 Water Test - the water test shaH be applied to the drainage and vent
systems either in its entirety or in sections. If applied to t!le entire
system, all openings in the piping shall be tightly closed, except the
highest opening, and the system filled with water to the point of
overflow. If the system is tested in sections, each opening shalt b'!
tightly plugged except the highest opening of the section under test, and
each section shall be filled with water, but no section shall be tested with
less than a 3meter head of water. In testing successive sections at least
the upper 3 meters height of the preceding section previously tested shall
be tested again so that no joint or pipe in the building (except the
uppermost 3 meter of the system) shall have been submitted to a test of
not less than 3 meters head of water. The water shaH be kept in the pi!3e
system or in the portion under test, for at least fifteen ( 15) minu!~ -;
before inspection starts. The system shall be tight at all joints.
••• 501.2.4 Air Test -- the air test shall be made by attaching an air compressor
testing apparatus to any suitable opening, and after closing all other
inlets and outlets to the system, air is tc>rccd into the pipe system until
there is a unif(mn gauge pre:; sure of 34.5 J..Pa or sufficient to balance a
column of mercury 254 mm in height. The pressure shall be held
without introduction of additional air for a period of at least fifteen ( l S)

*Sec. 259 NPC 1959

•• Sec. 255 NPC 1959

Inspection and Test

501.2.5 Building Sewer Test - Building Sewers shall be tested by plugging the
end of the building sewer at its points of connection with the public
sewer or private sewage disposal system and completely filling the
building sewer with water from the lowest to the highest point thereof,
or by approved equivalent low pressure air tes~ or by such other test as
may be prescribed by the Administrative Authority. The building sewer
shall be watertight at all points.

501.2.6 Water Piping -upon completion of a section or of the entire hot and
cold water supply systems, it shall be tested and proved tight under a
water pressure not less than the working pressure under which it is to be
used plus 50%. The water used for test shall be obtained from a potable
source of supply. A 344.5 Kpa air pressure may be substituted for the
water test. ln either method of test, the piping shall withstand the test
without leaking for a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes.

• 501.2.7 Defective Systems - an air test shall be used in testing the tightness
condition of the drainage or plumbing system of any building premises
when there is · reason to believe that it has become defective. In
buildings or premises condemned by the proper Administrative
Authority because of an unsanitary condition of the plumbing system or
part thereof. the alterations in such system shall conform to the
requirements of this Code.

501.2.8 Moved Structures - all parts of the plumbing systems of any building
or prut thereof that are moved from one foundation to another, or from
one location to another. shall be completely tested as prescribed for new
work as described, except that walls or floors need not be removed
during such test when other equivalent means of inspection acceptable to
the plumbing authority are provided.

501.2.9 Protectively Coated Pipe - inspection and repair shall conform to

Section 501 with special care to avoid damage on the outside coating of
the pipe and the proper restoration of damaged portions.

501.2.10 Test for Shower Receptors - shower receptors shall be tested for
water-tightness by filling with water to the level of the rough threshold.
The test plug shall be so placed that both upper and under sides of the
sub-pan shall be subj ected to the test at the point where it is clamped to
the drain.

*Sec. 260 Nl'C 1959

Revised National Plumbing COde of the Philippines

Stdion 502 - MAINTENANCE

The owner or his ageHt shall maintain the plumbing and drainage system
of his premises under the jurisdiction of the plumbing authority in a
sanitary and safe operating co ndition.


No provision of this Code shall be deemed to require a change in any portion of a

plumbing or drainage system or any other work regulated by this Code in or on
existing building or lot when such work was installed and is maintained in
accordance with law in effect prior to the effective date of this Code. except when
any such plumbing or drainage system or other work regulated by this Code is
detennincd by the Administrative Authority to be in fact dangerous. unsafe,
insanitary, or a nuisance and a menace to life, health or property.


Whenever compliance with all the provisions of this Code fails to eliminate or
alleviate a nuisance, or any other dangerous or insanitary condition which involve
health or safety hazards. the Owner or his agent shall install such additional
plumbing and drainage facilities or shall make such repairs or alteration as may be
ordered by the plumbing authority.
Chapter 6


Each plumbing fixture shall be provided with an adequate suppbi of potable

running wut?.r~ so arranged as to flush and keep same in dean anJ healthful
conditior·as without danger of backflow or cross-connection. W?-ter closets a."ld
urinals shall be .flushed by means of an approved flush tank or flushometer vaJve.
Faucets and dive~·ters shaH be connected to the hot and cold water distribution
supplies so that t.he hot weter supply is located at Ie...f\ side Jf the combination


602.1 No installation of potable water supply piping or part thu·cof shall be made
in such a ma.'ltler that it wiU be possible for used, unclean. polluted or
contaminated water, mixtures, or substances to enter any portion of such
piping system from any tar~ receptacle, equipment, or p~umbing fixture by
reason of back-siphonage, by suction or any other cause, either dUiing
normal use and operation thereof or when any such tanlr.., receptacle,
equipment, or plumbing fixture is flooded, or subject to pressure in e-:.~ss
of the operating pressure in the hot or cold water pipings.

602.2 No person shaH make a connection or allow one to exist between pipes or
conduits carrying domestic water supplied by any public or private water
service system and any pipe, conduits or fixture containing or C'arrying water
from any other source or containing or carrying water which has been used
for other purposes or any piping carrying chemicals, liquids, gases or any
substances unless there is provided an approved backflow prevention

602.3 No plumbing fixture, device, or construction shall be installed or maintained

or shall be connected to any domestic water supply when such installation or
connection may provide a possibility of polluting such water supply or mav
provide a cross-connection between potable water distributing system and
water which become contaminated by such plumbing fixture, de"ice, or
construction, unless there is provided an indirect connection or a backflow
prevention device.

*Sec. 193/194 NPC 1959

**Sec. 198/199 NPC 1959
Revi!'-ed National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

No water p1ping supplied by any private water supply system shall be

interconnected to an approved city water supply system or any other source of
supply without the approval of the Administrati ve Authority, Health Department, or
other agencies.


603.1 Cross--Connection control shall be provided tn accordance with the

provisions ofthis Chapter.

No person shall install any water-operated equipment or mechanism or usc

any water treating chemical or substances, if it is found that such
e4uipment, mechanism, chemical or substance may cause pollution or
contamination of the domestic water supply. Such equipment or
mechanism may be permitted only when equipped with an approved
backflow prevention device assembly.

Approval of Devices or Assemblies - before any device or assembly is

installed for the prevention of backflow, the Administrative Authority
shall have first approved it. Devices or assemblies shall be tested for
conformity with recognized standards or other standards acceptable to the
Administrative Authority. Devices or assemblies shall be tested for
conformity with recognized standards or other standards acceptable to the
Administ rative Authority, which arc consistent with the intent of this

The person or persons having control of such devices or assemblies shaH

maintain all devices or assemblies installed in a potable water supply
system for protection against backflow in good working condition. The
Administrative Authority or other dcpa11ment having jurisdiction may
inspe-Ct such devices or assemblies and, if found to be defective or
inoperative. shall require the repair or replacement thereof. No device or
assembl y shall be removed from use or relocated, or other device or
assembl y substituted, without the approval of the Administrative

* St'c. Nf> NP(' 195Y

Water Supply and Distrib~.>tion

603.2 Backflow Prevention Devices, Ass~mblies, and Methods

603.2.1 Airgap - the minimum airgap to provide backflow protection

shall be in accordance with the Table 6-1 .

603.2.2 Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker (AVB) - consists of a body, a

checking member and an atmospheric opening.

603.2.3 Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention Assembly (DC)

consists of two independently acting internally or externally
loaded check valves, four properly located test cocks with
cormectors and two isolation gate valves.

603.2.4 Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backflow Prevention As!embly

(PVB)- consists of a loaded air inlet valve, an internally load<0.
check valve, two properly located test cocks and two isolation
gate valves.

603.2.5 Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly

(RP) - consists of two independently acting internally loaded
check valves, a differential pressure relief valve, four properly
loc.ated test cocks and two isolation gate valves.
Revised N&tional Plumbing Code of the Philippines



,.- When not affected by When affected by
side wnlls 1 !!ide wal\s2
No. (2) (3)
--1 Lavatories and other fixtwl:s with effective openings~ 25 38
not gr~tcr than 13 mm in diameter
2 Sinks, law1dry tT!Iys, gooscn~k. beth tauc<!t!l and 38 S1
other fixtures with effective openings) not greater
than 19 trun in diameter
~3 Over rim ool.h fillers and oUto fixtn.rc:~ \"it.h effective 51 76
openings) not gre81.;r !li<m 2S mm in
~ Etfcdivc opcningsJ not greater t1un 2S rum in Two (2) times · Three (3) times
diamcta diameter of effective diameter of effective
~nin_A Opl>._ning_
..-- ' Side walls, ribs or sintilar obstructions do not affect airgaps when spaced from the inside edge
of the spout opening a distance greater than three times the diameter of the effective opening for a single
,.1 n, or a distance gre.ater than four times the effective op:::ning for a single wall, or a distance greater than
rour times the effective opening for two inter~"ting walls.
2 Vert.ical waUs, ribs or similar obsuuclions extending from the water surface to or above the
Ihorizontal plane or the spout opening other than specified i.n Note l above. The effect of three or inorc .
~h vertical -...-ans or ribs has not ~n determined. In such cases, the airgap shall be measured from the
ICP of the wall.
The effective opening sha.ll he the minimum cross-:>ectional area at the scat of the control valve
c-r the supply pipe or tubing which feeds the device or outlet If two or more lines supply one outlet, the
d!'ectivc opc1ling shaU be the swn of the cross-sectional areas of the individual supply li11es or the area of
d:c: single outlet whichc\'er is snnller.

~ Airgap Jess th.1n 25 nun shall only be approved as a pcnnaucnt rmt of a listed assembly that has \
teen tested under actual h:!.cktlow conditions with vacuwus of from 0 to 63 .5 em. of me j

Water Supply a:td Distribution



No. Description Poll'lltion Contaminatio n Function
Low llazard Hizh Hazard
Device Assembly or Back Back Bac.:k Back Installation 2' 3
Method' Siphonage Pressure Siphonage Pressure
I Airgap X X See table in this chapter.
2 Atmospheric X X Upright position. Ni>
Vacuum Breaker valves dov.11stream.
Minimwn of 150 mm or
listed dislrulcc abovt aU
downstream piping and
flood le\'e! rim Hfteceptor.
3 Double Check X X
- Horizontal unless otht-r.~ise
Valve Backflow listed. Requires 3lJ S-<:n
Prcvcuter mi..r..imum dcaran..:c £1.
bo!tO:Jl for maint~ancc.
May need platforrnlladcle.;: •
for test and repair. Doe:!
11ot dischar&~!!~
4 Pressure Vacuum X X Upright posi1ion Mny
Breaker have \'Olve' do\\:n3lream.
tvtinimwn of 30. S em above
all d0\\1lSlr.:.a.m pi:nng end
11Nld level ri.J;, of rcce;ltor.

5 Reduced X X X X -
May discharLwattt
l lori?..Ontal w1lc~ otht:rwise I
Pressure listed. Hcquire 30.5~
mffiimwn cJcatUi1CC at
bottom for m<lintcnanc"
May need plntfm:m'laddtT
for test o.nd rcprur. May j
discharge \'1-'B.tcr.
6 Rpill-l 'roof X X Upril~'t position m)nute of ,
Pres:; w-e-T)'JX: six 152 nun or
Vacuwn Bretker distance tlOO\'C ru1 ~
do'"nstream piping and ,
Oood rim of rcr-<:£!_01. j
See description of deviC(;s and 3ssemblies in this chapter. ~,

Installation in pit or v3ult requires previous approval by the Administrative Authority. 1

Refer to general and specific requirements for installation.

Not be subjected t<!_ o~rating p:cssure for more than 12 hours in any H hour period.
, ' w.oJ

Revised Nat1onal Plumbing Code of the Philippines

603.3 Grneral Requircmf"nts

603.3.1 All assemblies shall conform to listed standards and acceptable to the
Administr<:~tive Authority having jurisdiction over the selection and
installation ofbacktlow prevention assemblies.

603.3 2 The premises owner or responsible person shall have the backOow
prevention assembly tested by a certified backflow assembly tester at the
time of installation. repair) relocation and at least on an annual schedule
then:~aner or more often when required by the Administrative Authority.

6()3.3.3 Access and clearance shall be provided for the required testing,
maintenance and repair. Access and clearance shall require minimum of
305 mm space between the lowest porlion of the assembly and the grade,
floor or platform. Installations elevated more than 1.52 meters above the
floor or grade shall be provided with a permanent platform capable of
supporting a tester or maintenance person.

603.3.4 Direct connections between potable water pipings and sewer-connected

wastes shall not exist under any condition with or without backflow
protection. Where potable water is discharged to the drainage system, it
shall be by means of an approved airgap of two (2) pipe diameters from
the supply outlet and the top surface of the drainage inlet, but in no case
shall the gap be less than 25 mm. Connection may be made to the inlet
side of a trap provided that an approved atmospheric vacuum breaker is
installed no~ less than 152 mm above the flood level rim of such trapped
fixture, so that at no time will any such device be subjected to any back·

603.3 .5 Back tlow prevention for hot water over 43.3° C shall be a listed type
assembly designed to operate at a temperature of 43 .3° C or higher
without rendering any portion of the assembly inoperative.

6()3.3 .6 Fixtures, appliances or appurtenances with integral back flow prevcnters or

integral airgaps manufactured as a unit shall be installed in accordance
with their listed requirements.

Watar Supply and Distribution

• 603.4 Specific Requirements

603 .4.1 Water Closet and Urinal Flushometer Valves shall be equipped with a
listed atmospheric vacuum breaker. The vacuum breaker shall be installed
at the discharge side of the flushometer valve with the critical level at least
152 mm or the distance according to its listing above the overflow rim of a
water closet howl or the highest patt of a urinal .
603.4.2 Water Closet and Urinal Tanks shall be equipped with a listed ballcock
The ballcock shall be installed with the critical level at least 25 mm above
the full opening of the overtlow pipe. In cases where the ballcock has no
hush tube, the bottom of the water supply inlet shall be installed 25 mm
above the fi.tll opening of the overllow pipe. Water closets having the
flush valve seat less than 25 mm above the flood level rim of the closet
bowl shall have the ballcock installed in a separate and isolated
compartment of the tank, or provided with a sheathed baJlcock, or other
equivalent protection.
603.4.3 Water Closet Flushometer Tanks shall be protected against backflow by an
approved backtlow prevention assembly, device or method.
603 .4 .4 Heat Exchangers, and other assemblies or methods of constructions using
potable water shall be of listed construction and materials. Po~ble watc:
shall be separated from the fluids or gasses by a minimum of two separate
walls, with a positive, vented leak detection path. The sections in contact
with potable water shall be of material and weights suitable for potable
water as set forth in this Chapter.
603.4.5 Inlets to Tanks, Vats, Sumps, Swimming Pools and other receptors when
protected by a listed atmospheric vacuum breaker shall have sucb
atmospheric vacuum breaker installed in the discharge side of the last
valve with the critical level of not less than 152 mrn or in accordance with
its listing above the flood level rim of such equipment, and ail downstream
piping. Water supply inlets not protected by atmospheric vacuun
breakers shall be protected by approved airgap. Where atmospheric
va<.~uum breakers or airgaps are not installed other backflow preventers
suitable against the possible contamination or pollution may be instatled in
accordance with their requirements as set forth in this Chapter.
603.4.6 Lawn Sprinkling Systems shall be equipped with li sted atmospheric
vacuum breakers installed on the discharge side of each of the last shutoff
valve. Where atmospheric vacuum breakers cannot be installed hecaust
of piping elevation of valves, other li sted backflow preventers shall be
installed in accordance with their requirements as set forth in this Chapter

• Sec. 200'201 NPC 1959

603.4.7 Potable Water Outlets with Hose Attachments other than water heate:
drains and clothes washer connections shall be protected by a hsted non.

Revised National Plumbing Code or the Philippines

removable hosebibb -typc backflow prcventcr or by a listed atmospheric

vacuum breaker instalkd at least 152 mm abuv<:. the highest point of usage
and located on the discharge side of the last valve.

603.4.8 A listed backflow preventer installed in accordance with the requirements of

thi s Chapter shall protect water CO\,Icd Compressors, Oegreascrs or any
other water-cooled equipment.

Note: Some water-cooled equipment may produce back p ressure and shall
he eqwjJped with the appro'l-'ed protection.

603.4 9 Water Inlets to Water Supplied Aspirators shall be equipped with a listed
atmospheric vacuum breaker mounted at least 152 mm above the aspirator
unit or equipped with a listed backflow preventer installed in accordance
with its listed requirements and this Chapter. The discharge shaH drain
through an airgap. When using the tailpiece of a fixture to receive the
discharge of an a$pirator, the air gap shall be located above the flood level
rim of the fixture.

o03.4.10 Potable Water Make Up Connections to Steam or Hot Water Boilers shall be
provided with a listed back now protection assembly.

603.4. 11 Non-potable Water Piping. In cases where it is impractical to correct

individual cross-·connections in the domestic water line, the line supplying
such outlets shall be considered a non-potable water line No drinking or
domestic out.kts shall be connected to non-potable water line. Whenever
possible, all portions of the non-potable water line shall be exposed and all
exposed p01t ions shall be properl y identifi ed in a manner satisfaclory to the
Administrative Authority Each outlet on the non-potable water line, which
may be used for drinking or domestic purposes, shall be posted:

6()3.4.12 Potable Water Supply to C'arbonators shall be protected by backflow

protections device as approved by the Administrative Authority and
installed per the requirements of this Chapter.

6()3.4.13 Bach.f1o w Prcvcntcrs shall not be lo(~ah:d in any area containing fu mes that
arc toxic, poisonous and {:on osivc
Water Supply and Distribution

Section 604 - MATFRlALS

604.1 Wate.r pressure pipes shall be ofb~ copper, centrifugal cast iron (CCI), B
& S and F & F ends, ductile cast iron (DCI), galvanized wrought iron,
galvanized steel, or other approved PE & PVC water pressure pipe
manufactured to recognized standards may be used for cold water
distribution systems. CPVC.water pipe and tubing may be used for hot and
cold~water distribution systems within a building. All materials used in the
water supply system, ex.ce:pt valves and similar devices, shall be of a like
material, except where otherwise approved by the Administrative Authority.

604.2 Cast iron fittings up to and including S1 mm in size, when used in

connection with potable water piping shall be galvanized.

604.3 All small-l\i7.ed malleable iron water fittings shall be galvanized.

604.4 Pipings and tubings. which were previously used for any purpose other than
for potable water systems shall not he used.

604.5 Approved plastic materials may be used in water service piping, provided
that where metal water service piping is used for electrical grounding
purpose and replacement pipings therefore shall be oflike materials.

Exception: Where a grounding .\y.'item. acceptable to the Administrativ'!

Authority i.'i installed, inspected, and approved. metallic pipe may b~
replaced with non-metallic pipe.

604.6 Solder shall conform to the requirements c:~fSubscction 1302.4

60·1.7 Water pipes and fittings with a lead content that exceed eight (8) percent
shall be prohibited and not used in potable piping systems.

Stction 605- VAL VF:S

605.1 Valves up to and including 51 mm in size shall be brass or other approved

materials. Sizes over 51 mm may have cast iron or brass bodies. Each gate
valve shall be a fullway type with working parts of non-corrosive materials.

605 .2 A fullway gate valve controlling all outlets shall be installed on the
discharge side of each water meter and on each unmetered water supply
Water supply piping supplying more than one building in any premise shall
be equipped with a separate tl!llway gate valve to each build in& so arranged
that the water supply can be turned on or off to any individual or separate
building~ provided however, that supply piping to a single family residcn<:e
Revised Nat:onal Plumbing Code of the Philippines

and building accessory the:eto, may be controlled by one gate valve. Such
shutoff gate valves shall be acces~ib le at all times. A tu !Jw~y gate valve
shall be installed on the disch.1rge piping from water supply tanks at. or ne2:r
th1.! t~mk. A fhllway gate valve shall be installed on the cold water supply
pi!)e hJ each water heater near the water heater. A fullway gate valve shall
be installed for each apartment or dwelling occupied by more than o ne
family. In addition to the main supply shutoff valve for cac.h a partment,
individual shutotr gate valves shall be provided for euch fi xture.

C05 .3 A valve used to control two (2) o r more openings shall be a fi.11lway gate

605.4 Control gate valves shall be installed before each water-supplied appliar;,:e
slip joint, supply pipings for non-metallic fi xture and appliance.

605.5 AU required shutoff or control valves shall be aei:essible.

605.6 A single control gate valve shall he installed in a water supply line ahead of
any automatic metering valv'~ which supplies a battery of fixtures.


606.1 Elevated or gravity storage tank fu r potable water supply shall be tightly
covered to keep out unautholiz.e d persons, dirt and vermin. The l'.ovcrs of
g ravity tanks shall be vented with a retum-bend vent pipe having an area not
less than the area of the down-feed riser pi pe, and the vent shall be screened
with a fine corrosion-resistant screen with openings not less than 14 ncr
more than 18 mess per 25 mm.

606.2 Potable water inlets to gravity tanks shall be controlled by a float valve,
fl oat switch or electrode-type water level control to prevent the tank from

606.3 Gravity tanks shall be provided with a valved drain pipe and an o verflow
pipe screened as described in Subsection 606. 1.

Water Supply and Distribution



607.1 Inadequate Watrr· Pressure ·- Whenever the water pressure in the main or
other source of supply wiII not provide a water pressure of at least l 03 kPa,
after allowing friction and other pressure losses, a hydro-pneumatic pressure
tank or an elevated tank and booster pun1p will provide said I 03 kPa

607.2 Excessive Water Pressure - Where the local water pressure is in excess of
551 kPa, an approved-type pressure regulator preceded by an adequately
sized strainer shall be installed to reduce the pressure on the building side of
the regulator to the required supply pressure. Approved regulators with
integral bypasses are acceptable. Each such regulator and strainer shall be
accessibly located and have the strainer readi ly accessible for cleaning
without removing the regulator or strainer hody or disconnecting the supply
piping. All pipe size determinations shall be based on eighty (80) percent ~'f
the reduced pressure when using Table 6-6.

607.3 Any \\'<Iter distributing system provided with a pressure regulating device or
check valve at its source or any water system containing storage water
heating equipment shall be provided with an approved, listed, adequately
sized pressure relief valve with approved drain, except for listed non-
storage instantaneous heaters having an inside diameter of not more than 76

In addition tL) the required pressure relief valve, an approved and listed
expansion tank or other device designed for intermittent operation for
thermal expansion control shall be installed whenever the building supply
pressure is greater than the required relief valve pressure setting or v.hen
any device is installed that prevents pressure relief through the building
water supply . The tank or device shall be sized in accordance with the
manufacturer's rccontmt.~ndation .

607 4 Ea(b pressute telief valve shall br an approved automatic type with drain,
and each such relief valve hl1all bt! set at a pressure of not more than
1031 k Pa

607 .5 Relief vah-es located inside a building shall be provided with drain.
adcquately-si7.ed and not smaller than lht.' relief valve outlet or galvanized
steel, hard drawn coppt~r piping cUld tittings, CI)VC or PB with fittings
which will nut reduce the internal bore or the pipe or tubing (straight lengths
as opposed to coils) and shall extend hom the valve to the outside of the
building with the t•nd of the pipe not more than 0.6m nor less than !52 mm
abov~ the gmund and pointing downward. Such drains may terminate at
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

other approved locations. No pa1t of such drainpipe shall be trapped and the
tenninal end of the drainpipe shall not be threaded nor capped.

607.6 Any water-heating device connected to a separate elevated or pressure-type

storage tank and having valves between said heater and tank shall be
provided with an approved water pressure relief valve.

607:1 Nothing contained herein shall prevent the use of an approved combination
temperature and pressure relief valve (CT & PRY). Each such approved CT
& PRY shall be installed on the water heating device in an approved
location based on its listing requirements and the manufacturer's
instructions. Each such CT & PRV shall be provided with a drain as
required in Subsection 607 ..5


608.1 lnstnllation - all water piping shall l>e adequately supported to the
satisfaction of the Administrative Authority. Burred ends shall be reamed to
the full bore of the pipe or tube. Changes in direction shall be made hy the
appropriate use of fittings, except that changes on direction in copper tubing
may be made with bends provided that the same are made with proper
bending equipment which does not deform or create a loss in cross-sectional
area of the tubing. Provisions shall be made for expansion in hot water
pipings. All pipings, equipment, appurtenances and devices shall be
instalied in a workmanlike manner in conformity with the provisio:1s and
intents of this Code. All water service yard piping shall be at least 0.3 m
below the fin ish ground level.

608.2 Water pipes shall not be mn or laid in the same trench as building sewer or
storm drainage pipings constructed of clay or materials not approved for use
within the building unless both of the following conditions are met:

608.2.1 The bottom of the wa.fer pipe at all points, shall is at least 0.3 m above the
top of the sewer or drain line;

608.2.2 The water pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf excavated at one side of the
common trench with a minimum clear horizontal distance between the sides
of at least 0.3-m from the side of sewer or drain line and the water line, and

6()8.2.3 Water pipes crossing sewer or drainage piping constructed of clay or

materials, not approved for use within a building, shall be laid a minimum of
0.3 m above the sewer or drainpipe.

Water Supply and Distribution

608.3 Water piping installed within a building and in or under a concrete floor slab
resting on the ground shall be installed in accordance with the following

608.3.1 Ferrous piping shall have an outside protective coating of an approved

materials, machine applied and conforming to recognized standards. Field
bitumastic coating and wrapping shall provide equivalent protection and
application is restricted to those short pipe lengths at points of connection
with fittings necessarily stripped for threading and jointing. Zinc coating
(galvanized) shall not be deemed adequate outside protection for ferrous
piping or fittings. Approved non-ferrous pipings such as plastic tubes and
pipes need not be wrapped for rustproofing.

608.3.2 Copper tubing shall be installed without joints where possible. Where joints
are permitted, they shall be brazed and fittings shall be wrought copper
Copper tubing shall be fully externally protected with bitumastic coatins
and fiberglass wrapping and installed inside a split rigid casing wheneva-
installed underground.

Note: For the purpose of this section, "within the building" shall mean .
within the fixed limits of the building foundation.

608.3.3 Plastic pipings shall be installed in accordance with applicable sections

found elsewhere in this Code.

608.4 Inspection - no water supply system or portion thereof, shall be covered or

concealed until it has been tirst inspected, tested and approved.

608.5 Testing - water piping shall be tested and approved as provided in Section
50 I.

608.6 Unions - unions shall be installed in the water supply piping within 0.3
meter away from regulating equipment, water heater, conditioning tank and
similar equipment which require removal for servicing or replacement.


609. 1 The size of the water meter and the immediate piping from the meter 01
from other source of unmetercd water supply to the risers, fixture suppl}
branches, fixture connections, outlets or other uses shall be based on the
total water demand and shall be determined according to the methods an~
procdures outlined in this section.
Revised National Plumbing Code ell the Phltlppines

609.2 Whenever a water filter, water softener or similar water treating device.
backflow prevention device or similar devices are installed in a water supply
line. the pressure loss through such devices must be included in the pressure
loss calculations of the system and the water supply pipe and meter shall be
adequately sized to provide for such pressure losses.

609.2.1 No water filter, water softener, backflow prevention device or similar

devices regulated by this Code shall be installed in any potable water supply
piping when the diameter of the inlet and/or outlet of any such device or its
connecting pipings are less than the ~i ameter of the water supply
distribution piping, or when the instn~lation of such devices
excessive pressure drop in the water supply piping system.

609.2.2 All such devices s hall be of types approved by the Administrative Authority
and tested for flow ratings and pressure losses by an approved laboratory or
recognized testing agency ag ainst standards consistent with this Chapter.
The 1naximu m rated fl ow and the pressure loss shall be stamped leg ibly on
the device or on a metal label, permanently attached with the device, and
shall be in the following form:



Flow, Liters
per second Pressure Drop
0.32 - (kPa)
0.63 - (kPa)
0.95 - (kPa2 I
Note: The final figure in the pressure drop column shall be based en tk
minimum ratedflow or capacity ofthe device.

6()9.3 The quantity of water required to be supplied to every plumbing fixture shall
be represented by "Fixture Units" (FU), as shown in Table 6-5.

6()9.4 Where the maximum length of supply piping is 6 1 meters or less, each water
piping systrm of fitly fixtu re unit~ (Fl.!) or less shall be sized in accordancf~
with the values set forth in Table 6-6 . Other systems of more than (SO)
tixture units and w ithin range of Tabi e 6-6 may be sized from that tuble or
by method set forth in Appendix A ( Recommended rules for sizing th:
v:ater supply system).
Wet• SUpply and Dlstrlblltion

609.5 Except where the type of the pipe used and the water characteristics are such
that no decrease in capacity due to length of service (age of system) may be
expected, all friction Joss data shall be obtained from the "Fairly Rough" or
..Rough'' charts in Appendix A of this Code. Friction or pressure losses in
water meter, valve and fittings shall be obtained from the same sources.
Pressure loses through water treating equ,pment. Back flow prevention
devices, or other flow restricting devices shall be computed as required in
subsection 609.2 of this section.

609.6 For proposed water piping installation sized using Table 6-6 the following
conditions shall be determined:

609.6.1 Total number of fixture units (F.U .) determined from the Table of
Equivalent Fixture Units (Table 6-5) for the fixtures to be installed;

609.6.2 Developed length of supply pipe from water meter to the most remote

609.6.3 Difference in elevation between the water meter or other source of water
supply and the highest fixture or outlet to be installed~

609.6.4 Water Pressure in the street main or other source of water supply in the
local ity where the installation is to be made; and

609.6.5 ln localities where there is a fluctuation of water pressure in the main

throughout the day, the water piping system shall be designed on the basis
ofthe minimum pressure available.

609.7 Size of Water Meter and Building Supply Pipe Using Table ~.
Knowing the available pressure at the water meter or other source of supply,
and after subtracting 9.79 kPa• per m of difference in elevation between
such source of supply and highest water supply outlet in the building or on
the premises, use the "Pressure Range" group within which this pressure
will fall. Select the "Length" column which is equal to or longer than the
required length. Follow down the column to a fixture unit value equal to or
greater than the total number of f1xture units required by the installation.
Having located the proper fixture unit value for the required length, sizes of
meter and building supply pipe will be found in the two left-hand columns.

No building water service pipe shall be less than 19 r!tm in diameter.

• 1 PSI = 6.895 Kilo Pascal (Kpa)

Ravi s ::~::l N.:>t1ona1Plumbi••o Code of the Philippines

tlh 8 Size of Branrhes. The number of fixture units handled by a branch shal l
detem1ine the size of tbat branch, fol lowing the methods outlined in
subs...-ction 609.7 of this section.

"-~ 9 Si·Ling for Flushoml."'ael' Valves. Bratlches and snains serving water dosets
or s\m ilar tlushometer valves may be ~ 1 zed from Table 6-6 when the values
in Table 6-4 are assigned to ca1.:h tlushomcter valve beginning with the most
remot e valve in ea ~.:h hmnch.
Any sy s~':m using f1ushometer valves may be sized also by the procedures
set fo11h in Appendix A (Recommended rules for sizing the water supply
system). Piping supplying a flushomcter valve ~hall not be less in size than
the valv l! inlet.

TABlE 6-4

Flushometcr Fixture Units for Water Sizing Using Table

1 :~re Cat~or~e~ ___

Number of
Flushomcter Valves
Fixture Units Assignt d f0r
Water Clm;e.ts and Similar
Fixtures Units Assigned for
Urinals and Similar Fixtures

1 ~
l . .. . . .~. . . .

3 90 45 ~
4 105 53
5 or more 115 plus I 0 tor each 58 plus 5 for each

additional fixture lfl
excess of5
additional fixture II\
excess of 5

Sizing Systems for Flushomrter Tanks. The size of branches and mains
~erving flu shomcter tanks shaH be consistent with the sizing procedures for
tlush tank water closets.

(.09 ll Sizing syst<"ms With Hot W~•h~r Piping In sizing the water piping system
luviug a total demand of 50 F lJ. or less, the grcalest devclopC'd length of
the C(lld '" J l('r supplr pipillg may be used (from Table 6-6) and the length (If
the hot water piping ignored when the hot water piping friction loss JS
compt~ nsat cd fin by the following method:

tlfi ) l.l Compute the total hot water fixture t:nit demand, using those values givl.!n
Table 6··5 for the combined hot and cold "1-vatcr use;

f:I)Q 11.2 Assign the total demand computt'd as reCJuired in 609 11 1 above. as the
fi:-;tur~ un it demand at the hot wat;~r !K-ater inlet,

Water Supply and Distribution

609. I 1.3 Starting at the most remote outlet on the cold water piping and working back
toward the water meter, compute the pipe sizing for the system from the
column originally selecled in Table 6-6 using the fixture unit valves given in
Table 6-5 and adding in the fixture unit demand of the hot water heater
supply inlet as computed in 609.11.1 above, at the point where it occurs.
The final size of the cold water branch or main need not exceed the
originally established size ofthe building supply.

609. 12 Except as provided in Subsection 609.11, water piping systems may be

designed by taking the total length of the supply piping from the source of
c.o!d water supply through the water heater, to the most remote hot water
outlet and assessing flow values of seventy-five (75) percent of the
combined hot and cold water demand as given in Table 6-5 to the piping
supplying either hot or cold water to those fixtures served by both. Piping
serving water heaters plus all required cold water demand, shall be sized to
deliver the required hot water demand, but in no case need the piping be
larger in size than that required by Table 6-6 for the total building supply.

609.13 Exceptions: The provisions of this Section relative to size of water piping
need not apply to the following:

609.13.1 Water supply piping systems designed in accordance with recognized

engineering procedures acceptable to 1l1e Administrative Authority;

609. 13.2 A Iteration of or minor additions to existing installations. provided the

Admini.~trative Authority finds that there will be a reasonably adequate
supply of water to all fixtures;

609./3.3 Replacement of existingfixturt:'S or appliances;

609. 13. .J Piping which is part offixture equipment;

609.13.5 Unusual conditions where, in the judgement of the Administrative Authority,

a reasonably adequate supply of water is provided;

609. 13. 6 Non-potahle water lines as de_fined in subsection 60 3. 4. 11 ofSection 60 l

609.13. 7 The size and material.'i used for irri~ation water piping installed outside of
any building or stmcture and separated from the potable water supply
~ystem by mt!ans of a11 approved airgap or backfluw prevention device is not
regulated by this Code. lhe main potable water supp{v piping supplying
both the potable water demand and the irrigation systems shall hf
adequately sized as required elsewhere in this Chapter to deli ver the foil
comwc:ted demand <l hoth s~·stems.

Revised National Plumbing Code of the PhilipptMs

Stction 610- W.<\ TER CONSEUVATION

610.1 The maximum discharge flow rates for plumbing fixt ure fittings shall be in
accordance with applicable standards listed in Chapter 14.

610.2 Flush volumes for luw consumption and water saver water closets and
urinals shall he in accordance \"lith applicable standards listed in Chapter 14.

(h1cludes Combined Hot and Cold Water Demands)

~mber of Supply
: ltero No. FIXTlJ RE h rure Units (WSI<'t,;)

t- I -~!!!_~~~~k -- "· -·-·----- - --- ·- - ··- ._ ..,___.. ____

2_ _ _E!~t~~~~ l~~.~.~~ ~~ _yv ttho_~.~~~o:'-~!.Qr~!L __ ___ __ .L...... --
_J__ --~:~-
L ... ____ .. .
2_ _ . ___.t..,. _ _ .

:-----T---+-+--- - - ·
~ _!?.~J~-~---·-"-· ·-"' ·-------· --·--·------·-----t-------· ~ ---· ---.l-·--··4_ ____
~--- ~~~~~~f~1~!~~~Ct)---------------
I 6___t.!:l.2~ B-~~~..2!'. ~~~~£~~ .~ ~!!1..!'!-~d_!l~l_ _ ,_- ---- . _..f____ }___ .-'-...---~-- . _____ -~
;7 -r~?u'~-T.~b.-~~~.!:b-£~-~y~~.!..C.~J.cacE~-~r.~.l;l£~~s.L..t .... - ... ~ ____ _1._ ........-~--- --j

::+- ~~~~~~~~~~-=r---+-
- L._. _
- ----f:=:~=t-:-
~ ~
:"" II _ _ ~~)~]-~~~~.!::.i~E!!l ___ _ ___ . ·----- -....- - ....
:----)2 .___ _j!,___ _ ___ j---·---(~-- -----1
Sho~\icr (ca_s_!!_~cad) ________ ____ _ __ __,._ ____l - · -- ~- _± __ _ ~
:- n _ _S.!~-{~.!!2. _____ _ ___ . _. _____ __ ....- - - ·- · -·-·J ...__ _ _J ____ _J. ___ ......~.... -- -~
;- 1s
Sin~_ifi_!Jsh~~-Ji~~~~~ill. ___ .. ___ _
Sink or dis~.!'ashe.r
·------------·1· ·--· __-___. l ____ ~ _j_9, ___ -· _ j

r 16
Sink(w~tsh..:-~.I£Ei~cular ~P.i~}
Sink ~~:•.t,sh-up•. ~~-~ct of!aucc~L_ _ ___ ,_--r
- ·-·
-·--··t-----~--- -l

.,_ __ !.__ ____ _!

. j

I U rin ~J..fl!.:~ .t~~lk) _:_ _ __J_ ,.,_ _ l__ _ __~

!9 Urinal
____L__ _
_ _ _ _ _ ___ .._ _ __::______ ___ L ---~ ---. '
W}---~1~;~;~)l\-- n.~h·~·-··--------·-·----- -- - - - -~----- L-------'.i.......---.__--1_
-- -~- -· --- ~- - --- - -·- -------·~··-1.

:t I
_J. __ __ -- - - --- --

t-~~:~tfl:: t~it~:;~~~:~,~~~I~~==--=-:::-_:_ :=~=~-=~~=-:=: !:==- ::-~ -~- 1

Water suppl.r omkts for items not listed above shaH be 1
computed at th~i r n~aximum demand but in cas~ less ~

th:l.P~ -------- -------------- ---- ---------· -
- _ _ ! ...:.J...~~'!!... -- - ------ -
~··-·· -·-J- ..--- -~---·-~ .. --· .....!
h - l.lmm
------- - - - --- - ------ ...1 2 4 :
r---.. . . · ~---> ~~:i::;, ... ---- ·-----_. . ------· -·1 ----- --k........... · - ___. ri)- ... .
r-- - - -- -----------
______.______ - --~

• See Subscl·uon M1Y. Y of Se~..· tum ()09 for method f?( sizing .flushometer valve
installilfions usmg /'able 6-6
ftX111Riln'flt fliiLI ro• DITIRMINING
PRESSURE RANGE - 207 to 310 KPa (30 to 45 psi)
Meter Building
and supply
Item street and Maxi-uum Allowable Length in meters
No. service branches
nun mm 12 18 24 30 46 61 76 91 122 152 183 2!J 244 274 305
l 19 13 6 5 ~ 3* 2• t• i• 1• o• o• o• o• o• o• o•
2 19 19 16 16 14• 12* 9• 6• 5* 5* 4• 3• 2• 2• 2• ,.

3 19 25 29 25 23· 21 17 15 13 12 10 8 6 6 6 6 6
4 25 25 36 31 27 25 20 17 IS 13 12 10 8 9 6 6 6
5 25 32 54 47 42 38 32 28 25 23 29 17 14 12 12 11 11
6 38 32 78 68 57 48 38 32 28 25 21 18 15 12 12 11 II
7 38 38 150 124 105 91 70 57 49 '45 36 31 26 23 21 20 20
g 51 38 151 129 129 110 80 64 53 46 38 32 27 23 21 20 20
'} 38 51 220 205 190 176 155 138 127 120 104 85 70 61 57 54 51
10 51 51 370 327 292 265 217 185 164 147 125 96 70 61 57 54 51 I
11 51 64 445 418 390 370 330 300 280 265 - ~40- 220 _1 98_~ .1!5 158 143 133 I

1 psi= 6 .895 KPa

...,.,... ..._..,.. ..."'""'"• c..-._. '"- """'~~tt"'"

TABLE 6-6.2

PRESSCRE Ri\:\GE - ~ 17 to _..I > KPa 146 to 60 psi)

Meter Bw !dmg
and supply
Item street 3.!'\d Ma-ximum Allowable Length in Feet (meters)
SC!"\'JCC br::r::~hcs
"0 ( mml 'rnrn~ {_12> (lK) (24 ) (30) (~) (61) (76 ) J9!) (!22) (152) ( 183 J (2 13) (24-+) n7~i (3051
~ .,.
I 19 J~ I 7 () 5 ~ 2* I* ,. I* o•! o• o• o•
~ ()
~· ~.
2 j l) 20 20 19 17 14 • ll* 9* g• 6* 5* ... 4• 3* .) 3•
·' J <) "' .:: 39 ~9 36 11 28
4-~ : i l 19 17 14 12 10 9 8 ~ ~
.t 25 3lJ 39 39 16 30 25 23 20 18 l5 12 lO 9 8 &
·, j .,.,
5 2S n 78 76 67 52 H :'l9 36 30 N 20 19 17 16
~ ,
6 3X 7~ 78 78 78 6(.- 52 -l-4 19 33 29 2~ 20 J<J 17 i6
7 ::lS _;:-; 151 151 lS 1 151 123 lOS '-}0 78 t.2 52 ~2 3~ 35 32 30
~ 5! I 51 151 !51 15 ! 150 117 98 84 67
~ :'I -1:' 38 :>5 3~ }IJ
') .1 8 ''"J 370 )70 340 318 272 l·W 220 19S 170 150 ll'> !2' 1 :tl 102 94
]() 51 ~! 370 3iti 370 370 368 3 !8 2 ~0 250 205 ] {;5 142 12:\ [jl) W2 9~
ll 51 04 654 [ (,~0 610 580 535 500 !. -+70 ' ~40 400 2S5 '267 2) 0
-- --
I . 1f>1.. L.._3,_5_ L.._ } l5

I psi = 6.895 Kpa

TABLE 6-6.3

PRESSl JRE RANGE- Over 413 KPa O;·er 60 psi)

Meter Building
Item and supply
No. street and Maximum Allowable Length in Feet (meters)
senice branches
(mrn)_ (mm) (12) ( 13) <2 ~) (30 ) (46) (61) (76) (91) (122) (152) ( 183) (2l3) ( 24~) (27~) (J l)5)
1 19 13 7 1 7 6 5 4 3• 3* 2• r• I• t• ,. t• o•
2 19 19 20 20 20 20 17 13* n• to• s• 7• 6• 6• s• 4*
3 19 2.5 39 39 39 39 . 35 30 27 24 21 17 14 l3 12 12
li '
4 2.5 25 39 39 39 39 38 32 29 26 22 18 14 13 12 12 ·, ~ J
5 25 32 78 78 ?8 ' 7S 74 62 53 47 39 31 26 25 23 22 2'I Ii
6 38 32 78 78 78 78 78 74 65 54 43 34 26 25 23 22 21 '
7 38 38 i5l 151 151 151 151 151 130 !13 88 73 s: 51 46 43 40 j
g 51 38 151 151 151 1.51 151 151 142 122 98 82 64 51 46 ·B 40
9 38 51 370 370 370 370 360 335 305 282 244 2 12 1~ 7 172 153 141 129
10 51 51 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 340 288 245 204 172 153 14l 129
11 . ·-. 5i 64 654 654 654 6 54 654 650 6 10 570 510 4611 430 404 -~ - 356 329

1 psi= 6.895 KPa

S«tion 611 - Piping Installed in Fire Resistive Construction

Where piping is installed and penetrates required fire resistive construction,

the fire resistant integrity of the construction shall be that required by the
Administrative Authotity, or when not established by the building Code, by
qt+alified testing m{·thods approved by the Administrative Authority
Approval shall be obtained prior to installing any such piping.

Stt:tion 612- Hangers and Supports Abrasion

Hangers and straps shall not compress, distort, cut or abrade the piping and
shall allow fn~e movement of pipe. Pipe exposed to damage by sharp
surfaces. shall be protected.

Stcdon 613- Support

Support all piping at intervals of not more than four {4) feet (1219 rnm), at
end of branches, and at change of direction or elevation. Supports shall
allow free movement, but shal I rt:stri(;t upward movement of lateral runs to
avoid reverse grade. Ve rtical pi ping shaH be supported at each story or floor
levt:-1. Alignment of vertical piping shall be maintained between floors with
the use of a mid-story guide. Suppo11 trap arms in excess of three (3) feet
(9 14 mm) in ~~~ ngth as close as possible to the trap . Closet rings shall b(::
tightly fastened with corrosive resistant tasteners up to the floor with top
surface one-quarter ( 1/4} im:h (6.4 mm) above finish floor.

S«tion 614- Thrust Ulocking

In lines with rubber gasketed joints, thrust blocks shall be installed at all:

6 14. 1 Chang9s in direction, as at tees and bends~

614.2 Changes in s.ize, as at reducers;

6 14 .3 Stops, as at dead ends; and

614.4 VaJves, where thrusts may be expected.

Thrust block sizes sha ll be based on the maximum line pressure, pipe size
and kind (.lf so il Refer to Useful Tables and Charts.

Chapter 7

Section 701- MATERIAl.S

701.1 Excreta Drainage pipings shall be cast iron, ductile iron, galvanized stee~
galvanized wrought iron, lead, copper, brass, Series 1000 PVC DWV.
extra-strength vitrified clay pipe or other approved materials having smooth
and uniform bore except that:
701.1.1 No galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shaH be used
underground and shall be kept at least 152 mrn above ground.
701.1.2 ABS and PVC DWV piping installations shall be used in higlHise
buildings, provided that its use shall be the discretion of the Master
Plumber/Designer and also with the full consent of the owner.
701.1.3 No vitrified clay pipes or fittings for building drain or sewer shdl be used
above ground or whenever piping is pressurized by a pump or ejector.
They shall be kept at least 0.3 meter below finish ground level.
701.2 Drainage fittings shall be of cast iron, malleable iron, lead, brass, copper,
ABS, PVC, vitrified clay, or other approved materials having a smooth
interior waterway of the same diameter as the piping served and all such
fittings shall be compatible with the type of pipe used.
70 1.2.) Fittings on screwed pipe joints shall be of the recessed drainage type.
Burred ends shall be reamed to the full bore of the pipe.
701.2.2 The threads of drainage fittings shall be tapped to allow two (2) percent or
21 m.m/m grade.


702.1 The Fixture lJnit (F.lJ.) rating of plumbing fixtures shown on Table 7-2
shall be based on the size of the trap required, and the fixture Unit
equivalent of fixtures and devices not shown in Table 7-2 shall be based
on the rated discharge capacity in liters per second in accordance with the
Table 7-3

Maximum trap loadings for sizes up to 102 mm arc as follows:

* Sc?c. 2-IJ 2-13 · 2-l.f 2.f5 NIY' 1959

Revi!>ad N<1tional Plumbing Code of tha Philippines


Item Palle Size Fixture Unit fJJ.

1 32 1
2 38 3
3 51 4
4 76 6
5 102 8

F~ception: On self-service laundries.


703.1 The minimum sizes of vertical and/or horizontal drainage pipings shall he
determined from the total of all fixture units connected thereto, and
additional, in the case of vertical drainage pipes, in accordance with their
height or length.

703.2 Table 7.5 shows the maximum number of fixture units allowed on any
vertical or horizontal drainage pipe, building drain or building sewer of a
given size, the maximum number of fixture .units allowed on any branch
interval of a given size~ the maximum length meters of any vertical
drainage pipe of a given size.
El<creta Drainage System


Item Trap & Trap DraiDag!

No. FIX'fURE AriD Size Flxture Ulli1.1
mm (DFli)
J 38 2
Bidets 38 2
3 Clotheswashers • 51 2
4 Dentallmit.s or cuspidors 32 1
5 Drinking fountains 31 1
6 Floor dra ins 51 2
7 Interceptors* for grease oil1 etc. 51 3
8 Intercept ors~ for sand, auto wash, etc. 76 6
9 La undr' ' tubs 38 2
10 Mobile ~~--------------------------------~-----------~-------
home park traps lone for each trailer) 76 6 -.
II Receptors • (floor sinks), indirect waste receptors for
refrigerators, coffco urns, water staticn, etc. 38
51 -
i6 -.
I9 Smk, flu shing rim, clinic 6
~-20__+-S_in_k~, se~ic_e---------------------------------~----------~-------
51 3 """"
22 ____
Urina l, pedestal, trap ann only
Urinal, stall, ~eparate trap
51 2 t

23 Urinal, waH :~11ounted, integral trn_p..t.__t_ra....tp_a_r_n_t_

oi_ll"'"-y----t---5-l___}__ _J_,: j
~· Urinal, wall-mounted, blowout, integfal trap, trap ann 76 6 i
onlv ~
25 Urinal, wall~mcunted, washdown or siphon jet, integral .. ~~
tra_p , tmp arm on ly 51 t - - -2- J.
26 Urinal, wall-mounted , washout, separate tmp _')0.8 mm
min. waste 38 " 2 J
2_ __
7 ~_\N as_
s, __
38 - I'- -2--;·
28 Wash basin 1!~ory) single ! ")
3 ... _ -~ L_ 1
29 Water clozct,* private installation .J .
.7.2.......~ J~---..i .. i
30 Water clo5et, public installation I 76 _L_ 6 ··~

• sec. J80 l 2J.I NPr 1959

R~vised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

•.\'ote: 1he si:u and discharge ratinx of each indirecl waste receptor and each
intaceptor shall bt! bused 011 the total raled discharge capacity (~fall fixtures,
equipmt·nt, or appliances di.w:hmginK therein to in accordance with Table 7-3.

Drainage pipiug serving baiteries of appliances capahle of producing continuous

flows shall he adequately sized to tmwidc for peak loa,A. Clothes washers in
groups of thra (3) or more shall be rated at six (6) ftxlure units each for the
c:vmnum hori:.onlul and vertical Kaste ptpe st:inx .

Water dusets shall he cvmpu.tcd us six (6) fixture units when determining seplic
tank si::e ba.\ ed on Appendix 13 of this ( 'ode.

Trap .\J::es sllLlll not he increaw:d to a point where the fixture discharge may be
inaclequalt' to maill!uin their selj-sc:ourinx properties.


l.1ters J!Cf second -' V l J.
For lntt•rmiltem Flow Only

Item Liters per secoud Fixture Unit

No. (L/s) (F.U.)
1 Up to 0.47 I Unit
2 0 .50 to 0.95 2 Units
3 I to I 8<> 4 {Jnits
4 1.95 to 1. 15 6 Units

Capacity over 3. 1S Lis shall be determined by tbe Administrative Authority.

For a continuous flow into a drainage system, such as from sump pump or
ejector, air equipment or similar, two (2) fixture units
shall be allowed for every 0.063 Lis of flow.

1 gpm = 0.\)(,J Lps

Excreta Dramage System


704.1 Drainage piping shall be provided with approved inlet fittings for fixture
connections, correctly located according to the size and type of fixture
proposed to be connected.

704.2 Two fixtures set back-to-back, or side-by-side, within the distance allowed
between a trap and its vent, may be served by a single vertical drainage
pipe, provided that each fixture wastes separately into an approved double
fitting, such as double sanitary tee or double wye and J/8 bend having inlet
openings at the same leveL


70S.l Changes in direction of drainage piping shall be made by the appropriate use
of approved tittings and shall be of the angles presented by a 22 '12'' or 1/16
bend, 45° or 1/8 bend, and 60° or 1/6 bend or other approved fittings of
equivalent sweeps.

705.2 Horizontal drainage branch lines, connecting with a vertical stack, shall
enter through 45 or 60 degree Vvye branches, combination wye and 1/8 bend
branches, sanitary tee or sanitary tapped tee branches or other approved
fittings of equivalent sweeps. No fitting having more than one inlei at the
same level shall be used unless such fitting is constructed so the discharge
frcm one inlet cannot readily enter into the other inlet. Double sanitary tees
may be used when the barrel of the fitting is at lca~t two (2) pipe sizes larger
than the largest inlet, (pipe sizes recognized for this purpose are 51, 64, 76,
89, 102, 114, 127 & 152 mm diamders, etc.

705.3 Horizontal drainage lines connecting with other horizontal drainage line
shall enter through forty-tive degree wye branches, combination wye and
one·eight bend branches or other approved fittings of equivalent sweep.

705.4 Vertical drainage lines connecting with horizontal drainage Jines shall enter
through torty-five (45) degree branches or other approved fittings of
equivalent sweep. Sixty (60) degree branches or offsets may be used only
when installed in a true vertical position.
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

Section 706- CLEANOUTS

~. 1 Each horizontal drainage pipe shall be provided with a cleanout at its upper
terminal and each run of piping which is more than 15 meters in total
developed length shall be provided with a cleanout and at every l 5 meter
length or a fraction thereof.



Size of Pipe Size of Cleanout Threads

(mm) (nun) _E,er 25.4 mm
38 38 11-1/2
51 38 11-1 /2
64 64

,... 76 64
8 .

102 & larger 89 8

- -~


106.1.1 Cleanouts may be omitted on a horizontal drain line Jess than I. 5 meter in
length unless such line is serving sinks or urinals.

106.1.2 Cleanouts may be omitted on short horizontal drainage pipe installed at a

slope of seventy two (72) degrees or less from the vertical line (or an angle
1/5 bend), and

706.1.3 An approved type of two-way cleanout fitting, installed inside the building
wall near the connection between the building drain and building sewer or
installed outside of a building at the lower end of the building drain and
extended to grade, may be substituted for an upper tenninal cleanout.

706.2 An additional cleanout shall be provided on a horizontal line with an

aggregate offset angle of direction exceeding one hundred and thirty-five
(135) degrees.

706.3 Each cleanout shall be installed so it opens in the direction of flow to allow
cleaning of the soil or waste line or at right angles thereto and, exct:pt in the
case of wye bmnch and end-of-line cleanouts, shall be installed verticaliy
above the flow line of.'the pipe

Excreta Drainage System

706.4 Each cleanout extension shall be considered as drainage piping and each
ninety (90) degrees deanout extension shall be extended from a wye type
fitting or other approved fitting of equivalent sweep.

706.5 Each cleanout for an interceptor shall be outside of such interceptor.

706.6 Each cleanout, unless installed under an approved cover plate, shall be
above grade, readily accessible. and so located to serve the purpose it is
intended. Cleanouts located under cover plates shall be installed to provide
the clearances and accessibility required by this Section.

706.7 Each cleanout in piping S1 mm or less in size shall be installed so that there
is a clearance of not less than 305 mm in front of the clcanout. Cleanouts in
piping larger than 51 mrn shall have a clearance of not less than 0.45 m in
front of the cleanout Clcanouts in undertloor piping shall be extended to or
above the finished floor or shaH be extended outside the building when there
is less than 0.45 meter vertical aud 0.75 meter horizontal clearance from the
means of access to such cleanout. No underfloor cleanout in any residential
occupancy shall be located more than 6.1 meters from an access door, trap
door or crawl hole.

706.8 Cleanout fittings shaU be not less in size than those given in Table 7·6.

706.9 Cleanouts shaH be provided for pressure drainage systems.

706.10 Countersunk cleanout plugs shall be installed where raised heads may cause
hazard to passing personnel or vehicles.

706.11 When a hubless blind plug is used for a required cleanout, the complete
coupling and plug shall be accessible for removal or replacement


Horizontal drainage piping shall be run in practical. alignment and at a

un:form slope of not less than 2% or 20 rnm!m towards the pojnt of
disposal, provided that , where it is impractical due to the depth of the
street sewer or to adverse structural features or to some irregula
arrangements of affected building or structure to obtain a slope of 2 percent
or any such pipe or piping 102 mm or larger in diameter may ~we a slope
of not less than one 1 percent or 10 mm/m when first approved by the
Administrative Authority.

Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines


Where practicable, all plumbing fixtures shall be drained into the public
sewer or private sewage disposal system by gravity.



709.1 Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims located below
the elevation of the nct\rby upstream manhole invert of the public sewer
serving such drainage piping shall be protected trom backtlow of sewage by
installing an approved-type hackwatcr val ve. fixture installed above such
cle\ation shall not riiseharge throu~h the hackwater valve.

709.2 Drainage piping serving fixtures iocated below the crown level of the main
sewer shull discharge into an approved watertight sump or receiving tank.,
the sewage or other liqu!d wastes shall then be lifted and discharged into
the building drain or building sewer by approved ejector) pump or other
equally efficient mechanical device.

709.1 Th•2 minimum size of any pump discharge or any discharge pipe from a
sump having a water closet oonnccted thereto shall not be less thi!n
50.8 mm diameter.

~09 .2 The vertical discharge line from such ejel:tor, pump or other mechanical
device to a horizontal drainline shall be provided with an accessible
backwater or swing check valve and gate valve close to the connection VJith
the horizontal line. The method of connection shall be at the top of the
horizontal line through a wye branch titting. The gate valve shall be located
at the discharge side of the backwater or check valve.

709.3 Building drain or building sewer receiving discharge from any pump or
ejectl)r shall be adequately sized to prever.t overloading. Two (2) fixture
units shall be allowed tor each 0 .06:1 Lis of tlow or eac.h GPM flow.

709.4 Backwater valves. gate valves, motors, compressors, air tanks and other
mechanical devices required by thi s Section shall be located wh~re they will
be accessible for inspection and repair at all times and, when not expos;:.d,
shall b~ enclosed in a water~tight masonry pit fitted with an adequ ate1y ~siz:cd
removable c.o vcr.

Excreta Drainege System

709.5 The drainage and venting systems in connection with fixtures, sumps,
receiving tanks and mechanical waste lifting devices, shall be installed
under the same requirements as provided in this Code for gravi~y systems.

709.6 Sumps and receiving tanks shall be watertight and shall be constructed of
concrete, metal or other approved materials. If constructed of poured
concrete, the walls and bottom shall be adequately reinforced and designed
according to recognized acceptable standards. Metal sumps or tanks shall
be of such thickness to serve their intended purpose and s.halJ be properly
coated internally and externally to resist corrosion.

709.7 All such sumps and receiving tanks shall be automatically discharged and,
when rated as "public use" occupancy, shall be provided with dual pumps
or ejectors arranged to function independently in case of overload or
mechanical failure. The invert of the lowest inlet to the tank shall have a
mi.nimum distance of 5 I mm above the high water or "starting" level of the
pumping operation

709.8 Sumps and receiving tanks shall be provided with substantial covers having
a bolt and gasket type manhole or equivalent opening to permit access fo;
inspection., repairs and cleaning. The top shall be provided wit h a vent
pipe which shall extend separately through the roof, or when permitted,
may be combined with other vent pipes. Such vent shall be large enough to
maintain atmospheric pressure within the sump under all normal operating
conditions and. in no case.. shall be less in size than that required by Table
1-5 for the number and type of fixtures discharging into the sump, nor less
than 51 mm in diameter. Wben the foregoing requirements are met and the
vent, after leaving the sump, is combined with vents from fixt ures
discharging into the sump, the siz.e of the combined vent need not exceed
the required size for the total number of fixtures discharging into the sump
No vent from an air-operating sewage ejector shall combine with other

709.9 Air tanks shall be proportioned to be of equal cubical capacity to the eJector
connected therewith where there shall be maintained an air pressure of not
less than 3 b.g for eac.h meter of height the sewage is raised No water
operated ejectors shaH be permitted.

709.10 When subsoj1 drainage system is installed, it shall be initially discharged

into an approved receiving tank and discharged in a manner satisfactory t<;
the Authority.

RElVisea National Plumbing Code of the Pnil:ppines

Section 710- Sl.IDS RELIEF

Fixture outlets shaH not be connected to the horizontal excreta drainage

piping system within 2 .4 meter of any vertical to horizontal change of
direction of H stack containing suds-producing fixtures. Bathtubs,
laundries, washing machine standpipes, kitchen sinks and dishwashers
shall bt"! considered suds-producing fixtures.

(a) Single family residences.
(b) Stacks receiving the dischmge from less than (3) stories of
plumbing jlxtures

Excreta Drainage System

Maximum Fixture Unit Loading an d Maximum Length
of E1creta Drainage and Vtnt Piping
Item Sizeof Pipe
No. mm 32 38 51 65 76 102 127 152 203 254 Jod
A. Maximum
fi>'.ture Unit of l I
Drainage I
3 3 4
l Vertical 1 16 32 48 256 600 1380 3600 5600 84Ct:~
Horizontal l 2 83 143
35 216) 428$ 720~ 2640~ 4680~ 82zy/
-- ..
Length of: j

Vertical Piping '

20 26 45 65 91 119 155 22R I'
3 Meter 14 ~
(Unlimited) l !
c. Vent Piping 1
Horizcntal and "'
Vertical l '
i- ...
Mamnum I
4 Fixture Unit
I 83 24

48 84 l 'i6 600 1380 3600
+---r i


5 Lengths meter 14 18 55 65 I I9 155 228 _i

(See Note)

l. Excluding trap arm.

2. Except sinks, urinals and dishwashers.
3. Except 6 fixture unit traps or water closets.
4. Only four (4) water closets or 6 fixture unit traps are allowed on any
vertical pipe or stack~ and not to exceed three (3) water closets or six (6)
fixture unit traps on any horizontal branch or drain.
5. Based on two (2) percent or 20.9 mm/rn slope. For one (I) percent or
10.4 mmi m slope, multiply horizontal tixture units by a factor of 0.8.

Note: The diame-ter of an individual vent shall not be less than 32 mm nor iess
in si::e than une·lwlf {112) the diamt'fer rl the drain to which it is
connected Fixture unit load values for draina~-:e and vem piping shall be
computed from Tables 7-2 and 7-3 not ro exceed one third (1 13) of thr:
total permitted length ofany vent may he instullecl in a horizontal position.
When wms an! im reased one ( I) pipe \·ize f or tht:ir entire /eng:h, Jhe
maximum length limitations specified in this tahlt~ do not apply.
Revised N:3to11al Humbing Code of the Philippines

Item Size of r:pe Size of Threads
No. ......
(·~' ..11)
Cleanout per 25.4 mm
•• •,,<t,U' J.. (mm) length
1 38 38 11-1/2
2 ~~ 38 ll-1/2
~ ~ ...
3 I 64 64 8
102 & larger 89
8 -

Chapter 8


801 . l No evaporative cooler, air washer or similar air conditioning equipment

shall have any drain pipe in connection therewith, directly connected to any
soil, waste and vent pipe. Such equipment shall be drained by means of
indirect waste pipes as defined in Chapter 2 of this Code, and all wastes
drained by them shall discharge through an airbreak into an open floor sink
or other approved type receptor properly connected to the drainage system.

801.2 No cold storage room, refrigerator, cooling counter, compartment,

receptacle, appurtenance or device used for the storage or holding of food or
drink and no dishwashing or culinary sink in any food preparation room
used for soaking, washing or preparing ready·-to-serve food shaH have any
drain in connection therewith directly connected to any soil, waste or vent
pipe. Such equipment or fixtures shall be drained by means of indirect
waste pipes, as defined in Chapter 2 of this Code; and all wastes drained by
them shall discharge through an airgap into an open floor sink or other
approved type receptor properly connected to the drainage system.

The foregoing does not apply to walk"in refrigerators or combination

walk"in and reach-in refrigerators used for storage and sales of products
packaged in bottles, cartons or containers.

Cooling and air-conditioning equipment may be separated by an airbreak, bur

all food equipment shall be separated from the drainage system by a full

801.3 The airgap for drainage shall be not less than 25 mm between the plumbing
fixture, appliance or appurtenance outlet and the rim of the floor sjnk cr

ReviMd Natiooal Plumblna Code of the Philipplna

Section 802 - APPROV Al .S

No plumbing fixtures served by indirect waste pipes or receiving discharge

therefrom sha!l be instaHed until first approved by the Administrative


Except as hereinafter provided, the size and installation of indirect waste

piping shall be in accordance with other Sections of this Code applicable to
drainage and vent piping. No Vt!nt from indirect waste piping shall combine
with any excreta cormected vent, but shall extend separately to the outside
air. Indirect waste pipes exceedi ng 1.5 meters but less than 4.6 meters
length shall be directly trapped, but such traps need not be vented.

Indirect waste pipes less than 4.6 meters in length need not be larger in
diameter than t he drain outlet or tailpiece of the fix.ture, applianr.e or
equipment served, but in no case less than I 3 mm in diameter. Angles and
changes of direction in such indirect waste pipes shall be provided with
cleanouts to pemlit flushing and cleaning.


804.1 All plumbing fixtures or other receptors receiving the discharge of indirect
waste pipes shall be approved for the use proposed t>. nd of such shape and
capacity to prevent splashing or flooding and shall be located where readily
accessible for inspection and cleaning. No standpipe receptOr for any
clotheswasher shaH extend more than 0.8 meter nor less than 0.45 m above
its trap. No trap for any clotheswasher standpipe receptor shall be installed
below the floor, but shaH be roughed no less than 15 em and. not more than
45 em above the flo or. No indirect waste receptor shall be installed in any
toilet room, closet, cupboard or storeroom nor in any other portioil of <:
building not for general use by the occupants thereof, except that standpipes
for clotheswasher may be installed in toilet and bathroom areas when the
clotheswasher is instatled in the same room .

804.2 Where water service connections are installed for clotheswasher, an

approved method of waste disposal shall be provided.

804.3 Every indirect waste interceptor receivi ng discharge containing particks that
clogs the receptor drain shall have a readily removable beehi ve strainer.

ln-ji•ect Wa~te Piping, Wet·Vented Systems and Sp~!al Wastes


Indirect waste connections shail be p:-ovided for drains, overflows or relief

vents from the water supply system; and no piping or equipment carrying
'.vastes or producing wa!>tcs, or other discharges under pressure shall be
directly connected to any part ofthe drai11age system.

The foregoing shall not apply to any approved sump pump or to any
approved pressure-wasting plumbing fixture or device when the
Administrative Authority has satisfied himself that the drainage system i~
ad'O!quately sized to accommodate the anticipated discharge thereof

Section 806 - STERll,J«: EQU IPl\tENT

Appliances, devices or apparatus such as stills, sterilizers and similar

equipment requiring water and waste and used for sterile material~ shall be
drained through an a!rgap.

Section 807- APPLIANCES

807.1 Appliances, devices, equipment or other apparatus not regularly classified a3

plumbing fixtures equipped with pumps, drips or drainage outlets may be
drained by indirect waste pipes discharging into an approved-type opeD.

807.2 When the cond~nsate waste from air conditioning coils is discharged b•;
direct connection to a lavatory tailpiece or to an approved accessible inlet 0;
a bathtub overflow, the cormection shali be located in the area controlled h
the same person controlling the air conditioned space. '

807.3 When undiluted condensate waste from a thcl buming condensing applianc~
is discharged into the drainage system ~he material in the dra!nag.e syste;:;
shall be rast iron, galvanized iron, plastic or other materials approved f:,,
t.his use.

Revisad National Plumbing Code d the Philippin~


807.3.1 When the above condensate is discharged to an exposed fixture tailpiece

and trap. s11ch tailpiece and trap may be brass.

807.3 .2 Any materials approved in Section 701 may be used when, in the opinion
of the Administrative Authority, condensate waste from a fuel burning
condensing appliance is diluted either before or after discharge into the
drainage .\)'Stem.

807.4 No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a

drainage system of food waste disposer without the use of an approved
dishwasher airgap fitting on the discharge side of the dishwt.shing
machine. Listed airgaps shall be installed with the flood level (FL)
marking at or above the flood level of the sink or drainboard, whichever is

Stdion 808 -· COOLING \VATER

When permitted by the Department having jurisdiction, clean running

water used exclusively as a cooling medium in an appliance, device or
apparatus, may discharge into the drainage system through the inlet side of
a fixture trap in the event that a suitable fixture is not. available to receive
such discharge. Sud1 trap connection shall be by means of a pipe
connected to the inlet side of an approved fixture trap, the upper end
terminating in a funnel shaped receptacle set adjacent, a.TJd not less than
!52 mm above the overflow· rim of the fu ture.


Drinking fountains may be installed with indirect wastes.


810.1 No steam pipe shall be directly connected to any part of a plumbing or

drainage system, nor shall any water having a temperature above 60°C be
discharged under pressure directly into any part of a drainage system. Pipes
from boilers shall discharge by means of indirect waste piping as detennined
by Administrative Authority or the boiler manufacturer's recommenda.tions.
Such pipes may be indirectly connected by discharging into an open or
closed condenser or intercepting sump of approved type that will prevent the
entrance of steam or such water under pressure into the drainage system.
All closed condensers or sumps shall be provided with a vent taken off from
the top and extended separately, full size above the roof. All condensers and
sumps shall be properly trapped at the outlet with a deep seal trap extending
to within 152 mm of the bottom of the tank . The top of the deep seal trap
shall have a 19 rnm diameter opening located at the highest point of the trap
to serve as a siphon breaker. Outlets shall be tr.ken off from the side in a
manner to allow a water line to be mai ntained that permanently occupies not
less than one-half( 'l2) the capacity of the condenser or sump AJI inlets shall
enter above the water line. Wearing plates or baftles shall be installed in the
tank to protect the shell. The sizes of the blowoff line inlets, the water
outlets and the vent shall be as shown in Table 8-l. The contents of
condensers receiving steam or hot water under pressure must pas~ first
through an open sump before entering the drainage system.

810.2 Sumps, condensers or intercepting tanks constructed of concrete shall have

walls and bottom not less than 102 mm thickness, and the inside shall be
cement plastered not less than 13 mm in thickness. Condensers constructed
of metal shall be not less than No. 12 U.S. Standard gauge (2.77 men
thickness) and all such metal condensers shall be protected from exten:al
corrosion by an approved bituminous coating.

810.3 Sumps and condensers shan be provided with suitable means of access for
cleaning and shall contain a volume of not less than twice the volume of
water removed from the boiler or boilers connected thereto when the normal
water level of such boiler or boilers is reduced not less than 102 mm .

Re\ti5ed Nationel Plumbing Code of the Philippines



No. Boiler Blowoff, mm Water Outlet, mm Size of Vent, mm

1 19 19 51
2 25.4 25.4 64
3 32 32 76
4 38 38 102
5 51 51 127
6 64 64 I 52

* To he used only with hoi/as of 9.29 m2 ofheatmg surface or less.


811.1 Chemical or industrial liquid wastes likely to damage or increase

maintenance costs on the excreta sewer system, detrimentally affect
treatment or contaminate surface or subsurface waters, shall be pretre:1ted to
render them innocuous prior to their discharge into a drainage system.
Detailed plans and specifications of pretreatment facilities shaH be requir~d
by the Administrative Authority.

Piping conveying industrial. chemical or process wastes from their point of

origin to sewer-connected pretreatment facilities !iliall be of such material
and design to adequately perform its intended function to the satisfaction of
the Administrative Authority. Drainage discharge piping from pretreatm~nt
facilities or intercep.tors shall conform to standard drainage installation

811 .2 Each waste pipe receiving or intended to receive the discharge of any fixture
where acid or coiTosive chemical is placed and each vent pipe connected
thereto, shall be constructed of chemical-resistant glass-lined pipe, high
silicon iron pipe, lead pipe not less than 3.2 mm wall thickness, an approved
type of ceramic glazed or unglazed vitrified clay or other approved
corrosion resistant rnaterit:!IS.

indirect Waste Piping, Wet-Vented Systems and Special Wastes

811.3 Ali jointing materials shall be of approved type and quality .

811.4 Whenever practicable, nH piping shalt be readily accessible and installed

with the maximum of clearance from other services.

811.5 The owner shall make and keep a permanent record of the location of all
pipings and venting carrying chemical waste.

811.6 No chemical vent shall be connected or intersect vents fo r other services.

811.7 No chemical wastes shall be discharged into the ground, local sewer or other
disposal means without approval of the local Administrative Authority.

811.8 The provisions of this Section reiative to materials and methods of

construction, need not apply to minor installations such as small
photographic or x-ray dark rooms or small research or control laboratories
where small amounts uf adequately water-diluted chemicals are disch.::rged


812. 1 \Vet venting is limited to vertical drainage piping receiving the ctischarg ~
from the trap arm of one (1) and two (2) fixture unit. Fixtures that a\~o
serves as a vent for not to exc~d four (4) fixtures. All wet-vented fi xtu~cs
shall be on the same floor level, provided further, that fixtures 'Nith a
continuous vent discharge into a wet vent shall be on the same level ;;.s the
wet-vented ftxtures.

812.2 The vertical piping between any two (2) consecutive inlet levels shall be-
considered a wet-vented section. Each wet-vented section shall be a
minimum of one (I) pipe size larger than the required minimum waste pipe
size of the upper fixture or shall be one (I) pipe size larger than the required
minimum pip~ size for the sum of the fixture units served by such wet.
vented section, whichever is larger, but in no case less than S I mm in

812.3 Common vent sizing shall be the sum of the fixture units served but in no
case smaller than the minimum vent pipe size require'j for rmy fixttre
served, or by Section 904.

Traps for island sinks and similar equipment shall be roughed~in above the
floor and may be vented by extending the vent as high as possible, but not
less than the drainboard height and then returning it downward and
connecting it to the horizontal sink drain immediately downstream from the
vertical fixture drain. The retumed vent shall be connected to the horizontal
drain through a wye-branch fitting and shall, in addition, be provided with a
foot vent taken oft' the vertical fixture vent by means of a wye--branch
immediately below the floor and thence extending the vent line to the
nearest partition and then through the roof to the open air or may be
connected to other veats at a point not less than 152 mm above the flood
level rim of the fixtures served. Drainage fittings shall be used on all parts
of the vent below the floor level and such a vent line shall have a minimum
slope of 2 percent or 21 mrnlm back toward the drain where it is connected
shall be maintained. The retum bend used under the drainboard shall be a
one ( 1) piece fitting or an assembly of a forty-five (45) degree elbows. Pipe
sizing shall be as elsewhere required in this Code. The island sink drain.
upstream of the returned vent, shall serve no other fixtures. Ac<::essible
cleanouts shalt be installed in the vertical portions of the foot vent and the
waste at floor level.


814.1 Combination waste and vent systems (CW & VS) shall be permitted only
where structural conditions preclude the insta!lati·Jn of convention~'l.l syz·~ems
as otherwise prescribed by this Code.

814.2 Plans and specifications for each CW & VS shall first be approved by the
Administrative Authority before any portion of any such system is installed.

8143 Each CW & VS as defined in Sub-Section 104.11 of Section 104, shall be

provided with a vent or vents adequate to assure free circulation of air. Any
branch more than 4.6 meter m length shall be separately vented in tui
approved manner. The minimum area of any vent installed in a CW & VS
shall be at least one··half ( l/2) the inside cross sectional area of the drain
pipe served. The vent connection shaH be downstream of the uppermost

*Sec. 250/251 NPC J<l59

Indirect. Waste Piping, WetN~ted Systems and Special Wastes

814.4 Each waste pipe and each trap in any CW & VS shall be at least two (2) pipe
sizes larger than the sizes required by Chapter 7 of this Code and at letgt
two (2) pipe sizes larger than any fix.ture tailpiece or connection.

814.5 Unless specifi.cally required or permitted by the Administrative Authority,

no vertical waste pipe shall be used in any CW & VS, except the tailpiece or
c.ormection between the outlet of a plumbing fixture and the trap therefore.
Suc.h tailpiece or connections shall be as short as possible and in no case
shall exceed 0.6 meter long.

814.6 Cleanouts may not be required on any wet-vented branch serving a single
trap when the t1xture tailpiece or cormection is not less than 51 mm in
diameter and provide ready access for cleaning through the trap. An
accessible cleanout shall be installed in each vent for the CW & VS.


" Sacrarium" waste of holy water and washwater at church altar service!
must not be discharged into the sanitary drainage system but disposed off
directly into the ground.

Revised Natior.ol Plumbing COOe of th9 Philippi!"lcs

S«tion 816 ~Clear \Vater Wastes

Water lith., expansion tan~ cooJing jackets, sprinkler system.'i, drip or

overflow pans or similar devices which disc.harge clear wastew,tter into
the buildiug drainage system shall discharge through an indirect waste by
means of an air gap.

Se<;tion 817- SwiJumin~ Pools

Pipes carryi11g wastewater from swimming or wading pools., including

pool drainage and backwash from filters, and water from promenade
drains which serve walks shall be installed as an indirect Where a
pump is used to discharge waste p~)ol water to the drainage system, the
pump discharge shall be installeJ as an indirect waste.

Strtion 818- Refri~t-ration \Vastes

The indir~~t waste lines carrying refrigeration waste shall not be smaller
than shown in lhe following pipe size schedule:

32 mm -- l inlet serving not more than 2.8 m3 of refrigeration space~

S I mm- 4 to 12m·\ 32 mm inlets or the equivalent refrigeration space~
76 mm ··· 13 to 36m3~ 32 mm inlets or the equivalent refrigeration space

Stction 8 t 9 • A ir-Co ndiC ioning Equipmrnt

if discharged into the drainage system any evaporative cooler, airwa~;her,

or ~imilar air-conditioning equipment shall be drained by means of ;:n
indirect waste pipe.

WU Size

Air-conditioning condensate waste pipes shall be independent of any

drainage and waste system and shall not be smaller than shown in
Table 8-2.

lnd;rect Waste Piping, Wet· Vented Sy:stems and Special Was!es

~'" ..........
Item Equipment Capacity Minimum Condensate
No. in Tons o~..!!!!'~&e!·a,!!.?n (kW) .. •. Pi(te piamete!._~ J!!..R_!}....
Through 3 (Through 10.56)
20 ·-- ~fl.!rous_~ 70.3_3)_
Through 90
Tt>.rou~h 125
(Throu$-!h 316.48}
(Through 4~39 . 6)
- - 32
38 -~
;,; 1&2"'*"--
__ L. ..
5. Thrma~h 250
- £!~~79 . 22
- 51

The size of condlmsate wa.ste pipes may be for one unit or a combinatio11 of uni!\

(lr as recommended by the manufacturer. Th{; capacity oh,·aste pipes assumes 4
10.5 mmlm or 0ne pcrc~nt slope, with th~::! pit~t.! running three-quarter (3f.~J fuH 11
1he following conditions:

Outside Air - 20% Room Ak- &0%


73~ 75<>J:

Condensate drain sizing for other siopes or other conditions shall be approved t~
the Administrative Authority. ·

Air conditioning waste ptpes shall be constructed of materials specified ~

Chapter 7.

819.2 Point of Discharge

Air-conditioning condensate waste pipes shall connt:ct indirectly to It~

drainage system through an airgap or airbrcak to:

A A properly trapped re..::eptor~ or

B. Other points of discharge acceptable to the Administrative Authori;}

including dry wells. lc.':\ch pits, the tailpiece of plumbing fixture::., etc.

Chapter 9

Section 901- VENTS REQlJIRED

Each plumbing fixture trap, except as otherwise provided in this Code,

shall be protected against siphonage and back-pressure. Air circulation shall
be assured throughout all parts of the excreta drainage system by means of
vent pipes installed in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter and
as required in this ('ode.


902.1 Where permitted by the Administrative Authority, vent p1pmg may be

omitted on an interceptor when such interceptor acts as primary settling tank
and discharges through a horizontal indirect waste pipe into a secondary
interceptor. The second interceptor shall be properly tapped and vented.

9()2.2 Traps serving sinks which are part of the equipment ofbars. soda fou;1tains
and counters need not be vented when the location and construction r· f such
bars, soda fountains and counters is to make it impossible to do so. When
such conditions exist, said sink shall discharge by means of ap;)roved
indirect waste pipe into a floor sink or other approved type receptor.

Section 903 - 1\tATERIA LS

903.1 Vent pipes shall be cast iron, ductile cast iron, galvanized stet:l, !:~lvanjzcd
wrought iron, lead, copper, brass, Schedule 40, ABS, DWV, Series 1000,
PVC, DWV or other approved materials having a smooth and unifonn bore
except that:

903. 1.1 No galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall be usd
underground and shall be kept at least 15 em. above ground.

9()3.1.2 Horizontal and vertical vent lines and vent stacks shnll be copper, cast iron.
galvaniz.ed wrought iron or polyvinyl chloride pipes.

Revised Natkmal Plumbing Code al the Philippines

903.2 Vent tittings shall be cast iron, galvanized malleable iron or galvanized
steel, lead, copper~ brass, ABS, llVC. or other approved materials,
except that no galvanized malleable iron or galvanized steel fittings shall be
buried underground but shaH be kept at least 152 mm above finish ground
level .

903.3 Changes in direction of \lent piping shall be made by the appropriate use of
approved fittings and no such pipe shaH be strained or bent. Burred end5
shall be reamed to the full bore of the pipe.

• Section 904- SIZE OF VENTS

904. 1 The sizes of vent piping shall be determined from its length and the
number of flxture units connected thereto, as set forth in Table 7-5 of this
Code. In addition, the drainage piping of each building and each
connections t6 a public sewer or a piivate sewage disposal system shall be
vented by means of one or more vent pipes, the aggregate cross-sectional
area of which shall not be less than that of the largest required building
sewer, as determined from Table 7-5, page 88.

Exception: When connecled to a common building sewer, the drainage

piping of two (2) or more buildings located on the same lot and under ont. ·
ownership may he vellled by means (?f piping sized in accordance With
Table 7-5 provided the aggregate cross-sectional area of all the vents is llvt
less than that ofthe largest required common building sewer.

904.2 The length of horizontal portion of a vent may exceed one-third (1/3) ofth
total length of and horizontal portions as limited by Table 7.s
provided the vent is in~~rease.d to one pipe size larger for its entire length.


905 . 1 All horizontal vent and branch vent pipes shall be free from drops or sag,
and each such vent shall be graded and connected to dtip back by gravity to
the drainage pipe it serves.

905.2 Where vents conne<.~t to a horizontal drainage pipe,. such vent pi~
connection shall have its invert taken off above the drainage centerline Gf
such pipe downstream of the trap being served.

*Sec. ~2-1 NI'C 1959

. . St!(.:. 225 Ni 1C /95 .1/

Vents and Venting

905.3 lJnless prohibited by structural conditions, each vent shaH rise vertically to a
point not less than above the highest flood level rim of the fixtures
served before offsetting horizontally to join the vent stack or stack vent and
the bottom connection shall be installed with approved drainage fittings and
installed with proper grade to the horizontal drain.

905.4 All vent pipes shall extend undiminished in size above the roof or shall be
reconnected with the soil or waste stack vent of proper size at a point below
the root: the vent through the roof (VSTR) shaH be increased one ( l) pipe
size above the reconnection point of stack vent and horizontal vent.

905.5 The vent pipe opening from a soil or waste pipe, except for water closets
and similar fixtures, shall not be below the weir of the uap.

905.6 Two (2) fixtures may be served by a common vertical vent pipe when each
such fixture wastes separately into an appmved double branch fitting having
inlet openings at the same level.


9061 Each vent pipe or stack through roof (SVTR) shall extend its flashing all
around and the stack vent shall terminate vertically not less than 1S em
above the roof nor less than 0.3 meter from any vertical surface nearby.

906.2 Each vent opening shall terminate not less than three (3) meters from, or at
least 0. 9 meter above any openable window, door opening, air intake or
vent shaft~ nor less than 0.9 meter away from any lot line, alley a!td street
boundary lines.

9()6.3 Vent pipes shall be extended separately or combined, of full required siz~..
not l~ss than 15 em above the roof or fire wall. Flagpoling of vents b
prohibited except where the roof is used for purposes other than weather

9064 Vertical vent pipes for outdoor installations shall extend to at least 3 meter
distant from any part of the roof th~tt is used tor other purposes <•nd shaH
extend not less than 2.1 meter above such roof and ~hall be securely Aaycd.

9(16.5 Joints at the roof around stack vent pipes shall be made watenight by the use
of approw·d flashing material and installation.

Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines


907.1 Each soil or waste stack which extends ten ( 10) or more stories above the
building drain shall be served by a parallel vent stack which shall extend
undiminished in size from its upper terminal at the roof and connect to the
soil or waste stack at ground level and at every fifth floor levels with a
" yoke vent" at a point below the horizontal soil or waste branch connection
to the stack and at the nearby vent stack above the same floor to provide a
relief vent. The size of yoke vent shall be not less in diameter than either
the soil stack or the vent stack, whichever is smaller.

907.2 The yoke vent connection with the vent stack shall be place.d not less than
t.O meter above the floor leve), and the yoke vent connection with the
drainage stack shall be by means of a wye branch fitting placed below tP..e
fixture branch serving that floor.

Section 908- Vents Not Required

908.1 Where permitted by the Administrative Authority, vent pipii!g may be

omitted on an interceptor when such interceptor acts as a primary s~d\in3
tank and discharges through a horizontal indirect waste pipe into a
secondary interceptor. The second interceptor shall be properly trapped and

908.2 Traps serving sinks which are prut of the equipment of bars, soda founti!!n~
and counters, need not be vented when the location ~.nd construction t'f such
bars, soda fountains, and counters is to make it impossible to do so. ·when
s4ch conditions exist, said sinks shall discharge by means of r.pprove;J
i·ndirect waste pipes into a floor sink or other approved type receptor.

Section 909 • Materials

909.1 Vent pipes shall be cast iron, galvanized steel, galvanized wrought iron,
lead, copper, brass, Schedule 40 ABS DWV, Series 1000 PVC DWV 111
other approved materials having a smooth and uniform bore except that

909.1.1 No galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall be Used

underground and ~hall be kept at least 152 mm ahove ground.

Vents and Venting

Section 910 ·Size of Vents

910. t The size of vent piping shall be detennined from its length and the total
number of fixture units connected thereto, as set forth in Table 7·5. The
diameter of an individual vent shall not be less than one and one-fourth
(l-l/4) inches (32 mm) nor less than one-half (1/2) the diameter of the
tlrain to which it is connected. In addition, the drainage piping of each
building and each connection to a public sewer or a private sewage
disposal system shall be vented by me.ans of one or more vent pipes, the
aggregate cross-sectional area of which shall not be Jess than that of the
largest required building sewer. as determined from Table 7-S, page 88.

910.2 No more than one-third ( l/3) of the total permitted length, per
Table 7·5 of any minimum sized vent ~hall be installed in a horizontal

Chapter 10

Section 1001 -TRAPS REQUIRED

1001.1 Each plumbing fixture, excepting those having integral traps, shall be
separately trapped by an approved-type waterseal trap. Not more than one
trap shall be permitted on a trap arm.

1001.2 It is provided, however, that one trap may serve a set of no t more than
three (3) single compartment sinks or laundry tubs of the same depth or
three (3) lavatories immediately adjacent to each other nnd in the same
room if the waste outlets are not more than 0.75 meter apart and t.he trap is
centrally located when three (3) compartments are installed. The depth
requirement may be waived if approved-type pump disdw.rge the fixtures or

1001.3 No food waste disposal unit shall be installed on any set of restauran~
commercial or industrial sinks served by a single trap, each such food Waste
disposal unit shall be connected to a separate trap. Each domestic
clotheswasher and each laundry tub shall be connected to a separate and
independent trap; except that a trap serving a laundry tub may aJso re-.;eive
the waste from a dotheswasher set adjacent thereto. No clotheswasher cr
laundry tub shall be connected to any trap of a kitchen sink.

1001.4 The vertical distance between a fixture outlet and the trap weir shall be as
short as practicable, but in no case shall the tailpiece from any fixture
exceed 0.6 meter in length. ·


1002.1 Each plumbing fixture trap. except as otherwise provided in this Code
shall be proteded against siphonage and back-pressure by a properly placed'
vent pipe. Ajr circulation shall be assured throughout all pruts of the
drainage system by means of a vent pipe system installed in acwrdn..11r~-? with
the requirements of this Code.

Revised National Plumbing Codtt ~ f.'te Phi:ippines

1002.2 Each fixture trap shall have a protecting vent so located that the developed
length of the trap ann from the trap weir to the inner edge of the vent shall
be within the distance given in Table 10~ l, but in no case less than two
times the diameter of the trap arm.

1002.3 A trap arm may change direction without the use of a cleanout when such
change of direction does not exceed ninety (90) degrees.

Exception: For trap arms 76 mm in diameter and larger, the change of

direction 1101 excel!ding 22 %0 110 cleanout is required and for change of
direction greater tlum 22% 0 a c/eanout is required at the bend

1002.4 The vent pipe opening from a soil or waste pipe, except for water closets
and similar tixtures, shall not be below the weir of the trap.

TABLE 10~1

Horizontal Distance of Trap ArmG

(Except for water closets and alm.Jlar fbrtmez)

Trap Arm
Diameter Distance To Vent
Mm m
32 0.76
38 1.07
51 1.52
76 1.83
102 & larger 3.05

Slope 2% or 20 mrnlmeter

* ]he developed length betwee11 the trap of a water closet or similar fixture
measuredfrom the 1up of closet ring (closet flange) to inner edge of ~·ent sha!l not
exceed 1.8 meters.

Tmps end Interceptors

• Mctiou 1003- TR~PS DESCRJBED

1003.1 Each trap, except one for an interceptor or similar device shall be self.
cleaning. Traps for bathtubs, showers, lavatories, sinks, laundry tubs,
floor drains, urinals, drinking fo~mains, dental units and similar fixtures
shall be of standard designs and weights and shall be of ABS, cast brass,
cast iron, lead. PVC, or other approved mater!ab. An exposed and
readily accessible drawn brass tubing trap, nut less than Gauge l7 B&S
( 1.1 mm), may be ust~d on fh..'tures discharging domestic sewage but shall
exclude urine. Each trap shall have the manufacturer's name stamped
legibly on the metal of the trap and each tubing trap shaH have the gauge
of the tubing in addition to the manu facturer's name. Every trap shail
have a smooth and uniform interior waterway.

1003 .2 No more than one approved slip joint fating may be used on the outlet side
of a trap, and no tubing trap shall be installed without a listed tubing trap

1003.3 The nominal size of a tr3p for a given fixture shalt be sufficient to drain
the fixture rapidly, but in no case, less than that given in Table 7-2.
The trap shall be the same size as the trap ann to which it is connected.

..- S«tion l004- TRAPS PROHIBITED

No form of trap which depends for its seal upon the action of m~vable
parts or concealed interior partitions shall be used. ''S,, Bell and Crown.
vented traps :ue prohibited. No i1x.ture shall be double trapped. Drum
traps may be installed only when permitted by the Administrative
Authority for special condition. No drum trap shall be installed without a

••• Section 1005 - TRAP SEALS

Each fixture trap shal l have a water seal of not less than 51 mm and~
more than 102 mm deep except where a deeper seal is found necessary b-y
the Administrative Authority for special conditions. Traps sJ-..411 be set
erect and true with respect to their water seals.

* St!<:.18-1 Nf'C 1959

**Sec. /HI NPC 1959
*** Se<:. /83 NPC ISJ59
Revised Nstional Plumbing Code of the Philippine:>

"Section 1006- FLOOR DRAIN TRAPS

Floor drain shall connect into a trap so constn.:~ted that it can be readily
cleaned and of a size to serve efliciently th-~ pu! po$~ fu: which it is
intended. The drain inlet shall be so located thd it is nT! times in full view.
When subject to reverse flow of sewage or liquid waste, such drains shall
be equipped with an approved backwater valve.
Floor drain or similar traps directly connected to the drainage system and
subject to infrequent usc shall be provided with an approved automatic
means of maintaining their water scats, except where not deemed
necessary for safety or sanitation purposes by th-~ Administrative
Authority. When automatic trap priming devices are installed, they sh1ll
be accessible for maintenance and provided by an accessible shut··off
10081 \Vht-n Rt•quired- ir:tcrceptOis or clarifiers (including f.'.l"(:asc, oil and sand
interceptors, etc ) shall be provided when, in the judgmf.'nt of the
Administrative Authority, Hwy are necessary for the proper handling of
liquid wastes containing grease, f.:-mmable wastes, sand, solids, acid or
alkaline substances, or other ingredKnts harmful to the building drainage
system, the public or private sewer and sewage disposal system.
1008 2 Approval·- the size, type, and location of each interceptor (ch:tir·:r) or
separalor shall be apprcved by the Administrative Aulho.1ity, in
accordance with it~~ ~iaudanh; Except where othcrwi~w :ipe<:ifically
permitted, no wastes other than tho$C requiring trcatmc-al or scpantion
shall he discharged into any intt'rceptor or clarifier.
t008J Design - interceptors or darifkrs f(:n sand and similar heavy solids s:l:,;r
be so designed and located as to be readily accessible for cle?.ning r:i~
shall have a water seal of not less than l 52 mm deep.
10084 Rdi~f Vent - inte;-ceptors or clarifiers shall be so designed that they wir
not become air beund if closed covers are u!>,:d. . Each intercept ,r
(clarifier) shall be properly vented.
]008.5 Location - each interceptor or clarifier shall be readily accessible for
servicing and maintaining in working and operating conditions. The use
of ladders or the removal of hulky equipment in order to service
interceptors or clarifiers shall con!,titute a violation of acccs~ibility.
Location of all interceptors (darifiers) shall be shown on the bu;tdir.g plan
submitted t<.)r approval by the Administrative Authority.

• S1'C. I Y1 N }'(' IY5 Y

Traps and lntef'(;eptofs


Every f1sh, fowl and animal slaughter house or establishments and every
fish, fowl and meat packing or curing establishments, or any other
establishment from which considerable amounts of grease, hairs, feat~rs,
etc., are likely to be discha~ged with the wastewater into the plumbing
syE.tem, sewer system, or private sewage disposal system shall be
connected to and shall drain or disc-harge through a screening device and
thence into a grease interceptor (clarifier) of an approved design for the
proper disposal of eflluents.


Every private or public washrack and/or floor or slab used for cleaning
machinery or machine parts shall be adequately protected against stonn cr
surface water and shall drain or discharge into an interceptor ( claiifier} of
an approved design for this use to separate the oil and grease before the
effiuent reach the public stream.

*Section 1011- GREASE TR..<\PS

1011.1 When, in the judgment of the Administrative Authority, Waste

pretreatment is required, an approved-type grease trap complying with the
provisions of this sections shall be installed in the wasteline leading frorn
sinks, drains and other fixtures or equipment in establishments such ~
restaurants, cafes, lunch counters. cafeterias, bars and clubs, hotel
hospitH!, sanitarium, ntctory or school kitchens, or other establishment~
where grease may be introduced into the drainage or sewer system in
quantities that can efiect line stoppage or hinder sewage treatment or
privat<~ sewage disposal. A grease t.rap is not required for i~dividua!
dvvdEng units or tor any private livir1g quarters.

1011.2 No individual grease trap shall be installed for a facility that has an
approved rate of flow of more than 3A lite; s per second nor less than 1.3
Lis, except when spt>cial!y approved hy the Administrative Authority.

10 ll 3 Each plumbing fixture or piece of equipment connected to a grease trap

shall be provided with an approved type flow control or restricting device
installed in a readily accessible and visib le location in the tailpice or drain
outlet of each such fixture. Flow control devices shall be so desiene-J thz!
the flow through such device or devices shall at no time be greater than tr•

rated capacily of the grease trap. No flow control device having
adjustabl~~ or removable parts shall be approved.

* S'ec. 189 NJ'( · 1959

ReviSGd National Plumbing Code ol the Philippines

1011.4 Each grease trap required by this Section shall have an approved rate of
flow wh!ch is not less than that given in Table l0-2 for the total number of
connected fixtures. The total capacity of fixtures discharging into any
such grease trap shall not exceed two and one-half (2--lh) times the
certified liter:> p~r minute flowrate of the grease trap as per Table 10-2.

Any grease trap inst(l.lted with inlet more than 1.2 meters lower in
elevation than the outlet of any fixture discharging into such grease trap
shall have an approved rate of flow which is not Jess than fifty {50)
percent greater than that given in Table 10-2 nor more than four (4)
separate fixture shall be connected to or discharged into any one grease

For the pufPose of this Section, the term "fixture" shall mean and include
each plumbing fixture, appliance, apparatus or other equipment required
to be conne~ted lo or discharged into a grease trap by any provision of this

!011.5 Each fixture discharging into a grease trap shall be individually trapped
and vented in an approved manner An approved-type grease trap may be
used as a fixture outlet and the grease trap for a single fixture when the
horizontal distance between the fixture outlet and the grease trap does net
exceed 1.2 meters. and the vertical tailpipe or drain does not exceed 0.75

JOI\ .6 Grease traps shall be maintained in efficient operating condition by

periodic removal of the accumulated grease and settled solids. ~o such
collected grease shall be introduced into ihe drainage piping and public or
private sew·er.

!01 1.7 No water jacketed grease trap or grease interceptor shall be approved or

1011.8 Each grease trap shall have an approved water seal of not less than 51 Jrq11
in depth or the diameter of its I)Utlet, \\. hi\:hever is greater.

Traps and Inter~ s


When grease interceptors are required, a recommended sizing criteria a;e

provided in the Appendix B. Private Sewage Disposal Systems.


l0l3. l Unless specifically required or permitted by the Administrative Authority,

no food waste disposal unit shall be connected to or discharged into any
grease interceptor or grease trap.

TABLE 10-2

Greaae Traps Capacity

Total Number of Fixture Required Rate of flow Grease Retention -

Connected Liters per Minute Ca_l'_acity, Kilo~ram
I 76 18
.l.. Q5 23
3 132 32 l
4 189 45 ~
1013 .2 The vent pipe opening from a soil or waste pipe, except for water closets
and similar fixtures, shall not be below the weir of the trap.

lt 2
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

TABLE 10-3
Horizontal Distance ofTrap Arms

(Except for water clost!ts and similar fixtures)*

Item Trap Arm
Trap to Vent
No. mm
1 J6 762
2 38 1067
3 51 IS 2:1.
4. 76 1829
5. 102 & larger 3048
Slope one-tourth (1 /4) inch ,eer foot ~20. 9 mm/ml, s = .02

• The developed length between the trap of a water closet or similar fixture
(measured from the top of the closet ring [closet flange] to the inner edge of the
vent) and its vent shall not t!xceed six (6) feet (1829 mrn).

Stction 1014 ·Traps - Described

1014.1 Each trap, except one for an interceptor or similar device shall be self-
cleaning. Traps for bathtubs, showl~rs, lavatories, sinks, laundry tubs,
floor drai ns. hoppers. urinal s, drink ing fo untains, dental units, and similar
fixtures shall be of standard design and weight and shall be of ABS, cast
brass, cast iron, lead, PVC, or other approved material. An exposed a.nd
readily accessible drawn brass tubing trap, not less than 17 B&S Gauge
l. I mm, may be used on fixtures discharging domestic sewage but shall
exclude urinals. Each trap shall have the manufacturer's name stamped
legibly in the metal oflhc trap and each tubing trap shall have the gauge of
the tubing in addition to the manufacturer's name, Every trap shall have a
smnoth and uniform interior wat~rway .

1014.2 No more than one (1) approved slip joint fitting may be used on the outlet
side of a trap, and no tubing trap &hall be installed without a listed tubing
trap adapter.

Traps and lnton:eptora


Sizing of Grease lntercepton

Number of Waste flow retention storage Interceptor

meals per peak x Rate2 X times3 X factor4 = (liquid capacity) l

1. Meals Served at Peak Hour

2. Waste Flow Rate
a. With dishwashing machine . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 gallon (22.7 L) flow
b. Without dishwashing machine . . . .... . .. S gallon (18.9 L) flow
C. Single servi c~ kitchen . . .. . ... ... .. . . . . 2 s~Jlon (7.6 L) flow J
d. Food waste dtsposer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon (3 .U L) flow 1
3. Retention Times ·
Commercial kitchen waste
Dishwasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. S hours
Single service kitchen .
Single serving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 hon ~3
4. Storage Factors
Fully equipped commercial kitchen .. . ... . . 8 hcur opf':;ation: 1 j
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 hour Operation: 2 j
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 hour operation: 3 !
. le Servtce
Smg . .K.Jtc hen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.S 1\
~----------~--------------------------------------------~~~ ~·;

Revised Nation:::! Plumbing Code of the Philippines

5rdion 1015- Laundries

Le.undry equipment that does not have integral strainers shall discharge into
an interceptor having a wire basket or similar device, that is removable for
cleaning and that will prevent passage into the drainage system of solids
12.7 mm or larger in maximum dimensi0n, SJJch as string, rags, buttons, or
other solid materials detrimental to the public sewerage system.

Section 1016 • Sand Interceptors

Where Required

1616.1 Whenever the discharge of a fixture or drain may contain solids or senuM
solids heavier than water that would be harmful to a drainage system or
cause a stoppage within the system, the discharge shall be through a sand
interceptor. Multiple floor drains may discharge into one sand interceptor.

1016.2 Sand interceptors are required whenever the Administrative Authority

deems it advisable to have a sand interceptor to protect the drainage system.

Section 1017- Construction and Siz~

Sand interceptors shall be built of brick or concrete, prefabricated coated

steel or other watertight material. The interceptor shall have an interior
baffie for full separation of the interceptor into two (2) sections. The outlet
pipe shall be the same size as the inlet size of the oil interceptor, the
minimum being 76 mrn and the ba.ffie shall have two {2) openings of the
same diameter as the outlet pipe and at the same invert ts the outlet pipe.
These openings shall be staggered so that th~re cannot be a straight line flow
between any inlet pipe and the outlet pipe. The invert of the inlet pipe shall
be no lower than the invt!rt of the outlet pipe.

The sand interceptor shall have a minimum dimension of 0.2 r:rf' for th-e net
free opening of the inlet section and a minimum depth unde.r the invert of
the outlet pipe of 610 mm.

For each 18.9 L per minute flow or fraction thereof over 75.7 L per minut~
the area of the sand interceptor inlet section is to be increased hy 0.09 m1.
The outlet section shall at all tjmes have a minimum area of fifty (S~)
percent of the inlet section.

The outlet section shall be covered by a solid removable cover set flush with
the finished floor , and the inlet section shall have an open grating set flu!h
with the finished floor and suitable for the traffic in the area in which it i3

~ 16
Chapter 11

Stction 1101- GENERAL

Storm drainage are required for roof areas, courts and courtyards to collect
stotmwater and discharge the stormwater to an approved point of disposal
not in conflict with other ordinances or regulations.


1102 I Materials:

1102.1.1 Rainwater downspout or conductor pipings place.d within the interior of a

building inside a ve11ical pipe chase or n.m within a vent shaft shall be of
cast iron, galvanized steel, iron. brass, copper, lead, Schedule 40 ASS,
0\VV, Series 1000, PVC DWV or other approved materials.

1102.1.2 Rainwater downspout or conductor located on the exterior side of a low

height building shall be not less than 26 ga. galvanized sheet metal. The
bottom of the conductor draining over the catch basin storm drain or stonn
sewer is protected from damage by connecting a stronger material such as
steel pipe or cast iron at its lowest section.

. 1102.1.3 Rainwater piping located within a medium height building basement area
shaH be of galvanized iron pipe, Schedule 30; cast iron soil pipe, S.W.~
Type DWV copper tube~ Schedule 40 ABS, DWV, Series 1000, PVC
DWV, or other approved materials.

1102.1.4 Downspouts for high"rise buildings shall be of stronger pipe materials to

resist the high hydrostatic pressure inside the vertical downspout instal1ed
within the pipe chase which has no intennediate branch from the roof to
the ground level.

!102.1.5 Rainwater piping commencing 0.6 meter from the exterior of a building
may be of suitable approved materials pennitted in the Installation
Requirements ofthis Code.

Revised National Plumbing Codo o1 the Philippines

l to2.2 Connections and Installation

ll 02.2.1 Rainwater piping shall not be used as soil, waste & vent pipes.

1102.2.2 Rainwater piping installed in locations where they may be subjected to

damage shaH be protected.

II 02.2.3 Roof drains, ovelilow drains, and rainwater pipings used in a building
construction shall be previously tested and accepted in conformity with
the provisions of this Code.

Section 1103 - ROOF DRAIN

1103 .1 Materials

Roof drains shall be of cast 1ron, copper. or other corrosion-resistant


1103 .l.l Strainers

1103 .1. 1.1 Roof drains shall be equipped with strainers extending not less than to~
mm above the surface of the roof immediately adjacent to the draJn,
Dome-Type Strainers shall have a minjmum total net inlet area of one a.~
one-half ( 1 Yl) times the area of the outlet pipe to which it is connected.

lt03. l.L2 Roof deck strainers for use on sun decks, parking decks and sim!!ar
occupied areas shall be an approved flat-surface type which is level with
the deck. Such drains shall have a total net inJet area not tess than two (2)
times the area of the outlet pipe to which the drain is connected.

1103.1.1.3 Roof drains passing through the roof into the interior of a building shall b~
made watertight at the roof level by the usc of C.l. drain with integral!v.
cast watcrstop ring around the outside of body and pla~cd at mid-depth ~f
the concrete roof slab and the installation of a clamped suitable fiashi n-6•
material around the drain.

1103.1.1.4 Jn all cases the outlet connections are in ~ ide-caulk or fcmal~ screwed.

&.orm Dtai1121Qe S)'5tem


1104.1 Vertical rainwater piping shall be sized in accordance with Table 11-1,
which is based upon maximum depth in mm or rainfall per hour falling
upon a given roof area in square meter. Consult local rainfall figures to
determine maximum rainfall per hour. Normally, a 102 mmlhour rainfall
iutensity is used around Manila area.

1104.2 Vertical Wall Areas. Where vertical walls project above a roof so as to
permit storm water to drain to adjacent roof area below, the total roof area
considered may be computed from Table 11-2 as follows:

1104.2.1 For one (1) wall - add fifty (50) percent of area of the wart to the roof

1104.2.2 For two (2) adjacent walls ·- add thirty five (35) percent of the total wall
areas to the roof area;

1104.2.3 Two {2) walls opposite each other and of same heights - add no additionnl
area to the roof area~

1104.2.4 Two (2) walls opposite of differing heights- add fifty (50) percent of wall
area above top of lower wall to the roof area.

1104.2.5 Walls on three (3) sides - add fifty (50) percent of area of the inner wan
below t.he top of the lowest wall, plus allowance for area of wall above
top of the lowest wall per Sec.tions 1104.2.2 and 1104.2.4

!104.2.6 Walls of four (4) sides- no allowance for wall areas below top of lowest
wall - add for areas above top lowest wall per 1104.2.1, 1104.2.2,
1104 2.4 and 1104.2.5

1104.2.7 The area of the side of a tall building exposed to rain is taken as one-half
of the gross area.

I J9
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philipplhes

TABLE 11-1

Sizing of Roof Drains and Downspout Piping for Varying Rain fall Intensities *-
Q uantities are ll orizontal Projected Roof Area in Square Meten

Diameter of Drain or uader, Millimeters•

Intensity 51 76 102 127 152 178
Item per Hour
No. in m m
(I) (2) (3) {4) (5) (6} rn
I 25 .4 267.6 81 7.5 1709.4 3214.3 5016.6 10776.4
2 51 133.8 408.8 854.7 1607 .2 2508.3 5388.2
3 76 89.2 272.2 569.5 10711 1671.7 3591.5
4 102 66.9 204.4 427.3 803.6 1254.2 2694 .1
5 127 53.4 163 .5 341.8 642 .9 1003.3 2 155.3
6 152.4 44 .6 136.6 285 .2 535.0 836.1 1794.4
7 178 38.1 117.1 244 .3 459.4 7 16.7 1539.4
8 203 33 .4 102 .2 213 .7 401 .8 627.1 1347.1
9 228 29.7 91 190 357.2 557.4 1197 .0
10 254 26.9 81.8 170.9 321.4 501.7 1077.6
l1 279 24.1 74.3 155.6 292.2 456.1 '179.6 l
12 305 22 .3 67 .8 142.1 267.6 418.1 897.4
• Round. square, or rectangle rainwater pipe may be used and are considered equivalent
when enclosing an inscribed circle equiml:!nt to .he drain leader diameter.

• • For Manila and Em 'irons, a rainfall intensity of 102 mm per hour is used.

I I 04.3 Horizontal Ra inwate r Piping: The size of a building rainwater piping

or any of its horizontal branches shall be sized in accordance with
Table 11-2 (Based upon maximum roof areas to be drained.)

Exa mple: Table 11-2

Roof Area- 548.1 m2
.M ax Rai nfall/hr. ·- 127 mm
Pi pe Laid at (20.9 mm/m) slope or s = .02

Find area in column under 127 mm and at slope of 0.02 and read 561. 1 m2 (a~
closest). choose I 52 mm as size of leader and down spout at leftmost ccl'l!liit

Stoon OmiflS{le System

1)04.4 Roof Gutter. The size of semi-circular bottom roof gutters shaU be based
on the max.imum roof area, in accordance with Table 11-3

Example: Table 11-3

Roof Area = 186 m

Max RainfalVhr. = 102 mm

Pipe Laid at 10.4 mrnlm slope or s =0.01

Find area in column under 102 mm rainfall intensity on Table with s = .01 and
read 181 .4 m2 (as closest) move to left and read 177.8 mm diameter gutter.

1104.5 If the rainfall is more or less than those shown in Table 11-2 and ll-3.
then adjust the figures in the 50.8 mm rainfall by multiplying by two (2)
and dividing by the maximum rate ofrainfall .in mmlhour.


In Table 11-2 with a 10.4 mrnlm or s = .01 and a 203 .2 mm rainfall, find the
number of square meter a 102 mm pipe diameter will carry.
Solution : 2 x 349.3 .= 87.4 m

Revised National Plumbing Code of the PhllipplnM

TABLE ll -2a

Size of Ho:rizontal Rainwater Piping

, --- ----,...-- - - -- ----- --- ----- -------

1\taximum RainfaU io mm/br.

~l--76---l--~02 --~
Size of
w/ Slope 152

Storm Drainoge System

Continuation of TABLE ll-2

.-----·------ ---·- ·----- --- -- ··..·- - ··- --- -- - -- · -- -- - --,

TABLE lt-2(
1----- - - ·- - -·-- ·- - - - - - --- -- - - - -- - - - -- -----1

1------..--· ---+-- ·-···-- ·-::--:-·--:----._,......- --,-------::-- - - -- - --t

Maximum Rainfall in mm/br.
r - -- -- ----~--- ---·--.------r--- ---
Size of
in mm
w/ Slopt 51 76 102 127 152
ITEM mm/m I
I_!!_<;>c..· ~_..JS_'_=_~~-- '----- - --+- - -·--
(2) (3)
..---- - r-
. -(4)- 15!.__
t-----:-~ -

17 76 ..2 305 .5 . _ _ll_l]_ _ ___l!.~J ~21]_ r---.!Q!.:~-~

i 18 101.6 698 .6 465.4 349.3 279.6 232.3 I
19 127 1241.1 826.8 . -620:6-- - 494.2 ~"3:4 ~
1 20 152.4 1988.1 1272.3 994 797.1 633 .3
I 21 -- ~1:? ~.?74:!_ __~- 28~tL t-- 213~.-7- -1709~~- ~2~2 ----1
t-z2·· 254 7692.1 5128.1 3846.1 3079.6 2564 _I

t=*-~~F ~~Jill~} F- ~~~="=ms\-t---.--~~- --~~-~i.~ I

Revised National Plumbing Code mthe Philippines

TABLE ll-·3n

Size of Circular Bottom Gutters

TA.DLE 11-Jh
Diameter of
Gutkr •
W/ Slope t--- -- - - - - - -..~
ITEM 10.4 mm/m 1--- · Ma~~um Rainf~~-in _Milli.!!~!rs pe~::J:~!.llr -~
NO. (S = .Ol) 51 76 102 l m 2 1 52 I

-·--- ,..------- ,-_Q~-- - · ... (2) _j~) _(4)__ <[j

=·· 9-



l - -44 6
--·-+--- 94~8--
---IOi---·-1 -- - +---
- 63.3
- -·l__j1 .4_._
108 9 I 81 .8
__}1.9 ·-
_14.9 i
54.5 ~
r--·1 I 152 . . 252.7 - - 168.6 ---i"26.3 ·- -- 100.8 Sfl1
u 11s · --=
-=-~ 362.3 _=.~--· 241.5 --~f8T2~-- - ··-1.4~1~9-- c--i~"[j
J3 203 520.2 347.5 260.1 7..08.1 !i3.7 ;
t4 254 _____947.6
.. ...._ . _~..
I 631.7 i~.:~... 379 ---..

Storm Drainage Sye.tcm

Continuation of TABLE ll-3

r- -- ---------------- ---- - ---- - -- l

TABLE 1t-3c

Diamder of
Gutter 11
w/ Slope
20.9 mmlm
~--·-·-- -··- ·--- ----·- ·

... ---· ···-- ---·

-- - - - - · - ·
· --·------·--- -- -·- ·--·
Maximum Rainfall in Mmimcten per Hour
(S = .02)
- - --- 76--,- 101
- 127 152
I ~0. 51
________ ~______i!.L_ ~1_ -+ ___ _m_ ___ --~L--b---ft .. _
15 76 63 .2 41.2 31.6 25.3 21
16 102
---·- - -
133.8 89.2
---·66.9 53.5 44.6
. ------------ -- -----
1 11 127 __ __ 232 .3 _ _ _ 15~·-·---- ___ !!_~_.L, _____ _J2 .~ 77.5
~---- __j_g __ ·-· ··- _357_§__ __ 237_8___ ~__1__?~~-~-___!_42 1-r-.J!!'L __
; \9 I
I ~~----+--}_!.~~--r-_l!L~--'-_1~6..:.4_.. _ .. 204 .Q __ ,__170.9____
~ 20
~ 21

203 --t-- _7~~- ~------!---~~3·~- ---~9.]_
2_54 --·--· -~l:§ ___ -~L~-- - _._~s -~
_ 295.1___ f-_2_'!~--
534.2_ ~
445 .9

TABLE 11-Jd i j

n O"EM
~ia~eter~;-r-~~~:,;~N;=~--~~~~~C,;-~~-ROOF :~EA l~ SQ. M-~·l'
Gutter *
w/ Slope
41.7 mm/m
(S ::: J)4)
· ·-
... -
- -------- --- -- · ----- · ·--- ···· -----·---- · ·-·------ ·- ·---· ·----- _,_,__ - ·
Maxirnum Rainfall in Millimeters per llour
-- -----. ---·- -----· .... _.
51 /6
.. ...--.. ·-- -..- _____ .. ____ - ··- -· _______
102 127 151

=---- ~--- . -· ·-·- --

JIJ_____r-----(2.)__ _____(~--
: 22 _ f---1~--- ______sq·.~----- --~=~--r-- --~:~-6
. '--297_..J
i 24
-t--J.02 --- · r---· _1.~2--~---· __ _126.~---- 94.8 75.8
127 -- r-- 328.9_________ ?:_~~.:~--- ----~j~ ____l3l.5
1~9 .6_
i25 1s2
"--"--r-----:· __514 .7
, ______ - - 343.3
---·- - -257 .3 206.2 t71.9
----· ..1
: 26___ _ E!___ ·- ---~?:~--~--- -~}..:L_ 362.3 -- b-~9.9_~-~~----'
-n 203 1040.5 693 520.2 416.1 346.5
~ ~---12!.____ ~_185'8 1238.4 92~_.__ 743_1__l__~ 1 8.7 __ _J

• Gutter has Semi-Circular bottom. Depth of equivalent area of rectaJI;_.;,ular

ptler = 0. 392 x diameter.

Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

TABLE ll-4

Sizing Roof Drains, Leaders, and Vertical Rainwater Piping

----------- · ··-------------
Hor~zontal Projetted Roof Areu ~
Size o f Drain
Leader or Pipe,
Lis 25
Maximum Allowable
s~'!are l\!~ters
50 75
at Various Rainf~l
~ 100 125 !50--
~- =~~~ --~;-~ ~~~ r.~f-·l·
,___ 01 m nunlhr nun/hr
_l_ ( l) (2) (3) (4
s1 I 34--
zoo I 150
120 I IGO I
9.1 1286
16.'5-,-2334 -TITf
718 ' 5831
~2_J_.l?_!_ __ _J_~~---L~_t4

I 3~~1
6 __
26.8 Lt90
_L__57.§._ 811?
4088 .-~12_LL
1263 ()48
2044_ _.!_~35
758 632
_ _L_--.lli!._


l. The sizing data for vertical conductors, leaders. and drains is based on the
pipes flowing 7/24 fulL

2. For rainfall rates other than those listed, determine the allowable roof area by
dividing the area given in the 25 mrn!hour column by the desired rainfall rate_

3. Vertical piping may be round, square, or rectangular. Square pipe shall be

sized to enclose its equivalent round pipe. Rectangular pipe shall have 2:t ka~t
the same cross~sectional area as its equivalent round pipe, except that the ratio
of its side dimensions shall not exceed 3 to I.

Storm Drainage System

TABLE ll-5

Size of Gutters
- -- - ....- ---- --
- -·- ···- ·------

--------·r --·-- -~~~-~ Mini


'' Diameter • of Maximum Rain meters per Hour _ _

. Item
Gutter in mm

.i• No.
5.2 mm/m Slope
(s = ~·/o_L _ _ -
76.2 101.6 127.0 152.4

1. 76.2 3 1.6 2 l.O

2 101.() QQ,9 44..§.. ___
3 127.0 116 l 77 ~5 +--.:;;..;,~-t---..:..=...___--+-=3 li__,
25.<'L4 I
I 19.1 4- ·89?:. __ j _ __ 7 1.4_ _ 58_50·_:_53
··--·- . - -- --·--·-r·-- .... -- ····--·-
170 q 128.2 : 102.2

- ~: _E ~~! ~ ~~~-._ _
~' 369.7
668 9 ___
246 7 +--...:...
-445.9 - ___,_ 3_34.4
. 9_--1i_.:...l4_7_7_t--1~2;.;;_;]._1 - 1
267 .6_ _,__2_2! ~-_j

\ Jte~ I 10~uttcr in mm
Maximum Rainfall in Millimeters per Hour
t--- - - .-- -- ----.--- - - .--- - - -
·- ----;'
; No. l0.4 ~:~~/o~lope 50.8 76.2 101.6 127.0 152.4

--t----84_.1___ ~
120 8 !
173 .7 I

• Width of Rectangular Gutter = 0. 8862 x Diameter

Continuation ofTABLE 11-5

- - ..,..-- - - - - - ---- - - -- - - ---·-·-

Dia meter of Maximum Rainfall in Millimeters per Hour
I :
Gtttt~r in mm
--:~-l -.~l
No. 41.7 mmlm Slope 76.2 , ..101.6 --- 127.0
(s =4%)

• Width of Rectangular Gutter ,.,., 0.8862 Diameter.

Chapter 12

Section 120 l - SEWER REQUIRED

1201.1 Every building in which plumbing are installed and every premises having
drainage piping thereon, shall have a connection to a public or private
excreta sewerage syste111., except as provided in Subsections 1201.2 ar.d

1201.2 When no public sewer intended to serve any lot or premises is available in
any thoroughfare or right~of-way abutting such lot within the premises.
drainage piping from any building or works shall be connected to an
approved private sewage disposal system by the Administrative Authority.

1201.3 Within the limits prescribed in Subsection 1201.4 hereof, the

reatr"'Wlgement or subdivision into smaller parcels of a lot which abuts and
is served by a public sewer shaJl not be deemed cause to pennit the
construction of a private sewage disposal system~ and all plumbing or
drainage systems on any such smaller parcel shall connect to the exi~ting
public sewer fronting the lots.

J201.4 The public sewer may be considered as not being available when such
public sewer or any exterior drainage facility con.'lected thereto is located
more than 61 meters from any proposed building or exterior drainage
facility on any lot or premises thereat.

J201.5 No permit shall be issued for the installation, alteration or repair of arty
private sewage disposal system or part thereof for any lot which can
connect with an existing public sewer fronting the lot.

1201.6 On every lot or premises hereafter connected to public sewer, aH

plumbing and drainage systems or parts thereof on such lot or premises
shalt be connected with such public sewer.

Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippinoa

Exception: single family dwelling,,· and buildings or structure accessory

thereto, connected to an existing approved private sewage disposal system
prior to the time of construction of the public sewer nearby may, when no
hazard, nuisance or insanitary condition is evident and a written
permission has been obtained from the Administrative Authority, will
remain connected to such properly maintained private sewage disposal
system when there i~ no sufficient grade or fall existing to permit proper
drainage flow by gravity to the public sewer,



1202.1 It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, by any means whatsoever,
into any plumbing fixture, catch basin, floor drain, interceptor, sump,
receptacle or device which is connected to any excreta plumbing and stonn
drainage systems, public sewer, private sewer, septic tank or cesspoo!
any ashes, cinders, solids, rags, flammable, poisonous, explosive liquids
or gases, oils, grease, and other things whatsoever which would, or could
cause damage to the public sewer or private sewage disposal system.

1202.2 No rain, surface or subsurface waters shall be connected to or dischargetj

into any excreta drainage system, unless · first approved by th::
Administrative Authority.

1202.3 No cesspool and septic tank effluents, seepage pit or underdrain system
shaH be connected to the excreta building sewer leading to pub!ic sewer

1202.4 No commercial food waste grinder shall be connected to a private or pub!i~

sewage disposal sy~tem unless permission has first been obtained from the
Administrative Authority.

1202.5 An approved-type watertight sewage or wastewater holding tank, the

contents of which, due to their character, must be periodi,~:J.IIy removed
and properly disposed off to some approved off-site location, shall be
installed when required by the Administrative Authority or the Health
Officer to prevent anticipated surface or subsurface contamination or
pollution around the building site, damage to the public sewer or othtr
hazardous or nuisance condition.

Houee Dreina and Kou8e Sa'N era


t203. 1 The building sewer, beginning 0.6 m~ter from outside face of wall of
building or structure, shaH be of such materials as approved by
Administrative Authority under the approval procedures set. forth in
Chapter 12 of this Code

1203 .2 Jointing methods and materials shall be as prescribed in Chapter 13 of th is


Stctioo 1204- MARKINGS

All pipes, bricks, blocks, prcfabri~ated septic tanks, prefabricated tank or

seepage covers or otht~r parts or appunenance incidental to the installation
of bui lding sewers or private sewage disposal systems shall conform to the
approval requ irements of Chapter 12 of this Code and shall be marked and
idenl ified in a manner sati:;;factory to the Administrative Authority.

Section 1205- SIZE OF BlllLDING SE\\'ERS

The minimum size of any building sewer shall be dete.m1incd on the hasis
of the total number of fixture units drained by such sewer, in
acc.ordan~e with Table 12-2. No building sewer shall be smaller than
150 mm diameter nor lc!ss in size than the building drain.



1206.1 Bu.ilding sewers shall be run in practical alignment at a uniform slope of

not !ess than two (2) percent or 21 mm per meter toward the point of
disposal. i.e. to the septic tank or to the street sewer main.

F...xceptima : ·when approved by the Administrative Authority and when it is

impractical, dut! lo the dt!plh of the street sewer or the structural features
or due to adverse arrangemeiJI of any building or structure, to obtain a
slope of two (2) percent or 21 mm p er meter, any such pipe or piping_ 102
mm and 152.4 mm in diameter may have a slope ({{not less than s = 1%.
(10.5 mm per meter) and anJ' such pipi"g 203 mm diameter and larger
may have a slnpe of not less than s = 0.5%, (5. 3 mm per mete1).

Revised N~lonal Plumbing Code of the Philippines

1206.2 Building sewer piping shaH be laid on a firm bed throughout its entire
length, and any such piping laid on made or fit!ed-in ground shaH be laid
over c(.)ncrete cradle or on bed of other 11pproved materials or shall be
adequately supported to the satisfaction of the Administrative Authority.

1206.3 No building sewer or other dra!nage piping or part thereof, constructed of

materials other than those approved for use underground shall be instailed
not less than 0.6 meter fiom the outer face of any b~.-~ilding foundation or
wall, nor less than 0.3 m~tcr behw the finish surface of the ground. The
provisions of this Subsection inc!t:de &tructures such as porches and steps,
whether covered or uncovered, bree1.eways, roofed '"porte cocheres",
roofed patio~, carports, covered walks, covered driveways, and similar
stmctures or appulcnances.

Section ll07- CLf:ANOUTS

1207.1 Clcanouts shall placed inside the- building ncar the connection between the
building drain and the building sewer or installed outsidt: tbt: building at
the lower end of the buildi1ig drain and extended to grade. Two-way
clean-out fitting installed at connection point of building drain anct
building sewer outside the building nuy be installed in lieu of a single
clean-out. Additional building sewer dcanout~ shall bt: installed n:)t to
exceed 15 meter on center in straight runs and for each aggregate change
in direction cxr.eeding 135 degrees.

1207.2 When a building sewer or a branch thereof does not exceed 3 meters in
length and is a sho!t straight line extension {rom a building drain wilich i3
provid~d with a ckanout, no dcanout \vill be re<Juired at its po;m of
connection to the building drain.

1207.3 All required huilding sewer clec.nouts shall be extended to grade. Whfa
building sewer is located under buildiugs, the deanout requirements of
Section 1207 shall apply

1207.4 Each deanout shall be installed so that it opens to allow cleaning of

horizontal lines in the direction of flow of the soil or wasteline or ar right
angle thereto, and except in the case of wye branch and end-of-line
cleanout, shall be installed vertically above the tlow line ·;:,f the pipe.

1207.5 Cleanouts installed under concrete ·or asphault paving shall be mad~
accessible by strong yard boxes with hing•xl cover or cxte~ding the top
cover tountersunk operating nut flush with paving with c!pprovcd
materials and be adequately protected

House Drains and HOUI~e Sewors

1207.6 Approved rnanho lcs may be installed in lieu of cleanouts when fi:st
approved by the Administrative Autho rity. The maximum distance
between manholes shall not exceed 91 meters.

The~ inict and outlet pipe cOimections of manholes shaH be made by the
u s~of flexible co mpression joints no closer than 0.3 meter from ol!t&ide
of the manhole. No flexible compression joint shall be embedded in the
manhole base.


!208. 1 Building sewer or drainage piping of clay or materials which are not
approved for use within a building shall not be run or laid in the same
trench as the water pipes unless both of the following requirements are

1208.1 .1 The bottom of the water pipe. at all points, shall b~ at least 0.3 m above
the top of the sewer or drain line,

1208.1.2 The water pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf excavated at one side of the
common trench with a minimum clear ho rizontal distance of at least 0.3
meter from the sewer or drain line.

Water pipes crossing sewer or drainage piping constructed of clay or

materials which are not approved for use within a building shall be laid a
minimum of 0.3 m clear abo ve the sewer or drain pipe. Water pipe joints
shall be installed not less than 3 meters away from sewer line in both

Note: For thl! purpose of this section "within the building" shall mean
within the fixed limits of the building foundation.

Section 1209 - LOCATION

1209. 1 Except as provided in Subsection 1209.2 no building sewer shall be

located in any lot other than the lot which is the site of the building
stmcture o r structure served by such sewer, nor shall any building ~ewer
be lo cated at any point having less than t he minimum distances indicatetl
in Table 12-l.

1209.2 Nothing contained in this Code shall be construed to prohibit the usc of all
or part of an abutting lot to:
R::Ni•9d National Plumbmg Codo of the P11ilirpines

1209.2.1 Provide access to connect a building sewer to an available public sewer,

when proper cause and legal easement not in violation of other
requirements has been 1:irst established to the satisfaction of the
Administrative Authority

1209.2 2 Provide additional space for a building sev..·er when proper cause, transfer
of ownership, or change of boundary not in vio:ation of other
requirements has been 1irst established to the satisfaction of the
Adminlstrr\tive Authority. The instnunent recording such action shall
constitute an agreement with the Administrative Authority which shall
clearly state :1nJ show that area~ so joined or ust::d shall be maintained as a
unit during the time they are so u:;l·. d. Such an agreement shall b~
recordt~d in tbc onicc of the Loc:-~! Register of Deed~ nc; part of ~he
conditions of owm~t ship <lf said prnpcrtic:.·s, and shall bt~ binding on all
heirs, successors. and assigns to !'u..:h proprrties. A copy of the
instrument recording suth proceedings shall be filed with the
Administrative Authority.


1210.1 Every abandoned building (house) s~wcr, or pa11 tht.!reot: sha~: be

plugged or capped in an approved manner within 1.5 meters of the
prope1ty line.

1210.2 Every cesspool. septic tank or seepage pit which hC\s been abandr·nd o~
has been discontinued hom further usc ur to \Vhich no mere v.·a~te N soil
pipeline !1-om plumbing fixtures arc connected, shall l-:.2ve the se~.:.~!
r~moved therefrom and be complctt~ly fille.d with earth, ~and, gra·,;~
concrete, or other approved materials.

1210.3 The top cover or arch over the cesspool, ~e ptic tank or seepage pit shall be
removed before ti !ling and the ti !ling shall not extend abo\e the top of !h-e
vertic:-a\J)Ortions of the sidewalls or Jbuvc th::- lcvd •Jf .a:.v.. ou lic: rnipe ••r.•;f
inspection has been call ed and the ~.:cs!>puol. !!c tai:...l( (:r seepa~~e: pit h~s
been inspected. After such in~pect i•.m , the ::.-csspool, septic tank or
seepage pit shall th~n be filled to the l e,·~ l o f the top of the finish ground.

1210.4 No person own!ng or controlling any cesspool, septic tank or seepage pi:
in the pr~mises of such person or in that ponion of any public street, alle)
or other public property abutting such premises, shall fail, refuse or
neglect to ~amply from the Oepartmrnt havintz jurisdiction.

Houso Drains and House Sw:ers

1210.5 Where Disposal facilitie;:; are abandoued consequent to connecting any

premises with th~ public sewer, the permittee making the connection shall
till all abandoned facilities as required by the Administrative Authority
within thirty (30) days from the time of connecting the sewer service line
to the public sewer.

TABLE 12-t

Minimum Horizontal Distance

Rtl'quired From Building Sewer

No. Description Distance See Note
I Building_ or stntctures 0.6m 1
2 Pro_l)er~~~)iningi>_rivatcQroperty Clear 2
3 Watt~r sur£h well~ 15.2 m "

4 Streams 15.2 m 2 ,._

s On-site domcst ic water service line 0.3 m 4
6 Publi\:: wah.'r main <Urn 5, 6


1. lndwlinK pon hes and .'II :p.\. Whether covered or uncovered,

hn:c:t'Wl~n. n~<!fed 'jw. :t'·-cuchcres ", roofed patios, cmports,
(0\'ered Halks. co\'e!"l'd dril·e•~'t{VS, and similar structures or

2. ...~·ce also Sec/ion /208 of this Co<ie.

3. All dtuinage piping shall clear duml!stic water .~upply wells by al

least 15.2 m. Ute distance may he reduced to not less than 7.6 m
when the drainage piping is constructed (~f matenals approved for
use ~ri1hin a building.

-1. See Section /208 f~{this Code.

5. Fur parallel construction

6. For crossing'), approm! by the Health Department or orher

Authority hm•ing _Jurisdiction Is re,Juin.:d

Ravised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

'L\lU .E 17. -l

J\1 :u.innun/M inimum Fi xtur<" tJ nit Loadings

On Building Svwt·r t>ipin~
Slope , Sin Percent , mm / m l
----.., I

ltt•m Si·1.e of J•ipt: I

No. (nun) s -· ·-~% {.) 3 Ill Ill/ Ill) s l 0·o( i 0 " nuni nl} s ... 2% Uli tl mrn/1n1 !
I 1)2 As speufit.:d m Tat1lc No mirwnum loadm;"l ..
2 201 I. 450/ I ,500 2,800/62 '> j. 400! 275 -~
3 254 ),400/1 ,600 ..1 ,C>()Qi6 75 6,Roo. 300 -,
4 305 5.600/ 1.700 !l, 000!7 2 .'i 11 .?0!)' 235 ~
I !

Chapter 13

• Section 1301 - TIGHTNESS

Pressure test on joints and cormections of pipes and fittings in the plumbing
system shall be required to ensure ga!>tight and watertight connections.

•• Section 1302 - TYPF~S OF JOINTS

!302.1 Caulked Joints -· for bell-and-spigot cast iron soil pipe (CISP) and other
similar joints shall be firmly packed with oakum or hemp and filled with
molten pig lead to a depth of not less than 25.4 mm. The lead shall be
caulked thoroughly at the inside and outside edges of the joint. After
caulking, the finished joint shall not extend more than 3.2 mm below the
rim of the hub. No paitit, varnish or other coatings shall be permitted on the
jointing material until after the joint has been tested and approved. Caulked
joints in centrifugally cast iron (CClP) belt-and-spigot water pipe shall be
made with non-toxic materials.

1302.2 Threadt>d Joints - for iron pipe size (IPS) pipe and fittings shall be
standard taper pipe threads. Threads on plastic pipe shall be f2.ctory cut or
molded. Threaded plastic pipe shall be Schedule 80 minimum wall
thickness. Tubing threads shall conform to fine tubing thread standards.
When a pipe joint material is used, it shall be applied only on the male
threads and such materials shall be approved type, insoluble in water and
nontoxic. Cleanout plugs and caps shall be lubricated with water-insoluble,
non-hardening materiaL Tape is acceptable for use on male threads, onty if
screwed pjpe joint.

13023 \Viped Joints - Joints in lead pipe or fittings or between lead pipe ( lr
fittings and brass cr copper pipe, fernlles, solder nipples or traps shall be
fuli-wipcd lead joints. Wiped lead joints shall have an exposed surface on
ea~~h side of a joint not less than 19 nun and at least as thick as the rrr.~!erial
being joined. Wall or floor flange lead-wiped joints shall be made t:; ·_;sir.g
a lead ring or flange placed behind the joint at wall or floor . .loints b ..:~v, ~cn
lead pipe and cast iron, steel or wrought iron pipe shall be made by me::.r.~ of
a caulking ferrule or sold~ring nipple.

• Sec. 168 NPC 1959

•• Sec. 170 173 NPC 1959

Revised National Plumbing Code of the Phlllppines

1302.4 Solder and Sweat Joints ··· Joints in copper tubing shall be made by the
appropriate use of approved brass or coprer fittings. Surfaces to be joined
by soldering shall be cleaned bright by manual or mechanical means. The
jnints shall be properly fluxed with an approved noncDrrosive type flux and
made up with approved solder. All solder and fluxes shall be manufactured
to approved standards. Solders ano fluxes with a le~.d content which
exceeds 0.002 are prohibited in piping systems used to convey potable

1302.5 Flared Joints - for soft copper water tubing shall be made with fittings
meeting approved standmds. The tubing shall be e,.pandcd with a proper
flaring tool.

1302.6 Cement Mortar Joints -· Except for repairs and connections to existing
lines constructed with such joints, cement mortar joints arc prohibited on
new building sewers.

1302.7 Burned Lead Joints - shall be lapped and the assembly shall be fuse<!
together to form a uniform weld at least as thick as the lead sheets being

1302.8 Asbf'stos Cement Sewer Pipe Joints - shall be a sleeve coupling of the
same composition as the pipe or of other approved materials, and seakd
with neoprene rubber rings or joined by an approved type compression
coupling. Joints between asbestos cement pipe and other approved pipe
shall be made by means of an approved adapter coupling.

) 302.9 Packing Additives Prohibited - the addition of leak sealing additives to

joint packing is prohibited.

1302. 10 Flexible Compression Fartory~Fabritated Joints - When pipe is joined

by means of flexible compression joints, such joints shall conform to
approved standards and shalt not be considered as slip joints.

1302.11 Solvent Cement Plastic Pipe Joints ·- Plastic pipe and fittings designed to
be joined by solvent cementing shall comp ly with appropriate t-\.PMO
Installation Standards.
Joints and Connection$

1302.12 Mt~chaniral Joints - Mechanical joints for centrifugally cast iron water
pipe shall conform to nationally recognized standards.

1302 13 Molded Rubber CoupHng Joints ··· when pipe is joined by means of
molded neoprene rubber coupling .ioints, such joints shall conform to
approved standards and shall not be considered as slip joints. When
required, appropriaie neoprene rubber bushings shall be used to allow for
any difference in piping material diameters. Neoprene rubber shall be
used in soils subject to oil intrussion.

1302 14 Elastomeric Gasketed and Rubber-ring Joints- shall comply with the
appli~..:ablc L\I,MO Installation Standard. Neoprene gaskets are
recommended tor oil handling piping works.

1302.15 Bra·lin~ nnd Wdding shall conform to applicable standards in the

1302.16 Pressure-Lock Type Connection - A mechanical connection which
depends on an internal retention device tn prevent pipe or tubing
separation. Connection is made by inserting the pipe or tubiug inside the
fitting to a prescribed depth.

1302. 17 Shielded Coupling Joints ···When piping systems are joined by means of
shielded couplings, surh couplings shall conform to approved standards
and shall not be considered as slip joints

1302.18 Hublcss Cast ]ron Pipe Joints -Joints for hubless cast iron soil pipe and
fittings shall conform to appropriate IAPMO Install<!tion Standards and
shall not be consider{'d as slip joint s.

Section 1303- USE OF JOINTS

1303.1 Clay Sewer Pipe - Joints in vitrified clay pipe or between such pipe and
metal pipe shall be joined with neoprene gasket for hub and spigot joints.

"1303.2 Cast Iron Pipe - Joints in cast iron pipe shall be made as provided in
Subsection U02.10 or 1302.12.

1303.3 Scre-wrd Pipe to Cast Iron Pi1)e - Joints between wrought iron, steel,
brass or copper pipe with cast iron pipe shall be either cau lked or threaded
joints made as provided in Subsection 1302 1 & 1302.2 or shall be made
with approved adapter fittings.

• Sec. 171 NPC 1959

ReviMd National Piumbing Code of the Philipplnas

• 1303.4 Lead to Cast Iron, Wrought Iron cr SteeS - Joints between lead and
cast iron, wrought or steel pipe shall be made by means of wiped joints to
a caulking fer mle, soldering nipple or b!!shing.
1]03.5 Copper Water Tube - Joints in copper tubing shall be made by the
appropriate use of approved brass fittings properly soldered or brazed
together, or by means of approved brass compression type fittings as
provid~d in Subsection 1302.5. Solder shall conform to the requirements
ofSubsection 1303.4.
130.3.6 Plastic Fittings ·- Use of job-fabricated Female screws of PVC for water
piping are prohibited. fartory made screw and of PVC adaptor fittings
are accept.abie for u:?c ifthi(kness conform to Schedule 80.

Section 1304- SPECIAL .IOINTS

1304.1 Copper Tubing to Screw Pipe Joints ···· Joints with thin-walled copper
tubing to thick-walled threaded pipe :.;haH he made by the use of brass
adaptor fittings. The joints between the copper tubing and the fittings
shnll be properly sweated or soldered or made with tlared and screw ends
adaptor fittings the connection between the threaded pipe and the fitting
made with a standard pipe size screw joint Solder shall conform to the
requirements of Subsection 502.4
.• 1304.2 Slip Joints -· siip joints of approved materials may be used in fixtme
drains and traps. In lixture supply pipings, slip joints are exposed for
faculty in maintenanec
1304.3 Ex1>ansion .!oints -- Expansion joints shall be accessible, except for vent
and stacks, and is used in soil and waste stacks to provide tor necessary
expansion and txmtraction joints of the pipes for high-rise buildings. In all
cases such jl)ints shall be tree and accessible
l304.4 Unions-· Approved unions may he used in drainage work when accessibly
locatf;d in the traJ> s~a! or between a tixturc and its trap; in th;: vent system
except underground or in wet vents, at a<:l~essihle pc,ints ir~ the water
supply piping system and in gas piping .
1304.5 Ground Joint, Flared or Ferrule Connections - Brass or copper
ground joint, tlarcd or ferrule type conuections when made up, shalt not
be considered as slip joints.

* St.?r. /7-1 NPC 1959

**Sec. !7fi NPC 1959

Jointn and Connoctions

!304.6 Plastic Pipe Connection to Other Materials - When connec:ing plastic

pipe te other types of piping use only approved types of fittings and
adapters designed for the specifie s transition intended .


1305. 1 Fixture connections between drainage pipes ami water closets, floo r outlet
service sink s, pedestal urinals, and earthenware trap standards shall be
made by means of approved brass, hard lead, ABS, PVC, or iron flanges
caulked, soldered, solvent cemented or screwed to the drai nage pipe. The
c.onnection shall be bolted with rust-proofed material and with an
approved gasket, washer, or setting compound between the earthenware
and the connect ion. The bottom of the fl ange shall be set on an approved
firm base.

1305.2 Closet bend s or stubs must be cut off square so as to present a smooth
surface even with the top of the closet ring before rough ~ in inspection is

1305 3 Wall-mounted water closet fixtures shall be securely bolted to an approved

fi xture carrier fitting . The connecting piping between the carrier fitti ng.
The cormecting piping between the carrier fitting and the fixture shJ.Il be
an approved material and designed to accommodate an adequatel y sized
gasket. Gasket material shall be graphite-i mpregnated asbestos, felt, or
similar approved types.


1306 I Drainage System - Any fi tting or connection which has an enlargement,

chamber or recess w ith a ledge, shoulder or reduction of pipe area, that
offers an obstructions to flow through the drain is prohibited.

!306.2 No fitting or connection that offers abnorma l obstruction to flow shall b;:
ust'd. The enlargement o f 76 mrn closet bend or stub to 102 mm shall t ~.ot
be considered an obstruction.

• Sec. I 78 NPC 195<;

Revi-s~ National Plumb\nQ Co~a cf the Philippines


Joints at the roof around pipes, duds or other appurtenances shall be made
watertight by the use of lead, copper, galvanized iron, or other approved
flashing material. Ext<.~riorwall openings shall be made watertight.
Counterftashing shall not rcstri ~t the required internal cross-sectional area
ofthc vent


Where different sizes of pipes or pipes and fittings are to be connected,

the proper size increasers or reducers or reducing fittings shall be used
between the two sizes. Brass or cast iron body cleanouts shaH not be used
as a reducer or adapter.

• Sec. 177 NPC 1959

Chapter 14

!Ction 1401 - MINIMll!\1 STANDARDS

iOl.l Materials. Quality: All materials used in any plumbing or drainage system,
or part thereof shall he free trom defects. All pipes, pipe fittings, traps,
fixtures, materials and devices used in a plumbing system shall be as listed
or labeled in accordance with Table 14A Code.

1401.2 Label, C'ast or Stamped: Each length of pipe, fitting, trap, fixture and
device used in a plumbing or drainage system shall be integrally embossed,
etched, stamped or indelibly marked with the weight or quality thereof and
with the maker's logo or name, when such marIcings are required by the
approved applicable standard. All materials and devices used or entering
into the installation of the plumbing and drainage systems, or parts thereof,
shall be ma1kcd and identified in a manner satisfactory to the Admirustrative
Autho1ity. All such markings shaH be done at the factory by the
manufacturer. Field markings ~hall not be acceptable.

1401.3 Standards listed or referred to in this Chapter cover materials which will
cotlfom1 to the requirements of this Code, when used in accordance with the
limitations impost!d in this or other Chapters hereof and their listing. Where
a standard covers materials of various grades, weights, quality, or
configurations, there may be a portion of the listed standard wh.ich is
applicable. Design and matetials for special conditions or materials not
provided for herein may be used only by special permission of the
Administrative Authority after he has satisfied himself as to their adequacy.

\401.4 The provisions of this Code are not intended to prevent at the present time
nor in the future the use of any alternate material or method of construction
provided any such alternate has been fi rst approved and its use authorized
by the Administrative Authority.

Section 1402 - IRON PIPE SIZE (I.P.S.) PIPE

Iron, stee!, hrass and copper pipes shall be iron pipe size (I.P.S.) wiih the
appropriate weight.

R6'Vi:sed National Plumbing Code of the Philippines


1403.1 Copper tubes for underground and above ground drainage and vent
pipings shall have a weight of not less than that of ropper drainage tube,
T ype Drainage Waste & Vent (DWV) specification~.

)403.2 Copper tube shall not be used for piping carrying chemical or industrial
wastes as defined in Section 811 of this code.

1403 .3 Copper tube tor water supply piping shall have a weight of not less than
Type "L".

F.xception: Type M copper tuhing may be used for water piping when
piping is above wound inside or atop a building, or undergrvund olltside
of stntcture.~ with outside protective coating.

1403.4 ln addition to the required incised marking, all hard drawn copper tubing
shaH be marked by means of a continuous and indelibiy colored stripe at
least 6.4 mm in width, as follows: Type K, gree!l~ Type L, blu e~ Typ~ 'W.t,
red ~ Type DWV, yellow.

1403. 5 Listed flexible copper water connectors shall be installed m exposed

locat ions, unless otherwise listed.

• Section 1404- LEAD

See Table 14 -- 4, Weight and Thickness of Sheet lead shall not b~ less
than the following:

For safe pans not less than 19.56 kg. Per sq. meter and 1.6 mm thick.

For flashings or vent terminals- not less than 14.63 kg. per sq. meter and
1.2 mm thick.

Lead bends and lead traps shall not be less than 3.2 mm in wall thi cknes~.


1405 .1 Caulking Ferrul~s : shall be of the best quality red cast brass, bronze or
copper with weights and dimensions in accordance with the foHowin,1,

* 5·ec. l6.J NJ-)C 1959

Qu<.:l;ty a!"d Weights c::J. ~na!s, Plumbing Materials and
Refefenced &2;1datds


• C'Al J Lt~ lNG FE RRl JLF:S

Pipe Size Inside lliameter l,ength Weight each
mm mm Mm . kg
51 57.2 114 .3 .454
76 8 2.6 114.3 .790
102 108.0 114.3 1.132

1405.2 Soldering NipJlles aud Bushings: Soldering nipples shall be of Bronze,

Copper, or heavy cast red brass not less t han t he: fcllowing weights:

TABL F 14-2


.--- -----···-..--.______ ,_____________ -~ ·--" · - -.... . ______. . . _·-- - ·----- --·--·--- -----l
! Minimum Minimum I
I Pipe Size Weight each Pipe Size Weight each
~ mm ____ _____________ k_g__________ ...... __ ___ m_~n . .... -----· -·- ·- -- k~ -----~
L 32 ·- ..... __ __ _j._§§.... . .. -----·- - ........ __ §}_ _____ _________..:.§::.~ . --- - 1
38 ..- - -
.224 76 _________ _ . ............- .908
.. . .... .............. . ...- -..·· ... ...... , _____ __, __ _ .,, ,, _ - - - -- ..-- - - - - 1
J 51 - - ·-
t - - · - -···- -· ....
. . .....__,. - - ·-· .. -· . . ·-·--··-·--- · .. .
}Q2 I 1.586 !
. ---- -·- ·- . . ....·-·-·· .... -·---- -··. . ....... -· ... ... - .... -- --.


1406.1 Closet ri ngs or closet tlangcs for water closets or $imilar fixtures shalt be
of approved type and shall be bronze, copper, hard lez.d, cas! iron.
galvanized malleable iron, ABS, PVC, or other approved materials. Each
such closet ri ng or closet flange shall be approximately 178 mm in
diameter and, when installed, shall together with the soil pipe, pre~en t a 38
rn rn wide fl an ge and a groove tacc to receive the fi xture gasket or ball

* Sec. 167 NJ>(. N5 9

Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

1406.2 Caulked-on closet rings or closet flanges shall not be less than 6.4 mm
thick and not less than 51 in overall depth.

1406.3 Closet rings or dosct flanges shall be burned or soldered to lead bends or
lead ferrule or c-aulked to cast iron soil pipe, solvent cemented to ABS or
PVC tubes and ~crewcu or fastened in an approved manner to other pipe

\406.4 All such closet rings or closet flan ges shall be adequately designed and
sccur~d tu the water closet to support the fixture connected thereto and the
water closet base shall be anchored with additional pair of bolts to the
concrete Hour. There wi ll be tour (4) bolts per water closet.

1406.5 Closets screws, bolts, washers, and similar fasteners shall be of brass,
copper, or ot her listed equally corrosi~.) n resistunt materi als. All such
screws and bolts shall be of adequate size and number to properly connect
the floor flange and anchor the fixture to the tloor.

• Section 1407- CLEANOUT Fl1TINGS

l·l07. 1 Each clcanout fitting for cast iron soil pipe shall consist of a cast iron or
brass body and an approved screwed brass plug. Each cleanout for
galvanized wrought iron, galvani zed steel, copper or brass pipe shall
consist of a brass plug as specified in Table 14-4 or a standard weight
brass cap ~>r an approved ABS or PVC plastic coupling and plug. Plugs
shall have raised square heads or approved countersunk rectangular slots.
when cleanout is installed along travel ways.

1407.2 Each cleanout fitting and each cleanout plug or cap shall be of an
approved type. Materials used fi)r cleanouts shall conform t.o approved
standards acceptable to the Administrative Authority.

1407.3 C'lcancuts shall be designed to be gas and wate11igbt wi1hout !he us~ cf
any gasket, packing or washer.

Stction 1408 - TH RF:AOI<:D TYP E FilliNGS

1408.1 Screwed Fittings: shall he ABS. cast iron. coppt!r, copper .::.• ~,.~:!,
malleable iron. llVC, steeL or other approved materials Th!"eao:; ~~r!!l br:
tapped out of solid metal or factory molded for sol !d ASS or PVC thr..:-:,cL.

"',r...·cc. 187 .- 186 NJ)(' }1.)59

Quality and Weightl> of Materials. Plumbing Matenals a~<:
Referenced StaMa;ds

1408.2 Drainage Fittings: shall be screw jointed of the drainage type having
smooth int~rior waterway and be installed so as to allow two (2) percent
slope or 20.9 mm/m grade.

• Section 1409 - BACKWATER VALVE

Such valve shall rcmr-tiu sufficiently open during periods of low flows to
avoid screening of ~clids and fibrous materials and shall not restrict
capacities or cause excessive turbulence during peak loads. Unless
otherwise listed, valve access covers shall be the bolted type with gasket
and each valve shall bear the manufacturer's name or logo cast into the body
a.t•d over the cover.

Section 1410 - VAl-VES AND FIITINGS

1410.1 Gate valves, when used in drainage work, shall be the fullway type with
working parts of corrosion resistant metal. Sizes 102 mm or larger in
diameter shall have cast iron bodies, and sizes less than 102 mm shall have
cast brass or bronze bodies.

!410.2 Valves up to and including 51 mm in size shall be all brass or bronze metal.


Shall meet the applicable nationally recognized standards and shall be used
in accordance with their listing.

• Sec. 192 NPC 1959

R~vise:d National Plumbing .._, ;)O() of the Philippines

TAIH..E 14-3


NOTE: Abbreviations used in Table 14-3 refer to standards or specifications issued by the
organizations identified below.

All standards and specifications fer materials are subject to ch;mge D.:si~qations indicating the
year of issue may become obscJiete.

l .J8
TABLE 14-4



(1) - (2) (3) (4) I (5) : (6) (1) (8) l (9)
I FE~RO!!:~_IPZ AND FITifNGS: f -- -. ~---·--:--·--_ - t-· ~ t II
lcast Iron Screwed Fittings (125 & 250 lb) (56.8 & I I •~ I : · f I I
L!J_3.5 kg) _ . _Q_l64 _._~_126
1 .J_.. ! -+- ! Note~ 1
2 I Ca~ Iron Soil Pipe and Fitt.i.•1gs i _ _ ., A 74 I · - -- ' ~
3 ast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Hub less Cast Iron j t j CIS PI 30 I t
j Sanitary Systems 1570 , ----1A 888 1 !- --- i EN 877 6594 I __ _ _
4 I Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings B 16.12 I ! · 1 / T Note~
1--:-- - -- --- -- -- ---- - · - . - - + -- - - - 4
I Gray lror. and Ductile Jron Pressure Ptpe · I
" . Hubless Cast Iron Sanitary and Rainwater Sys+..ems i Ll i I : I . ,. j

(Installation) ! _I I I IS 6__ l___ ~___ _l 65~~..J __ I

7 1
MaUeable Iron Threaded Fittings (150 & 300 :b.)··---,--- - -. ~· I I I i Note" I
_ __
(68. 1 & i36.2 kg)
.+- B 16 ·-' ! L 1
Neoprene Rubber G3skets for Hub and Spigot Cast I I CISPI HSN I
' Iron So1l Pipe and Frttmgs . . !1 ! - ---"J
1j II 65941
9 t
- Hot-Dzpped, ZIJl'C-Coated I1 I A" i , 1 I
and Se3mless 1
-_-_-_. ----~---·
.. ____.,___ ~--------r------------4------~-----------4
I0 ~ Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated
· (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless, fo r ordinarv uses
II r Pipe n;;;;;;;;:c;e;;-eml Pu~pose (!nch) ., 1 B l.20.1 I i r- ,. I : . j.
12 Roof Drams ·-· _ Al12.2l.? M I _j_ j _ _ I Note~
ReviSed f~tional Plur!•bing Code of tl'le Philippines

i·~:;-l ~~~M
·--·· ---·--------T ~~)S-~A~~· F~~M-r;,~ ~-,':.ia-1 ~;~tt~s j·c~~ TRE~R~~-~
i-- - -- - - - - - ···· .. ·· -+---___J-·-----~-- ~
I . ' II .
1----.. -.. '
I I I I I t I ! i :
13 ISh~eld_ed Coupl~n?S for Use •,.•.ntll Hubless Cast Iron l ; ! [ . I ! j !
I _Soli ~lpea.·td f'Ittm~:-----·---.. - ----------~-·---- _ ..______L ·-- -----L--- -----+-~5 :,) ' L-----+·---·---J
. 14 ~_?pcc:a. ! I~ FJttrngs ! ---- ·r'---·-·-·· . !. _______: ___j__PS 5 --· 1 i ___ _L_:~te_~-~
! 15 ! Subdrains For Built-up Show~r Pans I i ! ; PS J 6 l. ! 1
.. t . . . - • - t I
: j I i i I I !
16 I
·rnreadcd Cast Iron Pipe for Drainage, Ven~ and i j A. 40 5 I ! ; 1 I I !
! Waste Services . I ; i I r 1 i I r
i7 r Welded and Se.·!nlless Carboo Steel and Austeniti-;·---r- I ---- ·r -- -- -··: --r------t-·-· -·-r--~---j
tsr~inles~teel Pi{!eNipE.~-- -----1---·-t!--.. ·----~~ ~~~_[ __ ________ .._L _________L ___,_____
~ NONFERROlJS PrPE AND rnTINGS · _ . 1 . ~ B 687 : 1
T __ J_i ___~~!_j!
18 ~--~ras?..!.~er, ~j Chror~uum-Piated Ptpe NtpDte~----r~ _____ l_ ___ ._.J__ ____l ___________~________ _;________t·------i----..·· -----~
JQ 1 ;'_i~~~ ~ipeF!ange< and FL>.,ges Fitt:cgs CCiass IS~--- J
B 16 ·2.~----- j L ~ ~ j______ _j
I I I ' • I . I
~: (asr Br:lSS and Tubi~~ P-Traps r I : I l PS 2 i -~~--.l.---.J_ ~~ote 4 !
I : ! ' I ~! I j ;
I I I I I : ! '
?-' (~.~ .~::opp:_~~- A_!l_<?Y f,i~~g~_f9._~Flared 9:f'pcr Tub~_s-+· ·---- - t BJ6.~~-~- __ ....... _1.___·---+-----· _l_ ·----4-----l- --.~
22 lnreade.d (Classes 125 & 250)
f:.!£!!J£S i ___ _ ; __ J)_ L ··- ··-··--i-
l] -~~~- ~r<?!lZ~ ~_!_6 ; ----..-~------ -+- I ~
23 ~-~;~~~~er~~l:1~ ~<~~dc~~;oi~~ Dra_c1age F:~n~-~ B ~~-~~ ~ : l.___ j ~ j _J
I 24 L.C~~2E.P~~~l~().Y ~-o~dt~r~Jom~_R!.~_sure Frtt~s 1 B 16. i:_:~L-- _j________ __!___---····--·----l--.l Note 4 j
--L-J--!- l 1
i 25 l Cooper 'OJ:a:n::u:r_T.ubtill\~' : . ! _B ' 06 -I ; i i ·
j 26 j Copper ~lumbing T11bc.:, Plpt• :!nd Fittings I : j I : ~ j j I
I LDE~llat~?!!l... _ .. ----- .. ·--· . __ . .... ---------.- ! --..L.- ----~----i- IS 3 j_ --L ! J
1 ~~ ~;~n~:r;; ~~~~~~;~~~~,~~;~~;~~~ow<!:~:- __ __;_ __ -:___ i --~_:::_:::-[_:-:-~~~:: ::±:.-:=~+-~~ _: ! : : : _---- r---·r--·~~: 1-j
. • Fle>:•b.,;:. .!VIct:-dl!c ,v:.t~r C.onn ~·~ors /J : J •
PS '4 / II Note 4 1
I --------'- _______j____ 1
I -· --··-·-. --·-.- ·----------..- ...... _______... ___________
___ __L___ ____ __ 1 ---..-.. _________ .:._1 .. _____ _ ________
1 .~0
Uuanty en<l 'INe\gr.ta Ql MM•nele, Plumbing M.o\•flala • .,.s ft.,.,.~ t M • n - •

, ... 1 I I I I ! OTriER I
i ltem JT[~f !' PNS : ANSI : ASTM FS i IAPMO ! STANDARDS II ISO l R.El\-1ARKS !l
~~:0. ·-· . - (1). ·-· -- ---. (2) ! (J) __ J__~.J (5) l ' (6~-1 (7) (R) I (9) i
j _,o 1 General Requirements for 'Wrought ScamJcss Copper i j i 1 j i j I !
~ ~ ! and Copper-Alloy Tube ! I ! B 25!
I j ! : I !
. ; l L_Seam~ess Brass Tube . ~ _ 1 •••• •• j_B ~~- 1 · i
· :~ 1 Seam1ess Copper Ptpe. St2ndard Stzes ! __ _ l B 42 1 ' I' _. ____-+f---. , __ _ 1

;' ~ ~~l_css Copper Tube _ i __ .!_8 75 -1--- r ' ~ ~

~4 ~ -~~amles~_er Water Tube . _B 8& ._J__ j --F=
Standard SIUS j
,s : Seamless Red Brass P1pe,
I: ; B 43 i Il 1~
,. I I
II !
~6 I· ·I J ·i I · ' J '

' I
, Seamless and Welded Copper Dis:ributioo Tube i I ! B 641 I I I ! i I
l (TYPe D) __ 1 I _J __ _ _ 1 I i J I
. B~O, ' ~
37 I ~ "" ! !
IThrea~ess Copper Ppe _ _L _j____ I ! ~- : I I
38 ! . I ! I I
L!~bmg Tra_p Wall Adapters _ _
I ___.j_____,_j...LS 7 I I
"9 ., B 537 : ' I
I ; I I _.
_, · . . __ l_ _ _ ! : j
I~-~clde~_P!.ass Tube -- L
, 40 i Welded Copper-Alloy UNS No. C21000 Water / ! j i l 1 J
· Tube ! B 642 i • I
i Weld~d Copper and Copper Alicy Water Tube j : ; i1 j ,
i I (Installati<!!.)_ ~ I ~ ! IS 21 I! I
I 42 \Y-elded coppe~'D.~~---·
r [" - I .~4_~_7__.'_ _ ___.._ _ ____,__ _ ____.....___--L.._ __

Revh;od Nalionai Plumbing Code of the PhB1p;:>

/Item! - ITEM -r---;Ns ·-r--~-i -ANSI j AsTM rAPMo ~~~'!:nsT-rso ! REMARKs I

L_N~__l--:-·· . - {i) ----------L-~2-)-l----(J) _ _j __~~-1- (5) (6) ! ---~---1-(~) I (9) I
· 43 j Wel_deo Copper Water Tube .--t- 1 -~---_B 716 ! [ _ I i _j
44 ! Wrought ~o~per and Copper Alley Solder-Joint J J J ~ : --f-- I i
~ssure F1ttmgs l___ ___J B 16.2~ ____ j_ ! L. I I
·~ 45 l Wrought Copper and Wrough: Alloy Solder-Joint i ! I : ! i l I

1 ! Dr3ina('e Fittings-DWV j_ ~ •~ B 16.29 1 ! ! 1 _ _ _ J

i ·10 i ~~~:~~~~f~~~t:~:n~:~tyrene. (ABS) B!!ilding

j------; -----1--------~------ --+---------r-------r- I i
~-pr:1m. ~~iasteandVentP!oeJildFittings£!nstallatlo~)_l_ ________
L_______; ________ ~----------' _IS_i__J____ 1 -·-· i Ncte4 l
47 . Acrv·lomtr;le-Butad!cne~Styrene ~ABS) Scheduie 40 I ; ; I +-
_fi_a_£!_!C .
Waste_ and Vent Pipe ___ ----t--Note 4
~ D~in
L ---r-·---·-----LP-_2_061__~------·- __ ~--------- ___ ~---- __ --t
I i j i I
43 ! Acrylom~n!e-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Schedule 40 j ! ! I
: Plastic Drain Waste and Vent Pipe wi:th a Cellular J ! ! : [ ! I I
49 ~ ~~~~~-;rnJe-8~t;"di;;~~styr-ene.(A.Bsf·-sewer ·Pipe I ·-r-- --+-£~' --+--- 2
i + +. --+Note 11
~ nnd f1ttint;s j J ! D ~751 l j J l I Ncte4
:. - ----- .·-- ~----------··-- -------r------4------__J ·-·-· ____ ____l -- _;__ ______ --+ ~-------!
<;I) : Acrylonccnle-ButedJcne-Styrene (ABS) Sewer Pipe 1 I' ] i -~· ! I! [ i
. anrl r; lttm~:_Clt_lSt:'lltMion} . -~I ... ·-. . ~ ! Is 11 I . . .- . . -Not.:_ ±...J
5I ~-~~~:_sto~-~::nr::l~ N_onp~:~~~~r~__se~~r ~-~~~-- ----
--l ____j_____L C428 l j ___ -L r ---~~;} ~
52 ~-~~::~~~s-~~~~~~e~tH~:~·~_~:$:1~~~~>:_(~ot:~.~ot~~l~-~-~:~:_r_L__ .1 j __~ 29~---J l____j_______. L ___1 J
53 ! A~bestc·:; C·::!ncnt Pressure PltJC For O!hcr Liquids j
I ' ! j J AW'N A t 1 I
I : I [ I ! C400 I I 1
it~~~~."~:~"i~";~]::~;~j~~~:~~~.:~ ~--\i~!ter =~t=~~-~-c== c~--r-=:=l. _!§_I~_L_____ I- I ---,
Q u allt:f and Weighta of Material~. Plumbing Matarialf, and Rcferencod Stand•rda

~ . 1 . oniiR 1 1
' 1
! No. I (I) . (2) j (J) ( 4) (5) ! (6) 1i (1) j (S) ; (9) _

~ -~5
Bo rosz.,.IC<lte Glass p·1pe _an d. F'rtt1..r1gs 1
~10r D ram. waste :l -+-
i !..-
I I !I . ~
I and Vent (D Ao hcatlons r ! ~ ! Note .1.....{
56 : Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride, (CPVC) Plastic Pipe, i 1 , 1 1 l '
SchecrJ.les 40 <md 80 1 ; i F441 l · l j
57 Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Plastic for 'I , ·- r--- :- 1 1 1 i I
;...:~at and Cold Water Distribution__Syst~m I ~2846 ! f I _j
58 ; Chlorinate~ Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Solvent r I i l i l I f I
i Cemented Hot and Cold Water Dist.ribt:tion Systems j I f 1 I 1 1
! ([nstallation) , ! t i 1 IS 20 I
59 ! CoextrudedPolyvinyl Chkride (PVC) Plastic Pipe I; i i j l
: with a Cellular Core F89I I1 I ,. _ _ I
60 ~~ete Drain Tile r·- C41 2 = _i . Note 3 J
61 CoocreteSewer,StormDrainandCutvcrtPipe 1 . Cl4 i t I I I l
62 Drain. Waste and Vent (DWV) Plastic fitti11gs ! 1 I I I i ~
~-~att.ems __ i I ! D331 I 1 j !
63 ! Extra S~~gth Vitrified Clay Pipe in Building Drains ~ J I j
! (In~llatton) i I IS 18 i Note 4
64 1 F~gs for Joining _P~Iycthylcne Pipe for Water ' I' I
[, Semce and Yard Prpmg ~ I _ -r
_ 1 i PS 25 Note 4 I
65 ' Joints for IP~EYC Pipe Usin~olvent Cement : i ! 02672 ! L

ReYised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

r i -- -, ~
~ ,~ ~~ --T T---~--1
No. IT~M ! (l) I (3) 1 (4) J (5) j (6) (1) , (8) J --- ·
I C9}
. r-- I +-----
. !lie Building Scwc:-s (Installation) I ~ -·
t- ~----1------4- I l 1.~_1-~----+- ·
67 r
'Plastic Insert Fittings for Pclybutytene (PB) Tubing 1 I I j : i .
1 . 1 • Note 4 I
68 P-1-ast.l-
:c-ln-.s-e-:t- :F---ittm-:- fo_r_P--o-ly_eth
. -g-s...,.. _ y_len-e-(P_E_)_P_la_st_i_c _ .'J1
t -----f-_ F845 I . : 1 li I ,1. 1
~~ _ 1 - · -··- ' D 2609 t-·· i 1 "Note 6 J
691 Polybutylene (PB) Cold Water Building Supply and 1: II l I' I

~d Piping and Tubing (Installation) ·- --·- -.. -~------ --!--- . : r ··- _liote :£_j
70 i Polybutylene Hot and Cold Water Distribution Tubing 1 iJ J. ! I I
I , 1 Note 4 i
,___ _j,Jvstem Usin Insert Fittin~:rs (Installation
--rI iSlS 22t 7 j
; 71 1 Pol ybutylene Hot and Cold Water Di~..ribution Tubmg ; ! I I 1 i I I
72 ~~~~:~:eg.i~"!}~e~~~: ~:~~=::~~)Pipe. ,. ~ ,!
. .. -- - --~~: - .. - ...... ~L-.l~--.~~..,~ ----+- I N~e ~
i Tubing ~d Fitting Systems Using Heat Fusion !' 1 ! I I !
.. I (ln~llatton) . ,
. . . . , --·-+-.. i IS 23 f j 1- N<_?tc 4_j
7' 1 Polybutylece Hot and Cotd Water Dtstnl>u!ton Ptpe, I I j l l I ,. 1
I, I : 'r 1
I Tubing Systems Using Pressure-Lock Fittings
;I ---+---
IL(lnstallation) I
---- ·+-- '
_j ___·-·-·--+--· IS 24 i' ... 1 '
'4 _Note 4
7~ !1 Polybutylene (PB) Plzstic Hot and Cold Water 1 , l . ' : j
_£?ist~_~uti2!!..~~ems I LPl~Q2_1 _ l__ i Note 4 ;
75 Polybutylene (PB} Plastic Pipe (SlDR-PR) Based on ; ~· i ! ! J

_ ! D2662 , t
;-----+-·_C_o_nt_ro_i!ec!J.ns~t~_P.iameter ~ ~ ~ I ! Nct.c 4 !
. I 1 ; i
76 1 1
1 Polyethylene (PE) Cold W~tcr Buitdin£ Supply and
I j __ _ ____l_229M
j i
l __. _ ,___ _,J___
I ~ ·
--+. ' Note4 j
i 1
Ii h Yard Piping (!~~~a_.!~:~!io~2_______ __l I __j____ IS 7 i ----L
L 78 / ;~~~~, ;~~~~~);;~;c~i~: (S!D~:P:)_B."ed on. t 1._J I / __L 022 39 I _L~~·-41
·~'a4a'' 'v ••~a ...,...,-'._.,,,. t.;t ~ ... ~• • • • , .... ,,_.,, .... . . . . . . _ . . _ . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ . . .. .

,-- - ·--··- ·----- ·-·- --r-· . -~- , ~--~ - -r---l

. tern ~
{2) I (4) (8)
ITEM (3)
I., (~) (6) I
I =:ns I I (7) (9)
N1). (I) I . .
1 .79". Polyvmyl Chloride (PVC) Building Drain. Waste : i 1 4435
~ ~and Vent Pipe an_d [!ttings (Installation) _ _ · ~ .
·- -·- y
I 02729 I ___ j____I_L?
I -t I .. ~633
80 i Polyvmyl Chlonde (PVC) Cold Water Butldmg 1 ! ! ; I l I I
65 I ! 1 1
: JS 8 . 4422 1
~I Io Supply and Yard P iping {installaticn) ll I t f
1 1
81 ~- Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe i [ ~ : i i l
~ith a Smoot.h lnteri~r a."ld Fittings ! ! J_ F94Q __ I ·-- I ! Note 4 j
82 1 Polyvinyi Chloride (PVC) Plattic Drain, Waste and I ! : --; ! 1 4435 I 1
LYc~t Pipe and Fittings ! L.l?2729 ! j I 1 3633 I I
83 I Polyvinyi Chloride (PVC) Pressure Rated Pipe (SDR ; J i I ; I r I
r-~eri~-- . . . : 65 : ! D224l : I . I r· _,
: Polyvmyl Chloncie (PVC) PlastiC P1pe, Schedules ! ; J ! 1 ; ·
; 40, 80. and 120 I ; i Dl785 : ! I
85 i Polyvmy.l Chloride (?VC) Plastic Pipe an.d Fittings ·· - 1 T 1 1 ! j l
dt~'!£L,",.•.,......... w m - . 1 ; I 0 2466 ' . ! :w.w __
L [
86 : Primers tor l ise :n Solvent Cement Joints of Polyvinyl i ~ i 1 t' j j' j
r : Chloride'!',:'({:) Plastic Pipe and Fittings I :-+ F656 I ---1--- -- -r---1
j 87 ;J>. ?.!J.~ ~ · ~,-~fh!o~de (PVC) Sewer Pipes and Fittings I - ;----p2729 : -+---- i J_-t--i
88 I Unp!~-·;:izcl Folyvir.yl Chloride (UPVC) Pipes for I i ! I l I Jl I
I Pot.:li)i~ \l/2ter Supply I 65 I : l I 44~
80 ~-~~~"'-~mgs for Asbestos-Cement Pipe I D !869 i I _L j _ --t T- I ~-
I : I I I I

qo ~ Safe H~mlb···· of Solvent c~mf''1tS, Primers, and li ! i II ,.

· f'.,r Joining, Thermop Iastic Pipe and

\.lc.--:,:~ 1 ~: t I- !
l~ : 1
L___l _____l
L____ l ~~-::~~- -- ... _ __ _________ _____ _j _ F402 _ I l tI I; J
Revised National PlumiJing Code of the Philippines

! I - I I I I I l -,! --1
I • ! II i I Ollt""ER I
ITEM (2) I {J) I (4) ., (5) (6) (7) (9) I
I' ! I I
Item (l) j ! I 1 l i ISO l
No. ; ! : I 1 1 (8) , 1
1 i -; - , , ·
I~---·-- -r ----T - I
1 1
I 91 I Smoc+.hwall Polyethylene (PE) Pipe for Use in I [ I F g iO 1 ! ! f I NOTE 4 I
1 ~ Drnina~e and W"aste Disposal Absorption Fields r-·_ _j__ __ I _____ _:_ I · _ _ !
I 92 j Sock~ T)-y e Chlorinated Poly>inyl Chloride (CPVC) 1 1 j L ' ! j i l
1 l Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 j . t--·---~ F 438_ j_ --·--· !
l 93 ! Socket Type Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chlori de (CPVC) l 1 't I ; ; I I
94 ~- Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 l -~
I -·-t' ______. _! 439 I --.__j___
I___ :'--- -+---.i
1 :. s~_ket Type Polyvinyl Chloride {PVC) Plastic Pipe ! I : . I ' ! I , I
~ Ftttmgs, Schedule 80 . j I ~ 2467 j _j__ ____j
9 ~ ~ Solvent Cement for Acrylonitrile-Bu-tadiene-Styrene j 1 j ! ! i ! i
L_-r-_ j
~~-- __ : (AB~l_Plastic Pipe and Fittings___ • D 22:5 l ----~--- r rNotcre 4 !
I · I j I 1 ! 1 1 l
~6 ! ;~olv~nt Ce~en~ f~r Chlo~~ed Polyvi.>tyl Chloride I; j F 493 j ! j 1
: ,_CP\' C) Ptasnc Ptpe m:d ; ;ttmgs , t , ! I ; I
Solv~nt Cemcn:s ~0~ Poiyyi:J.}1 Chloride (PVC) I ! , ! i ±' rt
97 ILE! P1pe ano Fittm~---
i. 510 _., _ ...J. .P_'"s~.:-L. _ _____L _ . . ---·
-·----r - ---il
n li
Therrncpla!:tic Acce~s~bl·~ and Rcr;lace3~le Plastic . j j j' .,...,
Tube and Tubulru- F!!! i : F 409 , , I• I .ate 4
"---~ -- - --- ·- - i t _____j __ ____j_ _ _i - - - · _____ _ __l ___ __ _ j ~

,,.,...., ~• w~. "'Mtiiiif\lita.-llif~,,. M••*- ~ ._...,__. ~.. · ·

r~~;:: r---- ~~)M --l--~~;~--,-- - A~~-r~:-,---~,~ -~-~~~0 .;~~;T ~~~ RE~IU<SI r r

1-- - . - ~- _.__ '- - - ·-
i 90 Type PS-46 Poly (Vinyl Chl oride) (PV() Plastic I ! i 1 ) • 1 f
j ,
Gravrtv flow Sewer Pip~ and_fittings _ ! ~--····-l .f 789 j -- ----+- ! ! I _i_
100 r Type PSM Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe I ! ! ~ .1' l ! I I !
I . and Frttmgs 1D .)034 · . I
I ' " • ' 1 I' I,
i I 01 l Threaded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) {PVC) Plastic Pipe 1 i : ;I , 1 :
' . I II .i 1
1 1
i__~itt_mg~~~edule 80 _ _J___L __ _ ___;._Q 246!J _. ~------t--- :
102 l Vrtrified C!ay P1pe, Extra Strength, Standzrd i ; j 1 I I' 1 ; .
, Stre~ and Perfo~ted -· i ·--·- · C 70..2__ _ I l Note 4
f..PL ~.!J!ING FIXTURES ! ' -- ; L I I I . .
103 i Ename!edCastlronPlumbing Fixtures --,- j All2.1 9.l 1 I' W\.VP·541 i t I l
: I I J
r-- -- - -- - -
i. _ __,
l 04 Whirlpool B:rthtubs l , A112~..! 9.7 I ·---- L ~ ! 1 _ J J
l 05 ' Plastic Bathtub Units l 1 Z 124 I W\\'P.~4 J 1 I !
--r·~· I
! •
!J .I .
1Vo 1 Pia_stic Lavatories _ _ 1 _ , _Z_!.~_4 · ~--+----· -~~~7-5~ ---+----- : 1 I
· 107 ~lastic Shower Recep! and Shower_~ta!ls _ . L.Zl2.i}~-- ; ·~'WP-5~- ' ·-~---__j
108 ~. ~!.~~~~~-ater ~L~set Bowls and Tanks ---+ ----+-~!_2i _~____i., ____ _j_ \V\VP-541____ ~~_J_ I
! I 09 ~-Piumb~ng f ixtures for Land U~e . j j -:----~----- ; WWP-54 1 • ~ 1
: II 0 Plumbmg Rcqmre1~ents for DJ.verters f':~ P!umbmg ! ASSEt ; , ! ! I' I i
I I Fau~cts 'Nlth Ho~e ,:,?ray, Ant1-S1phon type I~- ANSI ! 015 : l , I I
I Res1dent1a! Apohcanon . , ; : ! : ! ---1
: l ll i Plumbing Rec;uiremcnts for Hand Held Showers , j ~SSE.' ! I ' I I j
L_____ . - . ·. : ANSII~l4 : -+- ~ I I

112 Porcelam E'1ameit:'d Formed Steel Phrmb!.ng F1xtures !

! ! ANSlJ 1 ! i I' I I l
I -· +- : ASt\~E j i WWP-54..!_j_ +--· _j
11' ; ~~.('~;~~~'~!~umbUtg Fixrure~ (D<> isned for _ I 1 A;; _! WWP-541
~2 :i~~l- _ i 1 _I / _ J

114 [ Suct10n Ftt:mgs_fo~ U~e m ~wtrr~':mg and Wading i l 1 i j ..

I 1 ·
Pools. So:1s, H ot f n bs anc \\~mpcd B~..h.tub
!! AS~1
A~SL'E 1·
1 !1
A .
1JP!~.~-')<=~~--------- -·-·--------
I ! -
--~---!_A t J:>_I9._?_~-
. _
_1._ __ _ • __ I__
r--r-= / _j

Revised National Plumbi~l9 Code o4' ihe Phiiippines

~---1 -·- - --·~ ·- r - -- ·--r------ T-- ' ----~

I I I ! j j I
- I. I
I; i I j
! ·No j J 1 • PNS 1 AJ~st 1 .o\.STM i FS ! l4PMO ! STANDARDS ! rso I REMARKS .

f . ( I ) - -·· j__~~~- I -··(3) _j~---t-

' (5) (6) . .,__.L~~-+-~-J
. 115 i ~ ! ! 1 5
Test1:1 ' and Ratinll croccdure for Grease Interceptor i
I PS 13 L----~ 1 NCYi"'E I
~-Tile Lmcd R~mat}_!?arl) T~ (bstaJlation) : _ I ··t' --------4----·-·. -·-· ~.. lS 2 ; ---~~ ~
; T1le Lmed Shower Receptors (and Replacements) j J f i i j
!_(~stal!.a_~i.9fl) 1 I -------1-----~ Vi\Y__P-Si.LW~~L---------i---+---- ~
l I a t-J.!,im_for ~~ter Clos~. Bowls, __I~s and Urinals I . .....J~~~2 . 19 .5_l.._·----..·-·.i..Y~~~Y?-54 i ~- . .... -+-,---- ---+-.---+- ·--~
119 ; V:!reous Chma Plumbmg FJxtures I I f j ! ! I i 1
l__ - -------------~-A 1I.~.:.i 9 !V!_L__ _ J.____-+--- -l I i ___J
VALVES ; ! . I ' I ; . i
- ------+--- -_J,_
.~------· " ------ ·............·-·--+·-·------ _ ___.. . ,___ _ . . .__
I 120 ; Acrylonttrile~Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) and ! : : 1 f [ ! i I
l J Polp'Inyl Chloride (PVC) Backwater Valves 1 j j! i PS J8 I 1 ! Ncte 4 Jl
~ - - _..... t .:- ·~-- :. .. ..
, 121 i Backflow Prevtmtion Devices ,. 1 I ; • i ,. , I
I : . . ! ; : PS 31 I I Note 4 I
! i 22 t_~ackf~w V~lves (r\~)--------- ·-+---..- . ... L~l.!il~l-1~ ·..·---r--·~===-----r--------r==-~,c- Note 4 J
! i23 : Bail Valves 6 inches through 48 inches : i ~"'SUAW j : i I i ~
i ; I : w A C507 ! i ~ ! i ' l
! i 2~ ia;~~;;-Gate-Valves - -- - ---;.. --~- ---·---r-·----~-~·~··:s45 ·:- - -~--------!- ---...i-------;
I t-- · --- - - - ---- - ! -----t· ·----------~--- - --- : . I 1----
- --
1 l-------· -- I ' i I ! ·--~---r-----J
! 125 ; Ca:.'t ~rw G~te~ --·-- + : ..:.._~~ ~'\'v~...,._sgh J_ _j ~-+- ," ~
i 126 ~~-or·S?llt '=-e~_e_!_Qj_!_~~-~~~--------------- ·- : ~-------------------t---- _j___ ! ____![.~::_ 352 __ Ti _ _ _ ..j_ -~
l I ! i ANSl!AW i i I I i I I
I 127 '- Ga_!.~.Yalves for '-Y.<-:!-~r anq Sewer.;ge s\T~;ns L__ I WA (500 t----- -: . ----·- --...L.--....j..-------~---+------~
j 128 ! Globe-Type Lc; li;;hter Valves-Angle or Str~ight ! I 1 l i i l: I j
I j P~.ttem . ___ __ j . ~-- ! __. ; I PS 10 . -i
Ll29 ~ Hose Cc~nccti~n V<:cuum Bre~kers _ 1 j _A~S1~;;!>l____.J_____,_ 1 j_ ASSE lOll j ,__ _ L____j
i .5~
Quality and Woaigh\s of Materials, Plumbing Mateua\s. anu Referenced Standard•

r---- ···r··----~-----T·---r------ ! 1· :

I t
! '
~ I I j I OTIIER !
No. (1)
l i (2) 1 <J) ! (4) (S) i ({j) (1) i (8) <9> 1
130 Individual Shower Control Valves ... ~ A.;\ISV I t ! ~-· -+----·---~-- I
Anti Scald Type ASSE ! I
10:6 l ASSE 1016 i j
131 '
Laboratory faucet Vacuum Breakers Al\SU I

ASSE -~· ! 'I

. ' 1035 j . ! i
132 iP!pe Applied Atmospheric Type i A.~SI/ ~----·---, -----:---·-·-t ---~
·~' Vacuum Breakers I ASSE ! f j i I 1 1 ;
ASSE J 001 i
I 100 l ~ I I I I i I
J33~~g~-re-F-~-.-gs-----------!~A~l~l2~_~i8~~,---~-~--~~.---~- '1. ;

I I . ~ ~
I I lM I I ~ i _J I j

r---------· 1 I ----r----~---------: 1 r
134 Relief VaiV<!s and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for
I Z21.22 I : I : !32 I i i
-·-· I·
~o-'f:Iot Water Sup_E!y~stems and Addendum I · -4--- · ! : ' I ,_J
! i 35 1 Temperature Actuated Mixing Valves for Pnmary I ANSV .,. : I ! j 1 !
! DomestiC Usc ASSE I I ! I I r· lt
' I 1017 j ! . I '
I ! 3t. ·~ ~-·~·· ANSI/ 1 t ~ I
L ! l 1
i - ! . i
i Tr'<1p Seal Primer Valves <~?ninage T}pe) i ASSE J .' ' j : j I 1
I -- - +10-t~ I ·I i I ;
137 j Trap Seal Prim--.- Valves (Wztzr Supply Fed) . j ASSI/ I j '1 ,~
1-- l' t- LJ
1 ·-·-.. -----·---·_. _. _ _l_.. ~~r; 1 1 --~~ ___ L I __ i .

Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

.T. <. I I ·r;·-.- -,i l

I Item I
I IT" M , . I
.. I!
I .I (1) (l) ,. (3) . (4) (S) (6) I (7) (8) II (9) I
r--r- - - --- 1 ; -r--1 ,- I -

1)8 IVa..'"llum Brei!l<ers, Anti-Siphon Prmure Type i ~i\' I j I J_[ I I

1020 -+-----+ 1 - -· - +
A.NSIJ I I I I . I----i'
139 Hydtants, Frostproof Automatic Draining Anti- ASSE j ! ! i ! Ll I
I i Backflow Types 1019 I ! I
I !l ANSI! i
·--·-~i --+--
1 r
r' l ., ! I
j !40 I Water Closet Flush Tank Ballcocks ASSE ,. 1
' ,l . 1002 1: I
f I I 002 - . I ! . -+- . --l
. i I I :
141 IWater Pressure Red~citg Valves ANSI/ I l !
1003 i I! ~
I I I. ! __J
-+---- I - - - I
i42 1
i --r----r . r- : 1
1 Automatic Stonge Ty;'e Water ~--~c:,~:'~S with !nputs 1 Z21 . J0.1 I I I L I 1
1 Le-;s than 50,000 Dtu per hour . \t~>} rcvd I I 1 1 i 1

I l Requ}re~n~ts_F_rg_r_Vol:...!l.___ __ ·- __ _ t- ___: -------1-- ___ _ j_ ., ____j

~ 143 i Circulating Tmtk, ln!.tantaneour. i.1Jtd Large Automatic 1 ' J I I L'
I l Storage Type \V;l~~· Hc:tters (! r provt\l RC(\Utrcmcnts I I I l I j
. LE_or Vol. _I~L ···-· ·.· _ ··-- -· _ _ .. .. .. _ ... i .U21.10J __.J__ __ -+--~ I' -+- j'
~ 144 c~rrune:.~~~l ~le~r~_c_f)..,_~W_£1_-~lCTS .. _ .. . . i ' --L--- : -
145 1 DrinkrnP W:- ~ t)Qh~r5 1 I 1 j' .
1 -·c
1 14~--~:~~~;::_-~:~d!:~/~:7•~::~'--~~<~r~~~~~:;ltl_k -~'nt~r. ~=-L-=---- _L _____ j - -
_ i- . j
j ____ ~j
Revised National Plumbing Code c:l ti·•e Philippines

!· I r-..- ~-- -- r I -,
I I I I I I I !
Item EM i ! I 01K£R ~I 1 I
!I No. IT( PNS ji A-"SI ASTM
[: rs ! IAPMO STANDARDs rso j REr.,...A.'iKS
l) ! (2) ; (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) !
LI I ! I
! IS~ I:~~~~;~~~~~~~I0rid~)-~~~) "or
i j' PoJyethylene {PE} Pressure Sens1t1ve Corrcston
=-- ; 1----·--+--"""·-[------
ii l
~ J
I/ ---+-! r- --i j
t PreventiveTape ! I [ ' r PS37 1 ,.
' , r 1---t- I
I; l,
i 160 rcieonouts i -r-: ! I I IT. I
1 _ i
1 A il2 36.2 ;
__L_ I. ! I ; Note 4 )
I 161 I ~~~:=;olyabylene (CPE) Sheeting for [ i j I i t I I I
0 4068
! 162 ~~mpress10n joints for Vitrified Clay Pq>e and ----~-·- i ----:- . ] ;
T---+-- _H, I -- --l
I r!.!_ttings I .! Lc 425 I _L,___1 ----- : ... _Nc-t~J
I !63 I i l I i i I I
~-<;£eQe!._ A!~.<?.Y. ~?:!!~ _f~st!ngs f9.! Gen~r~I~plication~_!___ _j_________ ;..J3 58£1_ __________ ,_;---+---------- ~____ ! ~?!~ 2 __ ·
l 164 ~-~~~~~~Strip_:_£~at..e and_~oHed Bar +------L-·----~l-~-_2---f-----·~--- . --·---·- ·- 1 ______ 1
j I b5 ! Drshwa~her Ornm Airg2ps ~ i _ I +- ! P~ 23 1 _ • ~ j _ _j
1166 !~s~ts ~~~~;~::~;:crete Sewer and Culvert Ptpe, ! t j C ~ i J [ f I
-----~-----· -----~---- ---t----~--~L----·- ---r---..+----·--1
l67 i General Requirements for Steel Sheet. Zinc Ccated j j ! j i I ! 1 i
;_(Galvanized) bythc Hot Dio PiOcess 1 U...525 j ,__l_. ____ ·+----·--~-t~---·-·-.i
1 l 68 ~ Lead-Free Sealing C?._t::P.our!~ for TI_!_rcaded Jc~___l , ! ! _________ j___~_~}_~_.L-_ _.1.-~----__!

[-r-------- ---~--··- I I I 1 1 -·-----l
'~ llJ)M I p~s A. ~SI J \ I ASTM J rs ISO I REMARKS
<2> P> i (4) . (5) (6> (7) (8) 1 (9)
!l IAPMJI ST~!:Os i!
--- -----------~--- -1--
. ------~·------4---------~----~-------- -4-
I I i
169 l Low Pr~sure Air Test for Bt.O.i!ding Sewers I i l , I I I j r
1 (Installation) . .
170 r Plpe Hangers and Supports-Matcnals, Design and
· .
i A.:\:SLIMS
IS ~--------1---~-----
! ; : ~
: Maintenance 1 ; SSP~----~ I --J
l I_ ._ _.1__-+!_ _ _
17 t ~J>Iant -~lied Protective Pipe Coatings ' __ .L___ ~ __ ' PS 22 1 I _ t
172 I Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plz.stic Flexible i f • T ! 1 I
l .~9f'IC~Ied Water - Containment Membrane - -- ! ___ __j_D 45 51 I I I ! r

173 r Polye.ltylene Encasement Sleeve for Ponable \Vater I I i i ±i I !

~ Pipe and Tubing . ---·--- ___! I I I PS 34 _
+- I ____!
174 ~ ~r~£ab':Jcatcd Septic ~anks . I I .__ __,_J_ l PS 1 ~ --r 1
175 : Protect!vety .Coated Ptpe (lnstallatton) I j - I I : rs 13 ' l I __J
L-Rub~er Gaskets for ~ast Iron Soil Pipe and Fitth"'lgs J__ ! ; C 5M 1 ' I i I l
I 77 ~_Rubber Rio.:;s for Asbestos-Cement PiP.e : , ___ Q.J.?69 j ··-- · - - --+----+-;_ _ __
: I 78 i Solder, Tin AHoy; Lead Tm Alloy; and Lead Alloy I i ! i i j j
L_ .. ____;_(and Flu:" ..Jl£e AC_Qn.JY.> I ______(_ _____ _i_~_1Ll_~:~7I e_j_____l I _ , l _ __ _

1. Limit(".~ ~-,J ,_~· ~:-:estic u.sage 5. PDI Standard G 101 by reference .

2. Alloy CS5200 for cteanout plugs 6 Limited nylon rruterial only.
Typt' E 'Jnly
4. Att.!;c~;~T) t~is St?Jld.'U"d(s) is referenced in rl:o.:: table, 1n..1terials net listed
\Vith the bureau of product stand:1:rd.s (BPS) shall ned the apprOfJriate
approvnl or Phi1. N:::6onal Standard (PNS)

Quality and wmghts of Materials, Plumbing Ma\enal• and ~eteronced S\anclard•

I ~--·- \ ~ ---- ---~·-----~-·-~ I ~~ -··---~

D Item I ITEM i I , I I omr.R I I
l 0 (l I (2) . (3 ) i (4) I (~ (6) I (7) '! (R) I (9) l
0 I
! ! I ! ! i
!I I i
I 147 I Home Laundry, Eq~ipment (Plumbing R~quirements I ~· ANSI/AH ! ~ ---· 1 - --~------..- 1 : •

I 'I For) AM ! l 1 I I I 1
I ' 0 ! HLW-2 PR ! ! ~ .
!48 l Household Commercial and Port.'lble Exchange Water 1 ! --~----1---·---~-----·---·!woA-S- IOOr· !
L~-~fteners . . . I-- ; ! +-· . j _ ! _ ;
149 : Househ9ld and Commerctal Water Filters 1-----+- 1 ; __ ' : \vQA S-200 ! _J
!50 ~ Household Dishwashers j : : ! l!L 749 .J
151 ·: Household Dishwashers (Drain Hose) · 1 , : AHA..\1 D'vV-1 1
i ANSIIAH I 1"·- -- i - - - --.
152 ! Ho~schold Dishwashers (Plumbmg Requirements I' ~M DW· l I j 1 I
L£oq _ 2PR I • 1 _ __ ' ·-· ---+---

! I . I I ! I I
!53 j ~~uscho~~ectric Storage Tank \~ater Heaters : ! . ._J_ L . _.lI _ _j[L 174 J j ·-·-~
!54 IHousehold Food Waste Dt£Poser Vmts (Phmbmg 1 1 ANSVA.H 1 [ i I I l
ReqUirements For) I ! A.~ ! ' 1 /

I . ! FWD-2PR i ! 1 • : I

155 i Ice Makers ··-- - I ,i· I . J! l lJL 563 . ·-· r---l,f---- --'1
I I 1 I : 1
I I I . I I I
I • I ! I ' .
156 . Motor (};•::~.,:·::' Pomps I I I l ! ~ 77~l ! ~
157 r Ot~ Ftred \\o att:. :.:::' ·.... s . I . ! --L---~ ··-}-- --- UL 73_ I I --I
: 158 I Pomt-Of-Use L<.r,:.r Pr~ssure Rf.>verse Osmos1s I' J i j I ! I J!
I l.Pri}lking Water . ·-··- · _____j__ I ..._L [ WQA_S30o __...~..:_ _ ...____ _ _



Because of the variable conditions encountered, it is impractical to lay down

dt>finitc detailed mles of procedure for determining the sizes of water supply
pipes in an appendix which must necessarily be limited in length.

The following is a suggested order of procedure for sizing the water supply

A.l Preliminary Information

A 1.1 Obtain the necessary information regarding the mtrumum daily service
pressure in the area where the building is to be located.

A 1.2 If the huilding supply is to be metered, obtain information regarding friction

Joss relative to the rate of flow for meters in the range of sizes likely to be
used. Friction-loss data can be obtained from most manutacturers of water
meters. friction losses for disk type meters may be obtained fmm
Chart A-1.



62.0 ··-
- ·.-
!'>5. 1
40 2
~1 3
"'"'u 34 5
0> 27.6 ..
li!IJ 7

0! "l<'!<n qM
•· N M ,.., VI u)

now - t IIOIS pOl Sccullll

A 1.3 Obtain all available local infonnation regarding the use of differ<.::.• ~ lends of
pipe with respect both to aurability and to decrease in capacity with length
of service in the particular water supply

t\.2 f)f:MAND LOAU

A 2.1 Estimate tht~ supply demand for tht! building main and the prindpal
branches and riser:; of 1he system by totaling the fixture units on ea~n,
Tabk. A-l, and then by reading the conc~~)omJing mJinate from Chart A-2
or :\-3, whi~hevt.:r is applicJ,bic.

A.2.2 Estilllate continuous supply demand-.: in liters per second for lawn
sprinklers, air conditiom~rs, etc, and add th~ sum f.o the total demand fer
ti.xtures. The H'sult is tb<.~ cstimatc~1. mpply d:;:manJ ofthe building supply


A 3.1 De-;:ide what is the d~sirable

minimum pr!!ssurc that should be maintained
at tht! highest fixture in tht~ supply system. lf the highe:~t groul) of the
fDctures contains flushometer valves, the pressmt.~ fbr the gruup shou!J r:cl
tK! less th~m 10.3.42 kl,a. For flush lank wppli~-~. the availc..blc pr~ss•Jre
may not be less than 55.16 ld,a.

1\ 3.2 Octermine th~~ ch!val.ion in meter::; of the highest tlxture or group of

fixtures above the water (stre~~(} rm1in. Multipl}' thi~. difference ::1
elev:Hion by 9.79. The f(!Sn!t is in the loss in static prcs:;urc in kP:.1.

A J .3 Subtract the sum of foss in static pressure and the r.~rcsc;urc to b;

n:~intaincd at the highest fixture from th(~ average minimmn daily serv;c;
pn:ssun:. Tlw rc~ult wm be the presSUfi;! available f()r fridio:-1 Joss in th~
~~upply pipes, if no wah:r meter is used. (fa meter is io be installed, t~.~
fh,~tion loss in the meter for the estimated maxim:.lill dtm~nd shenld <'iS{l
be subtra\:ted fhlm the servke prcs~urc to dC'~(:n'iine the p:c.:::u!"~ lo~~
a vai lablt.~ for friction loss in the sup pi y pipes
"AnnexA' Rocomrnended Rulos for Slzing the
Wc:ter Supply Syst$ll1


Demand Weight of Fixtures in Wat~r Supply Fixture Units 1

Weight in Water Supply

Fixture tlnits·' {WSFU) Minimum Connections
Fi:dure Ty~e1 Private Public Cold W a ter Hot Water
reathtub 2 4 l3 13
reedpan was.her 10 25
jBuict 2 4 13 13
f(ombination sink and tray 3 13
Dental unit or cuspidor I
-- --· 13
Dental lavatory I 2 13 l3
Drinking fountain 1 2 10
Kitchen sink 2 4 l3 lJ
Lavatory 1 2 10 10
Laundry tray (I or 2 2 4 13 l3
'!lower, each head~ 2 4 13 13
~- . 4 1~
s;nk, serviCC 2 13 , .)

urin<ll. pedestal 10 25
Urinal (wall lip) s 13
Urina I sta II 5 lQ
Urmal with flush tank 3
wash smk, circular or multtple 2 13 13
(each ~et .~ets)
Water Closet:
Flushometer-t.ank 3 5 10 l
Flushomcter valve 6 10 25 I
Flush tank 3 5 10 I
i. For Sllf'ply millers like~~· lo impose c:ontimwus'i, <~.\'limate collii!IrUJU.\
supp~~' s!!.parate~vand add to tow/ demand.fiJrjlxtures.

/·orfixlure.'i 1101 listed, weighls may he as'illmeJ by compariiiK the fixlllre tu a

listed t.lllt' w~i"K wala in similar quanl ilies w1d ol similur r£1/e.'i.

3. l1u! Kin•n wt•ig hts au for total demandfor fixtures with hollt hot und co!u wate. ·
s11ppl1t'.\. The wd~:hts for maxinzum sepamte demond-; may be 1o.~en as se~·emy­
.fm ' (75) percenl ulth(' li.'itt•d demandfor 1he supfdy.

4. Shower m ·e r hmhwb Joes not aJdfixlure 1111il to xruup.

Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines


A /Iowanee in J.;quivaletrt Length of Pipe for Friction Loss

in Valves and Threaded rllling.~· •

Equivalent LeJtgtb of Pipe for Various Jl'ittin2.s

')()" 45° Coupling or

Diameter Standard Standard Standard Str.ught Run Gate Globe Angle
of fitting Elbow Elbow Tee '.Xt of Tee Valve Valve Valve
mctr.r mder meter meter mftcr meter meter meter
0. 1
O. l
0. j
4 .6
6l i 3.6
,..~~-M._ ·-
25.4 0.9 0.5 1.5 0.3 I
0.2 7.6 ~ 46 ---
31 8 1.2 0.7 l8 0.4 0.2 lOJi LU
'l8 l 15 0.9
7 - t~
6 --- 'l ___ i
50 8 2 I iLS
63 .5
2 .4
3 .6
101 6 43 24 6.4 (i 08 -3s :-L6..J...J
127 5.2 3 7.6 1.5 I ' 42.6 2l.3
152.4 6.1 3.6 9.1 1.8 1.2 50.2 1:..........2~.3
_,_ j

* A 1/owam:es are hased on non-rece.<ised threaded flttingv. Use one·ha!J (! 12) th~
a//tJu·tmcesfiJr reasscd threadedfilling.<; or ~·treamline solder fittings.
"Ann~ A" Reoomm!lnded Rules for Sizing tha
Water Sup()ly System

1\ 3.4 Determine the developed l'ength of pipe from the water (street) main to the
highest tlxture. lf close estimates are desired , compute with the aid of
1 abk A-2 !he equivalent length of pipe t()r all fittings in the line from the
water {slrcct} main to the highest ftxturc and add the sum to the developed
length. The pressure avtt ilable for friction · loss in kPa di vided by the
tk~vclopcd leugths of pipe hom the water (street) main to the highest
fl x'.ure, times one hundred ( lOO), will be the average permissible friction
lo sg per 30 4 11\. length or pipe.


A 4. l Knowing the permissible triction loss per 30.4 m of pipe and the total
demand, the diameter of the building supply pipe may be obtained from
Charts A-:t, A~ S, A~6, or A-7, whichever is applicable. The diarnctt:r of
pipe on or next above the coordin;Hc point corresponding to th~ est~ matcd
total demand and the pcrmis!'ibk fi·it.:tion loss will be the size needed up ~o
the first bran~h from the building supply pipe

A 4.2 If copper tubing or brass pipe is to be used for the supply piping, and if the
character of the water is such that only light changes in the hydmuli c
characteristics may be expcctt'd, Chart A-4 may be used.

A 4.3 Chart A~ S should be used fl>r ferrus pipe w:th only the most favon:h!e
\\atcr supply as •~ga:·ds corrosiun and cakinll. If tbc wate f is h ~d m
r..~ orrosivc, Charts A-6 or A· 7 wiil be applicat>le. For extremel y hard
wat(.' L it will be adv isabk~ to make additiotml all owance~; lor tht> red~.~~~•ion
of capacity of hot water Iincs in ~ cr v i cc


A 5. I Ttw rcquirrd size of branches aud risers may be obtained in the !-''.:
manner <~ S the building !;11pply by obtaining the demand load on Cillh
b1nnch or 1iscr and using tb·,~ permissible fri!..~ lionlpss compuwd :n S c~..:t ! o:!
A 5.2 Fi xture branches to the building supply, if they are sized for the same
pe·rmi~siblc thction loss per 30.4 m of pipe as the branches and ris:rs to
the highest level in the building, may lead to inadequate wate; supply to
the upper floo r of a building. This may be controlled by: ( 1) selecting the
sizes of pipe for the different branches so that the total friction los!\ in each
lower branch is approximately equal to the total loss in the riser, including
both friction loss and loss in static pressure; (2) throttling each such
branch by means of a valve until the pre~ed ing balance is obtained~ (3)
}n,·.rcasing the sizt~ of the building supply and risers above the minimum
rcqui•·ed to meet th~ maximum permisstble frit~tion loss.

A 5.3 The size of branches and mains servi ng flushomcter tanks shall be
consistent with sizing procedures for flu5h tank water closets.


f\. 6 . 1 Velocities shall not exceed 3 m/sec of the maximum values given in the
appropriate installation Standard, except as otherwise eppro"ed by the
Administrative Authority.

A 6.2 If a pressure reducing valve is used in the building supply, the develop-'::d
length of a supply piping and the pennissible friction loss Rhould be
computed from the building side of the valve.

A 6.3 The allowances in Table A-2 for fittings are t; ~~:!~ on nonreces~
thrcadt~d fittings. For recessed threaded fittings and ~treamlined soldered
fittings, one ( ~ 2 ) the allowances given in the table will be ample.

A7 F.:XA!\1PLE

A 7. i Assu me an oflice building of four (4) stories and basement: pressure on

the building side of the pressure reducing valve of 379 kPa (after an
allowance for reduced pressure ..fall off" at peak demand)~ an elevation of
highest fixtu re above the pressure reducing valve of 13.7 m n developed
length uf pipe from the pressure reducing valve to the most distant fixture
of 60.8 m and fixtures to be installed with flush valves for water clo.l:!ts
and stall urinals as tallows:

"Ann~ A· Rocommgndod Rules for Slz:lng the
Water Supply Systam


,.. ____ _,...... _..._...• ........_.---.

- Ki nd of
O~di~ .~~. "'"·"~~._•.,....~
No. of
Fhtu rt-s


Li~eJ'3 per
No. of
U•·a.!!!:,h to hoHutf'r supply

Fixt u res Fixture Units

Liten p~r

wter c!,2sets
- 130 !)00
.J •

. I.s
10wer Heads

48 -- 12

11 X 4 X .75 = 36 __
. ........Us
Lwatoltcs JJO 260 130 130 x2x .75=195 12 3 Us
'7.':-\·icc SHtks
.. ....... 27
- 106 27 27 x 4 x .75 = 8 l S. l Lis j
. -· . ---·\..- 1,866
19 7 Lis 312 6.7 Us
~_.._. .........

Allowing for 103.4 kPa at the highef.t fixture under the maximum d~mand of 19.6 Lis, the
pressure available fbr friction loss is found by the following:

JN · /103.-1; (13.7 x <J.8)/ ·f.f2.3kl'a

Th(; .:llowable fi'iC"tion loss per J0.4 m of pipe is therefore:

30. .f x J./2. 3 -t 60.H · 7J.1 kf>a

!f the pipe material and w:1ter supply ?.re such that Chart A-5 applies, the required
diameter of the t>ui !J ing supply is 76.2 nun and the required diameter ofth·~ branch to the
hot water is 50.8 mm.

The ~izcs uf the various branchc~ ami risers may be dctcrminerl in the same mann(·r c:; the
size pf the building supply or the brunch to the hot waler sy~tcm by e;:,tima titlg tile
demand for the or branch from Cbar~s A-2 or A-3, and applying the tete:! dtii~~ud
estimate from the ~ranrh , riser or section th~reut: to the appropri<!te flo's ch ~!;L

Re-.i sed National Plumbing Cede ~ the Philippines


Estimate Curves for Demand Load


I ''

c ..
0 ..
- ''

Ill I
iU 18.9 ..
:3 . -.
I . . .. . .. . ' .

. . . ... .
:aE . -'
0 12.6
.. . . . . . ..
' .

.. ..

: 1

-. .
- .- 1 .' J
· · · No. 1 tor syulam predomh,nnlly lor tlushornetcr val ves

No. 2 for system prod\Jmlnnnlly lor flush tanks

I· ..

" ..

. .'

2000 2500 ~000

Re..;ornmer.ded Rules for Sizing tht'
Water Supply Sy::;torn


Fnlarged Scr1le Demand Load

ft.l(turc Units


0 20 40 GO 00 100 120 1'10 160 tHO 2UO 220 240

Revi&ed Nation~l Plumbing Code at the Philippines


Friction Loss - 32.9 Pa/rn

r--------,~~~~~~~T.:"':,-TT"Tt"'~~::r":"""::~'T'"'r.:t""T"I"T1 630.0
Smooth Pipe 504.0
Type M - - - - 378.0
TweL - - -- JISO
lype K - --- 2!>2.0
189 (l

1Ztl 0

•-r-.,-, ..,., 25 2



2 .5


.....__ .. _., A 0 0.&


( ft Q) co
..:; .,; ·-: ........ "' ..,'"
n ~
'" "' - . ...
...... ao M " ' C>
"' ~
Friclio11 Loss - 32.!J Po./m

·Ann~x A" i :~·::om mended Rules for Sizing th~
Wab~r Sl;pply Sys~em


Fri:;t:.,n Lo,;s- 32.9 Palm

•..0 ~ ~·~ " t· M o:h ~ t• :.::J u-, V N C

(S; Ol <. ~ tr. ~~• •6 t'i ·~• .Yi ..... ...:· •· t·~ tr\
• • - •· ( ~1 0 ., u.) Ol r-.. I.D 17 ,. \ J
·- •.. "'J ·.·:

Revised Na~ ~mal Plumbing Code cf the Philippines

C IIA RT A -(~

Friction loss - 32.9 Palm

---------r!"""""n--~-r-...,'"T",-,"'"T"Tr<:!"T'"'--"'T""-r--r-"!I"''...,..,I'T'1 630.0
Faf,fy Rough 378 0
3 15.0


!)0 4

37 .8
3 1.5
<15 .2






Ffic\lon LOS$- 32.9 Palm

"Ann~:~:x A"
HeccmfTll')l'lded Rules for the
W ater Supply System


Fri(.htm Loss .. 3?. .9 Palm


. 12:30

'II (:.J ll
50 4
25 2



f. rtt:tion Lo ss ·- :l2.9 f'ail!l

Appendix B


B. I Private Sewagr Disposal {General)

Where permitted h~' the rules and reguiations of the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR), the bt;ilding sewer may be connected ~o a private
sewage disposal S)stcm complying with the provisions ofthis appendix. The type
of syst;:m ~ bail be dNermincd en the ba':>i ~ of location, soil porosity, and ground
water level and shall be Jesign~d to r ~cci ·~· e all sewage from the propert y The
system, c:xcepr as othe;v.;isc 'lppr\)veJ, :>hall consist uf a septic tank with efllutrit
discharging into a suh:mrface disp ()~a l field , into on~ (I) or more seepage pits ••r
into a combina1ioa ot" ~ub surfat~c disposiil f11.:kl and scepag(; pits

B.2 Capacity of Septic f auks

The liquid capacity of all septic tanks shall confonn to Tables B-2 and B~3 as
determined by the number of bedrooms or apm1ment units in dwelling
occupancies and the estimated w.-tstclscv.age design flow rate or the number of
plumbing tix.<ua~ units as Jetermint:d fh.)m Table 7-2, whichever is greater in
other building occupancies. I he capacity of any one septic tank and its
system shall he limited by the soil structure classification, as specified in
Table B-5.

B.3 Art'a of Disposal li'ieids and Seepage Pits

B 3 l The minimum cftec.tivc absorption are<! in disposal fields in m2, and in

seepage pits in m2 of side wall, shall be predicated on the required septic
tank capacity in liters and/or estimated waste/sewage flow rate, whidh~ver
is grcatt>r, and shall ccnform to Table B·4 as determined for the type of
soil fou nd in the excavation, and shall be as fo llows:

B1 1 When disposal fields are installed, a minimum of 14 m2 of trench

bottom shall be provided for each system exclu~ive of any hard
pan, rock, clay. or other impervious formations. Side wall :?.rca in
exce!.is of the required 304 .8 mm and not to be exceed 0! 4.<· mm
bekJ\~· the leach line may be addt>:d to th..: treneh hotto:n ru ~;;. v:htn
('Omputir.g absorption areas.

Revised Nationai Plumbing Code of the Philippines

B 3.1 2 \V here lead1ing beds au.~ pl'tmittcd in lieu of trenches, the area of
each su~h bed shall be at lcasl tilly (SOj percent greater than the
tubular requirements tor trenl:hcs. Perimeter side wall area in
excess of the requir"~d JO·lX mm and not to exceed 914.4 rnm
bclt)W the leach line may be :1ddcd to tht' trench bottom area when
r~)mput i ng absorption a rt~a s

B 3.1 3 No excavation for a leach line or leach bed shall extend within I 5
m of the watt~r table nor to a d~:pth where sewage may contaminate
the underground water stratum that is usable for domestic
JHII poses.

L.\H'ptioll~t: In an•as where the records or data indicah• that lhl!

}.!1'01111<1 J.:ros.\ly JeJ.;radeJ, the I. 5 m scptlration
lWJli!r are
requiremenl may he reduced hy the Administmlive Authoriz}'. lhe
app/inml sha/1 .mpp~l' t>l'ic/f'IICe! (!f }!.WII!IJ water depth to the
. o(lhe
. Adminislralir!! Awhorit~·. -
B J.14 The minimum effective aLsorption area in any seepage pit shall be
calculated as the excavated side wall area below the inlet exclusive
of any hardpan, rock, clay, or other impervious formations.

The minimum required area of porous formation shall be provided

in one or more seepage pits. No excavation shall extend within 3 ·
m of the water table nor to a depth where sewage may contamina!c
underground water stratum that is usable tor domestic purposes.

F...l:ccptioll.~: In areas what' the re<"ord<i or data indicate Ihat the

xmund walas are gross~r degraded, fhe 3 m S<~paration
rt'tJlliremelll 1111~}' be reduced hy lhe Admmt.'ilrati~·e Autlwri~}'.

lhl' upplic:unt shall supp~r el'iden,:c ~~r ~round water dqJih to the
sali.~/act ion of the Administn 11i \'(' A mlwrity.

UA t•t>rcolation Tt'St

B 4.1 Wherever practicable, disposal tidd and seepage pit sizes shall be
computed from Table U-4.

B 4.2 In order to determine the absorption qualities of questionable soils

other than those in Table B-4, the proposd site shall be
sub_iectn.i to pcrrolation tl'!->ls a~.x:cpl:ihlc to the /v.iministre~ti-.r;

Private Sewaoe Disposal Sy::>tems

lJ.S Sfptic Tank Cur~stm<"liou

B 5.1 Plans for all septic t:.Ulks 5hall be submitted to the Administ~ative
Authority for apprw.ral. Such plans shdll show aH dimen8ion,
rcinfordng, strudmal cakulations, and su.;.;h other pertinent data as
may b(; required.

I3 5.2 Septic tanks design shall bt~ such as to pnduce a clarified eflluent
con-;.istent with accepted standards and shall provide adequate
spa(:e. for sludge and scum accumulations.

13 5.:1 Septic tanks shall be constructr-d of solid durable materials, not

subject to exce:;si ve corrosion or decay and shall be watertight.

B 5.4 Septic tanks shall have a minimum ~)r two (2) compartments. The
iHlet compartment of any septic tank sh:tll be not less than two-
thirds (2/3) of the total capacity of the tank, nor less than 2 m3
liquid capacity, <l.nd shall he at least .9 m in width and 1.5 m in
length. Liquid depth sh~ll be nN less than .6 m n0r more than 1.8
m. the sccomiat y compart mr-nt of a11y septic tank shaH ha vc u
minimum capacity of 1 m3 and a maximum capa·: ity of one-
third ( l/3) of th.; tota: eapat:ity of such tan!<. ln septie l !~nks h~tvi ng
over {) m caparity, the secondary compatiment may be not le:;s
than 1.5 min lengih.

B 5.5 Access to each septic tank shall be provided by at least two (2)
manholes 508 mm in minimum dimension or hy an equivalent
removable cover slab. One access manhole shall be located over
th~~ inl et ~ nd one (I) acct:ss manhole shall be located over the
outlet. Wherever a first compartment exe;eeds 3.7 min length, ail
addithnal manhole shall be provided ove; the baffie wall

B 5.6 The inlet and outlet pipe op~~nings shall be not less in size tha-.. the
co nnecting sewer pipe. The verticai leg of a round inlet an~ ~ oull<.' t
fittings shall not be kss in size than the conne::ting se·wt:er pi:;~
nor less than 104.6 mm. A baillc type fitting shall hov~ th-e
equivalent cross-sectional area of the conncctint; sewer pi:Je ~nj
not less than a l 06.6 mm horizontal dimension \vhen me:a~.Jr~ c! <>t
the inlet and outlet pipe invet1s

Revis9d Natior;al Plumbing Code of the Philippinets

B 5.7 The inlet and outlet pip~ or baffie shall extend 101.6 mm above
and at least 304.8 mm below the water surface. The invert of the
inlet pipe shaH be at a level not Jess than 50.8 mm above the invert
of the outlet pipe.

B 5.8 Inlet and outlet pipe fittings or baffies, and compartment partitions
shall have a free vent area equal to the required cross-sectional
area of the house sewer or private sewer discharging thereinto to
provide tl'ce ventilation above the water surface from the disposal
field or seepage pit through the septic tank, house sewer, and ~lack
to the outer air.

B 5.9 The side walls shall extend at least 228.6 mm above the liquid
depth The cover of the septic tank shall be at least 50.8 rum above
the back vent openings.

B 5 tO Partitions or baffles between compartments shall be of solid

durable mat~rial and shall extend at least 101.6 mm above the
liquid !evel. An inverted fitting equivalent in size to the tank inlet,
but in no case less than J04 6 mm in size, shall be installed in the
inlet compartment side of the batlle with the bottom of the fitting
placed midway in the dt!pth of the liquid. Wooden barnes are

13 5.11 Each such tank shall be structurally designed to withstand a!l

anticipated earth or other loads. All septic tank covers shall be
<.~apahlc of supporting an earth load of not less than 14 4 k Pa when
the maximum coverage does not exceed 9 m.

B 5.12 Septic tanks installed under concrete or black top paving shall have
the required manholes accessible by extending the I!'anhole
openings to grade in a manner acceptable to the Administralive

3 5. t 3 Matrrials

B 5.13.1 Concrete Sl'Jltic Tanks

All concrete septic tanks shall be protected from corrosion by

coating with an approved bituminous coating or by other
acceptable means. The coating shall extend to at least 101.6 mm
below the water line and shall cover all of the internal area above
that poi IlL
"Anne-x 8'
Private Sewage Disposal Syste;r.:>

u 5..13 .2 Stul Srptic Tsmks

The minimum wall thickness of any steel tank shall be No. 12 U.S.
gauge (. l 09) (2.8 mm) and each such tank shall be protected from
corrosion, both externally and internally, by an approved
bituminous coating or by other acceptable means.

u5.13.3 Altcrnnlt> Matt>

(a) Septic tanks constn1cted of alternate materials may be

approved by the Administrative Authority when complying
with approved applicable standards.

(b) Wooden septic tanks are prohibited.

8 5. t3.4 Prefabricated Septic Tenks

(a) Manuf.'lcturd or prefabricated septic tanks shall comply

with all approv(~d applicable standards and be approved by
the Administrative Au thority.

(b) Independent laboratory tests and engineering calculations

certifying the tank capacity and structural stability shall be
provided as required by the Administrative Authority.

B.6 Disposal Fields

B 6.1 Dist ribution lines shall be constructed of clay tile laid with open
_joints, perforated clay pipe, perforated bituminous tiber pipe,
perforated high density polyethylene pipe, perforated ABS pipe,
perfiH'ated P\'C pipe, or other app:oved materials, prov ided that
suttkient openings arc available for distribution ofthe effluent i;1to
the trench area.

B 6.2 lkforc placing filter material or drl.lin lines in a prepared

excavation, :-tli smeared or compacted surfaces shall be removed
from trenches by raking to a depth of 25 4 mm and the loose
material removed. Clean stone, gravel, slag. or simi'a: filter
material acceptable to the Administrative Authority, varyi ng in
si7e from 19.1 mm to 6.1. 5 mm shall be placed in the trench !<> the
depth and grade required by thiR
Revised ~tiona! Plumbing Cede of the Philippines

section. Drain pipe shall be placed on filter material in an

approved manner. Th~ drain lines shall then be covered with filter
material to the minimum depth requi1cd by this section and this-
covered with untreated building paper, straw, or similar porou3
material to prevent closure of voids with earth backfill. No earth
backfill shall be placed over the filter material cover until atler
inspection and acceptance.

13 6.3 A grade board staked in the trench to the depth of the filter
material shaH be utilized when distribution line is constnacted with
drain tile or a ncxible pipe material which will not maintain
alignment without continuous support.

B 6.4 When seepage pits are used in combination with disposal fields,
the filter material in the trenches shall terminate at least 1.5 m from
the pit excavation and the line extending fr·om such points to the
seepage pit shall be approved pipe with watertight joints.

B 6.5 Where two (2) or more drain lines are installed, an approved
distribution box of sufficit>nt size to receive lateral lines shall be
installed at the head of each disposal field. The inverts of all
outh.~ts shall be level and the invert of the inlet shall be at kast 25.4
mm above the outlets. Distribution boxes shall be dcsigntd to
insure equal flow and shall be im;tal!ed on a level concrete slab in
natural or compacted soiL
Distribution boxes shall be coated on the inside with a bituminous
coating or other approved method acceptable to the Administrative
n 6.6 All laterals from a distribution box to the disposal field shall be
approved pipe with watertight joints Multiple disposal field
laterals v. .·herever practicable, shall be of uniform length.
B 6.7 Connections between a septic tank and a distribution box shall be
laid with approved pipe with watertight joints on natural ground or
cc)mpactcd till.
B 6.8 When the quantity of sewage exceeds the amount that can be
disposed in 152.4 lineal meter of each line, a dosing tank shall be
used . Dosing tanks shall be equipped with an automatic siphon or
pump which discharges the tank onct.~ every three (3) or four (4)
hours. The tank shall have a capacit y equal to sixty (60) to
~evt:nty-livc (75) percent of the interi<.1r capacit y of the pipe to be
dl )~cd at one time. Where the total length of pipe exceeds 304.8
lineal meter the dosing tank shall b~ pr~nided v.·!th two (2) siphons
or pumps dosing alternately and each sen:ing one-half (1/2) of the
leach iield.
"An!iex W
Privata S~w~:~N Disposal Sy st~rr.s

0 6 <) l.>ispum{.Ji.dd-, sh!lll be c. <m.<:tmclt~d a.\ fo!!oll's:

l\tiuimum MaJ~..immn
Number of lines per field
I. cnglh of end• line 30.5 mm
Uuitom width of !il.!lldt 457.2 mm 914 .4 mm
Spaciug of liaL~:- . l 'L: lllet -tll-ccnter l.S nun
Depth dearth ...~,J'I-t:f of line:>
tpn~ferrcd (457 2 umi}l 304 .8 mm
Grade of lin l~S lt:! vd 25 mm/ m
Filter mah~iialundcr drain lines J04.8 mrn
Filter m:uu'i::ll O\'(.'r drain lint~s SO.8 fllnl

rvl.inimum s p;~cin g between lrt~nches \)r kach:ng hcds shall be 1.2 Ill plus 6 nt for
each additior;al .\ m of depth in cxce~s of .J m bdo,,. the lK,ttom of the drain line.
Distribution dram line:; in lea~hing beds shali be more than 1.8 m apart on centers
and no part of the perimeter of the leaching bed sh<dl be mNe than .9 m from :.~
distribution drain li11e. Disposal fields, 1n.~nclws and lca~~hing beds shali nut be
pav~d ovN 01 rovl'Jt::J by toncrcl.t.' -~ ~ anv material that ~·;HI reduce or in h! bit an:;
possihk cv~polationnL.;:.::wr.! dllut:nl

13 6.10 When nccl!ssar:v on sloping ground to pn~vt~nt excessive line s!epe, lcat;h lines or
kach beds sili:ll be stepped . The lines hctwt!cll cadt hmi.t.ontal sct,;tiun sh;:dl be
1na<k with wah.'rtigln juinls and sh:dl he dc:,iglli.:d so ca(:h horizontal lc~arhin!;
trench or bed :-ha!! be utili/cO to the maxiauum capacity bet(m• the efllucnt .::lwll
pass 11.1 the nt':-:.t lm·ver leach iine nr bnl. The litt c~ bet vieeit each ho rizun tdl
leaching s<:ction ~ h:dl he mudc with approv<."d watertight joi nts and installed on
n:-~tura1 or unfilkd ground.

B 7. 1 The C<lpacity of st'rpagc pits shall bl~ based on the quantit y of liquid waste
di$ch;;ugi ng thl·reintu, a11cl •>n tk~ d1aractcr and porosity of the surrou nding
soil and sh;ll l conform to s~..·c tion IL~ nfthis .'\ppendi:-<.

B 7.2 i'-1ultipl.c Sl'~pa~!e pit install atintlS shall be st~rvl~d through an appro ved
distribution h<lX or he cnnnt·oed in S(~ries b\!J means of a water !ir-'J ht
com1c\.'tion L1id nn undisturbed (If' cumpactell soil, the outlet trvm the pit
shall ha\'l' au approved vented leg titting ex.tc11ding :•.t le:!st 304 8 mrn
hdow the inlet litting.

B 7 .1 Fa ~.:h seepage pit shall be circular in slwpc and r,h,\11 have (Ill excav?. :. ~ d
d1 an ~ ctrr of not less than 2.2 m. Eat~h such pit sh~!l l'~ lin ed wit h
<!ppro·• ('d iype whole new hard bumt~d clay bri ck. concrd c brick, w;;crct~
ci 1n liar t y p~' ~T~SJl{ lul blovks, or o1 iH:r·apJllu\·t.·rl matt' riab App10val ~.hall
Revised Nationl!l Plumbing Code of the Philippines

be 0htaineJ prior to construction f()r f\ny pit having an excavated diameter

greater than 1.8 m.

B 7.4 The lining in every seepage pit shall be laid on a firm foundation. Lining
materials shall be placed tight together and laid with joints staggered.
Except in the case of approved type pre-cast concrete circular sections, no
brick or block shall be gr~.~ater in height than its width and shall be laid flat
to form at least a 101 .6 mm wall . Brick or block grea!er than 304.8 mm in
length shall have chamfered matching ends and be scored to provide for
seepage. Excavation voids behind !he bt ick, block, or concrete liner shall
have a minimum of 152.4 mm uf clean 19.1 mm gravd or rock .

B 7.5 All brick or block used in seepage pit construction shall have a minimum
compressive strength of 17225 kPa

B 7.6 Each s~epage pit shall have a minimum sidewall (not including the arch)
of 3 m below the inlet.

B 7.7 The arch or dome of an y seepage pit ma y be constructed in one of three


B 7.7. 1 Approved type hard burned clay brick , or solid concrete

brick, or block laid in cement mortar.

B 7.7.2 App!O\cd brick or block laid dry .

In both of the above methods. an approved cement mortar

(Overing of at l~a5t <iU S mm in thickness shall he applied,
said covt.~ring to extend at least \52.4 nun be yond the
sidewalls of the pit

D 7.7.3 Approved type on~:: or two piece reinforced concrete slab

of 17225 1\Pa minimum compressive strength, not less than
127 nun thick and designed to support an earth load of not
less than I9.2 kPa. Fach such cover shall he provided with
a 228.6 mm minimum inspection hole v.:ith plL!g or coYer
and shall be c.oatcd on the underside with an approved
bituminous or other non-permeable protective compound

(3 7.8 The top of the arch or cover must be at least 457.2 mm but
not more than 1.2 m below the surfa..:e of the ground.

B 7.9 An approved vented inlet fitting shall be provided in every

secpa~e pit so arrangeJ as tu prevent the inflow from
damaging the sid.:'"al1
·t...r.nex EJ" Privat-a oewege Disposal Systems

I:::n.·tpti1m: When w1ing a one or twu piece concrete slab cover

· mlet, jirti11g may he a one-fourth (1 14) bend fitting discharging
through an opening in the lop oj the slab cover. On multiple
setpaRe pit in...wllatiuns, the oufletfiuing shall be per Section Bi.2
~~f I his Appcmdix.

1J.8 Cesspools

(a) A cesspool shall be considered only as a temporary expedient pending the

constmetion of a public sewer, as an overt1ow facility when instaUed in
c.on.iunctinn with an existing cesspool, or as a means of sewage disposal
tor limited., minor, or temporary uses when first approved by the
Administrative Authority.

(b) Where it is established that a public sewer system will be available in less
than two (2) yt~ars and soil and ground water conditions are favorable to
cc..·sspool disposal, \~esspools without scpt.ic tanks may be instt~.Hed f(u
singk n:mily dwellings or fi.u otlwr limit<xi u::;cs when first approved by
the Administrative Authority.

(c) Ead1 C(.'sspooL when permitted, shall ct,nform to the construction

requin~tm~nts st~l tuTth in Se~tinn B 7 of this Appendix for sc<.:;page pits and
shall ha\'e a minimum sidcv.;all (1wt induding an;h) of (J.l m below the
inlet proYidcJ. howc\'cr, that hhcn a str~ta of gravel or equally pervious
material of I. 2 m in thid.ness is f(nmd, the d1..~pth of such sidewall llecd not
b:! 1~1or~ t hun J. I m bclov. the inlet

(d) When ovcd1ow cesspools or s•~~.:pagc

pits arc added to ex1c::tmg
installations, the cl1luent shall leaH~ tl1c existing pit through an approved
vented lt>g extending at lca~l 104 8 mm downward into such existing pit
and having its outkt flvw line al kast 152 4 n;m hdow the inlet. All pipe
bct•.vcc~n pits ~.hall be- laid with approved watertight joints

6.9 Conm1e1·cial or lndustri~ll Special Liquid \Vaste l>i~JlOsal

l3 Q t When liquid wastes containing excessive amounts of grease,

g•u bagc, llammablc wastes, sand, or other ingredicnt5 which n1ay
alTed the opel'ation of a private sewage disposal sy£tem, an
inlcrceptor fi)r such wastes shall be installed.

Revis~ Notional Plumbil1Q Code cf the Philippines

B 9.2 installation of such interceptors shall comply with Section I 008 of

this Code and their location shall be in accoi dance with Table B ~ 1
ofthis Appendix.

39.3 Sampling box shall be installed when required by the

Administrative Authority.

B 9.4 Interceptors shall be of approved design and be of not less than two
(2) compartments. Structural requirements shall be in compliance
with the appli cable suhpar1 s of B 5 of this Appendi x.

B 9.5 Interceptors shall be located as dose to the source as possible and

be acressii.Jie for servicing. AH necessary manholes for servicing
shall be at grade level and be gastight.

D 9.6 Waste dis\:harge from interceptors may be connected to a septic

tank or otlwr primary system or he disposed into a separate
disposal 5ystem.
Annex B"
Priv~te Sewags Disposal Systems

RECOMMENDED DESIGN CRITERIA. (formulo.e may be adapted to

other types of ocCUJ)artcies with similar wastes.)

Grease und Garbage, Commercial Kitchens

Number of Waste Retention Storage Interceptor
Meals per X i1ow x time x factor size (liquid
Peak hour rate capacity)

Saud-Silt Oil, Auto Wnshers

Number of \Va:)te Retention Storage lnt eri.~cptor
Vehicles X !low x time x fi1ctor si 7~ (liquiJ
per hour ratr capacity)

Silt ~ Lint Greas~. Laundries, LauntJa·om:ets

Number of 2 cydcs Waste Retention Storage Interceptor
rnachines x per hour x fl ll\Y x tin,e x Fi!ctor --- size (l iquid
raic capacity)

\Vaste Flow Rate

Sec Table B-3 o f this appl!ndix f(lr estimat ed fhw. rates.

H.etention Times
Commercial kitchen waste:
Dishwasher and/or disposal . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . 2.5 hours
Single service kitchen:
Single servirjg with disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . 1.5 hour3
Sand·silt ..oil . . . . . . . ..... . . .. . .. ..... .. . .. .. ........ . . . 2.0 hours
Lint-silt (laundrv) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . 2.0 hou rs
Slora ge Fil.dors
Fully t:quippeJ conuncrcial kitchen .. . . ....... .. ... . 8 hr. operation 1~
16 hr. operation: 2;
24 hr. operation: 3
Single service kitchen . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 15
Auto washers ... . . . . .. . ...... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . self~servc : 1. 5
employee operated: 2
Laundries, laundromat s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 (c!i!ows for rock filter)

Revise(J Na-~icnal Flumti:1~ Cod~ c1 tr.e Phi:ipplnes

U.lO lnspedion and Testing

n 10.1 inspection
B 10. 1 t Applicable provision of Section SOl of thi s Code and this
Appendix shall be complied with. Permits shall be required
per Section 100 of this Code.

B 10. 1.2 System components shall be properly identified as to

manufacturer. Septic tanks or other primary systems shall
have the rated capacity permanently marked on the unit

B 10.1.3 Septic tanks or other primary systems shall be installed on

dry, level, well-compacted soiL

B 10.1.4 If design is predicated on soil tests, the system shall be

installed at the same location and depth as the tested area.

n. 10.2 Ttsting
D 10.2.1 Septic tanks or other pdmary components shalt be filled
with water to flow tine prior to requesting inspection. All
seams or joints shall be left exposed (except the bottom)
and the tank shall remain watertight.

B 10.2.2 All flow test shall be perfonned through the system to the
point of etlluent disposal. All lines and components shall
be watertight. Capacities, required dr space, and fttt!~gs
shall be in accordance with the provisions set fmth in th!s

8.11 Abandoned Sewers nnd Sewage OiSI)osal Facilities

B 11.1 Every abandoned building (house) sewer, or p~ rt thereof,

shall be plugged or capped in ail approved t:~~n r:!r with:n
l . 5 m of the property line.

B 11.2 Every cesspool, septic tank, and seepage pit which has be~n
abandoned or has been discontinued otherwise from further
usc or to which no v.. aste or soi l pipe from a plumbinc'-':
fi xture is connected. shall have the sewage rcmove·i
therefrom and be completely filled with earth, sand, gravd,
concrete, or other appr\)ved materiaL

B 11 3 The top cover or arch over the cesspool, septic tank, 01

seepage pit shail be renlQved before filling and the filling

'Ar.<lCX B"

shall not extend abuvc the top of the vcnical p01tio ns of the
sidcwa!Js or above the level of any outlet pipe until
inspection has been called and the cc~;spoo l , septic tank, or
se•.;page pit has been inspected After such inspection, the
cesspool, sept ic tank. or seepage pit shall be fill ed to the
!cvd oithc top of the ground .

B 11.4 No person owning of controlling any cesspool, septic tank.,

or seepage pit, on the premi se3 of such person or in that
port ion of any public :>trect, alley, or other public propeny
abutting such premises, shall fai l, refuse, or neglect to
comply with the provisions of this section or upon receipt
of notice so l0 ~x~mply from the Department having

Illl.5 Where di sposa l t~t cilities are abandoned consequent to

conncding any premises with the public sewer, the
permittee making the connection shaH fill all abandoned
facilities as required by the Administrative Authority
within thirty (30) days from the time of connecting to the
public sewer.

1'.) 1
Revised Nation~! Plumbing Code of the Philippines

· ----------------------------,

Location SewaRe Disposal Svstem

Minimum Horiz.ontal
Oistance In Clear S~page Pit
ltequared From: BuildinE Sewer Sea,tic Tank Disoo~u\1 Fielt.l or <:es:'ipool ,.
l. Duildings or
structures .6m 1.5 m 2.4 m 2.4 m
.... Property line

adjoining private
property Clear~ 1.5 m ' l.5 m 2.4m,
J. Water supply wells 15.2 m 15.2 Ill 30.5 m 45.7
4. Streams 1.5.2 m 15.2 Ill tS.2 m 30.5 m
5. Trees - 3m - 3m
6. Seepage pits or '
cesspools - 1.5 m l.Sm 3.7 m
7. Disposal field - l.S m 1.2 m 1.5 m ·-~
8. On site domestic
water service line s 1.5 m
.3m 1.5 m 1.5 m
9. Distribution box - 1.5 m 1.5 m
!0. Pressure public
water main 3m 3m 3m 3m
\Vhcn disposai fields and/or seepage pits are installed in sloping ground. the
minimum horizontal distance between any part of the leaching sy~tem and ground I
surface shall be 4.6 m. ~~
1. Including porches and steps, '\\'hether covered or uncovered, breezeways, roofed
porte-cocheres, roofed patios, carports, cove! cd walks, covered driveways and,!·
similar structures cr appurtenances.
2. See also Section 314 of this Code. I
3. All drainage piping shall clear domestic water supply wells by at least 15.2 rn.,
This distance may be re~uced to not less than 7 .6 m when the drainage piping is .
constructed of materials approved for use within a building. l
4. Plus .6 m for each additional .3m of depth in excess of .3m below the bot!om oft
the dr<1in line. (See also Section ll 6). I
5. See Section 1208 of this Code. I
6. For parallel construction - For crossings, approval by the Ad mi nistrative I
Authority shall be required.
7. These minimum clear horizontal distances shall also apply bct\he~n dispo.::.:; 1
field, sct~page pits, and the ocean mean higher high tide line.
------.:.-~~~-.;.._.--------......t:..._~~....;...;_ ____ I

•Annex 8" Pr:·,ate Sev..age Disposal Syst~m s

T ABL}: B-2

Capadty of Septic Tanks*

- Minimum
Single Family Multiple Dwelling Other Uses: Septic Tank
owcllings - Number Units or Maximum Dra inage Capacity in
of Bedrooms Apartments -· One Fixture Units (DFU)
Bedroo m Each Served per Table 7-2 Ga llons (liters)

I or 2 15 750 (2838)
3 20 1000 (3785)
4 2 Units 25 1200 (4542J
S or 6 3 33 1500 (5677.5)
4 45 2000 (7570)
5 55 2250 (8 5 16 3)
6 60 2500 (9462.5)
7 70 2750 (104(18 .8} I

8 80 3000 _{11 355)

9 90 3250 (12301.3)
10 100 3500 l (! 3247.5 )_
Extra bedroom, 567.8 titers each.
Extra dwell ing units over 10, 946.) liters each.
Extra fixture units over 100, 94.6 liters per fi xt ure unit.

*Note: Septic tank sizes in t his table include sl udge storage capacity and the
("omtcction disposal of domestic food waste units without further vo lume increas_e.
RevlseJ N;Jtion<"ll Plumbing Code of the Philippines


F:stimated Waste/Sew:tge Flow fhtcs

Because of the many variables encountered, it i<; not possible to set absolute values ·
for waste/sewage flow r~\tes f(lr all situations. The designer should evaluate each
situation and, if ligures in this table need modification, they should be made with the
eoncurre11ce l ) f the Administrative Authority.
Type of Occupancy Liters Per Day
I. Airports . ...... .. .. .. .. .. ... . . .. . ... . . .... . .. . . 56.8 per employee
t 8.9 per passenger
2. Auto washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . Check with equipment manufacturer

...: . Bowling alleys (snack bar only) 283 .9 per lane

4. Camps:
Campground with ceutral comfort station . . . . . . . . . . . 132.5 per person
With flu sh toi lets, no shmvers ....... ... . ...... . ... . . 94.6 per person
Day camps (no meals served) .. . .... .. ... . . ... . . . . . 56. 8 per person
Summer and seagonal .... ..... .. . . ..... ... ..... . 189.3 per person

S. Churches (Sancf.uary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.9 per seat

6. Dance halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 18.9 per person ~

7. Fac to1 ics

.. No showers . . .... ..... . 94.6 per employee
·With showers . . . . . . . . . 132. S per employee
Cafeteria, add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . I 8.9 per employee
8. I lo~pitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . ...... . ... ....... . .
Kitchen •..vaste only . . . . . .. ... . .. . .. . . ... . . . .. . .
9·16.3 r~r bed
9·t 6 per bed
Laundry waste only . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ .. . .. . .
15 1.4 per bed
Hotels {no kitchen waste) 227. I per bed (2 person)
"Annex n· Private Se'Nage Disposal Systems

( 'o11tinuation:
·-- --
L-~·~·~•Jl~>~~o~f~()~!~c~u~~~a~n~r)~·~---------------------------,~------r.=Li~!!!~~~a~ .
10. Institutions (Residents/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.9 per person
Nursing hom~ . .. . . .. .. .... .. ... .. .... .. ... .. . 473.1 per person
Rc~t home . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . .. .. .... .. ... . 473 .1 per person
11 . LaundriP.s, self-service
(minimum lO hours per day) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.3 per wash cycle
Comrnerciat .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . ..... . Per manufacturer's specifications
12 Motel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.3 per bed space
With kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227.1 per bed space
13. Ofliccs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.7 per employee
14. Parks, mohilc ho mes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946.3 per space
Picnic parks (toilets only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.7 per parking space
recreational vehicles ·-
without hook-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.9 per space
with water and s~wcr hook-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378.5 per space
15. Restaurants··- cafeterias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.7 per employee
Toi let . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.5 per customer
Kitchen waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.7 per meal
Add for garbage di sposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 per meal
Add fo r cocktail lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 per customer
Kitchen waste ...
Disposable service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 per meal ~~.,

i6 Schools - Stair and otlice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.7 per person ~

Elementary students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56. 8 per person
lnt ~rmcdiate nnd high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.7 per student
With gym and sh,)wcrs, add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 8. 9 per studcat ;
With cafetcri~ add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4 per student ,
Boarding, total waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378.5 per person :J·· 1
!7. Scrv1ce . stauon,
. tm'l ets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3785 10r C'.
1·!;t bay ,
1892. S fOI e~~eh ~itL' !tional bay .·
18 Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.7 per empl oye<~ 1
Puhlic rcstrooms, add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 per sq. m. '
19 of floor space -~~
21J Swimtnillg pools, public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.9 p~r person .;
Theaters, audttoriums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i8.9 per scat ~
Drive-in . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.9 ner space ~
......_ _, _ , . /..~ 4l .:;.: .:.:"».t;t.~..u.a:. •~.,
... ..... ..

(a} Recommended Design Criteria. Sewage disposal systems sized using the J
estimated waste/sewage flow rates should be calculated as follows:
( 1) Wastclsewagc tlow , up to 5677.5 Uday
Flow X 1. 5 c·: septic tank si7..e.

(2) Waste/sewage t1ow, over 5677.5 Llday ~
flow x 0.75 -T 1125 = septic tank size ~
(3) Secondary system shall be sized lOr total fl<>W per 24 lwurs. !
(b) AIso see Section 13 2 of this Appendix. J

Reviaed N;;;tioru::l Plumb!r.o Code of the Phiap!)ines


Design Criteria or Five Typical Soils

Requared sq. m. of absorption capacity
leaching area in (lJsq. m) of
No. Tn1e of Soli (m2 /L) leaching area for a
24 hr. period (l./m2)
1 Coarse sand or l'ravcl 0 005 "03 7
2. Fine sand 0 00{l 162.9
J. Sandv loam or sandy clav 0.010 101.9
4. Clay with considerable sand or
gravel 0.022 44.8
5. Ckay wi!h small amount of sand or
gravel 0 02<) 33 8

Table H-5

Maximum Septic Tank

Required Sq. meter Leaching Area/Liter Size
Septic Tank Capacity Allowable
(mz/L) (Liters)

18925 -
0.022 13247.5
. ---·~···-·
~ ......,.,. ... ·:-·;·...__.~... ·~


Useful Teb!&Z; and Charts


Asbestos Cement Pre.(jsure Pipe for \Vater Service and Yard Piping
Thrullt at Fittir~s in Newtons at 689 k.Pa of Water P..-r.:.surc
Pipe Dead Ends

101.6 100 7654 10858 5874 2937

150 8232.5 11614 5 6319 3204
200 8232.5 11 6145 6319 J204

152.4 100 16910 23896.5 12949.5 6541.5

150 l6910 23896.5 12949.5 6.541.5
200 16910 23R96.5 12949.5 6541.5

203.2 lOO 29281 4138S 22428 11347.5

1~0 79281 41 385 22428 11347.5
200 29281 4138) 22428 11347.5

254 100 41741 590515 3 1995.5 16198

150 47837 .5 67640 36668 ~ 1~556.5 i
200 47837.5 67640 36668 tsss6.s 1
1so 68129.5 96298 s21s4 2fA.33.. I
200 6Rl29.5 96/.98 52154 26433 i
355.6 1.00 79788.5 103952 61143 30973l
150 92426.5 130652 70799.5 35867
200 92426.5 130652 70799.5 35867 '
406.4 lOO 103284.5 146049 79566
; ~--------~
40050 ,.
150 I 19616 169144.5 91625 .5 4Mll5
200 119616 169144.5 91625.5 :_ ~6113.5 I
457 .2 100 137950 196690 106132.5 53!77.5 ;
150 153080 215825 117480 59630 !
200 171770 242080 1319·l2.5 66305 .
t-----+-----+------4-----.....---~~~.-:.:f'~.n--=--:~~ i
508 tOO 170880 241190 131275 ~ 65,~!5 . j
150 189570 267000 ~ l45070 ~ 73<~-25 :
t------t---2-00--+--2-I2_7_Io-~--2-9-99_3_~j-m~::.~~~CL~~..~2.~~ - ~ ~
609.6 100 244750 347100 I ~ 187790 ~ 9~r~;· . -
307050 J.
! ~ 2 10040
.! 235405 ~
i 106355
1192":' ) !
..__ _ _ _......_.....;;,;-.,__..J.!,_.;.;.,;..;.;;,..;;_,~:w..l.WW.:;~~.-.•:,..-.:!!M)o;lllr,_..A.u~ &:.J.Zt.= nnw:z::w. ~-:c.._.-.;. s,. ~...,,':' !

Example: For a pressure of 1033.5 k.Pa m1 a 101.6 mm tee, Table U-1 indicates 8232.5 N fo~
68r.J k.l'a. Therefore. tulal thntstfi'r 10.33.5 lc.Pa will equal/-112 timl!s 8232.5 N.

Revised National Ptum~inJ Code of th·3 Ph;Hppines

T1'\lJlE U- 2

PVC Cold Water

Building Supply and Yard P5ping



90° 45° 22-1/2" Dead Ends

Mm lkmi~ BcnJ~ Bends and Tees
38. 1 t~-U, R 1001.3
s - ~ ll.~
- 1J12Ji
50 8
- 2870.3 1557 801 2Q24 8
6 3.5
76 2
4 160.8
6207.8 -- 2269.5
Jl 57
4383.3 .
10212 8
152 4
3693 5
6!63 3
1l.Q12() 5
15707 5


254 30705 15753 40UZ.S n

304 .8 80545 43610 22250 I 56960


For a pn'ssure:· <~l JU33.5 f..J'a on a 101.6 mm tee, table U-2 (a) indicates
7209 N for 6?39 !cPa. lher~jim.~. lola{ thnol fur 1033.5 kl'a will equal /-112 times
720iJ Nfor a Jot,!i thrust (l,l 10810 /1.1. To determine the bearing area of thrust blocks,
refer tv icJbit! {t-3 for the sc!fe bearing load of the soil and divide the lolulthrust by this
safe hearing load

Useful Tables 2nd Cha rts

Sa fe Dea ring Loa ds of Va rious Soils

Safe Bearing Load

lt~m Soil (kPa)
1 Mul ch__,__ Peat etc. 0
2 Soft Clav 6890 !
3 Sand 11780
·1 Sand and G ravl·l 20() 70

5 Sand and Gravel

Cement with Clav 27360
6 Hard Shale 68900 .

Example: Assume a 17800 N total thrust •ras computed. n 1e soil

condition is .~and. The required bearing area of the thrust h!oclt is
1780() N di"ided by 13780 hPa or .19 m 1.

.'S tandard arrd melric corn&ineci)
A Compan·son of Thru st-mock Are<W

e- ~ , _----..:..:__~-·u

'.;.• ~---- ~J f

~ -~~:r:~

.PI~tmm: _ _. . . _
L-~ t:

20 1

Us<.4ul Tebles and Charts


(0.37 Ill~)

-----4'·- ..
,"' . . ~. '-
I 1 .., •

.-.- - ~ (1.02rn<')
I "I . o
' . . .. .. ,

.. ·,: ".-; ~:
{:·· -.. ':;·~
I r ,,
.. -
' l
I \•t
Class ! 00 (I G2 mru} ~; k.~:~ I Oll C"i1 fl1ttl}

1"' - ~ ' - - ... ... ...

r--.:'t-t ---
~' : (
"'!, ....- ...
I) .
t_,. ...

'c.---i . . -- ·- ...,,.::-::::.~~~
' \
r;'- - , \1
1 -

' ..,

' '· t '· \ t

Cfas~ 15P(l~)2nun) t : 1 :1 ~:·:· EiO (?ri·1 r11nt)
Revh;ed National Plurr:oin(i Code of the Philip?ines

CP VC Solvent Cem ented Hot a nd Ccld Wate r

Distrib utiou S y stems Therm a l Expansion

Gcnent l. Allowance for thermal expansion and contract ion shall be

provided by approved means. Allowance shall be based on an expansion
ra te l'r (I 00 mm ) per (30 m) of kn~l h of run per (SS"C) temperature
Note: 1-.ipansim: rate is mdepcndt!lll of llu: sb.' <?l tlw pipe.
Of.Tsets :md ( .oops. Thermal expansion may he provided for by use of
~xpan sio11 loop~. otlscts, or rhang~s of dircc;tion. From Table U-4
drtcrminc th~ le11gth "L" that is required . Note that "L'' is based on length
of Hill, Ji~undl!r ur pipe, and maximum tcmpc rat urc of water.
Cll.• :,nuu..·e. Adequate d earancc shali be provided between piping and
structure (such as hored holes and skt.·\ cs) to allow l{)r free loo~ritudin al
lll UVCillCII t

TAil LE l !·4

-----...-----~ - ... ·----

l.t~ng'th o f R u n i n Meters
. . .,------._.------.-~------...,-
t 2.20 PU9 2... 39 30.49
. .-. . . f.~
l.uo > Lcnu,th " L'' in nun
(lhO 4
8 71:>7.4
QJ9 8
0 t•~ 2
l l <lS4
l 111 7. 6

- - 130) 2 1524

1066 .8

~UR .?. 1193.8 1·1-17 8 1n76 4

() 1·1 .4 I 295.4 l." n !s l~ 28 _ g
1041 4
180.3.4 2082.8
2311. ~...,......,

~ L/ 4 ··1

UsefLtl Tables and Charts

PVC-J)WV 'fYI·~~ I
Chcut Shows Length Change in Millimeters
vs. Degrees Temperature Change
Coefficient of Linear Expansion: nun ()C

(mm) 4.,C IO''C I6°C 2l°C 27''C 32°C 38°C
6096 7 l 88 106 12.4 14.2 15.2 17 7
l2l92 14.2 J7.7 212 24.7 28.3 31 4 35.4
18288 21.2 26.5 31.8 17.1 42.4 47.7 51.0
28 8
J 5.4
44 2
42 4
SJ 0
tl'J 5
(I! 9
5(> 6
6] 7
79 6
88 4 I
! lighest temperature expected I OO"F (38°C)
Lowc:;t temperature expcctcd _?J>''F .( Ht'C >
50''F (I one)

1.('1/){lh ofnm 18288 mm.fmm d1an. read 26.5 mm lineor expan"iionlhat must be
Revbad Plumb!ng Code of tha Philippines


. Maximum
, ....

of Plastic Tubes

Muimu:n Working

J(,O psi (SDR 26)•



12.7 rrun-- 203 mm


1102.4 k.Pa

(1102.4 kPa}
80 12.7 lllJn- 103 nun 1102.4 kPa

200 psi (SOR 2 1) 40 l2.7 nun- 102 mm 1378 kPa

(1.378 kPu)
80 12.7 nun - 203 mm l378k.Pn

- I

250 psi (SOR 17) 40 12.7 nun -- 76 mm 1722.5 kPa

(1722.5 kP~.i)

315 psi (SOR 13.5)


12.7 mm- 201 mm

12.7 mm - 38 mm
1722.5 kPa

2170.4 kP"d

(21 70.4 kPa)
80 12.7 mm - 102 mm :H70.4 k.Pa ~~
.... il

S(;hcdulc 40 40 12.7 mm - 38 mm 2204.8kPa ~

40 51 nun- W2 nun 15J5.8 li.Pa

40 127 nun - 203 mm ) j(~ 2 . •J l:.! 'a ~
' I;
~"\1,-- 1

Schooule 80 40 12.7 mm - 38 mm 2204.8 kPa I·

40 51 nun-· 102 mm 1515.8 kf-a 1:



127mm - 203 mm

12.7 mm - 102 mrn

127 mm - 203 mm
' l J02 .4 k.Oa

220·-t8 l:P'.l

1722.5 r..P:.

• SDR 26 · pressure cl.t..1s.~·ification of Plastic litbes which mean "Standard Dimet!sion

Ha!io " ott/side diameter divided b..· tlu! tlridmess.

U~eful Tables and Chsrts



Minimum IJenll
Tube Si.z.e, Tube Type Temper Radius, Inches TY(>e of Bending
Inches (mm) (mm) EquiP.ment

'14 (6.4) K,L Annealed % (19.1) Lever type

J/8 (9.5) K,L Annealed ) -l./2 (38) Lever or gear type

3 (76} None, by hand*
K,l.,~ Drawn 1-3/4 (44) Gear type

j K,L Annealed 2-1/4 (57) Lever or gear type
I 4-112 (ll4} None, by h:md *
K,L,M Drawn 2-112 (64) Gear ty _e

·'!. (19.1) K,L Annealed 3 (76) Lever or gear type

K 4-J/2 (J 14) None: by hand•
L 6 (152) Nunc~ by hand*
K Dl'awn 3 (76) Gear type
K,L 4 (I ~)-Jieavy-duty_g_car type
1 (25.4) K,L Annealed 4 (102) Gear type
None; ~_y h~~:_.
7-l/2 (191)
1-1/4 (32) K,L Annealed 9 (229) None~ by hand*
• When bending by hand, wilhout the use (~f bendin>.: equipmelll, a circular wooden dis~
is usn). l11e radius of lhe disc should be about 6. 4 mm lo 12. 7 mm less than 1he minimur.;
bend radius shown.

Rc.\.is t-d Nd:icnal Plumi.;ing Ccco of tt1o Philip;>ln~


Minimum time, in seconds, for pressure to drop from
3- 1/2 (24 kPa) to 2-1 /2 ( 17 kPa) PSIG
[['";:.' ~~~t ;~~ '"~3

Ltngtb of Unt 3-4 in.

--3:-r 3; -r---:-
76.2- 6 in. 8 in. !1 10 in. 'I'
12 in.
(feet) (rn) 101.6 nun 152.4 mm !03.2 mm .i 254 mm 304.8 lri.m

. 0--r

30.5 30
~; ~
40 70
I JO li 158
~~ ;~ I~ ;; ~ 179 ~

L-~~-+------~------~------~~------ ;------- ------··-

- -~~~!,
~ ~·
125 38.1 30 50 88 ~ 138 ~ 198

:;~ ~i ~
L--2_oo_-t-__6_t__- t__J_s_---<'~_ _
~~ ~~ :~~
J :~; i ;;~
76 2
89 158 I


99 176 275 340

~~~ I :~: t ;:g

275 83 .8 48 109
300 9 1.4 53 119

l ;:2 :

:~ i
121 .9
;;; i ;:~283
227 ~ 36 :

450 137.2 79 170 227 ;~ 283 ~~ 407 i~

~.-..;.s.;..oo_......._,_s_2_.4_..n-.._s_~--"-..;l;. .;. 72,.... ~ 221 I 3.!L,..L_4..g_J

Useful Tables and Charts


Conversion of Fixture Units to GPM
30 I
29 /
:L3 /

'l1 /
26 /
2.S /

l4 /
2.1 /

22 /
20 j
:- ~-

18 v

] 17


: !--t
e 16
t• ,I
/ I_

§ 13
.. v

1l v
10 v
9 v I
8 v _j_j
7 v ~..J_j
/v ~-+~~
4 v - I
3 - I
v -
2 v -
0 0
1 l 3 4
~ 6 7 8 91 0 111113141!11617 18 19 20~ 1 21232425262'7232;)~·) - -·
FIXT1 1Rt-: 1 ' ~ 11 S (Thnusamls}


R~vised National>ing Code~ the Philippines



r-r-r""Y _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . . _ _ _ , 8~

f -...........>'-~--~--- 86

Useful Tables and Charts

Conversion Table


Acres .. .. . . -· 43 560. S.y_uare feet
-- I.
2. _Ag~-fcet. . .. . . - . ._._.__ _11..560. . . _(_l!Qic ~ct
_L _,~cre.:fecL_._._. ~--"---'--'-'----._._ .. _. . 32~.&51 .. .. U S. Gallq_ns
-~..:..-.- Atmosuh~re~, . . .... 76.0 . __.._._._!:_m~.f mcrcurv
5 Atmo~heres. . . . . . . . 20.92 . .. Inches of mercury
6. Atn!_o_sphcres ~--.. .:. . .-..· ......... 33 ._2_Q_-....:.._·._._l·~et_.Qf_~ater _
=~7~ A~hcl:fi~......... ~~~~~ 11.1!.1 ..... Pound:J~uare inch
8. Dtu(mi_l!~~1~....:-:.. .:. . :...:.:....:....:_·_.. __. ..
_ __ 12.96. .. Foot-Pounds/second
... 9 Bt!t/minut~..:....:- . . ... .. 0.02356. ... Hors~owcr
lO. Centimeters . .. .. . ... 0.3937 ... Inches
II. ( enti met~rs of mercury_. . .. 0.01316 ... Atmospheres
_fl,_ . Centin)ct~rs of mercury . ..- 0 4461 .. Feet of water
U. S~cnti_r_!_l~cr~_.Qf mercu_!)' . ... 27.85.-. . . Pounds/s~~are feet
_ GL_ ..crotimttei s of me.ruuy ' • JU911.
I I I l?uundsL:squart.. inch
l <;. Cuhie feet .. .. 1728. Cubie inches
_!_y...;._ J~tgli_c I~L_._. ... _ __. . . . - .
- 17. C'~Q_ic feet .. . . ..
0 03704.
l,LS, Q~JlniJ.!i... - - - - - - - -..
J8. Cubic feet ....... . - . . . . 29.92. Q~arts tili.JuHl)
_.!9~ Cubic teet/minute ,_ .. 472.0. __ .._._ Cybic Ct.!!f~_econd ..'
20. Cubic feet/minute. . .. 0.1247 .. . . Gallonslsccofld I
__f]_ Cubic feet/minute. 62.41 Pqunds of water/minu~.:J
_1.?~- Cubic fC'et/se<.:o~~ . .. .. .. 0.0646317 . MiJ_Iion ~!allons/day J
_f_J __ . Cubic _fectisecond . . . .. 448.831 Gallons/minute ·
. 24. Cubic yards . ... .. 27. Cubic feet
Cubic yards .
.f~~t~tcr .
. -. .. 202.0 . U.S. Gallons
.. .
O..Q22.~tL ..............._A1m~UL.

..... t' t l • t.
' '
21... Feeu~.fwat~r. .. . . . . . ln~!tes ofiTJcrcu_ry__ _ _)
.. 0.882~
.,8 £~et of water . . ' . . ..
62.43' '
• t Pouodslsqtmtl'eet
•• t. ~
_2~-« ........
30. Feet/minute.
.. .. ' 0.4J]S
~ Poynds/sqv~ inch I I _J
.. . .. 0.01667 .. Feet/second "
....:~.L- Feet/minute . ... . .
0.01 ny_._._._._Miles/hour
=-.·-~~ •
Fect/s~cond .
.. . . ____ 0.6fi.L~~_Mi~?! _J
- 0 QlJ..l(i_.__.......__Mi~lminutc -----~ '
··"------'- ._._......___.. __ ...
H Gallons U.S ·-·-·-··-·-·"'
_....:....~...:.-· .. 3 7~5_._..._ _()._tic_ £~n.tin_lctcr~ ~
.15. Gallons U.S. .. 0.1337 . Cubic feet ~
.16. Gallons ll S. .. ·"·~-'
-·- . . .. 23 t Cubic inches-- ~
37. Gallon~ U_S 1_ .._..__Q!:!~n~i_QJ!id.L --1
-- .. ,,;~
- 38 Gall9n.U:~~~r U.~-'-'-. .. 8,3453 Pounds of watt:r
39. Gallons/minute U.S 0.002228 .
·---- I!
4() ·aaffonstrn~nutc _____ ---·
. . .
-----·---- Cubic feet/second
H 020~. Cuhic lcet 1hour
Re •lc~ct Naticnel Plumbing Code of tha Philippines

TABLE U-9 (Continued)


4l. Gallons w~ter/m~~ute .. . . . . . . . 6.0086. . . . Cubie ~_ee .-.tlh_o'-u_r______ --11
_j1 inch~ .... _ . ...... . ...4- 2.540. Tons ofwater/24 hours
I • •

43. Inches of mercury. .. ........ 0 .03342.. . Centimeters

-- · _ _ _1-....;...l""'~L~tmosQ!l..;:;:
-44. Inches of mercury .. .. . . :-.·:·'-"·-.:. ·..:..
45. Inches of mercury . . . .... ~
0.4912. .. Pounds/squ< !"ch
46. Inches of\vater . ·-"--"·-'--·._. '". . . . _0.002458. . Atmosith'-=-~, "".r.:o: es.-=--------=--t~
·47-· "i nches of water "-'-"'""~-~.:.. . .. 0.07355., lnchcsm~ · m...,.e~.[ru!~r.....
_ifh_r-!.oches o_f water . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.202 . . . P_oung~squ_ar.-.e__fi_eet _____ 11
49. Inches QfwaJ~L-~.... ~ . 0 03613. .. P.QQods/sqll&.e inch i
so Liters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 . . . Cubic centimeters

• ;~: ~;~~~: ::... ::~~ ::::...... ~ ~~60:2 ... -·Z~~-~}~ch~s -~

53. Miles . . .. . ...... .· . . . . . . . . . 5280 . . Feet ~
J~- Miles/hour__. ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sl_ _. _
-=-..... F :;~_H~.~;~~;:~~!1.' __ . . __
t.. ___. ----~~
55. Miles/hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1 ~ v ""-"' c ,
L,;;.::.;...~.;...;~--_..;---------------· ~.-;:...:;.~ ·.: '-..,uM.~O:·~ . ~ =~:• .s,
56 Millimeters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-57 Millimeteii.===:-:-. -·
58.:- _Mill ion gallon/day . .. . . . ; . . . .
0 t . . C('!i!imetcrs
0,03937 . ill_;;k;~ - -_
1. S4 723 . .
Cubic fect/.sccond
l ~

59. Pounds of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 I6 02 . . Cubic feet ~
-60. Pounds of water.. . . . . . . . . . . . 27.68 . . Cubic inches --j;
61. Pounds of water .. .. .....: . . . . . . ~0.;.,;:.l'-1.. ;.9..: 8__ _.:;:G.:. .: ,a:.;. :H"""o.._n~;:...3- - - - - - -~1
- -·i:
~£... Pounds/cubic inch I I •. I • ' I I 17'f_8__fg_ynds/cubic r~~t
• • $
63. Pounds/square foot . .. .. .. .. . 0.01692 F~~et of water i[
64. Pcundslsquare inch . . . . . . . . . . 0. 06804 /\tmo~hercs ~
·0. Pounds/square ~n{;h ... . . . .. ..·- --=--iJ()7 F_:;t (!"':~~---·-- ~
ds/ • h · ._. ...:....;.~~~'---- . . . 2 .0'·'1 6 f 1 f ~
66. ~ oun ~fire 1..~·--·'-·- n<;_ll~ler'l~trv
I) :v,...
~ 7~- .Quarts ( dryL:...:.. . :. .:. . ..-_._._. ~..:. . .:.."-·-·-·. __§_7.2Q._!=ubi.~_i_nchcs _;~
68._ .~al1 sQigu idL . ..... . . .. . .. S7 . 7L_.f.ubifl.~!£hc)___ ___ __ _ ~:
J2:_ -~q_uare fe~t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 __§_~arc inches -~~
70. Square nnles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640 Acres ,,
~...- - - 't
z ..w.,
71. Square yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 __2_,~rc_feet
)2. Temperature (°C ) + 273 . .. : . . l Ab_~;_Tc!!)peratur~( 0G.l______~
73. Tempt~rature ec) + 17.28 . . . . . 1.8 Temperature (f) ~
74. Temp~!aturceF) + 460 . . . . . . . 1 Abs Tcmperatu;e \Fl ~
"?s. Temperature C'2,·- 32 .. ... .. . --T!f._.~~~~~~~.:~l~L_....._,~ ,J
76. Tons (short_l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 PounJs
- - -- -- -- --- -- - - - - - -- t.r
·_n_ j.~Sl(waterL24lliluct.............. I I I • 8.·~ 333 Pcunds wilt r-r['11QJ.![_ !;
-~~-~.on~ of wa.!_er/24 .h9ut~..:. . .:. . .:. . .:.:. .:. . .:. ____ O..J264J_ ..~ial~ms.'minute ~
. 79. Tons ofwater/2~1 h!~S . . . . . . 1.3 349 Cubic fcctihour I
Useful Tnbles and Charts

TADLI': 11-10
(IN'IJ-JlNA 110NAL SYS11·:A-t OF UNf7:<; ···Sf)
_J-'-- t-At O)Ql'.Q~~L~.:-;_ J,:!~~-.Ql_!!l9_LCUI)'_________751.:..0~--------f
_2. __ Llliu.___-·----· _luuk.!L -·--·-- ----·---· ..U~------·
1 B.1J..I.Llmur _____w~ ___________U.2231 __
4. Btu/minute ___Kilowa_tts_.__ 0.01757 __
5. Btu/minute Watt:> 17.57
-~:.... C'ent~<l£_.______ Fa_! (C x 9/5) + 32° ·-
_7_.,._ 1-Circll..~ fcJ:ence Radi<uJL________ _ __6=""'·=2=83::;._____--t
_8_._ Subic -~~ntirn~!~li- Cybi.~ iu~h.~.L____ ---"'0-'-'.0'-"6,-=1._,_0=2---------~
9. Cubic feet Cubi'
·--·-·- f---'-"---------·--------·--·----- meters 0.02832
l0 Cubic feet Liters 28.12
_lJ...__ J.JJbic rcc£/mim.Jt~ _ _ _..C.Ul!ic cms!~nJi ________172.Q. _____ _
12. Cubic..i!l.fllcs .. __ ··-·---··------!:~J.Q.'.~-~Hl~ -·-·· ·····-··--····· ___LQ.J9 - - - - - -
IJ. C'ubic inches Litt~rs 0. 01639
~--·-·---------------·----··----·--·····-··---·-·--··---·-··· ·--·---·----
14. Cuhic mctc:rs Gallons (U.S. liq~&iQ_)_____ --1§4.2_____ -...~~
15. feet Centimeters 30.48
16 Fect 1\k~r.L ______U3JH=8'-----··-
l7. Feet . ____hfilliu~!~ll..-------··---~04.8 -·---·--.,'l
_J 8. Feet of water Kgs/squarc em 0.03048 ~
19. .Foot-Pounds Joules ____ 1.122._______~
20. Foot-pounds/minute Kilowatts 2.260 x w·~ ~
2!. t:Qot--p_oundslsccond ~Uowaus I. J5§~T"'* ;;~
_12_._ ..f.iallwu (U.S.) Li~.s ----~5 -~
..21. · Jlru:.s.cpuwcr,. Watts 745 7 •:
24. llqr.s~m-.hlli!(S Joules 2.~8_4_x_!Q

25. Horsepower-hours Kilowatts 0. 7457

..7..~- J~ules _ Bt~ _ 9.480 x 10-4
27. Jl"'ulcs Fcol-J29Uf!ds . 0.7376
....4-L Joule~ Watt-hours 7..77'6 x i"Q-'f" J
J5:~J.<)Jil:~ms_ _ _ _ _ _ _l_,_~~~~s
Tons tshort) ----~-1j()2x 10" 1 l l

_}_L_ J~!Jomcters Mi!£s_ _._______ 0.6214 ~

3~-'---- K~illJ!l_eJ~rslhour Miles/hour QJ~~l4__ ~
__J 3. __ ~!!_<!_watts llor~~owcr l. 341 ~
_]4_ Kih~}Y~.U--hours ll!u 3,41'3___
35. Kilowatt-hours Foot-e)utnls 2.655 x !()6 -
36_ Kilawatt:-_hours Jouj§_________·_. i6*;j06~--,,~
_31~-~-Utlli...... -. Cuhkf~L___ ·--··-·---···- _JL03S3L_. J
_,HL.. .JjJ~f...~J~t~r:~. ·-·----·--·--· ..<!?.llq_n_s Ht5 liqili5:il. ____.__JL264L..
-=-1~L.. .Mett,'l~-----· ·-- -·-----·----····-J::.£ct ... -·- ---·. -·-·- ... _ ----··· 1.2R 1 -·-----..~
40 1\ktcrs Inches J9.H
Revised N3t!onal Plumbing Code of the Phi!:pp;nes

JA Hi I: f 1-1() (( 'owinued)

(IN11·.RNA IJONA/, SY.')1/<:Af ( >F f !Nfl:.\ ''!)
-- 41 Meters
--------·--~- -- .. ··-- ' ·-·- ···· --·Yards
J .(J94
--·-· - ··- . . . -·------·- ···- ------· --- -------
42. -~-:ht~I ~!:~ec~Jnd _ ____ ···---. E~~J/s~~!:?JlQ ·---- ---- - - - _3 .281
.... -

-~~ -~ctcrs6£.~.i-~ng____ ~1,lesf.h£_ _ _______ 2.237

... _
.. .1.4;_ _MjJcs_btatut(.'l_ _ _..____ . K.JJ.omCtl:rs _ .. ,.__ _ _..._ _ ____.J! 1_.608 ..
45. Miles/hour Meters/m inutes 26 82
46 Milli m ete rs Inches 0.03937...
=•!I:f{.!'!'"es f!lui~L____ Lit_crL__________ __ ____ _ I!-Q.01957 ·-·-
~ ---

- - --
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55. Square mtllunetcrs
J.6_-- ~Y~~.t!L_____________
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59. W:llts llorsepowl'r · 13,11 x 10 •
.--.:.t .~ . OI ...... _..~~.-: .. ~

.'. 11
Uadul Tatlos an-:l Cht.rts



Diameter Circumference Area


I 8.0
31.7 ~
3/8 9.5 1.18 30 0. I 1045 ,. 7l.J I.

1/2 12.7 1.57 l 40 0. 19635 126.7

1/4 19. i 2.36 60 0.44179 285.0
1 25.4 3.14 80 0.7854 506.7
t-1 /4 31.8 3.93 too 1.2212
1-1 /2 38. 1 4.71 120 1.7671
2 50.8 6.28 160 3. 1416 2026.8 i

....,_2-...;.J...;.tz_......_...;.6_3_ wY.O!.?. L
. s_~__7_.8_s_--}o__2_.o..;..o_ _ 31~6.9 ~~
3 76.2 9.43 24o · 7.o6s6 If 4560.4 J.
4 101.6 12.55 320 12.566 ;: 8107.1 ~
5 127.0 15 71 400 19.(,)5 ·! .
6 152.4 18.85 480 28 274 18,241.3 .
8 203 .2 2S. lJ 640 50.265 l J2,42E.~ ~·
9. 228.6 28.27 720 63.617 ~ 41,043.1
10 -.. 254.0 31.42 soo 78.540 a so,670.9 fi


s- 0.8862 [)
s -..: 0. 7854 L) I) - · 1.1 284 s
I) ·:. I 27J2 S S 7

--. .
·-- ..-·· / /

A I ca or square (S I) -~
1.2732 :-( are<.l or i.:irdc
A rea {1f ~;<111arc (S)""
0 (J _1 ( •(J :\ a1 C:l o l" cird(:

Useful Tables and Charts

TA8L.F. U-12

P.O. Year
I. Department of Health
I. 1l1e Code on Sanitation of the Philippines with
Implementing Rules & Regulations P D No. 856 1976
2. Mam1al on Hospital Waste Management 1993
3. Philippines National Standards for Dr i!!l<ing Water 1993
lt. Malacafiang Palace
Implementing Sanitation Requirements, Rules &
Regulations for the Protection and Convenience ofthe
Travelling Public P.D No. 522 1914
Ill. Nat iona I Water Resources C ou nciI
Phil ipp ine Water Code & the Implementing
Rules & Regu:ations 1979
IV . Depattrncnt of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR)
Environment Management Bureau (EMB Absorbed
Fuactions of National Pollution Control Commission)
I. Rules and Regulation ofNPCC As Amended 1978
2. DENR Administrative Order 34
Revised Water Usage and Classification Mar. 20, 1990
3. DENR Administmlive Order 35
·,. R<·v ised Efficient Regu lations of I990 Mar. 20, 1990
V Housing -and Land Use R<'gu Ia tory Board
Amended Rules and Standards for Economic and
Socialized Housing Proje'-"ts to Implement
"BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 220" Mar. 25, 1982
(Exceptions from Provisions of PD's 957. 12 16 & 118))
VI. PO No. 1594 and Its Implementing Rules and
Regulations as Revisl•d (Licensing and Accrcdilation of
Ph1lippme Contr:1ctors) Constmclion Indust ry of the
Phil ippines
Vli. National Building Code of the Ph;lippines and
Implementing Rules and Regulations (DPWH) P.D No.I096
VIII. National Plumbing Code ofthe Philippines, As
IX . Sanitary Engineering Code of the Phi lippines
X. Applicable Provisions of Charter: MWSS, LWUA,
XI. 11le Fire Cede of the Philippines & Regulations P.D No. 1185
XII. Board of Master Plmnbing R(gulations
XII I. Creation of Professional R()gubtion Com:uis:;ion P.D No. 223
X fV . Plumbing Law R.A No. 1378
XV. Protection of Profess iona l!: in the Ph iljppines L.O .l 1000

TABU~ U - 13

Abbrev. Color Reference

Ci.J rlin.g M:lte rials Used
io PJumbi~

I. For P otnbl,· Water SUI'(II~ s~ Sll'tn

1. ;\lumitiiUH !'ip..·s ( F:•r 1)isliikd Wafer Line:1 All' /

2. C•'P!X:r Pip,:s 1Hkl l\lh.':; CuP -/
3. St('d 01 WrC'ur ht !1\lrl l'it'IC~' with Lining Cnati.J1g ~l!.l' -/
4 ~'uid~ ·;s St.:..:' l'ip.· SSP -/
5. C<:mri itJ~u~lv Co~t Iron Pipes with Ccmt:nt
Monar Twin1: CCil' -/
6. Cc:nu i ii1natt' l'()~t Dt1.:tt!.: Pipe., v. ;th C~m..:nt
M•)n;t ; L11ll1:~ r><:IP -/
7. Plnsu-: I ubi:..; wnli \\EUPI~!.NF Claskd~
tl '! l\,1\\iil>l Ch!ull-.!..: i .ii'<: l'VC'I' ntuc .,.
(2, 1\ : ; ~l>Ul\kll..: ·l ul><.· i'bl Bluck ./
L~) :',)1\..:lh\kn·: lube i'c.:T Black -/
•.4: i'n;\PI•'P\into.: Tut~ PV'l' Whitt: w/Bluc: ./
(5) [',11\Lho.:n..: Julx: !'T - do- -/
(c,) ~ ·•1tnposlll' /\l wninum &
1'..: & ~\l,• llng Al & PeT Blue ,/

8. Rcinlon.:t:\1 Concrct~ Pre::sure Pij~$ RCJ>P -/

9.•.u Meta llic Pip.:" -/
10. R C (OJ•:n) Flumes. Tmmd Lming rulli !\yu~>dut·ts -/
11 . Fi~rgl.t='~ l'i:x:s -/

II. For Sanit&l')' Dmi n11ge Systc:m

I. S!cd Pipe with C~mcm 1\.~ortar J .ini11g and Cone

2. Cast Iron Sc)il l'tJX: with J I&. S or Plain Ends w1th
S~ <'lam p,'<:. N-:npt..:n,· <:.:.:k-:! -/
.1 . Pla:<t11.: l ulx::• w1th N,~opr.::n..: ( iuskl'ts·
ll) i'oly, im i Chic:! ~t.!e luhc !' VCi' ( }rlutgt: & Gray
; 2) 1-k.:\·ckd S-:rap l'bstic i{;:l' Hhcl'k
-1 . A~hc~t· Js <.\:ml·nt I '-r•.: l\ \.'P -/
5 Concr.:t..: 1Jrau1 l'ip<! v. ith Cakarcous
Aggregates CDP -/
6 Vitrified Chty Prcssllfc Pij'IC, lltth & Spigot Lud:s \ \ '!.' -/
7. Rc.:d Clay Bri,·k M:\soruy for Flum<::s and Culverts
~~ hbcrgb~·; l'l ~x·s

Il l. For Storm System

l. H c.: t : tl~rt:<-J ( 'oncrl·lc and Plmn C'ont'Tl'h: Culverts and PtJ'l<!l' I!Ct' -/
.~ . Sh:cll\ lin,kr with R.C Lining ami Encascntcut -/
l Cost-111-S!h: R.C Culverts -/
4. Ikd C!"y Hnck Masoru y Culverts and Fwnes -/
5. Cornt!!<l!,'(l Oalvnniud Stt-.:1 Cuh~rt \V'Ith Concret~
lmert Li.ning and ~ithout or \\ithout R.C
J-'ncascmcht -/
ti. 1\sl><'~l as C:.:mem l'n:1in l'ip·..:
7. R~o'\:.)'C~..:u s~.rap Pla·Hir Tuhuhr ProJDdS
8. 1-'il><~r~' l<ls:: Ptpt·.~



FORTUNATO H. AMOSCO,J;mmpap:pee:ce/pme-'mpc
( 'hairman

AIDA EMflYN B. LUZ, fnampap1uap JESUS !C PACHECO, fnampap

Member .Member



FLORENTINO M. GARCIA, fnampaplbsselbsce


AIDA EMELYN B. LUZ,Jnampavimp fORTUNA TO H. AMOSCO,Jnampap/peelce·'pmelmpe

Member A1ember

2l l\
[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 3469, June 16, 1962 ]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Government to alleviate the substandard living
conditions of the masses. To this end, the Government shall provide, wherever practicable, tenement
buildings for the poor and the homeless at nominal rental rates, consistently with the policy of avoiding
concentration of population in densely inhabited areas.

The phrase "poor and homeless" shall include any family head whose gross income together with that of
the spouse shall not exceed one thousand eight hundred pesos annually, and shall also include any family
head whose gross annual income together with that of the spouse exceeds such amount provided the
excess shall not be more than the number of immediate dependents times one hundred twenty pesos.

SEC 2. The Department of Public Works and Communications is hereby authorized to plan, design and
call for public bidding for the construction of the tenement buildings: Provided, That at least seventy-five
per cent of the construction materials to be used in the multi-storey buildings must be of Philippine origin
or locally produced or manufactured materials as far as practicable. Each apartment in such tenement
buildings shall contain complete separate sanitary facilities and shall be so designed and constructed as to
provide privacy and security to the family and adequate playground space for children as may be
appropriate for the number of tenants therein; and the ground floor of such tenement buildings shall be
built to be rented as stores to citizens of the Philippines,

SEC. 3. After the completion of the tenement buildings, the Department of Public Works and
Communications shall turn them over for purposes of maintenance, repair, improvement, expansion and
administration to the People's HomeSite and Housing Corporation which shall, in all cases, allocate by
lottery the rooms of the tenement buildings.

SEC. 4. A special committee is hereby created, composed of the Auditor General, as chairman, and the
Secretary of Public Works and Communications, the Chairman of the People's Homesite and Housing
Corporation, the Director of the National Planning Commission and the Social Welfare Administrator, as
members, for the purpose of determining the proper sites, and the most equitable and minimum rental
which prospective lessees should pay.
The special committee is authorized to promulgate, subject to the approval of the President of the
Philippines, such guiding principles or sets of rules and regulations as are necessary to carry out the
provisions of this Act in the determination of the prospective lessees of these tenements. One of the
guiding factors shall be the elimination of slums from our cities and towns and priority should be given to
slum dwellers whenever this would facilitate the elimination of said slums.

SEC. 5. All accruals derived from rentals, consistent with Section four hereof, shall constitute a revolving
fund to be used exclusively for purposes of maintenance, repair, improvement, expansion, and
administration incident to billing and collection, janitorial, security and other similar expenditures in the
operation of the tenement building projects after their completion.

SEC. 6. For carrying out the provisions of this Act, the amount of fifteen million pesos is hereby
appropriated, out of the General Funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and from, the
proceeds of the reparations from Japan: Provided, That the priority for cash reparations for war veterans,
widows and orphans provided for in the Reparations Act, as amended, shall be respected and not more
than five per cent of the total reparations can be used for this purpose.

SEC. 7. This Act shall prevail over any Act or provisions thereof inconsistent herewith.

SEC. 8. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved, June 16, 1962.
Republic of the Philippines
Metro Manila

Fifth Regular Session

Began and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-

second day of July, nineteen hundred and ninety-one.


Republic Act No. 7279



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress




Section 1. Title. – This Act shall be known as the “Urban Development and Housing Act
of 1992.”

Section 2. Declaration of State Policy and Program Objectives. – It shall be the policy
of the State to undertake, in cooperation with the private sector, a comprehensive and continuing
Urban Development and Housing Program, hereinafter referred to as the Program, which shall:

a) Uplift the conditions of the underprivileged and homeless citizens in urban areas and
in resettlement areas by making available to them decent housing at affordable cost, basic
services, and employment opportunities;

b) Provide for the rational use and development of urban land in order to bring about the

(1) Equitable utilization of residential lands in urban and urbanizable areas with
particular attention to the needs and requirements of the privileged and homeless citizens and not
merely on the basis of market forces;
(2) Optimization of the use and productivity of land and urban resources;
(3) Development of urban areas conducive to commercial and industrial activities which
can generate more economic opportunities for the people;

(4) Reduction in urban dysfunctions, particularly those that adversely affect public
health, safety and ecology; and

(5) Access to land and housing by the underprivileged and homeless citizens.

c) Adopt workable policies to regulate and direct urban growth and expansion towards a
dispersed urban net and more balanced urban-rural interdependence;

d) Provide for an equitable land tenure system that shall guarantee security of tenure to
Program beneficiaries but shall respect the rights of small property owners and ensure the
payment of just compensation;

e) Encourage more effective people’s participation in the urban development process;


f) Improve the capability of local government units in undertaking urban development

and housing programs and projects.

Section 3. Definition of Terms. – For purposes of this Act:

a) “Affordable cost” refers to the most reasonable price of land and shelter based on the
needs and financial capability of Program beneficiaries and appropriate financing schemes;

b) “Areas for priority development” refers to those areas declared as such under existing
statutes and pertinent executive issuances;

c) “Blighted areas” refers to the areas where the structures are dilapidated, obsolete and
unsanitary, tending to depreciate the value of the land and prevent normal development and use
of the area;

d) “Consultation” refers to the constitutionally mandated process whereby the public on

their own or through people’s organizations, is provided an opportunity to be heard and to
participate in the decision-making process on matters involving the protection and promotion of
its legitimate collective interests, which shall include appropriate documentation and feedback

e) “Idle hands” refers to non-agricultural lands in urban and urbanizable areas on which
no improvements, as herein defined, have been made by the owner, as certified by the city,
municipal or provincial assessor’

f) “Improvements” refers to all types of buildings and residential units, walls, fences,
structures or construction of all kinds of a foxed character or which are adhered to the soil but
shall not include trees, plants and growing fruits, and other fixtures that are mere
superimpositions on the land, and the value of improvements shall not be less than fifty percent
(50%) of the assessed value of the property;

g) “Joint venture” refers to the commitment or agreement by two (2) or more persons to
carry out a specific or single business enterprise for their mutual benefit, for which purpose they
combine their funds, land resource, facilities and services;

h) “Land assembly or consolidation” refers to the acquisition of lots or varying

ownership through purchase or expropriation for the purpose of planned and rational
development and socialized housing programs without individual property boundary restrictions;

i) “Land banking” refers to the acquisition of land at values based on existing use in
advance of actual need to promote planned development and socialized housing programs;

j) “Land swapping” refers to the process of land acquisition by exchanging land for
another piece of land of equal value, or for shares of stock in a government or quasi-government
corporation whose book value is of equal value to the land being exchanged, for the purpose of
planned and rational development and provision for socialized housing where land values are
determined based on land classification, market value and assessed value taken from existing tax
declarations: Provided, That more valuable lands owned by private persons may be exchanged
with less valuable lands to carry out the objectives of this Act;

k) “Land use plan” refers to the rational approach of allocating available land resources
as equitably as possible among competing user groups and for different functions consistent with
the development plan area and the Program under this Act;

l) “On-site development” refers to the process of upgrading and rehabilitation of

bighted and slum urban areas with a view of minimizing displacement of dwellers in said areas,
and with provisions for basic services as provided for in Section 21 hereof;

m) “Professional squatters” refers to individuals or groups who occupy lands without the
express consent of the landowner and who have sufficient income for legitimate housing. The
term shall also apply to persons who have previously been awarded homelots or housing units by
the Government but who sold, leased or transferred the same to settle illegally in the same place
or in another urban area, and non-bona fide occupants and intruders of lands reserved for
socialized housing. The term shall not apply to individuals or groups who simply rent land and
housing from professional squatters or squatting syndicates;

n) “Resettlement areas” refers to areas identified by the appropriate national agency or

by the local government unit with respect to areas within its jurisdiction, which shall be used for
the relocation of the underprivileged and homeless citizens;

o) “Security of tenure” refers to the degree of protection afforded to qualified Program

beneficiaries against infringement or unjust, unreasonable and arbitrary eviction or disposition,
by virtue of the right of ownership, lease agreement, usufruct and other contractual

p) “Slum Improvement and Resettlement Program or SIR” refers to the program of the
National Housing Authority of upgrading and improving blighted squatter areas outside of Metro
Manila pursuant to existing statutes and pertinent executive issuances;

q) “Small property owners” refers to those whose only real property consists of
residential lands not exceeding three hundred square meters (300 sq. m.) in highly urbanized
cities and eight hundred square meters (800 sq. m. ) in other urban areas;

r) “Socialized housing” refers to housing programs and projects covering houses and
lots or homelots only undertaken by the Government or the private sector for the underprivileged
and homeless citizens which shall include sites and services development, long-term financing,
liberalized terms on interest payments, and such other benefits in accordance with the provisions
of this Act;

s) “Squatting syndicates” refers to groups of persons engaged in the business of squatter

housing for profit or gain;

t) “Underprivileged and homeless citizens” refers to the beneficiaries of this Act and to
individuals or families residing in urban and urbanizable areas whose income or combined
household income falls within the poverty threshold as defined by the National Economic and
Development Authority and who do not own housing facilities. This shall include those who live
in makeshift dwelling units and do not enjoy security of tenure;

u) “Unregistered or abandoned lands” refers to lands in urban and urbanizable areas

which are not registered with the Register of Deeds, or with the city or municipal assessor’s
office concerned, or which are uninhabited by the owner and have not been developed or devoted
for any useful purpose, or appears unutilized for a period of three (3) consecutive years
immediately prior to the issuance and receipt or publication of notice of acquisition by the
Government as provided under this Act. It does not include land which has been abandoned by
reason of force majeure or any fortuitous event; Provided, that prior to such event, such land was
previously used for some useful or economic purpose;

v) “Urban areas” refers to all cities regardless of their population density and to
municipalities with a population density of at least five hundred (500) persons per square

w) “Urbanizable areas” refers to sites and lands which, considering present

characteristics and prevailing conditions, display marked and great potential of becoming urban
areas within the period of five (5) years; and

x) “Zonal Improvement Program or ZIP” refers to the program of the National Housing
Authority of upgrading and improving blighted squatter areas within the cities and municipalities
of Metro Manila pursuant to existing statutes and pertinent executive issuances.


Section 4. Coverage. - The Program shall cover all lands in urban and urbanizable areas,
including existing areas for priority development, zonal improvement sites, slum improvement
and resettlement sites, and in other areas that may be identified by the local government units as
suitable for socialized housing.

Section 5. Exemptions. – The following lands shall be exempt from the coverage of this

a) Those included in the coverage of Republic Act No. 6657, otherwise known as the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law;

b) Those actually used for national defense and security of the Stare;

c) Those used, reserved or otherwise set aside for government offices, facilities and
other installations, whether owned by the National Government, its agencies and
instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled corporations, or by the local
government units: Provided, however, That the lands herein mentioned, or portions thereof,
which have not been used for the purpose for which they have been reserved or set aside for the
past ten (10) years from the effectivity of this Act, shall be covered by this Act;

d) Those used or set aside for parks, reserves for flora and fauna, forests and watersheds,
and other areas necessary to maintain ecological balance or environmental protection, as
determined and certified to by the proper government agency; and

e) Those actually and primarily used for religious, charitable, or educational purposes,
cultural and historical sites, hospitals and health centers, and cemeteries or memorial parks.

The exemptions herein provided shall not apply when the use or purpose of the
abovementioned lands has ceased to exist.



Section 6. Framework for Rational Development. - There shall be a National Urban

Development and Housing Framework to be formulated by the Housing and Land Use
Regulatory Board under the direction of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating
Council in coordination with all local government units and other concerned public and private
sectors within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act.
The Framework shall refer to the comprehensive plan for urban and urbanizable areas
aimed at achieving the objectives of the Program. In the formulation of the framework, a review
and rationalization of existing town and land use plans, housing programs, and all other projects
and activities of government agencies and the private sector which may substantially affect urban
land use patterns, transportation and public utilities, infrastructure, environment and population
movements shall be undertaken with the concurrence of the local government units concerned.



Section 7. Inventory of Lands. - Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, all
city and municipal governments shall conduct an inventory of all lands and improvements
thereon within their respective localities. The inventory shall include the following:

a) Residential lands;

b) Government-owned lands, whether owned by the National Government or any of its

subdivisions, instrumentalities, or agencies, including government-owned or controlled
corporations and their subsidiaries;

c) Unregistered or abandoned and idle lands; and

d) Other lands.

In conducting the inventory, the local government units concerned, in coordination with
the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and with the assistance of the appropriate
government agencies, shall indicate the type of land use and the degree of land utilization, and
other data or information necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.

For planning purposes, the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council shall
be furnished by each local government unit a copy of its inventory which shall be updated every
three (3) years.

Section 8. Identification of Sites for Socialized Housing. - After the inventory, the local
government units, in coordination with the National Housing Authority, the Housing and Land
Use Regulatory Board, the National Mapping Resource Information Authority, and the Land
Management Bureau, shall identify lands for socialized housing and resettlement areas for the
immediate and future needs of the underprivileged and homeless in the urban areas, taking into
consideration the degree of availability of basic services and facilities, their accessibility and
proximity to job sites and other economic opportunities, and the actual number of registered

Government-owned lands under paragraph (b) of the preceding section which have not
been used for the purpose for which they have been reserved or set aside for the past ten (10)
years from the effectivity of this Act and identified as suitable for socialized housing, shall
immediately be transferred to the National Housing Authority subject to the approval of the
President of the Philippines or by the local government unit concerned, as the case may be, for
proper disposition in accordance with this Act.

Section 9. Priorities in the Acquisition of Land. – Lands for socialized housing shall be
acquired in the following order:

a) Those owned by the Government or any of its subdivisions, instrumentalities, or

agencies, including government-owned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries;

b) Alienable lands of the public domain;

c) Unregistered or abandoned and idle lands;

d) Those within the declared Areas for Priority Development, Zonal Improvement
Program sites, and Slum Improvement and Resettlement Program sites which have not yet been

e) Bagong Lipunan Improvement of Sites and Services or BLISS sites which have not yet
been acquired; and

f) Privately-owned lands.

Where on-site development is found more practicable and advantageous to the

beneficiaries, the priorities mentioned in this section shall not apply. The local government units
shall give budgetary priority to on-site development of government lands.

Section 10. Modes of Land Acquisition. - The modes of acquiring lands for purposes of
this Act shall include, among others, community mortgage, land swapping, land assembly or
consolidation, land banking, donation to the Government, joint-venture agreement, negotiated
purchase, and expropriation: Provided, however, That expropriation shall be resorted to only
when other modes of acquisition have been exhausted. Provided, further, That where
expropriation is resorted to, parcels of land owned by small property owners shall be exempted
for purposes of this Act: Provided, finally, That abandoned property, as herein defined, shall be
reverted and escheated to the State in a proceeding analogous to the procedure laid down in Rule
91 of the Rules of Court.

For the purpose of socialized housing, government-owned and foreclosed properties shall
be acquired by the local government units, or by the National Housing Authority primarily
through negotiated purchase: Provided, That qualified beneficiaries who are actual occupants of
the land shall be given the right of first refusal.

Section 11. Expropriation of Idle Lands. - All idle lands in urban and urbanizable areas,
as defined and identified in accordance with this Act, shall be expropriated and shall form part of
the public domain. These lands shall be disposed of or utilized by the Government for such
purposes that conform with their land use plans. Expropriation proceedings shall be instituted if,
after the lapse of one (1) year following receipt of notice of acquisition, the owner fails to
introduce improvements as defined in Section 3(f) hereof, except in the case of force majeure
and other fortuitous events. Exempted from this ownership of which is subject of a pending

Section 12. Disposition of Lands for Socialized Housing. - The National Housing
Authority, with respect to lands belonging to the National Government, and the local government
units with respect to other lands within their respective localities, shall coordinate with each
other to formulate and make available various alternative schemes for the disposition of lands to
the beneficiaries of the Program. These schemes shall not be limited to those involving transfer
of ownership in fee simple but shall include lease, with option to purchase, usufruct or such other
variations as the local government units or the National Housing Authority may deem most
expedient in carrying out the purposes of this Act.

Consistent with this provision, a scheme for public rental housing may be adopted.

Section 13. Valuation of Lands for Socialized Housing. – Equitable land valuation
guidelines for socialized housing shall be set by the Department of Finance on the basis of the
market value reflected in the zonal valuation, or in its absence, on the latest real property tax

For sites already occupied by qualified Program beneficiaries, the Department of Finance
shall factor into the valuation the blighted status of the land as certified by the local government
unit or the National Housing Authority.
Section 14. Limitations on the Disposition of Lands for Socialized Housing. - No land
for socialized housing, including improvements or rights thereon, shall be sold, alienated,
conveyed, encumbered or leased by any beneficiary of this Program except to qualified Program
beneficiaries as determined by the government agency concerned.

Should the beneficiary unlawfully sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of his lot or any
right thereon, the transaction shall be null and void. He shall also lose his right to the land, forfeit
the total amortization paid thereon, and shall be barred from the benefits under this Act for a
period of ten (10) years from the date of violation.

In the event the beneficiary dies before full ownership of the land is vested on him,
transfer to his heirs shall take place only upon their assumption of his outstanding obligations. In
case of failure by the heirs to assume such obligations, the land shall revert to the Government
for disposition in accordance with this Act.


Section 15. Policy. - Socialized housing, as defined in Section 3 hereof, shall be the
primary strategy in providing shelter for the underprivileged and homeless. However, if the
tenurial arrangement in a particular socialized housing program is in the nature of leasehold or
usufruct, the same shall be transitory and the beneficiaries must be encouraged to become
independent from the Program within a given period of time, to be determined by the
implementing agency concerned.

Section 16. Eligibility Criteria for Socialized Housing Program Beneficiaries. - To

qualify for the socialized housing program, a beneficiary:

a) Must be a Filipino citizen;

b) Must be an underprivileged and homeless citizen, as defined in Section 3 of this Act;

c) Must not own any real property whether in the urban or rural areas; and

d) Must not be a professional squatter or a member of squatting syndicates.

Section 17. Registration of Socialized Housing Beneficiaries. - The Housing and Urban
Development Coordinating Council, in coordination with the local government units, shall
design a system for the registration of qualified Program beneficiaries in accordance with the
Framework. The local government units, within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act,
shall identify and register all beneficiaries within their respective localities.

Section 18. Balanced Housing Development. - The Program shall include a system to be
specified in the Framework plan whereby developers of proposed subdivision projects shall be
required to develop an area for socialized housing equivalent to at least twenty percent (20%) of
the total subdivision area or total subdivision project cost, at the option of the developer, within
the same city or municipality, whenever feasible, and in accordance with the standards set by the
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and other existing laws. The balanced housing
development as herein required may also be complied with by the developers concerned in any
of the following manner:

a) Development of new settlement;

b) Slum upgrading or renewal of areas for priority development either through zonal
improvement programs or slum improvement and resettlement programs;

c) Joint-venture projects with either the local government units or any of the housing
agencies; or

d) Participation in the community mortgage program.

Section 19. Incentives for the National Housing Authority. - The National Housing
Authority, being the primary government agency in charge of providing housing for the
underprivileged and homeless, shall be exempted from the payment of all fees and charges of
any kind, whether local or national, such as income and real taxes. All documents or contracts
executed by and in favor of the National Housing Authority shall also be exempt from the
payment of documentary stamp tax and registration fees, including fees required for the issuance
of transfer certificates of titles.

Section 20. Incentives for Private Sector Participating in Socialized Housing. - To

encourage greater private sector participation in socialized housing and further reduce the cost
of housing units for the benefit of the underprivileged and homeless, the following incentives
shall be extended to the private sector:

a) Reduction and simplification of qualification and accreditation requirements for

participating private developers;

b) Creation of one-stop offices in the different regions of the country for the processing,
approval and issuance of clearances, permits and licenses: Provided, That clearances, permits
and licenses shall be issued within ninety (90) days from the date of submission of all
requirements by the participating private developers;

c) Simplification of financing procedures; and

d) Exemption from the payment of the following:

1) Project-related income taxes;

2) Capital gains tax on raw lands use for the project;

3) Value-added tax for the project concerned;

4) Transfer tax for both raw and completed projects; and

5) Donor’s tax for both lands certified by the local government units to have been
donated for socialized housing purposes.

Provided, that upon application for exemption, a lien on that title of the land shall be
annotated by the Register of Deeds: Provided, further, That the socialized housing development
plan has already been approved by the appropriate government agencies concerned: Provided,
finally, That all the savings acquired by virtue of this provision shall accrue in favor of the
beneficiaries subject to the implementing guidelines to be issued by the Housing and Urban
Development Coordinating Council.

Appropriate implementing guidelines shall be prepared by the Department of Finance, in

consultation with the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council, for the proper
implementation of the tax exemption mentioned in this section within one (1) year after the
approval of this Act.

Property owners who voluntarily provide resettlement sites to illegal occupants of their
lands shall be entitled to a tax credit equivalent to the actual non-recoverable expenses incurred
in the resettlement, subject to the implementing guidelines jointly issued by the Housing and
Urban Development Coordinating Council and the Department of Finance.

Section 21. Basic Services. - Socialized housing or resettlement areas shall be provided
by the local government unit or the National Housing Authority in cooperation with the private
developers and concerned agencies with the following basic services and facilities:

a) Potable water;

b) Power and electricity and an adequate power distribution system;

c) Sewerage facilities and an efficient and adequate solid waste disposal system; and

d) Access to primary roads and transportation facilities.

The provision of other basic services and facilities such as health, education,
communication, security, recreation, relief and welfare shall be planned and shall be given
priority for implementation by the local government unit and concerned agencies in cooperation
with the private sector and the beneficiaries themselves.

The local government unit, in coordination with the concerned national agencies, shall
ensure that these basic services are provided at the most cost-efficient rates, and shall set a
mechanism to coordinate operationally the thrusts, objectives and activities of other government
agencies concerned with providing basic services to housing projects.

Section 22. Livelihood Component. - To the extent feasible, socialized housing and
resettlement projects shall be located near areas where employment opportunities are accessible.
The government agencies dealing with the development of livelihood programs and grant of
livelihood loans shall give priority to the beneficiaries of the Program.

Section 23. Participation of Beneficiaries. - The local government units, in coordination

with the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor and concerned government agencies, shall
afford Program beneficiaries or their duly designated representatives an opportunity to be heard
and to participate in the decision-making process over matters involving the protection and
promotion of their legitimate collective interests which shall include appropriate documentation
and feedback mechanisms. They shall also be encouraged to organize themselves and undertake
self-help cooperative housing and other livelihood activities. They shall assist the Government in
preventing the incursions of professional squatters and members of squatting syndicates into
their communities.

In instances when the affected beneficiaries have failed to organize themselves or form
an alliance within a reasonable period prior to the implementation of the program or projects
affecting them, consultation between the implementing agency and the affected beneficiaries
shall be conducted with the assistance of the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor and the
concerned non-government organization.
Section 24. Consultation with Private Sector. - Opportunities for adequate consultation
shall be accorded to the private sector involved in socialized housing project pursuant to this Act.




Section 25. Benefits. - In addition to the benefits provided under existing laws and other
related issuances to occupants of areas for priority development, zonal improvement program
sites and slum improvement and resettlement program site, such occupants shall be entitled to
priority in all government projects initiated pursuant to this Act. They shall also be entitled to the
following support services:

a) Land surveys and titling at minimal cost;

b) Liberalized terms on credit facilities and housing loans and one hundred percent
(100%) deduction from every homebuyer’s gross income tax of all interest payments made on
documented loans incurred for the construction or purchase of the homebuyer’s house;

c) Exemption from the payment of documentary stamp tax, registration fees, and other
fees for the issuance of transfer certificate of titles;

d) Basic services as provided for in Section 21 of this Act; and

e) Such other benefits that may arise from the implementation of this Act.



Section 26. Urban Renewal and Resettlement. - This shall include the rehabilitation
and development of blighted and slum areas and the resettlement of Program beneficiaries in
accordance with the provisions of this Act. On-site development shall be implemented whenever
possible in order to ensure minimum movement of occupants of blighted lands and slum areas.
The resettlement of the beneficiaries of the Program from their existing places of occupancy
shall be undertaken only when on-site development is not feasible and after compliance with the
procedures laid down in Section 28 of this Act.

Section 27. Action Against Professional Squatters and Squatting Syndicates. - The
local government units, in cooperation with the Philippine National Police, the Presidential
Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP), and the PCUP-accredited urban poor organization in
the area, shall adopt measures to identify and effectively curtail the nefarious and illegal
activities of professional squatters and squatting syndicates, as herein defined.
Any person or group identified as such shall be summarily evicted and their dwellings or
structures demolished, and shall be disqualified to avail of the benefits of the Program. A public
official who tolerates or abets the commission of the abovementioned acts shall be dealt with in
accordance with existing laws.

For purposes of this Act, professional squatters or members of squatting syndicates shall
be imposed the penalty of six (6) years imprisonment or a fine of not less than Sixty thousand
pesos (P60,000) but not more than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000), or both, at the
discretion of the court.

Section 28. Eviction and Demolition.- Eviction or demolition as a practice shall be

discouraged. Eviction or demolition, however, may be allowed under the following situations:

(a) When persons or entities occupy danger areas such as esteros, railroad tracks, garbage
dumps, riverbanks, shorelines, waterways, and other public places such as sidewalks, roads,
parks, and playgrounds;

(b) When government infrastructure projects with available funding are about to be
implemented; or

(c) When there is a court order for eviction and demolition.

In the execution of eviction or demolition orders involving underprivileged and homeless

citizens, the following shall be mandatory:

(1) Notice upon the effected persons or entities at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of
eviction or demolition;

(2) Adequate consultations on the matter of resettlement with the duly designated
representatives of the families to be resettled and the affected communities in the areas where
they are to be relocated;

(3) Presence of local government officials or their representatives during eviction or


(4) Proper identification of all persons taking part in the demolition;

(5) Execution of eviction or demolition only during regular office hours from Mondays to
Fridays and during good weather, unless the affected families consent otherwise;

(6) No use of heavy equipment for demolition except for structures that are permanent
and of concrete materials;

(7) Proper uniforms for members of the Philippine National Police who shall occupy the
first line of law enforcement and observe proper disturbance control procedures; and
(8) Adequate relocation, whether temporary or permanent: Provided, however, That in
cases of eviction and demolition pursuant to a court order involving underprivileged and
homeless citizens, relocation shall be undertaken by the local government unit concerned and the
National Housing Authority with the assistance of other government agencies within forty-five
(45) days from service of notice of final judgment by the court, after which period the said order
shall be executed: Provided, further, That should relocation not be possible within the said
period, financial assistance in the amount equivalent to the prevailing minimum daily wage
multiplied by sixty (60) days shall be extended to the affected families by the local government
unit concerned.

The Department of the Interior and Local Government and the Housing an Urban
Development Coordinating Council shall jointly promulgate the necessary rules and regulations
to carry out the above provision.

Section 29. Resettlement. - Within two (2) years from the effectivity of this Act, the
local government units, in coordination with the National Housing Authority, shall implement
the relocation and resettlement of persons living in danger areas such as esteros, railroad tracks,
garbage dumps, riverbanks, shorelines, waterways, and in other public places such as sidewalks,
roads, parks and playgrounds. The local government unit, in coordination with the National
Housing Authority, shall provide relocation or resettlement sites with basic services and facilities
and access to employment and livelihood opportunities sufficient to meet the basic needs of the
affected families.

Section 30. Prohibition Against New Illegal Structures. - It shall be unlawful for any
person to construct any structure in areas mentioned in the preceding section.

After the effectivity of this Act, the barangay, municipal or city government units shall
prevent the construction of any kind or illegal dwelling units or structures within their respective
localities. The head of any local government unit concerned who allows, abets or otherwise
tolerates the construction of any structure in violation of this section shall be liable to
administrative sanctions under existing laws and to penal sanctions provided for in this Act.



Section 31. Definition. - The Community Mortgage Program (CMP) is a mortgage

financing program of the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation which assists legally
organized associations of underprivileged and homeless citizens to purchase and develop a tract
of land under the concept of community ownership. The primary objective of the program is to
assist residents of blighted or depressed areas to own the lots they occupy, or where they choose
to relocate to, and eventually improve their neighborhood and homes to the extent of their
Section 32. Incentives. - To encourage its wider implementation, participants in the CMP
shall be granted with the following privileges or incentives:

(a) Government-owned or controlled corporations and local government units, may

dispose of their idle lands suitable for socialized housing under the CMP through negotiated salt
at prices based on acquisition cost plus financial carrying costs;

(b) Properties sold under the CMP shall be exempted from the capital gains tax; and

(c) Beneficiaries under the CMP shall not be evicted nor dispossessed of their lands or
improvements unless they have incurred arrearages in payments of amortizations for three (3)

Section 33. Organization of Beneficiaries. - Beneficiaries of the Program shall be

responsible for their organization into associations to manage their subdivisions or places of
residence, to secure housing loans under existing Community Mortgage Program and such other
projects beneficial to them. Subject to such rules and regulations to be promulgated by the
National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation, associations organized pursuant to this Act may
collectively acquire and own lands covered by this Program. Where the beneficiaries fail to form
an association by and among themselves, the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation
shall initiate the organization of the same in coordination with the Presidential Commission for
the Urban Poor and the local government units concerned. No person who is not a bona fide
resident of the area shall be a member or officer of such association.



Section 34. Promotion of Indigenous Housing Materials and Technologies. - The

local government units, in cooperation with the National Housing Authority, Technology and
Livelihood Resource Center, and other concerned agencies, shall promote the production and use
of indigenous, alternative, and low-cost construction materials and technologies for socialized

Section 35. Transport System. - The local government units, in coordination with the
Departments of Transportation and Communications, Budget and Management, Trade and
Industry, Finance, and Public Works and Highways, the Home Insurance Guaranty Corporation,
and other concerned government agencies, shall device a set of mechanisms including incentives
to the private sector so that a viable transport system shall evolve and develop in the urban areas.
It shall also formulate standards designed to attain these objectives:

(a) Smooth flow traffic;

(b) Safety and convenience of travel;

(c) Minimum use of land space;

(d) Minimum damage to the physical environment; and

(e) Adequate and efficient transport service to the people and goods at minimum cost.

Section 36. Ecological Balance. - The local government units shall coordinate with the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources in taking measures that will plan and
regulate urban activities for the conservation and protection of vital, unique and sensitive
ecosystems, scenic landscapes, cultural sites and other similar resource areas.

To make the implementation of this function more effective, the active participation of
the citizenry in environmental rehabilitation and in decision-making process shall be promoted
and encouraged. The local government units shall recommend to the Environment and
Management Bureau the immediate closure of factories, mines and transport companies which
are found to be causing massive pollution.

Section 37. Population Movements. - The local government units shall set up an
effective mechanism, together with the appropriate agencies like the Population Commission, the
National Economic and Development Authority and the National Statistics Office, to monitor
trends in the movements of population from rural to urban, urban to urban, and urban to rural
areas. They shall identify measures by which such movements can be influenced to achieve
balance between urban capabilities and population, to direct appropriate segments of the
population into areas where they can have access to opportunities to improve their lives and to
contribute to national growth and recommend proposed legislation to Congress, if necessary.

The Population Commission, the National Economic and Development Authority, and
the National Statistics Office shall likewise provide advanced planning information to national
and local government planners on population projections and the consequent level of services
needed in particular urban and urbanizable areas. This service will include early-warning
systems on expected dysfunctions in a particular urban area due to population increases,
decreases, or age structure changes.

Section 38. Urban-rural Interdependence. - To minimize rural to urban migration and

pursue urban decentralization, the local government units shall coordinate with the National
Economic and Development Authority and other government agencies in the formulation of
national development programs that will stimulate economic growth and promote socioeconomic
development in the countryside.



Section 39. Role of Local Government Units. - The local government units shall be
charged with the implementation of this Act in their respective localities, in coordination with
the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council, the national housing agencies, the
Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor, the private sector and other non-government

They shall prepare a comprehensive land use plan for their respective localities in
accordance with the provisions of this Act.

Section 40. Role of Government Housing Agencies. - In addition to their respective

existing powers and functions, and those provided for in this Act, the hereunder mentioned
housing agencies shall perform the following:

(a) The Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council shall, through the key
housing agencies, provide local government units with necessary support such as:

(1) Formulation of standards and guidelines as well as providing technical support in the
preparation of town and land use plans;

(2) In coordination with the National Economic and Development Authority and the
National Statistics Office, provide data and information for forward-planning by the local
government units in their areas, particularly on projections as to the population and development
trends in their localities and the corresponding investment programs needed to provide
appropriate types and levels of infrastructure, utilities, services and land use patterns; and

(3) Assistance in obtaining funds and other resources needed in the urban development
and housing programs in their areas or responsibility.

(b) The National Housing Authority, upon request of local government units, shall
provide technical and other forms of assistance in the implementation of their respective urban
development and housing programs with the objective of augmenting and enhancing local
government capabilities in the provision of housing benefits to their constituents;

(c) The National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation shall administer the Community
Mortgage Program under this Act and promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out
the provisions of this Act; and

(d) The Home Insurance Guaranty Corporation shall design an appropriate guarantee
scheme to encourage financial institutions to go into direct lending for housing.

Section 41. Annual Report. - The Housing and Urban Development Coordinating
Council and the local government units shall submit a detailed annual report with respect to the
implementation of this Act to the President and the Congress of the Republic of the Philippines.


Section 42. Funding. - Funds for the urban development and housing program shall
come from the following sources:

(a) A minimum of fifty percent (50%) from the annual net income of the Public Estates
Authority, to be used by the National Housing Authority to carry out its programs of land
acquisition for resettlement purposes under this Act;

(b) Proceeds from the disposition of ill-gotten wealth, not otherwise previously set aside
for any other purpose, shall be applied to the implementation of this Act and shall be
administered by the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation;

(c) Loans, grants, bequests and donations, whether from local or foreign sources;

(d) Flotation of bonds, subject to the guidelines to be set by the Monetary Board;

(e) Proceeds from the social housing tax and, subject to the concurrence of the local
government units concerned, idle lands tax as provided in Section 236 of the Local Government
Code of 1991 and other existing laws;

(f) Proceeds from the sale of disposition of alienable public lands in urban areas; and

(g) Domestic and foreign investment or financing through appropriate arrangements like
the build-operate-and-transfer scheme.

Section 43. Socialized Housing Tax. – Consistent with the constitutional principle that
the ownership and enjoyment pf property bear a social function and to raise funds from the
Program, all local government units are hereby authorized to impose an additional one-half
percent (0.5%) tax on the assessed value of all lands in urban areas in excess of Fifty thousand
pesos (P50,000).



Section 44. Moratorium on Eviction and Demolition. - There shall be a moratorium on

the eviction of all program beneficiaries and on the demolition of their houses or dwelling units
for a period of three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act: Provided, That the moratorium
shall not apply to those persons who have constructed their structures after the effectivity of this
Act and for cases enumerated in Section 28 hereof.


Section 45. Penalty Cause. - Any person who violates any provision of this Act shall be
imposed the penalty of not more than six (6) years of imprisonment or a fine of not less than Five
thousand pesos (P5,000) but not more than One hundred thousand pesos (P10,000), or both, at
the discretion of the court: Provided, That, if the offender is a corporation, partnership,
association or other juridical entity, the penalty shall be imposed on the officer or officers of said
corporation, partnership, association or juridical entity who caused the violation.

Section 46. Appropriations. - The amount necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act
shall be included in the annual budget of implementing agencies in the General Appropriations
Act of the year following its enactment into law and every year thereafter.

Section 47. Separability Clause. - If for any reason, any provision of this Act is declared
invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions not affected thereby shall continue to be in
full force and effect.

Section 48. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, executive orders, proclamations, rules
and regulations, and other issuances, or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions
of this Act, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 49. Effectivity Clause. - This Act shall take effect upon its publication in at least
two (2) national newspapers of general circulation.



President of the Senate Speaker of the House of Representatives

This Act which is a consolidation of House Bill No. 34310 and Senate Bill No. 234 was finally
passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on February 3, 1992.


Secretary of the Senate Secretary General

Approved. March 24, 1992


President of the Philippines

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