CAS - TOK Project

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Yara Khalid ALhamad

Activity: Cultural Influence Quiz

Create a multiple-choice quiz with questions that highlight how cultural membership can affect
our perspectives.

For example:
1. "In some cultures, it is considered impolite to make direct eye contact during a
conversation. What might this signify?"
A. Honesty
B. Confidence
C. Respect
2. "In which culture is the gesture of a thumbs-up commonly associated with approval?"
A. Western
B. Middle Eastern
C. Japanese

Participants can take the quiz individually, and after completing it, discuss their answers in
groups or with a facilitator.

Point of Discussion:
The discussion can center on the quiz results and broader questions such as:
 How did cultural factors influence your quiz answers?
 Can you recall any personal experiences where your cultural background affected your
perspective on an issue?
 To what extent do you think culture shapes our worldviews, and what are the implications
of this?

Layout for my stand:

Keep it simple and engaging:
Title: clear and attention-grabbing title like "Cultural Influence Quiz: How Culture Shapes
Quiz Area: Setting up an area with printed quizzes and pencils. With the instructions on how to
Discussion Space: Creating a designated area where participants can discuss their quiz results
and engage in conversation.
Results Board: Display a board where I can summarize the key findings from the quiz. For
example, I can show percentages of participants who answered each question correctly.
Examples: Use posters or images to showcase clear and concise examples of how cultural factors
affect perspectives, such as gestures, body language, and communication styles.
Feedback Board: Providing a space where visitors can share their thoughts or reflections related
to the quiz and the broader topic.
Conclusion: Wraping it up with a brief conclusion that emphasizes the significance of
recognizing cultural influences on perspectives.

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