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Adhyatma Chrysostomos Davu (103012340479)

William Azaria Simanjuntak (103012340356)
Muhammad Ridwan Cahyadi (103012340199)
Razaqa Arafi Wisesa (103012340376)


Telkom University, 022 7566 456

Abstract. E-Litter, or Electronic Litter, is an innovative environmental law enforcement
solution that utilises electronic technology to detect and prosecute environmental
offences. The system involves the use of advanced hardware and software, such as
environmental monitoring cameras and face detectors, to automatically record and
identify offences. The collected data can be accessed and managed through an electronic
platform, allowing law enforcement to enforce sanctions more quickly and efficiently.
The advantage of E-Litter lies in its ability to increase the efficiency of enforcement of
environmental offences, reduce manual processes, and speed up the enforcement process.
The system is also expected to provide greater fairness in the handling of offences, create
a cleaner environment, and stimulate public awareness towards environmental

Keywords: Technology; Clean

1 Introduction

"Electronic Litter," or "E-Litter," is an environmental invention that blends an offence

enforcement system with electronic technology. E-Litter is a cutting-edge method for
increasing environmental cleanliness precision and efficiency in the present day. The system
replaces the more labor-intensive manual approach with information and communication
technology to more efficiently record, track, and manage offense data.
E-Litter automatically detects environmental infractions using electronic equipment
including cameras, facial detectors, and sophisticated software. Law enforcement
organizations can implement sanctions more quickly and effectively by using an electronic
platform to access and manage the collected data.
It is anticipated that the introduction of E-Litter will improve the effectiveness and
cleanliness of the environment. It is also anticipated that this technology would be used less

2 Discussion

2.1 Process and Result

So until now, E-Litter is just my group concept because we need to learn more about how to
program the camera, how to analyze the data and need more data. First, we have made a
PowerPoint presentation, and then after presentation, we searched for places in the Telkom
University and recorded where the volume of waste was. Then we looked for articles about the
E-Tilang concept because we were inspired by it. When we have enough knowledge and data,
we want to realise it but only around Telkom University because it requires large funds. We
may also be able to ask the university for funds to realise the project.

2.2 Figures
Here is the figures:
Fig. 1. Concept E-Litter

2.3 Acknowledgements

Acknowledgments. Thank you to Miss Ida for helping with the paper. Thanks also to my
group mates, William, Ridwan and Razaqa who helped me get this far. Without these names, I
might not be able to do this paper.

3. Conclusion
So for now, our project is just the concept. With E-Litter, we can punish the violators who
litter and we want to make the environment cleaner because as we know there’s lots of people
that litter in the place that they are not supposed to so with this innovation not only our place
going to be more clean, but the innovation can also be used on other industries or other ideas.

4. References
 [1]

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