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# 101 Brahmadevara Gutte, 6th block Vishveshwaraiah Layout, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore-91

Subject: Science
Grade: 5


I. Give one word for each of the following.
1. It allows the body parts to move in one direction only.
2. It is a strong elastic tissue which is very flexible.
3. Strong fibres that bind muscles to the bones.
4. Muscles whose movement can be controlled at our will.
5. This provides free movement to the body
6. This is also known as voluntary muscles.
7. This joint is found in the hips and shoulders.
8. Joint found in our neck where our skull meets the first two vertebrae.
9. Strong and stretchable straps of elastic tissue which join the bones at the
joints, so that they do not fall apart.

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. Spine is in the shape of alphabet ________________.
2. The nose is made up of ________________.
3. The spine is made up of ________________ small bones.
4. Bones are made up of ___________________.
5. There are ________________ types of joints in our body.
6. There are about ________________ muscles in the human body.
7. Our forelimbs are attached to the spine through ___________ and the
hindlimbs through ___________________.
8. _______________ lets us turn our head sideways and bent it forward.
9. There is no cartilage between the ________________ joints.

10.________________ is an elastic tissue, to keep the bones from rubbing

against each other at the joints.
11. An infant has ________________ bones.
III. Choose correct answer
1. Bones make up for _______% of body weight approximately.
i. 12
ii. 20
iii. 14
iv. 10

2. Fluid is present between the joints which acts like a lubricant and makes
the movement of joint easy. Identify the fluid.

i. Ligaments
ii. Tendons
iii. Synovial fluid
iv. Cartilage

Identify the muscles.

a) Cardiac muscles
b) Skeletal muscles
c) Smooth muscles
d) Voluntary muscles
4. The ________________ protects the heart, lungs and other delicate
internal organs.
i. Rib cage
ii. Muscles
iii. Joints
iv. Limbs

5. The bones at this joint glide or slide against each other. Identify this joint.
a) Pivot joint
b) Hinge joint
c) Ball and socket joint
d) Gliding joint
6. Where is hinge joint found?

i. B and D
ii. C and E
iii. C only
iv. B only
7. Tick the correct option.

a) A→Spongy bone, B→Bone marrow, C→Compact bone

b) A→Compact bone, B→Bone marrow, C→Spongy bone

c) A→Bone marrow, B→Spongy bone, C→Compact bone

d) A→Bone marrow, B→Compact bone, C→Spongy bone

IV. Give Reason

1. Why are skeletal muscles also called striped muscles
2. The heart has strong muscles.
3. We cannot move our body parts without joints.

V. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box.

Joint skull 12 femur

1. The longest bone in our body is the ____________.

2. Bones meet at the ____________.
3. The ____________ protects the brain.
4. The ribcage is made up of ____________ pairs of bones.
VI. Write whether following statements are true or false.

1. We can't control involuntary muscles when we want.

2. Bone marrow is found inside a bone.
3. The smallest bone is found in the inner part of the ear.
4. Nose and ears are made up of soft bones.

VII. Give two examples for each of the following.

1. Ball and socket joints

2. Hinge joint
3. Gliding joints
4. voluntary muscles

VIII. Differentiate between the following.

1. Tendons and cartilage

2. voluntary and involuntary muscles
3. Hinge joint and pivot joint

IX. Answer these questions in the brief.

1. Which part of the skull help us to eat and talk?

2. Where are immovable joints present?
3. Name a few movable joints. Give one example of each.
4. What are cardiac muscles? what is their function?

X. Give one word for each of the following.

1. The first layer of the eye which is transparent.
2. Largest part of the brain which looks like a walnut.
3. These carry taste messages from the taste buds to the brain.
4. The control centre of the human body:
5. Thread like structures made up of nerve cells.
6. Sound waves are converted into electrical signals here and sent to the
7. Ball shaped structures fixed in sockets in the skull.

XI. Fill in the blanks.

1. Brain is divided into _______________ parts.
2. _______________ collects the sound wave and sends it through the
eardrum present in the middle ear.
3. The hearing ability of dolphins is _______________ times sharper
than that of humans.
4. Brain receives messages from all the sense organs of the body through
5. _______________ collects the sound wave and sends it through the
eardrum present in the middle ear.
6. Brain receives messages from all the sense organs of the body through
7. There are _______________ taste buds present on our tongue.
8. _______________ carry taste messages from the taste buds to the
9. _______________ covers the whole body and protects the internal
10. The _______________ interprets the message into a picture which we
11. _______________ detect the different tastes.
12. There are _______________ taste buds present on our tongue.
13. The outer ear which acts like a funnel is also called
XII. Choose correct answer

1. Which part of the ear is eardrum?

i. B
ii. D
iii. A
iv. C

2. Which part of the nervous system controls reflex actions?

i. Cerebrum
ii. Brain
iii. Stem
iv. Spinal cord

3. Joey goes to his friend’s house. He sees that they have left the garden
tap on. He goes and closes the tap. Which part of his brain was
involved in this activity?

i. Cerebrum
ii. Brain Stem
iii. Cerebellum
iv. Spinal cord

4. Cerebellum is a ______________________________________.

i. Largest part of the brain

ii. Walnut like structure and is the centre of intelligence
iii. Bulb like structure which controls and coordinates the action of
the muscles
iv. Stem like structure rand controls involuntary actions like

5. The brain needs a continuous supply of blood and:

i. Nitrogen
ii. Carbon dioxide
iii. Oxygen
iv. Hydrogen

6. Blinking of our eyes and watering of mouth on seeing tasty food are
examples of:
i. Brain stem
ii. Reflex action
iii. Sense organs
iv. None of these

7. Pupil is the _________________________.

i. The coloured ring in the eye
ii. First transparent layer of the eye
iii. The screen where image is formed
iv. Black spot in the center of the eye

8. Which part of the brain controls involuntary actions like heart beats?

i. A ii. B
iii. C iv. All of these

9. Size of the pupil ________ in dim light and ___________ in bright

i. Reduces, reduces
ii. Increases, increases
iii. Reduces, increases
iv. Increases, reduces

XIII. Give Reason

4. If someone gets his spine injured in an accident, he cannot move his legs.
5. We sometimes breathe through our mouth.
6. We immediately move our hand on touching a hot pan.

XIV. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box.

skin spinal cord Pupil Iris motor

1. A dark circle in the centre of the Iris through which light passes is
2. The largest sense organ in our body is ______________.
3. ______________nerves carry messages from the brain to the muscles
and other organs.
4. Reflex actions are controlled by______________.
5. The coloured part of the eyes is______________.

XV. Write whether following statements are true or false.

1. Cerebrum controls both movement and balance of the body.
2. The largest part of the brain is the brainstem.
3. Nerves are made up of nerve cells called neurones.
4. The optic nerve connects the nose to the Brain.
5. The Nervous System controls every system of the body.

XVI. Differentiate between the following.

1. Sensory and motor nerves
2. Cerebrum and cerebellum

XVII. Match the following.

5. Sensory nerves a) Maintenance body temperature
6. Ears b) Has taste buds
7. Skin c) Carries messages from the sense organs to the
8. Tongue d) Thinking part of the brain
9. Cerebrum e) Keeps the bodies balance


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