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Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

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Cutting force modeling of machining carbon fiber reinforced polymer

(CFRP) composites: A review
Yang Song a, b, Huajun Cao a, b, *, Wei Zheng c, Da Qu d, Lei Liu a, b, Chunping Yan a, b
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100039, China
College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400044, China


Keywords: Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites have been widely used in high-tech industries due to
CFRP excellent performances. Because subsequent machining operations, including drilling and trimming, et al., are
Cutting force necessary to meet dimensional or assembly-related requirement, accurate prediction of cutting forces is of great
importance to improve tool life and machining quality, which is good for planning and improving machining
process of CFRP composites. To explore this issue, the paper gives a detailed review and discussion of the cutting
Numerical force models, including, mechanistic models; macro-mechanical models; micro-mechanical models and numer­
ical models. Among them, macro-mechanical models are the earliest proposed cutting force models, while
mechanistic models are the most studied. This paper predicts and analyzes the future development trend of
cutting force models, including variable diversification development for semi-empirical models, study on
process-oriented cutting force models, research on cutting mechanisms and study on intelligent manufacturing-
oriented cutting force models based on modular development of numerical models.

1. Introduction function for future researches, many reviews have been made to
participate in different aspects of composites machining.
Since carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites have su­ Wan et al. [13–15] reviewed cutting force of fiber reinforced poly­
perior mechanical characteristics, such as high specific strength, good mer (FRP), including drilling and milling force. Besides cutting force, the
dimensional stability, high damping capacity, fatigue resistances, stiff­ influences of tool materials and geometries and drilling parameters on
ness in combination with high corrosion resistance and low thermal the torque and the machining defects were investigated [14]. The dril­
expansion properties[1–6], compared with conventional metallic ma­ ling operations, drill bit geometries and materials, tool wear, drilling-
terials, they have been increasingly used in aerospace, automotive, en­ induced delamination and its suppressing approaches were summa­
ergy industries and sporting goods. Although CFRP are usually rized, too [15]. Norbert et al. [16] reviewed advanced cutting tools and
fabricated to near-net-shapes, a post machining operations, i.e. turning, technologies which were used for drilling CRFP from the machinability
milling, drilling, are still necessary to assure CFRP parts meet dimen­ of CFRP, cutting tool requirements and recent industrial solutions.
sional tolerance, surface quality and others quality requirement [7,8]. Compared to conventional drilling, helical milling presents several ad­
However, the material properties, such as inhomogeneity and anisot­ vantages in hole-making. Robson et al. [3] corroborated that the helical
ropy, determine that its chip formation process is associated with milling was a smooth hole-making process and described the current
debonding of interface and that the chip is crumbled and fragment state of the art of helical milling process. Besides drilling, other
usually [9]. Many defects occur easily, i.e. burr, fiber pull out, delami­ machining operations, i.e. turning, milling, etc., were reviewed too.
nation, burning and cracking [9,11–13]. Excellent mechanical proper­ Chinmaya et al. [17] reviewed the models of machining composite
ties also make CFRP more difficult to machine than traditional metal materials, including molecular dynamic simulations, 2D and 3D finite
materials [10–12], as shown in Fig. 1. As the reviews of the researches element models and the emerging field of multiscale models. Demeng
are beneficial to systematic research and they also have certain guiding et al. [8] focused on conventional and unconventional hybrid processes

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Cao).
Received 7 December 2021; Received in revised form 3 June 2022; Accepted 8 August 2022
Available online 11 August 2022
0263-8223/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 1. Material properties of CFRP govern the machinability of CFRP.

Fig. 2. CFRP cutting force model statistics; (a) Model development history; (b) Numerical statistical of various cutting force models.

for CFRP machining, cutting theories and thermal/mechanical response composites due to different failure behavior of both kinds of fibers, i.e.
studies, numerical simulations, tool performance and techniques, and aramid fibers are flexible with high toughness, while carbon fibers are
economic impacts of CFRP machining. Aymen et al. [18] reviewed the brittle with high hardness. This paper focus on CFRP to clear the
researches on cutting mechanisms of CFRP from three parts: experi­ development and give a detailed and comprehensive review on cutting
mental studies, analytical approaches and numerical simulations. Shetty force models to reveal cutting mechanisms.
et al. [19] reviewed machining of composites by conventional methods,
discrete element methods and finite element methods. As it is not 2. The development of cutting force models
enough to explore the mechanism of cutting FRP using experimental
method, Du et al. [20] summarized the methods, theories, and conclu­ As the application range of CFRP becomes wider and wider, many
sions in cutting simulation of fiber-reinforced composites. The cutting cutting force models of CFRP have been proposed to reduce the
mechanisms of FRP were concluded from the aspects of cutting force, machining defects and to improve the tool life and machining quality.
surface finish quality, cutting chips, and cutting temperature and ma­ Cutting force models can be divided into four categories, including: i)
terial removal mechanism [20]. It was a comprehensive overview of Macro-mechanical models learn from metal cutting theory, which treat
cutting mechanism by discrete element method (DEM) and finite CFRP as continuous homogeneous materials; ii) Mechanistic models are
element method (FEM) [20]. Based on the cutting mechanisms sum­ established by data fitting, which can reflect the relationship between
marized in [20] are good for establishing the cutting force prediction cutting force and feed, cutting speed, cutting depth, tool geometries,
model of FRP. Compared with [20], this paper provided a more etc.; iii) Micro-mechanical models describe physical essence of the cut­
comprehensive summary focused on cutting force prediction model in ting, including fracture of fibers and matrix, fiber–matrix debonding,
machining CFRP of experiment and simulation, which not only help to fiber micro-buckling, fiber bending and so on; iv) Numerical models are
understand the cutting mechanism, but also guide the actual machining. developed by using finite element model (FEM) and discrete element
The cutting force plays an important role in characterizing cutting methods (DEM) to simulate the machining process of CFRP. To complete
process, which is related to tool wear and surface texture [21]. The a comprehensive review, the databases used to collect the references
cutting force can also be used to establish models to optimize the cutting were Elsevier ScienceDirect, Web of Science and China National
process and to reflect the cutting mechanisms [22]. However, the cut­ Knowledge Infrastructure. From 1970 to 2022, the references were
ting mechanisms are different with different reinforcement of searched with CFRP, prediction model and cutting force (including

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Table 1 Table 2
Determining variables of cutting force model. Processing variables of cutting force model.
Variables related to cutting process Force and energy variables
v Cutting speed vs Circular speed of grinding Fc Principal force Ft Thrust force
wheel Frc Normal force Ftc Tangential force
vw Workpiece feed speed ae Depth of cut Fx Cutting force in x-direction Fy Cutting force in y-direction
aw width of cut f Feed speed Fz Cutting force in z-direction Pt Tangential specific cutting
fz Feed per tooth fc Feed per rotation pressure
fza Axial feed per tooth fzt Tangential feed per tooth Pn Normal specific cutting Ff Force of cut matrix
h Uncut chip thickness θ Fiber orientation pressure
n Spindle speed tl Drill thickness of core Kc Average specific cutting Kt Average specific cutting
hw Thickness of workpiece H Thickness of elastic energies in energies in radial directions
foundation the tangential directions
Aa Uncut chip area Fm Force of cut matrix Fμ Friction force
qmax Uniform load damaging the FNchip Force of chip on rake face
Variables related to cutting tool
FAn1 Forces on the rake face in FAn2 Forces on the relief face in
γ Rake angle α Clearance angle
FAf1 point A FAf2 point A
R Drill radius D Drill diameter
Fμchip Friction force of chip and FzI Horizontal forces in region
s Number of teeth on the tool G The grit size
rake face I
bt Length of the chisel edge re Cutting edge radius
FzII Horizontal forces in region FzIII Horizontal forces in region
αt Angle of cutting edge ψ Rake angle of the chisel edge
ρd Half point angle for the drilling γw Half of the chisel edge angle
FyI Vertical cutting forces in dFt Thrust force Infinitesimal
region I element
FyII Vertical cutting forces in FyIII Vertical cutting forces in
Variables related to material properties region II region III
rf Fiber radius θl Laminate orientation dFc Element of principal force P1 Force perpendicular to
vof Fiber volume fraction 2c Fiber spacing surface
Ef Elasticity modulus Eef Equivalent elasticity modulus P2 The total force of cutting dFzchisel Cutting force unit of chisel
Eb Equivalent Young’ s modulus Em Young’ s modulus of matrix region 2 edge
If Second moment the fiber df Fiber diameter dFzmajor Principal force element unit dMzchisel Torque unit of chisel edge
zT Fiber deflection value of bending Kmax Maximum curvature of dMzmajor Principal torque unit Sshear Lateral force from matrix
fracture deflection shearing
νP Poisson’s ratio Gf Shear modulus of fiber M Torque Esurf Energy consumed for new
E Tensile modulus E3 Rebound zone of effective surfaces
modulus S Lateral force from fiber Echip Fracture energy for chip
TU Ultimate tensile strength τ Shear strength bending formation
τf Shear strength of fiber τm Shear strength of matrix Efric Friction energy at tool-chip Edeb Delamination energy
Gm Shear modulus of matrix τBC Shear strength in BC direction interface consumption
τAC, Shear strength in AC direction GLT Shear modulus of CFRP Uf Elastic strain energy of the Um Shear strain energy in the
EOP Young’s modulus in OP direction Xfc Longitudinal compressive fiber matrix
Xf Fiber ultimate strength τp Fiber axial shear strength
Intermediate process coefficient variables
Xft Longitudinal tensile strength of Lf Instantaneous fiber content in
Ktc Tangential cutting force Krc Radial cutting force
fiber cut
coefficients coefficients
Kte Tangential edge force Kre Radial cutting edge
coefficients coefficients
milling force, orthogonal cutting force, drilling force and grinding force) Kc_m Cutting force coefficients of Kc_f Cutting force coefficients of
as keywords and 5 years as time unit. Base on the methodology matrix fiber
mentioned above, the statistics of cutting force models in this paper is Ke_m Edge force coefficients of Ke_f Edge force coefficients of
matrix fiber
shown in Fig. 2.
Ketc Equivalent isotropic cutting Kete Equivalent isotropic edge
Macro-mechanical models appear earliest, which had been proposed Kerc force coefficient Kere force coefficient
since 1971, and there are still researches of macro-mechanical models gj Control function ach Characteristic coefficient
until now, as shown in Fig. 2 (a). Although macro-mechanical models g(θ) Function of fiber δ Unit impulse function
have the longest development time, they have been least studied, as orientation
Kc The specific cutting Kp Specific pressure on relief
shown in Fig. 2 (b). The second is mechanistic models, which had been
coefficient face
developed since 1993. This models have been most studied among four μf Friction coefficient of tool μ Friction coefficient
types and thus they have strong vitality. Next comes micro-mechanical and fiber
models. These models have done more in-depth research on cutting kh Correction coefficient kV Coefficients of vof
kA Deformation coefficient of kzw Influence coefficient of feed
mechanism, which are more difficult, so the number of the models are
less than that of mechanistic models. Finally, numerical models emerge. ki Correction factor GIc Critical strain energy
With the rapid development of simulation software and computer, nu­ release rate
merical models have been most studied in addition to mechanistic C Compression coefficient KR Coefficients of spindle
models since its appearance in 2005. However, its development rate is speed
Kf Coefficients of feed rate Kn Coefficients of drill
slower than that of the micro cutting force model in recent ten years due
to the limitation of cutting mechanisms. c3, K Coefficients of Ft km Winkler foundation
It has been 40 years since cutting force models were put forward, modulus
whose development has a lag period. More and more attention has been kchi Coefficient of the chisel ke Coefficient of subgrade
paid to the cutting force models of CFRP, and researches on them have edge reaction
a、b Fitting coefficients。
developed rapidly since 2010. Because different parameters have
different influences on cutting force, a large number of variables are
Intermediate process analysis variables
used for calculation and explanation to establish clear and accurate
ϕ Rotation angle αn Normal rake angle
cutting force models. The variables were divided into determining
(continued on next page)

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Table 2 (continued ) variables. In Sec. 3, the cutting force models are reviewed in detail.
Au Contact area on the rake Ac Contact area on the relief
face face 3. Cutting force models of CFRP
A Uncut chip cross sectional αchip Chip flow angle
3.1. Macro-mechanical models
αq Inclination angle L The length of the chip
αμ Mean of friction angle γf Feed rate angle
λdem Angle of definition φbdem Boundary between two Macro-mechanical models cannot reveal the microchip formation
cutting states process, but the material characteristics are considered to establish the
φsi Angle between bottom φbi Angle between lower blade models. The models can reflect the relationship of cutting tool and
cutting of peripheral and -y axis
workpiece to optimize cutting parameters and to reduce cutting force.
trimming and -y axis
σμ Maximum stress of chip bc Bouncing back of the The representative macro-mechanical models are summarized, whose
formation workpiece context are shown in Table 3.
ρ Normalized radial ax、ay Slope of the approximate Based on shear plane theory, the first macro-mechanical work was
coordinate line
presented by Everstine and Rogers [23] in 1971. This model only
bx、by Intercepts of the mm Number of main cutting
approximated lines edge elements
focused on 0◦ fiber orientation angle, as shown in Fig. 3. After that,
t Time ηRVE Number of RVE based on the classical Merchant’s model, Bhatnagar [24] presented a
a1、a2 The length of the first mc Number of elements on the force prediction model which verified by orthogonal machining, as
b1、b2 drilling edge side of chisel edge of the shown Fig. 4 (a) and (b). The model assumed that fiber orientation in the
drill center
position where failure occurs equals the shear plane angle, founding that
t Tangent to fiber P Point angle
∼ fiber orientation was a key factor of the surface integrity. As shown in
ξ Ellipticity ratio n Vertical to fiber
∼ Fig. 4 (c) ~ (g), the minimum force occurred in the range of 0◦ to 60◦
dl Unit length of the cutting Shear angle
fiber orientation, while the maximum value reached the range of − 30◦
r The length of the line ρ r/D to − 60◦ fiber orientation. There was approximately a 100 % increase in
Lc Distance between fiber free Con Ratio defining of the load the resultant forces when the direction of machining was reversed from
end and the origin contribution positive to negative fiber orientation. Zhang et al. [25] suggested an
rm Radius of RVE Li Periphery cutting edge analytical mechanics model which divided the cutting zone into three
contact length with
characteristic regions: region I (chipping), region II (pressing) and re­
gion III (bouncing). The division method of cutting zone and its force
analysis was shown as Fig. 5 (a)~(e). As shown in Fig. 5 (f) and (g), Fz
decreased first and then increased with increasing fiber orientation,
Table 3 while Fy increased first and then decreased with increasing fiber orien­
The context of macro-mechanical models. tation. The maximum error in predicting vertical and horizontal force
Machining Tool type Materials Fiber Fiber Refs. were 37 % and 27 %, respectively. The errors were relatively large but
operation content orientation this model had captured major deformation mechanisms.
Orthogonal Wedge- UD-CFRP Theoretical 0◦ [23] Based on Fig. 6, Zhang et al. [26] predicted cutting force model of
cutting shaped tool analysis helical milling unidirectional CFRP (UD-CFRP). This model realized the
Brazed UD-CFRP – 0◦ -180◦ [24] transformation from micro to macro and from static to dynamic,
carbide tools [0◦ /90◦ ]4
founding that with the increase of spindle rotation speed, fza and fzt
(K20 grade) (T300/LY-
decreased, and then the cutting force decreased, while with the incre­
Tungsten UD-CFRP – 0◦ -90◦ [25] ment of pitch, the fza and Li increased, and then the cutting force
carbide (F593 and increased. But the model also had some limitations. For example, some
MTM56 failure modes were neglected, such as extrusion failure.
To reduce or avoid delamination defects, Wang et al. [27] divided
Milling Carbide tools UD-CFRP 60 % 0◦ /180◦ [26]
(T300) axial force on horizontal edge into the force between rake face and
Drilling Carbide drill UD-CFRP 60 % – [27] CFRP, circular arc and CFRP, which were calculated based on drilling
(YG6X) (T300/ micromechanics theory, Hoffman strength measurement and Hertz
contact. The average axial force of chisel edge was <25 % of total axial
Carbide twist UD-CFRP 60 ± 5 % – [28]
drills (T300)
force, founding that the proportion was proportional to the feed speed.
[0/-45/ In the meanwhile, the feed per revolution was the most important
90/45]5s drilling parameter. The model could predict quantitatively the stratifi­
High speed UD-CFRP 64 % – [29] cation in borehole, which had certain practical value. Guo et al. [28]
steel drills [0]15s
applied contact theory to chisel edge cutting zone and divided cutting
Crystalline UD- 65 % – [30]
diamond CFRPHTS lips cutting zone into three cutting regions, like [25], as shown in Fig. 7.
coating (12 k)/ That was to say, some cutting mechanisms of milling and drilling were
cemented MTM44-1 similar, which could be used for reference. The model successfully
carbide drills
incorporated tool geometrical parameters and the failure of fibers and
matrix considering the influential factors comprehensively. The cutting
variables and processing variables by statistics and analysis. Since cut­ force predicted by this model were in satisfactory agreement with
ting force depends on cutting parameters, tool parameters and material experimental results and thus it was concluded that the proposed model
properties which are defined as determining variables, as show in could be used to optimize the cutting parameters and tool geometries.
Table 1. The workpiece deformation, work, force, and various co­ The characteristics of drilling force not only contain average, maximum
efficients caused by cutting are generated in the cutting process, which and minimum value, but also contain frequency and amplitude. Meng et
are defined as processing variables, as shown in Table 2, as they exist on al [29] devoted to the prediction and analysis of the fluctuation of the
the basis of determining variables. Different cutting force models have thrust force. The modified orthogonal cutting model was introduced into
different assumptions and considerations for various parameters and the proposed model, as the cutting process of cutting lips could be
assumed to orthogonal cutting. The cutting lip was divided into a set of

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

h x

a F


Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of cutting fiber-reinforced materials [23].

Fig. 4. The schematic illustrating of the cutting mechanism and the analysis of the results [24].

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 5. Model analysis and comparison of results [25].

elements, as shown in Fig. 8 (a). The variable parameters leaded to the 3.2. Mechanistic models
fluctuation of thrust force were analyzed separately, as shown in Fig. 8
(b1)~(d1). Seeholzer et al. [30] developed an analytical force model for Mechanistic models are the most intuitive method to optimize cut­
drilling out pre-drilled UD-CFRP material. A coordinated structural ting parameters and tool geometries and are a summary of cutting
failure of entire fiber regions by axial compression was considered by phenomena. However, they cannot reveal the cutting mechanisms and
micro-buckling. The tool-fiber contact situation was simplified as the require a lot of time-consuming experiments to ensure the accuracy and
Hertz contact. The thrust force and torque values were functions of fiber applicability. The representative mechanistic models are summarized,
orientation, space-dependent geometries and process parameters. whose context are shown in Table 4.
Consequently, this model enabled to show causalities, e.g. the influence Wang et al. [31] researched edge trimming of CFRP with various PCD
of tip angle, cutting edge angles and the web thickness on resulting insert geometries. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed on the
process forces. average cutting force data. A generalized, second order, nonlinear
In a word, macro-mechanical models draw on cutting theory of metal regression model for principal and thrust forces could be established,
and treat CFRP as continuous homogeneous materials, but material founding that cutting tool with γ ∈ [6◦ , 7◦ ] and α = 17◦ could get mini­
characteristics different from metal are considered in the cutting pro­ mum value of resultant cutting force with a good tool life. Mei et al. [32]
cess, including fiber orientation and content. Macro-mechanical models captured the influence of fiber distribution of modelling the variability
have captured major deformation mechanisms. Thus, the models can of cutting forces in orthogonal machining of UD-CFRP. The fiber dis­
help to optimize cutting parameters and to reduce cutting forces as tribution confirmed to Gaussian distribution, which was first introduced
models can describe the relationship of cutting tool and CFRP. into the model. Subsequently, UD-CFRP milling force oscillations model

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

b bdem


s dem

dem dem

dem s -

Fsx, Fsz, Fbx, Fbz


Fig. 6. flowchart of the cutting force model [26].

Fig. 7. Model analysis [28] (a) force angle relationships on the chisel edge (b) cross-section at a point on the cutting lip.

was established through capturing the influence of fiber distributions (e), especially at 90◦ due to the contribution of feed across the fibers.
[33], claiming that the variation of composite milling forces came from Based on experimentally collected cutting force data during slot milling
the variation of chip thickness, the random fiber distribution and the of UD-CFRP using two different polycrystalline diamond cutters, Karpat
continuous variation of cutting direction. et al. [36] proposed a mechanistic cutting force model. Milling forces
Based on [32], Cao et al. [34] established a high speed dry (HSD) acting on the tool was showed in Fig. 11 (a) and (b). Based on experi­
milling force model and presented a two-dimensional joint probability mental data and analysis, the largest tangential forces occurred in
distribution model of fiber distribution, founding that carbon fiber was machining 135◦ fiber orientation, while the smallest tangential forces
more easily affected by milling parameters compared with PEEK matrix occurred in machining 45◦ fiber orientation. Radial forces recorded on
and it was also verified feasible to HSD milling CF/PEEK, as shown in 45◦ and 135◦ fiber orientation were smaller than recorded on 0◦ and 90◦ .
Fig. 9. Hocheng et al. [35] presented preliminary study on milling of As shown in Fig. 11 (c) and (d), the average force coefficient in radial
CFRP, which was a good basis for mechanical modelling. As shown in direction was higher than that in tangential direction. Then, the model
Fig. 10 (a)~(c), cutting force increased with feed per tooth, regardless of was developed in [37] to improve double helix tool designs and to
the fiber orientation, and the cutting force component orthogonal to the optimize milling process parameters. Based on milling tests, cutting and
fiber was larger than that parallel to the fiber, as shown in Fig. 10 (d) and edge coefficients were get, that was Ktc = 583 N/mm2, Kte = 2.66 N/mm,

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 8. Dirlling of UD-CFRP and thrust force under various cutting parameters [29]. (b1) ~ b(3) f = 20 mm/min, f = 40 mm/min and f = 50 mm/min respectively,
when n = 800r/min, R = 3 mm, and (c1)~(c3) n = 800 r/min, n = 1300 r/min, n = 1600 r/min respectively, when f = 40 mm/min, R = 3 mm, (d1)~(d3) R = 2.5
mm, R = 3 mm, R = 4 mm respectively, when n = 800 r/min, f = 40 mm/min.

Table 4
The context of mechanistic models.
Machining Tool type Materials Fiber Fiber Refs.
operation content orientation

Orthogonal PCD tools MD-Graphite/Epoxy (IM-6/3501–6) [45◦ /-45◦ /(0◦ / 68 % 0◦ -180◦ [31]
Cutting (COMPAX 1300) 90◦ /45◦ /-45◦ )2]s
Solid carbide tool UD-CFRP 47.4 % 90 ◦
Milling Straight milling tool UD-CFRP 55.7 % – [33]
Helical milling tool
PCD (APKT1604) UD-CF/PEEK (Carbon fiber reinforced 55 % 90◦ [34]
OSG-Walter F2037 single square carbide insert UD-CFRP 60 % 0◦ /45◦ /90◦ [35]
PCD milling tools (Schwegler) UD-CFRP [0◦ /45◦ ]15 59 % 0◦ -180◦ [36]
Helical end mill and double helix end mill (both diamond UD-CFRP [0◦ /45◦ ]15 59 % 0◦ -180◦ [37]
coated carbide tools) MD-CFRP [0◦ /45◦ /90◦ /135◦ ]18
Straight-flute carbide end mills UD-CFRP 60 % 0◦ -180◦ [38]
(TC35-12 K/150)43
Tungsten Carbide end mill UD-CFRP [0◦ /90◦ ] – 0◦ -180◦ [39]
Carbide helical end mills UD-CFRP, 60 % 0◦ -180◦ [40]
MD-CFRP[60◦ /0◦ /120◦ ]
Single straight tooth cutter with micro-grain tungsten UD-CFRP (IM6/3501–6) 62 % 0◦ -180◦ [42]
carbide insert
Drilling Carbide drills. UD-CFRP (AMOCO T300/934)105 62 % 0◦ -180◦ [43]
Diamond core drill UD-CFRP [0/90]12S (HTA-E30-12 K/934). 67 % – [44]
Solid carbide steels tapered drill and twist drill. Woven bidirectional CFRP – – [45]
Solid carbide drills Twill 2/2 weave CFRP (‘Sigratex CE 8204–650-42′ 53.5–54.7 – [46]
prepregs) %
Carbide drill bit UD-CFRP (T300-12 K) 60 % – [47]
K44UF tungsten carbide twist drills UD-CFRP (P2352 prepreg) 60 % – [48]
Grinding Polycrystalline diamond grain CFRP (Vinyl resin) 70 % [74]

Krc = 555 N/mm2, and Kre = 12.92 N/mm. The coefficients reflected that unavoidable characteristics of CFRP milling processes such as excessive
radial forces were significantly larger than tangential forces, as fibers tool wear, fiber pull-out, and fiber peeling would influence the accuracy
contacted with tool’s edge radius and flank face, which showed the of the presented model, studying the linkage between the variation of
importance of cutting edge radius. Based on a two-region cutting model, the cutting force coefficients and the physics of chip formation at
He et al. [38] established a milling force model to analyze components of different fiber cutting angles might provide a better understanding of the
cutting force resulting from the cutting and edge effects. The friction mechanics of the process. Kalla et al. [40] verified that the mechanistic
coefficient during the milling process increased initially, and then modeling approaches from metal cutting were valid for cutting CFRP.
decreased with the increment of fiber orientation. The maximum net Based on transforming orthogonal cutting to oblique cutting and the
cutting force was observed in the fiber orientation range of 55◦ -70◦ and approach in [41], a methodology was developed for predicting the
the minimum one was observed in the range of 5◦ -15◦ . This model cutting force in helical end milling of UD-CFRP and multidirectional
provided a more accurate prediction of the cutting force than the model CFRP (MD-CFRP) over the entire range of fiber orientation. Among
that neglected the edge effects. Mullin et al. [39] presented an experi­ them, artificial neural network was a continuous function of fiber
mental method to identify the parameters of the model. Since orientation and chip thickness, which ccould predict the specific cutting

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 9. Influence of ae and v on Ff and Fm at fz = 0.06 mm/z and its relative change rate [34].

Fig. 10. Correlation between cutting forces, orientation and cutting parameters(v = 188.4 m/min; f = 0.0167 mm/tooth) [35]; (a) 0◦ ; (b) 90◦ ; (c) 45◦ ; (d) 0◦ ; (e) 90◦ .

energy and then could predict cutting force, as shown in Fig. 12 (a). method could be used to analyze the performance of new cutters starting
Compared Fig. 12 (b) and (c), model predictions of cutting UD-CFRP from a CAD model.
were in good agreement with experimental results, while the pre­ Chandrasekharan et al. [43] predicted the drilling force, which were
dictions of cutting MD-CFRP were lesser agreement. It was a significant calibrated by chip load and cutting forces and were modified by the drill
improvement in previous models which only dealt with orthogonal point geometries. The model showed that there was no interaction be­
cutting and limited-range fiber orientation. For segmented flute cutter in tween chip thickness, cutting velocity and normal rake angle. Therefore,
slot milling, Jamal et al. [42] utilized neural network data fitting to get the specific cutting pressure curves were shifted uniformly by control
the cutting force coefficients too, as shown in Fig. 13. Among them, Kte variable method, as shown in Fig. 14. To reduce the delamination, Tsao
and Kre were neglected as the use of a relatively sharp cutting edge. The et al. [44] obtained the correlation between the thrust force and cutting

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 11. Milling of CFRP laminates [36]; (a) milling forces acting on the tool; and (b) tool eccentricity; (c) Ktc; and (d) Krc.

parameters in drilling CFRP. The multi-variable linear regression anal­ these were reasonable since epoxy resin matrix failure and interfacial
ysis and ANOVA were used to get the model and regulations. In the debonding and so on, were not modeled. Wang et al. [47] presented the
study, the main influence parameters of thrust force were grit size and concept of the azimuth angle between chisel edge and carbon fiber.
feed rate. Large grit size was good for reducing thrust force and the Based on the theory of bending fracture, a single carbon fiber was
extent of delamination. Considering forces on rake and relief faces and modeled as a beam on an elastic foundation, as shown in Fig. 17,
empirical coefficients, Lazar et al. [45] predicted the cutting force dis­ founding that the decrement of feed rate per revolution could effectively
tribution along the cutting edges of a drill, founding that roughly 35 % of reduce the thrust force. Otherwise, it was found that the azimuth angle
the total force was generated by chisel edge. The model related drilling helped in developing a deep understanding of the CFRP drilling process
to oblique cutting using direction cosine transformation matrix. As and the material removal mechanisms. The work could make up for the
shown in Fig. 15 (a) and (b), XYZ was the coordinate system associated shortages of qualitative interpretation. Bai et al. [48] predicted thrust
with the drilling process, while X’Y’Z’ was associated with oblique force considering tool wear effects in drilling. Firstly, tool wear
cutting element. As shown in Fig. 15 (c) and (d), the distribution of the geometrical characteristics of main cutting edge were identified as a
axial elementary cutting force did not increase uniformly along the line, elliptical arc and line profiles, respectively, as shown in Fig. 18.
radius with increment of feed rate. The elementary force increased more Then the contact zone was divided into three regions [25] considering
pronounced at the cutting lips bordering the chisel edge side with the tool wear profiles. The contact conditions could be simplified as the
increment of the axial feed, while almost no increase for the rest of the Hertz contacts, and the half axis lengths of the worn cutting edge rep­
cutting lip due to the cutting angle and all angles involved in forces resented the indentation depth. The thrust force model was developed
definitions and decomposition. Since the model has some limitation, by integrating the thrust force along the main cutting edge as well as
which was based on the assumption of isotropy of CFRP, the prediction chisel edge. This thrust force model could achieve an accurate prediction
of torque tended to underestimate the experimental values especially at (error within 13.71 %).
higher axial feeds. However, the total cutting force and force distribu­ To reveal the various fundamental mechanisms in machining CFRP
tion had been captured simultaneously with a high precision under of special transversal grinding and lubrication conditions, Li et al.
different drill geometries and cutting parameters. Anand and Patra [46] established four sub-models, including i) the contact force model, ii) the
predicted thrust force and torque in micro-drilling of CFRP considering local contact stress model, iii) the tensile fracture force model, and iv)
the tool edge effects, as shown in Fig. 16 (a). Fabric plies and epoxy resin the extrusion and shearing force model. The grinding force model was
matrix layers were considered as separate phases, as shown in Fig. 16 obtained by integrating these sub-models, as shown in Fig. 19. Based on
(b). The results were shown in Fig. 16 (c). The average absolute de­ the model, Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) and CNT Nano-
viations in thrust force and torque predictions in fabric plies regions lubricant MQL could effectively reduce the grinding forces. Compared
were 3.99 % and 6.29 %, while in epoxy resin matrix regions they were with dry grinding, their corresponding maximum Frc values could be
6.30 % and 14.81 %, respectively. Though the prediction errors in epoxy reduced by 14.81 % and 20.07 %, while their maximum Ftc values could
resin matrix were comparatively higher than the errors in fabric plies, be reduced by 27.03 % and 26.81 %, respectively.

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 12. Artificial neural networks and results [40]; (a) A schematic diagram for network committee, (b) Comparison between experimental and predicted forces for
(b1) 0◦ laminate and (b2) 60◦ laminate and (c) Comparison between experimental and predicted forces for MD-CFRP at ae approximately 0.45 mm.

Fig. 13. Neural network architecture used for function approximation [42].

It can be seen that mechanistic models are semi-empirical model, instantaneous fiber orientation and normal rake angle of the tool.
which need a lot of time-consuming experiments. Data fitting method Otherwise, different coefficients of the models can reflect different
are used to reflect relationship of cutting force and cutting parameters. characteristics in machining process, such as fiber distribution and tool
Compared with macro-mechanical models, they have worse adaptability geometries, which can help to simplify the prediction and to optimize
and their accuracies depend heavily on the experiment. That is to say, tool geometries for reducing cutting force.
the coefficients need to be re-determined with the change of the tool
geometries and the characteristics of materials. But mechanistic models
are generic and can be extended to machining with different complex 3.3. Micro-mechanical models
cutting tools as long as the cutting geometries of the corresponding
processes are analyzed, such as instantaneous chip thickness, In the calculation of micro-mechanical models, single fiber or the
representative volume element (RVE) are regarded as a beam and then

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 14. Specific cutting pressure variation along the cutting lips for varying [43]; (a) feed rate, and (b) spindle speed.

Fig. 15. Coordinate system and comparison between predicted and experimental results [45].

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fz z
z r
c Fn ce f

F r
Fcut v






Fig. 16. Model analysis and comparison of results [46].

Fig. 17. Analysis for motion resistance of chisel edge and its contact model [47].

are solved by linear elastic fracture mechanics, composite mechanics or 90◦ , showing that higher rake angel caused the fibers to store more
energy methods. But they are difficult to calibrate parameters of the strain energy until they break with higher force. In conclusion, the fiber
model by many actual measurements. The representative micro- orientation and rake angle had a significant effect on cutting force, as
mechanical models are summarized, whose context are shown in shown in Fig. 22. Qi et al. [50] established a force prediction model in
Table 5. microscale by taking slipping, peeling, and bounding mechanism in
Jahromi et al[49] presented that the energy balance for a fiber which three different deformation areas into consideration. The deflection of
was composed of the energy of the external lateral force, strain energy RVE was analyzed based on the minimum potential energy principle
and shear strain energy for fiber orientations θ ranging from 90◦ to 180◦ . (MPEP), as shown in Fig. 23 (a). The results showed that the cutting
The model was divided into two parts, including θ < γ + 90◦ and θ ≥ γ + force increased and then decreased with the increase of fiber

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

x x x

x x

Fig. 18. Wear geometrical characteristics of main cutting edge in five measured regions [48].

Fig. 19. Flowchart of the grinding force modeling of the single grain [74].

orientation; thrust force decreased and changed the direction when fiber non-uniform Winkler foundation was used. When θ = 0◦ , the energy
orientation came to 90◦ +γ. The cutting force increased with increment equation of the splitting process was constructed by using virtual crack
of cutting depth, which was more pronounced when the θ was small, as close technique. As shown in Fig. 24 (b1) ~ (e), the minimum cutting
shown in Fig. 23 (b)~(e), as the force produced by the rank edge played force appeared when θ ranged from 20◦ to30◦ . The model revealed
a dominant role under this condition. The paper utilized CFRP micro­ mapping relationships between cutting forces and fiber orientation, rake
structure details to transform an equivalent homogeneous material to a angle and depth of cut. Within some particular ranges of fiber orienta­
multiphase material but ignored the interaction between the surround­ tion, such as 0◦ <θ < 10◦ , 170◦ <θ < 180◦ and 80◦ <θ < 100◦ , there
ing material and the RVE. Zhang et al. [22] presented that the total existed several different cutting mechanisms that mixed up and influ­
cutting force came from rake face, tool edge, and relief face. The model enced with each other. Based on the energy method, Shan et al. [51]
was divided into three parts, as shown in Fig. 24 (a1) ~ (a3). When proposed a prediction model of dynamic cutting force in time domain.
0◦ <θ < 90◦ , Vlazov’s elastic foundation was used. When 90◦ ≤θ < 180◦ , The random distribution of fibers and voids were simulated

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 20. Model analysis and comparison of results [54].

mathematically, showing that the mechanical properties could be chisel edge effect for this type drilling. Zhang et al. [57] developed a
effectively characterized when RVE size was 150 μm. The forces of three method of infinitesimal elements to get the theoretical model with a
cutting deformation zones were discussed individually, as shown in mathematical description of flank wear, founding that the force of the
Fig. 25. Hao et al. [52] presented that the total specific energy for cutting deformation region under the wear land in the element were the
was composed by forming new surfaces, friction, fracture in chip for­ increscent component which contributed a lot to the variation of the
mation and subsurface debonding, as show in Fig. 26. The chip forma­ total thrust force. Among them, the infinitesimal elements and stress
tion mechanisms included model I and mode II [18], as indicated by the states were shown in Fig. 27. Based on the model, the countersinking
thick red dashed line in Fig. 26 (b1) and (b2). Xu et al. [53] revealed the thrust force increased much sharper with the number of holes made,
major material removal mechanisms considering the effects on the fiber from 87.8 N to 1275.4 N after making 430 holes. And the abrasion area
deformation, fiber fragmentation and fiber–matrix debonding. The AB of this edge contributed the most to the force increase, while the
method of contact mechanics introduced by Zhang et al. [25] was used, drilling force was from 109.7 N to 328.6 N. The work in this paper
and the geometric model was changed slightly. The model captured the enabled us to understand the influence of flank wear on thrust force
major mechanisms of UD-CFRP orthogonal cutting both with and through the fundamental insight of CFRP cutting process.
without ultrasonic vibration, showing that vibration-assisted cutting Compared with macro-mechanical models and mechanistic models,
could significantly decrease the cutting forces, reduce the penetration micro-mechanical models can predict the cutting force by the physical
depth of interface debonding, and hence provide a much better surface essence of cutting of CFRP based on microscopic characteristics of CFRP.
integrity. The elliptic vibration trajectory (EVA mode) provided the best The models can predict CFRP behavior accurately during machining to
performance, as shown in Fig. 28. However, there existed a critical predict cutting force by revealing the cutting mechanisms. But the
depth of cut beyond which the debonding depth did not vary. models contain many parameters and details, which are difficult to be
Focus on 90◦ fiber orientation, Honcheng et al [54] used beam theory calibrated by measurements. Thus, application of these models have
(shown in Fig. 20 (a)) and laminate mechanics to establish the corre­ great limitations.
lation between cutting force, chip length and thickness. It was found that
chip separation in thickness due to intrinsic bonding defects and over- 3.4. Numerical models
bent chips, as shown in Fig. 20 (b) and (c). Compared with [54], Cao
et al. [55] presented composite light ropes model in cutting UD-CFRP Since cutting experiments always expend many manpower, physical
with 0◦ fiber orientation considering size effect and counted fiber dis­ resource, financial resource and time costs, numerical models are
tribution by mathematical statistics, as shown in Fig. 21 (a) and (b), as promising and have attracted more and more researchers to analyze
the radius of carbon fibers and cutting edge were same order of cutting mechanisms, the chip formation process and the process me­
magnitude. Composite light ropes model assumed that carbon fibers chanics. Among them, FEMs are continuous and based on traditional
were only subjected to axial tension from the interface, like light rope. continuum mechanics [13], while DEMs are discontinuous and based on
Based on the proposed model, cutting region was divided into four parts the interaction between particles. The representative micro-mechanical
which were affected by bending, stretching, pressing, bouncing corre­ models are summarized, whose context are shown in Table 6.
sponding to different mechanisms of carbon fiber and matrix in different Based on plane strain and quasi-static condition, Venn et al. [58]
parts to predict cutting force, respectively, as shown in Fig. 21 (c). The estimated the cutting force during machining by FEM using ABAQUS
maximum relative error in cutting stage was 8.3 %, demonstrating that v6.5. The paper assumed that CFRP were two-phase micro-mechanical
composite light ropes model caused by size effect played an important model with elastic fiber and elastic–plastic matrix, and the interface was
role in establishing cutting force prediction model and in revealing modeled using zero thickness cohesive elements. The model held the
cutting mechanisms of cutting CFRP. advantages of both the continuum and micromechanics models in pre­
Based on classical lamination plate theory and linear elastic fracture dicting cutting force and sub-surface damage, as show in Fig. 29.
mechanics principles, Jamed et al. [56] modeled the interaction zone. However, the model only focused on simulating the fiber breakage
For a twist drill with diameter 6 mm, a load scheme combining a location, but could not simulate the whole process of full chip’s for­
concentrated load and a uniformly distributed load were the closest to mation. Based on simulation, the failure of fiber was a combination of
the experimental condition, which explained the importance of the crushing and bending with the bending effect becoming more significant

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 21. Model analysis and comparison of results [55].

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Table 5 machining quality. Based on the traction-separation law, Alessandro

The context of micro-mechanical models. et al. [60] established a 3D finite element model by ABAQUS for
Machining Tool type Materials Fiber Fiber Refs. orthogonal cutting UD-CFRP and the interface was simulated as [58].
operation content orientation The model showed that 0◦ fiber orientation in the cohesive elements
Orthogonal Customized UD-CFRP 65 % 90◦ -180◦ [49] shear and tensile stresses contributed together to damage initiation and
Cutting carbide tool (3K70P/ evolutions until failure with a bigger contribute of the shear for the
NB321) damage initiation. Instead, the damage initiation and failure were
Cemented UD-CFRP 65 % 0◦ -90◦ +γ [50] generally mainly caused by the shear stress for 45◦ , 90◦ and 135◦ fiber
carbide tool [0◦ ]15S
Customized UD-CFRP 65 % 0◦ -180◦ [22]
orientation. To verify the advanced nature of the model, it was
carbide tool (T300/ compared with previously published models, including approach 1: zero
Epoxy)15 thickness cohesive elements based on traction-separation low [61];
Cemented UD-C/C 40 % 30◦ -150◦ [51] approach 2: cohesive elements based on traction-separation law pre­
carbide composite
senting a small thickness [62]; approach 3: surface-based cohesive
K40 planer
tools behaviour [63]. Based on Virtual crack extension(VCE) method, Zitoune
Tungsten UD-CFRP 60 % 0◦ -75◦ [52] et al. [64] analyzed the drilling process of UD-CFRP by FEM according to
carbide tools [0◦ ]48 orthogonal cutting model, which was verified by quasi-static punching
(T700/ tests with a good agreement with measurements [65]. Cheng et al. [66]
TIALN/TiN UD-CFRP 60 % 90◦ [53]
captured the failure model of fibers, matrix and interface based on a
coated micro-level RVE and demonstrated a micro-scale fracture model of
tungsten cutting UD-CFRP. RVE for UD-CFRP was constructed in ABAQUS by
carbide insert using a user material subroutine which included the thermal­
Milling Square carbide UD-CFRP 60 % 90◦ [54]
–mechanical coupling and failure models, founding that the cutting
insert (OSG-
WALTER force was larger than the thrust force regardless of fiber orientation.
F2037) When the fiber orientation approached 90◦ , the horizontal cutting force
PCD UD-CF/ 55 % 0◦ [55] was highest and the vertical cutting force was lowest. When fiber
(APKT1604) PEEK orientation approached 0◦ , the difference between horizontal and ver­
Drilling Tungsten UD-CFRP 59 % [56]
tical force was smallest. Iliescu et al. [67] studied the machining

carbide (K20) (T700-M21)
twist drill [0◦ /-45◦ / mechanisms of CFRP by simulating orthogonal cutting process by DEM
90◦ /45◦ ]2S which included pretreatment, dynamic calculation and post-treatment.
Tungsten CFRP/Al – – [57] In the model, the material behavior were clarified based on micro-
carbide drill
mechanical particles interaction laws, as shown in Fig. 30.
Rentsch et al. [68] established macroscopic model and microscopic
as the fiber orientation changed from 15◦ to 90◦ . A progressive damage model of orthogonal cutting and analyzed the slot milling process of UD-
model provided by ABAQUS/EXPLICIT was used to simulate the epoxy CFRP with a disc milling cutter by FEM. Among them, macroscopic
material by Kevin et al. [59], which could capture and analyze the chip model simulated the average process response for the material with
formation and fiber failure mechanisms with a velocity-based boundary implicit fiber orientation and continuous but anisotropic properties; and
condition, including tension and compression stage. The carbon fibers the microscopic model simulated the microscopic cutting mechanism for
underwent crushing-dominated failure for the 45◦ and 90◦ orientations the material with explicit fiber orientation.
and bending-dominated failure for the 0◦ and 135◦ orientations. It was Cohesive zone elements (CZEs) constitute an advantage over VCE,
helpful to design a new tool to reduce the cutting force and to improve which is that CZEs do not need to set up a pre-defined crack front [69].

Fig. 22. Model analysis and comparison of results [49]. (a) Schematic, and predicted and experimental forces for (b) rake = 5◦ ; (c) rake = 10◦ ; (d) rake = 15◦ ; and (e)
rake = 20◦ .

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

PC -



Fig. 23. Model analysis and comparison of results [50]; (a) Solving process of the deflection equation; Theoretical and experimental results with: (b) γ = 10◦ and ae
= 0.1 mm; (c) γ = 20◦ and ae = 0.1 mm; (c) γ = 10◦ and ae = 0.2 mm; and (d) γ = 20◦ and ae = 0.2 mm.

Based on CZE, Durao et al. [70] developed FEM with interface elements, performances, and gradually replace metal materials. The researches on
which showed a linear relationship between stresses and relative dis­ CFRP cutting force models began in 1971. With the wide application of
placements of the homologous points before damage started to grow. CFRP, the researches on cutting force are also increasing. Since 2010,
The predicted thrust force from FEM had a good agreement with the the researches on CFRP cutting force models have entered a relatively
experimental value through considering a step-by-step removal. Isbilir rapid development period. The modeling method developed from simple
et al. [71] established a 3D FEM to investigate the effects of cutting empirical formula to complex theoretical analysis, from equivalent ho­
parameters on thrust force and torque during drilling CFRP. The pre­ mogeneous material model to heterogeneous anisotropic material
dicted results showed that thrust force and torque increased with the model, with the purpose of improving machining quality and tool life,
increment of feed rate while decreased with the increment of cutting and of reducing machining defects. However, as the anisotropy and
speed. However, the shell elements were not suitable for the simulation. heterogeneity of CFRP, the cutting mechanisms of CFRP are not clear,
The associated inter-laminar and intra-laminar damage models could be and the cutting force models have certain limitations. With the deep­
far from the real process [69]. Therefore, Isbilir et al. [69] developed a ening of CFRP cutting researches, the paper concludes that the devel­
3D FEM to predict thrust force and torque during drilling of CFRP with opment trend of cutting force models, as follows.
twist drill bit and step drill bit. A pre-defined local coordinate system
was used to describe orthotropic material properties of composite lam­ (i) Variable diversification development for semi-empirical models
ina in different fiber orientation and the Hashin’s theory [72] was used
to establish the intra-laminar damage initiation criteria. It was found Mechanistic models are semi-empirical model. Although the uni­
that the usage of step drill could improve the machining quality of holes, versality of this models is poor, their parameters are fewer than that of
and that a high step ratio could reduce the workpiece stress distribu­ others, their pertinence and purpose are stronger, and their analysis is
tions. Based on ANSYS R16.2, Hocheng et al. [73] predicted the critical more intuitive, which make the models conducive to guiding the actual
thrust force value with average difference 15 %, founding that the production. Through the summary of the development process of liter­
delamination was not only caused by one fracture mode with the ature, mechanistic models develop fastest and apply most widely. With
generated thrust force. To sort out different effects of different fracture the emergence of advanced tools and processes, mechanistic models still
mode, the drilling experiment at near-zero feed rate was conducted with have great development potential for multivariate variables, meaning
sufficient air cooling. However, the proposed near-zero feed rate that some new variables will appear to guide specific questions. For
approach still required for further analytical and experimental study. example, the Kc_f, Kc_m, Ke_f and Ke_m [32] were presented to reflect the
Numerical models can simulate the machining process of CFRP to get distribution of carbon fiber based on Ktc and Kte; the variables in [37] are
the cutting force. The main advantages of the models are that a lot of good for improving double helix tool designs [37]. The diversification of
manpower and material resources can be saved and cutting process can mechanistic model variables is one of the future development trends.
be revealed more vividly to guide production. However, the numerical
models are restricted by computer technology and finite element theory. (ii) Study on process-oriented cutting force models

4. Analysis and discussion At present, the cutting force models need to be targeted at specific
machining processes and tools. Studies have shown that high-speed dry
CFRP are widely used in various fields with their excellent cutting is suitable for CFRP cutting [34]. High-speed dry cutting is a

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 24. Model analysis and comparison of results [22]; (a1)~(a3) Schematic; (b1)~(c2) cutting force and thrust force for γ = 15◦ and ae = 0.1; (d)~(e) Plot of
cutting force for θ = 0◦ .

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 25. Model analysis [51]. (a1)~(a3) Illustration of cutting state on face I for θ = 0◦ , θ < 90◦ +γ and θ ≥ 90◦ +γ, respectively; (b)~(c) Diagram of cutting force on
face II and III, respectively.

Fig. 26. Energy consumption in orthogonal cutting of UD-CFRP and fracture mode [52].

Fig. 27. The infinitesimal elements and the stress states [57].

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 28. Deformation of a fiber during cutting and Influence of the depth of cut on the force [53].

Since the cutting mechanisms of CFRP are not clear at present, fiber
Table 6 orientation, fiber content and preparation methods will all affect the
The context of numerical models. cutting force models. Under specific conditions, the cutting force models
Machining Tool type Materials Fiber Fiber Refs. can accurately qualitatively analyze the cutting process and reveal the
operation content orientation cutting mechanisms. With the in-depth study of CFRP cutting, the
Orthogonal Solid UD-CFRP 60 % 15◦ -90◦ [58] damage form and cutting mechanisms of CFRP under different working
machining Tungsten (Carbon conditions will be clarified. Moreover, cutting force models which can
Carbide tool fibers/LY be applied to the whole fiber orientation, cutting parameters and tool
(Grade K-10) 556)4,6
Tungsten UD-CFRP 60 % 0◦ -180◦ [59]
parameters will be established. The study of cutting mechanisms is one
carbide of the directions of future development.
Tungsten UD-CFRP 60 % 0 -180
◦ ◦
carbide (iv) Study on intelligent manufacturing-oriented cutting force models
Tungsten UD-CFRP 60 % 0◦ -180◦ [64]
based on Modular development of numerical models
carbide tool (T2H/EH25)
insert (NFE [0◦ ]16,
66 366) [90◦ ]16, Due to different cutting conditions in cutting process, including fiber
[+45◦ ]16 and orientation, tool parameters, cutting region [25] and process parame­
[-45◦ ]16 ters, the cutting mechanisms are different and complex. With the
Tungsten UD-CFRP 60 % 0◦ -180◦ [66]
development of computer technology and simulation software, the
carbide UD-CFRP 60 % 0◦ -180◦ [67] different cutting force modules are integrated corresponding to different
H13A (WC- (T300/914) cutting mechanisms to realize digital twinning in actual manufacturing.
Co6%) The identification of cutting force modules and parameters (such as
Milling Carbide UD-CFRP 60 % 0◦ /90◦ [68]
[42]) caused by the change of cutting conditions can be realized by
Drilling Carbide twist UD-CFRP 65 % – [70] intelligent algorithm to complete the prediction of cutting force. It is
drill (T300) [0◦ / meaningful to realize intelligent manufacturing in cutting and to guide
45◦ /90◦ / the practical production timely. Study on intelligent manufacturing-
135◦ )]4s oriented cutting force models based on modular development of nu­
TiAlN coated Hexcel M21 [71]
merical models is one of the development directions of cutting force
– –
tungsten T700 GC
carbide models.
Multilayer UD-CFRP 59 %. – [69] 5. Conclusions
coated WC (Hexcel
Solid carbide HEXPLY T700
drills 268 M21 34 This paper summarizes the cutting force models of CFRP from four
% T700-M21) aspects: macro cutting force models, mechanical cutting force models,
[90◦ /− 45◦ / micro cutting force models and numerical models. In summary, the
0◦ /45◦ ]5s conclusions and prospects of this study are as follows.
High-speed UD-CFRP [0◦ / – – [73]
steel twist 90◦ ] (T700).
drill bits • Due to the non-uniformity and anisotropy of CFRP materials, their
cutting process and cutting mechanisms are more complex than that
of metal. Cutting force and analysis models have certain limitations
green and efficient cutting process. However, the machining mecha­ as fiber orientation, fiber content and preparation methods can affect
nisms and phenomenon of high-speed cutting and low-speed cutting are the cutting force models. Under specific conditions, the cutting force
quite different. The development of CFRP high speed dry cutting process models may accurately qualitatively analyze the cutting process and
and cutting tool will promote the development of cutting force models. reveal the cutting mechanisms.
For high speed dry cutting and other new processes, the study on • Since the macroscopic cutting force models were proposed for about
process-oriented cutting force models are one of the future development 40 years, the development of CFRP cutting force models have a lag
trends. period. Since 2010, more and more attention has been paid to the
cutting force models of CFRP. And the researches on the cutting force
(iii) Research on cutting mechanisms models have developed rapidly, which can be considered to be

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Fig. 29. Finite element analysis [58].

Fig. 30. Chip formation in orthogonal cutting of UD-CFRP [67]. (a1) ~ (d1) are fiber orientations 90◦ , 0◦ , 45◦ and − 45◦ , respectively and (a2) ~ (d2) are the high
speed video image.

related to the preparation performance, application range and pro­ need to be considered in the future numerical models which have
portion of CFRP. great development prospects.
• Although a large number of experimental data are needed to support • This paper predicts and analyzes the future development trends of
their accuracy, the researches on mechanistic models are the most. It cutting force models, including (i) Variable diversification develop­
shows that mechanistic models have their unique advantages in ment for semi-empirical models; (ii) Study on process-oriented cut­
improving machining quality and tool life, reducing machining de­ ting force models; (iii) Research on cutting mechanisms; (iv) Study
fects. Since the upgrading of preparation methods and machining on intelligent manufacturing-oriented cutting force models based on
process have great influence on cutting mechanisms, mechanistic modular development of numerical models.
models will maintain a rapid development speed with their adapt­
ability and intuition. Declaration of Competing Interest
• Macro-mechanical and micro-mechanical models are superior to
mechanistic models in revealing cutting mechanisms, but they are The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
more complicated. In addition, their development is limited by the interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
intuitive application and the complexity of cutting mechanisms. the work reported in this paper.
• Since the emergence of numerical models, they have become the
most studied models besides mechanistic models rapidly, which can Data availability
save a lot of time and economic costs. Furthermore, they can be used
not only to optimize machining parameters and tool design, but also No data was used for the research described in the article.
to explore the physical properties of CFRP-tool interactions. With the
development of simulation software, computer science and CFRP Acknowledgments
cutting mechanisms, more influencing factors such as cutting heat,
friction under different conditions, tool wear and tool deformation This work was supported by National Key R&D Program of China

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

Appendix A

The meaning of each variable in the formula is shown in Table 1 and Table 2.

No. The general formula of some models Refs.

( )
Fc = 2 1 − νp Gf /Eπae TU (tanαt + tanδ) [23]
{ ( )/ ( )
Fc = τAcos( αμ − γ)/ sinθcos( θ + αμ − γ) [24]
Ft = τAsin αμ − γ sinθcos θ + αμ − γ
FyI = τAC hw h(cosϕtan(ϕ + β − γ) − sinϕ )/((τAC /τBC )cos(θ − ϕ)sinθ − sin(θ − ϕ)cosθ ) [25]
FzI = τAC hw h(sinτtan(ϕ + βγ) + cosϕ )/((τAC /τBC )cos(θ − ϕ)sinθ − sin(θ − ϕ)cosθ )

⎨ FyII = ( r2 sin2 θ + r2 cos2 θ)πEOP hw (sinθ + μcosϕ)g(θ)/( 8re ( 1 − νp ) )
e e
( ) ( ( ))
⎩ FzII = r2e sin2 θ + r2e cos2 θ πEOP hw (cosθ + μsinθ)g(θ)/ 8re 1 − νp
FyIII = re Ehw cos2 α/2
FzIII = re Ehw (1 − μcosαsinα)/2
⎧ ∫ tl /sin(π− ψ ) [28]
( ) ( )
⎨ Ft =

⎪ E kchi tl + fc /2 tanγw cosγf dR/ 1 − v2
− t/sin(π− ψ )
⎪ ∫ t/sin(π− ψ )
⎪ ( ) ( )
⎩ Fc = E kchi tl + fc /2 tanγw sinγf dR/ 1 − v2
− t/sin(π− ψ )
( ( ) ⎞

⎪ f c τm sinpcosξ[cosθ + ηsinθ] π(sinθ + μcosθ) + 4μcos2 α re E ⎠

⎪ dFrc = ( ( ) ) + ( ) dl

⎨ 2 sinθ − τm /τf ηcosθ 8 1 − ν2 p
⎛ ⎞

⎪ f c τm sinpcosξ[ηcosθ − sinθ] (π(cosθ − μsinθ) + 4(1 − μcosαsinα) )re E ⎠
⎩ dFtc = ⎝ ( ( ) ) + ( ) dl
2 sinθ − τm /τf ηcosθ 8 1 − ν2p
( )
where ξ = arctan(tan(arcsin(tl /R) )cosp ), η = tan θ + β − aq
( ( ) )
∫ λ12 CKn Kf KR ae τp cosφtan φ + αμ − γ − sinφ 2r2 − ω2 sin2 (ε/2) [29]
Ft = λ11 ⋅ dr
cos(θ − φ)sinθ − sin(θ − φ)cosθ 2r2 sin(ε/2)
Fc = 10.68 − 11.67γ + 1584.53ae + 0.99γ − 7.1vae + 12.74αae 2 [31]
Ft = 147.27 − 4.92α + 188.55ae + 0.77γ2 − 32.54γae + 24.19αae
( ) ( )
Fc = Fm + Ff = Kc m haw 1 − Lf + Kc f haw Lf + Ke m aw 1 − Lf + Ke f aw Lf [32]
[ ] ( [ ][ ] [ ][ ])
Fx ∑s− 1 − cosϕ sinϕ Ktc (θ) − cosϕ sinϕ Kte (θ)
( ) [36]
= aw j=0 gj hj + hj = fsin ϕj
Fy sinϕ − cosϕ Krc (θ) sinϕ − cosϕ Kre (θ)
[ ] (( ( ) )[ ] [ ])
Frc ∑ Krc (θl ) Kre (θl ) [37]
= aw s−j=01 gj fsin ϕj +
Ftc Ktc (θl ) Kte (θl )
{ ( )
Ftc = aw ( fz sinϕ⋅Ktc + Kte ) [38]
Frc = aw fz sinϕ⋅Krc + Kre
Ftc (ϕ) = Ktc (β)aw h(ϕ) + Kte (β)aw [39]
Frc (ϕ) = Krc (β)aw h(ϕ) + Kre (β)aw
{ e ( ( ) )⃒ ⃒
| Ktc Kerc | = 4π/ aw π2 + 4 ⃒ 2ax + πay 2ay − πax ⃒
where e e
⃒ ⃒
| Kte Kre | = π/(2aw ) by + bx by − bx
⃒ ⃒
⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒
⃒ Fc ⃒
⃒ ⃒ = ⃒ Kc (θ, ae ) ⃒Aa
⃒ ⃒ [40]
⃒ Ft ⃒ ⃒ Kt (θ, ae ) ⃒
⃒ ⃒ [ ] [ ]
⃒ Ftc ⃒
⃒ ⃒ = Ktc htl + Kte tl [42]
⃒ Frc ⃒ Krc Kre
{ ( )
dFrc (ρ) = Pn (ρ)fdx/2 = a0 ha1 va2 ea3 αn fcos αq (ρ) Rdρ/2 [43]
b1 b2 b3 αn
( )
dFtc (ρ) = Pt (ρ)fdx/2 = b0 h v e fcos αq (ρ) Rdρ/2
Ft = − 23.03 + 54tl + 0.181G − 224f + 9.575 × 10− 2 n [44]
⎧ ( ) ⎫
⎪ − cos(αn )sin αq ⎪
⎪ ⎪ [45]
⎨ ( )⎬
⎧ {FAn1 }X′ Y′ Z′ = Kc Au − cos(αn )cos αq

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎩ ⎭

⎪ − sin(αn )

⎪ ⎧ [ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )] ⎫

⎪ − sin α cos αq − sin(αn )cos αchip sin αq
⎨ [ ( chip) ( )

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎨{ } ( ) ( )] ⎬
FAf1 X′ Y′ Z′ = {μFAn1 }X′ Y′ Z′ = μKc Au × − sin αchip sin αq − sin(αn )cos αchip cos αq

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ( ) ⎪

⎪ ⎩ ⎭

⎪ cos(αn )cos αchip

⎪ ⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫

⎪ 0 ⎪ 0

⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪

⎩ ⎨ ⎪
⎬ ⎪
⎨ ⎪

{ }
{FAn2 }X′ Y′ Z′ = Kp Ac sin(α) , FAf2 X′ Y′ Z′ = {μFAn2 }X′ Y′ Z′ = μKp Ac − cos(α)

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭
cos(α) sin(α)

⎪ ∑ j=mm ( ) ∑ q=mc

⎨ Ft = 2

dFtmajor + 2 j
(dFtchisel )
q=1 q

⎪ ∑j=mm ( ) ∑q=mc
⎩ Mz = 2 j=1 dMzmajor j + 2 q=1 (dMzchisel )q

⎧ [ ]
⎨ kzw bt zT Ee ( fc − re )(1 + μ)tanγ + 2ke re fc ⩾re [47]
( ) f
Ft = Fzw +32kh kV bt kA Ef If a3ch fc (cos(πnt/15)/3 + cos(2πnt/15)/15 + cos(πnt/5)/35 − kv /2kV )/ πki df where Fzw = ( )/
⎩ re − fc re fc < re
(continued on next page)

Y. Song et al. Composite Structures 299 (2022) 116096

(continued )
No. The general formula of some models Refs.

⎪ ∑j=mm ( ) ∑q=mc
⎨ Ft = 2
⎪ dFtmajor + 2
(dFtchisel )
j q=1 q

⎪ ∑j=mm ( ) ∑q=mc
⎩ Mz = 2 j=1 dMzmajor j + 2 q=1 (dMzchisel )q

⎧ [ ]
⎨ k b z Ee ( f − r )(1 + μ)tanγ + 2k r f ⩾r [47]
( ) zw t T f c e e e c e
Ft = Fzw +32kh kV bt kA Ef If a3ch fc (cos(πnt/15)/3 + cos(2πnt/15)/15 + cos(πnt/5)/35 − kv /2kV )/ πki df where Fzw = ( )/
⎩ re − fc re fc < re
F = σμ aw h2 /6(L − ae ) [54]

⎪ ⎧ ( ) (⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒) ⎫ [49]

⎪ ⎨ Fc = − GLT πd2 aw cosθ/ 8c + 4df + max ⃒sshear ⃒, ⃒sbend ⃒ η ⎬
⎪ , θ < γ + 90◦

⎪ ( )

⎨ ⎩ Ft = GLT πdf aw sinθ/ 8c + 4df − μFc ⎭
⎧ ( ) (⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒) ⎫

⎪ ⎨ Fc = − GLT πd2 aw cosθ/ 8c + 4df + max ⃒sshear ⃒, ⃒sbend ⃒ η (1 + μsinγ)vof/cosγ ⎬

⎪ f
, θ⩾γ + 90◦

⎪ ( ) ( ⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒ )

⎪ Ft = GLT πd2f aw sinθ/ 8c + 4df − max ⃒sshear ⃒, ⃒sbend ⃒ tanγηRVE vof ⎭

Fc = FU (μcosθ + sinθ) + rm re Eb cos2 α + FC cos(γ − arctanμ) [50]
Ft = FU (μsinθ − sinθ) + rm re Eb (1 − μsinαcosα) + FC sin(γ − arctanμ)

⎪ ( [ ])

⎪ FU = 4λ1 λ2 If Xf e2λ1 Lc / rf λ2 e2λ1 Lc − λ2 cos(2λ2 Lc ) + λ1 sin(2λ2 Lc ) ,

⎪ {

⎪ 2rm ae τm cotγ/(cos(zT − γ + arctanμ)cosθ ), θ < γ

⎪ FC =
⎨ 2rm ae τm /(cos(zT − γ + arctanμ)sinθ ), θ < γ
where, √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
⎪ 2 2 2
A G m m Gm )/2 )/ 2Ef If , Am = πrf (1 − vol)/vol,

⎪ λ 1 = m m + cos(arctan(m/A

⎪ √ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
̅ √ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅

⎪ 2 2 2( )4
⎪ λ2 = Am Gm + m sin(arctan(m/Am Gm )/2 )/ 2Ef If , m = (Am Gm ) rm /rf − 8Eb Ef If
⎪ 4

when θ ∈ (0◦ , 90◦ ), [22]
⎧ ∫L
( ( ) )

⎨ Fc = qmax dxsinθ + Fμ cosθ + FNchip cos(γ − ε)/sin θ + arctan Fμchip /FNchip − γ + re Eb tl cos2 α/2
⎪ ∫L
⎪ ( ( ) )
⎩ Ft = qmax dxcosθ + Fμ sinθ + FN sin(γ − ε)/sin θ + arctan Fμchip /FNchip − γ + re Eb tl (1 − μcosαsinα)/2
Fc = Kmax Ef rf cosγ
when θ ∈ [90◦ , 180◦ )
Ft = − Kmax Ef rf sinγ
Fc = (1/(6W1 ) + 2W2 )M − re Eb tl cos2 α/2
when θ = 0◦
Ft = (1/(6W1 ) + 2W2 )Mtanα − re Eb tl (1 − μcosαsinα)/2
⎧ ∑3 [( )/ ( )/( ( 2 )) ( )]

⎪ W1 = i=1 i
A B2i + C2i (4λ) + λ C2i − B2i 4 λ + β2 + βBi Ci / 2λ2 + 2β2

⎪ ( √ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ )
⎨ W = EItan2 α/96, W = ( 12cos(α) − π2 )( 1 + tan(α)π2 I )/ 2304 3cos(α)e2

2 3

⎪ (√ )

⎪ √̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
( 2 3
)/ 2

⎩ M = 1/ 3108W 3 + 12 3 27W 1 W 3 − 4W 2 W 1 W1
( )/
Fc = Esurf + Efric + Echip + Edeb v [52]
[( ) ( )] [56]
Ft = πGIc /ξ Con2 c3 + (1 − Con)2 c3 /3 − Con2 K + (1 − Con)2 K
∫ b1 ∫ b1
⎧ [57]
⎪ Fc = 2

⎨ dFcy sinρd cos(arctan(v/(πnD) ) ) + 2 dFcz sin(arctan(v/(πnD) ) )
a1 a1
⎪ ∫ b2 ∫ b2

⎩ Ft = 2 dFty sinρd cos(arctan(v/(πnD) ) ) + 2 dFtz sin(arctan(v/(πnD) ) )
a2 a2
Fc = FAz + P1 μcos2 λ + P2 μcos2 α [53]
Ft = μf FAz + P1 (1 − μcosλsinλ) + P2 (1 + μcosαsinα)
⎧ ∫ ae − re ∫ ae +h− bc ∫ +∞

⎪ FAz = km x1 dz + km x2 dz + kmb x3 dz

⎪ 0 ae − re ae +h− bc

⎪ ⎧

⎪ ( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ) √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅

⎪ ⎪

arctan bc / r2e − (re − bc )2 , x(t)⩽re − r2e − (re − bc )2
⎨ ⎪

where ⎪

⎪ [ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]/ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅

⎪ λ=

⎪ ⎪ arctan re −
⎪ r2e − (re − x(t) )2 (re − x(t) ), re − r2e − (re − bc )2 ⩽x(t)〈re

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎩ 0, x(t)⩾re

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