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Chapters Two and Three: Worksheet

Exercise A: Organizing Task

Working in pairs, highlight whether these events happen in Chapter 2 or 3.

1. Winston performs The Physical Jerks in front of his telescreen. Chapter Two/Chapter Three
2. Winston imagines an idyllic place called the Golden Country. Chapter Two/Chapter Three
3. The telescreen place the Anthem, ‘Oceania…’tis for thee.’ Chapter Two/Chapter Three
4. Mrs Parsons’s son hits Winston with a catapult. Chapter Two/Chapter Three
5. We learn that Winston had a younger sister. Chapter Two/Chapter Three
6. Winston is fatalistic about his having committed thoughtcrime. Chapter Two/Chapter Three
7. There is news on Oceania annihilating a Eurasian army. Chapter Two/Chapter Three
8. We learn that Winston’s mother died thirty years ago. Chapter Two/Chapter Three

Exercise B: Cloze Activity (Chapter 2)

Eurasian older wispy Youth League hanging

Spies darkness terrorized dingy slovenly

Match the words below to the sentences.

1. Mrs Parsons has __________ hair and a lined face.

2. Mrs Parsons looks ___________ than her age.
3. Because of its unwelcoming appearance, the Parsons’s house is considered ___________ by the narrator.
4. Tom Parsons had been a member of both the ___________ and the ____________.
5. Tom Parsons is considered a model supporter of the Party, but he has a ____________ appearance and
smells unpleasantly.
6. The boy yells that Winston is a ___________ spy and tells him to put his hands up.
7. Mrs Parsons explains the children’s behaviour by saying that they had wanted to go to the ___________.
8. Winston thinks that the parents are ____________ by their own children, who are zealously loyal to the
9. The phrase, ‘We shall meet in a place where there is no _____________,’ is mentioned for the first time in
association with O’Brien.

Exercise C: Discussion

Discuss the two questions below about key events in Chapter 2.

1. In what ways are the Parsons children both normal and abnormal?
2. What could the phrase, ‘We shall meet in a place where there is no darkness’, mean?

Exercise D: Ordering

Order the events of Chapter 3

A) Winston imagines that he is in the Golden Country. ________

B) The falsification of Big Brother’s biographical history is described. ________
C) Winston remembers an old man who was grieving for the loss of a child. ________
D) Winston reminisces about war and escaping with his father during an air raid. ________
E) The instructress mentions the war effort and ‘our boys on the Malabar front.’ ________
F) We learn that the Party has claimed to have invented aeroplanes. ________
G) Winston has a dream about his family. ________
H) The narrator describes how the Party has complete control over historical fact. ________
I) Winston is woken up by the telescreen after dreaming of Julia. ________
Exercise E

Identify which themes are explored in which chapter

A) Winston’s fear of being arrested for doublethink

B) The way in which children have been brainwashed by the Party
C) Winston’s romanticism
D) The party’s manipulation of history for its own aggrandizement
E) The desire for public spectacle and torture
F) The difficulty in accessing what happened in the past
G) Winston’s fatalism
H) The concept of tragedy being something belonging to a past time

Chapter 2 Chapter 3

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

Exercise F

Explain how Chapter 2 and 3 are different in terms of

Winston’s Development as a Character

The Party’s Development as an Antagonistic Force

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