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Tugas 2 Reading III

Nama : Anita P Ruchban

Nim : 049428191
Prodi : Sastra Inggris

Soal 1
a. The subject of flocked are the music fans
b. The music fans received free tickets
c. Word whom refer to the thousands music fans
d. The reward (penghargaan) mean appreciated to their activism and champaigning work
or a thing given in recognition of one's service, effort, or achievement.

Soal 2
a. The verb of Beyonce performance is paid tribute to mandela
b. She wore a flowing pink-red dress
c. Which refer to Beyonce performance
d. Outpouring mean something that streams out rapidly / Beyonce performance drew an
outpouring of emotion from the crowd.

Soal 3
a. The subject of made is South African star Trevor Noah
b. The host of Mandela Stars is Trevor Noah
c. Who refer to Trevor Noah
d. Braved mean endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behavior) without showing

Soal 4
a. The subject took is Graca Machel
b. Graca Machel is mandela’s wife
c. Her refer to Mandela widow Graca Machel
d. Draped mean arrange (cloth or clothing) loosely or casually on or around something

Soal 5
a. The verb is has leaned
b. Symbol of the power of the maritime republic of Pisa in the Middle Ages
c. The medieval bell tower
d. Leaned mean be in or move into a sloping position.

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