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185 of the NIRC provides

that documentary stamp tax shall be
collected on all policies of insurance or
obligations of the nature of indemnity for
Facts: Philippine Health Care Providers loss or damage. However, Philippine Health
provides health care for those enrolled in its Care Providers is not engaged in the
health care programs. Those who are paying insurance business. It is a Health
their annual membership fee are entitled to Maintenance Organization (HMO). An
medical services. The Commission of HMO is an entity providing health services
Internal Revenue sent a demand letter to for a fixed prepaid premium.
Philippine Health demanding the payment of
An HMO does not indemnify its members
deficiency taxes for two years in the amount
for any loss or damage arising from a
of about P220 million. A documentary
medical condition, but it provides health and
stamp tax (DST) assessment was also
medical services.
imposed on Philippine Health.
Moreover, an HMO is not supervised by the
Philippine Health protested the assessment
Insurance Commission, but by the DOH.
in a letter. However, the CIR did not act on
Likewise, the Insurance Commissioner
the protest. Hence, Philippine Health filed a
confirmed that Philippine Health is not
petition for review with the CTA seeking the
engaged in the insurance business.
cancellation of the deficiency VAT and DST
assessments. A health care agreement is not an insurance
contract contemplated under section 185 of
CTA: ordered the payment of VAT plus
the NIRC.
surcharge and interest, while the DST
assessment was cancelled and set aside. Furthermore, the NIRC contained no
specific provision on the DST liability of
CIR appealed it to the CA insofar as the
health care agreements of HMOs at the time
DST assessment was cancelled, and it
there were already known as such.
claimed that the health care agreement of
Philippine Health was a contract of As a matter of fact, Petitioner Philippine
insurance subject to DST. Health was only assessed its DST liability
after more than a decade in the business as
CA: reversed the decision of the CTA, and
an HMO.
ordered the payment DST plus surcharge
and interest. It held that the health care EL ORIENTE vs. JUAN POSADAS
agreement was in the nature of a non-life
Facts: El oriente procured a life insurance
insurance contract subject to DST.
policy for its manager, A. Velhagen, who
MR of Philippine Health was denied by had more than 35 years of experience in the
CA. manufacture of cigars. El oriente designated
itself as the sole beneficiary of the insurance
Issue: Whether Philippine Health shall be
policy. It charged the premiums of the
ordered to pay Documentary Stamp Tax
policy as expenses of the business, and
deducted them from its gross incomes as
reported in its annual income tax returns. representatives. The same contract was
The deductions were allowed by Posadas, as executed annually. Under the contract,
the acting Collector of Internal Revenue, Reputable shall be liable for the loss, and
provided that El Oriente shows that the damage of the goods due to any and all
premiums were expenses in the operation of causes including theft, robbery, and other
the business. Upon the death of Velhagen, El force majeure while the products are in
oriente received all the proceeds of the transit. The contract of carriage also required
insurance policy. Reputable to secure an insurance on
Wyeth’s goods. Thus, Reputable signed a
Collector of IR: Assessed the sum of about
Special Risk Insurance Policy (SR Policy)
P3,000 as income tax on the proceeds of the
with Malayan.
insurance policy, despite El Oriente
claiming exemption under the Income Tax In one occasion, 1,000 boxes of Promil
Law. infant formula of Wyeth is to be delivered
by Reputable to Mercury Drug Libis.
Trial Court: Affirmed the assessment of the
However, the truck containing the goods
CIR, and held that the proceeds of the
were hijacked by armored men. The truck
insurance policy are taxable as income.
was recovered without its cargo.
Issue: Whether the proceeds of life
Philippine First paid Wyeth indemnity, and
insurance policies paid to corporate
it demanded reimbursement from Reputable.
beneficiaries are taxable as income.
However, Reputable ignored the demand.
Held: No. Considering the uncertainty of Consequently, Philippines First instituted an
Philippine law, and the lack of express action for sum of money against Reputable.
legislative intention to tax the proceeds of
Reputable claimed that it is a private carrier.
life insurance policies paid to corporate
It also claimed that it cannot be made liable
beneficiaries, the Court deem it reasonable
since the contract was not signed by
to hold the such proceeds not taxable
Wyeths’ representative and the cause of the
loss was force majeure.
Subsequently, Reputable impleaded
Malayan, but Malayan argued that the SR
Facts: Wyeth Philippines and Reputable policy does not cover loss or damage to
Forwarder Services executed a contract property.
whereby Reputable shall transport the
RTC: Found Reputable liable to Philippines
products of Wyeth to its customers and
First for the amount of indemnity it paid to
dealers. Wyeth procured Marine Policy from
Wyeth. Malayan is liable to Reputable to the
Philippines First Insurance to insure the
extent of the policy coverage.
products of Wyeth while being transported.
CA: Sustained RTC decision. MR denied.
Wyeth executed its annual contract of
carriage with Reputable. However, the Issues:
contract was not signed by Wyeth’s
1) Whether Reputable is a private carrier;
representatives but signed by Reputable’s
2) Whether Reputable is strictly bound by equitable interest over the goods of Wyeth,
the stipulations in its contract of carriage while Malayan provides insurance over the
with Wyeth, such that it should be liable for safety goods being transported by
any risk of loss or damage, for any cause Reputable. Thus, the two entities covers
whatsoever, including that due to theft or distinct insurable interests.
robbery and other force majeure;
The requisites in
3) Whether the RTC and CA erred in
order for double insurance to arise are as
rendering "nugatory" Section 5 and Section
12 of the SR Policy; and
1. The person insured is the same;
4) Whether Reputable should be held
solidarily liable with Malayan for the 2. Two or more insurers insuring separately;
amount of P998,000.00 due to Philippines
First. 3. There is identity of subject matter;

Held: 4. There is identity of interest insured; and

1) Reputable is a private carrier. 5. There is identity of the risk or peril

insured against.
A private carrier is one which carry goods
not for the general public. In contrast 4) Reputable is not solidarily liable with
common carriers, are person, or corporations Malayan.
which offer their services to the public for There is solidary liability only when the
transporting passengers or goods. obligation expressly states so.
2) Reputable is bound by the terms of the GEAGONIA vs. CA and COUNTRY
contract of carriage. BANKERS INSURANCE
Reputable's liability is fully governed by the CORPORATION
stipulations of the contract of carriage, Facts: Geagonia is the owner of Norman’s
including it liability for the loss of the goods Mart, located in the public market of a town
due to any and all causes, including theft, in Agusan del Sur. Geagonia obtained a fire
robbery, or force majeure. insurance policy for P100,000 from Country
3) Section 5 and Section 12 of the SR Bankers Insurance Corporation (CBIC). The
Policy shall not be declared nugatory. policy contained a certain condition, named
Condition 3, which provides that the insured
Section 5 merely limits the liability of shall give notice to CBIC regarding
Malayan up to the excess of the amount that insurances already effected over the same
was not covered by the other insurance properties insured by CBIC. Failure to notify
policy. On the other hand, Section 12 is an CBIC of such, will render the benefits of the
over insurance clause which provides that policy forfeited. However, the said
Malayan shall not be liable to contribute condition shall not apply when the loss or
more than it ratable proportion on the loss or damage is not more than P200,000.
damage. Moreover, there is no double
insurance since the Philippine First provides In once occasion, a fire broke out at the
public market where the store of Geagonia
was located. The stocks-in-trade of death of Loreto. Thus, they pray that the
Geagonia were completely destroyed. He share of Eva should be forfeited in favor.
filed his insurance claim with CBIC. Moreover, the legitimate wife and children
However, CBIC denied the claim, arguing claim that the shares of the illegitimate
that the stocks-in-trade were also covered by children shall be lessened to only one-half of
two insurance policies secured by Geagonia the legitime of the legitimate children.
from Cebu Branch of the Philippines First
Issue: Whether the members of the
Insurance Co. (PFIC). Geagonia then filed a
legitimate family are entitled to the proceeds
complaint against CBIC with the Insurance
of the insurance for the concubine.
Commission for the recovery of P100,000 as
provided by his fire insurance policy. Even Held: No. Although petitioners are the
though admitting that he obtained two legitimate heirs of Loreto, they were not
insurance policies from FPIC, Geagonia named as beneficiaries in the insurance
claims that he was not informed about policies issued by Insular and Grepalife.
Condition 3. Insurance contracts are governed by special
laws like the Insurance Code. Sec. 53 of the
Insurance Commission (IC): Geagonia
Insurance Code provides that the only
did not violate Condition 3 since he had no
persons entitled to claim the insurance
knowledge of the two fire insurance policies
proceeds are only either the insure, if still
from PFIC. MR Denied.
alive, or the beneficiary, if the insured is
CA: Reversed the IC since it found that already deceased. The exception to this rule
Geagonia knew the existence of the two is a situation where the insurance contract
other policies from FPIC. was intended to benefit third persons who
are not parties to the same in the form of
Issue: Whether Geagonia can claim against
favorable stipulations or indemnity. The
legitimate wife and family do not fall under
Held: Yes. While it is clear that Geagonia the exception.
knew of the policies from FPIC, since he
The disqualification and revocation of Eva
renewed these insurance policies, Condition
as beneficiary does not affect the validity of
3 only applies to double insurance.
the designation of the illegitimate children
However, in this case, there is no double
as beneficiaries. Moreover, the shares of Eva
insurance, since the policies of PFIC do not
shall be awarded to the illegitimate children.
cover the same interest as that of the policy
of CBIC. It is only in cases where the insured has not
designated any beneficiary, 23 or when the
designated beneficiary is disqualified by law
Facts: Loreto Maramag procured life to receive the proceeds, 24 that the insurance
insurance from Insular Life and Grepa Life. policy proceeds shall redound to the benefit
He designated Eva, his concubine, and of the estate of the insured.
illegitimate children as beneficiaries. The
legitimate wife and legitimate children of
Loreto seeks to disqualify Eva as beneficiary
since allegedly she is responsible for the
Facts: Multi-ware, a manufacturer of plastic interest. Since the policy procured by
products, took a fire insurance policy from petitioner from Cibeles Insurance covered
Western Guaranty Corporation in the the same subject and interest as that covered
amount of P10M. The properties insured by the policies issued by Western Guaranty
were machinery and equipment stored in and Prudential Guarantee, the existence of
PTA Compound, Valenzuela. Multi-ware other insurance policies referred to under
secured another fire insurance policy but this Policy Condition No. 3 is undeniable. The
time from Cibeles Insurance for P7M non-disclosure of these policies to the
covering the machinery and equipment of insurers was fatal to petitioner's right to
Multi-Ware in PTA Compound. recover on the insurance policies.
Subsequently, it also obtained a fire
insurance policy from Prudential Guarantee
covering the same machinery and
equipment. Facts: Robert Bacani procured a life
insurance for himself. The insurance is
In one occasion, a fire broke out in the PTA
valued at P100,000 with double indemnity
Compound causing damage and loss on the
incase of accidental death. The designated
proeprties of Multi-Ware. Hence, it filed
beneficiary was his mother, Bernarda.
insurance claims with Western Guaranty,
and Cibeles Insurance. But their claims were Bacani died in a plane crash. Bernarda
denied for violation of Policy Condition No. claimed the benefits of the insurance from
3. Policy Condition No. 3 provides that the Sunlife. But Sunlife rejected the claim and
insured shall give notice to the Company informed Bernrada that Robert did not
regarding any insurance effected on the disclose material facts relevant to the
same properties covered by the insurance of issuance of the policy, rendering the
the Company. Failure to do so, will cause insurance voidable. Sun Life claimed that
the forfeiture of the benefits provided by the Robert did not disclose that he was
insurance policy. Then, Multi-Ware filed diagnosed with renal failure, two weeks
civil action against the insurance companies. prior to his application for life insurance.
RTC: The benefits under the insurance Bernarda filed an action for specific
policies are forfeited due to violation of performance against Sun Life.
Policy Condition No.3.
RTC: Ordered Sun Life to pay Bernarda the
CA: Sustained the RTC. amount of P100,000, and the Accidental
Death Benefit of P100,000. The trial court
Issue: Whether petitioner violated Policy
concluded that the facts concealed by the
Condition No. 3.
insured were made in good faith that they
Held: Yes. It is apparent that Policy need not be disclosed. Moreover, his health
Condition No. 3, or the "other insurance history was immaterial since the insurance
clause," was violated since petitioner failed policy was "non-medical."
to notify the insurers of the fire insurance
CA: Affirmed RTC. It held that the health
policies it procured from the different
history of Robert is irrelevant since the he
insurers covering the same subject and
waived the medical examination prior to the
issuance of the insurance policy. MR RTC: Also found no material
denied. misrepresentation on the part of Kwong
Issue: Whether Bernarda can claim the
insurance benefits. Asian Crusader alleges that Kwong Nam
declared that a tumor associated with his
Held: No. Section 26 of the Insurance Code
stomach ulcer was taken out. However, his
is explicit in requiring a party to a contract
doctor confirmed that Kwong Nam was
of insurance to communicate to the other, in
diagnosed with peptic ulcer. Thus, Asian
good faith, all facts within his knowledge
Crusader claims that Kwon Nam made a
which are material to the contract.
material concealment.
Moreover, the waiver of a medical
Issue: Whether Asian Crusader was
examination renders even more material the
deceived or misled.
information required of the applicant.
Held: No. The claim of Kwong Nam that he
It is well settled that the insured need not die
was suffering from stomach ulcer was made
of the disease he had failed to disclose to the
in good faith. It was made without
insurer. It is sufficient that his non-
knowledge of its incorrectness, and without
disclosure misled the insurer in forming his
deliberate intent to mislead Asian Crusader,
estimates of the risks of the proposed
despite its incorrectness from the viewpoint
insurance policy or in making inquiries.
of a medical expert.
Hence, Sun Life properly exercised its right
The Insurance Law provides that where, a
to rescind the contract of insurance by
question appears to be not answered at all or
reason of the concealment employed by the
to be imperfectly answered, and the insurers
issue a policy without any further inquiry,
NG GAN ZEE vs. ASIAN CRUSADER they waive the imperfection of the answer
LIFE ASSURANCE and render the omission to answer more
fully immaterial.
Facts: Kwong Nam secured a life insurance
from Asian Crusader, with his wife, Ng Gan The fact of the matter is that the defendant
Zee as the beneficiary. Kwong Nam died of was too eager to accept the application and
cancer of the liver. Hence, Zee claimed the receive the insured's premium. It would be
insurance benefit. However, Asian Crusader inequitable now to allow the defendant to
denied the claim on the ground that the avoid liability under the circumstances."
answers of Kwong Nam in his application
for life insurance were untrue. The matter
was brought to the Insurance Commissioner. Facts: Plaintiff obtained from defendant a
loan in the sum of P12,000.
Insurance Commissioner: Found no
material concealment on the part of Kwong
Nam, hence, Zee shall be paid the full face
To secure the payment of the aforesaid loan,
value of the policy.
defendant required plaintiff to sign a
document known as “Conditional Sale of
Residential Building”, purporting to convey mortgagee may insure his interest in the
to defendant, with right to repurchase, a two- property independently of the mortgagor. In
story building of strong materials belonging that event, upon the destruction of the
to plaintiff. This document did not express property the insurance money paid to the
the true intention of the parties which was mortgagee will not inure to the benefit of the
merely to place said property as security for mortgagor, and the amount due under the
the payment of the loan. mortgage debt remains unchanged. The
mortgagee, however, is not allowed to retain
his claim against the mortgagor, but it passes
by subrogation to the insurer, to the extent of
the insurance money paid.”

After the execution of the aforesaid

document, defendant insured the building
against fire for the sum of P15,000, the
insurance policy having been issued in the
name of defendant. The building was partly
destroyed by fire and, after proper demand,
defendant collected from the insurance
company an indemnity of P13,107.00.
Plaintiff demanded from defendant that she
be credited with the necessary amount to pay
her obligation out of the insurance proceeds
but defendant refused to do so.

Issue: Whether a mortgagor is entitled to the

insurance proceeds of the mortgaged
property independently insured by the
mortgagee? What is the effect of the

Held: NO. The rule is that “where a

mortgagee, independently of the mortgagor,
insures the mortgaged property in his own
name and for his own interest, he is entitled
to the insurance proceeds in case of loss, but
in such case, he is not allowed to retain his
claim against the mortgagor, but is passed
by subrogation to the insurer to the extent of
the money paid.” (Vance on Insurance, 2d
ed., p. 654) Or, stated in another way, “the

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