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Society for American Archaeology

A Functional Estimator of Population from Floor Area

Author(s): Polly Wiessner
Source: American Antiquity, Vol. 39, No. 2 (Apr., 1974), pp. 343-350
Published by: Society for American Archaeology
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Accessed: 11-01-2016 23:06 UTC

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an oxbow lake in the Peruvian Montafia. Paper Naroll (1962) applies this principle to 18
presented at the 1970 Annual Meeting, Society societies using floor areaand settlement popula-
for American Archaeology, Mexico City.
Spahni, Jean-Christian
tion as an allometric pair, and suggeststhat the
1966 La cerdmica popular en el Pertu. Peruano population of a settlement is a constant
Suiza S.A., Lima. fraction of its floor area. More precisely, he
Tessmann, Gunter concludes that archaeologists can roughly
1928 Menschen ohne Gott. Strecker und
estimate the population of a prehistoricsettle-
Schroder, Stuttgart.
Vossen, Riidiger ment as 1/10 of the floor areain squaremeters
1969 Archaologische Interpretation und ethno- of dwellings.Although this method might prove
graphisher Befund. Eine Analyse anhand useful in certainsituations(LeBlanc 1971), it is
rezenter Keramik des westlichen Amazonas-
beckens. Klaus Renner, Miinchen. inappropriate for hunting and gathering
societies for the following reasons:
(1) Area under the roofs of dwellingsis
not a meaningful measurement for groups
who carry out most household tasks outside
their small dwellings.
A FUNCTIONAL ESTIMATOR (2) Floor areas of dwellingsare difficult
OF POPULATION to estimate from archaeological remains,
FROM FLOOR AREA particularlythose of the paleolithic. Total
settlement area would provide a more
POLLY WIESSNER accurate and practical measure of living
(3) Naroll allows for no flexibility in the
This paper presents an alternative to Naroll's parametersof his model to make allowances
formula for estimating population size from settle- for different settlement types and their
ment area. It uses an allometric model modified for corresponding density distributions. He
hunter-gatherer camps. In this model, the parameters proposes a constant to describethe areaper
are derived theoretically to describe mean area per
person and the geometric properties of population
person in situations as diverseas villagesof
distribution. The proposed model is then tested on 16 75 and cities of 200,000 people.
!Kung Bushmen settlements. (4) Naroll does not recognize the possi-
Museum of Anthropology bility of cultural variation in interpersonal
The University of Michigan living space.
July, 1973 (5) Exactly how Naroll derivesthis con-
stant of 10 m2 per person is unclear.Using
Archaeologistshave long sought a method the model, area= a x Populationb. On his
for estimating the sizes of populations that data set, he obtains an a-valueof 21.7 and a
were in residence in prehistoric sites. Recent b-value of .84195. Because the exponent
attempts to relate population size to livingarea (b-value) is not equal to 1, population
have followed 2 basic courses. One of these is cannot be a constant fraction of floor area.
directed toward establishinga constant divisor Rather, the rate of relativegrowth of floor
which, when applied to areacalculations,yields area will be a constant fraction, .84, of that
an approximate population size; the other of population. And since .84 < 1 there will
attempts to define functional rates of change be increasingly less area per person as
between these 2 variablesand makes use of a population size gets larger. Naroll then
specialform of the allometricprinciple. ignores his own empirical findings, and for
The law of allometric growth has been reasons which he does not specify and by a
widely used in the biological and social sci- method which he does not explain, rounds
ences. This law states that "the rate of relative off the parametersof his model to a = 10
growth of an organis a constant fraction of the and b = 1. Thus, he chooses only the special
relative growth of the total organism"(Nord- case of the log/log allometric model that
beck 1971:54). The allometric principle holds could make population a constant fraction
in growth relationshipsof severalforms (Berta- of area.
lanfly 1968:64), but only the logistic form will Because of these reasons,Naroll'sdata fit his
be consideredin this paper. predictions poorly. Out of the 18 societies

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344 ameRicanantiquity [Vol. 39, No. 2, 1974

considered, only 8 have between 5 m2 and 15 barriersseparate individuals,as that for cities,
m2 of living space per person.The remaining10 in which relationships are more frequently
haveless than 5 m2 or more than 15 m2. associative and in which substantial physical
Nordbeck (1971:55) gives an alternative barriersexist. Finally,in Nordbeck'smodel, the
formulationof the law of allometricgrowth: a-value(the intercept of the regressionline) is a
Instead of assuming the measurement of a growing free parameterwith empirically derivedvalues
individual at different times, it is assumed that a that can be used to compare averagedensities
series of individuals all have the same shape (form) of population between different societies while
but are of different size. In this case, the law of
allometric growth states that it is possible to
settlement form is held constant.
estimate values of one variable y by means of Before application of Nordbeck's model to
measured values of another variable x. hunting and gatheringsocieties can be made, 2
He goes on to argue that all Swedish urban assumptionsare necessary: (1) that all hunter-
areas have the same basic form of population gatherercamps have the same form (shape) of
density. He then proposesthe same model used population distribution; and (2) that
Nordbeck'stheoreticalderivationof the b-value
by Naroll, Area= a x Populationb, to estimate
can be applicableto this form.
population from total settlement area. How- In order to arguethat hunter-gatherercamps
ever, in this case the b parameteris derived
have the same form, the definition of a camp
theoretically and describes the ratio of the
dimensions of area measured to those of the will be limited to habitation sites; temporary
shapeof the population density build-up: gathering or butchering stations are excluded.
A profile through an urban area will always be of
Accordingto many ethnographicreports(Turn-
the same type as the diagram in Fig. 1. This
bull 1965; Williams 1968; Woodburn 1968),
diagram reminds one very much of a corresponding such camps are composed of an aggregationof
profile through a vulcano. The population density discrete household units arrangedaccordingto
is low in rural districts and increases very rapidly in kin ties and current personal relations. As
the outlying suburban areas. The downtown Yellen (n.d.) has observed among the !Kung
(crater) has a lower residential population density
than the apartment house dwelling area. Bushmen, each household is a spatially and
It seems legitimate to claim that all urban areas functionally integral unit; a hut/hearth area
have the same form and shape. Thus, it follows contains the remainsof all activitiescarriedout
that the allometric formula is valid for urban in a household context which constitutes about
areas. In the same way that a vulcano is a 90% of all camp activities. Yellen goes on to
volume of dimension 3, so we may consider point out that because most camp activitiesare
population of a tatort [urban area] as a volume household-centered,debris resultingfrom them
with the same dimensionality. The area A of a
tatort has the dimension 2. It follows then that is not spatiallysegregated,but ratherlumped in
the b-value in the allometric growth formula the hut/hearth midden. The huts are arranged
A = a*pb ought to be 2/3 [Nordbeck in a roughly circularlayout with the center left
empty for communal activities such as chil-
Could Nordbeck's formulation of the law dren'splay, dancing,and so forth.
of allometric growth and his theoretical Consequently,hunter-gatherercampsshould
derivation of b-values be modified for other have the following regularities:
types of settlements, it would have con- (1) All hut/hearth units within a camp
siderable advantages over Naroll's model. should be approximate replicates of one
Unlike the latter, it utilizes total settlement anotherin both form and content.
area rather than floor area as a predictor of (2) Because the camps are loose ag-
population. In addition, if b-values were gregates of the above similar hut/hearth
varied according to settlement type, the units, they should have the same basic form
allometric pair-area and population-would with certain variations caused by to-
be related differently for each set of habita- pography, current personal relationships,
tion sites which are distinctly dissimilar in location of shade, and so on.
form. This distinction is desirable. One Data from the !KungBushmenare examined
would not expect the ratio of area per to see if such patternsdo in fact exist.
person to be the same for short-termhunter's The data used here are taken from Yellen's
campsites, in which relationships are largely ethnoarchaeologicalstudy of the !Kung Bush-
kin-basedand in which essentially no physical men. These data include maps of 16 temporary

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o 1-

Fig. 1. Four two- and three-hut Bushmen camps (a-d) rotated to the same orientation and superimposed (e).
Heavy lines delineate huts and lighter lines show extent of charcoal, bone, vegetable, and other debris around the
hearth. Shaded areas represent hearths. In a-d, arrows indicate north in actual orientations.

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346 amenRcan antiquity [Vol. 39, No. 2, 1974

Fig. 2. Two five-hut Bushmen camps rotated to the same orientation and superimposed. Heavy lines delineate
huts, lighter lines show extent of charcoal, bone, vegetable, and other debris around the hearth. Shaded areas
represent hearths. When no distinct hearth is indicated, it is intermixed with the bone, charcoal and vegetable

Bushman camps varying in size, location, length located, a hearth 1-1.5 m from the hut, and a
of habitation, and number of occupations. thick deposit around the hearth composed of
Interview data regarding ownership of huts, ash, floral and faunal remains, and other
length of stay, number of inhabitants, and miscellaneous items.
animals eaten at each camp were also recorded. Subsequently, 3 small camps (Fig. 2) and 2
Fig. 1 shows 8 hut/hearth units from a single large ones (Fig. 3) are superimposed upon each
camp which are rotated to have identical other and rotated until they are in a position
orientations. As is clear from this figure, all 8 where the features of one are directly over the
of these households are virtual duplicates of similar features of the other. Other camps could
one another in both form and content. There is have been added to these figures without
always an empty space where the hut was significantly changing the results, but were left

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:'? qr) n
!A| V- o ) B A B

a nz ana
[1 l 0C1

1- 1

o a a a

otributaio a
0 a ooanoooonDoo
Do noc
a no Qa Ono lta
a oa l I1 \
, o aa o0a ODOD0C
aa D d /
/ \ \

D aa aa oa

- o reeo
a -

Fig. 3. Diagram of population density: a. hunter-gatherer campsite, b. village, c. urban area. Plan view on the
left and profile on the right. Arrows represent a. linear, b. areal, and c. cubic dimensions of population

out to avoid confusion. The huts, hearths, and but a replicate of the other, with only slight
debris of the camps shown in Figs. 2 and 3 differences due to variability in topography,
overlapto such a degree that each camp seems location of shade, and so on. Only in the case

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II -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




0 0



10 20

I - " - "C

Fig. 4. The relationship between settlement area (y-axis) and population (x-axis) of Bushmen camps, Area = a x Populationb
a = -0.23?0.68 b = 1.96 r =.91

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of reoccupationof an abandonedsite does the theoretically derived b-values seems to hold

integrity of hut/hearth units and the regular very well for a set of 16 Bushmancamps,and is
form of the camp layout breakdown. a well-tested model for urbansituations(Nord-
Thus, it seems reasonableto assume that all beck 1971; Tobler 1969), it requires con-
single occupation camps have a regular siderably more testing on data from hunting-
shape-one which is roughly circular,with the gathering camps. One critical question is
population distributed fairly regularlyaround whether or not the a-valuewill be similarfor all
the perimeter as shown in Fig. 3a. It follows, band societies. That is, the allometric relation-
then, that the populations of hunter-gatherer ship could hold for the b-values(the slope of
camps are distributedalong a line (Fig. 3a), the the regressionline), although the intercept of
perimeter of the circle, as opposed to the this line could vary from society to society.
populations of cities which are distributedin a Another unanswered question is whether this
cubic dimensionas cited by Nordbeck(Fig. 3c). relationship continues to hold for Bushman
Villages with more or less completely and camps with more than 25 individuals.Data will
evenly filled areas,but little verticaldimension, be gatheredto answerthis question in the near
have an arealdistribution.Correspondingly,the future.
denominatorof the b-valuerepresentingsettle- However, if, after sufficient testing, Nord-
ment dimensionalityof populationdistribution beck's model, Area = a x Populationb, does
would be 1 for camps, 2 for villages,and 3 for hold, it will have important implications for
urbanareas. The numeratorin all cases is 2, the archaeology.Population can then be estimated
constant dimension of area. Thus, the b-value from total settlement area by a model that
2 relates settlement strategy to spacingbehavior
for camps would be-.
without the use of an unrealisticconstant.
The allometric model with the above para-
meter values is then appliedto the 16 Bushman
Acknowledgments. I would like to thank John
camps previously described. Log of camp area Yellen for generously making his field data available
was regressed on log of camp population. for this paper.
Measurementsfor area of camp include all of
the space within a continuous border that
Bertalanfly, Ludwig von
encircles huts and major concentrations of 1968 General system theory. George Braziller,
bone, charcoal, vegetable remains, and other New York.
debris. This area always encompasses at least LeBlanc, Stephen
1971 An addition to Naroll's suggested floor area
90% of the total remains as well as all empty and settlement population relationship.
spaces between major concentrations of mate- American Antiquity 36:210-211.
rial. The figures for number of inhabitants of Naroll, Raoul
each camp come from Yellen's observationsand 1962 Floor area and settlement population.
interviewdata. American Antiquity 27:587-588.
The results of the regression of area on Nordbeck, Stig
1971 Urban allometric growth. Geografiska
population indicate that the proposed model Annaler 53B-1:54-67.
fits the data quite precisely. The b-value, or Tobler, Waldo
slope of the regressionline, was 1.96, which is 1969 Satellite confirmation of settlement size
coefficients. Area 3:30-34.
remarkablyclose to the predicted value of 2.0.
Turnbull, Colin
(See Fig. 4.) The correlationcoefficient of .91 1965 Wayward servants; the two worlds of the
is also high. The correspondinga-valueis close African Pygmies. Natural History Press, Garden
to zero, -0.23?0.68. These results give a City.
starting point of about 5.9 m2/person for Williams, Bobby Joe
1968 Establishing cultural heterogeneities in
camps with a population of 10, and as settlement patterns: an ethnographic example.
predicted by the allometric formula, the area/ In New perspectives in archaeology, edited by
person increases to 10.2 m2/person for camps L. R. and S. R. Binford, pp. 161-170. Aldine,
of 25. Thus, any constant figure for area per Chicago.
person such as that proposed by Naroll would Woodbur, James
1968 Stability and flexibility in Hadza residential
provide very inaccurate population estimates groupings. In Man, The Hunter, edited by R. G.
for camp sizes on either end of the spectrum. Lee and I. DeVore, pp. 103-110. Aldine,
Although the law of allometric growth with Chicago.

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350 ameRicanantiquity [Vol. 39, No. 2, 1974

Yellen, John Several conversion formats are available:

n.d. Settlement pattern of the !Kung Bushmen: Stuiver and Suess (1966), Ralph and Michael
an archaeological perspective. In Kalahari
hunter gatherers, edited by R. B. Lee and I (1969), Michael and Ralph (1972), Ralph,
DeVore. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Michael, and Han (1973), and Damon, Long,
(In press, ms. 1972.) and Wallick (1972) have published tables;
Wendlandand Donley (1971) an equation;and
Suess (1967), Suess (1970) and Olsson (1970)
DENDROCHRONOLOGIC graphs. An estimation of the statistical un-
CALIBRATION OF THE certainty of the age conversionis necessaryfor
RADIOCARBON TIME SCALE precise utilization of the radiocarbon in-
formation (Long and Rippeteau 1974), and
only the table of Damon, Long, and Wallick
(1972) providesthis.
C. W. FERGUSON The purpose of this paper is to provide a
A. LONG more accessibleconversiontable for single dates
E. I. WALLICK utilizing data up to the summer of 1973,
omitting geophysical mechanism explanations.
ABSTRACT Graphsand conversiontables which attempt to
Extensive radiocarbon analyses have been made of model short-termvariationsin the radiocarbon
dendrochronologically dated wood. The resultant time scale are fundamentally ambiguous for
radiocarbon data are not in total agreement with the
conventional solar calendar as exemplified by the determining the corrected ages of single
tree-ring chronology. The discrepancy reaches a samples, particularlyin periods of time where
maximum between 4060 B.C. to 7350 B.C. when the radiocarbon concentration of the atmo-
radiocarbon dates are too young by 800 to 870 yr.
sphereis varyingrapidly.Therefore,no attempt
Using a compatible set of 549 dated samples as a was made to model short-term variations.
working base, a calibration table has been derived for
conversion of conventional radiocarbon dates to However,the statistical errorlisted in our table
calendar dates. This conversion table covers the period includes the errors due to these short-term
of time from A.D. 1600 to 5400 B.C. Data are also fluctuations.
given to facilitate the calculation of the accuracy of
the corrected date by a simple, illustrated method.
College of Earth Sciences PINE
University of Arizona
July, 1973
Bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva, D. K.
Radiocarbonanalysisof wood of historically Bailey, sp. nov.) from the White Mountainsof
known age and of dendrochronologicallydated California has been the primary source of
wood has resulted in the amassingof sufficient wood, especially in the B.C. period, for the
data to show that these radiocarbondates are calibration of the radiocarbon time scale.
not in total agreement with our conventional Radial growth-ringsequences in core samples
solar calendar. Reasons for the discrepancy, extracted with a Swedish increment borerhave
described in the section on causes of secular provided most of the chronologic data, even
C14/C12 variationsin I.U. Olsson (1970), are when the emphasisshifted from the living trees
now fairly well understood. Because radio- to standing or fallen snags or large, eroded
carbon dates are more useful in archaeological remnants of trees. Now, with the search for
interpretationsif they are convertedto solar or wood in the range of 7000 yr old or older, we
calendaryears to which other dating methods collect, after an affirmative evaluation in the
directly relate, an accurate and convenient field, entire pieces havingthe appearanceof age
method of conversionis required. and without specific known originin relationto
Conversion from radiocarbonyears to solar any tree, living or dead. Such remnantsprovide
years is accomplishedthroughsystematicradio- more surfacearea for detailedstudy of the very
carbon and stable carbon isotope analysis of narrow and often locally absent rings that are
dendrochronologically dated specimens of critical in chronology building, and they con-
wood. These derived data have made it possible stitute the principalsource of tree-ringmaterial
to calibrate the radiocarbontime scale for the for radiocarbonanalyses.
last 7350 yr. Dendrochronologicdating of the specimens

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