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Cambridge Science Skills 1 Extension

Name:   Class:

1 Look. Write the name.

Mark /6
a b c d

muscle b j h
e f g

a l t

2 Look. Write the food group.

Mark /4
   proteins dairy fruit and vegetables fats carbohydrates   

a b c


d e

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2018 Level 1 End of year Test 1 of 3

Cambridge Science Skills 1 Extension

3 Look, read and write the animal group.

Mark /4
a b c

This is a reptile . This is a f . This is a b .

d e

This is a m . This is an a .

4 this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to
letters b–g.
Plants Mark /6
We need (a) seeds to grow plants. The seeds grow
(b) and a stem.
Trees have got a (c) and branches. Bushes have got a lot of
(d) stems. Trees and bushes have got green (e)
too. Sometimes, they give us fruit to eat.
(f) is bendy. Wheat is grass we can eat!
We can eat different parts of some plants – the roots, the stem, the leaves and
the (g) ! Do you like asparagus?

seeds trunk roots grass

woody tree flower leaves

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2018 Level 1 End of year Test 2 of 3

Cambridge Science Skills 1 Extension

5 Read and write the correct word. Use words in the box.
Mark /5
   adults water living get old non-living reproduce   

a) Animals and plants are living things.

b) The sun is a thing.
c) Living things need to live.
d) People grow and become .
e) People and animals . They have babies.
f) All living things and die.

6 and write.
Mark /5

a) I can help at home.

b) I can give my o .
c) Don’t be a b .
d) Take c of little ones.
e) Try your b .
f) Help e other.

Total mark / 30

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2018 Level 1 End of year Test 3 of 3

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