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a) T

b) T

c) T

d) T

e) F

2. That mother tongue may have a greater or lesser influence in our lives. Has a big influence on
communicating and preserving the language so that it continues to exist and be used. Less influential
when we go outside our environment that requires us to learn or use another language.

3. a) Tells the author’s bad experience about city design that is not suitable for pedestrians.

b) Tells readers a recipe and procedure for making apple pie.

c) Tells a comedy reading that has an unpredictable plot twist at the end of the story.

4. c-b-e-g-h-f-a-d.

c. First of all, working in a team can help develop your social skills.

b. For example, when you are doing a school project, you have to listen to everyone’s opinions as
well as expressing your own ideas.

e. In addition, when you take part in a team, you have company and you work more efficiently
because lots of people are helping which saves time.

g. What’s more, you can chat with your friends and have a laugh, so it’s more fun.

h. They find it easier to concentrate and focus as it is quieter and there are no distractions.

f. Many people think that it is easier to do difficult things when you are in a group.

a. However, some people prefer to study on their own.

d. In conclusion, I believe that working with others is better than working on your own since you
learn to communicate well and you share the work.

5. • 1520-1524

Where : Kuba, Mexiko, dan Guatemala.

What : served with the Spanish army to subjugate the people in the territories now called Cuba,
Mexico and Guatemala.

• 1541

Where : Mexico.

What : he was ordered by Antonio de Mendoza, to explore the western coast of North America.

• June 1542

Where : Mexico.

What : set off to explore the western coast of North America.

• September 28, 1542

Where : San Diego bay.

What : Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo reached San Diego bay with two ships and his crew.

• By November 1542

Where : San Francisco bay.

What : Juan Ridriguez Cabrillo had reached as far as north as San Francisco Bay, although he missed
the entrance of the bay due to a huge storm.

6. – When the examiner announced the end of yhe exam, I had scarcely finished writing my essay.

- Unforeseen problems will arise if negotiations fail.

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