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8th Biology Full Portion Test

Student Name : _____________ 6/12/2023

1 The diagram shows a root hair cell.



nucleus cellulose cell wall

How is this cell modified for the absorption of water?

A It has a cellulose cell wall.

B It has a thin layer of cytoplasm.
C It has a large surface area.
D It has a large vacuole.

2 The table shows diagrams of three types of cell found in a leaf.

Which row correctly identifies each cell type?

not to scale

A spongy mesophyll epidermis xylem

B spongy mesophyll xylem epidermis
C xylem epidermis spongy mesophyll
D xylem spongy mesophyll epidermis

[Turn over
3 Which statement about a function of xylem tissue is correct?

A It carries glucose from the roots to the leaves.

B It helps to support stems and leaves.
C It is the only transport tissue in the plant.
D It carries water away from the leaves.

4 What is part of the definition of transpiration?

A the loss of water vapour from plant leaves by evaporation of water at the surfaces of the
mesophyll cells
B the movement of molecules into the cells of the organism where they are used
C the movement of particles through a cell membrane from a region of lower concentration to a
region of higher concentration
D the transport of mineral ions from the roots into the stem and leaves

5 The diagram shows the human excretory system and associated blo od vessels.

What are structures X, Y and Z?


A ureter bladder urethra

B ureter kidney urethra
C urethra bladder ureter
D urethra kidney ureter

[Turn over
6 Which process is occurring at X?

gamete 1


gamete 2

A fertilisation
B mitosis
C pollination
D meiosis

7 What is defined as ‘a thread-like structure of DNA, carrying genetic information in the form of

A allele
B chromosome
C protein
D zygote

8 The diagram shows the production of a male embryo.

egg cell P
male embryo

sperm cell

Which row shows the sex chromosomes in the cells and the type of cell division at P?

sex chromosomes found in type of cell

egg cell sperm cell male embryo division at P

A X X XX mitosis
B X X XX meiosis
C X Y XY mitosis
D X Y XY meiosis

[Turn over
9 Foxes are mammals. The table shows adaptations of four different species of fox.

Which fox is best adapted to live in a hot dry desert region?

daily volume of
behaviour ear size fur colour
urine produced

A mainly active in the day very small white large

B mainly active at night very large pale brown small
C mainly active at night small dark brown large
D mainly active in the day large dark grey small

10 What is the principal source of energy input into food chains?

A glucose
B heat
C soil
D sunlight

11 What would be the effect of cutting down forests, on the carbon dioxide concentration in the

A Carbon dioxide concentration would fall because of less photosynthesis.

B Carbon dioxide concentration would fall because of more photosynthesis.
C Carbon dioxide concentration would rise because of less photosynthesis.
D Carbon dioxide concentration would rise because of more photosynthesis.

[Turn over
2 (a) Different age groups of people, in one area, were asked about their tobacco smoking habits.

Fig. 2.1 is a graph that shows the percentage of people that currently smoke tobacco and the
percentage of people that used to smoke tobacco but have now stopped.

80 Key:
people that
70 smoke tobacco
people that
60 have stopped
smoking tobacco
of people 40




16–24 25–34 35–49 50–59 60+
age group

Fig. 2.1

Describe how the data for the 60+ age group are different from the 16 – 24-year-old age







............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) Lung cancer and other cancers are caused by smoking tobacco.

State the names of two other diseases caused by smoking tobacco.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................................................................
(c) State the name of the component of tobacco smoke that causes cancer.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(d) Describe the effects of carbon monoxide on the gas exchange system.







............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 9]

[Turn over
3 (a) Fig. 4.1 is a diagram of a plant cell.





Fig. 4.1

Identify the parts of the plant cell in Fig. 4.1 by labelling them in the spaces provided, using
words from the list.

cell membrane cell wall chloroplast

cytoplasm nucleus vacuole


(b) The boxes on the left show parts of a plant cell.

The boxes on the right show the functions of the parts.

Draw lines to link each part with its function. Draw four lines.

part function

contains the genetic material

cell wall

filled with sap and supports the plant cell


made of cellulose and strengthens the plant cell


site of photosynthesis


site of respiration

(c) Xylem is a specialised plant tissue.

State two functions of xylem tissue.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................................................................

4. Farmers use fertilisers on crops to improve crop growth. These fertilisers can cause pollution
when washed into rivers.

State the names of two other substances used to improve crop yield that can cause pollution.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................................................................
5 (a) (i) State the name of the process that occurs in the presence of chlorophyll.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State the name of the mineral ion the plant needs to make chlorophyll.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) State the name of the structure that contains chlorophyll in a plant cell.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Fig. 2.1 shows a diagram of a cross-section of a leaf.

Fig. 2.1

(i) State the letter that identifies the part of the leaf that contains the most chlorophyll in
Fig. 2.1.

......................... [1]

(ii) State the name of the tissue in the leaf that does not contain chlorophyll.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 5]
6 All living organisms need water. Most plants obtain water from the soil.

(a) (i) State the pathway taken by water as it enters and passes through a plant.

Use words from the list to fill in the spaces.

mesophyll cells root cortex cells root hair cells xylem vessels

enters ................................. à ................................. à ................................. à .................................


(ii) Some of the water that enters the plant is used for transpiration.

Define the term transpiration.





..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(iii) State two ways a plant uses water other than for transpiration.

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................


[Turn over
(b) Fig. 3.1 shows apparatus that can be used to measure water loss in a plant.

thermometer plant

plastic bag
pot of damp soil

325.0 g balance

Fig. 3.1

Suggest a reason why the pot of damp soil was placed inside a sealed plastic bag.



............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(c) The apparatus shown in Fig. 3.1 was used in an investigation. The results of this investigation
are shown in Fig. 3.2.

Readings were taken at hourly intervals during the day between 9:00 and 16:00.

2.0 35

rate of
water loss
from 1.5 30
100 g temperature
of leaves / °C
/ g per
hour 1.0 25

water loss
0.5 20

0.0 15
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00
time of day

Fig. 3.2
(i) Use the information in Fig. 3.2 to state:

the maximum rate of water loss from 100 g of leaves ...................................... g per hour

the time at which the temperature was highest .................................................................

the maximum temperature reached during the investigation ....................................... °C


(ii) Describe the relationship between temperature and the rate of water loss from leaves
shown in Fig. 3.2.







..................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 14]

[Turn over
7 Fig. 8.1 shows an area of land where the trees have been cut down.

Fig. 8.1

(a) (i) List three undesirable effects of deforestation.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

3 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) Replanting trees in deforested areas can help to conserve endangered species.

Describe two other ways that endangered species can be conserved.

1 ................................................................................................................................................



2 ................................................................................................................................................



[Total: 7]

[Turn over
8 (a) Complete the sentences using the words or phrases from the list.

Each word or phrase may be used once, more than once or not at all.

different from divide embryo gamete fuse

fetus identical to meiosis mitosis zygote

In sexual reproduction, each parent organism produces a sex cell called a

............................................... . These cells are produced by a type of cell division called

............................................... .

The nuclei of two sex cells ............................................... to form a

............................................... in a process called fertilisation.

The offspring are genetically ............................................... each other and their parents.

[Turn over

(b) Fig. 5.2 is a diagram showing all of the chromosome pairs in a cell from a human male. The
twenty-third pair of chromosomes are the sex chromosomes.

Fig. 5.2

Describe how the chromosomes in a human female differ from those shown in Fig. 5.2.



............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Turn over
9 (a) (i) State the balanced equation for photosynthesis.

..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) State the source of energy for photosynthesis.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) State the name of the structure in a cell where photosynthesis takes place.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) The effect of carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis in an aquatic plant
was investigated.

• 10 test-tubes were prepared. Each contained water, an aquatic plant and a different
concentration of carbon dioxide.

• Each test-tube was placed next to a lamp and the temperature in the test-tubes was
maintained at 20 °C.

• The number of bubbles produced by each aquatic plant in one minute was counted.

Fig. 6.1 shows the apparatus that was used.


aquatic plant

water containing
carbon dioxide

not to scale

Fig. 6.1
The results of the investigation are shown in Fig. 6.2.



number of 15
per minute 10

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
carbon dioxide concentration / arbitrary units

Fig. 6.2

(i) State the maximum number of bubbles produced in one minute.

.......................................................... [1]

(ii) The investigator concluded that 0.10 arbitrary units was the optimum (best) concentration
of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis in this investigation.

Describe the evidence shown in Fig. 6.2 that supports the investigator’s conclusion.





..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(iii) The investigation described in 6(b) was repeated but the temperature was reduced from
20 °C to 10 °C.

Predict the effect of reducing the temperature on the number of bubbles produced and
explain your answer.

prediction ...........................................................................................................................


explanation ........................................................................................................................



[Turn over
10 Sulfur dioxide (SO2) can cause acid rain.

(a) Name one other pollutant that can cause acid rain.


(b) Describe the effects of acid rain on the environment.








(c) State three methods to reduce atmospheric CO2 pollution.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................


3 ................................................................................................................................................


[Turn over

11 Fig. 4.2 shows a flower of Lilium polyphyllum, a lily that grows in the Himalayan mountains.
This species is cross-pollinated by insects.

Fig. 4.2

(ii) Explain why flowering time is an example of continuous variation.






[Turn over
(b) Before a kidney is transplanted, it is important to match the tissue type of the donor with the
tissue type of the recipient.

State why this is necessary.



[Total: 20]

12 Fig. 6.1 shows the carbon cycle. P, Q, R, S and T each represent a part of the carbon cycle.

photosynthesis combustion

respiration respiration respiration

feeding death

carbonisation carbonisation

Fig. 6.1

(a) Complete Table 6.1 by identifying P, Q, R and S and the name of one example of a carbon
compound found in each. T has been completed for you.

Table 6.1

letter part of cycle carbon compound found in each part

T fossil fuels, e.g. natural gas methane

(b) Photosynthesis is a very important process in the carbon cycle.

Explain how the process of photosynthesis converts carbon compounds from P to carbon
compounds in Q.












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