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By Eg’s Philosophy
What Even Is This Challenge? And Who Is Eg?

This challenge is specifically created to bring out your inner ego, and transform your body, mind and turn you into an ambition maniac. I have created 4 other challenges like
this, which have all accomplished what they have been set out to do. Other than this challenge, I have also created one huge mega one, with over 429 slides. A “1 Year White
Room Program” that comes along with private discord, this one is very exclusive so I only let people who complete this test join. So if you are interested in a better and more
long term one, you can complete the test and automatically it’ll give you the result and bring you to the next step.

Test: Exclusive White Room Test (FOR ELITES ONLY)

Rules For The 30 Day Challenge
1. Commit to completing all 30 days of the challenge without
skipping any days.
2. Follow the daily tasks as closely as possible, and try to complete
them to the best of your ability.
3. If you miss a day, try to make it up the following day or continue
with the challenge as scheduled.
4. Keep a journal to track your progress and reflect on your
5. Be honest with yourself about your progress and any areas where
you need improvement.
6. Stay focused on the purpose of the challenge, which is to improve
your discipline, intelligence, and strategic thinking skills.
7. Be open to trying new things and learning new skills throughout
the challenge.
8. If you have any health concerns, consult with a doctor before
beginning any new physical activity or exercise program.
9. Remember to take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating
well, and practicing self-care as needed.
10. No Scrolling on Social Media
11. Have fun and enjoy the process of self-improvement!
Welcome To Day 1 of the Blue Lock Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether
it’s working out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it
on your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone
open google drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need
to post or to message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 1 Daily Task:

- For Your First Task. I want you to really see how EGO can really change someone’s life. Watch this podcast where andrew
tate basically explains how all of his success was because of his EGO.
Welcome To Day 2 of the Blue Lock Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work

“Consistency is Key”
Now time for the Day 2 Daily Task:

- Journal about moments in your life where your ego positively influenced an outcome.

Make it deep and introspective. And if you want comment it under the 30 day Ego Video.

- Also Answer This Question, is better to go through life being humble or arrogant?
Welcome To Day 3 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work

“Is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blanket and stay warm”
Now time for the Day 3 Daily Task:

- Read about a historical leader known for their strong ego and note key traits.

Then comment this under the video.

Some recommendations: Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, etc.

Welcome To Day 4 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work

“We suffer more in imagination, than in reality”

Now time for the Day 4 Daily Task:

- Engage in a workout session while focusing on embodying a strong, confident ego.

For example watch how the tren twins do it:

Welcome To Day 5 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work

“Ignorance is the cause of fear.”

Now time for the Day 5 Daily Task:

- Record yourself giving a speech on a topic you're passionate about, emphasizing confidence.
Welcome To Day 6 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work

“Seek not the good in eternal things, seek it in yourselves.”

Now time for the Day 6 Daily Task:

- Mimic the daily routine of someone you admire for their strong ego and note the effects.

For example:

Welcome To Day 7 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work

“Remember that you must die”

Now time for the Day 7 Daily Task:

- Create a detailed vision board of your future successes driven by your ego.
Welcome To Day 8 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work

“Cease to hope and You will Cease to fear”

Now time for the Day 8 Daily Task:

- Let’s see how far your ego can take you. Try doing 500 pushups in 1 hour and post your results in the comments of
the video.
Welcome To Day 9 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work

“I am calm, while the storm is raging around me”

Now time for the Day 9 Daily Task:

- Go on the comments and post your favourite Blue Lock quote and explain why.

- Go on the comments and speak about how life has been so far doing this challenge.

- Go on the comments channel and speak about why you like Isagi

- read a couple slides ahead to be prepared

Now the difficulty will be increased,
you may have to wake up earlier to
complete the tasks
Welcome To Day 10 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
- As soon as you wake up, perform 100 push ups and do nothing else until they are complete
- Follow up with a cold shower no hot at the end
- In the afternoon, run a 5k

To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 10 Daily Task:

- Go to the comments and talk about the morning and if it was easy or not

- Now you have to learn a new skill, whether it’s video editing or copy writing. ( I do not care) . Work on developing a new
skill for 2 hours. Make it something you life, if you constantly improve. You’ll believe in yourself more hence increasing your
Welcome To Day 11 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
- Wake up at 5am, 100 burpees as soon as you wake up
- Complete a 10k run
- 1 hour in dark room

To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 11 Daily Task:

- Work on your new skill for 1 hour and then post what you have learnt or done in the comments

- Set a bold, ambitious goal that your ego can drive you towards achieving.
Welcome To Day 12 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
- At night sleep on your bed, no blanket or pillows

To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working out,
soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone if
needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 12 Daily Task:

- Take a calculated risk that you've been hesitant about, driven by your ego's confidence.

- Engage in a debate or challenging discussion, using your ego to assert and defend your viewpoints confidently.

- Read and prepare for the next day

Welcome To Day 13 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
- 24 hours fast
- 2 black coffees allowed
- 100 crunches, 100 pushups
- 5k run

To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 13 Daily Task:

- Practice saying 'No' to something you usually wouldn't, prioritizing your own needs and ego.

- Attend a social event and focus on being the most confident and assertive version of yourself.
Welcome To Day 14 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
- Break the fast
- Run 10k
- Sleep on the floor

To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 14 Daily Task:

- Reflect on a past failure and how a stronger ego could have changed the outcome.

- Read a story or biography of a successful person known for their strong ego and draw lessons from it.
Welcome To Day 15 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
- 4am, wake up
- 10k run
- Cold shower immediately
- At night go to sleep, set alarm to 2am, wake up 100 pushups then go back to sleep

To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working out,
soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone if
needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 15 Daily Task:

- Go on the comments and speak about the challenge of today and your experience

- Work on your new skill for 1 hour, then post what you have learnt so far in the comments

- Work on learning your new language for 1 hour, then post what you have learnt so far in the comments
Welcome To Day 16 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
- A little rest day for you guys but still the bread and butter

To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on your phone
if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 16 Daily Task:

- Watch a movie or read a book where the main character's success is driven by a strong ego. Analyze their decisions
and outcomes.

E.g (Fight Club, Top Gun, Hulk, Etc)

Welcome To Day 17 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working out,
soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Finish (To get it on your phone if needed, download
the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to message
someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 17 Daily Task:

- Establish a new personal standard or rule that aligns with your ego-driven goals.

- Reflect on how this challenge has changed your perception of yourself and your capabilities.
Welcome To Day 18 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working out, soccer,
sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on
your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and then
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to message
someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 18 Daily Task:

- Spend 2 hours outside

- Try to refrain from looking at technology as much as possible today

Welcome To Day 19 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get
it on your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google
drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 19 Daily Task:

- Kanye west another billionaire, has probably the biggest EGO in history. Watch this podcast with him:
Welcome To Day 20 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get
it on your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google
drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 20 Daily Task:

- Today’s task is to try to again do 500 pushups in 1 hour then post your results in the comments channel, and add if
you did better or worse than last time

- Work on skill
- Work on language
Welcome To Day 21 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get
it on your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google
drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 21 Daily Task:

- Another man’s who Ego/Ambition Brought him to Great Success. Thomas The Goat Shelby.

Watch this:

Welcome To Day 22 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To
get it on your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open
google drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 22 Daily Task:

- Ego Can Also Cause Harm To A Man, Watch This:
Welcome To Day 23 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working out,
soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on
your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and
then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 23 Daily Task:

- Work on your new language for 1 hour

- Share an original idea or opinion in class or on social media, showcasing your confidence.

- And Start a meaningful conversation on a complex topic with peers or family.

Welcome To Day 24 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working out,
soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it
on your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive
and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 24 Daily Task:

- Learn your new language for 1 hour then post what you learnt on comments

- Speak about the hardest part of this challenge so far in the comments

- Reflect on the past 24 days and sum it up in one sentence in the comments

- Go outside for 1-2 hours

Welcome To Day 25 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working out,
soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get
it on your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google
drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 25 Daily Task:

- Photoshop images of yourself, completing your dreams so you can look at them everyday. (So for example, 1 million
subscribers, photoshop your head on your dream body, etc.)
Welcome To Day 26 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working out,
soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it
on your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive
and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 26 Daily Task:

- Another man who conquered everything he saw because of his EGO, Watch the video on Alexander the Great:
Welcome To Day 27 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working out,
soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To get it on
your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open google drive and
then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 27 Daily Task:

- Go to the comments and talk about the worst day of the challenge so far and why

- Study and learn about Genghis Khan another man who conquered the world because of his EGO.
Welcome To Day 28 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Read 20 pages of (To
get it on your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open
google drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work
Now time for the Day 28 Daily Task:

- Post on youtube and see how the algorithm works

- time yourself and do 100 pushups and 100 situps then run 1 mile, put your results in the comments
Welcome To Day 29 of the Ayanokoji Challenge
To Do List:

- Mediate For 5 Minutes

- Ego-Boost Workout: A challenging routine that pushes your limits and builds physical confidence.(Whether it’s working
out, soccer, sport, or if it’s your rest day. rest.)
- Finish The Rest Of (To
get it on your phone if needed, download the pdf file then drop it into your google drive, then from your phone open
google drive and then read)
- Complete all your work (Whether that’s school work or a social media platform you are posting on)
- 5-10 minute cold shower
- Visualization For 10 Minutes (Visualize your success and you destroying your competition
- Journal Reflection: Reflect on your progress and how your ego-driven actions moved you closer to your goals.
- Plan for Tomorrow: Set ambitious goals for the next day that align with your personal vision of success.
- Go For a Run (20 Minutes)

Rules for the day:

- Limit all sugar (Put down the donut brother)

- No social media (Stop looking at other people, and take a look in the mirror) (Yes you can use it if you need to post or to
message someone but only if you gain something from it)
- No napping (Unless your fasting and trying to kill time, Limit the napping and get things done)
- No lying down on bed to do work

“Is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blanket and stay warm”
Now time for the Day 29 Daily Task:

- Today is the cultivation of everything you have been doing so far.

- Write down all things your new skill has taught you and if you were able to bring out your inner EGO

- Write down how much you learnt about that new language and if it was worth learning it in the comments

- Summarize and analysis the main points from the books we have read in the comments
The Final day of the Blue Lock Challenge

Sit in a dark room for 1 hour, and reflect on what has

happened in the past 30 days, the ups and the downs. After
reaching day 30, you no longer need instructions, good work.
Now time for the Day 30 Daily Task:

- Go outside for 2 hours

- Try to limit as much technology use as possible

- Post your final thoughts in the comments

Good shit brother


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