MB10 Annuitas

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Money in Jim's account just after he makes his last deposit:

Amount deposited each quarter * Future value of annuity for 1.25% for 32 periods
300.00 x 39.05
Balance of his account when he can withdraw the deposit:
Amount just after last deposit* Future value factor for 20 periods at 1.25%
11,715.12 x 1.28
Time(t) 5 years
n 60
x 0.375
P $100

Amount available at the beginning

P (1-(1+2)^-n / x)
100 (1-1+0,375/100)^-60)/0,375/100)
100 (1-(1,00375)^-60/0,00375
PMT = 10000
t= 12 year
y= 7%
k= 2

PV= PMT (1-(1+r/k)^-kt) (r/k)

PV= 10,000.00 0.56 0.04
PV= 10,000.00 16.06
PV= 160,583.68
-> Total loan= 8000
time (t)= 10years
interest= 10%
8000= x 20/21 (20/21)^20-1 20/21-1
8000= x 12.46
x= 8000 12.46
x= 641.941

-> Remaining balance= 9500 - 2000 PV= A

Remaining balance= 7500 7500= A
7500= 7,8797525A
A =
(1-(1+9,17%/2)^-2*5 9,17%/2
1-(1,04585)^-10 0.04585
The Balance after 12 years
12,000 x 20
(1+0.07/4) - 1 = 400/11 * 0.07/4
(1+0.07/4) = 7/11 + 1
(1.0175) = 18/11
we introduce logs and solve as follows:
(1.0175) = 18/11
log (1.0175) = log 18/11
4n log 1.0175 = log 18/11
n = (log 18/11)/ (4 * log 1.0175)
n = 7.096760 years
n = 7.1 years
P= 1536.5
R= 9%
5n= 3 years
Using monthly compound inerest forrmula:
A= P(1+R12x100)12n
A= 1536.5(1+912x100)12x3
A= 1536.5(1.0075)36=1536.5x1.308
A= $2010.7

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