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Eng32102 English 4 Unit 2 Reading Exercise Mathayomsuksa 5

Reading Comprehension

Cracking Career

Look at the topic on your book page 53

to discover what about in a career or job
What is the meaning of “cracking career”? _______________________________________

What is the text about? ______________________________________________________

working as a diving instructor

Read the text and summarize in each paragraph

Paragraph 1

Angels gone through to be a diving instructor .

about the work and training that

Also qualification She had

gone through

Paragraph 2
You need a sense of leadership and be good at
working with people
also fairly organized along with knowing multiple languages.

Paragraph 3

facts about coral reefs As much as a quarter of all marine life lives in coral reefs.

but there's jeopardy and
being destroyed.

Paragraph 4

Be careful when
diving and in boat and be can that you don't touch the coral or

drop anchor onreef to ensure the survival of corsl reefs
> ,

Paragraph 5

. like being away from friends & family
About what Angela doesn't like about her job ,
adapts to new environment and safety aspect
Summarize the text

1. What kind of personality and qualities do you need to have like Angela? (to become an instructor)

2. What can we do to ensure the survival of coral reefs?


3. Is there anything Angela doesn’t like about her job?


Members group ______ Class _______

1. ___________________________________ No. ________

2. ___________________________________ No. ________
3. ___________________________________ No. ________
4. ___________________________________ No. ________
5. ___________________________________ No. ________

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