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2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

Scheduling Data Embedding in Dual Function

Radar Networks
Moeness G. Amin, Fellow IEEE, Yunhan Dong, Giuseppe A. Fabrizio, IEEE Fellow

Abstract—In radar networks, radars may share and broadcast and communications functions of same objective. In essence,
their respective scheduling data. In this respect, communication communication signal embedding is for the sole purpose of
signals emitted from a radar platform can convey radar signal assisting and enhancing the radar network functionality. This
and beam characteristics. In RF restricted operation environ-
ments and towards achieving a unified aperture and bandwidth, principal feature defines a specific class of DFRC systems in
it would be desirable to embed such information in radar pulses which the communications function is an integral part of the
without having to establish any communications link. In this radar, and is considered essential to its mission.
paper, we consider dual system functionality in radar networks In this paper, we seek signal embedding schemes that
in which one system function enables the other. The focus is lead to minimum changes to the radar function. We adopt
on scheduling data that can be reasonably encoded by radar
pulses within one radar coherent processing interval (CPI). In code shift keying [14], in lieu of phase shift keying, for
order to limit changes in the radar waveform to a minimum, signal embedding. A code shift keying, implemented for a
we use up- and down- chirps for information embedding. We chirp radar, preserves signal bandwidth and maintains the
consider two different signal embedding strategies in which core transmitter/receiver structure and characteristics. It can
each radar pulse represents one bit. Information deciphering be achieved using up- and down-chirps, where an up-chirp
at the downlink radar receivers is delineated, along with the
corresponding probability of bit error assuming a Gaussian represents bit 1 and a down-chirp is for bit 0. In this regard,
channel. The overall channel coding paradigm using radar chirps the scheduled information is made up of symbols, and signal
as parity bits is discussed. embedding amounts to encoding these symbols into bits, or
chirps. Therefore, we use the words encoding and embedding
I. I NTRODUCTION interchangeably throughout this paper. Ship-to-Ship commu-
Co-existence between radar and communications can as- nications is taken as a scenario for cooperative radars. It is
sume different schemes for the alleviation of bandwidth noted that binary and M-ary chirp communications have been
contention and congestion [1]–[3]. The two systems can be examined and proposed for wireless communications under
independently and separately deployed or integrated into one Gaussian and multipath channels [15]–[18].
platform [4]–[8]. The latter may include a common transmitter Two embedding schemes using up- and down- chirps are
or/and common receiver, often referred to as dual function presented. The first scheme builds separate dictionaries for
radar communication (DFRC) system [9]–[13]. The overarch- different scheduling information parameters, with each pa-
ing objective of a DFRC system is to enable communication rameter assuming a limited number of values. For example,
systems to capitalize on the resources of radar infrastructure, in Table I, the carrier frequency is considered one parame-
while striving to be transparent to existing radar operations ter that takes on four possible values. The second scheme
and mission. These resources include large bandwidth, multi- builds an overall single dictionary that includes all possible
sensor beamforming, and high quality hardware, and in many combinations of all parameter respective values. Whereas the
cases high power, high gain antennas. Typical DFRC systems former encodes, into bits, information parameters sequentially,
recognize radar as the primary function, and their realization with the combined bits spanning one CPI, the latter scheme
is motivated by advances in radar waveform design and the considers the combinations of the different parameter values
ubiquitous use of multi-sensor transmit/receive radar system as a constellation and encodes, into bits, each constellation
configurations. symbol over one CPI. These two schemes differ in the number
We focus on embedding of relatively slow data rate com- of bits, or pulses, required for information channel encoding
munications that could be associated with sharing scheduling over a CPI. Since the CPI is determined by range and Doppler
information among radars in the network. Possible scheduling estimation requirements, altering the CPI to permit proper
information is depicted in Table 1. Since each scheduling scheduling information encoding may not be a viable option.
data in this table may change from one coherent processing As such, the preferred encoding scheme would certainly be
interval (CPI) to another, information embedding would occur the one yielding fewer bits and smaller bit error rates.
in blocks, each uses the radar pulses within a single CPI. The paper is organized as follows. In section II, we present the
We remark that striving to communicate radar scheduling general problem of signal embedding in radar networks. The
or target information to other network radars renders radar same section delineates the principal differences between the
underlying problem and typical DFRC systems, and proposes
The work of Dr. Amin is supported by the 2017 US Fulbright Distinguished two embedding schemes using up- and down-chirps. In Sec-
Chair Scholar Program. tion III, we discuss cross-correlation properties and isolation

978-9-0827-9703-9/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

Binary bits required to

Radar parameters Possible values
convey frequency band. Scheduling information can be presented
Carrier frequencies 4 2 bits using libraries and look-up tables stored at multiple radar sites.
CPI 2 1 bit We refer to these presentations as dictionaries. In this case,
PRF 4 2 bits
communications of one radar’s schedule to another needs only
Pulse Width 2 1 bit
Waveform Bandwidth 4 2 bits the transmission of a member(s) of these dictionaries over
Beam Positions 128 7 bits each CPI. To form a dictionary, all possible values of each
Scan rates 16 4 bits scheduling data parameter, e. g., the four values of the carrier
Search modes 4 2 bits
Detection modes 4 2 bits
frequency, must be known to radar receivers in the network.
Tracking modes 8 3 bits We denote the total number of scheduling data, or parameters,
Total combinations 26 bits as D, which is equal to 10 in Table 1. Below, we consider
Table I: Possible scheduling information two possible embedding schemes.
B. Proposed Information Embedding Schemes
With the goal of causing no or limited changes to the
between up- and down-chirp waveforms which is important radar signal characteristics, including bandwidth, we adopt
in performance analysis. Section IV presents the probability simple, but rather effective scheduling information embed-
of chirp misclassification which defines the probability of bit ding schemes. Namely, we apply code shift keying where
error. Section V discusses strategies for channel coding using up-(rising) and down-(falling) chirps are used to represent
the radar pulses. Section VI is the conclusions. bits 1 and 0, respectively. This scheme maintains the chirp
II. DFRC IN RADAR NETWORK signal characteristics of the radar, and most importantly avoids
mixing of Doppler phase and symbol phase - a consequence
A. Operation Concept of using phase shift keying. In this paper, we consider two
Consider the maritime operating environment, shown by information embedding schemes, each encodes the scheduling
the schematic in Fig. 1, where tagging of the radar pulses information every CPI. One scheme encodes the scheduling
signifies information embedding. The two main properties data sequentially into bits, with all bits spanning a single
CPI, whereas the other scheme groups one set of the different
scheduling data values into a symbol, and encodes this symbol
into bits over the CPI. The two schemes permit different
forms of channel coding. Error detection and corrections, in
both cases, demand additional bits, and we must therefore be
cognizant of the trade-off between the length of the CPI and
data fidelity.
1) Embedding Scheme-1: This scheme encodes the differ-
ent scheduling information parameters individually into bits,
one parameter at a time, i.e., performing sequential encoding
or embedding. The values assumed by each parameter form a
Fig. 1: Conceptual schematic of signal embedding in radar constellation, or a dictionary on its own. The second column of
network. Table I shows a possible constellation size of each parameter.
In this case, the parameter which has a high number of
that distinguish the underling DFRC system from commonly symbols, i.e., large constellation size, is encoded with a high
proposed dual function systems are: a) In the radar network number of bits. Therefore, with each radar pulse representing
application considered, unlike many proposed DFRC systems, one bit, different scheduling information parameters would
the downlink communication receiver is in fact another radar; reserve different numbers of consecutive radar pulses. For
Radar-B in Fig. 1. b) In commonly proposed DFRC systems, example, and according to the values in Table I, PRF takes four
the downlink communications receiver assumes knowledge of possible values, i.e., requires four symbols, and subsequently
the radar waveform, PRF, beginning pulse time, and other key 2 bits, or two consecutive pulses. The number of pulses
radar signal properties. However, in the radar network applica- required to embed all the different scheduling data symbols
tion considered, this information can be different for different should not exceed the number of pulses in CPI, N . If Mi
PRFs, and in fact, it is part of the scheduling data embedded in represents the number of possible values for the ith scheduling
the radar signals. Therefore, it must be deciphered by the radar information parameter, and D is the number of parameters,
receiver and it can only be gleaned through message demodu- then the required number of bits is,
lations. A list of possible scheduling information parameters, D
or categories, is shown in Table I. The scheduling parameters N1 = log2 Mi = log2 2mi = mi (1)
in Table I are not exhaustive and are cited just as an example. i=1 i=1 i=1
Also, the parameter values provided are nominal, and can where, mi = log2 Mi represents the number of bits. Consider
certainly change depending on the specific radar and operating the case Mi = 4, 2, 4, 2, 4 for i = 1, . . . , 5. In this case, the
2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

required number of bits are, respectively, mi = 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, When all parameter constellation dimensions are power of
yielding N1 = 8 bits. That is, there must be at least 8 pulses two, (4) and (5) give the same answer. In the general case,
in the CPI to match this specific case. Since the symbol the subset ζ = {αj Mj , j = 1, 2, . . . , S}, where S is the
constellation sizes are different for different parameters, then, set cardinality, includes the scheduling parameter constellation
if no channel coding is applied, the probability of a symbol dimensions that are not equal to the power of 2. We consider
error would vary with the type of scheduling parameter. αj to be less than 1 and greater than 0.5. Therefore, we
deal with the case where there are fewer options for some
Denote the probability of bit error as p. With independent bit scheduling information categories than originally considered,
errors, the probability of the symbol error follows the binomial Mj . For Scheme-1, with the constraints put on αj , the number
distribution. For example, following Table 1, the probabilities of new bits, N1 stays the same as N1 . However for Scheme-2,
of errors in the carrier frequency information, PCF , scan rates, the new number of bits is equal to
PSR , and having no errors are, 

PCF = 2p(1 − p) + p2 , P1 = (1 − p)N1 N2 =  log2 Mi αj M j 

 i=1,i6=j j∈ζ 
PSR = 4p(1 − p)3 + 6p2 (1 − p)2 + 4p3 (1 − p) + p4 (2)  
In essence, this embedding scheme favors small constellations, = mi + log2 αj 
. (5)
i.e., scheduling information with limited fewer options.

 i=1 j∈ζ 
2) Embedding Scheme-2: In this scheme, there is only one
scheduling data constellation or dictionary whose size is deter- The second summation in the above expression is a sum of
mined by the product of the constellation sizes of all symbols, negative terms, and can exceed −1. This reduces the number of
i.e., M = M1 ×M2 ×· · ·×MD . Each combination of the values required bits by 1 and presents an advantage of Scheme-2 over
of the different parameters defines one symbol of the schedule Scheme-1, since the probability of no bit error, P1 = (1−p)N1
data constellation, and is represented by a binary sequence increases. Requiring fewer bits, i.e., pulses, allows transmitting
whose length is equal to the number of pulses in the CPI, more information over the CPI.
N . Each pulse can be an up-or down-chirp, representing bit 1 III. RADAR RECEIVER FOR UP- AND
and 0, respectively. As an example, the first parameter value DOWN-CHIRPS
of each scheduling information category may be gathered into Two LFM waveforms with the same carrier frequency and
one scheduling data constellation symbol and encoded into the same bandwidth, but one with a positive chirp slope
bits. The number of constellation symbols of covering the top (up-chirp) and the other a negative chirp slope (down-chirp),
five parameters in Table 1 is 4 × 2 × 4 × 2 × 4 = 256, which can be considered as quasi-orthogonal waveforms. These two
requires 8 bits, or eight pulses. This answer assumes that frequency sweeping chirp waveforms are given by,
each combination of the scheduling information parameters  
represents a possible overall schedule. In Scheme-2, suppose 1 t 2
fα (t) = √ rect e(j2πf0 t+jπαt )
SR 1 and 2 only use carrier frequency 1 , whereas SR 3 and 4 T T
only use carrier frequency 2, then the total number of possible 1 t 2
f−α (t) = √ rect e(j2πf0 t−jπαt ) , (6)
combinations is 4, reducing the total number of bits required to T T
2, giving an advantage of embedding Scheme-2 over Scheme- where f0 is the carrier frequency, α = B/T is the chirp slope,
1. We remark that, in terms of bit errors, assuming no channel T is the pulse width, B is the waveform bandwidth, and rect(·)
coding is applied, a single bit error in Scheme-2 renders the is a rectangular function, defined as,
entire scheduling combination incorrect, which is inferior to 
Scheme-1.  1, |t| < 1/2,
The number of bits required for Scheme-2 is always less than rect(t) , , |t| = 1/2, (7)
 2
or at most equal to the number of bits required for Scheme- 0, |t| > 1/2.
1. To prove this property, we consider the case where the The application of matched filtering (MF) to the received
constellation size assumes a number different than a power of pulse yields the auto-correlation, or the inner product, of fα (t)
two. In general, the number of required bits for Scheme-1 is (or f−α (t)) with itself,
given by, Z ∞
X fα (t) · fα (t) = fα (t)fα∗ (t)dt = 1. (8)
N1 = dlog2 Mi e (3) −∞
i=1 On the other hand, the cross-correlation, or the inner product,
where d.e denotes the round-off upper integer bound operation. of fα (t) and f−α (t) equals,
On the other hand, for Scheme-2, the corresponding number Z ∞
of bits is given by, fα (t) · f−α (t) = f−α (t)fα∗ (t)dt
& ' −∞
Y 1 h 1/2 1/2
N2 = log2 Mi . (4) = FresnelC(T α ) + jFresnelS(T α ) , (9)
T α1/2
2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

where FresnelC and FresnelS are, respectively, cosine and and Q channels in the baseband, after pulse compression. The
sine F resnel functions [19], Both functions converge to variable r = A2 /σ 2 is the SNR of the signal (the SNR here
approximately 0.5. With this approximation, we define the refers to the SNR post pulse compression), A is the amplitude
isolation coefficient between the two chirps as a square ratio of the mainlobe of the pulse compression, and I0 (·) is the
of their inner product, modified Bessel function of the first kind. For the output of
2 the mismatched filter, i.e. an up-chirp pulse being processed by
fα,−α |fα (t) · f−α (t)| 2 × 0.52
ρ= = 2 ≈ . (10) the matched filter for the down-chirped LFM or vice versa, the
fα,α |fα (t) · fα (t)| TB distribution of the corresponding peak of the mainlobe would
The above isolation coefficient arises in the receiver analysis become,
in the next section. It is inversely proportional to the product of 1 − z+ρrσ

the pulse width, T , and the LFM bandwidth, B (the product Pα,−α (z) = 2 e σ 2
I0 2 , z ≥ 0, (12)
σ σ2
of time and bandwidth). The wider the bandwidth and the
longer the pulse, the better the isolation. For instance, for a where ρ < 1 is the isolation coefficient between the up- and
10µs pulse, bandwidths of 1 MHz and 100 MHz can provide down-chirp pulses, whose expression is given by (10).
−13 dB and −33 dB isolation, respectively. It is evident from The hypothesis test for deciding up-chirp against the down-
the above analysis that the two up- and down- chirps move chirp is,
towards orthogonality with increased T B. So, there is trade- p
Pα,α (z) (−rσ 2 (1−ρ)) I0 (2 rz/σ )
off between probability of bit error and each of the signal Λ(z) = =e p > η (13)
Pα,−α (z) I0 (2 ρrz/σ 2 )
bandwidth and time-duration. The conditions on both B and
T imposed by frequency allocation and transceiver design Since Λ(z) is a monotonically increasing function, then for
limit how low of a value a probability of bit error can take. Λ(z) > η = 1, i.e. z1 (t1 ) > z2 (t2 ), the probability of the
This, in turn, necessitates channel coding and, as such, reduces received signal is more likely to be an up-chirp pulse than
scheduling data size, as discussed above. a down-chirp pulse, and vice versa. It can be seen that the
better isolation between the up- and down-chirp pulses (i.e. the
smaller the value of ρ), the smaller the probability of errors.
In the underlying problem, each chirped pulse conveys a V. ERROR CONTROL CODING STRATEGIES
single bit of information. We consider the two communicating In this section, we highlight the possible limitations that
radar antennas of Radar-A and Radar-B to be in the line can be imposed by the radar on codewords, irrespective of
of sight (LOS). We assume that the transmitted signal is the employed coding method. Key constraints on employed
received with additive Gaussian noise. The data received over coding techniques are:
a PRI contains at most one pulse with an unknown sign of (a) Simplicity of the channel coding and decoding so as not
the chirp slope. The employed code-shift keying modulation to overburden the transmitter and receiver, which are funda-
problem can be in general cast as binary composite hypothesis mentally realized for radar signal emission and processing.
problem, where the decision is whether the transmitted signal (b) Operating within a single CPI. The codeword, which in-
is up- or down-chirp, with unknown phase and time-of-arrival, volves many additional bits, or pulses, to the original message
which is the general case discussed in [20]. In this paper, we bits, forms a challenge to radar CPI, as the radar cannot just
assume that Radar-B can accurately estimate the scheduled expand or change its CPI to achieve coding tasks. It is noted
PRF values, and as such, only renders a binary decision that the number of pulses in a CPI has an important role in
between the two chirps at predetermined time-instant. In this determining the desirable Doppler resolution and also SNR.
respect, the problem reverts to finding the probability of bit (c) Re-transmitting the same scheduling data information if
errors. the receiver detect bit terrors is disallowed, as re-transmission
Since the chirp slope is unknown, both the up- and down chirp- would conflict with sending new scheduling data in the fol-
matched filters are applied in a parallel fashion. We denote lowing CPI.
z1 (t) as the intensity output of up-chirp matched filter and (d) If we cannot correct the errors, then we may choose
z2 (t) as the down-chirp matched filter, respectively. Since the to disregard the transmitted scheduling data entirely. The
received pulse is corrupted by the additive Gaussian noise, reason is that, when error occurs, Radar-B would receive false
the peak of the mainlobe post pulse compression with the information about Radar-A operations. If such information is
matched filter can be considered as a constant amplitude signal solely used by the cooperative radar or integrated together
(Swerling 0 target) embedded in the Gaussian noise whose with others information, it may cause erroneous errors with
intensity has a Rice distribution of [31], undesired consequences to the entire radar network.
1 − z+rσ
rz Stemming from the above conditions, convolution codes,
Pα,α (z) = 2 e σ 2
I0 2 , z ≥ 0, (11) which are generated by passing the information sequence
σ σ2
through a linear finite-state shift register, may not be attractive
where σ 2 is the variance of the Gaussian noise, z = x2I +x2Q is due to the computational demand in implementing a Viterbi
the intensity, xI and xQ are the amplitude measurements of I decoder at the receiver as well as the significant increase in the
2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

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