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Branch Cable

(Prefabricated Cable)

PT. Sinarmonas Industries / / PT. Jembo Cable Company. Tbk

Smart Branch Cable

In recent years, the construction of high-rise buildings such as

condominiums, of�ice buildings, and public facilities has increased.
Our SMI branch cables were developed to meet the demand with
the technological assistance from Japan.

SMI Excellent system :

1. Design system
2. Manufacturing system
3. Total Management system

SMI proposes Excellent services :

1. Ready - stock (Main & Branch cables) for faster delivery.

2. Custom - made design for shorter installation time.

3. Cost - down proposal with engineering technology

Our 3 advantages :

SMI only use cables manufactured using Japanese technology

to ensure high quality standart, such as :

1. High current - carrying

2. Minimum voltage - drop
3. All compact - round for water tight

Round Compact - Round

Component of a complete Branch Cable
1. Power Cable 0.6/1 kV XLPE/PVC CU according to IEC 60502-I
Nominal Voltage
Thickness Approx. DC Current
Sectional Thickness Approx. Drop
Shape Diameter of Overall Conductor Rating
Area of Sheath Rating Resistance
Insulation Diameter X 10-3
mm2 at 20oC
mm mm mm mm kg/km Ohm/km A V/Am
10 3.7 0.7 1.4 9.0 141 1.83 85 2.0
16 4.7 0.7 1.4 9.5 198 1.15 113 1.3
25 5.9 0.9 1.4 11.5 295 0.727 150 0.84
35 7.0 0.9 1.4 12.0 388 0.524 181 0.63
50 8.5 1.0 1.4 14.0 509 0.387 265 0.49
70 10.1 1.1 1.4 16.0 724 0.268 290 0.36
95 11.7 1.1 1.5 18.0 975 0.193 347 0.29
120 stranded 13.2 1.2 1.5 20.0 1215 0.153 410 0.24
150 14.7 1.4 1.6 22 1491 0.124 470 0.21
185 16.4 1.6 1.6 24 1851 0.0991 530 0.19
240 18.6 1.7 1.7 27 2400 0.0754 640 0.16
300 20.8 1.8 1.8 30 2980 0.0601 725 0.15
400 24.1 2 1.9 34 3787 0.047 845 0.131
500 26.9 2.2 2.0 37 4825 0.0366 980 0.120
630 30.2 2.4 2.2 41 6194 0.0283 1150 0.111
800 34.8 2.6 2.3 46 7881 0.0221 1380 0.104
1000 39.0 2.8 2.4 51 9842 0.0176 1605 0.0984
Conditions S = 2D Ambient temperature 40 o C
2. Branch Assembly (refer to next page)
Nominal Branch Cable Dimension (approx.)
Sectional Number of Plate
Min Max d1 d2 L
mm2 mm2 mm2 mm mm mm mm
10 10 10
16 10 16
25 10 25 40 35 100 M-00
35 10 25
50 16 25
70 16 35 49 41 110 M-01
95 16 50
120 16 95
150 16 95 60 47 130 M-02
185 16 95
240 16 120
300 16 120 72 56 136 M-03
400 25 120
500 25 240
79 52 140 M-04
630 25 240
800 25 240
94 78 155 M-05
1000 25 240

3. Net grip 3. Net Grip
Hanging main cable
( all branch cable weight )

4. Permanent Treatment
5. Phase Color

6. Cable Drum 5.Phase Color

2. Branch Assembly

6. Cable Drum

1. Power Cable

[1] Confirmation of cable size
1. Main Cable
1.1 Specified by contractor/consultant
follow the calcula�ons below to ensure -the right cable size

1.2 Calcula�on from transformer Capacity

KVA =√3 x I (A) x V
Example :

Condition : 380/220 V 50 Hz S = 2D
Result : 200 kVA ÷(√3 x 380V x COSQ )= 304 A

( 200000VA ÷ 658,2 V = 304 A )

Cable size selec�on : XLPE / PVC Cable 1C x 95 SQMM = 347 A

1.3 Conformity the Voltage Drop

Vd0 = (√3) x I(A) x L(m) x Vo Vd0 : Voltage drop
L1(m) = 70m (Main) Vdt : Total Voltage drop
L2(m) = 3m (Branch)
Cable= 95mm2 Vd01 : main Voltage drop

V0( V/A / m) = 0.29 Vd02 : Branch Voltage drop

Vd1= √3 x 304A x 70m x 0.29 V/A m x 10-3 = 10,69V

(10,69V/380V) x 100 = 2.81%
Lt(m) = 70m (main) + 3m (branch)

Branch Cable = 10mm2

Vo(V/A m) = 2

Vd2 = √3 x 85A x 3m x 2 V/A m x 10-3 = 0.88V 0.23%

Vdt = Vd1 + Vd2 = 10.69V + 0.88V = 11.57 ( 2.81% + 0.23% ) = 3.04%

2. Branch Cable

• Within 3 m : any size

• 3 m – 8 m : min. 35% of Main Cable

• More than 8 m : min. 55% of Main Cable

[2] Cost Down Proposal
Cost reduc�on can be achieved under the following condi�ons :

1. Installa�on distance between cables can be change or cable can be sized down.
S=D -------> S = 2D 15% Increase Current Ra�ng
S = 2D --------> S = 3D 5% Increase Current Ra�ng

2. Alumunium Branch Cable can be used.

3. Load ra�o can be considered (Including Air-condi�oner)
No Of Total Total Total
No Of No Of
Unit Demand Demand Demand
Unit Unit
Rate % Rate % Rate %

4 100 20 68 36 63

6 94 22 67 38 62
8 85 24 67 40 62

10 77 26 66 45 62
12 74 28 66 50 62
14 72 30 65 100 57

16 70 32 64 100 56
18 69 34 63 100 55

4. The combina�on with busduct can be considered,

especially in high-rise buildings.
5. Voltage drop can be met with local regula�on 4% - 5%.
6. MCCB size can be reduced.

[3] Final proposal to the customer.

We will create a proposal a�er verifying all the above data
. provided by customers.

Branch Cable
(Prefabricated Cable)

Rukan Artha Gading Niaga
PT Sinarmonas Industries Sinarmonas Industries Blok D No. 7 Kelapa Gading
Jakarta Utara. 14240
(021) 4585 0660

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