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Intern First & Last Name

Gustavo Rodriguez

Course Name, Period, Date

Teaching and Careers , Period 1 & 2, 12/7/2024-Presenting

Q2 Lesson Plan Project

Lesson Goals or Learning Targets (Word these as measurable student outcomes.)

The goal of this lesson is for my students to review topics they are having a rough time on,
such as fractions, rounding, higher number adding, subtracting, and dividing.

Lesson Objectives or Success Criteria (Word these as student actions, use verbs.)

The lesson objectives and success criteria is to motivate these kids to work on a spot that they
are having a hard time on, to get them thinking, to have them go over it again and again.
Practice makes perfect so we will get them there one way or another.

CSTP Rationale (Describe the ways your lesson aligns with the six California Standards for the
Teaching Profession)

CSTP 1 Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

In my lesson, all of my students get to participate at the same time, to the same questions,
which also means there is nobody being left out and any given time.

CSTP 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

My lesson looks fun and is competitive, which is what many kids stride for especially now that
they are young. Aside from that, everyone in the room is nice and polite to each other, so we
are very much comfortable around one another and feel safe.

CSTP 3 Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

In order to get this lesson going, I have prepared myself very well for any questions or
concerns from my students regarding my lesson. I frontloaded the students on topics to be
addressed in the Kahoot prior to playing.

CSTP 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

In the making of this lesson, I have made sure that everything that's included in my lesson is
at the the level of my students understanding, and not only that but also to push them to think
“outside of the box” a bit.

CSTP 5 Assessing Students for Learning

Aside from having my students have a good time, I also get to analyze each and everyone of
my students to see how they are doing and where I need to help them improve. Kahoot can
provide me with a participation report of student scores after playing.

CSTP 6 Developing as a Professional Educator

Not only can this help my students, but it can also help me figure out what works best for my
class to learn the most.

Lesson Plan Content (Written narrative paragraph about the lesson content.)

To begin, my lesson will be on a platform called “Kahoot” which is very well known. Many
teachers use this app to study for tests. In my case we will be using it for review on Math. The
Kahoot has a number of questions for my students to answer on their laptops. So, everyone
gets to participate and has a chance to try their best. Each question has a countdown, so you
only have a number of seconds to answer the fastest possible. Throughout the game whoever
is faster and more accurate on their answers they will fight for the highest ranking which is 1st
place, then moves down to 2nd place, and lastly a 3rd place on the podium.

Instructional Procedures

● Focusing Event (Describe how you will get students to focus attention on your teaching.)

I have structured my lesson in a way for my students to have fun, make it competitive,
and help them learn all at once. But this will definitely catch their eyes and keep them
on track due to this being like a game, instead of a boring worksheet.
● Instructional Strategies (Click into that link for help describing all instructional methods you will
employ during the lesson. Remember, instructional strategies fall into one or more of the following

Direct- Drill and Practice

Indirect- Problem Solving

Experiential- Games

Interactive- Computer assisted instruction

Independant- Assigned questions

● Student Participation (How will you engage students and get them on board to participate?)

Students will physically engage by getting their laptops, going to Kahoot, and start
playing as soon as everyone is ready, and I start the game. Each question has a
countdown so students have to answer as soon as possible, aside from that the faster
they answer and get it right they get a higher ranking.

● Formative Check (How will you check that all students are involved and engaged in the lesson?

I will have access to all of my students answers, which Is where I will be looking at
where students need improvement

● Closure (How will you end the lesson purposefully, with intentionality?)

I will end my lesson with some fun trick questions. Learning is not all about sitting
down on a chair being all serious, not talking, no this and that. Having fun while
learning has in fact been proven to be much more reliable.

● Assessment (How will you assess that students achieved the lesson goals or learning targets?)

I will know that bmy students reached the lesson goal, when they all tried their
best to get that first place.
Lesson Plan Materials (Include everything needed to successfully complete the lesson with
the full class. Remember to include all supplies, as well as technology, whiteboard space,
classroom space, etc.)
Students of course, laptops, and the projector.

Mentor Teacher Signature & Date (verification you implemented this plan)

Optional Mentor Feedback:

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