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SBK, 5th Grade


Komplek Pondok Pesantren Ar-Roudloh Desa Miru
Kec. Sekaran, Kab. Lamongan, Prop. Jawa Timur
Academic Year 2023/2024
Reading Material Semester 1

Subject : SBK (Bonding and Knotting) Class : V - ..…………..………………….

Name : ………………………………………. Day/Date : …………………………………….

Ties and Knots

Tying and Knotting as Works of Art

Tying and knotting have long been known in Indonesia, where for a long time some of
our ancestors were sailors who were very familiar with tying and knotting a rope. Tying
and knotting can also be found in everyday life on objects around us, for example:
household items, hats, gloves, socks, bags, and so on.

Tying and knotting is a basic method of applying the function of a rope, both for
functional purposes and for aesthetic purposes. Tying and knotting a rope develops
into a craft and gives rise to many works of art from this technique which are known as
macrame crafts. The rope is the material used, the knot is the connection between the
rope and the rope, the bond is the connection between the rope and other objects,
for example wood, beams, bamboo and so on.

Types of Knots

In making works of art from tying and knotting techniques there are several types of
basic knots that are often used, including: head knot, single knot, double knot and

Head Knot Single Knot Double Knot

Head Knot: is the initial knot that is often used in the process of making macrame

Single Knot: the process of making a single knot begins with the head knot, the shape
variations can be rotated left or right according to our needs. The result of the
conclusion will look like a ladder, the shape variations can be rotated left or right, you
should do this knot experiment to produce interesting variations.

Double Knot: the process of making a double knot is similar to a single knot. In a single
knot, the steps start from the left or from the right, while in a double knot, the steps are
carried out alternately from the right and left or vice versa. Making a double knot
usually starts with a head knot as in the process of making a single knot.

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SBK, 5th Grade
Knot Making Steps

The steps for making a double knot are by preparing two ropes of different colors, so
that the interweaving of the two ropes is visible. The steps for making it are as follows:


Cut the rope as needed and fold the rope in half and the same length;

Make a head knot by folding it on wood, pencil, or something else;

Make two head knots with different colors to make the end result more interesting;

Then the rope in the middle is left hanging freely, while the rightmost part of the rope is
lifted so that it overlaps the two ropes that are hanging freely;

Lift the rope on the left so that its position overlaps the rope from the right, then bring
the rope through the two parts on the back.

Next, the rope on the right is inserted into the front and with the rope on the right side,
always do it with the same pattern;

Then the ends of the rope on each part are pulled to get a tight knot. To add knots to
make it longer, do it with repetition as above.

Example of Macrame

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