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Types of Stylistics

Diri I. TEILANYO &Priscilla O. EFE-OBUE
1. General Stylistics or Stylistics:
T!is is s"#lis"ics $i%%' (r)* "!%+r)a' ,)"i), )( "!% li,is"ic s"'#)( all "#/%s )( li,is"ic %$%,"s (r)*'i((%r%," ')*ai,s )( li(%.
I" is s%' asac)$%r "%r* ()r "!% a,al#sis )( ,),-li"%rar# $ari%"i%s )( la,a%0 )rr%is"%rs12al%s 3456. H%,c%0 ),% ca,,'%r"a7% a s"#lis"ic
s"'# Is this content
)( ar%lii)ss%r*),0 inappropriate?
a s/)r" Reporta /)li"ical
c)**%,"ar#0 a l%al')c*%,"0 this Document
s/%%c!0 a+si,%ss c),$%rsa"i),0 %"c.
2. Literary Stylistics:
T!is is "!% "#/% )( a,al#sis "!a"()cs%s ), li"%rar# "%8"s. I, "!%+r)a's%,s%0 sc! a s"'# *a# +% li,is"ic)r ,),-li,is"ic0 +" i,
"!% *)r%s/%ciali9%' s%,s%0 i" is %ss%,"iall#li,is"ic. T) *a7% "!is li,is"ic)ri%,"a"i), cl%ar%r0 "!% "%r*s
ar%s)*%"i*%s %*/l)#%' ") '%,)"% "!%li,is"ic a,al#sis )r i,"%r/r%"a"i), )( li"%rar# %$%,"s. O"!%r "#/%s )( s"#lis"ics +%l) ar% lar%l#
s+"#/%s)( "!isli,is"ic li"%rar# s"#lis"ics.
3. Textualist Stylistics(Textlinguistics):

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T!is is "!% "#/% )( s"#lis"ics !ic!%,a%' i, a, %*/"# "%c!,)l)#;)( a "%8". I" *%r%l# i'%,"i(i%s "!% rali,is"ic /a""%r,s )( a 1li"%rar#6
"%8"sc!as "!% /!),)l)ical0 ra**a"ical0l%8ical a,' s%*a,"ic /a""%r,si"!)"a""%*/"i, ") r%la"% "!%s% /a""%r,s") "!% *%ssa% i, "!% "%8".
T!isa//r)ac!as /)/lar a" "!% %arl# s"a%s )( "!% %$)l"i), )( s"#lis"ics as a'isci/li,%!%r% li,is"s $i%%' li"%rar# "%8"s*%r%l# as
li,is"ic %$%,"s a,' (%l"li"%rar# i,"%r/r%"a"i),0 i,$)l$i,"!%*a"ic c),c%r,s )r ar"is"icsi,i(ica,c%0%r% ,)" )( c),c%r, ") "!%*
asli,is"s0 %s/%ciall# as "!%# i,$)l$%'a,,'%rs"a,'i, )( "!% ar"is"<si,"%,"i), !ic! as !ar'l# s+=%c" ")"!%)+=%c"i$% $%ri(ia+ili"#
%*/!asi9%' +#"!% sci%,"i(ic clai* )( *)'%r,li,is"ics.
4. Interpretative Stylistics:
T!is is "!% /rac"ic% %,a%' i, +#*)s" s"#lis"icia,s ,)a'a#s. I"i,$)l$%s "!% a,al#sis )( "!% li,is"ic'a"a i, a 1li"%rar#6 "%8"0
"!%,ra$%lli,)( "!% c),"%," )r ar"is"ic $al% )( "!%"%8" a,' "!% *arr#i, )( "!%s% ").As'%/ic"%' i, L%) S/i"9%r<s
/!il)l)icalcircl%0 "!% i,"%r/r%"a"i$% s"#lis"icia,r%la"%s li,is"ic '%scri/"i), ")li"%rar# a//r%cia"i), +# s%%7i,ar"is"ic(,c"i), a,' r%la"i, i"
") "!%li,is"ic %$i'%,c% )r (irs" s%%7i,"!%li,is"ic (%a"r%s i, "!% "%8" a,'r%la"i, i" ") "!% ar"is"ic *)"i$a"i),. T!%+%li%( is "!a" "!%
li,is"ic /a""%r,sar% c!)s%, '%li+%ra"%l# ") %8/r%ssc%r"ai, ar"is"ic )r li"%rar# )als a,'"!a" "!% ") ca, !ar'l# +% 'i$)rc%'.

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Stylistics as a branch of linguistics. The problem of stylistic research

3. Units of language on dierent levels are studied by traditional branches of linguistics as phonetics (that
deals with speech sounds and intonation), lexicology (treats the words, their eaning and vocabulary structure),
graar (analysis fors of words), syntax (analysis the function of words in a sentence).

!. These areas of study are ore or less clear"cut. Soe scholars clai that stylistic is a coparatively new
branch of linguistics, The ter stylistics really cae into existence not too long ago.

5. Problems of stylistic research:

#. $. the ob%ect and the atter under study& 'ot only ay each of these linguistic units (sounds, words and
clauses) be charged with a certain stylistic eaning but the interaction of these eleents, as well as the structure
and the coposition of the whole text are stylistically pertinent (*+-/, 01212456/).

7. 8. The de9nition of style& :ierent scholars have de9ned style dierently at dierent ties. ;n $<== the
>cadeician ?.?. ?inogradov de9ned style as @socially deterined and functionally conditioned internally united
totality of the ways of using, selecting and cobining the eans of lingual intercourse in the sphere of one
national language or anotherA. ;n $<7$ Brof. ;.C. Dalperin oered his de9nition of style as @is a syste of co"
ordinated, interrelated and inter"conditioned language eans intended to ful9l a speci9c function of
counication and aiing at a de9nite eectA. >ccording to Brof. Screbnev @style is what dierentiates a group
of hoogeneous texts fro all other groupsE Style can be roughly de9ned as the peculiarity, the set of speci9c
features of text type or of a speci9c textA.

F. 3. the nuber of functional styles& The authors of handbooGs on dierent languages propose systes of
styles based on a broad subdivision of all styles into 8 classes H literary and colloIuial and their varieties. These
generally include fro three to 9ve functional styles.

<. DalperinJs syste of stylesK $. Lelles"lettres style (poetry, eotive prose, draa)& $. Bublicist (oratory and
speeches, essay, article)& 3. 'ewspaper (brief news ites, headlines, ads, editorial)& !. scienti9c prose& =. oMcial

$N. >rnoldJs syste of stylesK $. Boetic& 8. Scienti9c& 3. 'ewspaper& !. OolloIuial.

$$. ScrebnevJs syste of stylesK 'uber of styles is in9nite.

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$8. Stylistics is that branch of linguistics, which studies the principles, and eect of choice and usage of
dierent language eleents in rendering thought and eotion under dierent conditions of counication.
Therefore it is concerned with such issues asK

$3. $. The aesthetic function of language& 8. expressive eans in language (ai to eect the reader or
listener)& 3. synonyous ways of rendering one and the sae idea (with the change of wording a change in
eaning taGes place inevitably)& !. eotional colouring in language& =. a syste of special devices called stylistic
devices& #. the splitting of the literary language into separate systes called style& 7. the interrelation between
language and thought& F. the individual anner of an author in aGing use of the language.

$!. ;tJs essential that we looG at the ob%ect of stylistic study in its totality concerning all the above" entioned


.Types of stylistic research (together with branches of Stylistics)

1. !iterary an" linguistic stylistics

$F. >ccording to the type of stylistic research we can distinguish literary stylistics Pnd linguP"stlisti+s. Qh*
hPv* soe eeting points or linGs in that they have coon ob%ects of research. OonseIuently they have certain
areas of +ross"r*f*r*n+*. Loth study the coon ground ofK

$<. $. the literary language fro the point of view of its variability&

8N. 8. the idiolect (individual speech) of P writer&

8$. 3. poetic speech that has its own speci9c laws.

88. The points of dierence proceed fro the dierent points of analysis. Rhile lingua"stylistics studiesK

83. $. unctional styles (in their developent and current state).

8!. 8. The linguistic nature of the expressive eans of the language, their systeatic character and their
functions .

8=. iterary stylistics is focused 1nK

8#. $. The coposition of P worG of art&

87. 8. ?arious literary genres&

8F. 3. Qh* writers outlooG.

2#. Types of stylistic research:

literary stylistics& 8. linguistic st.& 3. Ooparative st.& !. :ecoding st.& =. unctional st.& #. Stylistic lexicology& 7.
Stylistic graar.
$%. &omparati'e stylistics

3$. Ooparative stlistics is connected with the contrastive study of ore than one language. ;t analyses the
stylistic resources not inherent in P separate language but at the crossroads of two languages, or two literPtur*s
and is obviously linGed to the theory of translation.

$2. eco"ing stylistics

33. > coparatively new branch of stylistics is the decoding stylistics, which can be traced bacG to the worGs
of . ?. Shcherba, V. W. arin, X, Ciffaterre, C. YacGobson and other scholars of the Brague linguistic circle. W
serious contribution into this branch of stylistic study was also ade b Brof. ;.Z. >rnold. [ach act of speech has
the perforer, or sender of speech and the recipient. Qh* forer does the act of *n+1ding and the latter the act
of decoding the inforation.

3!. ;f we analyse the text fro the authors (encoding) point of view we should consider the epoch, the
historical situation, the personal political, social and aesthetic views of the author.

3=. Lut if we try to treat the sae text fro the readers angle of view we shall have to disregard this,
bacGground Gnowledge and get the axiu inforation fro the text itself (its vocabu$ary, +1\1sition,
s*nt*n+* arrangeent, *t+.) The first approach anifests the prevalence of the literary analysis. Qh* second is

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based alost exclusively 1n the linguistic analysis. :ecoding stylistics is an attept to haroniously +1bine the
two eth1ds of stylistic research and *nPb* the scholar to interpret P worG of art with P iniu loss of its
purport and essage.

$6. unctional styllstics

37. Special ention, should b* ade of functional stylistics which is P branch of lingua"stylistics that
investigates functional styles, that is specia$ sublanguPg*s or varieties 1f of the national language such as
scienti9c, colloIuial, business, publicist and so on.

3F. ]owever Pn types of stylistics P exist 1r spring into existence they will Pll consider the sae source
aterial for stylistic analysis sounds, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and texts. Thats why any Gind of
stylistic research, will b* based 1n the level"foring branches that includeK

$#. Stylistic le*icology

!N. Stytystic exicology studies the seantic structure of the word and the interrelation (or interplay) of the
connotative and denotative eanings of the word, as well as the interrelation of the stylistic connotations 1f the
word and the context.

!$. Stylistic Phonetics (or Phonostylistics) is engaged in the study of style"f1ring phonetic features of
the text. ;t describes the \ros1dic f*Ptures of prose and poetry and variants of pronunciation in different types of
speech (colloIuial or oratory or recital (2*^_P6\1`P-6*).

+2. Stylistic grammar

!3. Stylistic orphology is interested in the stylistic potentials of specific graatical, fors Pnd categories,
such as the nuber of the noun, or the peculiar use of tense fors of the verb, etc.

!!. Stylistic Syntax is 1n* of the oldest branches of stylistic studies that grew 1ut 1f classical rhetoric. The
Pterial in Iu*sti1n lends itself readily to analysis and description. Stylistic syntax has to do with the expressive
order of words, types of syntactic linGs ( asyndeton, polysyndeton), 9gures of speech (antithesis, chiasus, etc.).
;t also deals with bigger units fro paragraph onwards.


.,nterrelation of Stylistics with other linguistic branches

+. Stylistics an" other linguistic "isciplines

!F. >s is obvious fro the naes of the branches or types of stylistic studies this science is very closely linGed
to the linguistic disciplines philology students are failiar withK phonetics, lexicology and graar due to the
+11n study source.

!<. Stylistics interacts with such theoretical discipline as semasiology. This is P branch of linguistics whose
area of study is P ost coplicated and enorous sphere that of eaning. The. ter seantics is also widely
used in linguistics in relation to verbal eanings. Seasiology in its turn is often related to the theory of signs in
general and deals with visual as well as verbal eanings.

=N. eaning is not attached to the level of the word only, or for that atter to 1n* level at all but correlPt*s
with all of the " orphees, words, phrases 1r texts. This is one of the ost challenging areas of r*s*Pr+h since
prP+ti+ally all stylistic effects are based 1n the interplay between different Ginds of *Pning 1n different levels.
SuMce it to say that their are nuerous types of linguistic eanings attached to linguistic units, such as
graatical, lexical,$ogical, denotative, connotative, eotive, evaluative, expressive and stylistic.

=$. -nomasiology (or onomatology) is the theory of naing dealing with the choice of words when naing
or assessing soe ob%ect or \h*n1*n1n. ;n stylistic analysis we often have to do with P transfer of noinal
eaning in P text (antonoasia, etaphor, etonyy, etc.)

=8. The theory of fun+tionPl styles investigates the structure of the national linguistic space " what constitutes
the literary language, the sublanguages and dialects entioned ore than 1n+* already.

=3. iterary stylistics will inevitably overlap with areas of literary studies su+h as the theory of iagery, literary
genres, the art of coposition, etc.

=!. :ecoding stylistics in any ways borders culture studies in the broad sense of that word including the
history of art, aesthetic trends and even inforation theory.

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