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THIS is a book written for all those who wish to learn about
Radio. Dea ling with receiver repairing and manufacture, radio
in aircraft and ships, sound amplification, battery charging,
electronics, television, interference suppression-as well as those
fundamental principles without a knowledge of which skilled work
is impossible-the book covers a wider scope than any other single
volume. The treatment is practical and visual, and the text has
been written by a panel of authors who combine expert knowledge
of their special subjects with the ability to provide simple yet
accurate explanations.
The illustrations and diagrams, numbering more than boo in all,
interpret the text in a detailed way, and form in themselves an
illustrated guide to the study of Radio.
To those who are not actually engaged in Radio work, but who
are none the less keenly interested, this book will also have a wide
appeal. In it the listener will find explanations of how his receiver
works and how it is made ; how he can do simple repairs; what
short -waves are and why they are so useful; what television will
be like; and through it he will gain a fascinating insight into some
of the less -known uses of Radio technique.
The vital part played by Radio in modern life has opened up
many opportunities in the way of a career and employment. In
addition to the scientific side offering fascinating and remunerative
work, very large scope for employment is available in the repair
and manufacture of domestic receivers and in the installation,
maintenance and operation of apparatus used in aircraft, ships and
a hundred -and -one commercial and industrial applications.
Advances in relays, television, ultra -short waves and electronics,
may before long revolutionise Radio's service to the public and
to industry, and increase very greatly the potentialities of Radio
Engineering as a progressive and important career.
Those who are in the Services, in which Radio now plays such
an important part, will find that this book presents much valuable
information bearing on their particular problems.
With such a technical subject the reader may occasionally come
across terms not sufficiently explained in the immediate context.
In this event full use should be made of the Index, which will
disclose further guidance in other chapters.
Finally we would thank our collaborators and all those who have
so readily assisted by the provision of information and valuable help
in connection with the illustrations.
R. C. N.






MORSE . . . 120

















INDEX . . 504
Skilled engineers are here seen applying tests and making various adjustments
to completed receivers. Exhaustive tests are carried out at every stage
of production prior to the assembly of the sets. Note the protective chassis -
cradles and the overhead conveyer. (See Chapter 16: "Production Methods.')


RADIO communication is auto- though it was far from the origin

matically associated with the of the disturbance and might, in-
name of Marconi, the Italian deed, be quite unaware of the
inventor who first harnessed the cause of the upheaval.
mechanism of ether waves and de-
monstrated how such waves could Oscillatory Action
be generated and used for com- If we examine this wave more
munication at a distance without closely, we find that it arises be-
the use of any connecting wires. cause the water at the point where
This possibility was foretold the stone entered the pond is
many years earlier by a British forced upwards to make way for
mathematician, Clerk Maxwell, as the stone. This portion of water
a result of his analysis of light- and which has been forced above its
heat -waves. These he showed to normal height tries to regain its
be what he called an electromag- original level by pushing out the
netic wave, and he pointed out water immediately surrounding it,
that there must theoretically be a so that an ever -widening circle of
whole range of such waves, of disturbance is produced as the
which light- and heat -waves were various particles of water displace
only one very small portion. their neighbours in an endeavour
to regain their equilibrium.
Wave Disturbance Usually the first upward dis-
Before proceeding farther it will placement of the water by the
be as well to consider what a wave stone is followed by downward
is. If we drop a stone into a pond, displacements as the water closes
the water will be disturbed at the over the stone, so that a sort of
point where the stone enters. This oscillatory action is produced,
disturbance, however, is not con- which usually lasts for several
fined to this one point. A series of complete cycles of alternate rise
waves will be produced, travelling and fall. Each one of these gener-
outwards in concentric circles ates its own wave, so that we have
(Fig. I) until the edge of the pond a regular series of waves following
is reached. A water -spider residing one another at intervals.
at the edge of the pond would be If we consider the motion of a
affected by the wave reaching it, small particle of wood resting on
the face of the pond, it will be
clear that this particle will be
forced up when the first wave
arrives and it will then fall in the
trough which follows, so that it
will be maintained in a state of
RIRMIOMPP oscillation upwards and down-
wards as long as the waves con-
tinue to pass by. In this analogy
we have a complete picture of
what happens in the course of
radio transmission.
Pressure Variations
In talking of radio and sound
waves we do not refer to anything
actually resembling waves such as
occur on the pond, but to the wave-
like sequence of pressure varia-
tions. Fig. 2 illustrates this by
showing that if we record the
pressure variations caused by
waves in a tank during a certain
interval of time, we get a wave
diagram. The diagram, however,
is a record of pressures, and not a
portrait of the actual waves.
Sound waves are wave -like vari-
ations of pressure in the medium
of air (Fig. 3). They are energy in
transit, and the air itself does not
move. Ether waves of light, heat
and radio do not require any phy-
sical medium, but travel through
even a vacuum (Fig. 4).
Although both light and radio
are waves in space (or "ether",
which is the same thing) our
senses react to the former (Fig. 5)
but not the latter. As we shall see
later, it depends on the frequency
with which the waves are pro-
a* duced. We have to devise our own
methods for the generation and
A reception of radio waves.
In radio, then, what corre-
sponds to the dropping of the
Fig. I. When a stone is dropped into
stone into the water? In other
a pond the wave travels outwards but words, what generates the wave
the water only moves up and down. in the first place?
possible to detect
iI the magnetism at
Ilormmemptuowsmm!rn.MAi I,M-Ol'Ii STYLUS much greater dis-
ig d
tances, one simple
I' OM isariminmulam gamma mama
, IRmomilmwommilmplimmommum mMoms
experiment being to
use a magnetic com-
magnetised steel
MOVEMENT OF ROD needle pivoted in
FLOAT the centre so that
it is free to turn. If
we bring a bar mag-
net within a few
feet of this needle,
as shown in Fig. 6,
the needle will
swing round on its
pivot because of the
Fig. 2. A wave in a diagram represents how a pressure, invisible
voltage or current varies during time. This diagram illus- magnetic
trates the principle (it is not a practical arrangement) force exerted by the
and shows how an up-and-down movement gives a wave magnet.
graph, the horizontal direction representing time. It is said, in-
deed, that there are
One of the properties of this "lines of force" radiating from the
ether is that it can transmit electric magnet, and that all these lines of
and magnetic forces at a distance. force surrounding the magnet pro-
One of the most common examples duce what is called a magnetic
of this is the ordinary magnet, field (Fig. 7).
which will attract pieces of iron Close to the magnet there are
some distance away. If the magnet many lines of force in a given
is powerful and the distance is space, so that we say that the field
only small, the attraction will be so is strong, which means that the
strong that the iron will jump attraction produced is powerful,
through the intervening space and whereas as we get farther away the
attach itself to the magnet. field gets weaker and weaker, until





Fig. 3. Sound waves are energy travelling through the med'um of air. When they
strike a microphone they set up electric currents, which can be shown, by the
kind of apparatus illustrated, to vary their strength in wave fashion.
at last it becomes too small to
be detected at all.
A similar effect is produced by
the particles of electricity called
"electrons", which constitute an
electric current. These small par-
ticles of electricity are present in all
matter. In fact, the atoms of which
the elements are composed are
made up of little groups of elec-
trons in suitable combinations.
These electrons exhibit a force
in the same way as a magnet. They
will repel similar charges and they
will attract positively charged par-
ticles, and this action, again, can
take place at a distance through the
medium of the ether.
Here also we assume that the
electron is surrounded by lines of
force which radiate from it in all
directions, as shown in Fig. 8,
and, as in the case of a magnet, the
strength of the action falls away
quite rapidly until it is negligible.
Normally the various electrons
in the atoms are grouped around
positively charged particles called
"protons" in such a way as to
Fig. 4. Radio and light waves travel maintain equilibrium, but under
through the ether, or space, and do not
require the medium of air, as Is proved certain conditions we can disturb
by the ordinary electric lamp. this balance and arrange for an





Fig. 5. The simple act of striking a match sets up ether waves which are similar
to radio waves except for their frequency. We have no natural sense, however,
corresponding to sight, for the "reception" of radio waves.


Fig. 6. A compass needle Is moved when a magnet is brought near it. The force
necessary to move the compass needle acts through space, and the region in
which this force is effective is known as a "magnetic field".

:.ecumulation of negative electrons

in certain portions of a material, in
which case it is said to be charged
with electricity.
\ +

. A'
Some materials, known as "in-
sulators", will only permit this

partial displacement of the elec-
trons, but other materials, prin-
cipally metals such as copper,
aluminium, and the like, are so
constructed that the electrons can
leave their original atoms and
travel through the material. Elec-
trons in motion in this manner t
constitute an electric current, and Fig. 8. The electron, the smallest pos-
the more electrons we set in sible charge of negative electricity, pos-
motion the larger is the current. sesses an electric field (not to be con-
Now, with this brief outline in fused with magnetic) and has electric
mind, we can obtain a picture of lines of force radiating into space.
the generation of an ether wave or
electro-magnetic wave. Each of the
electrons in a wire carrying a cur-
rent will produce an electric field,
* and it can in fact be regarded as
carrying with it a radiating system
5 r of lines of force as shown in Fig. 8.
Suppose we consider just one of
these lines. As long as the electron
moves fairly slowly the line of
force can move with it without
difficulty, but if the electron be-
Fig. 7. The field round a magnet is said
gins to move at all rapidly, the
to consist of "lines of force". These lines of force are unable to
lines indicate the direction of the keep up with it.
"pull" of the field and its strength. A very simple analogy will serve
to illustrate this point. Suppose we down the rope with almost un-
take a rope and fix the far end to a diminished intensity. When the
suitable post, as shown in Fig. 9. hand is moved slowly there is
We now take the free end in the practically no movement at the far
hand and move the hand slowly up end of the rope. When it is moved
and down. The whole rope will quickly, however, the ripple travels
follow the movement, although the down the rope, and at the far
actual movement will become less end .there is then quite a large
and less, until at the far end it is amount of movement.
Radio Transmission
This is what happens in a radio
transmission. The lines of force
from the electrons in the con-

Fig. 9. By securing a rope at one end

and jerking the other end up and
down, you can get an excellent idea
of how an oscillatory motion of the
right speed and strength can set up
a series of travelling waves.

negligible. This corresponds to the ductor carrying the current spread

case of a slowly moving electron. out into the surrounding space,
Now rapidly move the hand up but their effect is negligible quite a
and down. The weight or inertia of short distance away.
the rope will prevent it from mov- If the electrons are set in mo-
ing as a whole, and what will hap- tion, however, and caused to oscil-
pen will be that only the portion of late backwards and forwards with
rope nearest to the hand will move. sufficient rapidity, then we obtain
this ripple or kink in the lines of
Transmitting Movement force, which travels outwards in all
This movement, however, will be directions just like the waves pro-
transmitted to the next bit of rope, duced by the stone which is
and in turn to the next bit, thus dropped into the pond.
producing a ripple or wave which
will travel down the whole rope. Producing Light Waves
The reader would be well ad- Having obtained a simple idea
vised to try this experiment for of what an electro-magnetic wave
himself, because it is illuminating. is, our next consideration is how
The wave or ripple is only pro- we can produce such waves. One
duced when the hand is moved of the simplest methods, as we
quickly, and the intensity of the have seen m Fig. 5, is to strike
wave is again dependent upon the a match. The heat generated will
speed with which the hand moves. be sufficiently, intense to produce
The more rapid the jerk the light waves which travel from the
stronger is the ripple produced. match to our eye, and we shall say
Perhaps the most interesting that the match is alight.
feature is that the wave travels This is such a common pheno-
menon that we entirely forget that netic wave used for radio com-
the intelligence is communicated munication, and it is obvious that a
from the match to our eye over an light wave is not suitable for this
appreciable distance; and actually purpose, mainly because it is very
all our sight and vision are accom- quickly dissipated or absorbed by
plished by means of light waves the atmosphere and it is stopped
which are electro-magnetic waves almost completely by any ob-
of extremely high frequency. stacles in its path.
Actually, if we reduce the fre-
Wave Frequency quency of the oscillation, we find
The frequency of a wave is the that the penetrating power begins
measure of its rapidity of oscilla- to increase. The light becomes
tion. If the electrons carrying the more and more red in character,
lines of force move up and down a until finally it ceases to be visible
million times per second, we say as light at all, and we are only
that the frequency of the oscilla- aware of the presence of the wave
tion is a million cycles per second, due to the sensation of heat.
the term cycle being used to Heat waves lie in what is called
denote one complete oscillation the infra -red region, and the reader
backwards and forwards. will be aware that heat waves will
In the case of light waves the penetrate apparently solid obsta-
oscillations of the electrons are ex- cles where light will not. There is
tremely rapid and extremely small. also the case of infra -red photo-
The electrons, indeed, do not leave graphs taken by special cameras
their atoms, but are simply set in a with special plates sensitive to
state of agitation (produced in the these invisible infra -red rays,
case of a match by the chemical in- which are capable of penetrat-
teraction resulting from the strik- ing misty and even foggy atmo-
ing of the match on the side of sphere, in which ordinary light
the box and subsequently by the waves are quite cut off.
burning of the match -head). The
frequency of light waves varies Clerk Maxwell's Theories
according to the colour of the light, The calculations of Clerk Max-
and white light is a mixture of a well and others seemed to indicate
large number of oscillations cover- that if only waves could be pro-
ing the whole frequency spectrum. duced having very considerably
The general order of frequency lower frequency, they ought to
involved is 400-800 billion vibra- possess quite remarkable pene-
tions per second (using the English trating powers, enabling them to
billion, here, meaning one million be sent over distances far greater
million). It is a little difficult to than would be possible with light
appreciate this enormous rate of or infra -red waves. It was neces-
vibration, though it by no means sary not to reduce the frequency
represents the limit, for we have too much, for, as we have seen, the
evidence of electro-magnetic waves effect of an electro-magnetic wave
generated by oscillations of a fre- is only created when a reason-
quency at least one million times ably rapid oscillation is produced
faster than light waves. (compare the effect of a slow
However, our present concern movement of the end of the rope
is with the form of electro-mag- in the earlier analogy, as against
the effect of a rapid jerk); but it side and then let it go, it will swing
seemed that somewhere within to and fro, and the reason for the
these two extremes there should be swinging is worth analysis.
a series of waves awaiting the When we release the weight it
results of discovery. falls towards the ground under the
Since those days we have ex- influence of gravity. It cannot fall
plored and found uses for a tre- far because of the cord to which it
mendously wide spectrum of ether - is attached, but it will move to-
waves as shown in Fig. to. wards the lowest position possible,
For radio, since the waves are which is at B (Fig. x When it has
set up in the first place by the reached this point, however, it has
movement of electrical particles or acquired a certain amount of mo-
electrons, it is clear that we must mentum, which carries it past the
find a method of causing electrons bottom of the swing and causes it
to move backwards and forwards to overshoot to the point C.
with the required degree of All the time it is travelling from
vibrational rapidity. B to C the bob is actually being
In the case of the match the lifted, because it is still attached to
electrons within the atoms them- the end of the cord, and it will
selves vibrate sufficiently to pro- continue to swing upwards until
duce the waves, but as we reduce the momentum which it has ac-
the frequency we find that in order quired in its downward swing has
to obtain the necessary radiation been entirely used up.
the movement of the electrons has Having reached the point C, it
to increase, and calculation again will come to rest, and will then
shows that if we are to find this begin other
mysterious hidden range of waves direction, and the whole process
we shall have to cause electrons to will be repeated. One can, mdeed,
move backwards and forwards imagine the bob in a condition of
over distances of many yards. complete bewilderment, for it tries
to reach the bottom of its swing,
Electric Currents and, having triumphantly suc-
Now, when we have electrons in ceeded, it finds that it cannot stop,
motion and travelling from one and is forced to carry on against its
point to another in this fashion, we will. And so it goes on swinging
say that an electric current is flow- backwards and forwards, and were
ing, and our problem therefore it not for the fact that air friction
resolves itself into finding a means uses up a small amount of energy
of producing a very rapidly oscil- at each swing, the pendulum would
lating current in a length of wire continue to swing indefinitely. In
suitable for the purpose. practice, the loss of energy due to
It was not long before scientists friction causes each swing to be
found the way of producing such a slightly less than the preceding
current by using what is, in effect, one, so that ultimately the bob
an electrical pendulum. The reader comes to rest completely.
will be familiar with the ordinary Now, the frequency at which the
pendulum, which is, in essence, a pendulumwillswing depends upon
weight or "bob" suspended from the length of the cord, as the
the end of a cord or other suitable reader may verify for himself.
support. If we draw the bob to one With a short cord e rate of swing


COSMIC RAYS. Reach the world from

inter -stellar space. Have great penetrating

I, 0 00 power. Origin and value not known.


...,,, GAMMA RAYS. Released by radium and
"radio -active" materials. Used for treatment
of cancer and other deep-seated diseases.
;k ' -- Must be kept in massive lead safes.

X RAYS. Generated by electron bombard-

ment in special vacuum tubes. Penetrate
I00, 0 0 0
human bodies and fairly thick metal and so
permit X-ray photographs.
-......, --

10,000 ULTRA -VIOLET RAYS. Present in sun-

light and also generated by mercury -discharge
0 health lamps. Tonic action on surface tissues.
0 1,000

o MMc,s VISIBLE LIGHT. The whole range of visible colours occupies

only about one -seventieth part of the whole spectrum of waves.

2 INFRA -RED RAYS. Experienced as heat.

Penetrate the body well. ''Black -heat" lamps
generate internal heat and stimulate blood flow. ( v-

- 114 MICRO WAVES. These are approaching

radio frequencies and we are only beginning
100,000 to learn how to generate and employ them.
4 N

I 0,00 0 ELECTRON OSCILLATIONS. Occur at extremely high

altitude in ionised layers and reflect or absorb wave energy.
ULTRA SHORT WAVES. Used for short-
M c/a distance communication, for television and ,-1'--..4,-
1-4 f
100 for frequency -modulation transmission.

to ir771" 14., SHORT WAVES. Employed tor world-wide

Flit_ transmissions and often focussed in "beams".

1 MEDIUM WAVES. Broadcasting frequencies,

giving range up to approximately 500 miles. _
1100,000 --AK,
-o LONG WAVES. Used for world-wide
c/s transmissions: considerable power required.

Fig. 10. Electro-magnetic waves have many uses, depending on their frequencies,
which are shown approximately in this scale. The term "rays", applied to the
radiations between cosmic and infra -red, Is synonymous with "waves".

This historic picture shows some of the apparatus at Marconi's Poldhu transmitter
from which the first signal to span the Atlantic was radiated on December 12,
1901. On the left are transformers, in the centre are banks of condensers, and
on the right the spark -gap can be seen.

is more rapid than with a long one, which the frequency is controlled
and there is a simple relationship by altering the length of the cord
between the length of the cord and (Fig. 12).
the time of swing. The pendulum, What we require is an electrical
in fact, is a mechanical oscillator of circuit which will behave in a



A (b)
Fig. II. A simple pendulum is Fig. 12. With a pendulum the speed of oscilla-
a mechanical oscillating system. tion is determined by the length of the cord.
For explanation see page 12. Pendulum (a) will swing twice as fast as (b)
1111111Miti ---.1111MIIIMia=r.ea i7ArdMinit,111.

..dry _VO.V
- --, --
-, V0
, 1 ../..4 ONO
\ -.--..-.--=..
---/--- -
,-- -rIr
4 4,

wa- t i - -
itSioli ti id
11: .7.,.. ....iseii

And this is one of the latest Marconi transmitters-radiating high -quality speech
on two wavelengths, with a power of 100 kilowatts for each. The equipment has
automatic protection and includes meters which show any slight variation.

similar manner to the mechanical our to set the electrons in the

arrangement just described, and circuit in motion.
this can be contrived by using a Throughout electrical engineer-
coil of wire (called an inductance) ing we are continually encounter-
in conjunction with a device for ing these electro-motive forces (or
storing electrical energy, known as EMFs, for short). They are forces
a condenser. In order to under- which try to cause the electrons in
stand this electrical circuit, we a circuit to move and may be
must first consider these two generated by various means.
component parts in considerably In the case of a battery it is the
greater detail. chemical action which produces
In its simplest form, the con- the force. With a dynamo the
denser consists of two parallel EMF is generated by driving the
metal plates sepa-
rated by some in-
sulator such as air,
oil, mica, glass or
other suitable ma-
terial (Figs. 13 and
14). If we connect
a battery across
these two plates,
the electromotive OF GLASS PLATE
force (or voltage) of Fig. 13. In its simplest form an electrical condenser con-
the battery at once sists of two metal plates (conductors) separated by a non-
begins an endeav- conductor (dielectric) such as a sheet of glass.





Fig. 14. Three practical forms of condenser utilising, in principle, the construction
shown in Fig. 13. Left, an early type, the Leyden jar; centre, a simple high -voltage
type; and right, a typical commercial condenser.

machine round with a steam or the battery. There is no means by

petrol engine or other device, which the electrons can get back to
while sometimes the circuit gener- their original position, so that they
ates its own EMF. Such cases are remain accumulated on one plate,
always the result of trying to
change the conditions when the
circuit seeks to oppose the change,
as we shall see shortly.
Now, with our condenser we
have seen that the two plates are
insulated from one another so that
there cannot be any continuous
flow of electrons, but under the
influence of the battery there will
be a movement or displacement of
the electrons which will result in
a momentary current, caused by
electrons being moved out of one
plate through the battery on to the
other plate, where they will remain
as long as the battery is there to Fig. 16. The way a condenser holds
maintain the force (Fig. 15). electricity can be shown by first charg-
Suppose now that we remove ingit from an HT battery, waiting a
minute or so and then shorting the
terminals by means of a screw -driver. A
B BATTERY spark will be produced by the discharge.

and we say that the condenser is

A charged. If the insulation between
the plates is perfect, the condenser
Fig. IS. How a condenser is charged. will remain charged in this way,
Due to the EMF of the battery, elec- and it is quite interesting to obtain
trons are attracted to plate A and a condenser of say 2 mfd. and
expelled from plate B. A charging connect an HT battery of about
current flows until the "back EMF" of
the charge in the condenser becomes zoo v. across it.
equal to the battery EMF. On removing the battery the
charge in the condenser can be
demonstrated by short-circuiting
its connections with a screw-
driver, when there will be a visible
spark (Fig. 16). The interesting
thing is that if the condenser is a
good one it can be charged with a
battery and then put on one side
for some minutes. The application
of a discharge circuit such as a
screw -driver across its terminals
will then still produce the same
spark, illustrating the fact that a
good condenser can store an elec-
trical charge for a long time.
Fig. 17 An electrical oscillatory circuit
Inductance is obta ned by discharging a condenser
through an inductance, i.e., a coil of
Actually this capacitance for wire. The current which flows through
storing charge is a point which has the coil produces a magnetic field.
to be remembered in practice, for charging the condenser that we
sometimes the charge which can encounter the question of induct-
be stored is dangerous, and it may ance. If the circuit which we con-
remain on the condenser after the nect across the condenser in order
apparatus has been apparently to discharge it is made in the form
switched off; so that sometimes of a coil, as illustrated in Fig. 17,
one has to go to considerable the current which flows through the
trouble to make sure that any such coil will produce a magnetic field.
condensers are suitably discharged, The effect of passing a current
to avoid danger to life. through a coil may quite easily be
Now, it is in the manner of dis- verified by the reader using the


Fig. IS. This experiment shows how a coil carrying a current produces a magnetic
field and corresponds to a bar magnet. The coil should have about 200 turns on
an Inch diameter cardboard tube. This experiment Is fully described on page 18.
arrangements shown in Fig. 18. when we pass a current through a
Obtain a small pocket compass and coil of wire. The magnetic field
place this on a table. Make up a cannot suddenly appear from no-
coil of wire and place this near the where. It has to build up slowly,
compass in the position shown. On and during the process it generates
connecting up the battery the cur- forces which try to stop the cur-
rent which flows will produce a rent from flowing. The voltage
magnetic field, which will either applied to the circuit is able to
attract or repel the compass needle, overcome these "back EMFs" but
causing it to swing, just as with the is slowed down in the process and
bar magnet in Fig. 6. the current does not immediately
rise to its full value.
Building the Magnetic Field Similarly, when we connect a coil
Any coil of wire carrying a cur- across a condenser the discharge is
rent will generate a magnetic field, not instantaneous, but the current
even if it is only comparatively gradually builds up until the con-
small. But in the production of denser has completely emptied
this field we come up against a itself of charge. When this point is
very interesting natural law, known reached there is no voltage left to
by various names, according to the maintain the current, and it begins
branch of physics in which it is to die away. But once again the
encountered. In brief, we may call magnetic field objects and does its
it the law of laziness. Nature is, in best to maintain the current, which
fact, lazy, and strongly resents any therefore continues to flow for a.
attempt to change the conditions short period, getting less and less
existing at any time. all the while.
This effect comes into play It can, however, only continue

1 4 tt

II 1
6 7 8 9
Fig. 19. A single oscillation of an electrical circuit showing how the energy swings
to and fro between the electric field of the condenser and the magnetic field of the
coil. The stages are: I. Conden.ser charged; 2. Condenser partly discharged; 3.
Condenser fully discharged. Maximum current; 4. Condenser partly recharged;
5. Condenser fully recharged, opposite direction. No current; 6. Condenser partly
discharged; 7. Condenser fully discharged. Maximum current reverse direction;
8. Condenser partly recharged; 9. Condenser fully recharged in original direction
(same as I). If we record the current as in Fig. 19a, shown on page 19, in which
the horizontal line represents zero, we get our wave shape.
the resistance of the circuit (for
9 there is electrical friction between
the atoms of the material, so that
the movement of the electrons
causes some loss of energy, which
3 7 is said to be due to the electrical
"resistance" of the material). With
4 6
some materials the resistance is
much less than in others, so that
5 for circuits which are required to
Fig. I9a. This diagram shows the wave
give the least loss we use copper or
shape of voltage as described in Fig. 19. silver or aluminium.
Now, with this electrical oscil-
to flow into the condenser, and it latory circuit we find that we can
will therefore proceed to charge it alter the frequency of the oscilla-
up in the opposite direction (Figs. tion by changing the value of the
59 and 19a. This process will condenser or the inductance. If we
continue until the current has died only use a small number of turns
away to nothing, leaving the con- of wire so that the inductance is
denser charged practically to the small, obviously the restricting
same value as before, but in the action will be small, and the cur-
reverse direction. rent will consequently rise to its
When this state of affairs is full value very quickly.
reached the conditions will reverse
and the condenser will once more Producing Oscillation
begin to discharge. Once again the Similarly if we only have a small
current will overshoot, and the condenser it does not take very
condenser will become recharged long for it to empty itself of
in its original direction. Thus we charge, and in consequence, by
have a complete electrical equi- making both the inductance and
valent to the pendulum, since the capacity small, we can produce an
current swings backwards and for- oscillation of a very short duration.
wards in a series of oscillations A coil of wire consisting of
which would continue indefinitely about ioo turns on a 4 -inch dia-
if it were not for the losses due to meter former and a condenser



Fig. 20. A simple spark radio transmitter as used

X SWITCH by Marconi in his first experiments employs a high -
voltage "shocking -coil" to charge the condenser.
A spark -gap discharges the condenser through
an inductance (coil) when the voltage is high
enough to bridge the gap. (See also Fig. 21.)
It is obvious that we
require the current to
be as large as possible,
and one way of doing
this is to charge the
condenser up to a large
voltage. To achieve
this, use was made in
the early experiments
of the spark -gap in an
arrangement as shown
in Figs. 20 and 21.
By using a so-called
spark -coil, which was
an arrangement which
produced a high vol-
tage between the two
electrodes, it was pos-
sible to charge the con-
denser to several thou-
sand volts. Across the
condenser was con-
nected an inductance
in series with a spark -
gap. This consisted of
two balls of metal
separated by a small
fraction of an inch.
When the voltage on
the condenser was made
high enough, the insu-
lation between the two
balls would break down
and the condenser
would discharge with
a visible spark, the
Fig. 21. Drawing from a photograph of some of the actual current being of
original spark -coil apparatus' used by Marconi in
his early radio experiments. Note particularly the an oscillating nature
sheet of tin foil employed as an aerial. due to the presence of
the inductance as just
consisting of a pair of plates i ft. described. Actually this simple
square and /14- inch apart will form of circuit has many disad-
constitute a system which will vantages, but it will suffice at
oscillate approximately a million the moment for the development
times a second, and this is within of our story.
the range which calculation shows Another requirement is that the
to be suitable for radio communi- travel of the electrons shall be as
cation. These, then, are the sort of large as possible. Referring again
values which Marconi used in his to our rope analogy, it is clear that
early experiments. the more the hand is jerked up and
down the larger will be the ripple sible to omit the horizontal top
which will travel down the rope, portion altogether, and Figs. 22
and therefore it is necessary to de- and 23 illustrate the successive
vise some means of increasing the stages in the development of the
initial movement of the electrons. aerial. The exact form which is
To do this the simple circuit used depends on the requirements,
just described is expanded mech- and we shall refer to this again
anically, so that it occupies a larger further on in this chapter.
space. The condenser, which in its Now, if by some means, such as
simple form consists of two parallel a spark transmitter (or a valve

Fig. 22. An aerial is an oscillatory circuit "opened out". Stages a, tr, and c show
how aerial lead -down and earth correspond to the plates of a condenser and pos-
sess the inductance of a coil, thus illustrating the development of the aerial.
plates, is made on a larger scale, transmitter, as we shall consider
the plates being farther apart and later), we cause currents to oscil-
of larger area to compensate for late up and down this aerial, the
the greater distance between them. electrons will rush up and down
The next step is to replace one the wire, and will generate the
of the plates by the surface of the electro-magnetic waves which we
earth itself. Then, instead of hav-
ing a solid sheet of metal for the
upper plate, we find that we can
use a network a
of wires, and
this arrange-
ment is called
an aerial or
Actual] y
even the con-
necting wire it
between the ±

aerial and the I I I

earth has some

capacitance Fig. 23. Even a simple vertical wire possesses capacitance and
to ground, so inductance and, therefore, forms an oscillatory circuit (a).
that it is pos- Many modern transmitter aerials (b) consist solely of an
insulated mast with its connections.
require. The strength of the wave reached a certain point some dis-
produced will be proportional to tance away, at B.
the height of the aerial and to the This distance between similar
actual current, both of which fac- points on consecutive waves is
tors are linked up in practice with known as the wavelength of the
the frequency of the wave. wave. It is found that the speed
If we make the aerial system with which the disturbance travels
large, so that it has a large capac- outwards is always the same for
ity, it is possible to obtain a large any electro-magnetic disturbance.
current, but the frequency of the The speed is actually 300,000,000
oscillation is low. A typical ex- metres per second-the velocity of
ample of this type of construction light which, as we have seen, is a
isin the Rugby Station of the similar electro-magnetic wave.
British Post Office, which uses It also follows that if the veloc-
masts 82o ft. high. The frequency ity with which the waves travel is
of the oscillation generated is constant, then the more rapid the
20,000 cps., and the- current is oscillation the closer together must
many hundreds of amperes. the waves be. This leads to the
simple relationship:
Wavelength Frequency x wavelength = ve-
These oscillations generate an locity.
electro-magnetic wave of long From this relationship it follows
wavelength. By wavelength is that the wavelength of the waves
meant the distance in space be- radiated by the Rugby station just
tween the successive ripples. The considered is J5,000 metres-i.e.,
point is illustrated in Fig. 24, about q miles-and it is obvious
where a wave is indicated dia- that a wave of this type will have
grammatically in the form of a very considerable penetrative pro-
ripple in a line of force travelling perties. An object will only act as
outwards. The disturbances gener- an obstacle if its dimensions are
ated by the movement of the elec- large compared with those of
trons in the aerial will travel out the wavelength.
into space. Let us assume that at a
point A the electric field at a given Obstacles to Reception
instant is downwards. By the time As an example of this one can
a complete cycle has been obtained consider a barrel floating on a
and the field is again downwards pond. Little wavelets would be
the first downward field will have stopped and turned back by this


(A) 18)

Fig. 24. The frequency of the radiated wave determines the distance between
points of similar strength, i.e., the wavelength. The higher the frequency, the
greater the number of waves in a given distance and the shorter the wavelength.
barrel, whereas large waves would These disturbances, which can
merely flow around it compara- be very intense, are known as
tively unaffected. This was the atmospherics or X's. They are of
reason for the choice of wave- varying frequency, but those of
lengths of about 30o metres in the comparatively low frequency gen-
original development of wireless erate long -wave disturbances which
communication, for such wave- travel for long distances, whereas
lengths are quite large in compari- the higher -frequency disturbances
son with the ordinary obstacles, are more local in character. Con-
such as trees, houses, and so on. sequently, as we increase the wave-
These waves are, however, still length we find that, mixed up with
subject to absorption by hills, and the signal which we require; there
they are also subject to other dis- is also a fairly large proportion of
turbances, which are considered in atmospheric signals, and if these
later chapters, so that the develop- become too large it is impossible to
ment was always in the direction hear the wanted signal through the
of longer and still longer wave- background noise.
lengths, until one reaches wave-
lengths of many miles. Reception
This increasing wavelength, of For the reception of the waves
course, means that the frequency generated by the transmitter we
is being reduced all the time, and, erect a similar aerial, and in this
as we have seen, the strength of the the electric fields moving past the
wave is dependent on the rapidity aerial will induce EMFs which try
of the vibration, so that what is to set the electrons in the aerial in
being gained in greater penetrating motion. At a considerable distance
properties is being paid for in the from the transmitter, of course,
poorer radiation efficiency of the these induced voltages are very
system, to compensate for which minute-a few millionths of a volt
the power input has to be in- only-and consequently the cur-
creased. Whereas two kilowatts of rents set up are negligible to all
power may suffice at a few hundred intents and purposes.
metres, several hundred kilowatts Fortunately, however, we can
would be required for wavelengths overcome this difficulty by the
from io,000 to 15,000 metres. process of tuning, which means
adjusting the receiving aerial to a
Atmospherics similar condition to the trans-
Another factor which operates mitter, so that if any oscillations
adversely at these long wave- are started in the receiving aerial,
lengths is the atmospheric dis- they will not immediately die out,
turbance generated by Nature but will continue to oscillate.
herself. All over the surface of the Obviously if the aerial is in a
earth there are minor electrical suitable condition such as this,
disturbances taking place-cloud then the successive impulses re-
discharges, thunderstorms, mag- ceived from the electro-magnetic
netic storms, and so on-and these wave travelling past the aerial
generate electro-magnetic waves of will always be exactly timed to
the same type as we have been strengthen the currents which are
considering, although they are of a existing in the aerial. Thus the
very brief duration. current will build up to quite a
large value relative to what would small weight on the end of a length
be the case without tuning. of 4 ft. of cotton. At a similar dis-
It is possible to construct a tance from the other end connect
simple experiment to demonstrate another pendulum, making it this
r- 15 TO 20 FT


\, 1

Fig. 25. A simple experiment which demonstrates tuning. The oscillation of the
pendulum on the left will cause sympathetic oscillation of the one on the right-
but only when both the pendulums are of exactly the same length.

this. Connect a piece of cotton time only 3 ft. long, so that we

across the two opposite corners of have two pendulums separated by
a room, as shown in Fig. 25. It anything from 6 to to ft.
should not be stretched too tight, Draw the smaller pendulum to
but the cotton should sag about one side and let it go. It will com-
six inches in the middle. mence to swing, and the impulses
About 2 ft. from one end con- produced by this pendulum will be
nect a pendulum consisting of a transmitted through the stretched
cotton to the second
pendulum; but a-
part from the fact
that it will bob
about slightly in an
indeterminate man-
ner, nothing parti-
cular will happen.
Now adjust the
length of the second
pendulum to be
exactly equal to the
first, so that the
times of swing are
the same. If the ex-
periment is now re-
peated it will be
found that the se-
cond pendulum will
almost at once be-
Fig. 26. Receivers are usually tuned to the transmission gin to build up
it is desired to receive by varying the capacity of the into an oscillation
tuned circuits by a variable condenser such as this. of its own until
both pendulums are swinging this arrangement gave place to a
together. device called a crystal detector
This is the principle used in (Fig. 28).
tuning a receiving aerial; and to do If converted by some means
this we make arrangements to vary into air waves, radio frequencies
the effective inductance or, more would not be audible, for the limit
usually, the capacity of the aerial, of hearing is in the neighbour-
by a device consisting of a series of hood of ao,000 cycles per second,
plates which move in between a whereas ether waves often
series of other fixed plates. The oscillate at several million cycles
more the plates overlap the more is per second. Consequently it is
the capacity, and the device there- necessary to provide some device
fore is called a variable condenser which will detect the presence
(Fig. 26). The inductance used is of high -frequency currents and
varied in stages by switches to turn them into some form in
cover different wavebands. A typi-
cal tuning inductance (coil) is seen
in Fig. 27.
A further advantage of the tun-
ing is that it enables us to select the
particular signal we need from
among all the signals which are
passing the receiving aerial at the
time. Indeed, with the amplifica-
tion which is available to -day the
increase in the strength of the cur-
rent due to tuning is really of less
importance than this "selectivity"
which results from the process;
and in order to obtain the degree
of discrimination demanded by
modern conditions it is necessary
to pass the currentthrough a whole
succession of tuned circuits, each
of which selects the signal required
and rejects unwanted signals.
The first radio transmissions
were made using a spark trans-
mitter and a receiver known as a
"coherer", for Marconi found that
if high -frequency oscillating cur-
rents were passed through a series
of metal filings in a glass tube the
filings tended to cohere and be-
come more conducting, whereas
without the influence of the radio - Fig. 27. The tuning inductance is gener-
ally a coil and the amount of inductance
frequency currents the filings required for a given waveband is se-
passed very little current. Later lected by external switching.
which we can be fully aware of vals, we shall obtain a pull on the
their existence. telephone diaphragm at the re-
Every radio receiver, therefore, ceiver for every one of these
must contain a detector. A crystal groups, and if the groups or trains
detector is a contact between two of waves are sent out at a musical
crystals such as zincite and born- frequency, then we shall hear a
ite, or between a crystal such as musical note in the receiver.
carborundum and a metal such as This leads up to the question of
steel. Suitable combinations such modulation. As long as the waves
as this have the property of pass- are continuous they can communi-
ing current more readily in one cate no intelligence. It is always
direction than in the other. necessary that they should be
Now, ordinarily the average modulated or broken up in some
value of the oscillation is zero, be- way so that the strength changes.
cause each little pulse of current is In a telegraph transmitter we
immediately followed by an equal break up the waves by interrupting
them at regular
UNIVERSAL MOUNTING intervals, and of
course in the old
spark transmitters
this interruption
.N,%ras automatic, be-
cause there was one
train of waves
generated every
time a spark oc-
curred; and as the
sparks used to fol-
low one another
Fig. 28. A crystal detector of the kind used by listeners at a few hundred
in the early days of broadcasting. The device operated cycles per second
only when the "cat -whisker" made contact with a sensi-
tive point on the crystal, often difficult to obtain. only, the result
was that the re -
and opposite pulse. which cancels ceiver emitted a similar note.
it out; and if we put a pair of tele- The range of human hearing is
phones in the circuit we should from about 5o to 20,000 vibrations
hear nothing. Including a crystal per second. Very low frequencies
detector in the circuit, however, have a very low pitch, and as we
alters matters, because the positive increase the frequency the pitch of
pulses of current are able to flow the note rises, until it becomes so
comparatively easily, whereas the shrill that it cannot be heard.
negative pulses are reduced to a Young people can usually hear
small fraction of their true value, at frequencies approaching 20,000
so that there is a small amount of cps., and the squeak of a bat is of
current always flowing in the same this order of frequency. As one
direction, and this will produce a grows older the ear becomes less
pull on the telephone diaphragm. sensitive, and it is impossible to
If the waves are sent out from hear frequencies higher than
the transmitter in a series of short to,000 or even 8,000 cps. Fortun-
groups separated by regular inter- ately the ordinary range of speech

., c ., c' c'

ii 11 ! 1 i!li II 1 11! 11 4 II !I! 10! !1 !I



`--------s;77L7.-----J BONE



F'g. 29. The frequency of sound waves gives them pitch, and middle C, for
example, has a frequency of 256 cps. An instrument sounding middle C also
produces harmonics (multiples) of the fundamental frequency. The timbre or
quality of different instruments is produced by differences in the strength of the
harmonics. The above diagram shows fundamental frequencies, the harmonics
extending to about 15,000 cps. or more.

is covered within a more restricted flute gives a very pure oscillation,

scale than this, ranging from about whereas the violin note contains a
200 to 5,000 cps. large number of harmonics.
Music covers a wider range, from When dealing with amplifiers
5o, and sometimes even less, up to and radio transmitters and re-
15,000 cps. The diagram in Fig. 29 ceivers generally, it is necessary to
shows the fundamental frequencies allow for all this. Sometimes com-
covered by different instruments. promise is necessary, and where
one is dealing solely with speech it
Harmonics Give Timbre is only important to handle modu-
It is the lower frequencies rang- lation frequencies within the limits
ing up to a few thousand cycles per of 200 to 5,000, while with high -
second which constitute the main quality reception for music a much
body or fundamental of the note, wider range is necessary.
while its distinctive quality is im- Reverting to our radio trans-
parted to it by what are known as mitters, it is clear that if we inter-
"harmonics", which are smaller rupt the transmissions at a rate of a
oscillations having frequencies two few hundred times per second we
or three times the fundamental shall hear a fairly low musical note
frequencies. The same note played in the receiver, and this is what is
on the flute and on the violin done for telegraphy transmission.
sounds quite different, because the With the simple spark transmit-
ters already described we only and satisfactorily amplified until
generate a train of waves every they will operate a detector. More-
time a spark occurs, and these over, it is not necessary to use
waves are rapidly damped out telephones, for the audible fre-
by the losses in the circuit. By quencies delivered by the detector
the use of valves and methods can again be amplified and passed
discussed in later chapters it is to loudspeakers or to mechanical
possible to produce a continuous recorders of various forms.
oscillation (continuous waves), and The choice of the actual wave-
moreover it is possible to arrange length of the waves will be dis-
to alter the amplitude of these cussed in a later chapter. We have
waves smoothly at an audible rate. already seen that there is some ad-
vantage, in using long wavelengths
LF Imposed on RF rather than short. For a long time
The modulation, as it is called, this was the main line of develop-
must obviously be relatively much ment, because it seemed that short
slower than the frequency of the wavelengths suffered from various
oscillations themselves, but since disadvantages due to absorption
the waves are oscillating hundreds which occurred in the atmosphere.
of thousands or even millions of
times per second, and the maxi- Short -Wave Operation
mum modulation frequency we Later, however, the reason for
want is something under zo,000 these absorptions became more
per second, this condition is satis- clearly understood, and it was
factorily complied with. found that considerable improve-
The actual mechanism of modu- ment could be obtained by a
lation is discussed in detail in marked reduction in the wave-
another chapter, but it is clear length, which resulted in a whole
that if we can alter the ampli- new field of technique known as
tude of the wave in this manner, short-wave operation. This whole
then when we pass these waves subject, however, together with
through a detector at the receiver consideration of the manner in
we shall get a varying current which wireless waves can travel
through the telephones which will round the curved surface of the
vary at the same rate. earth, is discussed elsewhere.
Varying the Amplitude We close this chapter having
obtained a general view of radio-a
Obviously this procedure is not large outline map on which detail
restricted to simple regular varia- can be drawn by the following
tions producing a musical note. It chapters, some of which have just
is possible to vary the amplitude in been mentioned. We have seen
a complex manner to reproduce what radio waves are and, broadly,
the frequencies contained in aud- how they are used as carriers of
ible speech or music, and this is "intelligence", as the expression is.
the basis of radio telephony. The following chapters explain
At the receiver it is also possible the practical methods by which
to use valves instead of just a signals are produced, radiated and
simple crystal detector, and this received-whether they be for the
enables signals of very much amusement of the listener or for
smaller amplitude to be picked up the guidance of airplane or ship.



IN this chapter we take a radio fore, be approaching the subject in

receiver, which to the un- an essentially practical way, intro-
initiated may seem like a box ducing only the barest minimum
of tricks, and see how it is that by of theory where it is essential to
turning two or three knobs we can the understanding of a particular
pick up a radio signal, which can- process, or to prevent wrong im-
pressions being gained.
human senses, and produce, if theoretical side of radio, readers
necessary, a volume of sound ade- are referred to a later chapter
quate to fill the largest room or a of this book.
big open space. The information in these pages
is applicable mainly to domestic
Reception Principles receivers, but the same principles
To understand the principles on are employed in the sets used by
which radio reception is based we the Services and also, to a large
do not need to be advanced mathe- extent, in television receivers.
maticians or physicists-there is a
very big difference between the High -Frequency Carrier
designing of a set which will func- The signal which is sent out
tion correctly (which we will leave from the transmitting station is an
to the research engineers) and electro-magnetic wave, and before
operating the set when it is fin- it can be made audible to the lis-
ished, or even repairing it when it tener in the form of sound waves
becomes faulty. A motor mechanic it must undergo a number of
may not comprehend the various changes in the receiver. The de-
chemical and physical changes sign of the receiver depends on the
which occur in an internal-com- form of the wave, and fortunately
bustion engine when it is working, the majority of transmissions from
but he knows how to make it go stations all over the world take the
again when it stops. same form and are receivable on
In this chapter we shall, there - the same set, providing they are


--111111-- '1-0000000


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-AAAAA,- 1.11.1111.11P -

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sufficiently powerful to be picked The power of the signals picked.
up by the receiving aerial. up is so small as to be useless
Certain stations in America are without amplification. At the trans-
now operating with a slightly dif- mitter the energy put into the
ferent type of signal (frequency aerial may be anything up to too
modulated), which is not receivable kilowatts or more; at the receiving
on an ordinary set without certain aerial the energy picked up may be a
modifications, but these stations, so small fraction of a microwatt, which
far, are decidedly in the minority. is almost negligible. However, by
The standard transmitted wave amplification it can be made fully
consists basically of a high -fre- adequate for all our requirements.
quency "carrier", which in itself This, then, is the second neces-
contributes nothing in the way of sary function of the receiver-
sound to the final result, but namely, to amplify the incoming
merely acts as a means of getting signal to the required degree. This
the speech or music which it is amplification takes place at radio
desired to transmit disseminated frequency, and at the end of it our
as far and wide as possible. That signal is unchanged in form, but
is why it is called a "carrier". much more powerful. However
Audio -Frequency Currents powerful it is, it is nevertheless
The sound -waves in the studio still not suitable for operating a
cannot be transmitted as they are, loudspeaker, for which an audio
even with the help of the carrier. frequency is required.
They are first of all converted Demodulation
into audio -frequency "low -frequ-
ency") currents, and in this form The next step, therefore, is to
they are impressed on. the carrier remove the RF carrier wave, leav-
wave. This process is known as ing the audio frequency modula-
"modulation", and it is the modu- tion, which is what we want. This
process is now usually termed
lated carrier wave which is picked
up by the aerial of the receiver. "demodulation", since it is the
Modulation can be carried out opposite process to that which
in a number of ways, but the most took place at the transmitter when
usual form of it is that which is the carrier wave was modulated.
known as "amplitude modula- The process of demodulation was
tion", in which the amplitude of previously known as "detection",
the carrier wave is varied at audio and is still known by that term in
frequency by the modulation im- some quarters.
pressed on it. Having demodulated the ampli-
fied signal, we are left with an
Picking up the Signal audio- or low -frequency (LF) sig-
The problem at the receiving nal which will operate a loud-
end of the broadcasting chain is speaker or headphones, though
first of all to pick up the signal. possibly at very low power. Con-
This is done with an aerial, which sequently, it is usual to amplify the
may take various forms, according LF signal until it is of sufficient
to requirements. The radio wave, power to operate the speaker at the
on striking the aerial, produces volume required.
minute modulated radio -frequency The function of the speaker is to
voltages in the aerial system. convert the LF signal into the
final form in which it can be ap- may not always be present, it is
preciated-namely, sound waves. shown dotted.
It is important to understand that Next comes a stage which is not
from the time when sound waves found in the "straight" type of
operate the microphone at the receiver-the frequency changer.
transmitting studio to the time The function of this is to convert
when they leave the loudspeaker of the incoming RF signal to one of
the receiver, radio transmission is lower frequency, known as the
purely electrical, and sound does intermediate frequency, or IF.
not enter into the process at all. The benefits of this process will
The processes at the receiving be fully explained later, when we
end which have been briefly out- come to consider superhet circuits
lined are those which occur in a in detail, but briefly it has the ad-
receiver of the so-called "straight" vantage that amplification of a sig-
type, to which the term "tuned nal at the lower frequency is easier
radio frequency" or TRF is some- than at the original transmitted
times applied. The block diagram frequency.
in Fig. i shows the various sec- The next stage is the IF ampli-
tions of this type of receiver, which fier in which the converted signal
have already been described. is amplified to the required degree
before being passed to the next
The Superhet stage, the demodulator. This has
In recent years a rather different the same function as the same
type of receiver has become in- stage in the "straight" type of re -
popular V AERIAL

count of RADIO

its many AMPLIFIER

ad van-
tage s .
This is Fig. I. The various links in the chain, or stages as they are called,
the supe r - which go to make up a complete receiver of the tuned radio
het e ro- frequency (TRF) or "straight" type.
dyne (us-
ually abbreviated to "superhet"), ceiver-that is, to separate the
and a diagram showing its various modulation from the carrier wave
sections is given in Fig. za. Again (which, although converted to a
we have an aerial to pick up the lower frequency, is still in the
signal, followed, in many cases, by same form as when it entered the
an RF amplifier. As, however, this receiver).



Fig. 2a. The superheterodyne type of receiver "superhet") also
divides into stages, but there are extra stages for frequency -changing
and intermediate -frequency amplification.
33 (R.E.)
Following the demodulator, the somewhat more elaborate nature
superhet receiver is the same as the owing to its extra stages.
straight type, and the audio fre- The aerial and earth system is
quency modulation is amplified in an important part of a receiver in-
the LF amplifier and then fed to stallation, for on this depends the
the loudspeaker. strength of the signal which will be
On examining Figs. i and za it picked up and, therefore, how sen-
will be noticed that each type of sitive the receiver must be to
receiver divides up into a number enable good results to be obtained
of definite sections, all linked to- from a certain station.
gether. In fact, the analogy of the
links in a chain can be strictly ap- Aerial and Earth Systems
plied. It is proposed here to exam - Strictly speaking, the aerial and
me each type of receiver link by earth system should be regarded as
link. There is no need for the an integral part of the receiver. In
reader to know in great detail what a portable, which uses a frame
goes on in each link, provided aerial, this is the case, the frame
that he knows what the link winding forming the first tuned
should do, and the relation which circuit of the receiver.
it bears to the other links. In other types of receiver, to
As Fig. zb shows, even the most which the term "open aerial re-
complex receiver becomes intelli- ceivers" is applied, the aerial and
gible when divided into its stages. earth are, of course, external to the
Figs. 3 and 4 show the layout of instrument, and for this reason but
the components on the decks of scant attention is usually paid to
typical TRF and superhet chassis them. This is a pity, because al-
respectively. The main parts are though it is true that a modern
indicated, and it will be observed receiver will work with a poor
that the difference in external ap- aerial, and sometimes no aerial at
pearance is not great, except that all, it will work much better with a
the superhet (in Fig. 4) is of a good aerial. A poor aerial means





Fig. 26. Even the most complicated de luxe receiver can be sectionalised as
indicated here, and then becomes much less formidable to understand.




0 0






Fig. 3. Chassis of a simple three -valve TRF or "straight" receiver for operation
from batteries. Small resistances and condensers, the wiring and certain coils and
switches are out of sight below the chassis.

that a small signal is passed to the with the large voltages and cur-
first valve, and consequently extra rents in the transmitting aerial.
amplification is necessary in the Up to a point, the larger our
receiver. This tends to introduce aerial, the bigger the energy we
background noise, which would be shall absorb; the higher our aerial,
entirely avoided if a really good the bigger the energy; and the
aerial were in use. nearer we are to the transmitter,
the bigger the energy. Usually we
Use of Beam Aerial cannot control the latter, but we
It has been seen that a radio can certainly see that our aerial
signal is sent out from the trans- conforms to the requirements of
mitting aerial in the form of a size and height.
complex wave. Usually it radiates
in all directions from the transmit- Height of Aerial
ting aerial, although in certain cir- A low aerial not only fails to
cumstances the energy from the pick up a good signal by virtue of
transmitter is concentrated in one its lack of height, but, being low, it
direction only by means of a is also probably screened by build-
special "beam" aerial. ings and metal structures, and is
If the receiving aerial is placed also close to sources of electrical
in the path of the transmitted interference (see Chapter 9), and
wave, it abstracts energy from the is therefore more susceptible to
wave, this energy producing tiny them. This indicates that height
voltages and currents in the aerial- is .very important.
earth system which correspond The size of an aerial depends to
theless, earthing is
30 60 FT. desirable,
AERIAL WIRE and in many cases
direct connection to
a main water -pipe,
to an earth -tube or
spike driven into
30 FT. damp soil, or to a
buried metal plate
or net, is usually
. recommended. Gas -
pipes, electric con-
duit, hot-water sys-
Fig. S. A simple and effective type of aerial known tems, and so on
as the "Inverted L". should not be used
for earthing a radio
chosen as to cause it to resonate set. Examples of typical earths
somewhere in the middle of the are shown in Fig. 8.
waveband in which we are most Sometimes an actual earth con-
interested, we shall obtain optimum nection is dispensed with, and a
results in this waveband. That is so-called counterpoise system is
why dimensions of the order of used instead. A diagram of this is
those given in Fig. 5 are generally in Fig. 9. This system uses an
adhered to in an ordinary broad- ordinary aerial, while suspended
cast aerial. below it is a similar span of wire
(or several wires), which is also
Insulating the Aerial insulated from earth, and has a
The insulation of the aerial is lead-in to the receiver. The aerial
important, for any leakages of the wire and counterpoise form the
small currents picked up will seri- two plates of a condenser, across
ously affect its efficiency. The in- which the incoming signal voltages
sulators used should have a large are developed. Counterpoise sys-
leakage path, and should prefer- tems are mainly used at transmit -
ably be so designed
that dirt is not readily AERIAL WIRE
picked up and retained INSULATOR
on the surface. Ex-
amples of typical insu-
lators are shown in Fig.
7a and b. Highly glazed --m-DOWNLEAD WIRE
porcelain, glass, or
pyrex are popular
materials for insulator
The earth connec- RECEIVER
tion is also important,
though most receivers Fig. 6. The "T" aerial has good features from a
will operate without an theoretical point of view, but is usually not as well
external earth. Never- suited to ordinary gardens as the "inverted L".

Fig. 7a. Three types of aerial insulator.

The surfaces are highly glazed to mini-
mise pick-up of dirt and moisture, and
the shapes are devised so that any cur-
rent leakage which may occur from
aerial wire to stay must travel by the
longest possible path.
ting stations, but they have advan-
tages in cases where a proper earth
for the receiver cannot be ob-
tained, and also for use in connec-
tion with certain specialised types tion is desired, but separated from
of receiver. each other at the centre.
So far we have been mainly Connection from the aerial to
concerned with aerials for use with the receiver is not made by an
ordinary domestic receivers. In the ordinary lead-in wire, but by a
case of special short-wave re- twin feeder, each wire of which is
ceivers there is usually an advan- attached to one "pole" of the
tage in employing a specialised aerial at the centre. This is shown
short-wave aerial system. In most in Fig. io. The impedance of any
cases these systems are of the re- centre -fed dipole aerial is of the
sonant or tuned type, and enable order of 75 ohms, and for correct
better reception to be obtained on operation the feeder cable must be
a certain waveband than would of a type having the same imped-
normally be the case with the or- ance. The feeder must also be
dinary open type of aerial. Since properly matched to the receiver
the dimensions of resonant aerials at its other end.
depend on the wavelength at which One type of feeder consists of
resonance is desired, true resonant two parallel wires suitably spaced
aerials can only be erected for use in insulating material to give the
on the shorter waves in the average correct impedance, while another,
garden. known as the concentric type, con-
Dipole Aerials sists of a cylindrical outer screen
It is not intended here to go forming one connection, with an
axial wire running down it and
into full details regarding short- forming the other connection (Fig.
wave aerials, because this is I).
covered in Chapter 7. The most Television aerials usually con-
common type is the dipole or sist of vertical dipoles, either alone,
doublet aerial, which consists of or with a reflecting element at a
two wires stretched horizontally in quarter or an eighth of a wave-
line, having a total length approxi- length behind them. The elements
mately equal to half the wave- are in the form of rods or tubes,
length at which optimum recep- and the special type of feeder
AERIAL want, and reject all
those we do not
want, we make use
of the principle of
tuning. In the fol-
lowing explanation
we shall be referring
to frequencies, rath-
er than wavelengths,
TO EARTH as this will be more
TERMINAL convenient, but it
1111.101.11111111110 should be remem-
Fg. 9. Seldom used but valuable in exceptional cases is
bered that frequen-
the counterpoise aerial -earth system. The earth of the cies are related to
set is connected to an insulated wire a short distance wavelengths in an
above the ground and below the aerial. inverse ratio (see
page 22.)
that the aerial picks up a minute Tuning is carried out by a corn -
signal from the station we wish to bination of inductance (the attri-
receive, but it should be realised bute of a coil) and capacitance
that in most cases
it also picks up INSULATOR INSULATOR
signals of various
intensities from
every other station
which happens to TWIN FEEDER CABLE
be transmitting at TO RECEIVER

the time. Some of Fig. 10. For reception of short -waves efficiency is in-
these stations, of creased if the aerial itself resonates with the signal. This
course, will produce is the idea behind the dipole or doublet aerial.
only a negligible sig-
nal in our aerial, but others maybe (the attribute of a condenser).
of an intensity equal to or greater The reactance of a coil, or the
than that of the signal we desire. barrier it offers to an alternating
In order to select the signal we current, increases with the fre-

Fig. 1 I. Dipole aerials are connected to the receiver by special twin "transmis-
sion" cable. Another type of lead -down has a single conductor for the signals and
an outer flexible metal sheathing to screen off local interference.



Fig. 12a. Interfering "noise" is usually strongest in the region of the house. By
arranging the collector part of the aerial at the bottom of the garden and conduct-
ing the signal to the receiver through a screened wire much "cleaner" signals are
obtained. Further reference to anti -static aerials Is made in Chapter 9.

quency of the current (see Chapter In Fig. 14, diagram a represents

17). the reactance of a condenser, the signal of frequency f applied to
on the other hand, decreases with the coil Of inductance Li and the
the frequency, and if we arrange condenser of capacitance Cr con-
matters so that the coil and the nected in series. When the react-
condenser have equal reactances at ance of Li equals the reactance of
a certain frequency, an interesting CI, the alternating voltage across
state of affairs results, to which Li is equal in value to that across
the term "resonance" is applied. Cr, but, in the usual manner of
inductances and condensers, the
two voltages are 18o deg. out of
phase-that is, they oppose each
Since the voltages are equal in
value, the net result is that there is




Fig. 12b. In another form of anti -inter- Fig. 13a. A tuned frame aerial as used
ference aerial, a rod collector raised in portable sets, showing directions of
above the "noise" field is employed. maximum and minimum signal pick-up.
age at resonance. This means that better would be the receiver. In
in addition to the station of fre- practice, however, for the recep-
quency ft which we want, a num- tion of speech and music, one has
ber of stations on either side of ft, to make a compromise, for reasons
depending on the width of the re- which will now be detailed.
sonance curve, will be received, We have seen that the. signal is
though they will get weaker and sent out as audio -frequency mo-
weaker as their frequency gets dulation impressed on a carrier
farther from ft. wave. So far, in considering selec-
tivity we have been assuming that
Resonance Curve the signal is of a single frequency,
The reason for having a reson- that of the carrier. It can be shown
ance curve of appreciable width is mathematically, however, that a
that our tuned circuit can never be carrier wave of frequency F modu-
perfect, and in addition to induct- lated by a frequency f can be re-
ance and capacitance, it will always placed by three separate waves, of
contain resistance. The lower the frequency F, F -f and F 1.
resistance the higher the Magnifi- If the carrier is modulated by
cation of the circuit, as we have numerous audio frequencies, as it
seen, but, in addition, the nar- will be in the case of music, the
rower will be the resonance curve, signal then consists of the carrier
and the greater the "selectivity" with a whole band of frequencies
of the circuit, as it is called. on either side of it. These are
Thus in Fig. 16 the dotted curve known as sidebands. If f now re-
might represent our resonance presents the highest audio fre-
curve when the resistance of the quency transmitted, the wave sent
tuned circuit was reduced, and it out will extend in frequency from
will be observed that it is taller and F f to F -f, and its width will
narrower. Our "wanted" station thus be 2f.
will now develop a voltage of V3,
and the unwanted station of fre- High Selectivity
quency /2 develops a voltage of Obviously, if we make the selec-
V4. Obviously, the ratio of volt- tivity too high, we shall accept
age of the wanted to the un- such a narrow band of frequencies
wanted signal ( V3 / V4) is now that the whole of the transmitted
considerably greater than it was signal will not be able to enter the
before ( / V2). set, and we shall get a cutting off of
sidebands. Since the highest audio
Use of Tuned Circuits frequencies are on the outside of
Besides improving selectivity in each sideband, the effect of too
the way mentioned, the same effect high a selectivity will be a reduc-
can also be achieved by using two tion in the upper register of the
or more tuned circuits. The more music received.
tuned circuits, the greater the se- The compromise between selec-
lectivity, and anything from two to tivity and fidelity is one of the
six or more circuits may be used in problems of the designer of a re-
a modern receiver, according to ceiver, and in some cases he in-
the type to be provided for. troduces a feature whereby the
One would be inclined to think selectivity can be made variable
that the greater the selectivity the according to requirements.
Having briefly given the simple ductively coupled to the tuned cir-
theory of tuning and selectivity, cuit L3, C3. This has similar ad-
we can pass 'to more practical de- vantages to those of the other
tails. The signal picked up by the circuits. La and L3 really form a
aerial is fed first of all to a tuned radio -frequency transformer with
circuit which precedes the first a tuned secondary winding.
valve of the receiver. Typical
methods of coupling the aerial are Ganged Tuning
shown in Fig. 17. So far we have not considered
At a the aerial is coupled via a how we can make the tuning vari-
small fixed condenser, Cr. The able, to enable us to select any one
reason it is not
directly coupled is
that the aerial has
a fairly high capa-
city, and would
have a big effect Cl TO CR1D OF TO CRID OF
on the tuning of 1st VALVE 1st VALVE
the circuit Li,
C2. This would
not matter if there C2 CS
were only the one
tuned circuit, but, L2
as we have seen,
there may be a
number of such
circuits in a re-
ceiver, and in or- Q
der to simplify Fig. 17. Two methods of coupling the aerial to the first
tuning they must tuned circuit of a set, (a) by a small series capacity, CI,
all be tuned by and (b) by a winding, L2, inductively coupled to the tuned
the operation of a coil, L3. Both methods are described on this page.
single knob. The circuits are then of a wide band of frequencies.
said to be "ganged" together, and Since a tuned circuit consists of a
they must all have similar charac- coil and a condenser, we can tune
teristics. by altering either the inductance of
If we connected the aerial direct the coil or the capacitance of the
to Li, C2, this circuit could not condenser. Both methods are, in
be easily ganged with the others. fact, employed, but in the ordinary
Hence we make the aerial coupling radio -frequency circuits it is usual
as small as possible and, although to employ a fixed coil and a vari-
this reduces the input somewhat, able condenser.
it assists in making one -knob tun- The modern type of variable
ing possible. It also makes the re- condenser consists of a stator, into
ceiver more or less independent of which a bank of similarly spaced
the type of aerial employed, as far vanes (the rotor) can be caused to
as tuning is concerned. mesh by turning a knob. When
Another method of coupling is the rotor and stator are completely
shown at b in Fig. 17, where the out of the mesh, the condenser,
coil L2 in the aerial circuit is in- is at its lowest capacity (usually
such as when the two tuning coils
at a are inductively coupled to
each other.
Having selected our station at
the tuned input stage of the set,
where it produces a voltage across
the tuned circuit, we are now in a
position to amplify it with the aid
of a suitable valve. Valves are dealt
FREQUENCY with in Chapter 16, so we shall not
Fig. 20. A band-pass curve (full line) go deeply into their theory here.
compared with that of a single tuned The simplest type of valve
circuit (dotted). Note the steeper sides which can be used for amplifying
but flatter top giving better selectivity is the triode, consisting of a fila-
and at the same time wider audio -fre-
quency response. ment (or heater -cathode assem-
bly in the case of an indirectly
full -line curve shows "band-pass" heated mains valve), a grid and an
characteristics-that is, it will pass anode. This is shown at a in Fig.
a signal of a certain band -width 22. Unfortunately, the triode is


a C
Fig. 21. Three typical forms of band-pass circuit as used for a single waveband
and showing different types of coupling.

without attenuation, but outside not very suitable for RF amplifica-

this frequency band, on either tion, owing to the fact that there is
side, the cut-off is abrupt. a small but definite capacity be-
Typical two -stage band-pass tween its grid and anode which
circuits are shown in Fig. 25. At causes feed -back at radio fre-
a, the two tuned circuits are quencies and also causes in-
coupled by virtue of the fact that stability of the circuit.
condenser Cs is common to each Consequently a special form of
of them. At b, the coupling is by valve, with a screen between the
the common reactance of the
coil LI, while at c, coupling is
by the reactance of L2 and also
by C2. a represents capacitative
coupling, b represents induc-
tive coupling and c is a com-
bination of both, known as a
"mixed coupling". Mixed coup- Fig. 22. Symbols representing triode,
ling can also take other forms, tetrode (screened -grid) and pentode valves.
grid and anode which reduces the ation in the anode voltage within
anode-grid capacity, was de- limits has little or no effect. This
veloped for RF amplification. This suggests a method of controlling
is shown at b in Fig. 22, and is the amplification of the RF ampli-
known as a screened -grid valve, or fier stage, as shown in Fig. 23.
a screened tetrode. The electrode R is a potentiometer across the
nearest the filament is the control HT supply, from which varying
grid, as in a triode, while the elec- voltages can be obtained for the
trode between this and the anode screen. C is the screen by-pass
is the screen. condenser.
The screen is usually fed with a This arrangement works satis-
positive voltage less than that of factorily as far as controlling
the anode, and is connected via a
large condenser to earth. Other- 'HT POSITIVE
wise it does not enter into the
circuit at all.
Screened Pentode
The screened tetrode is quite
satisfactory for RF amplification,
and has been used in many re-
ceivers. It is now often replaced,
however, by a screened RF pen-
tode. This contains one more elec-
trode, as shown at c in Fig. 22.
The new electrode is called a sup-
pressor, and is situated between Fig. 23.-Controlling the amplification
the screen -grid and the anode. It of a screened tetrode by altering Its
screen voltage.
is usually connected to earth, and
its function is to get rid of the amplification is concerned, and
effects of what is known as "se- therefore operates as a pre -de-
condary emission" from the anode, tector volume control.
whereby in an ordinary screened
tetrode the shape of the anode Distorted Signals
current curve is so altered that This arrangement has certain
distortion may occur with large disadvantages, however. The chief
signals in the anode circuit. one is that as the screen voltage is
In normal RF practice this state reduced, which also reduces the
of affairs does not occur, but amplification of the valve, the sig-
nevertheless the screened pentode nal which can be handled without
(which also has, the advantage that distortion is also reduced. As we
its amplification can be made shall usually need to reduce the
higher than that of a tetrode) is amplification mainly for a power-
now in general use. ful signal, this signal will not be
So far we have mentioned what handled by the valve without dis-
may be termed normal RF te- tortion, which is unsatisfactory.
trodes and pentodes. The amplifi- What is needed is a valve with
cation obtainable from these can controllable amplification which,
be varied by altering the positive as the amplification is reduced,
voltage applied to the screen; vari- will also handle a. larger signal.
For this purpose a special "vari- GB - is a grid -bias battery, and R
able -mu" valve is generally used, is a potentiometer connected across
"mu" being the Greek 11, repre- this. The moving contact of the
senting amplification factor. This potentiometer goes to the grid of
valve is constructed so that the the valve, which can given
negative bias on the grid controls a bias, relative to LT negative, of
the amplification factor. anything from zero up to full nega-
tive voltage of the bias battery.
Bias Control Having seen the types of valve
With a large negative bias the used for radio -frequency amplifi-
amplification factor is lowered; cation, we must now consider the
with a small or zero bias, full am- complete stage. The principle of
plification is obtained. At the same amplification in any valve is that
time, the large bias used for mini- the signal is applied to the control
mum amplification also permits grid, and the variations in the
the valve to handle a large input voltage on this grid produce corre-
signal on its grid without overload sponding variations in the anode
current through the valve. This
anode current, of course, flows
through the external circuit, which
is connected to the anode.
The RF Stage
If now we place in the external
anode circuit a resistance or an
impedance, usually termed the
"load", the variations in the anode
current through the load will pro-
LT + duce a corresponding variable
voltage across the load. So, by
LT - applying a variable voltage, which
may be our signal, across the grid
GB+ circuit of the valve, we produce a
signal across the anode load which
will be identical in form with that
GB - on the grid (providing that the
valve is free from distortion), but,
Fig. 24. A variable -mu tetrode or pen-
tode has its amplification controlled owing to the amplification factor
by varying the negative bias which is of the valve, will be many times as
applied to the grid. great. In other words, the signal
has been amplified.
or distortion. Variable -mu tetrodes While a resistance or an untuned
and pentodes are available, the inductance could be used as a load
latter being most popular to -day. in an RF amplifier (a condenser
Fig. 24 shows one method of would not do, since it would pre-
varying the bias on a variable -mu vent the HT voltage reaching the
screened pentode. Occasionally, anode), it is more usual to employ
variable -mu properties are indi- a tuned circuit or a tuned trans-
cated by an arrow drawn through the former to couple the anode circuit
valve diagram. Between GB + and to the next valve (which may be


Fig. 25. Simplified diagram showing the essentials of an RF amplifier
with tuned anode coupling to the next valve.

another RF amplifier or the de- DC from the first stage. C3, of

tector of the set). course, is high enough in value to
Fig. 25 shows a skeleton RF present no barrier to the RF volt-
stage employing a single tuned in- ages. Ri is necessary, in lieu of any
put circuit Li, Cs, and a tuned other connection between grid of
anode circuit L2, C2 coupling the the second valve and earth, to per-
RF valve to the next stage. The mit bias to be applied to this valve,
RF voltage across the parallel cir- which otherwise would not work.
cuit L2, C2 is also present between
the anode of the valve and earth, Transformer Coupling
since, as far as RF is concerned, the Fig. 26 shows another popular
FIT supply circuits are effectively form of RF amplifier circuit using
at earth potential. This is indicated a transformer coupling between
by the dotted line. the two valves. Ls, Cs is the tuned
The RF voltage between X and circuit, as before, while L2, L3, C2
Y is, to all intents and purposes, form the coupling. L2, Which may
also between X and Z, whence it be regarded as the untuned prim-
can be applied across the grid cir- ary winding of the transformer
cuit of the next valve. It is essen- L2, L3, is in series with the anode
tial, however, that the DC anode circuit of the first valve, and acts
voltage of the first valve does not as the load.
reach the grid of the next valve, The amplified RF voltage across
and we therefore insert condenser L2 is transferred to the tuned
C3 in the position shown to isolate secondary circuit L3, C2 by reason
the grid of the second valve from of the inductive effect between L2

pLt C>
0 176"

Fig. 26. Another simplified diagram showing an RF amplifier with

tuned -secondary transformer coupling to the next valve.

and L3, which are coupled to- able condenser, and modern sets
gether. Note that the intervalve rarely employ one having more
coupling here is very similar in than three sections.
form to the aerial coupling coil and After the incoming signal has
the tuned circuit. been amplified by one or two RF
stages it is still in the same form as
Ganged Circuits it was when picked up by the
The pairs of tuned circuits aerial (assuming no distortion or
shown in Figs. 25 and 26 are al- side -band cutting in the RF am-
ways ganged together in modem plifier), but of considerably'greater
sets, and, of course, coil switching voltage. The next step is to take
for different wavebands in the in- our amplified signal and remove
tervalve couplings is as necessary the AF (audio, or low, fre9uency)
as it is in the case of the tuned modulation from the carrier. We
input circuits (see Fig. 19a). have no further use for the latter,
Despite the comparative free- so it is discarded, but the AF
dom from instability in modern RF modulation is retained for addi-
amplifier circuits using screened tional amplification. The removal
tetrodes or pentodes, it is usual to of the modulation is known as
limit the stages of RF amplifica- "detection" or "demodulation",
tion to two, and very often there is the latter being the more accurate
only one stage. If two stages are description.
used thiswill involve another coup-
ling between the second and Crystal Detectors
third valves, and hence another Although in the early days of
tuned stage, making three in all, orbroadcasting it was customary to
four if the input circuit is of the use the rectifying effect of certain
band-pass type. Four sections is types of crystal for demodulation,
about the'limit for a ganged vari- the crystal detector, as it was
called, lost its popularity when
valves began to be developed for
use in receivers. Nevertheless,
crystal detectors operated by vir-
tue of the same characteristics as
that possessed by the valve type of ,
demodulator-namely, the ability L
to conduct a current passing
through them more easily in one
direction than the other.
Handling Large Signals
The simplest form of valve de-
modulator is the diode, a two -
electrode valve with a filament (or
heater -cathode assembly) and an C`'
anode. This is not largely used in Fig. 27. The simplest diode demodula-
TRF receivers, since it is not so tor circuit. A steady voltage due to the
sensitive as other types, and does rectified carrier and a low -frequency
signal voltage appear across R-C2.
not operate well with small inputs.
It has the advantage of being able
to handle large signals without the current through the diode will
overload and distortion, and is correspond to the variations of in-
therefore used almost exclusively put voltage which occur above the
in superheterodyne receivers, as horizontal base line in Fig. 28. In
we shall see later. other words, the current through
the diode will be in a series of
Diode Demodulation pulses, as in Fig. 29. Since the in-
It is necessary here to present a dividual pulses are occurring at
simple picture of what takes place radio frequency (actually, at car-
in the demodulator section of the rier frequency), their mean value
receiver. Fig. 27 represents the may be represented by the dotted
simplest diode demodulator cir- line through Fig. 29. This is shown
cuit. The diode does not conduct again in Fig. 3o, where it will be
until its anode is made positive seen to represent a DC voltage V,
relative to the filament or cathode, with the audio frequencies corre-
since only then can electrons from
the filament reach the anode. Since
the diode is virtually in paraller
with the tuned circuit Li, Cr pre-
ceding it, the signal voltage is ap-
plied between anode and filament
of the diode, via the resistance R,
across which is a small RF by-pass
condenser C2. The incoming sig-
nal is of the form shown in Fig. z8,
and consists of an RF carrier F g. 28. Diagrammatic representation
modulated at audio frequency. of a modulated RF signal as applied to
Since the diode only conducts the diode demodulator. Actually a far
greater number of RF oscillations oc-
when its anode voltage is positive, curs during each low -frequency wave.
Now, with the grid thus biased, if
we apply our signal to the grid as
well, the grid voltage will vary Fig. 34. Application of
negative grid bias is
between C and D, the length the main characteristic
of CD depending on the signal of the anode bend
strength. The effect of negative demodulator.
peaks in the signal will be to in-
crease the instantaneous negative
bias of the valve by the amount
AC; the effect of the positive
peaks will be to decrease the nega-
tive bias by the same amount, AD.
Anode Current Changes
Owing to the shape of the curve,
however, equal changes in bias on
either side of A do not result in
equal changes in anode current.
The negative peaks reduce the
anode current from OB to OE; the
positive peaks increase it from OB GRID
to OF. Consequently, the net re- BIAS
sult is that when a signal is applied,
the mean anode current increases the external load in the anode cir-
by the amount FB - BE, and the cuit of the valve, producing volt-
negative excursions of the incom- age variations across it, and it is
ing signal are practically sup- these variations at audio frequen-
pressed in the resultant anode cies which are utilised in later
current variations. stages in the receiver.
These are shown in Fig. 33, the Owing to the amplification of
horizontal line XX representing the valve, the anode bend detector
the anode current under no -signal also amplifies the signal, but not to
conditions. The dotted line repre- such a great extent as the cumula-
sents the mean anode current tive grid detector. It will, however,
when the signal is applied, and its handle a larger signal, and in fact is
variations will be seen to follow the more efficient with a large input
modulation of the original signal. signal. Furthermore, it does not
The anode current flows through place a load on the preceding
tuned circuit, as does the grid
detector, in which grid current
The circuit of the anode bend
detector is shown in Fig. 34. Com-
paring this with the grid detection
X circuits of Fig. 31, it will be seen .
that anode bend detection needs
no grid condenser or leak, but it
Fig. 33. Current in the anode circuit of does need the application of nega-
an anode bend demodulator. The heavy
dotted line shows the track of the tive bias to the grid to enable the
audio -frequency variations. valve to operate around the correct
point on its characteristic curve creased signal at the anode, and
(X in Fig. 32). so on.
One can always discover Carefully used, reaction can
whether grid or anode bend de- greatly improve the sensitivity of
modulation is being used in a set by the receiver, and it also has the
inserting a milliammeter in series effect of counteracting resistance
with the anode circuit. First note losses in the tuned circuit, and so
the anode current when no signal increasing selectivity. If the feed-
is being received, then tune in a back is increased too far, the effect
signal. If the indicated anode will be to cause the receiver to go
current falls, grid detection is in into self -oscillation. This pheno-
use; if it rises, the indication is menon is used in certain circuits,
that anode bend rectification is but in a TRF receiver it must be
being employed. prevented.
Fig. 35 shows a simple form of
Reaction grid detection with reaction. Li,
The demodulator stage is the CI is the tuned input circuit. L2 is
point at whit one can introduce the reaction coil, inductively cou-
an arrangement for increasing the pled to LI, and wound in such a
sensitivity (and the selectivity) of direction that the feedback is posi-
the receiver, known as reaction, tive-that is, it increases the signal
retro-action or positive feedback. across the tuned circuit. C2 is a
This was almost universally em- variable condenser, which, by
ployed in simple receivers a few varying the reactance of the series
years back, and is still used in cer- circuit, controls the voltage fed
tain modern TRF receivers. back from the anode. In older re-
Reaction can be used with a tri- ceivers the feedback was controlled
ode demodulator, on account of by varying the physical relation of
the amplification which takes place Li and L2, but the variable conden-
within the triode ; it cannot be used ser control is now more common.
with a diode,
which does not
amplify. At the
anode of the tri-
ode there is an
RF component as
well as the am-
plified AF modu-
lation, and if by
some means a
controllable por-
tion of the RF
component is fed L2
back to the grid
circuit in the same
phase as the in-
coming signal, it
enhances the sig- Fig. 35. Circuit of a cumulative grid demodulator (often
nal, which in turn called a leaky -grid detector) complete with capacity.
results in an in- controlled reaction.
developed across P is trans- considerable portion of its length,
formed to .S by virtue of the in- and for distortionless amplification
ductive coupling between P and S. we must work exclusively on this
Since the two windings are not straight portion, at any rate for
in electrical contact, the HT sup- what is known as Class A amplifi-
ply is isolated from the grid of V2, cation, with which we are at pre-
and no grid resistor is necessary, sent dealing.
since the DC bias can be applied Initially, the grid of the valve is
via the winding S. By introducing negatively biased by the amount
a step-up ratio between the num- OA, which brings us to the centre
ber of turns in P and S, a useful of the straight portion of the char-
increase in voltage between P and acteristic, the corresponding anode
S is obtained; but for various current being represented by OD.
reasons the ratio between P and S If now our AF voltage is applied
is rarely made greater than i to 5, to the grid of the valve (as shown
and r to 3 is more common. at the bottom of Fig. 38), the volt-
Class A Amplification age of the grid will be swung be-
tween the limits H and C, with A
Now let us see what happens in as the Centre point, at the fre-
the amplifier valve itself. Assum- quency of the incoming AF signal.
ing that we are using a triode, the The result is that the instantane-
grid voltage-anode current charac- ous anode current will vary from
teristic for a certain anode voltage E to F, at the same frequency.
may be represented by the full -line
Providing we operate entirely on
curve of Fig. 38. It will be ob- the straight portion of the valve's
served that this is straight for a characteristic, the anode current
variation will be a true copy of the
Fig. 38. How an am- incoming signal variation, but the
plifier valve, biased to average anode current D will not
the centre of the change.
straight portion of the The variations in the anode cur-
characteristic, gives
anode current changes rent will, of course,
proportional to the be present in the
grid voltage changes. external anode cir-
cuit, and if we in-
sert a load in series
with this circuit as
.... shown in Figs. 36
and 37 a corres-
ponding AF voltage will be de-
veloped across this load. Owing
.4- GRID to the amplification factor of the
valve, this output voltage will be a
number of times. greater than the
input voltage, and so the input
signal has been amplified.
An important point to note is
that the grid of the valve in Class
A amplification must never be
allowed to become appreciably
positive, otherwise distortion will This method of coupling is
occur. The total peak grid -swing generally known as resistance -
caused by the input signal must fed or parallel -fed transformer
never be greater than twice the coupling.
negative bias of the valve. Another form of coupling is
Various Forms of Coupling shown in Fig. 40, and is known as
auto -transformer coupling. This is
Variations of the basic forms of similar to Fig. 39, except that the
AF coupling shown in Figs. 36 and transformer T is replaced by the
37 are common. One of these is tapped choke L, which acts as an
shown in Fig. 39. This is really a auto -transformer and provides a
combination of resistance and step-up in voltage across the grid
transformer coupling, which re- circuit of the AF valve.
tains the advantage of voltage step- It is possible in all the circuits
up in the transformer T. R is the shown to replace the load resist-
demodulator anode load resistance, ance R, by an iron -cored choke,
C is the coupling condenser to the which acts as an inductive load,
primary P of the transformer, and but although this may be encoun-
S is the transformer secondary. tered in old receivers, it is not very
This method of coupling per - common to -day.

Fig. 39. Resistance-capacity fed trans- Fig. 40. Auto -transformer or tapped
former coupling. This arrangement is choke coupling.
also called parallel -fed or parafeed
As has already been seen, the
mits the transformer to be used result of amplifying the signal
with no DC flowing through its from the demodulator stage is to
primary winding (cf. Fig. 37), and produce a larger signal, in the form
this means that a relatively inex- of a voltage developed across the
pensive transformer can be used, AF valve anode load, its magni-
since there is much less chance of tude depending on the type of
its core becoming "saturated" and valve used and the constants of the
so having its efficiency reduced, stage. Although this voltage may
which may give rise to distortion. be high, the signal still contains
which opposite ends are connected the anode circuit of the output
to the valve anodes, while the valve. The problem is how to
centre -tap goes to the HT positive render these signals audible, by
supply. converting AF power into sound -
In this way the signals in the waves. This was first done by the
anode circuits which are out of use of headphones, but as their
phase recombine in the primary principles were the same as those
winding in the same phase, and of early types of loudspeakers, we
induce the signal into the second- shall not consider headphones in
ary of Tz, which feeds the loud- detail.
speaker. The Loudspeaker
Push-pull amplification has
several advantages. The two valves The earliest loudspeakers were
will deal with at least twice the of the moving -iron type, and Fig.
input signal which could be 45 illustrates the basic principle.
M is a permanent magnet, around
which is wound a coil of wire,
through which the signal currents
can be passed. R is a reed of soft
iron, the free end of which is over
the end of the magnet M, the other
end being firmly supported on
the pillar P.
Matters are adjusted so that R
is close to, but not touching, M.
Fig. 45. In the moving -iron speaker, Mounted on the reed R is a dia-
the reed and attached cone vibrate phragm D, the movement of
under the magnetic influence of the which produces the required
signal current which flows in the
winding C round the magnet M. sound -waves.
When no signal is passing
handled by one of them, and, fur- through C, the magnet M exerts
thermore, distortion due to slight a pull on the end of the reed,
curvature of the valves' character- which takes up a definite position.
istics is largely cancelled out. Also, Now, when a signal is passed
since the DC supply to each anode through C, the signal currents pro-
passes through the primary in op- duce a varying magnetic field,
posite directions, it cancels out as which alternately strengthens and
far as saturation of the iron core of weakens the magnetism in M,
the output transformer is con- which thus exerts a greater or
cerned. lesser pull on the reed R. As a
Special forms of push-pull are result, R moves slightly towards
also used in battery, receivers, as and away from M, at the frequency
will be seen later, to provide a of the signal, and consequently
comparatively large power output the diaphragm D is caused to
for the expenditure of the mini- vibrate in the same way and pro-
mum HT power. duces sound -waves.
With the output stage we reach Fig. 46 shows a moving -iron
the end of the chain of receiver type of loudspeaker, and it should
circuits, and our signal, in the be pointed out that various differ-
form of AF currents, is present in ent magnet and reed systems have
other models em-
ploy permanent
magnets, and so
are termed PM
In Fig. 47, which
is a section through
the loudspeaker, M
is the magnet, con-
ENCLOSED taining a field coil
DRIVING UNIT F, which is wound
round the central
pole -piece P, and
is supplied with
direct current,
usually the HT
anode current in
mains sets.
Fig. 46. A moving -iron loudspeaker showing the cone
in its chassis mounting and the speaker unit itself in a Bake-
The pole -piece
lite housing. Compare with moving -coil type in Fig. 47. P is actually
cylindrical, and
been used in commercial loud- projects into a circular hole
speakers. in the front face of the magnet,
Moving -Coil Type leaving a narrow annular gap
between it and the magnet,
It was soon found that this type
of loudspeaker did not reproduce
low notes very well, the reason
being that in order to produce a
low note of reasonable power a
fairly large movement of the dia-
phragm was necessary. The form
of construction shown in Fig. 46
does not permit large movements
of the reed. Although this diffi-
culty was obviated in certain forms
of construction, there was still the
rigidity of the reed to be contended
Consequently another distinct
type of reproducing instrument
came into being. This is the mov- Fig. 47. Sectional diagram of an ener-
gised moving -coil speaker. The electro-
ing -coil loudspeaker, which to -day magnet, M, is magnetised by current
is in almost universal use, even in through the field coil F. Signal current
the least ambitious type of re- flows through C, a coil working in a
ceiver. Fig. 47 shows the basic circular gap.
principles of a moving -coil speaker across which, when the magnet is
of the "energised" type. The term energised, there is a very strong
"energised" implies that the unit magnetic field.
incorporates an electromagnet, but D is the conical diaphragm of

450 Kc
600 Kc

1,950 Kc
TO 1,050 Kc

Fig. 49. Block diagram illustrating how the combination of signal and oscillator
frequencies in the mixer valve produces an intermediate frequency.

cured with stability; furthermore, and the 2,850-kc. signal we can let
the selectivity of the IF stages, run to waste.
once adjusted, remains constant The 1,650-kc. signal for mixing
for all incoming signals. is produced in the receiver itself by
It is obvious that some prin- means of an oscillator valve. This
ciple not yet mentioned must be is indicated diagrammatically in
used to convert variable -frequency Fig. 49.
RF signals into a fixed IF signal. If we consider one waveband of
This principle is known as fre- the receiver, say the medium band
quency changing, and the stage in of zoo -50o m. (1,500 to boo kc.),
which it occurs is the frequency - it is obvious that to produce
changing stage. the fixed intermediate frequency
the oscillator must be variably
Frequency Changing tuned so that it is always 45o kc.
The value of the intermediate higher (or lower) than the signal
frequency in a modern receiver is circuits. For various reasons the
usually of the order of 45o kilo- higher value of oscillator frequency
cycles per second, which is equi- is nearly always used. The result is
valent to 667 metres. Suppose our that in the case quoted the oscil-
incoming signal has a wavelength lator circuit must be tuneable from
of 25o metres (1,2oo kc.). In the 1,950 to 1,050 kc., and furthermore,
frequency changer stage we have the signal and oscillator tuning
to convert the 1,200-kc. signal to must be ganged and adjusted in
one of 450 kc., and we do this by a such a way that the 450-kc. differ-
"mixing" process. ence is always maintained.
For instance, if we mix our There are several ways in which
r,200-kc. signal with one of 1,650 this can be done. One is to use
kc. we produce as a result addi- a special "superhet" ganged
tional frequencies of values equal condenser in which the oscillator
to the sum and difference of these section has a different maximum
two-namely, 2,85o and 450 kc. capacity and vanes of different
The latter is just what we want and shape from those in the other
will be amplified in the IF stages section(s) (Fig. 49a). Another

(ROTOR -s.'"-N

(a) (b)
Fig. 49a. Comparison of the vanes of an ordinary tuning condenser (a) with
sometimes used for tuning the oscillator (b).
method is to use a normal gang- In the frequency -changer stage
ed condenser, but to provide we can either use two separate
special "trimming" and "pad- valves for producing the "local"
ding" condensers in the oscillator oscillation and mixing the two fre-
circuit to keqp it out of step with quencies, or a special frequency-
the signal frequency circuit(s) by changer valve.
the desired constant amount. This The oscillator valve (or the sec -

Fig. 50. In most modern sets
correct "tracking" between signal and oscillator circuits
is obtained by introducing trimming, CI, and padding, C2, condensers.
is shown in Fig. 50. The signal tion of the FC valve used as oscil-
circuit is tuned as usual by one lator) is usually a triode, and Fig.
section of the tuning condenser, 5i shows a typical circuit. CI and
which is ganged with the section
tuning the oscillator circuit.
Cr is a parallel condenser of HT+
low capacity which is adjusted
initially to give the required fre-
quency difference between the two
circuits at the high -frequency end
of the scale. Ca is a series "pad -
der" of fairly high value, adjusted
to give the correct frequency dif-
ference at the low -frequency end
of the scale. The two coils will also Fig. 5 . Simplest form of oscillator cir-
differ in inductance. By this means cuit. Energy fed back from the anode
fairly accurate "out -of -step" gang- to the grid by inductive coupling be-
ing can very readily be secured. tween L2 and LI makes the valve oscil-
late at the resonant frequency of CI-LI.
which this signal
HT+ istaken off for
amplification in
the AF amplifier.
From this point
onwards the super -
het receiver is
identical with the
TRF type, so
there is no need to
consider the later
stages again.
In actual prac-
tice the demodula-
Fig. 55. "Skeleton" circuit arrangement of a complete tor diode usually
IF amplifier stage. forms part of a
multiple valve,
mainly in superheterodyne re- either a double diode, a double
ceivers, on account of the fact that diode triode, or a double diode
it operates well with the com- pentode. The second diode, as
paratively large signals obtained will be seen shortly, is used for
from the IF amplifier. Since the a special purpose, while the triode
action of the diode demodulator or pentode section, if present, is
has already been described, it is used for AF amplification. One
only necessary now to see how it is example of a double diode triode
connected into the superhet cir- circuit is shown in Fig. 57.
cuit. This is shown in Fig. 56, RI is the load resistance, which
which should be compared with actually takes the form of a
Fig. 27. potentiometer, the sliding contact
RI is the load resistance (with of which is connected via the
by-pass condenser CI) across usual AF coupling condenser Cr
which the AF signal is developed. to the grid of the triode section of
The arrow shows the point from the valve. /22 is the grid leak.

Fig. 57. Diode demodulation followed by a

Fig. 56. Fundamental arrangement
of a diode demodulator showing stage of AF (audio or -low" frequency) am-
where AF is obtained. plifi&tion using a double diode triode valve.
`When the slider of Ri is at the "all -dry" battery receiver to be
upper end, the whole voltage designed.
across Ri is passed to the ampli- HT supply is usually from a dry
fier grid; when it is at the bottom battery of the requisite total vol-
end, no voltage is passed on. Con- tage. In the past it was the prac-
sequently Ri becomes a volume tice, in cases where certain elec-
control as well as a load resistance. trodes needed lower voltages than
Battery Receivers the maximum of the battery, to
provide a number of positive leads
Now let us consider the power to suitable tappings on the battery.
supply to receivers. In the case of This has now been largely super-
battery receivers we have to sup- seded by applying the maximum
ply the valves with low-tension voltage to the positive " bus -bar"
current for the filaments, high- of the receiver circuit, obtaining
tension current for the anodes and the lower voltages by means of
screens, and bias voltages for the resistors such as RI in Fig. 58
grids. By virtue of the current flowing
It is usual to employ valves through them, these resistors cause
having z -volt filaments in battery a voltage drop of value V -= IR,
receivers, and to connect all the where R is the value of the resis-
filaments in parallel so that they tance in ohms and I the current
can be operated from a z -volt flowing through it in amperes.
accumulator. Recently, however, Condenser Cr by-passes any un-
I.4 -volt filament valves have been desired RF, IF or AF currents to
introduced which can be operated earth, preventing them from en-
from a single dry cell of reasonable tering the HT circuit, where they
capacity, which thus enables an might produce undesired coup -

Fig. 58. Method of securing Fig. 59. In a battery receiver automatic bias can
an HT voltage lower than that be obtained by including a resistance in the
of the main HT line. Together negative HT line. The voltage drop across R is
with CI, RI also prevents HF introduced between grid and filament of the
entering the HT line. valve. Ite dotted line shows the HT current path.
illustrated in Fig. 63. RI is the them across the mains, via a
cathode bias resistor, and Cr is "ballast" resistance which reduces
a by-pass condenser across it. the mains voltage to the correct
Through RI flows the total value.
cathode current of the valve, Under these conditions one can
which is made up of the currents use valves having different heater
taken by all the valve electrodes- voltages, if desired, but all the
anode, screens, etc. heater currents must be the same.
The circuit is shown in Fig. 64,
Effect of Current where RI is the ballast resistance
The effect of the current flowing (Fig. 64a.) The valve heaters are
through RI is to cause a voltage usually connected in some definite
drop across it, so that the cathode is order to reduce the tendency for
positive to the chassis. Since the hum to be introduced. One side of
grid circuit is returned to chassis, the mains is connected to the
the cathode is thus made positive chassis of the receiver, and the
relative to the grid, which is the latter is earthed via the buffer
same as the grid being negative to condenser Cr
the cathode. Thus the grid is The circuit for HT supply uses
negatively biased by the amount of a half -wave rectifier of which the
the voltage drop across RI. By heater is included in series with
dioosing different values of RI any those of the other valves. The an-
desired bias can, therefore, be ode of the rectifier goes directly to
readily applied to the grid. one side of the mains, while from



r Fig. 64. In receivers tor operation from AC or DC the valve heaters are
connected in series thereby reducing the voltage that must be broken
T LI down across the "ballast" resistance RI.

Many receivers operate from the cathode is taken the rectified

either AC or DC mains, and their current (when the set is used
power -supply arrangements are on AC), which is subsequently
different from those for AC smoothed as in the case of purely
only. The heater supply is AC receivers.
obtained by connecting all the When the receiver is used on
heaters in series, and connecting DC mains, of course, no rectifier
It will be remembered that in
dealing with RF amplifier stages
(page 52) it was pointed out that the
gain or amplification of these could
be conveniently controlled by
varying the bias of the amplifier
valve, providing that this was of
the "variable -mu" type, and that
such variation in the gain could
be used as a form of volume
Bias Regulation
Automatic volume control oper-
ates by controlling the gain of one
or more stages of the receiver; in
fact, it is more correctly described
as "automatic gain control". It is
applied almost exclusively to the
superheterodyne type of receiver,
although TRF receivers could be
provided with the same feature if
they were sensitive enough to
make it necessary.
Since the gain of a variable -mu
valve is controlled by the bias,
being greatest when the negative
Fig. 64a. A wire -wound ballast resist- bias is reduced, and vice versa, the
ance on a tube of ceramic material with
metal bands forming tappings for the problem is to provide a negative
different heater voltages. bias which rises and falls with the
strength of the incoming signal.
is really necessary, only smoothing Then, if the signal increases in
being required. Nevertheless, the strength, an increased negative
rectifier valve remains in circuit, bias is applied to the controlled
and when the set is plugged into stages, thus reducing their gain, so
the DC mains in such a way that that the output from the receiver
the rectifier anode is connected to does not change. Conversely, if
the positive of the mains, the valve the signal fades, the control bias
conducts, and, in fact, merely be- falls, the amplification of the set
haves as a resistance of low value. increases, and the output still
remains steady.
Automatic Volume Control The control voltage must be
One important feature of mod- DC for bias purposes, and to ob-
ern receivers is known as auto- tain it we rectify the carrier wave of
matic volume control, or AVC. the signal at a point in the set
Originally introduced to counter- where it has been amplified suffi-
act the fading effects of distant ciently. This is usually at the out-
stations, it also has the advantage put of the IF amplifier, where, in
that overloading of the receiver by fact, the signal is also demodu-
powerful signals is obviated. lated for AF purposes.
Sometimes the same diode valve we take their grid return leads to
which demodulates the signal is the AVC bias line, the grids will
also used to provide the AVC bias, be negatively biased to an extent
as shown in Fig. 65. RI is the usual depending on the strength of the
diode load resistance, with its IF signal.
by-pass Cs. The AF signal is led The connection of the bias line
off via the coupling condenser C3 to the grid return circuit is also
to the AF amplifier. shown in Fig. 65. R3 is a cathode
However, the voltage across RI resistance which applies a small
actually consists of the AF signal fixed bias to the valve. This is


Fig. 63. Simplest form of AVC circuit showing how the control bias Is applied to
a preceding RF or IF amplifier. Connection of bias line to grid circuit is also shown.

superimposed on DC due to the necessary, because with very weak

rectification of the amplified car- or zero signals the AVC bias will
rier of the incoming signal. This be negligible, and without the
DC voltage is naturally blocked minimum bias provided by R3 the
by C3 from entering the AF am- valve might become unstable.
plifier, but can be taken off, via
resistance Rz, to provide the re- AVC Bias Control
quired AVC bias. R2 and Ca filter AVC bias can be used to con-
off any residual IF and RF vol- trol one or more of the stages of
tages, and prevent them from be- the receiver prior to the demodu-
ing fed back to the early stages, lator, providing that the valves -

where they might cause the re- used are of the variable -mu type.
ceiver to become unstable. In ad- In a simple superheterodyne re-
dition, they tend to smooth the ceiver the mixer section of the fre-
DC which is obtained from the quency -changer and the IF valve
top of RI. are usually controlled-that is,
This DC is negative relative to their grid returns are taken to the
the cathode of the diode, which is AVC bias line. Sometimes one
at chassis potential, so that if the valve receives the full bias voltage,
cathodes of the controlled valves while the other receives only a.
are also at chassis potential, and fractional portion of it.
The method of obtaining AVC matters are generally arranged so
bias just described is the simplest that for signals below a certain
one, and it is more usual to employ value the AVC action is prevented
a separate diode rectifier for from operating. Such a system is
this purpose. Double -diode and known as "delayed" AVC, and a
double -diode -triode valves are simple form of it is shown in Fig.
commonly employed, one of the 67.
diodes being used for demodula- Comparing this with Fig. 66, it
tion as already described, and the will be seen that a double diode -
other for AVC purposes. triode is used in place of a double
diode, and is provided with a bias
resistance Rz for the triode sec-
tion. The AVC load resistance is
returned to chassis, as before, but
the signal diode load resistance is
returned to the cathode of the
valve, and not to chassis. The sig-
nal diode anode does not receive
any bias from Rz, and operates as
in Fig. 66. The AVC diode anode,
however, being returned to chassis,
is negatively biased, relative to
cathode, by the voltage which
exists across R2.
Fig. 66. A double diode valve provid-
ing both signal demodulation and When a- small signal arrives at
simple AVC rectifier. - the signal diode, it is demodulated
as usual; the same signal, applied
Fig. 66 shows a simple double- to the AVC diode anode, is not
- diode circuit, the left-hand diode rectified if its positive peaks are too
anode being used for demodula-
tion, with RI and Cr as usual.
The right-hand diode, fed from
the final IF transformer via con-
denser Ca, is the AVC rectifier,
with R2 as its load resistance.
The DC voltage at the top of Rz,
which is negative relative to
chassis, is passed to the controlled
valves via resistance R3. R3 and
C3 correspond to Rz and C2 in
Fig. 65.
Both arrangements described
provide what is known as simple
AVC. This suffers from the dis-
advantage that even very weak
signals will produce a control vol-
tage and will, therefore, be further
attenuated by the reduction in AVC BIAS
gain which this control voltage pro- Fig. 0. Simple form of delayed AVC,
duces. To avoid this difficulty, using a double -diode triode.
small to overcome the negative bias the set is tuned accurately to the
of the anode. Thus all signals with centre of the transmission, and
positive peaks below the voltage any mis-tuning results in shrill and
existing across Rz produce zero possibly distorted quality.
control voltage, and the AVC is Manufacturers, therefore, set
inoperative. Signals greater than about providing some sort of
the delay voltage overcome the electrical tuning indicator to sup-
delay, and produce an AVC bias plement the calibrated dial and
proportional to the amount by pointer, which, in mass production,
which they exceed the delay. cannot be relied upon for a high
degree of accuracy. The first type
Securing Delay Voltage of indicator used (often in amateur
In cases where a double -diode receivers) was a milliammeter con-
valve is used, the necessary delay nected in the anode circuit of the
voltage is secured by returning the demodulator valve.
cathode of the valve to the cathode It was seen, when dealing with
of another valve which has a suit- this part of the circuit, that the
able bias resistance. The valve fol- arrival of a signal resulted in a
lowing is generally employed for change in value of the average
this, and sometimes the con- anode current. With the grid
nection is made to a tapping on its leak type of circuit the anode cur-
bias resistance to provide the re- rent falls, and with the anode
quisite amount of delay voltage. bend type it rises. The maximum
Elaborate receivers sometimes rise (or fall) obviously occurs
employ special AVC systems, of. when the station is accurately
which one amplifies the AVC vol- tuned, and the milliammeter thus
tage before using it for control pur- becomes a tuning indicator.
poses. Such systems usually need
an extra valve, and are not com- Accurate Tuning
monly found in modern British In the case of a superhet re-
receivers, though the AVC so pro- ceiver employing AVC, another
vided can be made to approach convenient gauge of accurate tun-
nearly to the ideal. ing is available, and that is the
anode current of one of the AVC
Visual Tuning Indicators controlled valves. With no signal
In early types of receivers the coming in, the negative bias on the
selectivity was generally so poor valve is low, and the anode current
that tuning -in a station presented is high. When a strong signal ar-
no problem-the difficulty, indeed, rives, the bias on the controlled
being how to exclude it in order valve increases, and the anode cur-
to receive one on a nearby wave- rent falls. A meter of some sort in
length. With the increased selec- the anode circuit of the valve
tivity of modern sets the accurate therefore is employed to act as a
tuning necessary is found to tuning indicator.
present a problem to the non- Indicators of this type have
technical user. The tuning of been used in commercial receivers,
receivers having good band-pass but, in general, the meters em-
characteristics is also difficult, ployed are not particularly helpful
because the best possible quality of in the case of weak signals. Meters
reproduction is only secured when in combination with some optical
arrangement for throwing an anode current falls. The voltage
arrow, a beam of light, or a drop across Ri is in consequence
shadow on a small screen have also reduced, so that the voltage at the
been used from time to time. bottom of Ri is increased. Thus
Neon bulb or tube indicators the voltage across the neon indi-
have also been popular in com- cator is increased, and the indi-
mercial receivers and operate by cator glows, the brightness of the
the change of anode voltage of one glow increasing with increase of
of the AVC valves. Fig. 68 shows signal strength.
one arrangement which has been
used. Ri and CI are the anode Cathode-ray Indicator
decoupling resistance and conden- Another type of neon indicator
ser of the IF valve of the receiver. is of tubular shape with a cathode
R2 is another resistor feeding the in the form of a metal rod. The
anode of the miniature neon arrival of a signal in this case
indicator N, the cathode of which causes a glow to extend up the
is connected to chassis. rod, the length of the column of
light depending on the strength
Neon Voltage of the signal.
Matters are so arranged that In recent years a much more
under no -signal conditions the sensitive and accurate type of in-
neon receives a voltage just below dicator has been developed and is
that necessary to make it glow. now very largely used, to the ex-
When a signal is tuned in, the clusion of the other types. This is
AVC bias increases, so that the the cathode-ray or "magic -eye"
tuning indicator. It really consists
of a miniature cathode-ray tube,
combined with a triode amplifier
valve in a single glass bulb, the
screen of the cathode-ray section
being viewed through the end of
the valve.
Internally, the cathode sup-
plies electrons which are ac-
celerated by a positive voltage
applied to an electrode known as
the "target" anode. This is coated
with fluorescent material, and
glows when the tube is operating.
Control Electrode
Between the cathode and the
target there is a special control
electrode. This electrode causes a
shadow to be produced on the tar-
Fig. 68. Indication of correct tuning get screen, the shadow having
may be obtained by a miniature neon sharp edges, and varying in shape
lamp, N, connected as shown. As the
signal increases, AVC increases the bias, according to the positive voltage
thereby reducing HT current and in- on the control electrode. The
creasing the voltage across N. triode section of the indicator is
instance, between the grid of one
of the AF valves and the chassis.
Some receivers have elaborate
tone -control circuits employing
special filters whicli modify the
upper or the lower register, or
both, at will.
It will be remembered that
when considering the selectivity of
a receiver it was pointed out that a
compromise usually has to be
made between selectivity and
quality. If the selectivity is high,
the modulation sidebands are cut,
and the upper register suffers; on
the other hand, if the selectivity is
Fig. 72a. Variable tone control is often reduced, all the sidebands are
introduced by a condenser and variable received and the upper register is
resistance in parallel with the valve. normal. This immediately sug-
gests a method of tone control,
ing to its setting. When the resis- which is used in certain modern
tance is at its minimum position, receivers. The method adopted is
so that its value is very low, the to vary the coupling, mechanically
condenser has its maximum effect or electrically, in one or more
on the circuit. As the resistance is of the intermediate frequency
conden- transformers.
ser is gradually decreased, until,
with the resistance at maximum, Mechanical Variation
the effect of the combination on the The mechanical method is illu-
tone of the receiver is negligible. strated in Fig. 73. Li is the pri-
Instead of a fixed condenser and mary, and La the secondary of an
variable resistance, a variable con- IF transformer. By sliding or ro-
denser may also be employed for tating L2 relative to Li, the
tone control. Furthermore, the coupling between the two can be
tone control can be applied in varied. With "tight" coupling the
different parts of the circuit-for response curve is broadened, the
selectivity isreduced, and the
C2 upper register response is in-
creased. With loose coupling, high
tL selectivity is secured and the upper
register is reduced.
Various electrical methods can
be employed for altering the
effective coupling in the IF trans-
former. One is shown in Fig. 74,
in which the extra coupling coil L
can be switched in or out of cir-
Fig. 726. Simple additions to a resist- cuit, giving two degrees of coup-
ance -coupled amplifier which provide between the primary and
variable control of the response in the ling
treble (CI, RI) and the bass (C2, R2). secondary of the transformer. This

Fig. 73. Circuit representation of me-

chanical control by varying IF coupling.
Fig. 74 (right). Electrical method of
selectivity control obtained by switch-
ing in extra coupling turns, L.

form of control is not continuous,

and gives merely the two alterna-
tive effects.
"Negative feedback" is a form circuit of the first AF valve. Rz
of tone compensation sometimes is the usual bias resistance.
employed to improve the quality It is also possible to feed back
of reproduction in a receiver. A to the grid circuit of a preceding
portion of the voltage available in stage, providing that the signal
the output circuit is fed back to fed back is in opposite phase to the
the input of a preceding valve in signal on the grid.
opposite phase to the incoming Finally, it may be pointed out
signal, so that it reduces its that the omission of a by-pass
value. condenser across the bias resis-
If certain notes are over- tance of an amplifier valve intro -
emphasised in the AF amplifier,
they feed back a larger signal than
the remainder of the AF output,
with the result that the frequency
which is over -emphasised is re-
duced in value relative to the rest
of the incoming signal, and this
compensates for the excessive
amplification at this frequency.
The overall response thus tends to
be levelled. The use of negative
feedback also has the advantage
of improving the stability of an
A simple method of introducing
negative feedback is shown in Fig.
75. Here the voltage across the
secondary of the output trans-
former is fed back across the low - Fig. 75. One method of employing nega-
resistance Ri in the cathode tive feedback for tone compensation.
the spindle causes one spiral the value of each condenser, select
electrode of the condenser to a number of stations. For station
mesh into another. The press - selection purposes the condensers
button then operates a simple are usually made semi -variable,
plunger system which presses the and are of the pre-set type, which
gang condenser spindle forward are adjusted once when a station is
to cause the electrodes to mesh to selected, and then do not need to
the correct degree for a given be touched until it is desired to set
station (Fig. 76b). up this particular circuit for some
Finally, before leaving mechani- other station,
cal systems, mention must be In order to keep the tuning of a
made of another group which, in particular circuit dead accurate
place of press -buttons, uses dials over a long period of time, it is
to pull round the tuning condenser clear that the capacity of the pre-
to pre-set stops-something on the set condenser must not change.
lines of those used in an auto- This is particularly important in
matic telephone dial. the case of the oscillator circuit
tuning; it is less essential in the
Pre -tuned Circuits aerial circuit, where tuning is not
The second form of automatic so critical.
tuning receiver is that which makes It is customary in the oscillator
use of pre -tuned circuits for differ- circuit to employ pre-set con-
ent stations, any one of which can densers of a special form of con-
be selected, as required, by press - struction which do not alter in
button switches. This system is capacity with change in tempera-
usually applied to receivers which ture or humidity.
employ only two or three variably A typical pre-set automatic
tuned circuits, such as a simple tuning arrangement is shown in
superheterodyne with merely a Fig. 77. Li is the aerial tuning coil
tuned aerial input circuit and a and Ci the usual manual tuning
tuned oscillator circuit. condenser, brought into circuit by
It is obvious that with a single the closing the switch Si. L2, Cg
tuning coil and a number of con- and S5 are the corresponding com-
densers, each of which can be ponents in the oscillator circuit.
placed in parallel with the coil at Ci and C5 are, of course, the two
will, one can, by suitably choosing sections of the gang condenser.

Si/ 52/ SV S4/ 0s

S51/ 561/ S7/I Seij
C12 C2 Cal

r L2 d C5
* *
C6 C7.1 CB

Fig. 77.-Basic arrangement of a pre-set automatic tuning system. Each pair of
condensers C2, C6, etc., tune the coils LI, L2 to a station-
Si and S5 are also ganged to- connecting tags. By suitable choice
gether and operated by one of the and positioning of the moving and
press -buttons, usually labelled fixed contacts, many switching
"Manual". When this is pressed, operations can be catered for.
manual tuning can be carried out Fig. 78 shows a typical push-
in the usual way. button switch unit. A feature of all
Ca, C3, C4 and C6, C7, C8 are these units is that when a button
the aerial and oscillator pre-set is pressed, any button which has
condensers enabling three stations previously been operated is auto-
to be. automatically selected. Ob- matically released, so that it is
viously, any number of pairs of impossible to have two buttons in
condensers could be used. Each the "in" position at the same time.

Fig. 78. A push-button switch unit showing the sliding and fixed contacts. Note.
the return springs on the button shafts, which are automatically released.

condenser is brought into circuit, Owing to the need for extreme

across Li or L2, by switches S2, accuracy of tuning of the oscillator
S6, S3, S7 and 54, S8. These stage, and therefore the import-
pairs of switches are ganged, and ance of absolutely unvarying
each pair is controlled by one electrical constants in this stage,
press -button, labelled with the the fixed inductance L2 (Fig. 77)
name of the station it tunes in. and the pre-set condensers C6,
The press -button switch unit is C7, C8 are now usually replaced by
of a special type, the button being variable inductances for each pre-
at the end of a plunger which ter- selected station, in combination
minates with a contact shoe, form- with a fixed condenser.
ing the moving element of the The inductances used for this
switch. This may carry a number purpose coqsist of a coil on a
of spring contacts, which slide hollow former, into which is fitted
over suitable metal strips forming a core made of special iron dust
the fixed contacts. The latter are mixed with a suitable binding
mounted on strips of insulating material and moulded to the re-
material, and are provided with quired shape. Arrangements are
mains transformer and M the R. Si, Sz and S3 are the three
motor, with windings 1, 2 and 3, press -button switches, each asso-
which drives the spindle of the ciated with one of the contacts.
ganged condenser C through a In the position shown, Sz has
reduction gear. The spindle is ex- been closed, and its contact Y
tended at the other side of the con- is pressing on the insulation be-
denser and carries a selector disc, tween Di and D2, so that the cir-
made up of two metal semi -cir- cuit is broken. Now suppose the
cular sectors Di and D2, which are button controlling Si is pressed,
entirely insulated from each other. closing Si and opening S2. The
A semi -circular rail R carries a circuit from one side of the second-
number of spring contacts X, Y, ary of transformer T is via Si and
Z which can be moved to any re- contact X to sector D2, which is
quired position for the reception connected (via a flexible lead) to
of a particular station. These con- winding 3 of the motor, then via
tacts press on one of the sectors winding r to the other side of the
Di or Dz, according to their posi- secondary of T. Consequently the
tion, and make electrical contact motor circuit is completed, and
with it. The contacts are insulated the motor runs, driving the tuning
from each other and from the rail condenser (and the selector disc)
clockwise until the insulating bar
between Di and Dz comes under
contact X. This breaks the circuit
and stops the motor, so that the
station controlled
by this button is
tuned in.
If now the but-
ton controlling S3

Fig. 81c. Mechanical layout of a motor -driven automatic tuning system (as used
by Ekco) which performs both station and waveband selection. I, station selec-
tor contacts. 2, motor. 3, muting switch contact. 4, wavechange switches and
selector mechanism controlled by pressing one button.

Fig. 82a. Block diagram

of the stages employed
In a receiver with auto-
matic frequency control.

is pressed, S3 closes and Si When this is so, the AFC circuit

opens. The circuit is now via S3, comes automatically into opera-
contact Z, sector Di, motor tion, and corrects the tuning of the
windings 2 and i and the other oscillator circuit of the receiver by
transformer secondary. This time an electrical method which does
the motor runs in a direction to not involve altering the setting of
turn the condenser anti -clockwise the tuning condenser.
(since motor winding a instead of A simple description of how this
3 is in use). In due course the circuit operates is as.follows. Sup-
insulating bar between Di and D2 pose when the tuning condenser
comes under contact Z, breaks reaches its final position the oscil-
the circuit and stops the motor, lator circuit is 5 kc. off tune. The
when the, station controlled by IF signal produced will also be off
this particular button is tuned in. tune by the same amount, which,
By placing the contacts at of course, will result in very bad
various points on the rail R, any distortion. When AFC comes into
stations can be selected, and will action it increases or decreases the
always. be tuned in when the oscillator frequency by 5 kc. and
button controlling the switch so causes it to produce the correct
associated with a particular con- IF signal.
tact is pressed. The adjustment of the oscillator
This, without going into details circuit can be achieved in several
of refinements, is the principle of ways using an oscillator control
the motor -driven system, but it stage, which usually employs one
may be mentioned that automatic valve. While the dscillator control
combined waveband switching stage alters the tuning of the oscil-
and station selection can be lator circuit suitably, it is clear
achieved in a similar way merely that this stage must be fed with
by pressing one button (Fig. 8 lc). some sort of signal which indicates
One refinement which is often to it whether the oscillator fre-
used in motor -driven receivers is quency is correct, and if not, the
known as automatic frequency extent of error, and whether it is
control (AFC) or automatic tun- above or below the correct oscil-
ing correction. The difficulty lator frequency. Another stage is
with the motor -driven system is used for this purpose, known
that it is very difficult to cause the as the discriminator, and this
motor to stop the tuning conden- also employs an extra valve.
ser exactly at the right position, Fig. 824 shows the schematic dia-
with the result that the station gram of a receiver fitted with AFC.
may be slightly off tune. The discriminator, - it will be
95 '
noticed, is fed from the IF stage. the control valve, shunted across
It includes a transformer tuned the tuned circuit, may be varied.
to the IF of the receiver, with a The variation in tuning, however
secondary connected to the two produced, is always in the direc-
anodes of a special double diode tion necessary to correct the IF
valve, having two separate cath- signal produced in the set.
odes. From cathode to cathode is a
centre -tapped load resistance. Need for Correct Tuning
When an IF signal which is too Naturally, if the receiver is so
high or too low reaches the dis- far off-tune that the station re-
criminator transformer, a control quired is not received, no amount
voltage is produced across the of AFC will bring it in. The
diode's load resistance which is system merely corrects the tuning,
positive or negative according to and the latter must therefore be
whether the IF signal is above or reasonably accurate (say within 8
below the correct frequency. In kc. one way or another) before
those cases where the frequency AFC will operate (Fig. 82b).
happens to be correct, no control AFC can be, and sometimes is,
voltage is produced. applied to systems of automatic
tuning not of the motor -driven
Oscillator Control type, and in this case it takes care
The control voltage obtained in of slight errors in tuning due to
the discriminator is now passed to wear in the mechanical systems, or
the oscillator control stage. Here a changes in the constants of com-
number of different arrangements ponents in pre -tuned systems.
may be used. The input capacity It will be appreciated that
of the control valve, shunted across motor -driven automatic tuning is
the oscillator tuning circuit, may a big step forward towards the
be caused to change, and so alter remote control of radio receivers.
the tuning; the inductance of a Problems of Battery Sets
coil coupled to the oscillator tun-
ing circuit may be varied, with the One of the big problems in the
same result, or the impedance of design of battery receivers, and
particularly portable types, is to
obtain a relatively high power out-
put with the minimum HT con-
sumption. The economical output
obtainable from an HT battery is
closely related to the size of the
cells used in it, and obviously a
receiver consuming 15 ma. of
HT current will need a larger
battery (though not necessarily
one of higher voltage) than will a
set with more modest require-
A 0 B ments of, say 7 ma.
Fig. 82b. Response curve of a discrimi- In general, the main part of the
nator circuit. 0 represents the inter- HT supply of a receiver goes to
mediate frequency. The automatic con-
trol will pull -in signals lying between feed the output stage, so that if we
the frequencies A and B. can reduce the requirements of

Fig. 83. Class B push-pull output stage with "driver" valve, VI. V2 consists of two
Identical triodes contained in one "bottle".
this stage, for a given power out- stage as shown earlier in Fig. 44.
put, we shall effect a very appre- The actual operating conditions
ciable saving. are, however, different. The triode
In the simplest type of battery valves used have a high impedance
receiver the output valve may be a and operate with a very small bias.
specially efficient pentode which The anode current, when no sig-
needs only a small HT current. nal is being applied (that is, when
The output obtainable, while the valve is "quiescent"), is low.
sufficient, is not high, and for a
bigger output special push-pull Positive Grids
arrangements are often used. When a large signal is applied
The first of these is known as to the grids of the valve, at any
Class B push-pull, and it is usual instant one is made more negative,
to employ a special Class B output and the other more positive (or less
valve, incorporating two identical negative), owing to the push-pull
triodes in the same bulb. A dia- action of the input transformer.
gram of the stage is given in The valve whose grid is made
Fig. 83. more negative is paralysed, and
Vs is a triode which precedes does not amplify. The other valve,
the double output valve V2, and is however, becoming more positive,
followed by a "driver" trans- amplifies, and at the same time its
former, with a centre -tapped anode current rises in proportion
secondary, which feeds the double to the strength of the signal.
output valve. Tz is the output When the signal reverses, the
transformer with centre -tapped grid o f the_ first valve is made more
primary. positive, so that this valve ampli-
So far, the stage resembles fies and the other does not. Con-
closely an ordinary push-pull sequently, the two valves amplify
97 (R.E.)
alternately, and their outputs are which supplies the necessary
combined in phase by the centre - power. Vx, preceding the output
tapped output transformer in the valve, is a small power valve, and
usual way. Ti is a special transformer having
The total anode current of the a low ratio and capable of trans-
output valve varies with the ferring power from primary to
strength of the signal. When no secondary.
signal is arriving, the standing or The second special push-pull
"quiescent" current is negligible, arrangement used in battery re-
but as the signal increases in ceivers is known as quiescent push-
strength the current rises, and on pull, or QPP. The circuit is shown
loud signals it may rise momen- in Fig. 84, and once again it is
tarily to 20 ma. or so. On the similar to an ordinary push-pull
average, however, the mean anode arrangement, except that this time
current over a period of time is the output valve is a special double
always much lower than if a nor- pentode, consisting of two battery
mal push-pull stage were in use. operated pentodes in the same
Signals of even moderate in- bulb. These pentodes have com-
tensity overcome the small "stand- mon filament connections, and
ing" bias, and the grids regularly a single connection for the two
become positively biased. This is screens. The suppressor grids
a state of affairs not to be toler- are connected internally to the
ated in ordinary AF amplifiers, filament.
since it causes current to flow in The quiescent current of a QPP
the grid circuit which results in stage is reduced by providing a
distortion and other troubles. In a high value of negative grid bias.
class B circuit, however, provision When a signal arrives, one section
is made for grid current by means of the valve has its grid driven more
of the preceding "driver" stage negative, while the other valve re -
Fig. 84. Quiescent
push-pull output HT POSITIVE (2)
using a special
dou ble-pentode

portion of the output voltage,
rectifying it, and feeding the recti-
fied voltage back to the bias circuit
of the output valve, thus causing
the bias to vary according to the
power the output
stage is called upon
to handle at any
Fig. 85. HT economiser moment.
circuit in which a West- The circuit of
inghouse metal recti-
fier, W, controls the this arrangement is
bias to suit the strength shown in Fig. 85.
of the received signal. This represents a
pentode output
stage provided with
a high value of grid
bias by means of
11:1-,G a battery, B. Be-
tween the anode of
the valve and the
R2 RI -:±.-- GB negative con-
nection are con-
-1N.M.Ait-i\AAN'- G B -
nected Cm, R2 and
R3 Ri in series.
-1\AMAt- CI is merely
high - value
ceives a more positive bias-that "blocking" condenser to prevent
is, its bias is less negative. This the HT voltage from reaching the
section of the valve now amplifies, grid circuit. Rz and RI form a
but the "more negative" section is potentiometer across which the
paralysed by the bias, and does not AF voltage at the anode of the
amplify. valve is developed. Rz and Ri may
In the next half cycle the posi- be in the proportion of about five
tion is reversed, as in the case of to one, so that only a fraction off
Class B operation. Again, the HT the total voltage is developed across
current of the section which is RI. Across Rr is connected a metal
operating at any instant rises in rectifier W of a special type suit-
proportion to the incoming signal, able for AF rectification.
but the average.current of the com- The effect of this is to rectify
plete stage is less than would be the AF across RI at any instant,
the case with ordinary push-pull. producing a unidirectional voltage
Apart from special push-pull which is positive relative to the
output stages for reducing the GB negative end of Rm. Conse-
average HT consumption of bat- quently it opposes the battery GB
tery receivers, "economiser" cir- voltage and, when a signal is re-
cuits have been employed from ceived, the bias becomes less
time to time in conjunction with negative by an amount propor-
ordinary output valves. The most tional to the signal strength. The
popular form of battery econo- resultant bias is picked up at the
miser operates by taking a small junction of RI and R2 and fed via
R3 (and the grid leak R4 in thisif this valve is replaced by another
particular case) to the grid of the of the same type, the trouble is
valve. R3 and the condenser C2 cured; the microphonic valve can
form a filter which serves to smooth then often be used in another re-
out irregularities in the rectified ceiver without causing any trouble.
portion of the GB voltage. Microphonic trouble may some-
This circuit permits a saving in times be cured by shielding the
HT consumption similar to that affected valve from the loud-
obtained with the special push- speaker by packing cotton wool
pull output stages. round it or fitting rubber tubing
tightly over the bulb.
Portable Receivers In short-wave receivers a simi-
Battery portable receivers intro- lar effect is sometimes produced
duce problems of their own, quite by sound -waves setting the vanes
apart from the necessity of reduc- of the tuning condenser into a
ing the HT current, owing to state of vibration.
limitations in the size and weight
of the receiver. Naturally, an in- Economy Valves
ternal frame aerial, of relatively The need for economy in power
small dimensions, has to be em- supply, both HT and LT, in
ployed, which means that the re- battery portables has resulted in
ceiver should preferably include the production of "economy"
a stage of RF amplification preced- types of valve. Whereas a few
ing the frequency -changer if a years ago a filament rating of 2 v.,
superheterodyne circuit is used. o x or 0.15 amp. was common in
battery valves, it is now possible to
Microphonic Troubles obtain similar results from valves
Owing to the proximity of the rated at 2 V., 0.05 amp. This means
loudspeaker to the valves in the that it is possible to use a much
average portable receiver, one smaller accumulator, while the
often encounters "microphonic" HT requirements are also smaller.
troubles. The sound waves from To avoid the use of an accumu-
the speaker, impinging on the lator for LT supply, special valves
valves, set the electrodes in vibra- have recently been produced
tion, and this "modulates" the which operate from a single dry
electron stream and produces a cell. Their filaments are rated at
musical note which builds up into 1.4 v., 0.05 or o1 amp. These
a loud hum, or a shrill whistling valves have made it possible to
noise, depending on the physical produce "all -dry" battery port-
characteristics of the electrode ables, and usually a combined
system. 5.5 v. LT and 90 v. HT battery
Once this noise starts, it usually is employed, with a 4 -pin plug and
continues until the set is switched socket connector. Grid bias in
off. Often a note of some particular these receivers is usually auto-
frequency emanating from the matic, so that battery replacement
loudspeaker will start up micro - is extremely simple.
phonic troubles, and it is usually The introduction of the p4 v.
the demodulator valve in a type of valve has made possible the
"straight" receiver which is most design of a very interesting type
prone to microphony. Very often, of portable receiver which will
operate from dry batteries, AC parallel, so that it operates at
mains or DC mains at will. The 1.4 v., but consumes o.i amp.
principle employed in this type of Naturally, the rearrangement of
set is to connect the filaments in the filament and the change in HT
parallel for battery operation and supply for battery or mains opera-
in series for mains operation; in tion necessitate fairly complicated
the latter case they are energised switching. In some sets this is per-
from the smoothed HT supply. formed manually but in others it is
Owing to the fact that in some quite automatic, being performed
types the filament of the output by a relay. The latter arrangement
valve needs a current of o I amp., gives the set some further interest-
whereas the other filaments need ing features.
only o.os amp, a series -parallel ar- Suppose the set, with batteries
rangement may have to be made to connected, is plugged into the
ensure all valves getting their cor- mains, but that the mains are not
rect current. In other cases the switched on. Now if the set is
output valve filament may be switched on, it will operate im-
rated at 2.8 v., o.o5 amp., so that mediately from its battery supply.
a simple series arrangement for When the mains are switched on,
mains operation is possible; for the relay operates, disconnects
battery operation the filament, the battery supply, re -arranges the
which has a centre -tapping, is circuit and the set continues to
connected with its two halves in operate from the mains. Should
HT+ LINE de' .9440.
1---=-4.- HT+


VI V2 V4 \ to

LT -

+ +
Cl = C2
HT- - -
LT+ R3
Fig. 86. Power supply circuits of a receiver which operates from AC or DC mains
or all -dry batteries. If the mains supply is interrupted the batteries are
immediately connected by the relay and the set continues to operate.
the set be unplugged from the Now suppose the set is plugged
mains, or the mains fail, the set into the mains and switched on (if
immediately reverts to battery this has not already been done).
operation. First of all, the receiver operates
A simplified circuit of the power from its batteries. But as emission
supply arrangements is given in from V5 cathode commences, a
Fig. 86. VI-V4 are the valve fila- current starts to flow from the
ments, V4 requiring o I amp. and anode of V5 through R3, R2, S7
the others oos amp. each. RI is and S4 (which is still closed),
the shunt resistance for VI fila- through the relay winding, R4, the
ment, used on mains, so that the smoothing choke, and R5, back
total current through VI and RI in to cathode of the valve.
parallel is oI amp. R2 and R3 are When this current has built up
automatic grid -bias resistors. to a certain pre -determined value
the relay operates opening SI, S2,
Ballast Resistance S4 and S6, and closing S3 and S5.
R4 is the ballast resistance for The latter connects the HT posi-
the valve filaments when the set is tive supply from the rectifier valve
operating from mains, and R5 is to the HT positive line of the set.
the ballast resistance for the HT negative is connected via
heater of the rectifying valve V5. R3, R2 and S7 (which remains
CI --C3 are smoothing condensers. closed) to chassis.
Si-S6 are the switches operated The filament circuit forms three
automatically by the relay. S7 and paths : (I) from V5 anode, via the
S8 are the LT battery and mains mains pilot lamp, VI filament
and RI in parallel (S3 being
forming the master on -off control closed); (2) through V2 and V3
of the set. filaments in parallel; and (3)
With the set switched on by through V4 filament (which needs
closing S7, but no mains supply o amp.), the relay winding, and

provided, the switches Si, Sz, R4, to the HT positive line.

S4 and S6 are closed, S3 and S5 Where no relay is fitted,
being open. The filament circuit switches Si-S6 are operated
is from LT battery negative, via manually by a knob on the control
S7 (closed), to one side of VI fila- panel. Receivers of this type truly
ment, the other side going via S2 justify the description "universal".
to LT positive. Filament current
from LT negative also goes to one Quality Receivers
side of V2 and V3 and via Si to A modern standard receiver of
LT positive; and also to one side a reputable make can be relied
of V4 filament via S4, then via Si upon to provide a very acceptable
to LT positive. Thus all the fila- quality of reproduction, but it
ments are in parallel across LT naturally cannot compete in this
negative and LT positive (1.5v.). respect with certain special
The HT circuit is from HT "quality receivers". Such receivers
negative of the battery, via bias aim at securing the best possible
resistance R2 to LT negative; reproduction of local -station signals
and from HT positive of the bat- and do not usually attempt to
tery, via S6, to the HT positive provide a high degree either of
line of the set. sensitivity or of selectivity.
In the early days of the super- that diode demodulator valves are
heterodyne, the badly designed used with a large signal input,
frequency -changing arrangements distortion at this stage can be
and highly selective intermediate minimised.
frequency couplings resulted in It goes without saying that the
this type of receiver getting a bad AF stages of such receivers must
name for reproduction, and also be designed to give the best
"quality" receivers were usually possible response. A stage of
confined to the tuned radio - resistance -capacity coupling, fol-
frequency type. lowed by a push-pull stage feed-
Later certain receivers were ing at least two output valves, is a
introduced to combine the best common arrangement. The output
points of both circuits, and by valves are usually large power
switching arrangements could be triodes, although pentodes with
instantly converted from TRF to negative feedback can be made to
superhet operation, or vice versa. give excellent results.
This can be achieved as shown in For a real "quality" receiver,
the block diagram in Fig. 87. the undistorted power output
With both switches down, the must be high, say io-I5 watts, in

FC - IF --\c() IDEMOD AF

Fig. 87. Block diagram showing how, for high quality reception, a
superhet can be converted to TRF by means of two switches.

receiver is a superhet with an RF place of the 2-5 watts of an ordin-

stage. With both switches up, ary receiver. This does not imply
the output from the RF stage is that the set is necessarily intended
taken direct to the demodulator, to operate always at high volume
cutting out the frequency changer levels, but the high power is there
and IF stages, and converting the to take care of sudden fortissimo
set to TRF operation. Where no passages in music which momen-
RF stage is fitted it is sometimes tarily require a considerably larger
arranged to make use of the mixer power output than the general
section of the frequency -changer level of the music.
valve as an RF amplifier for TRF The loudspeaker arrangements
operation. of a quality receiver vary con-
siderably. To a large extent the
Minimising Distortion response of a loudspeaker depends
By the use of carefully designed on the size of its diaphragm, and
IF stages, preferably with "vari- it has been common practice to
able selectivity" couplings (pre- employ two or more loudspeakers
viously described), the modern of different sizes in order to secure
type of superheterodyne circuit a level overall response. Thus,
can be made to give high -quality a large diaphragm loudspeaker,
reproduction. Owing to the fact which favours the low and middle
registers, can be paired with a times use dual speakers, both
small diaphragm unit, which will units being ordinary moving -coil
look after the upper register. types. Usually there is a single
input transformer and the two
Moving -coil Speaker speech coils are connected to the
The moving -coil type of speaker secondary.
is almost universally employed, The diaphragms are generally
but for high audio -frequency of different sizes so that the larger
work the "tweeter" type of provides the better bass response
speaker is sometimes used. This is and the smaller extends the upper
a small diaphragm unit, in which limit of the frequency range.
the diaphragm is driven, not by a It is not correct to refer to
coil, but by the movement of a these speakers as bass and tweeter
crystal of Rochelle salt which units, however, because both
occurs when a varying otential is cover practically the whole range.
applied across two ofits faces. The real value of the system is
This is known as the piezo- electrical in that when speakers are
electric effect, and is used in operated together in this way any
HT+ resonant peak volt-
ages are much re-
duced in strength.
The speaker or
speakers in a
quality receiver
must be mounted
either on a large
Fig. 88. Method of connecting a piezo-electric flat baffle -board
"tweeter" speaker in connection with the
normal moving -coil type. or in a specially
shaped and lined
specialised loudspeakers, micro- cabinet, in order to preserve the
phones and also in gramophone bass response, and to prevent cabi-
pick-ups. net resonance, which would mar
The method of connecting up a the quality, particularly at high
speaker of this type in conjunction volume levels.
with a moving -coil unit is shown In this chapter we have "taken
in Fig. 88. It is fed from the ends to pieces" all the familiar types of
of the primary winding of the receiver and obtained some appre-
main speaker transformer, via two ciation of the functions of the
fixed blocking condensers of about different parts. We have been as
i mfd. each. There is, of course, practical as possible; readers wish-
no DC path through the loud- ing to know more of the whys and
speaker, which is actually equi- wherefores behind various arrange-
valent electrically to a condenser. ments should go over this chapter
In order to control the high note again, studying it in conjunction
output, it is usual to employ an- with Chapter 17, which explains
other fixed condenser in series the theoretic principles underly-
with a potentiometer across the ing radio practice. The chapter
piezo speaker unit in the manner that follows is planned to increase
shown in Fig. 88. the reader's ability to "read"
High -quality receivers some- complete receiver circuits.


HE word "circuit", although feature is indicated-such as dot

it has quite a precise lines to show that condensers or
technical meaning (see Chap- switches are "ganged" (operated
ter 17), is also applied to diagrams by the same knob)-but, as a
which form either a part of a cir- whole, a circuit does not give the
cuit or a number of related cir- slightest clue to the appearance of
cuits. For example, we commonly a receiver.
talk of the "circuit of a coil" when
actually the coil is only a small part Identifying Components
of a circuit; similarly, we refer to In the days of simple home-
the "circuit of a transmitter" when constructor receivers it was the
really the apparatus consists of practice to issue wiring diagrams,
numerous circuits. but with modern sets such draw-
To make these differences clear, ings would be too complex for
we might be tempted to talk in- rapid study. Instead, therefore,
stead of "wiring diagrams"-but the professional service man is
this would not do. Generally, wir- usually provided with a circuit
ing diagram is taken to refer to a diagram-the resistances and capa-
scale drawing showing the actual cities of components being indi-
layout of the equipment and the cated-plus a drawing of the
disposition of the connecting wires. chassis identifying the most im-
Circuit Symbols portant components and any de-
tail drawings necessary to identify
A circuit diagram represents the the various terminals of complex
various component parts in the parts, such as coils and trans-
simplest possible way-in fact, formers.
by symbols based on the funda- It will be evident that it is
mental electro-mechanical con- necessary for the repair engineer to
struction of the parts (see pages be able to "read" circuit dia-
3o and 3 1 )-and shows as clearly as grams with fair ease. Needless to
possible how these components are say, it is a job requiring some train-
inter -connected. In the interests of ing and practice.
clarity, the arrangement of the The first thing is to learn the
parts in the circuit is largely stan- "alphabet"-i.e., the standard
dardised and has little, if any, re- symbols. The second step is to get
gard to the actual physical layout to recognise the sub -circuits in
of the set. which these are arranged-for in-
Occasionally, a constructional stance, the tuning circuit, the
Lio is an HF choke which opposes Note that when the on -off
these currents and encourages switch S4 is closed, HT-, LT-
them to flow to LT- via either the and GB+ are all connected to
reaction circuit or C3. earth and chassis.
Li i and Liz are an iron -cored Typical values of components
LF transformer which passes the are: Cr , o000 ; C2, o0003;
signal on to V3 grid while iso- C3, 0'0002; C4, 0'005; C5, C6,
lating the grid from the positive oI mfd.; Rr, i megohm; LI I-
potential of Vz anode circuit. LI2, step-up ratio 1-3.5.
V3 is provided with bias, via
Liz, by means of a separate bias Variable Bias Control
battery. It is a pentode valve In Fig. z is a more advanced
operating the moving coil (Li5) "battery three" circuit. The aerial
of a loudspeaker indirectly by connection includes an optional
means of a step-down transformer rejector wavetrap . The
Li 3-L14. two tuning condensers are ganged
C4 is a condenser in shunt with on one shaft and the small parallel
V3, and it by-passes high audio - trimmers Ti, T2 are provided to
frequencies which, owing to over- compensate for any initial capacity
emphasis by the pentode, would difference between the two tuned
cause shrillness. C5 decouples the circuits.
main HT and C6 decouples the The amplified signal is de-
lower I -IT voltage applied to Vi veloped in the anode circuit of Vi
screen. by a high frequency choke, L5,

Fig. 2. Another three -valve battery set. Note the aerial wavetrap, LI-CI, the
choke -fed RF coupling between VI and V2 and the parallel -fed transformer coup-
ling between V2 and V3. Volume is controlled by VRI which regulates the bias of
VI, a variable -mu RF pentode amplifier valve.

v-1- C2

HFC L151111F2Bil

"C4 Cs V2 3

S2 -e Oi
R4 min0
T3 3 = C7

HT -

.1-firVci GB -1

Fig. 3. A three -valve battery set with band-pass aerial Input on medium and long
waves and transformer input (L6 -L7) on short waves. The RF coupling is a tuned
anode on M and LW but on SW L8 -L9 act as a choke, parallel -feeding LI2.
and passed on to the tuned grid about the same rate as the HT vol-
circuit of V2 via C4. tage. This preserves the correct
In this set the anode of V2 con- ratio between anode and bias
tains simply a resistance R3. voltages.
Having practically no inductance V3 does not receive the full bias
or capacity, this presents equal voltage, but that part of it pro-
opposition to both HF and LF duced across R4. VR1 in parallel
currents. The former pass to earth with R4-R5 is a variable potentio-
through the reaction circuit, L8- meter, and any required negative
VC3, and through C7. The LF voltage up to maximum bias can
signal goes to earth through C6 be applied to the grid of Vt.
and L9, the primary of the LF Vs is a variable -mu pentode, its
transformer. amplification (and, therefore, the
The advantage of this parallel - output volume) being controlled
fed transformer arrangement is by the amount of negative bias.
that no inductance is lost due to
the passage of a steady anode cur- Voltage Fluctuations
rent through the primary. RI and C3 decouple Vs grid,
Across V3 is an adjustable tone preventing any voltage fluctua-
control C9-R6. When the plug tions from the LF side being in-
is inserted, R6 is shorted and an troduced to the HF side. Note
increased proportion of high -note that the bias circuit must be
response is by-passed through C9. switched (S3) apart from the LT
The bias battery is connected switching (S4). Cm decouples
across R4 and R5, the steady the HT battery.
leakage through these ensuring Band-pass input tuning on
that the bias voltage will fall at medium and long waves and

V to 0 -
Fig. 5. A three -valve plus rectifier TRF receiver for AC mains operation. VI is a
variable -mu RF amplifier and amplification is controlled by VRI. LI-CIO-C1 1
smooth the HT current provided by the full -wave rectifier V4.

the band. T4 and T5 are long resistance VRI, which is also the
wave trimmers and T6 the long LF volume control. R7 with
wave padder. C5 and C6 filter out the IF and
RI-C2 are the oscillator grid leak pass it to earth.
and condenser. R2 and R3 give a A steady voltage due to the
smoother feedback of energy over rectified carrier wave appears
the different frequencies. across R5 and R6, and a propor-
tion of it is taken to the grids of
Intermediate Frequency V2 and VI for automatic volume
The oscillator frequency intro- control. As the strength of the
duced by grids i and 2 and the carrier wave increases, the nega-
signal frequency introduced by tive bias developed across R5 and
grid 4 beat together to form the applied to V2 and VI also in-
intermediate frequency. This is creases, thereby reducing the
transmitted to V2, and thence to amplification and tending to keep
V3 through transformers tuned the output of the set at a uniform
to the intermediate frequency by level. C3 is an AVC decoupling
pre-set trimmers T7--Tio. Vz is condenser which smoothes out any
an IF amplifier. rapid fluctuations occurring in
V3 contains a single diode which the carrier voltage.
produces demodulated (low -fre- Low frequency is tapped off
quency) signals across a "load" from VRI and taken via a DC

011-000 s-r--

3 V4


R8 C8 C9

isolating condenser, C7, to the Rio, i meg; RI2, 750; C2, oooi
grid circuit of V3. As the signal mfd ; C3, 0.05; C4, oox ; C5, C6,
to be handled is not great, this
valve is left to develop its own C9, 6.665; Cio, oooz; Cli, 8.
bias across the grid leak R9.
Rio develops the amplified LF, "Straight" Three Mains Set
which is passed on to the V4 grid Coming to the first mains set
circuit by C9. V4 is biased by circuit, Fig. 5, we have a very
returning the leak RI1 to HT simple "straight" three for work-
negative. The total HT current, ing from AC. Apart from the
returning from the valve filaments, features due to the nature of the
has to flow through Riz to reach current supply, the design is like
HT-, and the voltage drop across the circuits already described.
Riz, it will be seen, is introduced Each of the three receiving
between V4 filament and grid. valves is an indirectly heated type
C8 is an HF by-pass and Cio a biased by resistances between
high -note by-pass. Cuacross the cathode and 1 -IT negative. These
HT battery, provides a current resistances, Ri-VRx, R5, R9,
reservoir which ensures a smooth convey the anode current to
supply, thus preventing the vary- chassis, and the voltage drop across
ing current demand of V4 having them makes the cathodes positive.
any effect on the operation of the As the grids are returned to chassis
other stages. they are negatively biased.
Typical values are: Ri, 250,000 VRi controls the volume by
ohms; R2 10,000; R3, 15,000; regulating the bias and, therefore,
R5, r megohm; R6, 4 megohms; the amplification of Vi, a variable -
R7, ioo,000 ohms; VRi, 500,000; mu HF pentode. The bottom end
A 6?A2


T2 L1
T5 1 L2

T4 T3

T9 TO T7




of R3-Rz is taken to the cathode serve only to heat the cathodes,

circuit, so that the screen voltage and are run from low -voltage AC,
changes "in step" with the bias. the circuit being connected to
RI is included so that even when earth at its centre -point to mini-
VRi is at minimum, VI will have mise the introduction of hum via
sufficient bias to prevent over- the cathode -heater capacities.
loading and instability. Typical values are: Ri, 200
Note that V2, as a detector, is ohms; VRi 5,000; R2, 40,000;
run without bias because the grid R3, io,000; R5, x,000; R9, 150;
leak R4 is returned to the top of CI, C2, C5, 0.1 mfd; C8, 25;
R5. The valve is biased when a CIO, 12; Cu,I 8.
pick-up is connected.
HT current is obtained from a "Short" AC Mains Superhet
full -wave rectifier, V4. The fila- In Fig. 6 is a good example of a
ment is HT positive (see Chapter "short" , (without RF stage) AC
17), and the centre -point of the mains superhet. On medium and
HT secondaFy winding is negative. long waves the input circuit is of
Ripples are smoothed out of the band-pass type, while a single
HT by a choke Li (probably the tuned circuit is provided for short
loudspeaker field energising coil) waves. A special refinement is the
and two electrolytic condensers, use of different AVC decoupling
Cm, CIT. components on M-LW (RI C11
The filaments of the valves and SW (R2-C2).


C6 R7
Fig. 6. An AC mains superhet covering three wavebands and with band-pass input
on M and LW only. VI is the frequency -changer, V2 the IF amplifier, V3 the double -
diode triode, V4 the output pentode and V5 the full -wave rectifier.

The oscillator section of VI, a negative delay bias, so that it

the frequency -changer, is per- does not operate until the signal
fectly straightforward, there being has reached a certain strength.
a separate reaction winding for R9 is the V3 anode load furnish-
each band (Li, La, L3). These ing a signal to V4 via C7. Rio-
coils are parallel -fed through C3, C8 decouple the V3 anode circuit.
the actual oscillator anode load RI' prevents spurious HF oscilla-
being R3. tions in V4, and R12 provides
All the oscillator and aerial coils negative feedback between anode
have separate trimmers to com- and grid circuits for better tone.
pensate for stray capacities, and Connections for an extension -
T6 and Tio are the padders. speaker are provided on the
There is no padder on SW as primary or high -impedance side of
specially shaped vanes of the the output transformer, and an
oscillator section of the gang con- additional speaker would, there-
denser provide correct tracking. fore, need its own matching trans-
R4-R5 form a split signal -diode former.
load, the LF being taken via C4 Fig. 7 shows the circuit of a
to the volume control R6. C5-R7 superhet with an RF amplifier,
form a tone control, and C6 is an Vi, in front of the frequency-
IF by-pass condenser. changer,172. It uses a triode out-
R8 provides bias for PU work- put valve, V6, for high -quality
ing and also gives the AVC diode reproduction and incorporates a


Vi V2


T. 000..008
8 80

cathode -ray -type tuning indicator, RI -CI -C2 are an IF filter, and
V4. R2, the volume control, forms the
All the tuned circuits use diode load. The DC of the rectified
straightforward transformers with carrier is taken via R3 to operate
trimmers across the secondaries. the tuning indicator, and the LF
The first IF transformer includes is taken via C3 to the triode grid.
extra turns which can be switched R4 is the grid leak and R5
on the secondary to broaden represents a "stopper" of spurious
selectivity when required. oscillation.
At IFz both AVC and signal In this set the tone control C4 -
connections are taken from tap- R6 is across the first LF valve.
pings, an arrangement which con- Resistance -capacity coupling leads
tributes to the normal high to V6, which, as indicated by the
selectivity of the receiver. Riz "breaks" in the diagram, is on
is the AVC diode load. a separate chassis with the mains
In the signal diode circuit section. R7 is another "stopper".
I 16

I F2


V3 V5



PUo R4


Fig. 7. A large superhet with an RF amplifier, VI, preceding the frequency -changer,
V2. V4 is a cathode-ray type tuning indicator. The speaker field, used for smooth-
ing, is in the negative HT line and the voltage across it is tapped off by the
potentiometer R9 -10-I I for the purpose of biasing V6 and V.

V6 is directly heated and, to ment saves HT voltage as, if the

minimise hum, an electrical centre - choke was in the positive lead, the
point for the negative HT path is voltage drop across it would be
obtained by R8, sometimes called additional to the drop across the
a "humdinger". bias system.
An outstanding feature is that It will be realised that this
the smoothing choke (the speaker "negative field" method makes
field winding) is included in the the chassis positive with respect to
negative HT path. The voltage HT -(the secondary winding cen-
drop across it is tapped off by the tre -tap). The junction Rio-RIt
potentiometer R9 -Rio -RI for is more negative with respect to
biasing V6 and V5. The arrange- chassis than the junction R9 --Rio.


THE basis of radio is the energy supplied to a closed oscil-

oscillatory circuit, which latory circuit is radiated in the
can be defined as a circuit form of ether waves, because the
having inductance and capacity condenser plates are close to-
and with a sufficiently low resist- gether, and only a small volume
ance (see Chapter 17). Fig. i re- of ether is subjected to both
presents an oscillatory circuit in magnetic and electric strain.
which the inductance L is formed To transmit radio waves over
by a coil of wire or copper tubing useful distances, an open oscilla-
and the capacity C by a condenser. tory circuit must be used. An open
Such a circuit has a natural fre- oscillatory circuit is usually called
quency of oscillation given by an aerial or antenna, and may take
many different forms. In all cases,
however, the inductance and ca-
zn LC pacity are no longer separated, but
where f = frequency in cycles per distributed more or less uniformly
second, L = inductance in henries throughout the circuit.
and C = capacity in farads.
It follows that if L or C is ad-
justable, the natural frequency can
be varied at will between the limits
imposed by the range of adjust-
ment. This is the original mean-
ing of the term "tuning", though
this word is now applied to any con-
trols on transmitters or receivers.
Closed Oscillatory Circuit
The circuit of Fig. 1 is called Fig. I. A coil and condenser in parallel
form a closed oscillatory circuit.
a closed oscillatory circuit, its
features being that the inductance Fig. 2 represents a well-known
is concentrated mainly in the coil form of aerial, called an "inverted -
and the capacity mainly in the L". The purpose of the small coil
condenser. Not much of the in series is to form a convenient
plete cycles of oscillation before
the energy finally disappeared, this
would take only i/sooth of a
second. In order to make practical
use of the waves radiated from an
open oscillating circuit, the oscilla-
Fig. 2. Theoretical repre-
sentation of an "inverted tion must be maintained for as long
L" aerial. The coil in the as desired-i.e., as long as the key
down -lead provides means is pressed in telegraphy, or for as
for feeding energy into long as the microphone is in use in
the aerial for transmitting.
the case of broadcasting or radio-
There are various methods of
securing continuous oscillation in
an oscillatory circuit, but the
thermionic valve is now practically
point for supplying energy to the universal.
aerial in the case of a transmitter or Fig. 4 shows the basic principle
for taking energy from it in the of using a triode valve in this way.
case of a receiver. More will The coil L in the aerial circuit also
be said about aerials shortly. forms part of the valve anode cir-
Action of Transmitter cuit. If a radio -frequency EMF
If the capacity of a circuit such is applied between grid and cathode
as Fig. I is charged up and then of the valve, there will be a radio -
allowed to discharge, the dis- frequency variation of anode cur-
charge will be oscillatory in char- rent. As this necessarily takes
acter. Fig. 3 illustrates this dis- place in the coil L, there will be a
charge, and the graph can be radio -frequency EMF across L
taken to represent the current in and hence in the aerial circuit.
the circuit. The aerial is thus "driven" at
The time taken by the discharge the frequency of the EMF applied
would be only a very small frac- to the grid, and if the aerial is
tion of a second. For example, if tuned to resonance by means of
the frequency was 50o kc. and the
circuit went through moo corn -

Fig. 3. When a condenser is discharged LT

through a coil the current oscillates Fig. 4. Basic method of using a triode
backwards and forwards. The energy is valve to maintain continuous oscillatory
expended with great rapidity. current in a tuned circuit.
the condenser C, for example, This is called a self -oscillator,
maximum current will flow in the and is the usual method of
aerial, and the radiation of electric generating a radio -frequency cur-
wave energy will also be at a rent. The source of the energy sup-
maximum. plied to the aerial is of course the
The radio -frequency EMF ap- HT supply, the valve acting as a
plied to the grid (sometimes called linking mechanism, which releases
the grid exciting voltage) may be the energy in a series of pulses
obtained from the oscillating cir- automatically timed by the aerial
cuit itself. This arrangement is circuit itself. The best mechanical
shown in Fig. 5. The coil L2 in the analogy to a self -oscillator is a
watch, and the following compari-
sons should be carefully studied.
Self -Oscillator. Watch.
HT supply Mainspring
Oscillatory cir- Vibrating Me-
cuit chanism :-
Inductance Balance wheel
Capacity Hair -spring
Valve and Escapement.
grid circuit
The frequency at which the
watch "ticks" is determined by
Fig. 5. By means of a coil, L2, inductively
the size apd weight of the balance
coupled to the coil, LI, the oscillation
wheel and by the tension of the
of the valve can be maintained by the hair -spring. The frequency at
tuned circuit itself. which the electrical circuit oscil-
grid circuit is magnetically coupled
lates is determined by the induc-
to the aerial coil Li. tance and capacity in it.
Aerial oscillation is now main- Series and Parallel Feeds
tained for as long as the valve is The simple circuit of Fig. 5 is of
switched on. the type known as series -feed, in
The sequence of events, which which the coil of the oscillating
is "kicked" off by the heating up of circuit is in series between HT
the valve cathode and then re- and the anode and carries the DC
peated continuously, is as follows: anode current.
Aerial oscillation causes Fig. 6 shows the circuit for a
Radio -frequency current in parallel -feed oscillator. The DC
Li which causes anode path does not include any
Radio -frequency EMF in L2 part of the oscillatory circuit, but
which causes the radio -frequency choke L3
Radio -frequency EMF on deflects the radio -frequency varia-
grid which causes tions of anode current through the
Radio -frequency variation of coil Li via the "blocking" con-
anode current which causes denser Ca. Ca is necessary be-
Radio -frequency EMF across cause otherwise the coil Li would
Li, which maintains aerial constitute a short-circuit of the
oscillation. HT supply.
L3 aerial in conjunction
4. with Li and Cr.
L2 is the grid coil
magnetically cou-
pled to the aerial
HT coil for self -oscilla-
tion. C2 is the block-
ing condenser and
-- L3 the radio -fre-
quency choke. C4 is
a large -capacity con-
--F denser which serves
Fig. 6. In the parallel -feed arrangement the tuned circuit as a smoothing de-
CI-LI is in parallel with the HT supply, which passes vice for HT and as
through a radio -frequency choke, L3. The oscillatory
current passes through C2. a radio -frequency
by-pass for any
This circuit illustrates a very RF current passing the choke L3.
important principle which is con- A is an ammeter in series with
stantly applied to valve circuits. the aerial circuit, and indicates the
. It is the splitting of the anode cir- oscillatory current in the aerial. A
cuit into two parallel paths, one milliammeter in the negative FIT
for the DC component of anode lead is for indicating DC anode
current and one for the radio - current.
frequency AC component. Oscillation is started and
By inserting the choke L3 in the stopped by the Morse key, which
DC anode circuit, this path is makes and breaks the negative
made to offer a high impedance to HT circuit. A condenser C3 is in
any radio -frequency variation of parallel with the key to absorb
anode current. The anode -cathode inductive impulses and prevent
path comprising Ca and Li can- sparking at the key contacts.
not carry DC, but offers a com-
paratively low impedance to the Grid Bias
radio -frequency component of The energy taken from the FIT
anode current. . supply is spent in two main ways:
An identical principle is seen in (I) Energy supplied to the aerial
reaction circuits and
decoupling devices.
Certain additional
components must be
added to the circuits
of Figs. 5 and 6 to
make a workable
transmitter. Fig. 7
shows a simple one -
valve parallel - feed
continuous -wave
transmitter with all
essential parts.
The oscillatory cir- Fig. 7. A parallel -feed one -valve continuous -wave
cuit is formed by the. transmitter with all essential parts.
and (2) energy dissipated as heat pends on the characteristics of the
at the anode of the valve (a little valve, and is obtained by means of a
is also lost in the conductors). voltage drop across a resistance or
Heat at the anode is obviously from a battery or a DC generator.
wasted as far as communication is Fig. 9 shows a simple method of
concerned, and must be reduced as obtaining grid bias by means of a
far as possible. This is done by high resistance called the "grid
applying a negative EMF to the leak". Current flows from the grid
grid of the valve, so that anode to the cathode on each positive
current is normally suppressed. half cycle, and this develops a nega-
tive voltage across
the resistance.
The condenser C is
connected in paral-
lel with the resist-
ance in order to
provide a path of
low impedance to
VOLTS radio -frequency.
Fig. 8. The application
of negative bias econo-
The method of
mises in high-tension
keying shown in
current. Fig. 7 is the sim-
plest possible way,
and the key here
acts merely as a
Instead of rising and falling switch in the anode circuit. It
about some average value, the is also possible to key a trans-
anode current now flows in a mitterin the grid circuit or in
series of pulses. grid and anode circuits simul-
The action is illustrated in Fig. taneously, the latter scheme being
8. It will be seen that the valve has very common_
a "rest" on each negative half -cy-
cle, because anode current is then
zero. The heating effect at the
anode is, therefore, greatly reduced.
Pulse Excitation
This "pulse" excitation of the
aerial corresponds to a person
pushing a swing, each push being
given as the swing starts moving
away from him. Without grid bias
the action of the valve would be
similar to a person running back-
wards and forwards alongside the
swing, pushing continuously in the
appropriate direction, obviously a
very fatiguing and uneconomic
method. Fig. 9. Inclusion of the grid leak, R,
The correct grid bias voltage de - makes an oscillating valve self -biasing.
Fig. to shows a simple series - operates the actual keying circuit
feed transmitter keyed in anode of the transmitter through a
and grid circuits simultaneously. magnetic relay.
The cut-off of anode current when Fig. II shows the principle
involved. When the key K is
pressed the circuit is complete, and
the electro-magnet M closes the
contacts C against the tension of
the spring S. On releasing the key
the contacts C are pulled open
by the spring, so that the move-
ments of the Morse key are
repeated at the transmitter.
To adjust a transmitter to radi-
ate on the required frequency,
some form of frequency measur-
ing instrument is necessary. This
is called a wavemeter, and con-
+ HT - -LT+ sists essentially of a calibrated
oscillatory circuit-i.e., the dial of
Fig. 10. Simple series feed circuit with the tuning device is marked in
key breaking anode and grid circuits either kilocyclesor metres, so
simultaneously. that the resonant frequency of
the key is raised is very sharp and the wavemeter is known for any
assists in the production of clear- It remains to provide some
cut Morse. means of observing when the
In ground radio stations the transmitter and wavemeter are
transmitter itself is usually at resonant to each other, and there
some distance from the operator, are several ways of doing this.
who has only his receiver in front Fig. 12 shows the circuit of one
of him. The Morse key must,
therefore, be connected to the
transmitter by land lines, and the
method is called "remote con-
trol". In this case the Morse key
is in a low-tension circuit and

Fig. 11 Remote keying of a transmitter. When the operator closes K, the relay
M closes contact C at the transmitter.
method, the valve voltmeter. LC
is the calibrated oscillatory cir-
cuit, and the triode valve is biased
to the cut-off point of anode cur-
rent. A microammeter is in series
with the valve anode circuit.

Fig. 14. A heterodyne wavemeter using

a reactive valve. It is adjusted for "zero
beat" on the headphones.

maximum current is induced in

the circuit LC, and hence the
Fig. 12. The frequency of a transmitter radio -frequency EMF applied to
may be measured by a wavemeter. The
calibrated tuning condenser C is ad- the grid is at maximum, this in
justed for maximum reading on the turn causing maximum anode
microammeter. current. A very small amount of
mistuning will cause an observable
To measure the frequency of a drop in the anode current of the
transmitter, the wavemeter is valve voltmeter, so that quite
placed fairly close to it (depending reasonably accurate frequency
on the power of the transmitter) measurement is possible.
and the key pressed. The wave - A second method is provided by
meter tuning condenser C is then the heterodyne wavemeter. Fig.
adjusted until a maximum reading 54 shows the circuit of a simple
is obtained in the microammeter. type. It is merely a one -valve
Fig. 13 shows the action of the reacting receiver using, in this
valve. At the resonant point case, anode bend rectification.
By tuning the wavemeter to the
ANODE transmitter and finding the "dead
space" of the heterodyne note, the
transmitter frequency can be read
off the wavemeter
calibrated circuit.
The simple
transmitting cir-
-GRID + GRID cuits of Figs. 7
VOLTS VOLTS and so would be
workable on low
powers and me-
Fig. 13. How the oscilla- dium frequencies,
tory current picked up by but they would
the wavetrap produces
unidirectional current not be really suit-
pulses in the valve. able for modern
conditions, on
account of their inherent lack of The amplifier valve V2 is
stability as regards frequency. Be- parallel -fed to the aerial circuit
ing self -oscillators, the frequency L3-C3, and the grid circuit of this
is governed mainly by the aerial valve is coupled magnetically by
circuit, and is liable to "wander" the coil L2 to the master oscillator,
appreciably. On high frequencies thus deriving its exciting voltage
(short waves) this frequency wan- at the frequency of the master
dering would be serious. circuit.
Being a closed oscillator and not
Frequency Control having to deliver much power, the
All modern transmitters have master circuit is largely free from
some form of frequency control, the causes of frequency variation
the object of which is to ensure prevalent in the aerial, thus ren-
that the radiated frequency con- dering the frequency of the trans-
forms closely to that desired, and mitter more stable. R2 is the grid
also remains at that figure. Some leak for the master oscillator
form of self -oscillator must still valv3 VI, which is not keyed, but
be used to generate the radio -fre- works continuously once the trans-
quency, but the feature of all mitter is switched on.
frequency controlled transmitters RI and R3 in series form the
is that the self -oscillating circuit grid biasing arrangement for the
is not the aerial. valve V2 and keying is effected by
Fig. 15. For stable frequency operation, it is advisable for the
valve which supplies energy to the aerial to be driven by a
master oscillator, VI.




FL3 .
_ LT

Fig. 15 shows a simple trans- short-circuiting R3, thus removing

mitter with a "master" oscillator sufficient bias to permit the valve
circuit followed by an amplifying to function.
valve driving the aerial. The master
oscillator is the circuit La-Ca, Crystal Effects
which, in association with the Certain crystalline substances,
valve VI and the grid coil L4, notably quartz, exhibit the pheno-
forms a self -oscillator. La-Ca is menon known as the piezo-
calibrated in kilocycles or metres. electric effect. Briefly this means
that when a slice of the material
is compressed, an EMF is de-
veloped across it, and also that if
an EMF is applied to the slice,
expansion or contraction takes
The crystal is, therefore, cap-
able of mechanical vibration, and
has a natural resonant frequency
which is determined mainly by
its thickness-the thinner the slice
the higher its frequency. Quartz Fig. 17. A crystal in plug-in holder.
crystals are quite cheap, and are in
very general use as frequency con- adjusted to give a maximum read-
trolling devices, especially on ing in the radio -frequency ammeter
short waves. They cannot, how- A, which occurs when the resonant
ever, handle much power, so that frequency of LC is slightly above
amplifying stages between the that of the crystal. The actual fre-
crystal and the aerial are always quency is, of course, the crystal
necessary. frequency-not that of LC.
Fig. 17 shows
an example of a
totally enclosed
crystal holder.
The two pins
plug into a cor-
responding soc-
ket so that the
crystals for differ-
ent frequencies
can be changed
very quickly.
When a fre-
quency control is
used, it is very
Fig. 16. For accurate main- important to en-
tenance of a given fre- sure that self -
q uency, an oscillator may be oscillation of the
controlled by a crystal, Q.
aerial is impossi-
ble. If self -oscil-
Fig. 16 shows a typical crystal lation occurs, the object of the fre-
oscillator. The crystal Q is con- quency -control device is defeated.
nected between grid and cathode
of the valve, and the necessary Neutralising
feedback of energy to maintain On the higher frequencies the
oscillation is obtained by virtue of coupling between anode and grid
the anode-grid capacity of the circuits of the power valve due to
valve which, on high frequencies, anode -grid capacity may be suffi-
is quite sufficient. cient to cause self -oscillation. This
The oscillating circuit LC is is counteracted by means of a
x,000 cycles and, after demodula-
tion in the set, would produce a
x,000 cycle audio note. This
a. type of CW morse transmission,
therefore, necessitates the "beat
frequency" method of reception.
Sometimes, it is thought prefer-
able to interrupt the wave before
transmission, so that it is audible
in any conventional receiver. This
is done by inserting an automatic
device in the keying circuit, which
makes and breaks this circuit at
Fig. 18. Feed -back through the internal an audible frequency-e.g., goo
capacity of the valve, Cga, is opposed times per second.
by feed -back through the neutralising
condenser Cl A common method is to use
an interrupter wheel driven by a
neutralising circuit, an example of small electric motor. The wheel is
which is shown in Fig. is. brass, with a number of insulating
Fig. 18 shows the neutralising segments, so that if a copper brush
circuit re -drawn. The grid is now rests on the wheel, the circuit will
connected to both ends of the be made and broken as the wheel
aerial coil, on one side via the rotates. For example, if the wheel
valve capacity C, and on the rotates 3,600 rpm-i.e., 6o revolu-
other side via the neutralising tions per second-and has is seg-
condenser Ca and the coil L4. ments, the interruption frequency

By adjusting C2 the EMFs fed will be 6o x Is = goo per second.
to the grid via these two paths
can be made equal, and since they
are inherently opposite, they will
be mutually cancelling. Other cir-
cuit arrangements are possible for
neutralising a valve amplifier,
but the general principle is much
the same.
CW, ICW and Telephony
A continuous wave, being of
radio -frequency, does not cause
a note in a receiver unless it is
broken up into pulses of audible
frequency or unless the receiver
itself generates a "local" oscilla-
tion which is made to "beat"
with the received CW and so
produce an audible beat note.
For example, if the received CW
had a frequency of 30o kc., a Fig. 19. An interrupter wheel which
local oscillation of, say, 301 kc. breaks a transmitted wave into pulses
would coincide with this once every of audio frequency.
E 129 (R.E.)
A Morse dash lasting oz second
900 X 2 Fig. 21. Section of a carbon -
will consist of - 180
I0 granule microphone for use
short bursts of aerial oscillation, In aircraft.
and can be received without a
beat -frequency oscillator.
Fig. 19 shows the appearance of
an interrupter wheel, also called a
tone wheel.
Radio -telephony, including
broadcasting, means the repro-
duction at the receiver of sounds
made at the transmitter or con-
veyed to the transmitter from some
other place. A continuous -wave
transmitter is used, and keying, of
course, is unnecessary. This con-
tinuous wave is called the "carrier"
wave, and the sound is impressed
on it in such a way that its ampli-
tude rises and falls in correspon-
dence with the sound vibrations.
The sound must first be translated
into electrical terms, and this is
done by means of a microphone.
microphone is,
Carbon -Granule Microphone based on the fact
The principle of the carbon - that the contact
granule microphone is shown in resistance be-
Fig. 20. The disc D is free to vi- tween two pieces
brate within small limits, and the of carbon is pro-
carbon granules C form part of portional to the
the circuit through the micro- pressure applied
phone. If sound waves strike the to them. The resistance of the
diaphragm D the carbon granules microphone, and hence the current
experience a varying in the circuit, therefore varies in
pressure. accordance with the sound waves.
The action of the By including a step-up transformer
in the circuit, the
sound is readily con-,
verted into voltages
across the secondary
The basic object
of all microphones
is to secure an EMF
which is an accurate
Fig. 20. Principle of the carbon -granule microphone. reproduction of the
Current from the battery is modulated by the change In
resistance of the granules, C, due to sound waves striking sound wave, and
against diaphragm, D. many problems arise
in achieving this. The high stand- sively with the power of the
ard of reproduction in broadcast- transmitter.
ing shows how far these problems Fig. 23 shows the principle of
have been solved. Other types of one well-known method of modu-
microphone have been developed, lation. It is called "anode voltage
notably the electro-magnetic, the modulation", the :`constant cur-
principle of which is the same as rent method", or the "Heising
that of the headphone earpiece, system"-after the inventor.
but reversed in action. A very The microphone transformer of
light conductor is suspended in large step-up ratio is in series
a strong magnetic field. Sound with the power -valve anode cir-
waves impinging on the conductor cuit, so that the EMFs across the
cause it to move in the field, and secondary winding either increase
hence to have corresponding or decrease the anode voltage,
EiVIFs induced in it. according to the variations of
Fig. at shows a sectional view of microphone current. The carrier
a carbon -granule microphone for wave is therefore modulated by
the sounds occurring in front of
the microphone.
Small Power Circuit
In Fig. 24 is a development of
the circuit of Fig. 23, which would
be suitable only for very small
power. The microphone output is
applied to the grid and cathode of
an amplifying valve, and the iron -
cored choke L is in series with the
anode circuit of this valve and also
Fig. 22. External view of the carbon- that of the power -valve. Modula-
granule microphone shown in Fig. 21. tion takes place in the same way as
use in aircraft, and Fig. 22 shows Fig. 25 illustrates modulation of
the, external appearance of the a carrier wave by a pure sound,
complete microphone. such as that of a tuning -fork.
The output voltage from the Audible frequencies are, of course,
microphone circuit
can be impressed on
the carrier wave in
various ways, this + HI
process being called
"modulation". As
the microphone out-
put is quite small, the
amount of amplifi-
cation required be- HI
tween the micro-
phone and the
power -valves will Fig. 23. Anode voltage method of applying speech modu-
increase progres- lation to a transmitting valve.


1 HT

Fig. 24. A development of the system shown In Fig. 23. The amplified speech vol-
tages produced across L modulate the HT to the oscillator valve.

very low compared to radio -fre- the case of ultra -short waves or
quencies in general use. For first - micro waves the aerial may be
quality broadcasting, all audible quite large in comparison with a
frequencies between about so and wavelength.
8,000 cps are impressed on the The radiating efficiency of the
carrier wave. If the carrier fre- Marconi -type earthed aerial is
quency is, say, boo kc. (500 m.) approximately proportional to the
each separate modulation for the square of the height. A high aerial
highest modulation frequency of is necessary if it is desired to radi-
6-8-oo ate a large amount of power or to
8,000 cps is spread over = 75 cover long ranges. Unfortunately,
oscillations of the aerial. the cost of masts rises so rapidly
with height that about 85o feet is
Transmitting Aerials an approximate economic limit.
Transmitting aerials can be Every aerial has a "natural"
broadly classified in terms of the wavelength-i.e., the wavelength
wavelengths on which they operate. to which it is resonant without
Thus medium- or long -wave the addition of any extra induc-
aerials are necessarily small com- tance or capacity.
pared to a wavelength. The Fig. 26 shows the three usual
dimensions of a short-wave types of earthed Marconi aerial.
aerial will be comparable
The length of the aerial is the
a wavelength, and in distance AB measured along the
to wire and the natural wavelength is
about 42 times
this length. This
is known as a
quarter -wave
aerial. Fig. 27
shows the addi-
S tion of a loading
Fig. 25. The amplitude of the radio -frequency oscilla- inductance L in
tions is varied at the slower audio frequency. the aerial circuit.

Fig. 26. Three

basic forms of B
By selecting the proper value for sulated at each end is resonant to
this inductance, the aerial can a natural wavelength approx. 2z
be tuned to resonance with some times the length of the wire. If
longer wave. used on this wavelength it is called
Short- and Long -Wave Aerials a half -wave aerial.
When used as a half -wave aerial,
For, high powers-i.e., large the length of the wire is approxi-
aerial currents-the capacity of the mately o47 of the wavelength.
aerial must be increased, which is With short waves between, say,
done by using a number of separ- o and zoo metres, it is quite easy
ate parallel wires mounted on to erect a quarter or half -wave
spreaders. The construction of a aerial. No loading inductance is
long -wave transmitting aerial for a required, and the aerial is much
high -power station presents many more efficient than the long -wave
problems, and the masts and aerial types previously described.
form a large proportion of the Fig. 28 shows a typical short-
total cost of the station.
wave transmitting aerial suitable
A straight length of wire in - for use on or close to one par -


Fig. 27. An aerial Fig. 28. Circuit of a typical short-wave

can be tuned by a transmitting aerial for use on or about
loading coil, L. one particular wavelength.

o1 to 0.125 of the wavelength,

according to the height of the
aerial above the ground-i.e., the
length of the feeders. The feeder
lines merely serve the purpose of
conveying energy to the horizontal
aerial, and they do not radiate
In Fig. 29 is a similar type
of aerial which is slightly less
efficient, but which can cover a
wide band of frequencies, about
15 to too metres (zo to 3 mega-
The length of each horizontal
Fig. 29. An aerial, slightly less efficient limb is about 9 metres, the feeder
than Fig. 28, but suitable for operation
over about 15-100 metres. length is x8 metres, and the
distance I is about to inches. The
ticular frequency. The length of feeder spacing in both cases is
about 5 cms., but this is not
the aerial is o47 of the wavelength,
and the distance AB is about critical.

A -
O -
P --
Full Stop - - -
Inverted Commas -
Q-- - Brackets - - - -
E Question --
Hyphen - -
T- Oblique Stroke - -
Underline -- -
I V...- Long Break - -
L -
-- VV - -
Y - --
- Short Break

A or A - - - 2
I ---- -- - 6

E E or E
. .

CH - - - -
The morse code was invented operators, the speed must inevit-
by Samuel Morse in 1872. Each ably drop in the interests of
letter of the alphabet is represented accuracy and the avoidance of fre-
by a combination of long and quent requests for repetitions.
short transmissions-i.e., dashes A great deal of nonsense is
and dots-and the inventor de- talked about morse speed, but it
signed the code so that the letters will almost invariably be found
occurring most frequently in the that the people who claim the
English language are represented ability to send or read morse at
in the shortest way. Figures, fantastic speeds could always do
punctuation marks and. certain so "years ago" but are now out of
accented letters of foreign langu- practice
ages are also provided for. The Reading morse at practical
complete code is given on the working speeds is an automatic
opposite page. process. That is to say, the fully
Speed Factors competent reader does not have to
think what a particular dot -dash
The speed at which morse is combination means-his pencil
sent and read for practical pur- automatically writes it. The action
poses varies with a number of is just as quick as that of a trained
factors. The skill and experience boxer in dodging a blow, and just
of the operators, the nature of the as certain, perhaps more so.
message (i.e., whether plain lan- In reading plain language in his
guage, code or cypher), strength native tongue, a morse reader
of the signal, atmospheric condi- nearly always follows the sense of
tions, and even to some extent the the message as well-i.e., he reads
quality of the transmitter note and the words and sentences as well as
the action of keying relays, all may the letters. Experienced operators
affect the speed of working. often write several letters behind
For most kinds of work, 20 the sound, and, in exceptional
words or too letters per minute is cases, several words behind.
a representative average speed. It
is a comfortable writing speed, and Expert Morse -Readers
requires no great effort of concen- All expert operators can read
tration to read for a person who has morse faster than it is possible to
really mastered morse code. It is write. Automatic transmissions at
also a comfortable sending speed, 40-50 words (zoo -25o letters) per
and represents a "natural" rate of minute are quite readable, but of
sending for the great majority of course they cannot be written
operators. down at this speed by any normal
Under favourable conditions of writer. Typing is a possible solu-
good signal strength, with little or tion, but the noise of the type-
no interference, expert operators writer may drown the signal, and
often work up to about 25 words in any case only a very exceptional
or 125 letters per minute, or even person could perform the feat for
a little more when work presses. any length of time. Such things
On the other hand, if the matter to have been done, but they are
be dealt with is code or cypher, or more in the nature of freak records
contains letters and figures mixed, than practical propositions.
or is in a language strange to the Sending morse is more difficult
than reading it. There is only one tact. The key movement is side-
criterion of good sending, and that ways instead of up and down, one
is its readability. To be able to side giving a continuous trans-
send 3o words per minute is a mission for dashes, and the other
meaningless achievement if it is side a series of automatic dots.
sent in such a way that no one on Bug keys require careful handling
earth could read it. and setting, and inexpertness on a
As with all operations which bug key is productive of even
depend on manual dexterity for worse results than with an ordin-
their execution, economy of effort ary key.
is the hall -mark of the expert. Learning morse consists of
Only a very small exercise of three processes:
muscle is needed to operate a 1. Learning the code.
morse key, and a good operator 2. Reading morse.
should be able to send continu- 3. Sending morse.
ously for at least half an hour
without feeling any aches or pains. Stages 2 and 3 involve reversed
mental processes, and if a beginner
Correct Key Adjustment decides to learn sending first, it is
Correct key adjustment is im- quite possible for him to attain a
portant. Contact gap and spring sending speed of 20 words a
tension are always adjustable, and minute or more and not be able to
every operator has his own best read a letter without prolonged
settings. Avery small gap is usually thought. As a rule, the two are
preferred, but the smallness of the taught together and the speed of
gap is limited to some extent by each is developed gradually.
other factors. If the gap is closed
up too much there will be a Learning to Read
tendency to sparking in some cases, Learning to read morse is a very
and the quality of the contacts tedious process, which is aggra-
themselves will affect the possible vated by the fact that a pupil is
limits. rarely conscious of any progress.
Again, in aircraft the gap will Various methods have been put
often have to be somewhat larger, forward as aids in learning to read
because otherwise it would be morse, but it is extremely doubt-
impossible to work the key in ful whether any of them have the
rough weather, when the operator slightest effect in accelerating the
is being pitched about in his seat desired result.
and perhaps leaving it alto- The beginner is always over-
gether when the aircraft drops. In anxious. Missing a letter flusters
him to such an extent that he
these circumstances the key has
to be "punched", and morse- misses the next two or three as
sending degenerates from a deli- well. He then recovers from his
cate art to a rather hit-and-miss temporary paralysis and starts
process. again. This recovering process
The American type of morse gradually becomes more rapid,
key known as the "bug" allows and after a time he automatically
rather higher speeds, mainly be- rejects a missed letter and reads
cause dots are sent automatically the next one.
by means of a vibrating spring con- Progress can only be made by
sending morse to a pupil at a Letters which are Remaining
speed slightly in excess of what he the same Reversed. Letters.
can actually read, and it is this
fact which makes the learning K- - C- -
period so discouraging. The pupil P -- .

is eternally chasing the letters, and

they seem eternally to elude him.
A rough calculation shows that
an average person has to hear In the figures, the number of
every letter about 40,000 times dots in 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 corresponds
before he recognises it without to the figure, and then decreases
much effort. At this stage he can progressively from 6 to 9.
probably read about zo words a Certain of the punctuation
minute by dint of considerable symbols are usually regarded as
concentration. It takes longer than made up of a combination of two
this before the reading of morse or three letters sent as one.
becomes possible without much
There is one compensating fact
Full Stop - - - AAA
-once morse is really mastered, it
stays. Experienced operators can
change their work, not hear any
- RR
morse for months or even years,
and then sit down and read zo Question -- IMI
words per minute, almost as if
they had been doing it Underline - - - UK
Long Break - - BT
Aids to Learning The signal CT - - - is
sent first when making a trans-
As regards the preliminary mission, and is universally recog-
learning of the code, the following nised as the preliminary warning.
analysis is useful:
Completion of a transmission is
Dot Letters. Dash Letters. indicated by AR - - which
announces that the operator has
E T- finished for the moment. The fin-

M-- ish of work for an indefinite period
is indicated by VA - -
Certain combinations of letters
are of such frequent occurrence
that they can almost be regarded
Reversed Pairs. as morse "phrases". For example,
A N- -
the beginner very soon recognises
as " the", without con-
sciously reading the three separate
Similar examples are
- - "ing", -
-- -
G W - - "for", -
Y - - - "of", and so on.
In the long and laborious pro- tude is correct and that the pres-
cess of reaching zo w.p.m. in sure on the key should come from
reading, pupils who worry the the tips of the fingers.
least usually get on best. The ner- The key gap is very small, so
vous, highly -strung type often that for all intents and purposes
takes longer than a more stolid the fingers do not move. The
individual, who seems to be less elbow should also be stationary,
affected by the apparently unend- the movement being limited to a
ing mishaps which accompany slight up and down flexing of the
early efforts. Cases are known in wrist.
which a pupil fails to progress and
finally withdraws from the contest, Spring Tension
but they are comparatively rare. One of a beginner's difficulties
The exact causes of a definite in-. is that he does not and cannot at
ability to read morse are obscure, first know what spring tension
but tone -deafness is probably one suits him. An eighth of a turn
of them. on the adjusting screw may make
Importance of Good Start quite a lot of difference to the
handling of the key, and all skilled
In learning to send morse, a operators "fiddle" with their keys
good start is vitally important, and before settling down.
unfortunately this is frequently As a general guide, a tendency
neglected. Because a morse key to miss dots is often due to too
is a very simple piece of mechan- much spring tension, and a ten -
ism, the mistake is often made of dency to slur a dot into a preceding
supposing it to be docile. The dash may be due to too little.
unhappy pupil soon discovers that Letter formation and spacing
a morse key can be a most in- are, of course, vitally important.
tractable, obstinate and infuriating The characteristics of good morse
device, apparently capable of are as follows:
making every possible signal except
that desired, and possessing an ( i) All dots are the - same
evil volition of its own. length.
(2) All dashes are the same
Essential Qualifications length.
To send first-class morse re- (3) Consecutive dots are
quires a delicate touch, perfect co- equally spaced.
ordination of brain and hand, a (4) Consecutive dashes are
keen sense of rhythm, plus, of equally spaced and very close
course, a complete mastery of the together
code itself. The beginner is almost (5) Letters are equally spaced.
certain to adopt a bad position at (6) Words are equally spaced.
the key unless guided, and very (7) Every letter or figure is
few will hold a key properly by perfectly formed as a connected
instinct. It is true that some whole.
excellent operators use eccentric
postures and hold the key in an These are obviously the attri-
apparently uncomfortable way, butes of morse sent by an auto -
but these exceptions do not dis- matic machine. While few opera -
prove the rule that a relaxed atti- tors can reach the perfection of
machine morse, many approach it. There are various morse prac-
Musical instinct and a senc.e of tice outfits on the market, most
rhythm will be found in all good of them consisting of a small
operators-the drummer of a mechanical buzzer on the electric -
dance band ought to make a fine bell principle and a key, the buzzer
telegraphist. being worked from a dry battery.
Machine Morse Standard These are quite suitable for the
earlier stages of learning the code,
The desirability of machine- but they are open to the objections
like morse is sometimes debated, that the key is usually a poor one
and it is a fact that some very good and that the note of a mechanical
operators send morse which buzzer is often harsh -and not very
breaks more than one of the fore- clear-cut.
going rules, but is nevertheless
"good" in the sense that it is con- Second-hand Keys
sistent, rhythmic and easy to read. The wireless operator is, of
Such styles are known variously
as"Bagdad morse", "Chinese course, trained on proper appara-
morse" or "Tiddly morse" and tus in his radio school. Anyone,
are acquired only by operators of however, who wishes to practise
much experience. Whether or not morse seriously in the absence of
such facilities would be well-
this individuality is desirable is a advised to make a simple valve
difficult question, but on the whole
it seems preferable to aim at buzzer and buy a good morse key.
machine morse as the recognised Quite a good morse key can be
standard. purchased for about 7s. 6d. new,
One of the difficulties with be- and it is often possible to get
ginners is invariably their uncon- second-hand keys of even better
quality for very little more.
scious mental dishonesty when
practising sending. Knowing that
nobody is reading it, they make
mistakes without bothering to
correct them, and at a later stage
it will often be found that they do
the same thing when someone is
reading it. To read badly sent
morse with continual blunders and
erasures is one of the most mad-
dening tasks imaginable, but it is a
pleasure to read first-class morse
sent with the beautiful precision,
slickness and accuracy of the
rhythm of a good dance band.
Origin of Mistakes
The following statement should
be absorbed by all who use morse:
When a mistake occurs in a mes-
sage, it is nearly always the fault Fig. 30. How a simple valve buzzer can
of the sending operator. be made up for morse practice.
Second-hand keys should be over- Fig. 3o shows the wiring em-
hauled before use by someone who ployed. The pitch of the note
understands the job. varies with both anode and fila-
A valve buzzer is very simple, ment voltage, but it is quite easy
and comprises the following com- to find a tapping on the battery
ponents: which gives satisfactory results.
The note is clear and musical and
General purpose triode the morse is very clear-cut. Total
(almost any kind will do). cost, including the key, should not
LF transformer (about be much over 3os. While this is
3-1 or 4-1). rather more than the simpler types
Valveholder. of mechanical buzzer outfits, the
a pair headphones. results are superior, and well worth
I 9 -volt or i8 -volt GB bat- the extra outlay.
tery. One form in which this practice
z volt accumulator (for outfit may be made up is illustrated
valve filament). in Fig. 3 r.





Fig. 31. A simple Morse practice outfit made up using the circuit which is
shown in Fig. 30. The arrangement of parts Is not critical and the layout can
embody the constructor's own ideas affording scope for his ingenuity.



ADIO is more essential to (5) Public correspondence, i.e.,

aviation than to perhaps any radiotelegrams.
other means of transport, and
it is only by the development and As a site for a radio installation
organisation of a comprehensive an aeroplane has almost every pos-
radio service that commercial air sible disadvantage. Space is usu-
lines, running to schedules almost ally cramped, permissible weight
regardless of weather, have become is strictly limited, the power avail-
possible. able is small, an efficient aerial is
A car, train or ship encounter- difficult to realise, electrical inter-
ing fog can reduce speed to a crawl ference is high and must be sup-
and stop at any moment. An aero- pressed, and even on aeroplanes
plane flying in fog or cloud has designated as "quiet" the noise
no such choice, but must continue during flight is appalling compared
to travel at an enormous speed to what is desirable in a radio
compared to ground transport. An cabin. Nevertheless, all these diffi-
emergency landing may be either culties have been overcome, and
impossible or extremely dangerous, the modern aircraft installation
and all landmarks or points of provides efficient and reliable com-
reference may be invisible. munication.
In these circumstances com- Wavelengths Employed
munication with the ground, and
possibly with other aircraft, is a Both medium and short waves
matter of vital necessity. The ob- are used, and in the larger types of
jects of radio in aviation can thus aircraft the radio installation covers
be summarised as follows, in order a band of frequencies on both the
of importance : medium- and short-wave sections.
The standard wavelength for civi-
(i) Navigational service-i.e., lian aviation in Europe is goo
direction -finding and blind metres (333.3 kc.) together with a
approach systems. number of other wavelengths in
(a) Giving of meteorological this neighbourhood-e.g., 870 and
information. . 93o metres.
(3) Passing instructions to the The short-wave band covered
captains of aircraft. depends on requirements, 40-
(4) Routine messages dealing 8o metres (7.5 mc.-3-75 mc.) being
with organisation. a commonly used section. Typical
wavelength coverage for an air- Example 3. Standard ATR 2.
craft installation is : Medium power installation (too -
550-1 too m. (545.4 kc.--272.4 kc.). watts) for larger type of aircraft.
40-80 m. (7.5 mc.-3.75 mc.) Medium and short wavebands.
Weight approx 87 lb.
Weight of Equipment Example 4. Marconi AD 57/58.
Medium power (13o -watts) in-
In the small types of private or stallation for larger types of air-
club aeroplane the fitting of extra craft. Medium and short wave-
equipment immediately raises bands. Weight approx. 13o lb.
weight questions, and the de-
signer of radio sets for small air- Bonding
craft has to think in lbs. A quite The "earth" on an aircraft is
different technique is therefore formed by arranging electrical
required compared with, for ex- continuity through all metal in
ample, ship radio where an extra the aircraft structure, this being
cwt. or so is of little importance. termed "bonding" the aircraft.
Even on the largest aircraft yet In the older types of wooden
constructed the weight of supple- aircraft, bonding was a tedious and
mentary equipment remains im- troublesome process, on account
portant and must be kept down as of the very large number of sepa-
much as is consistent with dura- rate connections required to the
bility. The following figures show internal bracing wires in the wings
typical weights for aircraft sets: and fuselage. With modern all -
Example 1. Marconi AD 49/50. metal aircraft, bonding is com-
Low -power (65 -watts) installation paratively simple, because the
for small private or commercial main structure of the aircraft needs
aircraft of types such as the Leo- no attention. Any part, however,
pard Moth, Percival Gull, or which is or may be electrically dis-
Monospar. Medium waveband continuous from the main struc-
only. Weight approx. 64 lb. ture must be bonded by means of
Example z. Marconi AD 41/42. a flexible connection across the
Medium power ( oo-i so -watts) point of discontinuity. This in-
installation for larger types of air- cludes control surfaces, which tre
craft. Medium waveband only. bonded across their hinges, any
Weight approx. too lb. detachable metal fittings, and also
SAFETY WIRE the engines them-
selves if they are
mounted on rub-
ber suspension
Connections are
made by a special
type of braided
copper flex, known
as bonding wire,
which does not
break with re-
peated bending or
Fig. I. A fixed aerial mounting Including a de-icing cone. vibration. Incom-
plete or defective bonding may
result in rubbing or intermit-
tent contact between two parts,
and this is liable to cause scraping
and crackling noises in the radio
A main earth terminal is pro-
vided at some point close to the
radio installation, and the aircraft
bonding is checked by means of a
simple continuity test between
this earth terminal and any point
on the aircraft.
Fig. 2a. Typical arrangement of aerial
Aerials on a small biplane.
The aircraft aerial may be either aircraft. The length of wire varies
a "fixed" or "trailing" type. The from about 40 feet for short waves
fixed aerial consists of one or more to a maximum of about 250 feet
wires rigged between any two con- for medium waves. The chief
venient points. The wire is kept advantage of the trailing aerial is
taut by means of elastic cord, that it is large compared to any
which is bridged with a slack aerial which could be rigged on the
safety wire, so that should the aircraft, and gives better ranges of
elastic break, the aerial will not transmission and reception.
have a free end. A long trailing aerial prohibits
Fig. i shows details of a fixed any of the more violent aerial
aerial mounting, including a de- manoeuvres, but this is of no con-
icing cone. This cone prevents the sequence on commercial aircraft.
aerial being short circuited to With very fast aircraft, the trailing
earth by ice formation. Fig. 2 aerial drops noticeably in efficiency,
shows two typical fixed aerials: a because it tends to stream behind
represents the layout on a small the machine in flight rather than
biplane, and b is the usual to hang down, which has the
arrangement on large aircraft. result of reducing its height.
The trailing aerial, as its name The components used with a
implies, consists of a length of wire trailing aerial are indicated in Fig.
which is reeled out in flight and 3a. The aerial is weighted by means
allowed to hang down below the of lead beads (about ti lb. total)

Fig. 26. Usual situation of main fixed aerial on large aircraft and flying -boats.
attached to its free end. It is porated in the winch mechanism.
brought into the aircraft through The aerial is allowed to run out to
a "fair -lead", consisting of a paxo- its full extent, at which point a
lin tube suitably mounted under small pear-shaped brass connec-
the winch. An earthing device is tion engages with a corresponding
provided by the plunger -type bell -mouthed fitting at the top of
switch S which, when pushed in, the lead-in tube, thus connecting
earths the aerial via bottom metal the aerial to the transmitter.
fitting M and the contacts C. For winding -in, the lever L is
Direct earthing of the trailing put to the "Fixed" position, and a
aerial at a point outside the air- pawl and ratchet come into opera-
craft protects the apparatus from tion. This prevents the aerial from
damage during electrical storms, running out when the handle is
and also enables the wireless released. Winding -in is continued
operator to wind in the aerial in until the bead weight just appears
comparative safety. above the lead-in tube.
Fig. 3b is a side view of the
aerial winch. The lever L has two Power Supplies
positions, marked "Free" and The power supplies for an air-
"Fixed". In the "Free" position craft radio installation are as
the aerial runs out, the speed of follows:
run -out being checked by an (i) Low-tension supply, for the
automatic centrifugal brake incor- filaments or heaters of the trans -


Fig. 3a. Components of a trailing aerial showing

L, the winch and the switch S which for safety in
electrical storms earths the aerial via contacts C.
Fig. 3b. Side view of the aerial winch which
contains a centrifugal brake.

Fig. 4. Circuit of a rotary transformer used for obtaining transmitter high tension
from 12 volt accumulator input.

mitting and receiving valves. This transformer as 6o per cent., this

is derived from an accumulator, means that the input will be
which may be the main battery of too x 180
the aircraft, or a separate battery 300 watts,
for the radio alone. In some cases 3-oo
input current of = 25 amps.
separate batteries may be pro- 2
vided for transmitter and receiver. The load on the battery is,
The current taken will naturally therefore, heavy during trans-
depend on size of the radio equip- mission, but the scheme has been
ment, typical average figures being found preferable to the use of
6 volts 4 amps for the transmitter wind -driven generators for trans-
and 6 volts o.5 amp. for the mitter HT. These are generally
receiver. inaccessible, they decrease the
(2) High-tension supply for the speed of the aircraft slightly, and
transmitter. A rotary transformer the windmills are subject to ice for-
is the usual method in modern mation.
practice and Fig. 4 is the circuit (3) High-tension supply for the
diagram of a typical arrangement. receiver. About 120 volts at 15-2o
When the switch S is closed, the ma. represents an average figure for
coil L3 is energised and closes the a general-purpose aircraft receiver,
starting relay (SR) which com- and this could be supplied from a
pletes the supply to the LT side dry battery. There is a good deal
of the rotary transformer. to be said in favour of dry battery
The field resistance (FR) is in HT for aircraft receivers, mainly
series with the high-tension field on the score of simplicity, reli-
and provides a pre-set control over ability, and the fact that receiver
HT volts. The HF chokes Li and HT is then independent of any
L2 with the condenser C prevent other source of power.
radio -frequency currents from On the other hand, the cost of
entering the HT armature.
As a typical figure, the HT out-
electrical derived
batteries is high, and perhaps
put required is 1,2oo volts at 150 for_ this reason the tendency is to
ma.-i.e., ao watts. Taking the use another, rotary transformer.
overall efficiency of the rotary Such machines take up no more

12 V.

Fig. 5. Circuit of a rotary transformer for securing high tension for aircraft re-
ceivers. The complete unit is no larger than an HT battery.
space or weight than an equivalent its most important application in
dry battery, and they have proved the aviation field. The methods
very reliable over long periods. employed can be broadly classified
Fig. 5 shows the circuit diagram under three headings:
of a typical machine. The resis- ( DF apparatus at the
tance R is a starting device, an ground stations, but no special
"Off" position being provided. equipment on the aircraft other
The choke L and condenser C than the ordinary general-pur-
form a smoothing circuit which pose transmitter and receiver.
reduces the HT commutator ripple (a) DF apparatus on the air-
to negligible proportions. Input craft, but no special ground
(3) Special apparatus both on
the aircraft and at the ground
stations, the two sets being com-
plementary to each other. This
scheme is always associated with
some form of automatic indica-
tion, and is exemplified in blind
approach systems and the
Fig. 6. The EMF induced in an aerial "Radio Compass".
is in phase with the wave.
All three methods will be ex-
on load would be to r amp. in the plained in the following pages, but
case considered, representing only it is first necessary to deal with the
a light load on the accumulator. principles of DF apparatus and the
Aid to Navigation various special phenomena which
As has been mentioned, the use make its practical uses possible.
of radio as an aid to navigation is Considering the case of an
ordinary vertical wire aerial under


Fig. 7. If A and B represent two aerials the greatest phase difference between their
EMFs occurs when they are in line with the transmitter as In b.

a b
Fig. 8. The three stages by which the two separate aerials of Fig. 7 evolve into the
loop or frame aerial used for direction finding.

the influence of an ether wave as 90° to the direction of propagation

in Fig. 6, it is clear that the EMF X Y passing through the point
induced in the aerial will rise, fall midway between A and B. Fig.
and reverse according to the 7 b shows that the greatest phase
strength and polarity of the wave difference between the two EMFs
at any instant-i.e., the EMF will occur when the line joining
induced in the aerial will be in the aerials passes through the
phase with the wave. transmitter.
If two such aerials are erected Fig. 8 shows the development of
near one another, the phase a pair of spaced vertical aerials into
relationship between the EMFs in a "frame" or "loop" aerial. -If the
them will depend on: (a) the spac- loop in Fig. 8 c: is mounted so that
ing of the aerials, and (b) the it can be rotated about a vertical
difference between their distances axis PQ, the possibility of wireless
from the transmitter. direction -finding arises.
In Fig. 7 a A and B represent Fig. 9 is a plan view of the frame
two vertical aerials equidistant which is assumed to be rotated
from the transmitter X. It follows about the vertical axis 0. In the
that the EMF in each aerial will be position AB the frame is at 90° to
the same at any instant in both the direction of the signal from the
direction and magnitude, and also transmitter X, as in Fig. 7 a, and
since XA = XB, that AB is at since the EMFs in the vertical

Fig. 9. If XO Is the direction of the wave and A2-B2 the position of the frame aerial,
the voltage induced is equal to that in a smaller loop CD.

Fig. 10. In a the two circles represent the way the signal strength varies as the
frame aerial AB is rotated. Another way of representing the signal-by the width
of the line-gives the diagram illustrated In b.
limbs A and B are identical in In Fig. so a AB represents the
value and in phase, their resultant plan view of a frame aerial. For a
is clearly zero in the loop. In this given transmitter at a given dis-
position, therefore, no signal will tance, maximum strength will be
be received on the loop aerial. received when AB is in the direc-
In position Ax-Bs maximum tion of the transmitter. Let OX
in Fig. so a represent this signal
phase difference will occur and the
resultant loop EMF will also be a strength. If the same signal comes
maximum, giving the position of from any other direction, such as
greatest signal strength. 0Xx, the new signal strength will
For any intermediate position be proportional to cos 0-that is
such as Az-Bz the frame is equiva- to sgy
lent to a smaller frame in the OX1= OX cos 0
maximum position. The diameter
of this equivalent smaller frame is This is true for any direction.
the projection of Az-Bz upon the The angle ()XIX is therefore a
direction of the transmitter-i.e., right angle, and the locus of X
CD in Fig. 9. It is also clear that becomes the circumference of two
circles which touch at 0. This is
CD= AB cos 0 called the figure -8 polar diagram,
where 0 is the angle between the and this property of a frame aerial
plane of the frame and the path of is the basis of all apparatus used
the signal. These facts enable the for directional reception. Fig.
horizontal polar diagram of a so b shows the implication of the
frame aerial to be deduced. figure -8 polar diagram when a
signal is received and the frame
rotated about 0, the thickness of
the outline indicating the signal
strength for any position of the
From Fig. s x it will be seen that
maximum resultant EMF occurs
when the frame diameter is half a
wavelength. In this case the resul-
tant frame EMF is the arithmetical
sum of the individual EMFs in the
Fig. 11. Maximum EMF Is obtained when
the diameter of the frame is half the vertical limbs, and can be no larger.
wavelength of the received wave. If the frame diameter is less than
or greater than half a wavelength,
the resultant EMF is reduced.
The true figure -8 polar diagram of
Fig. io is given only when the
frame diameter is less than about
one -eighth of a wavelength, but it
is clear that for wavelengths of
several hundred metres, the frame
diameter will necessarily be only a
small fraction of a wavelength. In Fig. 12. Superimposed polar diagrams
short wave DF the effect of frame for loop aerials having diameters of
quarter, half, three-quarters and whole
diameters greater than may unit wavelengths.
assume some importance, and this sound. The minimum position can
will be referred to later. As a therefore be accurately located-
matter of interest, the polar dia- under favourable conditions to a
grams for frames having diameters fraction of a degree-and is always
used for DF.
of 4,-X, -3x and x are shown in It only remains to arrange a scale
24 and pointer associated with the
Fig. 12.
It will be seen from Fig. io that frame, and the direction finder is
the position of maximum signal complete in essentials.
strength in a loop is not critical. The direction of one object from
The frame can be turned 2o° or another must be stated with refer-
more on either side of the true ence to some fixed direction, and
maximum position without much for DF purposes this is taken as
change in signal strength. The True North-i.e.; the direction of
true maximum position could not the meridian passing through the
therefore be determined with any point of observation.
accuracy, and is unsuitable for DF. Bearings are stated in degrees
If, however, the frame is in the East of North, and the mutual
minimum position, a very slight bearings of two points are reci-
movement either way will bring procals of each other.
in the signal. Moreover, the normal For example, in Fig. 13 if the
ear is very sensitive to small angle x is 70°, the True Bearing of
changes in the intensity of a weak B from A is 7o° True and the
True Bearing of A from B is 7o°
N plus 18o° = 25o° True.
Magnetic North is the direction
in which a compass needle points,
and except in certain parts of the
world, this direction is not the
same as True North. The angle
between these two directions is
called the Magnetic Variation for
that particular place, and is ascer-
A tained from an Ordnance Survey
Fig. 13. If the true bearing of B from map or, in the case of positions at
A is x, the bearing of A from B is x plus sea, from an Admiralty chart.
half a circle, i.e., 180°. If the Magnetic Variation is
84°. The magnetic bearing of the
DF station from the aircraft is
therefore 84° plus i8o° = 264°,
and this is called the Magnetic
Reciprocal Bearing. It represents
the compass course on which the
aircraft must fly in order to reach
the DF station (in the absence of
any cross wind).
Since the polar diagram of a
frame aerial is symmetrical, a
minimum position will be found
Fig. 14. If A is a ground station, its at two points i8o° apart, so that
Magnetic Reciprocal Bearing from the
aircraft B is x (including magnetic varia- with a simple frame the absolute
tion from true North) plus 180°. direction of a signal cannot be
determined. In some cases this
Westerly, the compass reading will does not matter, but more often
be greater than a True bearing by it is desirable to remove the un-
this amount, and less if the Mag- certainty and determine which of
netic Variation is Easterly. A the mutually reciprocal minima
"magnetic bearing" is therefore is correct. Such a process is called
the True Bearing plus or minus "Sensing" the bearing, and in-
the local magnetic variation. For volves the use of an aerial system
example, the magnetic variation which gives a polar diagram having
may be 540 West. If some object only one minimum. A polar dia-
has a True Bearing of 70°, its gram of this kind can be obtained
magnetic bearing will be 84°. by the use of a frame aerial
A "Magnetic Reciprocal Bear- together with an open aerial feed-
ing" is the kind most commonly ing into the same receiver.
used in aircraft work. In Fig. 54 if The principle is shown in the
A represents a ground DF station circuit diagram of Fig. 15. It is clear
and B an aircraft, the magnetic that there will be two EMFs in the
bearing of the aircraft from the DF intermediate circuit, due to the
station will be the angle x-i.e., loop aerial and open aerial re-
the True Bearing plus an assumed spectively, as shown by the arrows.
West variation. St ppose this is If it is assumed that in (a) these

Fig. IS. How an open aerial is coupled to a loop aerial to "sense" the direction
of the wave. In a the two signals add, but in b, with the loop in the reverse position,
the signals subtract. The figure 8 polar becomes heart -shape.

Fig. 16. The circle represents open -aerial pick-up and the figure -eight the loop pick-
up. The two are added to the left of AB and subtracted to the right, giving the re-
sulting heart -shape polar diagram. Right: another representation of signal strength.

two EMFs are in the same direc- The resultant signal strength in
tion then, if the frame is turned any direction is represented by
through 180° as in (6), frame adding the radii of the two polar
current will be reversed, and hence diagrams on one side of the dia-
the two EMFs will oppose one meter AB and subtracting them
another. on the other. The polar diagram
The purpose of the resistance R thus formed is called the cardioid
is to obtain the correct phase or heart -shape diagram, and
relationship between current and clearly has one maximum and one
voltage in the open aerial, so that minimum.
the two EMFs in the intermediate By arranging a sense pointer in
circuit are actually in phase or line with the heart -shape mini-
anti -phase. Other methods of se- mum, the absolute direction of a
curing this condition are possible, signal can be determined. From
and any DF receiver
will be found to con-
tain some phasing
arrangement for the
sense position.
The polar diagram
for the aerial combi-
nation of Fig. 15 is
as shown in Fig. 16.
It is assumed that
the open aerial and Fig. 17a. Effect of too much open aerial.
the frame have equal
receptive properties
-i.e., that the signal
strength due to the
open aerial is exactly
equal to the signal
strength received on
the frame when the
latter is in the
maximum position. Fig. 176. Effect of too big a loop signal.
Fig. 16 it will be seen that the It should be noted that in a the
heart -shape minimum is at right scale is engraved clockwise, and
angles to the figure -8 minimum, in b anti -clockwise.
so that the DF and sense pointers The position of the scale or
will be at 90° to each other. pointer relative to the frame aerial
If the open aerial and frame is quite immaterial, and can be
aerial have unequal receptive pro- arranged for convenience. The
perties, the heart -shape will be only condition required is that the
distorted. Fig. 17a shows the scale reading must be 000° when
effect of too much open aerial and the frame is lying True East-
b the effect of too great a signal West, and therefore at the mini-
from the frame ; b is sometimes mum position for a signal coming
called a cottage -loaf diagram, and from True North or South.
gives two minimum positions less
than i8o° apart. A heart -shape Bellini-Tosi System
"balance" means the obtaining In 1907 the research workers
of a sharp heart minimum as in Bellini and Tosi developed a DF
Fig. 16, and means are usually system using fixed frames. The
provided in the shape of a variable advantage of this method is that
coupling between the open aerial the frames can be much larger
and the intermediate tuned circuit. than practicable with a rotating
loop, while bearings are taken by
Arrangement of DF Scale moving a small "search coil".
These advantages are so impor-
The DF scale may be arranged tant that the Bellini-Tosi system
in one of two ways: is now practically standardised on
1. Fixed scale and moving all ground DF stations of a per-
pointer. manent nature and is also widely
z. Fixed pointer and moving used on ships. Attempts have been
scale. made to apply it to aircraft, but the
simple rotating frame continues to
The two arrangements are find more favour, partly because
shown in Fig. 18 a and b, both BT aerials do not lend themselves
of which indicate a bearing of 40°. very well to installation in air -

a b
Fig. 18. A direction -finding degree scale may have either a fixed scale and moving
pointer, a, or a fixed pointer and rotating dial, b.
craft and partly be-
cause DF service for
aircraft is provided
more by means of
ground DF stations
than by aircraft doing
their own DF.
The principle of
the BT system is as
Two frame aerials
are erected at go° to 5
each other. Their
exact orientation is a b
not important, but Fig. 19. Simplified representation of the constructional
arrangement of a radio- lo-goniometer, a, and the equiva-
they are usually lent circuit shown as a diagram, b.
fixed so that one is
in a True North -South direction only one main condition: that the
and the other one therefore True two frames be accurately matched.
East-West. That is to say, they must have the
same resistance, inductance and
The Goniometer capacity and be tuned to exactly
The frame circuits are com- the same frequency.
pleted through two coils, also at It is difficult to ensure suffi-
90° to each other, and mounted ciently accurate tuning if an
coaxially with these coils is a attempt is made to tune each
small rotatable "search coil". Fig. frame to resonance with the signal
ig a shows the general arrange- being received, and in modern
ment, which is called a "radio- practice this is not done.
goniometer", and b is the method Sensing a bearing with BT
of representing it on diagrams. aerials is done in the same way as
When a signal influences the with a rotating loop-i.e., by
frames, a current will flow in each coupling an open aerial to the
coil, and produce a certain total search coil circuit, thus convert-
magnetic field inside the gonio- ing the figure -8 polar diagram into
meter. The search coil, being a heart -shape. Fig. 20 shows a
simply a small frame aerial, will simple sense circuit for a BT
have an EMF induced in it system. L3 is the search coil, and
depending on its position relative the variable coupling between Li
to this field. In other words, the and Lz provides an adjustment for
search coil has a figure -8 polar obtaining a heart -shape balance.
diagram, and by turning it to the
minimum position, the direction Typical Scale
of the resultant field of the two Fig. 21 shows the appearance of
fixed frames can be determined. a typical goniometer. Three poin-
It only remains to ensure that ters are fitted. The DF pointer
the direction of this field relative indicates true bearings, the Sense
to the goniometer coils is the same pointer is at go° to the DF
as the direction of the signal relative pointer, and somewhat shorter,
to the fixed frames. This involves because scale readings are not
open aerial is brought
in again through a
phasing device-e.g.,
a resistance-and
coupled to the tuned
circuit for heart -
Steps in the taking
of a Sensed bearing
are as follows:
(i) Ship or air-
craft calls and re-
quests bearing.
(2) DF station
asks ship or aircraft
to transmit a series
of long dashes.
(3) DF operator
Fig. 20. How an open aerial is linked to a Bellini- switches to "DF",
Tosi system for sensing a bearing. and locates mini-
mum roughly.
required when sensing a bearing, (4) Operator switches to
and the Magnetic Reciprocal "Sense" and determines which
Pointer is set according to the of the DF minima corresponds
local magnetic variation, so as to to the heart -shape minimum.
give direct readings of magnetic (5) Operator switches back to
reciprocal bearings. Fig. 21 shows "DF" and takes accurate bear-
the setting of this pointer for a ing on the correct minimum.
magnetic variation of 12° West. (6) Operator passes bearing to
Connections to the search coil are ship or aircraft.
made by means of slip -rings and
spring contacts, so that no stops
are necessary, and the search coil
can be turned through any angle
in either direction.
For DF watchkeeping the aerial
system must be non -directional, so
that a ship or aircraft calling the
DF station will be heard, no
matter what its direction. This is
called the stand-by position, and
is provided by the use of an
ordinary vertical aerial, which
may also be used as the Sense
aerial for heart -shape reception.
In the DF position this open
aerial is earthed, and reception Fig. 21. The dial of a goniometer. The
takes place on the frame aerial or DF pointer, at right -angles to the Sense
pointer, gives true bearings and the
search coil alone, giving figure -8 Magnetic Reciprocal pointer is set ac-
diagram. In the Sense position the cording to the local magnetic variation.
Under favoura-
ble conditions, steps
3-5 can be com-
pleted by a skilled
operator in about
so seconds using a
Due to a number
of causes, the fig-
ure -8 minimum is
not always needle
sharp. In general,
this means that
either the signal
does not fall to zero
at any point, or-
especially in the Fig. 23. The accuracy of DF fixing progressively deterior-
case of a weak ates with distance. The black area, called the area of
doubt, in which the aircraft may be, increases the further
signal-it may be the plane is from ground stations ABC.
zero over several
degrees of search coil movement. taken by swinging the search coil,
It is not, therefore, possible to but when conditions are good and
place the DF pointer "dead on", the minimum is very sharp, the
and recourse is had to "swing" extent of the swing becomes very
bearings. A swing bearing is taken small.
by rotating the pointer The classification of bearings is
and forwards through the mini- to some extent left to the discre-
mum position and noting two tion of DF operators, but a com-
points of equal signal strength. monly accepted working basis is as
The bearing is then taken as half- follows:
way between these two points. - First-class bearing, when
In practice, all bearings are minimum can be located by a
swing not exceeding a°.
Second-class bearing, when a
swing not exceeding 5° is
Third-class bearing when the
swing exceeds 5°.
If, however, the minimum is so
flat that a swing exceeding about
zo° is necessary, the bearing
would probably not be given, or at
any rate given as doubtful.
If three DF stations take bear-
ings simultaneously on a ship or
aircraft, and the bearings are
Fig. 22. The position of an aircraft accurate, it is clear that such bear-
within the triangle at x can be deter-
mined from the bearings obtained by ings would intersect at a point
three ground DF stations ABC. when applied to a map. A means
of position -finding by radio is intersection is obtained the result
therefore available, and a position is practically valueless.
found in this way is called a wire- Calculation shows that with
less fix. first-class bearings having a pos-
In Pig. 22 A, B and C represent sible error of ± z° the area of
DF stations which have taken doubt at zoo miles is 12 square
bearings on a ship or aircraft X. miles, but at Soo miles the area of
One of them acts as "control" doubt is 30o square miles. With
station and actually communicates aircraft, an area of doubt of even
with the ship or aircraft. The other 30o square miles is not as serious
two pass their observed bearings as it might appear to be, because
to the control station, either by the side of a square with this area
radio or by telephone, and the is only about 17 miles, and a
control station applies all three modern aircraft will have covered
bearings to a plotting map. this distance in a few minutes.
With modern DF apparatus and When, however, the bearings are
under average conditions, the not first class, and have a larger
three bearings usually intersect margin of possible error-say
at a point, which is then com- 5°-the area of doubt becomes
municated by the control station 30o square miles at zoo miles and
either in terms of latitude or 7,60o square miles at Soo miles.
longitude or by some other agreed Radio fixing must therefore
method. If the bearings do not always be carried out with proper
intersect at a point, but form a regard to its limitations as the dis-
small triangle, as in Fig. 22, the tance increases, but at the shorter
position is taken as the centre of ranges a high degree of accuracy
the triangle. can be realised.
Fixing in the ordinary sense
Accuracy of DF cannot be carried out by a single
The accuracy of DF fixing DF station, but it is possible for
deteriorates progressively with dis- one DF station to determine the
tance. This is because no DF approximate position of an air-
bearing is absolutely accurate, and craft which is flying towards it by
instead of being regarded as a the following method.
geometrical line, it should really In Fig. 24, OX represents the
be considered as anywhere between track of an aircraft flying towards
two lines diverging by about 2°. a DF station at X. At the point
This is shown in Fig. 23. The fix A the aircraft changes course 45°
is not therefore a point, but a to a point B, so that BP (the dis-
small, closed figure, shown shaded. tance of B from the original track)
This is called the area of doubt, is some known value-say, 4 miles.
and in long-range DF it may be- Course is then changed to BC, so
come so large that even though an that CQ is also 4 miles. The air -

Fig. 24. If the aircraft takes the course

ABCD, the single ground station x can
calculate a "fix" for, say, P.
craft then returns to the original
track via CD. A
The DF station takes bearings
when the aircraft is at A, B, C and
D. Assume that the following re-
sults are obtained :
Bearing at A . . . 260°
Bearing at B . . . 264°
Bearing at C . . . z55°
Bearing at D . . . 26o° Cf
The average change in bearing is
44° for a four -mile deviation from
track. From the figures:
PX = tanBP
4 Fig. 25. Vertical error In DF Is Intro-
duced because loop arms A and B are
0787 not balanced with respect to earth. The
PX = 5x miles approx. side B contains the impedance of the
grid -to -earth capacity. of the first
The method is only approximate, valve in the receiver.
and not suitable for distances of
much over zoo miles, because the be almost entirely eliminated by
deviation required to give a proper precautions. There are,
measurable change in bearing however, other causes of error
would become too large for con- which are due to natural pheno-
venience in the case of greater mena and are not subject to con-
distances. trol.
x. Vertical Error. An extreme
Causes of DF Error case of vertical error would occur
There are many possible causes in the circuit of Fig. 25.
of failure to obtain perfect figure - No matter what the position of
8 or heart -shape polar diagrams, a frame aerial relative to the sig-
and it will be appreciated that nal, there are always the same
whereas some distortion of the signal voltages in the vertical
heart -shape will probably not limbs, and even if the frame in
prevent the sensing of a bearing, Fig. 25 is actually at 90° to the
distortion of the figure -8 is much direction of the signal, the points
more serious, because it may A and B will be at the same
cause considerable errors in bear- potential above earth.
ings. If such errors are unknown The impedance of A to earth,
and unsuspected, the DF infor- however, is much less than the
mation becomes a menace instead impedance of B to earth, because
of a guide. the grid -to -cathode capacity (C,#)
Fortunately, all the sources of of the first valve in the receiver is
error inherent in the DF appara- in series with the B side of the
tus itself are well known, and can frame. Thus, although the result -
an earthed metal
screen S interposed
between the windings.
This screen is thin
copper foil. Copper
being a non-magnetic
material, normal trans-
former action is un-
affected, but capacity
a b between Li and La is
Fig. 26. Polar diagrams showing the possible effects of zero, thus isolating
vertical error, in phase in case a and out -of -phase in b. the capacity unbalance
of the valve from the
ant current in the frame is zero, frame circuit.
there will still be a signal on A further extension of vertical
account of this capacity unbalance. compensation may be provided
The minima may be extremely by means of a screened loop as
vague and would almost certainly in Fig. 28. This is applicable
be displaced. to rotating loop DF or to a
Fig. z6 shows the possible pair of crossed loops forming BT
effects upon the figure -8 polar aerials.
diagram ; a is the effect of in -
phase vertical giving a "cottage- Weatherproof Housing
loaf" diagram with sharp but mis- The loop is enclosed in a metal
placed minima, and b shows the tube (the circular shape is usual)
"woolly" and displaced minima and the tube is broken at the top
caused by out -of -phase vertical. by an insulator A. The tube then
The cures for vertical error have serves the double purpose of form-
one common aim-the elimina- ing a convenient, rigid and
tion of the capacity unbalance weatherproof housing for the
associated with the input to the frame aerial, and of largely nulli-
first valve of the receiver. fying the capacity unbalance else-
Fig. 27 shows a common where, because the capacity to
method. The centre point of the earth of the two sides of the frame
frame is earthed, thus
equalising the impe- A B
Fig. 27. A method
dances to earth of the which gives the loop a
points A and B. This centre earth point and
would be completely greatly reduces the
effective were it not for vertical error.
the capacity between
the coupling coils in
the frame circuit and
intermediate tuned
circuit. In order to
deal with this, coup-
ling to the receiver via
coils Li and La is
made through a shield-
ed transformer having
now consists almost entirely of
their capacities to the earthed
metal tube. The insulator is neces-
sary in order to prevent the great
loss of signal strength which would
occur if the loop were completely
2. Direct Pick-up. Since the
directional properties of DF appa-
ratus are dependent solely on the
aerial system, it is imperative that
no other part of the equipment
should be influenced by the wave.
If it is, a circle polar diagram
will be superimposed on the figure
8 and the effect will be similar to
Vertical. Precautions against direct
pick-up must therefore be. taken
by completely screening the whole Fig. 28. Further reduction of vertical
of the DF apparatus other than the error is secured by screening. The
aerials. screen, which is broken by a non-con-
ductor at A, forms a convenient weather-
3. Quadrantal Error. This is proof housing for the loop.
the error peculiar to the particular
DF station, and may be called taking check bearings on an air-
"site error". It is due to re -radia- craft flying over a series of known
tion of the signal from surround- pin -points at a distance of about
ing objects, such as trees, wire zo miles from the DF station.
fences, telegraph or telephone 4. Night Effect. Very early in
lines, railway lines, underground the history of DF it was observed
pipes or sewers, or even from that the bearings of fixed stations
metalled roads in the vicinity. varied to an extraordinary degree
The choice of site for a per- during the hours between dusk
manent DF station is there- and dawn. The medium frequen-
fore an important matter, and on cies (up to i,000 kc.) are mainly
a really good site the quadrantal affected during these hours, and
error may be negligible. After this gave rise to the term "night
erection, the station is carefully effect".
calibrated by means of a portable Research has shown that at
transmitter, which is taken round varying heights above the surface
the station at a convenient dis- of the earth there are layers of
tance of a few miles, and bearings partially conducting air, and the
are taken with the transmitter in conductivity of these layers is
a series of known positions. Any sufficient to cause reflection of an
errors are provided, for by means electric wave which approaches
of a calibration chart showing the their lower surface at a suffi-
corrections to be applied to ciently acute angle (see Chapter 7).
observed bearings. Radiation from a transmitting
For DF stations intended to aerial may therefore reach a dis-
work with aircraft, the calibration tant receiver by reflection from the
process is usually completed by upper atmosphere (see Fig. 29).
On arrival at the receiver, the place at any time, thereby aggra-
wave will have a downward angle vating the situation still further.
of approach, and owing to the re- Since the trouble is due to the
flection it may also be abnormally influence of EMFs in the hori-
polarised-i.e., the "appearance" zontal limbs of the DF aerials, the
of the wavefront may be as in 10, most obvious line of attack is to
in which the lines of magnetic eliminate the horizontal limbs.
force are not horizontal. Where This scheme was suggested by
abnormal polarisation accom- Adcock during 1914-1918, and
panies a downward angle of inci- has now been almost universally
dence, an error always occurs in adopted for permanent DF sta-
DF with a simple rotating frame tions, whether working on medium
or BT loops. or short waves.
Briefly, the cause of this error is Although the Adcock system is
the fact that EMFs are induced in theoretically applicable to a rota-
the horizontal limbs of the DF ting frame, it is more usually
associated with a BT system,
rotating frame DF being prac-
tically confined to aircraft, small
ships and portable DF apparatus.
Fig. 3o shows the general
scheme for one pair of Adcock
aerials constituting one "frame"
of a BT system. There is no top
horizontal portion, and the lower
horizontal portion is completely
screened and buried to a depth
which varies from z to 6 feet. Only
the vertical portion can be in-
fluenced by the wave, and the
effect previously described is very
b largely eliminated.
Fig. 29. "Night effect" errors are due
to the reception of reflected waves as The type of Adcock aerial
In a and to polarisation of the wave, b. shown in Fig. 3o is called the
buried -U type. The height of the
frames as well as in the vertical aerials and the spacing din Fig. 3o
limbs. As an illustration of the are determined by the frequency
effect, if the downward angle of band to be covered. For medium
approach and the angle of tilt due frequencies, ioo-feet masts with
to polarisation are both 45°, all zoo -feet spacing are common
bearings on a rotating frame will be dimensions, but for short waves
displaced by about 35°. On medium the masts do not as a rule exceed
frequencies it follows that DF 3o feet, and the spacing may be as
with a simple frame or BT loops is little as 2o feet.
unreliable at night except at very Fig. 35 shows the general ap-
short ranges, when the presence pearance of a short-wave Adcock
of a reflected wave is practically DF station. The Sense aerial,
ruled out. which also serves for "standby"
On high frequencies-i.e., short reception, is suspended at the
waves-such reflections may take centre from crossed triatics.
The symptoms of "night effect"
-i.e., the presence of a reflected
and abnormally polarised wave-
are as follows :
(a) Minima suddenly become
(b) Minima are sharp, but
displaced. This, of course, is not
really a symptom, because it is
not detectable, and would be
very dangerous if it occurred
alone. Fig. 30. In the Adcock aerial the top of
(c) Distortion of broadcast the loop is dispensed with and the bot-
programmes, in which music tom effectively eliminated by screening
and burying from 2-6 feet.
and speech may become almost
unrecognisable. radio. This is most essential in the -
(d) Fading, which may be interests of safety when-as fre-
slow or rapid, but unless very quently happens-a number of
slow it will be noticeable. aircraft are converging on to an
(e) Distortion of the heart - airport in thick weather.
shape. This is a valuable method The use of DF apparatus on the
of detecting irregularities, and aircraft itself is supplementary to
a DF operator who is thoroughly the above organisation, but the
conversant with the "sound" of majority of the larger aircraft are
a normal heart -shape on his par- fitted with rotating loop DF. In
ticular apparatus is able to some cases the general-purpose
observe quite small deviations receiver is used in conjunction with
from it. the loop, plus an additional ampli-
Basis of DF Service
The provision of permanent
DF stations, usually at aerodromes,
is the basis of the DF service for
commercial aircraft. On regular
air routes, services are maintained
in practically any weather, can-
cellation being comparatively rare.
The captains of commercial
aircraft know their routes extre-
mely well, and even a fleeting
glimpse of the ground through a
"hole" i.i the clouds is often suffi-
cient for them to recognise their
position. DF, however, remains
the principal aid to navigation,
and confers the additional advan- Fig. 31. Practical layout of a short-wave
tage that the movements of air- Adcock DF station. The uprights con-
stitute the two "loops" at right -angles
craft can be controlled by the and the open sense aerial is suspended
aerodrome authorities via the in the centre from insulated lines.
F 161 (R.E.)

Fig. 32. A two -turn rotating loop aerial a and two
positions b in which it may be mounted on aircraft.

inconvenient to use a scale fitted

fier, but in larger aircraft the DF to the loop spindle, and it is neces-
receiver may be entirely separate. sary to employ mechanical remote
Fig. 32 a shows the general control to operate the loop. The
appearance of a two -turn rotating DF scale is then fitted at the remote
loop for aircraft, and b illustrates control end.
two possible positions when Fig. 33 shows a type of scale
mounted. It is important, of for a remotely controlled loop and
course, that the loop spindle shall another is shown in Fig. 35 b.
be vertical when the aircraft is in Since the aircraft may be head-
level flight. In most cases it is ing in any direction, bearings must
be taken with reference to the
fore-and-aft lines of the machine.
The scale is therefore set to read
000° when the loop is at right
angles to this line-i.e., athwart -
ships. When a bearing is taken, the
scale reading gives the bearing of
the distant transmitter from the
head of the aircraft. The magnetic
bearing is obtained by adding the
compass course to this figure. If a
true bearing is desired, the local
magnetic variation must then be
subtracted, if westerly, or added,
if easterly.
A heart -shape polar diagram can
be obtained by bringing either the
trailing or fixed aerial into circuit
through a suitable switch and
phasing arrangement, thus en-
abling a bearing to be sensed, but
in many cases sense is not pro-
Fig. 33. A type of scale for a remote - vided.
controlled rotating loop. It is much less important in an
aircraft, because in few cases As has been previously men-
would the crew be so hopelessly tioned, an aeroplane is a poor site
lost as to be uncertain whether for a radio station, and for DF it
they were, say, North or South is even worse. The DF aerial is
of a known transmitting station. perforce surrounded by masses of
Taking average conditions, this metal, the noise in flight masks
would imply that their position the figure -8 minimum, the whole
was uncertain to the extent of apparatus is subject to vibration,
perhaps ioo miles-an unlikely and in rough weather it is almost
state of affairs on routine flights. impossible to keep the machine on
An aircraft loop should be as an even keel even for a few seconds
small as possible. About 13 inches whilst a bearing is being taken. In
used to be a common diameter, spite of the difficulties, however,
but modern loops are usually DF in aircraft is a practical pro-
smaller, in some cases only 5 or 6 position, although the quadrantal
inches in diameter. These small error is always large, and correc-
loops are enclosed in a stream- tions of io° or more may have to
lined housing which remains fixed, be applied for some directions.
the loop rotating inside.
From a wireless aspect the small Determining Quadrantal Error
loop is a disadvantage, because its In order to determine the quad-
pick-up is correspondingly small, rantal error, the aircraft is placed
but this can be effectively com- on a compass base in flying posi-
bated by the use of more turns on tion-i.e., with the tail raised to
the loop, whilst modern receivers the correct height on a trestle. The
give very great signal amplifica- compass base is a level circle of
tion. Larger loops not only give concrete marked with eight posi-
rise to structural problems on tions: True North, North-East,
account of wind pressure in flight, East, South -East, South, South-
but quite naturally raise protests West, West, and North-West.
from the aircraft designers. The Plumb -lines are hung from exact
speed of modern aircraft is such central positions at the nose and
that even a comparatively small tail of the aircraft and aligned on
excrescence has an effect on the these marked diameters on the
performance. compass base (Fig. 34).

Fig. 34. To determine the quadrantal error, the aircraft is placed in flying position
on a compass base. The aircraft DF is then calibrated as the plane is rotated during
reception of a station of accurately known bearing.
For intermediate positions, the obtained on the ground should be
plumb -lines are aligned by means checked by similar observations in
of a compass having sights, placed the air, but these need not be so
about 20t0 3o yards from the air- numerous unless discrepancies are
craft on a tripod stand. noted.
The final correction table is
Calibrating Aircraft DF sometimes incorporated in the
In order to calibrate the air- loop scale, as shown in Fig. 35.
craft DF, a signal from some In a a correction graph is added
known direction must be available. to the scale, and bearings are read
A broadcasting station is ideal for at the point where the line en-
the purpose. The exact bearing of graved in the fixed transparent
the transmitting aerial from the strip X cuts the scale. The correc-
compass base must be ascertained tion to be applied is shown by the
and the aircraft placed on this point where the correction graph
bearing. It will be remembered cuts the vertical strip, on which the
that the loop aerial is arranged -so correction scale is also engraved.
that the scale reading is 000° when This method is suitable for directly
the loop is at right angles to the operated loops. The reading in the
fore-and-aft line. It follows that figure is 6°, with a correction of
the apparent bearing of the trans- -I- 2° 8°.
mitter should be 000° with the
aircraft in this position. The air-
craft is then moved round a few
degrees at a time, and the observed
DF bearings compared with the
correct bearings. This process is
called swinging the aircraft, and
occupies a considerable time. It is
greatly facilitated if the compass
base takes the form of a turn-
table. Flying -boats can be swung
on the water, but unless a dead
calm prevails it is extremely
difficult to hold the machine still
during observations. The results
Fig. 35.Correction for quadrantal error
is facilitated by a graph on the DF scale
either as in a (below) or for a remote -
controlled loop as in b (right).

190 300

lilt il

320 330 340 350 0 -4

iI III I 40 SO 60 10



In b is a scheme for a remote
controlled loop. The correction
curve C is engraved on the fixed
dial of the loop control. On rota-
ting the handle, a transparent
circular disc carrying a correction
scale moves over the dial and gives
the correction for any bearing.
The outer ring is adjustable, and
is used in applying observed
bearings to navigational purposes.
The term homing applies to
any scheme in which some form of
DF is used to enable the aircraft
to fly directly towards a distant
The simplest method of homing Fig. 36. Aural indicat'on of direction
is for a DF station at the aero- can be obtained by mechanical revers-
drome to give the aircraft a series ing of the open aeria connection by
rotating switches SI, 52. These turn
of magnetic reciprocal bearings- a steady signal into dots or dashes at
in other words, telling the captain either side of the correct course.
the compass course on which he
should fly to reach the DF station. casting station happens to be in
This may not be the compass the required direction, this, of
course on which he actually does course, provides an ideal signal for
fly, because the presence of a the purpose.
cross -wind will necessitate a cor- The essential conditions re-
rection for drift, but this, of course, quired for a homing device are
is not a matter for the DF station. the following two:
A point against this method is (x) Indication must be given
that only one aircraft can be dealt that the aircraft is on course or
with at a time, especially during off course.
the latter stages of the approach, (2) If off course, indication
when bearings are passed at the must also be given on which
rate of four or six a minute, but as side of the correct course the
only one aircraft would be allowed deviation has occurred.
to land at a time, this is not always
a serious objection. DF apparatus used in this way
is often called a Radio -compass,
Aural System and there are two main methods
Another form of homing is of securing these indications, each
when a special kind of apparatus of which can be carried out in
is used on the aircraft to enable the different ways.
pilot to fly towards a particular r. Aural Homing. In this
transmitter, which must radiate method the "on course" indica-
continuously. Such a transmitter tion is a continuous unbroken
would normally be at, or very close signal. If the aircraft is off course
to, the aerodrome. If a broad - to the left, a morse letter is heard,
switches Sr, Sz. The contacts are
shaped so that one switch produces
a series of "dots" and the other
a series of "dashes", the dots and
dashes interlocking.
Fig. 37 shows the effect in terms
of polar diagrams. Reception takes
' place on one heart -shape or the
other, according to the operation
of the switches Si, S2. If the air-
craft is on the correct course OX,
the same strength of signal will be
Fig. 37. The effect of the aural arrange- heard on both heart -shapes, and
ment of Fig. 36 in terms of polar since the switching interlocks, the
diagrams. result is a continuous signal of
and if off course to the right, a unvarying strength.
different morse letter is heard. The Fig. 38 shows what occurs when
letters chosen must "interlock"- the aircraft is off course to the left.
i.e., the spaces of one must corre- OX is the correct course. OP
spond to the dots and dashes of the represents the strength of signal
other. E () and T (-), A ( -) received on the "dot" cardioid,
and N (- .), F ( - ) and L and OQ the signal strength on the
"dash" cardioid. It is clear that
( - ) have been used, E and
T being the simplest combination. OQ is greater than OP, and the
Fig. 36 shows the principle by effect will be a series of Morse
which these results are obtained. dashes instead of a continuous
The loop aerial is set at 90° to the signal. Similarly, if the aircraft is
line of flight (scale reading 000°) off course to the right, a series of
when homing. The open aerial is dots will be heard.
brought into circuit to give heart - Exactly the same result can be
shape reception, but the phase of secured without any special appa-
the open aerial input is mechani- ratus in the aircraft other than the
cally reversed by the rotary general-purpose receiver. In this
scheme the course indication is
X given by directional transmission
on the ground at the aerodrome.
Fig. 39 shows the principle.
Two fixed frame aerials transmit
the interlocked morse letters E and
T and the course indicated is the
line OX, which bisects the angle
between them. An aircraft on
course would therefore hear the
E and T at equal strength, and thus
receive a continuous signal. If the
aircraft is off course on the line
0 Y, it is clear that cos EO Y is
Fig. 38. When the aircraft goes off ereater than cos TOY and con-
course to the left, the signal on the -segue. ntly the. E signal will pre -
dash cardioid OQ exceeds that on the
dot cardioid OP and vice versa. dominate, giving a series of dots.
Morse dashes will occur on the tions being arranged so that a sig-
other side of OX. nal received on the left-hand heart-
This arrangement is called an shape deflects the instrument
equisignal course beacon. It is needle to the left, and a signal
extensively used in America, but received on the right-hand heart-
has not so far been used much in shape deflects it to the right. This
Europe. gives the result that when off
2. Visual Homing. The aural course to the left the instrument
method of homing is open to the needle moves to the right, indica-
objection that it involves contin- ting the direction in which the
uous listening to a signal on the aircraft must be steered to get back
part of the pilot. This is not only on course.
irksome, but distracting, and to When on course, the instrument
some extent prevents the pilot receives equal alternate impulses
from listening to his engines or in opposite directions at the fre-
quency of switching-about 12
per second-and its damping is
sufficient to result in no move-
ment from the central position.

Fig. 39. Dot -dash guidance can be obtained on a

general-purpose receiver if interlocking signals
are radiated by two frame aerials at station 0. --V
attending to remarks from his cap- When off course, the instrument
tain or co-pilot. will receive unequal impulses and
A demand has therefore arisen the needle will move away from
for an instrumental indication of the central position.
course. The principle of switched
heart -shapes as in Fig. 36 is used, Instrument Flying
but morse letters are no longer Blind flying means keeping the
required, and the contacts give aircraft on a level course, together
equal switching periods. The out- with the execution of ordinary
put from the receiver is taken to a manoeuvres-including, perhaps,
centre -zero moving coil instru- take-off-under conditions of zero
ment through a reversing switch visibility. A more appropriate term
and a pair of rectifiers, this second is "instrument flying", because the
reversing switch synchronising basis of the art is complete reliance
with the heart -shape switch. on instruments.
Si, Fig. 40, is the heart -shape Instrument -flying has been deve-
switch and Sz switches the instru- loped to a high state of efficiency,
ment I through one or other of the and flying in cloud does not to -day
metal rectifiers Wi and W2. cause any concern to a properly
These rotary switches are on a trained pilot, but the problem of
common shaft, and the switching finding the aerodrome, approach-
operations synchronise, connec- ing in the correct direction at the
illustrated in
Fig. 44. Having
picked up the
main beacon signal
and got on to the
equi-signal course,
Fig. 43. Vertical polar diagram of the main beacon.
the aeroplane ap-
proaches the aero-
of radiation and provides a special drome at a height of about 600
distinguishing signal lasting for a feet. On hearing the outer marker
few seconds as the aircraft flies beacon, the pilot starts to lose
over the beacon and passes through height at a rate which will bring
the "fan". The distinguishing him down to about Too feet in 3
signals are as follows: miles-i.e., by the time he passes
Outer Marker.-This trans- the inner marker.
mitter sends dashes lasting o4
seconds with o I second intervals. The Landing
The wave is modulated at 700 On hearing the inner marker he
cps. The effect is long dashes with throttles right back and proceeds
a fairly deep note. to land. As previously explained,
Inner Marker.-This trans- the ground would normally come
mitter sends dots lasting oo66 into view almost immediately after
second with o I second intervals. passing the inner marker, at which
The wave is modulated at 1,70o point the blind -approach appara-
cps. The effect is short dots with tus has fulfilled its functions. The
a fairly high-pitched note. The process sounds simple when
markers are thus readily dis- described, but it will be realised
tinguishable. that in practice it is by no means
easy, and calls for great skill and
Glide Path experience in the handling of the
The vertical polar diagram of aircraft.
the main beacon is shown in Fig. If a blind landing is being
43. The lines represent paths of attempted, use is made of the
equal signal strength, and, al- glide -path indication, and this is
though curved, it is possible to use shown on a visual instrument
this property to hold the aero- which will now be described.
plane on a definite glide -path. Fig. 45 represents the visual
The method of approach is indicator in the aircraft. A and B

Fig. 44. On passing the outer marker at 600 ft. the pilot glides down at a rate
which brings him to 100 ft. by the time he hears the inner marker.
are small neon tubes which act as
visual warnings when the aircraft
passes over the marker beacons. It
has been mentioned that the
marker -beacon transmitters em-
ploy different modulation fre-
quencies (700 and 1,700 cps.) The
neon tubes are connected through
filter circuits to the receiver out-
put, so that tube A lights up when
passing the outer marker showing
the long dashes visually, and tube
B acts similarly when passing the
inner marker.
Fig. 45. Visual blind approach instru-
Course Pointer ments. A and B are neon lamps which
The lower pointer Pz moves light as the marker beacons are passed.
PI is a glide -path indicator and P2 a left -
over the horizontal scale and pro- right course indicator.
vides a visual indication of on -
course or off -course conditions. It predominate. The circuit arrange-
is a moving coil instrument, and ment is such that the needle de-
so designed that the needle is flects towards the correct course-
heavily damped at the central i.e., the pilot "follows" the needle.
position but lightly damped at a
small distance on either side. Glide Indicator
This gives the result that the The upper pointer PI is the
needle will swing in a differ- glide -path indicator and moves
ent direction, according to over a vertical scale. It is operated
whether the dots or dashes by the main beacon signal, and

HF 0
IF 0
Der 0 1-1-hR
1100cps 0

Fig. 46. Schematic diagram of the layout

of the blind approach equipment of an
aircraft. Note position of the marker
beacon receiver.

when the aircraft is on the correct' trols used in the air are the on/off
course will take up a definite posi- switch and a remote volume con-
tion. By holding this position, the trol. HT can be supplied from a
pilot can follow the glide -path for Ito volt dry battery, but in some
a blind touch -down. models from a rotary transformer.
The visual indicator is, of
course, additional to the aural Receiving Aerials
indication already described. Two aerials are required on the
When using the system the pilot aircraft. A vertical rod aerial about
wears headphones, and so can 3-4 feet long for reception of the
both hear and see the information Main Beacon signal, and a hori-
given by the equipment. zontal dipole mounted in the line
Fig. 46 shows a schematic dia- of flight for reception of the
gram of the aircraft equipment marker beacons. Each half of the
for blind approach. The marker dipole is about 3 feet long, and it
beacon receiver contains a detec- is usually mounted on small
tor only, the output from which is stand-off insulators underneath the
fed to the post detector stages of aircraft. It is important that the
the Main Beacon receiver. All marker beacon receiver should
tuning is done by means of pre- be situated as close as possible to
set condensers, and the only con - the dipole.

Fig. 47. Front of an aircraft transmitter showing the controls. The key to the
numbers is in the text on the opposite page.
The Marconi AD 67/6872* air- actually very simple, although they
craft radio equipment is typical of appear numerous owing to the six
modern practice in large passenger frequency ranges. Fig. 47 is a
carrying aircraft. diagram of the front of the trans-
Transmission and reception on mitter, the key being as follows:
both short and medium waves are (I) Master oscillator valve.
provided, and either CW, MCW, (2) Power amplifier valves.
or RT can be used. (3) Ventilator.
DF on the medium waveband is (4) Range 1 of power amplifier
carried out by means of a rotating tuning control and aerial tap coup-
loop aerial using the same receiver, ling switch.
but if visual homing is required, a (5) Range 2 ditto.
separate DF receiver must be (6) Range 3 ditto.
included. (7) Range 4 ditto.
Transmitter Wavebands (8) Aerial ammeter.
(9) Extra aerial inductance
The transmitter covers the switch (medium wave ranges).
following wavebands, in six ranges : (to) Range 5 aerial taps.
Metres. Kcs. (11) Range 6 power amplifier
(I) 15-22 (20,000-13,636) tuning control.
(2) 21-32 (14,286-9,376 (I2) Range 5 Ditto.
(3) 30-42 (10,000-7,143 (i3) CW/MCW/RT switch.
(4) 40-90 7,500-3,333 ) (74) Microphone socket.
(5) 80-200 3,750-1,500 ) (is) Headphones socket.
(6) 550-1, too ( 545-272'7 ) (i6) Range 6 master oscillator
The range in use is selected by (17) Range 5 Ditto.
a six -position wave -selector switch, (i8) Key socket.
so that six spot -waves are imme- (iv) Milliammeter (HT feed).
diately available by the operation (20) Waverange selector switch.
of this one switch. On ranges 5 and (21) Range 1 master oscillator
6 three additional spot -waves can tuning and locking device.
be selected by setting click -stop de- 22.) Range 2 Ditto.
vices on the tuning controls. This 23) Range 3 Ditto.
will be referred to again shortly. 24) Range 4 Ditto.
The filament heating current is 25) HT fuse.
derived from a tz volt accumu-
lator and requires about 4.2 amps Fig. 48 gives details of the
for the four valves. HT is supplied click -stop device fitted to items I I,
by a rotary transformer driven 12, 16 and 77. The small V -edged
from a Iz volt accumulator and stop can be set at any point on the
providing an output of 1,2oo volts periphery of the dial by means of
at 200 ma. The power at the the locking screws. On engaging
anodes of the two amplifier valves with the slot in the spring -loaded
is approximately 145 watts on CW. block, the dial is stopped at a pre-
The transmitter controls are determined point. A little extra
pressure will, of course, enable the
* The data regarding the AD dial movement to be continued if
67/6872 and diagrams 47 and 49 have
been supplied by the courtesy of this is not the desired point.
Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd. It will be seen that this trans -
24 amps total. HT is usually
supplied from a rotary transformer
having an output of 200 volts at
3o ma.
There is only one tuning con-
trol for any particular wave, so that
receiver tuning is very simple.
Fig. 49 is a diagram of the
Fig. 48. Detail drawing of the click - receiver front panel, kcy being as
stop device fitted to the tuning con- follows :
trols to facilitate selection of pre-
determined positions. (i On/off switch.
(2 Power -plug for LT and HT.
mitter is essentially designed for (3 Telephone socket.
very rapid wave -changing be- (4) Medium-wave/short - wave
tween a number of pre-set waves. range switch.
The transmitter circuit consists (5) Local oscillator switch for
of a triode master oscillator which C
drives two pentode power -valves (6) Short-wave range switch.
in parallel. A further valve is used (7)) Short-wave tuning.
for the double purpose of modu- (8) Medium -wave tuning.
lation when radiotelephony is re- (9 Medium -wave range switch.
quired and as an audio -frequency ro) DF tuning.
oscillator for MCW. x i) Plain aerial/DF switch.
Relay Connection 12) Volume control.
13) Zero -clearing for DF (dif-
No Send -Receive switch is ferential condenser).
fitted. The HT rotary transformer
is switched on separately for trans- The receiver is a superhetero-
mission by a control on the main dyne and has six valves; one
power -control unit, and the aerial triode-hexode as HF amplifier and
is connected to the receiver frequency changer for medium
through a relay which switches it waves; one triode-hexode as HF
over to the transmitter when either amplifier and frequency changer
the key or the microphone button for short waves; one pentode as
is pressed. "Listening -through" is intermediate frequency amplifier;
thus automatically provided. one double -diode pentode as second
The weight of the transmitter IF amplifier, second detector and
itself is approximately 55 lb. first LF amplifier; one triode out-
The receiver covers the follow- put valve; and one triode oscilla-
ing wavebands: tor for CW reception.
600-2000 m. (50o -15o kcs) in 2 The approximate weight of the
ranges, for use with DF receiver complete is 19 lb.
300-450 M. (1000-667 kcs) Number of Aerials
183 M. (1639 kcs)
15-100 m. (20,000-3,000 kcs) A modern commercial aircraft
in 4 ranges. has five aerials: a trailing, a fixed, a
loop for DF and homing, a verti-
All valves are indirectly heated cal rod aerial for blind approach
from a 12 volt accumulator, taking main beacon and a horizontal

Fig. 49. A receiver front panel. The key to the numbers is given in the text

dipole for blind approach marker of the bulkhead under the opera-
beacons. ting bench. This is convenient for
Fig. 5o shows a typical lay -out operation of the winch. The short
for these aerials on a medium- mast acts as a point of support for
sized passenger carrying plane. the fixed aerial, and contains the
The trailing aerial winch and vertical aerial for reception of the
fairlead are fitted on the port side blind approach main beacon signal.




Fig. 50. Typical layout of the five aerials of a fully equipped commercial air liner.
Fig. 51 gives a general view of (27) Aerial winch.
another aircraft installation, ex- (28) Fairlead.
cluding the wiring and connections (29) Blind approach marker
between the components. Key to beacon receiver.
the diagram is as follows: (3o) Rotary transformer for
transmitter HT.
(r) DF loop tuning. (3r) Blind approach main
(2) Change -over switch from beacon receiver.
open aerial to DF loop. (32) HT battery for blind
(3) Phasing resistance for approach equipment.
(4) Change -over switch for Interference in Aircraft
homing. (This performs the same Hindrances to reception in air-
function as the switches St and craft can be classified under two
S2 of Fig. 36, the off course main headings: (a) noise of the
indication being a louder signal in aircraft itself, and (b) electrical
one position of the switch-see interference.
Fig. 38.) The effect of noise made by the
(5) Extra HF amplifier valve aircraft varies considerably. In
for use with loop. small open -cockpit machines it is
(6) Receiver tuning. - severe, and conditions are ex-
(7) Receiver volume control. tremely bad for radio communi-
(8) Receiver reaction control. cation. A tight -fitting helmet with
(9) Receiver power -plug for ear -holes over which the head-
HT and LT. phones rest is one solution, or,
(x o) Master oscillator valve. alternatively, the headphones may
(ii) Power valves. be built into the helmet. Soft
( x 2 CW/M CW/RT switch. Sorbo rubber ear -pads fitted to
(13 Send-off/receive switch. the headphones can also be used.
(4) Filament switch for In modern passenger carrying
power amplifier valves. (Off when aircraft sound -proofing has been
neutralising.) more developed, and the passen-
(15) Aerial ammeter. ger cabin is often reasonably quiet,
(i6) Anode current milliam- the noise being about on a level
meter. with that in a railway train travel-
(17) Neutralising condenser ling at 6o to 70 m.p.h. Unfortu-
(adjustable by coin or screw- nately the radio operator is not
driver). situated in the passenger cabin,
( 18) Master oscillator tuning. and the fore part of the aircraft is
(i 9) Anode taps. rarely as quiet. It is a remarkable
(2o) Aerial taps. proof of the selectivity of the
(at) Aerial variometer. human hearing apparatus that
(22) Change -over switch. Fix- including
radio -communication,
ed and trailing aerial. DF, can be carried out efficiently
(23) Fixed aerial loading coil. under such conditions.
(24) Rotary transformer for Electrical interference on air-
receiver HT. craft is attributable mainly to the
(25) Morse key. ignition system of the engines.
(26) DF loop scale and remote Every time a plug fires, the HT
control. leads radiate a short pulse of high -

22 (D3 039 go
cm; r)1 0
129 26

M23 3
6)17 16

19 2021


30 29

Fig. 51. General view of an aircraft radio Installation. See key on opposite page.

frequency electric waves, and each The charging circuits may

pulse is liable to cause a cracking cause interference if a constant
sound in the receiver. As several voltage regulator of the vibrating
thousand sparks occur per minute contact type is used. Suppression
reception would be impossible. can be achieved by screening or
The usual method is to screen by the use of chokes and conden-
all parts of the ignition system sers arranged as filter circuits.
completely. This means that the Interference may also occur
magnetos are enclosed in earthed from the electric motors used to
metal cases, HT and LT leads are operate retracting undercarts, flaps,
screened cable with the metal de-icing pumps and windscreen
braiding earthed, and the spark- wipers. Filter circuits are em-
ing -plugs are specially designed ployed as a rule to deal with these
with earthed metal screens. items.


BESIDES normal communica- concerned with naval equipment,

tions on board ship, radio which, of course, may not be
principles are used as the described at the present time.
basis of many instruments that In the early days of transmission,
safeguard the vessels. In this thermionic valves were not avail-
chapter some of these instruments able, and other means of creating
are described in outline and, high frequency radiation had to
although the apparatus has some be used. Electro-magnetic waves
features common to other types of were produced by the discharge of
equipment, it is to be remem- a condenser across a spark -gap --
bered that it must have ioo per thus causing a damped wave. It
cent. efficiency, and must remain was necessary to have: (a) a tuned
in service for many years. circuit comprising of a condenser
Ship apparatus of concern to and inductance; (b) a method of
the radio engineer includes: charging the condenser; (c) a
(1) Transmitters and receivers spark -gap, and (d) an RF trans-
for CW, ICW, and telephony, former to feed the damped oscilla-
(2) Depth -sounding appa- tion to the aerial.
ratus, Types of Spark -Gap
(3) Marine direction finders, Various types of spark -gap have
(4) Distress auto -call alarms, been used, but as power output
(5) Life boat and emergency requirements of transmitters
apparatus, increased, the older open and
(6) Ancillary apparatus such quenched types were ousted by
as aerials, battery and mains the synchronous rotating pattern.
supplies, The open type can only be used
(7) Public address or relay for low -power transmitters, be-
service. cause of the heat generated at the
Marine radio can be roughly gap. Although large electrodes are
subdivided into two main divi- used and finning is provided, the
sions: that used for naval purposes power available is so small that
and that for passenger and cargo this type is now obsolete.
vessels. Some knowledge of equip- The synchronous rotary gap is
ment of the second type will be shown in Fig. 1, from which it will
of considerable assistance to the be seen that at the end of a shaft is
reader who subsequently becomes a metal disc that carries a number
of contacts which
are in electrical con-
nection with each
The voltage from
the condenser flows
to an insulated con-
tact on the stator,
across the gap to one
contact on the disc,
through the disc to
another contact op-
posite the second
insulated stator con-
tact. The speed of
the rotor is adjusted TOOTHED METAL DISC
so that the contacts
come opposite each Fig. I. Diagrammatic representation of a synchronous
other when positive rotary spark -gap. This type of gap can handle much
greater power than is possible with an open gap.
or negative peaks of
the LF cycle are reached, thus It will be seen that the frequency
causing the discharge once every of the transmitter is determined
half -cycle. by the stud positions on the tapped
When the discharge takes place, inductances, and these are set at
the oscillatory circuit produces a 450, 600, 700 and 800 metres. The
damped waveform as represented
in Fig. 2. This type of gap can the front of a vertical insulated
handle far greater power than the panel so that rapid changes can be
open gap. Fig. 3 gives a typical made.
circuit of a half -kilowatt transmitter The aerial circuit is loose -
using a rotary gap and constructed coupled to the transmitter. Due
by the Radio Communication Co. to the large power carried by the
This transmitter has a range of tuning inductances, they are con-
reliable communication of about structed from copper strip or tube
500-700 miles under all con- mounted on skeleton insulated
ditions. formers. The condenser is of the
oil -and -mica dielectric type, and
is capable of withstanding a pres-
sure of 55,000 v. The ammeter in
the earth -lead indicates the value
of the aerial current, and it will be
noticed that two discharge circuits
are provided and selected by
means of a knife -switch.
The main transmitter is usually
Fig. 2. Type of discharge curve obtained
operated from the ship's AC or
with a rotary gap. The frequency of the DC supply via a motor -generator
wave, as completed by the dotted delivering ioo v. 500 cps. If the
line, is determined by the number of ship's supply fails, the operator
contacts on the rotor and its speed. makes use of an emergency accu-


Fig. 3. Circuit of a rotary gap transmitter by the Radio Communication Co. operat-
ing at a power of half a kilowatt and possessing a range of 500-700 miles.

mulator supply which drives a opposition while flow in the

smaller motor -generator deliver- opposite direction was greatly
ing a quarter of a kilowatt at ioo v. reduced. Natural minerals such as
500 cps. When the emergency zincite, silicon, galena, molyb-
supply is switched on an open denite, bornite and tellerium all
spark -gap is brought into opera- possess this characteristic of recti-
tion to save the power which would fying AC.
be needed to operate the rotary gap. Rectification takes place at the
The whole of the apparatus is point of contact with either
built into a rack carrying the another crystal or with a sharp
motor -generators in the base and metallic point such as the pointed
the transmitter proper on the end of phosphor -bronze wire.
vertical panel. Unfortunately the crystal rectifier
With a simple transmitter of is unstable, and often much time is
this type it is only possible to taken in finding a sensitive point.
radiate code signals. This is It was found that carborundum,
achieved by the use of a morse or which is made from silica and
tapping key that completes the carbon, offered far more stable
primary winding of the transformer operation when used with a flat
and the 500 cps generator. spring exerting a small pressure.
The carborundum is mounted in a
Crystal Receivers brass cup with the aid of low -
In the early days, simple re- temperature solder, and a small
ceiving sets of the crystal type potential is applied by means of a
were used. It was found that potentiometer and battery.
various minerals allowed current Fig. 4 shows a simple type of
to pass in one direction with little receiving circuit in which the
tuned circuit Li-
CI is loosely coupled cmisortumoom ars!.
to the aerial-earth
system by the coil POTENTIOMETER

Lz. The condenser

Cr is variable so that
the circuit can be L2
tuned to any wave-
length, and the HF
voltage developed TELEPHONES

across the tuned cir- Fig. 4. Simple receiver using a carborundum

cuit is applied to the 7-1-- rectifier and giving headphone reception.
crystal detector D.
The unidirectional audio cur- As the "forward" resistance of
rent that results from the type the crystal is of the order of
of rectification which is character- 40,000-70,000 ohms, it imposes
istic of the crystal then flows considerable damping on the tuned
through the telephones back to the circuit, and hence highly efficient
tuned circuit. tuned circuits are unnecessary.
The characteristic curve of a The tuning coil can be wound
typical carborundum rectifier is with relatively thin -gauge wire
given in Fig. 5, and it will be seen such as 28 SWG, the number of
that it requires a negative potential turns being dictated by the wave -
of I v. if it is to operate at the band coverage required.
most sensitive point. If a morse transmission is being




-3.0 -215 -2.0 :1.5 -110 -0.5 i 0 0.5 +1.0 .o 0


Fig. S. Rectification curve of a carborundum crystal showing how HF pulses in one

direction produce greater current pulses than in the opposite direction. A stand-
ing bias must be applied to secure operation at the point of maximum sehsitivity.

Fig. 6. To increase selectivity a number of tuned circuits must be used. In this
circuit there are three. The first two are coupled by capacity and the third
tuned circuit is coupled Inductively.
received, the crystal rectifies the of starts or stops that are created
HF carrier and causes the rectified by the operation of the morse key.
intermittent pulses to operate the In this simple diagram the neces-
telephones, thus causing a note to sary filament, HT and bias sup-
occur at the pitch of the trans- plies are shown as being obtained
mitter spark frequency. from batteries, but in practice it is
necessary to use DC generators or
Tuned Circuits rectified AC.
To increase the selectivity of the This method of transmission
simple crystal receiver, and to pre- does not create any sounds in an
vent it picking up harmonics of an ordinary receiver except clicks at
unwanted transmission, several the starting and stopping of the
tuned circuits are used as succes- transmitter. To make the signals
sive filters (Fig. 6). audible a special receiving circuit
The advent of the valve caused that includes a "beat -frequency
many changes in the design of oscillator" must be used. The set
transmitters, for not only was the
distance of effective transmission
increased, but the selectivity of the
tuning circuits was vastly im-
proved, thus allowing a greater
number of transmissions to be
made within the allotted channels
for marine broadcasts.
Transmitters are dealt with in
Chapter 4, and so here we will
proceed straight to consider the
fundamental circuit of a simplified
continuous wave (CW) trans-
If the oscillating valve circuit is
coupled to an aerial-earth system, HT-
as shown on the left of Fig. 7, and MORSE KEY
the degree of coupling is accurately
Fig. 7. Simple oscillating valve trans-
chosen, the aerial will radiate the mitter. Oscillation is controlled by
continuous wave or any sequence means of the key in the grid circuit.
a regular number of pulses, which
are controlled by the frequency of
HT+ the buzzer.
Figs. 8a and b show that the CW
transmitter circuit in the previous
diagram requires only slight altera-
tion in order to be converted to
ICW transmission. The poten-
tiometer and its battery have
HT - been replaced by the secondary of
an AF transformer, the primary
a BUZZER JR Al circuit of which includes the

buzzer, the battery and the morse
Fig. 80. Comparison with Fig. 7 shows key.
that little modification is needed to Fig. 9 shows the waveform of
secure modulation of the transmitted a a CW transmitter and b an
wave. The audio frequency from the ICW transmitter. In a it will be
buzzer or other device is injected to
the grid circuit of the oscillating valve seen that as long as the key is
by means of the transformer. depressed the waveform which
is emitted is a "sine" wave of
contains an oscillator valve, rather constant amplitude. On releasing
similar to that in a superhet, the key, either the wave is com-
and the frequency generated by pletely stopped or it is reduced to
this valve is selected so that it a much lesser amplitude. In b
"beats" with the received trans- the waveform of the buzze-r-
mission at a rate producing an modulated oscillation is shown. It
audio note. must be remembered that the
If it is desired to transmit so number of HF oscillations pro-
that ordinary receivers can receive duced during each LF wave is far
the transmission, it is necessary to greater than the number given
make use of the interrupted con- in the diagram.
tinuous wave (ICW) system. In When ut is necessary to use
this a buzzer or audio -frequency speech transmission, which is tie
generator is used to modulate the fastest method of conveying intelli-
transmitter, and is operated by a gence, the simple transmit(er
morse key. The buzzer is con- indicated in Fig. 8a is amended
nected so that it splits the CW into again as in Fig. io.

Fig. 8b. A modulated carrier wave showing how the amplitude or strength of the
radio -frequency waves varies at the slower audio -frequency rate. Actually the
number of RF waves to an LF wave Is much greater than indicated.




Fig. 9. In a is represented a continuous wave transmission which is not audible in

a receiver without the application of special methods. In b Is an interrupted con-
tinuous wave of the buzzer -modulated oscillation-the occurrence of the RF pulses
at LF Intervals produces an audible note after rectification.

The microphone is of the car- ing and, finally, across the grid of
bon type-that is, the changing the valve.
air pressure on the face of the This method of coupling the
microphone causes the resistance audio -frequencies to the valve is
of the carbon granules to alter. known as "grid control", and it
As a battery is connected in series effectively alters the amplitude of
with the microphone and the the continuous -wave transmission.
transformer primary, any changes
in the resistance of the granule Anode Control
formation causes changes in the Another method makes use of
flow of current. Thus a change of "anode control", and a circuit
magnetic flux is produced in the using this method is presented in
transformer, and this induces a Fig. ii. In this case the micro-
voltage across the secondary wind - phone causes varying potentials to
be applied to the grid of V2, and
these are amplified by the valve
to a larger amplitude. The anode
load of this valve is the anode
AF choke, and the anode current
for the valve Vi also flows
through the same choke.
A high -frequency choke pre-
vents the HF signal entering the
HT - AF amplifier, but permits the
latter to modulate the anode
supply of Vi, thereby causing a
Fig. 10. Simple arrangement showing
similar change in the amplitude
the method by which speech modulation of the continuous wave radiation.
can be applied to an oscillating valve. By the use of suitable switching
Fig. I I. A more advanced telephony
transmitter. The microphone has an
amplifier valve, V2, and its magnified signal controls the anode voltage of
the oscillator, VI.


V1 V2

LT+ 111
20 00011

it is possible for a composite Modern methods of depth -
transmitter to be built that enables sounding have completely super-
the operator to transmit on CW seded the older method of drop-
and ICW with code messages or ping a weighted line over the side
to use radio -telephony for ordinary of the vessel, with its unavoidable
communication. A typical com- inaccuracies and time lag. We now
posite transmitter is shown in Fig. make use of an electro-acoustical
za, and a complete cabin installa- system by which a sound -wave is
tion is illustrated in Fig. tab. radiated from the bottom of the

Fig. 12a. Outline of a simple

transmitter for radiation of
CW, ICW or telephony. For
AERIAL CW close SI and Si; for
CUR ENT ICW close SI and open S2;
for telephony close 2 and
open SI.


Mimeo 411I


(A*,. '11111116.

!!! !! .,_.."!".
.. " !!! . !!!!:!!!..r.""'

Fig. 126. A Marconi 1.5 kw. valve transmitter as installed in a ship's cabin.
A, main transmitter; B, high -frequency amplifier; C, receiver; D, local
oscillation generator; E, note filter; F, emergency transmitter; G, main motor
alternator; H, main motor alternator starter; I, main motor alternator regu-
lator; f, emergency motor alternator; K, main power regulator; L, main switch,
M, aerial ammeter.
ship and the reflected wave from Certain crystals, such as quartz,
the sea-bed is picked up by a Rochelle salt and tourmaline,
receiver also mounted in the hull. possess unusual properties when
Knowing the speed of sound in cut along a certain axis. If pressure
water, and measuring the time is applied to two opposite facets of
between the radiation and recep- the crystal, an electrical potential
tion of the acoustic wave, it is easy is produced across the two other
to calculate the distance travelled. facets at right -angles. Also,
The resultant figure, when divided conversely, if a potential is
by two, gives the depth of the sea. applied, then the crystal distorts
There are two principal methods in proportion to the voltage
of radiation and reception of the (Fig. 53).
signals, using piezo and magneto- A crystal of this type can be used
striction effects respectively. as a microphone-air pressure
The earliest means of depth-
sounding were crude compared
with the modern methods, and
usually consisted of a hammer
striking the hull of the ship and a
hydrophone (water microphone)
picking up the reflected signal.
This system works at low audio -
frequencies, and the sound -waves
spread spherically from the
hull, not having any directional
Fig. 13. The reversible electro-mechanl- properties.
cal properties of the piezo crystal. The modern transmitter makes
being applied to the facets and use of ultrasonic (above audible)
electrical facsimiles obtained-and frequencies, which are far more
also as a loudspeaker, electrical directional in their propagation
potentials being applied, and the and reflection, thus saving a con-
resultant mechanical distortion siderable amount of power and
being coupled to a diaphragm, and giving a more precise indication.
so creating sound -waves. The projector of the sound im-
In the case of magneto-striction pulse is represented in Figs. 14a
it has been found that certain and b. It is mounted flush
materials change their length when with the plates of the hull, with the
subjected to magnetic fields of diaphragm assembly pointing ver-
varying intensity. For example, a tically downward. The distance
bar of nickel in a magnetic field the wave travels is given thus :
contracts as the flux increases. d= Vt
Other materials, such as steel, 2
expand first, and then, as the where d = depth in metres or feet,
field is increased, contract. V = velocity of wave in the sea in



Fig. 14a. A piezo crystal ultrasonic wave projector, mounted flush with the plates
of the hull of a ship for the purpose of depth sounding.
bearings from
several stations
Fig. 17b. An op- and plot them
tical depth indi-
cator (left) and on a map. By a
an electrolytic process of trian-
recorder (right)
as installed in a
'01,1111i, gulation the
large vessel.
position of the
ship can be ac-
curately deter-
The "radio -
compass", as it
is sometimes
termed, opera-
tes owing to the
tendency of a
loop or frame
aerial to pick up
signals only
lill111111!11111111!1!Ill!1,11 11111111111 1401111111111 when they pass
the loop in a
certain direc-
tion. The loop
consists of
several turns of
wire wound into
a large coil, cir-
cular or rectan-
gular in shape.
Signals of the
maximum inten-
sity are picked
up when the
loop points to -
from rocks and very irregular -
shaped beds. When thick mud is
encountered the reflected response
curve is very flattened, c.

Radio Compass b
One of the greatest contribu-
tions to the safety of those who ROCKS BOULDERS OR WRECKS

travel by water is the direction

finder, that enables the operator
to determine the exact position of
the ship, irrespective of weather
conditions. Fog, mist, heavy seas Fig. 18. Typical Impulses as seen on
no longer prevent bearings. an optical indicator. Experience enables
the type of sea bed to be identified by
The marine direction finder the "shape" of the signal reflected on
enables the operator to take radio the paper or the screen.


\ %

V I 1



Il I
% 1
I . I I
: I I i I I
/ I / I /
/ RADikuLs-ccmAL--, / i/ i I
, ,i

Fig. 19. A loop aerial picks up the greatest signal when edge-on to the wave.
When it is broadside the equal signals in the two vertical sides cancel out.

wards the transmitting station exceeding 5,000 gross tons to

(Fig. r9). carry such apparatus.
As Fig. shows, the signal is
20 The input circuit of a represen-
picked up when the loop is tative radio -compass is shown in
pointing to the station, but when Fig. 21. The variable condenser
the side of the loop is parallel to Cr forms the tuned circuit in
the incoming waves, the currents conjunction with the loop aerial,
in each side of the aerial cancel out connections to the rotatable frame
and the point of minimum signal being made by slip -rings having
is obtained. As the minimum the least possible HF resistance.
position is more accurate than the Across the condenser Cr is
maximum, it is the one that is connected the tuned HF receiver
always used. with demodulator and audio -
Many types of radio -compass frequency amplifier. To prevent
have been developed both in interaction between the tele-
Britain and in the U.S.A. It is phones and the radio -compass, it
legally necessary for all ships is necessary to keep them at some



Fig. 20. How currents add up (left), and cancel out (right), in a loop aerial de-
pending on the direction of the wave relative to the winding.
19 I

Fig. 22c. Two of the units of a Marconi DF installation:

(left) the Radiogoniometer and (right) the receiver.
junction with the navigator, takes The bearing on T2 relative to
the following readings: true North = True ship's head
i. Ship's direction as taken and corrected radio bearings =
from magnetic bearing = 45° 57°-1- 233° =- 29o°. This gives the
Variation obtained from position of line T2 -0X from the
chart = xo° E = io° radio beacon T2 and the inter-
Deviation obtained from section of the two lines at 0 gives
correction chart = 2° E = the position of the ship.
57. Distress Signals
An automatic alarm is a device
2. Radio beacon Ti as read used to ensure that radio distress
on radio -compass = 272° signals are received even when
Correction due to quad- operators are not actually "on
rantal error from chart = -1.5° watch". Regulations govern the
Therefore radio bearing distress signal and the number of
on Ti relative to ship's operators on duty.
reading = 270.5° The function of the distress
signal is to operate an automatic
Thus the bearing on Ti relative receiving device on any vessel in
to the true North = true ship's the vicinity of the ship in distress,
head corrected radio bearing and by means of electric bells to
= 57° -I- 270-5° = 327-5°. From call attention to the receiver. The
this information the line Ti-OV special signal transmitted is not
can be drawn through the radio the SOS, but is known as the
beacon Tx. auto -alarm signal, and is trans-
3. Radio bearing from T2 mitted just prior to the sending of
as read on radio com- the SOS.
pass = 223.5° The signal consists of a series of
Correction due to quad- dashes and spaces, each dash
rantal error from chart = 9.5° having a duration of four seconds,
Radio bearing on T2 rela- and each space a duration of one
tive to the ship's line = 233° second. Twelve such dashes and
spaces can be transmitted during
engines and
equipped with a
wireless tele-
graph installa-
tion. Obviously
the apparatus
must be very
easy to operate,
as unskilled ope-
rators may have
to use it, and it
must be able to
withstand the
severest weather
Power for the
Fig. 23. How two bearings obtained on shore radio bea- transmitter and
cons of known position enable the position of a ship to receiver is ob-
be calculated, as described in detail in the text. tained from accu-
mulators which
one minute. Fig. 24 shows this are capable of running on con-
sequence. tinuous load, together with that of
In some countries the alarm bell a small searchlight, for six hours.
rings after three consecutive dashes The battery is usually ten 2 v. cells
and spaces have been received, but connected in series and has a
in the U.S.A. they have standard-
ised four dashes and spaces, as it
hours. The aerial is strung be-
greatly reduces the number of tween two masts preferably higher
false alarms. The normal distress than 23 feet, and the earth consists
signal is radiated on a frequency of a metal plate 6 feet square on
of 500 kc. (600 m.), and as it is the underside of the hull. The
radiated for twelve dashes and transmitter is normally tuned to
spaces, it will operate both Euro- 600 m.
pean and American apparatus. As it is necessary to obtain the
greatest range of transmission with
Life -Boat Apparatus the minimum battery consump-
At the International Convention tion, the quenched spark trans-
for the Safety of Life at Sea in mitter is normally used. A motor
1929, it was decided that where alternator is operated from the
ships carry more than thirteen accumulator giving an output of
lifeboats, one of these must be about o25 kw. at 5o v. 500 cps.
driven by internal-combustion This power is supplied to the
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Fig. 24. Illustrating the spacing of the four -second dashes comprising the standard
form of auto alarm for distress signals.
direction -finding apparatus makes the radiation resistance is kept as
use of its own rotatable loop aerial, low as possible. This can be
plus another small vertical one to ensured by using a suitable gauge
give the signal for the "sense" wire and confirming that the joint
reading. is thoroughly soldered and taped.
One of the greatest problems is Where steel guy -wires are used
the design of suitable insulators. to support the aerial mast or other
Many types are available, each apparatus, it is necessary to place
designed to keep the insulation insulators at each end to limit
path as long as possible. In order induced currents.
to prevent dirt and soot adhering
to the insulator, the surface is Loudspeaker Systems
highly glazed. If mounted in a In many ships to -day loud-
vertical position a hood prevents speakers are placed at "strategic"
water from running down the points to relay news and entertain-
insulator and partially short-cir- ment programmes and to enable
cuiting the signal to earth. the ship's officers to talk to the
Where it is necessary to carry passengers or crew.
the aerial through a deck or roof To perform these various duties
in order to reach the transmitting it is necessary to have:
room, aerial "trunks" are used.
These are constructed from porce- (a) A radio receiver.
lain tubes into the end of which (2) Microphone(s).
fit moulded flat discs. Through the (3) Gramophone pick-up(s).
centre of the porcelain discs is fed (4) Audio -frequency ampli-
a screwed rod that finally ter- fier(s), and
minates through finned insulators (5) Loudspeakers.
(Fig. 27).
Extreme care must be taken at It is usual on passenger ships
any joint in the aerial to see that for the whole of the apparatus to
be housed in the concert -room,
with the exception of the radio
receiver, which is connected from
the radio control room via a low -
impedance transformer coupling.
The gramophone pick-ups may
be of the piezo-crystal or electro-
magnetic type. If they are located
a considerable distance from the
amplifier, the magnetic type is
ROOF preferable, as it can be used with
a step-down transformer, thus pre-
venting the introduction of hum.
Normally on board ship the
loudspeakers are of the short
directional horn baffle type, al-
though the box baffle is used for
Fig. 27. Section of a "trunk" leading indoors, where the atmospheric
the aerial connection into the radio
cabin through a deck or roof. conditions are less severe.



ONE of the problems which There is a certain dragging of

puzzled the early investiga- the "feet" of the waves, because
tors of radio transmission they do not travel so easily or so
was the fact that it was possible to quickly through the earth. This
receive radio signals at a range of point is easily demonstrated by
many hundreds of miles. Accord- tying a light weight (only a frac-
ing to the knowledge then possess- tion of an ounce) on the end of a
ed, this ought to have been im- piece of cotton. If you walk along
possible, because waves travel in with this in your hand, it will
straight lines and, since the earth's travel with you without difficulty,
surface is curved, they ought to but if the bottom end is dropped
leave the earth soon after they into a trough of water, the extra
were initially produced. This friction caused by the water will
point will be clear from Fig. 1. cause the end of the cotton to drag
The waves are actually radiated behind, and we shall get the effect
in all directions, some going illustrated in Fig. 2.
straight up into the air, some
horizontally along the earth's Diffraction
surface at the transmitter and some The scientific name for this
of them down into the ground, effect in connection with electro-
where they are very quickly magnetic waves is "diffraction"
absorbed. Therefore a receiver at (Fig. 3), but this in itself was by no
the point B should not obtain any means sufficient to account for the
signals from the transmitter at A. strength of the signal which was
obtained in practice.
After some time it was dis-
Fig. I. Radio waves, travelling in straight lines
from the transmitter at A, would not be re-
ceivable at another point, B, due to the curva-
ture of the earth's surface.


Fig. 6 (above). Wave A is reflected but passes over the receiver.

Wave B enters the layer at a steeper angle and returns to
earth successfully. C enters at too steep an angle and passes
through the layer before being bent sufficiently for reflection
back to earth again.
Fig. 7 (right) shows a simple illustration of inertia. A series of rapid blows on the
sides of a heavy weight will not produce any movement.

large that the wave is completely too quickly for the electrons to
lost. take any notice.
This particular frequency coin- If we have a heavy weight on the
cides with the natural period of end of a rod and give it a light push
oscillation of the electrons, and the in one direction and then a light
energy absorbed under these con- push in the reverse direction, it
ditions is very large. Because of will swing to and fro, but if the
this it seemed at first as if this impulses follow one another with
frequency (which corresponds into extreme rapidity, the weight has
a wavelength around zoo m.) con- no time to move in one direction
stituted a complete barrier and that before it has received an impulse
wavelengths shorter than this were in the reverse direction, and we
quite useless for any long-dis- can administer quite strong im-
tance transmissions. The authori- pulses without causing any move-
ties therefore allocated wavelengths ment of the weight. (Fig. 7).
below zoo m. to amateurs for The action of the high -fre-
experimental purposes. quency waves on the electrons in
the electrified belt is much the
Amateurs' Discoveries same. They have, in fact, come
It was not long before the and gone before the electron has
amateurs completely disproved the had time to move, so that these
accepted theories by transmitting very high -frequency (short wave)
farther with these so-called useless oscillations are able to travel
short waves than the professional through the electrified layer with
engineers could do with their practically no loss.
high -power transmitters on the They are still subjected to the
longer wavelengths. And this bending action, so that the re-
opened up an entirely new field. flection takes place, and we have
Actually, as the frequency is all the advantages of the mechan-
increased we pass through the ism which we have just discussed
resonant period, and the impulses without the disadvantage of con-
generated by the radio waves recur siderable loss of energy.
There are several
belts of electrified
atmosphere, and the C
one which has the
greatest influence
on the short wave-
lengths used in
commercial practice
is called the "F"
layer, which is some
200 miles above the
earth's surface.
Short waves travel Fig. 8. Short waves are slightly bent by the lower "E"
through the first or layer and fully reflected by the "F" layer which lies
"E" layer with a about 200 miles above the earth's surface.
slight deviation in
their route, and then reach the of gas, which means that there are
"F" layer, where they are reflected relatively large distances between
as illustrated in Figs. 8 and 9. the molecules, so that the electrons
Owing to the much greater height and ions can wander about for a
of this layer and the much lower long time before meeting each
gas pressure, the ionisation is other.
much more stable. Consequently this upper layer
With the lower layer the ionisa- is in a state of more or less per-
tion varies considerably with the manent electrification, and it does
time of day. The effect of the sun's not change its state of ionisation
rays is to increase the ionisation anything like so seriously with
and to cause the effective height time of day.
of the layer to become appreciably The longer short waves are
less. At night-time the ions re- more affected by the "E" layer
combine and the electrification and, therefore, more variable in
disappears, at any rate at the lower their action, while the shorter
levels. wavelengths travel considerable
With the "F" layer the time taken distances (actually many times
by the ions to re -combine with around the earth) before they are so
their electrons is many hours, greatly reduced in strength as to
because of the very low pressure become quite useless.

Fig. 9. Waves may be reflected between the earth and ionised layers many times.
This makes it possible to transmit communication to any part of the world
provided that suitable wavelengths and powers are employed.

Fig. 12. A mechanical analogy to the difference between vertical and horizontal
polarisation. Polarisation of radio waves contributes to the effect known as fading.
adhered to, so that everyone shall turbance of the wave during its
have a fair share. reflection at the Heaviside layers.
This is particularly troublesome This change in strength may be
on short waves, because these very slow, first causing the signal
waves travel so extremely well that gradually to become weaker until
a station in this country may quite perhaps it vanishes altogether,
easily be interfered with by one after which it will increase again
operating x o,000 miles away. The until it becomes quite strong. The
strictly limited zone of the effec- whole cycle of change may last for
tiveness of ultra short waves means many minutes. This form of fading
that the same wavelengths can be is more usually noticed on the
used over and over again in differ- medium waves around 300-600
ent parts of the world without m., where reflection is princi-
danger of interference. There is a pally obtained from the "E"
further marked advantage in the layer.
almost complete absence of the The other form of fading is a
phenomenon known as fading. very rapid fading, in which the
Fading is the name given to the strength varies, often quite errati-
gradual variations in the strength cally, over a period of a few
of the received signal due to a dis- seconds. Both types of fading are

Fig. 13. If we take a simple oscillatory circuit (left) and open it out we reduce the
capacity and inductance, but even the straight wire indicated on the extreme right
of the diagram possesses sufficient of both still to form an oscillatory circuit.
due to a rotation of the "plane of receiving end, a vertical wave
polarisation" of the wave. going by will have very little effect,
We can best understand this by and practically no signal will be
considering once again the ana- picked up. Similarly if we have a
logy of the ripple in the rope (see vertical wire a horizontally polar-
page so). This is reproduced in ised wave will have little effect.
Fig. 1z for convenience. If the Now, the reflec-
hand holding the free end of the tion at the Heavi-
rope is jerked vertically up and side layer is not
down, then the ripple will be always a complete-
vertical, and we ly straightforward
should say such a business. The sur-
wave was vertically face of the layer is
polarised. not smooth and
If the hand is highly polished like
jerked sideways, a mirror, but is
however, the ripple rather like the un-
produced will be derside of a cloud,
horizontal, and it and the wave is
is obvious that we liable to be twisted.
can have many kinds Actually we find
of waves having any that the wave is
plane of polarisation sent on its down-
from horizontal to ward path, spinning
vertical. round and round,
Now, the cus- so that at one in-
tomary radio re- stant the wavefront
ceiver is designed is vertically polar-
to respond to verti- ised and shortly
cally polarised afterwards horizon-
waves. The waves tally polarised.
are generated by a The effect of this
vertical wire, along on a normal aerial
which the electrons will easily be un-
are caused to oscil- derstood. When the
late, and at the wave arrives verti-
receiver we erect a cally polarised, the
similar vertical wire. aerial will receive
The wave passing normally. As the
this wire causes the wavefront twists,
electrons to oscillate the signal received
and, as we know, will get less and
the strength of this less, until it falls
oscillation is in- away to zero, when
creased by the pro- the wavefront has
cess of tuning, fol- Fig. 14. Consideration of the twisted completely
lowed by valve behaviour of current and dis- horizontal. Then it
amplification. tribution of EMF In an aerial will gradually in-
If we erect a hori- is simplified if it is thought of
as a number of short, charged crease again, and
zontal wire at the conductors. so the signal will
also rise to the
maximum in the
opposite direction
and then fall to zero.
(See also Fig. 16).
A simple wire such
as this is called a
half -wave or dipole
aerial, and the
wavelength of the
wave generated if
such a wire is
caused to oscillate is
Fig. 17. Distribution of current and voltage as they appear approximately twice
in a quarter -wave aerial. its actual length.
the wire near the end will only If we cut the aerial in two and
carry those currents which come connect the middle point to earth,
from the outside portion, and we then get a quarter -wave aerial,
obviously the portions at the as shown in Fig. 17. If we make
extreme ends of the wire will the aerial longer, the current re-
carry no current at all. verses in certain parts of the wire.
Consequently, the current dis- Fig. 18 illustrates a three-
tribution over the wire is not the quarter wave aerial, from which
same all over, the current being it will be seen that the current is
the greatest in the centre and fall- flowing in one direction at the
ing off towards the extremes. The bottom of the aerial and is flowing
distribution can be illustrated dia- in the exact opposite direction
grammatically as in Fig. 15. two-thirds of the way up.
By a similar reasoning it will be The radiation produced by the
clear that there is no voltage in the bottom section will be in the
centre of the wire, but that the opposite direction from that
voltage gradually increases as we produced by the upper portion.
go away from the centre until it is Arrangements like this are some-
a maximum at the extremes, which times employed because the can -
gives us a distribu-
tion of voltage which
can be illustrated as
shown (Fig. 15).
It will be seen
that the distribution
corresponds to half
a wavelength. The
voltage at the two
ends of the wire is
exactly reversed, and
the current has in-
creased to its maxi-
mum and fallen to
zero again, whereas Fig. 18. Instantaneous current in a three-quarter wave
in a full cycle it will aerial. Note change of direction of current.
ceiling out of the radiation from mitter itself to the aerial over quite
top and bottom portions is not the long distances through special
same at all angles to the ground, transmission lines, which are really
and therefore a certain directional simply a pair of wires, though for
property is obtained causing the convenience they are usually made
wave to start in an upward concentric-i.e., with one con-
direction. ductor inside the other as illus-
The manner in which we feed trated in Fig. 20. (A simpler ar-
the aerial is interesting. If we have rangement for a receiver feeder is
an ordinary tuned circuit and we shown in Fig. 21.)
wish to induce current in it, one If these transmission lines are
simple method is to wind a few properly designed it is possible to
turns of wire close to the coil in conduct the energy from the trans-
question and to pass current mitter to the aerial over a distance
through this coupling coil. Instead of a mile or more without appreci-
of actually winding a second coil, able loss (Fig. 22).
as in Fig. 19 a, it is possible to use The advantage of this is that it
some of the turns of the main coil enables us to build what are called
itself by taking a tapping on the "arrays", which increase the
coil, as illustrated in Fig. 19 b. effectiveness of the transmitter.
We have seen that a straight
wire is equivalent to an oscillating

(a/ (6) (C)

Fig. 19. Three stages in the development of the aerial feeder. The theoretical ar-
rangement is shown in (a). But part of the oscillatory circuit can be used instead
of the second winding (b) and the aerial itself is the oscillatory circuit (c).

circuit, so that if we simply con- One way of increasing the

nect our source of current across effective height of the transmitting
part of the wire, it has the same aerial is shown in Fig. 23, where a
effect as tapping across the coil of long wire has been folded up so
the circuit in Fig. 19 b. The that all its currents are in the same
arrangement is illustrated in Fig. direction. The portion AB is a
Iq c, and it will be clear that we half wavelength long, and the
must tune the input circuit so that current is therefore all in the same
a variable condenser is introduced direction over this section.
in each of the feed -wires in order Over the portion BC, however,
to obtain the maximum current the current is reversed. To prevent
into the arrangement. this from doing any harm, this
It is, indeed, possible to trans- section of the wire is folded in the
mit the current from the trans - particular form shown, and it will
that although a material may not
conduct current, the electrons of
which it is composed will oscillate
from side to side under the influ-
ence of the alternating fields.
This movement of electrons is
accompanied by some dissipation
of energy (a sort of electrical
friction), and when the oscillations
are extremely rapid this loss may
IL I I become serious It may even cause
Fig. 24. In the "Sterba" method of in- so much heat to be generated that
creasing the effective size of an aerial the insulator itself catches fire, or
the successive half -wave sections are perhaps splits and breaks to pieces.
alternately vertical and horizontal. It As a result, special materials,
will be seen the currents in the vertical
sections are all in the same direction usually of a ceramic (porcelain)
but those in the horizontal portions
neutralise each other.

have to be used which have a "low

Valves of very Small size and
with correspondingly reduced in- Fig. 26. A zig-zag aerial with reflector,
ternal capacities are sometimes suitable for transmission or reception.
Each side is a quarter wavelength and
employed (Fig. 27). the arrangement acts as a broadside
It has already been pointed out array of quarter -wave height.

RADIATION type, have been de-

RADIATION FROM veloped for ultra
FROM 'REFLECTOR short wave purposes.
We can conclude
this chapter with a
(OPPOSING) reference to the very
short waves known
aiNo...wp.rsoOlowe. ---MAIN
as micro -waves.
RADIATION These are generated
by frequencies of the
order of hundreds of
megacycles, which
produce for us wave-
lengths of a few
centimetres only.
Such waves are
REFLECTOR very similar to light
waves in their
general character.
Fig. 25. A second resonant wire placed near the aerial through fog and
becomes energised and acts as a radiator. If the spacing
is quarter -wave the two transmissions add in the for- can be focussed into
ward direction but cancel behind the reflector. beams (Fig. 28).

Fig. 27. Three typical valves developed for short-wave work and variously described
as "acorns" and "peanuts", which suggests their small size. They are small in
order to reduce internal capacities and electron paths. The lead wires co-operate
with clips, there being no valveholder in the usual sense.
Fig. 28. A remote -controlled centi-
metre wave transmitter (housed in
weatherproof box) with its tiny aerial
and large reflector array. Such a corn-
munication system can be used only
between points little more than visual
distance apart.

very small or practically non-
existent, while in the deepest
shadow the dots are full-size and
very black. The illustration in Fig.
2 shows this process.
Even the eye operates in the
same way, because the retina is
made up of a large number of very
tiny dot -like cells.
We can build up an image,
therefore, by using a sufficient
Fig. 3. A cathode-ray tube. On the flat number of small elements of
end the television picture appears. Air different degrees of blackness
is exhausted from the tube which has arranged in the right order. We
to be very strong to withstand atmo-
spheric pressure. In large types the call these "picture points".
diameter may be 16 ins. Now, obviously, if we have a
scene containing a large amount of
ever, has a far more difficult pro- detail, such as a procession or a
blem, because he has to build up football match, it will be necessary
his picture completely in that very to divide the image up into a very
short space of time, whereas the large number of these picture
cinematograph engineer has his points or detail will be lost.
pictures already printed on a
transparent strip of celluloid, and Face Detail
has merely to arrange that they To take an obvious example : If
come lens at the a scene of people
right moment. and each man's head occupies one
What do we mean by building five -hundredth of the total area,
up a picture? Any reproduction, then, if we only had 500 picture
whether it be a photograph, an points, it would be quite impossible
illustration in a paper or an image to show any detail on the indivi-
on a television screen, is composed dual faces. The best we could do
of a series of very small dots. would be to have a very light
Where there is a large amount picture element where there was a
of light in the subject, the dots are face, and dark ones where there
were no faces. Viewed
from a considerable
distance, this might
give the impression of
men's faces, but if one
come closer to the
image and found that
the detail did not get
better, one would be
LICHT dissatisfied.
Every one of those
faces would in itself
Fig. 4. The main elements of a CR tube are an elec- require to be com-
tron -emitting cathode, an anode and the fluorescent
material forming the screen. Where the electrons posed of perhaps i,000
hit the screen a spot of light appears. picture points, mean -
ing that the whole
scene would need to
be made up of half
a million elements.
Now, practical ex-
perience shows that it
is not necessary to go
higher than about
in a scene. If the eye is MODULATOR SECOND ANODE
to view the scene as a Fig. S. To focus the electrons in a narrow beam and
whole, it cannot ap- accelerate them, the anode is developed into an
preciate any better assembly of electrodes called an "electron gun".
detail than this. electrons emitted by the cathode,
But even this number is quite
large enough, for our method of and, because of the high voltage,
operation is to assemble these it actually draws them across the
picture points in rows or lines intervening space at high speed.
arranged one above the other, and
the time available for the repro- III
duction of each individual element
is one five -millionth of a second !
It is not surprising that tele-
vision made very little headway
until the cathode-ray tube was
brought to a reasonable of
This device (Fig. 3), the big
brother of the valve, is a truly CATHODE
remarkable piece of equipment. It MODULATOR
consists of a heated cathode coated
with certain oxides which have the
property of giving off electrical Fig. 6. An alternative method of focuss-
ing is to use a magnetic field set up by a
particles or "electrons" in great coil placed round the neck of the tube.
profusion when the cathode is
heated to a dull red. In front of the Those electrons which hit the
cathode (Fig. 4) we place an anode anode return through the external
with a small hole in the centre,aand circuit back to the cathode, but
to this anode we apply a fairly high those in the centre shoot straight
voltage. This voltage attracts the through the hole and continue in
a straight line, at a high velocity.
We mount this structure inside
a long glass tube, and some inches
.L SCREEN farther on we place a screen coated
with certain chemicals. For con-
7- -
DEFLECTOR PLATES . venicnce this screen is usually
made the end of the tube itself,
which is coated on the inside with
Fig. 7. The electro-static field between a fine crystalline powder.
plates carrying a potential serves to
deflect the electron stream. When the electrons reach this
modulator. This is an instantane- plate will attract the electrons, and
ous process, so that we have a the negative plate will repel them.
source of light of which we can Consequently, the beam, instead
vary the intensity at incredibly of travelling straight down the
rapid rates-far more quickly than centre of the tube, will deflect to
we need for our particular purpose. one side (Fig. 7), and the spot will
But this electron beam has not appear in the same place on
further advantages. We can cause the screen.
it to move easily. If we place a pair Here again, by the mere applica-
of plates on either side of the beam tion of electrical voltages on the
and make one plate positive and deflector plates we have been able
the other negative, the positive to move the spot from one

Fig. 12. An extreme example of how a picture can be assembled from separate
elements-in this case an eighth of an inch square. Viewed at a distance of 6 ft.,
the picture appears to have some detail and appreciable depth. In a television pic-
ture the elements may be a fiftieth of an inch or less square and in all degrees of
brilliance instead of only three gradations as in this illustration.
point to another instantaneously.
Actually this process is not quite as
instantaneous as the other, but it is
still practically instantaneous for
our purposes.
Placing the Spot
If we use a similar pair of plates
at right angles to the first pair, we
can cause the spot to move in a
vertical direction, and, by placing
the appropriate voltage on both
pairs of plates, we can make the
spot take up any position we like
on the screen (Fig. 8).
It is possible to produce this Fig. 13a. The principle of scanning was
first utilised in the scanning disc used
deflection magnetically by arrang- for low -definition (30 -line) television.
ing coils on either side of the tube, The disc contains 30 holes arranged
as shown in Fig. 9. The direction in spiral formation.
of deflection in this instance is at
right angles to the magnetic field, across the screen in a horizontal
so that if we want to move the spot line until it comes to the other side.
vertically, we place the coils on a Let us now move it back again very
horizontal axis, and vice versa. In quickly to the starting point, and
practice, to get the coils as close to cause it to move across the screen
the beam as possible, they are again in a second line slightly
usually shaped to fit closely round below the first.
the neck of the tube (Fig. xo). We can do this by arranging
With this mechanism we are that all the time the spot is moving
now able to build up a picture, and across the screen it is also being
the process we use is known a caused to move downwards, very
"scanning". Suppose we start the slowly, so that it finishes the first
spot at the top left-hand corner of line a little lower than it started.
the screen and we cause it to move Consequently, when it flies back



Fig. 13b. The scene is focussed on the disc and is "seen", strip by strip, by the
photo cell as the holes in the rotating disc swing by.
picture. In other words, the eye
will just see a series of lines of
light on the screen, and if we make
these lines sufficiently large in
number and sufficiently close to-
CATHODE DEPOSITED gether, the effect obtained will be
ON INSIDE OF CLASS 110111'\ of a rectangular patch of light,
RING SHAPED even though it has really been
traced out by only one tiny spot.
MICROAMMETER Reading of it, one may find it
Fig. 14. Diagrammatic representation difficult to imagine how a minute
of a photocell. Light waves striking the spot of light, simply by rapid
photo sensitive material release elec- movement over the area, can ap-
trons which are gathered by the anode.
pear to create a large luminous
and commences the second line it rectangle. The persistence of vis-
does so just below the first line, ion characteristic of the eye, al-
and so on until we can produce a ready explained, is what produces
screen or raster of lines, as shown the illusion. The effect is the same
in Fig. i 1. as that which we have all noticed
Moreover, if we do this whole at some time when a match or
process in one twenty-fifth of a cigarette end, moving suddenly in
second, and then send the spot the dark, has appeared as a red
back to the starting point and go streak.
over the whole ground again, the Actually, the fluorescent mater-
eye will not be able to follow the ial of the screen glows for a frac-
movement of the spot, but will see tion of a second after the impact
the whole image as a complete of the electrons has ceased and





Fig. 15a. Elements of an electron camera. The scene produces electric charges on
the photo -cell mosaic, and the strength of light at each point determines the
amount of charge. When scanned by the electron beam, the mosaic discharges.
producing voltages across the amplifier valve.
this aids the illusion. It will be
realised that to produce a large
bright area, the tiny spot of light
must itself be extremely brilliant.
Remembering now that we said
that the intensity of the spot could
be varied as required, it will be
clear that if, while the spot is
travelling along the line, we can
cause it to change its brightness,
we have all the mechanism for
building up a picture. By causing
the spot to brighten in certain
parts, to become dimmer in others,
and perhaps go out altogether at
other places, we can get a succes- I

sion of picture points of light and

shade, which, when the picture has
been completely finished, gives us
an image of whatever we wish.
Detail and Distance
The process is illustrated very
crudely in Fig. 12, where, for the 11
artist's benefit we have restricted
the number of picture points very Fig. 15b. An electron camera as used
by the BBC for pick-ups.
severely. We have also used only
three grades of intensity, black, gives you a simple imitation of
half white and white, whereas in the subject.
the television picture we have a On a cathode-ray tube we use
complete range. something like 400 lines, and each
Viewed closely, this image does one of these lines is divided up into
not appear anything spectacular, about Soo picture points-in other
but if you will regard it at a dis- words, the spot changes its inten-
tance of 6 feet you will find that it sity something like 500 times as it


Fig. 16. Illustrating how, element by element, the receiver recreates the trans-
mitted scene provided the elements are correctly located. To ensure this, trans-
mitter and receiver scanning must be synchronised.
H 225 (R.E.)
tube it will cause the spot to
modulate its intensity, and will
result in a bewildering variety of
TO meaningless patterns.
PLATE If we are to produce a picture,
we must have some similar scann-
T ing arrangement at the transmitter
F g. 17. The essence of a time base is which will split up the scene into
a charging condenser with a discharger picture points in a suitable order
that comes into operation when a cer- and number. In the early days a
tain voltage is reached.
"scanning" disc was used, and in
goes along each line. This gives us much -improved forms it is still
the zoo,000 picture points which used sometimes for transmitting
we originally decided were neces- films. It consists essentially of a
sary, and in practice an image rotating disc containing a spiral
built up in this manner gives a series of holes arranged as in Figs.
remarkably fine picture. 13a and b. At present, however,
The tiny size to which this light the scanning arrangement used for
spot must be focussed will be real- all studio and outdoor television
ised when it is appreciated that is the "electron camera".
some 400 lines must be traced on
a screen only, perhaps, a few
inches deep.
Our next query is how to con- $0

trol the brilliance of the spot. We

shall discuss later the circuits used
for causing it to move sideways and
vertically in the particular manner
necessary to build up the frame- Fig. 18. The discharge point, B, has to
be located so that the straightest part
work. of the charging curve, A-B, is utilised.
Applying Modulation The electron camera, or Icono-
The modulation of its intensity scope, is an arrangement some-
is accomplished by applying vol- what like the cathode-ray tube, in
tages to the modulator of the tube, that it contains a beam of electrons
and these are the voltages we pick which are focussed and caused to
up from the transmitter. move from side to side in the same
Actually if one applies the way as the receiving tube. Instead
ordinary signals from a radio set to of the fluorescent screen, however,
the modulator of a cathode-ray we have a photo -electric mosaic.
I This is made in
the form of a plate
- containing on its
surface hundreds of
thousands of very
tiny globules of
photo -electric mate-
00 rial. This is a chemi-
Fig. 19. The saw -tooth waveform of the output of a cal which gives off
lime base is represented by this graph. electrons in pro-
portion to the amount of light electrons to go, they accumulate
which falls on it. as a charge on the cell. Conse-
Fig. 14 illustrates a photo- quently, if we focus an image on
electric cell which consists of a to the whole mosaic, each of the
surface coated with this photo- tiny photo cells acquires a charge
electric material and an anode in proportional to the amount of
the centre on which we place a illumination at that point.
positive potential. If we shine a We now scan this plate with an
light on the cell, the photo -electric electron beam which moves from
material gives off electrons which side to side in a series of lines, just
are attracted to the anode and as it does in the receiving tube.
produce a current in an external When the beam reaches each
circuit. This current is propor- individual photo -cell in turn, it
tional to the amount of light flow- discharges it and causes a current
ing, and devices like this are used to flow through the external cir-
for many purposes (Chapter 15). cuit. This current will obviously
In the electron camera (Fig. 15) be proportional to the charge at
each individual tiny photo cell in that point, so that the current
the mosaic is activated by the which flows varies continually,
amount of light which falls on it. and is at any instant proportional
But since there is nowhere for the to the light -value at that part of


Fig. 20. Schematic diagram illustra-

ting how two time bases, one for the
lines and the other for the frames,
produce the required raster on the
CR tube.


the picture on which the beam is pond at all, and we should simply
resting at the time. get a meaningless jumble.
All we have to do to reproduce If, however, we can arrange that
the image on a cathode-ray re- strict synchronism be maintained,
ceiving tube, therefore, is to pro- then not only will the receiver
duce a voltage which is propor- build up a faithful reproduction
tional to this current generated by of the image at the transmitter, but
the electron camera. When the it will continue to do so over and
image is bright we shall have a over again, so that we are left with
large voltage on the modulator of the impression of a continuous
the receiving tube which will cause and steady image, in much the
the beam to glow brightly. At same way as in the cinema.
points where there is no illumina-
tion there will be no current, and Time Base
the intensity of the spot on the To understand how this syn-
receiving tube will be cut off. chronism is arranged we must
Obviously, we can connect the first consider the manner in which
transmitter and the receiver the spot is caused to deflect across
directly by a wire or through a the screen. This is accomplished
radio link, in the same way as we by a device known as a time base,
transmit speech and music by which in its simplest form is
radio (Fig. i6), the only essential shown in Fig. 17.
requirements being that the scann- Here we have a condenser which
ing beam and the transmitter and is charged through a high resis-
the receiver shall move absolutely tance. Now, if we connect the
in step. battery to a condenser through a
resistance, the condenser does not
Synchronisation immediately charge up to the full
This requirement is clearly voltage of the battery.
of primary importance, because It takes a little time to do so,
obviously if the beam at the trans- and the higher the resistance the
mitter scanned the image quicker longer will be the time taken.
than that at the receiver, the pic- Similarly, with a given value of
ture points would appear in the resistance, the larger the condenser
wrong sequence. At the end of the the longer will be the time taken.
first line we should get into diffi- Consequently, the voltage across
culties, because the transmitter the condenser, which is propor-
would have flashed back and tional to the amount of charge on
commenced to scan the second line it at any instant, will gradually
of the picture while the receiver build up to its full value. Fig. i8
was still operating at the end of shows the particular manner in
the first line. which a condenser charges, and it
This lack of agreement would will be seen that the rise in voltage
become steadily worse and, remem- is fairly steady at first, then after-
bering that the whole operation is wards trails off.
completed in about one twenty- Now, it is this first part of the
fifth of a second, and is then charging cycle that we are inter-
repeated over and over again, it ested in, for obviously over the
will be clear that the successive portion AB the voltage on the
images built up would not corres- condenser is increasing at a more
or less steady rate, and moreover time of travel from one side of the
we can alter this rate by changing screen to the other would have to
either the value of the capacity or be one five -thousandth of a second
the resistance. If the terminals of (Fig. 2o).
this condenser were connected to The question is, of course, how
the deflector plates of a cathode- we are going to discharge the con-
ray tube, the beam would be de- denser when required at the end
flected from one side to the other of each line and "frame". For-
at a rate depending on the charg- tunately there are circuits which
ing rate of the condenser. will do this. One of the simplest
and easiest to explain is the gas -
Saw -Tooth Wave relay, which is a triode valve con-
Moreover, if we had some taining a small amount of gas, such
arrangement which would dis- as neon, argon or helium.
charge the condenser when it Suppose we imagine an ordin-
reached the voltage corresponding ary valve with a fairly large nega-
to the point B, the operation tive voltage on the grid and no
would recommence, and we should voltage on the anode. Obviously
obtain a series of relatively slow there will be no anode current. As
and steady charging, followed by we increase the anode voltage
a rapid discharge giving us the there will still be no anode
effect illustrated in Fig. 19. This current, because the electrons
is called a saw -tooth wave, for emitted by the cathode are being
obvious reasons, and it will be held in check by the negative
clear that it gives us exactly what voltage on the grid, and not until
we need for scanning. the anode voltage reaches some
The relatively slow charge of the value fairly large relative to the
condenser first generates a voltage grid voltage will its effect be
which moves the spot from one sufficient to overcome this thrott-
side of the screen to the other, ling action by the grid:
while on the rapid discharge it
flies back to the starting point and Valve Control Ratio
proceeds to traverse the same The point at which anode
route again. current begins to flow is depen-
As we have seen, in producing dent on the "control ratio" of the
a television scan we also arrange valve, which is a factor somewhat
that a similar voltage is supplied similar to the amplification factor,
to the vertical deflector plates, but being dependent on the closeness
operated at a much slower rate, so of the grid wires and the relative
that the successive lines produced distances between the various
by the travel of the spot are spaced electrodes. It is usually something
slightly from one another. between zo and zo times, so that
The time taken by the vertical if we haves v. negative on the
travel is equal to the time which grid, we shall not obtain any anode
we allot to the picture-e.g., one current until the anode voltage
twenty-fifth of a second, while the reaches something in the neigh-
time taken for the horizontal bourhood of zoo.
traverse must be shorter than this Now, with an ordinary valve, if
by the number of lines we require. we reach this point, a little current
If we want 200 lines, then the will flow; and if we increase the
+400 V turn produce more ions, with the
result that in a very short space of
time a very large current is
Moreover, this current con-
tinues to flow as long as there is
any voltage on the anode, and we
can reduce the voltage practically
to zero without stopping the
current. Once the current has
started to flow, therefore, it buil&
up immediately to a large value,
Fig. 21o. The special properties of a gas - which cannot be stopped until the
relay valve, or thyratron, enable it to voltage is removed from the anode.
be used as a time -base discharge device.
The voltage at which the discharge oc- Figs. 2. ia and b illustrate such
curs is controlled by the grid bias. a valve connected across the con-
denser of the time -base circuit of
anode voltage, more current will Fig. i6. It will be seen that we
flow, while if we decrease it below have here all the requirements
the critical value again, the current necessary.
will stop. If there is any gas in the We start with a small negative
valve, however, the electrons mov- voltage on the grid, and this holds
ing in the space between cathode the valve in a non -conducting con-
and anode encounter some mole- dition. As the condenser charges,
cules of gas and "ionise" them. the voltage on the anode rises,
These heavy positive ions drift until ultimately a point is reached
back towards the negatively charged at which it overcomes the effect
control grid, and tend to nullify of the grid, and current commences
its effect, so that still more elec- to flow.
trons are released. These in their At this point, as we have just



Fig. 21b. A complete thyratron time base showing the saw -tooth generator
followed by two amplifier stages as described in the text.
seen, the current rapidly builds up on the grid, the anode voltage
to a very high value, and this dis- must rise to ioo before firing
charges the condenser. As the commences.
condenser discharges, the voltage Let us suppose that we are
falls, and consequently so does the operating the valve with 5 v. on
voltage on the anode of the valve. the grid, but that when the anode
We have seen that this has prac- voltage has reached go we suddenly
tically no influence on the dis- reduce the voltage on the grid from
charge current and, therefore, the 5 to 3. The anode voltage is now
condenser discharges completely well above the "firing" point for 3
(or very nearly so). v. bias, so that the valve imme-
When the voltage has fallen to diately fires and the condenser
zero, the ions in the gas re -com- discharges.
bine and the whole valve becomes
inert once again, so that the con- Synchronising Impulses
denser is free to charge up once Now, at the transmitter we
more. It goes on in this manner, arrange that when the scanning
charging up slowly to a critical spot comes to the end of each line,
value and discharging extremely a synchronising impulse is pro-
rapidly, giving us the saw -tooth duced. This synchronising impulse
wave which we need. The point at is in the form of a sharp increase in
which the discharge commences voltage. At the receiver we apply
is easily controlled by adjusting the corresponding voltage to the
the value of the grid bias on the grid of the time -base valve so that
valve. it produces the triggering action
Because the arrangement is so just described.
sensitive to grid bias, it provides Actually, the synchronising im-
us with an easy method of achiev- pulses are generated indepen-
ing the synchronism we require. dently of the scanning in a separate
We can always arrange that, pro- unit, and they are applied to the
vided the voltage on the condenser time -bases which operate the
is somewhere near the correct transmitter, and they are also
triggering value, the application of mixed with the signals which are
a small positive voltage to the grid generated by the transmitter itself,
causes instantaneous operation of so that they are transmitted and
the relay. picked up by the receiver, where
For example, suppose we have they trigger the receiving time -
a valve with a control ratio of 20. bases at the correct instants
If we had 3 v. on the grid, then the (Fig. 22).
valve would "fire" when the anode By this simple expedient we are
voltage reached 6o. If we have 5 v. able to ensure that the time -bases



Fig. 22. Transmitter and receiver must be linked by both light -modulation and
synchronising signals. Both signals are radiated on the same carrier wave.
brilliance in the picture. Various
intermediate shades of illumina-
tion produce smaller amplitudes of
signal down to about 3o per cent.
of the maximum, which corre-
sponds to complete black.
"Blacker than Black"
The whole range of picture
brightness is obtained within this
compass from full value down to
3o per cent. For the synchronising
signal, however, the strength is
momentarily reduced to zero, so
that we have a signal correspondng
to "blacker than black".
At the receiver, conditions are
arranged so that with a signal 3o
Fig. 23a. One form of limiting circuit per cent. of the maximum the
which separates the synchronising signals
from the light signals. cathode-ray tube is just blacked
out. The synchronising impulse,
at both transmitter and receiver therefore, cannot make it any
are maintained strictly in step, the blacker, and consequently there is
only requirement being that they no apparent influence on the
must be arranged to run at approxi- picture. Because of the selecting
mately circuit just mentioned, the time -
hand. It will be seen that this does base can make use of this syn-
not involve any extra channel, chronising pulse to keep in step.
because the synchronising signal There are many other types of
is mixed with the modulation or
vision signal. All that is necessary
is that some discriminator circuit
shall be adopted to separate the
synchronising signal from the
normal modulation.
To facilitate this, the synchro-
nising signal is made stronger than
the strongest signal normally radia-
ted, and we then pass it through a
special form of limiting valve
(Fig. 23), which takes no notice of
the ordinary vision signals, but
responds immediately to the
large synchronising pulse.
So that the synchronising signal
shall not interfere with the picture,
it is usually made "blacker than
black". Fig. 24 shows the form of Fig. 23b. Synchronising separation is
also obtainable by a diode which con-
a television signal. The maximum ducts only when the anode becomes
strength of signal is with full more positive than the cathode.
wHirt noa,?.I

BLACK (30% r - - -if\-



Fig. 24. Typical waveform of a television signal. The synchronising purses are the
"blacker than black" portions where the signal drops below 30 per cent.

time -base. The gas relay described level of the picture. We have seen
has one disadvantage-namely, that the range of light and shade
that it tends to be a little erratic. is all contained within the limits of
Its operation depends on atmo- maximum signal down to 3o per
spheric conditions, on the number cent. of the maximum.
of hours that it has been in use and At the receiver we must arrange
various other factors. Circuits that at 3o per cent. signal we have
which have an equivalent opera- blacked out, and at full signal we
tion (see Fig. 25) have been de- have the tube giving the maximum
vised using valves of the ordin- brightness which it can stand
ary high -vacuum type, which are without de -focussing. If we have
more reliable in their operation. too much current in the beam the
The principle, however, remains sharp focus of the spot deterio-
the same, and the differences are rates, and we get a blurred image.
only in detail. We have two things to do at the
A point which is worth men- receiver to comply with this. The
tioning is that of the brightness first is to adjust the strength of the

Fig. 25. Illustrating two other forms of saw -tooth generators. The type shown
on the right, is known as a "squigger" circuit.
modulation signal which is re- transmitter wishes to black out his
ceived from the transmitter so that scene. He simply cuts off his light,
its range of values just fits into the and the scene goes dark. At the
required scale, and the second is receiving end, however, the cir-
to see that the average value of the cuits will tend to restore them-
voltage on the modulator elec- selves to the mean or average
trode of the receiving tube is value. And after a momentary
correct. black out the picture will brighten
up and give us the effect of a light
grey-h2lf-way between black and
white. The presence of the "DC
restoring" circuit (Fig. 26) avoids
this, and makes sure that as long
as black signals are being trans-
mitted, then the receiving tube
TUBE correctly gives black indication.
'CATHODE It remains to consider the
mechanism by which we transmit
Fig. 26. The DC restorer preserves a the vision signal. This is done by
correct average value of lighting for the modulating a radio -frequency car-
image as a whole, so that bright and rier in exactly the same manner
dull scenes are not "levelled out" by
the amplification of the receiver. as with speech and music of an
ordinary radio transmission.
If this voltage is too little, then The principal difficulty arises
the image will be, as a whole, too from the greatly increased band-
and the blacks will not width required. We have seen that
appear fully black, while the whites the time of one picture point is
will be over -bright and distorted. something like one two -millionth
If, on the other hand, the steady of a second, which means that our
bias is too much, then we shall modulation frequency extends to
reach black level before the right something over 2 megacycles.
moment, and we shall only see the
high lights of the picture, while Carrying Modulation
all the detail in the shadows Now, if we are to carry modu-
will be lost. lation on the carrier wave, it is
This adjustment is partly effec- essential that the rate at which we
ted by hand operation when the vary the amplitude of the carrier
picture is first tuned in, but, in shall be slow compared with the
addition to this, special circuits rate at which the carrier oscilla-
are incorporated which generate a tions change. In other words, the
steady voltage proportional to the carrier frequency must be many
average brightness of the picture, times greater than the highest
and these automatically preserve modulation frequency.
the correct relationship between The normal broadcast band
transmitter and receiver. It is not operates at frequencies around
possible to discuss these circuits in megacycle with the highest modu-
detail, but their necessity will be lation frequency about io kc.-a
obvious if we consider a simple ratio of too -T, and consequently,
black out. to preserve the same ratio, we
Suppose the producer at the should need a carrier frequency





Fig. 27o. An outside broadcast, or OB, is frequently relayed to the main trans-
mitter by a mobile unit operating on an ultra -short wavelength.

for television of something above Moreover, it is possible to have

200 megacycles. special cables led from the central
Fortunately, we find that it is studio to various points of vantage,
not necessary to go quite as high such as football grounds and other
as this, and the frequencies cus- places of interest, and for mobile
tomarily used are around 40 to work to have special short wave
6o mc. corresponding to wave- links operating on a few metres
lengths between 5 and 7 m. only, which link up the scene to
This, of course, is within the be televised with the central trans-
ultra short wave band, so that we mitter (Figs. 27a and b) .
are at once confronted with the
limitations of this type of trans- Ultra -Short Waves
mission-the strictly limited range For the television receivers,
being the major disadvantage, as ordinary ultra -short wave tech-
discussed in the chapter on Short nique is adopted. Owing to the
Waves. high frequencies involved, special
At first this seems a disadvan- valves having very small clear-
tage, but it does not necessarily ances between electrodes are used
follow that it is an insuperable (Fig. 28), and the circuits employed
one. It is possible to transmit the have to be designed to accommo-
very high frequency modulation date a relatively much larger
signals over special types of cable band -width than with ordinary
known as coaxial cable, and this broadcasting technique.
leads to the idea of a chain of sta- These, however, are points of
tions located in the principal cities circuit design which are capable
of the country, fed with transmis- of solution, and have been very
sions from a central point. successfully solved. At the moment
a larger number of valves is re-
quired than is the case for the
equivalent sound reception, be-
cause in order to maintain the
amplification over the wide band-
width it is necessary to use low
values of anode resistances, v. hich
means that the stage gain is
limited to something between 5
and so with normal practice.
Improved Types
Gradually, improved types of
valve are being developed, and
these will in time enable the Fig. 28. One of the smaller types of
number of stages to be cut down. valve developed for operation on the
Various complete television re- short waves employed for television.
ceivers of the type which were beam of light from side to side
available in Britain up to the war for the "lines" and up and down
are illustrated in Figs. 29-31. That for the "frame". The intensity of
in Fig. 31 is a large screen type the light is modulated by a special
which was the only one on the crystal "gate".
market to use a mechanical system One final word may be said
instead of a cath- regarding a form of scanning which
ode-ray tube sys- was adopted by the BBC. It was
tem. desired to use 400 -line images,
Fig. 32 shows and it was found that if these were
the optical ar- repeated only 25 times per second
rangement of this the eye was conscious of a distinct
Scophony system, flicker.
and it will be seen
that the cathode- Rate of Flicker
ray tube is re- In the cinema the light is cut
placed by two ro- off not only when the picture is
tating drums changed, but also twice while the
which deflect a picture is actually on the screen,
and this raises the flicker rate to
72 per second, which is fast enough
to cause no discomfort.
To avoid the influence of
flicker in television, it was found
that a picture re-
petition rate of at
least 5o pictures
!III a per second was
desirable, but to
- 14'17 7 Timor
lir C;) j

repeat a 400 -line
it' law Rill I 1111,11 I,

Fig. 27b. When the Alexandra Palace television trans-

picture in one
mitter was in operation, the BBC used the ladder of a fiftieth of a second
fire escape to carry the aerial used for OB relays. demanded modula-

. . ,,.
1,1 ..

... I Wa

'45 g

Fig. 30. With the smaller tubes a com-

plete receiver, covering ordinary sound
broadcasts as well, can be arranged In
a table type cabinet.
Iliii. rp,:jr.:


Fig. 29. With the largest tubes it is

sometimes more convenient to mount
them vertically and view the picture
through a mirror In the lid.

tion frequencies as high as 5 mega-

Interlacing System
As a compromise the inter-
lacing system was devised in which
half the number of lines was trans-
mitted in one fiftieth of a
second. The next image, however,
was arranged not to fall exactly
over the first picture, but to lie in
between the previous set of lines.
The point is illustrated in Fig. cium initimummilinaulumou
33 on a small scale, where the full F g. 31. A large -screen receiver suitable
for large rooms and small public gather-
lines A-B, C-D, etc., represent ings. This model used the ScDphony
the first scan. It will be seen that mechanical mirror system.

Fig. 32. The Scophony receiver

employs a special device to
modulate the light from a
powerful source, and scanning
is obtained by two rotating
mirror drums.





the bottom line finishes in the Such an arrangement can very

middle of its scan, and the spot easily be obtained by using an odd
then flies to the top of the picture number of lines, and the BBC
and commences on the dotted transmission used 405 lines, 2021
lines K-L, M-N. When the spot on each scan.
reaches the point T it flies back to
point A and re -commences the Preventing Flicker
process. It thus covers the screen In this way we have 405 lines
in two successive travels inter- repeated in one twenty-fifth of a
lacing with one another. second, but because of the division
into two successive half scans
occupying half the time, the flicker
A rate was equivalent to 5o per
second, and in actual practice the
effect was very satisfactory.
The transmissions at present
0 taking place in America also use
this interlacing, and it appears
likely to be generally adopted as a
F device to increase the flicker rate
without making too severe a de-
mand on the band -width to be
S- - _ _I
H transmitted.
- -T Television had definitely proved
its entertainment value when the
J B.B.C. service had to be suspended
Fig. 33. To obtain simple interlacing it in 1939. There can be no doubt
is necessary for the raster to consist of
an odd number of lines with the frame that technical advances now being
fly -back occurring between the points made will result in almost perfect
J and K as shown. pictures in the future.


INTERFERENCE is the name given wherever electrical disturbances

to those crackles, bangs, whirr- take place. Everyone has evidence
ings and whistles which mar of this-the "sputter" heard in
radio reception and which are due sets when there is lightning.
to causes outside the receiver Itself. Various electric discharges take
Noises almost indistinguishable place in the air, particularly at
from interference may be caused high altitudes, without lightning
b3f. loose connections in a set or being visible. The crackles these
by faulty adjustment, but, beyond cause are called atmospherics. In
the fact that the engineer must the early days of radio, atmo-
know how to identify them for spherics were thought to be due to
what they are, they have nothing electrostatic discharges in the
to do with the subject of this aerial, and were given the name
Chapter. "static".
Natural electrical disturbances,
Forms of Interference in these latitudes at least, cause
The specialist in interference little interference-which is for-
suppression does not include in tunate, since little can be done
his province even those forms of to suppress them.
interference caused by overlapping Round our receivers, however,
of transmissions or interaction be- are electrical machines and appli-
tween receivers. As this chapter, ances, most of them setting up
however, is intended for the electrical disturbances and pour-
general radio technician rather ing interference, as a kind of by-
than the specialist, these hetero- product, into the ether. This
dyne forms of interference are "man-made static" is the sphere
dealt with on page z6 r. of interference suppression.
Interference always enters a set These two facts-that inter-
electrically, and in many cases it ference is a radio wave and is
arrives in the form of radio waves, generated by electrical machinery
similar to ordinary programme -enable us to appreciate the vital
transmissions. importance of suppression.
Some interference is generated The first means that required
transmissions cannot be separated of interference suppression. The
from interference waves. Both ether must be made "clean"-and
must be received together. For the made ever cleaner as the perform-
stations to be worth listening to, ance of receivers improves.
they must be strong with respect Suppression technique is now
to the interference, so that they well advanced. Seldom need inter-
are loud in the speaker while the ference remain at such a level that
static is negligible. The "signal - reception is impossible. In most
interference" ratio, must be high. cases suppression can be carried
This ratio determines what can out at a reasonable cost-possibly
be heard. Increasing the amplifica- a few shillings, a few pounds at the
tion of a set will not lift a trans- most. Suppression is not always a
mission out of the "mush", but simple matter, however, and a
only bring in more interference. good deal depends on the skill of
This is not the worst of the the engineer.
story. We are constantly extending
the use of electrical apparatus in Special Preventive Methods
houses, shops, factories and streets Complexity arises because, in
and thereby reducing the signal - the first place, interference can be
interference ratio. generated in numerous ways, each
It is no exaggeration to say that needing its own suppression me-
both the further development of thods and, secondly, because it can
receivers and the extension of enter a receiver in various ways
radio's service to the public each, again, requiring special pre-
depend on a parallel development ventive methods.
Suppression at the
source is best, but
cannot always be
applied, since the
AERIAL owner of the appa-
ratus is not neces-
EARTH sarily the suffering
listener. In any
event, suppression
at the source is never

ir 4
zoo per cent. effec-
tive. We have to
use also, therefore,
methods of suppres-
sion at the receiver.
Before he can take
any practical steps,
the engineer must
PLAYING DESK know: (i) how to
locate the source of
PICK-UP LEADS interference; and (a)
how to identify the
Fig. I. The hum which may occur when unscreened pick-
channels by which it
up wires run near the mains lead is an example of a enters the receiver.
simple form of interference. This means he must
have a reasonable knowledge of POWER LINE _
how interference is generated
and how it travels from source MAGNETIC` s .AERIAL
to set.
Interference may be set up -

whenever a current changes in

strength. A current is surrounded
by magnetic and electrostatic
fields,^and these change in strength
with any alteration of the current.
Any conductor in a changing

iii , -,'


field has currents induced in it
(see Chapter 17). e
This explains one form of inter-
ference-that caused by "direct Fig. 2. Electromagnetic field.
An AC mains wire will induce ELECTROSTATIC
hum in a receiver if placed within s
an inch or two of, say, the grid t
SOU/ s
lead to the first LF valve (Fig. t).
High Voltage Cables
With cables carrying high volt-
ages and large currents, such as
used in the Grid system, the I 1111..
effects can be experienced up to
distances of several yards, par-
ticularly when the cables are Fig. 3. Electrostatic field.
parallel to the aerial. The aerial Both electromagnetic and electro-
may have a current induced in it static fields may induce interference
by the magnetic field (Fig. 2), and currents in an aerial. The magnetic
field has little effect unless the aerial
there can also be a current in the is parallel to the power line. The
lead-in due to the electrostatic electrostatic field sets up an alternating
field (Fig. 3). current in the lead -down since polarity
By far the greater part of inter- of the aerial changes with every change
ference, however, is of the radio - of polarity of the power line.
frequency type. This is also due to flow back into the mains in an
changes in current flow, but is set endeavour to find alternative
up when these changes produce routes (Fig. 5). Being of high -
high -frequency oscillating currents frequency they are able to dis-
in the distributed inductance and charge into the capacity between
capacity (Fig. 4) of the machine the mains wires and between the
or appliance. The properties of mains and earth.
inductance and capacity and When the interference currents
how oscillatory currents are are equal and opposite in the two
produced in them are explained mains wires they balance out as
in Chapter 17. far as earth is concerned, and are
These oscillatory currents, un- called "symmetrical". If, however,
able to flow through the machine one main carries more interference
because of the circuit interruption, current than the other, the two

V 'D
:Vs V4 5a
2 V2
160-00 r0006

Fig. 4. Theoretical diagram representing a few of the innumerable Inductances

and capacities into which an interference -generating device may be analysed.
Symmetrical Interference voltages appear at V3 and V4 and voltages to earth
appear at VI and V2.

wires together have an "asymme- The capacities between the

trical" potential with respect to mains and between mains and
earth (Fig. 6). earth offer -least opposition to the
As the inductance and capacity higher frequencies present in an
of a machine are usually widely interference pulse. Consequently
distributed, they correspond to radiated interference is strong-
innumerable separate capacities est on medium and short waves,
and inductances. A large number while long -wave static is mostly
of oscillatory currents of different conducted.
frequencies (wavelengths) are set We can now distinguish three
up in these. For this reason inter- types of interference and four ways
ference generally extends over a they can pass between source and
very wide wave -range, possibly receiver.
from 5 to 2,000 m. The first two are the magnetic
Interference is generally pro- and electrostatic and both travel
duced in the form of very rapid by :
pulses (Fig. 7). These are called
"transients", and can be resolved (I) Direct induction as de-
into a large number of waves of scribed above.
increasing frequency and diminish- The third, radio -wave type, can
ing power. travel by :

eel YI
X V3
Fig. S. Interference voltages, VI, V2 and V3 drive HF currents through appliances
connected to the mains, such as nearby receivers, and into the capacities existing
between the wiring and between wiring and earth. These capacities, represented
by CI, C2, C3 and C4, are actually distributed throughout the whole mains system.

--- -
II% -"I',1;1
/ 1 1
1 1

1 ,

1 1

1 1 I %" 1 ,




11 1

1 . 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

. 1 I 1 1 1
Fig. 7. Interference pulses are generally
, 1 1 1 1

large in amplitude but last only a few

1 1
1 11 I I, 1
microseconds. This diagram shows the
/ ///// // waveform as it may appear in the tuned
. I 1 I 1 I, 1 1 1

1 1

circuit of a receiver.
Fig. 6. When the conductors of a cir-
cuit carry equal and opposite interfer- Re -radiation is a frequent cause
ence currents the fields to earth cancel of trouble, not because it spreads
out. If one current is stronger than the interference a long way, but
other, however, there is a predominant because it conducts the "noise" all
asymmetrical field set up between the
lines and earth. over the mains network and re-
leases it in close proximity to
(2) Radiation direct from the receivers and aerials.
interference generator to the re- Power cables, telephone lines
ceiver or its aerial-earth system. and other wires not connected to
Direct radiation is generally not the source pick-up radiated inter-
effective at more than so yards ference, conduct it and re -radiate
from the source, but is most severe it. Metal objects, such as guttering,
near trams, trolley buses and cause trouble in this way. These
factories, and has been known to four ways of travel are illustrated
energise aerials up to 40 yards. in Fig. 8.
For a given power, waves of Characteristic Sounds
high -frequency travel further. The
effect of this is that radiated inter- We have seen that interference
ference is generally strongest below is produced solely electrically. The
250 m. origin does not necessarily pro-
(3) Conduction. Interference duce a noise similar to that heard
currents travel along conductors, in the loudspeaker. In practice,
usually those forming the supply however, most types of inter-
system. The characteristics of the ference have a characteristic
mains quickly weaken medium - sound.
and short-wave currents, but long - Interference waves, when con-
waves ones may travel a mile or verted into electrical currents in a
more. receiver, are much too rapid to be
Conducted interference may audible. Each "train" of waves
enter a receiver through its mains produces a voltage at the demodu-
section. lator or detector stage, however,
(4) Re -radiation. This is a com- and a succession of them produces
bination of (2) and (3) and accounts a series of impulses which can
for 80-90 per cent. of interference. operate a loudspeaker and become
It occurs when wires conduct audible as sound (Fig. 9).
interference and also radiate it. The speed at which the "trains"
arc emitted depends on the rate of apparatus in which a circuit
circuit interruption in the appli- interruption occurs continuously
ance. When these interruptions and rapidly.
are caused in some way which
produces a noise-for example, Addressographs Hair dryers
the whine of a commutator and its Air conditioning Laundry plant
brushes, or the click of a dial tele- apparatus Lifts
phone-the impulses, occurring Bakers' and But- Lighting genera-
chers' machinery tor plants
in the receiver at the same rate, Beauty parlour Mixers, drink
produce an obvious correspon- equipment Motors
dence in sound. Cash registers Portable tools
The following tables give a list Calculating ma- Printing machines
of interference sources and their chines Razors
characteristic noises. Each list is Dentists' equip- Refrigerators
arranged alphabetically for con- ment Rotary converters
venient reference. Dishwashers Sausage machines
Drills Sewing machines
Whirring and Crackling Floor polishers Vacuum cleaners
These noises are generally due Garage equipment Washing machines
to electric motors and other Generators




Fig. 8. Interference may reach a receiver by any of four channels, either singly or
in combination. The four ways are (I) direct radiation, (2) conduction by the
mains, (3) re -radiation from the mains wiring, and (4) re -radiation, from energised
conductors, such as phone and power dines.
Clicking, generally due to
intermittent switching.
Car ignition Lifts
Dial telephones Switches and
Electric type- switchgear
Flashing signs Traffic signs
Incubators Fig. 9. The actual interference currents
produced in the aerial circuits of a re-
Buzzing ceiver are of high -frequency and do not
Air purifiers Power lines get beyond the detector stage of a set.
Arc lighting Sewing machines A series of them, however, produces a
Battery chargers Switchgear succession of pulses at the detector and
Bells Telephones these are slow enough to operate the
Buzzers Traction systems loud -speaker and become audible.
Car ignition Vibratory recti-
Discharge lamps fiers radio -wave. When broadside, the
Dust precipitators Violet -ray equip- pick-up is at a minimum, as the
Flour bleachers ment
Mercury rectifiers Water - heating currents produced in opposite
Neon signs equipment sides of the loop cancel out.
Oil burning igni- X-ray equipment An ordinary battery portable
tion systems can be used as a pointer to inter-
Splutt ering ference sources, but it helps if the
Bad connections in Control Gear frame is mounted on a short rod,
wires, earthing, Lifts as shown in Fig. 1o, so that it can
plug connec- Power lines be moved with greater freedom
tions. Traction systems than the whole set. A three wave-
Rushing Sounds band set is advisable and, as it may
Air purifiers Neon signs be operated where there is con-
Dust precipitators Power lines siderable external noise, head-
Flour bleachers Ultra -violet ray phones should be provided. It
High - frequency equipment must, of course, be battery
apparatus, in- X-ray apparaus operated.
dustrial and
medical When suppression is to be
applied at the receiver, there are
The location of the source of two ways the static may be enter-
interference is aided by recog- ing: (a) by pick-up on the aerial -
nition of characteristic sounds and earth system and, possibly, on the
also by the predominant wave- wires in the set itself, and (b) by
length. Frequently guidance can conduction via the mains con-
be obtained from the times at nection.
which noise occurs-for example, Conducted interference is most
it may be found to begin soon after common, and there is usually
"clocking -on" time at a nearby associated radiation from the
factory, or it may coincide with the mains wires. Pick-up of interfer-
operation of a lift. ence on the aerial only is compara-
An interference locator can be tively rare. Normally, the engineer
obtained by utilising the direc- applies suppression to the mains,
tional properties of a frame aerial. and follows this up, if it does not
This type of aerial picks up maxi- prove adequate, by fitting an anti-
mum signal when edge -on to a static aerial system.
could be connected
together by wires,
there would be no
HF currents fed
into the mains and
no radiation into the
ether. The poten-
tials would drive
currents through
the shorting strips,
thus dissipating the
energy in heat, and
that would be that.
Such a simple
remedy is not prac-
ticable, because the
shorting strips
would simultane-
ously short-circuit
the normal opera-
ting voltages of the
machine. Fortu-
nately, however, in
the condenser
(Chapter 17) , we
have a device which
will, to a large ex-
tent, short circuit
high -frequency po-
tentials while hav-
ing negligible effect
on currents of
Fig. 10. The directional properties of a frame aerial can
be used to locate interference -generating machines. An mains frequency
ordinary battery portable can be employed, but a separate
aerial on a rod and headphones are of great assistance, and providing a
particularly where, as in a factory, there may be a number complete stoppage
of sources and considerable acoustic noise. to direct current.
Fig. t i reproduces
By disconnecting the aerial and Fig. 4 with suppression condenser
earth of a receiver, a rough indica- connected across points of inter-
tion of the relative amounts of ference potential.
conducted and radiated interfer- The resistance of a condenser,
ence can be obtained. Occasionally or "reactance" as it is called,
it may be found that practically all depends on its capacity and on the
the noise disappears when the frequency of the applied current.
aerial is disconnected. Suppres- The larger the capacity of a con-
sion of the mains is then unneces- denser, the better it will short-
sary, and attention can be devoted circuit the interference currents;
to the aerial-earth system. however, expense and other fac-
If the points across which inter- tors set a limit to the actual
ference voltages occur in a machine capacity that can be used. For this
however, that across these points
are three impedances in series
-two choke -coils and a fur-
ther suppression condenser. The
chokes present high impe-
dances to the passage of the HF
Fig. I I. As condensers conduct HF cur- currents, but the condenser pre-
rent but pass very little low -frequency sents a low impedance. Practi-
AC and no DC, they can be connected cally all the interference voltage
as at CI and C2 to "short-circuit" the
interference voltages VI, V2. V will, therefore, be divided be-
tween the two chokes, and very
reason condenser suppression may little will appear across the con-
not be as effective on the long denser. It is across the condenser
waves (low frequencies) as on the that the mains are connected.
short waves. Actually, the mains themselves
Another point is this: the sup- possess inductance as well as
pression condenser is in parallel capacity, and this further increases
with the interference paths. The the effectiveness of the condenser.
lower the impedance (resistance) Asymmetrical Currents
of these other paths, the larger the
suppression condenser must be if Suppression condensers and
a considerable proportion of the chokes fitted as shown in Fig. 1 2
interference is to flow through would do all that is required as far
it. as symmetrical interference is con-
As the practical size of the con- cerned. As we have seen, however,
denser is limited, an additional there are also asymmetrical cur-
way of achieving the object is some- rents between the system and
times necessary. Instead of trying earth. These can be by-passed by
to lower the reactance of the con- condensers as in Fig. 13a or b,
denser still further, the impedance but it is quite possible for the
of the alternative paths is increased. same condenser to deal with both
This is done by inserting induct- symmetrical and asymmetrical
ances or choke coils. components.
Fig. 12 illustrates
how these two
complementary me-
thods of suppres-
sion may be ap-
plied. Across the MAINS
main source of HF Cl
potential a "short-
circuit" condenser is
connected, Cs. As- (a)
suming this is not
completely effec- Fig. 12. Illustrating the principle of the use of HF chokes
tive, an interference with suppression condensers. In (a) is a simplified practi-
voltage still remains cal arrangement and in (b) the theoretical equivalent.
The interference voltage V Is partly short-circuited by
across the points Cl. The remainilig voltage is applied across ZI, Z2, Z3
at V. in series. ZI and Z3 are of high value and practically all
It will be seen, the voltage is developed across them.
effect of reducing the asymmetri-
cal interference current.
For reasons of safety, however,
the frame should be earthed,
particularly with large machines.
T. In the case of small appliances, an
earth connection can be retained
Fig. 13. Two ways condensers can be and the asymmetrical current
connected to by-pass asymmetrical
currents to ground. limited by the use of a choke (Fig.
This is arranged for as shown in With large machines this method
Fig. 14. The condensers across the is not generally favoured, since a
circuit are each replaced by two break in or burn -out of the choke
condensers in series, and the might leave the frame at a danger-
centre -point is taken to earth. A ous potential.
parallel single condenser for sym- When the frame is not earthed
metrical suppression only may also (for example, with a domestic
be used. appliance), the return side of an
asymmetrical sup -
pressor from the
C2 ;1 'no -on
mains should be
connected to the
frame, and not to
earth (Fig. 16).
With this arrange-
Fig. 14. Illustrating two condensers arranged in series:
for example CI, C2, provide a symmetrical path between
ment anyone
mains and at the same time offer asymmetrical paths touching the ap-
from each main to earth. pliance will be in
series with the con-
The asymmetrical interference denser between earth and the
voltage appears between the appli- mains and to prevent the flow of
ance itself and its frame or housing a current sufficient to give a
(Fig. 15). Normally, the frame is shock, a condenser in this
earthed, and hence
the asymmetrical
voltage appears be-
tween mains and
If the frame was
disconnected from
earth, this would
have the same effect EARTH
small capacity be- VOLTAGE

tween the machine

and earth. This Fig. IS. Asymmetrical interference current flows first
small capacity through the capacity between the machine and its frame
would have a high (CI, C2, C3) and then via earth and the distributed capa-
city C4 back to the machine. The insertion of a choke
reactance and would between the frame and earth opposes the flow of this
have the beneficial current and reduces asymmetrical interference.



Figs. 16 and 17. When the frame of an appliance-usually an Item of domestic

equipment-Is not earthed, asymmetrical suppression must be taken to the frame
and, to avoid shocks, the capacities should not exceed the value shown.
position must not exceed cow ponents in parallel with operating
mfd. voltages should be fused whenever
Where the centre -point of two possible. Major requirements are
condensers across the mains is set out below.
taken to the frame (Fig. 17), the The capacity used depends on
arrangement acts as a potential the nature of the source and the
divider and the frame is raised to
half mains voltage. Here again,
therefore, the capacities must be
kept down to ooi or lower to pre-
vent the passage of a current suffi-
cient to give a shock.
If both the shorting and block-
ing methods do not give sufficient -J ----- - -
suppression of radiated interfer-
possible to application of all cases
Fig. 18. Extreme may call for the
the methods of sup-
arrest this by earthed metal screens pression shown here, condensers,
surrounding the source. These chokes and screening. Screening must
may convert the ether waves to completely surround the equipment
currents and lead these down to and be thoroughly earthed at several
points if of fair size.
earth (Fig. i8).
Condensers and chokes for sup- circuit, and is generally between
pression work must be carefully ooos and 2 mfds. The voltage
constructed and rated, since any rating should meet the require-
failure may affect the operation of ments set out in a British Stan-
the machine. In particular, com- dard Specification as follows:

Test Voltages
Working Voltage Between
Between Prefix Type No.
Terminals. Terminals and
Metal Case
250 AC ) 5,500 DC 1,5oo AC X
450 DC
25o AC 2,25o DC or 1,50o AC Y
750 DC5,500
5 oo AC 1 3,000 DC Or 2,000 AC XX
900 DC .1 2,000 AC


Fig. 19. Representative suppression condensers: (a) a twin unit In moulded case
with fuses, (b) impregnated paper types, (c) high -voltage mica dielectric type,
(d) flex lead suppressors in moulded cases and (e) a unit for Insertion between
power point and appliance plug. Suitable condenser units are available for practic-
ally all suppression purposes, fitted with fuses and shock proof cases where
these are considered necessary.

Fig. 20. Chokes are made in many types, from those fitted in flex lead suppressors
to others carrying 300 amps or more and suitable for fitting to trolley buses and
large industrial plant. For industrial purposes combined choke -condenser units
(b) are made up into screening boxes which can be inserted in conduit runs.

Suitable condenser units are Chokes are available in many

available for practically all sup- types for currents from a fraction
pression purposes. These are fitted of an ampere to 30o amps or more.
with fuses and shockproof cases Those below 5o amps rating are
where necessary. Typical units generally pancake wound, and
are illustrated in Fig. x9. those for higher currents are of
flat strip construction. They are temperature must not be for-
available with and without cases gotten, but standard BSS types
and in units combined with con- will withstand 120° F. or 50° C.
densers (Fig. 20). Chokes must be chosen with
The heavy-duty type of choke - operating temperatures, humidity,
condenser filter may be in a metal vibration and so on kept in mind.
housing suitable for insertion in Suppressors must always be
conduit. Small types for connec- fitted so that the leads are as
tion in the wires to domestic straight and short as possible. Any
appliances, and called "flex lead inductance in the leads to a con-
suppressors", are assembled into denser will reduce the effective-
neat moulded cases (type d in ness of the unit, particularly at
Fig. 19). high frequencies.
The development of iron -cores Below are described the types of
suitable for operation at radio fre- suppressor circuit suitable for vari-
quencies has permitted the pro- ous common sources. Where values
duction of very compact choke are not indicated, they must be
units for low -current circuits. arrived at by experiment, by ex-
Except when fitted inside an perience, or in consultation with a
appliance, suppressors should be specialist manufacturing concern.
fused. Where a condenser is not Small Motors. As these are
accessible and cannot be fused, a widely used in domestic appliances,
mica dielectric type should be such as vacuum cleaners, they are
fitted. With waxed types, the local a common source of static. Sup -




±005 I z z
110, o-
( T-005 T lio.


ronov EARTH (d)
Fig. 21. Four suppressor arrangements for application to small domestic appliances
and generally fitted in the form of flex -lead suppressors. Types (a) and (b) are for
use from two socket outlets, and types (c) and (d) provide more effective treatment
where there is an earth socket or where an earth can be provided.



F g.22. Condensers of 0.1 to 2 mfd. from each brush to frame are the first remedy
for DC and certain AC motors. A choke -condenser mains filter may also be neces-
sary with, perhaps, screening and earthing of the starter and wiring.

pression is best applied in the form however, as a break in the coil or a

of a "flex -lead" unit within a few breakdown of insulation in the
inches of the appliance. Various machine leading to a burn -out may
arrangements may be tried. result in the frame having a
In Fig. 21(a) is a simple unit dangerous potential.
with one by-pass for the sym- If condensers from the brushes
metrical component and one for to frame or earth are not effective,
the asymmetrical. Another type a choke -condenser unit between
is illustrated in (b). the starting gear and main switch
Where a device is operated from should be tried (Fig. 22).
a three -pin plug, a more effective Induction AC Motors. These do
arrangement, (c), can be used. not generate interference them-
This includes a choke in the frame - selves, but trouble is caused by the
to -earth lead. Compact suppressors associated switching. This may
with chokes in each main (d), and entail chokes in each main with
suitable for currents up to 2 amps, o -mfd. condensers down to earth.
have recently been evolved. Repulsion AC Motors. Con-
DC Motors and Generators and densers across the brushes serve
AC Series Motors. Condensers no purpose with these motors, and
from brushes to frame provide for a filter must be fitted at the mains
both symmetrical and asymme- input.
trical components. The capacity Rotary Converters. These often
necessary ranges up to z mfd., embody both AC and DC motors
according to the machine (Fig. and, moreover, are frequently used
22). to supply receivers. All the follow-
When there is a large asymme- ing may be necessary: cpi--2-mfd.
trical component from frame to condensers from DC brushes to
earth, a choke between frame and frame; ot-mfd. from AC brushes
earth is effective. It should be able to frame; choke condenser filters
to carry about a third of the full - in input and output leads; com-
load current of the machine. A plete screening and earthing of the
choke should not be fitted in this whole unit.
position without expert advice, Rotary converters with me -
with, perhaps, com-
plete screening of
all wires and
Flashing Signs.
Here each contact
cannot be suppres-
sed individually.
The whole "flash-
er" should be plac-
Fig. 23. Mechanical rectifier - ed in an earthed
converters such as the Crypto metal box and the
require condenser treatment
with, perhaps, a choke to re- lamp -leads run in
duce the asymmetrical current. screened cable. A
condenser should
chanical rectification, such as the be taken from each main to the
Crypto require comprehensive screening.
treatment, as in Fig. 23. Neon Signs. A choke of about 50
Battery Charging equipment. henries should be included in the
Large valve rectifiers (mercury - HT circuit-a special type insu-
vapour types) may require ox-mfd. lated to withstand the high volt-
condensers between anodes and age is necessary. Condenser sup-
cathode with, possibly, chokes in pression is required across the
the anode leads (Fig. 24). mains transformer, and all units
Switches and Thermostats. These and wiring must be effectively
are also frequently used in domes- screened and earthed (Fig. z6).
tic appliances. If the contacts are Lifts. Condensers may be fitted
accessible, a small condenser with to the motor brushes and a choke-
a series "quench" resistor may be condenser filter to the mains in-
very effective (Fig. 25). The value put. The contactor panel may
of resistor is critical, and experi- require screening and earthing.
ments should be made. A choke - The principal cause of trouble
condenser filter may be necessary is the trailing cable, and special
choke -filters are available for
application to this. No suppression
work should be carried out on lifts
without expert supervision, and
the co-operation of the people re-
sponsible for the maintenance of
the lift.
Ignition Systems. The ignition
systems of cars require io,000-
15,00o-ohm resistors, of special
design to withstand the tempera-
ture and vibration, in each HT
lead as close to the spark plug as
Fig. 24. Rectifiers as used for battery possible. A resistance of 5,000-
charging equipments frequently need 15,000 ohms is inserted where the
suppressors from each anode to cath-
ode. Chokes of 2,000 microhenries may HT lead from the coil enters the
sometimes also be called for. distributor.
The low-ten- '0000
sion make -and -
break requires a 150

0.5-mfd. conden- ohms

ser in shunt (Figs.

27 and 28). LOAD
The coil -case
should be bonded Fig. 25. Devices using simple make -and -breaks such as
to the engine thermostats and "flashers' often need a quench resist-
frame and the HT ance In series with the suppression capacity. The resist-
leads be as short ance prevents a too rapid charging and discharging of the
condenser and its exact value should be arrived at by
as possible. In experiment. Complete screening of all the wiring and
extreme cases the equipment is generally necessary.
complete ignition
system may be screened and types are usually picked up by the
bonded to frame. aerial-earth system, although in
A generator on the car with exceptionally strong fields they
third -brush regulation may be may also be picked up by wires in
suppressed by a shunt o.5-mfd. the receiver itself.
condenser mounted on the frame. The conducted type enters
For windscreen wipers, special mains sets via the mains trans-
choke -condenser filters for fitting former and rectifier system, and
in the lead are available. generally also creates re -radiation,
Medical Apparatus. Certain which is picked up in the same
equipments generate very power- way as direct radiation (Fig. 8).
ful high -frequency voltages. The conducted type, with its
Ordinary suppression methods associated re -radiated field, is the
are not applicable, and the most most common form of inter-
practicable remedy may be com- ference. The radiated field is
plete screening of the room con- usually limited to within about 25
taining the apparatus. A wire - feet horizontally and to feet ver-
mesh may be used. It must be tically. This means that where the
complete, covering doors and wiring of a house is carrying inter-
windows, and well bonded and ference a field rather as in Fig. 29
earthed. Condensers should be is set up.
fitted across the mains to prevent
HF being conducted outside the Filtering HF Currents
screening. The engineer's first object,
When suppression at the source obviously, is to filter the HF
cannot be applied, or is not suffi- currents out of the mains. Logi-
ciently effective, steps must be cally a condenser unit mounted as
taken to prevent interference enter- near as possible to the mains entry
ing the receiver. This it may do, into the house-i.e., on the meter
as we have seen by: board-is the best way of achiev-
ing this.
( t) Radiation, both direct and Before taking this step, how-
re -radiated. ever, it must be remembered that
(2) Direct induction. if there is present a radiated field
(3) Conduction. either from the actual source or
Radiated and direct -induction from nearby wiring, the mains

Fig. 26. It is not practicable to apply condenser suppression to neon signs, and
HF currents are reduced by the inclusion of a choke. This must be a type of about
50 henries specially designed to withstand the high voltage and exposure to
weather. With a split unit the high tension potential is reduced by means of a
centre -point earthing arrangement.

system in the house concerned may necessary. It may then be found

be re -energised between the entry that a meter -board filter serves no
and the receiver. With semi- useful purpose.
detached houses this is almost a The filter at the set may be of
probability, and it is often advis- the type shown in Fig. 30. It
able to see if an "input" filter can- should be located at the power
not also be fitted next door. point from which the set is
A check on re -radiation from operated and, if possible, the
outside can be obtained by using a mains wiring to the power point
battery set on the aerial and earth should be run in earthed conduit.
concerned and "cutting" the main The earth connection from the
switches of the house. mains -point filter should be sepa-
Where re-energisation cannot rate from the earth used for the
be avoided, a filter situated as close receiver.
to the receiver as possible is To minimise the transfer of

Fig. 27. Suppression of Ignition interference calls chiefly for resistances in the HT
leads and capacity across the distributor make -and -break. The high tension leads
should be as short as possible and the coil can be well bonded to chassis or engine.
A suppressor may also be put across the dynamo.

static from the mains to the dies : (a) a oi-mfd. condenser

receiver, transformers frequently between the live main and earth;
include an earthed screen (Fig. and (2) or-mfd. condensers across
3!). AC-DC sets as a class are each half of the mains transformer
recognised as being "noisier" than HT secondary (Fig. 3
AC types; this is because they do With condticted and associated
not oppose even a transformer as re -radiated interference reduced
a barrier to HF currents from the to a minimum, remaining noise
mains. Nowadays, however, many must be due to pick-up of radiated,
of these sets include suppression re -radiated or direct -induced in-
chokes and capacity in their mains terference on the aerial-earth
section (Fig. 32). system and, possibly, the set
A special form of interference itself.
which strictly is not due to the " The approach here is to collect
type of conducted interference now the "cleanest" signal possible by
under review, but which is, all the erecting the aerial where the inter-
same, due to HF in the mains, is ference field is weakest, and then
known as "modulation hum". It to prevent the pick-up of static on
appears only when a strong station the lead-in by running it through
is tuned in. There are two reme- an earthed metal screening tube.

Fig. 28. Ignition resistances have to be specially made to withstand heat and
vibration. Special condenser units and windscreen wiper suppressors are also made.
I 257 (R.E.)




Fig. 29. Interference generally travels further horizontally than vertically, is dens-
est near its source and clings to near -by wiring. The shading represents the pos-
sible shape of an interference field and indicates that a vertical aerial may be the
only really satisfactory way of picking up a "clean" signal.

This method inevitably reduces the screening of the cable. The

the signal fed to the set because, voltages induced in the secondary
normally, the lead-in acts as a col- are led down a twin transmission
lector; but as long as the signal - line to another transformer at the
interference ratio is increased, the receiver end.
loss of'signal can be compensated The aerial transformer steps the
by increased amplification in the voltage down. Apart from losses
set. An arrangement of a collector in the transformer, the energy
poftion of the aerial outside the remains the same, and the lower
interference field is shown in voltage is compensated by in-
Fig. 33. creased current. At the receiver
The lead-in and its earthed transformer, the Voltage is stepped
screen form a condenser. This up to practically its original level.
capacity is across the input of the It will be noted that an earthed
set and offers an alternative path screen in the receiver transformer
to the signal. A further loss of shields the secondary from any
signal, therefore, cannot be electrostatic field (see Fig. 3),
avoided. It is, however, kept as which may cause currents in the
low as possible by the use of transmission system as a whole.
"transmission -line" technique. To be ideal, the transformers
should be designed to match the
Use of Transformers aerial to the particular electrical
The effect of the screened lead- characteristics of the receiver. This
in as a condenser can be mini- would entail special equipment for
mised by reducing the voltage each make of set, and both aerial
between the lead-in and its screen- and earth transformers would have
ing. The use of transformers to contain waveband switching. In
enables this to be done. practice a compromise design is
A screened anti -static aerial generally achieved.
equipment, in this case the Belling- An aerial system of this kind is
Lee "Eliminoise", is designed as excellent for where a number of
shown in Fig. 34. At the top of the receivers have to be run from one
lead-in is an aerial transformer aerial. The transformers reduce
unit, the primary winding of the coupling between the sets.
which is connected to earth via Directly induced interference
waves in both electromagnetic and
electrostatic forms are mostly of a
horizontal nature, or are "horizon-
tally polarised". Waves have least
effect on conductors at right
angles to them; where directly
induced interference is present,
therefore, a vertical aerial picks up
least noise. This has led to the
development of the "rod" aerial.
For mechanical
reasons, a metal rod SOCKET
of convenient di-
mensions must be
limited to 52 or 58
feet in length. This
is a poor collector 400600
in comparison with
a 6o -foot horizontal EARTH 000 600, 0 SET EARTH

aerial. On the other

hand, a rod collec- Fig. 30. When the mains wiring of a house is energised
tor is non -direc- by radiated interference, conducted HF should be barred
from the receiver by a unit of this type (Belling-Lee)
tional, and it can fitted at the power socket near the set.
usually be mounted
on a chimney -stack some io or 55 and television reception (see Chap-
feet higher than a horizontal wire ters 7 and 8). In this case the whole
from the eaves. system is designed to match some
As Fig. 29 indicates, it is often particular wavelength and the
easier to mount an aerial of this aerial itself is "tuned". An addi-
type above a radiated field than tional anti -interference measure is
to arrange an L -type beyond it,
and consequently the rod aerial ELECTRO-STATIC
is not limited to where interfer-
ence is of the directly induced
Designers have partly offset the
small pick up of the rod aerial,
which has, of course, to be used
with a screened transmission line,
by arranging the whole system
to resonate over the wavebands
covered. As a result, when instal-
ling these systems the lead -down
should not be altered in length 4-z
T Ti
if this can be avoided. The cir- Fig. 31. A screen between the primary
cuit arrangement for a Belling- and secondary windings of a transfor-
Lee "Skyrod" is shown in mer reduces the electrostatic transfer-
Fig. 35. ence of interference. To reduce modula-
A special type of rod aerial is the tion hum 0.1 mfd. condensers may be
fitted across the HT secondary or from
dipole as used for ultra short wave live main to chassis.
in the usual way.
Any interference
AC -DC currents induced
in the twin down
wires flow to earth
via the centre con-
Fig. 32. Many AC- nection and cancel
DC sets now Include each other out in
HEATERS suppression coils
and capacity in the the transformer.
mains Input. On medium and
CHASSIS long waves, these
aerials are gener-
practicable in this case, as the ally switched so that the transfor-
aerial can be screened by resonant mer is cut out and the transmission
reflector rods (Fig. 36). line becomes in effect a single
Some all -wave aerials have anti- down wire. It then has no anti-
static properties on the short static properties.
waves. These are usually of the In very strong interference
"doublet" type-that is, the hori- fields, noise may enter a set by
zontal collector is in two parts, means of exposed wires in the
proportioned so as to have a chassis itself. These wires should
resonant effect over certain wave - be run through low -capacity
ranges. These two portions are screened leads if possible, or,
connected to the receiver by an alternatively, the whole receiver
unscreened transmission line, and may be screened by covering the
the centre point of the primary interior of the cabinet with metal
of the transformer is taken down foil connected to earth. In all cases
to earth. of interference the earth connec-
tion must be the best possible.
Alternative Circuits Noises which are not due to
With this arrangement the short electrical machines, but are every
wave signals are developed across bit as annoying, may occur as a
the ends of the transformer pri- result of (a) interaction between
mary, and energise the secondary transmissions, (b) incorrect opera -



Fig. 33. When the interference field does not Include the whole of the garden, a
clean signal may be picked up by this arrangement. A screened anti -static lead-in
must be employed as shown on the left of the illustration.


Fig. 34. To reduce
loss of signal through
the capacity be-
tween lead-in and
the screening cable,
transmission line
technique is em-
ployed. This entails
a step-down trans-
former at the top of
the lead and a step-
up transformer at
the receiver end.


tion of the receiver, or (c) inter- capacity between the lead-in and
action between receivers. earth.
When two transmitters are so Where trouble is caused by a
close together in the frequency powerful local transmission
band that their carrier waves over-
lap, the result may be a whistle,
chattering noises or background
talk. Most transmissions occupy at
least 4.5 kc. each side of the
carrier frequency, and so, if there X
is less than 9 kc. between two
transmissions, interference may
occur, and little can be done about
it at the receiving end. liCHTINO
Any efforts made to eliminate ARRESTOR

these noises must be directed to

reducing the band width received
(increasing the selectivity) and to
filtering out the whistle by means
of a filter circuit in the low -fre-
quency portion of the receiver.
When interference is heard
between two stations which are a
reasonable distance apart in wave-
length, the fault is lack of selec-
tivity. It should be ascertained
that the tuned circuits of the
receiver are properly aligned, and
some improvement may be
obtained by reducing the size of
the aerial. In particular, efforts Fig. 35. Transmission line technique is
also employed with the rod type col-
should be made to reduce the lector such as the above.
The rejector
type seeks to pre-
vent the unwanted
Fig. 36. On the ultra short signal passing from
waves, a reflector rod may the aerial to the set,
be used to screen the dipole while the acceptor
aerial from local interfer- type provides a by-
REFLECTOR I pass route.
FROM INTERFERENCE I receivers, a strong
1 local signal may
produce whistles at
several parts of the
dial. This may be
due to overload-
ing of the first valve
and to heterodynes
with the oscil-
lator frequency
and its harmonics.
Once it has been
proved that the
tuned circuits of
the set are proper-
TRAFFIC ly adjusted and
that the oscillator
stage is operating
with the correct
voltages and corn-
swamping a large part of the dial, ponent values, the only remedy is
remedy may be found in the use the use of a wavetrap.
of a wavetrap. This may be either Interaction between receivers is
a rejector type, a in Fig. 37, or comparatively rare now that the
an acceptor, b. old type of set with reaction is out
of fashion.

(a) (b)
Fig. 37. "Swamping" by a strong local transmission may produce several forms of
interference. The signal can be reduced by means of either a rejector wavetrap as
in (a) or by using an acceptor type (b).


LTHOUGH modern radio cloth moistened with a salt solu-

equipment tends to the use tion. Later he invented a cell
of the electric mains for using copper and zinc plates in the
supplying the necessary power, form of cups connected in series
there are many occasions when to form a battery of cells.
batteries must be used. Such
instruments as portable receivers, Electrodes and Electrolytes
microphone amplifiers, police Modern cells are made from two
transceivers all operate from bat- dissimilar metals, called elec-
teries. trodes or plates, and an electro-
Electric cells can be divided lyte or conducting liquid which
into two groups-namely., primary can combine chemically with the
and secondary. The primary cell metal of one of the electrodes. The
produces electrical energy by addition of a "depolarising agent"
chemical action and, after the is necessary if the cell has to
energy is discharged through a supply a continuous discharge.
circuit, the original chemical In the case of the wet cell, the
characteristics of the elements of inert electrode is normally made
the cell are changed. Generally, from copper or carbon, and is
the cell is destroyed. surrounded by the depolarising
agent in the form of a pot or sack.
Secondary Cell.
-The sack is placed in a glass jar
The secondary cell, commonly containing the electrolyte and the
known as an accumulator, also other electrode, which is usually a
functions due to chemical action, zinc rod. The depolariser may be
but after it is discharged it can be either liquid or solid.
recharged by passing current In the dry cell the depolariser is
through it. solid, being in the form of a paste
The primary cell can be sub- around the inert electrode or com-
divided into two classes: dry and pressed carbon. The depolariser
wet. The original elements in the and carbon rod are placed in a
first battery made in A.D. i800 by sack, which is surrounded by
Volta, in Italy, comprised cop- electrolyte made up into a thin
per and zinc discs separated by paste or jelly. Sack and paste are
then put inside a zinc pot, and made from manganese -dioxide or
finally, to retard evaporation, the manganese -peroxide and carbon,
cell is sealed with pitch. is placed in the cell to absorb the
If a cell were made without a hydrogen before it reaches the
depolarising agent, the voltage carbon electrode. Thus the opposi-
would rapidly drop and the cell tion EMF is prevented, the whole
would "polarise". After the load of the carbon area remains active
was removed the voltage would and the voltage stays approxi-
slowly rise to its original value. mately constant.
Although such a cell might be used A cell of this type, whether of
for very intermittent purposes, its the dry or wet type, suffers from
practical uses would be very "local action"-that is, it slowly
limited. discharges itself, even if it is not
Polarisation is caused by the connected to a circuit. This effect
production of hydrogen bubbles is due to chemical impurities in
on the surface of the carbon elec- the electrodes, and it can be greatly
trode. The space occupied by the reduced by coating the surface of
bubbles reduces the active area of the zinc electrode with a film of
the electrode, and the polarisation mercury.
causes an EMF in opposition to The Leclanche Cell
the original EMF of the cell.
The hydrogen bubbles are the Of the many cells that have been
result of voltaic action due to the invented, the Leclanche type is
chemical changes which take place chiefly used today, being made in
when the cell is being discharged. both dry and wet forms. The wet
The depolarising agent, usually type is used primarily for inter-
mittent service, as for bells, alarms
and telephones (Fig. 1). In its dry
form it is used for high-tension,
low-tension and grid -bias batteries
(Fig. 2).
'The general construction of the
dry type follows the lines de-
scribed, consisting of a zinc con-
tainer inside which is a canvas
sack or "dolly" containing the
carbon electrode and depolarising
agent (Fig. 3). The agent is made
in accordance with trade secrets,
and, although it varies consider-
ably, the general results are
similar. The carbon rod is electro-
plated at one end so that a copper
cap can be soldered on to form a
good contact.
Each of the cells, where more
than one are used, is contained in
an insulating section of the im-
Fig. I. The wet Leclanch6 cell is used pregnated cardboard container.
for operating bells, alarms and other
devices used only intermittently. Each dry Leclanche cell gives
an EMF of ap-
proximately r5 v.
The carbon rod is
the positive and
the zinc Container
the negative.
Where more than
1.5 v. are required
the cells are con-
nected in series. Fig. 2. Typical "dry" batteries. The cells are Lk anche
Each cell has a type but the electrolyte is made up in paste form. HT
and GB units consist of numerous cells in series.
small internal re-
sistance when it is
new, and this gradually increases value of the voltage is gradually
as the battery is used. reduced, due to the growth of the
If 6o v. are required, the battery internal resistance.
must contain 6o + 1.5 = 40 cells.
In practice manufacturers supply a Chemical Action
few cells in excess of the calculated For readers who wish to study
number, in order to offset the the primary cell more closely we
gradual running down of the give in the next few paragraphs a
battery before it comes into use. more technical description of the
The contacts to the cells are made processes just outlined, indicating
by brass tapping points to the the exact chemical action.
positive and negative ends of the A simple wet primary cell may
battery and to intermediate posi- consist of plates of zinc and car-
tive points. bon in a solution of ammonium
If the slightest leakage of cur- chloride-commonly known as
rent takes place through the insu-
lating compound used to seal the BRASS CAP
top of the waxed container, or BITUMINOUS
through the inter -cell divisions, FILLER

the battery will gradually dis-

charge. This effect leads to the CARBON ROD
term "shelf life", which is the time
the battery takes to discharge when CONTAINER
"on the shelf" and not actually in
The discharge and recovery GANESE DIOXIDE
curves of the dry cell are shown in SAL -AMMONIAC
Fig. 4. It will be seen that the (KNOWN AS)
voltage starts high but rapidly falls A -DOLLY"
to a steady value, and during the
subsequent discharge period the
rate of fall is fairly constant. When
the load is removed the depolar-
iser clears the cell of hydrogen and
the voltage recovers, starting the Fig. 3. Section of a dry cell showing the
zinc can, the paste and the "dolly" con-
next discharge period again with a taining the depolariser and the positive
high value. However, the average carbon electrode.
by the loss of elec-
1.$0 -
trons by the carbon
DISCHARGE plate, which thereby
becomes positive.
The zinc ions com-
bine with the
chlorine and form a
white deposit, zinc
chloride. This ac-
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 tion gradually eats
HOURS up the zinc elec-
trode, the zinc
chloride staying in
the solution.
The formation of
bubbles on the posi-
1 0- DISCHARGE tive plate reduces
the area exposed to
the solution and has
the effect of reduc-
ing the voltage and
current output. This
2 4. 7

5 6 8
increases the inter-
nal resistance of the
Fig. 4. Typical discharge curves for a dry cell. The top cell and explains
curve shows the steady fall of voltage on continuous load.
On a heavier but intermittent discharge (second curve) why, if a short cir-
the voltage rises during each recuperative period. cuit is put across a
cell, the current is
sal -ammoniac (NFI4C1). Fig. 5 not infinitely great, as Ohm's Law
shows the chemical action that may lead the unwary to expect.
takes place when a current is taken Polarisation can be reduced by
from the cell. The electrolyte (the the addition of a chemical rich in
sal -ammoniac solution) is com- oxygen, so that the oxygen com-
posed of ions of ammonia, NH4, bines with the hydrogen and forms
and chlorine, Cl. When the zinc water. As in the dry cell, man-
plate is immersed in the solution, ganese dioxide is used (Mn02),
positive zinc ions are produced and is placed in a porous container
(Zn+ -9. These are positive because around the carbon electrode.
each has left behind two electrons Due to impurities in the zinc
on the plate. The excess of elec- electrode, minute local actions take
trons on the plate gives it negative place and cause the zinc to be
polarity. eaten away, even when no
current is taken from the cell.
Action of Zinc Ions Pure zinc cannot be used, due to
The zinc ions in the solution its high cost, but it has been
repel the hydrogen ions, and the found that local action is con-
ammonia ions already present siderably reduced if the surface
drive them to the carbon plate, of the zinc is amalgamated with
forming bubbles of hydrogen and mercury.
ammonia. The bubbles are created The chemical action in the
rate is exceeded the cell not only
raises its internal resistance due to
the creation of excessive bubbles,
ZINC - but its life is prematurely
ELECTRODE CARBON shortened. The dry cell is not
generally designed for continuous
rating, and requires rest periods to
6°1.'6 recuperate the depolariser.
Where dry cells are used to
zx O supply the filament power for a
receiver, it is necessary to use
g...14 0 large cells, and they usually have
0 a height of 5 to 6 inches and a
0 diameter of 2 inches. Such a cell
0 can give a discharge of up to 0.5
amp. for several hours on end.
Special valves have been de-
Fig. 5. Illustrating the electro-chemica signed to operate from dry cells.
action In a wet primary cell. Electrons They have a filament voltage of
are left on the zinc plate, making it
negative, and are taken from the carbon, 1-4 and, therefore, one cell is ade-
making it positive. quate. Most "battery" valves,
however, are 2 v. types for run-
popular type of dry cell is as ning from accumulators. If these
follows: are used with dry cells, two batter-
Zn 2Mn02 2NH4C1 ies must be used in series with a
Mn203 + H2O + 2NH3 :1- ZnCl2 resistance to reduce the 3 v. so
obtained to z v.
The result is that zinc chloride, As described earlier, HT and
ZnC12, water, H2O, and ammonia GB batteries are built up from
gas, NH3, are formed. As in the many individual cells connected in
wet cell, due to the impurities in series, each cell being insulated
the zinc, local action takes place, from its neighbours by waxed
and the zinc is slowly eaten away. cardboard separators (Fig. 6).
As the active area is reduced
the internal resistance increases.
Failure of the depolarising agent CAM
to completely neutralise the hydro-
gen bubbles also increases the O
resistance and the resistance of the O2

cell limits the discharge current. Hi

Internal leakage continues until the
EMF is insufficient to overcome
the growing resistance.
With large cells the electrode
area is larger and a heavier current Fig. 6. HT and GB batteries consist of
can be obtained. Manufacturers numerous cells connected In series,
their zinc cases spaced and insulated
state the maximum discharge rate from their neighbours by waxed card-
of any particular size cell. If this board and bituminous (pitch) filling.
Normally, the cells have tappings teries, the Plante or unpasted plate
brought out through the bitu- is regaining popularity.
minous compound that covers the The positive plates are normally
tops. pasted with red lead (P13304), and
The current rating is about 6 the negative plates with lead
ma. for the smallest types and 3o monoxide or litharge (PbO).
ma. for the largest.
HT batteries are rated in a Forming the Plates
capacity unit called the milli- To "form" the plates for sub-
ampere -hour, meaning that a sequent use it is necessary to con-
battery is capable of delivering so vert the red lead to lead peroxide
many milliamperes for a given and the litharge to spongy lead.
number of hours. The small cells This is accomplished by passing a
deliver about 45o milliampere - direct current through the cell, a
hours and the largest about 4,50o dilute sulphuric acid solution
milliampere -hours. It is generally (112SO4) forming the electrolyte.
much cheaper to use the larger It will be seen in Fig. 7 that
type. hydrogen ions are transferred to
When a dry cell is discharged to the cathode (or negative plate),
about zi v. its life can be regarded where they give up their electrical
as finished. As the zinc has been charge, become normal hydrogen,
practically eaten away, the battery and react with the litharge, form-
cannot be reactivated. ing spongy lead and water:
Accumulators II, PbO = Pb
We have seen that the dry or Sulphur ions are attracted to
"primary" cell is capable of the positive plate, give up their
supplying power to a circuit, but charge, and react with the water,
that it gradually becomes ex- producing sulphuric acid and
hausted, and finally has to be dis- liberating oxygen. This combines
carded. The secondary cell, or with the red lead and produces
accumulator or storage battery, as lead peroxide::
it is variously known, is so de- 2SO4 -I- 21120 = 2112SO4 + 02
signed that after a discharge period and 02 + P13204 = 3Pb02
it can be restored to its original
state by passing a current through +IANODE CATHODE,
it in the opposite direction to that
of the discharge. The storage
battery can be divided into two klECTROLYTE
classes: (z) the lead -acid accumu-
lator; and (2) the alkaline cell.
The modern lead -acid cell is
nearly always constructed on the
Faure principle-that is, the plates
are made from a lead and anti-
mony alloy in the form of a grid, 111M1111111

and a paste of oxide of lead and 0

red lead is forced into the grid I Pb Pb0
mesh. In the case of heavy traction Fig. 7. Chemical reactions in an accu-
and large -capacity stationary bat- mulator during formation of the plates.

i.e., lead sulphate has formed also
LAMP on this plate. When the cell is
completely discharged, the grid -
paste is reduced to lead sulphate
in each case. The cell is now com-
pletely inoperative, but may be
recharged by passing DC through
the cell in a direction opposite to
the discharge.
PbO, Pb The chemical changes that take
place (see Fig. 9) are:
Positive plate. SO4 + PbSO4 +
III 2140 = 2H2SO4 + Pb02, show-
ing that the lead peroxide is
obtained and that the dilute sul-
Fig. 8. The accumulator action during phuric acid electrolyte has its
discharge. Note the flow of current in specific gravity raised.
the opposite direction compared with Negative plate. PbSO4 + H2 =
charging as in Fig. 7.
H2SO4 + Pb. Thus the spongy
Let us assume that a charged lead is reformed and the cell
accumulator is to light a lamp and becomes recharged. This process
this is connected across the ter- of discharge and charge can be
minals (Fig. 8). The cell now continued many times, and pro-
drives through the lamp a current, vided that the maximum current
which is in the opposite direction rates stated by the manufacturer
to the original charging current. are not exceeded, a normal cell
Hydrogen is liberated from the usually lasts at least two years.
positive peroxide plate and sul- During the change of the state
phur ions from the negative plate. of charge to discharge the specific
The chemical equations are: gravity of the dilute sulphuric
Pb02 + H, PbO + H2O
PbO + PbSO4 + H2O
This change in the chemical
constitution of the plate results in
the formation of lead sulphate, ELECTROLYTE
which reduces the effective area of Hz SO,
the active plates and, if left for any
period, causes permanent damage. Pb SO, PbSO,
The specific gravity of the electro-
lyte is reduced due to the additional
water content. This change of
specific gravity enables one to SO,
check the state of discharge of the
cell. 411=1m11 1111,
The lead plate also undergoes a
chemical change, namely :
Fig. 9. Chemical action in an accumula-
SO4 + Pb = PbSO4 tor during the process of charging.
acid changes. The specific gravity
of a liquid is the ratio of weight
of a volume of it to the weight of
an equal volume of pure water, at
a given temperature.
Specific gravity can be measured
by means of a hydrometer. From
Fig. io it will be seen a hydro- Fig. I I. This drawing gives
meter consists of an outer glass details of the float con-
tained in the glass tube of
container, having a flexible rubber the hydrometer. The float
tube at one end and a rubber bulb is balanced by lead shot
at the other. Inside the glass con- and prevented from stick-
tainer is a calibrated float (Fig. a s), ing to the tube by glass
pips. The denser the
which is adjusted, usually by liquid, the higher the float
means of lead shot, to float verti- rises.
cally. To prevent the float sticking
to the inside of the glass container,


the latter is made with small

GLASS TUBE th raised pips.
The "denser" the liquid the
higher the float rides, and so the
HYDROMETER float can carry a scale calibrated to
FLOAT read specific gravity.
To use the hydrometer, the
flexible rubber tube is first inserted
into the acid. The rubber bulb is
squeezed and released, so drawing
acid into the glass container. The
BUNG float rises, and the specific gravity
is read from the scale.
Care must be taken to see that
the float rises freely, and the eye
should be on a level with the acid
surface to avoid parallax errors in
making the reading.
In accumulators made for the
non -technical public, automatic
charge indicators are sometimes
Fig. 10. Specific gravity is measured provided. These usually take the
with a hydrometer. Air is expelled by form of two or three coloured
means of the rubber bulb. The tube is or
inserted in the accumulator and the balls a pointer showing
bulb released. Atmospheric pressure "charged - half charged - dis-
half fills the tube and raises the float. charged". In both cases the indi-
cator is operated by the specific VOLTS

gravity. Provided the cell is origin- 2.7

ally filled with the correct specific
gravity acid, these indicators are
fairly accurate. 25
State of Charge
As an accumulator is discharged CHARGE

the specific gravity falls and, in a 2.2

reciprocal sense, it rises during 2.1

recharging. When recharging is 2.0 DISCHARC

complete no further change of 19

specific gravity occurs.
Due to the gradual evaporation 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 11 16
of the water of the dilute sulphuric HOURS
acid solution, the specific gravity Fig. 12. Change in voltage during charge
rises during the life of a cell, and and discharge plotted against time.
it is imperative to maintain the
acid at the level specified by the around 2'2 fairly rapidly, and then
manufacturers. Unless electrolyte slows during a further rise to 2.3,
has been spilled, the fall in level when the charge is practically
must be made good by the addition complete. Gassing now com-
of distilled water only, and not mences, and the voltage may rise
with an acid solution. to as high as 2-6.
The colours of the positive and When a cell is placed on dis-
negative plates are a further check charge, the voltage rapidly falls to
on the state of charge. When about 2.05 or 21, then more
charged, the positive is deep gradually to 2 V. It remains steady
chocolate brown, and the negative around 2 v. until the charge is
a slate grey. As a cell discharges, nearly exhausted, when it falls to
the lead sulphate that forms on the about 1-8.
plates changes the colour of both The graph shown in Fig. 12
until the positive plate is only a indicates the change in voltage for
little darker than the negative. charge and discharge plotted
As by-products of the charging against time and Fig. 13 shows
process both oxygen and hydrogen
are liberated, bubbling through VOLTS
the electrolyte to the surface. This
"gassing" only commences when 2324

the cell is near a state of complete 2.1
charge, and acts as an additional 2.0
pointer as to when to stop 1.9
charging. 1.8
During the chemical changes, 1.7
electrical changes also occur, being 1'6
reflected in the voltage of the cell. 1.9
Together with the specific gravity,
therefore, the voltage indicates the 1.000 1.050 pfoo 1'150 1.200 1'250 1'300
state of charge. When the cell is Fig. 13. Showing the change of specific
being charged the voltage rises to gravity with the change of voltage.

Fig. 14. Types of radio accumulator. Top:

an LT mass -plate slow -discharge cell with
charge indicator; a non -spill celluloid unit
for portable sets (centre); and a standard
celluloid type. Left: a 10 -volt accumulator
forming part of an HT unit.

hours, or 5 amps for io hours. In

each case the product of the num-
ber of hours and the constant
While this theoretically suggests
that 5o amps could be taken from
the change of specific gravity with the cell for i hour, in practice a
the change of voltage. much smaller maximum rate would
A cell should be recharged as be indicated by the manufac-
soon as possible, for the lead turers.
sulphate tends to attack the plates, Two discharge -current ratings
and may severely damage them. for accumulators are used:
The type of cell and rate of dis- (a) the continuous and
charge determine how many hours (b) the intermittent.
an accumulator may be used. The
unit used to express capacity is the The intermittent rating is used
"ampere-hour"-usually abbre- when the cell is required for very
viated to AH. short periods, such as for ringing
a bell or starting a car. This rating
Cell Capacity is about half the continuous capa-
The capacity can be found by city rating. Thus the same cell can
discharging a cell by a constant have a continuous capacity of zo
current and noting the number of AH or an intermittent of 40 AH.
hours it lasts before being fully Where cells are to be used for long
discharged. If a cell is discharged periods, as for providing the fila-
for so hours at i amp. it has a ment power for a battery -operated
capacity of 5o AH and could be receiver, the continuous discharge
expected to give 2 amps for 25 current rating is applicable.

Fig. 15. Showing different forms of plate con-

struction found in various well-known makes
of accumulator.

Discharge rate is Every type of ac-

primarily dependent cumulator, whether
on the thickness of for radio LT and HT
the plates. If too supplies, for starting
heavy a discharge is petrol or diesel en-
attempted, the gas gines, or for lighting
liberated forces the or driving other elec-
paste out of the lead - trical apparatus, must
alloy grids. The cell consist of the fol-
disintegrates and the lowing parts:
loose paste falls to Container. This
the bottom and forms may be fabricated
a conducting sludge. in glass, celluloid
Eventually the layer or vulcanised rubber
of sludge may short (Fig. 14), accord-
the positive and negative plates ing to the type of service for which
and complete the ruin of the cell. it is to be used. Celluloid is em-
The capacity of a cell depends ployed for light portable batteries
on the effective area of the plates and is transparent when new hut
which may be obtained by having becomes opaque in time. The vul-
(a) a number of thin plates in canised rubber type is used
parallel, or (b) one very thick plate. primarily for starter batteries, due
In the case of cells for heavy inter- to its toughness, and its ability
mittent currents design (a) is to withstand wide temperature
employed, and (b) is used for long - changes.
period, light -discharge rates. The glass type is employed for
house -lighting plants and radio
Constructional Parts accumulators. Being transparent,
After many reversals of the the acid level can be readily in-
chemical composition the plates spected and the glass acts as an
become less effective. This is due excellent insulator.
to the loss of paste and the gradual Plates. The majority of accumu-
creepage of lead sulphate. lators make use of the pasted or
rate circuits where
+0 SOW LAMP large variations
D.0 MAINS of charging rate
are desired, as this
lengthens the life of
0 the accumulator.
FIg. 20. An ammeter can be used in order to indicate illustrate how
polarity if the current is limited by a series lamp. banks of accumu-
lators can be con-
and one negative terminal. When nected to DC mains.
a number of batteries are to be In Fig. 24 a variable rheostat is
charged they may be connected in placed in series with an ammeter
parallel or in series. and the cells, the whole circuit
In the series connection the being connected across the mains.
same current flows through all the By adjusting the resistance of
cells and must not exceed the the rheostat, the current can be
maximum rated value for the regulated throughout the charge
smallest cell if a mixed batch to the maker's specification.
of batteries is con-
nected. The voltage SOW. LAMP
required to charge
a bank of cells is
the number of cells D.C. MAINS
multiplied by 2-4. SLIGHTLY
Fig. 22 illustrates NEGATIVE PLATE LATED
this series mode of WITH LARGE WATER
When the par- Fig. 21. If two lead strips are put in acidulated water, the
'allel method is negative produces more bubbles than the positive.
used, a constant
voltage is applied to each cell, and This is called constant current
the current is divided between the charging.
cells according to their internal The rheostat has to be adjusted
resistances. Fig. 23 shows this in order to maintain the current at
method of connection, but it is the same value because the back-
not recommended, for the most EMF of the accumulators in-
discharged cell will take longer creases as they become charged.
to recharge than the re- This reduces the charging voltage
mainder. and, consequently, the current
It is advisable to provide sepa- tends to decrease.
+6V 60 A.H:
100 A.H. +6V
: 0
30 A ht
40 AR
° : 3 AMPS;

1 ° I j AMPS '
' 0--o o -a
°I .
-4- - 1 I 3 AMPS:


+ maximum
Fig. 22. Series connection of accumulators. The current is limited by the "v
charging note of the smallest cell, if a mixed batch of batteries Is connected.

+it - II 4.!

60 A.H.
- 100 A
A.H. 740


04 0
rig. 23. The parallel arrangement must be used carefully or those units which are
least run down may be overcharged.

As we shall see later in this and i8 or 19 SWG Eureka wire is

chapter, in some chargers a con- very suitable for the purpose.
stant voltage is utilised. This re- Sometimes carbon lamps are
sults in a heavy current at the start used in place of the slider rheo-
of charging and the amperage de- stat, as in Fig. 25. Several are
creases to a small value when the connected in parallel when greater
charge is near completion. current ranges are required. The
The ammeter indicates the following table gives candle power
current passing through each cell,
and any number of cells can be DC
connected as long as their total
voltage does not exceed the mains
supply. The more cells that are DOUBLE POLE SWITCH
charged at once the less is the
amount of energy lost in the form
of heat in the rheostat. The cost
of charging is the same whatever FUSE

the number of cells.

Value of the Rheostat RHEOSTAT TO CARRY

The value of the rheostat is cal-
culated with the aid of Ohm's
Law. Let us assume that zo cells 6V ACCUMULATOR
are to be charged from 200-V. DC
mains at a rate of z amps. The
total required voltage is zo X 2.4
= 48 v. The voltage to be
dropped in the rheostat is
200 V. - 48 V. = 152 V.
The value of rheostat is given by AMMETER TO READ THE

E c2
R = 2
= 76 ohms.

The gauge of wire used for Fig 24. How a bank of cells is con-
winding the resistance must be nected for charging from DC mains.
Current is controlled by the rheostat
capable of dissipating 2 amps with- and measured by the ammeter which is
out appreciable temperature rise, at the earth end of the circuit.

Fig. 25. Banks of carbon lamps may sometimes be

used in place of the slider rheostat as a convenient
form of resistance to regulate the charging current.
Several are connected in parallel when greater
current ranges are required.





of carbon lamps, or lamps re- several charging rates are desired
quired for certain charging rates at the same time, several banks of
with various voltage drops. lamps or rheostats, each with its
own ammeter, can be connected as
shown in Fig. 26.
Candle Power
Current Maximum Current
in The maximum current that can
Amps. Volts to be dropped
25 v. 50 v. Too be obtained is limited only by the
-- -
V. 200 V.
number of carbon lamps in cir-
25 8 16 cuit. Usually a maximum current
of io to 12 29M is suitable.
2 16 32 6o 120 Separate branch lines accommo-
date banks of cells to be charged
at various rates. To operate the
As a constant current is desir- charger in the most economical
able, the operator only needs to way each bank should have, if
switch in a number of lamps so possible, its maximum number of
that the correct charging current is cells on charge, thus reducing
indicated on the ammeter. Where losses in the form of heat.


Fig. 26. Where several different charging rates are

required at the same time, separate circuits with
different values of rheostat (or banks of lamps)
DOUBLE POLE are used. Each circuit has its separate switch, fuse
SWITCH and ammeter. There may also be, if desired, an
ammeter to record the total current.







It will be seen that fuses are a water tap or a metal tube
connected in each main lead, so driven into the ground, and con-
that if an accidental short circuit nect the other side to each main in
takes place, it only puts that par- turn. The one that does not indi-
ticular circuit out of action. Again, cate any voltage or but little vol-
a switch is provided (bMAINS VOLTAGE
so that the whole of ON METER
the apparatus can be DC MAINS
completely disconnec-
ted from the mains. <VOLTAGE OR
It is essential that VERY SMALL ON METER
personal danger from
shock be minimised
by connecting the bat-
teries to the earthed (MAXIMUM LICHT
main. The earth main SOW
can be ascertained by DC MAINS
means of a voltmeter,
as shown in Fig. 27. ?NO LIGHT
Connect one side to
the earthed conduit, Fig. 27. Two ways of finding which main is earthed. 2
tage is the main at earth poten- Although it is not ideal, there
tial, and this one should be con- are occasions where it is necessary
nected direct to the batteries. to connect accumulators in parallel.
Either positive or negative main It will be realised that as the same
may be earthed, and in the former potential difference is across each
case the rheostats or lamps will be cell, those with the lowest resis-
placed between the batteries and tance will pass the greatest current
the negative main. and be recharged first. However,
In large accumulator charging provided that the operator does
plants operated from DC mains it not allow a cell to become over-
is usual for the 3 -wire system to be charged, thus driving the paste
used. Fig. z8 illustrates this from the plates, charging can be
OUTER+200 achieved.
Fig. 29 illus-
t trates the method
that can be adopt-
400V., ed when many
200V I
types of cells of
differing voltage
OUTER -200
and capacity are
TO EARTH to be recharged.
Fig. 28. A three -wire mains system provides a low volt- Each group is ar-
age for domestic use and double the voltage for commer- ranged so that its
cial power requirements, as described on this page. total current is
divided between
method of distribution. The pres- the cells in such a way that no
sure of the supply is about 400 v. individual cell carries more than
between the two outer cables, and its normal charging rate.
a neutral or third cable is electri-
cally between the two outers and Checking by Hydrometer
is connected at the generator As each particular cell becomes
station to earth. Thus a 400 v. charged it is checked by means of
supply is available across the two a hydrometer, taken from the
outers for driving electric motors charger, and replaced by a similar
and other power devices, and a cell, or the circuit is amended and
safer pressure of 200 V. is available re -grouped.
between neutral and either outer Due to the differences in the
for domestic use. capacities of accumulators, there
As the pressure of 400 v. is is the possibility of charging a cell
dangerous, it is essential to use the at either too high or too low a rate.
200-V. connections (neutral to Although the pasted type of plate
outer) for battery charging. If the does not mind a very slow charge
batteries are connected through and, in fact benefits by it if it has
the ammeter to the earthed main, been left in a discharged condition
no severe shock will be felt. The for some time, the Plante plate is
fuse and switch in each lead damaged if the rate is less than
enable the operator to isolate the half what it should be.
live main when any alteration is Normally plates are designed
required in any individual circuit. for recharging at one -tenth to one -
twelfth of the AH -DC SUPPLY+
rating. As the charge
is being completed
n 200

Fig. 29. The skilled charger forms the

it is advisable to accumulators into a series -parallel ar-
gradually reduce the rangement so that no individual cell
rate, especially when receives more than its correct charging
current, which would shorten life.
the cell begins to gas.
The number of (DP SWITCH

hours a cell requires

for recharging de-
pends on the state of
200-34 VOLTS
discharge. It is dan- 166 VOLTS
gerous to assume
that a cell has been
12 AMPS. -1
fully discharged, and
then proceed to
charge at a fixed -1-t
rate for so many +- -+ - +- +
hours. To do so
- -
may result in over- 4_12 VOLTS
charging, which, be-
sides being costly,
+- +- 12 VOLTS
increases the tem- 6 VOLTS 4 VOLTS 6 AMPS PER CELL

perature of the cell. 3AMPS

112 AMPS

If the temperature -"'PER C L L

rises much above 34 VOLTS

ioo° F. the cell will FUSE

shed its paste.
Consistent under-
charging will also
ruin a cell, for the plates become cell, both plates are of a slate -grey
coated with insoluble lead sulphate. colour.
Recognising State of Charge:
When a cell is gradually dis- Colour When Charged
charged, both the terminal voltage When a cell is fully charged the
and the specific gravity are voltage rises to around 22 per cell
reduced. If neither voltmeter nor and the specific gravity to a value
a hydrometer is available, the of from 1.25o to 1.28o, dependent
colour of the plates will give a fair on the type of cell. The colour of
indication. the positive plate changes to a deep
An accumulator must be con- rich chocolate and the negative
sidered as discharged if the volt- plate remains a slate grey.
age is less than 1.85 v. per cell and Evaporation of the Electrolyte:
the specific gravity is less that When a cell is to be charged, the
1.15o. Care must be taken to acid level must be checked. If it is
measure the voltage while the cell below the marking on the case, the
is connected to a discharge circuit; level must be raised by the addi-
open -voltage conditions do not tion of distilled water. Under no
give any reliable indication of the account must dilute sulphuric acid
state of the cell. In a discharged be used, for it is only the water
content of the electrolyte that
evaporates. When water has evapo- Required Distilled Acid
rated the specific gravity may specific Water tfloo
gravity by by
become high enough to indicate_ at ryo° F. volume volume
that the cell is not fully discharged
when, in actual fact, it is. V350 15 TO
Usually the acid level is about I*300 25 10
1'280 27 I0
half an inch above the top of the I*260 29 TO
plates. Only distilled water should 1'240 33 10
be used, for ordinary tap -water 1'220 38 I0
contains chemicals that are ruin-
ous to the plates. In an emergency, It will be seen that the final
rain -water may be used. specific gravity is rated when
Correct Specific Gravity measured at 70° F., and the dilu-
ted acid should be allowed to cool
When a new cell is to be placed to this temperature before the
in commission, or where the specific gravity is taken.
electrolyte has been spilled, new
electrolyte of the correct specific First Charge Effects
gravity must be prepared. The When a new accumulator is
acid is generally supplied in con- receiving its first charge the
centrated form, having a specific maker's instructions should be
gravity of about 1.800. This must fiithfully followed, for, although
be reduced to the manufacturer's the plates have been "formed", the
rating for the cell by the addition first charge influences the life of
of distilled water. the cell. Generally the first charge
Great care must be taken to see is a fairly long one at less than the
that the acid is added to the water normal rate, and when the gassing
and not vice versa. The water of the cell, together with the
should be placed in a vessel that specific gravity reading, indicate
will not be attacked by the acid- that charging is completed, the
glass or porcelain is suitable-and electrolyte must be emptied and
very slowly the acid added. The thrown away. The acid should be
solution should be stirred to pro- poured down a sink with a good
duce good mixing. Tests with a volume of water running.
hydrometer will show when the The cell must be re -filled with
necessary strength is reached. new electrolyte at a specific gravity
Too much emphasis cannot be of the normal value of a fully -
laid on the personal danger that charged cell. The cell is then
results if water is poured into the placed on charge until the plates
acid. Not only is great heat pro- readily gas, and then left until the
duced, but the solution may temperature of the acid falls to
explode, covering everything in 700. The specific gravity is
the vicinity with burning acid. checked, and, by the use of dis-
The following table will enable tilled water, amended to conform
the operator to calculate the with the maker's recommended
approximate volumes of distilled value. The acid level should be
water and concentrated acid checked.
which are required to produce Constant Voltage Charging: Dur-
certain values of specific gravity. ingthe past fewyears there has been
a tendency to use constant -voltage The DC output from the
charging sets. If a constant poten- generator is fed through a cut-out,
tial is applied to a cell the charging so that if the polarity of the supply
rate will be high initially, and isreversed-a condition which
gradually, as the voltage of the cell would ruin the cells-the circuit
rises, the rate of charge will is automatically opened. A volt-
decrease. This method of charging meter and ammeter are proyided,
has the advantage that it shortens and the field regulator enables the
the time required, and this is of operator to set the output to 7.5,
importance for commercial plants 15 or 3o volts. The ammeter
handling large accumulators. shows the total charging current,
To obtain a constant voltage it and the maximum rating of the
is usual, where the mains are DC, generator should not be exceeded.
to employ a mains -driven DC
generator constructed to provide Car Starter Cells
7.5, 15 or 3o volts at a high current. Where car starter cells are to be
In the case of the 7.5 v. genera- charged, they are either of the 6
tor set, three cells are connected or 12 volt type, and thus the 15
in series and placed across the volt setting is desirable. The
busbars. When the cells are fully diagram shows that any com-
discharged their voltage is around bination of cells can be accommo-
3 x 1.8 = 5.4 volts. The genera- dated, but each series circuit
tor has a pressure 2.1 volts greater. should consist of cells which
This causes a heavy initial current require the same charging rate.
to flow through the three cells but, The final checking of the cells is
as the voltage difference decreases, conducted in the same manner as
the current diminishes. already described.
Although an AC motor has been
Automatic Current Regulation illustrated, the motor generator
This method overcomes .one of set can be operated by means of a
the difficulties of the constant DC motor and in this case a
current system, in which the motor starter is placed in series
operator has to continuously check with the DC mains to limit the
the specific gravity of the acid to starting current.
prevent over -charging. In the Where no mains exist there are
constant -voltage system the cur- several alternative methods of
rent gradually tails off, thus fol- obtaining the motive -power. Pro-
lowing theoretical requirements. bably the most reliable is the
Fig. 3o illustrates a typical con- use of a petrol engine which is
stant -voltage system. An AC motor governor controlled, so that any
is connected to the mains through reduction of load, which would
a double -pole on -off switch and a normally increase the speed of the
pair of fuses. The motor operates engine, reduces the amount of
at constant speed, despite the petrol fed to the carburettor. Such
varying load of the generator, petrol -generator sets are largely
which is generally compound used by the ground staffs of air-
wound. This type of generator fields and army units.
keeps the voltage output fairly The petrol engine is either of the
constant in spite of the varying two- or four-stroke type, with an
current demands. air-cooled cylinder -block. Wind -








4- 7.5


Fig. 30. Typical constant -voltage charging system employing a rotary converter.
In the event of failure of the AC supply, the reverse cut-out prevents the accumu-
lators discharging back through the generator, which would ruin the cells.
driven generators can be used at tion, as might be made in a village,
high altitudes, but the variations a gas or oil engine can be used as
in rotor speed due to gusty wind the prime mover.
Operate against accurate charging. AC Rectifiers: Where the mains
In the case of a permanent installa- supply is AC, several methods are
efficient and, due to
temperature rise, the
maximum current ob-

tainable is rather low.
A 11
If means of cooling
MAINS the cell are available
the latter disadvan-
ALUMINIUM SODIUM AMMONIUM tage can be reduced,
but the device re-
Fig. 31. Two electrodes of aluminium and one electrode mains suitable for
of lead in a solution of sodium ammonium phosphate
form an electrolytic rectifier. only the smallest
charger system. Tan-
available for converting it to the talum metal and lead act as a
necessary DC for charging. An more efficient rectifier, but the
AC-DC motor -generator similar, free liquid still makes the method
except for the motor, to the gene- undesirable.
rator just described can be used,
but the following static chargers Westinghouse Rectifier
are also available: During the last few years the
Westinghouse metal rectifier has
Electrolytic, achieved great popularity. This
Westinghouse and Standard rectifier is of the static type (does
metal rectifiers, not employ moving parts), and
Half- and full -wave vacuum appears, if not grossly overloaded,
valve rectifiers, to be "everlasting".
Mercury -vapour rectifiers, The rectifying action is electro-
and nic in nature, and takes place at
Tungar or argon -filled the junction of copper and copper -
rectifiers. oxide surfaces. Current passes
Certain metals when immersed from the copper oxide to the
in an electrolyte allow current to copper without much resistance,
pass freely in one direction only. but in the reverse direction a
In Fig. 3i two electrodes of resistance about r ,000 times greater
aluminium are seen in a solution is presented.
of sodium ammonium phosphate
and are connected to the ends of a AC. SUPPLY
mains transformer. The other WAVEFORM

electrode is of lead.
Full -wave Rectification
If the cell is connected as shown,
current will flow from the lead to
the aluminium, but not in the
reverse direction. Thus the accu-
mulator receives two half -cycle
pulses for each AC cycle (Fig. 32),
Ls I

rectification having been achieved

Fig. 32. With full -wave rectification.
due to the centre tapped trans- charging current is obtained from both
former. positive and negative halves of each
This type of rectifier is not very cycle of mains current.
bridge rectifier is
connected to an AC
II .INSULATED BAKELITE TUBE supply across oppo-
niunr-mmil Eirifil.-BAKIELITE INS.ULATDINISGC site members of the
bridge. The elements
CIRCULAR OR / are numbered, and
RECTANGULAR full -wave
FIN follows: Assume that
LEAD DISC the upper end of the
winding is positive .
Fig. 33. Construction of a metal rectifier element. relative to the
Fig. 33 illustrates the construc-
lower end at a
certain time. Then current flows
tion of the rectifier element, and through No. z rectifier to the
this general assembly is used for ballast resistance, through the
both low- and high -voltage recti- accumulator, back through No. 4
fiers. Elements are made up into rectifier to the negative end of the
assemblies, as in Fig. 34. The winding. It cannot traverse any
current that can be taken from the other path, as 2 and 3 are connected
rectifier is limited by the tempera- in the non -conducting direction.
ture rise, and this is in turn limited On the next half -cycle the con-
by the area of the disc. Where ditions are reversed. The lower
larger currents than about 5 amps end of the winding is positive, and
are required, the Westinghouse the upper end is made negative.
plate rectifier is used. Thus the current flows through
It will be appreciated that not rectifier 3 to the ballast resistance,
only are there no mechanically through the accumulator, and back
moving parts to the metal rectifier, through rectifier No. 2. Thus on
but there is not even a heated both half -cycles the current.travels
filament as in the valve rectifier. through the accumulator in the
This contributes to the "everlast- same direction. Fig. 36 shows the
ing" life of this unit. To offset mechanical method of assembly of
against this advantage is the fact the elements and serves as a prac-
that the initial cost is rather higher tical wiring diagram.
than with valve rectifiers of com- When it is desired to adjust the
parable output. voltage output of the rectifier, it is
The full -wave bridge rectifier is necessary to arrange for this in one
probably the most
usual for battery
charging circuits, AC
as it gives high +DC
efficiency and re-
quires an AC vol-
tage supply of ap-
proximately the + DC OUTPUT -
same value as the (A) THEORETICAL DIAGRAM
put. Fig. 34. A number of elements are assembled together
In Fig. 35 the to form a practical metal rectifier.
producing approximately twice the
voltage across the output circuit

C+ 4

compared with the AC input to
the rectifier. Each rectifier charges
its own condenser when it is in its
conducting direction. The two
condensers are connected in series,
Fig. 35. Bridge connection of metal and the sum of their voltage dis-
units for full -wave rectification. charges into the load.
The circuit diagram in Fig. 40
of three methods. Firstly, by means is typical of a complete charger
of the voltage drop in a simple using Westinghouse or Standard
resistance, as shown in Fig. 36; Telephone electronic rectifiers.
secondly, by the use of a tapped The primary of the mains trans-
choke in series with the trans- former is tapped, so it can be
former, as in Fig. 37; or thirdly, adjusted to the local mains voltage.
by the use of a tapped transformer Two secondaries are provided,
secondary winding (Fig. 38). each with tappings for voltage
The latter method is the most regulation. The first rectifier is
economical. It is advisable to used for charging HT accumu-
insert a small resis-
tance of a fraction of NUT STEEL ROD
an ohm, so that in
the event of a short
circuit the output ACCUMULATOR

current will he limi-

ted and damage to
vented. Fig. 36. One way of regulating the current is by means
A half -wave of the voltage drop in a series resistance.
rectifier is nor-
mally used for high -voltage, lators, the second for low -current
low -current chargers. It is very charging rates, the third for
useful for charging HT accu- medium rates, and the last for
mulators, where the current is heavy rating.
usually not above o.5 amp., but Where low -current charging
the voltage may be quite high. rates are required, the hard
The "voltage doubler" system vacuum -valve rectifier is widely
(Fig. 39) has the advantage of used. In this case a filament heat -
® 0+

Fig. 37. If a tapped choke is employed, the applied voltage and hence the current
can be adjusted without loss of power as in a resistance.
0 0+

0 00

Fig. 38. Tappings on the transformer enable the voltage, and hence the current,
to be regulated, and make an appreciable difference to running costs.

ing winding on the mains trans- filament. Thus the internal resis-
former is necessary. The valve can tance of the tube is considerably
be of the half -wave type, as shown lower than that of the hard
in Fig. 41, or the full -wave type, vacuum valve, and larger cur-
as in Fig. 42. During the negative rents can be drawn from the
half -cycle no current flows through filament.
the accumulator in the half -wave Where large DC currents are
type, but on the full -wave type required the mercury -vapour
current flows during both half - rectifier is invaluable. Fig. 44
cycles. shows a typical circuit in its
The Argon or Tungar rectifier simplest form. The rectifier oper-
(Fig. 43) is used for relatively high ates in a similar way to the Tungar
currents of the order of 5 amps. rectifier-that is, it relies on the
The operation of the tube relies collision of molecules and allows
on the ionisation of the gas mole- a very low resistance path for the
cules. A filament is heated by current flow.
means of a separate transformer When a mercury arc is started
winding, and a positive potential between the pool of mercury and
applied to a carbon anode which the anode, electrons can only flow
attracts the electrons emitted when the mercury pool or cathode
from the filament at a high is negative in respect to the anode.
velocity. The mercury pool is partly vapor-
On their way to the anode the ised, and acts as a carrier of the
electrons collide with atoms of rectified current.
argon gas, hitting them with On single-phase supplies two
sufficient velocity to release elec- anodes are provided, so that full -
trons. Thus an increased number wave rectification can be obtained.
of electrons flows to the anode, A small starting arc is provided to
constituting a greater external commence the discharge. The
current. electrons leave the cathode when
The atoms, having lost one or either of the anodes is positive.
more of their elec-
trons, are now
"positive ions"
and, being rela-
tively heavy, they
drift to the most
negative part of
Fig. 39. By the voltage doubler system, an output voltage
the circuit, the of approximately twice that of the input is secured.
r"\../ 0


1111111111111111141111 1111111111111



2 3 O 4
- HT + -- LOW + - MEDIUM +

Fig. 40. Circtiit of a complete metal rectifier charging unit with four circuits pro-
viding different charging rates. The valve may be either half -wave or full -wave.
Because the electrons have left it, structed which are not only
the cathode becomes more posi- different from the lead -acid type,
tive than it was, and it is the posi- but are in some ways superior.
tive side of the battery charger. There are two main types: the
Voltage adjustment is provided by Edison, which makes use of nickel
means of tappings on the trans- and iron, and the Nife, which
former secondary. employs nickel and cadmium.
Alkaline Cells: During the past In the Edison the plates are
twenty years, cells have been con- built up from steel tubes which

0 /;\
%.../ `...../
Fig. 41. Half -wave valve rectifier and (right) diagram representing the AC wave.
K 289 (R.E.)

Fig. 42. Full -wave valve rectifier cir- NEGATIVE HALFCYCLE INVERTED
cuit. See also Figs. 40 and 41. THUS GIVING GREATER EFFICIENCY

contain nickel hydroxide and flaked As the electrolyte has no chemi-

metallic nickel for the positive cal action on the steel plates or
plates and powdered iron oxide container, there is no internal
for the negative plates. The tubes corrosion. But the solution will
are perforated so that the caustic absorb carbon dioxide from the
potash has access to the active air, and it is necessary to herme-
material. tically seal the cell by an efficient
The groups of negative and filler cap. The electrolyte is made
positive plates are bonded together by the addition of distilled water.
by steel bolts and spacing pieces, The steel cells are usually
and stout steel lugs are brought assembled in hardwood cases,
through the top of the welded such as teak or oak, and are located
steel outer case. Rubber separators by an external suspension boss
are used between the plates and welded to the outer side of the
the outer case and the groups of steel case. Ebonite insulators fit
plates. The specific gravity of the over the steel bosses, and thus
alkaline solution is 1.190 to pzoo, insulate the cells from the case
and differs from the lead -acid cell and prevent local leakage.
in that the specific gravity remains One of the features of the
constant during the whole of the Edison cell is that compared with
charge-discharge cycle. the lead -acid cell it has about 50

Fig. 43. For charging currents of the order of 5 amps Argon or Tungar rectifiers
are employed. They are efficient and give good service.




CONDENSER ----401P-LfWaig


Fig. 44. Large currents are obtainable from the mercury -arc rectifier. Here is a
typical circuit in its simplest form. Its operation is similar to the Tungar rectifier.

per cent. greater capacity for a after every 12 months, no replace-

given weight. ments are necessary.
The terminal voltage under load As the Edison cell gasses during
is 1'2. Thus for a 6 volt circuit five the whole charging period, and as
cells are necessary compared to the specific gravity is constant,
three of the 2 -volt lead -acid these cannot be used as indications
type. of state of charge. The operator
No matter how badly the cell is must rely on the voltage indica-
treated it appears to be indestruc- tion only. When the cell is fully
tible. Not only can dead short charged it gives about x75 volts;
circuits be made with impunity, the discharged reading is x2 volts.
but the cell can be left without fear The charging rate of any par-
of subsequent failure due to ticular cell can be exceeded above
corrosion or leakage. It is extremely the standard rate, providing the
robust mechanically, and no paste temperature does not rise above
is shed from its plates if it is 115° F.
charged at too high a rate or for When a cell is to be left for any
too long a period. With the excep- long period, it should be half dis-
tion of replacing the electrolyte charged and the filler caps securely
OPPER ROD PRESSED of the positive and
TAPERED POLE INTO STEEL LUG negative plates is
FILLER CUP TEEL GLAND NUT practically identical,
CELL COVER GAS RELEASE VALVE and it will be seen
from Fig. 45 that
GLAND RING they consist of a
SPACING WASHER finely perforated
-430111-LOCKED NUT steel strip formed
FRAME FRAME into flattened tubes
containing the
MATERIAL tubes are sealed and
EBONITE cut to standard
lengths, then
STEEL CONTAINER mounted into steel
frames and locked
into position by
means of ingenious
POCKET ENVELOPES interlocking seams.
It is impossible
CELL BOTTOM for the tubes to
burst, and the in-
Fig. 45. In the Nife cell, the plates consist of finely per- ternal resistance of
forated steel tubes containing nickel hydrate for the posi-
tive and cadmium and iron oxides in the negative. the plate is lower
than any other type
screwed down with the electrolyte of construction. The plates are
left in the container. The cell pressed under great pressure,
should be stored in a clean, dry and then completed groups are
place. When brought back into mounted, together with the aid of
commission, a cell should be re- steel bolts with suitable spacing
charged at its normal rate for 52 washers.
hours. Containers are constructed from
Although this cell has many steel sheet cadmium, nickel -plated
advantages, it has a higher internal to ensure freedom from rust and
resistance than the lead -acid cell, external corrosion. Steel bosses
and there are, therefore, certain are welded to the sides of the cells
jobs for which it is not suitable. to act as supports when the com-
In the Nife alkaline cell, illus- plete unit is mounted into a strong
trated in Fig. 45, the active wood crate.
material of the positive plate is a The terminals are passed through
specially prepared nickel hydrate the upper plate and insulated from
mixed with other chemicals that each other by means of a rubber
increase the conductivity and seal, that not only acts as an elec-
porosity of the plate. The negative trical insulator, but also a herme-
plate is filled with cadmium and tic seal. The smaller cells have a
iron oxides. The electrolyte is hinged filler porcelain valve, and
mainly potassium hydrate in a the large cells have a hinged filler
solution of distilled water, and has cap that incorporates a gas -valve.
a specific gravity of P 170. One of the outstanding features
The mechanical construction of the Nife cell is that it can be
recharged in 6 hours, but if doubt, a generous charge can be
necessary this rate can be varied given without any harm.
over a very wide range. No corro- It is important to note that the
sive gasses are given off, and the filler caps must be kept closed at all
cell can be charged at very high times except when specific gravity
rates, known as "boosting", pro- measurement or topping up is
vided its temperature does not being undertaken. The Actrolyte
exceed no° F. or 5o° C. The cell tends to absorb carbon dioxide
can be quite satisfactorily trickle from the air, which ruins it, form-
charged, with a voltage as low ing potassium carbonate.
as 1.47 volts per cell.
During discharge the Nife cell Charge-Discharge Cycle
gives an average of iz volts and, After about every twenty-fifth
due to the low internal resistance, charge-discharge cycle it is advis-
this voltage remains substantially able to discharge the battery fully
constant. Contrary to the lead - to x. i volts per cell, and then
acid cell, the ampere -hour capacity recharge at the normal rate for 12
is practically constant, irrespective hours. This over -charge compen-
of the rate of discharge. sates for any variation in the
The cells are delivered in a dis- number of ampere -hours taken
charged state, but they are filled from the cell compared with those
with the alkaline electrolyte, and replaced during charging.
the filler vents plugged with wood The voltage must be brought
to prevent spilling. The level of down to o8 volt per cell at
the electrolyte must be checked, normal discharge rate and the cells
and should be compared with the removed from their crates. They
maker's figures for that particular are then vigorously shaken to
cell. The final specific gravity of loosen any sediment, emptied, and
the electrolyte after any distilled rinsed out with several applica-
water has been added should be tions of tap -water until the cells
between 1.17o and 1.19o. are quite clear.
After leaving the cells inverted
Rating of Cells for half an hour to let the water
The cells are rated at a certain drain away, the cells are refilled
discharge rate, and the AH capa- with new electrolyte, of 1.19
city is based on this rate. However, specific gravity, to the correct
as stated previously, much greater level. In no circumstances must
loads can be imposed provided the the plates be exposed for longer
temperature does not rise above than half an hour, for they will
120° F. The battery should be absorb the air, which will later
considered as fully discharged when contaminate the electrolyte, with
the terminal voltage on normal most unfortunate results.
load falls to I I volts per cell. The electrolyte of the alkaline
On routine charging the cell cell is corrosive to the skin, and if
should be charged at the maker's the operator is burned, the pain
rate, irrespective of the discharge can be relieved by the application
condition. A fully discharged of a xo per cent. solution of citric
battery must be given a full charge acid in distilled water. If the
before it is placed into commission solution affects the eyes, a z per
again. If the stateof discharge is in cent. solution should be used.


BEFORE the repairing of a radio We will, therefore, trace the

receiver can be attempted, or evolution of the modern analyser,
really even discussed, a know- building it up circuit by circuit
ledge of the principles underlying from its simple source, as by so
service equipment is essential. doing we shall gain an understand-
Whenever we talk about any par- ing of the operations of the milli -
ticular fault, it is generally in ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter.
relation to tests which must be
carried out with instruments. It is Moving -Coil Meter
not much good talking about There are two types of milli -
using a milliammeter to measure ammeter which concern us; one is
the anode current of a valve or the termed a moving -coil instrument,
application of an ohmmeter to and the other a moving -iron. As
check up resistances, or a service the former is the more sensitive
oscillator to trim up circuits, un- and is in practically universal use,
less we have a fairly good idea of we will build our analyser round
these instruments and how they it, and refer to the moving -iron
are applied in general practice. type later.
When a varying current is
The Analyser passed through a coil of wire sus-
The most -used instrument pended in a strong magnetic field,
either in the service workshop or interaction between the field of
in the field (the term "field" is force surrounding the coil and the
applied to all service work carried field of force created by the magnet
on outside the workshop and in causes the coil to move in sym-
customer's houses, factories and pathy with the current flowing
so on) is the analyser. This through it. Fig. i shows how this
instrument is a very comprehen- principle is applied to meters. It
sive and rather complicated -look- will be seen that the small coil acts
ing piece of equipment, but it is in like an electro-magnet when cur-
fact a simple milliammeter, which rent flows through its windings.
is made to work in as many The North Pole of the coil is
different ways as possible. attracted by the South Pole of the
permanent magnet which sur- tion, ready for the next measure-
rounds the coil, and the South ment. This is effected by means of
Pole of the coil is attracted by the small hair -springs, two of which
North Pole of the magnet. As the are used so that they may also be
coil is pivoted, it rotates in the employed to convey the current
direction indicated by the arrows, from the terminals of the meter to
and we have, therefore, the basic the ends of the winding.
movement of a meter. The springs are mounted one at
A very small current flowing each end of the coil pivot, and are
through the moving -coil generates in opposition, so that as one un-
only a weak field, and the coil winds the other winds. This action
moves only a small amount against
the action of the hair springs POWERFUL PERMANENT
which are mounted on the axis of MAGNET
the coil. A larger current flowing
through the coil creates a stronger
field, causing a greater interaction
with the field of the magnet, and COIL OF WIRE
so moving the coil round further. CARRYING
By having a very light pointer CURRENT
fixed to the coil system and a
graduated scale arranged behind
the pointer, the amount of move-
ment may be noted. This move- POLE -0 - POLE
ment is a measure of the strength PIECE PIECE
of the current flowing through the PIVOT
coil. By calibrating the scale be-
hind the pointer by comparison DIRECTION OF
with a standard meter, the value MOVEMENT
of the current which has caused
the pointer to move along the Fig. I. The interaction of two magnetic
fields, one produced by a magnet and
scale can be determined and the other by a coil, is the principle of
the scale marked accordingly. the moving -coil meter.
A moving -coil meter may cost
a few shillings or many pounds, prevents the needle being de-
but the fundamental principle of flected across the full scale for
operation is the same. The differ- only a very small current, and also
ence in price is accounted for by steadies the movement.
the detail design and workman- The springs absorb, in the form
ship. Thus a milliamp. of current of mechanical energy, the electrical
flowing through a cheap meter energy of the current moving the
may cause the needle to move only coil. The more the springs are
a quarter of an inch, but the same moved from their normal position,
current applied to a high -quality the greater is their effort to retard
meter may be sufficient to make the movement. When the electrical
the needle to go the full length of energy acting upon the moving
a long scale. coil is equal to the energy stored
When a current ceases to flow, up in the springs, and which is
the moving coil must be brought acting against the coil movement,
back to the normal "zero" posi- then the needle comes to rest.
amp. would flow, and
the needle would reg-
ister this amount of
current on the scale,
and this point
could be marked "o-5

13-89 9.07 I.03 101 Thus we have the

underlying principle
of multi - voltage
I ma 5ma 10 ma 50 ma 100 ma ranges and the reason
for various sets of
markings on a single
scale. Fig. 5 shows
how a number of re-
sistances may be con-
nected so that any one
may be selected for
Fig. 4. The current measurable with a meter can be in- a particular voltage
creased by providing shunt (parallel) resistances.
meter circuit, and if we know what For general service work it is not
resistance is in that circuit, then essential to take into account the
we have two of three quantities resistance of the meter when add-
involved in Ohm's Law. ing series resistances for voltage
This law states in one of its ranges. For example, for a so v.
forms that E = IR, where E is range, the series resistance should
volts, I is current (in amps) and be 9,900 ohms, as this value, when
R is resistance (in ohms). If we put added to the zoo ohms of the
a resistance of 10,000 ohms in meter, gives the required total of
series with the meter, connect
the two across a battery and get a
reading of 1 ma., Ohm's Law tells
us that the potential must be so
volts. Therefore, we can mark on
the scale at the s ma. calibration
point "so v." 1000 St
Obviously, with this voltage any
resistance less than so,000 ohms 10,000A
will cause too much current to
flow through the meter and may
burn it out. But supposing we 100,00011
want to measure v. ; then we must 100
use a s,000 -ohms resistance in 250,000 A
series with the meter, and this 250
necessitatess v. to force 1 ma.
through the circuit, and we can
mark 1 v. against the 1 ma. point 1000
on the scale.
If we were to apply only 0.5 v. to Fig. 5. How resistances can be selected
this circuit, then only half a milli - for various ranges of voltage readings.
to,000 ohms. For home -built will flow when the circuit is
analysers a good -quality resistance complete.
of io,000 ohms may be used. The next step is to provide two
The next step is to combine the terminals for test -leads. This will
shunt and the series resistances so break the circuit, but we know that
that they may be easily selected by if we short the leads, the milli -
a simple switching arrangement. ammeter needle will fly over to full
Two ways of doing this are shown scale, and the position may be
in Fig. 6. At a we have a simple marked "Zero ohms". The other
switch and three terminals. The end of the scale will be "Infinity
test -leads are connected either to ohms"-that is, with the test -leads
the terminals marked "Common" not joined together. If we apply
and "ma." for reading current, or the test -leads to anything which
to the terminals marked "Com- has a resistance, this resistance will
mon" and "v.", when it is desired prevent the needle from passing
to read volts.
To overcome this changing of 0-I ma
leads, a double -pole rotary switch
may be employed and wired up as -+
shown in Fig. 6b. Where there are ma VOLTS
a great number of ranges, a com- 1 -MAIsn"
bination of the two arrangements 5 10

is often used, otherwise too many 10 100

pairs of contacts on the switch 50 250
would be needed. This would com- -"IsesAM.
100 1000
plicate wiring and necessitate a WO" -
large switch.
The final purpose for which we
wish to use our meter is for resis- - + +O
Common ma V
tance measurements. Meters that
measure resistances are often ter-
med ohmmeters, and just as in
the case of the voltmeter, they are
milliammeters which apply Ohm's
Law. The designer arranges for a
battery of known voltage to be
incorporated in the meter, and
when a certain current flows, as
indicated by the meter, it is known
what resistance must be in circuit
to allow that amount of current to
flow. The scale may thus be marked
in ohms at the various current
Simple Ohmmeter
Fig. 7 shows a simple arrange- - +
ment for an ohmmeter; the first Fig. 6o (top) and b. Two ways of switch-
ing both shunt and series resistances
step is to have the battery and for a combined current and voltage
resistance (R) so that only r ma. measuring instrument.

Fig. 9. The plug is inserted in the

receiver valveholder and the valve trans-
ferred to the socket in the external unit.
Terminals enable the current and volt-
ages in each lead to be measured.
adopted for checking a faulty enable a meter to be connected.
receiver. In this country, however, A similar adaptor is also shown in
valve -testers are usually separate Fig. so and it is seen in use in
instruments. For theoretical con- Fig. Is.
siderations, however, it will be We thus have a means of measur-
found easier to appreciate their ing the current flowing in each
functioning by incorporating a electrode circuit and also, by apply-
simple valve -tester into the analy- ing the leads of the analyser be-
ser circuits we have described. tween the various electrodes, the
In its simplest form the valve - voltages can be measured. Mea-
tester is nothing more than an surements taken will provide evi-
adaptor which is plugged into the dence as to whether, for example,
valveholder so that the anode cir- a low anode current is due to a
cuit is broken, enabling a milli - faulty valve or to a fault in the
ammeter to be connected so as to anode circuit in the receiver.
read the anode current. Fig 8 If the anode voltage is normal or
illustrates this simple plug-in higher than normal, while the
adaptor arrangement. anode current is very low, then this
To guard against a faulty diagno- will indicate a faulty valve. If,
sis, other data should be checked, however, the anode current is low
and for this reason the arrange- and also the anode voltage is much
ment shown in Fig. 9 is often lower than it should be, then this
used. As will be seen, it comprises will show that the low voltage is
an adaptor which plugs into the the cause of the low current flow-
valveholder and a multi -core cable ing and will indicate some fault in
connecting the pins in the adaptor the HT supply circuit.
to corresponding sockets on an Valve analysis along these lines
external valveholder panel. The will often more rapidly locate a
valveholder has contacts wired in fault in the receiver than will the
series with each socket, which use of a separate valve -tester,
which will only indicate whether
a valve is faulty. If the valves are
not faulty, then they have to be
replaced in the receiver and in-
vestigations carried out by check-
ing up the valve voltages and cur-
rent as outlined above.
Modern receivers are very sen-
sitive, and will most likely be forced
into instability if any of the HF or
IF valves are removed and replaced
by the plugs of an analyser with its
long leads. Nevertheless the analy-
ser plug and the valveholder on the Fig. 10. An adaptor similar in principle
analyser to which the cable is con- to that in Fig. 9. The meter connections
nected forms a very convenient are made by plugs and sockets on the
extension valveholder unit.
method of testing anode, grid and
heater voltages, which, perhaps, resistances of known value, check-
could not have been undertaken ing the voltages of HT batteries,
without removing the receiver accumulators, and so on, and
chassis from the cabinet. taking current readings by mea-
To get thoroughly used to the suring valve emissions with the aid
various ranges and to obtain prac- of a valve -adaptor, or by breaking
tice in reading the scale of the par- the circuit of the valve to be tested
ticular instrument with which he and connecting the meter in series
is to work, the engineer should with the anode or cathode circuits.
spend an hour or two measuring This is described more fully later.

ill #1 fil

Fig. 11. The adaptor of the kind shown in Fig. 10 in actual use. It is known as the
Weston Analyser. Various plugs provide for different valves.
Always leave the
analyser adjusted
to the highest volt-
age range if there
is no "Off" posi-
tion of the switch.
This will prevent
accidents should
one absent-
mindedly apply
the leads to a high -
voltage circuit.
Also this will pre-
vent the analyser
being left on a low -
resistance measur-
ing range, which,
as pointed out, will
entail a heavy
Fig. 12. The Mullard valve -tester. The valve is inserted drain upon the in-
in a holder, a special card is inserted at the top and all
the necessary test connections are made either by pulling ternal battery in
the lever or by pressing the buttons. the analyser.
When taking
When the meter is to be applied high -resistance measurements do
to a circuit in which it is not known not hold the bare metal parts of
just what values of current or volt- the meter test -prods, otherwise
age may be expected, great care readings will not be accurate.
should be taken to set the meter This is because the human body
to its highest range. has a resistance which varies with
For example, take the case of different people, but has an average
measuring a voltage between the value of about 50,000 ohms when
anode and cathode of a valve. The
meter should be set to the highest
range, which may be o-r,000 volts;
if the needle of the meter gives
only a slight movement, then the
analyser can be adjusted to the
next voltage range which .may be
0-500 volts. This will, no doubt,
bring the needle well along the
scale to perhaps, the too -v. mark,
but if there is a voltage range on
the meter of 0-250 v. the meter
should be switched to this range.
The needle will then swing up
to the middle of the scale, where it
will be easily read and where, as a
matter of fact, the calibration of Fig. 13. A neat portable valve -tester
most meters is more accurate than (Norman Rose) which when operating
along the first half of the scale. draws from the mains.
measured from one hand to the applied in most instruments is to
other. If the prods are held while measure the change in the anode
the resistance of 50,000 ohms is current which occurs when the
being measured, the meter will grid voltage is varied a definite
only indicate a value of 25,000 amount.
ohms, which is the resultant value This change of milliamps divi-
of two 5o,000 -ohms resistances in ded by the change of grid volts is
parallel. the "mutual conductance" of a
Lastly, treat analysers gently. valve, and is a measure of its am-
Modern instruments are robust plifying power. A valve is often
and stand up to a lot of hard usage, referred to as having a certain
but if they are handled sympathe- "slope" of so many ma. -per -volt,
tically they will give much better and this means that for a change
service and have a long
life, and will prove
themselves to be one of
the best friends of the
service engineer.
A valve -tester which
can measure the effici-
ency of a valve is
extremely useful in the
service workshop. They
are really very simple
in their basic principles,
although many of them
appear to be bulky and
complicated. This is
merely because there Fig.14.TheAvometervalve-
are so many different tester utilises add-on units.
types of valve with so
many different forms of bases that of one volt applied to the grid the
a great part of the instrument is anode current will change by the
taken up in making room for all value given.
the various holders required. Other tests are applied to the
Some popular valve -testers are valve for insulation or short cir-
shown in Figs. 12, 13 and 14. cuits between the electrodes. An-
Most testers operate from the other test generally provided is for
mains and the mains transformer softness. When a valve gets old a
supplies HT for the anode and certain amount of gas is liberated
screens of the valves, while there from the metal electrodes, and this
will be several LT windings of reduces the vacuum and causes a
different voltages to apply to the high anode current. When a normal
filaments or heaters of 2, 4, 6.3, receiving valve is very soft, a blue
etc., voltage ratings. glow may be observed, and this is
Battery valves can operate quite always a sign that the valve is not
happily from AC of the required up to standard.
voltage for the particular testwhich A test for softness is to have a
is the proof. of their efficiency. The high resistance in the grid circuit
method by which the test is and to connect a switch across the
resistance. The anode current of common in certain types of small
the valve is observed when the tubular condenser, and is exceed-
switch is closed, and then the ing difficult to find without a
switch is opened, and the anode capacity tester. An open circuit has
current read again. This is because no effect upon the voltage or cur-
the grid of a soft valve becomes rent flowing in a receiver circuit,
positive due to having acquired but, if the condenser is a coupling
positive ions from the gas mole- between one stage and the next,
cules, and therefore current flows signals will be very weak.
through the grid circuit back to the A capacity tester should also be
filament or cathode. capable of measuring the leakage
When current flows through the current in an electrolyte conden-
grid resistance, a voltage is pro- ser. This type of condenser cannot
duced across it and alters the bias be checked for insulation.
of the valve. When the resistance Fig. 16a gives a simple circuit for
is short-circuited, the self -biasing the measurement of capacity and,


Fig. IS. Fundamenta valve -test circuits. Left to right: A test for "soft" valves; a
method of switching the anode circuit; and ways of introducing a change of bias
to mains and battery valves respectively.

voltage disappears and the change in this case, of resistances also. A

of anode current occurs. straight -forward mains transfor-
Some of the fundamental cir- mer and rectifier arrangement
cuits of valve -testers are shown in provides HT which is broken
Fig.' s. It must be appreciated that down by a potentiometer for pro-
various manufacturers of testers viding different voltages for testing
have their own designs and indi- the insulation of various types of
vidual methods of obtaining meter condenser.
indications which can be tabulated Many faulty condensers do not
in the form of "efficiency read- show up on insulation tests when
ings". a low voltage is applied to them,
and insulation tests should always
Testing Condensers be made with a voltage equal to the
A capacity tester should not only working voltage of the unit.
measure the capacity of a con- Conversely, to apply a high
denser; it should also be capable of voltage to a condenser which is
checking the insulation of the only designed to work on a much
dielectric and indicating whether lower voltage will quite likely
there is a "short" or an "open" break down the insulation. There-
circuit. The latter fault is very fore, before a test is made make



250 +
100 ..._e__40 - TEST
Fig. 16a. Simple circuit for the testing of capacities and resistances.
quite sure of the particular type of phones, or a voltage which is
condenser and what voltage is applied to the control grid of a
normally applied to it under work- visual indicator or magic eye. In
ing conditions. All condensers the circuit shown in Fig. 16a a
should be tested for insulation be- simple triode valve is made to
fore they are tested for capacity. oscillate at a low frequency by
For capacity tests a simple coupling the anode circuit to the
bridge circuit is often employed grid by an inter -valve trans-
using a low -frequency note which former.
can be heard on a pair of head- The output from this arrange -

Fig. 16c. Cossor AC impedance bridge

Fig. 16b. The bridge circuit which for capacity, inductance and for taking
forms the basis of the capacity tester. resistance measurements.
the two condensers are equal in Leakage current is referred to in
value, then the voltage at point S ma. per microfarad, and although
will be half the applied voltage, and all types of electrolytic condenser
to balance the bridge the slider of have not the same ratio of leakage
the potentiometer will have to be current to capacity, an average
half -way along its travel, to divide maximum figure is about o5 ma.
the voltage across its windings, so per mfd.
that the voltage at T equals that at The exact figure cannot be
S. The bridge is then balanced. given, as the age of a condenser has
A Cossor bridge instrument for quite a good deal to do with the
measuring capacity, inductance leakage current. A typical smooth-
and resistance is shown in Fig. x 6c. ing condenser of the 8-mfd. 450-v.
Electrolytic condensers, as we working type would have a leakage
have already stated, cannot be current of about i8 ma. when
tested on the bridge circuit just new, but if this same condenser
described, as a small leakage cur- was tested after it had been in use
rent always flows in one direction for two or three years and mea-
and a much larger current in the sured about 4 ma. on test, it could
opposite direction. Therefore, be accepted as being satisfactory if
capacity testers have a separate there was no undue hum in the
circuit which measures the leak- circuit in which it was incorpor-
age current in milliamps when the ated. For the very low voltage
correct working voltage is applied. types as used across cathode bias-
ing resistances a leakage current of
Visual Indicator about oi ma. per mfd. would be
The current is either indicated the limit when the condenser was
on a milliammeter or is made to new.
operate a visual indicator of the A simple method of ascertain-
magic -eye type so that the eye ing the approximate capacity of a
closes when the correct current is condenser not of the electrolytic
flowing. If the leakage current of type is often employed in universal
the electrolytic condenser is nor- analysers, and is based on the
mal its capacity can also be simple circuit inlet in Fig. 17. If
assumed to be up to standard. an AC voltmeter is applied to a
When large condensers are first source of AC voltage, it will indi-
connected to a circuit to which a cate a certain value. If a condenser
voltage is applied there is always a is placed in series with one of the
very heavy surge as the condenser leads of the voltmeter, the con-
accepts the first charge. Therefore, denser will act as an impedance,
experiments in this direction by and will so cut down the current,
using HT batteries and a milli - and a voltage will be developed
ammeter should always be carried across the condenser.
out with a series resistance of a few
thousand ohms and the milliam- Calibration Method
meter set for measuring very high The latter voltage is dependent
current. After a few minutes the upon the capacity of the condenser;
resistance may be shorted and the smaller the capacity the higher
the meter switched to the appro- will be the impedance to alterna-
priate range when the current falls ting current and the greater will be
to its normal leakage value. the voltage developed across the
condenser. We therefore have a known under several names, such
method of calibrating the AC as, test oscillator, signal generator
voltmeter scale with capacity read- and modulated oscillator, but if it
ings, which may be obtained is sold for radio servicing purposes
either by calculations or by a it is fundamentally the same thing
series of measurements using whatever its name.
condensers of known value. Essentially it is a miniature
transmitter which derives its
Service Oscillator power either from internal bat-
The service oscillator is one of teries or from the mains. Its out-
the chief pieces of equipment in put, instead of being broadcast, is
the service department; its impor- confined to a twin shielded lead,
tance is only second to that of the by which it may be injected into
analyser. Without an oscillator no any part of the receiver circuit.
modern superheterodyne receiver The wavelength or frequency of
can he properly overhauled or the output may be varied by means
repaired. The service oscillator is of a tuning control to cover all the
HT+ HT4,

HT +

Fig. 18. Four common circuits for the generation of HF oscillations. Three use the
triode but the fourth shows a screen -grid valve dynatron circuit.
fact, an AC volt-
meter, or universal
analyser adjusted
to operate as an
AC voltmeter, will
work just as effect-
ively as an output
meter. For trim-
ATTENUATOR ming operations it
is connected across
the loudspeaker. If
the latter has a high
impedance, the AC
voltmeter must be
adjusted to a high
voltage range,
whereas if the
speaker has a low
impedance, the
voltmeter must be
DUMMY adjusted to a volt-
age range of about
Fig. 20a. The E.M.I. Service signal generator. The "dum- 0-5 v.
my aerials" in the foreground duplicate the effect of the The A.F. genera-
normal aerial upon the receiver. tor is an oscillator
which gives an out-
sary, however, to have these trim- put of which the frequency is well
mers correctly tuned to obtain within the audible range. It is
maximum selectivity as well as very useful for checking up the
sensitivity. The output meter frequency response of an amplifier
enables every slight change of a or loudspeaker, and provides a
trimmer condenser to be seen steady signal of any audible fre-
as a movement of the needle. quency which may be injected
The output meter is nothing into the input of an amplifier, or
more than an AC voltmeter. In into the pick-up sockets of a radio-
gramophone, while investigations
are carried out.
These oscillators are often ter-
med beat -frequency oscillators,
and this describes the circuit
which is used in them. Briefly, it
comprises two HF oscillators the
outputs of which are mixed to-
gether. One of the oscillators
operates at a fixed frequency, and
the other oscillator may be varied
very slightly with regard to the
first. By this means "beats" are
Fig. 20b. A ganging oscillator as manu- obtained in the output varying
factured by Cossor. from zero when the two circuits are
exactly in tune and rising in fre- vided by the coil. If, however, it is
quency as the oscillators get more desired to measure the voltage
and more out of step. across a circuit which has already
The valve voltmeter (Fig. 22a) a high standing voltage on it, or if
permits measurement of the volt- the circuit to be tested involves
ages on very sensitive receiver a condenser which would break
circuits without affecting them in the circuit between the grid of
any way. The ordinary voltmeter the valve and its cathode, then
or analyser, as we have seen, is a a grid condenser and a grid
resistance, and this resistance can resistance must be used in the

Fig. 21. Three forms of output

meter. The instrument at top
right (made by Bulgin) is actual4
an indicator,the point of maximum
output being shown by the glow
of a neon lamp.

upset HF and IF circuits. Valve input circuit of the valve volt-

voltmeters have very little effect, meter.
as only the very high resistance This, of course, imposes a cer-
between the grid and the cathode tain load upon the circuit being
of the valve is imposed. tested. Even so, as the grid resis-
The principle of operation is tance can be of the very high value
quite simple. When the voltage on of i or 2 megohms, the load is
the grid of a valve is varied the generally far less than that im-
anode current changes, and this posed by even the most sensitive
characteristic is taken advantage analyser or voltmeter.
of when designing a valve volt- Even valve voltmeters with a
meter. There must always be a comparatively low resistance input
circuit between the grid of the circuit have advantages over the
valve and its cathode, and when usual type of voltmeter, because
measuring coils this circuit is pro- they are not what is termed fre-
anode circuit would show a read-
ing of the standing anode current,
and quite a large part of the scale
would not be available for voltage
measurements. A modification is
therefore provided which develops
a voltage across the milliammeter
and provides reverse current to
counteract the standing current,
and so brings the meter needle
back to zero.
Fig. 22a. A valve voltmeter by E.M.i Checking Voltage Gain
Service, Ltd.
A valve voltmeter is very useful
quency conscious. Ordinary AC for checking the voltage gain be-
voltmeters are calibrated at a cer- tween one stage and another. Coils
tain frequency, generally 5o cycles. can be matched by connecting the
With a valve voltmeter, however, valve voltmeter across a fixed con-
practically any frequency whether denser and then connecting the
LF, HF, or even right up into the coil to be matched across the con-
television frequencies can be ap- denser and noting the voltage
plied without loss of accuracy. developed when a signal is fed
A typical valve voltmeter circuit from an oscillator. Coils can have
is shown in Fig. zzb. In the circuit their turns removed or spaced in
shown a modification is made to order to produce the same voltage
circuit of the valve, as any other similar coil. Coils can
which considerably extends the be compared for efficiency in the
voltage range. same way.
In a simple valve voltmeter Conversely, condensers may be
circuit the milliammeter in the compared by connecting them

Fig. 226. Two bask valve voltmeter circuits. Note the arrangement for providing a
reverse current to bring the meter to zero despite the steady valve current.



Fig. 23. Sect'onal and X-ray view showing the arrangement of electrodes in a
cathode-ray tube which is the principal component in the oscillograph.

across a standard coil. The sepa- practically no load upon a circuit

rate sections of a ganged conden- and, within exceptionally wide
ser may be matched up in the same limits, it cannot be overloaded by
way. The valve voltmeter may be excessive voltage application.
employed as an indicator for The cathode-ray tube, which is
tuning a circuit, especially wave - the principal component in the
traps. oscillograph, is described in Chap-
ter 8, but for convenience a sec-
Cathode-ray Oscillograph tional diagram is given in Fig. 23.
The cathode-ray oscillograph In Fig. 24 the way the beam is
has become very popular for re- controlled is indicated.
ceiver circuit analysis. The advent It is impossible here to deal
of television made this instrument . thoroughly with all the applica-
practically the only means of find- tions of cathode-ray oscillographs
ing out what was going on in the in radio design and servicing.
very high -frequency circuits. Briefly, the instrument enables one
One of its features which is of or more cycles of alternating cur-
great importance is that it imposes rent, whether of low frequency or





Fig. 24. This diagram illustrates how the electron beam in a cathode-ray tube is
condensed and deflected. The principle is explained in the text..
high frequency, to be traced on the A typical service oscillograph is
fluorescent screen, so that a dis- shown in Fig. 25. The controls
torted waveform can be compared appear at first to be rather com-
with the original waveform. For plex, but they each perform a
example, if the output of an audio - simple function, and their use is
frequency oscillator is injected soon mastered. In the actual in-
into the pick-up sockets of a re- strument illustrated the input of
ceiver, the cathode-ray oscillo- the vertical plates passes through
graph can be connected across this an amplifier which can be switched
input and the waveform examined; off when direct connection is
it should, of course, appear as a desired. The degree of amplifica-
pure sine wave. tion may be varied when the
amplifier is used,
by adjusting a
left-hand knob
marked "Gain".
Similarly the input
FOCUS to the horizontal
plates can be con-
trolled. There are
knobs for control-
ling the intensity of
RANGE the beam to alter
the biasing on the
"". modulator elec-
trode, and the beam
TIMING itself may be
elf , focussed.
st, 14- 40 In the centre of
the instrument may
be observed a knob
marked "Range".
Fig. 25. A portable cathode-ray oscillograph. This is for adjusting
Next the oscillograph leads are the input to the vertical deflecting
connected across the anode load plates, so that the curve does not
(which may be a resistance or a fly off the end of the tube when the
normal inter -valve transformer) in voltage is too high. The remaining
the anode circuit of the first LF controls are concerned with ad -
amplifier valve. The waveform justing the image in various ways,
should appear very much larger, so that it is nicely positioned on
but of exactly the same shape, with the screen.
no kinks or other distortion. If Fig. 0 depicts the internal view
there are imperfections, then this of a cathode-ray oscillograph,
indicates that the stage is distort- showing the valves used for ampli-
ing and, with the image then being fying the input to the vertical and
shown on the tube of the oscillo- horizontal plates and also the
graph, adjustments may be made valves comprising what is termed
or components changed, biasing the time base.
altered and so on, and the effect of Time base circuits cause the
these changes observed. beam to swing across the tube
horizontally, and can
be adjusted so that
the beam effects its
passage from one
side of the tube to
the other in the time
taken by one cycle
of the waveform it is
desired to examine.
For example, take
the case of the ex-
amination of a 50 -
cycle mains supply.
In this case the beam Fig. 27. A neat portable insulation tester with fold -up
is adjusted by the generator handle and flap to protect the scale glass.
controls so that it
will travel from one side of the and then to come back to the zero
tube to the other in one -fiftieth of volts position again. If a little
a second. While it is doing this, the thought is given to this, it will be
voltage of the mains supply which seen that one complete cycle will
is applied to the vertical deflecting be shown traced over and over
plates will cause the spot of light again in the same position on the
on the screen to move up as the screen, so as to appear quite
voltage increases to its maximum stationary.
in the positive direction, then to By altering the controls of the
fall right down to the maximum time -base, the time taken to move
voltage in the negative direction, the beam across the tube may be
varied up to many thousands or
even million times a second, so
hat H F cycles can be traced.
Another rather special instru-

Fig. 26. Internal view of the oscillograph illustrated in Fig. 25 showing the valves
employed in the amplifiers and the time bases.
Fig. 30. Useful dips
which, when attached
to meter leads, save
much time In making
connections. A neon
tester (right) provides
simple indication of the
presence of voltage.

should have a drawer

in which he can
keep his own small
tools and meters. At
the back of the bench
large, should be kept tidy and the there should be a shelf to accom-
various items which comprise the modate the larger pieces of test
furniture should be arranged in an equipment. There they are less
orderly manner. Fig. 33 illustrates liable to be damaged, more easily
a well -laid -out service workshop. inspected when readings are taken,
The service bench itself should and more convenient as regards
be sturdy, and each engineer test -leads connected to them.

Supply Points
Points should be arranged at the
back of the bench for supplying
power to chassis. On the inside of
the legs of the bench there should
be a supply point into which
soldering irons may be plugged,
thus preventing the leads trailing
over the work on the bench.
A shelf a few inches from the
floor is a convenient place for
storing cabinets while the chassis
are being worked on. Some engi-
neers prefer to use adaptors to
enable any type of plug or lamp
adaptor which they may find on
the mains lead of a customer's
receiver to be connected to the
supply socket on the bench. Other
engineers prefer to wire up a num-
ber of different sockets and a
batten -type lamp -holder in parallel
on the bench.
If the area covered by the ser-
vice department includes a district
Fig. 31. A kit such as this enables the
cabinets of repaired sets to be polished supplied by DC mains, while the
and generally smartened up. service department itself is sup -
plied with AC, provision must be bench. Chassis are generally satis-
made for an alternative supply to factory when they stand upright,
test DC instruments. A convenient but in this position many of the
method is to have a rotary con- components are inaccessible. Some
verter such as that shown in Fig. manufacturers sell suitable metal
32. One having an output of about cradles to which the chassis may be
250 watts will cater for the largest bolted and which allow them to
radio -gramophone, or will pro- be supported in any position on
vide sufficient output for several the bench.
small chassis to be tested or demon-
strated at the same time. Useful Folding Tray
Under the conditions which we A very convenient arrangement
have mentioned the converter will is to make up four pieces of square
be driven by AC and will deliver wood about 8 in. long and f in.
DC. Where the
reverse conditions
prevail, And it is
desired to operate
an AC receiver in
a workshop that
is on a DC supply,
then the conver-
ter must work
from this supply
and deliver the
required AC out-
An important
item is the bench -
lamp. This should
be of a type
which will allow
the light to be
directed into any Fig. 32. A rota ry converter is a valuable adjunct to the
rkshop in an AC-DC district.
awkward corners w°
either of a chassis or in the interior square, each fitted into a base two
of a radio -gramophone, without or three inches square. Three
blinding the eyes of the engineer or four of these may be positioned
working with it. A convenient type on the bench so that they support
will be seen on the bench in Fig. 33 the chassis, motor board or auto -
For easy inspection and repair mechanism, clear of the bench.
of radio -gramophones and console In Fig. 33 a stand will be seen
models a cabinet stand is very use- for supporting an auto -mechanism
ful. It raises the instrument to % or motor board; a folding tray at
position where lengthy periods can the side is useful for holding tools
be spent working on it without too and parts of the mechanism when
much back -bending. they have been taken down. A
Chassis, auto -mechanism and shelf at the bottom of the stand
motor boards are sometimes very accommodates test records.
awkward things to support on the A job -card should be available


THE beginner in radio servic- breaks in the winding or at each

ing will find that testing any end of the winding, where the fine
components he can lay his wire is soldered to terminals or
hands on will not only help him tags. If the coupling condenser
to become thoroughly acquainted between the anode of the valve and
with the use of his servicing equip- the next valve develops a short
ment and to acquire a practical circuit the HF choke will probably
insight into the construction of be burnt out, because the HT cur-
components and what faults can rent will rise to a high value and flow
occur in them, but the knowledge through the condenser to earth.
so gained will be invaluable when Sometimes HF chokes develop
he comes to servicing a faulty a fault which nullifies their effec-
radio receiver. After all, with the tiveness, producing weak signals
exception of a few types of faults, or instability. This occurs when
such as badly soldered joints, and several layers of the winding be-
instability or insensitivity due to come shorted out due to a break-
wires being misplaced, nearly all down of the insulation covering
troubles in radio receivers are the wire. Such a fault will lower
due to faulty components. the total resistance of the winding,
so that when an ohmmeter is used
Alphabetical Review to check up the value of the wind-
Actual values of components ing, a low reading will be obtained
cannot be given here as they vary . compared with the value in ohms
widely according to the manu- given in the service manual.
facturer's particular design. All If the fault is anything more
service departments should have than a broken connection to a tag,
a complete set of manufacturer's which can be resoldered, the HF
service manuals or the service choke should be discarded.
sheets compiled by trade papers. Chokes (LF and Smoothing)
The following is a review in (see Fig. a). These can break down
alphabetical order of the compo- due to either a break in the wind-
nents which will be found in a ing or to a failure of the insulation
modern radio receiver, together between the winding and the iron
with hints on the types of faults laminations. This latter fault may
which can occur in them and how cause the winding to burn out. To
to locate and cure them. test a choke, check its resistance
Chokes (HF) (see Fig. t). The between one end of the winding
chief troubles with HF choices are and the other with an ohmmeter,
and compare the values obtained CHECK RESISTANCE
with the data in the service manual. OF WINDING ACROS

If no reading is obtained, then END AND WINDING

there is a disconnection in the

winding and rewinding is neces-
sary. Specialist repair firms under-
take this work.
Before condemning the choke,
however, examine the connection
between the actual wire ends and
the terminals or soldering tags. A
-" 00-600-0
pair of tweezers is useful with
which to grip the wire in order SOMETIMES LIKE ,THIS --IFRE4W-

to make sure that it is properly Fig. 2. The LF choke is distinguished

connected. by its iron core. The resistance of the
winding and the insulation between
Leakage Test winding and core must be checked.
An insulation test should next laminations together or wedging
be applied by connecting an ohm- them with small splinters of wood,
meter on its highest resistance is generally effective.
range between one of the ends of
the winding and the laminations. Checking Coils
There should be "infinity" resist- Coils (see Fig. 3). The term
ance reading. If an insulation tester "coils" covers any winding of wire
is available, this should be used, upon a former and, in fact, a mains
so that the choke is subjected to a transformer or a smoothing choke
voltage at least equal to that at can well come within the category
which it operates. of coils which are used for testing
If a choke is buzzing when it is purposes.
in a receiver, this is generally due Coils should be checked for
to loose laminations. Tightening their resistance. If there is no con-
up the bolts which clamp the tinuity between the ends of the
.00./ AT TAGS


Fig. I. Two forms of HF choke. Besides checking the resistance of the winding,
rest between winding and mounting bolt for any leakage. If a choke is burnt out
look for a short to chassis elsewhere in the circuit.

Short wave coils CIRCUIT SYMBOLS

are generally of
thick wire and
often "self-sup- SINGLE COIL -
porting" like the
one shown here.
A break is unlikely
but good connec- LI
tions and high in-
sulation across the
holder are im-

" 1100111 3 -WAVE BAND COIL-

In coils for medium
and long waves a
fairly fine insulated
wire is employed,
and when a contin-
uity test indicates a
TAG break this should be
COIL looked for where the
FORMER wire passes through
the former, and also
where it joins the
connection tags.

WINDING Coil screening
cans must be
L.W WINDING firmly earthed
(THIN WIRE to chassis. Low
PILE WOUND) insulation due
to dampness
S.W. WINDING may prevent a
(THICK WIRE) coil functioning COIL WITH
correctly. IRON -DUST

Fig. 3. A short-wave coil and a three -waveband screened type.

windings, this points to a break in with tappings made at various
the coil, and the connections to the points sometimes develop a break
terminals should be examined. If where the thin wire goes through
these appear O.K. and the repair a hole in the former and is bent
is urgent, then it is often possible, towards its terminal or tags. A coil
in the case of simple single -layer showing an open circuit should be
coils, to unwind the layer, locate examined in these places, where a
the break and repair it. break may often be discovered and
rectified. Generally speaking,
Oscillator Coil Faults however, a faulty coil is best sub-
Oscillator coils in the oscillator stituted by a new one.
stage of a superhet sometimes Condensers (Fixed) (see Fig. 4).
develop a fault which prevents the These should be tested on a capa-
circuit from oscillating; this is due city tester, first for insulation and
to damp. Drying out a coil may then for capacity. If no capacity
effect a cure, but generally they meter is available an ohmmeter
have to be replaced. test will tell whether the condenser
Coils which comprise several is short circuited or not, but it will
sections wound on a long former not indicate any internal discon-

(A) 4 mfd. paper condenser. Tested

1500 v. DC, normal working 450 v.; CONSTRUCTION
(B) 8 mfd. wet electrolytic, max.
continuous working voltage of 440, TIN
peak voltage of 460; (C) 8 mfd. dry
electrolytic, max. continuous working
voltage of 500, peak voltage of 550; TAG OR 'MICA
(D) 2 mfd. non -inductive paper con- TERMINAL
denser. Tested 400 v. DC, working
voltage of 200; (E) 25 mfd. dry elec-
trolytic, max. working voltage of 25
DC; (F) 0.01 mfd. tubular paper con- J.
denser. Tested to 1500 v. DC for lip
400 v. DC working; (G) 0.0025 mfd. I
mica condenser. Tested to 500 v.
DC for 250 v. DC working. GAUZE-->
Fig. 4. A selection of condensers with their circuit symbols and also details of con-
struction. A description of how condensers are manufactured is contained In
Chapter 16 on "Production Methods".
nection. Faulty condensers must electrolytics must be replaced, but
be replaced. where only one section of a block
Condensers (Electrolytic) (see containing several sections has
Fig. 4). Electrolytic condensers "gone", only this one part need be
generally give ample evidence of by a new external unit.
their breakdown, due to the fact Condensers (Variable) (see Fig. 5).
that they are employed mostly in The chief faults which can occur
HT circuits. When they fail they in variable condensers are the
may develop an internal short cir- moving vanes touching the fixed
cuit which provides a direct path vanes and noisiness in operation.
to earth for the HT current, thus The first fault gives rise to dead
overloading the mains transformer points in the tuning range, unless,
and rectifying valve. of course, the fault is so bad that
Electrolytic condensers should the moving vanes foul the fixed
be tested on a capacity bridge for vanes all the way round. An ohm-
short circuits, leakage and also for meter test between the two ter-
capacity, as this latter test will minals will show whether any
indicate whether there is any shorting is taking place.
internal disconnection. Faulty Noisiness may be due either to
dirt or metal filings fouling the two
sets of plates of the condenser, or
to corroded or oxidised surfaces




Fig. 5. A two -gang air spaced condenser for tuning and a solid die ectric type used
in reaction circuits. The earthing clip of the two gang and the "pigtail' of the
reaction type are suspect when reception is noisy.



Fig. 6. Two LF transformers.

One has a tapped secondary for
MEASURE RESISTANCE energising the grids of two
OF EACH WINDING valves used in push-pull.
between the moving vanes and the An insulation test should always
clip which makes contact with the be carried out on frame aerials
spmdle and the terminal of the between the winding itself and the
condenser. former (which is often the lid of
In a ganged condenser, where the portable).
there are several sections, each Fuses. When fuses are fitted in
section will have its own clip for the HT circuits they can cause
making contact with its own par- crackling if loose in their holders.
ticular set of moving vanes, and it If a fuse is suspected of having
is very essential, especially in blown, care must be taken when
short-wave circuits, that the spring - testing it to make sure that a
clips make efficient contact both heavier current than the fuse can
where they touch the bearings and carry is not forced through it by
where they are soldered to their the ohmmeter. It is advisable to fit
part of the circuit or to the chassis. a high resistance in series with the
fuse to limit the current.
' Cleaning Condensers Inter -valve Transformers (see
Dirt can be removed from con- Fig. 6). Test each winding for con-
densers by blowing or by use of a tinuity and for insulation between
pipe -cleaner or plasticine. Corro- the windings and the core. It is
sion should be removed with fine advisable also to test for insulation
emery paper and/or one of the between the windings, as if the
proprietary cleaning fluids. transformer is of the type in which
Frame Aerials. Frame aerials the primary winding is connected
develop similar faults to, and they in the anode circuit of the LF
may be tested as, coils. Frame amplifying valve, low insulation
aerials are used mostly in battery between the two windings of the
portable receivers and, because of transformer may allow a high
this, they are susceptible to corro- positive voltage to be applied to
sion due to acid fumes which are the grid of the following valve.
given off from the accumulator. This will give rise to excessive

In a service man-
ual the under-
neath of the
would be shown
as in sketch on

This sketch in a ser-

vice manual would
tell the engineer
Mains transformer near its which soldering tags
rectifier valve on the chassis. were connected to
the various windings.
Another way of giving
this information is
shown in the d rawings
at the bottom of the
HT- HT+ page where the tag
numbers are given on
the circuit diagram.

The dotted line represents a layer of copper

foil which acts as a screen between the mains
supply and the receiver circuits. If the screen
is not earthed, modulation hum and noisy
reception may result. The screen is between
the primary and secondary windings, but
must not form a complete ring or it would
act as a short-circuited turn.

QZ;2:0 0
9,17 e&1
8c7 (e,1 A
F. 9. Ways in which mains transformers are indicated in circuits and in practical
diagrams as given in service manuals issued by manufacturers.
generally due to lack of lubrication, but the value will be found in the
and can be located by switching manufacturer's service manual.
off the motor and turning the Motors which operate from DC
various spindles by hand to see or which are also suitable for use
whether they appear stiff. in AC/DC instruments have an
The motor gears should have armature winding which is con-
grease applied, but other bearings, nected to a commutator on the
such as the main turntable bear- shaft. By means of carbon brushes,
ing, the bottom bearings of the contact is maintained between the
turntable spindle and governor armature winding and the motor
assemblies, should be lubricated terminals. In time the brushes and
with high -quality, thin oil. commutator require attention.
The carbon brushes must be an
Series Resistance easy but not "sloppy" fit in their
In the case of motors which holders. Otherwise they will not
operate on a low voltage and have wear down evenly, and excessive
a series resistance to enable them sparking will occur, which will
to operate from a mains supply, it burn and pit the surface of the
is advisable to check the voltage commutator.
across the motor terminals while
the motor is running. It is often The Commutator
found that lack of power is due to It is practically impossible to
the resistance being incorrectly clean a badly burnt commutator,
adjusted. The correct voltage is and the armature should be com-
generally between 4o v. and 6o v., pletely removed from the motor,







Fig. 10. A gramophone motor for operation from either AC or DC mains.



Fig. 14. A reaction coil and three ways in which it may

be connected in circuit. The dotted lines in the circuits
on the right indicate where leakages of HT current may
occur from anode to chassis.

If reproduction is distorted but

not weak, this points to perished
rubbers, which, however, are not


I so soft as to allow the armature to
"freeze". The reproduction from
a pick-up is perfectly audible in a
RESULTS OCCUR IF THESE END pair of headphones, and this is
CONNECTIONS WORK LOOSE useful for testing purposes. Repro-
duction should be clear and bright,
and if these sort of signals are
obtained on the headphones, any
distortion from equipment using
il»DO21))) the pick-up must be looked for in
the amplifier or loudspeaker.
Plugs and Sockets. These small
THAN THE TYPE ABOVE items can cause a lot of trouble.
Whenever the complaint regard-
Fig. 15. Two forms of resistance or "re- ing a receiver is of crackling or
sistor". These light units are suspended intermittent reproduction, all
In the circuit wiring or soldered to tags
on assembly strips. plugs and sockets should be exam -
fined. They should be cleaned and, of the windings. A burnt out coil
if at all slack, opened up so as to may be due to a shorting reaction
ensure that the plugs are a tight fit condenser or to a short to another
in their sockets. Crackling can, of winding.
course, be brought about by a bad Reaction Condensers (see Fig.
connection between the plugs and 5). These control the amount
the wires which lead into them. of feed -back between the anode
Potentiometers. See Resistances and grid circuits. Nowadays they
(Variable). are to be found only in small
Reaction Coils (see Fig. 14). battery receivers, and the control
Failure to obtain oscillation may is often termed a sensitivity, or
be due to insufficient coupling to volume control.
the grid coil or reverse connection To obtain greater capacity and


Fig. 16. A potentiometer

and, below, a variable
resistance. The electrical
arrangement of the two
is the same but the latter
is usually designed to
carry a fairly heavy cur-
rent and dissipate the
consequent heat. The cir-
cuit shows the two posi-
tions, VRI and VR2, in
which a potentiometer is
usually employed. VRI is
the volume control of a
superhet and VR2 the
tone control.

to make the condenser as small as because if this fault does occur,
possible, many types have discs of there will be a direct path to earth
mica separating the fixed and for the HT current, as will be
moving vanes. This is also to guard seen from Fig. 14. Therefore, if it
against shorting between the vanes, is found that the reaction coil is






TC4- TC5



alma AE MAL
I L Y2

Fig. 17. A drawing of an IF transformer with the screening can "ghosted" and ways
in which such a transformer may be represented in circuit and chassis diagrams.
burnt out, the cause
of the fault should
be looked for in the
reaction condenser,
which may be
shorting during its BATT RY
movement. Test as
for Condensers
Resistances (Fix-
ed) (see Fig. 15).
These little com-
ponents are very
numerous in the
modern receiver
and seldom give TESTINGPRONGS

trouble unless
abused. They are
simple to check by
means of an ohm-
meter. Fig. 18. How a pair of headphones and a dry battery may
If a resistance be wired up as a simple continuity tester. When the prods
aree applied to a component, a click indicates continuity.
has been put into
a circuit to drop the HT from zoo There are two types of variable
to I00 v. on the anode of a valve, resistance ; one has an element
and it is found that the voltage is made up of wire wound on a strip
only so v. with a low anode cur- of insulated material, while the
rent, whereas the voltage is still element in the second type com-
zoo v. at the HT end, then the prises a high -resistance layer of
resistance has obviously become some such material as graphite on
faulty and developed a high value. a card or paper base. In both types
Resistances which do not carry a slider, attached to the control,
current, such as those in grid or makes contact with the element.
AVC circuits, can cause trouble There is no real difference
after a lengthy period by giving between a potentiometer and a
rise to crackling. The only sure variable resistance. Fig. 16 shows
way of proving them to be faulty a variable resistance in the posi-
id this respect is replacement. tion VRz and a similar unit with
Sometimes tapping will aggravate potentiometer connections in VR r.
the crackling. This point is dis- The potentiometer connection
cussed later when dealing with provides a fixed potential across
fault location in receivers. the resistance element, and the
Resistances (Variable) (see Fig. sliding arm of the component can
i6). Volume controls are the most pick off the desired potential. For
used of all the controls on a receiver. example, if so v. is being dropped
They generally consist of a vari- across the element and the slider is
able resistance (but see Reaction half -way between the two ends,
Condensers), and it is only to be then the voltage which is being
expected that in time they will applied to the next part of the
require replacement, or repair. circuit would be 5 v.
A variable resistance is generally lished that the switch is the cause
used in series when there is cur- of faulty reception by gently
rent flowing in the circuit. If it is rotating the switch from side to
of a high value it can be used side. This aggravates the crackling
to control LF current, such as or will cause the reproduction to
when it is used as a tone control by be intermittent.
shorting out the condenser in a In the case of dirty contacts, and
tone -control circuit. These points especially when the switch is
are illustrated in Fig. i6. rather inaccessible, the contacts
The chief faults which can may be cleaned by applying a drop
occur in variable resistances are: or two of one of the switch -clean-
intermittent operation due to dirt ing liquids which are extensively
between the element and the advertised. If this does not effect a
slider, and a worn element. Dirt permanent cure, then the switch
can be removed from wire ele- must be adjusted to increase the
ments either with very fine glass- pressure between contacts. This is
paper or with a paint brush, but where the switch adjusting tool,
when an element is badly worn it illustrated in Fig. 29 of Chapter i r,
is generally not possible to effect a will be used when dealing with
satisfactory repair. flat -bladed spring contacts.
Variable resistances may be
tested by connecting an ohm- Rotary Switches
meter to one end of the winding Rotary switches have a self-
and to the slider. When the latter cleaning action and seldom give
is slowly moved along the element, trouble, and the application of a
the readings on the meter should switch -cleaning liquid generally
vary gradually from minimum to cures any crackling or inter-
maximum, or vice versa, and the mittency.
meter needle should not exhibit Transformers. See Inter -valve
a series of eccentric movements. Transformers and Mains trans-
The resistance element itself can former.
be checked for continuity and IF Transformers may be dealt
resistance by connecting an ohm- with as for coils and chokes (HF).
meter between the two terminals See that the leads in the IF trans-
which make connection with the former are not touching and
two ends of the elements. shorting (see Fig. r7).
Valves. The chief tests for
Adjusting Volume Control valves were discussed under the
If a volume control is unsatis- heading of "Valve Testers", and
factory in operation but its ele- the only points to be looked for in
ment appears to be quite clean and addition to those given are dirty
unworn, then the bearings and pin contacts, microphonic valves
connections between the slider and and noisy valves.
its terminal should be examined Valves with dirty legs can cause
and cleaned if necessary. crackling and intermittent results.
Switches. Dirty contacts and In some types the wiring of the
weak contact pressure give rise to internal electrodes is passed
crackling or "no results". In the through the hollow legs and sol-
case of the wavechange switch, it dered to the ends. Care should be
can generally be definitely estab- taken not to disturb this soldering,
otherwise open circuits will occur,
or worse, intermittent operation.
Microphonic valves give symp-
toms often mistaken for mains
hum, but which become intoler-
able when the valve is badly
microphonic. The symptom is
howling, which, starting quietly,
builds up to a volume that often
reaches such a stage that the set
has to be switched off.
It is generally easy to find a
microphonic valve, as by slightly
tapping each valve the faulty one
will at once start to give rise to the CHOKE OR
howling, or at least cause a micro- TRANSFORMER.
phonic sound from the speaker. Fig. 20. Testing the insulation between
The reason a valve sometimes does a winding of a transformer or choke and
not present its fault during tests its iron core.
is that the back of the receiver is
opened, and this releases pressure A great deal of work can be
of the sound waves. carried out by means of a pair of
It may sometimes befall an headphones and a dry battery. A
engineer to endeavour to trace a x.5 v. or 3 v. battery is all that is
fault without any instruments, required, and this arrangement
and the following notes may be of may be wired up with a pair of
value to him should he find him- test -prods as shown in Fig. x8.
self in this predicament. The test may be omitted so long
as the wire is insulated except for
the very ends.
When the battery is wired up
with the headphones and the
latter are being worn, a loud
decisive click will be heard ir. the
'phones when the test -prods are
touched together or shorted. This
state of affairs will indicate con-
tinuity. For example, in Fig. 19 a
coil is being tested for continuity
by applying the test -prods to the
soldering tags on the coil -former.
These tags should, of course, be
connected to the windings of the
coil, and a click will be heard in
the headphones if the coil has a
continuous winding which is con-
nected properly to its tags.
If the coil is faulty-in other
words, open circuited-or has what
Fig. 19. Phones test applied to a coil. many engineers term, a "dis" in it,
way, but it must be appreciated that
.this simple test will not show up such
unusual faults as shorted turns.
LF transformers, smoothing
chokes and mains transformers
may be checked in the same way
by applying the test -prods to the
tags or terminals of each winding.
In addition, the insulation between
the windings and the core or
laminations of the transformer or
choke may be checked as shown in
Fig. 20. In the latter case there
should be no click, showing that
the insulation between the wind-
ings and the core is satisfactory. A
very slight scratching noise in the
'phones when the test is applied
Fig. 21. The phone test Is suitable for may be ignored; a decisive click
application to small condensers. is indicative of a breakdown.
Small fixed condensers may be
there will be no click in the head- tested for insulation or short cir-
phones when the test -prods are cuit, as shown in Fig. 2i. When
applied to the ends of the wind- the test -prods are first applied to a
ings. If the coil being tested is a good condenser there will be a
multiple arrangement having SW, click as the condenser charges up
MW, and LW windings on it, each from the battery, but any further
separate winding may be checked touching of the test -prods on the
for continuity by applying the condenser terminals should not
test -prods to the appropriate pAir provide any click in the 'phones.
of soldering tags. In addition, a If there is a loud click every time
test for insulation between the the test -prods are touched on to
various windings may be made by the condenser terminals, then the
applying one test -prod to the condenser is short circuited. If
soldering tag of one winding and there is no click on first appli-
the other test -prod to one of cation of the test -prods, then the
the tags of the adjacent winding. condenser is probably internally
disconnected from its terminals.
Testing Oscillator Coils Condensers of large capacity
This is a useful test to apply in may be checked as follows.
the case of oscillator coils, which First the condenser is charged
often have fine reaction windings by applying a voltage to it from
over the grid tuning winding. A an HT battery. A screwdriver
short of HT to earth may some- should be held against one of the
times be located in this way, due terminals and slid along until the
to the breakdown of the insulation tip of the screwdriver blade nearly
between the reaction winding and touches the other terminal.
its corresponding grid tuning wind- A large spark should occur as
ing. IF and HF transformers and the condenser discharges. No
chokes may be tested in a similar spark indicates a faulty condenser.


IF a faulty receiver was taken work out logical testing systems

and every component in it which will find any fault in a
tested by the methods de- minimum of time.
scribed in the previous chapter, the All faults are caused by either
cause of the trouble would be (a) the "opening" or partial inter-
found. The testing would take a ruption of a necessary circuit path
very long time, however, and for- or (b) the creation of an unwanted
tunately there are ways of finding path. Basically, then, testing is a
the particular region of a set in matter of checking continuity, i.e.,
which a fault lies so that detail whether a required path remains
tests need only be carried out on or an unwanted path has come into
one or two components. existence.
To understand the ideas behind
these fault -localising tests which Correct Continuity
are applied to the set as a whole, If receivers used DC only, this
the engineer must have a fair testing would mean simply carry-
knowledge of how a set works and, ing out resistance measurements.
in particular, of how each receiver The DC currents in a set, how-
consists of a series of "stages" like ever, are only vehicles for the
links in a chain. The reader should transference of the signals which,
refer again if necessary to Chapter whether of radio or audible fre-
2, "How Receivers Work", before quency, are alternating currents.
proceeding further with this We have, therefore, to make sure
chapter. that the continuity is correct for
AC as well as DC.
Two Main Faults Most faults affect both DC and
Various kinds of fault occur in AC continuity-in other words,
receivers-from complete silence when the signal ceases to pass
to howling and other queer noises. through the set, or does so inade-
To some extent the tests to be quately or distortedly, there is at
applied depend on the nature of the same time a change in the cir-
the fault, but fundamentally all cuit so far as DC is concerned. A
failures are caused in one of two current path has "opened" or a
ways. Appreciating this, we can "short" or high -resistance circuit


Fig. I. Current measurements show which stage contains a DC fault. A meter at

MI shows the total HT current and with the voltage at VI indicates whether the
mains section or the rest of the set is at fault. Tests at M2, M3, etc., then check
the separate stages by measuring the valve anode currents.

has occurred, and this change of

path or resistance is reflected by a Mains -operated receivers
change in the DC voltages and use voltages of 35o and even
currents flowing to the valves. more, and the greatest care
By testing the voltages and cur- must be exercised when hand-
rents at selected "key" points, and ling chassis if the mains lead
comparing the measurements ob- is connected. For this reason
tained with the correct values no attempt should be made to
given in the technical information repair a mains set until ex-
issued by the manufacturers, we perience has been acquired in
can pin down the point where the handling battery receivers and
resistance has changed to some service equipment generally.
particular stage (Figs. i and 2). We When working on a "live"
can then test the components in chassis the engineer must
this stage individually (Fig. 3). stand on a dry floor, prefer-
ably a rubber mat. He should
Modern Testing Methods touch the set only when hold-
Voltage and current testing of ing insulated test -prods or
this kind is the backbone of radio other insulated tools (a metal
servicing, but in recent years pro- screwdriver is dangerous to
perly equipped professional engi- set and user).
neers have developed a second test The learner is well advised
method which forms, it may be to wear rubber gloves. Every
said, a very strong "right -arm". engineer should acquire the
As we have indicated, a fault habit of touching chassis with
may possibly only affect AC con- one hand only; this eliminates
tinuity. In this case voltage and the risk of shock through
current measurements are of no both arms and across the heart.
value. The only way to locate such With AC/DC sets, the chassis
a fault (apart from the random is connected to one of the mains
substitution of parts) is to put each and, as this may be the "live"
stage of the set to work in turn, main, the chassis must not be
starting at the last valve and work- touched.
ing back to the aerial (Fig. 4).


HT- LINE Fig. 3. Typical stage showing the points

at which resistance and Insulation tests
Fig. 2. Instead of breaking the circuit are made across individual components.
for current measurements, it is often
easier to measure the voltages VI and kind which is necessary for ganging
V2 and obtain the current through R superhets. With one of these, a
by Ohm's Law.
low -frequency signal can be in-
Testing each stage in this way is jected to the output valve and then
extremely simple when the engi- the first LF amplifier; next the
neer is equipped with a service intermediate -frequency can be
oscillator (see Chapter T a) of the applied to the IF valve and finally



=.- - -----

Fig. 4. Signal continuity is tested by injecting LF. IF and RF at points working back
from output to aerial. Each stage is made to operate in turn.
stages. Should
the receiver be an
all -wave model,
each band should
be tested, as this
may localise the
fault to the circuits
GB = LT+ used on one parti-
LT - cular band. If sig-
Fig. 8. An actual shorting strip can be used instead of a nals come through
condenser provided it is taken to the bias point. on one band, this
will eliminate the IF
and the output, LF and rectifier stages, which must be satisfactory.
stages are up to standard. A table model can be checked in
If there is no reproduction from much the same way if pick-up
the record, the parts mentioned sockets are available. The set
may be suspected, but the pick-up should be switched to gram and
and its leads must not be over- a moistened finger touched on the
looked. pick-up sockets. If a loud "plop"
is heard the LF circuits are satis-
Wavebands Check factory as regards the passing of
Where record reproduction is signals-but, of course, may not
satisfactory but radio is not, the necessarily be equally satisfactory
fault must lie in the IF or HF as regards distortion.





Fig. 9. Before disconnecting a set, possible external faults must be checked. Obser-
vation of how the set reacts to simple tests may obviate a great deal of detail
checking. Tests should be made in the order shown.
Visual tuning indicators also pro- i.e., the accumulator, the mains
vide useful guidance. As has been connection and the mains trans-
explained in Chapter 2, these former.
operate from the signal voltages Many receivers are fitted with
developed by the second detector extension and/or pick-up sockets
valve or the AVC diode. If the which contain switches controlled
indicator does not fluctuate when by the position of the plug. If the
the tuning control is rotated, no plug is in the wrong position, or
signals are reaching the second if the contacts have become faulty,
detector valve, or the AVC valve a receiver which is blameless will
is not functioning. appear "dead". It should be made
On the other hand, if no signals a rule always to check the position
are heard and yet the indicator of these plug -switches.
moves every time a station is
passed, this shows signals are Voltage Analysis
reaching the second detector and If no cause becomes evident, it
AVC valve, but not getting through is time to reach for the meters and
to the LF part of the chassis. begin a voltage analysis. As many
The back of the set should now measurements as possible should
be removed and a search made for be made before taking the chassis
any obvious faults, such as a loose out of the cabinet, as this may
lead to the top cap of a valve or a prove unnecessary. With mains
blown fuse (Fig. so). If one valve sets the HT voltage can often be
is cold it has probably failed, and measured between chassis and one
a replacement may be tried. If all of the tags on the back of the loud-
the valves are cold the main source speaker. If the speaker is an ener-
of low-tension will be suspect- gised type another tag will give the








Fig. 10. When the back has been removed, check the "obvious" possible sources
of trouble before removing the chassis from the cabinet.
"short" somewhere
FIELD on the HT circuit-
i.e., a smoothing
has broken down,
H.T + an output valve
running without
(H.T + bias, a short in the
UNSMOOTHED) smoothing choke or
VALVE any HT wire short-
ing to chassis.
If the voltage
and current de-
livered by the HT
Fig. 11.-With most mains sets the terminal strip on the supply are up to
loudspeaker enables the principal voltages to be measured standard, then the
without the chassis being removed. By Ohm's Law the voltages on the
HT current can be calculated, thus providing a pointer to anodes and screens
any rectifier, output valve or main HT line fault.
of all the valves
voltage after the HT has passed may be checked. If the first valve
through the field coil (Fig. it). anode, for example, shows no HT
But to take things in their pro- voltage, this points to a break in
per order: First, measure the volt- the HT path to this point.
age at the HT source, which may For these tests the negative volt-
be either a battery, mains supply meter lead may be clipped to the
(in the case of DC instruments) or chassis or to the HT negative
the output from the rectifying point while the positive lead is
valve in an AC receiver. We will used as a test -prod. The meter
consider the AC instrument, as should be set to the highest DC
the first two are very similar, voltage range giving a clear indi-
with the exception that there is no cation.
mains transformer and rectifying In Fig. 1z a representative stage
valve. A voltage reading, there- circuit is shown. If no voltage
fore, is taken of the output from appears at the anode socket of the
the rectifying valve and, if this is valveholder, the positive voltmeter
low, the current from the valve lead should be touched on the
should be measured. anode end of the resistance RI,
If the current is also low, the which is the coupling resistance.
rectifier is either faulty and has a If there is no voltage here, then
low emission, or it is not getting the lead must be connected to the
the proper voltages from the mains other end of the resistance. Should
transformer. These points should the voltage appear here, this indi-
be checked by trying a new valve cates either that the resistance has
or, what is safer, measuring the developed an open circuit inter-
AC voltages across the heater and nally, or that the soldered con-
anode sockets of the valveholder. nections to it are bad.
Reverting to our initial test on Should there be no voltage on
the HT supply point, if the voltage the second test, then the voltmeter
is low but the current of the valve lead should be touched on to 'the
is very high, this points to a lower end of Rz, which is the
decoupling resistance, and again
at the other end of R2 if no voltage 3rd VOLTAGE TEST HT+
isindicated. The same remarks
apply as before, but as we know R2
that the main HT feed -line (which
has been checked in the first tests)
is O.K., we may assume that we
shall get a voltage on this last R1
check, thus indicating that Rz or C2
its connections are faulty. 10 VOLTAGE TEST
Quite possibly voltages will be
measured at the anode and be-
tween RI and Rz, but found
higher or lower than they should
be. This may be due to the valve
being faulty (an alternative, known
to be good, should be tried), or it
may be caused by incorrect bias. 4
R3, the automatic bias resistor,
may have changed in value or be
short-circuited. It must be remem-
bered, too, that bias will not be 7--

applied to the valve if the grid Fig. 12. Circuit of a simple LF stage
with points for checking its anode
circuit is open-i.e., the grid - circuit by voltage analysis.
leak, R4, and its leads must be
checked. sequently, the measured voltages
Short circuits or high -resistance are lower than the correct
leakages in the decoupling con- values.
denser, CI, or the coupling con- If the circuit resistances are very
denser, C2, will cause heavy cur- high, the current taken by even the
rents through Rz and Ri and, most efficient of ordinary meters
therefore, low voltages at the two may cause such a large voltage
test -points. A short of the bias drop that a completely useless
decoupler, C3, will operate the measurement is obtained. This
valve without bias, while an "open" often occurs in stages, as shown in
C3 will give reduced amplification, Fig. t 2, when RI has a value of any-
particularly of low notes. thing from 5o,000 to 250,000
ohms. This point is made clear by
Effect of Meter Fig. 13.
With AVC and demodulation
When measuring circuit volt- stages it is generally impossible to
ages we have always to remember obtain useful voltage readings,
that the meter itself consumes because the circuit resistances are
power and that the voltages so high and the power in these
measured are not exactly those circuits is so small. AVC is best
present when the meter is not checked by connecting a milliam-
connected. The current passed by meter in the cathode circuit of a
the meter flows through the circuit controlled valve and watching for
resistances and causes increased a decrease of current as the set is
voltage drop across them-con- tuned through a powerful station.
M 353 (R.E.)
.2 M.A. .139 M.A.

250,000 59V 223V

"6 250 .86 M.A.
VOLTS .03 M.A 4


.55 M.A. .23 M.A


45 M.A M.A
-1 M.A 19 MA

1,000 20,000

Fig. 13. These four diagrams illustrate the considerable effect the meter itself may
have upon the voltages it is measuring. Generally speaking, a meter of less than
1,000 ohms per volt or equivalent sensitivity should not be employed.

Valves and components are ing smoothing condensers, faulty

generally made with a "tolerance" windings on mains transformer,
of error up to ro per cent. high or and so on), and then it is only a
low. These variations mean that matter of checking the resistances
any small errors due to the meter of the various components, the
itself are not of importance and, receiver being "off" and discon-
generally speaking, any reading nected from the mains.
within 25 per cent. of the "cor- A glance at a circuit diagram
rect" value can be passed. will show that the anodes of all the
Tests of resistance instead of valves are connected to the HT
voltage or current are useful when supply through circuits of various
there are short circuits which blow resistance values and, therefore, if
the fuses or cause the mains one lead of an ohmmeter is con-
transformer to smoke. These nected to the source of HT, then
symptoms give a guide to the type the other lead may be tapped on to
of trouble to be looked for (short- the various valve electrodes to see
whether they are properly con- right, the primary of the output
nected to the HT supply. transformer Li, the bias compo-
For example, if, when applying nents RI and Cx and any parallel
the test -lead to the anode socket of tone components such as Ca, R2
the valveholder in the intermediate and C3 should be checked.
frequency position, it is found that
no reading is obtained, this points Testing the Loudspeaker
to a .break in that valve's anode The loudspeaker should next be
circuit. The test -lead can be taken examined and the speech -coil (L3)
back lead by lead, and component resistance measured, when it will
by component, until the discon- probably be found that a discon-
nection is found. nection has occurred in this or in
In normal service work, voltage the secondary winding (L2) of the
and resistance tests proceed hand output transformer. These wind-
in hand. For example, a suspicious ings will be of only a few ohms
voltage reading would be followed resistance, and it may be found
up by switching off the receiver easier to test the speaker simply by
and measuring the resistance of connecting a substitute permanent
the suspected components or magnet type in parallel with the
checking the continuity of the primary Li.
wiring and joints. It will be noted in the circuit
there is a third small winding (L4)
Dynamic Testing in series with the speech -coil.
We now reach the third testing This is the "hum -bucking" coil,
method, that by which a signal is which performs the same function
injected into every circuit of a as the "hum -neutralising" coil
receiver in logical sequence. mentioned under the heading of
Let us assume that we have a 6 - Pick-ups in Chapter 12.
valve superhet with a circuit Finally, it must be seen that the
similar to Fig. 14, and that the pre- grid circuit, R3, is not shorted.
liminary tests have been carried If signals are reproduced from
out as have been described to the speaker when injection No.
establish the fact that the principal is made the oscillator lead can be
HT voltages are present. transferred to point No. 2. It may
Signal tracing is carried out as be necessary to insert a oi-mfd.
follows. The AF (audio -frequency) condenser to isolate the oscillator
output from the oscillator is in- from the HT. This will check R4,
jected between chassis and testing the anode load, C4, the coupling
point No. x, the grid of the output condenser, and any parallel com-
valve, V5. If the signal of the ponents. Next, still injecting LF,
oscillator cannot be heard in the we transfer the oscillator lead back
loudspeaker, there is evidently a to point No. 3.
fault either in V5, in the grid or If V4 and the volume control,
anode circuits of it, or m the R6, are satisfactory, signals will be
speaker. heard from the loudspeaker. If not
Thus, the location of the fault is the voltages on V4, and the bias
narrowed down to a very small resistance, R5, and decoupling
part of the receiver. The anode condenser, C5, should be checked.
voltage and current of V5 should If the anode current is low while
be checked, and if they are not the voltage on the anode is normal



Fig. 14. Circuit of a typical six -valve superhet showing the points at which signals
should be injected for dynamic testing. Each stage is tested separately, working
from V5 back to VI, by injecting suitable frequencies from a signal generator. When
the faulty stage is located, resistance or voltage measurements are taken and
these reveal the component responsible.
or higher than normal, then a re- still adjusted to the intermediate
placement valve should be tried. frequency. The same considera-
Assuming that signals are re- tions outlined above will prevail as
ceived from test -point No. 3, the to whether the circuit is O.K. or
next step is to switch the oscillator not, and if conditions are satis-
to give a modulated signal at the factory, the next test will be at
intermediate frequency of the point No. 6.
receiver. The output is then This is the anode circuit of the
applied to test -point No. 4, which HF valve, Vi, and the service
is the anode circuit of the IF oscillator must be adjusted to the
amplifying valve, V3. As there is medium wavelength-say, 25o
HT here, it may be necessary to metres-and the tuning of the
use a condenser of about o000i receiver adjusted to this wave-
mfd. in series with the test lead. length. All wavebands should be
No output will indicate a faulty tested in this way as mentioned
IF transformer (/FT2) or a faulty earlier.
demodulation diode. The various If the test at No. 6 point gives
diode -load resistances and cl,n- no results, the oscillator stage
densers, R7, R8, C6, C7, C8, should be checked to see whether
should be checked and the con- or not it is oscillating. One way is
nections to them inspected. to tune the receiver to a station
If signals are satisfactory, the and then inject the frequency of
next test may be made at point this station plus the IF to the
No. 5, with the service oscillator oscillator grid, thus substituting

the oscillator circuits. If the station the voltage fluctuates, the oscil-
is heard, obviously everything is lator valve or its associated com-
correct except the oscillator; if ponents should be suspected and
nothing comes through, the reason carefully tested individually.
can only be that the signal is not
reaching the frequency -changer Eliminating Tests
valve (Fig. 15). If results at No. 6, Fig. 14,
In oscillator circuits employing a point are satisfactory on all wave-
grid condenser, Cr, and resistance, bands, then a test should be made
Rz (Fig. x6), the current will rise at test -point No. 7, Fig. 14, which
when the grid -circuit is shorted. is the very first circuit of the
In circuits not employing a con- receiver, and if results are then
denser and resistance (Fig. 17) the obtained, it will indicate that the
current will fall when the valve is fault is in the aerial circuit and its
made to stop oscillating. coils. If there is no signal, then the
To connect a milliammeter in fault must lie between points No.
series with the anode or cathode 6 and 7.
circuit of the valve may upset the This procedure appears more
stability of the circuit. To over- complex than it really is. The
come this, a voltage test may be testing of the circuits from point
made across one of the feed resis- No. 3, Fig. 14, back towards the
tances, R3, in the anode circuit. aerial will be complied with auto-
This test should be made on all matically when aligning the IF
wavebands and on two or three and HF circuits of a receiver as
widely separated wavelengths on fully described in the manu-
each band. If results are inter- facturer's service manual.
mittent, watch the voltage read- The condition "no results" is
ings when reproduction ceases; if easier to deal with, and is generally
otherwise crackling
will appear, due to
chassis vibration.
Where difficu lties
are experienced in
locating the cause
FREQUENCY PLUS of the trouble, the
circuit must be
carefully analysed
stage by stage,
shorting various
components, such
as resistances or
chokes, to see
whether the crack-
ling ceases.
Fig 15. A signal generator can be used to test the oscil- Condensers, of
lator stage by substitution. When a signal plus IF fre- course, must not
quency is injected to the oscillator grid, failure to get an
output shows either A, B (the valve) or C is at fault. If be shorted, and if
the signal is heard, then D is incorrect. they do not respond
to gentle prodding
more rare, than complaints of they should be replaced by good
crackling, distortion and inter- components and the results noted.
mittency, and now that the reader The object of shorting the
has been shown how to thoroughly various anode and grid circuits is
examine a chassis, these various to see whether the crackling is
faults will be discussed. being passed on to that stage from
Miscellaneous Tests
Crackling. This may be due to .3)VOLT
broken aerial and earth wires, or METER

frayed battery leads. When it is

decided that the fault is in the set,
preliminary tests should be under- DECOUP
taken, as already described, to see LING

whether the fault lies in the HF or COND

LF parts of the circuit.
Crackling may be due to bad
connections, partial breaks in the
windings of coils, chokes or trans-
formers and faulty resistances. Li
Valves also can give rise to crack- "REACTION'
ling when they have faulty elec- WINDING

Prodding the components and
suspected joints in the wiring with GANGED CONDENSER
a wire dressing -tool (page 320 will
Fig. 16. With the grid -leak type of
often assist in localising the cause oscillator, the voltage across R3 should
of the crackling, but care most be rise when LI or L2 is shorted to stop
taken not to prod too vigorously, oscillation and the current rises.
test, this would show that the
cause was in the circuit between
these two test -points.
Hum. The stage in which hum
is being generated or picked up
may be found by a similar method
of stage analysis as described for
crackling. Instead, however, of
placing a direct short circuit across
the various components, a large -
capacity condenser may be used,
having a value of about i mfd. By
using a condenser to short the
hum "signal" the DC voltage
applied to the valves is not affected
and misleading results due to this
The condenser can be connected
across a biasing resistance to see
whether the original condenser is
open -circuited. If, when the tests
Fig. 17. With the anode bend oscil- are carried out, the signal being
lator, the voltage across R3 should de- reproduced ceases but the hum
crease when oscillation Is stopped. If it continues, this indicates the cause
does not, the valve was not previously of the hum is between the loud-
in a state of oscillation. speaker and the test -point.
the previous stage. For example, Excessive Hum
referring to Fig. 14, if, with no Excessive hum of a deep -
station tuned in, the grid circuit throated type is generally asso-
of V5 is shorted, but the crackling ciated with faulty HT smoothing,
persists, then the cause of it must and the condensers and smoothing
be in V5 or the wiring and com- choke (or loudspeaker field coil)
ponents between it and the loud- should be checked. Hum due to
speaker. The shorted grid circuit trouble in these components will
will prevent any signals or crack- be evident on both radio and gram.
ling from the previous stages If the hum is not so deep and is
affecting V5. not heard on gram, the cause may
Shorting of the Grid be a faulty valve in the HF or IF
circuit. With a radiogram, hum
If the crackling stops when V5 may be introduced by the leads to
is put out of action by shorting its the pick-up and these should be as
grid to the chassis, then this indi- short as possible and run through
cates that the crackling is either in earthed screening cable (Fig. i8).
the grid resistance of V5 or is Hum may be picked up by grid
being passed on to it from the wiring from adjacent AC heater
previous stage. The next test, wiring, and careful re -positioning
therefore, would be the shorting the wire with a wire dressing -tool
of the grid of V4, and if the should be tried. If no cure is
crackling was in evidence on this effected when any particular wire
grid wiring. The set should first
be tried on all its wavebands. If
the fault occurs only on one wave-
band this will narrow the search
down to the components of that
part of the circuit.
If the howling is apparent on all
wavelengths but not when the
receiver is switched to gram, then
look for the cause in the HF or IF
circuits. If the howling occurs on
radio and gram, the root may be
looked for in the second detector
or LF stages.
Faulty Connection
Fig. 18. Pick-up leads must be short earthing
and screened to avoid the introduction Bad connection to
of hum from the mains leads. points can cause howling due to
instability, and so also may exces-
is moved, the wire should be sive voltage on the anodes or
returned to exactly the same posi- screens of the valves. The latter
tion in which it was found, so as can be checked by voltage measure-
to prevent other troubles occurring, ments to see whether any feed
such as lack of tuning range, or loss resistances have changed in value
of sensitivity, especially in short- or been shorted by some wiring
wave circuits. fault or stray piece of solder.
Howling and Instability. How- To check for an internally
ling may sometimes be due to faulty decoupling condenser, a
microphonic valves, microphonic good condenser with two test -
wiring in short-wave circuits, or leads attached may be connected
instability due to open -circuited across suspected condensers (Fig.
decoupling condensers. Removal 19). If the instability ceases, the
of the chassis from its cabinet will condenser across which the test
prove whether the trouble is due condenser is connected is faulty
to microphonic components or and should be replaced.
instability because, out of the Intermittent Results. This fault
cabinet, microphonic components is one of the worst the engineer can
very seldom give rise to the com- come up against, because very
plaint, as they are not subjected often, as soon as an attempt is
so much to the vibrations of the made to locate the trouble, recep-
loudspeaker. Microphonic valves tion becomes normal again.
should be changed and micro - Practically any of the troubles
phonic wiring should be given discussed under "Components"
extra supports so that it cannot will give rise to intermittent
vibrate. results when the fault itself is not
If the howling continues with complete but only partial. For
the chassis out of the cabinet, tests example, a broken soldered joint
must be made on the various or a badly made one may hang
decoupling condensers, or for together sufficiently to give recep-
interaction between the anode and tion until some vibration of the
receiver causes the
fracture to part and
break the circuit;
another vibration
may be sufficient
to bring the sur-
faces together again,
so that the circuit is
Bad connections
inside fixed con-

densers, partial
breaks on the solder-
ing tags of HF and
LF chokes, can be
responsible for in-
termittent faults,
and these have to
be looked for with
great patience, using
a wire dressing -tool
as a prod or probe
to investigate all
the likely joints and
the suspected com- ON TO CHASSIS
ponents. Fig. 19. Decoupling condensers, CI, C2 and -C3 can be
Many types of checked by connecting in parallel a substitute perma-
intermittent fault nently wired to a clip and test prod.
are only apparent
when the receiver has thoroughly ling." A close watch should be kept
warmed up and is enclosed in its on the visual indicator if one is
cabinet. The mere fact of taking fitted in the receiver, because if
the chassis out of its cabinet for test this fluctuates when the fault
on the bench upsets the operating occurs it will prove that the
conditions, so that the fault does trouble has occurred in the IF or
not occur. This point should not HF stages.
be overlooked when investigating
elusive intermittent faults, and an Comparing Readings
upturned box may be put over the Voltmeters or milliammeters
chassis or loudspeaker to retain may be connected in the various
the heat, and so duplicate normal valve circuits and their readings
working conditions. noted while reception is satis-
factory, and then, when reproduc-
"Crackling" tion ceases, the readings should be
Where intermittent faults occur compared with the original notes.
frequently and are easily provoked Motor Boating. Motor boating
by vibrating the chassis, the stage is a term applied to a form of
in which the fault occurs may be instability which occurs at such a
localised in a similar way to the low frequency that each individual
method described under "Crack - cycle or pop can be heard. It is
usually due to open decoupling Weak Reproduction. If the usual
condensers or low -capacity smooth- tests on valves, voltages and cur-
ing electrolytics. rents do not reveal the reason,
Whistling. If the whistling is of coupling condensers between the
a continuous nature when the detector stage and LF or output
tuning knob of the receiver is stage should be checked for capa-
rotated, the cause is one of those city. If the tags of the condensers
given above for instability. are not touching the foils inside,
the condensers will be open -
Curing Whistling circuited and have no capacity.
If, however, the whistling varies There may, however, be sufficient
in pitch as the tuner is rotated, it capacity in the wiring and the
may be put down to interference faulty components to hand on a
from a station with a wavelength weak signal from one stage to
close to that of the required pro- another.
gramme. Sometimes, commercial
or government stations on about Circuit Alignment
600 metres are received direct on As explained in Chapter 2,
the wiring of the IF circuits, or "How Receivers Work", the tuned
force their way through the HF circuits in receivers are provided
circuits and cause whistling to with small parallel "trimmer"
be heard on every station as it is capacities, so that inequalities
tuned through. between circuits due to variations
The cure is to first re -trim the in manufacture and ageing can be
HF and IF circuits as carefully as compensated.
possible. If this does not suffi- The oscillator circuits also in-
ciently minimise the annoyance, clude series "padding" condensers
a wavetrap should be inserted in (Figs. =a and b) to secure correct
the aerial lead (see page 26z). tracking (the maintenance of the
In the case of the 600 -metres right frequency difference with
transmission referred to, an old IF respect to the RF stages) over the
coil and trimmer may be used. whole waveband (page 70).
When sets have been in use for
a considerable time or after valves,
coils or wiring have been altered,
these trimmers and padders need
readjusting, and the process is
variously known as "trimming",
"ganging" and "circuit re -align-
With simple "straight" or tuned
radio -frequency sets it is quite
satisfactory to adjust the trimmers
for maximum volume on some
station at about 273 metres.
Experiments may show that the
trimming is somewhat out of
Fig. 20a. The elements of an oscillator
adjustment at each end of the
circuit showing the parallel trimmer waveband. This will affect both
and series padder for correct tracking. sensitivity and selectivity. The
only solution is to SIGNAL OSCILLATOR
arrive at a corn - CIRCUIT CIRCUIT

promise adjust-
ment, so that the FREQUENCY

trimmers are not CHANGER

exactly accurate at 1
any point, but give
the best average low Fig. 20b. Trimmers TI and T2 are adjusted towards the
wavelength end of the band and T3 is the padder
performance over adjusted to preserve tracking at the upper end.
the waveband.
The trimmers should be set to this will give far more reliable
the least capacity possible, or the and sensitive indication of the
minimum tuning capacity will be effect of adjustments than the
unnecessarily increased and the ear.
tuning range correspondingly de- Throughout alignment, yolume
creased. These TRF sets usually and tone controls should be at
have reaction, and this control maximum and the selectivity ad-
should be kept at just below justment, if any, at "sharp".
oscillation point throughout Except when injecting to them,
trimming. the aerial and earth -sockets should
The alignment of superhet be shorted together.
circuits cannot be undertaken
without the use of a signal IF Circuits
generator, and without this item The intermediate -frequency
of equipment it is making trouble circuits are first aligned (Fig. 25).
to start altering trimmers. The The generator is adjusted to give
signal generator is described on a modulated signal of the inter-
page 311. It is also advisable to mediate frequency of the set (this
connect an output meter (page frequency is given in the maker's
353) across the loudspeaker service information), and its out-
or the speaker extension sockets; put leads are connected to the



-4.k j

Fig. 21. IF circuits are lined up first. Modulated IF is injected to the frequency -
changer signal grid and the IF trimmers adjusted for maximum response on the
output meter. The input is kept as low as possible to prevent operation of AVC.

Fig. 22. Circuit of RF, frequency -changer and IF stages showing the trimmers that are
adjusted during the operation of circuit alignment. The procedure is described below.
chassis and the signal grid of the justed towards the bottom end of
frequency -changer valve. each band, the oscillator trimmer
The IF trimmers (Ti, Tz, T3 being adjusted first. For example,
and T4 in Fig 22) are then ad- the receiver is tuned to 220 metres,
justed several times over until a a modulated signal of this wave-
given indication on the output length is injected across aerial and
meter is obtained with the least earth, and T5, T6 and T7 (Fig. 22)
possible input.Throughout the pro- are adjusted for maximum output
cess the input from the generator in the order given.
should be constantly decreased
as the circuits come into line, so Padding
that the AVC does not operate. The "padding" frequency is
All modern sets have their then injected. This is always
scales marked with station names, towards the top end of the band.
metres and, sometimes, kilocycles The set is tuned to, say soo
and megacycles, and the trimmers metres, 500 metres is injected,
haye to be set so that the stations and the series padder, T8,
are received at the right points on adjusted. It is often advisable to
the dial. Before beginning align- "rock' the gang condenser (dial
ment, therefore, it must be checked backwards and forwards over a
that the dial is horizontal and few degrees), in such a way that
central in its mounting, and the both gang and padder are adjusted
pointer registering with its lowest simultaneously.
marking when the gang is full out. Generally, the different wave-
The parallel trimmers are ad- bands are independent and can


T4 -
4$ Ti

V2 -NV3





-/ AV C

be ganged in any order. Occasion- The actual trimming and pad-

ally, however, the short-wave ding frequencies with each set
trimmers are in circuit on other depend on the particular design,
bands; in this event they must be and are always given in the maker's
adjusted first and then left alone. service information. When they
On the short -waves it will be are not available, however, the
found that the oscillator trimmer following will not be far wrong:
(T9) gives more than one peak.
This, unless otherwise stated in Short Waves. Trim at 20
the maker's instructions, should be metres, pad at 40 metres.
set to the peak obtained with the Medium Waves. Trim at 214
trimmer farthest out. metres, pad at 500 metres.
Fig. 23 summarises in diagram- Long Waves. Trim at i,000
matic form the complete alignment metres, pad at 1,800 metres.
With RF circuits as with the Inductance Trimming
IF stages, the injected signal must In modern sets the padding
be kept as low as possible, so that condensers are sometimes fixed
the AVC circuits do not come into and not adjustable. In others such
action and cause misleading effects. as in Fig. 24, the inductances of
If the signal is allowed to exceed the coils are adjusted either by
the AVC delay (see Chapter 2), the altering the spacing of a turn or
amplification of the RF and IF two or by adjusting iron -dust
valves will keep altering in an en- cores. In both cases the effects
deavour to offset the effects caused and the procedure are the same
by the trimming adjustments. as in the case of capacity trimmers.


Fig. 23. Schematic summary of the complete procedure for ganging the signal and
oscillator circuits of a superhet receiver.

Where a receiver has a frame from the receiver. With self-con-

aerial, the signals are injected tained sets, particularly battery
from the signal generator simply portables, the chassis, frame aerial
by picking them up on the frame and batteries should all be in their
aerial, the generator having a normal relative positions when
foot or two of wire connected to it adjusting the trimming.
and laid on the bench some inches Wherever possible, an outdoor


O so

Op L7


Fig. 24. A frequency -changer stage in which inductances as well as capacities are
adjusted for alignment purposes. The IF circuits are trimmed by the cores of L I-L4.
SW padding is fixed (C5) and tracking is obtained by adjusting the turns of L5.
On MW, TI and T2 are adjusted at 220m. and L6 and L7 at 500m. On LW T3 is set
at 1,000 and L8, L9 at 1,750m.

Fig. 26. Chimney straps and mast brackets

for use where brickwork is not suitable
for screw -fixed brackets.

aerial should be used, no matter

how sensitive the receiver. In
fact, the more sensitive the set the
better should be the aerial, be-
cause a high -amplification recei-
ver working on an indoor aerial
will pick up all sorts of electrical
interferences from far around.
If a good outdoor aerial is used,
the signal handed to the receiver Fitting a mast is not very diffi-
is so strong that the AVC circuits cult if proper equipment is used
provide a large bias which desen- for fastening it to the building. If
sitises the HF and IF valves and the house is comparatively new
automatically makes them less and the bricks are hard and sound,
sensitive to "noise" from nearby the type of bracket shown in Fig.
electrical wiring. 25 may be used. The holes for
fixing the bracket should be fitted
with plugs into which large coach -
screws will fix firmly. Care should
be taken to see that the holes are
in the brickwork and not the
mortar between the bricks.
When the brickwork is old,
Fig. 25. A mast supporting bracket for
fixing brackets of this type should
fixing to walls or chimneys where not be used without the advice of a
brickwork is sound. builder. It is generally safer to
attach the mast to a chimney - it break, the aerial will come down
stack by means of fittings illus- and the halyard will probably run
trated in Fig 26. It will be seen back through the pulley, so that
that the actual bracket which the insulator, or a broken rem-
holds the mast fits on to one nant of it, will become jammed in
corner of the stack and is held in the pulley at the top of the house
position by a strong cable, which or the mast.
is passed right round the chimney The heavy cable of anti -static
and is kept off the brickwork at aerials should not be allowed to
the corners by means of the corner pull directly away from the aerial
pieces. Strainers enable the cable transformer unless provision is
to be drawn up tight, and when the made in the design of the aerial to
job is finished the chimney -stack support the weight of 6o or 7o feet
is probably stronger than before. of cable. Fig. 29 shows how the
cable may be looped up and lashed
to the halyard or to a piece of wire
between two insulators, so that no
weight is taken by the aerial trans-
former itself.
Most people feel safer if they
know that their outside aerials are
fitted with a lightning arrestor,
and one of the many forms now
available can be fitted when instal-
ling the aerial (Fig. 3o). In some
Fig. 27. To prevent the halyard run- types a switch has to be manipu-
ning out of the pulley it should be in lated to short the aerial to earth
the form of an endless loop.
when desired, but the gas -dis-
The aerial should be supported charge type of lightning arrestor
between the two points of suspen- or the simple spark -gap arrange-
sion by pulleys. The halyard ment is more convenient, as it is
should be endless (Fig. 27), so automatic.
that if it slips out of the hand when The spark -gap type should be
putting the aerial up, it will not periodically attended to, to make
run through the pulleys. Also, an sure that dirt has not collected in
endless halyard provides a down -
haul which is very useful when
lowering the aerial during a
periodic overhaul.
Fig. 28 illustrates the right and
wrong methods of wiring up of (a)
insulators between the aerial wire
and the halyard. In the first
method the insulator is under a
state of compression, and should
it fail, the aerial and halyard wires
will still be connected and will not
come down. In the second, and Fig. 28. The correct method of using
an insulator (a) provides compression
wrong, method the insulator ex- and leaves the wires aloft even if the
periences a pulling strain. Should insulator breaks; (b) is incorrect.




Fig. 29. With anti -static systems the weight of the screened lead -down should be
taken by the span as shown here and not by the transformer.

the gap, so causing a leakage to upper floors. If a good -quality

earth, which will weaken signals. insulated wire is used, it may be
When an indoor aerial is neces- fastened to the rafters by means of
sary either by the insistence of the insulated staples.
customer or force of circumstances, In flats where there is no access
then, wherever possible, it should to a loft, a wire round the picture -
be located beneath the roof. There rail must be neatly stapled into
are generally many places under position between the top of the
the gutter where a down -lead may picture -rail and the wall, where it
be brought out. Where there is no will not be seen.
length of garden, an aerial in the Engineers should make it quite
roof is quite effective. clear to clients that with an indoor
The wire should be run round aerial, especially of the latter type,
the rafters as high as possible, to results cannot be as satisfactory as
keep it away from any electrical with an outdoor aerial. Definite
wiring in the ceiling above the statements of this nature, courte-







Fig. 30. A simple aerial earthing switch and a device (right) incorporating a safety
spark -gap and fuse. The latter gives automatic lightning protection.
ously expressed, prevent future
"service calls" for unsatisfactory
reception or noisy background
Wherever convenient, a short
earth -wire to an earth -tube in-
serted into moist earth should be
used, and the customer instructed
to keep the earth round the tube
moist during dry weather. Fig. 31. A neat way of connecting ex-
tension speakers. The special plug and
Water -Pipe Earths socket prevents accidental connection
The next most satisfactory type to power points.
of earth is the water -pipe, where The wiring may be carried out
it enters from the mains into the with twin flex run between the
house. The wire should be attached picture -rail and the wall or along
to an earth -clip, which should be the skirting -board (Fig. 3 x).
fastened round the pipe, after the Generally, the wiring should not
latter has been thoroughly cleaned. carry HT. With receivers which
When it is not possible to con- have a high -impedance output
nect up to the earth or a main (Fig. 32) the anode of the output
water -pipe, other earths must be valve should be connected to one
tried, to see which gives the best side of a i-rnfd. condenser (5oo v.
results. In modern houses, three - working), one of the speaker leads
pin electricity mains sockets are going to the other side of the con-
provided on the skirting -board, denser (Fig. 33). The remaining
and the thick earth -pin may be used speaker lead should be connected
for the radio. The third socket of the to earth or chassis of the receiver
supply point is connected to the (but not to chassis in the case of
conduit, and this, if the installation DC or AC/DC instruments, where
has been properly approved, will the chassis may be at full mains
connect to an earthed water -pipe potential above earth).
somewhere on the system.
The pipes of hot-water radiator Loudspeaker Impedance
systems may sometimes prove This arrangement uses the out-
effective as a "capacity" earth, put transformer as a choke, while
even if there is no direct connec- the condenser blocks the HT but
tion to earth. permits speech currents to flow
through to the extra loudspeaker.
Extra Loudspeaker Wiring This method is also very suitable
The distribution of loudspeaker for using a high -impedance
points for large installations is speaker where only a low -imped-
dealt with in Chapter 14. Points ance circuit is provided at the
for the service engineer to attend extension sockets of a receiver.
to when installing extra or "ex- Wherever possible, employ a
tension" speakers for domestic re- loudspeaker whose impedance is
ceivers are concerned mostly with similar to that in the receiver. For
the type of wire and with the example, if the extra speaker
problem of matching the speaker sockets of the receiver are con-
to the output of the receiver. nected across the speech coil of a




Fig. 32. High -impedance (left) and low -impedance connections for extension
loudspeaker. With the former connection the extension speaker requires its own
matching transformer, and part of the HT current to the output valve flows
through the wiring. With the tow -impedance connection on the secondary of the
transformer, the leads must be direct to the speech coil of the extension speaker.

4 -ohm loudspeaker, then the exter- minals of a single on -off switch.

nal speaker should have a speech When this switch is in the open
coil resistance of, say, 3 to 5 ohms. position the internal loudspeaker
With low -impedance extensions will be switched -off.
the connecting wires must be as Now -a -days, most commercial
short and thick as possible, be- receivers have extension -speaker
cause the current is large and a switches fitted to them in the
small resistance can absorb a lot course of manufacture.
of the power. If, for instance, the
extension speaker had an imped-
ance of 4 ohms and the resistance
of the leads was 4 ohms, half the
"volume" would be lost in them.
Switching -off Loudspeaker
A simple method of switching IEXTENSION
off the internal loudspeaker when ka.
of the moving -coil type (as is
usual these days) is to cut one of 1MFD
the leads between the speech coil CONDENSER
and the secondary of the output
transformer and to connect the
two cut ends so formed to the CHASSIS
ends of a length of twin flex, care-
fully insulating the joins. The Fig. 33. By inserting a capacity large
enough to pass the audio frequencies,
other ends of the twin flex may be the HT voltage can be kept from the
then connected to the two ter- extension circuit.


NOT long after the advent of it now performs would be weari-

broadcasting a number of some. It is so much a part of mod-
enterprising spirits realised ern life that we now seldom realise
that progress in valve amplifiers that the voice that says "stand
and loudspeakers made it possible clear of the gates" in the Under-
to magnify voices, music and ground, or the film -star's dulcet
records so that they could be heard tones, come to us by permission
by far larger audiences than pre- of the thermionic valve.
viously. Early endeavours in this
direction generally took the form Amplification Apparatus
of weird looking hook-ups ampli- So many are the uses, that
fying the voice of some ambitious "public address"
political speaker addressing an quate as a name, and "sound am-
open-air public meeting. plification" is now felt to be more
In this way the science and in- appropriate. War has found appli-
dustry of "public address" was cations, from control systems on
founded. The apparatus used was aerodromes and warships to inter -
the same as for amplifying communicators in aircraft. In the
broadcast programmes, and the future, the entertainment, com-
enterprising people who deve- mercial and public-service (such
loped this new application were as traffic and passenger control)
radio dealers and engineers. uses of amplification will be enor-
mously expanded.
Public Address The operating principles of
"Public address" has remained sound distribution will become
a branch of the radio industry, and evident to the reader through other
most retail businesses of any size chapters of this book, such as
have a public-address department. those on "Foundations of Radio"
The radio engineer in such a firm, and "How Receivers Work". In
and in other branches of the trade this chapter we describe actual
also, is often required to be a PA amplification apparatus and how it
expert. can be arranged to meet various
The development of PA since requirements.
those early days has been on a Carbon Microphones. Fig.
scale no one could have visualised. illustrates the principal compo-
To list even a fraction of the duties nents of a carbon microphone. It
will be appreciated that when CLAMPING
sound -waves strike the diaphragm RING
the carbon granules move and alter
the electrical resistance between CARBON
the metal diaphragm and the back "PISTON"
of the microphone.
As the carbon granules comprise
part of an electrical circuit (Fig. TERMINA
the varying resistance due to METAL
the moving granules causes a fluc- GRANULES GRILLE
tuating current, and by means of
the transformer, voltages are set
up across the input terminals of TERMINAL
the amplifier.
Transverse Current Type
Another popular type of carbon
microphone is the Transverse -
Current type (Fig. a). The carbon
granules are in a shallow cavity,
in a block of insulation material
which forms the body of the in- Fig. I. A sectional diagram illustrat-
strument. At each side of this ca- ing the principle of the button type
carbon microphone and (below), how
vity electrodes are fitted and con- it is connected to an amplifier.
nected to their respective termi-
nals. The diaphragm is of insulat- ground hiss from carbon micro-
ing material such as. mica, and phones, and this is one of the dis-
when it is moved by the air vibra- advantages of the type. As the
tions it compresses the carbon gra- microphone ages the granules tend
nules and alters the resistance of to "pack". This lowers the resist-
the path between the two electro- ance, allowing more current to
des, thus varying the circuit current. flow. When this condition cannot
Carbon microphones should be be remedied by tapping the micro-
operated with the diaphragm in a phone, it should be replaced or
vertical position, and some types new granules fitted.
must be suspended one way up. Condenser Microphones. Fig. 3
As will be seen from Fig. / b, a depicts the general arrangement of
battery is in circuit with the micro- a condenser microphone. It will be
phone. The voltage must never ex- seen that the diaphragm forms one
ceed that specified by the makers. plate of a condenser, with a solid
Generally, 4.5 v. to 6 v. is supplied electrode close to it to form the
by an accumulator. second plate. When this arrange-
Excessive voltage does not give ment is wired up as shown, the
better results, but causes trouble sound -waves striking the dia-
due to pitting of the carbon elec- phragm alter the capacity. As the
trodes and the packing of the amount of charge which the con-
granules, both of which tend to denser can hold is varied, current
produce a noisy background to flows in and out from the battery
reproduction. and causes fluctuating voltages
There is always slight back - across the resistance R.




Fi7. 2. Two examples of trans-

verse -current microphone, the
IN SOLID Marconi-Reisz (left) and the type
BODY OF PM202 by E.M.I. Service, Ltd. At
MICROPHONE the side is a sectional diagram
illustrating the construction of
CARBON these microphones.


Condenser microphones must moves in the gap in the magnet

have a potential of about ioo v. ap- system. The magnetic field in-
plied between the electrodes. duces voltages in the coil and these
An advantage of condenser are applied via a suitable matching
microphones is that they may be transformer to the input of an
operated in any position. They amplifier.
have lower sensitivity than the car-
bon type and are quickly affected Low Impedance
by damp, which causes crackling, The moving -coil microphone
due to electrostatic charges build- generally has a low impedance of
ing up on the electrodes. about Is ohms, and the construc-
Moving -coil Microphones. This tion lends itself to a sturdy arrange-
type operates in a reverse way to ment. It is very sensitive and has a
the moving -coil loudspeaker, which good frequency response; it is not
is explained on page 67. The gen- very susceptible to damp and may.
eral arrangements of the micro- be operated in any position. As
phone are shown in Figs. 4a no polarising current is required,
and 4b. there is no background noise.
When the diaphragm is vibra- One form of moving -coil micro-
ted by the sound -waves the coil phone is the "ribbon" type. The



Fig. 3. Simplified arrangement of a condenser microphone and the theoretical

method of connection. Movement of the diaphragm alters the capacity of the
condenser, and the current, flowing in and out, produces a voltage across R.

general construction is seen in Fig. shown in Fig. 6, so that when

5. The ribbon is, in effect, a single sound impinges on to the dia-
conductor within a magnetic field. phragm, a varying pressure is
When it is vibrated by sound - exerted across the crystal and
waves, currents are induced in it. corresponding voltages are thus
Crystal Microphones. Crystals of produced.
Rochelle salt develop a voltage A less sensitive but more satis-
when compressed. In some micro- factory arrangement with regard
phones a small diaphragm is fast- to frequency response employs
ened to a crystal assembly, as only a thin layer of crystal between




Fig. 4o. The close resemblance between moving -coil microphones and loud-
speakers is evident from this section diagram and picture of an MC "mike".
more microphones
to be controlled and
blended as required.
A typical mixer
circuit is shown in
Fig. 7. Such a con-
trol panel would be
useful, for example,
SPEECH,' in theatre work.
C011:7 -4 -
Each volume con-
trol is connected to
POLE a separate valve.
PIECE ; This is necessary
because if the con-
trols were simply
GRILLE -9'. connected in par-
allel, the correct
resistances would
no longer be ob-
CONE A very simple
Fig. 4b. The Celestion moving -coil microphone is of mixer for using
unusual design. The cone is suspended within a ring two similar micro-
magnet and is actuated by sound waves from either side. phones is shown in
Fig. 8. As the
foil electrodes, so that the sound - arm of the potentiometer is
waves themselves impinge on the swung round from A towards
face of the crystal and develop B, No. i microphone has a de-
voltages due to the mechanical creasing resistance put across it
strain set up. The crystals are en- and its output falls, while micro-
cased in wax, as they are affected phone No. a has an increasing
by moisture. resistance applied across it, so that
Crystal microphones can be its output rises. When the arm of
made with very good frequency the potentiometer rests on termi-
characteristics. Their rather low nal B, No. r microphone is short
output often necessitates a "local" circuited and No. a gives its full
amplifier within a few feet and this output.
is sometimes a drawback. Very large amplifiers require
Amplifiers smaller amplifiers to drive them-
that is, to build up the input signal
Where low -output "mikes" are voltage to a value which will
used, a small microphone amplifier "swing" the grids of the large
is employed to step-up the voltage power valves. These pre -ampli-
sufficiently to overcome cable fiers are often termed "swinger" or
losses, as in many installations the "driver" amplifiers.
main amplifier is some distance On the driver amplifier there is
away. a master volume control which is
The microphone amplifier often set, depending on the input signal,
includes fading and mixer controls so that the output valves are oper-
to enable the output from two or ated without overloading. Also,


Fig. 5. Internal arrangement and external appearance

of a ribbon type microphone. (Right) the Shaftes-
bury "Velodyne" microphone. Ribbon types are
often termed velocity microphones because the
movements of the ribbon depend on the velocity
of the air particles striking the ribbon.
tone control circuits are incorpor-
ated in the driver stage, as the
large output valves, with their
hundreds of volts, cannot econo-
mically be tone corrected by the
usual methods.
A typical driver amplifier circuit
is shown in Fig. 9.
Large installations are generally
made up of units mounted in a
rack. The rack is housed in some
small room or cupboard, and is
fitted with remote controls which
enable it to be switched on from a
distant point, perhaps the micro-
phone or gramophone position.
Safety Arrangements
Large rectifying and output
valves cannot be treated in the
same way as the smaller types used
in radio receivers and small ampli-
fiers. It is essential, for example,
that the grid -bias supply circuits
be in operation before the HT is
applied. Arrangements are incor-




Fig. 6. Principle of construction and three examples of crystal microphone. The

two microphones on the right are non -directional.

porated which shut off the ampli- In large amplifiers, grid -bias for
fier if the grid -biasing circuits the output stages may require to
fail. be well over ioo v., and separate
Similarly, expensive mains trans- small rectifier circuits are used to
formers must be fully protected by provide the potential.
fuses and cut-outs. A representa- As shown in Fig. 1o, the wind-
tive circuit employing these pre- ing of a relay is often placed across
cautionary devices is shown in the grid -bias supply circuit, so that
Fig. so. the current flows through the
Often several comparatively winding all the time the bias -cir-
small mains transformers are cuit is alive. When it is energised,
used instead of one large compo- the relay holds up the contacts
nent with many windings. This which maintain the main HT cir-
arrangement reduces the amount cuit, but, should the bias fail, the
of insulation required and keeps relay lets the contacts open and by
down the cost of replacements this means breaks the HT circuit
should a breakdown occur. to the output valves.




Fig. 7. A fader, mixer and tone control unit'suitable for play productions and large,
hotels. The valves prevent the controls affecting each other, and mixing taket
place in the common anode circuits.
The main high-
tension circuits of oY

large output ampli- 0

fiers require recti- SLIM
fiers which provide TO
potentials up to
2,000 v. and more.
Mercury vapour z
valves (Fig. ii) are 0
generally used with Fig. 8. Two -microphone fader switch. With the slide
about 5,500 v. on in the position shown the programmes on both the
microphones are heard at equal strength.
their anodes. Four
in a bridge circuit is a common delay action may be performed by
arrangement. These valves glow various means, such as a large
blue while in operation, and are capacity condenser being charged
quite easily recognised. across a neon lamp, or by a clock-
It is essential, with this type of work mechanism.
valve, that the filament be allowed
to heat up before the HT is applied Use of Delay Valves
to the anodes. Should the HT be An often -used circuit is that
applied to the anodes before the shown in Fig. so, which uses a
filament has properly warmed up, delay "valve". This is not a valve
the emissive properties of the in the accepted sense of the word,
latter will be ruined. but is really a heat operated relay.
It is necessary, therefore, to em- Within its glass envelope is ar-
ranged a bi-metal strip with a fila-
the application of the HT while ment close to it, as shown in Fig.
the filaments are heating up. The 52. A contact is arranged close to



Fig. 9. A driver amplifier with its own HT supply. If a fader tone unit was used,
the tone control circuits in Fig. 7 would be incorporated in the output stage.
Normally the master volume control would be set to load fully the output stage,
and subsequent adjustments made at the fader unit.
0°6601\ ti


Fig. 10. HT circuit control by a DLSIO delay action valve. Note the ad ustable
series resistance which regulates the delay by controlling the rate at which the
bi-metal strip is heated.
the bi-metal strip, so that when the The usual arrangement is that
latter bends, as it does under the shown in Fig. to, which incorpor-
action of the heat from the fila- ates the grid -bias circuit pre-
ment, viously described. The filament
between the strip and the contact. voltage for the delay valve is con-
trolled by a variable resistance
which is set to determine the time
taken for the bi-metal strip to heat
up to the temperature at which it
bends. The return path of the
filament circuit is through the con-
tacts 5 and 6 of the relay switch,
which are closed when the valve is
not operating.
Providing GB Voltage
When the mains are switched
on the filaments of the grid -bias
rectifier and the delay valve heat
up. The rectifier and its smoothing
circuits provide the necessary GB
voltage, and the bi-metal strip in
the delay valve begins to get hot.
After the pre -determined period
the strip bends and the contacts
touch each other. Current then
Fig. II. A 1,500 v. half -wave mercury flows through the relay. Directly
vapour rectifier-the Marconi GUS. this happens the relay is energised
tact 7, the relay is still connected
to the positive side of the GB
CONTACTS Simultaneously with the above
action contact 3 shorts on to con-
tact 4, while contact 1 closes on to
contact 2, so switching on the
mains supply to the primary of the
HT transformer.
Feeding Loudspeakers
Equipment for feeding a small
number of loudspeakers and hav-
ing an output of, say, 10-20 watts,
is often incorporated in one ampli-
fier unit with all the fader controls,
Fig. 12. The Ediswan DLSIO delay ac- mixers and tone controls on the
tion valve as used in Fig. 10. front panel, as in Fig 13. These
and pulls up the contacts 1,3, and units are handy for ARP call
6. Contact 6 thus parts from con- systems and general purpose PA
tact 5, and the filament circuit to work. They are no more com-
the delay valve is broken. As, how- plicated, in many cases less so,
ever, contact 6 goes over to con - than the amplifier to be found in
a large radio -gramo-
Larger installations
requiring 3o watts or
more are made up in
units and fitted to
racks. These racks are,
by international agree-
ment, 19 inches wide,
and can be as high as
convenient. Two or

Fig. 13. Two views of a

10 watt amplifier with
mixer control panel and
mike amplifier (E.M.I.
Service, Ltd.). The per-
forated metal cover pro-
vides protection while
permitting free flow of
cooling air.
speakers to be con-
E111111111111 1111111 011 trolled.
This is a varia-
tion on the method
often employed
RECEIVER whereby the volume
controls are incor-
porated in the
speaker cabinets.
Which method is
chosen depends on
the personnel
VOLUME employed in the
CONTROLS factory.
It can happen
that a particular
workshop might
turn its loud-
PANEL speaker off by
means of the local
volume control, so
AUTOMATIC that any urgent
RECORD message would not
PLAYER be reproduced.
The central control
LOUD panel as shown on
ISPEAKER the rack in Fig. 14
ensures that the
CONTROL operator can put
FOR PILOT all speakers on full
volume when put-
AMPLIFIER UNIT ting over an urgent
For the preser-
vation of good
quality at all vol-
umes, the normal
type of potentio-
meter is unsatis-
factory, and what
Fig. 14. General purpose medium power output rack. is termed a "con-
more may be accommodated side stant impedance" network is used.
by side. Fig. 15 shows the circuit of a
A typical medium -output rack constant -impedance volume con-
equipment is shown in Fig. 14. The trol. It will be seen that the unit
top section is a normal broadcast- comprises three variable resist-
ing receiver chassis with push- ances ganged on a single spindle.
button wavechange switching, and The underlying principle is that
beneath it is a panel which enables there is always the same imped-
the volume of each of eight ance on both sides of the control,
no matter to what GANGED SLIDERS ON
position the slider 2000 CONTROLS

is adjusted. In Fig.
15 three positions °T-InVO
100 100
of the control are IN =
2000 100 2E0
shown, and it will o4 + 0
be observed that in
all three - o 1/1.7AMI
mum, half, and TOTAL TOTAL FULL
"off" volume-the 200
200 n VOLUME
resistance network 0
between input and
output sides is the A/VVVVX
200 200
Reverting to our 200 fl 200 n
consideration of the o4 4 0
rack equipment Fig. 15. How constant impedance volume controls
illustrated in Fig. operate. The sliders are ganged together and the arrange-
14, there will be ment ensures that the microphone or pick-up always
works into the same impedance.
seen beneath the
volume -control panel, a mixer Fig. i6. This rack is almost en-
panel comprising a master vol- tirely devoted to circuits associated
ume control for the microphone with the large output valves which
input and a master volume control give a total output of some 40o w.
for the radio and gramophone in-
puts. Two tone controls are for use Monitoring Meters
on all inputs, and both bass and In large amplifiers there will al-
brilliance may be varied as desired. ways be found a milliammeter
Two toggle switches control the associated with a multi -point
input to the mixer panel, and so switch or a wander -plug and lead
decide whether microphone, radio and a number of sockets. By means
or gramophone is fed to the output of the switch or plug -and -socket
stages. arrangement the meter may be
In front of the automatic record connected into any of the valve
mechanism will be seen the grille anode or cathode circuits to check
of a pilot or monitor loudspeaker, the currents.
with its own volume control at the This is useful not only for fault-
right. This enables the operator to finding in the case of a breakdown,
keep an audio check on output. but also for maintenance work, to
The bottom section of the rack see whether the valves are ageing
contains a 3o w. amplifier which and require replacing. An ampli-
does not require any separate fier unit with a milliammeter for
driver section, as it includes its this purpose is shown in Fig. 17.
own LF stages feeding the output In large single, and dual -chan-
valves. nel installations a loudspeaker is
Where a very large loudspeaker built into the rack equipment for
network is to be fed, the rack we monitoring on all outgoing lines or
have just described could be used on any of the amplifiers. The mon-
as a driver unit for feeding an- itor loudspeaker is useful both in
other rack similar to that shown in maintenance work while the instal -
tion, and the extra
stages are necessary
1111 0/LINE to make up for this.
This reduction
in apparent vol-
ume is specially
noticeable in cases
where it is necess-
DRIVER AMPLIFIER ary to reduce the
brilliance, as most
of the "volume" is
due to the middle
and upper frequ-
encies. When the
latter are attenu-
ated, the apparent
400W OUTPUT sound output is
STAGE reduced, and it is
generally necessary
to increase the vol-
ume by means of
the master volume
G.B. CONTROLS FOR Sometimes the
®--MATCHING OUTPUT tone correction cir-

cuits are incorpor-

ated with the mix-
ing panel arrange-
ments in one unit.
Provision of an
alternative pro-
gramme entails the
duplication of all
0 CAGE PROTECTING the main amplifying
equipment. The
distribution net-
work is in duplicate
and the two
CF channels must be
Fig. 16. A 400w. rack for relay and flat installations. thoroughly screen-
ed from each other
lation is in operation or as an aid in to prevent interference.
fault location. In the case of small equipment
In large installations control of providing up to 3o or so watts a
tone reproduction is often carried single rack can be used as shown
out in a separate unit comprising in Fig. i8. Beneath the playing -
two or three valves with the tone desk will be noted two identical
correction circuits between them. amplifier units, and each one of
This is because tone correction re- these would feed into its own par-
sults in a reduction in amplifica- ticular loudspeaker network.
One of these
amplifiers can be
fed by radio and
the other by gramo-
phone records, or
by music from an
orchestra picked up
by a microphone,
as is often arranged
in hotels and large
The control of
such an amplifier
in the case of
hotels and large
boarding-houses is
probably in the
manager's office,
where there can
also be the gramo- Fig. 17. An amplifier incorporating a milliammeter which
phone records and may be switched into any valve circuit for testing.
playing desk,
and possibly the radio receiver. aerial amplifier, generally located
Connection between the control in a top -floor room, and fed from
point and the rack can be made by a first-class anti -static aerial cover-
relay circuits, so that the amplifier ing all wavebands.
can be switched on and off as de- In the case of television signals,
sired from the office. the usual dipole and mast would
Installations that require a large be used, with a special amplifier,
amplifier to be operated from DC built solely for amplifying signals
mains supply are generally de- at the television frequency. Spec-
signed for AC operation and fed ial low -loss lead -covered cable
from a rotary convertor. This would be wired throughout the
piece of apparatus is merely a com- building, with suitable outlets on
bined motor and generator which the skirting -boards in the various
runs on DC and gives out AC at suites of rooms.
the required voltage. Often the skirting -board point
comprises a mains supply socket, a
HF Systems in Flats special output socket for the tele-
In some blocks of flats an HF vision aerial and a normal aerial
instead of an audio signal is pro- and earth twin socket for radio.
vided in all suites of rooms, so that When it is desired to erect a
tenants may employ their own mast and other aerial equipment
radio or television receivers, in- on a conspicuous building, the en-
stead of being confined to pro- gineer should get in touch with the
grammes emanating from a dual - owners or their agents to obtain
channel audio system. The tech- permission, otherwise a lot of un-
nical arrangement is similar to that necessary work may be carried out
described for relay systems later with wastage of material and time.
in this section, and comprises an The final link in every sound
N 385 (R.E.)
nearly all cases permanent
magnet units are employed,
so as to dispense with the
FADER AND rectifying units necessary
where energised speakers are
Owing to the strong field
PUSH BUTTON surrounding powerful perma-
RECEIVER nent magnets, such units must
be shielded from metal filings.
Industrial type loudspeakers
are often very heavily pro-
tected by layers of material
behind the grille and at the
back of the unit.
Some of these units are so
fully protected that they have
been approved for use in
mines and powder factories.
It is only to be expected that
a certain amount of quality
is sacrificed by reason of the
precautions adopted, but in
view of the class of work for
30W AMPLIFIER which they are used, this is
FOR PROGRAMME a small disadvantage.
Horn or "projector" loud-
speakers are used where it is
desired to concentrate the re-
30W AMPLIFIER production over a compara-
FOR PROGRAMME tively small area. For ex-
CHANNEL "B" ample, in machine -shops with
high belting which causes the
speakers to be located high
up in the ceiling, projectors
can be used to concentrate the
sound down and towards any
particular group of operatives.
Fig. 18. Single rack for dual -channel work. The horn type loudspeaker
Microphones, radio set or pick-up can be con- is generally chosen for outdoor
nected to feed two different programmes to
two circuits. work, as it can be made
amplification system is the loud- An interesting type is that often
speaker. There are several special termed the "directional baffle".
types for particular purposes. This loudspeaker comprises a
For factories where there may moving -coil unit, such as may be
be a dirty atmosphere and where found in a normal cabinet loud-
there is a possibility of metal filings speaker, with a wide metal flare
flying about, the industrial type, as bolted to the periphery of the cone
seen in Fig. 19, is often used. In assembly. In this way good -quality
reproduction is obtained which can
be directed over a given area as
The very long projector loud-
speakers, often having a length of
some 7 ft., are useful for address-
ing large crowds from a central
position when it is impossible to
lay -out cables supplying a large
number of small loudspeakers.
Some typical horn loudspeakers
are shown in Fig. no.
Another interesting type is Fig. 2r. This uses a single
moving -coil unit and reproduction
is made to cover a very wide area
by means of a special deflector
arrangement in which the unit is
housed. Such loudspeakers are sus-
pended from the ceiling and are
useful for providing music at
dances in large ballrooms, where,
due to the severity of the wall
decoration, it may be found im-
possible to mount small units all
round the room. Fig. 19. A loudspeaker installed in a
To try to supply sound to a workshop. Industrial types must be
large crowd from a speaker at one fully protected from dust, metal filings,
end of a hall would make the noise and damp.
intolerable to people near the loud- due to heavy presses, and yet more
speaker while yet being insufficient are in a quiet assembly bay, it may
for dancers at the remote end. A not be possible to effect satis-
central suspended unit solves the factory tone correction on the
problem. amplifier to meet all requirements.
In the workshop having a high-
Concealed Loudspeakers pitched background noise a law -
Ventilating grilles, false plaster note loudspeaker of the directional
ornamentations on ceilings, corn- baffle type would be more easily
ices and friezes, may all be made heard, whereas in the workshop
to serve the purpose of a grille in with a rumbling background a
front of one or more loudspeaker higher -pitched speaker, such as a
units. narrow -throated horn projector,
A certain amount of tone con- would make itself heard better
trol may be effected by the choice of above the machinery. The quiet
loudspeakers, especially in factory assembly bay would be best served
installations. For example, if some by small cabinet loudspeakers of
speakers are operating in a work- the domestic type.
shop having a high-pitched back- For loudspeakers in normal liv-
ground noise due to lathes, others ing -rooms a power of r to 2 watts
are in a shop with rumbling noises may be allowed and for very large



Fig. 20. Three projector type speakers for use outdoors and in large halls. Public
address on the present-day scale would be impossible without the use of these
types of loudspeaker.
rooms or factory workshops 5 loudspeakers each at a low volume
watts for each loudspeaker is not level, rather than a small number
too much. operating at high volume. With the
Speakers may be installed about latter arrangement people near the
5o ft. apart in large workshops loudspeakers are inconvenienced,
with the units about 12 ft. above and this is not advisable, especially
floor level. Square -shaped rooms in the case of convalescence wards.
or workshops can often be served
by a group of loudspeakers in the Layout of Wiring
centre, one pointing towards each All microphone cables should be
corner. By this means, interaction screened, and should have rubber
of the sound -waves in the centre covering over the screening, to
of the room is obviated. prevent the sheath rubbing on
For hospital installations a power metallic earthed objects. This
of so milliwatts may be allowed for would give rise to crackling noises
each headphone point and s watt which would be amplified con -
for the loudspeakers. It is better to siderably. When the installation is
operate what is known as a low- a permanent one, good -class cables
diffusion arrangement with several should be used, run in conduit.
Loudspeaker wiring of twisted
flex may be run without conduit if
the mains wiring in the building is
properly screened. For permanent
installations, however, VIR cables
should be used in conduit, as con-
siderable voltages can be set up,
and local regulations should be
observed so as to be on the safe
side. Fig. 21. The G.E.C. omni-directional
Mains wiring between the con- speaker for hanging in the centre of an
auditorium for dance music, etc.
trol point and the microphone am-
plifier, rotary convertor, etc., must system would be out of service
be carried out to the specification while the fault was located and
of the local electricity authorities. repaired.
Although many amplifiers incor- It is advisable to break up the
porate fuses, the latter should be network into a number of sub -net-
checked to see that they conform works, each fed direct from an out-
with local regulations and, if they let on the main distribution board,
do not, the supply point to the which is either a unit on the ampli-
amplifier or any other equipment fier rack or is situated close to the
should be provided with fuses of amplifier and connected to it by a
the required rating, and, as is short run of cable.
generally the case, fitted in a cast- For example, in the case of a
iron fuse -box. block of flats with five floors, the
The wiring for a comprehensive network for each could be termi-
distribution network should not nated at a junction box, and this
comprise one single main cable junction box connected to the
with branches for each loud- main distribution board by a
speaker point. If a break should separate cable. The layout would
occur in the early part of the main be on somewhat similar lines to
cable, then the greater part of the that shown in Fig. 22.

ELD:=1:0 B
0® TO SUITES 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
grim BOARD



Fig. 22. Wiring plan for a block of flats, permitting easy isolation of faults.
force surrounding the magnet
system. Voltages set up in the
windings are then applied to an
amplifier in the usual way.
These two methods enable
churches to have individuality with
regard to their chimes or hymn -
tunes. When this is not required,
an ordinary playing -desk installa-
tion will serve, using any of the
Fig. 24. How bass reproduction can be available gramophone records of
reduced to prevent boominess on church chimes. A typical rack in-
speech. The two condensers in series stallation comprising both these
provide less coupling than one alone.
arrangements is seen in Fig. 25.
the reproduction of music is Large churches and cathedrals
desired. which suffer from poor acoustics
Fig. 24 illustrates this modifica- may be provided with normal
tion, which is well worth trying sound amplification equipment
with any receiver which gives comprising a large amplifier and
"boomy" reproduction. Another loudspeakers. When it is desired
simple modification which can be merely to fit up a few pews with
made to achieve the same end, but headphones for people who are
which is effective on music as well deaf, similar equipment to that
as speech, is to draw back the loud- in cinemas may be employed.
speaker from its baffle -board so tr!
gap exists. This has imthintfflotint
the effect of reducing the output 111111111111

of the lower frequencies.
Church Bell Effects
In normal times, a small chim-
ing equipment, together with an STRIKERS FOR

amplifier and loudspeakers, is

sometimes used as an inexpensive ltECORD PLAYER
way of providing a church or MUSIC, BELL
chapel with a set of "bells".
The method is to hang a set of
tubular bells in front of a micro-
phone so that the sound may be
fed into an amplifier, which in turn
feeds the loudspeakers.
Another method employs a very
small dulcima arrangement com-
prising a number of steel rods,
each of which is adjacent to a small
magnet system, like that of a pick-
up. When a particular rod is struck
with a small mallet, the steel rod
vibrates at its natural frequency Fig. 25. Bell chimes and amplifier as
and, being steel, varies the field of frequently used in small churches.
As the output is fed only to ear- number of small speakers for in-
phones taking very little power, a door work. When desired, of
single output valve, as used in a course, portable amplifiers may be
normal radio amplifier, is sufficient used with projector -type loud-
to feed up to thirty or forty head- speakers for outdoor work.
phones. The amplifier is gener- Cable used with portable equip-
ally made up on a small chassis ment should be robust, and prefer-
with its own power supply for ably armoured with a rubber -
rectifying AC mains or for break- covered metal sheathing. The
ing down DC mains to the required sheathing should be earthed at the
voltage. The chassis may be amplifier end, to prevent trans-
mounted in a totally enclosed ference of electrical disturbances.
metal case fixed to a wall or to the
back of a pew. Power Supply
The only external controls are The equipment derives its power
an on -off switch and a master vol- from the car accumulator and
ume control, so that an operator types for 6 v. or 12 v. are available.
can adjust the output when plug- Where a 12 v. equipment is to
ging his own headphones into a work from a car having only a 6 v.
test -point provided. The head- battery, an additional 6 v. accu-
phone positions generally have mulator may be wired up in series.
mdividual volume controls. There are two methods of ob-
taining the HT voltages necessary
Special Equipment for the amplifying valves. One is
For general work at political to use a vibrator unit which breaks
meetings, dances and so on, port- up the DC current from the accu-
able equipment is very useful, and mulator into pulsating unidirec-
it may be obtained in various tional current. This is fed to the
forms to suit the type of work or primary of a transformer from the
locality. secondaries of which the required
Where the district to be covered HT voltage is obtained. The HT
has both AC and DC mains sup- is, of course, AC, and has to be
plies, the equipment should be of rectified (Figs. 26b and c).
the universal type for use on either
supply with very little adjustment. Rotary Converter
A typical arrangement is shown in The second method is to employ
Fig. 26a; the loudspeaker is in a a small rotary converter which
weather-proof cabinet, while the operates on 12 v. DC and gives
amplifier and control units are in out 30o v. or so DC for the HT
a separate carrying -case. circuits. The LT circuits for the
In the equipment shown, a valve -heaters are supplied direct
turntable is provided for record from the accumulator in both
reproduction and, although this is methods.
not essential, it is a very useful A variation of the two methods
feature to fill in a gap in the pro- is to use a converter giving an AC
gramme. An output of about to output which may be stepped up
watts is usual for this type of equip- by a transformer to the required
ment, and this provides sufficient voltage, using normal HT recti-
energy to operate two speakers fying circuits for the purpose of
requiring 5 watts each or a larger obtaining the anode potentials.




Fig. 27. Simplified schematic diagram of an office inter -communication system. To

operate, set selector switch, depress S I, talk, and let go S I , and I, 2 or 3. Then depress
"T-L" switch and answer. All "T-L" switches spring back to listen position when
not depressed by operator.
the loudspeaker at the subordinate made to operate a relay in the
position is connected to the output anode circuit. The contacts of the
of the amplifier. The manager can relay are so arranged that they
then speak to the subordinate. immediately switch the loud-
When the manager releases his speaker to the input side of the
key, the subordinate can depress amplifier.
the key on his own loudspeaker, When the speech -currents in the
thereby putting his unit on to the loudspeaker cease, the relay resets
input of the amplifier. itself to its previous position, so
There is no possibility of the that the loudspeaker is connected
manager's unit being left in the to the output of the amplifier
"speaking" position and so pro- ready to reproduce the answer
viding unintentional broadcasts. from the subordinate position.
Very modern systems operate A slight "delay" voltage on the
without a "Talk -Listen" switch AVC diode keeps the loudspeaker
by utilising a type of AVC circuit connected as a microphone during
which is familar to amateur trans- short pauses in talking, but a few
mitters and others who use it on seconds' silence suffices to return
duplex operation. the loudspeaker to the output of
the amplifier. So that the first few
Automatic Switching words are not lost, a preliminary
During quiet periods the loud- call of "Hallo" is sometimes neces-
speaker is connected to the output sary to make the AVC circuit
of the amplifier through a relay. switch the loudspeaker to the
Directly the speaker is spoken in- microphone position.
to, the voltages generated are ap-
plied to an AVC diode, which "Broadcasting Re -diffusion"
generates a bias voltage, which in Although not strictly coming
turn is applied to the grid of an under the heading of sound ampli-
amplifying valve.The sudden fication, "broadcasting re -diffu-
change of anode current in this sion" or relay systems cannot very
valve when the bias is applied is well be left out of this chapter, as
they are very closely allied to the aerial location. The mains supply
subject, and the equipment is in is fed to it by a cable, running to-
many respects the same. gether with the output cable, to
One of the great advantages of the relay station, so that the unit
the relay is that it can provide radio can be switched on and off from
programmes in areas where recep- the station when required. Fig. 28
tion conditions are extremely poor. shows a typical aerial amplifier, in
which the mains rectifier will be
Improving Poor Reception seen at the top of the cast-iron box
For example, in certain parts with the amplifier beneath it.
of Wales and Scotland towns In a screened box to the left of
may be a long way from the near- the mains transformer are located
est BBC transmitting station, and the filtering circuits for the mains
at the same time may be badly supply into the amplifier. These
screened from it by nearby moun- circuits are not only necessary to
tains. By erecting a first-class prevent mains interference in the
aerial on a high point and employ- amplifier, but also to prevent HF
ing a local aerial amplifier, strong signals reaching the mains wiring,
signals may be fed down the and thus becoming distributed
mountain -side through special over the mains wiring in the town.
high -frequency cable to a power- This would cause interference in
ful receiver and amplifying rack in receivers.
the relay system headquarters. This Only under very favourable con-
is similar to the HF distribution in ditions will an ordinary anti -static
blocks of flats already described. aerial suffice to give a good steady
This arrangement is also very signal without excessive fading.
suitable for industrial districts Signals in two aerials separated by
where local interference is so a fair distance rarely fade at the
severe that even individual anti- same time, however; also, if one
static aerials do not clear up recep- aerial is horizontal and the other
tion sufficiently to enable pro- vertical, the two may be placed
grammes to be heard satisfactorily. closer together, and still give sig-
By placing the aerial outside the nals of different strength.
town, a good clean signal can be
obtained for feeding to the relay Maintaining Signal Output
network. These advantages, of This feature is made use of in
course, are outside any financial order to maintain a more level sig-
advantages which can be claimed nal input into the relay receivers.
for relay systems. The outputs from the two aerials
The aerial amplifiers include are brought to two receivers, and
circuits which cover a very wide the outputs are fed to a mixer
band of frequencies, so that signals panel, where they are blended into
on practically all broadcasting one steady signal which is fed to
wavelengths are amplified to the the main amplifiers.
same degree and passed on to the The receivers used in relay
cable feeding the main receiver. equipment have to conform with
The chassis on which the ampli- Post Office requirements with re-
fier is built is often housed in a gard to sensitivity and selectivity.
weatherproof cast-iron box, which Many types do not have normal
may be locked and installed at the tuning -scales, but are adjusted to
H.T. RECTIFIER AND Because of this
MAC:. TRANSFORMER there is often in-
corporated in the
output stages of the
amplifier a line pro-
tecting device. This
SUPPLY .74 `-/-1 is a form of light-
ning arrestor of the
gap type or gaseous
FOR MAINS discharge Variety.
The object is to
take care of any
surges which may
occur on the over-
SIGNAL head lines due to
AMPLIFIER atmospheric con-
ditions, and to pass
excessive charges
to earth without
affecting the out-
OUTPUT going programme
Radio -frequency
transmissions can
be distributed over
Fig. 28. An aerial amplifier for feeding a relay station electric mains wir-
from a remote aerial (E.M.I. Service, Ltd.). As the unit ing or Post Office
may be in an outside position without attention for long
periods very robust construction is called for. telephone lines, so
that any person
receive only one station. Four or who is on the supply or telephone
more receivers may be mounted in network can plug his receiver into
a rack, so that the reception of any the system.
one station may instantly be got by The method is often referred to
switching the output of a parti- as "wired wireless", and the pro-
cular receiver into the amplifier. grammes emanate from normal
Receivers with normal tuning - transmitting equipment, just as
scales are often employed as re- they do in broadcasting. Instead of
serve units for picking up any less the output being connected to an
common station. The receivers aerial and earth, it is connected
may be tuned in by means of vis- through filter circuits to the exist-
ual tuners and monitor loud- ing wiring network.
speakers before the output is fed The high -frequency current tra-
into the main amplifiers. vels along the wiring and actuates
Apart from the receiver and any tuned radio circuit connected
aerials, relay equipment is very to the system, and adjusted to the
similar to sound -amplification gear frequency of the signal. The
as used in flats and other large signals are thus introduced to
establishments, except that the normal types of receiver, which
output wiring is generally external, amplify, rectify and reproduce
supported like telegraph wires. them through loudspeakers.
A large number of "channels" and key, and in which spare valves,
of different frequency can be rolls of emergency cable and other
passed through the wiring without suchlike spares may be kept
interfering with each other, so that available in case of a breakdown.
subscribers to the system can have A portable kit of tools should be
a choice of several programmes. handy, comprising pliers, insula-
Due to the wiring of the system tion tape, loudspeaker connecting
being carried out in twin con- plugs, and so on, and should also
ductors, the equal and opposite be kept locked, not so much as a
fields surrounding the wires cancel precaution against theft, but as a
out, thus reducing any tendency guard against the borrowing of the
for the signals to be radiated. tools, so that they are not to hand
The servicing of sound -ampli- when an emergency arises.
fying equipment is generally far The various arrangements of
easier than fault location on radio amplification equipment we have
receivers. As has already been discussed will enable readers
stated, many amplifiers incor- readily to appreciate details of the
porate meters with switches which many interesting applications of
enable circuits to be quickly tested unusual form with which he may
for current and voltage when a come in contact.
breakdown occurs. Also, many Bomb Detector Devices
large installations have spare am-
plifier units available on the rack, Bomb detector devices are but
and these may be instantly con- one of many forms of standard
nected into circuit when a unit equipment in which the micro-
breaks down. phone (for HE bombs) or photo-
A very useful piece of service electric cells (for incendiary bombs)
equipment for the location of take the place of the normal input.
faults in sound -amplifying equip- Large numbers of microphones or
ment is the audio -frequency oscil- photo -electric cells are arranged
lator. This has been described in over a given area, with the cables
the radio -servicing section of this coming to the central listening post
book, and with its aid, sections of via an amplifier and indicator,
cable may be tested out during a which shows immediately, by
period when the main amplifying means of a red light or similar
equipment is not in operation. warning signals, which location
has received the bomb.
Plugging Oscillator Output Another interesting application
By plugging the output from the using standard equipment is for
oscillator into the various connect- the training of ARP Rescue squads.
ing points in the distribution boxes Small but robust loudspeaker units
a note of the desired frequency are hidden under masses of debris,
may be passed through the net- and are fed from a microphone and
work for testing purposes, fre- amplifier with various weak sounds
quency distortion investigation, or imitating the moans and faint calls
for tracing a breakdown. of trapped people.
In the amplifier room or the It is the task of the Rescue
control -desk location there should squads to locate these sounds and
be a cupboard or steel cabinet, dig down as quickly as possible to
which should be kept under lock the loudspeaker unit.


ELECTRONICS or "electron en- can be used to amplify small

gineering" is a term applied changes of potential, as in the
to the use of valves and other ordinary valve, or to liberate other
thermionic devices in industry. electrons by knocking them out of
Although electronic engineering the surface of materials, as in the
has grown out of radio, it can now "secondary emission tube" (Fig.
be said that radio is one of the 3). By allowing electrons to strike
branches of electronics. atoms, we can produce ions, which
Electronics has been called the serve to carry comparatively heavy
science of the "free electron". charges of electricity, and in a
This may seem a curious term, in beam of free electrons we have the
view of the fact that all electrons basis of the most versatile research
are free in their movement, but the instrument-the cathode-ray tube.
freedom is only relative. In an All these properties and uses of
ordinary electrical circuit this free- free electrons have been found by
dom is within the conductor, and radio engineers, and their dis-
there is no tendency for the elec- covery has enabled the electron
trons to leave the wire. tube to be applied to every branch
of engineering industry helping
Free Electrons manufacturing processes, ensur-
Once an electron does leave a ing accuracy in production, and
conducting path for the surround- even saving life. In war, electronics
ing space, however, it becomes plays a vital part in maintaining
"free" and is capable of being communications, controlling gun-
used in new ways. To give it this fire, detecting hostile aircraft and
freedom special conditions must other ways which for the present
be created. It is usually necessary may not be disclosed.
to remove the barrier of the sur- If we attempt to classify the
rounding air and to provide an ways in which electrons are of use
attractive positive force near the to industry, we may do so under
conductor (Fig. I). The electrons three broad headings:
may also be helped to leave by
heating the conductor. (I) Control devices.
Once liberated, electrons can be (2) Safety devices.
used in a variety of ways. They can (3) Measurements.
be controlled by external fields, In addition, electronics can be
magnetic or electric (Fig. 2). They used in general communications,
gas -relay is in the
accurate control of
current in welding
'FREE" plant, where the
duration of the
current flow is of
great importance.
-1111--1 In photo -cell de-
LT vices, where the
'FREE" ELECTRONS action of a beam of
light is caused to
liberate electrons,
the application is
even wider. Ma-
Fig. I. In the simple diode valve, the anode draws elec- chines fitted with
trons away from the filament across the evacuated space.
The cathode-ray tube, shown in principle on the right, photo -cell control
is a further development of electronic technique, the are stopped auto-
electrons being used to excite fluorescent material on matically in the
the inner surface of the end of the tube. event of any ab-
normal conditions,
such as telegraphy and telephony, or can be altered in speed or
apart from radio broadcasting. production rate as the material or
(I) Control Devices. One of the process varies.
advantages of the ordinary ther-
mionic valve is the ease with which Checking Packing Machines
a small change in potential can be machines the con-
made to control a larger change in tents of cartons or jars and the
potential or current (see Chapter positioning of wrappers (Fig. 4)
17). In the case of the "gas -filled can be automatically checked, and
valve" in particular, a heavy cur- the time of operators saved for
rent can be started or stopped by more important work. Production
the application of a small potential can be automatically counted, and
to one of the electrodes. This rejects separated from the main
means that this type of valve or flow of work.
"gas relay" can be used in place of Another wide electronics field
a more cumbersome mechanical HEATED PRIMARY EMISSION
relay to stop or start a machine or CATHODE
A favourite application of the SECOND

Fig. 2. Electrons, once they have been Fig. 3. Liberated electrons can be em-
liberated, can be controlled by both ployed to free other electrons by
electric and magnetic external fields. knocking them out of metal anodes.

-i-11\ PHOTO



Fig. 4. Schematic diagram outlining the way a

photo -cell can be used to control a wrapping
machine. Light variation, due to a mark on the
paper, times the different operations. t

is in unattended stations for arrangements would be clumsy or

supplying the three main services unreliable.
of water, gas, and electricity. Among the most common causes
Street -lighting can be switched on of industrial accidents are heavy
at a pre -determined time (which power presses or metal -cutting
alters from summer to winter) machines, where the operator's
without the necessity of continual fingers or arm are liable to be
adjustment. trapped. A photo -cell and light -
Water -tanks can be kept con- ray apparatus forms an ideal pro-
stantly replenished, and impurities tection for such machines, as it can
in the supply noted and the con- be arranged to prevent operation
trol station warned. A continuous while the mechanic is in a dangerous
record can be kept of the quality position or has his hands in the
of domestic supply and the appa- path of the press (Fig. 5).
ratus can be set to compensate for Before the introduction of elec-
any abnormal load which may tronic protection a form of me-
occur. chanical guard was widely used,
in which the operator's arm was
Blind Landing Apparatus brushed aside as the press came
One of the most important con- down. This sometimes produced
tributions which electronics has slight injuries, and in any case
made to aviation is the blind land- distracted the operator from the
ing apparatus, in which an aero- work in hand. The photo -cell de-
plane is guided to the runway in vice is unobtrusive and certain in
thick weather solely by indications operation, and can be applied
on the pilot's instrument (see page without alteration to the machine.
168). In addition, aeroplanes may
be fitted with an electronic alti- Photo -cell Control
meter which gives the correct One of the most striking applica-
height above ground level through- tions of the photo -cell control to
out the flight. safety is in a bridge installation
(z) Safety Devices. As the last completed some years ago by the
example illustrates, there is some- General Electric Co. A large
times only a very slight difference swing -bridge over the River Forth
between control and safety devices, at Kincardine, Scotland, is auto-
but electronics can be applied to matically controlled in movement
numerous cases for protection of by an arrangement of photo -cells
operators where mechanical safety which prevent over -running of the

Fig. 5. Typical of safety app ications of electronic technique is this instailation

controlling a press. As long as the man's hands interrupt the beam between the
lamp and the photo -cell, the press cannot be operated.
stops and ensure its correct posi- accurate measurement in electrical
tion before the traffic is permitted engineering has been enormously
to cross. Similar installations have increased by the use of thermionic
been used in passenger lifts as valves and apparatus. Currents as
a precaution against over -running small as one billionth of an ampere
the floors (Fig. 6). can be measured with ease, which
Hospital Safeguards almost corresponds to counting
the movement of individual elec-
Electronic apparatus has also trons! Apart from purely electrical
been devised to safeguard patients measurements, there are deter -
in hospitals (Fig. 7) and for bur- minations of physical quantities
glar alarms and fire prevention or such as light and heat which have
warning. The latest applications been rendered much more accurate
have been in connection with in- by the use of electronic measuring
cendiary bombs (Fig. 8), and the instruments.
photo -cell warning device can be
made to sound an alarm and turn Electronic Lightmeter
on sprinklers if necessary, thus The simplest example of the
dispensing with a number of fire- electronic instrument is the "light -
watchers in large premises. meter" (Fig. 9), in which the in -
(3) Measurements. The field of tensity of light is measured directly
The cathode-ray
tube itself, which
is described on
page 259, is one of
the most valuable
aids to measure-
ment and research
which has been de-
01 I Lind/ veloped, and a
DOWN VANE description of its
applications alone
would fill a book.
In the remaining
part of this chapter,
we examine in de-
tail some of the ap-
Fig. 6. Photo -cell equipment on the top of a lift. When plications of electro-
the lift reaches the required floor, a vane exposes a nics to industry,
photo -cell and results in stoppage at the exact level. and study the funda-
in terms of the electrons liberated mental circuits used. The adapta-
from a metal, and one of the most tion of these circuits to a particu-
complicated is a harmonic analyser lar machine or research is the task
for determining the magnitude of the electronic engineer, and the
and frequency of the various com- success of the device largely de-
ponents in an audio -frequency pends on his understanding of the
waveform. It is even possible to fundamental circuits involved.
analyse colours (Fig. 1o) and a Before dealing with the subject
more mundane use is checking in detail, it is advisable to give a
electricity meters (Fig. word of warning to radio engineers


Fig. 7. Light -ray equipment may be utilised to guard delirious patients. If the
patient gets out of bed, the ray is interrupted and a bell rings in the nurses'
quarters. A similar system can be employed as a burglar alarm for the protection
of safes, jewellers' windows, private houses, etc.
long periods. The fact that they
have sufficient confidence in the
reliability of electronic apparatus
to use it in this way should refute
any argument against its adoption
in industrial plant.
The photo -cell is one of the
most important links in the appli-
cation of electronics to industrial
purposes, since it provides a means
of obtaining electrical energy from
light energy.
The majority of control and
safety devices depend for their
operation on the interruption of a
beam of light by the object under
control, and the consequent move-
ment of a relay or counting device
Fig. 8. Interior view of an Incendiary by the current generated in a
bomb detector. When a bomb lights photo -cell.
up, the output of a photo -cell is ampli-
fied by the valve and made to operate Photo -cells at present available
a relay which closes an electric circuit are of three types:
and rings an alarm bell.
(I) Photo -conducting cell's,
who may be called on to advise an (2) Photo - emissive cells,
industrial firm on the installation and
of electronic devices. There exists (3) Photronic or Photo -vol-
a prejudice among certain indus- taic cells.
trial engineers against the use Photo -conducting cells are usually
of thermionic apparatus on the made of selenium, which has the
grounds of its complexity and property of varying its resistance
unreliability. This prejudice when exposed to light. They are
should be overcome by pointing manufactured by forming a very
out the many cases in which thin layer of metallic selenium on
valves and valve apparatus have the surface of two foil electrodes
been installed and left to work fixed on a base of glass or other
unattended for
months with per-
fectly satisfactory
The Post Office
uses hundreds of
valve amplifiers all
over the vast net-
work of telephone
and telegraph com-
munications in this
country, and many
of the stations are Fig. 9. Two examples of the "light meter"-the simplest
left unattended for form of electronic measuring device.
age and reduces the cell circuit producing
bias of the valve. The "noise" in the output,
anode current rises and but this is not of im-
the relay closes. portance if the cell is
To produce the used in a simple relay
maximum change in circuit such as that
voltage across R for a shown. For acoustic re-
given emission, it must production in sound -
be as high a resistance film work great care
as possible, and values has to be taken in
of 5 -to megohms are smoothing the HT
not unusual. supply.
To enable the circuit Photo -voltaic cells
to operate in the reverse differ from either of
sense-i.e., with the cell the foregoing types in
normally illuminated that they actually pro-
and an interruption of duce a voltage when
light to operate the re- light falls on them.
lay-it is necessary to Their action depends
reverse the connections Fig. 14. A small type
on the fact that when
of the cell and battery light strikes
of caesiu m photo - certain
as shown in Fig i5 b. electric c ell with a semi -conducting sub-
In this case the plate c athode. stances electrons leave
direction of the electron them and pass to the
flow is such that the grid bias of adjoining metal. The metals used
the valve is increased when the in this type of cell are those
cell is illuminated and the anode which also act as rectifiers, such
current increases when the illu- as copper oxide and copper or
mination is cut off. selenium and iron.
It is not necessary to use a sepa- The use of selenium in photronic
rate battery for supplying the cell, cells may lead to confusion be-
and Fig. 16 shows the connections tween them and the true selenium
with a common lottery. cell, and it is important to remem-
If the circuit is supplied from ber that the selenium cell alters its
an HT unit there is a possibility resistance but does not produce a
of "hum" interference in the voltage, but that the selenium

(a) (b)
Fig. IS. The basic circuit for using the photo -cell. When the battery voltage applied
to the cell is reversed as in b, control operates in the reverse "sense".
"rectifier" cell pro-
duces a voltage
between the selen-
ium coating and METER OR RELAY
the iron plate I

Photo -voltaic CELL
Selenium Cell
The output of T T

such cells is higher

than that of the
gas -filled caesium
cell, and they are
generally more re- Fig. 16. How a single battery can be used to energise both
sponsive to green the cell and the amplifier.
light. Some of their
disadvantages are their com- measurer, and it is marketed in
paratively low resistance (zoo - various commercial forms of
2,000 ohms), which makes it diffi- "light meter" and photographic
cult to use them with high -gain exposure meter (Fig. 9).
amplifiers, and their large area, Most people have seen these
which limits the range of frequency instruments. They consist simply
over which they will operate. of a photo -voltaic selenium cell,
The sectional sketch of Fig. 17 coupled internally to a small sen-
shows the composition of one of sitive current meter. When light
these cells. A thin film of selenium strikes the cell current flows and
is formed on the surface of an iron the pointer travels across the face
plate, and a transparent metal film of the meter.
is pressed into contact with the The meter is not calibrated to
upper surface of the selenium. read current (which is actually, of
When light penetrates the sele- course, what it indicates). By the
nium layer, electrons are liberated use of the standard light inten-
at the junction of the selenium and sities, it is calibrated to read di-
the iron (usually termed the "bar- rectly in foot-candles or, in the
rier layer"). Some of these elec- case of exposure meters, in special
trons circulate between the sele- terms devised to aid the photo-
nium and the iron as shown by the grapher. Light meters have made
dotted arrows, but a greater part it possible to introduce legal
will flow out of the iron, returning standards of lighting in factories
by way of the top electrode. and offices.
The current output of a cell
Light Meters is even sufficient to operate a
If a sensitive microammeter is sensitive relay directly connected
connected to the electrodes of the across its terminals, and to obtain
cell it will indicate the current the best results it is necessary to
flow, which will be proportional make the resistance of the relay
to the illumination on the cell. coil the same value as that of
This suggests one of the simplest the cell.
applications of this cell-as a light Over a hundred applications of
COIL. supply available
CELL for radio receivers
or transmitters is
a low -voltage
DC-say Ho v.
To obtain DC at
THYRATRON COUNTER a higher voltage
it is necessary to
interrupt the low -
B voltage DC, trans-
-iii form the voltage
GB up and then rectify
Fig. 19. Fundamental circuit of a photo -cell and gas -filled the resulting AC.
relay employed for automatic counting. The relay oper-
ates an anode -circuit switch as well as the counter, and This can be done
this resets the circuit for the next Impulse. by a motor -con-
verter or form of
slight momentary alteration in the vibrator circuit, both of which
applied voltage to the grid. have certain disadvantages. The
A simple application is in the inverter circuit, however, enables
counting of articles in conjunction the conversion to be done electric-
with the photo -cell apparatus de- ally and efficiently.
scribed above. The arrangement is The principle of operation is
shown in Fig. to. shown in Fig. zo. Two gas -filled
The grid of the relay is biased relays have a condenser C con-
by the battery GB, and in the nected between their anodes and
anode relay is con- resistances RI and R2 in
nected the counting mechanism, each anode circuit, the grids being
actuated by a magnetic coil. An biased by the batteries GB.
extra contact is fitted to the mov- The action is as follows: Assume
ing arm which is arranged to break an impulse is applied to the grid
the anode circuit as soon as the of VI, causing the current to flow
ratchet has pulled the counting in the anode circuit and resistance
train forward. This makes the re- Rt. The condenser C also charges
lay self -resetting after the momen- through the other load resistance
tary impulse has been applied to Rz till its potential is nearly equal
the grid. to that of the HT supply, since the
An elaborate series of such relay resistance of the relay Vs is very
circuits is used to count very low.
rapidly occurring impulses up to
1,000 per second in special research
on cosmic rays.
The Inverter
Another important application
of the gas -filled relay is in the in-
verter, an arrangement for convert-
ing direct current to alternating
current for high -voltage rectifica-
tion circuits or power supplies. Fig. 20. The principle o the inverter
circuit by which increased voltage can
It often happens that the only be secured from a DC supply.
Now suppose that a second im- and apparatus, the output from
pulse is applied to the grid of V2, the transformer being rectified
causing it to pass current. The and smoothed in the usual way.
condenser then discharges through
V2, and its potential is applied Thyratron Control
between the anode and cathode of The British Thompson -Hous-
Vi in such a direction as to oppose ton Co., whose gas -filled relays are
the HT voltage applied to Vi. The manufactured under the name
current through Vi therefore "Thyratron", have applied them
ceases and the grid regains control. to the control of welding processes
C is then charged in the oppo- in industry, and by their use en-
site direction through the anode able very accurate control of weld-
resistance of Vi. The next impulse ing time to be obtained.
applied to the grid of Vi causes it The success of welding opera-
to pass current again, the con- tions depends on the duration of
denser this time discharges through the current flow, among other
Vi, and so extinguishes the cur- factors, and this duration is beyond
rent in V2. This alternate action the accurate control of an operator
will continue as long as impulses using a foot -switch. By using a
are applied to each grid in turn. thyratron as a relay the timing of
The complete inverter circuit is the current is made independent of
shown in Fig. at. DC is applied to the operator and uniform results
the anodes through the centre - are obtained.
tapped transformer Tr, from the Thyratrons are also used in the
secondary winding of which the control of small motors and in the
AC supply is obtained. A second regulation of temperature for
transformer, T2, connected to the furnaces.
grids of the relays serves to apply A number of instruments used
timed impulses to each grid in in modern radio practice and in
turn, the frequency of the impulses research utilise thermionic valves
being determined by the constants for their operation and have
of the condenser Cr and the resist- shown that they are capable of
The condenser
Ca is necessary to
ensure that the
voltage applied to
the grids is in
correct phase re-
lationship with the
voltage applied to
the anodes.
Small inverter
circuits using gas -
filled relays of the
Osram GT.' or
Mazda T.' t type
are very efficient
for HT supply for
power amplifiers Fig. 21. Simplified form of complete inverter circuit.



234 5 6 78 3 4 5678 34 5 6 7 234 56 7 8
9 910
0 01 10 0 01 910 01 910

Fig. 25. The front panel of the Muirhead oscillator in which required audio fre-
quencies for test purposes are obtained at the turn of switches.

duce a "beat", which is then recent application of this impor-

amplified. tant electronic instrument, and be-
The latest type of audio -fre- fore the development of the high -
quency oscillator utilises the pro- definition television systems it
perties of "negative feed -back", was in use as a laboratory instru-
and has a circuit arranged so that ment for research and general
energy is fed -back to the input at testing.
a given frequency, which is gov- One of the most important ad-
erned by values of resistance and vantages of the cathode-ray tube
capacity in the circuit. Oscillators is its extreme flexibility. The beam
of this type have the advantage acts as a weightless pointer which
that they are more stable in use can be deflected in any direction
and require less elaborate compo- by the application of magnetic
nents. Fig. 25 illustrates the Muir - fields or by the use of deflecting
head Co.'s oscillator, in which the voltages, and in consequence the
frequency is selected by ordinary spot can be made to trace a pattern
dial switches in the same way as a on the screen corresponding to any
resistance box is set for a given variation in two electrical quanti-
value of resistance. ties.
The use of the cathode-ray tube A common application of the
in television is a comparatively tube is in the comparison of two
frequencies, one of which is known from other multiples of the stand-
accurately. To do this the deflect- ard frequency.
ing plateg of the tube are connected Fig. 27 shows some of the pat-
to the oscillator under test and to terns obtained in this way.
the standard oscillator respec- A slight deviation from the
tively. The trace of the spot on the exact proportion between the fre-
screen will then be determined by quencies gives an irregular pattern
the instantaneous deflecting forces or result in the slow changing of
applied to the beam. the pattern on the screen.
Suppose that one frequency is Another use of the cathode-ray
twice the other, as shown by the tube is in the automatic plotting
waves in Fig. 26. The position of of response curves of tuned cir-
the spot at any moment is pro- cuits, such as the tuned circuits in
portional to the instantaneous the RF stages of radio -receivers.
values of the voltage waves, the To do this, the horizontal move-
point P corresponding to the ment of the beam is made pro-
values Ex and E2. If successive portional to frequency, while the
deflecting voltages are plotted in vertical movement is controlled by
a similar manner, the spot will be the output from the tuned circuit.
seen to move over the screen in An oscillator of the type in Fig.
a figure 8, moving up and down 28, sometimes called a "wobbula-
twice to each horizontal move- tor", is connected to the circuit
ment to and fro. The formation of under test, and its frequency is
the figure 8 indicates that one fre- varied between fixed values on
quency is exactly twice the other, either side of the mean frequency
and similar figures can be formed to which the RF circuit is tuned.
''.. IN..
IIIMINION Fig. 26. Point P on the
,........1 co -shape pattern appear-
Ei ing on the cathode-ray 6:4
screen corresponds to the
instantaneous values El

and E2 of the two differ-
ent applied frequencies.



111111111M 5:3

11111111E1ff 3:2
Fig. 27. Four typical

wave shapes with the
ratios of the two ap-
plied frequencies.



Fig. 28. Block diagram illustrating how a frequency "wobbulator" is used in con-
junction with a cathode-ray tube to see the shape of the response curve of a tuned
circuit. The frequency is rapidly "swung" across the tune point of the circuit
under test. The time base of the CR tube is in step with the "swing".
This frequency variation is con- If the frame aerial system is
trolled by i time base which de- turned so that the aerial marked
flects the beam in the horizontal N.-S. is directly facing the station,
direction at a rate proportional to maximum signal is induced in it
the change in frequency in the and there is no signal in the aerial
oscillator, so that a definite posi- E.-W. The voltage output of the
tion of the spot corresponds to a N.-S. amplifier will then cause
definite value of frequency. the beam to deflect in the vertical
The output of the tuned circuit direction on the screen. If the
is applied to the vertical .plates aerials are turned so that the signal
after amplification. By repeating is arriving at an angle of 45° to the
the variation of frequency several N.-S. aerial, the E.-W. aerial will
times per second the curve is receive a signal of equal strength.
traced over and over again and The beam will then be deflected
appears quite steady on the screen. by two equal forces at an angle of
4.5° and will swing over on the
Direction Finding by Radio screen to a corresponding angle.
Another important application The advantage of the cathode-
of the cathode-ray tube, particu- ray tube as an indicator is that the
larly at the present time, is in screen may be marked in degrees
direction finding by means of and compass bearings and the
radio signals. direction of the line drawn on the
Two aerials are used, mounted screen gives the exact bearing of
at right angles, as in Fig. 29, and the station. A full description of
the incoming signal from the the cathode-ray tube in direction -
station is detected and amplified finding is given in a book pub-
in the usual way. The output of lished by H.M. Stationery Office
the amplifiers is connected to the under the title "The Cathode Ray
deflector plates of the tube, so that Oscillograph in Radio Research".
the beam experiences a deflecting The gas -discharge lamp is one
force which is proportional to the of the latest applications of the
signal strength in each aerial. "free electron", and apart from its



Fig. 29. Schematic of the use of a cathode-ray tube to give visual direction finding
from radio signals. Directional properties of the frame aerials produce different
voltages across the amplifiers according to the direction of the signal.

uses in illumination has been of electrode (the cathode) under the

great use in research on rapidly influence of strong positive poten-
moving machinery. tial applied to a second electrode
(the anode) a little distance away.
Geissler's Vacuum Tube The electrons leave the cathode
The history of the gas -discharge with sufficient velocity to collide
lamp dates back to 188o, when with the particles of gas in the
Geissler produced ornamental va- tube, and dislodge more electrons
cuum tubes in which the passage and positive ions by impact. This
of electrons from the cathode at breaking up of the gas molecules
one end to the anode at the other is accompanied by the giving off
produced fluorescent effects on of energy in the form of light, so
substances in their path (Fig. 30). that the luminous glow which
A later form of
the Geissler tube
is the familar "neon
tube", which is
used for advertis-
ing and other pur-
poses, in which Fig. 30. The Geissler tube, the forerunner of the gas-
discharge lamp.
the colour of the
light is governed by the nature of forms in the column of gas is evi-
the gas present in the tube. The dence of the bombardment which
commoner colour effects are pro- is taking place.
duced by using neon (red), mer- A considerable potential is re-
cury vapour (bluish -white) or quired to start the discharge (about
helium (blue). 6,000--ro,000 v.), but when once
The action taking place in the the discharge is established it may
gas -discharge tube is due to the be maintained by the application
emission of electrons from a cold of a lower voltage (1,5oo-3,000 v.).
This property tube is filled with
of the tube re- a bright column
quires special of light. These
design of trans- discharge lamps
formers for are very efficient,
starting and and have a life
maintaining the comparable with
discharge. that of the ordi-
With the ob- nary gas -filled
ject of reducing lamp.
the high voltage More recently
required for the the discharge
tube (and the lamp has been
attendant dan- developed to the
ger), the 'hot - stage where it is
cathode" dis- possible to ob-
charge tube has tain long tubes
been developed, of 5 ft. ir more,
in which the lined with fluo-
electrons are rescent coating.
emitted from a The material is
heated cathode so chosen that
in a similar Fig. 31 (left). A modern gas discharge
in conjunction
manner to a ther- lamp containing two heated electrodes
with the colour
mionic valve. within an inner tube. of the discharge
The voltage for Fig. 32 (right). In the fluorescent tubu- it is possible to
the discharge is lar lamp the rays from the gas discharge obtain an illu-
excite fluorescent powders which pro- mination com-
reduced to a few duce a close approximation to daylight.
hundreds in- parable with
stead of thousands. that of daylight (Fig. 32.)
A sketch of a modern gas -dis- A neon type of discharge tube
charge tube is given in Fig. 31. is shown in Fig. 33 and a further
The lamp consists of an inner development of the principle, ap-
tube surrounded by an outer jac- plied to rectification, instead of
ket, the space between them being lighting, is seen in Fig. 34.
evacuated as in a vacuum flask. A special formof discharge tube,
The inner tube contains a mixture known as the Strobotron, has been
of neon or argon gas and mercury developed for use in high-speed
vapour, which assists in starting photography, and is capable of giv-
the discharge. The electrodes are ing a very intense flash of light,
of alkaline -earth material and are lasting for only a few thousandths
heated by the passage of the dis- of a second. It is a cold cathode
charge itself. tube, and the construction of the
electrodes is shown in Fig.35. The
Heating the Electrodes cathode is in the form of a cup con-
On switching on the lamp the taining a caesium compound and
discharge starts as a faint glow, surrounded by a ceramic insulator.
which grows more vivid as the Above the cathode is a gauze
electrodes heat up and emit more grid and a second "grid" in the
electrons, until the whole inner form of a graphite ring. The anode
charge through the
tube when its voltage
reaches a predetermin-
\-r ed value. Tubes of this
type have been deve-
loped to give a flash
discharge lasting only
tho,000th second.
The Strobotron, is
used in scientific re-
search work of every
variety, and it consti-
tutes an appropriate
apparatus with which
to close this chapter on
electronics-a subject
which, although it
already concerns near-
ly every aspect of
modern life, is barely
20 years old, and has
hardly left the explora-
tory stage of growth.
When this new science
Fig. 33 (left). A neon lamp intended is able to play its full
for use as a source of light of small part, it will be one of
area. A central cathode C has a mica the main instruments
insulator surrounding it M which
separates it from the cylindrical anode A. of progress.
The discharge between C and A is confined
to the crater Cr. at the top of the cathode rod. ANODE
Fig. 34 (right). The Ignitron, a form of arc Fig. 35. A special form of
rectifier. A cathode spot forms when cur- charge tube, the Strobotron,
rent passes between an "igniter" and a developed for high-speed
pool of mercury. An arc then flows to photography.
this spot when the anode potential has
become sufficiently high.
is a little distance above this ring. OUTER RING
The tube is filled with neon or OF GRAPHITE
argon gas, and, when switched on, GRID OF
a local discharge takes place be- NICKEL GAUZE
tween the grids, which forms an
arc discharge when potential is CERAMIC
applied to the anode. INSULATING
This arc discharge is exceed- CYLINDER
ingly brilliant, and during its CATHODE (CUP
formation a peak current of several CONTAINING
hundred amperes passes momen- EMITTER)
tarily through the tube. The dis-
charge is usually formed by allow-
ing a condenser to charge and dis-


FOR anyone with the slightest for the production of instruments

interest in radio, whether a long way ahead. The board must
from the practical or theo- also supervise the inventive work
retical view -point, a modern going on in the laboratories.
radio factory organisation has
some niche into which he can fit. Scientific Research
All aspects of normal commer- For example, in the Research
cial life have their places in the Department alone there will be
organisation, such as advertising, many experienced scientists, each
publicity, accountancy and gen- an expert on his particular subject,
eral clerical office work. With the such as condensers, transformers,
ever-present background of radio, motors and loudspeakers. All of
these offer the amateur radio en- these might at some time or other
thusiast many opportunities for refer to the chemical laboratory
getting into close touch with the for advice on the type of impreg-
commercial side of his hobby, nation for a particular job of coil
even should he not wish to enter winding on one of their com-
the technical side of the business. ponents, or for a report on some
paper to see that it is free from
Varied Opportunities acid, so that it may be used in
Here, however, we are con- transformers.
cerned with the design, produc- The chemist would want to
tion and servicing of radio recei- know from the receiver designers
vers, and so in this review of the what were the conditions under
great opportunities which exist in which the materials would be
the radio industry we will leave used-i.e., climate, voltages ap-
out of consideration general office plied to them, and so on.
routine, and concentrate on the The designers would give this
productive side with its problems. information from theory, but they
Chemists, draughtsmen, de- would probably enquire from the
signers, inspectors, storekeepers, Service Department as to whether
and the large numbers of assem- any trouble had been encountered
blers all have to be co-ordinated in the past when using certain
under a board of technical manage- components or material under
ment which can visualise and plan such and such conditions. Did the
paper insulation in inter -valve routine may be more thoroughly
transformers stand up to the appreciated.
moisture -laden atmosphere of the For the continuity of our review
Manchester districts, or were it will be assumed that the models
coastal areas responsible for trouble for the next season are to be de-
in this direction? cided upon and put into produc-
So, throughout the organisation, tion. The first decisions are often
liaison must be established be- made nearly a year before market-
tween all departments, and perio- ing, but the work entailed in get-
dic meetings convened for the ting a big programme into full pro-
purpose of airing troubles and duction takes up all this time, as
passing on information. we shall see.
The first meeting will be con-
Production Charts cerned with a review of the popu-
In order to appreciate the inter- larity of the firm's present range
relationship between all these of models, to see whether any of
branches, the table shown in Fig. I them should be retained. If one of
should be studied. It shows the them is very good it may be con-
organisation of a large radio -fac- tinued with slight exterior altera-
tory in terms of committees which tions advised by the Sales Depart-
decide the progress of the work ment. Perhaps a new -style cabinet
through the factory. with a change of tuning scale may
Fig. 2 is a chart of the factory meet their requirements.
production personnel who are in- Details as to the appearance of
volved in the carrying out of the new receivers (or other products
decisions made at the various under consideration) would be dis-
meetings charted in Fig. x. In cussed by the meeting, which, as
small firms, of course, many of the shown in Fig. i, would include
functions will be the concern of representatives of the Production,
only one man or one department. Planning, Sales and Research de-
For example, in a factory which partments.
might assemble on to a chassis
components made up by other Sales Organisation
manufacturers, there will be no The sales side of the organisa-
meeting of the component de- tion have to "sell" the public on
signers; discussions with regard to the merits of the new products, and
these items will be carried out be- they have a considerable say in the
tween the receiver designer and matter of performance and the
the representatives of the com- external appearance of the instru-
ponent manufacturers. ments, and this is why they are
In a similar way the woodwork represented at many of the more
may be handled by an outside technical production meetings.
firm, which would submit two or It will be appreciated that, in
three samples of cabinets after addition to the main committee
having received a blue print or an meetings charted in Fig. r, there
early production or hand -made are always in progress more or less
chassis for fitting purposes. How- informal discussions between de-
ever, by assuming that all the signers and others concerning new
various functions are carried out ideas and modifications to improve
in the one factory, the overall existing arrangements. The fruits

Chief Factory
Store - Manager.
Stock Chief Machine

Control of Work- Shop
of Test. shop Manager.
Parts Manager
and 1

Material Shop Fore-



Designers Fore- man. man. man.
Sub - of Test man. (Chassis (Corn- (Sub-
Stores Equip. assembly) ponent assemblies).
Foremen. assembly).
Charge - hands.
hands. Charge- ChaIrge- Charge -
hands. hands. hands.
Test Equip. Operatives.
Test Equip. Operatives. Operatives.
Staff. Operatives.

floor in case a query should arise. Apart from the winding of coils
The value of these will be shown and the manufacture of fixed elec-
later when the "assembly line" is trolytic condensers and the valves,
under consideration. practically the whole of the com-
Another set of drawings is re- mercial mass-produced radiO re-
quired by the Service Department ceiver chassis is manufactured on
for them to check up on their spare mechanical engineering lines.
parts and to refer to when dealers Loudspeaker cradles are
order parts as replacements. punched out and shaped in one
operation by powerful punches
Planning Production which exert a pressure of hun-
Reverting to the progress of the dreds of tons, and chassis are also
receiver through the factory, the produced in a similar way with the
Planning Engineer and his staff sides bent and the holes punched
examine the whole job with a view out all in one action of the press.
to laying it out for mass produc- In the cabinet workshop many
tion. They also see that the Tool- operations which were previously
making Department is provided carried out singly can now be com-
with the drawings of any metal pleted in one operation, as may be
parts which are to be made. seen in Fig. 3d. This illustrates the
Any metal -turning work, chas- motor -board of a radiogramo-
sis -pressing, special condenser - phone having all the holes drilled
drive mechanisms, screws, etc., are in it, including the large one for
given over to the Machine Work- the motor turntable spindle by one
shop, which houses the lathes and machine, simultaneously.
presses (Figs. 3a, b and c). Even such items as variable con -

Production Chief
Planning Engineer. Inspector.
Chief Planner.
Chief Progress Inspector.
Draughtsman. Manager
Preparation Chasers.
of Preparation
Drawings of
and Manufacturing Inspectors.
Plans for Orders to
Production. fulfil
for Cabinets,
Components, Fig. 2. Production personnel of a large radio facto -y and
etc.). the relationship between departments.

densers come within the scope of partment's work is so bound up

the mechanical engineer, because with the smooth running of the
the frames are generally castings, assembly line that we must ex-
and the vanes are also stamped out amine them both together, and
by the thousand by a simple come back to our consideration of
punch -press. It is not until the the committee chart when we have
vanes are assembled into sections, reached the stage of the completed
and the sections are built up into chassis. Inspection and test are
frames, that the component passes also closely linked with assembly,
from the mechanical stage to the and the work of these departments
electrical inspection. Fig. 4 shows will be referred to as and when
operatives examining variable con- they affect assembly progress.
densers for freedom of movement
and proper sacing between the Engineering Plan
Moving and fixed vanes, prior to The Production Planning Engi-
electrical tests. neer knows from the first meet-
The work in the machine' shops ings the general make-up of the
follow usual mechanical engineer- instrument, and decides upon
ing practice, and details of the what components should be bolted
various operations and machines direct on to the chassis, or which
employed are dealt with in Od- components should be connected
hams "General Engineering Work- or made-up in the works into
shop Practice". We are concen- a sub -assembly, which in turn
trating here on the electrical and would be fixed to the chassis.
radio aspects of the factory. Many parts of a radio receiver
The Production Planning *De- cannot be fitted to the chassis
without interfering with the fitting straight from the heavy presses in
of other parts. This aspect of the machine shop. The first job
assembly must be visualised by the would be to rivet valve -holders
Planning Engineer when he has into the holes provided for them
one of the hand -made sample (see Fig. 5) and fix such small
models in front of him, together items as aerial and earth panels,
with all the designer's rough pick-up socket panels, and so on.
sketches or blue prints of the The chassis would then be
various components. passed along by one girl to the
It will be his aim to introduce a next who would mount the chassis
bare chassis on to one end of the on to a metal cradle of the type
long assembly line of operatives, shown in Fig. 5, so that it may be
and for the chassis to pass evenly rested in. any position on the bench
down the line without any long without damage to the com-
delay at one particular stage. ponents and wiring.
For example, the chassis when The next assembly stage might
first passed into the assembly shop be the fixing of the mains trans-
might be a bare metal contrivance former and then the ganged con -

Fig. 3a. Automatic lathes turning, shaping and cutting loudspeaker bolts, governor
balls, loudspeaker centre pole -pieces and similar items.

it Zs...,
- -
=_'"`\ `


Fig. 36. A line of punch presses used for stamping out transformers, laminations,
coil cans and other metal parts of a similar nature.

denser, to be followed by the aerial Time can be saved by mounting

coils. up certain components into an
From the first few operations it assembly for easy fixing on to the
will be seen that the Planning chassis. Banks of resistances on
Engineer has to make each opera- paxolin decks and condenser banks
tion take the same amount of time, are typical examples.
in order that all the operatives pass In a large organisation these are
along the chassis to their neighbour made up separately by small
at the same instant. He has to see groups of girls, sitting near the
which operation takes the longest main assembly line. The sub-
time and make all the other stages assemblies made are put into
equal that time. boxes, which are fed to those
This means that in some stages whose job it is to fit them to
two or three small components can the chassis on the assembly
be mounted on to the chassis or, line.
towards the end of the line, a cer- The charge -hands, whose job is
tain number of wires soldered into to keep the line of assembly run-
position by one operative. ning smoothly, see that these
In addition to the planning of boxes are kept well supplied, so
the assembly line, other planning that production does not have to
engineers, in association with the cease owing to a shortage of any
chief Planning .Engineer, examine particular component.
the production question of what In some types of receiver,
are termed "sub -assemblies". especially short-wave models, wir-
the work of charge -
hands, testers
and inspectors. As
will be seen from a
glance at Fig. 2,
charge -hands are an
essential link in the
organisation. One
charge -hand is in
charge of about six
to twelve opera-
tives. He knows
exactly what their
job comprises, and
has had several
hours' experience in
doing each of the
operative's jobs be-
fore the assembly
line starts up in full
production-that is,
while the assembly
planning is in pro-
Some charge -
hands supervise
sub -assembly
Fig. 3c. A huge 1,000 -ton press for punching out heavy groups, and others
items such as steel gramophone turntables. are all along the
main assembly line,
ing is direct from point to point, where they are ready to advise any
and is carried out by girls on the girl in the difficulties . with which
assembly line, who cut their own she may have to contend.
wire to the correct length and
solder it into position. Inspecting and Testing
Where, however, a very large Perhaps the holes in the flange
number of receivers is in produc- of a component are not quite the
tion and the receiver is designed right size and the operative finds
so that many HT and LF wires difficulty in forcing the screws
may be bunched together, sub- through them. A few seconds' de-
assembly groups are formed for lay with each screw may add up to
cutting wires to the correct length, half a minute or more on that par-
trimming and bending them into ticular operation, and when this
the position and binding them to- is multiplied by the number of
gether into what are called cable - chassis passing through her hands,
forms. Fig. 6 shows this work in many hours' delay can occur.
progress. The assembly girls then The charge -hand, directly the
fit these cable -forms quickly into girl draws his attention to the
position on the chassis. trouble, investigates the difficulty
We must mention at this point and, if he finds that he cannot
help, he takes the component to his to their foreman inspector, and
foreman. The foreman has the thence to the Chief Inspector,
blue -prints (referred to earlier in whose status is level with that of
this chapter) in his office, and the the Factory Manager. There is no
component is compared with its connection between the inspectors
drawing. on the assembly floor and the
If the component is wrong, the assembly staff, although, of course,
floor manager takes it up with the they are all subject to the same
manager of the component assem- factory discipline.
bly floor, thrashes the matter out When the planning of the
and has a new supply of compo- assembly line is in progress, the
nents sent along immediately. various inspection points have to
If there are a number of com- be considered. It may happen that
ponents already on the assembly when a certain component is
line, then the assembly foreman placed in position, wiring or con-
may have to put operatives on nections to another component are
reaming out the holes to the cor- obscured and could not be seen by
rect size, so as to bring back the an inspector examining the com-
rate of production to the proper plete chassis.
figure pending the arrival of the At this point on the assembly
new and correct components. line, therefore, an inspector is
Inspectors also supervise the located, and he sees that the work
work, but they are there to up to that point is up to standard.
reject faulty workmanship and He stamps the chassis with his
material. As will be seen from Fig. particular coded stamp, indicating
2, inspectors are responsible only that that inspection has been car -

Fig. 3d. All the holes in the

motorboard of a radio -
gramophone being drilled
in one operation.

ried out. The next operative is in- hanically they do their job. The
structed not to accept any chassis difference between the inspectors
that does not bear that stamp - and the testers may be better
mark. appreciated, perhaps, by an ex-
Inspectors also examine the sub- ample or two of their work.
assemblies, and stamp them before
passing them to the assembly line. Testing the Chassis
In many factories the inspection A tester may put a chassis
staff wear an overall of a different through its paces, finding it quite
colour from that of the production up to standard in sensitivity, selec-
staff, so that assembly foremen tivity and quality of reproduction,
know who are responsible to them but an inspector might reject it
and who are not. afterwards because of stiffness in
The work on the assembly floor the condenser drive, which could
is only a part of the activities of cause a cord -drive to break after
the inspection staff, and they will the receiver had been in use.
be found throughout the factory A tester might pass a mains
and stores, machine shops and transformer as O.K. because all
repair shops inspecting and exam- the secondary windings gave the
ining at all stages in production. correct voltages when a certain
We now come to the testers. voltage was applied to the primary
These men are on the production winding, but an inspector would
or assembly staff, and they test reject the component if he saw that
the various components and chas- a lamination had partially cut
sis to see that electrically and mec- through the insulation of a wind-


Fig. 4. Ganged condensers being mechanically inspected and their vanes adjusted.

Fig. 5. The first stage in assembly.

Riveting valveholders on to a chas-
sis which has come straight from
the punch presses. (Right) a girl
operative assembling parts on to
a chassis. Note the metal cradle
which facilitates the work and
protects the chassis.

ing, since this might lead to a

complete breakdown after a
As the chassis leaves the
last assembly operation it
passes through the hands cf
an inspector, who examines it
thoroughly from a mechani-
cal point of view. It is his job
to see that the soldered points short circuits to occur when the
are good, and he tests by pulling set is installed, although the set
the wires firmly with pliers. has passed through the test stages
He may then pass the chassis on satisfactorily. Where the rate of
to another inspector, who sees that production is not very high, both
there are no pieces of loose solder these inspections can be carried
lodging in the awkward places or out by one man.
splashes of solder adhering to the The next stage is an examina-
chassis. tion of the wiring by a more tech-
These splashes of solder can nical inspector, who has drawings
work loose in transit and cause of the "dressing" of the leads to

Fig. 6. Wiring to components is generally made up into "cable forms". The opera-
tive here is cutting wire and bending it to shape around nails on a board which is
marked out as a guide. The various wires are then bound together with thin twine.

guide him. The term "dressing" factory can only be satisfactorily

is used in radio factories to indicate carried out by means of test equip-
the positions of wires, as this is ment mounted in racks and
important in modern all -wave arranged so that the chassis may
receivers. Instability, insensitivity be quickly connected.
and microphony can all be caused In the chart in Fig. i it is shown
by wires not being in the positions that after the review of the com-
which the designer has found best plete sample models a meeting of
for them. the set designer, inspection, as-
The sequence of the above sembly and test equipment engi-
inspection stages should not be neers is held The meeting has
overlooked by the reader. It would before it one of the hand -made
be useless to dress the wiring first sample models and copies of the
and then have people prodding designer's rough drawings and
about and pulling suspected faulty specification or performance
joints. figures.
At the stage along the line where From the discussion there evol-
the wiring is completed and has ves the type of test gear required,
been inspected, the planning engi- where it is to go along the assembly
neer must co-operate with the line and how many of each type
department concerned with the are required.
equipment for testing the com- The latter depends upon the
plete chassis. rate of production. It is no good
The testing of chassis in a large having a rapidly moving assembly
line if a bottle -neck is to occur at the instrument. This will show
the test -points. The time for each that all the circuits are working
test must be estimated, and if, for and complete and that the chassis
example, this is four times as long is ready to be passed along for IF
as the longest assembly operation, and RF alignment.
then four sets of test equipment In order that unskilled labour
must be made up, so that each one may be utilised as much as possible,
can cope with one quarter of the the various meters are not gradu-
output from the assembly line. ated in actual voltages or milli -
After the preliminary meeting, amps, but have marks or indica-
the test equipment designer works tors on them, so that all that the
out circuits and apparatus which, operator has to watch is that the
by means of a few plugs or clips, needle moves over to the mark.
can be applied to the chassis by the
tester, and enables the test to be Use of Meter Scales
made automatically by pressing When a different kind of recei-
buttons and reading the meters. ver is to be tested the test -equip-
The first test is probably to ment engineer merely makes new
apply a high voltage to all the marks on the meter scales. He
various circuits in the set (with no knows the range of the meter, and
valves in the receiver), in order to probably has the standard calibra-
make sure that the insulation of tion scale for that meter which he
the components and wires is cor- can press close against the blank
rect and that there is no "short'.' to meter scale (see Fig. 7) so as to set
earth or chassis. his marking points. Some meters
After the first electrical test, the have little movable metal indica-
chassis may be passed to a tester tors for this purpose. They can be
in charge of a rack in which anode seen on the meters in the racks
current, anode voltage, heater illustrated in Fig. zo.
voltage and grid -bias voltage are When producing huge quanti-
given by means of meters with a ties of units such as radio chassis
standard set of valves operating in it cannot be expected that they will

Fig. 7. A normal meter (left) and a meter used for testing during production. On
the latter, two markers are set to limit positions fixed for the particular receiver
which Is in production. The operative, therefore, has only to see that the pointer
comes somewhere between these two markers..,
all behave exactly the same way. their own particular limits. If this
Voltages will be a little down in is the case, then all the voltages to
some cases and a little up in others, the valves will be towards the
so that the test engineer must upper limits of the voltage and
collaborate with the designer in current standards and, therefore,
deciding what are the "test limits" the receiver will be particularly
for the various stages. "lively" without any discernible
reason to the service engineer,
Test Gear Limits unless he takes the trouble of
For example, the average voltage checking every resistance for its
on the anode of a particular valve exact value.
may be zoo v., but the designer In the majority of receivers,
would give the O.K. to the test - however, the different tolerances,
gear engineer to set limits of per- being high on some components
haps 190 to zIo v. for that particu- and low on others largely cancel
lar test. out. All the same the point has to
The test engineer can, therefore, be remembered, in particular by
make two marks on the scale of the repair engineer when checking
the meter, and as long as the voltages, currents and resistances
needle comes to rest between these against the data in a manufacturer's
two marks the operator can pass service manual. The figures given
the chassis-with regard to that are average, and variations of plus
particular valve reading-as being or minus zo per cent. are usually
up to standard. regarded as passable.
Limits may range from plus or In the chapter dealing with
minus I per cent. for very high- sound amplification equipment,
grade components used in a vital rack amplifiers are described and
position in a short-wave circuit, illustrations (page 385) show
to plus or minus zo per cent. in the meters which are employed for
case of components performing a rapid testings of the salve cur-
function of a more formal nature rents. The same principle is em-
such as decoupling or voltage ployed in test -racks to save using
dropping. large numbers of meters.
It is because of these limits in
component production that limits Test Equipment
must be tolerated with regard to One meter will be used with a
voltages and currents in the com- switch beneath it, so that it may be
plete receiver. connected to any of the valve -cir-
cuits in the chassis being tested.
Receiver Variations The meter switch will not only
This explains why some re- connect the meter to the appro-
ceivers are just that little bit bet- priate part of the circuit, but will
ter than the normal or standard also introduce the correct series
instruments and why one or two resistance in the case of voltmeters,
receivers may be just sufficiently or shunt resistance in the case of
below standard to be noticeable. milliammeters, so that the right
By a mere run of chance one re- range for the particular measure-
ceiver may have incorporated in ment is obtained automatically.
it resistances whose values are all In the case of the test -rack for
on the low side, although within the assembly line, the series and

V2 V3 V2 V3 V2 V3


V V4

Fig. 8. Typical arrangement of meters and switches mounted on a test panel for
the purpose of checking the voltages and currents of a chassis.

shunt resistance are designed not meters for all the primary checks,
only to safeguard the meter and and the knob below each meter
save an operation in manipulating connects it into each valve circuit
a range switch, but also to bring in turn. Thus, when the chassis is
the needle within the limit marks fitted to the test -rack, the operator
on the scale for every reading. Of switches No. a knob to all posi-
course, for the complicated testing tions in turn, to see that the needle
of all the circuits in the chassis one takes up the correct position for all
meter cannot be used for every the valves. Then he repeats the
measurement, so an arrangement operation with switch No. 2, etc.
similar to Fig. 8 is often made up. Control No. 5 is a variable re-
It will be seen tha: there are sistance whi'ch maintains the volt,
age from the mains supply at the oscillator would not necessarily be
correct potential. In big factories, a complete signal generator.
especially where they generate The signal oscillator in a large -
their own electricity supply, the production test -rack would be a
voltage may vary slightly accord- small affair, made up in a screened
ing to the load on the system. box, with a knob and pointer con-
This could upset the voltages centric with a scale which might
obtained during testing, so the not be calibrated in frequencies,
operator adjusts the mains voltage but only with a number of points
meter to read between the limit labelled Test r, Test 2, Test 3,
marks before he takes the readings etc. Alternatively, the points might
on the other meters. be labelled TCi, TC2, TC3, indi-
The next test -rack, in the case cating that with the controls ad-
of mains -driven receivers, is de- justed at that position the trimmer
voted to checking for hum; the condenser bearing that number on
aerial and earth terminals are the circuit is to be adjusted.
shorted and the chassis connected Fig. 9, shows an operative lining
to the mains supply. up the circuits of a superhet.
Immediately below the large dial
Observing the Hum on the test -rack, behind the radio
The amount of hum is observed chassis, will be observed the
on an output meter, and there is heavily shielded lead which injects
also a loudspeaker to give an the output from the test -rack into
audible impression of the amount the receiver circuit.
of hum present. In a particularly The operator hears the signal
"hot" chassis one or two single from the generator in his ear-
wires in the grid circuit of certain phones, so that he may quickly
valves may be likely to pick up arrive at the approximate setting
hum from nearby heater wiring, of the trimmers, after which he
and these wires have to be dressed makes his final and very accurate
to obtain minimum hum, as shown adjustment by means of the output
on the output meter. meter at which he is looking in the
The output meter may have a picture: His left hand is on the
red mark above which the needle attenuator, which cuts down the
must not go. If it does, the wiring input from the signal generator so
has to be dressed until the needle as to keep the receiver output
falls below the mark, or the chassis down to about 5o milliwatts.
rejected for further investigation.
From this test the chassis pro- Circuit Alignment
ceeds to a rack fitted with a signal As described in Chapter 13 on
generator and an output meter. Fault Finding, a very powerful
The operative here adjusts the IF signal is required to force a way
trimmers and, if the production is through circuits which are consid-
not very great, he can also adjust erably out of alignment, but as the
the RF circuits. circuits are brought more and more
During a big production run, into tune, the input is reduced so
however, he would probably pass as to keep the output from the
on the chassis to another operator, receiver down to an easily read-
who would carry out oscillator and able figure.
RF testing adjustments. The When all the circuits have been

Fig. 9. A superhet chassis being lined up by means of frequencies generated in the

panel instruments. Trimmer condensers are adjusted for maximum output.

corrected the attenuator should handed on to a skilled engineer

be in a position allowing only a working generally in a screened
very small voltage to be delivered room, so that the receiver is not
to the receiver. The operative has affected by electrical interference
to make sure that the attenuator from machinery in the factory.
goes down to the figure given by By means of a signal generator
the designer for the mark on the or similar piece of equipment,
output meter. signals of a known strength are
It will be seen that although a injected into the aerial and earth
great deal of labour and time goes circuits of the receiver. The out-
into the designing of test equip- put of the receiver is fed to an
ment for big productions, the ex- output meter and, for the set to be
penditure involved is small com- passed as O.K., the output must
pared with the gain in production rise to the marks on the meter as
which can be obtained by making set up by the designer.
the tests as automatic as possible. This procedure is called "taking
In this way, semi -skilled, and in a sensitivity run", and means that
some cases unskilled, labour may the sensitivity is checked at several
be employed on jobs which, it points on each waveband.
might be expected, would require When the chassis has gone
the services of skilled operatives. through this final test it is passed
After the RF and IF circuits to girls or youths, who bolt it into
have been aligned, the chassis is its cabinet and connect up the
ready for its pass out, and is wires to the loudspeaker and any
Fig. II shows an
operative making
the various con-
nections between
the chassis and the
automatic mechan-
ism of an auto -radio -
gramophone, as the
latter passes very
slowly by on an end-
less train of carriers.
Note the height of
the radiogramo-
phone from the
ground and the stool
for the operative, so
Fig. 10. A completed chassis being fitted into its cabine . that the job is car-
Note the height of the bench which minimises fatigue on ried out as efficiently
the part of the operative when connecting up the wires
to the loudspeaker, and other fittings. and easily as pos-
other fittings on the cabinet, such The complete instrument now
as aerial and earth panels and goes into a sound -proof cabin,
extra loudspeaker sockets. As will where it is tested under actual
be seen from Fig. to, the cabinet domestic operating conditions on
of the receiver is well raised, so an outside aerial and earth. The
that the operation is carried out general performance and the
with as little fatigue as possible to quality of reproduction are noted.
the operator during fitting up. The input from a record player is

Fig. 11. An operative connecting up the chassis and mechanism of an automatic

radiogram as it passes slowly by on a conveyor.
fed into the pick-up sockets, if the passed to expert fault-finders if
receiver is provided with these or, the trouble is associated with
in the case of radiogramophones, electrical faults (sensitivity and
a record is played to make sure selectivity), or to mechanical engi-
that the pick-up circuit and wiring neers when the trouble is due to
are correct. The operator also some fault in the tuning device or
makes sure that the motor is run- other mechanical feature.
ning quietly and tests it for con- In Fig. 12 mechanical engineers
stant speed with a stroboscopic are adjusting various parts on the
disc. chassis and making minor adjust-
From this cabin the receiver ments to the fitting of the chassis
passes away to the Packing Depart- in the cabinet. Throughout pro-
ment, and thence to the stores. duction the cabinets are protected
Any chassis or complete instru- by cardboard coverings so as to
ments which are rejected are avoid possibility of damage.

rig. 12. Chassis undergoing mechanical inspection and repair. The cradles provide
easy handling of the chassis and prevent possibility of damage.
Female labour is generally em- women inspectors giving a batch
ployed on assembly jobs and repe- of chassis a final mechanical
tition production operations, but examination before they are fitted
more and more women are being into their cabinets.
used in other work, and they can Before a new model is put into
easily undertake mechanical as- full production, an experimental
sembly inspection, and even elec- production run of about two or
trical repairing after a short train- three hundred chassis is made, to
ing. Fig. 53 shows one of these see what snags are encountered

Fig. 13. Girls are employed a great deal in assembly work and increasing numbers
are being used on repair and inspection. This girl is checking over a batch of
completed chassis prior to fitting them into cabinets.
under production conditions. The which might pass unnoticed, by a
Planning Engineer has tried to short operation, a batch of instru-
foresee all difficulties, but despite ments is connected up to aerials
his forethought trouble may occur. and earths and run continuously
It may be found, for example, for 24 hours or more under the
that when a girl is soldering a par- supervision of inspectors. Fig. 14
ticular joint her soldering iron shows a group of television re-
comes too close to a coil, which ceivers being soak -tested on the
becomes charred or burnt. The right, while the engineer is fitting
Planning Engineer will then ar- in the cathode-ray tubes.
range that this 'particular com- Some of the early experimental
ponent is put on after the joint is models are tested for any special
made, instead of before. requirements with regard to pack-
ing and their ability to withstand
Final Test Stages rough handling. In the case of
Troubles may occur during the table models, tests are often carried
final test stages, and the sensitivity out by dropping the packed re-
run may prove unsatisfactory. It ceiver from a certain height
may be found easy to hand -make (generally four or five feet) flat on
a few chassis which give the re- to its face and sometimes on to all
quired output for the specified sides of the packing carton in turn.
number of microvolts input, but Fig. 15 shows another method
when the mass production batch of carrying out a transport test.
is made up all sorts of troubles may The instrument is fixed to a plat-
occur. form and, by means of recipro-
Inductance limits of coils and to
capacity limits of padding con- a series of violent vibrations and
densers may have to be tightened periodic thuds.
up, due to the inability of the Mechanical Strength
operators to maintain the exact-
ness of the wiring as laid out by After these tests the model is
the Planning Engineer. examined. Quite drastic changes
Valves, of course, must be have sometimes to be made to the
treated as components, and if, as is chassis when an exceptionally
usual in the case of valves, they heavy transformer is bolted to it.
are not made in the factory, but The extra weight of the trans-
are supplied by a valve manu- former may cause the chassis to
facturer, close contact must be shift or distort, thus upsetting the
maintained. It may ,be found that tuning scale and causing other
batches of these valves differ from troubles. These tests will show
the samples which were used in whether it is necessary to insert
the experimental models. packing blocks to wedge the chassis
Whole batches of newly pro- tightly in the cabinet, or whether
duced receivers and components the packing carton itself should be
are given a prolonged run under strengthened.
operation conditions, and these As shown in the Fig. i Chart,
tests are generally referred to heat -runs are also taken with soak
throughout the radio industry as tests, under the supervision of the
"soak tests". Service Department and also that
To ensure there is no fault of the set designers.


Fig. 14. A batch of television receivers undergoing a "soak' test, i.e., a non-stop
run of many hours' duration, to ensure against faults not observable in shorter runs.
A heat run is a test which the To withstand these conditions
designer has to carry out under the components of the receiver are
practical conditions. This means often specially impregnated to
that the chassis or receiver is put keep out the moisture, and after a
into a box or cabin with very little long heat and humidity test the
ventilation and provided with a components may be sawn in half
thermometer which may be read and otherwise carefully examined
from outside the box. The set will for traces of corrosion and break-
then be switched on and left for down.
several days at a room tempera- In the case of receivers for the
ture of the highest which the re- home market,' the heat run will
ceiver will have to endure. prove whether the ventilation of
If the model is one which will the cabinet is sufficient to prevent
be sold for export, then, in addi- excessive temperature, which may
tion to the high room temperature, give rise to softness of the impreg-
the atmosphere will be moistened nation and waxes used in the
to represent humidity, such as may transformers and condensers.
be experienced in certain foreign Sometimes it is found that the
countries. Fig. i6 shows such heat from the output or rectifier
tests being carried out. The per- valve is too localised, and causes
centage of humidity in the air is excessive heating of the cabinet
referred to as "HUM -98%". immediately above. If the cabinet
is already in production the de- is used which requires the atten-
signer must get over the trouble tion of a skilled operative. Fig. 18
by putting in pieces of asbestos or illustrates one of these machines,
arranging a cowl over the valves with which twelve coils may be
to deflect the hot air out through wound simultaneously.
the ventilation holes in the back.
The importance of ventilation Fine Windings
should not be overlooked by the Such machines are used for
service engineer or the listener. If windings having a great number
the back of the receiver is too close of turns of wire, such as the pri-
to a wall, overheating may result, maries and secondaries of inter -
possibly leading to a burn -out. valve transformers, long -wave in-
Many of the larger components ductances, HF chokes and IF
such as loudspeakers, pick-ups and coils. The twelve reels of wire are
motors are built up along an plainly seen, and the wires from
assembly line. One in which these are fed by means of spring -
motors are being assembled is loaded pullies to keep an even
shown in Fig. 17. This is the tension on the wire, and so pre-
assembling of the spring -driven vent it breaking, due to starting
motors of the type used in record and stopping operations.
players for mobile PA equipment. In the particular instrument
In the mass production of coils shown, the coils are all wound on
all having similar characteristics a one former, and as each layer is
very intricate coil -winding machine completed a long sheet of paper

Fig. 15. A machine which vibrates and bumps a receiver to simulate transport
conditions. After a test of 48 hours, the receiver is expected to give a standard
performance. This test also determines the most suitable type of packing carton.



r.1.045: A.'4"..s.

Fig. 16. Tests in oversea markets are pre-

ceded by arduous tests in the laboratory.
These pictures show sets and parts inside
a chamber which reproduces any ex-
1.1k7F.T.- otz y
tremes of temperature and humidity.
r II,, The notice outside the chamber indi-
cates that the actual climatic conditions
24-,0 , of the tropics are being duplicated.

r:1104T spools and a certain number of

Olt u c tisr
IN rttoss
layers of paper allowed to wrap
themselves round the finished coil.
When the paper covering is suffi-
cient, the operative pastes it down
using a non -corrosive adhesive.
It will be seen in Fig. i8 that the
operative has a soldering iron
available, and this is to enable her
moves forward, wraps itself round to solder on thick lead -out wires
the winding, and is then cut by a to the fine winding.
guillotine at the proper instant. Next, she brings into action a
The next layer of wire is wound, number of small rotating circular
more paper is fed in, and so on. knives which cut through the long
The counter on the machine former, and so make twelve indivi-
tells the operative when the correct dual coils. The mandrel is then
number of layers has been wound. taken from the instrument and the
The wires are then cut from the coils slipped off from the machine.
Single -layer coils on formers, wound round the coil after it is
small pile -wound coils and large finished to protect it from damage.
sections of mains transformers are Coils and transformers are no
generally wound on machines exception to other components
which handle only one or two with regard to rigorous testing and
coils. Fig. 19 shows a small ma- inspection. After a transformer has
chine which is handling two bake- been completed by assembling the
lite formers such as are used in laminations into and around the
pick-ups or HF chokes as used in former, soldering the wiring on to
the mains circuit of a DC receiver. the appropriate tag and connect-
The counter on the left indi- ing panel, the transformer is
cates the number of turns which subjected to various tests.
have been wound, the outer circle
of numbers being the single turns, Voltage Test
with the inner circle registering It will first pass a strict insula-
turns over too. The two spools of tion test of some thousands of
wire are seen at the back of the volts between each winding and
machine, while at the top, left, a the next winding and between all
spool of string is seen. This is windings and the laminations.

Fig. 17. Major components are assembled on a "line" as are receiver chassis. These
girls are making up spring motors for portable gramophones and FA gea-.

(C 1113)Pft,

- ic"'"

))-))--,-7---.)%reif))),--) tt\.

Fig. 18. A multiple machine, winding twelve coils simultaneously. The small rotat-
ing circular knives cut through the long former, thus making the individual coils.

Because of the high voltages em- ment is cut off, but directly the
ployed, safety precautions are used box is closed, the two contacts
to protect the operatives, and Fig. establish the circuit.
2o illustrates a mains transformer Should any insulation be faulty,
being tested. a red warning lamp will light up
The transformer is placed in a and the transformer is rejected by
stout wood box and the various the operator. If the first test is
connections made to the lugs or passed satisfactorily the various
terminals. On the inside of the box voltmeters on the test -panels indi-
there is an electric switch, which cate the potentials being delivered
can be seen just above the opera- across the secondary windings.
tor's right hand in the illustration. The voltages applied for testing
So long as the box is open the the insulation between windings
mains supply to the test equip- are much higher than those deliv-
ered by the transformer second- extra turns will be well in excess
aries themselves. The reader of the total turns required, and an
should note the care taken to pro- operative at a special test -rack
tect the operator engaged on this (Fig. 22) reduces the winding turn
testing work and should appreci- by turn until she gets a correct
ate the care he should himself use reading on the meter, which indi-
if testing or working near a mains cates that the inductance of the coil
transformer. is exact.
Fig. 21 shows the testing of an Tuning coils, in addition to
inter -valve output transformer. testing for continuity and general
Here a similar procedure is adop- appearance, are checked for induc-
ted, except that the voltages across tance and efficiency. Fig. 23 shows
the secondaries are measured at a typical example of coil -testing
various audio -frequencies, so as apparatus, in which it will be seen
to check the transformer's re- that by means of long metal arms
sponse curve. fitted with spring clips, connecting
Tuning -coils have to be ad- the coil to the apparatus is facili-
justed to very fine limits, so that tated and, also, the coil is kept
they will operate efficiently in cir- away from the coils and wiring in
cuits tuned by a ganged condenser. the test fixture.
When the coil is being made, a few While on the subject of coils
extra turns will be wound on to and the miles and miles of wire
the former separated a little dis- used in their construction, the
tance from the main winding. The testing of new wire before it is

Fig. I9. Small coils are generally wound on non -automatic machines. Note the
turns counter calibrated in units and hundreds to the left of the operator.
449 (R.E.)

Fig. 20. Testing a mains transformer. Because of the high voltages, the transformer
is placed in a box and the current cannot be switched on until the lid is down.
Limit markers are fitted on the meter scales, thus relieving the operator of the
necessity of reading the calibration figures.
passed to the Coil -Winding De- pin -holes or abrasions in the ena-
partment provides an example of melled insulation.
the ceaseless watch which the The spool of wire to be tested
technical section of the factory is on the right, and the end of the
must maintain on purchased wire is threaded through a system
material. of pulleys and guides, so that the
Wire Insulation Check wire is drawn through a small bath
of mercury. The free end of the
Fig. 24 shows a piece of test wire is fastened to an empty spool,
equipment for checking the insula- which is rotated and draws the
tion of wire, while Fig. 25 shows wire through the bath.
the schematic layout of the appa- An electrical circuit is estab-
ratus. It ensures that there are no lished between the end of the wire
on the storage spool and the mer- jobs which have to be investigated.
cury in the bath. The voltage Soldering fluxes, pastes for stick-
applied depends on the type of ing paper formers together in
wire. Directly any length of faulty transformers and lubricating oils
wire enters the mercury bath the all have to be examined for any
circuit is completed between the corrosive action.
copper wire and the mercury, and Another activity of the chemical
a red lamp or warning bell is laboratory is to supervise the
operated. At the same time the manufacture of varnishes, polishes,
electrical circuit actuates a relay etc., in the cabinet factory.
which will stop the spool rotating. It will be seen from the Chart
in Fig. i how large is the influence
Laboratory Tests which the Service Department
In addition to electrical and should have in decisions affecting
mechanical tests on material, a production. They are the technical
large concern maintains a chemi- contact with the receiver once it
cal laboratory, whose job it is to has left the factory. They know
analyse all materials. Apart from the difficulties that arise in ser-
ordinary items which easily come vicing the model, and they have
to mind, there are less obvious to deal with complaints.

, 1,11141Z.0101firO,

Fig. 21. Intervalve and output transformers being checked against standards at
several points on the audio -frequency scale.
These points are vitally impor- the design and factory authorities
tant from the sales point of view, at the very earliest opportunity.
and therefore any new model All engineers' reports must be
should be reviewed by the Service analysed, sales or replacements of
Department to see that the de- spare parts of new models must be
signer has not perpetuated any tabulated; any conversations of an
errors of the past. adverse nature made by the dealers
to sales representatives must be
Service Check-up explored to the utmost. The Ser-
The Service Department is vice Department should be able to
given the important job of com- give information such as, whether
piling information concerning new one condenser is any worse than
instruments and components and another or which resistance is
brings the reports to the notice of giving most trouble and why.

Fig. 22. Coils being adjusted to the correct inductance by removing superfluous
turns. With ganged tuning. inductance must be highly accurate.

Fig. 23. Coils for the assembly line are checked on this type of inductance tester
after they have been in the stores some time. Slight dampness can affect the
inductance of coils quite considerably.

Samples of faulty material are much disconnection of wires, and

collected for examination by the and they must also keep an eye
designs engineers with the full on the layout of the chassis as it
history as to exactly how long the concerns servicing.
component had been used, the
locality from whence it was re- Manufacture of Condensers
turned (in the case of corrosion by Earlier in this chapter we men-
sea air), the mains voltage of the tioned that there are a few com-
supply, with notes concerning any ponents that cannot be constructed
suspicion that the mains voltage and assembled along mechanical
fluctuates unduly. engineering lines. One of these is
One of the early models is sent the condenser, in both solid di-
to the Service Department for electric and electrolytic types.
it to examine in the light of (The theory of the condenser is ex-
its previous experience on faults plained in Chapter 17 and the
and troubles, to see whether they practical uses referred to in
have any criticisms. In addition to various chapters-see Index.)
this, the Department will interest The two chief forms of solid-
itself in the ease of servicing dielectric condenser used in
the chassis, not only for 'itself, domestic receivers are the mica -
but for the service engineers. type, employed where exception-
They will see that it is easy to ally good insulation is necessary
remove and replace valves and to due to high applied voltages, and
replace components without too the waxed -paper type for general

Fig. 24. Testing the insulation of wire by running it through a mercury bath. A
warning is given when a fault is found. (See also Fig. 25).

use in decoupling, tone correction the second girl. This girl puts one
positions and so on. set of plates into a "jig", which
For the mica -type pieces of keeps them in position, and she
mica of correct thickness are passes the jig to the next girl, who
stamped out by a machine. Copper inserts the micas and interleaves
foils or plates are cut and the re- the second set of plates.
quired number to obtain the The next girl might be an
desired capacity are welded to- inspector, who would see that the
gether at one end. Foils and micas micas are evenly positioned, so
are then interleaved. that there is no risk of the two sets
The material is passed to the of plates touching each other. She
first girl of a group, and in Fig. passes the assembly to a girl, who
26 it will be seen that a small chute closes up the foils and places the
feeds the material to her from a condenser in a fixture, so that it
girl in the background, who is can be taken along to the moulding
operating the stamping machine shop, where it is inserted into a
which is cutting up the sheets of moulding of bakelite or other in-
mica and copper foil. Other girls, sulating material.
not shown, are operating a small Many paper dielectric conden-
electric machine welding each set sers of modern manufacture are
of plates together and connecting made up into tubular forms,
on to the end of each group of whether they are put subsequently
plates a soldering tag. in round containers or square
The first girl in the group pro- ones. For example, "block" con-
bably inspects the copper foils and densers, which comprise several
puts the good ones in a box beside small condensers in one container,
are constructed of individual she stops the mandrel and inserts
tubular units placed in a metal two lengths of thick foil to act as
container with the spaces filled connecting tabs. The tabs are
by an insulating compound to inserted, one between each foil
keep the units in place and pre- and its adjacent paper insulation,
vent the entry of moisture. so that connections are obtained
Tubular condensers are mass- at the two opposite ends of the
produced by girls operating ma- condenser roll. The operative then
chines which roll up metal foil wraps a few extra turns of paper
interleaved with a special high - round the condenser for protection.
quality waxed paper. On the ma- The condenser now looks some-
chines are mounted rolls of thin thing like Fig. 27 a. This assembly
paper and two rolls of foil. Gener- is put into a cardboard cartridge,
ally, two strips of paper are first and the tags at each end are spot
arranged as an external covering, welded to metal caps (Fig. 27 b),
then comes one foil, next two which are a tight fit into the ends
sheets of paper, the other foil, and of the cartridge. The edges of the
finally two more layers of paper. cartridge are then spun over the
When the operative has ar- edges of the caps to prevent them
ranged this "sandwich" on her coming out (Fig. 27 c).
mandrel she sets the mandrel in At this point it will be of value
motion and winds on as many to readers who are service engi-
turns as has been decided upon neers to learn of a fault which can
by the designer to give the re- occur with this type of condenser,
quired electrical capacity. and which gives rise to hard -to -
Before the winding is complete find, intermittent troubles.




0 0

Fig. 25. A schematic diagram of the test shown in Fig. 24.

sers are impreg-
nated with wax are
connected up to
vacuum pumps so
that the air is
drawn out of the
condenser assem-
blies so permitting
the fullest possible
penetration of the
wax. The impreg-
nation preserves
high electrical in-
sulation and pre-
vents deterioration
of the foil and
After the con-
Fig. 26. Small components requiring few assembly opera- denser has been
tions are often made up by groups of girls. impregnated it is
tested, marked
In earlier types of "tubulars" with its capacity and voltage rating
the metal connecting tabs were not and given a coating of hard var-
spot welded to the end caps, but nish. It is then ready for use.
were folded backwards and for- Units required for the making
wards to form a "wad" which up of "block" condensers are
pressed against the caps when passed to a special assembly bench
these were inserted into the ends before they reach the cartridge
of the cartridge. As the next pro- stage. They are grouped in the
cess was the immersion of num- various capacities required in each
bers of condensers in great vats of container and connecting wires are
heated wax to seal them against soldered on.
moisture and air, it will be appre- The "blocks" are then filled
ciated that some of the wax occa- with hot insulating compound and
sionally got between the caps and proceed through a cooling tunnel
the foil wads. as shown in Fig. 28. When they
With a condenser in which this emerge, a girl stamps a code letter
has occurred, slight movement of or number with a hot metal die
the wire fixed to the end cap may against each connecting wire stick-
make the connection O.K., but ing up through the now hard
after a short period of use, or when compound. This coding assists in
the condenser has heated up under the wiring up of the "block" into
operating conditions, a film may the receiver chassis.
develop between the wad and the The electrolytic condenser has
end cap. An intermittent internal no visible dielectric, but builds
disconnection of this kind can be one up electro-chemically in what
very difficult to locate. Spot weld- is called the "forming process".
ing, of course, overcomes this Fig. 29 illustrates the principle and
trouble. shows an aluminium outer can and
The vats in which the conden- a central aluminium electrode
which is insulated from the can that this electrolytic method of
by means of an ebonite or rubber bringing the two plates of a con-
bush at the top. denser close together enables very
The can is filled with a liquid- large capacities to be obtained.
the "electrolyte". The electrolyte The practical design of an
is made up from pure distilled electrolytic condenser embodies
water and salts such as boracic these technical principles in a
acid, borax and phosphates. The commercial form. Instead of a
central electrode is termed the simple rod as shown in Fig. 29, the
anode, and is the positive terminal anode may take the form of a thin
of the condenser, while the casing plate either wound round in a
is the cathode or negative terminal. spiral or in other formations.
When a voltage is applied to the Holes in the sheet allow the
two terminals of the condenser, electrolyte to pass freely to all
a heavy current flows at first, but parts of the anode. Sometimes a
an oxide film soon forms over the solid casting having a star section
anode and isolates it from the is used instead of sheets welded to
electrolyte. This film acts as a di- a central support.
electric and the current falls to a As the capacity of a condenser
very small steady value. depends also upon the area of the
The film formed over the anode opposing plates, means have been
is only one or two atoms in thick- found of increasing the area by
ness. As the capacity of a conden- roughening the surface of the
ser increases as the distance sepa- anode. This may be done by either
rating the plates is reduced (see mechanical or chemical etching or
Chapter 17), it will be apprebiated by means of sand blasting.




_rd. ----OVER CAP




Fig. 27. Stages in the production of a paper -dielectric tubular condenser. The
rolled -up condenser assembly is placed in a wax -filled cardboard tube.
Before the anode assembly is more, although various methods
put into the condenser it is are favoured by the different
thoroughly washed, and it often manufacturers.
undergoes chemical treatment for In one method the electrolyte
oxidising the surface so as to assist is boiled during the process and
the forming process. complete forming takes nearly the
In this process an initial low whole working day. In some cases
voltage is applied which gives the anode assemblies are clamped
rise to a high current until a slight into racks and "formed" in a tank
film is formed, as indicated by a of electrolyte. They are then
reduction in the current. The assembled into their cans and
voltage is then increased by a given a further "forming".
further step, which results in the When a condenser is left in
current rising until it again falls store for a long time it gradually
by reason of increased film. becomes de -formed, due to the
Once more the voltage is raised, electrolyte attacking the alumi-
and this process goes on until the nium oxide film. A de -formed con-
maximum voltage for the type of denser can give trouble if con-
condenser being made is reached. nected into a receiver, as it may
The time taken is often 2 hours or cause a short circuit on the HT

Fig. 28. "Block" condensers being filled with hot, freely -running insulating com-
pound. They are then passed through a cooling tunnel to the next stage in
manufacture. Both electrolytic and paper condensers are made into block units.
side and burn out the rectifier INSULATING SUSH ANODE 01 (POSITIVE
valve and mains transformer. ALUMINIUM TERMINAL:
To prevent de -forming, electro- - CONTAINER
lytics not in regular use should be AND

connected up to their normal ELECTROLYTE IS

working voltage about once every TERMINAL
six months.
Electrolytics may be marked for
peak, working or surge voltages. ALUMINIUM
Peak Volts
"Peak volts" refer to the maxi- Film OT GAS
mum voltage which should ever AND OXIDE
be applied to the condenser, and
is the sum of the DC surge plus
the AC peak voltage. The "maxi-
mum working voltage" is generally Fig. 29. Theoretical diagram showing
reckoned to be about 90 per cent. the principle of the electrolytic con-
of the peak voltage rating, and denser. The film of oxide forms the
includes about 5 per cent. for AC dielectric and because of its extreme
thinness ensures the high capacity
ripple. The maximum DC work- which is the outstanding characteristic
ing voltage in the case of a con- of this type of condenser.
denser rated at 500 v. peak voltage
would be about 425 v. DC plus 25 pressure is developed inside the
v. AC ripple. These two voltages condenser and the electrolyte
together come up to 90 per cent. forced out.
of the peak voltage rating. A rubber vent is, therefore, pro-
The term "surge voltage" is vided in the form of a small blad-
generally considered to be the der with a needle hole in it. This
same as the peak voltage. hole is practically self-sealing, and
It is dangerous to apply to a will not allow the electrolyte to
condenser a voltage higher than come out during normal storage or
that which it is rated to with- transport. When the condenser is
stand. Excessive current will flow mounted the correct way up on the
through the electrolyte, and this chassis, however, gases formed are
will result, not only in the heating able to force their way through the
up of the component, but also to hole in the rubber.
the excessive generation of hydro- A manufacturing difficulty is
gen and oxygen. As the excessive often experienced in the making
voltage may also cause sparking to of a good connection between the
occur between the electrodes, a foil and the external connecting
state of affairs is created which is wires. Soldering is not practical
very favourable for the formation on the thin aluminium foil used in
of an explosion. these condensers, and it is usual
Even during the normal life of to rivet the wire to the foil. This
a condenser electrolysis occurs. riveted connection should be ar-
This breaks up the gases in the ranged in a part of the assembly
electrolyte to form oxygen and which is entirely free of electro-
hydrogen. If no provision is made lyte so that a film does not form
for these gases to escape, a high between the surfaces.
The strips of foil metal from Two other metals are employed
which the anodes are made are in valves which are specially con-
generally stretched out between nected with the lamp or valve
points of suspension on large trays industry. These are molybdenum
or racks, and the whole assembly (pronounced mo-10-denum, and
placed in a tank of electrolyte. often abbreviated to molly) and
'They are there formed by gradu- tungsten. Molybdenum is exceed-
ally increasing the voltage between ingly tough and has a very high
the electrolyte and the anode until melting point, and hence can be
the maximum figure is reached. operated for long periods at red
Valve Manufacture Tungsten is the metal from
The first radio valve was made which all lamp filaments are made
in the lamp factory of the Edison and was the first metal to be used
Swan Electric Co. at Ponders End, for the filaments of valves. Al-
and for many years afterwards though it has now been displaced
radio valves were looked on as by nickel coated with special com-
small brothers of the more impor- pound (see below), it is still used
tant electric lamp. The enormous in some transmitting valves and
demand which arose with the for connections through the glass
introduction of broadcasting gave of high -power valves.
the valve a status of its own, and
nowadays factories are in opera- Valve Filaments
tion which are solely devoted to The heart of the valve is the
the production of valves of all filament, which is usually of nickel
types, and their output runs into wire coated evenly with a com-
millions yearly. pound of barium and other metals
The raw materials of the radio which provide the electron emis-
valve are the same as those for the sion when heated to dull red.
electric lamp-namely, glass, mica, Indirectly heated valves for mains
nickel and copper and some rarer sets have the emitter in the form
metals. The glass bulbs used for of a thin nickel cylinder or hollow
receiving valves are generally of rectangle coated on the outside in
lead of soda glass, such as is used the centre of which is a separate
for small lamp bulbs, but in the heater made of tungsten and insu-
case of transmitting valves, where lated from the nickel cylinder
the temperature is high, the so- (Fig. 3o).
called "hard" glass of the Pyrex The coating of emitting com-
type is generally used. pound is applied to filaments by
Mica is largely used for support- passing them through a bath, but
ing the internal structure, but here indirectly heated emitters, or
again in transmitting valves a sub- cathodes, have the compound
stance is required which will with- sprayed on. The greatest care has
stand greater heat without de- to be taken against impurities in
formation or loss of its electrical the emitting mixture, or the valve
properties, and steatite or porce- is spoilt, and frequent samples
lain replaces mica. Nickel is used are made up and tested before
for the supporting wires for the a fresh batch of filaments is used.
electrodes and for the electrodes In modern valves several grids
themselves in certain cases. are the rule rather than the excep-
such as screening plates, tags and
In the preparation of all the
metal components for assembly
into the finished "mount", as the
electrode structure is called, the
utmost cleanliness is essential, and
all the parts are treated in a fur-
nace under vacuum to remove
III CATHODE dirt from the surface and air from
INICKEU the inner pores of the metal.
ON -0 -- nl 111
The cleaned electrodes are as-

sembled between mica spacing
III III pieces, as shown in Fig. 33. The
use of mica for spacing and align-
ing the electrodes is one of the
most important improvements
which have been made in valve
INSULATING construction over the past few
,COATING years, as with its aid it is possible
t TUNGSTEN to mount the electrodes to an
accuracy of a few thousandths of
Fig. 30. Indirectly -heated mains valves
an inch, and thus maintain uni-
employ a tubular cathode heated by an formity of characteristic, besides
insulated tungsten filament. ensuring rigidity of the mounting
under shock or vibration.
tion, and these are wound in a In larger and more robust types
continuous length on a lathe, the glass spacers may be used and
wire being welded to the support in the latest ceramic type sup-
wires at each point (Fig. 31). ports are sometimes used.
After winding, the grids are The "Pinch"
checked for accuracy of dimen-
sions-a difference of less than a The electrodes are finally moun-
tenth of a millimetre will make a ted on wires which are sealed
considerable difference to the into a glass "pinch" which is
characteristics of a valve-and are formed from a short length of
then cut up and stored ready for glass tubing melted and pressed
issue to the assembly benches. into shape round the supporting
Anodes (Fig. 32), are stamped wires. The junction of the glass
out of previously cleaned nickel and metal must be vacuum tight,
sheet by automatic presses, to- and for the purpose of ensuring
gether with any smaller parts this a special alloy is used at the
which are used in the assembly of point where the connecting wire
the whole electrode structure, passes through the glass.

MI1111111 11111111 11111thill1111111111 llllllllll I

Fig. 31. Valve grids are wound in continuous lengths on a lathe, the wire being
spot welded to the two support wires at each turn.
The finished mount is sealed
into a glass bulb on a rotating head
machine. The bulb is held in a
cradle in the correct position for
the stem, and a series of blowpipe
flames play on it as it rotates in the
cradle. As the glass softens it is
drawn downwards by its own
weight and inwards to form the
seal at the flange of the pinch.
The scrap glass which is left
after the seal has been com-
pleted is collected and used
again in the manufacture of the
While the larger type of bulb
are blown by hand in a mould, the
receiving valve bulbs are machine
blown automatically,a dab of molten
glass being picked up by a hollow
Fig. 32. Side and plan views of a typical
anode. Metal parts such as this are tube and placed in a hollow mould
stamped out of nickel sheet by auto- of the shape of the finished bulb.
matic presses. At the right moment an air blast
is directed into the tube and the
Originally this wire was of glass blob is expanded till it
platinum (and still is in some accurately fits the interior of the
transmitting valves), but a less mould.
expensive substitute is now used When the bulb is blown, the
in the form of a composite wire of air supply is automatically cut off
copper and steel with a coating of and the mould opens to release
borax to make it
"stick" to the glass.
For heavy -current
leads tungsten is
used, and copper MICA STRIPS
seals have been de-
veloped which form
a direct joint with
the glass, but these
are mainly found in
water-cooled valves.
In the neck of the
pinch is sealed a
small glass tube (the
"exhaust tube"),
through which the
air is sucked when
the valve is placed Fig. 33. View of an assembly showing how the electrodes
in position on the are mounted between mica strips which provide correct
spacing and the necessary insulation. Frequently the
vacuum pump. micas are circular and fit into the glass bulb.
the finished red-hot bulb and
allow it to pass to the annealing
The annealing of the glass at
various stages in the manufacture
of the valve is of the greatest
importance, as glass which has
been allowed to cool too quickly
is in a state of strain which may
lead to cracking at a later stage
or set up minute air leaks during
In recent years various types of
valves have been produced using
metal envelopes instead of glass.
Greater robustness, better heat
dissipation and improved screen-
ing are among the advantages of
these (Fig. 34).
After the stem has been sealed
into the bulb, the valve passes to
the exhaust pumps, whose work
is to remove all traces of air from
the bulb. A simple form of pump
which is used in roughly exhaust-
ing the bulb is of the piston type,
which sucks air out at each stroke Fig. 34. An American "metal" valve
of the piston. The degree of vac- with octal (eight -pin) base and special
uum produced is, however, in- spigot which co-operates with locating
sufficient for valves, and this form dowel in the valveholder. The metal
envelope dissipates the heat effectively
of pump is used as a "backing" for and means a cooler electrode assembly.
other types which are capable of
reaching a higher degree of ex- pump finding its way back into
haust. the valve.
One of the best forms of high - Following the vapour pump is
vacuum pump is the so-called an oil pump, which is capable of
"condensation" type, which has a higher suction than the piston
no rotating parts, but depends for type, and which is in turn coupled
its action on the condensation of to the piston pump.
a jet of mercury vapour which The final cleaning -up of gas
passes through a narrow opening inside the bulb is done by chemi-
and carries the air with it. The corn- cal -physical means by an agent
, plete arrangement of the pumping termed a "getter". This is a small
system is shown in Fig. 35. piece of magnesium or barium
Between the condensation pump metal which is heated electrically
and the glass tube on which the after the valve has been exhausted,
valve is mounted for pumping is and which serves to "mop up" the
a trap, which is cooled by being remaining gas or air molecules in
immersed in liquid air, and which the bulb. The deposition of the
prevents any vapour from the getter on the sides of the bulb
Fig. 35. Outline of pumping plant for exhausting the air from
valves. The first stage (not shown) is a mechanical piston pump.
The degree of vacuum is successively increased by the oil and
mercury pumps.




gives the valve its familiar silvery portion of each day's production is
coating on the inside. taken for life test and run con-
tinuously for several thousand
Sucking Out the Gas hours under the conditions it
A very important process which would encounter in actual use. A
is applied while the valve is being record is kept of the batch number
exhausted is the heating of the and the number of hours effective
metal electrodes to drive out any life, and the batches are not re-
gas which has been absorbed by leased for sale unless the test
the metal. This is done by sur- samples are satisfactory. A certain
rounding the bulb with a coil number of valves are also checked
which forms part of a high -power under operating conditions in the
oscillatory circuit. receivers in which they are intended
The valve is now practically to work, and from their perform-
completed except for branding ance in this test a great deal of
and testing. Every valve which useful information can be obtained
leaves the factory undergoes a for improvement in the design of
series of tests which are designed the circuit or in the valve itself.
to show up any weak points in the In this chapter we have studied
manufacture, and which ensure the methods by which receivers,
that it conforms to the published components, condensers and
data within reasonable limits. valves are manufactured. Further
Before testing, however, the details of the actual nature of these
filament is "aged" to develop its products and the way they should
full emission by running the valve be used and tested outside the
for some hours on the racks with factory are explained in other
a definite value of filament and chapters. The working principles
anode voltage. of condensers and valves in par-
In the test -room a certain pro - ticular will be found in Chapter 17.


BESIDES providing a fascinating then into mechanical energy in a

insight into the nature of the turbine, and hence into electrical
world we live in, even a slight energy in a generator. This elec-
acquaintance with the theory of trical energy may flow into the
radio is of great practical assist- mains, and so be converted into
ance in most radio jobs, particu- heat, light and sound (radio pro-
larly those, such as testing and grammes) in the homes of con-
repairing, in which a variety of sumers (Fig. t).
problems is encountered.
To most people radio seems Force: Work: Power
hard to understand because elec- Since electricity is a means of
tricity is invisible. Mechanical conveying energy, it is as well to
devices, they feel, are easier to get clear ideas of what is meant by
comprehend because one can see the familiar words "force",
what is happening. They forget "work", and "power".
that the force driving a machine is Energy is not used (changed in
as invisible as electricity. They form) unless it moves its point of
do not realise that electricity can application. As long as the thing
he thought of as a flow of units, to which it is applied remains
"electrons", which behave in stationary, the energy provides a
quite a commonsense way. "force". When the something
Electricity is subject to the same moves, the force does "work".
laws of energy, force, work and "Power" is the rate of doing
power as mechanics. It has its own work.
forms of friction, inertia and As an illustration, if a man holds
springiness. a rope and supports too lb. of
bricks, as in Fig. 2, he provides a
Form of Energy "force". It is only when he hauls
Every machine, from the uni- them up that he applies force
verse itself down to a pocket flash - through a distance and does work.
lamp, is driven by "energy". The higher he hauls the bricks the
Energy is something that cannot more work he does. Multiplying
be created or destroyed, but which weight by vertical distance gives
only changes its form. us a measure of work in
For example, energy released by "foot-pounds".
burning coal may be changed to The man may take either, say,
heat energy in the form of steam, one minute or ten to lift the bricks




Fig. I. Illustrating the forms through which energy

passes in the process of electricity generation and
distribution. The chain could be extended in the
front to the original release of heat energy in the CONSUMERS
sun tens of thousands of years ago; it would end POWER HEAT LIGHT
in widely dissipated, low-grade heat energy.

5o ft. In both cases the work done Force" (EMF). It is often termed
is zoo X 5o = 5000 ft. -lb. He will "potential", and is measured in
need more "power" to raise them "volts".
in the shorter time. The unit of When an EMF does work the
mechanical power," horse -power", something it moves is what we
is 33,000 ft. -lb. per minute, so, in term "current".
the example, our man may work In the ultimate sense, we still do
at 5,000/33,000 = 0'15 h.p. or not know what current is. All the
5,000 same, we have learnt a good deal
33,000 x ro
=-- 0.015 h.p. about its nature and properties.
We know it consists of a move-
ment of "electrons". The electron
Electro-motive Force is something the imagination can
Returning to electricity, we can play with, and once we under-
now appreciate that when energy stand its characteristics, it be-
is applied to an electric circuit it comes easier to reason out what
creates a force. For obvious reasons happens in radio components.
we call this an "Electra -motive Were you able to take a frag-
ment of this page
and keep dividing
it until you had the
smallest particle still
having the proper-
ties of paper (no
microscope would
show it), you would
have a "molecule".
On further dividing
you would get a
number of "atoms"
of carbon, hydrogen
and other elements.
If you could see
these atoms they
Fig. 2. Work is done when force is applied through a
would, perhaps,
distance. The man on the right uses energy; the man look rather like solar
merely supporting the load (left) does not. systems, each con -
sisting of a central nucleus, round
which, at relatively vast distances,
planet -like "electrons" would be
revolving. se
/ r
,- ....
..11 .-- ..,
\ \
The Electron /
/ f

/ ............, `.., \
The electrons are unit (indivi- I i 1 I /-4.,, \ % \ 1
sible) "charges" or quantities, of 1
t j ( 1%11 )

{ ,1 i I !
negative electricity. They are un- 1 % -....- . / / ;
\ -......... //

imaginably small-the weight of

% / I ;
one is about decimal point twenty- \ N.
seven noughts nine of a gramme. \\ ......4.,....... /1 /
The nucleus appears to consist of \ .....- 4,....''

two types of unit: a "neutron" N.

particle with zero charge and a
"proton" or positive charge which Fig. 4. Magnetic lines of force round a
is normally sufficient to balance conductor (shown by the black spot)
carrying an electric current.
all the electrons, so that the atom,
as a whole, is electrically neutral.
Positive and negative charges tracing the paths of negative
attract each other, and like charges, we indicate the tracks of
charges-i.e., negative -negative or North magnetic poles. A magnetic
positive-positive-repel each other. field round a movement of elec-
The region round each charge in trons is shown in Fig. 4.
which this force of attraction or Electrons are not permanently
repulsion is effective is termed an attached to their atoms. In any
"electric field". We map out fields large mass of molecules and atoms
by tracing the paths which would there is a wandering population of
be taken by free electric charges. "free electrons, some just joining
These tracks (see Fig. 3) are called atoms,some just leaving and others
"lines of force". The intensity of enjoying temporary freedom.
a field is indicated by saying it has With some substances, "con-
so many lines of force per square ductors", electrons break away
centimetre. quite readily. In others, "insula-
The electron has one further tors", the movement of electrons
important property. As it moves is strictly limited.
it acquires a different kind of
field-a "magnetic field". This Generating Electricity
also can be plotted, but, instead of In various ways we can apply
energy so as to make "free" elec-
trons part from their atoms and
it 4
, flow in a definite direction. We
can do it by:
-- ---
' --
- ---- z. Frictioni.e., by physical
I' force we make the fields of two
materials react on each other;
2. Mixing substances so that
Fig. 3. Lines of force in the region of they react on each other chemi-
opposite electric charges. cally, as in a battery, the energy
being abstracted from the mater-
ials themselves, and
3. Using mechanical force to
make powerful magnetic fields
move relative to each other (as
in the most important source
of current, the generator).
When electrons and atoms are
forcibly separated, the former col-
lectively make a negative charge,
and the electron -deficient atoms
constitute a positive charge. The Fig. 5. This simple device, the Whims-
hurst machine, generates electro-static
electric force of attraction be- charges of sufficient EMF to spark across
tween these opposite charges is a gap of more than an inch.
the Electro-motive Force to which
we have already referred. negative. Similarly, if the charges
are all of the opposite "sign"
Static Charges as in Fig. 7 b, the earth will not
Charges are set up wherever be made positive. This is why
friction occurs. The quantities are earth is regarded as zero potential
usually very small, even though and why any large conductor
the potential may be great (Fig. which can absorb electro-static
5). More often than not the charges charges without acquiring a notice-
arise on conductors and quickly able charge is termed an "earth".
leak away; it is only on good insu- To make electric forces safe for
lators, where electron movement everyday jobs, we use devices
is very limited, that the charges which provide a sustained move-
have to stay put, and so become ment of considerable quantities of
detectable. For this reason they electrons at low potentials. We
are called "static" charges, and have such devices in the primary
the force between them is often battery (see Chapter to) and the
called "electro-static force". generator (described later).
If an insulated body, A in Fig. If we have two charges created
6, is given a charge, and another by either of these devices at each
insulated body, B, brought up, the end of a conductor, as in Fig. 8,
field of A will repel electrons from the potential between them will
the nearer end of
B, and so "in-
duce" two charges
as shown.
If we connect B
to the earth through
a conductor, as in
Fig. 7 a, the re- p
pelled electrons will 10. ---------
travel down to earth.
As the earth is so
vast, however, they Fig. 6. How a charged body, A, induces two equal and
will not make it opposite charges in a nearby object B.

Fig. 7a and b. The earth can receive and return either positive or negative charges
without any change of potential and is therefore accepted as zero potential.

make the electrons endeavour to parisons, we take the "specific re-

flow to the positive. sistance", which is the resistance
Suppose we link them by a wire of a centimetre cube.
(conductor). The free electrons in Ohm's Law
the wire will be drawn in to meet
the electron shortage at positive, A higher EMF will drive more
and the surplus electrons at nega- current through a circuit of
tive will in turn flow into the wire. given resistance. Alternatively, by
If the EMF provides work, a halving the resistance, we can
continuous flow of electrons will enable a given EMF to drive twice
result. as much current. This relation-
ship of EMF, resistance and cur-
The Circuit rent, is expressed in Ohm's Law,
Work will be put into the which, since it enables us to find
"circuit"-as this roundabout path
is termed-at the current source, the other two are known, is of the
and will be expended in the greatest practical importance.
external circuit by the electrons It is written in any of three
during their journey. ways, according to which quan-
Energy is taken from these elec- tity is to be found:
trons as they pass from atom to 1=-k. R=-E1.
atom in the conductor. This
opposition to cur-
rent flow is termed BATTERY OR
"resistance", and GENERATOR
is measured in EMF
"ohms". The
energy expended
in overcoming re- a

sistance appears as a

For a given sub-
stance the resist-
ance increases with FREE ELECTRONS
the length and de- SEPARATED FROM
enlargement of the IN CIRCUIT

cross-section area Fig. 8. A circuit is a conducting path linking the positive

(Fig. 9). For corn - and negative of a current source.
We usually require the power to
be available at some particular
device in a circuit. Consequently,
we arrange the resistance and,
perhaps, the EMF, at suitable
values to give the watts required,
and then, to minimise waste cf
power between the source and
the device, make the resistance of
the conductors as low as possible
Fig. 9. Resistance is Increased by in- in relation to the resistance of the
creasing the length of a conductor a power device. If the resistance of
and reduced by enlarging the cross the conductors is negligible, we
section b. For comparisons the resist- can represent a circuit containing
ance of a cm. cube Is taken.
a resistive component as shown
I stands for current, which is in Fig. so.
measured in "amperes". E is for
EMF in volts and R for resistance Series and Parallel
in ohms. The quantities must be When a circuit contains several
expressed in these units. For in- resistances they may be connected
stance, 55 milliamps must be in "series", as in Fig. 55 a, in
written as 0.015 or 0.5 megohm as "parallel", as in II b, or series -
500,000. parallel, as in i r c.
Clearly, if we double the cur- The series arrangement in-
rent a given EMF is drawing, creases the opposition to current: -
twice as much work must be put flow:
into the circuit. In other words,
we can express power by multi- R (total resistance)
plying current and EMF. The RI R2 + R3, etc.
unit of electrical power is the watt,
and 746 watts equal one horse- With parallelled resistances, how-
power: ever, the current divides into
P (watts) = E (volts) x I (amperes) several channels, and the smaller
Substituting E and I in turn by current in each finds it easier to
Ohm's Law, we also get: pass. Where all the resistances are
P = I2R. P = E2/R. of the same value, the effective
opposition is the resistance of one
divided by the number of paths.
For example, four 2o ohm resist-
ti ances together present 20/4 = 5
ohms resistance.
Where parallel resistances are
of different values we must re-
member that the opposition of
each is in proportion to the total
Fig. 10. Although every conductor pos-
sesses resistance, the resistance of a
circuit is indicated by a symbol joined -I- etc.
to the current -source by straight lines. R = RI Rz
For example, the resistance of
Fig. II b is
3+6+ o
3o 10
30 3
R- 3
When a parallel path. is intro-
duced (usually by accident) of
such low resistance that the other a. C.
arm is virtually deprived of all Fig. II. Diagram showing (a) series,
current, it is said that a "short (b) parallel, and (c) series-parallel
circuit" has occurred. methods of connecting resistances or
Some readers may have under- other components.
stood that the conventional direc- Now we know that the electrons
tion of current flow is from flow from negative to positive
positive to negative, and that (from cathode to anode), that both
positive is "live" (or danger- are equally "live" and that either
ous) while negative is earth or can be earthed.
neutral. The explanation above of As practical technique was built
electron flow will have surprised up on the old positive -to -negative
them. The fact is that electrical theory, it is often more convenient
pioneers had no evidence of the to continue to think of current as
actual direction of current flow flowing in this way. On the other
and did not particularly care-all hand, valve circuits are often
that mattered was that they should difficult to understand unless one
have a standard means of refer- thinks in terms of electrons.
ence to avoid confusion in discus- Most radio engineers switch men-
sion and to form the basis of prac- tally from "electron" to "con-
tical work. ventional" ideas, according to
Points at positive potential, and whichever is most convenient at
from which, by their hypothesis, any moment.
current issues, they called
"anodes". Negative points, by Alternating Current
which current entered, they ter- So far we have considered only
med "cathodes". This led to the "direct current" (DC)-that is, a
idea that negative was at lower flow of electrons in one direction
potential or was the inert partner. in a circuit. A second type
When a circuit was to be earthed, "alternating current"-in which
it was usually the negative side the electrons oscillate backwards
which was selected. The term and forwards, now awaits our
negative came to be considered attention. To approach its study
almost synonymous with earth. properly it is advisable to return
for a moment to the electron and magnet with North and South
its magnetic effects. poles.
As we have said, an electron When atoms are combined in
creates a magnetic field when it molecules the fields may again
moves. Let us see how this pro- either cancel out or, as in the
perty explains-as, obviously, it ferrous metals, have a prepon-
must-what a magnet is and why derating field. In ferrous (mag-
it is that only certain metals (those netic) bodies the molecules form
known as ferrous-i.e., iron and themselves into groups or "do-
steel and some of their alloys) can mains", which are equivalent to
be magnetised. minute magnets of sub -micro-
Electrons spin on their axes as scopic size.
well as rotate round the proton. In a material which is magnetic
Both motions set up magnetic but not magnetised, the domains
fields, but the one produced by the are arranged so that their fields
spin is most effective. have short, internal paths (Fig.
The directions of spin of the 13 a). When the material is mag-
electrons in an atom may be such netised by the application of a
that their fields cancel. In the iron powerful field from outside, the
atom, however (Fig. 12), an odd domains are pulled into line (Fig.
number of electrons spin the same b), with the result that two end
way and give the atom a pre- poles are created. These produce
dominate field-i.e., it acts as a an external field (Fig. 13 c).
Soft iron is dis-
tinguished by the
4 EXTRA IN fact that the do-
+ DIRECTION mains quickly twist
out of the in -line
arrangement once
the outside field is
removed. Steel and
special alloys of it,
in which the mole-
cules are closer
1 3 1 35 I
packed, are harder
3 13
1 I I
to magnetise, but
can be magnetised
very strongly and
remain in this con-
dition for years.
When iron is
placed in a field,
and after the do-
mains, as we have
explained, are
Fig. 12. DiagramMatic representation of an iron atom forced in -line, they
showing the orbits of electron groups with the numbers co-operate with the
in each group. The proton is equal and opposite in charge field, with the re-
to the 26 electrons. The plus and minus signs near the
electron numbers indicate the direction of spin and not sult that it becomes
the polarity of the electric charge. intense in the
If a movement of current sets
up a moving field, it is reasonable
to expect the converse to happen.
Another simple experiment shows
N a that indeed it does. When a coil of
wire is connected to a current
sYN meter, as in Fig. 16a, a pulse of
N$ current is shown every time a
magnet is pushed in and out--
i.e., a field is made to "cut" the
conductors.. Faraday's Law states:

- When a conductor cuts the lines

of force of a magnetic field, an
b EMF is induced in the conductor
which is proportional to the rate
N SNSNSNSNS of cutting.
Induced Current
This principal of "induction" is
->" - W 1v the basis of the generator in which
a conductor is made to revolve in
a magnetic field. The principle is
illustrated in Fig. 17. At points A
s. and B the conductor is moving
3- ;
with the field and no EMF is
produced. As it turns towards C
and D it cuts the field at an in-
creasingly sharper angle and the
Fig. 13. In non -magnetised ferrous "rate of cutting" grows until it
metals the domains arrange themselves, reaches maximum at C and D.
a, for short internal magnetic paths. If we draw a graph of the EMF
When magnetised, b, the domains are
forced into line so producing an ex- during half a turn from A to B,
ternal field as shown in c.
iron and weaker outside (Fig.
As electron movement sets up a
magnetic field, a wire carrying a
current must exhibit magnetic
effects. This is the case, as is shown
by a simple experiment (Fig. ri).
If a wire is placed near a small
pivoted magnet (a compass), the
needle will be deflected when a
current is made to flow. The
stronger the current, the farther -- SOFT IRON -
the field travels outward, as can
be proved by moving the compass
farther back. When the current
stops the magnetic field at once Fig. 14. How a magnetic field concen-
collapses inward to the wire. trates in the region of a bar of soft iron.
wound on an "armature") by
means of the "slip -rings" (Fig.
zo) the EMF will drive an "alter-
nating current". In a circuit
containing resistance only, the
current at any instant will be de-
-.-WIRE termined by Ohm's Law and the
curve of Fig. 19 will represent
it. Values above the line indi-
cate current flow in one direction,
and values below the line repre-
Fig. 15a. A compass Is deflected when sent current flowing in the reverse
a current is passed through a wire. direction.
One cycle, it will be noted, in-
cludes two peaks and extends,
/". say, from A to E (Fig. 19), C to
F, or between any other two
.46 \% points this distance apart. The
number of cycles per second is
I t

11 It
the "frequency" or "periodicity".
Standard mains frequency in
A / Britain is 5o cps., but 25 and ioo
FLOW /' cps. are sometimes found. In
radio circuits frequencies of mil-
Ss, lions of cycles per second are
Fig. 156. Direction of the magnetic
Direct current is obtained from
field round a current. a generator by using a "commu-
tator" instead of slip -rings. This
we get a shape like Fig. i8. During is, in effect, a reversing switch,
the second half of the revolution and the principle is shown in Fig.
each side of the loop cuts the field 21, from which it will be seen that
in the reverse direction, and con- each "brush" is always connected
sequently the polarity of the EMF to a conductor cutting the field in
is reversed. For a complete the same direction. A number of
"cycle", therefore, we get a armature windings are employed,
"waveform" as in
Fig. 19. This shape
is known as a "sine
wave" because the
EMF at any posi-
tion of the con-
ductor can be cal-
culated by using
the trigonometrical Fig. I6a. When a mag-
"sine" ratio. netic field "cuts" a
If we connect a conductor a current is
circuit to the rota- generated.
ting conductor (in
practice a large coil
instance, is 200 X
DIRECTION = 283 volts.
Fig. 166. A simple means of recalling OF MOTION
Unless otherwise
how the directions of field, motion stated, AC voltages
and current are related.
and currents are
generally in RMS,
not peak, values.
containing resist-
}hi, I)
ance only, voltage
and current are in
\RICHT HAND phase and the pow-
er l's given, as in a
DC circuit, by tak-
ing EI (in RMS
values). As we shall
see, however, where
POLARITY an AC circuit con-
tains inductance
so that the current pulses overlap and/or capacity the voltage and
giving DC with a slight "ripple" current are generally out of phase
(Fig. 22). and, therefore, although the rating
AC generators usually have is sometimes stated in volt-am-
three windings connected as in peres, the calculation of the actual
Fig. 23 a or b, and the result is a watts must take the difference of
three-phase supply, as in Fig. 24. phase, or "phase angle", into
A single phase supply is available account.
from any two of the three mains. The ratio of watts to volt-
If we wish to find the power in amperes is known as the "power
an AC circuit we cannot multiply factor" of the circuit and is given
the "peak" voltage by the "peak" by cos st, where q is the phase
current, because these values difference of current and voltage.
exist only momentarily twice every The power in a single-phase AC
cycle. On the other hand, some circuit is, therefore, EI cos 0.
value of AC must correspond to a The magnetic field round a
given value of DC
(remember it is the
movement of elec-
trons which con-
veys the power and
- ------
-- -----
not their direction). -------- -----
The value of AC ------
comparable to DC S
------ C
is known as the
"root mean square" - _ ---------- -
(RMS) value. The
peak value is Ari -- -49B ------------
times greater. The
peak voltage of 200 Fig. 17. A, B, C and D represent four positions of a con-
volt AC mains, for ductor rotating in a magnetic field.
In overcoming the back EMF,
the applied voltage does extra
work. This work is returned to the
circuit, however, when the field
collapses. The field, then, is a
form of energy.
The current -delaying property
HALF TURN of a coil is termed "inductance".
Fig. 18. During half a turn the voltage The unit is the "henry" which is
in the conductor varies as shown. possessed by a coil when one volt
requires one second to build up
current can be concentrated by one ampere. Inductance is the
winding the conductor into a coil electrical equivalent of inertia.
or "solenoid". As shown in Fig. Now what happens when we
25, the field round a simple coil apply AC to a coil? As a prelimi-
corresponds exactly to that of a nary, let us remind ourselves that
bar magnet (Fig. 13(c)). By intro- when either AC or DC is applied
ducing a soft iron core we get an to a resistance the current at any
even stronger field (Fig. 26). This instant is determined by Ohm's
is called an "electro-magnet". Law. The two are always in step
or in "phase", as we say (Fig. 27).
Inductance When we represent the current
The field from each turn in driven in an inductance by a DC
a coil cuts adjoining turns and voltage we get a diagram like Fig.
induces an EMF in them when- 28. This diagram contains the clue
ever the current varies. A coil, happens when AC is ap-
therefore, has "self-induction". plied to a coil. Clearly, if the fre-
The interesting thing is that quency is sufficiently high the
when the current is increasing, the voltage will have begun to de-
outward cutting of the field induces crease before the top of the current
a "back EMF" which opposes and curve has been reached. The value
retards the growth of current. On of current which would be per-
the other hand, when the current mitted to flow by the resistance is
decays, the field collapses inward not attained. The greater the fre-
and produces a "forward EMF" quency which is produced the less
which tends to sustain the flow. chance the current has to grow.




Fig. 19. By indicating the EMF in the reverse direction below the horizontal line
we get the sine wave which is characteristic of alternating currents.

Fig. 20. Connecting to a rotating coil Fig. 21. A commutator

by means of slip -rings enables an connection gives EMF pulses
alternating EMF to be applied to in the same direction-that
an external circuit. is, direct current.

A coil, then, limits the current as shown in Fig. 29. In an ideal

an AC voltage can drive, the ex- resistance -less inductance the cur-
tent of limitation increasing with rent is out of phase with the volt-
both inductance and frequency. age by a quarter of a cycle, and is
This' property corresponds to said to "lag by 90 degrees".
resistance in that
it opposes cur-
the same thing
since no power is
lost-the energy
put into the field Fig. 22. DC generators give overlapping uni-directional
in one part of a pulses so that the output is a sustained flow plus a
cycle is returned slight amount of "ripple".
in the next part.
For this reason, although the If a second coil of wire is placed
property is measured in ohms, it close to a coil carrying a varying
is called "reactance". current, it will have a current in-
The reactance of a coil is duced in it. The induced current
2rcfL ohms, where it is 3.14.16,f is
the frequency in cycles per second
and L the inductance in henries.
Incidentally, the quantity 24 oc-
curs frequently in AC formulae,
and is often replaced by the sym-
bol co, and is known as the "angular
As the current is delayed in
building up, and also receives an a
extra boost when the field col- Fig. 23. Two ways of connecting the
lapses, it does not remain in phase windings of an AC generator: a the
with the voltage, but lags behind, star and b the delta.
2 3

AA ir All...
Tiro. -
- - - - - - 360.- - - - - - -
Fig. 24. In a three-phase AC system there is 120° between phases.

will vary in strength with the field quency currents. The former type,
fluctuations, and its EMF will be to reduce losses in the shape of in-
in proportion to the number of duced "eddy" currents in the core,
turns cut by the field. usually have either no core at all
By having more turns on the or ones made of iron dust embed-
"secondary" winding than on the ded in walc.
"primary" we can get an actual The transformation ratio, T, of
increase of voltage. The current a transformer is:
available, however, will depend on
the efficiencywith which the power Number of secondary turns
is transmitted through the mag- Number of primary turns
netic field and on the losses in Any transformer is reversible,
resistance, and will always, of the "primary" being the input
course, be such that the power side. Output EMF is given by
(EI cos 0) in the secondary is less primary EMF x T.
than the power in the primary. DC cannot be transformed,
This arrangement (Fig. 3o) is since a change of field is obtained
called a "transformer", and is only on starting and stopping the
used for both high- and low-fre- current. This is why AC is used


- ----- ";%,

. V t

Fig. 25. A simple coil carrying a current Fig. 26. The addition of a soft -iron core
sets up a magnetic field similar to that gives a solenoid a more localised and
set up in a bar magnet. therefore more intense field.


Fig. 27. Diagram representing "in

phase" voltage and current. TIME

almost universally now for elec- Fig. 28. Curve illustrating the growth
tricity mains, as the voltage can of current during time when a steady
be stepped up for efficiency in voltage is applied to an inductance.
transmission (the higher the volt- ful if it approaches "saturation"
age the smaller the current and the strength.
less the loss in resistance) and At one time transformers were
stepped down for safety in use. widely used for LF coupling as a
A uni-directional current which step-up of voltage. In order that
varies in strength is equivalent to small, highly efficient magnetic
an average DC with AC super- cores could be used, the trans-
imposed. When such a current is formers were often resistance-
applied to a transformer (as in the capacity connected, so that the
anode circuit of a valve) only the anode current did not flow
AC component appears in the through the transformer winding.
secondary (Fig. 31) and the only Now that sets have ample sensitiv-
effect of the DC is to set up a ity, transformers are seldom used
steady field. for LF coupling and are mainly
If the latter is strong, the AC used for providing the necessary
may not be able to produce a pro- operating voltages in AC mains
portional increase of field, and receivers.
distortion may result. A steady A condenser consists of two
primary current, therefore, re- conducting plates separated by an
duces the inductance and is harm - insulator termed the "dielectric".

Fig. 29. In a pure inductance the current lags the voltage by 90 degrees.

1 I

Fig. 30. How the magnetic field couples two windings and (right) diagram
illustrating the practical basis of transformer design.
When a DC potential is applied, -i.e., positive. There are now
electrons flow on to the negative two opposite charges on the plates,
plate. Their electric field repels and the condenser is said to be
electrons in the dielectric, but, charged (Fig. 32).
being of high -quality insulating
material, this has sufficient inter- Capacity
nal force to prevent its electrons The "capacity" of a condenser
becoming "free". The flow of to hold a charge increases in pro-
current is checked and the applied portion to the area of the plates.
potential opposed by an equal and It is also fairly easy to see that it
opposite "strain" in the dielectric. will be increased by reducing the
The action may be likened to the thickness of the dielectric, as the
tension of a spring. electrons, opposed by a weaker
"spring", can more easily dislodge
Charging the Condenser electrons from the positive plate.
During their initial movement The unit of capacity is the
the electrons in the dielectric dis- "farad". In radio, capacities are
lodge electrons from the second generally stated in microfarads,
plate of the condenser. These are i.e., millionths of a farad.
attracted down to positive, leaving It will have been noted that
the second plate electron -deficient during the charging of a condenser


. Fig. 31. Fluctuating DC corresponds to steady DC plus superimposed AC.
current according to its capacity,
but it will not absorb power, since
energy stored in the electro-static
field during charging will be given
back during discharging. As with
the coil, we measure the opposi-
tion of a condenser to AC in
Fig. 32. While a condenser is charging
ohms, but term it "reactance".
electrons circulate in both arms of the The reactance of a condenser is
circuit. Current stops when the "back I I
EMF" of the condenser equals the or 0)-z,.
EMF of the battery.
current flows round the whole where C is the capacity in farads.
circuit. It is only when charging is When a condenser is fully
completed that the dielectric acts charged (and the voltage is at peak)
as a break in the circuit. there is no current. Maximum
Evidently, from a DC point of current occurs when the EMF is
view, we can think of a condenser zero and the charging or discharg-
as a store of electrical energy in ing can occur unimpeded. Draw-
the same way that a spring stores ing the voltage and current curves,
mechanical energy. as in Fig. 33, we find that again
they are go° out of phase-but
Capacitive Reactance this time the current leads the
If AC is applied to a condenser voltage.
it will be constantly charged in one Inductances in series and paral-
direction, discharged, charged in lel are calculated in the same way
the reverse direction, discharged as resistances. With condensers,
and so on. Current will flow in the however, an increased value in-
circuit continuously. The higher dicates lower opposition to cur-
the frequency the larger will be rent flow.
the current (the bigger the move- Capacities in parallel are
ment of electrons in a given time). added:
The condenser will limit the C= Cx + C2 + C3, etc.

Fig. 33. In a pure capacity the current leads the voltage by a quartar of a cycle.
4.81 (R.E.)

ER 0 ER 0 ER
Vectors showing how voltages are added in a circuit containing impedance.
Fig. 34 (left). The inductive (EXL) and capacitive (EXc) voltages are 180° to each
other and 90° to the resistive (ER). Fig. 35 (centre). The sum of EX (the difference
of EXL and EXc) and ER is V. Fig. 36 (right). The phase angle (8) between the
applied voltage (V) and the current (which is in phase with ER) is obtained from
the complete vector diagram.
The series arrangement in- 2
creases the thickness of dielectric V2 R2/2 -I- (63/, - 6-T) /2
and so reduces the capacity:

C = Ci C2
V=IR2 + (6.1, -
But Z = VII, where Z is the im-
The combined effect of resist- pedance.
ance (R) and reactance (X) in a cir-
cuit is "impedance" (Z). Although . . Z-VR2 + ((.0L - )2.
both are measured in ohms, when 6.)C
in series they cannot be added
arithmetically, because, due to the Rearranging Fig. 35 as in Fig.
reactance, the applied voltage is out 36, we can arrive at the actual
of phase with the current. They phase angle 0 between the total
have to be added geometrically, voltage and the current.
and the method is indicated in It can be shown that the impe-
Fig. 34, where the lines ("vec- dance of R and X in parallel is:
tom") represent the strengths of
and phase differences between the Z - vR2XR x2*
three voltages in a circuit contain-
ing resistance, inductive reactance
and capacitive reactance. Resonant Frequency
The two latter are at 90° to the The formulae above contain the
resistive component and 180° to secret of the "tuned circuit"-
each other. Subtracting the smal- that simple device which makes it
ler reactive component from the possible to transmit or to select
larger, we get two sides of a right- any particular required trans-
angle triangle (Fig. 35). By geo- mission. As readers of earlier
metry we know that the sum of chapters will be aware, receivers
the squares of these equals the are tuned to or brought into
square of the hypotenuse. "resonance" with a transmission
Remembering that each com- by means of a coil and condenser
ponent of the voltage is equal to connected in parallel. Actually, as
reactance (or resistance) times the we shall see, if series connected,
current (Ohm's Law) we can they resonate in the same way, but
write our formula as follows : with different effect (Fig. 37).
the two are 180° out of phase
.1. (exactly half a cycle out) to realise
that, at the one "natural fre-
quency" at which the reactances
are equal, the energy of the cir-
cuit can swing backwards and
forwards, or "oscillate", between
the two fields.
If a charged condenser dis-
charges through a coil, the energy
from the condenser will build up
Fig. 37. Parallel, a, and series, b, tuned a field in the coil, which, in turn,
or "resonant" circuits. will discharge into the condenser.
An oscillatory current will flow at
Since the reactance of a coil the natural frequency until the
increases with frequency and the energy has all been dissipated in
reactance of a condenser decreases resistance and other losses.
with frequency, it is obvious that On the other hand, if we apply a
at one frequency, and one only, voltage of the right frequency, a
the reactances of any coil and con- circuit will respond or "resonate"
denser will be equal. What does by building up a large oscillatory
this imply? current-very much as a child's
The reactance of each is a swing, given small pushes at the
measure of the electrical energy right intervals, builds up a large
stored and returned by the mag- oscillation.
netic field in one case and the We are helped to appreciate
electro-static in the other. We electrical resonance if we remem-
have only to remember that the ber that inductive reactance cor-
current (or the voltage) between responds to inertia (mass) and


Fig. 38. Illustrating the analogy between a vibrating spring and an oscillating tuned
circuit. Tension of the spring corresponds to charge in the condenser, and move-
ment of the weight corresponds to the flow of current.
capacitive reactance to springi- ance plus the resistance, thus re-
ness. An oscillating circuit can be ducing the current.
compared to a vibrating blade as In the case of the coil and con-
follows (see also Fig. 38): denser in parallel, the voltage
across the two must be the same
Blade Circuit and the currents must be 18o° out
(x) Pulled to one (s) Condenser of phase. In other words, an ap-
side. charged. plied EMF of natural frequency
(a) Returning to (a) Condenser dis-
centre. charging. will produce maximum current in
(3) Maximum (3) Maximum cur- the circuit, but none through it-
speed at centre rent and no i.e., the circuit will correspond to
and no strain. voltage. a very high resistance.
(4) Momentum (4) EMF of in-
carries onward ductance drives The Valve
against springi- current against
ness. back EMF of We have found the electron very
condenser. helpful in studying the condenser
(5) Strained in op- (5)Condenser and coil; we shall find it doubly
posite direction. charged in op-
posite direction. so in getting to know the valve.
When any substance is heated,
Just as the energy of the blade is what is really happening is that the
gradually lost in friction and the atoms and free electrons, which are
creation of air -waves, so the energy never motionless, are made to jos-
of a resonant circuit is lost in resis- tle about even more violently. In
tance and the radiation of electro- doing so, they create those particu-
magnetic waves in space. Whereas lar electro-magnetic waves in space
mechanical vibrators oscillate up which react upon us as "heat".
to a few thousand times a second, A few materials, even at normal
electric currents may do so at a atmospheric temperatures, are so
rate of many megacycles (millions agitated and have so many free
of cycles) a second. electrons that even the impact of
Looking at this characteristic of light -waves is sufficient to dis-
reactances in series and parallel lodge some of the electrons. These
from a more technical viewpoint, are "photo -voltaic" substances.
we easily appreciate that, at the Most metals can be heated suffi-
natural frequency, the two re- ciently to release a number of free
actances, being equal and oppo- electrons, and valve -makers have
site, cancel out, leaving only the developed special materials which
(usually much smaller) resistance. emit electrons at dull red heat or
Acceptor Circuit SPACE CHARGE
In the series arrangement, there-
fore, current will be maximum at
resonance. This arrangement is
called the "acceptor" circuit, be- +++++++++++++++++++
cause it presents an extremely low
"dynamic resistance" to an applied
voltage of the natural frequency.
To other frequencies, the circuit Fig. 39. Electrons freed from a heated
filament remain above the surface as a
presents either a predominately space charge. Deceived of electrons the
inductive or capacitive react- filament becomes positive.
Normally, when electrons fly
off from a heated surface, the sur-
face is thereby made positive, and 20
so exerts an attractive force, which
keeps the electrons hovering above
it in a kind of cloud or "space - <15
charge" (Fig. 39).
The valve (Fig. 40) uses a '8 to
heated filament to produce such a 0
space -charge, and also includes a
metal plate, which is made posi-
tive with respect to the filament.
Once the more distant "plate" or 0 25 75 100 425 175 200
"anode" is sufficiently positive to JO

overcome the force holding the Fig. 41. Typical curve showing how the
space -charge to the filament, the anode current increases proportion-
electrons are attracted across to it. ately as the anode voltage is raised.
Within the limits set by the size
and type of filament, the anode There are two important things
current increases in proportion to to notice. First, the anode voltage
the voltage until, finally, the fila- supply (usually a comparatively
ment is emitting electrons as fast high voltage and therefore termed
as it can and "saturation" point is "high tension" or HT, as dis-
reached. Change of anode current tinct from "low-tension", LT, for
with anode voltage is shown in the the filament) has to be connected
"characteristic" curve of Fig. 41. to filament in order to provide a
complete HT circuit. Secondly,
the LT circuit serves only as a
convenient method of heating the
filament and does not itself con-
tribute to the anode current.
The latter point is seen clearly
in the mains valve. In mains sets
it is convenient to obtain the
filament current direct from the
mains, either through a step-down
transformer or by means of series
resistances. In either case, how-
ever, variations of the supply
would cause slight changes in the
temperature of the filaments and,
therefore, in the availability of
electrons and, indirectly, the am-
ount of anode current_ The diffi-
culty is got over by using the
Fig. 40. By applying a voltage between filament simply as a "heater" for
anode and filament a flow of current a substantial "cathode", which
through the valve can be maintained. may take half a minute to warm up
The filament battery serves only to
heat the wire and does not contribute and it-, consequently, not affected
in any way to the anode current. by brief current fluctuations.
current for a given change in grid
voltage, and is, therefore, a valve
with a low mutual conductance.
20 In fact, a little reflection shows
o G. (mutual conductance)
15 z
(amplification factor)
..d'" x ra (AC resistance)
o.. ID G3'
0 The signal voltage applied to the
,r z grid is AC, and, since any flow of
electrons in the grid circuit would
produce undesirable voltages in it,
the grid is given a negative bias,
so that on positive signals it does
-IS -10 -5 0
not actually become positive, but
only less negative.
Fig. 46. Typical curve showing how the
anode current of a triode valve at a fixed Selection of Valve
anode voltage decreases as the grid
is made more negative. For the anode current to be
always proportional to the grid
and stated in milliamperes -per - voltage-which is necessary if dis-
volt. tortion is to be avoided-the grid
A large change of anode current must operate within the straight
for a given bias change means, of portion of the characteristic. The
course, that a curve of the type in negative bias, therefore, is usually
Fig. 46 becomes steeper. Mutual arranged so that when idle, or
conductance, therefore, is often "static", the valve is operating at
called "slope. the centre of the straight portion
For any particular anode voltage (for example, point X in Fig. 46).
it is possible, of course, to measure The valve itself has to be selected
the anode current and, by means so that the straight part is long
of Ohm's Law, work out the DC enough to cover the full range of
resistance. This figure only applies grid voltage.
to the one set of operating con- Valves in the amplification stages
ditions, however, and is of little of a receiver are required to pro-
value, since in practice the valve is duce an amplified voltage in the
operated by AC on the grid. anode circuit; the power is of minor
A more useful figure is obtained importance. The higher the value
by measuring the change in anode of the anode impedance the higher
voltage for a certain change in the anode signal would be were it
anode current over the straight not for the fact that the HT voltage
part of the characteristic. This being limited, the increase of anode
ratio gives the "AC resistance" or signal appears as a reduction of
impedance presented to a signal anode voltage.
with the valve operating at the Since anode voltage cannot be
particular anode and grid voltages. reduced too far without altering
A valve with a high AC resist- the operating conditions, a com-
ance, it will be appreciated, pro- promise or "optimum" value of
vides a small change in anode anode load has to be employed.
Generally, this is two to three quired transformer ratio is given
times the AC resistance of the by:
valve. / Valve optimum load
The amplification given by a V Speech coil impedance
valve in association with an anode
resistance load (R) is given by: The impedance of a speech coil
IR can be taken as approximately
A-R !

twice the DC resistance.
Capacities exist between the
Valves in output stages are re- electrodes in a valve. In a triode
quired to give power for operating the anode -grid capacity may be
the loudspeaker. A high anode nearly so mmfds, and at radio
current (low AC resistance) is frequencies this is sufficient to
desirable. Multiplying anode cur- prevent useful operation, as the
rent and voltage gives the power amplified anode voltage is "re-
expended in the valve or "anode flected back" to the grid.
dissipation". The power available To obviate this the screen -grid
in the loudspeaker without undue or "tetrode" valve was introduced
distortion is about a quarter of the (Fig. 47). This has an extra grid
anode dissipation. connected to HT, interposed be-
To present the required opti- tween signal grid and anode. The
mum load to an output valve, the valve gives the type of characteris-
loudspeaker speech -coil must be tic in Fig. 48. The strange kink is
"matched" to the valve-hence due to "secondary emission".
the output transformer. The re - What happens is that at certain
anode voltages, the
electrons from the
Fig. 47. A screen -grid cathode achieve such
valve with electrode a velocity that they
assembly exposed, and crash into the anode
the symbol by which with sufficient vio-
it is represented in
circuits. lence to dislodge other
electrons from it.
These "secondary"
electrons and some
of the others that
SCREEN have bounced back
are drawn to the
positive screen -grid.
SCREEN ANODE At certain voltages,
the screen -grid cur-
rent increases and the
anode current is nega-
This disadvantage
has been overcome
FILAMENT in the "pentode" by
the insertion of a
further grid between
screen -grid and anode
secondary electrons
4 do not rebound on to
SCREEN VOLTS 60 the screen -grid.
Pentodes and te-
trodes are used for
LF as well as RF
purposes; they are
more efficient than
the triode but more
Ut liable to distortion.
Types for RF
purposes are gener-
ally designed so that
the amplification is
reduced with an
50 100 150 206 250 increase of bias.
ANODE VOLTS This "variable -
Fig. 48. A feature of the anode volts-anode current curve mu" characteristic
of the screen -grid valve is the "negative resistance" dip
where an increase of voltage produces a decrease of cur-
enables a valve
rent. Actually, the extra electrons drawn from the both to handle pow-
cathode flow to the screen. erful signals with-
out "overloading"
(Fig. 49). This "suppressor" grid when operating with a large bias
is connected to cathode, and and to provide increased amplifi-
shields the secondary electrons cation when handling a weak signal
from the attraction of the screen - and carrying a smaller bias.
grid so that they return to the Needless to say, variable -mu
anode. valves are always employed with
automatic volume control.
Beam Tetrodes The numerous other types of
Comparatively recently, "alig- valve in use all utilise the funda-
ned grid" or "beam" tetrodes mental principles described, and
have been introduced which practical variations of them are
solve the problem, not by means detailed in other chapters.
of an extra grid, but by con- Explanations of how valves are
trolling the electrons into beams used in domestic receivers are
and setting the anode and screen at given in Chapter 2 and details of
a certain critical distance so that how they are made in Chapter 16.

b C
Fig. 49. Circuit symbol, a, of a pentode valve, and b, a section of the electrode
assembly. In c is the characteristic curve, which corresponds to Fig. 48 with the
negative anode current dip removed.


Symbols of Units
A = Ampere. m. = Metre.
Ah = Ampere -hour. 0 or CI = Ohm.
C = Coulomb. V = Volt.
db = Decibel. VA = Volt-ampere.
F = Farad. W = Watt.
H = Henry. Wh = Watt-hour.
J = Joule.
Symbols of Quantities and Constants
Symbol. Quantity or Constant. Unit.
B . . Magnetic flux density. Gauss.
. Capacitance.
Electrostatic flux density.
Electro-motive Force.
. Frequency.
Magnetic force.
Magnetic field strength.
Cycles per second.

Dielectric constant.
M . Mutual inductance. Henry.
P Power. Watt.
Q . Quantity of electricity. Coulomb.
R . Resistance. Ohm.
S . Reluctance. Oersted.
v .
Potential difference.
W Power. Watt.
X . Reactance. Ohm.
Z . . Impedance. Ohm.
0 (Theta) .
x (Kappa)
Angular displacement.
Dielectric constant. -

a (Lambda)
7C (Pi) .
Circumference divided by
diameter (3.1416).

ciS (Phi)
0, (Omega)
. .
Phase displacement.
Angular velocity (z f).
Multiples and Sub -Units kW. = 1'34 H.P.
Multiples and divisions of units
B.Th.U. =i lb. of water
raised I° F.
are indicated by the following = 778.8 ft.-lbs.
prefixes:- = 1,005 Joules.
M = meg or mega = 1,000,000 = 0.252 kilogram
= 106. calories.
k = kilo = 1,000 = io3. kWh. = i,000 watt hours.
m = milli = = I B.T.U. (Board
of Trade Unit).
= 10-3 = 0'001. = 1.34 H.P. hours.
1,000 3,4" B.Th.U.
= micro = = 2,654,200 ft.-lbs.
3,600,000 Joules.
= = 0.00000I. Therm = 100,030 B.Th.U.
= micro -micro =
= 10-12. Common Abbreviations
A or AE = Aerial.
Notation AC = Alternating cur-
In radio calculations the index rent.
to the base io is frequently used AC -DC = All mains.
for brevity. Under this arrange- AF = Audio frequency or
ment '00,000,00o, for example, low frequency.
becomes Id', while 116- becomes AFC = Automatic fre-
104. quency control.
Amp. = Ampere.
Units and Equivalents Amps. = Amperes.
AVC = Automatic volume
The following table shows the control.
relation between electrical and B/D or Brd = Braided wire.
mechanical units by which any B and S = Brown & Sharpe's
conversion can be made. Gauge.
ft. -lb. = one pound raised BT = Bellini-Tosi sys-
through I ft. tem of Direction
H.P. = 33,000 ft.-lbs. per Finding.
minute. BWG = Birmingham Wire
= 55o ft.-lbs. per sec. Gauge.
746 watts. C = Condenser or ca-
0.746 kW. pacity.
= 2,545 B.Th.U. per Cgf = Grid -to -Cathode
hour. capacity.
= 42-4 B.Th.U. per cps or cs = Cycles per second.
minute. CR = Cathode ray.
= 0.707 B.Th.U. per CW = Continuous wave.
second. DC = Direct current.
H.P. Hour = 0.746 kW. hour. DCC = Double cotton -
= 1,980,000 ft.-lbs. covered wire.
= 2,545 B.Th.U. DF = Direction finding.
DIR Wire double lapped MC = Moving coil.
with pure rub- MCW = Modulated con-
ber. tinuous wave.
DPC = Double paper - mfd. = microfarad or
covered wire. microfarads.
DPR = Double lapped pure mmfd. = micro-microfarad.
rubber - covered MW = Medium wave.
wire. osc. = oscillator.
DSC = Double silk -cover- P = Padding condenser.
ed wire. PA = Public address.
DWC = ditto. white PB = Push button.
silk. Pen. = Pentode.
Earth. Pfd. = Pico -farad.
EHT = Extra high tension. PM = Permanent magnet.
Enam. = Enamelled wire. Pot = Potentiometer.
EMF = Electro-motive PU = Pick-up.
force. QPP = Quiescent push-
ES Extension speaker. pull.
FC Frequency -changer R = Resistance or re-
valve. sistor.
FM Frequency modu- RCC = Resistance - capa -
lation. city coupled.
FR Field resistance. Rec. Rectifier.
GB Grid bias. RF Radio frequency.
HC High -conductivity RT Radio -Telephony.
S, Sw = Switch.
HD Hard -drawn cop- SCC Single cotton -cov-
per. ered wire.
HF High frequency. SD Soft -drawn copper
HT High tension. wire.
ICW = Interrupted con- SG Screen grid.
tinuous wave. SIR Wire with single
IF Intermediate fre- rubber lapping.
quency. Spk Loudspeaker.
I FT Intermediate - fre - SR Starting relay.
quency trans- SSC Single silk -cov-
former. ered wire.
kc. or kcs = kilocycles per SW Short wave.
second. SWC Single white silk -
L = Inductance. covered wire.
Lam. = Laminated. SWG = Standard wire
LF = Low (audio) fre- gauge.
quency. Sync. = Synchronising.
LS = Loudspeaker. Trimming conden-
LT = Low tension. ser.
LW = Long wave. TCC Triple cotton -cov-
m. = metres. ered wire.
MA = Mains aerial. TI Tuning indicator.
M/a or ma. = milliamperes. TPC Triple paper -cov-
mc. = megacycle. ered wire.
Trans. = Transformer. v. = volt.
TRF = Tuned radio -fre- Vol = Volume control.
quency. W/C = Wave -change
USW = Ultra short wave. switch.
V = Valve. X's = Atmospherics.
For DC Circuits Power Factor:
Ohm's Law : True Power
Power Factor =
Apparent Power
r, IR. R=I.
El cos
Power : Power (watts) = EMF El
(volts) x current (amps) R
= El = I2R. -Z
For AC Circuits Average Value (for a sine wave)
Ohm's Law :
E L-, = -2 X maximum value.
I= - .
= IZ. Z =--- j. 77

= 0.637 X maximum value.

Power :
RMS Value (for sine wave)
Watts = 12R = EI cos 95
where is the phase angle be- X maximum value.
tween E and I. 1/2
Current (I), where there is In- = 0.707 x maximum value.
ductance (L) only: Form Factor (for sine wave)
1= E = 27rf = RMS/AV = 0.637 - III.
Current, where there is Capacity
(C) only: Resistances
I = coCE. Total value of resistances in
Current, where there are Re- series = R = r, r2 r3 . .
sistance, Capacity and Inductance Total value of resistances in
in series:
parallel = R =
I Z. ri -r2 -
122 - WC) 2
Impedance (Z): Total value of condensers in
Z = VR2 + - 07-c) series = C=
V R2 + X2. C2 C,
Reactance (X): Total value of condensers in
X = (coL - caC). =C=C, C, C, . . .

Inductances ratio of diameter of coil to length.
Total value of inductances in K is given in the following table:
series = L = L, L2 + L3 . . .
Total value of inductances in d K d K
parallel y I
0'10 0.959 1.5 0.505
0.20 0'920 2.0 0'526
Ei+E2+Es. 0'30
Auto GB Resistance 0.60 0.788 5.0 0.320
The correct bias resistance (R) 0.70 0.761 6.0 0.285
to use is given by: 0.80 o.735 ro o-2.58
0.00 0.71I 8.0 0.287
R -
ioo 0.688 9-0

where EB = bias volts and IA = Wavelength and Frequency

anode current. Values are ob-
tained from valve maker's data. Radio waves travel at 300 mil-
lion (3 x to8) metres a second.
Anode Volt Drop Resistance The relationship between wave-
The value of a voltage drop length (A) and frequency is given:

is given by:
R -
resistance to use in anode circuits

where V, = the HT voltage, V2 =
correct HT voltage for the valve,
= 3 x tog
X 1= 3 x ios = 300,000,000
where A is in metres, and fin cps.
Oscillatory Circuits
and I, the steady anode current. Reactance of coil = XL = 27rfL
(L in Henries.)
AC/DC Valve Ballast Resistance Reactance of condenser
The value of this resistance can = Xce =- I
be found from: 27c/C
(C in Farads.)
R =V-Vo Net Reactance = X = XL - Xc.
Wavelength in metres
where V. = mains voltage, V =
total voltage of valve heaters in = 1880/LC,
series, and 4 = heater current. where L is in microhenries, and C
Inductance of Coils is in microfarads.
Resonant Frequency
The inductance (L) of tuning
coils with a single layer close
wound on, a cylindrical former is,
-1= 27rVLC or w2=LC'-
given by: Dynamic Resistance, or the re-
L = ooor n2d2n2LIC microhenries sistance at resonance of parallel
where d = diameter of coil in circuit.
ans., 1 = length of coil in ems., R= C x r
n = number of turns per cm.,
K = a factor depending on the r = equivalent series resistance.
Magnification = m -r.
Sometimes this property is de-
noted by the letter Q. P Q

Valve Anode Dissipation

The anode dissipation in watts
of a valve is given by:
I Ea
W= I,000'
where /a = steady anode current
in milliamps, and Ea the anode
LF Transformers
Iron Core Inductances. The in-
ductance of an iron core is given:
47r T2I.LA 10-9
L(H) = A B

where T = the number of turns,

= permeability, A = cross sec-
tional area in sq. cms., and 1 mag-
netic length in cms.
Magnetic Length. This is mea- D C
sured on a transformer stamping CROSS SECTION AT P -Q
as shown by the dotted line in the Fig. I. Diagram showing transformer
diagram (Fig. i). core measurements. Above, magnetic
The length line is taken cen- length; below, area.
trally along the width of the outer Turns per Volt depend on the
frame and along a quarter of the cross section area of the core, the
width of the inner limb. The mag- frequency of the supply, and the
netic length from the drawing is flux density at which the iron is
ax + worked. This is given by:
Area is accurately determined by
dividing the volume of iron in the = 4.44 so -8 fAB,
core by the magnetic length. For
general work, however, the cross where T = turns per volt, f =
section area of the frame (shown frequency, A cross section area in
at ABCD in the above drawing) square inches, and B flux density
may be taken. Measurements are in lines per sq. inch.
in centimetres. Small power radio transformers
Power Transformers. The num- with a cross sectional area of 1.5
ber of turns on the windings of a 4:1. in. have 6 turns per volt.
power transformer are in the same Output Transformers. The ratio
ratio as the primary to secondary of these depends upon valve load
voltages: and speaker impedance:
E, T, VValve Load
E,- T,' Speaker Impedance
with both values expressed in 3 times the valve AC resistance.
ohms. For parallel output valves, the
Optimum Load. This is obtained valve resistance is halved. In the
from the valve maker's data. The case of push-pull circuits the valve
optimum load is approximately a to resistance is doubled.

Weight Approx.
Diam., Section Area, Ohms per Le per 1,000 Ohms per lb. safe current]
SWG ins . sq ins . z,000 yds. per Ohm.
Yds. in amps.

ins. ozs.
so 0.00x 0'00000079 30,570 1.18 0.145 3,305,000 0.003
49 0'0012 0.00000 113 21,230 17 0'209 1,623,000 0'005
48 0.00 r 6 0'00000201 11,941 3'02 0'372 513,500 0.008
47 0'002 0'00000314 7,642 471 0.581 210,300 0.012
46 0'0024 0'00000452 5,307 6.78 0.834 101,440 0'02
45 0.0028 0.00000616 3,899 9'24 1'14 54,750 0.025
44 0.0032 0'00000804 2,983 10'77 I.49 32,090 0.03
43 0'0036 0'0000102 2,359 15.26 r88 20,040 0.04
42 0'004 0.0000 1 26 1,910 18.87 2'32 13,146 0.05
41 o0044 0'0000152 1,578 22'81 2'81 8,978 0'06
40 0.0048 0.0000181 1,326 27'15 3'35 6,340 0.07
yards lbs.
38 0.006 0.0000283 849 r18 0.327 2,597 0'I
36 0'0076 0'0000454 529 I'89 0'525 I ,008 0.15
34 0'0092 0.0000665 361 2.77 0.769 469'8 0-25
32 0.0108 0.00009 x 6 262 3.82 1.06 247.4 0'4
3o 0'0124 0'000121 199 5.03 5.40 142.85 0.5
z8 0.0148 0.000172 139'5 7.18 1.99 70.14 0.7
z6 0'018 0.000234 94'3 10.6 2'94 32.06 1.0
24 0'022 0'000330 63'2 15'8 4'4 14.366 1.5
22 0'028 0.000616 39 25-6 7.12 5'473 2.5
20 0'036 0.00102 23'6 42'4 11.8 2'004 4.0
18 0'048 0'00181 13.27 754 20.9 0'684 7'0
16 0'064 0'00322 746 134'6 37.2 0'2 r 8-o
54 0.08 0.00503 4.78 208 58.1 0.082.16 19.o
12 0'104 0'0085 2'83 353 92.8 0.02877 28.0
To 0-128 0'013 r87 535 148.8 0.012537 35'9


Conductor Resistance per l ,00n yds. at 6o*

Current Rating F. r straight single cores,
allowance being made for no
Nominal Cross- Number and Diameter twisting
sectional area (ins.) of wires

sq. in. amps. ohms.

0.0006 14/0'0076 2 39'7
0.001 23 /0.0076 3° 24.2
0.0017 40/0.0076 5 13'9
0.003 70/0'0076 10 7'94
0.0048 x ro /0.0076 15 5-05
0.007 162/0.0076 20 3'43

WIRE TABLES -Continued.


ness of Turns
SWG cover- per
in. inch.
perness Yardsthick-of

SWG cover-
ing in
mils. mils.
40 4 112'5 26,600 3,910 40 7/9 78 6,080 3,456
38 4 zoo 50,000 2,550 38 7/9 71'5 5,110 2,287
36 4 86'2 7,430 5,610 36 7/9 64 4,010 1,477
34 5 70'5 4,970 1,280 34 8/10 55 3,ozo 1,024
32 5 63'3 4,010 835 32 8/10 50'5. 2,550 755
30 5 57'5 3,300 634 30 8/10 47 2,210 587
28 5 50r5 2,550 452 28 8/zo 42 1,790 422
26 5 43'5 1,892 311 26 8/10 37 1,400 294
24 5 37 5,369 259 24 8/10 32'3 1,043 203
22 5/6 29.8 888 534 22 9/11 26'3 692 129
20 5/6 24'1 585 8r7 20 9/I1 21'7 473 79'4
18 6/7 18'3 335 46.3 18 9/11 173 299 45.4
16 7 14'1 198 26.1 16 102 13'3 177 25.6
54 7/8 1r4 13o 16'9 14 12/14 10'75 115 16'6
12 7/8 9 81 10'3 12 12/14 8'S 72 709
50 7/8' 74 54 6'63 10 12/14 71 503 6.58


yds. yds.
per oz. per oz.
47 1.2 312 97,300 1,375 47 2'2 238 56,600 1,190
46 1'2 278 77,300 1,000 46 2'2 217 47,100 871
45 1'2 250 62,500 752 M
45 2'2 200 40,000 675
44 1'2 227 51,530 599 44 2'2 185 34,200 536
42 1'2 192 36,860 387 42 2.2 161 25,900 358
40 I'3 164 26,900 276 40 2.5 137 18,800 258
per lb. per lb.
38 1.3 137 18,770 2,871 38 2.5 118 13,900 3,760
36 1'3 112 12,540 1,815 36 2.5 901 8,120 1,750
34 1'3 95-2 9,060 1,250 34 2'5 85'5 7,310 1,220
32 1'3 82.6 6,820 912 32 2'5 75'2 5,650 887
30 I'3 73 5,330 695 30 2.5 67'1 4,500 675
28 5.3 62'5 3,860 488 28 2'5 578 3,340 478
26 5.3 51.8 2,680 332 26 2'5 48'8 2,380 325
24 1'5 42'5 5,810 222 24 3 40 1,600 218
22 2 33-3 1,090 137 22 3 32.2 1,040 134
20 2 26.3 692 83.3 20 3 25.6 655 82.5
18 2 20 400 46'8 18 3 19.6 384 46'3
16 3 15 222 26'4 16 4 x47 216 261

If you run short of standard fuse wire, ordinary copper wire of suitable size can
be 'used instead. Bare wire should be employed. The two most useful sizes are:
No. 35 SWG to protect a 5 amp. circuit ; and
No. 25 SWG to protect a 15 amp. circuit.

SWG Total Thickness of Turns per inch. Tunis per sq. inch. Yards per oz.
covering in mils. I

50 0'2 833 694,000 6,480

49 0.2 714 510,000 4,510
48 0'3 526 277,000 2,540
47 0.3 435 189,000 1,630
46 0'4 357 127,500 1,128
45 0'5 303 91,800 835
44 0'5 270 72,900 642
42 o'6 217 47,10o 411
40 0.7 182 33,100 286
per lb.
38 1'0 143 20,450 2,810
36 i.c, 116 13,450 1,840
34 1'0 98 9,600 1,202
32 1'2 83'3 6,940 915
30 1'2 73'5 5,400 694
28 1.6 60.1 3,610 488
26 i'8 50-5 2,550 330
24 2-3 41'1 1,690 221
22 2'5 32'8 1,o8o 137
20 2'7 25'8 666 83'3
18 2.7 19'7 388 46'9
if, 3'5 14'8 219 26'4


SWG Diameter, ins. Chms per yard. Yards per lb. tCeunrreipcnrtaLarmePri19:%rf

100° C.

8 0.160 0.0335 4'2 29'0

9 0'144 0.0413 5'3 24'0
10 0'128 0'0523 6'7 20I
11 0'116 0'0637 8.1 18.5
12 0'104 0'0793 10'0 14'8
13 0'092 0'1013 13'0 12'6
14 0.080 0.1339 17'1 10'5
15 0'072 0'1653 21'1 9'3
16 0.064 0-2094 26.7 8'I
17 0.056 0'2733 34'9 7.0
18 0'048 0.3718 47'6 5'75
19 0.040 0'5356 68-4 4.6
20 0'036 0'6613 84'6 4'1
21 0032 0'8372 106'9 3'6
22 0'028 1'093 139'8 3'1
23 0'024 1'487 190'8 2'7
24 0'022 1'770 226'7 2.4
25 0'020 2'142 274.6 2'18
26 0'018 z'645 337'8 2'0
27 0'0164 3.186 406.5 I.8z
28 0.0148 3'914 500-0 1.66
29 0.0136 4'634 592'3 1'54
3o 0'0124 5'575 714'2 1'4
31 0'0116 6'37o 313'0 1'3
32 0'0108 7'350 943'4 1'2
33 0'100 8'571 1093'2 1'08


The values of most small com- TIP SPOT BODY
ponents in receivers are indicated
by standard arrangements of col-
oured bands or dots known as
colour codes. Leading examples
are resistors and fixed condensers.
The colour coding system has Fig. 2. This is how the
also been extended to indicate the colour code is marked
value of fuses, while connections on resistors.
to such components as multiple
condenser blocks and mains trans- TIP SPOT BODY
formers made by flexible leads, are
also coloured on definite systems.
Only ten colours are used to
denote the values of resistors and
tubular types fixed condensers.
They should be memorised, thus: Fig. 3. An alternative
o = Black. 5 = Green. method of marking, a
= Brown. 6.= Blue. band taking the place of
2 = Red. ry = Violet. the spot.
3 = Orange. 8 = Grey.
4 = Yellow. 9 = White.
As an aid to memory, the col- ORANGE
ours used are in the same order as GREEN I RED
the colours of the solar spectrum,
with black and brown at one end
and grey and white at the other.
Colour coded resistors have the
body painted in one colour, one Fig. 4. The value of this colour coded
end tipped with another, while a resistor is read as follows: Body =
third is applied in the form of a red = 2; Tip = green = 5; Spot =
dot or band. orange = 000; therefore the total value
is 25,000 ohms.
To read the code, the body
colour gives the first figure of the resistor. Only two extra colours
value, the tip the second figure, are used for this purpose. These
and the spot the number of o's that are metallic gold denoting a 5%
follow. tolerance, and metallic silver for a
Fig. 4 shows a typical resistor zo% tolerance.
fully coded and with its value read Standard resistors which are not
off below. marked with these additional
When there is apparently no colours have a tolerance of io%.
spot or tip, these then take the An alternative method of mark-
same colour as the body. ing resistors is the use of bands of
Sometimes a fourth colour is colours at one end as in Fig. 5.
added to the end opposite to the The first band A is equivalent
tip to indicate the tolerance of the to the body colour, the second
\ In these two applica-
tions of the code it will
= \ be noticed that the digit
values of the code remain
1, 4
11 A 1:1 r f") ll unchanged except for
white, which instead of
Fig. 5. Another method of coding resistors is representing 9 becomes
by bands placed at one end. Band A represents
the body colour; B the tip; C the spot; and D to% and z,000.
the tolerance value. A fully colour coded
condenser, marked as
(B) to the tip, and the third shown in Fig. 6, would have a
(C) to the spots To find the value of 30o mmfd. which equals
value of a resistor marked in this 0.0003 mfd.; a tolerance of 5%;
way, the colours are read from left and a DC voltage rating of too.
to right. If condensers are only marked
The fourth band (D) is the with three colours, the capacity
gold or silver tolerance indication. value only is indicated. In this
instance the tolerance is zo% and
Condensers the DC rating 500 v.
Fully coded fixed condensers of Some condensers are marked
the tubular and elongated rect- with only two colours giving an
angular type carry five dots or indication of tolerance and voltage
bands near one end. The first three rating. If, however, only one dot
indicate the value in micro -micro - or band is used, the tolerance
farads in the same manner as for only is indicated.
resistors. The fourth colour indi- However many colours are
cates the tolerance, and the fifth used, they are always grouped at
the DC voltage rating. one end, and are read from left to
Colours used to indicate toler- right from this end.
ance and voltage rating are: Here is a point to be born in
mind about the grouping of the
Colour Toler- Voltage colours. Where the five colours
ance Rating
are used and owing to the size of
Brown i% 1 oo the condenser they cannot be
Red . . 2% zoo readily arranged in one line, they
Orange 30/, 300

may be split up and placed on
. 400
Green . 5% 500 different sides of the condenser.
Blue . 6% 600 In this case the group of three
Violet . 7% loo colours will indicate the capacity
Grey . 8% Soo
White . to% 1,000
of the condenser, and the oth er
two, which would appear on an -

Fig. 6. A fully
colour coded
dots are always
read from left
1 1,

to right
Aerial, short-wave, 39, 42, 208
Abbreviations, 492 Skyrod, 259
AC, see Alternating Current. superheterodynes for, 385
and DC compared, 47t television, 39
impedance bridge, 307 transformers, 260
meters, 301 transmitting, 21, 120, 152, 211
Accident prevention, electronic, 402 short-, quarter- and half -wave, 133, 208, 213
Accumulators, 263, 268 AF (audio frequency), see LF.
alkaline cells, 268 Air condensers, 26
buckling of plates, 274 Aircraft radio, 141
capacity of cells, 272 aerials de-icing, x43
charge and discharge curves, 272 fixed, 143
charge indicating tell -tales, 270 position of, 143, 175
charging, see also Battery Charging 275 trailing, 143
chemical action, /68 aids to navigation, 246
colour of plates, 272 altimeter, electronic, 402
construction, 273 blind flying, 167
discharge ratings, 272 landing or approach, x68, 40:
Edison cell, 289 course beacons, 167, 270
electrolyte, 274 direction -finding theory, 146
evaporation of, 271 aerials, 247
specific gravity of, 269, 274 loop, x62
Faure-plate design, 268 position of, 162, '75
forming plates, 268 remote control, 262, 164
gassing, 27r 281 screened loop, z58
hydrometer for checking charge, 270 equipment described, 172
identifying polarity, 275 calibration of, 164
Nife cell, 292 quadrantal error, 163
pasted plates, 268 earth or bonding, 142
Plante plates, 268 glide -path indicator, 270
separators, 274 homing systems, x65
sludge, 275 aural, x65
sulphating, 281 visual, 167
"topping -up" cells, 272 with general-purpose receiver, x66
Adaptor, valve, 302 instrument flying, 167
Aerial, Adcock DF, ,6o interference, 176
aircraft, 243, 247 power supplies, 144
all -wave anti -static, 260 radio compass, 165
amplifier, 385 wavelengths used, 141
anti -static, 40, 43, 245, 248, 368 Alignment of circuits, 362
beam, 35, 215 Alkaline accumulators, 268, 289
Bellini-Tosi DF, 152 All -dry battery receivers, see Receivers.
co -axial feeders, 212 All -wave receivers, see Receivers.
coupling all -wave, 48 Alternating Current (AC), 271, 474
tuned, 47 angular velocity, 478
cross -over feeders, 212 average value, 494
currents, 207 circuits, capacity in, 473
beam, 35 power in, 475
dimensions, 35, 38 resistance in, 475
dipole or Hertzian, 39, 210 self-induction in, 476
impedance value, 39 cycle, 473
direction -finding, 146, 290 definitions, 474
distribution of voltage and current in, 207 effects and vector diagrams, 482
doublet type, 39, 210, 26o form factor, 494
down leads, 37 frequency, 474
shielded, 259 fundamental formulae, 482, 494
twin, 39, 42, 212 meters, 302
Eliminoise, 258 peak volts, 475
feeders, 212 periodicity, 474
fitting of, 367 phase angle, 475, 482
frame, 34, 41, 44, 146, 292 power factor, 475, 494
directional effect, 41, 43, 146, xgx RMS value, 475, 494
testing, 33x sine wave, 474
homing, x65 supply mains standard, 474
indoor, 369 transformers, 478
insulators, 38, 143, 198, 368 three-phase supplies, 475
lead in, see Down Leads. Ammeter, 294
lightning arrestors, 368 Ampere, 470
loop, see Frame. Amplification, Class A, 62
matching to receiver, 39 Class B, 97
natural wavelength, 132 factor, 487
receiving, 23, 34, 39 liF, transformer coupling, 53
resonance, 37 tuned anode coupling, 53
rod -type, 43, 259 variable, 52
series condenser, 47 LF, auto -transformer coupling, 63
shiPs, 197 resistance capacity coupling, 61, 64
Amplification, LF, transformer coupling, 61 Battery charging, carbon -lamp resistance table,
Amplifier, aerial, 385 278
driver or swinger, 376 checking acid level, 28r
large -output LF, 376 circuits AC, 287, 288, 289, 200, 291
microphone, 376 DC, 277, 278, 279, 281
relay circuits, 378 petrol -engine installation, 284
remote control, 377 constant -current method, 276
valve as, 5o voltage method, 282
Amplitude, 28 diluting add, 282
modulation, 32 direct from DC mains, 275, 278
Analyser, AC, 301 with rheostat, 277
DC, 294 with carbon lamps, 278
home-made, 299 Edison cell, 289
how to use, 304 evaporation of electrolyte, 231
Anode, 471, 485 first charge, 282
bend rectification, 57 hydrometer as charge check, 28o
current, effect of emission on, 487 maximum currents, 278
effect of grid bias on, 487 Nife cell, 292
dissipation formula, 496 parallel method, 276, 280
load, 52, 489 rates, 28o
volt -drop resistance formula, 495 series method, 276
Antenna, see Aerials. shock danger, minimising, 279
Anti -static aerials, 40, 43, 245, 258, 368 specific gravity of electrolyte, 282
Argon -gas rectifiers, 285, 288 state of charge shown by hydrometer. 28o
Atmospherics, 23, 239 by plate colour, 281
Armature, 474 temperature rise dangers, 281
Atoms, 8, 466 testing DC mains polarity, 275
Attenuator for trimming receivers, 3r2 DC mains earth, 279
Audio oscillator, 314 Battery connections, colour code, 502
Automatic frequency control, 95 receivers, see Receivers.
gain control, see AVC. Beat frequency oscillator, 314, 415
grid bias, see also Grid Bias, 76 Bellini-Tosi DF System, 152
tuning, 88 Bias, see Grid Bias.
volume control (AVC), 79 Bomb detectors, electronic, 399, 403
basic circuit, 8o Bridge circuits, 307
delayed, 13, Broadcast relay systems, 396
servicing, 353 Brushes, motor, 336, 475
to counteract fading, 208 Burglar alarms, electronic, 403, 410
Auxiliary grid in pentodes, 490
Avometer, 297
BACK EMF, 18, 476 Capacity, 480
Background noises in superhets, 35 bridge or tester, 306
Ballast resistance, 78, 495 Carbon microphone, 130, 184, 372
Band-pass tuners, 5o Cathode, 471, 485
Band repeater equipment, see Public Address. Cathode-ray tubes, 218
Bare copper wire table, 497 anode assemblies, 220
Bass -note control, see Tone Control. electron gun, 219
Batteries, wet and dry, 263 electronic applications, 400, 404, 416
chemical action, 265 electrostatic: focussing, 219. 222
construction, 264, 265 fluorescent screen, 220
depolarises, 263 light -spot modulation, 226
discharge and recovery curves, 265, 266 magnetic focussing, 219. 223
discharge rate, 267, 268 magnetic tube assembly, 221
dry, construction, 263 oscillograph, 317
electrodes, 263 rastert 221, 224, 227
electrolyte, 263, 266 scanning, 221
HT and GB dry, 15, 264 signs and symbols, 3!
construction, 267 simple diagram, 218
LccLanche, 264 time base, 226
local action, 264, 266 circuit, 230
LT or filament types, 267 tuning indicators, 83
manganese dioxide, 266 Centring MC speakers, 332
polarisation, 264, 266 Characteristic curves of valves, 57, 52, t85
sack or dolly, 263 Chassis cradles for servicing, 323
sal -ammoniac, 266 Chokes HF, testing. 326
shelf life, 265 LF, testing. 326
voltages produced, 265 Church PA installations, 392
Volta's discovery, 263 Circuit alignment, 362
Battery charging, 275 definition of, 469
AC rectifiers, 284 diagrams, how to read, 105
Argon gas types, 285, 288 of typical receivers, 107
electrolytic types, 285 signs and symbols, 30, 50, 72
mercury vapour, 288 Class B output, 97
metal types, 285 Clerk Maxwell, 5, ix
Standard Telephones, 285, 287 Coherer, 25
Tungar, 285, 288 Coils (inductances), 15, 17, 25, 49, 495
valve, 285, 287 dynamic resistance, 495
voltage adjustments, 286 iron -dust cored, 73, 91, 365
Westinghouse, 285 magnification formula, 496
car batteries, 283 matching, 316
Coils, reactance of, 43, 495 Dipole aerials, 39, 2 to
resonant frequency, 495 Direct current, 465
testing, 327, 339 direction of flow, 471
variable permeability, 92 equation for, 494
wavelength and frequency, 495 generation, 474
winding formulae, 495 measures of, 466, 470
Colour codes, 50o meters, 294
Commutator, 474 pulsating, 475
cleaning, 336 Direction -finding, x46, Igo
undercutting, 336 absolute direction, 151
Compass, 473 aerials, frame or loop, t47, 190
Component signs and symbols, 30, 50, 72 Buried U, 160
Components, testing, 326 screened loop, x58
Condenser, 15, 480 size of, 248
Leyden Jar, 16 Adcock System, 16o
microphone, 373 arrangement of DF scales. I52
reactance of, 43 Bellini-Tosi System. 152
Condensers, fixed, by-pass, 75 Cathode-ray tube methods, 418
colour code, 5o0 errors, 157
decoupling, 76, 36z direct pick-up, 159
electrolytic, 306, 310, 456 night effect, x59
testing, 330 quadrantal, 159
faults in, 306, 329 vertical, x57
high -voltage, 16 Figure 8 polar diagram, 148
in parallel, 48r. 494 heart -shaped polar diagram, 151
in series, 482, 494 in aircraft, x61
manufacture, 453 in ships, 190
multiple -block colour code, 502 magnetic variation, 149
testing, x6, 306, 316, 329, 361 reciprocal bearing, 150
types of, 453 polar diagrams, 148, 151
voltage rating, 459 radio compass, 190
Condensers, variable, 24, 47 Goniometer, 153, 194
microphonic, roo search coil, x52
special for superhets, 70 sensing a bearing, x5o, 192
testing, 33o, 340 shore beacons, 192
trimming, padding and tracking, 7t, 362 taking a bearing, 149, 151. 193
Conductors, 467 area of doubt, x55
Continuity testing (phones and battery), 343 single point, 156
Control devices, electronic, 401 three point, 155
Converter, rotary, 323, 385, 393 "wireless fix", x56
Counting Devices, electronic, 412 Directional baffle speakers, 386
Coupled circuits in resonance, 5o Discriminator stage and valve. 95
Crackling in receivers, locating, 33o, 332, 358 Distorted cone, 332
Crystal, 26, /8o Distortion in I.F amplifiers, 63
detector, 25, 080 pick-up faulty, 337
for frequency control, 127 receiver faulty, 332
microphones, 373 speaker faulty, 332
Piezo-electric, 286 Double diode, 74, 81, 487
receivers, see Receivers, Crystal. pentode, 74
speakers, 104 triode, 74, 8t
Current, AC, see Alternating Current. Double (full) wave rectification, 76 286, 187
AC and DC compared, 471 Doublet aerials, 39, 210
DC, see Direct Current. Driver amplifier, 376
eddy, 479 valve, 97
electric, 8, 12, 466, 469 Dry cells, 263
supply for receivers, 75 Dust or filings in magnet gaps. 337
Dynamic servicing, 348, 355
testing, 36x EARTH POTENTIAL, 468
Delay valve, 379 Earths, 38, 41, 370
Delayed AVC, 81 counterpoise, 33, 42
Demodulation, see Detection. Echoes in short-wave reception, 204
Depth -sounding, 035 Eddy currents, 479
Detection or rectification, theory, 32, 54, 486 Edison accumulator, 239
anode bend, 57 Electric field, 467
crystal, 25, x8o Electrical power, 470
cumulative grid, 56 formulae and data, 494
diode, 55 quantities and constants, 491
LT, see Rectification. symbols, 491
testing circuits, 59, 349, 356 units, 466, 476, 480, 491
triode, 56, 486 Electricity, charges of, 467
Detector, cohcrer, 25 chemically produced, 467
crystal circuit, x80 frictional. 467
carborundum, 26, x8o generation principles, 473
Dielectric, x5, 48o mechanically produced, 463, 473
Diode characteristics, 486 static, 468
rectification effect, 55 Electro magnet, 473, 476
saturation current in, .485 magnetic waves, 5, 9, II, 39, 199
space charge in, 485 motive force, 15. 466
valve HF, 55, 74, 485 static force, 468
LF, 76, 78, 485 Electrolyte, 263, z66, 28z
Electrolytic condensers, 306, 310, 456 Grid bias battery, 76, 487
testing, 330 resistance formula, 495
Electrolytic rectifiers, 285 leak and condenser, 56
Electron coupling, 72 Ground -waves, 204
Electron engineering or Electronics, 400
accident prevention in engineering, 402 HALF (SINGLE) WAVE RECTIFICATION, 78, 486
alarm devices, 420 Harmonic analyser, 404
cathode-ray tube applications, 404, 416 Harmonics, 27
control devices in industry, 401 Headphones, see Telephones.
counting devices, 412 Hearing, range of, 26
direction -finding, 418 Heaters 486
free electron, science of, 400 Heaviside Layer, 200
gas discharge lighting, 419 Henry, 476
relays, 401, 422 Heptode frequency changer, 72
inverter circuit, 412 HF amplification, need for, 32
measuring devices, 403, 414, 416 transformer coupled, 53
meters, 414 tuned anode, 53
neon -tube lighting, 419 ganged circuits, 54
oscillators AF, 415 installations in flats, 385
photo -cells described, 405 pentode, 5o
devices, 402 stage, 52
thyratron, uses of, 422 transformer, 53
Electrons, 8, 13, 465 waves, see Wireless Waves.
production of, by heated filament, 485 Horn speakers, 386
EMF, see Electro Motive Force. Horse power, 466
back, 476 Hospital electronic installations, 403
Emission, 485 radio installations, 388
Enamelled wire table, 499 Hotel PA installations, 385
Energy, 465 Howling, 345, 360
Ether, 6 HT precautions in big amplifiers, 378
Eureka wire table, 49q economiser circuits, 99
Extra speakers, switching and wiring, 370 inverter circuit, 412
smoothing faults, 359
FACTORY PA INSTALLATIONS, 388 vibrator units, 393
production methods, 422 Hum bucking coils in loudspeakers, 77, 355
Fading, 206 finger, 217
methods of avoiding, 208 locating in receivers, 348. 359
Farad, 480 Hydrometer, 270
Faraday's Law of Induction, 473 Hydrophone, 187
Fault-finding in components, 326
In receivers, 345 IMPEDANCE, 482, 494
Feed -back, in valves, so matching speaker to valve, 68, 489
negative. 87 valve, 488
reaction, 59 Indirectly heated cathodes, 76, 486
Field, electrostatic, 9, 241, 467 Inductance, 17, 476
magnetic, 241, 467 coil of wire, see Coil.
winding, 67 AC circuit containing, 476
Filament (cathode), 485 formula, 495
Fire alarms, electronic, 403 of a solenoid, 476
Flats, PA and HF installations, 385 resistance and capacity in series, 477
Flexible wire table, 497 unit of, 476
Foot pounds, 465 Inductances in parallel, 481, 495
Force, 465 in series, 481, 495
lines of, 467 magnetic field of, 476
Formulae and data, 494 testing, see Coils.
Frame aerials, see Aerials, Frame. Induction, 473
Free electrons, science of, 400 coil, 20
Frequency, 6, 22, 22, 474 electro magnetic. 473
changer, 33, 70 electro static, 468
control, automatic, 95 magnetic, 473
fundamental, 27 Industrial loudspeakers, 346
intermediate, 33, 69 Instability in receivers, 360
measurement, 226 Insulated wire tables, 498
meter, 414 Insulation tester, 320
musical instrument ranges, 27 Insulators, 3, 467
natural, 120, 483 aerial, 38, 368
spectrum, 13 Interference (suppression), 239
ultrasonic, 287 anti -static aerials. 40, 245, 258
velocity and wavelength, 22 Eliminoise, 258
Full (double) wave rectification, 76, 487 Skyrod. 259
Fundamental frequency, 27 at receiver, 240, 245. 255
Fuses, colour code, 502 increasing selectivity, 261
testing, 332 siting mains suppressor, 255
modulation hum, 257
GAS DISCHARGE LIGHTING, 418 at source, 240, 252
relay valve, 229, 401, 422 atmospherics, 239
Ganging or trimming, 362 cause of, 241
Goniometer, 153, 194 characteristic noises, 243
Grid, 487 choke as suppressor, 247
characteristic curves, 57 condenser as suppressor, 246
bias, automatic, 76, 487 size of, 249
Interference, cost of suppression, 240 Loudspeakers, testing, 332, 355
fields of, 241, 258 tweeter, 104
flex lead unit, 253 Lubrication chart for motors, 336
forms of, 239
generation of, 241 MAGIC EYE TUNING INDICATORS, 83
lightning, 239 Magnet, 7, 472
location of source of, 245 electm, 473, 476
machinery grouped under noises made, 245 Magnetic attraction and repulsion, 473
mains suppressors, 245 field, 7, 18, 241, 467
man-made static, 239 lines of force, 7, 467
mush, 240 Magnetism, 7, 472
noises by faulty receiver, 239 theory of, 472
radio transmissions, 262 Magneto-striction, 187
screening machinery, 249 Mains, AC standard, 474
receivers and components, 259 identifying earthed side, 280
static, 239 testing DC polarity, 275
suppressor circuits, 247 transformers, 76
battery chargers, 254 buzzing by, 327
car ignition systems, 254 colour coded leads, 502
large electric motors, 253 testing, 333
lifts, 254 turns ratio, 496
medical apparatus, 255 Marconi, 5
signs, flashing and neon, 254 early transmitters, 14, 20
small electric motors, 252 Matching speakers to output valves, 68, 489
theory of, 239 Mechanical units, 465
transmission paths, 242 Megger, 320
typical commercial suppressors, 250 Mercury vapour rectifiers, 288, 279
wavebands covered, 242 Metal rectifying units, 99, 285
wavetrape, use of, 262 theory of, 285
Intermediate frequency, 33. 69, 70 Meter, electronic, 403, 414
amplifier, 33, 73 frequency, 414
coupling, variable, 86 light, 403, 409
transformers, testing, 342, 356 .multi -purpose, 294
Intermittent reception, causes, 360 moving -coil, 294
Inverter circuit, 412 iron, 301
Ionised atmospheric layers, zoo photographic exposure, 409
Ionisation causing soft valves, 305 sensitivity of, 296
Ions, zoo, 266, 288, 400 shunts for, 296
Iron -dust -cored coils, 73 types of, 294
adjusting, 365 valve voltmeter, 414
hficrofarad, 480
FORMERS, 327 carbon, 130, 184, 372
Leyden Jar, 16 circuits, I30
Lift control, electronic, 403, 410 condenser, 373
Light waves, 5 crystal, 375
meter, 403, 409 moving -coil, 131, 374
Lighting, neon and gas tube, 418 ribbon, 374
Lines of force, 467 transverse current, 373
LF amplifiers, 376 Microphonic components, 360
auto -transformer coupling, 63 condensers, roo
choke and resistance coupling, 6i valves, roe, 343, 360
circuits, 60, 64 wiring, 360
oscillators, 314, 415 Milliammeter, 294
parallel feed, 63 calculating shunts for, 297
resistance capacity coupling, 61, 64 Mixer (frequency changer), 70
testing, 331, 350 controls and circuits, 376
transformer coupling, 61 Mixing speakers, 370
waves, 6, 27 Mobile PA equipment, 394
Locating crackling, 330 Modulated oscillator, 315
huni, 348, 359 Modulation, 26, 32, 131
interference, 245 Molecule, 466
LT batteries, see Accumulators. Morse Code and how to learn, 134
Loudspeakers, 32, 66 key, 123, 180
balanced armature, 332 adjustments, 136, 138
colour code, 503 Motor boating, 348, 361
concealed, 387 Motors, bedding brushes, 336
crystal, 104 commutator cleaning, 335
directional baffle, 386 control, electronic, 413
energised moving coil, 67 oiling chart, 336
extra, switching and wiring, 370 testing, 333
high -impedance, 68 tuning, 92
born, 386 Moving coil, see Loudspeakers; Speech Coil.
industrial, 386 meters, 294
low -impedance, 68 microphone, 131, 374
matching to output valve, 68, 489 speakers, testing, 332, 355
mixing various impedances, 370 Moving -iron meters, 301
moving -coil, 67 testing, 332
moving -iron, 66, 332 Mu (Amplification factor), 52, 487
permanent magnet moving -coil, 68 Multi -band receivers, 49
projector, 386 Multiple and sub -units, 492
Musical instrument frequency ranges, 27 Potentiometer, testing, 339
Mutual conductance, 305, 488 Power, 465
amplifier, 64
NATURAL FREQUENCY, 120, 483 equation for, 494
Negative feed -back, 87, 426 factor, 475, 494
Neon tuning indicators, 83 alternating currents, 475
rectification, 420 supply in AC receivers, 76
tube lighting, 419 in AC/DC receivers, 78
voltage tester, 322 PA equipment, 393
Neutron, 467 valves, 64, 489
Nife accumulator, 292 Press -button tuning, 88, 91
Noises, kinds of and tests for, 330, 316, 358 Pre -tuned circuits, 90
Noisy transformers and chokes, 327 Primary batteries, 263
valves, 343, 358 windings, 478
Notation of values, 492 Production in factories, 422
Nucleus, 467 assembly department, 425
line, 426, 528
OCTODE FREQUENCY CHANGER, 73 cabinet section, 425
Office interconununicators, 395 charge -hands, 430
Ohm, 469 chemical laboratory, 451
Ohm's Law, 469, 494 coil -winding, 445
Ohmmeter, 294, 299, 32o component manufacture, 445
shunts for, 300 condenser manufacture, 453
zero adjuster, 300 designers' problems, 422
Oiling chart for motors, 336 drawing office, 425
Oscillation, 5, II, 18 "dressing" chassis wiring, 434.
producing, 19 hand -made models, 425
stopper resistance, 116 "heat -run", 444
Oscillator, audio, 314, 415 humidity tests, 444
beat -note, 415 inspection department, 425, 431
electronic, 415 machine workshop, 426
service, 311, 347. 355 mass -production variations, 436
"wobbulator" type, 417 opportunities for employment, 422
Oscillators in supcehets, 7o packing department, 441
faults in circuits, 329, 355 planning engineer, 426
intermittent operation, 357 planning new programme, 423, 427
Oscillatory circuit, 22o, 483 production committee, 427
closed, 120 research department, 422
natural frequency, 220, 483 sales department, 423
Oscillograph, cathode ray, 317 service department, 422, 451
optical, 189 "soak tests", 443
Output circuits, 64, 97 sub -assemblies, 429
meters, 313, 363 technical section, 422
stage, 64, 97 test limits, 436
transformer ratio, 496 test rack described, 437
valves, 64. 97 testing chassis, 434
Overheated components, 348 staff, 432
under home conditions, 440
PADDING CONDENSERS, 362 tool-making department, 426
Parallel feed LF, 63, to9 training women, 442
output valves, 65 transport tests, 443
Peak volts, 475 valve manufacture, 460
Pentagrid, 72 anode stamping, 461
Pentode valve, HF, 5o, 490 blowing glass bulbs, 462
LF, 64, 490 electrode assembly, 461
output, 64 filament construction, 46o
principles, 490 "getter" ignition, 464
Periodicity, 474 grid -winding, 461
Permanent magnet loudspeakers, 63 metal valves, 463
Permeability tuning, 92 vacuum pumps, 463
Petrol motor battery chargers, 283 Projector loudspeakers, 386
Phase angle, 475 Protons, 8, 467
Phones, see Telephones. Public address (PA), 372
Photo -cell, 224, 227, 405 amplifiers. 376
conducting type, 405 band repeater equipment, 393
devices, 401 church installations, 392
emissive type, 406 factory installations, 386
gas -filled or soft cells, 407 fault-finding, 390
Photronic or photo -voltaic type, 408 flat installations, 385
selenium cell, 406 hospital installations, 388, 390
Photo -voltaic substances, 484 hotel installations, 385
I'ick-ups, distorted reproduction, 337 HT and GB precautions, 378
testing, 337 loudspeakers, 386
Piezoelectric crystal theory, 166 microphones, 372
l'ilot lamps, 119 mobile equipments, 394
Plugs and sockets, 338 portable equipments, 393
Polarisation, 206 rack amplifiers, 377
Portable PA equipment, 393 ships, 198
receivers, see Receivers. tone correction, 384
Positive feed -back, see Reaction. wiring layouts, 388
Potential, 466 Push-pull circuits, 65, 97
Tuning, automatic, motor -driven, 92, 94 Valve, QPP, 98
permeability tuned, 92 rectifier, full -wave, 76, 288, 486
pre -tuned circuits, go half -wave, 78, 288, 486
push-button unit, 9r secondary emission, 51, 489
telephone dial type, go screened grid (tetrode), 5o
dead points, 33o short-wave, 215
indicators, 82 slope, 305, 488
cathode-ray tube type (Magic Eye), 83 space charge, 485
meter types, 82 suppressor grid, 490
moving -iron types, symbols, 31, 50, 72, 230
neon types, 83 television, special types, 236
Tweeter speakers, 104 testers, 302
testing, 301, 342
tetrode, 5o, 489
ULTRA -SHORT WAVE.' 201, 235 thyratron, 23o, 411
Ultra -sonic frequencies, 187 triode, 50, 487
Units and symbols, 491 hexode, 72
and equivalents, 492 pentode, 72
variable mu, 52, 490
VALVE, AC, 76, 486 voltmeter, 315, 414
AC resistance, 488 Vector diagrams, 482
acorn, 215 Velocity, wavelength and frequency, 12
adaptor, 302 Vibrator HT units, 393
all -dry battery, 75, no Volt, 466
amplification factor, 52, 487 Voltage doubler rectifiers, 287
amplifier, 5o dropping resistor, 75, 495
anode, 485 tester, neon, 322
dissipation, 489, 496 tests on receivers, 351
load, 52, 489 Volta's discovery, 263
ballast resistance formula, 495 Voltmeter, 294, 297
battery, 485 moving -coil, 294
beam tetrode, 490 moving -iron, 294, 3o1
cathode, 485 multi -range, 298
characteristic curves, 57, 485 series resistances for, 297
Class B, 97 valve, 315
delay type, 379 volume controls, testing, 341
detector, see Detection. constant impedance, 382
diode, 55, 486
discriminator, 95 WANDERPLUCS COLOUR CODE, 502
double diode, 74, 81, 487 Watt, 470
pentode, 74 Wave, 5
triode, 81 carrier, 32
driver, 97 Wavebands, 23, 25, 141, 179, 204
economy, too Wavelength, 13, 12
emission tests of, 302 velocity and frequency, 22
feed back in, so Wavemeter, 125
frequency changer, 72 heterodyne, 126
gas relay, 229, 401, 411 Waves, clear° magnetic, 5, 9, 12, 29
grid, 487 light- and heat-, 5
bias, 76, 487 sound-, 6, 27
heptode, 72 wireless, see Wireless Waves.
HF pentode, 5o Wavetrap, to8
impedance, 488 Welding control, electronic, 413
indirectly heated cathode, 486 Westinghouse metal rectifiers, 285
manufacture, 460 Whistling, causes, 362
mercury vapour, 379 Wire tables, 497
metal, 463 Wired wireless, 398
microphonic, too, 343, 360 Wireless waves, 5, 9, 12, 29, 199
mixer, 72 beam transmission, 212
mutual conductance, 305, 488 diffraction of, 199
octode, 73 effect of ionised atmospheric layers, sot
optimum load, 68, 489, 497 fading, 206
oscillator, 70 ground -wave, 204.
output, matching to speaker, 68, 489 Heaviside Layer, 200, 103
pentodes, 64 long -waves, 23
triodes, 64 micro -waves, 214
paralleled, 65 polarisation of, 2126
pea -nut, 215 radiation, 199
pentagrid, 72 short -waves, 28, 199
pentode HF, 50, 490 skip distance, 204
LF, 64, 490 ultra -short, 205
power, 64, 489 Wobbulator oscillator, 4x7
push-pull, 65, 97 Work, 465

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by Richard Clay 6 Co., Ltd., Bungay, Suffolk.

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