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SEM 1 SESI 2023/2024
1. 3D Printing

One of the main benefits of 3D printing in education is that it can foster creativity, innovation,
and problem-solving skills. By using 3D printing, students can design and produce their own
projects, prototypes, and models, and test their ideas in a tangible way. 3D printing can also
make learning more engaging and fun, as students can see and touch the results of their work and
interact with them. Moreover, 3D printing can support interdisciplinary and collaborative
learning, as students can work together on complex tasks, and integrate knowledge from different
subjects, such as math, science, art, and history. 3D printing can be used in education across
different levels and subjects. For example, in elementary school, students can 3D print toys,
puzzles, maps, shapes, animals, and characters to learn about geometry, geography, biology, and
storytelling. In middle school, 3D printing can be used to create models of organs, cells,
molecules, planets, fossils, and historical artifacts to learn about anatomy, chemistry, astronomy,
paleontology, and history. At the high school level, 3D printing can be used to create prototypes
of inventions, devices, machines, bridges, buildings, and vehicles to learn about engineering,
physics, architecture, and transportation. In college and university settings 3D printing can be
used for advanced projects such as prosthetics implants bioprinting nanotechnology robotics and
art installations to learn about medicine biology material science computer science and art.
2. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing in education enhances connectivity in education for marginalized students who
suffer without access to traditional educational facilities. Students from rural villages can rely on
a cloud-based learning system to gain education and acquire the tools needed to succeed in
today’s world. While it is slightly far-fetched to assume that the connectivity and equipment can
indeed reach such regions, it is worth the investment. Modernizing the education system will also
benefit working professionals who lack time to attend regular classes and enable them to
participate in online classes at convenient times.

Hosting educational resources on a cloud platform eliminates physical textbooks and makes them
easily accessible to students and teachers alike. Teachers can upload course material remotely
and students can acquire all the necessary books and modules with a simple device and an
internet connection. With every coursework being hosted online, students need not worry about
digital storage space for all their learning materials.
3. LCD Projector

Projectors are one of the few inventions that form the basis of a truly solid technology-based
classroom. Projector – that projects magnified text or images onto the screen to make the
classroom more colorful and resourceful and improve the teaching quality. Projectors have
proven to be one of the best technologies for educators ever since. Educators can enhance
students’ retention of the information they present by showing PowerPoint files, multimedia,
videos, and similar content. The projector mainly uses two technologies, DLP (digital light
processing) and LCD (liquid crystal display). A projector can be used to display a small map or
places on the map, such as states, capitals, islands, etc., in close detail. Classrooms designed
around DLP/LCD projectors can bring subjects to life by integrating text, audio, graphics, and
motion videos. Furthermore, students gain an opportunity to experience interactive simulations,
internet excursions digital imaging-based presentations, and much more.
4. Zoom Meeting

Zoom is a video conferencing tool that provides instructors and students with a way to meet
online synchronously via a personal PC/laptop or cell phone with or without using video.
Instructors can set up Zoom meetings to conduct classes online, as well as record them for later
access by students. Zoom allows you to implement many of the same teaching methods that you
use in a F2F classroom. Before you jump into learning the ins and outs of the Zoom tool,
consider what teaching methods you are already using, and then see if Zoom can help facilitate
those same methods or similar ones in an online (synchronous) space. Just like a F2F classroom,
Zoom allows you to switch back and forth between different types of teaching methods (e.g.,
lecture, small group discussion, etc.) as many times as you need during a class session. Some of
the advantages are students can effectively work in groups called “breakout rooms.” In our
experience, students seemed to be more focused while in “breakout rooms” than in the face-to-
face classroom—there was less distraction from other groups, and they were able to share their
screens with group members. Teachers and students can share presentations, demonstrations, and
videos with the entire class, or in groups, easier on Zoom screens than in the live classroom.
Most activities that can be done in the classroom can be done on Zoom, examples include Think-
pair-share, scaffolding, demonstrations, group projects, and monitoring exams. The breakout
rooms help make these activities possible.
5. Biometrics System

Biometric attendance system has been successfully adopted in multiple industries for recording
and storing the attendance of employees or visitors currently. In fact, as clichéd as it may sound
that the biometric attendance management system is utilized at Enterprises or Organizations only
to record the employee’s attendance was the talk of the past. With the technological shift and
advancement of new technologies, schools have initiated to employ real-time Biometric
attendance system for accurate, reliable, and robust students’ time and attendance management
system. Biometric attendance system provides a comprehensive time-attendance and security
solution to the school authorities. Monitoring student’s attendance is becoming an essential part
of a productive and practical school management system. Biometric Time and attendance system
also streamlines communication and accountability of school authorities along with the parents
by notifying them with their child’s daily attendance. The introduction of biometric systems in
schools has helped to streamline education and enhance discipline. Facial recognition,
fingerprints, voice recognition, and eye tracking are some of the biometric methods that schools
have implemented to streamline their operations. Apart from being used to monitor a student’s
class attendance, they are used when borrowing school property such as books in the library.
6. Digital Readers and Tablets

The use of digital devices in learning offers several benefits for both teachers and students.
Firstly, digital devices are highly portable, allowing students to take their learning materials with
them wherever they go. This is particularly useful for students who must travel long distances to
attend school or for those who need to study on the go. Digital devices also offer a wealth of
interactive resources that are not available in traditional textbooks. Videos, animations, and
simulations can be used to help students understand complex concepts, while quizzes and games
can be used to reinforce learning and make it more engaging. Another significant advantage of
digital devices is the ability to access a vast range of online resources. Students can access
educational websites, e-books, and online courses from anywhere in the world, providing them
with a more comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the subject matter. Teachers can also
use digital devices to connect with other educators around the world, sharing resources and
collaborating on lesson plans.
7. Flipped Classroom

Flipped classroom means a learning model where students go through their study materials at
home and do their assignments in the classroom. Students have gotten used to the idea of doing
homework at home, while they read the chapters and make notes in the classroom. With the
flipped approach, teachers aim to make the learning process more engaging. The objective is to
keep them active in the classrooms by engaging them with in-depth discussions and activities.
Students can watch video-based learning content, research external web links etc., at home or
anywhere they want. But in the classroom, the instructor would guide them and engage in
practical learning with experiments, group discussions etc. This method places emphasis on
keeping students engaged in the classrooms. And for this, teachers use various means such as
augmented reality, interactive eBooks, or conduct pop quizzes, give group assignments.
8. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality, or VR, is taking off in education with an increasing number of schools adopting
the technology. VR allows students to experience destinations from across the world without
ever having to leave the classroom. Imagine students being able to explore the pyramids of giza
whilst sat at their desks. This is what virtual reality education allows. Most people have heard of
virtual reality (VR) but many people do not know what it is or how it is used in learning and
education. VR refers to interactive content (images or videos) which enables the viewer to
explore the entire 360 degrees of a scene. It not only displays enhanced visuals, but makes the
user believe that they are present in different world altogether. Virtual reality replaces the
physical world with a digital experience. This technology is best used to show places of
geographical or historic importance. Instead of arranging a field trip for the students, teachers
can make them wear head mounted displays which gives them a view of the real location.
9. Digital Content Libraries

A digital content library is a collection of study materials such as instructional videos,

audiobooks, reading materials, practice exercises, and so on. It is a virtual library that has
interactive learning nuggets that keep students interested in the subject. Teachers can utilize these
materials to effectively teach concepts and sustain interactivity in the classroom. You can find
study resources for a variety of areas such as mathematics, physics, and languages. A digital
content library can contain thousands of learning nuggets, providing students with a diverse set
of tools to help them improve their knowledge. These libraries' learning materials are typically
embedded with interactive and multimedia content to promote student engagement and retention.
Educational institutions can include these digital resource libraries into their course modules to
enhance the learning experience. These online resources are often aligned with the curriculum
approved by the school board. You can also tailor your content library to your course
requirements if necessary. The content can be made available in numerous languages to meet the
needs of your specific location.
10. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality superimposes sounds, videos, and graphics onto an existing environment. It
uses four main components to superimpose images on current environments: cameras and
sensors, processing, projection, and reflection. Each of these components provides an individual
function. For example, cameras and sensors can detect an image’s depth or calculate the distance
between two objects before superimposing digital content atop the user’s view. Projection and
reflection add virtual information over what a user sees; for example, a method known as
projection mapping enables AR apps to digitally overlay video onto any physical surface. As for
processing and transmitting data, limited bandwidth and latency of wireless networks have
typically posed challenges to wide-ranging adoption of AR. But thanks to faster wireless
connectivity through 5G cellular networks and next generation devices’ improved processing
power, opportunities to explore AR’s full potential are expanding. With these core AR
components, educational institutions can incorporate interactive classrooms into their curricula.
Why use augmented reality in education? Using AR in the classroom can improve learning by
helping educators create interactive classrooms that increase student engagement.

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