Mrefu Mini-Research III

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I, Mrefu Juma Kusekwa do here by declare that this Min-Research is my own original
work and that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other University
for a similar or any other degree award.
Signature: ……………………………………………………….
Date: ……………………………………………………………

Policies shift their focus from increasing enrolment to quality improvement and enhancing the
conceptual knowledge and investigating skills of the students. Physics is one of the basic subject
of physical sciences through which this world and its complexities, necessary technological
advancement can be understood (Ding, 2007). In subjects of physical sciences physics holds a
dominant sensitive position (Amin, et al., 2013). Physics is considered as tough and difficult
subject in school curriculum and, due to this, the enrolment in this subject is decreasing in
advanced countries, e.g. USA, UK, Germany and Netherland. Students’ achievement scores are
generally considered the true reflectors of quality improvement. This study investigated the
relationship between public sector students’ physics achievement scores and their conceptual
knowledge at secondary school level. In this quantitative research a self-developed achievement
test was used to investigate the conceptual knowledge, validated by six experts and pilot tested.
One secondary schools was selected as clusters from which 135 students were selected
randomly. Pearson correlation and independent sample t-test were used for data analysis.
Significant positive relationship was found between the variables, academic achievement and
conceptual knowledge gender-wise and locale-wise in the subject of physics. Effect size shows
the moderate and large size practical significance. This study has some implications for
stakeholders in education.

Keywords: Physics, Achievement score, Conceptual knowledge, revised bloom taxonomy.

DECLARATION..................................................................................................................... 1

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... 2

LIST OF ACKRONYMS/ABBREVIATION ........................Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 6

1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 6

1.2. Statement of the problem ................................................................................................. 7

1.3. Purpose of the mini-research. ........................................................................................... 7

1.4. Main objective of the Mini-research. ............................................................................... 8

1.5. Specific objectives of the mini-research. ......................................................................... 8

1.6 Min research questions ...................................................................................................... 8

1.7 Significance of the study ................................................................................................... 9

1.8. Implication and consequences of the Mini-research ........................................................ 9

CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................ 10

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................ 10

2. 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 10

2.2 theoretical Framework ..................................................................................................... 10

2.3 Conceptual Framework ................................................................................................... 11

2.4 Relevance of each source ................................................................................................ 12

CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 13

3.0 MIN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 13

3.1 Area of the study ............................................................................................................. 13

3.2 sampling .......................................................................................................................... 13

3.3 Data collection ................................................................................................................. 13

3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation ..................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................... 14

4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..................................................................................... 14

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 14

4.2 Response Rate ................................................................................................................. 14

4.3 Discussion .......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.4 Implication of conclusion ................................................................................................ 16

CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................ 18

5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................ 18

5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 18

5.2 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 18

5.3 Limitation of the Mini-research ................................................................................... 18

5.4 Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 19

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 20

MCQs multiple choice questions

USA United State of America

UK United Kingdom

SLOs Structured Learning Outcomes

NECTA National Examinations Council of Tanzania.


At all stages of education, tests are considered powerful and important tools for decision making
in our competitive and result conscious society at every stage of education. Tests are considered
special at secondary school level. Skills, abilities and achievements are assessed through these
tests. Physics is one of the basic subject of physical sciences through which this world and its
complexities, necessary technological advancement can be understood (Anderson, 2005). In
subjects of physical sciences physics holds a dominant sensitive position (Amin, et al., 2014).
Physics is considered as tough and difficult subject in school curriculum and, due to this, the
enrolment in this subject is decreasing in advanced countries, e.g. USA, UK, Germany and
Netherland. Other studies also show an alarming number of low enrolment in related
combinations of physics subject across the globe especially at higher level of studies (Checkley,
2010). The main reason of this decline may be the passive teaching methods mostly used by
teachers in classrooms of physics. It is further investigated in a survey conducted in a secondary
school of United Kingdom that why students’ are not interested in studying physics subject. It
appeared that students perceive that physics as a tough subject to study. Physics is considered by
students as hard subject due to its problem solving nature (Byun & Lee, 2008). Students are
explicitly taught to solve physics problems so students feel it difficult (Heller & Heller, 2000). In
physics learning, students mostly face difficulties in four areas; (i) Misconceptions present in the
statements of the problems, (ii) Misreading and/or misinterpretation of the question posed, (iii)
Weak mathematical ability of the students and (iv) Confusion in understanding of closed
meaning terminology (Ding, 2007).

Studies conducted abroad posited that students’ cognitive and affective abilities and their
learning are positively affected by conceptual knowledge and change (Amin, et al., 2014). In the
same way, Chappell and Killpatrick (2003) state that improvement in students’ understanding
may be enhanced by the concept based learning. Achievement scores show the learning of
students. It is usually considered that high achievers have more competence, concepts and skills
in that subject.

1.2. Statement of the problem

Tanzania's government values the scientific innovation that has occurred in a variety of sectors.
The gratefulness draws attention to the introduction of national curriculum. Physics is researched
at all levels of education, from elementary to graduate. It consists of both theoretical and
practical components. Tanzania's government has increased its efforts to provide physics
laboratories in schools in order to sustain practice activities. However, the quality and utilization
of some schools, particularly those in rural areas, is unsatisfactory (Anderson, 2005).
Improvements have been made, but only in a few schools. The quality of physics laboratories in
private schools differs from that of public schools, where learning and motivation are deactivated
(Ding, 2007).
Physics is a compulsory subject in Forms one and two, and it is optional in Forms three and four.
However, in Forms three and four, it is offered as an option subject based on performance in the
national assessment in Form two. The admission allows students to be registered to take the
national examination for this is trying to answer, purpose of this study, significance of the study,
implications of the study, and objectives.

Despite the importance of assessments in education today, few researchers receive much formal
training in assessment design or analysis in physics subject. Most of teachers in Tanzania
secondary schools they treat assessments as evaluation devices to administer when instructional
activities are completed and to use primarily for assigning students' grades (Byun & Lee, 2008).
And students take grades with no decision on the grades attained from the test.

This mini-research aiming at describing the relationship between secondary School academic
physics in achieving academic and their conceptual knowledge to improve their progress on
future careers to students so as to improve more understand in physics learning.

1.3. Purpose of the mini-research.

The overall aim of this mini-research was to gain a deeper understanding achievement in physics
subject to improve their performance in academic learning in secondary School.The mini-
researcher sought to analyze the effects of decisions made by teachers based on assessment
results in improving method of teaching in kasita seminary..

1.4. Main objective of the Mini-research.
To assess the relationship between Secondary School Students’ Physics Academic Achievement
Scores and their Conceptual Knowledge.

1.5. Specific objectives of the mini-research.

Study was to:

1. Investigate the percentage relationship between secondary school students’ academic

achievement and conceptual knowledge in the subject of physics at kasita seminary.

2. Find out the mean score difference of boys grade students’ academic achievement and
conceptual knowledge in the subject of physic at kasita seminary.

1.6 Min research questions

1. What is the level of secondary school students' physics academic achievement in Ulanga
2. How can conceptual knowledge in physics be defined and measured among secondary
school students?
3. Is there a statistically significant relationship between students' physics academic
achievement scores and their conceptual knowledge in Ulanga District?
4. Are there any demographic or contextual factors within Ulanga District that influence the
relationship between academic scores and conceptual knowledge in physics among
secondary school students?
5. What educational strategies or interventions can be suggested based on the findings to
improve the alignment between physics academic achievement and conceptual
knowledge in Ulanga District?
6. These research questions can serve as a starting point for your study, and you can further
refine them based on your research objectives and methodology.

Example of the questions that was provided to the students.

The following are the questions given to the students to assess their academic performance and
conceptual knowledge.

1. The value of one horse power is equivalent to:

A. 546 watts
B. 646 watts [ ]
C. 746 watts
D. 846 watts

2. If the kinetic energy of a moving body having a mass of 4 kg is 18 J, its speed will be:

A. 3 ms-1
B. 6 ms-1 [ ]
C. 9 ms-1
D. 12 ms-1

1.7 Significance of the study

Study is significant for all educational curriculum relating stakeholders. It is also helpful for
science teachers to teach physics effectively by giving conceptual knowledge and improving the
educational activities for students. The most beneficiary of this study are secondary school level
students who may improve their conceptual knowledge and make it useful for their future
studies. Study is helpful in developing activities and material which produce conceptual
knowledge in students and achieving Structured Learning Outcomes (SLOs) of physics subject at
secondary level.
Teacher training programs and courses may be made more effective and comprehensive by
adding such knowledge and activities. This study will enable science teachers to practice
conceptual learning in classroom making students’ knowledge and results better. Study is
significant for teacher training institutions to include such knowledge in their training programs.
It will help physics teachers to practice conceptual knowledge in real classroom teaching.

1.8. Implication and consequences of the Mini-research

The implication or the consequences of this mini-research. This mini-research will help the
administrators and school management that lead to understand on how to improve method of
instruction to teachers and improve performance of future physics tests to students as they have
corrected their failures of previous tests.



2. 1 Introduction
The chapter gives detailed information on the relationship between secondary School students
physics accademic achievement and Conceptual knowledge and various theoritical used to
explain the title.Theories administered in various schools on improving learning process. It
looks at the method of instruction improvement, progress of student achievement after a previous
test, influence of test corrections on improving performance of future tests.

2.2 theoretical Framework

Learning is considered as a cognitive phenomenon (Anderson, 2005). Higher learning is based
on conceptual learning as explained by different theorists (Amin, et al., 2017). Conceptual
learning is a conscious process as described by theorists that conceptual learning involves
thinking and reasoning. Bloom (1956) has recommended the division of cognitive learning in six
domains which are known widely as cognitive domains. Anderson (2005) further categorized
learning process into six verb based levels of cognitive domains. These are in hierarchy of low
level of learning to high level of learning. These domains have been renamed as knowledge into
remember, comprehend into understand, application into apply, analysis into analyze, synthesis
into create, and evaluation into evaluate.

Creating has been shifted at the top of leaning domain (Malik, et al., 2019). These levels are
connected with each other with concept learning process from easy to complex. At first two
stages learner recalls the information and then comprehend the concepts to explain. There is
much guidance for learners in Piaget’s learning theory which explained this process stage by
stage. The four stages of Piaget’s learning theory depict the true picture of connected process of
conceptual learning. It is also explained in this theory about the nature of concept learning as the
cognitive process of learning (Doleck, et al., 2017).

Conceptual learning is a cognitive phenomenon so that this study comes under the domain of
cognitive theories of concept learning. It is endorsed by Doleck, et al. (2017) that conceptual
learning is a cognitive process and should be carried out under the guidelines of cognitive

2.3 Conceptual Framework
To find out the relationship between students’ academic achievement of physics and conceptual
knowledge is the main objective of this study. Remember and understand were two main levels
of Revised Bloom’s taxonomy selected in this study. Figure 1 explains the complete framework
of the study by showing the relationship between variables.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

2.4 Relevance of each source
Each source has some relevance to some research questions as analyzed by specific objectives.
Academic Achievement Assessment in Secondary Education. According to Johnson, A. (2018).
"Academic Achievement Assessment in Secondary Education." Journal of Educational Research,
45(2), 123-136. This source provides insights into established methods for assessing academic
achievement, which is essential for understanding how academic scores are determined.

Conceptual Knowledge Measurement in Physics Education. According to Smith, P. (2016).

"Conceptual Knowledge Measurement in Physics Education." International Journal of Science
Education, 32(4), 511-527. This source focuses on the measurement of conceptual knowledge in
physics, offering guidance on how to define and assess this critical aspect.

Correlation Analysis of Academic Scores and Conceptual Understanding. According to Brown,

M. (2017). "Correlation Analysis of Academic Scores and Conceptual Understanding in
Physics." Journal of Educational Psychology, 50(3), 321-335. This research investigates the
relationship between academic scores and conceptual understanding, directly aligning with the
research question.

Contextual Factors in Physics Education. According to Anderson, S. (2019). "Contextual Factors

Influencing Physics Education in Secondary Schools." Educational Policy Analysis, 37(1), 45-
62. This source explores contextual factors that may impact the physics education environment,
which can be crucial in understanding variations in academic scores and conceptual knowledge.

Education Policy and Resource Allocation in Ulanga District. According to Jones, R. (2015).
"Education Policy and Resource Allocation in Ulanga District." Ulanga District Education
Review, 12(2), 78-91. This source discusses education policy and resource allocation within the
specific region of Ulanga District, addressing the practical implications of the research.



3.1 Area of the study

Kasita Seminary is a secondary school in Tanzania with The National Examinations Council of
Tanzania (NECTA). kasita seminary found at mahenge district in Morogoro region owned by
Roman Catholic.

One of the historical attractions in Mahenge Diocese is Kasita Seminary. Kasita seminary was
founded by Franciscan Capuchin Missionaries from Switzerland in 1950. The name KASITA
has its roots from KUESTER. Mr. Kuester was a german settler who sold his house and land to
the missionaries. The natives, Wapogoro, found it easier to say KESITA and later KASITA!

3.2 sampling
The survey was conducted at kasita seminary which involved 135 students and are randomly
selected as a participant and the sample size was obtained.

Simple random sampling for target population was used and t_test was used for data collection.

3.3 Data collection

Data were collected after the due permission of heads of the respective institutions and class
teachers. Students were informed one week prior to the test about the nature of the test and its
construction of items 22 MCQs. Test was personally conducted and marked according to the
rubrics validated by 04 experts. Data of academic achievement were collected by using
Questionnaire and the specific type of questionnaire used was a Paper-based surveys/Test.
The MCQs was printed out and distributed them to students. The completed tests were collected
afterward. A Paper-based surveys used in educational setting to assess knowledge or skills,
such as in classroom exams or certification test

3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

Inferential and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics provides
an understanding of the different dimensions of data while inferential analysis was to find out the
relationship between academic achievement and conceptual knowledge test



4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents analysis and findings of the mini-research as set out by the mini-research
methodology. The mini-research findings are presented on the use of classroom test results to
improve learning in Tanzania’s secondary education schools, a case mini-research of kasita
seminary school in mahenge district. The data was gathered exclusively from the test questiona
as the mini-research instruments. The questionnaires were designed in line with the objectives of
this mini-research.

4.2 Response Rate

The mini-research targeted 135 students from form ones up to form four both boys and girls are
randomly selected in collecting data with regard to the management in kasita seminary.This
response rate is excellent for analysis and reporting of findings.Table 3.1 Table 4.1 shows the
percentage relationship.

Variables Gender Frequence Percentage

Academic archievement Boys 63 46.6

Girls 72 53.3

Conceptual knowledge Boys 63 46.6

Girls 53.3

Table 4.2. Shows the mean score results of t-test Comparing Students Academic Achievement
and Conceptual knowledge

Variables Gender N Mean

Academic achievement Boys 63 21.43

Girls 72 44.65

Conceptual knowledge Boys 63 13.83

Girls 72 14.47

Table 2 explains that for comparing the scores of boys and girls students’ physics academic
achievement and conceptual knowledge, independent sample t-test was used.

Results depict that boys students showed lower performance (M = 41.43, than girls students (M
= 44.65) in terms of students’ academic achievement in the subject of physics. This result is
statistically significant, t (133) = -3.285, p < .05. Hedges’ effect size value (g=0.56) suggested
moderate level practical significance. Results show the less variation in academic achievement
scores of boys’ than girls’ students’ in physics subject. Statistically significant mean score
difference is found in students’ academic achievement in terms of gender.
Similarly results show that boys students’ showed slight lower performance (M = 13.83, ) than
girls students’ (M = 14.47) in terms of conceptual knowledge of students’ in subject of physics.
This result is statistically significant, t (133) = -2.242, p < .05. Hedges’ effect size value (g=0.33)
suggested moderate level practical significance. Results show that there is large variation in
boys’ students’ than girls’ students’ conceptual knowledge scores. Again statistically significant
mean score
subject of physics. This result is statistically significant, t (133) = -3.285, p < .05. Hedges’ effect
size value (g=0.56) suggested moderate level practical significance. Results show the less
variation in academic achievement scores of boys’ than girls’ students’ in physics subject.
Statistically significant mean score difference is found in students’ academic achievement in
terms of gender.
Similarly results show that boys students’ showed slight lower performance (M = 13.83) than
girls students’ (M = 14.47) in terms of conceptual knowledge of students’ in subject of physics.
This result is statistically significant, t (133) = -2.242, p < .05. Hedges’ effect size value (g=0.33)
suggested moderate level practical significance. Results show that there is large variation in
boys’ students’ than girls’ students’ conceptual knowledge scores. Again statistically significant
mean score difference is found in students’ conceptual knowledge in terms of gender.

4.3 Discussion
On the basis of the above findings the focus of the study was to find the relative relationship of
students’ academic achievement with conceptual knowledge. Cognitive factors, e.g. Knowledge
and comprehension are pivotal in generating conceptual knowledge. Both academic achievement
and conceptual knowledge play significant role in academic and practical field of students’ life.

4.4 Implication of conclusion

The mini-research suggests that teachers always have to make correction of classroom test before
administration of another tests, also teachers have to change the method of teaching as the test
performance indicates strong positive relationship between academic achievement and

Knowledge was depicted by data. Study results were aligned in which both studies are also stated
relationship between academic knowledge and conceptual knowledge. It is concluded from
above results that conceptual knowledge has an important significance in students’ learning. The
more conceptual knowledge, the more achievement score of the student will be. Through
conceptual knowledge student can solve the problem those are out of prescribed syllabus (Amin,
et al., 2014). Conceptual knowledge positively improves the capability of concept using. These
concepts are also helpful for the students in solving the problems similar in other subjects. This
finding was in line with the findings of the studies reported in literature (Ding, 2007).

According to the results, significant means score difference is found in students’

academic achievement and conceptual knowledge gender-wise. According to the findings,girls

showed better results than boys and these results are according to Fatoba and Aldejana (2014)
who stated in their study the same results. In this case gender-wise, girls students showed better
performance in knowledge and comprehension than boys students and these results are consistent
with (Aina & Akintunde, 2013). This is may be due to the more commitment of girls’ students
than boys’ students. It may further be due to the cultural.

Below is the picture of Kasita Junior Seminary



5.1 Introduction
This chapter provides the summary of the findings from chapter four and also it gives the
conclusions and recommendations of the mini-research based on the objectives of the mini-
research. The objective of this mini-research was to identify the use of classroom test results in
making decisions to improve learning in kasita seminary at mahenge District, a case mini-
research of Kasita secondary school and St. Agnes Secondary School.

5.2 Conclusions
It is concluded that study results are evidences for secondary school science students conceptual
knowledge about content related to physics is less. In particular, it seems that the less science
students know about in depth conceptual knowledge of physics, due to this their achievement
scores are also low. On the other hand, between academic achievement and conceptual
knowledge a significant relationship was found. But relationship at some extent was strong.
Further boys students showed low performance than girls’ students and rural students showed
low results than urban students. It is same in case of their knowledge
and comprehension respectively. More over a significant mean score differences are found in
results of students’ gender-wise and locale-wise. It can be related with above findingsabout low
level of conceptual knowledge is due to low achievement scores and vice versa.
The study concludes that low achievers show low progress in their conceptual knowledge and
high achievers show high performance.

5.3 Limitation of the Mini-research

The mini-research faced various shortcomings that may affect effective mini-research
undertaking. Respondents may be apprehensive and fail to provide full answers to the
questionnaire. The mini-researcher intended to overcome this by adopting objectivity approach
(by asking general questions on the issues pertaining to use of classroom test results) to the
students. Simple questions with answers to choose from were used.

The mini-research focused on four variables that were addressed by specific objectives (Three
independent variables and one dependent variable); this may deny an opportunity to explore
further on other factors that influence the choice of science subjects in Tanzania’s Secondary

5.4 Recommendations
Following are recommendations based on the conclusions of the study:
1. Secondary school physics students are recommended to make their study by employing
rereading and self-explanation to develop their conceptual knowledge in the subject of physics to
improve their academic achievement.
2. Secondary school physics teachers are recommended to teach the students in a way to develop
conceptual knowledge. They may consult Thorton’s book “Teaching Physics Concepts with
Activity Based Learning.” It may help them to improve their academic achievement in the
subject of physics.
3. Stakeholders related to secondary school physics curriculum and textbook to develop
textbooks by designing activities which physics teachers and students may experience to develop
their conceptual knowledge that may results their improved academic achievement.

Amin, T. G., Smith, C. L., & Wiser, M. (2014). Student conceptions and conceptual change.

Anderson, L. W. (2005). Objectives, evaluation, and the improvement of education Studies in

Educational Evaluation, 2(31), 102-113.

Anderson, S. (2019). Contextual Factors in Physics Education: Contextual Factors Influencing

Physics Education in Secondary Schools. Educational Policy Analysis, 37(1), 45-62.

Brown, M. (2017). Correlation Analysis of Academic Scores and Conceptual Understanding:

Analysis of Academic Scores and Conceptual Understanding in Physics. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 50(3), 321-335

Byun, T., Ha, S. & Lee, G. (2008). Identifying student difficulty in problem solving Process via
the framework of the house model. Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference,
1064, 87-90.

Chappell, K. K., & Kilpatrick, K. (2003). Effects of concept-based instruction on Students'

conceptual understanding and procedural knowledge of Calculus. 13(1), PRIMUS.17-37.

Checkely, D. (2010). High School Students’ perception of Physics.

Ding, L. (2007). Designing an energy assessment to evaluate student understanding of energy

topics. Ph. D. Dissertation, Department of Physics, North Carolina State University.

Johnson, A. (2018). Academic Achievement Assessment in Secondary Education. Journal of

Educational Research, 45(2), 123-136

Jones, R. (2015). Education Policy and Resource Allocation in Ulanga District: Education Policy
and Resource Allocation in Ulanga District. Ulanga District Education Review, 12(2), 78-91.

Malik, C. A. (2019). A case Study in Standardized Test preparation

Smith, P. (2016). Conceptual Knowledge Measurement in Physics Education: Conceptual

Knowledge Measurement in Physics Education. International Journal of Science Education,
32(4), 511-527.


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