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TITAN 2024
Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude – Mains Question 01

1. Explain how ethics contributes to social and human well-being. (15 Marks, 250 Words)

 Introduction: You can write a brief introduction about the ethics that contribute to social and human
 Body: Explain how ethics contributes to social and human well-being.
 Conclusion: You can conclude with the significance of ethics.
Ethics plays a crucial role in promoting social and human well-being by providing a framework for guiding
human behavior and decision-making. It establishes principles and values that help individuals and societies
to determine what is right and wrong, just and unjust, and good and bad.
Contribution of ethics to social and human well-being:
 Moral Guidelines: Ethics provides a set of moral guidelines that help individuals understand the
consequences of their actions on others and society as a whole. It promotes virtues such as honesty,
fairness, compassion, and respect for others, and ethics guides individuals to make choices that
consider the well-being and interests of all stakeholders.
 Social Cohesion: Ethics fosters social cohesion by promoting a sense of shared values and norms
within a community or society. When people adhere to ethical principles, it enhances trust and
cooperation among individuals , leading to stronger relationships, effective communication, and a more
harmonious social environment.
 Justice and Equality: Ethical principles, such as fairness and justice, advocate for equal treatment
and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances. By upholding
principles of equality, ethics contributes to the establishment of just social systems and institutions that
promote social well-being, and reduce inequalities.
 Human Rights: Ethics provides a foundation for recognizing and protecting human rights. Ethical
principles emphasize the inherent dignity, autonomy, and worth of every individual, and they serve as a
guide for creating laws, policies, and practices that uphold and safeguard these fundamental rights.
Ethics provides a moral compass that guides individuals and societies towards actions that promote social
harmony. It establishes a foundation for responsible decision-making and the consideration of the long-term
consequences of our choices which contribute to a sustainable way of life.


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