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Instructions TO DO



1. Describe your research problem and define the variables of your study. (This is where you will use
the definitions of variables that each member of the group has searched.)
2. Enumerate the reasons why you decided to conduct a study about the research problem
3. Describe the locale of your study (ANHS / Asipulo) and mention only information that has a
significant bearing on the variables being studied. For example, you can describe the existing and
prevailing problem or situation in your locale relative to your research topic.
* The sample below shows how the variable in the study “Parental Involvement in Reading” is defined. It
further describes the current situation in the locale or setting which is DepEd schools.

Philippines ranking the lowest in reading comprehension is alarming but not

surprising. Even the Department of Education (DepEd) recognized this result of the This part
2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey because it is describes the
reflective of the learners’ low performance in English proficiency in the National situation in
Achievement Tests. With Philippines at the bottom among 79 countries, a sharper the Philippine
focus and active involvement, cooperation, and collaboration of the entire nation is education,
needed to address the quality in basic education. Thus, DepEd launched the Sulong which
EduKalidad which, according to former Education Secretary Leonor Briones, is a move explains the
to innovate Philippine education. This involves aggressive reforms in four key areas rationale or
which includes engagement of stakeholders for support and collaboration. The other justification
areas are K to 12 curriculum review and update, improvement of learning facilities, and for choosing
teachers and school heads upskilling and reskilling (Department of Education, 2019). the research
In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic caused unprecedented conditions in the
students’ learning. DepEd then focused on the implementation of DO No. 012, s. 2020
or the Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) which aimed
to ensure that quality educational services would still be delivered to the learners
through the different modalities. However, attaining quality education was hampered
by the challenges experienced by both the teachers and learners together with their
parents. Among the problems encountered were students’ struggle with self-learning,
parents’ lack of knowledge to academically guide their children, unsatisfactory learning
outcomes, financial constraints, lack of technological devices, poor to no internet
access, personal problems on health and stress, and lack of affective or emotional
support (Agaton & Cueto, 2021; Alvarez Jr., 2020; Dangle & Sumaoang, 2020; Mataac,
2021). Hence, DepEd prioritized these urgent problems while addressing the reading

Parental involvement refers to the participation of parents in their children’s This part
educational activities whether in school or at home. These activities could occur defines the
between a parent and a child or a parent and teachers which leads to the children’s main variable
educational development (Iroegbu & Igweike, 2020). Parental involvement does not which is
only involve cognitive support but also emotional support (He, 2015 as cited in Lee Tse parental
and Kim Hua, 2021). involvement.

Parental involvement is being obliged since teachers cannot solely resolve the
learners’ problem in reading skills given the limited time in school. On the other hand,
parents can make impact in the reading development of their children as evidenced by
previous studies; however, constant and sufficient support from the teachers, the
school, and even the community is needed (Lee Tse & Kim Hua, 2021; Sahiruddin &
Herminingrum, 2021).


1. Complete the data in your literature grid, most especially the findings and conclusion.
2. Organize the findings and conclusions and indicate the citations (author and year). [See sample

3. Do not include information that are not relevant to the variables of your study. [See highlighted
sample above]. Do not also include too much details like percentages or numbers. Focus on the
main findings only.
4. Synthesize the findings. [See sample below]

Sample of synthesized findings: (Studies with similar findings are combined a one statement.)

Several studies were conducted about the participation of parents in the literacy development
of their children as well as with their reading literacy. Findings of studies reveal that with active
parental involvement, students’ academic performance improves (Sahiruddin & Herminingrum, 2021;
Tus, 2021). Furthermore, studies about parental involvement in reading have also yielded positive
outcomes. It was confirmed that parental involvement is an important success determinant factor in
pupils’ interest, comprehension, fluency, and proficiency (Ihekerenma & Margaret, 2020; Lee Sze &
Hua, 2021; Minoza & Montero, 2019; Mwangi, 2018).


1. Look for evidences that explains the gravity and magnitude of the research problem being
conducted (pertaining to your research topic).

Example of seriousness:
 According to WHO (2016), dog-mediated human rabies kills ten of thousand people
every year worldwide. [On the study about Rabies prevention]
Example of research gap:
 Taylor et al. (2017) stated that while there has been extensive research on the rabies
virus, a comparative lack of operational research has led to knowledge gap in how to
design and implement control and elimination programs, where they are needed most
and call for a science of rabies elimination. [On the study about Rabies prevention]
 Most of the previous studies about parental involvement focused on the reading
development of pupils in the primary level which is the formation stage in literacy
development. Extremely limited studies are conducted in the secondary level. (This is a
research gap drawn basing from the common respondents of the previous studies.)

2. Look for recommendations from previous studies

For example, if you are conducting a study about the Financial Literacy of Senior High school
students, the following recommendations from previous studies may be used to establish the
research gap:

 Future research should continue evaluating student’s financial knowledge in multiple

waves to determine whether their knowledge was retained. This would also examine
whether students are able to apply their financial knowledge into the real world (Dane
& Haberman, 2017).
 Future studies might want to focus whether student’s relationship and interactions
within their community and family have changed their financial attitudes and behavior
over the years. This allows researchers to examine how current economy trends and
one’s financial situation influences one’s motivation to increase higher financial
knowledge (Nguyen, 2013).
Another example: If the research topic is about “Parental Involvement in the Reading
Development of Children”, the following recommendations from previous studies may be used
to establish the research gap:

 Other aspects such as the design of reading evaluation material, degree of personal
intervention from parents and effects of parent’s roles in children reading development
are also considerable focuses for future researches (Lee Sze & Kim Hua, 2021).
 It is recommended that parent-teacher partnership should be established in any school
levels (primary, secondary, senior) to maximize the output and outcome of learning
experience. Children literacy development should not only be supported by school and
home, but also community (Sahiruddin & Herminingrum, 2021).
 Although parental involvement has the greatest effect in the early years, its importance
to children’s educational and literacy outcomes continues into the teenage and even
adult years (Bergen et al. as cited in Mwangi, 2018).
*Observe how the recommendations are integrated in the sample below:

Most of the previous studies about parental involvement focused on the reading development
of pupils in the primary level which is the formation stage in literacy development. Extremely limited
studies are conducted in the secondary level. The researcher believes that it is equally crucial to
conduct studies and provide effective catch-up plans in the secondary level since the students are in the
transition stage towards the tertiary level or perhaps towards employment or entrepreneurship. This is
in line with the recommendation of Bergen et al. (2017, as cited in Mwangi, 2018) that parental
involvement has indeed the greatest effect in the primary years but its importance to children’s
educational and literacy outcomes continues into the teenage and even adult years.

Moreover, Sahiruddin and Herminingrum (2021) posited that parent-teacher partnership should
be established not only in the primary level but also in the secondary level in order to maximize the
output and outcome of the learning experience.

Additionally, future research on the degree of personal intervention from parents and effects of
parent’s roles in children reading development was recommended in Lee Sze and Kim Hua’s study
(2021). Hence, the researcher deemed it essential to conduct a study on parental involvement in
reading and find ways to facilitate their active involvement thereafter.


1. Restate the general objective of your study. It should be consistent with your general problem in
your SoP.
2. Briefly discuss how the findings will help you fellow students or the school community.


1. Organize the flow of your background of the study. Use transition words to connect the
paragraphs. Your “voice” as researchers should be evident; it should not sound like a enumerative
compilation of paragraphs copied from different sources.

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