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1984: Chapters 3 and 4 (Worksheet)

Exercise A: Multiple Choice Questions (Chapter 3)

1. What is the significant about the church where Winston and Julia meet?
a) It has security cameras and microphones that they have to disengage.
b) The church is in perfect condition, although it is never used for services.
c) It lies in a part of the country where there are hardly any people.
d) A bomb falls on it just days before Winston and Julia go there.
2. What is something that is true about Winston and Julia’s meetings?
a) That sometimes they would immediately cancel them because they saw something suspicious.
b) That in one case a party member deliberately discharged a bomb near them to kill them.
c) That every time they met they would always kiss.
d) That Julia would always carry on her conversations regardless of what was going on around her.
3. Why does Julia make banners for Hate Week?
a) She believes that it is her duty as a citizen of Airstrip One.
b) O’Brien said that she had to do it, otherwise he would sack her.
c) She thinks that it will mean that people are not suspicious of her.
d) Her parents were artists and she inherited the same talent from them.
4. What is something that is true about Pornosec?
a) They have a huge variety of plots in their publications.
b) No men work there.
c) It is in the process of being closed by Big Brother.
d) Julia works in the Rewrite Squad there.
5. What is Julia’s opinion on the Party?
a) She thinks that it must be crushed completely.
b) She wants to work together with Winston in order to overthrow it.
c) She disobeys its rules, but she sees its existence as a fact of life.
d) She wants to get a job that pays better within it, then she will stop rebelling.
6. Why are the Party so against people having sex?
a) They are worried about the potential diseases it could cause.
b) They don’t want people to have children.
c) They believe that people’s enjoy and enthusiasm should be focussed on supporting the Party.
d) They want people to focus on being happily married and stable.
7. Why did Winston point out some unusual flowers to his wife, Katharine?
a) He was amazed by their beauty.
b) He was thinking about killing her.
c) He knew that no-one would hear him.
d) He wanted it to be a romantic moment.
8. When Orwell writes, ‘there was no such thing as happiness, that the only victory lay in the future, long after
you were dead, that from the moment of declaring way on the Party it was better to think of yourself as a
corpse’ he is describing the thoughts of…
a) Winston
b) Big Brother
c) O’Brien
d) Julia
9. What is true about Winston and Julia’s relationship?
a) That they find common ground in most of their conversations.
b) That they completely disagree with each other on matters such as life and death.
c) That they are passionately in love.
d) That they want to create a better world than the one they live in.

Exercise B: True or False (Chapter 4)

1. Mr Charrington deeply objected to letting the room to Winston. True/False

2. Winston believes that hiring the room will make it harder to get caught. True/False
3. Winston has no desire whatsoever to be married to Julia. True/False
4. The taste of real sugar reminds Winston of being a child again. True/False
5. Julia surprises Winston by putting on cosmetic products. True/False
6. Julia wants to wear nice things to be defiant against the Party. True/False
7. Julia is terrified of rats. True/False
8. In Airstrip One, oranges and lemons are frequently eaten. True/False
9. Winston is fascinated by the glass paperweight because it is so expensive. True/False


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