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EOY Test: Higher

Name: __________________________________ Result: __/100

Vocabulary 3 Complete the sentences with a word from A and a

word from B and put the phrasal verbs into the
1 Complete the sentences. Use the words given in the
correct form. There is one extra word in A and B you
correct form.
do not need.
1 My cousin is very ______________
ambitious – he wants to
A break fall get set take turn
have his own company. (ambition)
2 The children will be safe with Alice. She’s a very B down into on out over up
responsible girl. (response)
______________ get up
1 ____________ a new computer can take quite a lot
3 I don’t think we’re doing enough about the problem of of time.
______________ warming. (globe) 2 If you ____________ the page, you’ll see the
4 I’m going to like our new teacher. She seems really answers on the other side.
______________. (friend) 3 I used to be friends with Angela, but we
embarrassed when I had to read out my
5 I was ______________ ____________ after an argument about money.
poem in front of the whole class. (embarrass) 4 Thieves ____________ the National Museum last
Score __/5 night and stole three paintings.
5 I’m close to my sister. We ____________ really well.
2 Choose the best answers.
Score __/5
1 Serena’s got a big ____________ of friends. She
seems to know everyone. 4 Think of a word that you can use in each pair of
A circle B square C triangle D rectangle sentences. The form of the word must be
DIFFERENT in each sentence.
2 The novel’s got a really exciting ____________. You
never know what’s going to happen next. 1 My sister and I had a big fight, but we ____________
it up the next day when she apologised.
A style B plot C twist D theme
If you don’t concentrate, you’ll end up ____________
3 I’ve never changed careers. I started in a bank, and a lot of mistakes in your composition.
I’ve been in ____________ ever since.
2 Can I have a bit more hot water? This tea’s a bit too
A figures B salary C retail D finance ____________.
4 I use an external ____________ with my tablet In a job interview, they often ask you a question
because it makes it much easier to type. about your ____________ and weaknesses.
A scanner B flash drive 3 The lorry hit three cars, and the police are
C touchpad D keyboard investigating the cause of the ____________.
5 We’ve got to think of ways of cutting down our use of My computer ____________ and I lost all my work.
fossil ____________.
4 How worried do you think we should be about
A emissions B caps C fuels D waste climate ____________?
Score __/5 I’d like to try this dress on to see if it fits. Can you tell
me where the ____________ room is?
5 The article you gave me was really ____________
and has lots of interesting facts that will help me in
my project.
If passengers have any questions, they can get help
from the ____________ Desk in the Arrivals Hall.
Score __/5

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EOY Test: Higher

Grammar 2 VWs are German cars, aren’t they?

5 Put the verbs given into the first conditional or the VWs ______________ Germany, aren’t they?
second conditional.
3 They’re letting my brother have three days off school
Amy: That was Jane – she rang to say she’s not to play in a football tournament. It’s not fair.
coming to the party tonight. And I’ve prepared all
this food. And it’s seven o’clock. Where is ALLOWED
everybody? My brother ______________ to have three days off
Ben: If I (a) (be) ____________ you, I (b) (try) school to play in a football tournament. It’s not fair.
try to calm down. People will be here 4 When I need a haircut, I usually go to Antonio’s.
in a minute.
Amy: I’m not so sure. If Amanda (c) (find out)
found out that Jane isn’t coming, then she I usually ______________ at Antonio’s.
(d) (not come) wouldn't come either, and that’ll
____________ 5 They’ll give all of us our exam results on Friday.
be two people.
Ben: Look, there’s really nothing to worry about. OK
We ______________ our exam results on Friday.
sure, you (e) (have) ____________
have will a problem if
everybody suddenly (f) (decide) ____________
decides 6 Why did they cancel the party?
to cancel at the last minute, but that’s not going to WAS
happen, is it? Listen, there’s the doorbell now.
What did I tell you? Why ______________?

Score __/6 Score __/6

6 Complete the text with the correct form of must or 8 Choose the best answers.
have to. 1 Sally asked me if ____________ where her maths
They’ve just started this new recycling system where we textbook was, but I hadn’t seen it.
live and it’s very simple. Instead of (a) ____________ A I know B did I know C I knew
put paper in one bin, plastic in another bin, metal in
another, and so on, with this system, you (b) 2 John ____________ me he was going to try and join
____________ bother with all that, everything goes into the football team.
the same bin. They are very strict about food, though.
A said B told C asked
There’s a big red notice on the side of every bin that
says you (c) ____________ put any food in it. That’s fair 3 If you’re in London, you ____________ definitely go
enough, and I think most people know that food (d) to the Science museum – it’s amazing.
____________ be kept separate. And the other good
thing is you (e) ____________ pay for anything – the A should B may C might
whole system is completely free. They’ll even take away 4 Why don’t you sit down, and ____________ you a
big items like old sofas or beds, but you do (f)
nice cup of tea.
____________ ring them and let them know if you want
them to do that. A I make B I’m making C I’ll make
Score __/6 5 I didn’t even see the bus. When I got to the bus stop,
it ____________.
7 Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same
A was leaving B left C had left
meaning using the word in bold. Do not change the
word in any way. 6 We have decided ____________ a holiday in
Scotland this year.
1 You know the police were looking for a mugger?
Well, they’ve arrested someone. A have B having C to have

BEEN 7 I’ve always enjoyed ____________ new people.

You know the police were looking for a mugger? A meet B meeting C to meet
Well, someone ______________. Score __/7

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EOY Test: Higher

Use of English Listening

9 Read the text below and think of the word that best 10 XðListen to a girl talking to her uncle. In what order
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. (1–6) does the girl mention the following things?
There is one extra item you do not need.
Frankenstein, which is partly a horror story and
partly science-fiction, is one of the most famous A a young French writer ___

novels of the 19th century. It was written B where she has just been ___
(a) ____________ Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin C an excursion to France ___
when she was just 18 years old. She began the D the club’s original activities ___
story when she (b) ____________ living with her E a film she has just seen ___
future husband, the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley in F a French cookery lesson ___
a cottage on the shores of Lake Geneva, where
G an opinion about a book ___
they had (c) ____________ to spend the summer
Score __/6
of 1816. However, the weather was terrible, and
they (d) ____________ to spend a lot of their 11 Listen again. Answer the questions. Write full
time inside. Their friend and neighbour, the poet sentences.
Lord Byron, suggested that they 1 What does John seem to think that Emily shouldn’t
(e) ____________ all write a ghost story to keep have to do?

everyone entertained, and Frankenstein was __________________________________________

Mary’s contribution. __________________________________________
2 How does Emily feel about attending French club?
In Mary’s book, Dr Frankenstein is a scientist who
creates something he calls ‘the monster’. At the
beginning, the ‘monster’ is (f) ____________
sensitive creature who feels terribly lonely 3 What surprised Emily about the writer Françoise
because he is not the same (g) ____________
anyone else. He wants to find love and friendship
but becomes angry when he realises he will never __________________________________________

(h) ____________ accepted – and that is when he 4 Why can club members read books in translation?
begins his campaign of murder and terror. __________________________________________
Score __/8 5 What does Emily say about the French village in
6 What is Emily looking forward to?
Score __/6

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EOY Test: Higher

Reading 12 Read the text. Match the headings (1–7) with the
paragraphs (A–F). There is one extra heading you do
not need.
The Caledonian Forest
1 A good start ____________
2 Looking to the future ____________
I am looking at a photograph of Scotland, taken from one
3 A common aim ____________
of its high mountains, looking down over a dark lake.
1 ____________ In the golden autumn sunshine, a pair 4 The old forest ____________
of brightly coloured birds have found a safe hiding place to 5 A word of complaint ____________
make their home among the grasses and flowers that
cover the ground. But there are no trees. 6 Paying for past mistakes ____________
7 A beautiful view ____________
Score __/6
It was not always so. Until a few hundred years ago, much
of Scotland was part of the Caledonian Forest, a huge area
13 Read the text again. Six sentences have been
of woodland of ancient trees and wildlife. In time, the
removed from the text. Match the sentences (A–G)
forest began to be cleared to make farms.
below to the gaps (1–6) in the text. There is one extra
2 ____________ Less than 5% of the original forest is
sentence you do not need.
now left.
A As a result, he is clearly someone who can make a
C difference. ____________
Charities and business people and other organisations B This is because they eat any young trees that are
have ambitious plans to try and bring the forest back. trying to grow. ____________
Anders Holch Povlsen, a Danish billionaire, is a big
supporter of the ideas. He is the richest man in Scotland C From there the hills stretch into the distance, all the
and the biggest landowner in the UK. 3 ____________ way to the sea. ____________
D For obvious reasons, farmers are worried about what
D will happen to it. ____________
He has already begun work on some of the countryside E In the 18th century, even more of the trees were cut
that he owns. The first task was to protect the land from down to build ships. ____________
sheep. 4 ____________ The next step was to plant new
trees, and in the past few years, his Scottish team have F He believes that tourism and environmental work will
planted more than four million of them. bring lots of job opportunities. ____________
G They will provide a home for Scotland’s wildlife, for
bears, wolves and other animals. ____________
Povlsen, however, is not thinking about this year or the
Score __/6
next. He is thinking about the way Scotland will look 200
years from now, when the forests have come back and can
14 Answer the following questions. Give a reason for
live on without human help. 5 ____________ The trees
each of your answers.
will help the environment by storing carbon and helping
to slow down climate change. 1 Is it right to spend money on environmental projects
rather than people?
2 Is it right to bring back animals like bears and wolves
Some people argue that bringing back the Caledonian that might be dangerous to people?
Forest is not the answer to Scotland’s problems. Dr Jim
Hunter, a professor at the University of the Highlands and 3 What projects affecting the environment in your
Islands, thinks more should be spent on people and jobs country would you support or oppose?
rather than trees, but Povlsen disagrees. ________________________________________________
6 ____________ He is confident that it will be ________________________________________________
possible to have both employment and a beautiful country
to live in. ________________________________________________


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EOY Test: Higher

Score __/3 Speaking

16 Work in pairs to act out the role-play.
15 Your teacher wants you to write an essay. The title Student A:
of the essay is:
Look at the first picture. Answer Student B’s questions.
‘Is the Internet good for people?’
Picture 1
Write an essay of 100–125 words.



Student B:
________________________________________________ Ask Student A …
________________________________________________ 1 to describe the picture.
________________________________________________ 2 what has just happened.

________________________________________________ 3 what might happen next.

4 what sort of personal qualities you need to do this
5 what they would like or dislike about this job.
________________________________________________ 6 what their ideal job would be.
________________________________________________ When you have finished, change roles and talk about
picture 2.
Picture 2





________________________________________________ Score __/10

Score __/10
Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/25
Use of English __/8
Listening __/12
Reading __/15
Writing __/10
Speaking __/10

TOTAL __/100

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