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Graduate Thesis Writing Standard of

Chang'an University
No. 58 (2014)
In order to improve the quality of Graduate Dissertations, unify the format of
writing and editing dissertations, and facilitate the collection, storage, retrieval,
utilization, exchange and dissemination of information. This specification is
formulated according to relevant national standards and the actual situation of the
Definition of degree thesis: a degree thesis is an academic thesis that indicates that
the author has made creative results or new opinions in scientific research, and is
written with this content as the content, which is used for evaluation when applying
for the corresponding degree.
The master's thesis requires new opinions or new achievements on the research
topic, and has certain significance to the national economic construction or the
development of this discipline in theory or practice, indicating that the author has a
solid basic theory and systematic expertise in this discipline, and has the ability to
engage in scientific research or independently undertake special technical work.
The doctoral dissertation requires to make creative achievements in science or
special technology on the research subject, and is of great significance to the national
economic construction or the development of this discipline in theory or practice,
indicating that the author has a solid and broad basic theory and systematic and deep
human expertise in this discipline, Have the ability to engage in scientific research

Chapter 1 Basic Requirements and Contents of the Paper

1.1 Basic Requirements of the Paper
The paper shall be correct in argument, rigorous in reasoning, thorough in
explanation and reliable in data. The paper should have reasonable structure, clear
hierarchy, accurate description, concise text and standardized text and drawings. The
contents related to the author's innovative work and research characteristics should be
mainly discussed, so as to enrich the data or examples and analyze comprehensively
and deeply. The source of documents and materials quoted in the text must be
indicated, and the units of measurement and drawing specifications used shall comply
with national standards.
The academic level of the thesis shall meet the specified requirements.
The length of the main part of the dissertation (including figures, tables and
formulas), the master's dissertation is generally not less than 40 ~ 60 pages, and the
doctoral dissertation is generally not less than 60 ~ 100 pages. Advocate concise
writing and standardized language.

1.2 The Content of the Paper

The background, basis and significance of the topic; Literature and related research
review, research and design scheme, test method, device and test results; Proof,
analysis and conclusion of theory; Important calculations, data, charts, curves and
related analysis; Necessary appendices, relevant reference catalogues, etc. for the
projects completed in cooperation, the content of the paper should focus on my
research work. In the thesis, the parts related to the joint research and experiment with
the instructor or others and the parts quoting the research results of others shall be
clearly explained.

Chapter 2 Main Structure and Binding Sequence of the

The dissertation generally consists of 11 parts. The binding sequence is;
1. Cover (Chinese and English title page)
2. Statement of originality of the thesis and statement of ownership of intellectual
property rights of the thesis
3. Chinese Abstract
4. English Abstract
5. Table of contents
6. List of charts and main symbols (which can be omitted according to specific
7. Main part (including introduction, text, conclusion, etc.)
8. References
9. Appendix
10. Research results obtained during degree study
11. Thank you

Chapter 3 Specification of Thesis Format

3.1 Text and Writing of Thesis
3.1.1 Text of Graduate Thesis
Thesis is generally written in Chinese, using simplified Chinese characters and
legal units of measurement officially announced and implemented by the state. It can
also be written in English, but the detailed abstract written in Chinese must be
submitted at the same time.
(1) The catalogue, main part and thanks of the degree thesis of foreign students in
China can be written in English; However, the original statement and ownership
statement on the cover shall be written in Chinese. Master students shall submit a
detailed Chinese abstract of about 3000 words at the same time, and doctoral students
shall submit a detailed Chinese abstract of about 5000 words at the same time.
(2) The catalogue, main part and thanks of the degree thesis of foreign language
major shall be written in the corresponding language of their major; However, the
cover, originality statement and ownership statement shall be written in Chinese, and
the abstract shall be written in Chinese and the corresponding language of the major.
3.1.2 Writing of Thesis
The dissertation shall be written on A4 (70g) white paper, and the cover and back
cover shall be white paper, Chinese and English title pages, original statements and
use authorization are printed on one side, Starting from the Chinese abstract, adopt
double-sided printing.
3.1.3 Font and Font size
Chapter title: No. 3 bold
Middle section title: No. 4 bold
Left bar Title: No. 4 bold
Left main part: No. 4
Song page type number: No. 5
Song numbers type and letters: Times New Roman
3.2 Paper Page Setting
3.2.1 Page Margin and Line Margin
Upper margin of degree paper: 25mm; Bottom margin: 25mm; Left margin: 30mm;
Right margin: 20mm, the title of chapter, section and article is single line spacing, and
0.5 lines are set before and after the paragraph (i.e. 0.5 lines are left blank before and
after the paragraph). The main part is 1.5 times the line spacing, and there is no empty
line before and after the section (i.e. empty 0 line).
3.2.2 Header
The upper margin of the header is 15mm and the lower margin of the footer is
15mm. Header content: the header marking starts from the main part of the paper
(introduction or chapter 1), and the header is arranged in No. 5 Song typeface in the
middle. Parity pages are different. The odd page header is the chapter preface and
chapter title, for example, "Chapter IV subgrade disease types and distribution law",
and the even page header is "doctoral dissertation of Chang'an University" or
"master's dissertation of Chang'an University". The format is to draw a horizontal line
under the text content of the header, and the length of the line is the same as the width
of the page.
3.2.3 Page Number
The page number of the paper starts from the "main part" to the end of "thanks",
and is continuously encoded with No. 5 Arabic numerals. The page number is located
in the middle of the footer, and the cover (Chinese and English title page), the
originality statement and ownership statement of the academic paper are not included
in the page summary, table of contents, chart list The main symbol list shall be
continuously coded with small Roman numerals of No. 5, and the page number shall
be in the middle of the footer.

3.3 Terminology
Technical terms and names of equipment and components shall adopt the terms or
names specified in national standards or ministerial standards. Terms not specified in
the standard shall adopt industry general terms or names. Full text terminology must
be unified. Special nouns or new nouns shall be explained or annotated in appropriate
When English abbreviations are adopted, except for the general abbreviations
widely used in the industry, the abbreviations appearing for the first time in the text
shall indicate the full English name in brackets.

3.4 Physical Quantity Names, Symbol and Unit of Measurement

All physical quantities, symbols and units used in the text shall adopt the legal
units of measurement of the people's Republic of China and the national standard
quantities and units (GB3100 ~ 3102).

3.5 Drawings, Tables and Their Notes

The drawings and tables shall be arranged below the words mentioned in the main
part for the first time. When the diagram or table cannot be arranged on this page, it
shall be arranged on the next page of this page.
3.5.1 Diagram
The diagram includes curve diagram, structure diagram, schematic diagram, block
diagram, flow chart, record diagram, layout diagram, map photo, plate, etc. the
diagram shall be "self-evident", that is, the diagram meaning can be understood only
by looking at the diagram, title and legend without reading the text.
The figure shall be numbered in Arabic numerals, such as "Figure 3.2". The figure
title shall be clear and brief, bold with No. 5 Song typeface, numbers and letters bold
with No. 5 times New Roman typeface, and there shall be two spaces between the
figure number and the figure title. The number and title of the drawing shall be placed
in the middle at the bottom of the drawing.
The text in the figure is in No. 5 Song typeface, and the numbers and letters are in
No. 5 times New Roman typeface. The vertical and horizontal coordinates of the
curve must be marked with "quantity, symbol specified in the standard and unit",
which can be omitted only when it is unnecessary to mark (such as no quantity and
stiffness, etc.). The symbols and abbreviations of the quantities marked on the
coordinates must be consistent with those in the text. The outline of the subject and
main parts of the photo map shall be clear. If the enlarged and reduced replica is used,
it must be clear and the contrast must be moderate. The picture shall have a scale
indicating the size of the object.
3.5.2 Table
The table shall be a three line table with the same width as the text, the upper and
lower edge lines, the line thickness of 1.5 pounds, the inner line of the table, and the
line thickness of 1. For example, table 2-1.
Table 2-1 sample of questionnaire:

Generally, the contents and test items are read horizontally from left to right, and
the data are read vertically in order. The table shall be self-evident.
The number of the table shall be continued in Arabic numerals, such as "table 2.5".
The table questions shall be clear and brief, bold in 5-point Song typeface, bold in 5-
point Times New Roman typeface for numbers and letters, and there shall be 2 spaces
between the table number and the table questions. The number and title of the table
should be placed in the middle above the table.
Text in table is No. 5 Song typeface, and the numbers and letters are No. 5 times
New Roman typeface. If a table needs to be arranged page by page, the arrangement
of the table shall be repeated on subsequent pages. The number is followed by the
table title (can be omitted) and "(Continued)", as shown in Table 2.1 heat flux density
at each boundary of subgrade (Continued). The continued table shall repeat the header
and statement about the unit.
3.5.3 Notes
If there are notes in the drawing and table, the serial numbers of all notes shall be
"note 10 Arabic numerals + colon", such as "note 1:". The notes are written at the
bottom of the figure and table, generally using No. 5 Song typeface .

3.6 Formula
The number of the formula in the text is arranged in Arabic numerals by chapter,
enclosed in parentheses and written at the end of the right line without dotted lines.
For example, the serial number of the first formula in Chapter I is "(1.1)", and the first
formula in Appendix A is "(A1)". When quoting formulas in the text, it is generally
annotated with "see formula (1.1)" or "from formula (1.1)"
3.7 Individual Notes or Situations
When there are individual nouns or situations in the dissertation that need to be
explained, notes can be added. Notes are used at the end of the page (put the notes at
the bottom of the note page), rather than at the end of the article (focus all the notes at
the end of the article) and in the line (notes sandwiched in the main part of the thesis).
The note number is marked with Arabic numerals, such as "note 1".

3.8 Confidential Dissertations

Confidential dissertations are encouraged to declassify dissertations and reduce the
number of unnecessary confidential dissertations. Generally, the application
background, technical indicators and key data related to confidential projects shall be
removed in the declassification place, so as to turn the thesis into a pure theoretical
and technical research, which can be disclosed or read within the scope of paper
reviewers. The confidentiality of technologies and methods shall be approved Apply
for a patent for protection, instead of changing the degree thesis into a confidential
For the thesis that really needs to be confidential, the instructor shall put forward
and fill in the approval form for classified degree (graduation) thesis of graduate
students of Chang'an University according to the situation of the thesis, and the
University confidentiality Committee shall approve it in accordance with the
confidentiality regulations stipulated by the state. The papers that have passed the
confidentiality approval shall be marked with "confidentiality level ☆" and The
confidentiality level of "confidentiality period" can be divided into "secret",
"confidential" and "top secret" from low to high. For papers applied for internal, the
words "internal ☆ 1 year" or "internal ☆ 2 years" shall be marked in the upper right
corner of the cover.

Chapter 4 Specification of Paper Content

4.1 Cover of the Paper
See Annex 1 and Annex 6 (spine of the paper) for the format of the cover of the
doctoral dissertation See Annex 3 (cover of academic master's degree thesis), Annex 4
(cover of professional master's degree thesis) and Annex 6 (spine of thesis) for the
layout format of the cover of master's degree thesis Classification number: according
to the discipline and specialty of postgraduates, select the paper number as "10710
(school code) + student number" according to the Chinese Library Classification.
The confidentiality level: the confidentiality level and corresponding confidentiality
period shall be directly indicated for the confidential paper, and shall be handled in
accordance with relevant regulations. If the paper is published, the title of the paper
shall not be noted: it shall be accurate, clear and concise, It can summarize the most
important and important content in the whole paper.
The words used in the title of the paper should consider providing specific and
practical information (such as keywords) for retrieval. Generally, it should not exceed
35 Chinese characters. If the meaning is not complete, it can be supplemented by
subtitles. Subtitles should be subordinate and can generally be led out with a dash on
the next line of the title. The title of the thesis should avoid using uncommon
abbreviations, acronyms, characters, codes and formulas. Instructor: the signature of
the instructor shall be subject to the enrollment approved by the graduate school.
Generally, only one instructor can be written.
If there is an assistant instructor or joint instructor approved by the competent
department, one instructor can be added to apply for degree category: the degree
category shall be filled in according to the discipline category, and the discipline
categories include philosophy, economics, law, literature, science, engineering
Discipline names of Agronomy, management and other disciplines: fill in the
discipline name at the time of admission, generally fill in the professional degree
category and field name of secondary disciplines: fill in the professional degree
category name at the time of admission, and also fill in the field name by field, such
as the submission date (Submission time) and defense date of the thesis in the field of
transportation engineering of master of engineering, The date shall be filled in Arabic
numerals. Degree awarding unit: Chang'an University

4.2 Thesis Originality Statement and Thesis Intellectual Property

Ownership Statement.
See Annex 7 for the contents and format of thesis originality statement and thesis
intellectual property ownership statement. It must be signed by the author and
instructor and filled in the date.
4.3 Abstract
The Chinese abstract includes the words "abstract" and the text of the abstract, key
word. For both Chinese and English abstracts, another line must be started at the
bottom of the summary, and the key words of this article must be indicated with
prominent characters. See Annex 8 for the format. Abstract is a brief statement of the
content of the dissertation, which should reflect the core idea of the dissertation work.
The abstract of the thesis should be concise and accurate. The Chinese abstract of the
doctoral thesis is generally about 800 ~ 1200 words.The Chinese abstract of master's
thesis is generally about 500 ~ 800 words.
The content of the abstract should involve the purpose and significance of this
scientific research work, research ideas and methods, research results and conclusions.
The master's thesis must highlight the new ideas of the thesis, and the doctoral thesis
must highlight the innovative achievements of the thesis. Key words: it is a group of
words or terms selected from the text to reveal the subject content of the full text for
users to find literature. The standard words in the thesaurus should be used as much as
possible (refer to the corresponding technical term standards). There are generally 3 ~
8 keywords, according to the extension level of the entry Arrange (large ones in front).
Keywords are separated by commas, and the last keyword is not punctuated. English
Abstract: for the needs of international communication, the paper must have an
English abstract. The content and key words of the English abstract shall be consistent
with the Chinese abstract and key words, in accordance with English grammar,
smooth sentences and fluent words. Both English and Chinese Pinyin are times New
Roman, and the font size is the same as that of the Chinese abstract.

4.4 The Catalogue

It is prepared according to the serial numbers and titles of chapters, sections and
articles, which is generally level 2 or level 3. The catalogue shall include introduction
(or introduction), text, conclusion, appendix, references, appendix, academic papers
published during degree study and scientific research projects participated in. See
Annex 10 for details.
4.5 Chart List and Main Symbol Table
If there are many charts in the paper, the list can be listed separately and placed
after the table of contents. The list of drawings shall have number, title and page
number. The list of tables shall have number, table title and page number. The notes
and descriptions of symbols, signs, abbreviations, acronyms, units of measurement,
nouns, terms, etc. commonly used in the full text can be listed in the main symbol
table after the figure and table list if they need to be collected, and the symbol table
shall be arranged in the order of English and other relevant words.

4.6 Main Body

The main body of the paper shall generally include: Introduction (or introduction),
body, conclusion, etc.
4.6.1 Chapter Title and Level
The main part of the paper shall be written in chapters, and each chapter shall start
another page. Chapter titles should be focused, concise and clear. The number of
words is generally less than 15 words, and punctuation is not allowed. English
abbreviations shall not be used in the title as far as possible. If necessary, the general
abbreviations of the industry shall be used.
The level should be less and selected according to the actual needs. The level of the
three-level title shall be prepared according to the format of chapter (such as Chapter
I), section (such as "1.1") and article (such as "1.1.1"); Suggestions for Social
Sciences and literature are prepared in the format of chapters (such as "I", "I"),
sections (such as "(I)") and articles (such as "1,"). The Arabic numerals of the title
sequence of each chapter are in Times New Roman
4.6.2 Introduction
The introduction (or introduction) is generally used as the first chapter, which is the
beginning of the main body of the paper. The content of the introduction should
briefly explain the purpose and scope of the research work, previous work and
knowledge gaps in relevant fields, theoretical basis, research ideas, research methods
and experimental design, expected results and significance, etc.
It should be concise and comprehensive, do not be the same as the summary, and
do not write notes to the summary. There is no need to repeat the knowledge in
general textbooks in the introduction. In order to reflect that the author has indeed
mastered solid basic theory and systematic expertise, has a broad scientific vision, and
has fully demonstrated the research scheme, therefore, the relevant historical review
and pre manual The summary analysis and theoretical analysis can be divided into
separate chapters and described in sufficient words. The introduction of doctoral
dissertation is generally not less than 8000 words, and the introduction of master's
dissertation is generally not less than 5000 words.
4.6.3 Text
The main body is the core part of the dissertation, accounting for the main space.
Due to the different disciplines, topics, research methods, work process and results
expression involved in the research work, the main body can include the following
relevant contents: survey objects, experiment and observation methods, instruments
and equipment, materials and raw materials, experiment and observation results,
calculation methods and programming principles, data Processed charts, formed
arguments and derived conclusions, etc.
In short, the author should clarify the research scheme and experimental methods
according to the content of the research work, highlight his own innovative and
characteristic work, make the argument clear, the argument is sufficient, the
conclusion is credible, and the comparative analysis with similar and related work is
clear. The text should have reasonable structure, clear hierarchy, strict reasoning,
smooth writing, concise content, and standardized charts and references.
4.6.4 Conclusion
The conclusion of the dissertation is a separate chapter without chapter number.
The conclusion is the summary of the whole thesis, the destination of the whole thesis,
not a simple repetition of the summary of each chapter in the main body. It is required
to elaborate their creative work or new opinions and their significance and function in
a concise, accurate and complete manner. In the conclusion or discussion, the
problems to be solved, the ideas for further research, the improvement of the scheme
and other suggestions related to the work of the paper can be put forward. If it is
impossible to draw the due conclusions, the necessary discussion can also be carried
out without conclusions.
4.7 References
The academic references should be accurate, based, candid, innovative and
accumulated. The accuracy, evidence and accumulation need to be based on the
correct treatment of previous academic achievements. The materials contained in the
dissertation that have been published or written by others, or used to obtain the degree
certificate of other educational institutions, or any contribution made by the
instructors and colleagues working with the author to this research shall be clearly
indexed and explained in the dissertation. Therefore, where there are direct references
to other people's achievements (words, figures, facts and relaying other people's
views), they should be marked and listed in the references to avoid paper plagiarism.
The number of references: doctoral dissertations should generally be no less than 80,
including no less than 80 journal literatures and no less than 20 foreign literatures,
mainly in recent 5 years; Generally, there should be no less than 30 master's degree
theses, including no less than 80% of periodical literature and no less than 5 foreign
literature, mainly in recent 5 years.
The number of references for professional master's dissertations can refer to the
description and indexing of references for Graduate Dissertations, in accordance with
the national standard rules for bibliographic description (GB7714) and the
compilation and exchange format of Chinese doctoral and master's dissertations.
1.7.1 References and Notes Shall be Marked in the Text
References and notes shall respectively indicate that references are information
resources of relevant documents cited for writing papers.
The references are cited in real form, placed before the last full stop of the citation
or statement of views, and the serial numbers of the cited documents are marked with
small 4 times New Roman and upper corner marks (serial numbers [1], [2]...). Such as
"... Achievement [1]". If the same document is cited many times, the serial number of
the first citation shall always be marked in the full text. If a treatise is cited in multiple
places in the paper, the serial number appearing for the first time shall prevail.
When a discussion cites multiple references at the same time, the format of [1,2,...]
shall be adopted, and the serial numbers in square brackets shall be arranged in
increasing order. When the references mentioned are directly explained in the text,
their serial numbers shall be aligned with the main part, such as "it can be seen from
literature [8.10-14]: Corner notes are words that introduce, explain and comment on
the vocabulary, content and citations in books and articles. Notes mainly include
explanatory notes and citation notes. Explanatory notes are further explanations or
supplementary notes to a specific content in the main part of the paper; citation notes
include various citations that are not suitable for inclusion in the references after the
text. Notes use the upper corner (serial numbers ①, ②...) are marked and explained in
the form of footnotes (Page Notes). Footnotes (Page Notes) on this page can be listed
in small characters (generally small five Song typeface) at the bottom of the same
page of the corresponding main part and separated from the main part with thin lines
(1 / 4 of the layout width). The annotation types are divided into the following:
(1) Unpublished private correspondence, e.g. e-mail from Eugene Garfield,
November 30, 2005
(2) Archival materials, e.g. member Ye Jianying's statement on the investigation
results of the Anping incident: 194609, internal materials of the central archives
(3) Internal data, for example: relevant chapters of the internal data of the Central
Education Department of Nanjing Education Bureau, Fundamentals of target teaching.
(4) Manuscript, for example: refer to Tao Yun's manuscript on material theory
(5) Ancient books (various versions published before 1911 without modern
versions), for example: [song] Shen Kuo: Mengxi Bi Tan, [yuan] Chaling edition in
the ninth year of Dade. Ancient works with modern versions in the National Library
of China should be included in the post references as ordinary books
(6) Cited documents. The source of the cited documents should be noted as
required, preceded by "cited from" , and then mark the original literature containing
the cited data. Example: cited from Yang Xingpei: questioning the dangerous crime,
published in China Law 2000, issue 3
(7) To be published, for example: Li Xiaozhen, Liu Yinghong, Zhou lifeI, etc. the
growth and decline law of corn mouse ear disease and the measurement of damage
loss of corn. Journal of Applied Ecology (to be published)
(8) Unpublished conference speeches, for example: Cai Renhou's speech
(9) was quoted again when he attended the "Fifth International Academic
Conference on Contemporary Neo Confucianism" in Jinan in early 1998. When
quoting the same document again, only the author's name, work name (subtitle can be
omitted) and the page number of the citation need to be noted; If the annotation on the
same page and immediately following the same citation, the author's name and work
name can be replaced by "ditto" (paper) or "tongshangshu" (work).
4.7.2 Reference Description Standard and Format
Reference description shall have complete items, complete contents, correct
sequence and correct punctuation. The specific requirements are as follows:
(1) description format: the serial number of the reference is in the left top grid and
is represented by numbers and square brackets, such as [1], [2],. There is no end
character at the end of each reference entry. The punctuation marks in the references
are in the form of "half angle punctuation mark and ten spaces"
(2) Arrangement order: increase according to the order of first citation in the main
part, or increase according to the English alphabet of the author's last name or Pinyin
alphabet, and the indicated serial number in the main part
(3) Author's name: if there are only 3 or less authors, their names are all listed,
After all Chinese and foreign authors have the first name, the foreigner's first name
can be replaced by the capital of the first letter. For example, William F. (first name)
johns (last name) should be written as Johns W.E. in the references; If there are more
than three authors, only the first three are listed, followed by ", etc.
(4) Reference type and identification: according to gb3469, all kinds of references
should be identified by adding a single letter after the title in square brackets. See
Table 1 for the traditional document type and identification with paper as the carrier.
The electronic document type and identification of non paper carrier: for database and
computer program For the identification of electronic document types of non paper
carriers such as computer progran, monograph on CD-ROM, electronic bulletin board,
etc. see Table 2,
Table 2 identification of electronic documents type

When the traditional literature with paper as the carrier is cited as a reference, it is not
necessary to specify its carrier type, while the electronic literature with non paper
carrier shall indicate its carrier type in the reference type identification when it is cited
as a reference, as shown in Table 3. In this way, the reference type identification
format of the non paper carrier type is [electronic document type identification carrier
type identification], such as
[DB / OL] Database online
[B / MT] Database on magnetic tape
[M/CD] Monograph on CD-ROM
[CP / DK] Computer program on disk
[J / OL ] Online journal disk software (serial online)
[EB / OL] Electronic bulletin board online

Table 3 identification of non paper carrier type

(5) Other descriptions of the description format: if an item is originally missing, it

can be omitted together with its corresponding punctuation marks; Page numbers
cannot be omitted. The beginning and end pages are separated by "-" and different
citation ranges are separated by. ".
(6) See Table 4 for the layout format of various cited reference entries and
Table 4 format of reference entries
4.8 Appendix
The appendix is a supplementary item with the main body of the paper and is not
necessary. The following contents can be compiled after the paper as an appendix
(1) for the sake of the integrity of the whole paper material, but compiling the main
part is detrimental to the organization and logic of the arrangement. This material
includes more detailed information, research methods and technology than the main
part, deeper human narration, suggestions for readable bibliographic titles,
supplementary information useful for understanding the main part, etc.
(2) Materials that are too long or taken from reproductions and are not easy to be
incorporated into the main part of the paper.
(3) Rare and precious materials that are not easy to be incorporated into the main
part of the paper or technical details and detailed schemes that need special
confidentiality (in this case, they can be listed in a separate volume)
(4) Materials that are not necessary for general readers but are of reference value to
peers of the profession
(5) Some important original data, long mathematical derivation, calculation
procedures, block diagrams, structural diagrams, notes, statistical tables

4.9 The Research Results Obtained During the Course of Studying

For a doctor's degree shall be paid to the doctoral dissertation, which generally
includes the following two contents: list the academic papers, invention patents,
works and award-winning projects related to the doctoral dissertation published
(including employed) during the course of studying for a doctor's degree, The writing
format is the same as the reference format.
The main scientific research projects participated in during the doctoral study: list
the main scientific research projects related to the dissertation participated in during
the doctoral study, including project name, project source, development time and my
main work. For the master's thesis, list the published (including employment) during
the master's degree study The writing format of academic papers, invention patents,
works, award-winning projects, etc. related to the dissertation is the same as that of

4.10 Acknowledgement
Here we mainly thank the instructors, groups and people who have made direct
contributions and important help to the completion of the paper in academic aspects,
as well as the owners of materials, pictures, documents, research ideas and ideas who
have given reprint and citation rights.
The speech of thanks should be modest and sincere, seek truth from facts, and
avoid exaggeration and vulgar words. The family members, relatives and friends of
the degree applicant who are not directly related to the thesis cannot be included in
the scope of thanks.

4.11 Filing of Graduate Thesis

After completing the defense of the thesis, the graduate student shall revise the
thesis as required, finalize, copy and bind it according to the specified cover format
according to the opinions of the evaluation experts and the Defense Committee and
under the guidance of the instructor.
Graduate students shall submit the final version of the full text of the dissertation as
required, and the number of copies submitted shall be handled as follows:
(1) Paper printed doctoral dissertation: 4 copies of the final version of the full text
shall be submitted, and the confidential dissertation shall be bound before the last and
back covers of the dissertation.
A copy of the notice on examination and approval of classified papers. Master's
thesis: submit 2 copies of the full text to the final version.
(2) Content and format of the electronic version: it shall be the same as that of the
paper final version, and shall be submitted to the University Library as required. The
specific submission method is: enter the homepage of Chang'an University Library
and submit it through the network system. This specification has been officially
implemented since September 1, 2014.

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