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Braiding Sweetgrass

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1. What is the moral question that Dr. Kimmerer thinks we must all consider when we

consume things? And why? How will you apply this question in your life?

In "Braiding Sweetgrass," Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer poses a challenging moral inquiry:

What if every act of consumption were also an act of creation? This question urges us to

reconsider our connection with the Earth and the consequences of our consumption on the

environment. It prompts us to move beyond perceiving consumption as a one-sided taking and

instead view it as a reciprocal relationship where we contribute to the flourishing of the Earth.

Personally, I strive to apply this question in my life by fostering heightened mindfulness in my

consumption choices. This entails opting for sustainable practices, supporting initiatives aligned

with reciprocity and environmental stewardship, and consciously acknowledging the impacts of

my actions on the broader ecosystem. Embracing this shift in perspective encourages a more

responsible and respectful interaction with the natural world, nurturing a sense of

interconnectedness and shared responsibility for the well-being of the planet.

2. What are 3 of the 13 guidelines for a(n) Honourable Harvest? Why did you choose


From the "Honourable Harvest," three guidelines that deeply resonate with me are

seeking permission, acquiring only what is given, and utilizing everything that is acquired. These

principles embody a profound respect for the natural world and a dedication to sustainable

practices. Seeking permission signifies recognizing the land as a partner in the delicate dance of

coexistence (Kimmerer, 2022). Acquiring only what is given emphasizes the importance of

maintaining ecological balance and acknowledging the interconnected web of life. Utilizing

everything acquired reflects deep gratitude and responsibility, minimizing waste, and

demonstrating a commitment to honoring the gifts received from the Earth. Choosing these
principles is a conscious decision to align my actions with a deeper understanding of reciprocity

and environmental stewardship. It is a pledge to contribute positively to the intricate tapestry of

the environment, acknowledging the sacred nature of our relationship with the Earth.

3. In your own terms: What is a Windigo? How could understanding of Windigo

stories be helpful in thinking about environmental sustainability? What are some

areas of your life where you feel Windigo's presence at times?

In my interpretation, a Windigo embodies a mythical creature symbolizing the destructive

forces of greed and uncontrolled consumption. Understanding Windigo stories becomes a potent

tool for contemplating environmental sustainability. These narratives offer profound insights into

the consequences of unchecked desires and excessive consumption, serving as cautionary tales

about the perils of exploiting resources without regard for balance and harmony. Personally, I

discern the presence of the Windigo in moments of excessive materialism and wasteful habits,

acting as a metaphorical reminder to approach consumption with mindfulness and restraint.

Integrating the lessons from Windigo stories into our collective consciousness provides a

framework for fostering sustainable practices and responsible resource management. By heeding

these cautionary tales, we can collectively strive towards a more balanced and harmonious

coexistence with the natural world, mitigating the detrimental impacts of unchecked human


4. What does the author mean by a "moral concept of reciprocity"? How would you be

able to apply this knowledge/concept/teaching in your life? How could you

encourage it in others?
Dr. Kimmerer introduces the concept of a "moral concept of reciprocity," underscoring

our ethical responsibility to give back and sustain relationships with the Earth (Kimmerer, 2022).

This surpasses a transactional view of resource utilization, emphasizing a profound

interconnectedness with the natural world. Applying this concept in my life involves embracing

sustainable practices that go beyond mere conservation. It requires a holistic approach to living

in harmony with the Earth, recognizing the reciprocal nature of our relationship with the

environment. To embody this knowledge, I commit to reducing my ecological footprint,

embracing sustainable habits, and supporting initiatives that prioritize environmental well-being.

Encouraging this moral concept in others entails fostering awareness and understanding of how

human actions impact the delicate balance of ecosystems. Through education and advocacy, we

can collectively instill a sense of responsibility and reciprocity, fostering a more sustainable and

harmonious relationship with the Earth for future generations.


Kimmerer, R. W (2022). Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific

Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants. Zest Books TM.

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