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Survey on Most Common Learning Strategies

Of Grade 12 HUMSS students

During New Normal.


Cabatlao, March Honey

Sanico, Joyce Anne

Espin, Christal

Marfil, Camille

Apuya, Yan Cyril

Jovero, Charina

Virtudazo, John Fred

Lopez, Rey Roel

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

The novel coronavirus disease, or more popularly known as COVID-19, has

affected education at all levels in the Philippines. Since the confirmation of local

transmission of COVID-19 in March 2020, the government has issued policy measures in

response to the pandemic that have impacted on the basic education sector. (Naomi

Fontanos, Junette Fatima Gonzales, Kathrina Lucasan, and Dina S. Ocampo) Learning

strategies can be defined as, behaviours and thoughts in which a learner engages and

which are intended to influence the learner's encoding process. Thus, the goal of any

particular learning strategy may be to affect the way in which the learner selects,

acquires, organizes, or integrates new knowledge. Good teaching includes teaching

students how to learn, remember, think, and motivate themselves. (Claire E Weinstein,

Richard E Mayer). The term “learning styles” denotes that each student learn differently.

They process the information based on how they understand it. It may fall into three

categories: the visual learner in which they depend on the picture being presented; the

auditory learner which comprises the listening ability and verbal aspects; and kinaesthetic

learner which contains the tactile learner. (Jerald C. Moneva, Jeanelyn S. Arnado,

Ildebrando N. Buot 2020) A learning strategy is an individual’s way of organizing and

using a particular set of skills in order to learn content or accomplish other tasks more

effectively and efficiently in school as well as in non-academic settings (Schumaker &

Deshler, 1992). Significantly, upon knowing and diagnosing students’ learning styles,

educators will have the chance in implementing best strategies in making their daily

activities. Consequently, the students will also identify their strengths and weaknesses

and have the chance in coping up or adapting the different learning styles. Thus, the

match between teaching and learning style will enhance and develop students’ process in

learning. It is also suggested that successful learner learns in various learning styles.

Therefore, the students with much learning styles can do different tasks successfully such

as solving problems and create various strategies (John, Shahzadi, & Khan, 2016).

However, learning styles evolve over time as student adapts different changing

environment and new cognitive experiences (Olivus, Santos, Martin, Cañas, Lazaro, &

Maya, 2016). Meanwhile, motivation would not affect the students’ learning achievement

(Yufrizal, Sudirman, & Hasan, 2015).

On a grade 12 HUMSS, the biggest differences in our learning methodologies are

found in online learning and fully face-to-face classes. Learning strategies are actions

taken by a learner with the aim of changing how they receive information. It includes

three fundamental models of learning: instruction, learning processes, learning outcomes,

and performance. Examples include highlighting important paragraph lines, detailing

lecture topics, or attempting to express some newly gained knowledge in one's own

words. (Mendeley) We're looking for the normal methods that students use to learn. We

can determine which of the many various strategies being used will be most effective by

studying them, particularly now that face-to-face learning is the new norm. How learning

strategy training can impact the nature, pace, and results of learning, with a focus on one
particularly strong study. Any useful theory of learning strategies must be based on an

underlying theory of human learning because learning strategies are intended to influence

the learning process. (Mendeley) On the other hand, some students may be unsure of the

purposes for which they were created; in which case conducting this research will help

them make a decision about a strategy. We can also differentiate between the benefits of

various student usage strategies. The students will benefit from this study in determining

what other ways they can apply in addition to their current strategic approaches. A

learning strategy engagement can provide you the clarity to confirm and put your ideas

into practice, assisting you in selecting the right team members, tools, and priorities.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the most common learning strategies of grade 12

HUMSS students during new normal.

Specifically the study shall seek answers to the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of grade 12 HUMSS students in terms of:

1.1 Sex

2. What are the most common learning strategies do grade 12 HUMSS student use during

new normal?

Significance of the Study

This identifies the Most Common Learning Strategies of Grade 12 HUMSS

Students during New Normal. Benefiting the study are the various sectors, as follows:


The researchers believe that this study will provide students various

information and insight into the most common learning strategies. In which they can use

in adjusting from distance learning system to face to face classes.


The findings of this study are important for the teachers because they will

assist them understand how to support their students as they build their learning

techniques and help them become better learners. Based on the students' learning

strategies during the new normal, this study may also be used as a basis and manual for

determining and managing the personalities of grade 12 HUMSS students.

Future Researcher

This paper serve as a related literature for the future researcher when they

conduct their own studies related to the topic of the present study. They can improve or

extend of this study for them to know more about the learning strategies.

Curriculum Administrators

The curriculum administrators will benefit from this study for the reason that

it will help them identify the common learning strategies used by the students.

Furthermore, this will also allow them to build more assertive learning environments
that are better tailored to their needs and interests. It is also important to create action

plans that allow educational resources, platforms and mentoring processes to be adapted

to the learning strategies and styles of students during new normal.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on determining the most common learning strategies

among grade 12 HUMSS students in this new normal. The sample population of this

study is the grade 12 from HUMSS strand, in a public school from 2nd district. The

research involves conducting a survey questionnaire to determine the most common

learning strategies. Also this study can help other students to know what strategies they

used or they will use in the near future.

The following has been excluded from this study; First is the grade 11

HUMSS, which has different subjects than the grade 12 HUMSS. The majority of grade

11 HUMSS students approach their performance and activities differently than grade 12

students, who must take their grades and activities properly as they are graduating.

Students in Grade 12 at HUMSS perform more responsibly; they should concentrate on

their academic strategies and study. Next are those academic tracks of senior high. First

is the TVL Track, as a reason they are more focus on building their skills and practical

knowledge. Second, the other academic track, specifically the STEM strand, focuses on

the fundamentals of science, technology, engineering, and math. The ABM follows,

focusing on the analysis of assets, understanding of all financial positions, and

interpretation of various profitability strands incorporating numerical skills. They all

have a different curriculum and academic needs than 12 HUMSS students.

Conceptual Framework


• Profile of Grade Gather Data List of Most

12 HUMMS Common
Students Analyze Data Learning
Strategies of
a. Sex Grade 12
HUMSS Students
during New

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The system approach (Input-Process-Output system) was used to describe the

study's conceptual framework. The input, as shown in the figure above, consists of the

profile and most common learning strategies of Grade 12 HUMSS students during the

new normal. Data gathering and analysis are part of the process. The output contains a

list of the most common learning strategies used by Grade 12 HUMSS students during

the new normal.


For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined in

the context of this research.

Grade 12 HUMSS refers to an academic track under senior high school.

Learning strategy is a person's manner of planning and applying a certain set

of abilities to learn material or carry out other tasks more quickly and successfully in

academic and non-academic situations (Schumaker & Deshler, 1992).

New normal is characterized by volatility and uncertainty. Thus, the

government is expected to implement interventions that will increase the confidence of

society to optimize economic activities in the presence of COVID-19, support the

population groups that are most affected, and deliver existing programs through efficient

and effective approaches in light of the new normal. (Health Policy Development and

Planning Bureau Department of Health, p.6)

Surveys collect information by interviewing a sample of respondents from a

well-defined population. The survey population may comprise individuals, households,

organizations or any element of interest. Blair J., Czaja R., Blair E. (2014) [Designing

Surveys, p.2]

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