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Comparing Interest Rates

The average mortgage for Sydney siders is 620, 507 according to the ABS as of December2021. You will need to find
the most competitive home loan for this amount by going to the Cansar comparison website found here:

Task: Complete the table below by identifying THREE lending providers you would recommend:

Lending Institution Interest Rate Comparison Rate Repayment Amounts

YARD 1.99% 2.02% $1,291.92

UBANK 2.92% 2.92% $1,460.56

1.99% 1.93% $1,291.92


Task: Compare savings accounts and term deposits by going to

interest-savings-accounts and completing the table below:

Financial Institution Introductory Interest Variable Interest Rate Minimum account

Rate (list interest rate (the rate that the balance
and length of time one account will revert
will receive this back to)
interest on their

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