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By Lady Imelda Bassey Otong (LSM)

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens,

Today, I stand before you to discuss a vital topic that impacts not only our state's infrastructure and
economy but, most importantly, the well-being and safety of our citizens. I am here to highlight the
socio-economic benefits of establishing a State Government Safety Commission dedicated to enhancing
construction safety and ensuring a systematic approach to achieving a safer environment for all.

Construction is a crucial driver of economic growth and development in our state. It provides
employment opportunities, contributes to our Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and fosters innovation.
However, with these benefits come significant risks to the lives and livelihoods of our people.
Construction sites can be dangerous places if not properly managed, and safety must always be a top

The establishment of a State Government Safety Commission focused on construction safety will yield
numerous socio-economic advantages:

1. Protection of Lives:
First and foremost, such a commission will prioritize the protection of human lives. Construction
accidents can result in injuries, disabilities, and even fatalities. By enhancing safety measures and
ensuring compliance, we can prevent tragedies and safeguard the well-being of our citizens, reducing
the burden on our healthcare system.

2. Increased Productivity:
Safe construction sites are more productive. When workers feel secure, they can focus on their tasks
without fear. This, in turn, leads to higher efficiency, faster project completion, and cost savings for both
government and private sector projects.

3. Attracting Investments:
Investors and businesses look for regions with robust safety regulations. Establishing a State
Government Safety Commission sends a clear message that our state is committed to safety, making it a
more attractive destination for investments, which, in turn, fuels economic growth.

4. Skilled Workforce Development:

By emphasizing safety, we promote a culture of training and continuous improvement within the
construction industry. A safer work environment encourages more individuals to pursue careers in
construction, ultimately leading to a highly skilled workforce that can undertake more complex projects.

5. Reduced Costs:
Safety measures help minimize accidents and incidents. Fewer accidents mean fewer insurance claims,
reduced legal costs, and lower medical expenses for injured workers. All of these factors contribute to
cost savings for the state.

6. Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility:

Safety regulations often encompass environmental protections. By establishing a Safety Commission, we
contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable environment and responsible construction practices.

7. Legal Compliance and Accountability:

The Commission will set clear safety standards and enforce regulations. This ensures that construction
companies adhere to the law, fostering accountability and preventing unethical practices.

8. Reputation and Prestige:

A commitment to safety enhances our state's reputation. It demonstrates our dedication to the well-
being of our citizens and can lead to positive relationships with neighboring states and nations.

In conclusion, the establishment of a State Government Safety Commission is not just a forward-thinking
initiative; it is a practical step toward a brighter future. Its socio-economic benefits extend far beyond
the construction industry and touch every facet of our lives.

Let us unite in support of this endeavor, understanding that a safer environment is a thriving
environment. By doing so, we are not only protecting our citizens but also building a more prosperous
and secure future for generations to come.

Thank you for your attention, and let us work together to make our state safer and more prosperous.

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