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Difference Between Differentiation and Integration

Calculus is one of the primary mathematical

applications that are applied in the world today to
solve various phenomenon. It is highly employed in
scientific studies, economic studies, finance, and
engineering among other disciplines that play a vital
role in the life of an individual. Integration and
differentiation are the fundamentals used in calculus to
study change. However, many people, including
students and scholars have not been able to highlight
differences between differentiation and integration.
What is Differentiation?
Differentiation is a term used in calculus to refer
to the change in, which properties experiences
concerning a unit change in another related
In another term, differentiation forms an algebraic
expression that helps in the calculation the gradient of
a curve at given point. It is important to highlight that
curves have their slopes varying at given point unlike
straight lines, which have the same gradient all

What is Integration?

Integration is a term used in calculus to refer to the

formula and the procedure of calculating the area
under the curve.
It is worth noting that the graph must be under a curve,
which results to the formation of an integral part, which
is difficult to find the area unlike other shapes like
circles, squares, and rectangles, which are easier to
calculate their areas.
Applications Of Integration And Differentiation In
Real Life

Differentiation and integration can help us solve

many types of real-world problems. We use the
derivative to determine the maximum and minimum
values of particular functions

Calculating pressure within dams

Let us consider a dam. When the reservoir behind it is
full, the dam withstands a great deal of force. We can
use integration to calculate the force exerted on the
dam when the reservoir is full and also calculate how
changing water levels affect that force. Hydrostatic
force is one of the many applications of integrals.


In an automobile, we always find an odometer and a

speedometer. Their gauges work in synchrony and
determine the speed and distance the automobile has
traveled. The electronic meters use differentiation to
transform the data sent to the motherboard from the
wheels (speed) and the distance (odometer).
Integration leads to a unified and cohesive company
structure. Companies select between a differentiated
and an integrated structure depending on their
industry, personnel and leadership. It is important to
understand the differences and uses of differentiation
versus integration.

Space flight engineers frequently use calculus when
planning lengthy missions. To launch a rocket,
calculus allows each of those variables to accurately
take into account the orbiting velocities under the
gravitational influences of the sun and the moon. This
is one of the most crucial instances of real-life
applications of differentiation.


Differential calculus is used in economics to calculate

marginal cost, marginal revenue, maxima, and
minima, and also enables economists to predict
maximum profit (or) minimum loss in specific
Video games
The graphic engineer uses integration and
differentiation to determine the difference and
change of three-dimensional models and how they
will change when exposed to multiple conditions.
This helps to create a very realistic environment in 3D
movies or video games.

Calculus is a crucial mathematical tool for analyzing
drug activity quantitatively. Differential equations are
utilized to relate the concentrations of drugs in
various body organs over time. In addition, integrated
equations are often used to model the cumulative
therapeutic or toxic outcomes of drugs in the body.

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