Unit 5 Practice 1 Vacation Time

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3. She spoke to her sister yesterday.

A. Write The Irregular Verbs. _________________________________________.

No. Verb Verb 2 (Irregular) 4. They ate seafood in a café.
1. begin
2. bring They didn’t __________ seafood in a café.

3. buy 5. We sat under the umbrella on the beach.

4. choose
5. come _________________________________________.

6. do 6. They did their homework last night.

7. drink
They didn’t __________ their homework last night.
8. eat
9. fall
10. feel
C. Read and write.
11. fight
12. find 1. Buy-Bought
13. fly
(+) You bought ice cream yesterday.
14. get
15. give (-) You didn’t __________ ice cream yesterday?
16. go
(?) Did you __________ ice cream yesterday?
17. has
18. have 2. Drink-Drank
19. hear (+) She drank milk this morning,
20. make
21. meet (-) She didn’t __________ milk this morning.
22. read (?) Did she __________milk this morning?
23. ring
24. run 3. Find-Found

25. say (+) He __________ his money last night.

26. see
(-) He didn’t __________ his money last night.
27. sing
28. sit (?) Did he __________ his money last night?
29. speak
4. Come-Came
30. swim
31. take (+) They came here earlier last night.
32. teach
(-) They didn’t __________ here earlier last night.
33. win
34. write (?) ______________________________________?

5. Sing-Sang
B. Rewrite in the negative form.
(+) _______________________________________.
1. I swam in the ocean yesterday.
(-) _______________________________________.
I didn’t __________ in the ocean yesterday.
(?) Did they __________ in the class yesterday?
2. He won the games yesterday.

D. Look at the picture. Answer the questions.
6. _________________ did he see dolphins? He

saw dolphins at 8 o'clock.

1. What did she do on vacation? She
F. Complete the sentences.
____________ on a boat trip? (go)

1. I didn’t _____________ a letter last night.

2. What did they eat on
vacation? They ____________
2. Did you ___________a dolphin? Yes, I did.
pizza. (eat)
3. What did she buy on vacation?
3. What did he do yesterday? He ___________ in
She ____________ ice cream. the ocean. (swim)

(buy) 4. Where did they stay on vacation? They

_________ at the campsite. (write)

4. Where did they stay on vacation?
5. They ________ in the library yesterday. (meet)
They __________ at campsite near

the forest. (stay)

G. Read the text. Circle true or false.
5. What did they have near the
Henry is having a great vacation. He went to
forest? They ____________a the beach yesterday. He was very excited.
picnic. (have)
Because it was the first ever time on a beach.
First, He bought ice cream and ate french
fries. He didn’t swim in the ocean, but he
E. Read and write the questions.
explored the beach. Then he went on a boat
What Why Where How trip to see dolphins. After that, he played on
the beach. Finally, he met his friends in a café
When What time
near the beach.

1. ________________ did you do last night? I 1. Henry isn’t having a great vacation. (TRUE/FALSE)

read a book last night. 2. He was very excited on the beach. (TRUE/FALSE)

2. ________________did they go on vacation? 3. He didn’t buy ice cream. (TRUE/FALSE)

They went to Portugal. 4. He swam in the ocean. (TRUE/FALSE)

3. _________________ did she go to Portugal? 5. He didn’t explore the beach. (TRUE/FALSE)

She went on a boat trip to Portugal 6. He went on a boat trip to see whales. (TRUE/FALSE)

4. _________________ did John fly to Jakarta? 7. He didn’t play on the beach. (TRUE/FALSE)

He flew to Jakarta last year. 8. He met his friends in the forest. (TRUE/FALSE)

5. _________________ was he excited? He was

excited because it was the first time for him

to see dolphins.

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